#Google Translation into Portuguese:
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2023/01/21 En su origen, el pueblo vivió de la pesca aunque sus habitantes estaban resguardados en un promontorio a salvo del ataque de piratas que surcaron los mares en la antiguedad.
Originally, the town lived from fishing although its inhabitants were sheltered on a promontory safe from the attack of pirates who sailed the seas in ancient times.
Google translation into Italian: Originariamente il paese viveva di pesca anche se i suoi abitanti erano riparati su un promontorio al sicuro dall'attacco dei pirati che in tempi antichi solcavano i mari.
Google Translation into French: A l'origine, la commune vivait de la pêche bien que ses habitants fussent abrités sur un promontoire à l'abri des attaques des pirates qui sillonnaient les mers dans les temps anciens.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Originalmente, a cidade vivia da pesca, embora seus habitantes estivessem abrigados em um promontório a salvo dos ataques de piratas que percorriam os mares em tempos antigos.
Google Translation into Arabic: في الأصل ، كانت المدينة تعيش من الصيد على الرغم من أن سكانها كانوا محميين على نتوء آمن من هجمات القراصنة الذين جابوا البحار في العصور القديمة.
Google Translation into German: Ursprünglich lebte die Stadt vom Fischfang, obwohl ihre Bewohner auf einer Landzunge geschützt vor den Angriffen von Piraten waren, die in der Antike die Meere durchstreiften.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Fillimisht, qyteti siguronte jetesën nga peshkimi, megjithëse banorët e tij mbroheshin nga sulmet e piratëve që bredhin detet në kohët e lashta në një kep.
Google Translation into Armenian: Ի սկզբանե քաղաքն ապրում էր ձկնորսությամբ, թեև նրա բնակիչները պաշտպանված էին ծովահենների հարձակումներից, որոնք հնում շրջում էին ծովերում հրվանդանի վրա։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Първоначално градът се е прехранвал от риболов, въпреки че жителите му са били защитени от нападенията на пиратите, които бродили в моретата в древността на нос.
Google Translation into Czech: Původně se město živilo rybolovem, i když jeho obyvatelé byli chráněni před útoky pirátů, kteří se v dávných dobách proháněli po mořích na výběžku.
Google Translation into Croatian: Izvorno je grad živio od ribarenja, iako su njegovi stanovnici u davna vremena na rtu bili zaštićeni od napada gusara koji su harali morima.
Google Translation into Slovak: Pôvodne sa mesto živilo rybolovom, hoci jeho obyvatelia boli chránení pred útokmi pirátov, ktorí sa v dávnych dobách na výbežku potulovali po moriach.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prvotno se je mesto preživljalo z ribolovom, čeprav so bili njegovi prebivalci zaščiteni pred napadi piratov, ki so v starih časih tavali po morju na rtu.
Google Translation into Estonian: Algselt elatus linn kalapüügist, kuigi selle elanikud olid kaitstud mereröövlite rünnakute eest, kes iidsetel aegadel neemel merel ringi rändasid.
Google Translation into Suomi: Alun perin kaupunki eläytyi kalastuksesta, vaikka sen asukkaat suojeltiin merirosvojen hyökkäyksiltä, jotka muinoin vaelsivat merellä niemekkeellä.
Google Translation into Greek: Αρχικά, η πόλη βιοποριζόταν από το ψάρεμα, αν και οι κάτοικοί της προστατεύονταν από τις επιθέσεις πειρατών που τριγυρνούσαν στις θάλασσες την αρχαιότητα σε ένα ακρωτήρι.
Google Translation into Dutch: Oorspronkelijk leefde de stad van de visserij, hoewel de inwoners werden beschermd tegen de aanvallen van piraten die in de oudheid op een voorgebergte over de zeeën zwierven.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Opprinnelig levde byen av fiske, selv om innbyggerne ble beskyttet mot angrep fra pirater som streifet rundt i havet i antikken på en odde.
Google Translation into Polish: Pierwotnie miasto utrzymywało się z rybołówstwa, choć jego mieszkańcy byli chronieni przed atakami piratów, którzy w starożytności przemierzali morza na cyplu.
Google Translation into Romanian: Inițial, orașul trăia din pescuit, deși locuitorii săi erau protejați de atacurile piraților care cutreierau mările în antichitate pe un promontoriu.
Google Translation into Russian: Первоначально город зарабатывал на жизнь рыболовством, хотя его жители были защищены от нападений пиратов, которые в древности бороздили моря на мысе.
Google Translation into Serbian: Првобитно, град је живео од риболова, иако су његови становници били заштићени од напада гусара који су у давна времена лутали морима на рту.
Google Translation into Swedish: Ursprungligen försörjde sig staden på fiske, även om dess invånare var skyddade från attacker från pirater som strövade omkring i haven i antiken på en udde.
Google Translation into Turkish: Aslen şehir balıkçılıkla geçimini sağlıyordu, ancak sakinleri antik çağlarda bir burun üzerinde denizlerde dolaşan korsanların saldırılarından korunuyordu.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Спочатку місто заробляло на життя рибальством, хоча його жителі були захищені від нападів піратів, які в давнину бродили по морях на мисі.
Google Translation into Bengali: মূলত, শহরটি মাছ ধরার মাধ্যমে জীবিকা নির্বাহ করত, যদিও এর বাসিন্দারা জলদস্যুদের আক্রমণ থেকে সুরক্ষিত ছিল যারা প্রাচীনকালে সমুদ্রে প্রমোন্টরিতে ঘুরে বেড়াত।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 最初,这座城市以捕鱼为生,尽管它的居民受到保护,免受古代在海角上漫游海上的海盗的袭击。
Google Translation into Traditional Chinese: 最初,這座城市以捕魚為生,儘管它的居民受到保護,免受古代在海角上漫游海上的海盜的襲���。
Google Translation into Korean: 원래 이 도시는 어업으로 생계를 유지했지만 고대에 곶에서 바다를 배회하던 해적들의 공격으로부터 주민들을 보호했습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: במקור העיר התפרנסה מדיג, למרות שתושביה היו מוגנים מפני התקפות של שודדי ים ששוטטו בים בימי קדם על צוק.
Google Translation into Hindi: मूल रूप से, शहर ने मछली पकड़ने से जीवनयापन किया, हालांकि इसके निवासियों को समुद्री लुटेरों के हमलों से बचाया गया था, जो प्राचीन काल में समुद्र में घूमते थे।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Awalnya kota ini mencari nafkah dari memancing, meski penduduknya terlindungi dari serangan bajak laut yang mengarungi lautan pada zaman dahulu di sebuah tanjung.
Google Translation into Japanese: 元々、この都市は漁業で生計を立てていましたが、その住民は古代に岬で海を歩き回った海賊の攻撃から守られていました.
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Башында шаар балык уулоо менен жан бакчу, бирок анын жашоочулары байыркы убакта деңиздерди тумшукта аралап жүргөн каракчылардын кол салууларынан корголгон.
Google Translation into Malay: Pada asalnya, bandar ini mencari rezeki dari menangkap ikan, walaupun penduduknya dilindungi daripada serangan lanun yang berkeliaran di laut pada zaman dahulu di tanjung.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਮੂਲ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ, ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਮੱਛੀਆਂ ਫੜਨ ਤੋਂ ਗੁਜ਼ਾਰਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਸੀ, ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ ਇਸਦੇ ਵਸਨੀਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸਮੁੰਦਰੀ ਡਾਕੂਆਂ ਦੇ ਹਮਲਿਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਾਚੀਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮੁੰਦਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਪ੍ਰੋਮੋਨਟਰੀ ਤੇ ਘੁੰਮਦੇ ਸਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: په اصل کې، ښار د کب نیولو څخه ژوند کاوه، که څه هم د هغې اوسیدونکي د سمندري غلو له بریدونو څخه خوندي شوي وو چې په لرغونو وختونو کې په سمندر کې په پروموټري کې ګرځي.
Google Translation into Persian: در اصل، این شهر از طریق ماهیگیری امرار معاش می کرد، اگرچه ساکنان آن از حملات دزدان دریایی که در زمان های قدیم بر روی دماغه ای در دریاها پرسه می زدند محافظت می شدند.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Noong una, ang lungsod ay naghahanapbuhay mula sa pangingisda, bagaman ang mga residente nito ay protektado mula sa mga pag-atake ng mga pirata na gumagala sa dagat noong sinaunang panahon sa isang promontoryo.
Google Translation into Thai: เดิมที เมืองนี้หาเลี้ยงชีพด้วยการตกปลา แม้ว่าชาวเมืองจะได้รับการปกป้องจากการโจมตีของโจรสลัดที่ท่องทะเลในสมัยโบราณบนแหลม
Google Translation into Urdu: اصل میں، یہ شہر ماہی گیری سے روزی کماتا تھا، حالانکہ اس کے باشندے بحری قزاقوں کے حملوں سے محفوظ تھے جو قدیم زمانے میں سمندروں میں پروموٹری پر گھومتے تھے۔
#2023/01/21#En su origen#el pueblo vivió de la pesca aunque sus habitantes estaban resguardados en un promontorio a salvo del ataque de piratas que surcaron los mar#Originally#the town lived from fishing although its inhabitants were sheltered on a promontory safe from the attack of pirates who sailed the seas in#Google translation into Italian:#Originariamente il paese viveva di pesca anche se i suoi abitanti erano riparati su un promontorio al sicuro dall'attacco dei pirati che in#Google Translation into French:#A l'origine#la commune vivait de la pêche bien que ses habitants fussent abrités sur un promontoire à l'abri des attaques des pirates qui sillonnaient#Google Translation into Portuguese:#Originalmente#a cidade vivia da pesca#embora seus habitantes estivessem abrigados em um promontório a salvo dos ataques de piratas que percorriam os mares em tempos antigos.#Google Translation into Arabic:#في الأصل ، كانت المدينة تعيش من الصيد على الرغم من أن سكانها كانوا محميين على نتوء آمن من هجمات القراصنة الذين جابوا البحار في العصور الق#Google Translation into German:#Ursprünglich lebte die Stadt vom Fischfang#obwohl ihre Bewohner auf einer Landzunge geschützt vor den Angriffen von Piraten waren#die in der Antike die Meere durchstreiften.#Google Translation into Albanisch:#Fillimisht#qyteti siguronte jetesën nga peshkimi#megjithëse banorët e tij mbroheshin nga sulmet e piratëve që bredhin detet në kohët e lashta në një kep.#Google Translation into Armenian:#Ի սկզբանե քաղաքն ապրում էր ձկնորսությամբ#թեև նրա բնակիչները պաշտպանված էին ծովահենների հարձակումներից#որոնք հնում շրջում էին ծովերում հրվանդանի վրա։#Google Translation into Bulgarian:#Първоначално градът се е прехранвал от риболов
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/29d533919017aa6b458cbfed6bfd8817/0a83d3dcfc008ebf-bd/s540x810/eb5dd3cfddbecbdead14de5ef8c2aa94689573a4.jpg)
#vocaloid#hatsune miku#brazilian miku#maybe one of my brazilian/portuguese speaking moots can tell me exactly whats going on here#cuz google translate was not#helpful
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Mine: Refer to me however you want!
Mike: Yeah, for me too. I think I use all pronouns too.
[They high-five and fist-bump each other]
[via @barbmine]
#Mine#Barbmine#Mikethelink#Mike#I LOVE THEMMMMMMMMMMM THEY'RE SO FUNNY#Mine funniest person alive fr#also YOOOO LETS GO??????#I didn't know Mike was ok with any pronouns#and Mine too??? that's awesome!#Also for those who don't know: Mine is Mike's wife!#They're both bi#They're so cool I wanna have a silly sweet partnership like this someday *clenches fist and stares off into the sunset*#As per usual: not a native Portuguese speaker so can't translate the full thing#please feel free to hop in with translations and/or corrections!#Though I'm pretty confident about these. Wouldn't post it if I wasn't#I'll be real idk how to translate viado LMAO#It's like. Not what google translate will tell you it means#idk imo I think ''homo'' sounds right but ONCE AGAIN: I'm not a Portuguese speaker#Poor Mine I laughed when she first posted this image ages ago and I replied to her saying it gave me a good laugh and she was like#''WAIT I PROMISE IT DOESN'T MEAN WHAT GOOGLE TRANSLATE SAYS IT MEANS''#it's all good Mine I'm bi too I am not phased lmao#I don't personally use that word but I do not care when other queer folks use it
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who the fuck is miligram
americans seeing the metric system for the first time:
#qrevo.txt#jshdfhsdgjfs sorry i couldn't resist lmao#i'll link a post i made a while ago in the comments for you 🫡🫡#it's in portuguese but google translaate is giving a pretty accurate translation so just throw that thang in there and enjoy 🐱
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Is this a bad time, Milla?
I always have time for my queridinho!
#psychonauts#psychonauts 2#milla vodello#camilla vodello#gamingedit#psychonautsedit#according to google translate queridinho is portuguese for darling :)
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a181f8d470af4cea2c2fe81927cfe5a0/a51545a5b79807b7-76/s540x810/f1b3df29ff5a72cad244e0d85e731024c74e8344.jpg)
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Had an arts assignment to illustrate a children's book of our choice and of COURSE I chose Moominvalley. It was super fun obviously-- it was hard to convert the text into PT-Portuguese though (I understand the language well enough, but speaking and writing? Impossible.),,
Here are some better-quality lower-saturation close-ups, and then how the illustrations and cover look with text ↓
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3eb49c27174acdd452dd86a840bc0a62/a51545a5b79807b7-38/s540x810/b01c9fa68d3d041489083c72758e5dfb94aef404.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a7205dde76e458f8ad47e23355001ffc/a51545a5b79807b7-95/s540x810/9eaf1d09893acbb2340cdd4dc5bfccc25ed35620.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1bb00b75d00bb8dc54334569eebb1df6/a51545a5b79807b7-ad/s540x810/7397ffdb3a98663bba2a603c311cae310ca85dbb.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fc9f55cc36589637ddb2492b47ff06c9/a51545a5b79807b7-fa/s540x810/4dc34d39e53ad24248ea7d26f56b93270b572a5b.jpg)
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#the thing under the stairs on the second picture is a momma hedgehog cuddled up to two babyhogs btw#i know it's hard to tell because everyone's asked me “uhh are those hedgehogs..???” so far#i translated little my to miminha because that literally‚ directly translates to “little mi”#IF ANYBODY WHO IS PORTUGUESE EVER SEES THIS PLEASE DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE TEXT I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING#i used the help of Google Translate and of a porch of geese friend but they were both completely useless#oh also one of the requirements was for the characters design to have small changes#that's why little my's dress is blue‚ the moomins have hooves‚ snufkin's tiny‚ etc#moomintroll#moominpappa#snufkin#little my#ninny the invisible child#sniff#snorkmaiden#snork#moomins fanart#moominvalley#moominmamma#at least i didn't have to translate snufkin's name to farisco and snorkmaiden's name to snorkina#farisco means sniff so the portuguese dub for the 2019 moomins just. made a massive mistake for no reason#and snorkina sucks#traditional art#watercolor#aquarela#colored pencil#masterpiece
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-hey Brazil wanna join our club?
-E meu amiga Argentina? Meu amiga Argentina também estará lá? Se ela não estiver aí, eu não vou, né?
-fine I guess she can join too, damn
#cosas mias#high-level talks between Putin Lula and Xi#sorry for google translate I'm learning Portuguese too I swear
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Cellbit: It’s over. I don’t have anyone else left. I don’t have my son, I don’t have my husband, I don’t have my sister, I have nothing.
Cellbit: They’re all dead or missing. Now, I only have anger. I only have vengeance. If before I was already bloodthirsty…It’s best if they prepare themselves now.
Cellbit: The only thing that can awaken any feeling in me now is death and blood.
Cellbit: …It’s done. Its done. It’s over. They’re going to understand the real fucking purgatory.
#qsmp#obligatory if i can make translation corrections tell me tag#i don’t know Portuguese and I don’t claim to I’m riding purely on Spanish cognates Cellbit vods and google translate
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Seria muito incômodo pedir para você falar um pouco sobre seu amor por visenya? 😊
i think it's so fun that despite the fact she's not the mother of the dynasty, that her line died out, everyone wants to be her. everyone wants the freedom of a woman with a dragon. i love the weird gendered implications of aegon marrying her to "shore up his inheritance", i love the juxtaposition between her and rhaenys despite the fact they both inhabit a similar space in womanhood, really, due to their dragons. i like that she did not like aenys thats funny to me. real. love that she loved her horrible son. love the blood magic. love her name too its so different from all the other targs. there doesnt seem to be a male form for visenya (viserys looks more connected to viserra, imo) she's so singular. a lot of the biggest female characters are one-offs when it comes to names: catelyn, cersei, brienne, visenya. just love her
#hopefully this translates ok into Portuguese google translate 😭 kissies<3#i do hc viserys son of aenys was named after visenya as appeasement like hercules. but thats because im a bit weird about viserys#ask#Anonymous
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Into the Storm Series Lore
I didn’t like the options of using italics or High Valyrian everytime a foreign language was spoken in Into the Eye so I got my anthropologist sister to assign languages (on the basis High Valyrian is like Latin) to the different free cities that I can use. Canonically these are now the languages in my fic:
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5564ed9d57f6fe1a7e749cc848703f6f/2962becb7cbc596f-12/s540x810/31b1fe363795d4d964abd2a74e401cd1548da6a8.jpg)
(Side note: if anyone speaks speaks the languages on the western side of Essos, I’d love to use you instead of Google translate)
#especially Portuguese because Helaena is in Lys right now#writers on tumblr#ao3#writing#creative writing#mine#writers#fanfiction#writeblr#hotd#fanfic#HOTD fanfic#into the storm series#into the eye#portuguese#québécois#Spanish#Italian#Swiss German#German#French#my apologies to all native speakers reading whatever google translate gives me
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/31b45f878da580d7f2396f4123198b50/c748b02c40800c46-92/s540x810/ef02005854aec1b9f2fcdbc558a8989fdbddd774.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/962cbae6711fc8ff966ce1173a4d5c65/c748b02c40800c46-24/s540x810/c9664c03008a18dcc685a299645dd4d419fca6d4.jpg)
What listening to Benny Goodman’s Why Don’t you do Right for three hours straight does to a mf
(no those are not genderbends, he’s just wearing feminine clothing)
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks.
#I was gonna put his thoughts in Portuguese but I don’t speak Portuguese and I don’t trust google translate so it’s just. In parenthesis#I should just learn Portuguese at this point. It’s similar to Spanish so I think it shouldn’t be that bad. Idk I’m not sure#crispy’s art#the three caballeros#josé carioca#panchito pistoles#los tres caballeros#zé carioca#panchito romero miguel junipero francisco quintero gonzalez#Not sure what possessed me to draw this??? Satisfied with the result though#I feel too embarrassed to put this on insta so you guys are the only ones who’ll see this art#Tbh you guys get a lot more than insta#I should practice more with clothes design
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-Happy Easter..💛
#hi! so.... I'm going to say something different today. just so you don't ““insult”” me and say that I say the same thing every year!/j#for those who don't know. both the bunny and the chocolate egg have a true and also christian meaning!#being that of the egg: “eggs symbolize rebirth and renewal. which makes them perfect for celebrating the story of jesus’ resurrection.”#and the bunny: “the animal was associated with easter because it reproduces quickly and symbolizes fertility and new life.”#(I took this two from a google search. being it in the PORTUGUESE version. so I just translated it.#if you want to look for it in real english. look for it!)#so... it's okay if you want to give someone a chocolate egg or something like that. give a stuffed bunny to a child or someone too.#because there's really no problem#not only because of the real meaning. but there is no reason not to give as a gift something that is also special for that day.#and it's also cute gifts!#just.. DON'T MAKE IT A “SORRY EXCUSE” TO NOT CELEBRATE WHAT THE HOLIDAY REALLY IS!#which is the resurrection of christ! who died on the cross for all of us. ok!?#and yeah.. well. I'm leaving! I hope you have a great day and a blessed easter!! love you all!💛#happy easter#easter#easter art#i'm mel and this is my blog✌️#my art blog#art#my art#my art <3#art mel#my art style#my oc character#mel creator#resurrection of jesus#resurrection of christ#bible verse
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Stiles lets Peter get closer. only because he needs to feel some kind of warmth to feel human. if Peter is getting any closer than necessary - his arm just inches from his. skin on skin in an electric sensation that makes Stiles shiver from head to toe. - he doesn't comment.
#steter#peterhale#stiles stilinski#touch-starved Stiles#i don't know why i wrote this but i felt i needed to write this#i originally wrote this in Portuguese#i had to use Google Translate because my english is horrible#sorry guys
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lets play a game
i love love love qsmp and I love seeing all these different languages but, as a native english speaker, it's getting a bit monolingual in here, so let's shake it up a bit!!
Find a qsmp post you like, art, meta, whatever, and leave a comment on it or tag in a language you are not fluent in. ideally choose one of the languages in the qsmp, but I know some of you are frighteningly multilingual, so i leave it up to your discretion.
See someone reply to one of your posts in a language you don't know? Try to respond to them in kind! how long can you keep a convo going? how many words can you learn? can you make that artist happy-cry with sentence fragments alone?
reblog this post to spread the game, then hunt through the notes or the qsmp tag for your very first target! have fun and happy language-ing
#qsmp#quackity smp#qsmpblr#if you want to translate this PLEASE DO!! and tag me so i can reblog!#we need more community engagement and i would LOVE to see more multilingualism in the community in general#i want to LEAP from my lingual comfort zone#this probably isn't going to go anywhere but it gives me an excuse to start practicing free-form french for complimenting people#and frantically google translating 'this is the coolest shit ive ever seen' in spanish and portuguese lmao
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/84a3fa507fe975f53424d77c5d242dbd/68412f55cd7e9810-ab/s400x600/a3b9a41b53e5c4406370fccc2f4ab6ba46e9ad9b.jpg)
so uhhhh I’m pretty sure that’s wrong
#note to self: google translate doesn’t understand portuguese well#when I fix it it changes to ‘Wouldn’t you have a spot for a baby?’#ducks txt
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For some reason I really want to write a fanfic in which Reigen, Serizawa and Dimple go to Rio de Janeiro out of all places to solve a weirdly complicated case (maybe the Black Opala urban legend). The client paid for all trip expenses so why not have some fun while they're there?? There is so much comedy potential in there with linguistic differences and cultural clashes. Spirits and Such's international travel...
#either they're surviving on basic english skills or on shitty google translate. maybe serizawa knows a bit of portuguese cos claw stuff#wait dimple is the funniest option for "understands portuguese”. but he only knows the 1800s imperial era version#serizawa almost falls for the false perfume scam because it depends on the victim's social awkwardness#they'd be HORRIFIED at brazillian “japanese cuisine”. why do the restaurants do that.#serizawa and reigen quickly realizing there is no way they can walk around in suits because the city is hot as hell#reigen accidentally joins a samba circle with pure charisma#they discover about the CHAOS of public transportation#I wanted to make the setting be any capital that isn't Rio or São Paulo but unfortunately these are the most known cities#spirits and such in Belo Horizonte when#anyways I have SO MANY IDEAS this sounds so fun#mp100#mob psycho 100
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