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2022/12/09 Al día siguiente dimos una vuelta por el interior del hotel. Hay algunos jarrones muy antiguos, de época de los romanos. También tienen una galería de fotografías de personas famosas que se han alojado en las habitaciones a lo largo de la historia. En el vestíbulo había un árbol de navidad y una bonita lámpara.
The next day we took a tour inside the hotel. There are some very old vases, from the time of the Romans. They also have a photo gallery of famous people who have stayed in the rooms throughout history. In the hall there was a Christmas tree and a nice lamp.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno successivo abbiamo fatto un giro all'interno dell'hotel. Ci sono dei vasi molto antichi, del tempo dei romani. Hanno anche una galleria fotografica di personaggi famosi che hanno soggiornato nelle camere nel corso della storia. Nell'ingresso c'era un albero di Natale e una bella lampada.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte fizemos um tour dentro do hotel. Existem alguns vasos muito antigos, do tempo dos romanos. Eles também têm uma galeria de fotos de pessoas famosas que se hospedaram nos quartos ao longo da história. No corredor havia uma árvore de Natal e uma bela lâmpada.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous avons fait un tour à l'intérieur de l'hôtel. Il y a des vases très anciens, du temps des Romains. Ils ont également une galerie de photos de personnages célèbres qui ont séjourné dans les chambres à travers l'histoire. Dans le hall, il y avait un sapin de Noël et une belle lampe.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي قمنا بجولة داخل الفندق. هناك مزهريات قديمة جدا من زمن الرومان. لديهم أيضًا معرض صور لأشخاص مشهورين أقاموا في الغرف عبر التاريخ. في القاعة كان هناك شجرة عيد الميلاد ومصباح جميل.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag machten wir eine Führung durch das Hotel. Es gibt sehr alte Vasen, aus der Zeit der Römer. Sie haben auch eine Fotogalerie berühmter Persönlichkeiten, die im Laufe der Geschichte in den Zimmern übernachtet haben. In der Halle gab es einen Weihnachtsbaum und eine schöne Lampe.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen bëmë një vizitë në hotel. Ka vazo shumë të vjetra, të kohës romake. Ata gjithashtu kanë një galeri fotografish të njerëzve të famshëm që kanë qëndruar në dhoma gjatë historisë. Në sallë kishte një pemë të Krishtlindjes dhe një llambë të bukur.
Google Translation into Armenian: Հաջորդ օրը շրջայց կատարեցինք հյուրանոցում։ Կան շատ հին ծաղկամաններ՝ հռոմեական ժամանակներից։ Նրանք նաև ունեն հայտնի մարդկանց լուսանկարների պատկերասրահ, ովքեր մնացել են սենյակներում պատմության ընթացքում: Սրահում տոնածառ էր ու գեղեցիկ ճրագ։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден направихме обиколка на хотела. Има много стари вази, от римско време. Имат и галерия от снимки на известни хора, които са отсядали в стаите през цялата история. В залата имаше коледна елха и красива лампа.
Google Translation into Czech: Druhý den jsme absolvovali prohlídku hotelu. Jsou zde velmi staré vázy z římských dob. Mají také fotogalerii slavných lidí, kteří v pokojích pobývali v průběhu historie. V hale byl vánoční strom a krásná lampa.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na druhý deň sme absolvovali prehliadku hotela. Sú tu veľmi staré vázy z rímskych čias. Majú tiež fotogalériu slávnych ľudí, ktorí zostali v izbách počas histórie. V hale bol vianočný stromček a krásna lampa.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo si ogledali hotel. Obstajajo zelo stare vaze, še iz rimskih časov. Imajo tudi fotogalerijo znanih ljudi, ki so skozi zgodovino bivali v sobah. V dvorani je bilo božično drevo in čudovita lučka.
Google Translation into Estonian: Järgmisel päeval tegime hotellis ringkäigu. Seal on väga vanad vaasid, Rooma ajast. Neil on ka fotogalerii kuulsatest inimestest, kes on läbi ajaloo tubades ööbinud. Saalis oli jõulupuu ja ilus lamp.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä kävimme tutustumassa hotelliin. Siellä on hyvin vanhoja maljakoita Rooman ajoilta. Heillä on myös kuvagalleria kuuluisista ihmisistä, jotka ovat asuneet huoneissa läpi historian. Aulassa oli joulukuusi ja kaunis lamppu.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα ξεναγηθήκαμε στο ξενοδοχείο. Υπάρχουν πολύ παλιά αγγεία, ρωμαϊκών χρόνων. Έχουν επίσης μια συλλογή φωτογραφιών με διάσημους ανθρώπους που έχουν μείνει στα δωμάτια σε όλη την ιστορία. Στην αίθουσα υπήρχε ένα χριστουγεννιάτικο δέντρο και ένα όμορφο φωτιστικό.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag hebben we een rondleiding door het hotel gemaakt. Er staan heel oude vazen, uit de Romeinse tijd. Ze hebben ook een fotogalerij van beroemde mensen die door de geschiedenis heen in de kamers hebben verbleven. In de hal stond een kerstboom en een mooie lamp.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter tok vi en omvisning på hotellet. Det er veldig gamle vaser, fra romertiden. De har også et bildegalleri av kjente personer som har bodd på rommene gjennom historien. I salen var det juletre og en vakker lampe.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia wybraliśmy się na zwiedzanie hotelu. Znajdują się tam bardzo stare wazy, pochodzące z czasów rzymskich. Mają też galerię zdjęć znanych osób, które przebywały w pokojach na przestrzeni dziejów. W przedpokoju stała choinka i piękna lampka.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am facut un tur al hotelului. Sunt vaze foarte vechi, de pe vremea romanilor. De asemenea, au o galerie foto cu oameni celebri care au stat în camere de-a lungul istoriei. În hol era un pom de Crăciun și o lampă frumoasă.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день у нас была экскурсия по отелю. Есть очень старые вазы, с римских времен. У них также есть фотогалерея известных людей, которые останавливались в номерах на протяжении всей истории. В зале стояла елка и красивый светильник.
Google Translation into Serbian: Следећег дана смо кренули у обилазак хотела. Постоје веома старе вазе, из римског доба. Имају и фотогалерију познатих људи који су кроз историју боравили у собама. У сали је била јелка и лепа лампа.
Google Translation into Swedish: Dagen efter tog vi en rundtur på hotellet. Det finns mycket gamla vaser, från romartiden. De har också ett fotogalleri med kända personer som har bott i rummen genom historien. I hallen fanns en julgran och en vacker lampa.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün otel turu yaptık. Roma döneminden kalma çok eski vazolar var. Ayrıca tarih boyunca odalarda konaklamış ünlü kişilerin fotoğraf galerisi de bulunmaktadır. Salonda bir Noel ağacı ve güzel bir lamba vardı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми зробили екскурсію по готелі. Є дуже старі вази, ще з римських часів. У них також є фотогалерея відомих людей, які залишалися в кімнатах протягом всієї історії. У залі стояла ялинка і гарний світильник.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা হোটেলে ঘুরে এলাম। রোমান সময় থেকে খুব পুরানো ফুলদানি আছে. তাদের কাছে বিখ্যাত ব্যক্তিদের একটি ফটো গ্যালারিও রয়েছে যারা ইতিহাস জুড়ে কক্ষে থেকেছেন। হলটিতে একটি ক্রিসমাস ট্রি এবং একটি সুন্দর বাতি ছিল।
Google Translation into Chinese: 第二天我们参观了酒店。 有非常古老的花瓶,来自罗马时代。 他们还有一个照片库,展示了历史上曾入住过这些房间的名人。 大厅里有一棵圣诞树和一盏漂亮的灯。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 호텔 투어를 했다. 로마 시대의 아주 오래된 꽃병이 있습니다. 그들은 또한 역사적으로 객실에 머물렀던 유명한 사람들의 사진 갤러리를 가지고 있습니다. 홀에는 크리스마스 트리와 아름다운 램프가 있었습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת עשינו סיור במלון. יש אגרטלים ישנים מאוד, מהתקופה הרומית. יש להם גם גלריית תמונות של אנשים מפורסמים ששהו בחדרים לאו��ך ההיסטוריה. באולם היה עץ חג המולד ומנורה יפה.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हमने होटल का भ्रमण किया। रोमन काल के बहुत पुराने फूलदान हैं। उनके पास प्रसिद्ध लोगों की एक फोटो गैलरी भी है जो पूरे इतिहास में कमरों में रहे हैं। हॉल में एक क्रिसमस ट्री और एक खूबसूरत लैम्प था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Hari berikutnya kami melakukan tur hotel. Ada vas yang sangat tua, dari zaman Romawi. Mereka juga memiliki galeri foto orang-orang terkenal yang pernah tinggal di kamar sepanjang sejarah. Di aula ada pohon Natal dan lampu yang indah.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日、ホテルのツアーに参加しました。 ローマ時代からの非常に古い花瓶があります。 また、歴代の宿泊者の写真ギャラリーもあります。 ホールにはクリスマスツリーと美しいランプがありました。
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami melawat hotel. Terdapat pasu yang sangat lama, dari zaman Rom. Mereka juga mempunyai galeri foto orang terkenal yang telah tinggal di bilik sepanjang sejarah. Di dalam dewan terdapat pokok Krismas dan lampu yang cantik.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਅਸੀਂ ਹੋਟਲ ਦੀ ਸੈਰ ਕੀਤੀ। ਇੱਥੇ ਬਹੁਤ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ ਫੁੱਲਦਾਨ ਹਨ, ਰੋਮਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਤੋਂ. ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੋਲ ਮਸ਼ਹੂਰ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਫੋਟੋ ਗੈਲਰੀ ਵੀ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕਮਰਿਆਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹੇ ਹਨ। ਹਾਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਕ੍ਰਿਸਮਸ ਟ੍ਰੀ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਲੈਂਪ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ مو د هوټل څخه لیدنه وکړه. د رومن وخت څخه ډیر زاړه ګلدانونه شتون لري. دوی د مشهور خلکو عکس ګالري هم لري چې د تاریخ په اوږدو کې په خونو کې پاتې شوي. په تالار کې د کرسمس ونه او یو ښکلی څراغ و.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد گشتی در هتل زدیم. گلدان های بسیار قدیمی، مربوط به دوران رومیان وجود دارد. آنها همچنین یک گالری عکس از افراد مشهوری دارند که در طول تاریخ در اتاق ها اقامت داشته اند. در سالن یک درخت کریسمس و یک چراغ زیبا وجود داشت.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan ay naglibot kami sa hotel. May mga napakatandang plorera, mula sa panahon ng Romano. Mayroon din silang photo gallery ng mga sikat na tao na nanatili sa mga kuwarto sa buong kasaysayan. Sa bulwagan ay may isang Christmas tree at isang magandang lampara.
Google Translation into Thai: วันต่อมาเราพาชมโรงแรม มีแจกันเก่าแก่ตั้งแต่สมัยโรมัน พวกเขายังมีแกลเลอรีรูปภาพของบุคคลที่มีชื่อเสียงที่เคยอยู่ในห้องตลอดประวัติศาสตร์ ในห้องโถงมีต้นคริสต์มาสและโคมไฟที่สวยงาม
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم نے ہوٹل کی سیر کی۔ بہت پرانے گلدان ہیں، رومن دور سے۔ ان کے پاس مشہور لوگوں کی فوٹو گیلری بھی ہے جو پوری تاریخ میں کمروں میں رہ چکے ہیں۔ ہال میں ایک کرسمس ٹری اور ایک خوبصورت لیمپ تھا۔
#2022/12/09#Al día siguiente dimos una vuelta por el interior del hotel. Hay algunos jarrones muy antiguos#de época de los romanos. También tienen una galería de fotografías de personas famosas que se han alojado en las habitaciones a lo largo de#The next day we took a tour inside the hotel. There are some very old vases#from the time of the Romans. They also have a photo gallery of famous people who have stayed in the rooms throughout history. In the hall t#Google translation into Italian:#Il giorno successivo abbiamo fatto un giro all'interno dell'hotel. Ci sono dei vasi molto antichi#del tempo dei romani. Hanno anche una galleria fotografica di personaggi famosi che hanno soggiornato nelle camere nel corso della storia.#Google Translation into Portuguese:#No dia seguinte fizemos um tour dentro do hotel. Existem alguns vasos muito antigos#do tempo dos romanos. Eles também têm uma galeria de fotos de pessoas famosas que se hospedaram nos quartos ao longo da história. No corred#Google Translation into French:#Le lendemain#nous avons fait un tour à l'intérieur de l'hôtel. Il y a des vases très anciens#du temps des Romains. Ils ont également une galerie de photos de personnages célèbres qui ont séjourné dans les chambres à travers l'histoi#il y avait un sapin de Noël et une belle lampe.#Google Translation into Arabic:#في اليوم التالي قمنا بجولة داخل الفندق. هناك مزهريات قديمة جدا من زمن الرومان. لديهم أيضًا معرض صور لأشخاص مشهورين أقاموا في الغرف عبر ال#Google Translation into German:#Am n��chsten Tag machten wir eine Führung durch das Hotel. Es gibt sehr alte Vasen#aus der Zeit der Römer. Sie haben auch eine Fotogalerie berühmter Persönlichkeiten#die im Laufe der Geschichte in den Zimmern übernachtet haben. In der Halle gab es einen Weihnachtsbaum und eine schöne Lampe.#Google Translation into Albanisch:#Të nesërmen bëmë një vizitë në hotel. Ka vazo shumë të vjetra#të kohës romake. Ata gjithashtu kanë një galeri fotografish të njerëzve të famshëm që kanë qëndruar në dhoma gjatë historisë. Në sallë kish#Google Translation into Armenian:#Հաջորդ օրը շրջայց կատարեցինք հյուրանոցում։ Կան շատ հին ծաղկամաններ՝ հռոմեական ժամանակներից։ Նրանք նաև ունեն հայտնի մարդկանց լուսանկա#ովքեր մնացել են սենյակներում պատմության ընթացքում: Սրահում տոնածառ էր ու գեղեցիկ ճրագ։#Google Translation into Bulgarian:#На следващия ден направихме обиколка на хотела. Има много стари вази
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Gràcies @minglana pel tag🫶
Se suposa que d'etiquetar a 10 persones a les que vull conèixer millor però avise que no va a passar perquè no conec a tanta gent, besis
Color preferit: o blau o morat
La cançó que tinc al cap: Tobogan de zoo. No pregunteu quan de temps fa que està la cançó en repetició en ma casa. És preocupant.
Última cançó que he escoltat: when i watch the world burn all i think about is you (demo) de bastille
3 plats de menjar preferits: arrós al forn de panses i nous, rotllo del forn (dolç típic del meu poble). If i'm missing a 3 favourite food no i'm not.
Última cosa que he buscat en google: artículo 229 de la Ley General de la Seguridad Social (increïble vesprada m'he passat hui gràcies a la uni).
El viatge somiat (pregunta trampa perquè no puc viatjar i ara mateixa qualsevol viatge és un "dream trip"): un viatge en les meues amigues, la destinació no m'importa molt sempre que no siga Londres.
Hola amiguis, si ya os han etiquetado, ya lo habéis hecho o no queréis hacerlo, ignoradlo porfis. Etiquete a: @patronsaintofposmodernity @jackredfieldwasmyjacob @masterinfangirlissues @semprefangirl
#las preguntas en cuestión son: 1. color favorito 2. canción metida en tu cabeza 3. última canción escuchada 4. tus 3 comidas favoritas#5. última cosa googleada 6. viaje ideal#por si alguien quiere la traducción#m'he obligat a ferho en el moment per a que no se m'oblide com me passa sempre#hashtag growth#original meu
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :)
Merci pour le Tag :D
1. Le monde avant 6h du matin: le chant des oiseaux, le doux lever du soleil, la nuit et les étoiles, le silence... Comme une parenthèse pour moi-même.
2. Mon Monsieur: son odeur de biscuit à son réveil, ses câlins, son rire...et quand il danse, woaw. Y a trop à dire.
3. Lire: depuis que je sais lire, c'est un peu un cocon.
4. La pluie: je suis une fille de l'automne, j'adore son bruit, son odeur, sa lumière, je passe ma vie les fenêtres ouvertes à la regarder et à la sentir.
5. Chanter: je le fais presque plus, ça me manque tellement, et c'est mon seul talent. Sauf que si je sais qu'on peut m'entendre, j'ose plus.
6. Bon je triche un peu, mais je peux pas parler de ce qui me rend heureuse sans parler de musique classique: j'en écoute tout le temps, j'en ai chanté pendant 10ans, et j'ai un amour fou pour Henry Purcell, Hayden, Beethoven mais aussi Max Richter, Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Joe Hisaishi... Sandrine n'est pas Sandrine sans musique classique (et de films, séries, jeux vidéos....) bref vous avez compris.
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𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗩𝗡𝗘 ; an independent and selective original multimuse. adored and penned by cassie, twenty8, she / her. beta editor only. affiliated with mooncaught ! ( temp. guidelines, muses and navigation below. )
this blog is set on low activity and slow replies due to life and mental health. some replies will be queued, some posted right away. selective and mutuals only. please soft or hard block if you unfollow.
all of my muses are highly adaptable and can be put and thrown into any verse or setting. common triggers will be tagged. mature and dark themes are as welcome as romantic and the ups and downs of life. give me everything. ♡
no smut. explicit sexual content, inc*st, stepc*st, large age gaps, racism or animal abuse will not be written or endorsed.
banned are deceased, animated faces, anyone under eighteen years, as well as sydney sweeney and manny montana. more tba.
i obviously prefer to use small text and multiple spacing, however i understand that this is not accessible for everyone, hence i’m always willing to adjust and change my formatting.
graphics were made by scarlet / @scars ! ♡
𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗘𝗦 ; constantly under co.
benjamin bahadur (he / him) / bakery owner, heterosexual, early thirties 🠖 raymond ablack.
aesha vikram (she / her) / etsy shop owner, bisexual, late thirties 🠖 mamta mohandas.
vimala kumar (she / her) / actress, bisexual, late twenties 🠖 sobhita dhulipala.
isadora sinclair (she / her) / socialite and exotic dancer, pansexual, late twenties 🠖 ariana grande.
andrew fawcett (he / him) / dance teacher, demisexual, late twenties 🠖 logan lerman.
darlene vernier (she / her) / lawyer, bisexual, mid twenties 🠖 samantha logan.
rosalie hudson (she / her) / kindergarten teacher, closeted bisexual, early twenties 🠖 sadie stanley.
louis de salvert (he / him) / heir and viscount, heterosexual, mid twenties 🠖 corey mylchreest.
hana choi (she / her) / retired high fashion model, pansexual, early thirties 🠖 han euddeum.
kayley balbutin (she / her) / realtor, bisexual, mid twenties 🠖 nadine lustre.
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“ wow , look who remembered my existence. “ (hans)
candice never visits hans unannounced out of a genuine desire to spend time with him. which, is in no way an insult to hans or a belittlement of their friendship. her free time is very limited and she’s simply not wasting it on dropping by to a friend’s house just to say hi. plans had to be made, time cleared for lunch dates or anything else of that nature solely because candice craved the order. so, hans honestly shouldn’t be even a little shocked when she has one of her assistants wheel a red trunk into hans’ apartment. “I’ve spent the last seventeen years trying to erase your existence from my mind and I haven’t succeeded yet.” she rolls her eyes, not even bothering to placate him with kind words about how she could never forget him no matter how busy she was. “but i’m not here for you. i finished lily rose’s winter clothes.” hence the visit and the trunk full of clothes. “so now you can throw out whatever atrocities pumpkin seed bought.” @hansoftheisles
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🤝 mel & hans
texts the other memes at 3 am: mel but only because she’s sending him a meme teri sent her and she’s like ‘now what the fuck is this’
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: definitely mel, and hans doesn’t need much convincing other than her pouting and asking ‘pleeeeease’ cause he’s weak
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: she doesn’t really go out drinking with Hans, but when she’s wasted she normally calls him and he has no problem coming to get her
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: they’re grown so it’s not really a sleepover but she did spend a lot of nights at his house. 🤷🏽♀️
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: the only thing she lets hans pay for is Netflix and that’s because it was back when they were dating and she was always at his place anyways so it didn’t make sense to have her own account. she still uses it though and that’s fine with her
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: hans is definitely on snack duty and mel is definitely in charge of picking the movie. she often tries to pick something she thinks they’d both like
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: they don’t fight about anything serious. but when they do fight about dumb things, it takes a few hours for one of them to come and apologize once they realize that this is stupid. so it really just depends on what the fight is and who started it because they both have no problem apologizing first once the stubborn-ness dies down
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: neither??? they give each other reasonable advice and suggestions and neither of them take it because ~stubborn
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: mel is definitely the guilty party here. she was always up at that hour because she’s either in the studio or a late rehearsal or something, so it’s easier for her. hans definitely calls her at a more reasonable hour
is the better wingman to the other: that’s not happening lol but in an alternate reality where they never fell in love with each other, mel knows she’d be better at it than him
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: hans is not sweet pls but mel literally punched his brother for him. but hans is also willing to do what he can to protect mel/make her life easier, mel’s just the one most likely to fight someone
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: it’s become such a staple in their relationship that it’s just a no brainer to go up and sing if they’re out and karaoke is an option. so they both go up willingly. mel’s more excited than he is though, and that’s fine with her, she gets it
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mel/hans (ship meme)
1) did your muse fall in love with mine quickly, or was it a long process? mel and hans were best friends for years before she ever had a crush on him. the rest of their relationship followed a similar pattern, her developing feelings for him over time. she fell slowly but she fell hard.
2) have they ever asked my muse to dance? do they even dance with my muse at all? sometimes when they have to go to fancy parties for him she jokingly, and dramatically, asks him to dance. but in an every day setting she doesn’t ask, if there’s music on he just knows he has to dance with her
3) are they the type to steal food from my muse’s plate? his palette is too fancy for her no lie. but she is not against stealing his desserts. ever since high school it’s a cookie here, a piece of his cake there. to the point where he just...he knows it’s going to happen.
4) does your muse ever cook for mine? if so, is it good – or does it suck ass? all the time. on the rare occasion that they both have the day off she wakes him up with breakfast, and they make dinner together. again, she’s a great cook so the food is always good.
5) what’s something they do when my muse is down? hans is hardly ever upset around her, but when he was dealing with his mom’s death she tried her best to be there for him and keep him company. lots of random “hey i made your favorite food for no reason and i’m gonna hang out here all night” visits. when he’s upset about his brothers she simply threatens to beat them up.
6) what’s a topic they’re scared of talking about with my muse? uh their future??? like any aspect of their future at all. moving in together, getting married, having kids etc. but otherwise nothing, he knows everything about her.
7) are they the type who’s affectionate? if so - how do they show their affection? if not, is there a reason they’re not affectionate? mel is not really affectionate at all, but she’s a little better with Hans because there’s a lot more comfort there. it’s nothing big, hugging more often, lots of little kisses, holding his hand in public.
8) are they the type to go on dates? if so, to where? despite having very different tastes, hans will literally do anything she asks him to. but she does try to cater their dates to things they could both appreciate sometimes, like art galleries and boring pretentious shit like that.
9) would they stay in bed with mine all day? if so, doing what? she wishes. he’s got the most comfortable bed ever and she is content to just lay in it all day and watch movies with him, it’s a lot of him making fun of things and her making fun of him in return.
10) what’s a typical night between our muses look like? if she’s not working, she cooks dinner and he pretends to be useful but really just hangs around and bothers her. she lets him pick the music and he normally picks all her favorite songs and watches her dance around the kitchen. they have dinner, talk about their days then go to bed. it’s chill.
11) do they read together? if so, what? Hans is annoying and reads Shakespeare in the park so he’s definitely usually reading something and mel supports that.
12) who washes the other’s hair in the shower? people are not often allowed to touch her hair but she will let him because he’s special.
13) who is the driver? or do they switch places? or do none of them drive? hans
14) who likes to smack who’s ass for no reason other than laughs? or are they both well-behaved? again, relatively well behaved but mel sometimes does it and moves out of the way before he can retaliate.
15) do they like movies? if so what movies would they watch with mine? again, mel’s one trait lol but yeah they watch everything together. musicals, dramas, really really bad movies for the laughs.
16) do they communicate their problems or are they the type to hold everything in until someone becomes upset? they went five years without addressing their breakup at all so lol hans is a little better than mel is, but neither of them are the greatest.
17) do you see them as the marrying type? Hans sure did buy an engagement ring and Mel sure does think marriage is a joke
18) if they had kids, who would be the fun parent? ....interesting? probably Mel?
19) do they get along with my muse’s parents? mel probably got along with his mom before she passed, i don’t think she’d ever met his dad though?
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I was tagged by @abiaswreck to participate in a wip game:
Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
I'm so sorry like I'm soooo sorry for how long this list is 😅 also everything lives in my drafts so there's no file names, just titles
Therefore I Am (18+)
On The Rocks (18+)
Hello Stranger
Ad Infinitum
If The World Was Ending
Skylines and Turnstiles
Black Butterflies & Deja Vu
From Here To Mars
Our Lady of Sorrows
Do It Again
10 Things I Hate About You
Symphonies & Sour Notes
On My Mind
Sweet Adrenaline
Lonely Nights
Once Bitten
Wrapped Up In You
Kiss The Girl
Han Jisung vs. The World
Safe With You
Strawberry Kiss
Carpe Diem
Duality (18+)
Game Night
Speed Racer
The Perfect Color
760 Horsepower
Safe House (18+)
Play With Fire (18+)
Tagging (no pressure): @ballelino @cb97percent @hwxnghyynjin
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Rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
Tagged by the lovely @patamonn .^◡^.
Three Ships~
druig x makkari
adrienette (and all other ships in ml)
han seojun x lee suho
First Ever Ship: probably phan ?
Last Song: Made for Mermaid by Orange Ocean and The fin.
Last Movie: Eternals ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
Currently Reading: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
Currently Watching: F4 Thailand: หัวใจรักสี่ดวงดาว Boys Over Flowers // (knowing there’s a new episode out every Saturday gets me through the week)
Currently Consuming: Room temp water (I don’t like it cold or warm)
Currently Craving: Taiyaki !!!
Tagging: @sadiforniaroll @kyotoy @s00ft @helloissay @ovrystie @exiion @zoonotic @catsatellite @heartify
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@Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better or catch up with, then answer these questions:
Thank you for the tag @igotnothingclever!
Three ships: Uhhhh should they be top three? That’s difficult, but, currently Joe x Nicky of course. Charles/Erik from X-Men. And Achilles/Patroclus. Might as well keep going... Steve/Bucky. Jyn/Cassian, Han/Leia, Finn/Poe. Malex from RNM. Sterek was fun back in the day. Dean/Cas was too. LUKE/REID. Definitely others that I enjoy in media but I don’t know if I can really call it shipping if there isn’t really a fandom for them/I haven’t read or thought about writing fanfic for them? Thinking back to the ships I LOVED in the books I read growing up... Sabriel/Touchstone! Daine/Numair, Alanna/George! Definitely others from mythology. I’m suuuure there are more.
Last song: It was probably the Killers but not sure exactly which song!
Last movie: The Fall (with Lee Pace; it’s absolutely stunning and I enjoyed the story quite a lot!)
Currently craving: Fewer roommates. Significantly more hours in the day to do all the things I want to do!! Warmth and sunshine. (this sounds darker than intended; I just started my day coaching in sub-freezing temps). The ability to write the stories I want to write more quickly.
Currently reading: Other than fanfiction?? I finished The Water Dancer recently, and am listening to The Bear and the Nightingale on audiobook. I spent the last four days mainlining every ancient source on classical Greek naval warfare that I could find for a project, so there’s that.
Umm I never know how to tag these things! Is it bad etiquette to tag people who don’t follow me? Obviously please ignore if you would rather not! @nielrian @sabrinachill @viridianpanther @youareiron-andyouarestrong @prettyasadiagram @outphan @fuckyeahisawthat @ninswhimsy @nemonihilominus //anyone who wants to do this!
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Thank you @withered-rose-unbreakable-lotus for tagging me. I gonna link the song if someone want to hear it.
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
1. Han Seungwoo - Sacrifice
2. Monsta X - Steal Your Heart
3. In This Moment - The In-Between
4. Monsta X - Special
5. KARD - Don’t Recall (Hidden Ver)
6. Bishop Briggs - Temp My Trouble
7. In This Moment - Big Bad Wolf
8. Seventeen - Fallin’ Flower
9. IZ*ONE - Violeta
10. BlackPink - As If It’s Your Last
I will tag: @radmushroomboy @zhenbased @lovleez @zhuzhengtngs @runta1210 @7nsomnia and anybody who wants to do it :)
#i have a lotof kpop on my playlist recently#i like how it goes to kpop to metal#my playlist#tag#music#music tag
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Bon dia! Vull utilitzar el meu Spotify per aprendre / practicar més català .. si tens temps, ens dius uns artistes que canten en català i que a tu t'agraden? Moltes gràcies!
Algunes cançons que escolto últimament: Homenatge a Teresa d’Ovidi Montllor, Per la bona gent de Manel, Jo mai mai de Joan Dausà, Per una copa de Lax’n’Busto, Tornem al Penedès de Buhos, Hui la liem d’Auxili, On de Whiskyn’s, Milionària de Rosalía, Louisiana o els camps de cotó d’Els Amics de les Arts, No puc parar de 4 de Copes, Noltros som així d’Emboirats, Les coses ara són diferents de Panellet, Renaixem i A ple pulmó de Xavi Sarrià, Tren de mitjanit de Sau, Jo tenc una enamorada de Ressonadors (en realitat és una cançó tradicional).
I alguns dels meus grups preferits:
Obrint Pas: barregen ska i rock amb elements de la música tradicional del Països Catalans. Les meves cançons preferides són La vida sense tu, Al país de l’olivera, Som, Barcelona, I si demà no tornara, Si tanque els ulls...
Ebri Knight: fan una barreja de rock i folk. Les cançons que més m’agraden són Viurem lliures, Per tu, La línia del front (aquesta és una cançó tradicional de la guerra de 1714), Cridarem, Sàvia i rebel, Conte Medieval, Foc...
Zoo: aquest grup és el que està més de moda entre els joves. Principalment fan rap. Les meves preferides són El cap per avall, Corbelles, Imperfeccions, Ventiladors, Correfoc...
Oques Grasses: un dels grups de pop actuals més famosos. In the night, Serem ocells, Sta guai, Més likes, Cançó de l’aire.
Buhos: un altre grup de pop molt popular. Volcans, La gran vida, Transmets energia, Barcelona s’il·lumina, Escales fins al cel...
Sopa de Cabra: un dels grups més importats del pop-rock català dels anys 90. El Far del Sud, Camins, L’Empordà, El Boig de la Ciutat, Els teus somnis, Seguirem somiant...
La Fúmiga: pop principalment. Mediterrània, Cançó que mai s’acaba, Monstres i gegants, Primera conjugació.
Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés: a mi personalment m’agraden molt. Fan una reproposta de les cançons tradicionals, i algunes les han compost ells a partir de poemes o són covers de cançons clàssiques. Tenen moltes cançons en castellà però també en català. Jo no canto per la veu, No he desitjat mai cap cop com el teu, A la vida, Cançó del farigoler, La gent, Miris on miris.
La Gossa Sorda: Esbarzers, Quina calitja, Camals mullats, La Nostra sort, Diuen, Tres de Pego.
Frida: Volant, Dóna-li color.
Roba Estesa: Sense por, La reina mora, Viu, Una altra ronda...
A part d’aquests, depèn de quins tipus de música t’agradin et puc donar més recomanacions. Per exemple, si t’agrada el rock recomano sobretot Smoking Souls (Líquid, Nit salvatge, Vida, Alacant per interior) i Brams (Brindis, Rojo separatista). Si t’agrada el pop, doncs Doctor Prats (Caminem lluny, Ara!), Txarango (Músic de carrer, Amagada primavera, Agafant l’horitzó, Esperança, Alegre i encantada, La dansa del vestit). Si t’agrada l’estil de la música tradicional, Al Tall (Romanç de cec, El cant dels maulets) Maria del Mar Bonet (Què volen aquesta gent?, Alenar, Merhaba), Marina Rossell (La gavina, La santa espina) i Pep Gimeno “Botifarra” (Malaguenya de Barxeta, L’u d’Aielo). Heavy metal amb Sangtraït (El vol de l’home ocell, Somnis entre boires, 15 juliol 1099, Les creus vermelles). I els clàssics dels anys 60-70 com Lluís Llach (Ítaca, L’estaca, Venim del nord venim del sud, Corrandes d’exili, Tinc un clavell per tu), Ovidi Montllor (Perquè vull, La cançó de les balances, Homenatge a Teresa, La fera ferotge) i Joan Manuel Serrat (Paraules d’amor, Pare, Ara que tinc vint anys). També hi ha trap com P.A.W.N Gang i Lil Dami. Si vols, digues-me quins estils de música t’agraden més i et puc recomenar coses més precises.
Ah! I per últim, tot l’àlbum Verdaguer, Ombres i Maduixes que van compondre els Obeses. És un musical rock sobre el poeta Jacint Verdaguer. Escolta La buidor del poeta, L’Atlàntida, Sóc l’hereu, Algun dia m’alçaré, Lo cor de l’home és una mar, and La buidor del poeta. M’encanta aquest disc. Aviso que moltes de les lletres estan basades en poemes d’en Jacint Verdaguer, per tant hi ha algunes expressions una mica antigues (del segle XIX, com per exemple utilitzar l’article “lo” en comptes de “el”).
També et deixo l’enllaç a aquest post on @useless-catalanfacts va fer un recull de grups de música que canten en català classificats per estil.
Buscant aquell post també he trobat aquest amb cançons d’estils típics catalans i aquesta llista de cançons pop. De fet, ja de pas, recomano que miris tota la tag #música de useless-catalanfacts, hi ha moltes cançons xules.
Espero haver sigut d’ajuda!
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Roleplay history !
The rules are simple ! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people ). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging !
“Currently” playing :
The Graces - an OC modern Irish family
A Whole Bunch of Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tale Muses
Lucy Trevana & Co. (OCs from same canon as Kale)
The Godfrey Family (OCs from same canon as Kale)
Miscellaneous OCs on a Catch-all Multimuse
Mary Stuart O’Donnell (Historical Figure)
Emma Bovary (Madame Bovary)
Kageyama (Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de)
Want to play :
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Dr. Barbara Lake (Tales of Arcadia)
(don’t have time for more, but the want is there for all)
Have played / would like to play again :
Helen Magnus (Sanctuary)
My precious alien OCs Danny & Zucchini
Makoto Harris, Intergalactic Temp (OC)
The list of OCs I’ve written over the years is hella long, so these are just the ones I’d be interested in playing again~
Tagged by : @invelleity Tagging : @amongstmortals @runawaymun @glampiir @thefailingthief @ericbrandonrp @wikipediawoman @gnarxta @adaftoldman @theforgctten @xenostella @ltbroccoli @whispersinthcdark @gearsandlevers and anyone else who wants to!
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j'adore tes avatars ! Serait-il possible d'en avoir de Yohan de X1, avec le coloring 6 ? Merci !
Coucou ♥ Avant tout, excuse du temps que a mit ta commande à se faire, je pensais être plus rapide TwT Néanmoins, tu peux retrouver tes avatars juste à ce lien : https://bysaya.tumblr.com/tagged/kim-yo-han
fait attention, il y a le lien vers une galerie juste en dessous avec plus d’avatars, et plusieurs versions surtout ♥
J’espère que ça te plaira ♥
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🌟narcissistic villain squad
send me a ⭐️ and I’ll give you a headcanon about our character’s relationship.
candice is easily not the most selfless person around. everything in life is about her, and she quite honestly likes it that way. however, lately she finds herself doing small things for her friends — picking them up lunch, buying little trinkets that reminds her of them etc. just little things that friends do for each other. she never makes it a big deal that she’s being kind of decent towards someone, just hands the thing over and changes the topic before anyone can even mention it
the group of people at the fancy party off to the side talking shit about everyone there? yeah, that’s them. they’re not exactly subtle about it either. they don’t care if you’re standing right in front of them, candice is going to say what she wants to say and they’ll either join along or laugh with her. other people’s feelings simply don’t matter
always tries her best to make sure their birthdays are special. she knows for almost all of them they can’t really depend on family to do right by them, and she hates how familiar she is with that. so candice tries to make up for it. either plans a lavish party with all of their favorite things or if they’d prefer something a little less (which is boring but fine) she’ll accommodate. that watch one of them saw a few weeks ago and leisurely said they liked? she got it for them.
pep talks usually involve some sort of insult. it’s never anything that would actually hurt their feelings, because they’ve as a whole have embraced all their worst qualities. “you’re the most selfish ruthless person i know! you’ll be great!” shouldn’t be reassuring words to them, but they are. boujee ass double cheek kisses before one of them runs off to do something terrible.
candice hates, hates, hates feelings and talking about them. if claudette is upset about gaston and her sisters, Hans is bitching about mel or gen is jealous about mason — just know candice fucking HATES it here. she makes a big show of acting annoyed and rolling her eyes and not paying attention. but the truth is, she is listening to them and she does care. she keeps claudette and gaston far away from each other instead of pushing claudette into the one thing that hurts her most. she gives mason a hard time (ok but he’s so boring, she’ll never understand) and is willing to be terrible to any girl he’s dating. she tries to push hans to get over mel already so he can feel better. candice is willing to offer the harshest advice necessary for any of them. tough love is her method and she only does it because she cares, which in itself is a big deal for her.
@claudettebijou @hansoftheisles @hcartlessqueen
#this one kickef my BUTT#👿 i gotta recognize the weapon in my mind. (ask meme)#temp hans tag.#temp claudette tag.#temp genevieve tag.
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🌟 mel & hans
send me a 🌟 and I’ll give you a headcanon about our character’s relationship
before moving back into the muse household with her sisters, mel basically lived with hans even though she had her apartment with layla. he’d get out the shower to find a bunch of heart shaped sticky notes on the mirror with little messages to remind him she loves him. she’d try her best to make sure they had coffee together before they both had to leave for work. and on the occasions she felt like cooking she’d always blast the most obnoxious love songs so they could dramatically sing together. endless love was her personal favorite to sing with him, usually because it ended up with them slow dancing in the kitchen and her kissing him a million times. she misses it sometimes.
mel gets drunk and makes the worst fucking decisions. it’s how she and hans find themselves in a constant back and forth with their relationship, on the verge of getting back together just to call it off once she sobers up. one of the more recent instances, she calls him with the intention of telling him she thinks she made a lot of mistakes in their relationship — breaking up with him being the first. she builds up this long winding story about how they’re soulmates, and she’s such an idiot for not having seen it sooner. when he answers she chickens out and hangs up. instead she pours all those honest, raw feelings into a song that he’ll never hear. it’s on a yellow flash drive somewhere in her room and she has no intentions of ever giving it to him.
mel tries her best to make the holidays special for him because she knows he doesn’t necesssrily get along with his family now that his mother is gone. the first year he spends Christmas with the muses, mel gets him a bunch of mini presents for every day leading up to Christmas. they’re all small, sentimental things. like the sheet music for the first song they ever learned together in band, the little monopoly hat piece for his hat phase, etc. one of the final presents is a gold heart pin with their initials on it. she pins it to the sleeve of his sweater in secret and when he finds it later in the day she explains it’s because he’ll always have her heart.
sometimes mel just likes to fuck with Hans to see how he’d react. she pretends to be too tipsy sometimes and will just stand up on a table or stick half her body out the window of his car while he’s driving just to see what he’ll do. it’s funny to watch him try to reign her back in.
tried to teach him how to budget and spend less than a thousand dollars a week. hell, she’s still trying. she’s sent him so many budget friendly recipes and knows he probably isn’t even looking at them honestly, but it won’t stop her from wanting him to manage his money better even if he doesn’t really need it.
100% fought his brothers one year when they were picking on him while she was around. they didn’t take her seriously when she told them to back off, so she punched them. she’ll do it again if they ever give her reason to. Mel is a peaceful person but is SCARY protective over the people she cares about and just wants everyone to be treated well/nicely.
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