garbinge · 1 year
Charming Life (4/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller  Chapter Index Word Count: 2.1k 
A/N: A little chapter update for my Jo gal <3 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, pining, angst, canon level mentions of drugs and jail and death.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
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Time had passed. It would have been nice to say that things got quiet even if it was because people were mourning, but things got very loud. Loud and messy. Opie dove face first into the club, new people moved into Charming creating anything but peace, especially for SAMCRO, and Joanne had been in a game of hide-n-seek with Micky. Which is why the knock at her door had scared her senseless. It was early, and the knock had strength behind it. She quickly ran through her kitchen, leaping onto the counter top so she could reach the cabinet above the microwave to grab her gun. In an instant she was at the door, gun at her side, ready for whatever was waiting for her on the other side. 
She was relieved to see Opie standing in front of her, sporting his Teller-Morrow shirt and beanie, looking exhausted. 
Her hand twitched to move the gun behind her, a little embarrassed by the show of defense. Opie’s eyes jumped down and clocked it immediately, a frown forming on his face. 
“Everything alright?” It was slight, but his body had inched forward to get a look inside the girl’s house. 
“Yea, sorry. Just with half of the club locked up for whatever bullshit, I’m a bit more on edge.” Her hand raised to run through her hair. Stepping back she opened her bright orange door wider and welcomed Opie inside. 
“On edge?” He questioned, taking in his surroundings still wondering if everything truly had been okay with her. 
A deep sigh left her mouth, “I’m surprised Jax didn’t tell you.” Joanne moved past Opie and placed the gun back in it’s home in the kitchen, then moved to pour a cup of coffee for them both. “Micky’s been a fuckin’ pain in my ass. I don’t know what he wants but he keeps popping up and with everything going on with the club I just haven’t really mentioned it to anyone but Jax. And now, with him and half the fuckin’ club locked up, I’m on my own. I brought Dil to Gemma’s last night.” 
The mug slid on the counter as she passed it to him, taking a sip of her own. 
Joanne stared at his face, she could tell he was trying to figure out what to say, how to make the girl feel safe, or even better ensure she was. But he was falling short of a response. 
“Don’t worry about it, Ope. I’ve been dealing with Micky for years, probably wants a shot in the club for what he describes as easy money or he wants custody of Dil. Both of which aren’t going to happen and I can deal with the fallout of that.” She patted his shoulder to show gratitude. 
“Probably not the best time to ask you what I came here for.” Opie looked over at the girl. He hadn’t taken a sip of the coffee, just fidgeted with the mug, a trait of his whenever he was nervous. 
“Ask away.” 
“I need to run an errand for the guys, since I’m the only one out, it's kind of important. Mary’s going up to see Piney and I don’t have anyone to watch the kids–”
Joanne cut him off, “where are they right now?” She asked since they clearly weren’t with them now. 
“Gemma has them at TM, I know I’ve asked you to watch them a million times, Jo. I’m sorry. You know how things are.” Opie pleaded. 
He was right. Joanne wouldn’t really say he had asked for her to watch Kenny and Ellie lately, she would have described it as pawning his kids off on her. In the beginning she offered without being asked, it was the right thing to do in those immediate moments after Donna’s death. Then as the weeks passed, he asked and she of course obliged, thinking she wanted to help him however she could. But then it became her and Mary’s responsibility, so much so that when Joanne would wake up she would automatically think about Kenny and Ellie’s schedules, their lunches, their routines. Recently, Mary had taken over the main duties, Joanne had gone a little MIA with all the Micky bullshit, which Mary didn’t hold against her, it wasn’t Jo’s job to take care of Opie’s kids. 
“I have to go pick up Dillon from Gemma, anyways. I’m staying at Jax’s today so I can watch, ‘em no problem, Ope.” But there was the problem. When it came to Opie she felt like she had no backbone anymore. He felt fragile. The irony that the big burly man standing in front of her who beat up her school bullies when they were kids and could easily lift 220lbs with ease felt delicate. Joanne didn’t want to be the one to break him, she also wasn’t sure if she wanted to be the one to put him back together so this was the best route to take. 
“I owe you. Pick them up from Jax’s?” He was already moving out the door. 
“Yea, be safe Ope.” 
The day was long. Joanne was exhausted from constantly looking over her shoulder. The one benefit of being at Jax’s was that it was off the grid to her ex, which allowed her to relax partially. But then there was the whole her brother was in jail thing, he’d been fighting with Clay obviously enough for everyone in Charming to see, and that she had been taking care of 4 kids all day. Tara and Gemma had shown up for the later half of the day, but all the craziness was taking a toll on Joanne. She was currently putting Dillon down to bed on the couch in Abel’s room since he was already sound asleep in the crib when she heard it. The words that completely broke her. 
“I’m here to pick up Opie’s kids. I’m Lyla.” 
Joanne remembers the first time Opie introduced Donna as his girlfriend, she remembers silently pining as he took her to the movies, brought her over the Teller house, even prom. This felt very much like that, maybe worse considering everything going on. There was a part of Joanne, a naive part she realizes now, that thought maybe all the help she was offering up to Opie would make him notice her finally. It was a shitty thought. He had just lost his wife, it shouldn’t have been a thought in Joanne’s head but it was. She didn’t cross any boundaries, any lines, she was just there. But for a split second Joanne felt 18 again. 
Tara and Lyla went back and forth, Gemma had joined in at some point, too. Offering up what Joanne could only assume was a plethora of insults and name calling. That wasn’t what she wanted either. In this moment she wanted to disappear and fade away but what she truly wanted was for Opie to see her. Finally see her. 
Joanne must’ve been standing there for a while because Gemma had approached her. 
“You alright, baby?” That was rare. Joanne thought. Gemma being sweet to her? I guess it made sense, with everything going on, she was keeping those who should could close. 
Joanne snapped out of it, luckily she hadn’t let herself shed tears over the situation so there wasn’t much for her to hide but facial expressions which was a Teller skill she had mastered. 
“Yea, sorry. Just got lost staring at Dillon. She’s growing up so fast, soon she’ll be too cool to be around her mom.” 
Gemma clocked it immediately, another Teller skill, but she knew better than to outright say something to her daughter. “Don’t get too caught up starin’, sweetheart. Sometimes you gotta take action before it’s too late.” Gemma said, looking directly at Jo. 
Jo frowned and Gemma smirked. “Tell her you love her while you still can is all I’m sayin’. You turned 13 and the bitch came with the boobs.” 
Joanne laughed at that, knowing all that bitch came directly from Gemma herself. 
“Your gift to me I’m assuming.” She raised her eyebrows at her mom as she walked past her and back into the living room. 
Opie had come to pick up the kids pretty soon after Lyla left, sending them to the car while he waited to talk to Jo. 
“I’m sorry about the Lyla thing.” Opie started out saying. 
Jo just shook her head, her mothers words repeating over and over in her head. Jo was done holding back, she had spent the last few months as a doormat for Opie, and while he wasn’t purposefully walking all over her, he was taking advantage of her. 
“What are you doing Ope?” The question was genuine even if it was rhetorical. 
“She’s a single mom, Jo. She’s just trying to make it work like the rest of us. I thought you out of all people would get that.” The words cut like glass. 
Jo let a laugh escape from her lips, one of disbelief. “I’m not talkin’ about Lyla, Ope. You should know me better than that. I’m talkin’ about YOU. What the hell are YOU doing? Those kids need you. You need them. They’re the only things that are going to ground you after what happened. Not the club. Not me. Not Jax. Not Lyla. Them.” 
Opie stood silent. He believed everything Jo said. It helped that she never stuck it to him like this before, so he was able to hear her loud and clear. Not that it didn’t hurt, but it wasn’t the same as Jax or Mary shitting on him. 
“I’m sorry.” Those were the only two words he could think to say. 
“Opie, what do you think of me?” Her voice was soft, her arms crossed as the cardigan she wore slowly fell off her shoulders. 
His face fell to a frown, a confused look filled it as he stared at her, his arms crossed too. 
“Or maybe you don’t think of me.” She shrugged, a little taken back by his silence, even though she expected it. “But I’m here. I’m standing in front of you. Begging for you to look at me.” This time her voice raised a little bit. It was a different topic, but it blended together pretty easily. “You want someone so bad, Ope. You don’t realize what’s right in front of you. You’re not alone.” 
“Yea, I am.” The words left his mouth fast, so fast that Jo knew he wasn’t listening to anything else she had said. 
“I’m standing RIGHT HERE, OPIE.” The second half of her sentence was yelled. Her hand forming a fist and moving to point to her chest lightly. “When will you fuckin’ see me.” This time her voice croaked as the tears got caught in her throat. 
“Jo.” Opie said, taking a step forward, one hand going to grab hers. 
She pulled it away immediately. “Don’t.” The single word was harsh and sharp causing Opie to freeze. “Just, don’t. I’m not a second choice. I honestly didn’t even consider this a second chance, but,” Jo thought for a moment, she didn’t think once that this was her opportunity to be with Opie, her only thoughts were to help him grieve, get through a tough spot in life, that’s what friends did, she didn’t want to see him hurt or aching. But that changed when she heard Lyla today. It was apparent Opie was looking for something or someone to fill that hole in his heart, and Jo felt some type of way. Betrayed might have been too harsh, disrespected could have been a close comparison to the emotion she felt, but truthfully, it was invisible. She felt invisible.  “But, I should have known better than to ever think I was being seen by you.” 
Opie took a step back, his face drooped like he was a kid being scolded for something. 
“I’ll be here tomorrow with Tara. Feel free to drop the kids off.” 
And there it was. As much as the both of them differed, they were exactly the same. Falling back into the same actions, same routine, despite anything they said. It was a weakness for Jo, he was her best friend, she had gone all this time being invisible and even though right now he was staring at her completely visible and raw in her emotion, Jo had no faith it would change anything. So she made the choice to continue the sad pathetic pattern of being invisible. 
Opie left with a nod and nothing else. Jo stood there, with her feet planted to the ground unable to move thinking about every word that she had just said to Opie and how none of it mattered. 
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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You had spent the night in the dorms with Opie after a long night at the clubhouse, as you knew your brother and the other members would have been too drunk to realize the two of you sneaking away together.
Leaning up to kiss him while the two of you showered, you let out a low moan as he pins your hands above your head, and a spray of water runs over his back.
Someone knocked on the door, "Hey, Ope, you decent?." Jax calls from the hall; your eyes widen when you hear your brother's voice.
"Uh, just in the shower, brother," Opie yells back, eyes widening as you both realize your secret relationship could be caught. "You need something?"
You hear Jax getting closer as the dorm door clicks open, but he stops outside the bathroom door. "Clay wants us to go down to those warehouses again. So say bye to your lady friend, yeah?"
You grimace as you practically hear the smirk in your brother's tone. "Come on, no time for round two," Jax knocks on the door, laughing as he leaves the room.
Looking up at Ope, you realize that the club is already awake, which means they'll be sticking around to see who had managed to get under Opie's skin enough since he hadn't dated much after Donna.
Opie sighs, glancing down at you. "We're screwed, babe".
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warnersister · 6 months
Newborn Days
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Moments with his wife and newborn son
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Bradley looks out through the window in front of him, sat upright in the bed, back against the headboard as he watches the sunrise. The two of you had booked a small cabin on the beach for a few weeks, just while you got your feet here in Miramar. Bradley’s grasp held you closer, he drew his eyes away from the growing horizon and down to where you were sat in his lap. Your head was dipped as you allowed your little baby boy to have his breakfast; eyes closed while he nursed gently on your swollen nipple. Bradley’s heart swelled with love as your tired eyes looked back at him, rocking gently to soothe your new son. He offered a small, loving smile as he leant to kiss your forehead.
He could get used to this.
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wingedblooms · 7 months
The dreams that are answered
When they were children, the Illyrian brothers dreamt of wielding the legendary sword, Gwydion, to slay wyrms and rescue damsels.
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And the stars who listened answered those dreams. Feyre slew a wyrm and rescued Rhysand. Nesta rescued Cassian in their book and now, with the release of hofas, has slain a wyrm. These patterns tend to come in threes in Sarah’s writing, like a Welsh triad, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Elain defeated her own wyrm (or better yet, if it yielded to her, like the scaled creatures yielded to Bryce) and she rescued Azriel in their story.
The Starborn blades have been returned to the Night Court for a reason. Nesta has her own trove of blades, and Azriel clearly cannot carry them by himself…
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He hasn’t even unlocked the full potential of Truth-Teller’s blade after possessing it for years.
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Vesperus, the Asteri in the Prison, makes an interesting comment here that reminds me of the Illyrian brothers’ childhood games. She accuses the Fae of playing with weapons they don’t fully understand. Their minds couldn’t hold all the possibilities at once. But we do know someone whose mind might be able to hold multiple, if not all, possibilities at once: Elain, the seer.
It was Elain who appeared out of nowhere, out of shadow, with Truth-Teller:
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She may have opened a portal into nowhere, the void, with her power (which, like the Harp, might influence time and space) while linked to Truth-Teller, allowing her to appear exactly where she was needed, when she was needed to protect her loves ones.
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Our damsel made her moment with a legendary weapon count. And it wouldn’t surprise me if we learn that—with her heightened, Cauldron-blessed senses—she can hear the blades singing to each other, tugging at her hidden powers.
And perhaps, when they explore the powers of those legendary blades together, Elain and Azriel will open a portal and travel the space between to places she’s only seen in her dreams.
Because the stars do listen—and dreams are answered.
Special thanks to @willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd for their inspiring reactions to and thoughts about these connections.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months
I Know Them Better - Jax Teller
Jax x Fem!Reader
David Hale x Sister!Reader
Warnings: SOA
Word count: 1,942
Summary: Being Hale’s sister and dating Jax is complicated to say the least. Especially when hale doesn’t know about it
Authors Note: First Jax Teller story! So excited for this. There will be more!!!!
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
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The sun was breaking through the curtains which in return woke Y/n and Jax up slowly.
“Good mornin Darlin.” Jax smirked as he opened his eyes to see Y/n laying there next to him.
“Back atcha handsome.” Y/n smirked back not even opening her eyes, enjoying being in bed with her man. Since they were currently at Y/n’s house they didn’t have to worry about being interpreted or so they thought.
Right when they both were gonna try to go back to sleep there was a loud pounding on Y/n’s front door. Which made both of their eyes open quickly and widely.
“Are you expecting someone?” Jax asked her.
“Not that I know of. Stay here.” Y/n got up and threw on a shirt and a pair of shorts before glancing back at him and she noticed his nervous and apprehensive look. “I’ll yell for you if I need you, my knight with shining motorcycle.” she teased him.
Y/n walked down the hall and headed over to her front door only to see her brother on the other side causing the racket.
“David.” Y/n said his name in shock, why was her brother at her home she thought as she opened the door and greeted him.
“Y/n.” he greeted back as he entered her home.
“So what’s up brother?” Y/n said loud enough for Jax to hear so he knew who it was and to not come out of her room.
“I need you to be careful around town.” David told her as they stood in Y/n’s kitchen.
“Why? What's up?” Y/n furrowed her brows.
“Samcro’s up to something. And I have a bad feeling about it.” Hale told her annoyed at Charmings local Biker group.
“Why do you hate them?” Y/n questioned her brother trying not to sound upset with him for judgment of the Son’s. But it was hard not to, he judged them and doesn’t even know them.
“They’re criminals Y/n.” He told her simply.
“They may not be completely innocent but they also protect the town David. You have to see that.” Y/n tried with David often but it was hard when she had to not let on to her and Jax’s relationship. 
Y/n could see from her spot standing in the kitchen down the hall and saw Jax listening in to their conversation. He just smirked at her.
“Their good deeds don’t outweigh their bad ones.” Hale stated to her before sighing. “Just be careful okay? I don’t want you to get hurt because of them.”
“Okay. I’ll be careful.” y/n nodded along to appease him. But She wasn’t going to stay away from Jax or the club. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.” David smiled at her gratefully. He sometimes hated that she was still living in Charming, it made it harder to protect her. “Oh I won’t be able to have our normal weekly dinner tonight. I have to work late.”
“Okay, that's fine.” Y/n smiled at him.
“Bye Y/n/n.” Hale hugged her before heading for the door to leave.
“Bye Bro.” Y/n watched him leave before hearing the front door shut.
“Man, he really doesn’t like us huh?” Jax spoke from the entrance to the hallway.
“Not funny.” Y/n rolled her head to look at him. It was hard for Y/n that she essentially had 2 different lives. Y/n was close to her brother and they normally talked about everything but she couldn’t share with him anything about her relationship because he wouldn’t approved.
“Well, since you're not gonna be busy tonight. Why don’t you come to TM. We’re not having a party but we are all gonna be hanging out at the clubhouse. That way you don't have to be alone and get more time together.” Jax suggested walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Jax knew Y/n hated being alone and he’d take any time they could spend together.
“Okay. I don’t like being alone and I miss all the guy’s.” She nodded in agreement looking up at him.
“What about me?” Jax raised a brow teasing her.
“Of course you.” She shook her head with a laugh at his antics, as she headed into the kitchen with Jax on her tail. Y/n grabbed a drink from her fridge as Jax watched her for a moment biting his lip before pushing off of the kitchen wall and leaving the room. Y/n called out at his retreating form. “Where are you going?”
“To pack you a bag.” He called back from down the hall, turning into her bedroom.
“Jax?” Y/n pushed off the counter top to follow him into her room.
“We’re staying the night at the clubhouse.” Jax states.
Y/n raised a brow, she knew all he’d try to pack. She rolled her eyes at his packing taste. “If all your gonna pack is lingerie-”
“I’ll pack other things.” He smiled mischievously.
“Like what?” Y/n asked him with a tilted head, curious to his other thoughts on what to pack.
“Extra of my clothes and you can wear those.” Jax smiled cheekily.
“Hmmm.” Y/n hummed, nodding amused at his answer.
^     ^     ^
@ TM  Next Morning
“Aye Lass, Morning.” Chib’s greeted with a nod and a smile upon seeing Y/n exit the dorm hallway.
“Morning.” Y/n greeted the Scottish man with a smile on her lips.
“Hey Darlin, you look good.” Jax looked her up and down as she walked over and he handed her a glass of orange juice.
“Hmmhmm, I’m in your clothes after all.” Y/n hummed smiling up at him knowing exactly what he was getting at.
“You should just wear my stuff from now on.” He smirked with a shrug.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” Y/n laughed, and then her phone started ringing.
“Hey, Whats up?” Y/n said answering her phone upon seeing her brothers name flashing on the screen.
“I need you to come down to the station.” David stated cutting to the chase.
“Why?” Y/n asked confused as to why he’d want her down to the police station?
“Just to talk about something. See you soon.” He wouldn’t say over the phone.
“Bye.” Y/n barley got it out before the line went dead.
“I have to go.” Y/n said looking up at Jax with a tight lipped, slightly sad smile. She didn’t want to leave.
“Nooooo. Why?” Jax whined wrapping his arms tighter around her waist as he sat behind her on a stool.
“Sorry, brother calls.” She sighed getting out of his hold and standing up.
“You gonna be okay, lass?” Chibs asked, they all considered Y/n family. She’d been around since her and Jax were in highschool.
“Yeah. Y/n/n. We could come with.” Tig offered fully prepared to back up the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“Nah, I’ll be okay. Brother just probably wants to rant about you guys anyway.” Y/n waved them off.
“You comin back?” Jax asked as he hands her her keys.
“Yeah, I’ll be back. Love you.” She smiled and leans over to kiss his cheek.
“Love you, too.” Jax squeezed her waist before watching her go.
^     ^     ^
“Hey. Why’d you need me down here?” Y/n walked into her brother's office shutting the door behind her before she went to sit down across from him.
“The Son’s are planning something. It’s gotta be big because they’ve been having meetings with every rival gang around. Its gonna be big and its gonna get people hurt. If not killed.” David explained to his sister stressing the possible implications of what he believes is to come.
“Maybe they're making deals to protect the town.” Y/n shrugged. She of course knew what was going on, Jax told her things even she shouldn’t know. But she couldn’t tell her brother that.
He shook his head in denial. “They aren’t. I know them. This is going to have a ton of casualties. Their gonna-”
“Stop! Just stop.” Y/n cut him off having had it with his obsession of making them the bad guys. “I know them better than you do. I know exactly what they do and what they were doing. Because unlike you I actually know them, and no I won’t share what is going on with you. Sorry.”
Hale furrowed his brows. “How do you know so much about Samcro?”
“In fact, whose clothes are you wearing?” He spoke up again. David noticed finally that she was wearing a men's shirt way to big for her, what really got him though was that the shirt had a faded “Samcro” printed on the front.
“I’m wearing Jax’s shirt because He’s my boyfriend. Had been for almost a year.” Y/n let out a stressed breath and just came out with her secret relationship that was only a secret to her brother.
“For fuck’s sake!” David let out angrily shaking his head.
“Shut up and listen.” Y/n told him standing up, taking charge of what was going to be said. “They are good guys. They may be in some not so legal shit, but they're good guys. Either give them a chance or back off some. You're stressing yourself out to unhealthy levels when it comes to Samcro.”
Y/n worried sometimes at how stressed the thought of the Son’s made her brother it was so unhealthy for him.
Y/n got up and stormed out of his office and the station. Right now she only wanted to be around the Son’s. Mainly Jax. Her Jax.
Once she got back to TM  Chib’s was the first to notice.
“Jackie boy. Someone's back and she looks stressed.” Chibs called out as he watched Y/n pull in on the faster side and all it took was one look at her body language to know something happened.
“Don’t think that talk went so good.” Juice commented as they all watched Y/n, the girl normally so calm and mostly relaxed acting very agitated and stressed.
“Y/n/n, what's wrong? What happened?” Jax asked as he approached her halfway seeing how stressed she was Jax pulled her into him for a few moment’s knowing his embrace comforted her.
“He knows about the club’s meetings with the rival MC’s, and he knows about us.” Y/n told Jax stepping out of his hold looking up at him. Jax looked shocked when she mentioned their relationship being outed to her brother. Y/n sighed before telling him. “I couldn’t take it anymore. He noticed my shirt as well. I had to tell him. . . I also told him to back off the club. You're all good guys and he’s stressing over it in unhealthy ways.”
Jax cupped the side of her face, he knew how worried she was about her brother finding out about their relationship. With how much he hate’s Jax and the Son's, how could she not worry. “I know you're worried that you’ll lose him because of our relationship. I’m sorry Darlin.”
Y/n gave him a half smile. “On the bright side we don’t have to hide and sneak around anymore.”
“Come on, Darlin. We missed you.” Jax mirrored her half smile. That was a perk of David now knowing, but Jaxx just wanted to cheer her up at the moment.
Jax wrapped his arms around her shoulders and guided her over to where the others were. They were her family to and they’d support her no matter what.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 (sorry I didn't have my list on me and I didn't know if you wanted to be tagged in SOA stuff)
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rebelwrites · 7 months
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Twenty: Jackson Teller Are You Jealous?
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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“Babygirl,” Charles whispered, running his fingers down the back of my arm causing me to stir in my sleep. “It’s time to wake up.”
“Urgh,” I groaned, nuzzling my face into his bare chest, pulling the duvet over my face to block out the sunlight. I knew what today was, it was the last full day I had with Charles before he had to fly off to The Netherlands. “Can’t we just stay in bed all day?” I mumbled, letting my fingers trace imaginary shapes across his torso.
“As amazing as that sounds, Sunshine, I’ve made plans.” he said softly, pulling the covers away from my face. “I want to spend today with my girl.”
My heart lurched at his words, this man was perfect, “five more minutes?” I asked looking up at him, flashing him my best puppy dog eyes.
He let out a dramatic sigh, “on one condition,” he hummed as that gorgeous smirk appeared on his face, “I get my morning kiss.”
“I’m sure I can make that happen, Mr Leclerc,” I giggled, propping myself up on my elbow before leaning down pressing my lips against his.
The moment I made contact, he swiftly flipped me so I was now pinned between his body and the mattress. He slowly ran his fingers up my arm until he linked his fingers with mine. Our lips moved in sync, neither of us caring about the dreaded morning breath, it was like we were both horny teenagers once again, not being able to get enough of the other.
I felt like I was floating, I was quickly becoming addicted to these lazy morning makeout sessions in bed. There was never any pressure from Charles to take things any further which I was grateful for, he wanted to take things slow and kept telling me we would know when the right time would be. I had no idea how I was going to cope once he had left to finish the season.
The pounding on the bedroom door quickly pulled me from the moment, causing me to groan against Charles’ lips. “I swear he has a radar or something every time we are making out.” I huffed, resting my forehead and his.
“You two coming down for breakfast or what?” Jax called out, barging into the room without waiting for an answer.
Charles instantly rolled off me, making sure I was covered by the duvet.
“Fuck off!” I growled, glaring at my brother. This had become a regular occurrence over the past week, every morning he would barge into my room without a single care in the room and judging by the smirk on his face he knew what he was doing.
“Stop being lazy and get out of bed then.” He laughed, walking across the room, perching on the edge of the bed.
“Seriously, get out of my room.” I snapped, trying to kick him in the ribs but it was no use he was too far away. “Don’t make me call Pops.” I threaten, looking around to see what was in reaching distance for me to throw at his stupid face. Jax held his hands up in defeat as he slowly got up from the bed, exiting the room but leaving the door wide open. “Goddamn, were you raised in a bloody barn or something.” I shouted after him.
Running my hands through my hair I turned to Charles to find him grinning like a dork. “What you laughing at Leclerc?” I hummed, cocking my brow.
“You two so remind me of me and Arthur.” He said softly, leaning over, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. “Now get that amazing ass outta bed.” He winked, rolling out of bed himself.
My heart rate increased, the room felt like it had become ten times hotter and I knew my cheeks were flush, all because of the beautiful sight of Charles moving around my bedroom in nothing but a tight pair of boxers. “Stop checking me out and get some clothes on, Sunshine.” Making his way towards the door he slowly closed it, giving us some privacy once again.
“You gonna tell me what you have planned, ya know so I know how to dress?” I asked, slowly walking over to my closest, making sure I added an extra swing in my step. I was wearing nothing but a red lacy pair of pants and I could feel Charles gaze burning into my ass. “You know it’s rude to stare, Leclerc.” I giggled, looking over my shoulder, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth.
“Urm,” he breathed, rubbing the back of his neck, “just wear, fuck,” he paused, his eyes still glued to my body. “Je ne peux pas penser correctement avec toi comme ça chérie. I can't think straight with you like this, darling.” He breathed.
“Maybe that was my plan.” I smirked, turning back to my closest, trying to figure out what to wear. “Unless you want me going out like this then give me some hints.”
“Comfy and casual.”
I started grabbing items from the hangers, laying them over the back of the chair in front of my vanity table. It was already eight am, and for the first time in what felt like forever I had managed to sleep in. It was such a good feeling knowing we wouldn’t be leaving yet, meaning we had time to have breakfast with everyone, so I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and Charles hoodie. The moment I had pulled the garment over my chest Elenor came barging into the room. “I'm getting a lock for this door.” I chuckled, spinning around to see Elenor wearing her Ferrari hoodie and a pair of jeans.
“Come on Uncle Charles, Poppy is making us breakfast.” She beamed linking her hand with Charles dragging him out of the room, luckily he had managed to put some clothes on before she barged in.
“Oh that’s it, forget about your Auntie Nova.” I huffed dramatically, but it was pointless she had already left the bedroom with Charles in tow. Shaking my head, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand making my own way downstairs.
The moment I entered the kitchen a pack of cigarettes was launched at my head. Taking one look at the packet I took a deep breath, I knew I needed to quit but it was a hard habit to break. Pushing the thoughts of quitting to the back of my mind I followed Jax out onto the back garden.
“What’s on your mind?” I asked, leaning against the brick wall, placing a smoke between my lips.
“Don’t know what you are talking about.” Jax shrugged, not making any eye contact with me so I knew he was hiding something.
“It’s Charles isn’t it?” I sighed, taking a long drag feeling my lungs fill with nicotine before exhaling. I knew this was coming, I had seen it progressing every day for the last two weeks. Jax wasn’t coping well with being second best. “Don’t lie to me either.”
A heavy sigh escaped his lips, finally he looked up at me with a sad look in his bright blue eyes. He didn’t need to say anything, over the years me and Jax had found a way to communicate with each other without words.
“Jackson Teller, are you jealous?” I asked, wrapping my arm around his shoulder.
“I know I shouldn’t be but I can’t help it, Nova.” he mumbled, finally admitting his feelings. “Charles came into our life so fast, and don’t get me wrong I am so fucking happy for you but he is all El talks about.”
The long pause told me there was a lot more on his mind, I could see the internal battle that was happening, placing my hand on his shoulder I flashed him a soft smile. “I’m worried, Squirt. I know I told you to just have fun but I can see how much that boy means to you in the short space of time he has been around. You and El adore him and don’t even try to hide it from me. Your smile is brighter, and your laugh is louder when you are with him,” he took a deep breath, blinking back tears. “I’m worried that once he leaves I am going to be left picking up the pieces of the broken hearts of my two favorite girls.”
I had never seen my brother like this before, I felt my stomach tighten, this was partly my fault for getting involved with Charles. Because of me he was spending more time around our family and then Pops invited him and Pierre to live with us. “Jaxy, you are her father and that girl loves the living hell out of you. Yes, she is obsessed with Charles but she was long before he came into town and yes that one is on me.” I said with a slight chuckle.
“Squirt, none of this is your fault so please don’t ever say that again.” Jax said softly, placing his hand over mine. “We all have insecurities right?” He asked, pausing for a moment to take a drag of his cigarette. “I guess mine is the fear of Elenor not needing me anymore. That little girl is my whole life.” His voice was cracking, without looking I knew he was holding back the tears. “She’s all I’ve got.”
My heart was breaking for him, we all have our demons and this one was Jax’s. “Come ‘ere.” I whispered, tossing the cigarette butt into the metal bucket before wrapping my arms around my brother, holding him tight in my arms. “Listen to me, and listen hard.” I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. “That girl is always going to need her daddy, no matter how old she gets, no matter where her life takes her. And I know that because of Pops, I’m all grown up now but noone in this world will ever replace him.”
Pressing a kiss to the top of his head I continued, the feeling of dread was quickly forming in the pit of my stomach, knowing that my time was running out with Charles. “Just focus on El okay, when Char leaves don’t worry about me, I will be okay,” I said not making eye contact with him because the moment I did I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop the waterworks. We both knew I was lying through my teeth but Jax stayed silent letting me continue. “Charles is wanting to take me for the day, I have no idea what he has planned El is not going to be happy that she won’t be able to come with us so she will need you more than ever,” I whispered, loosening my grip on his body, “so if you need to go beat the shit outta something at the garage to make you feel better but don’t let her see you like this, she will get upset and we all know the devil comes out in her when she's losing control of her emotions.”
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“I want to go too,” Ellie sobbed, tugging at Charles’ arm as we walked towards the front door. The sound of her cries were breaking my heart, how do you explain to a five year old that someone has to leave?
Charles took a deep breath before crouching down so he was at Ellie’s level. He gently took her little hand in his, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. “Little bear, I have a special day planned for your Auntie Nova, it’s our last day together for awhile, remember?” he whispered, engulfing El into a warming hug.
“But, But,” she stuttered as her bottom lip started quivering even harder, “it’s our last day together too!” she screamed, forcefully wiggling out of Charles’ arms before running into the living room.
I found myself frozen to the spot as I tried to process what had just happened, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jax run his hands over his face letting out a heavy sigh. “I should have seen this coming, I should have planned something to distract her today.” he mumbled, flashing me an apologetic smile.
Charles slowly pushed himself to his feet, staying silent as he wandered into the living room. I couldn’t help it as I followed him into the room but stopped in the doorway to give him and Elenor some space.
“Little Bear,” he hummed, crouching in front of the sofa, resting his hand on her knee. “I need to go for work, but I promise I will be coming back, and you can even come out to some of the races. Then you can meet everyone and not just Pierre.”
For a moment I thought his words were going to work but within a split second he cried got louder and Charles had a defeated look on his face, not knowing what to do next.
Jax took a deep breath, wrapping his arm around my shoulders before pressing a kiss to the side of my head. “You guys go, I’ve got her.” he whispered. My heart was weighing heavy in my chest, I was torn on what to do. Part of me wanted to stay here with Ellie, trying to provide comfort but the other half of me wanted to spend as much time with Charles as possible. “Please Squirt, go spend time with Charles. You will regret it otherwise,” Jax whispered, squeezing my shoulder, like he could hear my thoughts.
The rest of the day passed in a blur, Ellie’s words hadn’t stopped rolling around my mind. I wanted to stay in the present cherishing every moment I had with Charles, but every time I did, it hurt too much and I found myself quickly getting lost in my own thoughts once again.
I knew Charles could sense the sudden shift in mood, hell anyone within a 200 mile radius could feel the change. I felt like the worst human on the planet right now, the man standing in front of me had planned the most beautiful day, walking around the lake before stopping for a picnic lunch and here I was worrying about him leaving tomorrow, I could already feel the walls he had smashed down, slowly creeping back up and I was pulling away in order to protect myself.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @burningcupcakefire @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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Would anyone be interested in reading a fanfiction that I want to write? It will be a Sons of Anarchy story. If so, please like or reblog. :) 18+ years old only, please!
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
Your Sister
This is the 9th installment of the Not What It Seems Series
Summary: Opie goes to Jax to figure out how why you won't speak to him. As always 18+.
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Jax was sitting outside the clubhouse smoking when Opie rode up. "You look rough" stated Jax as Opie hopped up next to him on the picnic table. Opie sighed heavily and ran his hands through his long hair. "Yeah. Your sister hasn't been around to tell me to clean up and shit." mumbled Opie staring at his boots. "Huh. Go figure a crow eater can't keep house" stated Jax feigning shock.
"Funny" replied Opie as he rolled his eyes. "This shit be a lot easier if your sister could learn her place." he added eyeing Jax out the side of his eye. "Careful" warned Jax as he turned to his best friend. Opie put his hands up. "All I'm saying is shes no Donna" stated Opie with a light chuckle to break the tension.
"Yeah Donna was a special type of woman to keep letting you put your dick in every living thing then in her" snapped Jax shooting him a tight smile. "Well you will be happy to know your sister hasn't let me fuck her yet. Which is why I keep "straying". snapped Opie air quoting straying.
"Final warning about how you talk about my sister" growled Jax as he stood up stomping on his unfinished cigarette. Opie rubbed his face before stalking over. "Tell her to come home" he called over his shoulder before riding out of the lot on his bike.
Jax stood for a moment longer before shooting Juice a text telling him to keep his sister out of Charming a bit longer.
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Partner in crime
Wordcount - 3.8k
Summary - Everybody has a secret that she doesn't tell anyone. Something dark and twisted or something more easier then that. A small embarrassed secret. But in Josie's life hers was a little more darker then a simple doll obsession.
A/n - This is my first time writing for SOA. Or for doing one of these with an original character. WARNING This contains death and abuse.
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Josie Beth wasn’t a push over.
You couldn’t be where she grew up. If you acted weak you lost respect. Or at least any respect that could potentially be given. She learned from a very young age. That if you’re not strong you don’t get respect. You don’t cry, you don’t let yourself be hit or verbally berated. You fight back. Even if it costed you.
She was just sixteen years old, just in the junior year of high school. When she was even there. She was either suspended or expelled. At that time she had begun dating this guy. They were inseparable. He was a straight A student. A guy that never got into trouble. The complete opposite of her. It was almost funny.
Especially when he turned out how he did. Her boyfriend Sam. He wasn’t a guy who yelled or berated her. He was a bit of a nerd. Could go hours and hours talking about some new video game or sci fi show or movie. Anything he loved space and everything that came with it.
So when he began yelling at her and distancing himself. She didn’t worry too much. At least not anything bad. She didn’t halt at it. She knew something must have happened for him to switch his personality so sudden. They had been together for two years. Known each other for three. And he had never done anything of the sort. He was a pretty sweet and kind guy.
That’s when she began to think maybe he had a bad day. A bad week, a bad month. Maybe it was all the stress his parents put on him to get good grades to be the best. But then the arguments began to shift to just him yelling at her. Then one day it changed. He slapped her face. And her eyes widened when he did it. So did he. Like he was surprised he even did it. Like he didn’t expect he would go so far. And neither did she.
Holding up a hand to cover her cheek. Her brows furrowed and she slapped him back. But this time it was harder. Sure enough to leave a print on his cheek. He held his jaw with eyes widened like he couldn’t believe she hit him back. “What’s going on with you Sam?” She asked, sounding hurt. A small frown appeared on her lips. Her cheek didn’t hurt so much just her pride.
“I don’t know” He answered with a shake of his head.
Then he looked like began to get scared. Eyes widening and he grasped for her hand and she watched him. As he held up her hand and pressed small kisses to it looking up at her with puppy eyes. “Please don’t leave me i’m so sorry” He said pleadingly. “I’m so sorry” He repeated.
Josie bit the inside of her cheek as she watched him. She knew she should have broken it off right there. But some part of her wanted to forget it happened. He was apologizing; he knew what he did wrong. And she just loved him too much to leave him. So oblivious she began to speak back up. “It’s not alright” She said slowly.
And his eyes widened further. His grip tightened just a bit on her hand. Like he was afraid she was going to tug away. “But don’t do it again,” She said strongly. Eyes narrowing at him.
It was like a light flickered. He began grinning and let go of her hand to bring her into a hug and hold the back of her head. “I won't, I promise sweetie,” Sam said before he placed a kiss on her. Not giving her time to shut her eyes. Josie began to frown deeper but closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled away.
But that was a lie. It got better for a bit. The arguing stopped and the yelling stopped. All traces that he ever hit her were gone. The bruising on her cheek faded within days. But that didn’t mean no one questioned her. The guy’s even her mother. Jax and Opie well all of them were convinced it was Sam.
She only told them she got in a little fight with a girl at school but she won. And that was the end of it. It wasn’t unusual for her to get into fights anyways. For her to come home with a black eye or bleeding lip. Sometimes her mother swore she got into more fights than the club. That she went out looking for them.
And honestly sometimes she did.
Then the arguing started again. Fight about nothing and fights about major things. Usually Sam began the fight and Josie was just twisted up alongside it. “You’re always together” He began one day. But it wasn’t the only time the argument was brought up. Sam didn’t used to be a jealous person. He believed she respected her. He even used to hang around the house when Opie or any of the guys were there.
That’s another reason she couldn’t help fathom why he was doing it. He had to know they would kill him if she wanted them to. All she had to do was tell them. Actually she could ask them. Ask them without explaining and he would be dead within minutes. They could beat him into a pulp. Shoot him. Burn him. Anything they so felt like.
“There’s nothing going on with Opie '' She screamed back.
Anger climbing up her spine. Fists clenching at her sides. So hard her nails were digging into her palms. She promised herself she wouldn’t seep so far and hit her partner no matter if they were a woman or man. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like that. And she sure as hell didn’t want to be with someone who would treat her that way.
Lately she had been questioning whether or not she even wanted to be in a relationship with him. He wasn’t the same person he used to be. He was more angry. Slowly it was like pieces of what made him his own personality were disappearing, cracking and falling off of him over time.
“I see the way he looks at you” He spewed into her face. Hitting the air like he was trying to enforce what he was yelling. He hadn’t ever hit her since the first and last time. It had been three months since. Three months but it didn’t leave her mind. Sometimes she would lie in bed. Sometimes he would kiss her and she wondered when the next time he was going to blow up.
Josie wiped at her eyes a sigh falling from her lips. She was so tired so tired of this same argument. He hadn’t been there but an hour. And right after Jax and Opie had left her house he began yelling at her. The same thing he always did. That her and Opie spent too much time together. That he was afraid they were going to cheat on him. That he was just so insecure he had to take it out on her.
“He’s just a friend, I don't know what the hell is going on with you,” She screamed. It’s not like she could control how much Opie came over. He was her brother's best friend. And lived right beside them. And he was hers as well. She would never drop a friendship over a guy or girl.
Next thing she knew it. He stepped forward and instead of the palm of his hand his knuckles were coming into contact with her eyes. Hitting her in the corner of her right eye. “Don’t talk to me like that” he said darkly. Before he dropped his hand.
Josie touched her brow and there was a bit of blood on her fingertips. She looked at him before she turned away. Heading straight to the door. No one else was home. But if she called her brother she knew he would be right there. “That’s it” She said as she walked away. She was done. She was through with him.
“Josie” Sam called out then once more but a little harsher.
She opened the door and was about to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. The door is still open. “Don’t go” he whispered. A small twisted smile lighting his face up. As he tried to cradle her hip with his other hand. Trapping her against him.
She wasn’t sure what happened but at that moment it was like she saw red. She reached down and grabbed the freshy new revolver she was gifted off of her desk. And shot him. At least that’s what she thinks happened. She just saw red. Heard nothing. Not until everything was coming back to her. The red leaving and the world returning.
And there on the floor of her bedroom was her boyfriend, his eyes wide and a bullet hole in his forehead. She dropped the gun and fell beside him. “I’m so sorry” Josie hiccuped. Her hand running through his hair. She whispered apologetics until finally she wiped at her eyes and stood up.
She grabbed her phone, shaky fingers touching the keypad in memorization. She didn’t call her mother. She didn’t call her older brother or even their father’s best friend Clay the man who ran the club. Josie wasn’t exactly sure why she even did call him. When the ringing stopped a tired voice answered.
“Hello” He said through a yawn.
“I need your help” She whispered. Soft sniffles filtering through the phone.
In that moment it was almost like those words pulled him back into the living. Like all traces of sleep were washed from him. “On my way” He said hard. Before she could hear shuffling on the other end. Like he was getting up. Then he ended the call shutting it off.
But he was there in a matter of a minute. They did live next door after all. He didn’t even knock on the door. Just walked straight into the house like he lived there. “Josie” Opie called out looking around the living room. Checking out the room waiting for any sign of her. But everything seemed normal. But he knew he wasn’t hallucinating; it sounded like she was crying over the phone. And Josie never cried. At least around him.
“In here” She called out.
He followed her voice down the hall and stopped at her room. The door was shut. And there was a stop sign on the door. Like that was meant to stop any sort of trespasser from entering. “I’m coming in” He said, like a warning. One he had learned very quickly to do years ago.
Whatever he expected was definitely not what he walked in on. There on the floor was her boyfriend right on his back. Blood was flowing from his head and created a puddle on her floor. And she was just sitting on her bed sheets. Specs of blood on her hands and printing onto the handle of her gun. The gun that was hanging loosely in her hand.
“Jesus” He said as he took his beanie off and wiped at his hair. Stress is already pulling onto his face.
Sure he was ‘in the club’ but not really. He was just a prospect. He was a new guy. Even if he had grown up in the club. He saw shit nobody saw. Heard things nobody heard. But so have she they all grew up there. But this he had never seen a dead body before. At least this fresh. Not when the blood was still flowing out of them.
“I had to” She said like she was stripped away from whatever thoughts she was having. Tears falling from her eyes and sobs rocketing through her. Deep and throaty sobs. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to kill him. But secretly deep inside of her she knew she did. She wanted him to feel what she felt.
Opie was stepping over the body and to Josie before he knew it. Taking the gun easily with one hand and setting it onto the mattress. While he crouched down eye to eye level with her. “Hey hey it’s okay” He said as he brushed a hand over her cheek brushing the tears away. Wiping bits of blood as he did.
“I’m sure it wasn’t really your fault” He said, causing her to laugh a bit. Everything was her fault. Especially this. A man, well a boy was dead because of her. Even if she thought he deserved it. Even if she secretly didn’t feel guilty for it. Someone was dead. Someone who had a bright future. Maybe even getting out of Charming unlike her.
After a minute he went to stand up. “We have to call your brother and mom” He said decisively. Jax would kill him if he didn’t call him. He’d kill him for taking so long to call. He loved his sister more than anything. Even more than Gemma and the club. And if the asshole on the floor was still alive he would be dead again.
“No you can't, they'll just be disappointed in me” She said as she grabbed ahold of his wrist and stopped him from moving any further. He looked down at her hand but she still didn’t let go.
Opie frowned at her unsure of how to help. He wasn’t equipped for this. To comfort someone and over kill another person. But he had a big feeling the guy deserved it. “They didn’t like the guy anyways” He said, trying to joke. Still in front of her line of sight and blocking off most of Sam’s dead body except for his legs.
“I’m serious Opie” She said, shaking her head tears rolling back down her cheeks. Even if she was the one who did it. She was feeling the lost of him. Of her boy friend. Or ex at this time.
He tapped a hand to her head and petted it. As he began to think of how he was going to cover a murder. Sure he thought about it before. Heard the other’s talk. But this would be his first time. “We’re going to figure this out” He said comfortingly. As tears dipped further down her cheeks.
Opie went back home and grabbed his father’s car keys. It wasn't’ hard he wasn’t home to find out and with this time of hour he probably wouldn't be back until the next day. But they would have to be quick before Gemma or Jax got back.
He pulled the old truck out of the driveway and to her and backed the tailgate up to the doorway. Before he got out, shutting the door and checking to make sure no one was outside before he went back into the house this time he didn’t waste the energy to knock. And they rolled the boy into her carpet.
He got the front end of the body and she got the rear end. Opie wasn’t super strong. He was more height than muscle. But he could lift a good seventy pounds. Less than half of what the boy weighed. He walked backwards her in front and they barely lifted him up to the tailgate. Even with it down.
“Where are we going to hide him?” She questioned. Crossing her arms over her chest. The blood beginning to dry and stick to her arms.
He raised the tell gate up before he turned to look at her. His eyebrows are raised even in the night light. “I’m going to find a place… you just stay here and clean the blood up” He said struggling a bit to find the words. Before he began to walk back to the driver side door.
“Hell no im coming” She said, following back towards him.
“Josie,” He quipped.
But she shrugged a bit. A less annoyed expression disappearing and a more upset one coming back. Small drops of blood on her right cheek shining in the lamp against the wall of her house. “I killed him, I might as well follow through,” She said, nodding a bit. It was only right. Somehow it would make her feel better.
Sighing he opened the door and gestured to the other side. “Alright, we'll get in” He ordered. She wasted no time but to shut the door. They were silent on the way there. Nothing but the small buzz of the radio and the thud of Sam’s body in the back of the truck when Opie hit the brake too hard.
They drove for what felt like hours. Passing by building restaurants, homes, even a police car. Before they arrived at the destination. He began to pull into a wooded area where trails lead into it. Showing that it wasn’t completely deserted. They came there to party before. All of them well all the teenagers getting together and going out to the woods to party smoke drink fuck. Anything.
“Are you sure this is a good place to leave him?” She questioned worriedly. Looking around but the emptiness of the woods was all she saw. As she walked to follow him out of the truck.
Opie looked back at her his hands on the tailgate and pulling it downwards. “Do you have a better idea?” He questioned leaving no heat in it. But she just nodded. He grabbed a hole of Sam’s hand and pulled the body closer so she could reach. She grabbed a hold of his feet and made a face of small huffs coming from her as she lugged him in wards of the woods.
“Right here” He said through bated breaths. They both dropped the body and it hit a thud onto the ground at the same time.
“Wait here” He ordered giving her one more glance before disappearing the way they came. Josie waited in the woods. Her arms holding herself as she tried to look anywhere but the dead body and the darkness the woods provided. She never liked the darkness of the woods. But maybe it was partly because of the night she just had. Just when she beginning to get antsy and about to leave to find Opie.
She heard footsteps. And he was coming back into her sight. But fuel in his hands. “We need to get some sticks” He said. She nodded a bit and began to grab some around them. Him doing as so. Lifting big sticks up hurriedly and dropping them around the body.
“You never asked why I did it?” She said quietly.
He wasn’t dense he saw the bruise growing around her eyes. The blood in her eyebrow. He knew what happened. Opie had never liked Same. But neither did Jax and Gemma and really everybody. But Opie didn’t dislike him for there reasons. He wasn’t sure he just had a bad feeling about the guy. And apparently he was right.
“Should i?” Opie questioned glancing at the side of her face a bit.
She just chuckled a bit before she stood up. A pile of limbs in her left hand and pointed to her eyebrow where blood was drying up. The growing bruise on her face. “He hit me,” She said like she found it funny.
“And you’re laughing?” He questioned confusedly. Dropping the limbs onto the body a little extra harder than really needed. One thing about the club was that they didn’t believe in abusing women or children. They might do all kinds of other shit that wasn’t morally good. But they had a fine line of morally good and wrongs.
She shook her head dropping the limbs before she fell into laughter again. Her hands on her knees as Opie watched confused. Finally she stood up wiping at the tears on her face, a grin still in place. And small giggles falling out of her mouth. “I don’t know, I just think it’s ironic,” She said.
He nodded slowly. Maybe he thought she was losing her mind. Josie was kind of scared that she did. She wasn’t exactly a saint. But she never thought she could be capable of killing another person. And someone she loved so much. Someone she imagined growing older with. “This should be enough,” He finally said.
She nodded a bit. And he poured the fuel over his body and into the sticks. She watched fascinatedly holding onto her body tighter with her arms before he pulled a lighter out of his jeans. But instead of lighting it he handed it over to her. Josie took it carefully, watching him with wide eyes.
“You’re honors” He mumbled a bit.
“Thanks” She whispered a bit before she leaned down crouching.
Josie thought about saying some words. Saying how he deserved what he got that she wished he got worse. That she hated him. Maybe the opposite, maybe that she loved him and that she was sorry. Maybe tell him how she felt. But she didn’t do either; she leaned out and lit the branches. Slowly the fire spread from the limbs and the leaves and into the carpet.
Standing back up by Opie. She could only imagine how he looked now. His cheeks she used to kiss red. The skin coming off until it was a bloody mess. His short dark hair that she used to run her fingers through burning until it fell off. Opie wrapped an arm around her and brought her to his side hugging her a bit.
It was then the decision they both made finally came to light. Like they were suddenly realizing. They couldn’t tell a soul. At least not any more. Either of them could do time for it. Even Opie for helping her. Neither of them would say a word of it. Without a single word spoken they just knew. She knew she made the right decision.
Maybe she was more of a Teller then she thought.
Josie stripped her sweater then her shorts and dropped it into the fire watching as the flames took that too. Until she was just standing in a long t-shirt then barely touched her knees. They stood there watching as the fire burnt through the body. Stayed there for another hour. Sitting on the ground watching. Just to make sure the body did decompensate.
Before they got up and went home. Opie pulled into his driveway and then walked back. As they finished cleaning up the spot on her floor board. Scrubbing it with boiling hot water and soap. On her hands and knees. Opie went home an hour after through her window when he heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
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garbinge · 2 years
Charming Life (2/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller Gemma Teller x Jax Teller x Teller!Sister OC 
From these October Prompts:  “wow, dark already?”
A/N: I know myself well enough to know a prompt a day is a little ambitious but I really wanted to jump into some of those October dialogue prompts. SO I’m committing myself to a prompt a week for the month of October. Here’s week 4 out of 4. I hit my goal!!! Yaaaay! This was originally going to be a different fic but I’ve had Jo on my mind all day everyday so wanted to get this out!
Chapter Index
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, pining, angst, canon level mentions of drugs and jail. 
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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Jax pulled up to his mother’s house with his truck, the windows of both the house and truck were open, making it pretty easy to hear what was going on inside. The yelling and screaming was something Jax was used to, he grew up with it since his mother and sister tended to butt heads a lot, particularly on Gemma’s side of things. But this was different. He heard his sister’s voice over Gemma’s which was surprising. Jo never let herself yell the way Gemma did, it was her way of trying to be different for her own daughter, break generational curses and all that. So when Jax heard Jo yell he picked up the pace to see what was happening in the house. 
He barged into the door that opened into the kitchen to see Jo following Gemma around the dining room. Gemma seemed unbothered by Jo’s bickering, she was checking in on the various pots of chili and grocery bags that held ingredients to make more for the Taste of Charming fundraiser. 
“Are you fuckin’ listening to me?” Jo barked as Gemma turned around, clearly feeling whatever nerve Jo hit with her words or tone. The two were now face to face, expressions as cold as ice as they stared at each other. 
“Alright, chill out.” Jax’s voice boomed as made his way in between the two women. “What’s going on?” He was confused, while it wasn’t the first time he’s had to intervene between the two, it was the first time in a while. Since Jo had gotten pregnant with Dillon, the Teller women barely fought, it wasn’t that there wasn’t tension there, but they all learned how to live in harmony without explosive behavior. 
“Why don’t you tell him?” Jo smirked, not breaking her glare from Gemma. She knew pushing the topic on Gemma to tell Jax would be punishment enough for her mother. Jax would take Jo’s side on this, no question. 
Jo backed up letting Jax into the conversation. “The floor is yours, Gemma.” Jo didn’t let the smirk fall off her face. 
“I should smack that smile off that darling little face of yours.” Gemma placed her hands on her hips. 
“Mom!” Jax raised his voice. “Tell me what the fuck is going on?” 
“April Hobart asked me to talk with the club and let Kyle come to the fundraiser. See his kid play, he’s in the band.” Gemma let those last words come out almost as if she was trying to seem like she knew more than Jax. Which sure, Jax didn’t know the kid was in the band or that said band would be at the fundraiser, but that shit didn’t matter. That was Gemma trying to show rank. What Jax did know was that Kyle was the reason Opie had done 5 years in prison. He also knew that was why Jo was freaking out. 
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.” Jax moved to look away from Gemma as his long blond hair moved from side to side as he shook his head and sucked his lip in with anger. 
“I already talked to Clay. He’s putting it up for a vote.” Gemma went back to checking over the groceries, she knew regardless of how her two kids felt, she had won the argument. 
Jax looked at Jo for back up in a way, but all she did was lift her hands up. Gemma had moved back into the kitchen, putting her focus on the pot of chili on the stove, leaving Jax and Jo in the dining room. 
“We’ve been fighting all morning about it, well, I have been. She hasn’t said a word to me.” Jo explained. “I was there when April came up to the booth, I think it’s genuine but I don’t think that asshole should be in a 10 mile radius of Charming.” Jo was getting worked up. 
Jax sighed, “Yea, I agree. It’s not gonna pass the club vote. Don’t stress too much about it.” Jax tried to comfort his big sister. 
“Sure, easy task.” Jo rolled her eyes as she snatched her bag up from the dining room table. 
“Few days at mom’s and you’re already back to fighting like we’re teenagers again.” Jax joked, before he was looking around the house, “where’s Dillon?” Jax seemed concerned. 
“Worry about your own shit, Jax.” Jo snapped back at him. “She’s not here, I wouldn’t act like that in front of her.” She felt disrespected by what Jax was insinuating. 
He held his hands up to declare surrender and innocence, “I was asking because I wanted to see if you were down for a ride to Ope’s, picking up some hand me down baby shit for Abel.” 
Jo backed down a little. “Sorry, I’m on edge.” She took a deep breath and played with the tassels on her bag. “Yea I could use the fresh air.” 
Jax laughed and made his way out of the house, leaving Gemma with nothing but a nod. 
The drive to Opie’s house wasn’t long, only a couple minutes from the Teller house. That was the charm of Charming, everything was close. 
“Haven’t seen you get that worked up in a while.” Jax said as he drove. 
“It’s just bullshit. Pure bullshit that Gemma is even entertaining the idea.” Jo shrugged. 
Jax kept silent and just nodded as he pulled up in front of Opie’s house. He was out of the car just as quick as he was driving up. He was halfway up the driveway before realizing he didn’t have company. With a glance over his shoulder he was squinting through the morning sun to look for Jo who was still in the car. 
“You comin’? Or what?” He was still close enough where he didn’t have to yell. 
“I’m gonna wait in the car.” Jo called out, praying he didn’t press for more information. Which he didn’t. Jax had speculations, he had thoughts, but never pressed Jo about them. He gestured with a nod and made his way to Opie’s backyard. 
Jo looked around at his house, the home he shared with Donna. Although, with the fact that he hadn’t been home in half a decade she had to assume it felt less and less like home to him these days, but none of that was her concern. Jo never had the privilege of concerning herself with anything about Opie’s life outside of a normal friendship, and even that was limited. Jax, Jo, and Opie grew up together, they were best friends, inseparable. And somewhere along the line, Jo fell in love with Opie, her brother’s best friend. But, he met Donna, and there was never any hate there. Truthfully, Jo wanted Opie to be happy, whatever that looked like. With or without her. But it didn’t stop her from feeling something when she saw him outside the club outings, especially here where it felt more real. Seeing their garage full of things, things that they shared together, the life they had together, it cut deep. 
She was brought back to reality when she heard voices and she looked to her right to see Jax and Opie making their way to the front yard with a couple baby items. Jax was walking towards the bed of the truck, piling things in while Opie stood in the front yard. Jo stayed in the car, her glance moved to catch what Jax was doing before it went back to Opie who lifted his hand up to wave. She offered a weak smile back accompanied by a wave before Jax was talking as he got back in the driver's seat but Jo was too occupied staring at Opie who was now standing there with Donna talking.
Somehow in the mix of all of it, a part of her appreciated Donna, and what she did for Opie, despite Donna’s feelings on the club, she was a mother and that was something Jo could understand and respect. Opie leaned down and kissed Donna, and that broke Jo’s stare as she looked over at her brother whose eyebrows were raised. 
“What?” Jo said on defense. 
Jax thought about mentioning it, saying something slick or even being genuine but he bit his tongue. 
“I was saying I didn’t tell him about Kyle, he was in a good mood which is rare for Ope these days so I figured I’d let him ride it out before church later.” 
Jo nodded, “Your club, not mine.” 
It seemed like the club had okayed Kyle’s presence at the fundraiser, which at this point Jo knew there wasn’t any benefit of holding the grudge, it was out of her hands. Her and Gemma patched things up between them, or at least their version of that which was simply never mentioning it again and carrying on with their daily life business as usual. They were scooping chili, collecting money, shredding cheese, and chopping up fresh cilantro and onions for chili toppings. The booth was a success as it was every other year. 
Donna and Opie had arrived at the event, but hadn’t made their way in too deep before the two of them saw Kyle and had a discussion. Donna didn’t know the facts about Kyle or the whys and hows of Opie’s lockup, but all she knew in that moment was that Kyle had gotten out of the club and she wanted that for Opie. 
One downside to Opie was, he shared nothing with Donna. And then got frustrated with her when she knew nothing. Donna suggested that he get out like Kyle did, and that pressed a button for Opie, rightfully so due to Kyle and Opie’s history, but the way he snapped on Donna wasn’t in the least bit deserved. In his frustrated rage, he still managed to apologize to Donna before going to watch some of the games and activities happening with her and the kids. His mood progressively got worse as he saw Kyle having a great time with his kids, something Opie missed due to his prison stint. 
After attempting to get either of his kids to participate with him and ultimately failing, he let his family run off and explore as he sat on the picnic bench, alone and defeated. His eyes scanned over the crowd, he saw Jo playing with her daughter, blowing bubbles and laughing. A smile grew on his face. Opie made his way over to her, giving them a bit of a startle. 
“Hey,” his deep voice made the both of them jump. He laughed trying to ease their fright, “sorry, didn’t mean to scare you both.” 
“It’s okay, we were deep in a game of popping bubbles, once you get a 50 count, you kind of forget about the world around you.” Jo stood up wiping her hands of the bubble suds on her jeans. “Say hi to Uncle Ope, Dill.” Jo pointed to the man who was towering over both of them. 
Dillon overed a simple wave and went back to blowing the bubbles on her own which caused both of the adults to chuckle. 
“Dillon, go over to Grandma, her and Aunt Lu are going to watch you for a bit.” Jo pointed to the chili table that was 30 feet from them. Without fuss, the little girl was making her way over to the tent. 
Once she was in Gemma’s arms, Jo moved her gaze to Opie who was back to staring at Kyle. 
“How are you with that?” Jo stared at the piece of shit with Opie. 
“You know, seeing how everyone is with their kids, it's hard. Especially that asshole.”  
“5 years is a long time Ope, you can’t compare yourself to other people, other parents. I’m all Dillon has. Micky, well, we all know Micky is a deadbeat. And Kyle? He comes around every couple of months with money and toys, of course his kids love him, they’re not old enough to realize the piece of shit isn’t around because he chooses to be.” Jo comforted him as they stared at Kyle during the egg toss. “You’re not either of them. You were away, but you’re back. Be back. Don’t get sucked up in the past of it all.” 
“You’re a good mom, Jo.” Opie glanced over at her.
“So is Donna. You can’t box her out, Ope.” The words hurt to say, but it was the truth. 
Opie was silent for a bit so Jo spoke up again. “The club? I mean c’mon. Look at it from her point of view. The club put you away. I’m sure she doesn’t know how or why. To her, Jax, Clay, Bobby, the whole fuckin’ club, hell even me, Gemma, the fuckin’ crow eaters, we did this to you. Did this to her. To your family.” 
“It’s not that easy.” Opie tried to argue. “To just open up.”
“You’re doing a fantastic job doin’ it now.” 
“It’s different with us. I’ve known you my whole life–” Opie tried to defend himself. 
“But you vowed your life to that woman.” She pointed over where Donna was. “I’m not saying you can’t talk to me. We’re friends, we’ve always been friends and always will be friends. I’m just offering up some friendly advice.” 
“You think we’ll always be that?” Opie questioned. “Friends?”
Before Jo could answer, Jax was joining them. 
“Sup?” Jax greeted them, now the three were staring at the egg toss. “What I miss?” 
“Just hangin’ out like old times.” Jo laughed. “Wild isn’t it? We all grew up together, and now our kids, they’re gonna grow up together.” 
“How is your kid?” Opie said looking over Jo’s head at Jax. 
“Still in the toaster, but he’s healing quick.” Jax smiled. 
Before the 3 could finish their conversation, their attention was averted to the egg toss, where Kyle was currently soaked in yolk. Although the conversation was halted, there was a moment where it felt like time froze for all of them and the tattoo on the back of Kyle was framed and blown up for all of them to see. Jo felt the two men to her left and right tense up as they caught a look at eachother. 
“You guys go, I’ll distract Gemma.” Jo planned out knowing her mother would lose her shit if she found out things were going to go down at her event. 
Whatever went down between Kyle and the boys stayed out of the gossip mill of the town which meant it stayed clear of Gemma. It was already dark out, which meant the club guys fulfilled their community service duties for Gemma and were either home or at the clubhouse, leaving the rest of the fundraiser full of families and volunteers. 
“Wow, dark already.” Gemma’s voice made Jo turn around to face her. 
“Yea, the day went by fast.” Jo said as she picked up her little girl who was previously holding Gemma’s hand.
“Enjoy the days, sweetheart. Before you know it, the years fly by and you start wondering where the time went.” Gemma was playing with Dillon’s hair as she stood next to Jo. 
The fireworks started to go off, which caused Dillon to shift in her mother’s arms and look up at the sky as she held one arm around Jo’s neck and the other around a stuffed animal she must have won during the day. 
“I think the years grew wings a long time ago, Mom.” Jo said as she looked to where the fireworks were coming from and saw Opie with his family. There it was again. That bittersweet feeling, she pushed him to fix things with Donna and the kids, but her heart tore a little bit every time she had to see them. “A long, long, time ago.”
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brunettemarionette · 2 months
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The guys were all talking, but Juice wasn't paying attention. He was still quiet from having been sat next to you for the dinner party Gemma had thrown for the MC.
From where Juice was sitting, he was at the perfect angle to see into the kitchen, where Gemma was cleaning the mess and you were stood washing up. You were smiling as you worked alongside your mom. He could hear the faint sound of music as your hips moved slightly to the beat of whatever song you were listening to.
Juice was completely captured by you and had been for a while. He'd clammed up at dinner when you took the seat next to him, but seeing you like this—carefree and beautiful—made his heart beat faster and his mouth drier.
"Juice?" Tig nudges him with a smirk, clearly seeing what he has been staring at.
The club's tech guy glanced away from you to Tig with a confused dazed expression and quickly shakes himself seeing all the guys looking at him, "what?"
Clay narrowed his eyes as Jax turned to look in the direction Juice had been before turning back with a glare of his own, "She's off limits."
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warnersister · 7 months
“Top Gun Masterlist”
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw🐓
->“Show me the way home, Honey” - the one that slipped through Hangman’s fingers
->“Newborn Days” - the still moments with his wife and newborn son
->“Personal Space” - you love your personal space. Unfortunately, Bradley also loves your personal space.
->“Personal Space Pt. 2” - 2 Bradshaws like your space now
->“I Remember Everything” - inspired by the song ‘i remember everything’ by zach bryan: you and bradley were only together to piss off your dad.. right?
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin🤠
->“Stay In Your Lane” - where Jake realises he needs to start settling down with you, if only you’d let him.
-> “The Highwayman” - Jake Seresin: Highwayman. Riding along coach roads with his gang of the fellow Dagger Squad. But when his companion is in immediate need of a horse, they stop in a town Jake had avoided for the past 5 years. The place he’d left his beloved as a threat from her father, Sheriff Beau Simpson. But when he returns for good, Simpson isn’t having some highwayman get his way with his daughter. Not if he had anything to do with it.
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd🐣
->“Make a mockery of Me” - where Bob introduces his girl to the rest of the dagger squad, but needs to remind you just who you’re talking to with that tone.
Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado🕶️
->”First Date” - inspired by ‘First Date’ by Blink 182. The events of yours and coyotes first date
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-> “The Highwayman” - cowboy!Jake Seresin x Reader - Jake Seresin: Highwayman. Riding along coach roads with his gang of the fellow Dagger Squad. But when his companion is in immediate need of a horse, they stop in a town Jake had avoided for the past 5 years. The place he’d left his beloved as a threat from her father, Sheriff Beau Simpson. But when he returns for good, Simpson isn’t having some highwayman get his way with his daughter. Not if he had anything to do with it.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
It's your fault I have the Sigzil brain rot, so I'm sending you a list of (small, happy) Kalazil/Sigkal things.
After becoming Captain and the Kholins' bodyguard, Kaladin had access to a mirror for the first time in who knows how long. He spent a long while looking at it, trying to see 'a leader's face' in his own like Sigzil had said.
Kaladin is the one person Sigzil really tries to be a WorldSinger for. The others ask and press for stories, but Kaladin is the only one Sigzil gives them openly and freely too.
Kaladin loves it when he gets spanreed messages from Sigzil because he knows it's actually him writing and reading it on the other side
On the flip side, Sigzil hates using a spanreed to talk to Kaladin because he's aware that there must be someone else reading and writing for Kaladin and he just hates the idea of that for some reason
When Lyn broke up with Kaladin, Sigzil was the first to know, because he was on his way to talk to Kaladin when it happened. He actually heard the whole thing. His being there when Lyn opened the door is part of the reason she felt so okay leaving Kaladin in the state he was in (which wasn't great to start and was worse after she broke the news to him). She knew that next to Teft or Rock, he was the best person who could be there.
You know I was going to defend Adolin's honor and then I remembered that while Adolin is almost always absolutely fantastic for Kal's low points, he is also the Married Friend. And you don't want your Married Friend to walk in .2 seconds after you got dumped. Sigzil at least can distract and sooth much easier. But yeah. Sigzil feeling some kind of way about writing to Kaladin. Different than the feeling he has about writing for Kaladin, or reading. Trying so hard to be a worldsinger for him. Mishim you iconic cringefail of a story. Storms. Kaladin trying to see the leader's face in the mirror, Sigzil trying to see the scholar Kaladin thinks the exams were too foolish to recognize....
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rebelwrites · 11 months
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Five: I'll Call You Sunshine
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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So far the night had gone okay, I had managed to keep myself busy, meaning the only interaction I had with Charles was when Pops brought him over to the bar. Every time I passed Jax he cocked his brow, giving me a look which told me to go talk to him, each time I either rolled my eyes or slyly gave him the bird. Crouching down I swiped another energy drink from the fridge, I was so exhausted I needed all the help I could get right now.
Caffeine was my best friend.
“How many you had now?” Jax asked, leaning across the bar, nodding at the freshly opened can in my hand.
“This is my first one,” I grinned, hoping that he couldn’t see through my lie but the moment the words left my lips the expression on my brother’s face changed telling me he wasn’t going to accept my answer, especially when he dropped his gaze down to the trash can where three more empty cans laid. I knew I wasn’t getting out of this. “Fine, this is my fourth,” I mumbled, refusing to make eye contact with him, like a child not wanting to get scolded.
No words left his mouth, within seconds he jumped over the bar, prising the can out of my hand. “Squirt, we have talked about this,” Jax sighed, once again I could hear the guilt in his voice, he knew the reason I pumped myself full of caffeine. “The last thing I need is for you to wind up in hospital from exhaustion or heart palpitations.”
“What am I meant to do, Jax?” I sighed, running my hand over my face. “We don’t have enough staff, especially at the cafe.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“Ima quit this morning,” I scoffed, although I did have a slight smirk on my face. Ima was shit at her job, never wearing suitable clothes, always fucking up orders and I was only days away from firing her scrawny ass. But she beat me to it, in turn taking a job off my extremely full plate, even if it meant adding a million more in return. “So it’s the no sleep club for me,” I paused, meeting the blue eyes of my brother,“for at least the foreseeable future.”
“Nope, not happening,” Jax hummed, placing the open can on the counter, “let me speak to Nero okay, he has management experience so maybe he can take some of the pressure off either here or at the cafe,” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leaning in and pressing a kiss against the top of my head. “For now you are off the clock, I will take over the rest of the night, you go join Pops and Elenor for a little bit but then you need to go home and get some sleep, okay.”
Shifting my gaze over to Pops’ booth, I saw Charles and Pierre were still chilling with him and Elenor. I could have died of embarrassment, as Charles looked up causing our gazes to intertwine. I quickly found myself getting lost in his beautiful eyes, feeling my heart practically skip a beat with how he was smirking at me right now. Taking a deep breath I somehow managed to convince myself it was just the caffeine causing the spike in my heart rate not the fact I was having a moment with Charles Leclerc.
“I can’t,” I mumbled, finally breaking the eye contact, “I already made a fool of myself yesterday.”
“Well, looks like you don’t have to, he is coming over here,” Jax smirked, pushing me out of the bar. “Nova, this is a small town, you won’t be able to avoid him so as your older, smarter, better looking brother I’m demanding you put your big girl pants on and just talk to him.”
Right now all I wanted to do was strangle my sibling, he had thrown me into the deep end without a life ring. I was not ready to deal with this. However, time was definitely not on my side as before I knew it Charles slid onto the bar stool next to me.
“Jax, can I get another beer please man?” Charles nodded at my brother, “and whatever the lovely lady is having.”
“Oh, this lovely lady is on water for the rest of the night,” Jax laughed but quickly changed his expression, shooting me a stern look as he grabbed the open can of energy drink, taking a large sip of the liquid, “somebody has had far too much caffeine today.”
“I am still here, asshole,” I pouted, glaring at him. He knew what I was doing, I was trying to put off having the conversation as long as possible. My stomach was in knots, my palms were sweating and my heart rate wasn’t coming down, it wasn’t everyday I had a famous racing driver approach me to talk. Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady my heart beat, although nothing was working. Once again I found myself blaming the amount of caffeine I had in such a short space of time, although I wasn’t going to admit that to anyone. I was petrified Charles would notice how nervous I was, but judging at the fact he was still chatting with Jax, I was in the clear right now.
“So, I never got your name,” Charles smiled, finally turning to me.
“Because I never told you,” I shrugged, I could pretend that I didn’t know who he was, right? Even though I did burst into the bar yesterday reciting the commentary from his maiden win at Monza.
“Si tu ne me dis pas ton nom, je t'appellerai Rayon de soleil. If you don't tell me your name, I'll call you Sunshine,” he said smoothly, scooting on the stool to move closer to me, my heart was moments away from exploding when his knee rested against mine.
“Appelez-moi comme vous voulez, mais je pense que vous connaissez déjà mon nom. Call me whatever you like, but I think you already know my name,” I smirked, judging by the look on his face he was not expecting me to respond to him in fluent French.
“Since when did you speak French?” Jax questioned, barging into the conversation.
“I don’t tell you everything, ya know,” I scoffed, poking my tongue out at him. “Don’t you have work to do, like I don’t know, maybe run the bar or something?” I scolded, raising my brow at him whilst silently telling him to fuck off. Thankfully he got the hint and wandered off into the kitchen. “Sorry about him, he can be a right pain in my ass at times,” I said turning back to Charles.
“Boyfriend?” he asked.
The moment the one word left his perfect lips I choked on my water, spraying the bar with liquid. I felt my entire body heat up from embarrassment as I reached over grabbing some napkins to not only dry my face but the counter as well. Once I had caught my breath back I looked up at Charles. “Nah, my older annoying brother.”
“Good to know,” Charles hummed, slowly nodding his head before pulling the beer bottle to his lips. “So, the picture behind the bar, is that you daughter?” he asked.
“My niece,” I smiled, momentarily forgetting what picture he was on about, scanning the bar I saw the photo he mentioned, mentally I cursed myself for not taking it down the second I knew he was here. “She is an absolute angel, however she has Teller blood running strong through her veins.”
“I’m gonna assume that’s not a good thing.” Charles laughed.
“Urm, depends who you ask really,” I smirked, leaning forward against the bar. I couldn’t help myself as I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at the Monégasque driver. I knew this was going to be a dangerous game to play, flirting with someone I couldn't have but it was like a switch had flipped in my brain from wanting to avoid him to now thinking fuck it whats some harmless flirting. Before either of us could say anything I realized that Pops had appeared between me and Charles. I couldn’t be annoyed at him because it had been nearly a week since JT has felt himself.
“How is my favorite girl doing?” Pops asked, resting his hand over mine.
“I’m good Pops,” I smiled, turning my hand over softly, squeezing in return. “You calling it a night?”
“Yeah, I think I should. Elenor has fallen asleep against Pierre so the least I can do is save him from the drool monster,” he chuckled, placing his coffee mug on the bar.
Turning my gaze to the corner booth, I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight, Elenor had fully passed out with her head resting against Pierre’s arm, he was being so good with it all by making sure he didn’t let her head slip from his bicep whilst he held his phone in the other hand, more than likely scrolling on Instagram.
“You aren’t driving home are you?” I asked, with a hint of worry in my voice.
“My sweet girl, you worry too much,” he responded before pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “I’m not driving, Chibs is gonna give us a ride back.”
“Okay, Pops,” I smiled up at him, “Jax is in the kitchen with Bobby.”
Taking a deep breath, I watched him make his way through the bar and into the staff only hallway. For a second I forgot I had company until Charles placed his hand over mine, squeezing lightly causing sparks to erupt over my whole body.
At that moment I knew I was screwed, I hadn’t felt sparks like this for years, the last time I had feelings like this I put my whole heart into it and ended up getting burnt. To the point where I had built thick indestructible walls around my heart in order to protect myself. I also vowed never to fall for someone like that again but one touch from Charles and I knew I was gonna end up breaking my number one rule.
“Thank you,” I whispered, finally looking up at him.
“What for, Sunshine?” he asked, with a slightly puzzled look on his face.
“I know you sat with JT last night and honestly I haven't seen him that happy for a little while now,” I sighed, feeling tears starting to build in my eyes, “I’m not gonna go into it but he is having some health problems at the minute. The fact that you made him smile again is something that means so much to not only me but to Jax as well,” I said softly, trying my hardest to keep these tears at bay, “I don’t know if I could ever repay you for that.”
“I know I only met him last night but he seems like a good guy, he definitely knows how to make you laugh,” Charles hummed, taking a sip of his beer. I noticed his hand was still covering mine, although I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. I hadn’t had this sort of intimate contact with someone in years and honestly it felt amazing. “I can think of a way you can repay me.”
“Oh, how’s that, Mister?” I hummed, looking up through my damp lashes, whilst cocking my brow at him.
“Come to dinner with me.”
Once again I nearly choked, it took my brain a moment to catch up and realized that he had basically asked me out on a date, “Urm,” I mumbled, finally pulling my hand away from his. What the hell was going on? This started as some harmless flirting from newly found confidence I had gained, but now it had turned into a proposal of an actual date. I felt my heart practically stop as panic filled my body, I had no idea how I was going to be able to keep up the facade of not knowing who he was, especially if I went on a date with him. “I don’t know if I can, I run two businesses, I’m the main carer for Pops and with helping Jax organize the fundraiser next week there aren't enough hours in the day. The only reason I'm on this side of the bar and not behind it is because Jax forced me to take the night off,” taking a deep breath, I rested my hand on Charles’ shoulder before half smiling at him, “sorry.”
I needed to get away from this situation.
Had I really just turned down Charles Leclerc?
In my head I knew it was the right thing to do, even though my heart was currently screaming at me for declining his offer. I couldn’t put myself in a situation where it would only end in my heart broken and me once again crushed.
I needed to protect myself, even if the price to pay was being alone for the rest of my life, that was a risk I was willing to take.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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pechikanoyoru · 7 months
Aina has been called an alien twice on tv tho idk about the truth about that. Well that's the aspergers baby
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agapeeternal · 1 year
Yeah, so I think my fave top gun blog archived and won't be posting anymore. Y'all know any good active top gun/top gun cast tumblrs? Please, I really need help.
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