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projectprisonerpoetry · 4 years ago
Dis-ease of Addiction
When people blame drugs and alcohol for all the shitty things they’ve done instead of accepting responsibility for their actions it’s really just a cop-out and a way to deflect accountability. That being said I wouldn’t have made the decisions that put me in prison if I wasn’t strung out and completely out of touch with reality. It was the choices I made while under the influence that ultimately led me to be where I am now. So while I am completely and utterly responsible for the shitty things I’ve done I wouldn’t have done them if I wasn’t loaded. It’s like Dr.Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. My story isn’t unique, unfortunately. I suffer from a disease that millions of people struggle with globally. Some people think its a choice but for me it never was. I suffer from the disease of addiction.
I’ve been an addict practically my entire life. I first tried smoking weed when I was nine and by eleven I was a full-blown weed head. I was introduced to meth when I was twelve or thirteen and by that time I was willing to try anything to get a buzz. It wasn’t so much a desire to get high as it was a way to escape reality. I kept looking for something to change the way I felt and eventually that turned into obsession and compulsion. Before long I was getting high because getting high was all I really knew how to do. I had years of practice and not much practice in anything else. All the dreams and goals I might have had as a young kid faded away like dust in the wind.
The only true constant in my life is the obsession to use drugs or alcohol no matter what the cost. I’ve traded the most important parts of life, time, and time again for the chance to get high. I’ve put drugs and alcohol above everything else and at times I’ve felt completely powerless to change.
I’m in prison for getting in a high-speed chase on icy roads in a stolen Dodge pickup. I got three hit-and-runs before I crashed and then stole another truck to get away. I had the entire Richland police department chasing me as I eluded them like a bat out of hell. I was drunk and strung out on method and the only thought in my mind was doing whatever I had to do to get away. I look back now and think to myself how lucky I am that I didn’t kill someone or myself. I was caught the next day and charged with two stolen vehicles, three hit-and-runs, and a felony eluding. Those were the choices I made. I can’t blame those choices solely on drugs and alcohol because the fact is there are countless addicts suffering from the same disease as me and don’t make those kinds of irresponsible, irrational, reckless decisions.
Drugs and alcohol are only symptoms of deeper rooted problems in my life and even though being in prison sucks, I thank God for the opportunity to evaluate the behaviors that led me to do the things that put me here and try to get a grip on life and learn to live with more restraint. I’m not responsible for my disease but I am responsible for my actions and the steps I take to deal with my disease. For me, it all starts with accountability.
Mark Barnett #895605, Washington State
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ombodiferenc · 2 years ago
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The woodcutter was entrusted with cutting down a giant tree. He made it halfway to the south, but from then on, no matter what he wanted, he barely made any progress. When he was advised to sharpen the saw, he shook his head that he had no time for that, and went on working with redoubled effort. By the end of the day, he was completely exhausted, and the tree remained standing. Sharpening the saw means investing in yourself. If we give ourselves attention and care, we kill two birds with one stone. We achieve what we want more easily, and we feel better in the process. #successday #budapesthungary🇭🇺 #elegantclothes #tellmystory #goodlesson #freedomday #makemoneyonlinefree #healthycoffee #organogoldcoffee (helyszín: Budapest Marriott Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmZVcPsao0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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malachisills-blog · 3 years ago
John Mayer - Shouldn't Matter but It Does (Live on the Today Show)
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artenderfoot · 3 years ago
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Hi you all! I realized I have so many new people who joined this community recently and it would be great if I introduced myself, tell you guys a bit about me and how things started and also know a bit about you too! So, my name is Vaishali. I am from India, my hometown is quite famous worldwide in case you have heard about it because of the Queen who ruled the city, Jhansi. I started 'Artenderfoot' last year during pandemic lockdown when I was at home. I had just finished my graduation. My home is old and small, so I made a corner of nearly 2ft by 3ft my work studio. Few months back, I moved to a different City and now I have a bigger studio space that I am so grateful for. I pursued Fashion Design in college, thought that's what I want to do in life but in the mid way realised I was walking on the wrong path. Being an artist was my childhood's lost dream. My college days were hard, actually I hardly remember them. There were small to big hardships, fear to even start my own thing. But I knew I will be never be ready, i just need to take my first step and i'll figure out my way myself. It might be a small brand, a small community right now, but thanks to each one of you for being here. I am just happy to do what I do now. I am doing what I love, it might small but means the world to me. That's a lil story about me🙈 I would love to know you too, a lil or more, anything you would like to share here with the rest of us🙂🙂🙃 #smallbusinesssupport #smallbusinessartist #smallbizowner #smallbusinesshighlight #smallbusinessindia #smallbusinessowner #tellyourstory #tellyourstories #tellmystory https://www.instagram.com/p/CVuNn-xr-ue/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jete-rey · 7 years ago
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De-Padme-d except for the hair, and about to head out from Awesome Con! I survived. Barely. So tired. So hungry. #survivor #tellmystory #awesomecon
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samatamag · 7 years ago
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Welcome to #throwbackthursday with Daily Samata. A board, paddle and fishing rod — it’s @mishfish49’s signature look. So could there be a better online handle for this marine biologist and fisherwoman than Mish Fish?.... go to the link in our bio and read more in “DAILY SAMATA” blogpost • • • • #tellmystory #optoutside #flyfishing #fisherwoman #onthewater #womemonthewater #dailysamata #standuppaddle #fishing #optoutside #forthebody #forthemind #embrace #rodandreel #fishingfun #fishinglife #offshorefishing #womenempowerment #outdoorwomen #life #lifestyle #lifestyleblog #instadaily #tbt #havefishingpolewilltravel (at California)
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survivorsjourneyclothing · 5 years ago
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Against all Odds! We will overcome anything challenging, trials and tribulations. I personally have beat the odds with the grace of God. Survivors Journey Clothing is built beating the odds and everything & one telling me. Didn’t work at all. Cause what God has for you is for you. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Go after your dreams and make them a reality. My sickle cell didn’t stop me from achieve my goals. It gives me a reason to keep fight and achieving those goals. I know why God put me on this journey. Here to show anyone with illness or anything to overcome that it doesn’t define you. Let it drive you to achieve your goals. If God is for you.. than who can be against you. Will be telling you my Survivors Journey story soon! Look for the video to release in June. Never told my story till now. Never thought it was worth tell. I was wrong. Though the brand needed to come first but Survivors Journey is me and I’m it. Cause we aren’t just a brand but lifestyle. One Love, - Faustine aka Tina ( Founder of Survivors Journey Clothing) #brandbackstory #sicklecellwarrior #storytime #blackownedbusiness #christianbrand #lifestylebrand #tellmystory #survivorsjourneystory #tellyourstory #youhaveavoice #beattheodds #challengeaccepted #achieveyourgoals #dreamstoreality https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5wY2GJySd/?igshid=1wqqs0hpc5p1g
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elabloggt · 5 years ago
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Nach 188 Tagen und Einnahmen verabschiedete ich mich nun von Afatinib/GIOTRIF. Wir hatten sehr gute Zeiten und dafür bin ich sehr dankbar. Heute mache ich einen Tag Chemopause. Mit Opiaten sei Dank leider aber keine Medikamentenpause. Meine Lebensqualität ist durch die permanente Verzögerung des neuen Therapiebeginns stark rückläufig! Ich bitte Euch herzlich von liebgemeinten Festtags- sowie Durchhalte- und Kraftwünschen in den kommenden Tagen Abstand zu nehmen. Herzlichen Dank. Alles Liebe für Euch, Ela 🌺🍀❤ #michaelaschmidt #schreibenheilt #krebsbloggerin #blogautorin #elabloggt #elasblog #studie #chemo #chemopause #schreiben #author #book #books #bookstagram #buchtipp #buchseite #tellmystory #story #cancer #cancermemes #titel #afatinib #giotrif #tagrisso #osimertinib #hoffnung (hier: NRW) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6X1cb_oqOn/?igshid=11cb4qpsflqpc
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thewalnutlog · 6 years ago
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In the studio at @craftalliance today. Working out the final details on my current sculptural piece. Amazing process and I’m only just a few weeks in. Have already learned a ton about myself, my art and creation process and how I can tell my story. Fascinating experience already!! #wood #woodturner #woodturning #lathe #art #artcreation #creationprocess #sculpture #latheart #makersgonnamake #tellmystory #gallery #studio #artresidency #stl #stlouis #stlmade#craftalliance (at Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WXYBTAf9e/?igshid=ly22er5j7qqz
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sherilynnmarilyn · 6 years ago
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Don't stop now Keep moving forward The power is infinitely yours . . Creative Director, Makeup Artist, Photographer @sherilynnmarilyn Model of the day @dr._runway Project Runway 17 Designer @rallifordhall . . #modeloftheday #creativedirector #spring #springbreak #naturalhair #melanin #tellmystory #editorialmakeupartist #collaboration #content #lifestyle #commercial #marketing #advertising #blackpeople #blackwealth #naturallight #igetyoucameraready #naturalhairstyle #photooftheday #photographer #makeupartist #hairstylist #wardrobestylist #sherilynnmarilyn (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvvnQeRB7Zh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13uonyhajdq4b
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bonniealder · 6 years ago
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One day… #bonniealder #oneday #allaboutit #thewords #words #tellmystory #everything #waiting #finding #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #featuredwriters #booksofinstagram #poetry #bookstagram #book #thecultivatedfool https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoFSp7Fhjl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a958p7eocgiu
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christineshimmyogini-blog · 8 years ago
The Shaman with a Store Front
Walking back to my car after taking in the Georgia Okeefe museum, I felt the lure of mystical New Mexican trinkets calling me toward a shop window. My last day there, I might as well browse one more time.
I stepped into a hallway set up to look like an adobe home in its passageways. I wandered past a life sized cardboard cowboy wielding a gun with a sign, “guns here.” About to make my exit, a shopkeeper caught my eye and my curiosity. There was a sign in his window that read tarot readings, that and the presence of several Frida Kahlo paintings hooked me. I entered his shop.
Behind the counter was a Native American man with long black and silver hair and a presence that immediately demanded respect. I was a little put off by his mirrored sunglasses, but curiosity outweighed any apprehension. I asked about readings going against the advice of my last reading where I was told as I often am that we should switch seats. He showed me a well worn tarot deck and simply brushed it away saying the information is external. He went on to offer that he did “clearings and healing.” My first thought was this;
I am strong
I am in my power
I am feeling clear already
and not so much in need of a healing as far as I can tell. But before I could object, he whisked me into the back room where he put on his shaman robe and handed me crystals to hold. With my eyes closed he spun me and breathed with me while washing feathers over my arms and legs as he spoke of the 4 elements, chakras and the earth. He held my hand to my heart and drew on my forehead with his fingers and asked me to exhale with him. Again..again! I snuck a peak through one eye when he started to play flute and I will carry that magical image in my mind for a long time to come.
He told me;
You are strong
You are powerful woman
Your energy is clear and you’re beautiful woman
Describing how beauty has nothing to do with physical looks, but with a person’s energy.
He said “your stones protect you, and you are also a healer.”
He said “I am a shaman, but not perfect. You are healer, but not perfect.” My stomach and third chakra were mentioned as not being so perfect, and then cleared.
I can see now why he wears those mirrored sun glasses. They offer protection and division, just like the stones that wrap around my own neck.
Today I drove 6 ½ hours home, energized and joyful. My week of adventure, a separate essay in itself may be credited for this. But I have to thank this beautiful Native American man too.
These last few years have shaped me as I take a new seat. I am not the woman I was a year ago, I am not the woman I was 5 years ago. In the past I always took the seat as the student and seeker, and I always will.  Even as a lifelong student, my time has come to take the other seat.
I offer dance and yoga as a doorway to discovering the potential that lies within all of us, waiting to be released. I guide women into clearly seeing who they are and assist in finding her, just under the surface she waits. I offer a mirror and help dust it off till she is seen. I guide women into themselves with tarot cards, dance and therapeutic yoga. It is powerful work and has organically evolved. Much like the many workshops that advertise self discovery, my offerings do the same.
While this is visible and recognized by only a few, I am honored that I am seen by the shaman in a shopping mall.
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It's Not My Fight
That’s what I said when the whining and crying came flooding towards me and I saw they were doing nothing but whining and crying. You don’t stand up for your rights then “you need to sit down" I said. But, when I witnessed how the violations looked with my own eyes, the utter disregard to the care for an other human being's voice in the name of vanity coupled with a misquote of a great man who, in his time, fought so that his voice could be heard and so that mine could be heard, too; anger rose in me. It was still my fight. They may be passive. That is their business. But, to see in my day that what my people and those in other cultures fought against years ago continue just because people don’t want to “make waves," because they want to be seen on a stage that is considered ���important” and one was mistaken…grossly mistaken...in his welcome speech that the plays are not done so faces can be seen (lose translation.) If that were true, integrity would have won over and care for the unjust would have been the reason for the shut down or the recasting of…you know who you are.
Angry? Do you care? Are you paying attention? More than likely not. Praise, acculdes and good reviews are what will win in the end. Vanity and money is and will remain the focus over justice and in the end destroy our country.
Don’t blame Trump when you are the fool.
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bigdeenice1 · 5 years ago
🚨🚨⚠#DOPE NEW JOINT FROM: @officialboosieig: #TELLMYSTORY OUT NOW‼‼🚨🚨⚠👍🏾👍🏾🔥🔥🔥🎶🎶🎶🎶🎤 (at Newport News, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-59aFSjCAx/?igshid=nuh4xo6io56j
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alifeenrouteblog · 6 years ago
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SNEAK PEAK . . . I will be sharing more on the blog about what this means to me. Maybe next week? When I wrote it all out it was way too long for a caption and I didn’t want to post on the blog back to back. But I can’t help but post a photo of my new tattoo. . . . . #ink #newink #tattoo #tattooideas #tattoostyle #truestories #truestorytelling #realstories #storyteller #tellyourstory #tellmystory #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #blogger #bloggersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqc3ds5AqSz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n4uarba05j7t
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