“oh, well you haven’t read the big three—” i’ve read the big three. i have read the big three.
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Sometimes I see young Robert Sean Leonard for the first time in a while and I start questioning my gender identity again. Like, do I want to be this man, or am I just attracted to him?
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therapy isn’t enough, i need to go to the woods because I wish to live deliberately
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dead poets society except a little bit to the left where the dead poets get meeks to summon a demon in latin
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"neil perry is dead" to YOU. I happen to know him personally and he actually just ran away! He ran away and now he lives with Todd and his parents and they (him and todd) are in love. He and Todd live happily ever after and Neil ends up being a successful actor and Todd ends up being a successful author/poet and they live in small-ish cottage together with a cat and two kids they adopted from a local orphanage!!
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stuff about dead poets society that keep me up at night
- when pitts and meeks are dancing to the radio, only one of them could hear the music because they only had one pair of headphones (which i just think is cute).
- when mr keating tells everyone to stand on the desk, neil and charlie stand up IMMEDIATELY. they’re the first and they had zero hesitation. the second time the students stood on their desks, neil and charlie weren’t there.
- also: neil is the one to suggest reconvening the dead poets society and charlie is the one who agrees immediately. they’re both the most eager to seize the day or gain some type of freedom.
- the warm color grading at the start of the movie vs the cold color grading at the end of the movie (signifying both the shift from autumn to winter and happiness to mourning)
- mr keating saying “only in their dreams can men be truly free” foreshadowing neils death because neil attempts to be free through death
- that deleted scene where todd says if he ever sees neils father again he’ll k-II him
- the choice to have walt whitman as their main poet of inspiration is another way they reject conformity or gain freedom. walt whitman is literally called the father of free verse.
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- Sylvia Plath, from 'Ariel'
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After Neil died, Todd probably wouldn't be able to bring himself to get rid of or use the gift. He'd bring it with him every time he moves, still in that perfect wrapping paper, keeping it safely tucked away somewhere.
Whatever you do, do NOT think about the fact that Neil died less than two weeks before Christmas and Todd probably already bought him a Christmas present he never got to open.
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the homosexual urge to start a club where we all sneak into the woods at night to read poetry in a dark cave and look at each other longingly
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if the multiverse theory is true i hope there's a universe where Neil Perry got to follow his dreams and live a content life
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Also DON'T think about the fact that Todd had to live in the room he shared with Neil and look at his empty bed for the rest of the year.
Whatever you do, do NOT think about the fact that Neil died less than two weeks before Christmas and Todd probably already bought him a Christmas present he never got to open.
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Whatever you do, do NOT think about the fact that Neil died less than two weeks before Christmas and Todd probably already bought him a Christmas present he never got to open.
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you cant hurt me my comfort movie is literally dead poets society
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“my child is fine”
ma’am your child got the same desk set as last year
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