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Against all Odds! We will overcome anything challenging, trials and tribulations. I personally have beat the odds with the grace of God. Survivors Journey Clothing is built beating the odds and everything & one telling me. Didn’t work at all. Cause what God has for you is for you. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Go after your dreams and make them a reality. My sickle cell didn’t stop me from achieve my goals. It gives me a reason to keep fight and achieving those goals. I know why God put me on this journey. Here to show anyone with illness or anything to overcome that it doesn’t define you. Let it drive you to achieve your goals. If God is for you.. than who can be against you. Will be telling you my Survivors Journey story soon! Look for the video to release in June. Never told my story till now. Never thought it was worth tell. I was wrong. Though the brand needed to come first but Survivors Journey is me and I’m it. Cause we aren’t just a brand but lifestyle. One Love, - Faustine aka Tina ( Founder of Survivors Journey Clothing) #brandbackstory #sicklecellwarrior #storytime #blackownedbusiness #christianbrand #lifestylebrand #tellmystory #survivorsjourneystory #tellyourstory #youhaveavoice #beattheodds #challengeaccepted #achieveyourgoals #dreamstoreality https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5wY2GJySd/?igshid=1wqqs0hpc5p1g
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