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funnyifwebothgotitwrong · 9 months ago
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I love her 🔥😍💙
That's it. That's the post.
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kaeraesketches · 28 days ago
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✨ Lead him not into temptation….just kidding, lead that angel ALL THE WAY into temptation. Like, DIRECTLY into it. FACE-FIRST.
✨ Please have this warmup sketch that went absolutely off the rails! Besides Golgatha, I’ve never done a femme Crowley before…I hope you like her!
✨ Full piece is on Pa🌳on! The l!nk is in my bi0! 💜
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khayoszz · 8 months ago
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[Gaze of a Temptress]
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elnotwoods · 1 year ago
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temptation accomplished
<someone pls check on Aziraphale>
inspired by this post
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bluberryfields · 1 year ago
Supernatural Style Icon
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crowley + outfits
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suzypfonne · 1 year ago
Identifying Ethereal, Occult, and Celestial Beings - Field Notes:
Name: [redacted], Crawley, Crowley
Alias(es): Bildad the Shuite, Anthony J Crowley, Nanny Ashtoreth, David Tennant
Species: Angel Serpent of Eden Demon
Date of Creation: Before the Beginning
Date of Destruction: 2019 cancelled
Occupation: tempter temptress retired
Height: 6' 1" unless snake
Hair color: autumn-leaf-red, cherry-cordial-red unless snake
Eye color: pretty
Physical Description: angel snake humanoid flexible
Identifying Features: sunglasses; black exterior, with red accents; freckles, unless snake; refuses to obey gravity mavity
Relationship Status: single smitten divorced it's complicated
Diet: espresso and quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol
Gender: whatever is most inconvenient for the greatest number of people
Pronouns: any
Sexuality: Azisexual
Religion: Aziraphalean he doesn't have faith in much, but he has faith in his angel
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quona · 1 year ago
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i have brought her laughing (to my quietly dreaming garden) ------------------------------ The scene: A smoky, velvet-lined speakeasy smudged carelessly somewhere in the pocket of a roaring, glittered New York City, 1924, nighttime. Prohibition is on, but the law books never really dissuade anyone from getting a drink, not if they know where to go. It sure as Hell doesn't stop Crowley from taking her Angel out for a drink, because Aziraphale wanted one. And hey, it's the jazz age, Crowley knows where to get weed again.
This painting is one half of a collaboration I did with my dear friend @thescholarlystrumpet, who wrote a fantastic companion piece on AO3 (Rated M, mind the drug use tag).
“I got something else to liven up your final night in town. If you’re feeling a little… daring.” Crowley looked sidelong at Aziraphale and arched one penciled-on brow. Aziraphale wiggled happily and slid off the stool to sidle closer, until her head was practically on the Demon’s bare shoulder. “Do tell.”  Crowley tried not to shiver as she could feel the Angel’s breath against her heated skin, smell the heady potpourri of perfume, wine, and a pinch of ethereal sweat, taste it on her (currently unforked) tongue. She held up the expertly rolled joint between two fingers accented by red painted talons. “It’s been a very long time, I think, since we really… indulged.” Turning her head just so, nearly nose to nose with her friend. “Don’t you think we’ve earned it?” “Why, you wicked temptress,” Aziraphale murmured, her voice low and slightly breathless, sly smile belying any hint of admonishment. 
full size and detail shots after the jump
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ivejustbeenthinking · 7 months ago
Crowley as THE temptress. Not just tempting in their physical beauty and any worldy/carnal desires they can offer, but they are THE ORIGINAL temptress.
Aziraphale characterized as the most indulgent and gluttonous person (angel) that could exist as he enjoys human pleasures and is looked down upon by heaven for this.
Crowley serving as the partner who spoils and serves and is utterly enthralled by giving their angel any and everything to please them. Crowley has never tempted anyone and been so pleased by the results. Whether or be tempting with food or tempting with their physical beauty. Crowley loves to tempt and serve to Aziraphale on a platter.
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bluberryfields · 1 year ago
The results are in! Got pretty close at the end there.
#1 - Temptress of Golgotha (aka Jesus' Ex-Girlfriend)
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#2 - Objector to the Flood (aka Unicorn Rangler)
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#3 - Scottish Bodysnatcher (Herring Deliveryman)
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I knew my beloved Roman look wasn't going to win but I'm happy with 6th place. It deserves more screen time!
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Reposting because I somehow forgot Edinburgh (I'll never forgive myself)
I really wanted to get all of them in one poll, but the delicious demon does love to switch things up. I'll probably do one for the 20th and 21st century looks, too, because yummm
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extraaa-30 · 1 year ago
Why soft dom Aziraphale + bratty sub Crowley appeals to me
(be serious though they're both switches)*
Soft Dom Aziraphale
1. heaven
An angel is supposed to be the pure one, undefiled, meek, following orders without question, the girl to be got, the prize to be sought after, the white to be soiled. Subvert it! Aziraphale shouldn't be confined to an eternity of zero agency, naivety, and bland pastels. The idea of Aziraphale getting to really own his "bastard" side, getting to be "selfish," be demanding, be in control--delightful.
And, Aziraphale has guilt complexes on his guilt complexes. Because, unlike most of humanity, he is intimately aware of the righteous, pitiless violence that heaven is capable of. And he's made an art of subtly and ceaselessly defying it by being gentle, by demonstrating enormous restraint. He is a warrior who gave away his holy sword. He swerves severely in the direction of being reserved, harmless, feels clear guilt about any strong desires or direct asks. He has an obvious anxiety about excess (the mental acrobatics he does to justify his book collection, for example, are an entire circus). Free him from the fear of going too far!
2. the effeminate gay man
Thee Southern Pansy, "gay as a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide," with the fancy clothes and prim and proper aesthetic, ever the damsel in distress, flamboyant and limp-wristed, the one who is called slurs by children, the one who is sunshine and sweetness, "the nice one."
Except we know he is secretly a bastard! We know this bitch has preferences! Let him own that! The fact that he is effeminate should not automatically make him more submissive I literally hate that. On the inside Aziraphale is cunty and commanding and he should get to be!
3. with Crowley
Let him say what he craves directly so help me god! No double-speak, no games, no lustfully looking but then looking away immediately. Let him consume. Let him indulge in the gluttony he endlessly flirts with yet denies himself out of guilt and fear. The idea of Aziraphale as a gentle dom just seems so healing, like a puzzle piece that finally gets to click into place without shame.
Bratty Sub Crowley
1. hell
A demon is supposed to be the impure one, the defiler, the temptress, the seducer, the villain who takes, the black that soils. Subvert it! Crowley shouldn't be confined to the tropes of his demonic nature. He does not just take, just ruin. He is not inherently the one with experience while Aziraphale is the naive, pure little virgin. The idea of him being submissive to an angel (well...to this angel) is a delicious way to challenge that narrative.
And oh my god my girl has trust issues. As a demon his mentality is severely no allies, watch your back, the one who was cast out, rejected for a first offense, shaky ground, always in danger. He's not supposed to trust others, and he has legit biblically valid reasons to be wary and paranoid. Free him from the fear of trusting someone else to take control!
2. Mr. Cool
Mr. Bond, suave, smooth, stoic, sharp angles, stylish and slick, so very dangerous and criminal, the one with the car, the rebel, the snake. Compared with Aziraphale, he's supposed to be Mr. Hardass, "not nice."
Except we know he is secretly a disaster twink, 110% a soft sad little loser under that facade (and not buried that deep either)! He is a romantic who, in spite of hell, wants to give his angel chocolates! Let him own that!
3. with Aziraphale
Let him be unequivocally, unambiguously wanted oh my god! No guessing games! No trying to decipher what the fuck Aziraphale is really saying to him! Free him from the fear of always being "too fast" or "too late." All this bitch wants is for Aziraphale to be pleased by him, by Anthony J-acts-of-service Crowley! The idea of finally allowing him that...another puzzle piece. So satisfying and healing and safe.
*They're switches your honor
1. "our side"
Not heaven, not hell. Not angels or demons. Not all black or all white. If you think they don't switch, you're wrong.
2. weight & gender
Aziraphale is bigger and keeps his hair short and has a steadiness to him and all those things are perceived as more masculine by some and therefore stronger and more dominant. Fuck that! His size also is too often viewed as something unattractive, which--extremely fuck that. My boy is a treat and a catch. He should get to feel pretty and soft in a totally uncomplicated way as often as he goddamn wants.
Crowley is skinny, often has longer hair, has an absolute treasure hoard of gender, and there's a flightiness to him that's perceived as more feminine by some and therefore weaker and more submissive. Again I say fuck that! His slimness likewise is too often viewed as more desirable, more malleable and able to be cowed; to which I say: die! He is no dainty flower. He actually can often be commanding and capable. Take him seriously.
Furthermore: Aside from the obvious fact that weight, gender, and d/s all have jack shit to do with each other, subverting these tropes remains as important as subverting the other ones. Aziraphale should get to feel delicate and wanted just as much as Crowley. And Crowley should get to feel powerful and in control just as much as Aziraphale. To deny either of them those experiences...bad! Shut up!
3. Crowley & Aziraphale
Their dynamic is already basically gentle dom Aziraphale & bratty sub Crowley. Like literally inches below the surface lmao it's not that hard to spot (see: Az pouts about paint on his jacket, Crowley instantly rushes to fix it but in a cunty way; Crowley pins Az to a wall and Az isn't even slightly intimidated or out of control).
The problem is, they're not talking (see: Az can't ask directly; Crowley has to act tough). Which is why I personally feel that a more honest d/s dynamic, with all that unspoken ritual out in the open, would be an enormous relief for them.
That said, it's not fair to confine them to that familiar dynamic! Crowley isn't a sad wet rat all the time-- let him plan things and have them work out for once. Let him be (on purpose lol) successfully seductive! Likewise Aziraphale deserves to let his fucking hair down. Let my girl not have to do everything in this goddamn house! He deserves to not have to be the one in control all the time. He has trust issues just as deep as Crowley's, and equally deserves to feel safe and wanted.
Also Aziraphale is too much of a hedonist to not want to try everything. If you think he's sticking with one dynamic you are a fool. A clown. As my French-speaking 6,000 year old middle aged babygirl would say: an imbécile.
I wrote this for me, but if you read this far I hope you enjoyed it lol peace & love on planet earth
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vidavalor · 2 months ago
Final 15 Temptation Parallel #2: Mutt
Second in a series of short posts showing parallels between Aziraphale's more innocent tempting of the Whickber Street people to the ball he's told everyone is a meeting and That Coffee-Wielding Villain showing up in The Final 15 to tempt Aziraphale to join him.
You can read them in any order. The first post was about Nina. This one's about the lovely Mutt.
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When Aziraphale tempts Mutt to attend the meeting, he once again doesn't share that it's really a ball. Pretty much everyone on Whickber Street is lured to this thing under false pretenses regarding what it is that they are attending... which very much calls into question the validity of the paralleling job offer from Our Villain in The Final 15.
While Aziraphale's deception is more innocent than what is happening in The Final 15, parallels exist between them as Aziraphale's temptations of the Whickber Street people are each showing different aspects of Aziraphale's own temptation in The Final 15.
Mutt and his Beloved Spouse are two of the show's most overt Aziraphale and Crowley parallels. Mutt represents Aziraphale's love of human magic-- and where that ties into his imposter syndrome. What is exploited in Mutt to get him to attend the meeting is his feeling that he would be a better, more successful person with more to offer the person he loves if only he were, in his mind, a better magician.
When we come into Goldstone's in the scene, we see Mutt at the counter of his business. He's practicing a magic trick, indicating that, like Aziraphale, he is not the most confident of magicians.
Initially, though, we think that there's no way that Mutt is going to be persuaded to go to this meeting because he has the single best excuse of anyone we'll hear to miss it:
It's his wedding anniversary and he's taking his Beloved Spouse out to dinner.
Even The Original Temptress Crowley is silently like good luck with that, babe to Aziraphale and starts wandering the shop...
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...but Aziraphale knows Mutt's weakness... because it's Aziraphale's own, too.
He knows what he can offer Mutt to tempt him into going to the meeting that we, at this point, really don't think Mutt should be bothering with. Of all the Whickbers, the one we want to resist this temptation the most is Mutt, right, because jesus fuck, man, it's a monthly meeting of the local business association vs. your anniversary dinner! 😂
Even though there was much more threat to Aziraphale in The Final 15 and the scenarios are not quite the same, there are plenty of parallels here. Our frustration in the end of S2 with just like fuck this villain and go to breakfast with Crowley, Aziraphale! are foreshadowed by our disbelief that Mutt is willing to scrap his plans to take the love of life out to a romantic anniversary dinner over this meeting.
How can Mutt be willing to be bribed into coming to a totally skippable business meeting when the offer is just to be loaned a book? A magic book, when he's already a professional magician?!
Well, what is this book of life... err, book of life-changing importance that Mutt's been offered here?
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Aziraphale claims that he has a first edition of S.W. Erdnase's Expert at the Card Table. For anyone who doesn't know, this book is the book on sleight-of-hand-- on card and coin tricks and other, ironically, innocent magical acts of deception. Any professional magician would have a copy of this book. You could get a physical one at your local library with ease or download it in seconds. It's never gone out of print.
It's not a rare book but a first edition of it is pretty rare. The book was first published in 1902 and a first edition sold within the last few years for over $6k in the U.S., simply because most first editions of it are no longer around or are in really poor condition. That said? There's not really any difference between the content of the first and later editions. The first edition is valuable in a monetary way for collectors and there's sentimental and historical importance for magicians to one but, in terms of information that could be gained from a first edition? There's nothing there that is any different from the copy of the book that Mutt inevitably already owns.
This is why, at first, Mutt doesn't really bite, and this causes Aziraphale to have to pivot his temptation.
Mutt would already have a copy of this book and a first edition would be nice to check out in Aziraphale's shop sometime but is not something for which Mutt would throw over his anniversary date with his spouse.
It's important to note, though, that, like Mr. Arnold will with the rare Doctor Who Annual claim, Mutt completely believes that Aziraphale could have this book in his possession and offer it to him. Aziraphale is old money to the Whickbers and his wealth and the history of his family (whom they believe is his family but is really him, as we know) go back to the founding of Whickber Street. The bookshop is one of the oldest businesses on the street and one of the oldest bookshops still in operation in England.
Mutt and Mr. Arnold know that if anyone would be able to get their hands on rare book finds, it's Aziraphale, and neither of them doubt for a moment the provenance of the things he's offering them. It might be worth mentioning here that, over in this post about the connections between Crowley's signature in 1.01 and the inscription in Aziraphale's copy of Modern Magic in 1941 suggesting that the inscription was actually written by Crowley, I looked at the scene where Aziraphale tempts Mutt and went into how, while Aziraphale does have a first edition copy of this book-- the one we later see Mutt leave The Meeting Ball with-- he is absolutely lying about the person who signed it and the annotations being S.W. Erdnase himself, as is suggested by his expressions during the scene anyway.
Mutt believes in Aziraphale's authority to present such an offer in the same way that Aziraphale believes that a being presenting himself to him as The Metatron would have the authority to offer him a promotion that comes with the power to restore status of demons-- because The Metatron has billed himself as the one who speaks for God. While Aziraphale does have his doubts about what's happening, he does believe that, if he were to ever receive such an offer, it would come from The Metatron... hence, why The Devil is being played by Sir Derek Jacobi in The Final 15.
Just like in The Final 15, though, the initial temptation of Mutt falls flat and the pivot of a more specific, tailored offer is required.
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Our Villain offered Aziraphale the job of running Heaven and nothing else at first-- just as Aziraphale offered Mutt a first edition of a copy of a book that he already owns. Aziraphale doesn't want to run Heaven-- who the fuck would want to do that? 😂 It's the worst job imaginable and it'd mean he'd have to leave Earth and leave Crowley and for what?
For both Mutt and Aziraphale in these scenes, there was nothing there to tempt them... and certainly nothing that would be enough tempt them to interrupt romancing their spouses over it.
Mutt already has the information the first edition could provide, so it's not of any value to him; Aziraphale doesn't seek power for power's sake and already knows that the job of Supreme Archangel is toothless with no real power to fully enact change. He saw what it did to Gabriel and doesn't want that or to leave Crowley.
Neither Aziraphale in The Final 15 nor Mutt earlier on see the point and, so, their tempters have to sweeten the deal.
The pivot then occurs:
Our Villain says...
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...where, earlier, Our Hero said:
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This is actually, quietly, the same kind of temptation. How so?
Because it gets at the heart of what our magicians feel they lack when it comes to what they can offer those beloved spouses that they love so deeply.
Aziraphale suddenly has Mutt's attention when he claims that the first edition was Erdnase's own copy, signed with his real name and, most importantly, annotated by him. Suddenly, this book really is rare-- the most rare, precious find in the magic world imaginable. So fucking rare that it would have behooved Mutt to, ya know, ask a few more damn questions about its provenance but he's thunderstruck by this opportunity that has fallen into his lap.
He's so openly vulnerable about it that we instantly feel bad for him and find ourselves in the wild position of wanting to shield him from our beloved, cuddly Aziraphale. We find ourselves questioning how necessary Mutt really is to The Meeting Ball plan and think maybe this guy should just be left alone to take his poor spouse out to eat already.
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Mutt's wide-eyed, eager, desperate how much? is too much and our heart is breaking for this magician who is being taken for a bit of a ride here... a preview of what's to come in The Final 15 with the main magician on our show.
So, why does Mutt want this annotated book so badly?
Because he thinks it will make him a better magician. He thinks this book, if he could just get his hands on it, would answer all his questions and provide him the path to being better at what it is that he does. You might say: ok but Mutt might love being a magician but it's just his job, even if he loves it-- what about his poor Beloved Spouse? How is the spouse not more important?
The thing is, though... these are not separate things to Mutt, just as they are not to Aziraphale.
Mutt's profession is being a magician; it's not just his passion but the source of his livelihood. Being the magician who had Erdnase's secrets that could teach Mutt to become better at that passion that is his livelihood means more opportunity. It means a new angle for the shop and an elevated status for Mutt in the professional conjurer community. It means more money and, with it, more security and less worry for him and his Beloved Spouse.
It means that Mutt, in his mind, could offer his Beloved Spouse more of a level of protection that he doesn't feel he's able to offer him in their current life as it is.
That's Mutt's justification as to why obtaining this book from Aziraphale could be worth rescheduling the anniversary dinner-- because, really, it's all about Beloved Spouse in the first place.
In Mutt's mind, this book wouldn't just make Mutt a better magician, it would make him a better partner. It would give him everything he feels he doesn't have within his own power to offer to the person he loves more than anything.
Doesn't Mutt's need to try to do anything to obtain the resources that he thinks would help him better protect his trans spouse and their interracial, queer marriage in a world that is growing increasingly Nazi Zombie Flesheaters sound like a parallel to Aziraphale being willing to give up his freedom and spend eternity doing whatever is asked of him in exchange for the one bit of power-- the one resource-- that his Earthly wealth has never allowed him, in his mind, to truly, permanently, provide for Crowley? To be willing to give it all up to offer Crowley safety from Satan and Hell in the form of the restoration of his status as an angel?
It's not the right way to approach this but neither is Mutt accepting the offer of the book bribe-- but both magicians are understandable in their vulnerability. They've fallen in love and that has left them open to falling for a temptation that exploits their feelings of being just jiggery-pokery at human magic. Their beloved spouses tell and show them all the time how safe they feel with them and how they are enough but imposter syndrome will shut them out and whisper we're not enough, we can do better, we can be better providers and protectors, they deserve so much more than us...
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Aziraphale tells Mutt that the book isn't for sale but that, if he shows up at the meeting, Aziraphale will be willing to lend it to him. Fine by Mutt-- he doesn't have to own the book, he just wants access to its knowledge. He immediately says yes. Aziraphale, in The Final 15, is more cautious, but the parallels are still the same. For both magicians, this is a temptation that cannot be overcome because it's The Tempest/The Maltese Falcon-- it's stuff that dreams are made of.
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The magicians are going to have to tell the beloved spouses that something came up... because the thing that's really come up is their own insecurities over not feeling like they are enough as they are for the partners who love them.
What does Aziraphale say, though? It's fine, Mutt, why don't you bring them to parallel hell the party, I mean, the meeting! with you?
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You can work with your spouse, Mutt, no worries! Bring your, in your case, not just de facto partner but spouse with you!
Aziraphale genuinely does not have any desire to separate Mutt from his beloved. He'd like them to come join the party and be friends and a part of his group. There's going to be dancing and romance and Aziraphale totally can see the parallels between he and Crowley and Mutt and Beloved Spouse. After all, he's got Beloved Spouse in the most Crowley-esque outfit possible during The Meeting Ball...
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...Aziraphale wants them all to be friends and have a good time. That is far more than we can say for Our Villain in The Final 15, though...
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In the end, Mutt and Aziraphale are both tempted by the offer of the one, vital resource that they each feel has been out of their reach to, in their minds, empower them to better provide for those they love and seek to protect.
It's all about, as Mrs. Sandwich put it, their beloved spouses' welfare, quality of life, and coffee.
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months ago
i just randomly remembered a fic i thought youd reblogged, but i scrolled pretty far down your good omens and fic recs tags, but i couldnt find it! i was hoping either you remembered what it was, or if someone following you does
there was an art piece to go alongside it (i dont remember much of it - i think crowley was on the floor but im not sure? perhaps there were ropes? my memory is so bad), and the fic itself was basically crowley and aziraphale roleplaying as aziraphale being a holy angel and crowley being a temptress demon, with aziraphale having defeated him - in sort of a consensual dubcon situation? im probably explaining this so poorly but i just remembered how good the fic was and it's not in my ao3 history 💔
Ohh I'm afraid I have no idea which one you mean 🥲 it doesn't sound like something I would read... The only one remotely close (which I don't think I rb'ed either) is show me how ruin makes a home out of hip bones by NaroMoreau which includes some pretty epic Aziraphale True Form fuckery, but I don't think it's the one you're looking for.
Can anyone here help?
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angie-words · 4 months ago
Putting this here for accountability maybe? To whom, I'm not sure. Anyway, I've got three four fics I'm planning/writing at the moment:
Side story for my Write A Way AU (Crowley in lingerie because why not, explicit)
Another side story for Write A Way (silly, humourous fluff)
Priest!Crowley falling in love with a certain blonde-haired non-parishioner (inevitably eventually explicit)
Femme Aziraphale being the most unsubtle, heavy-handed temptress, but getting frustrated with a very oblivious Crowley (explicit as hell)
It's been quite something to complete a long-form fic, yet even more exciting to realise I have so many more ideas and the actual desire, energy and ability to write them
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 5 months ago
The Albatross by Swift is an Ineffable Husbands song.
Wise men once said "Wild winds are death to the candle" A rose by any other name is a scandal
The angels all describing Crowley as evil, you can think of the candle as the light of God or divinity, and Crowley's a demon, and for Aziraphale and Crowley to love each other would be, to put it lightly, a scandal.
Cautions issued, he stood Shooting the messengers They tried to warn him about her
Aziraphale ignores their warnings about Crowley at least to the extent that he still spends time with her, he still falls in love with her. How can he not?
Cross your thoughtless heart Only liquor anoints you She's the albatross She is here to destroy you
Cross your heart, hope to die. They warn him that he's not thinking this through. Only liquor, the wine that they drink together, that's the only holy liquid that anoints Aziraphale when he's with Crowley (anoint is to pour on someone as part of a religious ceremony). Crowley is the albatross, the demon, and they say she's here to destroy him, to make him fall.
Wise men once said "One bad seed kills the garden" "One less temptress One less dagger to sharpen"
One bad seed kills the garden. Crowley is the bad seed. She's the reason for the Garden of Eden being killed, for Adam and Eve having to exit it. They want to get rid of her. She is the temptress, the original temptress, the first one.
(Continuing after the cut coz i have a LOT to say and there are more stanzas)
Locked me up in towers But I'd visit in your dreams And they tried to warn you about me
Crowley is locked up in Hell, thrown out from Heaven, but she still haunts Aziraphale's dreams, he still yearns for her, she still circles him. The angels continue to vilify her.
Devils that you know Raise worse hell than a stranger She's the death you chose You're in terrible danger
Crowley's the devil, the demon, that Aziraphale knows. And the angels, and Metatron, warn him that she's far more dangerous than everyone else from Hell. And that if he chooses her, he chooses death (a threat by the Metatron). And all demons are evil, but she's the one he's choosing.
And when that sky rains fire on you And you're persona non grata I'll tell you how I've been there too And that none of it matters
The sky raining fire, the M-15 on fire, the apocalypse day. Aziraphale is in trouble with Heaven because he defied them to stop the apocalypse. And Crowley's saying that she's been there too, she's been called evil by Heaven, she's been cast out, and that none of it matters, what's the point?
Wise men once read fake news And they believed it Jackals raised their hackles
The angels, even the better ones, following the Metatron and the 'Great Plan' blindly, believing everything. Jackals in the Bible apparently signify desolation and they wait, silently, indifferent to the perils of those around them, just wanting to survive. Like the angels, indifferent to the world and to Aziraphale and Crowley--or Crowley, indifferent to Heaven and Hell, caring only about Aziraphale and her world, wanting to just escape, to survive.
You couldn't conceive it You were sleeping soundly When they dragged you from your bed And I tried to warn you about them
Aziraphale still holding on to the hope that he can change things, struggling to let go of his trauma and realise that Heaven is not all good (he couldn't conceive it). And how he was just trying to do good, to be good, and was believing the best of them when they dragged him (Crowley, technically, but they thought it was him) to burn in hellfire. And how Crowley always warned him about Heaven.
So I crossed my thoughtless heart Spread my wings like a parachute I'm the albatross I swept in at the rescue
Crowley, ride or die with Aziraphale. Spreading her wings to protect Aziraphale from the stardust coalescing into stars. Sweeping in to rescue him, at the church, at the Bastille.
The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel I'm the life you chose And all this terrible danger
The devil that Aziraphale knows, Crowley, is beginning to seem more angelic than the angels themselves. Because it's her. And she's flawed but kind and loving. And she's the life that he chose, even with all the danger that it entails. In the end, he will choose her.
So. Yeah. Good Omens Mascot, doing fine, not brainrotted at all.
--I lie, like a lying liar who is lying.
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depraveddame · 5 months ago
Ineffable Kinktober, Day 3: Authority ⚓️✨
Very loosely inspired by The Terror 💫
CW: Captain/steward relationship, D/s, boot worship, oral sex, come swallowing, mention of/referenced consensual flogging, wax play and human furniture
The polished glide of leather under his tongue is a more generous provision than Crowley ever might have allowed himself to hope for, and his captain’s tender, murmuring praise is another impossible gift entirely.
“Such a meticulous and fastidious mouth you have, Crowley,” Captain Aziraphale Fell whispers so affectionately that Crowley has to close his eyes, needing to scrawl that exact adoring tone into the walls of his heart along with the rest of the entries inspired by the man he serves with all of its beating strength.
There had been nothing particularly moving in regards to being a steward until Crowley came into the service of Captain Fell, who had greeted him with a smile and a handshake, the haughty countenance commonly adhered to great men nowhere to be found on his person. He’s since come to know that Captain Fell is indeed a great man, one that makes Crowley feel like he’s a precious thing, more treasured than any rare cargo or that insidious temptress known as glory, the one that seduces droves of men into her false promise.
Crowley has always had a talent for serving, and it had never been acknowledged as much more than a job he’s meant to do, but that changed as the steward of Captain Fell, who expressed such unfettered delight in him that Crowley could scarcely withhold himself from begging to drop to his knees in his presence.
Luckily for him, he didn’t have to resort to pleading, and now he’s exactly where he longs to be; on his knees, the planks of the ship cutting into them sweetly as he cleans his captain’s boots, which he keeps spotless anyway, but that he aches to burnish with his tongue nonetheless.
It’s a merciful largesse, as are the many excess acts of service Captain Fell grants Crowley along with his typical duties— to function as his footstool at the end of a tiring day, to splay across his lap, his naked back a writing desk or a stand for whatever book Fell buries himself in, offering a bare wrist to test the viscosity of the scalding wax used to seal letters, the pinkened skin they leave behind kissed and soothed by a comforting tongue that journeys upward to leave behind its own signature on territory easily concealed by a high collar.
Crowley shivers as a draft catches him, wearing naught but a long linen shirt, exposed feet and legs bearing most of the chill as he gazes up into eyes more fair than a clear autumn morning, the cold not registering beyond the haze of warmth surrounding him as he dutifully favors the obsidian leather encasing the feet he worships.
“You’re cold, dear boy,” Captain Fell extends a hand down to thread his fingers through Crowley’s hair, massaging his scalp and delicately scratching, causing Crowley to swallow his possibly impertinent protest of ‘no sir, not at all; I’m on fire, as I always am at your feet’, “and I cannot in good conscience abide such a thing.”
The hand in his hair retreats only to offer itself to him, palm up, a gentlemanly invitation Crowley takes with a trembling hand, getting to his feet and standing before Fell, who leans forward, pressing his cheek to Crowley’s stomach and slipping his fingers beneath the thin garment ending at his thighs, palming at his hips and lower back with gently insistent desire.
“S-sir,” Crowley breathes when Captain Fell nuzzles against his erection; he’s been hard since he’d begun his endeavor, his body responding to the position of being on its knees and his tongue servicing as it’s meant to do, “let me— please, allow me to—”
He’s trying to beg for the privilege to take Fell in his mouth, to implore him not to bother with Crowley’s pleasure, it’s not important and it’s beneath his dignity to even consider such a thing despite how divine it would feel, but he’s cut off by a warm palm taking him in hand, by a practiced thumb spreading the welling evidence of his desire over the length of his cock before fully stroking him from root to head, and Crowley shoves a fist in his mouth to stifle his nearly pained moan.
“I know you’d not deny your captain, hm?” Fell whispers as his hand easily slips and slides over Crowley’s cock, working him exactly as he likes, with just the right amount of pressure and a twist towards the head that has him whimpering helplessly into his hand, “you’ll permit me to savor my steward just as I like, I daresay.”
Crowley nods, hesitantly rocking his hips in pursuit of the friction of the hand pumping him that Fell briefly withdraws in order to lavish with his tongue, wetting it in a gesture that has Crowley fearing he may faint before it returns to its previous, gloriously expert rhythm.
“It ought to be a sin, assigning someone so beguiling and beautifully obedient to a selfish man such as me,” Fell looks up at Crowley before licking the head of his cock languidly, luxuriously lapping at the slit and making it impossible to breathe; Crowley reaches out to brace himself against a wool clad shoulder, gripping the fabric and trying to mumble out an automatic apology for doing so until his captain nods, murmuring, “yes, my darling, that’s it; lean on me,” he returns to sucking Crowley with a passion that’s dizzying, as if he’s relishing in a delicacy he’s not had in years, and it still feels wrong, being the one to receive such ardent attentions instead of giving them, but Fell is right— who is Crowley to deny his captain?
“Sir, I-I’m—” Crowley does as he’s told and sinks his weight into Fell, whose legs are spread and bracketing Crowley’s bare ones, protectively framing his shaking form; the hand not playing with his cock kneads all over Crowley’s lower body, and when its fingers trace over the healing, sensitive welts adorning his upper thighs that he’d pleaded his captain to bestow on him— the ones that when given made him come all over the cabin floor untouched— that’s when he loses the weakening control over himself.
“Please,” Crowley scrambles to grab Fell’s other shoulder, his fingernails digging into the navy wool so harshly it hurts, his jaw smarting with the effort to keep quiet, his voice quivering, “m-may I, sir, p-please, may I come—”
Fell nods before pulling back just enough to murmur, “come, my sweet siren,” his one hand not diverting from its course over his cock, wet and slick and lovely, his other still teasing along the tender wheals of what was a skillfully administered, devastatingly loving flogging, “grant me the pleasure of having you, just like this,” he takes Crowley back inside his mouth, the suction and glide of his tongue shattering the last of Crowley’s resolve, who returns a fist to his mouth, hoping it muffles his cry enough as he comes. He spills into his captain’s mouth and throat, collapsing against him in a boneless heap, pulled into his arms like a tide pulling the sea back into its heart once it wanders too far, just as his captain always draws Crowley into his strong, steady embrace.
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beebopboom · 1 year ago
Ok so i couldn’t stop thinking about the cut dream scene and this is what happened (not to be takin that serious i mean it was cut for a reason - just putting it out there)
One - it was Gabriel's. He was the one throughout this season that gave us the prophecies and after both of them he goes to lay down - Aziraphale tells him to the first time and then Crowley mentions that he heard him sleeping after the second - it could have been after both of them (but I’m leaning more towards the temptress one that only Crowley sees) and it wouldn't be surprising if they had triggered some sort of nightmare - and he would have more information if this sequence was supposed to hint at stuff for the next season
Two - it was Crowley’s. And it happened the night Aziraphale got back from Edinburgh. It's late when he gets back and we know at some point Crowley leaves after they both head back to the bookshop because the next morning (and episode!) Crowley arrives back at the bookshop - at which point we get Crowley following Aziraphale around after asking and then we get the line “i spent last night worrying if he’s going to wake up. what if he remembers who he is, what if he’s faking it” -so it's crowley’s first night back in his Bentley after being awake the entire time in the bookshop so he nods off a little and has a nightmare that leaves him rattled to the point of wanting to constantly be around Aziraphale the next day and he is back to being aggressive/threatening to Gabriel (this would mean next season is crowley’s worst nightmare - which tracks)
also just gonna leave this here…. where’d you come from hmmm?
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