#telling eachother theyre wrong for being like they are is just doing the same thing the oppressors are doing
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nomaishuttle · 2 years ago
sometimes u put yr playlist on shuffle a song comes up and you have to put another song in the queue immediately as soon as it comes on bc it makes you think of that song
#this is abt aura by ghost and pals Sry everytime i hear it im like a fiddle This is just like devil went down to georgia and then i have to#put devil went down to georgia in the queue#i think its a fiddle innit.. it sounds like a fiddle but im also NOTORIOUSLY bad at telling instruments apart. <- guy who once couldnt tell#if something was a guitar or a piano i actually rly rly rly rly dont wanna get into it okay.#i guess you didnt know it but i am a fiddle player too 😏😏#sry. the other thing this post is abt is kiss me and ladies in their sensibilities sweeney. obviously those r connected#but if ladies in their sensibilities comes on by itself i quite literally couldnt be assed so everytime i have to put kiss me on instead an#add lits to the queue. bc them together is like the best song i ever heard its just that the beginning of lits is just kind of boring It#does get stuck i my head sometimes but the supreme part is the end thats Basically just a reprise of kiss me#but also theyre kind of the same song anyways at least o wowww i was just typing in tempo with the fiddle that was awesome. at least on the#2012 soundtrack aka the best one talk to the hand or dont i dont wanna hear it. well i do want to hear it it being the 2012 london cast#recording of sweeney todd starring michael ball and imelda staunton. ANYWAYS!! in that one the songs lead in to eachother#ive listened to all the other soundtracks but idr if they do that.. well ill tell u the movie doesnt bc it doesnt have kiss me. which is#just so. the johanna anthony romance doesnt rly have much substance in the first place and yr taking away like. their duet together. ok....#AND yr taking away the end part of lits? the best part of that song? whatever its fine its fine.#if anybody is curious my ranking of casts is 2012 > obc > movie > 2006 i fucking hate 2006 or 2005 or whatever i hate it sm it makes my#blood literally boil im sry. i fucking LOATHE it idk what it is well i do but this post is already 5000000 years long. idt the new one is#out fully yet... i was ok with the songs i have heard but idk where id rank it yet. i should prolly check if the full things out yet omg so#me and my lampstie (way of saying my siblings name if theres something deeply wrong with you) can listen :]
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superpeeboy · 1 month ago
I wanna play the Velma Staplebot headcanons game!!
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okok so Velma is Business’s personal assistant and she is very loyal to him. . this is just in the movie and lego.com actually this is true.
I think, after the events of the movie, Velma would still be an assistant to Business! Because most of her job wasn’t to hunting master builders it was to help assist Business with scheduling (the scheduling thing is TRUE thanks again lego Velma is innocent she never did anything wrong ever…)
Business is kinda a manchild sorry but he just absolutely would not be able to take care of himself he would stick a fork in an outlet if you looked away from him for two seconds… so Velma would help him not do that. She’s still his assistant, just also in the home too. And socially sometimes too, as you can see in the gif in the beginning she is alerting Business because the camera is on them! so basically Velma is kind of a caretaker for Business.
Velma is just as bothered by Business’s unique personality as anyone else. bcuz hes an annoying old man. i think Velma has more patience with him than others but it is by no means a lot of patience. hes annoying. i think Velma gets annoyed easily anyways I think she has a bit of temper and she just feels loyal to Business for creating her so he gets to be a little annoying before she tells him to cut the shit.
Velma is effectively tfem because all the robots are made genderless. also she likes women 🤫
I think Velma has a bit of jealousy towards GCBC for being leagues more popular than her when they are both assistants for the same guy (SAVE HER SAVE THE BACKGROUND CHARACTER!! SAVE HER!!!)
Velma says “dot-dot-dot.” or “ellipses.” outloud when she is speechless. whcih is often because some people are stupid.
velma can tolerate benny and business in isolation but if they are both present at the same time its a nightmare. they do not act right.
Ih my god imagine velma sneaking vegetables into businesses food cuz he refuses to eat his vegetables EVEN THOUGH HE IS A GROWNA SS MAN
Also i think he[business] licks the oreo stuff and then doesnt eat the cookies or like hands them to someone else but they have business saliva on tjem?? So nobody likes it. also 100%. he judt piles all the cookies on his desk and when he's done shoves them into the trash cna He could literally make them with more stuffing theyre octan brand oreos but hes like. NO! NO WE NEED MORE MONEY!!!! velmas like we can always make ones specifically for you and he's all like NOOOOOO WASTE OF MONEY NONONO NO!
theyd[golfingbuddies’d] be at like at an octan mcdonalds playplace or some shit and theyd be trying to drown eachother in the ballpit and business would get mad and velma would have to drive them both home because business and benny both cant drive despite being 50 year old men and theyd have their arms crossed in the backseats and theyd be glaring at eachother and velma would be so fucking upset because these are GROWN ASS MEN
Velma is a sweat at candy crush and business asks her to help beat levels, Velmaaaaaa i cant beat level 228 on candy crush… can you help mee
velma watching tv in the living room and she hears benny in the distance saying “trust me dude, its perfectly safe to put a knife in the toaster.” she has never turned aorund so fast
like when ur brocploi isnt flavorless and boiled way too long it's good woa. imean ik some ppl like flavorles and boilrd BUT not my thig ya feel (business likes it flavorless and boiled) benny over for dinner witj business and he grabs velma’s coat like anlittle orphan and is like… can u cook sometjing Edible for me Where do uou put the seasoning in this house maam… benny asking velma for some goddamn pepper at the least
She'd[velma’d] probably lose it if they[golfingbuddies] ever had a road trip together because i think after an hour in a car together benny and business would start fighting IN THE CAR and velma would have to pull the “IF YOU TWO DONT KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT THIS SECOND IM TURNING THIS CAR AROUND.”
They[golfingbuddies] might do that thing where they fight and then velma walks in and they pretend they were just hanging out while business has liek. an entire bite taken out of his hair. ANd then velma leaves and they keep fighting
I think business acts like a cat as in when he hasnt eaten for a normal amount of time he acts like he has been starving for years, Like when its a bit before lunchtime he will complain sooooo much. GIRL LUNCH IS IN LIKE 3 MINUTES CALM DOWN YOURE THE BOSS YOU COULD LITERALLY GO GET LUNCH NOW AND NOBODY WOULD BE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT (he needs to follw the schedule. That he made up.) he goes to velma like VELMAAAA IM HUNGRY and velma's just. you-own-all-the-restaurants-in-the-area-sir
GOD JOW I HAVE THE VISION OF BUSINESS WITH A SUPER TALL ICE CREAM CONE AND THEN IT FALLS AND HE STARTS CRYING, if eel like this would happen multiple times and at some point velma just demands he can only get Two Scoops of ice cream AT MOST and then he gets so upset YOURE NOT THE BOSS OFME I CAN GET AS MUCH ICW CREAM AS I WANT.and then velma gets mad.
he gets two scoops.
(business has to sit in the back cuz he puts his feet on the dashwhen hes in the front) … i think he kicks the seat infront of him like a literal toddler. istg he tries it once and then velma does this and he never tries it again
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joerangernation · 1 month ago
Ranger friendgroup headcanons;;;;
ranger + sara: hero vs villan dynamic,
"what will you do sara- you either save the school or catch your greatest enemy!"
"...my greatest enemy? .....Shin???"
"What- no- me!"
But seriously i feel like joe is the only reason they hang out with eachother, that and sara wants to keep a close eye on the guy who likes to blow shit up. I feel like sara would be infinitely annoyed that the school does nothing about rangers constant skipping and disregard for rules, but then again, i think that might make her reflect on her own family status and how it may have factored into her sucess. Ranger would also be extremely jealous because of all the shit sara is good at, like math, socializing, sports, ect.
I think anzu and ranger could easily be pranking buddies- like rainbowdash and pinkie pie. They also probably both keep up to date on slang so the conversations are like. "Oh she thought she ate that one" "she didnt even pick up the fork" "period"
Ranmaru is the punching bag of the friend group, not just for ranger. I feel like its so easy to make fun of ranmaru. I feel like whenever ranger isnt being a complete dick, tho, they would find they share alot of views on humanity. I can only imagine how they figured out the other was a Will Wood fan.
Ranger and kugue very much match eachother energy, theyre both a bit mean with their humor i feel. I do think kugie is a bit *smarter* which means she'll think of her insults quick, while rangers take a while to come up with so he quickly runs out of new ones. Also rangers speech impediment doesnt help. But they also both have sorta grown similar ways of dealing with the fact that. They're very clockable. Theyre both the kind of kids that get called slurs by randoms in the hallway. I like to think eventually theyd get to a point were theyre like "someone just called them a f*ggot???? Only im allowed to call them that!"
Before dating:
I like to imagine joerangers meet cute would be after joe uses the wrong charger on his school laptop or accidently puts the brightness so low he cant tell the computer is on and seeks rangers help at the student-ran help desk. I feel like joe would like rangers looks immediately, specifically his fashion sense. Joe would end up feeling bad after figuring out ranger has 0 friends, ect, and try and introduce him to everyone else. Ranger appreciates these efforts but ultimately has trouble admitting how much it means to him. Joe and ranger would play videogames alot. Joes mom also would really like ranger (despite her misgendering him at first). I feel like ranger would also insist on giving joe money and things like that, which embarrasses joe alot. (Since ranger has never had money problems)
While dating:
Pretty much still the same but more flirting, and ranger would probably beg joe to hang out with him more, basically just being a clingy boyfriend. Ranger fucking SUCKS at masking his autism but he feels really comforted by joes presence, and isnt as worried about joe judging him. Theyd also volunteer at the animal shelter together!!!
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emmetofthestars · 8 months ago
king is egotistical as hell right. its hard to say. he is, but im always thinking about things besides his ego. from the very first moments that i played we love katamari reroll, he felt so much more different from katamari damacy reroll. yes, they added a replay mechanic, and they incorporated it by king asking if you want to try again - but he asks. he asks if you want to go home now or if you want to try again. its something so miniscule but means alot to me. everything of his attitude changes in we love, like hes really thinking things over now (he himself says hes, well, busy thinking about the future.) and its very strange. in my head theres still a great disconnect between katamari damacy king, and we love katamari king. from the outfit to how he talks to what he tells the prince. egotistical sure. but why in we love is he suddenly "softer"? the game over screen is in no way less violent or hurtful in either game, but in katamari he outright disowns prince, or atleast refuses to acknowledge him any more. in we love he insists, he shouldve been better. he shouldve tried harder, shouldnt have been a let down. look what youve done to the fans (our admirers! our source of validation!). the whole thing about katamari in general is how hard it is to dance around that whole line of the games tone. you cant take any of the games completely seriously, but there is also merit in what happens and what king says, and it seriously kind of hurts my brain to think about it.
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what im saying is- its hard for me to even take we love katamaris cutscenes seriously. with kings occasional fourth wall breaks, it makes me think he doesnt take it seriously either, which is extremely hard to process for me. when i got papas mask present, he hands it to me without another word, which seems to be clear he has unresolved feelings about him, but also, this is katamari damacy, so does it actually MATTER? in the game where king and queen met because they had a meet cute (bumped into eachother and fell in love)? a game depicting physical emotional abuse in what are honestly very melodramatic cutscenes, next to king popping and saying "he cant wait for the next episode"? you cant exactly say they wanted people to actually take them seriously- instead its more like a sort of story thats supposed to inspire emotion on purpose, with intent, in the sense that its MEANT to be cheesy and overly emotional. its fucked up when king cries and kneels to papa in a literal tone, but in the story its meant to be their honest reconciliation, given the cutscene right after is papa, king and queen reunited. SERIOUSLY it makes my brain hurt. i love stories but i know that to convert something like that into an actual deep narrative seems like it would betray author intent, and would also just make me feel in the wrong.
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at the same time... if im going to make comics and writing, how the hell do i translate this? king is abusive. but its clearly a result of generational trauma, nevermind being in the royal family. he has no idea how to live like an adult because he was never taught that. what with his pondering in we love, it makes me think hes starting to regret some things, but its hard to tell whats going on in his head at any point. its no wonder hes so opaque, of course. not just his upbringing influences him, but the tone of the game, because theyre not going to have king ever be 100% honest about his deep feelings- itd betray the tone of the game in a way that feels silly. like, if he would break down talking about papa, itd probably happen in a way that you ALSO cant take it seriously. theres always some element of ridiculousness in anything katamari, right? alot of things i think about. of course, i can never see something like this and not start thinking about it deeply regardless. dont even get me started on my opinions about kings outfits and his style, which i consider way too important.
im excluding any game past we love btw. only katamari and we love were directed by keita, which makes them the only accurate representations of king, in my opinion. the "king beats the shit out of prince" game over from me & my katamari is also really fucked up, but ultimately worthless, because seriously, i doubt any of the games gets kings character right after we love- when they cant even get his style of clothing right.
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borderline-culture-is · 8 days ago
BPD + DPD + Autism culture is the subtle rage you feel (and feel guilty for feeling) at the fact that your friend, who you had a weekly gymnastics class with, gets to keep going but you cant because they dont want to give you a lift home anymore because it makes them late home and worries their fiance (their fiance doesnt know that you're friends with them still because of reasons) and you cant afford it nor can you pay the insurance because its online payment and your friend can't afford to pay for that too even if you pay them back and you cant pay the insurance yet because your stupid online banking app wont fucking work and let you make an account for no fucking reason and its such a messed up and fucked up situation because that gymnastics class was the one good fucking thing i had going and now i cant fucking go and you feel like your friend's being selfish for not giving you a lift home when they could literally just tell their fiance theyre giving a friend a lift home or drop me off nearer to my house so my mum can give me a lift because she literally agreed to that do that but apparently thats "asking too much of your mum" when she fucking agreed to it?????? Like, what the F U C K is your logic here???
But gods forbid you say anything bad about that friend because you *K N O W* that their mind will take that fucking personally and spiral and then they'll leave again and you CANNOT HANDLE THAT AGAIN even though you know its the best thing to do but you're so attatched and theyre your only irl friend rn and why do people keep fucking leaving why for the love of fuck cant i just have one fucking friend stay with me why for fucks sake cant i be fucking normal why do i fuck up EVERYTHING I TOUCH???
And then instead of telling the friend all this you instead anonymously post it both hoping they do and do not see it becuase you want them to know how you feel but you dont want them to spiral and leave again even though you're both so toxic for eachother but at the same time they're the only person i can trust and ive never felt happier/more like a person than when i was hanging out with them and they're good to me until their mind starts twisting what im saying and i fucking hate this so much because being their friend feels like i can't have my own issues or find anything wrong with them and it feels guilt-trippy every time they say they're sorry but you cant tell if its on purpose, by accident or your *own* mind fucking up and twisting stuff and whilst i want to just block them and leave i also just cant because theyre the only reason i actually do stuff and go outside anymoee other than the stupid meetings for Universal Credit and whilst i dont *feel* like im spiralling i feel almost nothing but then theres also that dull, quiet rage at this stupid fucking situation because OUR ROUTINE WAS TO GO TO GYMNASTICS EVERY WEDNESDAY BUT NOW SUDDENLY YOU DONT FUCKING WANT THAT????
but nooooo instead lets fuck over me and take awAY THE ONE GOOD THING I HAD LEFT IN THIS FUCKING WORLD.
So sorry for the rant, i needed to get this anger out before i split and punched a wall :')
- 🌌✨️
Ps, BPD culture is also the album To Let Go by NWTB
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heyyallitsbeth · 11 months ago
so i let the hyperfixation win.
over the past several hours i rewatched Sword Art Online and SAO 2.
(this time dubbed, last time i watched it subbed)
here are my thoughts:
-anyone who said the dub was bad is just wrong. Kirito's VA really shines in the more comedic or sweet moments (like when first meeting Yui), he reminds me of like a Peter Parker. and oh my lord, the breakdown by Suguha's VA was just a masterpiece. Still have chills from watching it.
-i have such a big appreciation for every character. This time it really shined through how good of characters Kirito, Asuna, and Suguha actually are.
Kirito's internal conflict throughout SAO2 is so good, grappling with their actions they needed to take in SAO to survive. and throughout all of it you can tell how much they truly loves their friends and family, and how kind hearted they really are. Asuna definitely fits into that role as well, being so ready to take care of Yui and so desperately wanting her to be safe and loved and cared for.
And oh my gosh Suguha. I remember people absolutely hated her arc because it is problematic, but the fact is, it's played entirely serious, her feelings arent taken as a joke. She has a genuine and real internal struggle for feeling things she feels she shouldnt, and how she feels those feelings arent reciprocated or cant be reciprocated, and having her heart broken twice by someone who she loves and someone who also does still genuinely love her. Its absolutely heartbreaking to watch.
Man, Sinon is still fantastic. She's still my absolute favorite, and I think she is one of the best characters in the show, and pretty much steals the show from her introduction. Her arc ties in so seamlessly with Kirito's and how they help eachother heal and grow is fantastic. Only complaint is we never got a scene of the rest of the Gals being jealous about the grenade hug she gave Kirito. After Kirito and Sinon nearly died, wouldve been some nice relief so you didnt feel like you yourself were dying.
-Speaking of, while there was definitely a ton of fanservice, the pseudo-harem aspect with the jokes were kinda cute, between characters seeing flirting happen around them, getting embarassed over it, its fun. Especially when people got jealous of Sinon flirting with Kirito over Excalibur. That part was very fun, since they did that infront of everyone else, almost like they were trying to get a rise out of them. Theyre not exactly the pinnacle of comedy, its definitely a trope, but theres something nostalgic about it that makes it kinda enjoyable.
-Speaking of the psuedo-harem, guys if all of you are constantly flirting with eachother (not just Kirito surprisingly, happens between the other girls frequently) and jealous of any affection with that, just start a polycule. You're a group of gamer girls playing MMOs together and all of you have slept in the same bed with eachother. Stop snipping at eachother and start dating eachother. Polyamory is pretty cool. Kirito and Asuna can still be the main duo and be the parents to Yui and Strea; but yall gotta work on the jealousy or just do what every other group of girl gamers does, polyamory. Lisbeth you should not be angrily drinking while watching Kirito and Asuna talk. (this is mostly a joke, im not actually saying they *have* to do a polycule, its more of a joke because of how tropey a lot of the flirting and jealousy is, and yknow, gay girls do polyamory, so dont take this part toooooo seriously.)
-Speaking of girls dating girls, the LGBT rep aint half bad. Argo canonically using both male and female pronouns is really cool! Most of the girls flirt with eachother a lot too, which is nice. Between the female avatar, the willingness to pretend to be a girl, the introversion, the desire to be an avatar in a virtual world more than irl, Kirito might be transgender. All good stuff here.
Overall, SAO is honestly way better than I remembered, even if some parts definitely show its age. You gotta piece it together a little bit with headcanons, but i do that with every show, nothing is perfect. Except Sinon. And a world where trans Kirito is canon. Those are perfect.
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idealspawn · 2 years ago
so the guy im seeing came back from his trip. we met up yesterday. he told me we should stay friends. i guess its okay its just a bit weird. its funny bc i felt so bad about not liking him as much as he seems to like me. so i literally like. trained myself to get used to being real vulnerable w him. and meanwhile he, unknowingly to me, trained himself to get used to the idea of not having me present in his life the same way as i was up until now. its not too bad because it felt weirdly forced to me too at times but its like. i tend to push through that. i think of feelings like waves. i know theyre sometimes still there even when im disconnected to them. not that its like that for everyone but i dont think i believe in like soulmates for a while already. like i dont think youre supposed to feel crazy attraction right away and click right away and be comfortable w everything RIGHT away. that if sth feels wrong it might be that the situation is wrong not the persin as a whole. it just bothers be that he wasnt fully honest from the get-go. like that he said all was well when it wasnt. for me, being truly aware of eachother's raw perspectives is the thing that helps me move on, not trying to save me from hurt by withholding details bc my gut still tells me sth is off despite what he says directly, you know. he said he met up w his ex right before his trip and realized that neither me or his ex is what he wants. and that he shouldve started the convo w that but he was embarrassed. and that he feels like an idiot bc of that. he also kept repeating that he is really uncomfortable w talking abt emotions, that it will send him into a crisis. but if he wont talk abt them... i will go spiralling.. you know.. noone fucking wins. and he said he knows that so he did talk abt his emotions in a way after all after i fried him w questions to tell me abt things. i guess its maybe.. um.. good that he isnt my love interest anymore bc i really need someone who is okay with emotions, like really okay. i asked him to tell me wtf am i supposed to do now bc he has had all this time to think abt it but i havent. he is pretty self-aware. he said he knows it was a dick move to lead me on like that. but i guess i knew his approach to his past relationships so i cant blame him necessarily. its just that i used to be like him, thinking that a moment of disconnection ALWAYS meant that the feelings arent there anymore. which they sometimes arent but also a lot of the times its just a question of the perspective you look at relationships and feelings from. so i assumed he maybe too has changed bc i have changed and you know when i talk abt my past then i talk abt it.. as the past.. idk.. he also will move to brussels in not too long which is a weird ass turn of events. i guess its good he said it now as summer still lasts, i have time to adjust. its just that i literally planned him in my fucking plans already. nothing insane but i kind of assumed he would be in my life for a while more. though he still will be in my life because we will stay friends and stuff but i cant do it the same. like i cant give him as much time of my week. well i can but that wouldnt be us being friends.
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rookiegenin · 12 days ago
im so creatively struggling rn. in 5th grade i whipped out like 65 chapters of the worst self insert AU ive read in my life and now like 15 years later i feel like a sputtering motor trying to piece together 1 full chapter of a fic i have genuine interest seeing go out into the world.
i'm gonna vomit out my bullet points and i need some god damn sapphics to help me crowdsource a plot
Tenten Tsukuyomi dream expanded + aftermath AU
She/They Tenten X They/Them Hinata Hyuga
Kinda developed mutual crush after sparring when they were younger but being repressed pursue nothing
hinata has been getting marriage bids for a long time and her family expects her to do well for their status and bloodline. comphet ensues.
Tenten, logically, deals with this in a "lol avoidance is the best policy" kind of way. we're talking like post-first-chunin-exams to post-war levels of pining.
Tsukiyomi dream is pretty much the same, just going into more details. Just no Menma, it's too weird to rename only him and this is Tenten's dream
Tenten's love for their weapons. Recognizing her first attempt at crafting a blade among other tools that were probably atomized during the Pain attack. bc nothing in that genjutsu looked like new konoha to me and i want to play w them like dolls
add a bath house scene for. a dash of gay panic bc RtN!Hinata? in a bath house? with this weapon dork? RIP.
actually showing the invasion battle that the episodes literally cut through? tenten didn't even get to fight 😭
yes :) you belong here in the dream :) dont worry abt anything else :))
Can has little a genjutsu romance. as a treat. except jk your kiss having a falling feeling? yeah sorry you actually just fell. from the God Tree. War's over! have fun coping with this it's been like 3 months in that genjutsu world for you 🎉 ily tenten but imma put you through it. and by 'it', i mean the fucking gauntlet.
having to help clean up the battlefield, retrieving dead bc scrolls are lighter than corpses 8) tenten is not a medical ninja but by the end my god she can identify what killed someone at a glance.
get closer to hinata post war, both coping w losing Neji, esp post funeral.
hinata misses him dearly, visits kurenai often to talk about it. shares the comfort of sensei's reassurances with tenten sometimes.
hinata strong internal homophobia AND transphobia
tenten dreams about the tsukuyomi world and feels bad about it in so many ways. neji is very much dead this feels wrong. being near RtN hinata feels bad and weird knowing irl hinata better now.
ino pulls the whole rookie gang together to hang out and just. see eachother. make sure everyone is still breathing because theyre all kind of war torn now yk? just makes tenten sad. neji was so snarky he'd make gatherings more fun for her by muttering snippy little quips.
feel restless after the war, dont want to go on missions and try to relax but so on edge. training helps some.
also coping w the new realities of team gai, starts training longer and harder with lee, because surely going to sleep dead tired and bruised will stop the dreams. surely.
examination of tenten's lack of known clan or family orphanned during the nine tails attack maybe? lord 3rd seems great at not telling the orphans he sponsors shit so probably knows nothing about her parents.
tw alcohol abuse
alcohol Does Not help, just get more sad and the dreams more nonsensical. blurring things together until eventually end up drunk in the middle of the night at neji's grave
fucking fist fight hiashi hyuga. SOMEONE has to throw hands w this man.
hinata happens upon the crying mess, takes back to tenten's apt, caring tender moments and drunken softness ensues. gender talk?
real?neji talks to tenten in this dream. scolds them for this bout of self destruction, critiques fighting form, and wraps tenten in a hug. telling her to take care and gives his blessing for the two of them.
wtf do you mean us. whos "you two"-- oh. hhh.. ok
wake up in hinata's arms
with naruto Very unavailable (narusasusaku supremacy), hinata realizing their feelings toward naruto were not romantic but kind of an admiration.. maybe bordering on obsession, with how confident he was. im still workshopping this bit tbh?
tenten goes on a mission w (spins wheel) lee and choji. and is thinking about Other Things
unfocused in combat, falls into a giant chasm or smth idk. lost injured, teammates need to send for tracker ninja.
team 8 :)
tenten comes to on hinata's back to the sound of kiba insisting they let akamaru carry the unconscious ninja. hinata doesnt seem to want to do that. tenten tightens her hold and doesnt feel hinata burning red.
hospital waking up scene, real feelings talk, kiss, the end etc.
gay sex. hinata is really into tenten's abs and tenten is a fan of hinata's fingers 🌚
i dont own the idea so obvi ur allowed to take anything from this list and run with it.
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funshinebf · 1 year ago
oops i ended up rambling a lot so im putting this under a cut, basically its my trigun modern au thoughts for the main 4 (plus kuroneko) so yea. hi
modern au to me vash and meryl have been besties since middle school. when they first met meryl had a crush on him but then she got to know him more and was like he's kind of pathetic actually. and after her crush went away they developed more of a siblingy friendship vibe, always bickering and annoying eachother but still ready to throw down for the other at the drop of a hat. and milly and wolfwood dated in highschool and were eachother's first like everythings. and then they both realized they were gay and broke up amicably and stayed really good friends.
milly and meryl meet when they work at the same place ofcourse. coworkers to friends to lovers moment. at first meryl is kind of astonished at milly's... everything, and like she wants to not be endeared by her but like. its milly. everyone is endeared by her! meryl was doomed from the start to fall in love. and milly is equally head over heels but shes soooo much better at being casual about it than meryl is. meryl is chill most of the time but she very frequently gets flustered as fuck around milly and becomes kind of a mess. meanwhile milly just acts as sweet and silly as she always does, so meryl gets all in her head about it like ohh she probably doesnt feel the same way since shes always so calm. but in reality milly is like haha i would do anything for this small and loud pretty woman and she daydreams about their wedding all the time. and milly flirts with her all the time but meryl is always like "oh surely she didnt mean it that way! lots of things milly says come out the wrong way, she just doesnt realize how it sounded!" but milly was doing it on purpose and is getting increasingly distressed over how else she could make it obvious to meryl. eventually she just straight up tells her like meryl i have romantic feelings for you and have had them for a while now! ive been flirting with you for ages but you always brush me off! and meryl is like THAT WAS ALL ON PURPOSE? milly OF COURSE IT WAS ON PURPOSE! and the misunderstanding is resolved and they start dating. at this point in my head the main four already all live together so i think eventually millymeryl would just. silently combine their rooms. they dont tell vash and wolfwood when they do though because they dont want either of them to try and claim the now extra room, nor make it a shared space. they LIKE having two rooms thank you very much. they get caught at some point and vash gets all pouty about it but wolfwood is like thats fucking hilarious. i would do the same. great job girls. and the girls get to keep their extra room of course.
as for vashwood i think they meet by chance and have like. the opposite of a meetcute. at first theyre like oh this guys an asshole! and think thats it. but then milly and meryl start hanging out more and they introduce their respective besties, which oops surprise they already know eachother! because they were both dicks to eachother in public one time! and its awkward as fuck at first but they end up accidentally bonding over like. well knowing them they probably do something nice for some random kid and thats how they start to be like "hmm maybe i didnt give this guy enough credit, he does seem like a nice dude. ill be easier on him now i guess" and like they still love to annoy eachother. but they have found like a mutual comraderie over it. its all good natured bickering and ribbing. and they both find it entertaining to team up and annoy meryl as much as possible. i think at some point they would both just realized like, oh shit hes one of my best friends and also i think im in love with him? well we dont have time to unpack all that! and they both try to pretend theyre normal. and fail. i think they would end up hooking up after a party or something similar and freak out but then agree on like a fwb situation. and they still are refusing to confess to eachother or believe that their feelings could be reciprocated. meryl wants to hurt them but milly is like ohh meryl theyll figure it out, they just need time! so meryl tries her best to stay out of it and not kill them in their sleep. shes being so brave and strong and were all so proud of her. and idk what would end up making vashwood confess but i think it would be like, some kind of frightening event where theyre afraid of losing eachother. so they finally just go for it cause they dont wanna risk never telling the other how they feel and losing the chance to. and so they FINALLY get their shit together and kiss or whatever. all is well for them.
btw as previously stated all four of them would be roommates in my mind. and kuroneko is their shared cat that adopted them by force one day. milly is the best with kuro, shes very affectionate and sweet and spoils her, and kuro knows it and loves it. meryl sometimes gets frustrated with kuro and doesnt think kuro likes her that much, but they get along pretty well and dont have any issues. vash LOVES kuro and wants to pet her all the time but kuro is so cold to him and it breaks his heart so bad. every now and then she will show him a tiny spot of affection and it keeps him going for months. wolfwood would be like "dads with the cat they didnt want" he would act all annoyed by her and deny liking her but that is his baby and hes carrying her on his shoulders and cooking her fresh chicken to eat because its good for her health and it would be rude to cook chicken for everyone else's dinner and not include her. he buys her collars with cute bows and patterns but if any of the others asked him he would say someone else in the house is responsible. he isnt fooling anyone.
anyways thats my goofy lighthearted 3 am modern au ideas. millymeryl and vashwood 4ever in my mind palace
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bellamygateoldblog · 3 years ago
idk i feel like everyone would be so much happier if u just minded ur business and let ppl get on with who they are
#like i soooo don't care just let people do what they do and be who they are u dont need to#b making a callout post for ppl just living their lives n somehow that makes u feel victimised#just be open and take people at their word???? dont challenge ppl abt their own identity dont bring up politics and discourse#when someonr is just like. trying to be comfortable w who they are its so counterproductive and unnecessary and SO terminally online#'i wish yall would learn ur history' girl i communicate with the elders irl DAILY and they do not act like u r acting rn#knowing textbook info abt shit and acc communicating w people from other generations r two separate things#idk idk#sometimes other parts of tumblr (non-fandom) leak onto my dash and im reminded of how. ridiculous it all is#like turning on eachother.......picking EACHOTHER apart.....that is NOT the enemy its soo si so so so stupid#sowing distrust and seperation in a community instead of standing united against the ACTUAL oppressor...blows my mind truely#these r the same ppl that would callout an elder for saying something problematic that they used back then but we dont anymore#like it doesn't work like that#💀💀💀💀#u cannot b acting like this fr#just listen to eachother#b like oh that isnt my experience but i understand and i get why you feel that way#sooooo many things determine how we are and what we do the main thing is to just be. open honest and non judgemental#telling eachother theyre wrong for being like they are is just doing the same thing the oppressors are doing#just think ppl should b more mindful abt what discourse is acc appropriate and productive#what is actually worth criticising and what rly isnt that big of a deal and should absolutely not be getting more attention than the former
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beatcroc · 2 years ago
Do u think u could elaborate a lil about btb and pizza tower lore?? Thank u
oh god i'm not the most well-read on either BUT uh. spoilers for both medias i guess.....i need to stress that these should NOT be seen as like dramatic edgy series because of what's going on under the hood though, that's not the point of them or what they focus on, and it'd be a huge disservice to think of them as 'taking themselves too seriously' type things for this, haha.
EDIT: it's been a bit since i made this post and in looking around since then i've discovered i might've gotten the wrong impression about some of the pizza tower stuff. i intended to only mention what was fact/hard canon here, but some might be extrapolated anyway, so take it with a pinch of salt.
bigtop burger is, for all intents and purposes, a chill and lighthearted series of animated shorts about a bunch of college kids who work at a clown-themed food truck. their clown boss is more than a little strange and suspicious but they're content to let it slide because he's generally friendly and well-meaning; and again, the series is only really About the kids and their day to day lives, and the wacky cartoon antics that may occasionally come with that. such as, say, watching their boss slice a truck in two with a katana. it's a little weird for sure but we don't question it.
they have a rival burger truck, zomburger, which is zombie themed, and led by a guy who is defintiely totally not actually undead. the kids this guy employs are pretty into the whole gimmick [because theyre theater majors and "get paid like thousands of dollars per hour" <-presented as the most bizzare thing that's happened], and so have no issue doing things like firing cannons at our clown-thmed protags during a highway chase. their boss has some kind of serious beef with the clown boss, but that's their problem. the kids are chill with eachother.
what they're Not telling you is that the clowns and undead have some kind of ancient feud [possibly even a war???] going on, and zombie guy was apparently[?] only using the food truck thing as a ruse to get at clown guy. both types of guys are insanely powerful and it's heavily implied that neither of them should be mingling with normal humans in the first place, which is why the food trucks and the other employees have their respective gimmicks as cover. also magic of some kind seems to be real, with illusory and portal-type stuff seen so far.
there is a possible implication that clowns are Actually Dangerous and the zombie guy's hunting them is like warranted, but given this unrelated short by the creator apparently set in the same universe, i'd like to more confidently say that it's just zombie guy being an asshole assassin type and they're both high-ranking freaks duking it out in public which is like the worst place possible given their general disinterest in hurting anyone else.
aside: bigtop's lore is a lot more plainly-presented and actually meaningful to the series and the character dynamics, but as it is currently it's nothing more than a backdrop for The Hijinx to play off of so they still never really say anything too direct about it or have characters respond to it. [that said, the most recent episode could easily be considered a turning point so we'll see how things go from here]
pizza tower is, for all intents and purposes, just a funny 2d platformer game where lots of silly things happen to its really excitable protagonist and you get tons of endlessly amusing expressions and animation out of it. it feels somewhat like a playable 90's cartoon, and this is its primary charm. again, you aren't supposed to really question the framing of everything. that'd be like asking why bowser is a fire-breathing turtle. because he is. that's just how it works who gives a shit. pizza tower has you kill a big pillar guy halfway through a given level and then you have to get the hell out on a timer before it all collapses, and there's a funny little janitor guy you can get as a bonus pickup to help you out in each level. each floor of the tower has a different Theme for its set of levels. traditional game stuff. you get to the top of the pizza tower and beat up the jackass pizza guy that threatened to blow up your own pizzeria. [there's more to the gameplay than that but this is just what's lore-relevant]
what the game slides under the radar with its completely-dialogue-less style is that the big pillar guy more or less IS the tower, pillar and janitor were the original residents of the tower before it got turned into the pizza tower [yeah.], and the little janitor guy, who is pillar's brother, is generally fine with helping you destroy the place because for the past [amount of time] he's been fighting a losing battle of helping keep his bro intact in the wake of it being taken over by the jackass pizza guy, who has pretty much defiled it beyond repair for his own amusement since finding it. pizza guy cloned pillar guy a bunch of times and split his consciousness between the duplicates and made them all keep all the portals to the pocket dimensions in the tower [the levels] open. pillar guy's original body has since become derelict and horribly overgrown with.,....pizza..., and it's the last one you destroy to bring the whole thing down. he gives you a tired-looking thumbs up as you blast him off the screen.
none of this has anything to do with the protagonist, who doesn't know about any of it and is Exclusively there to beat pizza guy's ass for threatening his business. and if he has to bring down pizza guy's whole tacky-ass establishment to do that then SO BE IT.
you might notice in the larger background screenshot that the protag guy is Also being cloned in that facility. you do fight a clone of him as the 4th boss and encounter more of them in the level that background is for, but there seems to be very little concrete canon for what exactly pizza guy's intention with protag and his clones was.
aside: this isn't even touching on the other side to this, which is the weird amount of actual character depth that mr. funny cartoon protag man himself seems to have. i am not going to get into that on this post because it will make me really abnormal but oh my god dude.
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eva-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,434 times in 2022
That's 815 more posts than 2021!
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Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#lmao - 11 posts
#lupin iii - 11 posts
#lupin the third - 9 posts
#my art - 8 posts
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#i love him - 7 posts
#jigen - 6 posts
#important - 6 posts
#this - 6 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but let me tell you pisces never let you forget theyre pisces and it makes me laugh and awakens something violent in me at the same time 😂
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Had a very productive drawing day today. Here's a quick Jigen/Joe doodle since I want to continue stoking that fire. Expect more from me <3
46 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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See the full post
49 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
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@stupot I dedicate this unholy crossover to you since you were one of my first friends in the gorillaz fandom and the reason I got into Lupin. I hope you get a sensible chuckle out of this if nothing else💗
53 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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Creating the content that I want to see. Dynamite Joe is such a fun Jigen ex, I want to see him come back and cause trouble, flirting with Jigen and pissing off Lupin.
71 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Since I've been in this fandom for about *checks calendar* 7 months??? damn time flies, I think I should start making some discussion posts. Long time ago, I made a post for my thoughts on ships in the Gorillaz fandom, so why not do that again but with Lupin? I think I'll have an easier time since the main characters are all consenting adults that aren't related to eachother, so I have no disgusting ships to contend with.
I'll put the small disclaimer that all of this is opinion only and should only be taken as such. I don't have anything against any of the ships mentioned (since nothing crosses the line) or any of the people that ship them, so this is down to personal preference only. All righty, let's begin.
Right out the starting gate, we may get a bit controversial lol. Personally, I don't ship them all together, whether it be the OT4 or OT5. This is due to the fact that I don't think all of them are compatible with each other or even able to be in a relationship with multiple people. It's a cute idea though, and I love to see people's different interpretations of it.
This one is cute and kind of works canonically, even if it's only ever acknowledged as a joke. The way I see it, they may never have a traditional relationship (in this case, being lovers/maybe getting married), but there is definitely an undeniable chemistry between them. There is a clear dependency on eachother to fulfill a role in eachother's lives (a common theme you'll notice with Lupin's relationships here). Lupin needs Zenigata to give him the thrill of the chase, and Zenigata needs Lupin to give him a purpose in life. I personally think Zenigata is fantastic at his job and needs Lupin to give him a challenge and keep him from being bored. Plus, their dynamic is just so much fun!
I love this ship for all the wrong reasons. Fujiko and Lupin are straight up bad for eachother, and yet only the two of them can make a relationship like that work beautifully. I often describe their relationship as a game or a dance. Fujiko askes Lupin to steal something for her, Lupin steals the thing hoping to get *something* out of it, Fujiko betrays him and leaves him with nothing. The benefits seem one-sided, but we've seen time and time again that Lupin expects (and sometimes down-right encourages) Fujiko to stab him in the back. To deviate from that would be breaking the rules of the game or ruining the rhythm of the dance. I think there's a similarity to LoopZoop where both parties are playing a role for eachother. For Fujiko, Lupin is someone she knows she can always come back to, no matter how treacherous her betrayal. He gives her a place she can call home. For Lupin, it's the thrill of a challenge. She rarely let's him get anything from her, so when she does give him a peck on the cheek or lips, it's that much grander of an award. That's my speculation on the subject anyway. I also want to add that, for how great they work together, it can all fall apart from something as simple as a change of pace. We saw the fallout of this happening in part 5, after they had gotten married and tried to being domestic. It's details like that that make this ship so interesting to me, I just love it!
An interesting dynamic if nothing else. These two have chemistry but I don't think it's necessarily romantic. I think I view them more as rivals on friendly terms, more or less. They clearly do care about one another and go to great lengths to protect one another, but there is something else there. Lupin probably doesn't have any particularly strong feelings about their youngest member, but Goemon does seem to want to pick fights with him the most. The inner workings of Goemon Ishikawa XIII's mind deserves a post all of it's own for how complex a character he is, but I'll try to give an abridged version. I think he struggles a LOT with being "the best", and working under Lupin has maybe bruised his ego a bit. It's something he can lock away for only so long before the feeling flares up again and boils over (part 5 once more shows this happening and it is masterfully done!). In other words, I think there's a passion there, but these two have a lot to work out before they could even consider romantic feelings.
Ok here's where people are really going to hate me lol. I don't really ship them. Like, at all. I don't know what it is but they just don't really have all that much chemistry to me. The closest they get to being compatible is part 2, with how much they play off of eachother. Sadly, we don't really see this relationship in any other part of the franchise (or if we do, I haven't seen it). If anything, I think their relationship is more brotherly, Jigen being the older brother of the gang and Goemon being the younger brother. I think he does look up to Jigen a lot and likes having him around, and I think Jigen has a lot of respect for Goemon and appreciates what he brings to the team, but I don't think there's much past that. Sorry y'all.
I LOVE this ship! I think these two are super cute together. TWCFM is what originally sold me on the idea, one of the writers REALLY liked the idea of Goemon having a big ol crush on Fujiko and it was fucking adorable (even if she was like "mmkay😐" in the series lol). There actually isn't many canon moments to support the ship, at least not outright, but there's a lot to speculate on from what we know about the characters. We know that they are fairly good friends and, should it come down who he prefers to work with, he's going to pick Fujiko at least over Lupin lol. We also know that Goemon is not interested in having sex. Whether that's due to his training or personal preference is up to speculation. But automatically that is a huge difference for Fujiko with any other man she's been with. (This also deserves it's own post but abridged version once more) Fujiko is often placed into the role of sexy femme fatale, to the point where she just kind of expects to be treated like that. Hell, whether he means to or not, Lupin also pushes her into that category. So it has to be refreshing to have someone like Goemon, who she knows likes her, to treat her with respect and spend time with her without expecting (or wanting) anything in return. I think it's a relationship that could work out long term if we ever got a chance to explore it further.
I'm mostly adding this for completion's sake. They don't really interact much to determine if they even have chemistry. I think they probably have a begrudging respect for one another, but that's about it...next!
(I'm guessing at these ship names, which should speak to their popularity lmao) Meh. The only time we really saw these two interact was in TWCFM and that whole thing was yikes. Zenigata barely qualifies as Zenigata in the series in my humble opinion (and idc about the manga 💅). And anytime these two do interact in the original series, it's mostly out of necessity so...next!
Here we go! This one may only live in the realm of speculation, since again these two don't interact all that much (Zenigata is really laser-focused on Lupin huh?), but we can get something from what we know about the characters. I don't know if Zenigata would be all that into Jigen, but I reckon Zenigata fits Jigen's type to a T (if all those exes we've seen are to be believed). If things were different and Zenigata wasn't a cop hellbent on throwing them all in jail, he would probably try his luck. I've also read a fic or two where they get together out of mutual pining for Lupin, and b o y that's fun to unpack.
It's really hard to place how exactly I feel about this ship tbh. On one hand, the dynamic they have is usually one of my favorite type of ships (anyone that knows me from Gorillaz knows that I'm a huge Russdoc shipper). On the other hand, I have never seen two characters more repelled by eachother lmao. Like even when they're being nice to eachother, I think the idea of being romantic disgusts them on a deep visceral level. And honestly? Good for them! I actually like that they can get along and not be into eachother. I think that's a trope that has been done to death and it's nice to just see them be (sort of) friends. I also believe that Jigen is 100% gay. I know that's something that is open to interpretation in the canon (whether he's gay or bi I mean, because he sure as fuck ain't straight), but I see a lot of myself in him and how he handles relationships, and I'm gay so yeah :) Basically, these two have sibling vibes more than anything, can't stand eachother but really do care about the other deep down. Tell ya what though, I do like the idea of them fighting over Lupin. I prefer it to be a friendly competition between them though, rather than anything with actual visceral.
Gee take a guess lmao. Honestly though, these two are my OTP. They have so much chemistry and compatibility, it's kind of shocking! Obviously, nothing has ever been outright stated, and I highly doubt anything ever will be stated, but there's a lot between them that is hard to read as just platonic. The cigarette lighting, the fierce loyalty and faith they have in eachother, the palatable JEALOUSY Jigen has anytime Lupin so much as looks at a woman. Like, how exactly are we supposed to take this? There's also the fact that Lupin admitted Jigen is "the most stable thing in his life" and holy shit if that isn't a significant role to assign to someone, especially for someone like Lupin. Honestly, I can talk all day about these two, but I wouldn't be saying anything that hasn't already been said a million times. It's a great ship and these idiots clearly are in love with eachother.
All righty there we have it! As you can see, I mostly wanted to focus on the main five. I like Yata, but he hasn't been around long enough for me to nail down his personality or his chemistry with the gang. Feel free to discuss with me if you'd like. I really love this franchise and y'all have been lovely so far.
75 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years ago
𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 25th march 2021
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pairing : denki x gn!reader
genre : angst to fluff
themes : established relationship
request : angst to fluff hcs idea! denki hearing his S/O talk about their day and Denki being a little mad about something else that day he explodes his anger to her and he says "will you shut the fuck up? damn im so fucking tired of you". His S/O avoid him the following week even at work. Denki, feeling alone he asked his S/O what he did wrong. And then his S/O, almost crying, tells him what he did. He felt so guilty and bad and was finfing the way how to make it up to the. Thanks :)
note : i’m changing it slightly so they’re still in UA :p
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[ denki ]
> you literally don’t argue
> in your 2 years of being together you’ve argued probably only twice and that was about safety it wasn’t out of spite it was out of concern
> obviously no one likes fighting but you both despise not being able to talk to each other as normal
> you’re the couple who do tiktok dances and play stupid pranks on eachother even if it takes hours of denki bribing you
> you have date nights every other day
> so when the bakusquad don’t see you together for a week they get a little concerned
-> scenario
> today had been a particularly tiring day training, everyone was tired but denki seemed to be going hard on himself
> he was mad at himself for not being able to withstand a certain amount of electricity before short circuiting
> since you were also busy training you couldn’t reassure him or make him feel better
> as soon as training ended denki headed to his dorm room laying face in his pillow
> you had arrived a little after him with mina and since he wasn’t playing video games downstairs you figured he’d probably be showering or something
> “hey denks” he just made a grunting noise as you sat on the bed
> “it was kinda fun seeing how far everyone could go with their quirks, oh and at one point i went against mina and her new moves are so cool, i wish i could’ve used that move you helped me make but there weren’t many chances to use it”
> you looked back down at the blonde his head was still in his pillow, you nudged him a little “how was your day love” you laughed a little at hid position
> “oh i think i saw you fighting against kiri you were doing so-”
> “do you ever shut the fuck up, i’m so damn tired of you y/n” he turned over slightly staring at his ceiling
> “what-” you were confused he’d never snapped like that
> “god you’re so annoying” he interjected you scoffed not wanting him to see you upset
> “right, you won’t be saying the same thing when you’re begging for my attention”
> he hadn’t really caught your words, he didn’t even realise what he had said
> when you got back to your room you overthought it a lot how long has he thought that about me, did we just break up
> you knew you were overthinking but that didn’t stop you from crying about it fuck has he really thought that shit about me from the beginning, that he’s tired of me, that i’m annoying
> you avoided him like the plague that night, you didn’t go downstairs much and usually you kept your door unlocked so he can sneak in but you locked it
> it hurt a lot knowing he thought that about you
> you went downstairs to grab a drink kirishima bakugou and sero were sat playing video games
> “hey y/n are you gonna play tonight?” you shook your head and walking over to him to see what theyre playing
> “you okay? you look tired” well i am tiring apparently
> “yeah sorry, just tired” you lied
> “oh in that case you should rest!” you smiled at the redhead nodding at his words
> “oh and y/n kaminari seemed worked up when we sparred earlier is he okay” you winced a little before pretending to have not heard them
> you opened the door of your room and struggled holding your water phone and books
> “hi sunshine” a sleepy voice that usually made your heart race except it made your heart rate speed up for a different reason
> you quickly closed the door and locked it sighing
> “y/n? what happened? is this one of your pranks you’re not getting me back by locking me out”
> the next day you woke up slightly earlier than usual, denki usually woke up late anyway so you took your time
> you walked to your class with bakugou and kirishima and sat in your usual seat
> when denki arrived he was a little confused since you hadn’t stumbled into his room at 6:30am and cuddled him until your alarm went off
> you didn’t have breakfast with him or walk to class with him
> you hadn’t even looked at him this morning and it scared him
> he wanted to talk to you but aizawa walked in making everyone sit in their seats
> for sparring partners you paired with bakugou since your quirks are pretty compatible
> during your sparring session you had pinned his arm behind his back which meant he fell on you since you were both so unbalanced, he had his arms on the ground caging you beneath him
> the electric type stared in jealousy wait is this why they’re acting weird? because they want to leave me for him
> fucking dumbass no just don’t hurt my feelings🌝
> you sat with the dekusquad since you’re friends with all of them
> it wasn’t too weird to others since you and the deku squad are pretty good friends
> you successfully ignored him for another school day but there was still the dorms
> “oi dumbass we’re doing movie night you comin” you smiled at the blondes softness towards his friends “sorry i’ve got uh homework”
> “uh homework?” you glared at him “you know what i mean”
> he rolled his eyes before going back to your friends
> denki watched from afar he wanted to make you smile, he wanted to do that so why weren’t you letting him
> “y/n” you froze a little hearing his voice so pleading but you shook it off and went to your room
> the next couple days were hard you didn’t know where you stood with the boy and you were honestly afraid to find out
> denki had tried to talk to you but everytime he did have the chance he chickened out afraid you’d say you don’t want him anymore and that terrified him so much he couldn’t think about it without tearing up
> it had been about a week since what happened and everyone noticed the atmosphere
> you both looked miserable and you wouldn’t be caught in the same room together
> “oi y/n open up, Now dumbass” you groaned letting the blonde in
> “what the fuck is going on with you and dunce face?!” you sighed
> “i’m not exactly sure” that wasnt a lie, you don’t really know where you stand with him
> “explain”
> “i went to his dorm as normal and he told me i was tiring and annoying and asked if i ever shut up.. it may not seem like much since you say that all the time but it’s the way he said it, he said it with so much hate, just didn’t feel great i guess”
> “just suck it up and talk to him, you don’t know what he’s thinking so find out”
> “and what if he wants to leave me”
> “then fuckin let him if things are meant to work out they will, besides i’m not doing this out of kindness, you’re uh not at your strongest during training so”
> you smiled a little hearing the blondes excuses for caring about his friends
> just as you let bakugou out denki watched and looked at the ground feeling tears in his eyes
> your eyes widened a little as he pushed open the door letting himself in
> “i don’t know what i did but you could’ve broken up with me before dating him you know!”
> you furrowed your eyebrows holding back tears
> “is that some sort of fucking joke denki?, you can’t tell me i’m tiring and annoying asking me if i ever shut up and then accuse me of cheating when that was very clearly your way of telling me to fuck off”
> just as he was about to ask what you meant he remembered what had happened that day, he was so tired and caught up in his own anger that he had forgotten
> “what the fuck, y/n i’m sorry i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to say any of that.. i shouldn’t have accused you of anything or taken it out on you” he let a tear slip out staring at the ground
> you thought about it and scolded yourself for overthinking so much
> “can we be okay y/n.. i love you even if i don’t deserve to”
> you sniffled a little at his words before smiling “do that again and i’ll fucking gut you”
> he jumped towards you with a grin on his face engulfing you in a hug
> “i missed this, i missed you so much baby”
> you nodded into his neck “me too”
Tumblr media
A/N : pain only pain, i barely see any denki angst to fluffs so i’m here feeding my people😫
taglist : @todoroki-shoto-is-life @blazedbakugou @luluwiie @blue-gold-demigod-clouds @gazelle-des-pres @gaysimpsstuff
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milkacchan · 4 years ago
Request for anon: Hi! Could you write hcs for poly bakusquad with a quirkless reader who has a serious independent streak but has recently been a target for villain attacks and got injured, but refuses to rely on anyone and tries to ignore their pain and take care of everyone else, please?
This is gonna be a little angsty
• First- it annoyed bakugou that you, someone /quirkless/ made it into the hero class
• On pure fucking spite and anger alone
• You didn't even particularly want to get in to UA
• It was just something you chose to prove someone wrong about
• and it fucking aggravated him- more than aggravated him
• Inspired Deku though, he hated that even more
• and he isn't surebhow- but he ended up talking to you and suddenly you're part of his friend group and he's /okay/ with that
• that irks him too.
• and a lot of things are uncovered when y'all are friendly w eachother
• and they learn pretty fucking fast about your independent streak
• and when you all started dating (crazy how they managed that) they thought it might go away- only it didn't.
• You never asked for help, regardless of what it was- you'd handle it on your own.
• You got hurt during training? Don't worry about it, I'm fine.
• Failed a test? You'd disappear for a few days to study and retake it.
• Didn't know what you were doing in a particular subject? You'd teach it to yourself.
• Aizawa had heard the words 'help' ONCE and he was limited to the help you'd allow him to give you .
• You trained your ass off everyday, you worked hard in school, you took no shit- it was obvious you felt like you had something to prove.
• Bakugou felt like he was a partial reason for that and it made him feel like shit.
• He wasn't exactly the kindest to you when classes started in first year.
• But he was concerned.
• They were all concerned.
• recently, you'd been stressed out. They could tell, even if you weren't giving them signs.
• On top of that, you'd become a big target for villains and no one knew why.
• it seemed like both you and midoryia were a magnet for assholes in masks
• And they tried talking to you about it, they do.
• Denki brings it up, he's holding your hand, Kirishima is threading his fingers through your hair and Seros behind you, holding your waist. Mina is in between your legs, resting her head on your chest and bakugou is at the end of the bed.
• And Denki asks if you need help- whether its coping with it- or dealing with it while its happening- or trying to figure out /why/ they're attacking you
• and you blow him off "it doesn't matter, i'll deal with it if it happens again."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when." Bakugou glares.
"Okay, then when it happens again, I'll deal with it."
"That's fucking stupid," he growls.
Kami squeezes your hand gently. "Maybe we should have a plan-" he glares at Bakugou.
"I was fine last time. Don't do this."
"Do what? Offer fucking help?" Bakugou snaps and Mina cringes. She grips your shirt. She knows what's going to happen, she knows you're going to stomp off to think- it could be a few hours or it could be days. Sometimes, if she held something on you, you'd stay. She hoped this was the case.
"Your fucking pity." You seeth. "I don't need it. I can take care of myself."
"Baby we didn't-" kiri starts but you're already sliding off the bed.
"Babe," Sero looks at you. "please come talk about it,"
You say nothing, and let the door close behind you.
"Fuck." Mina sighs
• Its 2 days.
• 2 days before you resurface, calm and collected, like nothing happened.
• but you're busy- you're training harder. Much harder, you're pushing yourself past your limits and its obvious
• they were already impressed. Theg already knew you could take care of yourself. Why couldn't you see that?
• you push and push and push
• and they don't see as much of you
• when they do see you at the end of the night, you always look exhausted
• and you put on the same fucking front each time
• you smile and laugh and kiss them goodnight but they can see you're in pain
• they don't even get a chance to talk about it with you
• because the next thing they know
• theyre in another attack and youre in the center of it
• You're fighting and you're holding him off but you aren't going to last much longer
• You were tired from the day before- you hadn't gotten proper sleep- and he was strong
• It's all kind of a blur, really, you're thrown a lot, youre bleeding
• he had you by the neck at the end, you were clawing at his hands and he was laughing
• your mates weren't exactly in the best shape either- after all, the attack had happened in the middle of the night
• A strong kick to the center of his nose seemed to do the trick. There was a sickening crack and his hand loosened and he fell back.
• When you regained youre senses you froze- he wasn't breathing.
• you /killed/ him.
• Your stomach churned and suddenly all the pain you felt increased ten fold.
• You scrambled to stand up, Mina was the first one you saw and you fell to your knees in front of her, cupping her cheeks. "Baby? Baby you okay?"
"M fine, but you're not, that's a lot of blood." She looked up at you her eyes wide. "Baby that's a lot-"
"I'm okay, I promise."
• She wanted to yell and scream and you, she wanted to hit you and telling to just accept help but you'd already stood up, moving to look around for the others.
• Denki was next, you met him with a hug and a short but desperate kiss. "You okay?" You whisper, brushing your thumb over his bruised cheek. Mina was behind you now, gently brushing her fingers through the blondes hair, but she stepped away when she saw Kiri and Bakugou.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," he smiked softly.
"Eiji? Katsu?" You mumbled.
"They're okay, they're fine. You don't look so good though."
"M- M okay.." you mutter. Youre tired now. Standing here is nice. You're dizzy- Ashido was right. That was a lot of blood.
Your eyes close and your weight falls.
"Hey- Hey- Jesus! Guys! Katsuki! I don't- I can't tell if she's breathing-"
• You wake up in the hospital 2 days later.
• Mina's in the bed with you, hand thrown gently over your thighs. Sero and Denki are on the left side, heads down, eye's closed and arms over your shin.
• Kiris got your left hand in his, another hand in Minas hip.
• Bakugous on the right side, arms crossed and head down.
• and youre confused because why the fuck are you here?
• what happened?
• you miss Katsukis voice next to you when it all comes back
• and you can't help but scramble to sit up and suddenly you can't breathe
• youre not sure how long you zoned out, but when you finally get back, there's two nurses
• ones replacing and IV bag
• and the other is checking your tempature, you think.
• theres another needle stick in your arm but you can't pay mind to it right now.
• the warmth around you was gone and you desperately wanted it back.
• they weren't in the room anymore
• and when the nurses cleared the room, the tears spilled over.
• your brought your hands to cover your face and your head fell back.
• five minutes? 10 minures? Later there was a gentle tap on your shoulder
• it was ashido
• your arms were around in her seconds
• "You okay?" She whispered as the others took their spots around the bed.
"No," you shook your head. "I killed him- and and I could've gotten you guys hurt because I didn't listen," your breathing had started to get faster again.
"Hey, it's okay. Just breathe," she soothes, thumbs stroking your cheeks.
"I can't- I- fuck /help me/-" you gasp out
• It takes awhile, but they managed to calm you down.
• Ashido just holds you, she lets you cry, and Kiri reminds you that you're okay
• they do most of the comforting usually
• when you're breath has finally started to even out, and you can feel the pain again, you know you'll be asleep soon from the pain meds.
"How bad was it?" You whisper, hands still gripling Minas shirt.
"Bad." Katsuki spoke. "You stopped breathing when we got you here."
Sero rubbed his face. "You needed a blood transfusion. They weren't entirely sure how it was going to end."
"You were...you were just standing in my arms and then you weren't moving. And then you weren't answering-" denki breathed. "There was blood everywhere."
"What about you guys?"
"Can you just stop?" Katsuki groaned. "Can you just let us worry about /you/? Let us help. Don't ask about us. You almost /died/ and your only fucking thought is us. Why?" He was crying, head down, hands gripping his pants.
"He's got a point. It's okay to ask for help," kirishima whispers. "So why don't you?"
• you're quiet for a few moments.
• do you go into detail.
• or do you dodge the question.
• ultimately, the fear of losing them outweighed any shame you would have felt
• "its hard not having a quirk." You mumble, eyes down. "Quirks are practically currency. And power is highly valued. I don't have that. I don't have any of that. I'm in a constant risk of being replaced and if I ask for help, they know I'm weak. I can't ask for help."
• And they all feel their hearts shatter a little bit.
• Bakugou had poked fun at you for quite some time in first year for not having a quirk.
• and Denki wasn't much better- neither was Sero. They'd make jokes about how fast you'd drop out.
• Bakugou would break a little bit, reminding you that you weren't weak. You still being alive was proof of that.
• and slowly
• slowly you get accustomed to ask for help.
• its not necessarily with words- sometimes they ask and you just nod
• or you ask in your own way.
• youre independent streak remains- but its not as bad.
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peanut-butter-parkerxx · 4 years ago
meeting the fam
where y/n meets the peters second family (the avengers)
pairing: peter x fem!reader
status: just started dating
its been 3 weeks since peter and y/n started dating, they've been friends since august and after 5 months of knowing eachother, he FINALLY asked her out in new years, which couldn't be any perfect than what y/n imagined.
Peters been talking to Mr Stark about y/n the minute he had the chance to, one day Sam heard Peter not so subtly talk about his new girlfriend to his mentor.
"oh Mr Stark, she told me that she NEVER watched Star Wars because she never had somebody to watch it with, she said she knew she'd like it but she needed someone to fangirl with" Peter explains with his hands in the air while tony is fixing a device.
"and my stupid ass said I can fangirl with you, coz I'm like a Star Wars geek, and after I blurted that out, I thought she'd ditch me for good, but she didn't, YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID? she said she likes a man who's not afraid to say what he likes! I knew then that we would be somethin-"
"yOu lIkE a gIRl?" Sam blurts out cutting peter off.
and suddenly Thor comes behind Sam "since uh *puts a finger up* when?" *A/N: see what i did there ;)* peter looked at Thor confusedly.
"no guys, they're dating keep up" Tony says not looking away from his work
"ThEyrE DaTiNG??" they both scream, eyes wide, and mouths parted slightly.
"is it that hard to believe I have a girlfriend?" peter asks suddenly offended
"who has a girlfriend?" Steve finally entered. Sam and Thor wanted to explain the what they call 'miracle' but before they could say anything:
"peter, you old Capsicle" Bucky out of nowhere buts in.
"how'd you know?" Sam asks
"lets say the walls between the lab and mini kitchen is verrrry thin" Bucky replies stretching the 'really', peter looked at the floor blushing madly, walking slowly about to leave the lab
"now where do you think you're going, tell me more about your little Juliet, Romeo"
Peters POV
so last Saturday I was LITERALLY being harassed with questions regarding me having a girlfriend, and to shut them up about it I had to introduce them to her, which is a bit nerve-racking, but hopefully y/n agrees.
I was in the elevator trying to figure out a way to tell y/n about the news. The elevator dinged and I kept whispering different sentence trying to find the right one to use.
I took the keys out of my pocket which makes a loud jigly sound since the floor is empty and makes every noise echo, but before  Iunlock the door, it swings open revealing a very happy y/n jumping at me crossing her legs around my torso and smothering me with light kisses all over my face and neck which makes me laugh.
"well hello to you too" i laugh, kissing her nose and she laughs.
"we can use words later, now i want AFFECTIONNNN and CUDDLESSS" she screams running to my room.
"use words later huh?" I smirk putting my keys and wallet on my desk.
"not like thaatttt, what happened to the innocent shy peter?" she says slapping my arm.
"he became more comfortable with his girlfriend?" he replies shrugging his shoulders, which made y/n/n smile, knowing I'm more comfortable with her now then before.
after taking my jacket off, she immediately grabs me and pulls us to my bed. I snuggle to her side wrapping my arms around her lower stomach while she plays with my hair and kisses me once in a while.
"happy?" I mumble since my face is close to the fabric of her, well my hoodie.
"very" she mumbles in my hair
y/n's POV
I lowered myself so I can cuddle peter more, I swung my right leg over his torso and snuggled my head to his chest more, so now he would prep me with kisses all over my face or whisper things to my ear, after a few minutes of silence peters calls my name
"yeah?" I reply looking up to see him clearly, his lightly freckled face, and brown doe eyes shining from the little light coming from his lamp, he looked...nervous? I tilted my head confused to why he would be nervous right now
"babe what's wrong?" I ask, both of us sitting now
"uhh" he would still blush and stutter when I give him a pet names, I giggled softly which made him focus again.
"I was talking to Mr Stark the other day..about..you and I didnt know Sam heard me, but he did then basically the whole compound knew I had a girlfriend, I-I tried to make them stop bombarding me with questions about us buttheywouldonlystopifiintroducedyoutothemsonowtheyexpecttoseeyoutomorrow" he blurts out nervously, he obviously looked scared of what I would say but then he continued "AND I know we've only dated for 3 weeks now and its too soon but I couldn't stop them-"
"PETER! its ok I'd love to meet your second family" I say smirking in the end and he blushed. I was obviously nervous, its the AVENGERS for Thors sake, but he was too nervous I didn't want to cause more pressure for him.
"o-ok! so you're ok with meeting them tomorrow?" he makes sure.
"yess, definitely" I say smiling, he looked at me happily and lunged at me kissing all over my face.
"you *kiss* are *kiss* the *kiss* best" he says looking at me adoringly, and then we carried on cuddling which lead to me sleeping at his place.
I woke up to peter humming a song while touching my hair ever so lightly, I opened my eyes and saw probably the most handsome morning face I've ever seen.
"good morning" peter says with his raspy morning voice, he hates his morning voice he says its 'too manly' but I think its pretty hot.
"morningggg" I reply with a cheery tone, I wiggled out of his grasp which only made him hug me tighter, "pete, I need to stretch my limbs are stiff from the same position all night!" I giggle, then he finally released me from his comforting embrace.
suddenly peter had a sugar-rush-like energy and lunged out of the bed, did a couple of stretches in a funny way and went to greet his stunning aunt with a kiss on her head, before I went to greet aunt may I changed to something lighter than his hoodie, HIS SHIRT!
After changing, I went to the kitchen, greeted aunt may, and hugged peter from behind "you lookin sexy today" I whispered to hiM trying to make him blush, which worked!
"y/nnn" he whisper shouted, and hid his face.
"now would any of you like to explain why my nephew is very happy today? or is it just because his girlfriend spent the night?" may smirks. oh she definitely knows how to make peter blush.
"oh *laughs* I'm meeting the avengers today!" I say jumping slightly, may was freaking out with me and we started actually jumping up and down, while peter stared at us laughing
"well c'mon we're eating breakfast there!"
while we were walking to the compound peter sensed my nerves and held my hand reassuringly, I gave him the 'thank you' look and he smiled in return.
once we entered the compound, the cool air brushed my face lightly, there were little squeaks coming out from our sneakers while we're walking, but then peter stopped and looked at me smirking.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y?" peter asks softly.
"yes Mr parker?" the A.I replies and I was completely blown away.
"where's Mr Stark and the others?"
"Mr Stark is in his lab and the rest are in the main living room"
"ok thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y...OH and meet my girlfriend y/n" he says
"well hello there Mrs Parker" F.R.I.D.A.Y says, I looked at peter confusedly and he had the same expression and cheeks turned crimson red.
"uh hey F.R.I.D.A.Y" I say waving awkwardly to no one.
"uhm F.R.I.D.A.Y? who programmed you to call y/n  M-Mrs Parke-er ??" peter asks clearly embarrassed.
"mister stark did, along with Natasha and Sam" she replies.
"god I'm gonna kill the-"
"Pete its ok" I laugh, rubbing his arms lightly.
once we entered the main living room everyone stopped what they're doing and looked at us
"h-hey guys..uh this is my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n" peter awkwardly introduces me, the room went dead silent, no one was talking they just stared right into my soul the suddenly after a few seconds everybody spoke loudly at the same time trying to introduce themselves first.
"oh my god hi hun! I'm Wanda"
"hello there lady y/n, I am Thor the god of thunder, its a pleasure to meet you"
"oh Don't go all princely on her, she's our cinnamon rolls girlfriend, I'm Nat by the way" she winks
"the name's Clint, also known as Hawkeye"
"James Buchnan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky, doll"
"Steve Rogers *shakes my hand* welcome to the family"
once everybody introduced themselves, peter kept searching around the room, looking for someone, everybody was trying to get to know me more, asking more intimidating questions, but I couldn't pay attention because he looked worried.
so I took his hand softly and rubbed my thumb over his knuckles trying to get his attention, once he looked at me I gave him the 'what's wrong' look.
"hey guys, do you know where Mr Stark is?" Peter finally spoke, bingo he wanted to introduce me to one of the most important people in his life, pressureee, hopefully I could live up to Tony's expectations and he would approve of me,
"he's in his lab" Bruce spoke, pointing at the third door in the hallway.
Once we got to the door, Peter looked at me reassuringly and kissed my head trying to ease my nerves, I gave him a nod telling him I'm ready and he opened the door.
"M-Mr Stark?" peter said, which grabbed Tony's attention, he looked at Peter then his eyes landed on me, he stared at me for a couple of seconds like he was analysing me, then a small smile formed on his lips, That's a good sign, right?
"y/n, its great to finally meet you" he says shaking my hand.
"hello Mr Stark" I say, not knowing what to call him yet so I just decided to be respectful and call him 'Mr Stark' like my boyfriend.
"oh please not you too, call me Tony" he says.
"Tony, love birds breakfast is ready! c'mon Thor's already eating half of the pancakes- wait THOR THOSE ARE FOR Y/N GODDAMNIT" Sam shouts, panicking which makes me laugh a little, tony looked at me, then at peter like he's telling him he approves, which gives me a sense of relief.
when we got to the LARGE dining room everyone was sat in their seats waiting for us three, "finally! the son got his approval from his father!" Sam joke in his awfully attempted baby voice.
"Our baby's all grown up" Wanda says giving him grabby hands to hug him, Peter was madly blushed from embarrassment but still gave Wanda her hug
"wait I want a hug!" Nat interrupts.
"me too!" Thor said, trying to embarrass peter more, which definitely worked. I couldn't help my self from grinning, I loved how the avengers, showed him this much affection.
"well, *stands up from his seat* I wanna hug y/n" tony says in a matter-of-a-fact tone, moving from his chair and hugs me, I obviously hugged back smiling.
"wait- I WANT TO HUG Y/N"
"guys guys, *giggles* stop harassing my girlfriend with affection I think tha'ts MY job" Peter says giving me big hug, kissing my head, I hid my red face in the crook of his neck.
"thank you" I whisper softly
"for what ?" peter replies
"for trusting me to see the most important people in your life, Aunt may, Ned, MJ, and now the Avengers! thank you" I say kissing his neck.
"oh no its the PDA! please don't tell me you guys are THAT type of couple" Bucky says making fake gag noises, which is later interrupted by Steve
"what's PDA?" he asks genuinely curious, Peter face palms and shakes his head
"welcome to the family"
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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hello-yue-here · 4 years ago
Yuetara, zukka, and maiko
1) its not one of my main ships. i dont rlly read fanfic for them but if i see a cute fanart of them ill enjoy it and i think i first started shipping it because of good fanarts for them.
2) i like yuetara because of how similar they are. theyre both women from the water tribe. they both understand the misogyny that they have faced. and they both said f sexism im gonna be a strong woman. i also love the tui and la parallel. moon spirit and ocean spirit parallel COME ON. YUE IS THE MOON. KATARA IS THE MOST POWERFUL WATERBENDER. THEY ARE THE OCEAN AND THE MOON. the push and pull they could give eachother. that dynamic ftw.
3) i guess if i didnt like something about this ship would be the fact that if i read a fic or see a fanart w yuetara then than means in that particular au i wont get any yuekka and yuekka is probably my second favorite ship. but then again if i get yuetara than i could get a plethora of other sokka ships to go with it so my sadness disappears in like two seconds. gosh shipping is hard sometimes until you remember ‘hey i have like fifty different universes in my head. all ur ships can coexist in ur brain olivia’ other than that i really see no downsides to this ship. maybe i wish it had more content. maybe if it had more content id ship it a lot more but its not one of the more popular ships so the content is kinda few n far between on my feed.
1) my boys. my babies. my loves. i watched this show for the first time when it came out on netflix and when it ended i really didnt ship anything other than kataang. i came onto tumblr to find fun atla content and one of the very first things i saw under the atla tag was zukka content. i was like oh? whats this? zukka? interesting... i was intrigued so i found a list of fic recs and i fell in love with the ship. the rest is history. its probably my number one ship because it was my very first ship here and im nostalgic
2) oh boy there is so much i like about this ship. i relate to a shit ton of characters in atla. but sokka and zuko may be the ones i relate to most. i relate to sokka because i tend to feel second best a lot to my friends. i try to stay positive but things rarely go the way i plan or hope for them too and while im happy for my friends and their achievements i oftentimes find myself thinking why cant that be me? and i see this a lot in sokka especially in sokkas master. i dont feel special a lot and idk seeing sokka feel the same way and then realizing he is special kinda helped me realize that im special too. on the flipside i relate to zuko because i have wild anger issues and difficulty dealing w my emotions a lot as well. i get broody and short tempered and insecure very often and i tend to push people away and i refuse to ask for help (the amount of teachers and adults and therapists who have told me its okay to ask for help ur not any weaker because of it is astounding. do i listen to them? .....im working on it.) and i saw a shit ton of this in zuko. book one and two zuko rarely asks for help as seen in the blue spirit and zuko alone and he pushes away uncle so many times and even when the gaang iffers to help him in i think its the chase he tells them to leave. when he finally has his redemption and joins the gaang and lets them kinda become a better person i was so happy. i want that for myself yk. seeing him finally win the agni kai and overcome his family that always told him he was nothing was such a win. my sister and i get along but when we were children we were very much like zuko and azula. it was extremely competitive all the time and there was so much toxicity and sibling drama to a concerning extent. we get along great now which im very happy about but yeah their sibling relationship hit a lil too on the nose for me. seeing as i relate to these character so much and want them ti be happy i want to live vicariously through them so seeing them together is amazing for me to project into them. i love projecting onto fictional characters and with them i can project onto BOTH so its a winwin. plus so many zukka fics are so well written and heartwarming and heartbreaking and emotional and fluffy anf UGH the talent here us astounding.
3) what do i not like about the ship? again the list is long. oops. mainly the toxic shippers. there are so many toxic zukka stans that sometimes make it hard for me to enjoy this ship but hey! thats what the block button is for:) i despise how often people infantilize zuko and completely ruin his character for the sake of making him a soft weak lil boy who needs protecting. thats just not zuko for me. and ive seen many many accounts even state that this kind of portrayal of zuko is rooted in racist stereotypes about asian men (now i am white so i personally have never experiences racism but i feel the need to bring that up because it is wrong and attention needs to be brought to it because a lot of poc fans have criticised this) and the same for sokka. some ppl rlly skew his character and make him a big strong brute and hypermasculine and once again poc fans have said that this take is rooted in racist stereotypes. again! these are just my opinions! this is my favorite ship! but i think its important to acknowledge some of the bad parts of our ships as well and be critical where criticism is needed :))
1) I LOVE MAIKO. “i dont hate you” “i dont hate you too” BRUH. my little heart just burst into flames. im sorry guys but maiko is so cute. they hate everything except eachother. BRUH that is one of the cutest tropes. i shipped them the moment i saw them together onscreen and i was so happy when zukos face lit up in the finale when mai came back.
2) “i hate everything but i have a soft spot for you” TAKE MY MONEY I AM A SUCKER FOR THIS. they are so cute together. like zuko is rarely happy in a majority of atla but mai makes him happy and i- 🥺🥺 HE DESERVES IT. and mai is always so supportive of him. when hes stressing out about the war meeting she tries her best to comfort him. and zuko cares about her too. he may not be the best at showing it but oh my god hes TRYING HIS BEST. i think its a very accurate portrayal of teenage relationships because they arent perfect and they do fight but like,, every teenage relationship does that. and even after everything and how he left her in the fire nation she still had his back at boiling rock. she still risked her life against azula to save his butt.
3) the thing i hate about maiko isnt even about maiko. its about antis who think mai is toxic and that zuko deserves better. that has got to be the worst take ive ever heard. they had a fight in ember island. that is NORMAL. they are teenagers. they are not perfect. but underneath all the rough edges and things they need to work out they still care about eachother so freaking much. i genuinelt believe that neither of them would do anything to intentionally hurt the other and i think thats what matters the most. if anything mai is the best girlfriend in the entire world because zuko fucked up like,, quite a few times. he got rlly jealous and dumped her thru a letter and ppl always say that mai was toxic for being mad at him for those two things. umm she had every right to be mad at him for both of those. and while zuko is allowed to feel his emotions and be angry sometimes as well sometimes he needs to think things thru and realize that hey maybe some if this jealousy is unfounded. BUT EVEN THEN. HE RESPECTED HER FEELINGS AND DIDNT TOUCH HER WHEN SHE SAID DONT TOUCH ME. HE RESPECTED HER. so i hate toxic maiko takes because they are literally so wrong in my opinion.
again all of these are just my opinions!! feel free to agree or disagree but please be respectful!! i will respect whatever u think as well because this is all just for fun :)
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