#Teller-Morrow daughter
brunettemarionette · 2 months
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The guys were all talking, but Juice wasn't paying attention. He was still quiet from having been sat next to you for the dinner party Gemma had thrown for the MC.
From where Juice was sitting, he was at the perfect angle to see into the kitchen, where Gemma was cleaning the mess and you were stood washing up. You were smiling as you worked alongside your mom. He could hear the faint sound of music as your hips moved slightly to the beat of whatever song you were listening to.
Juice was completely captured by you and had been for a while. He'd clammed up at dinner when you took the seat next to him, but seeing you like this—carefree and beautiful—made his heart beat faster and his mouth drier.
"Juice?" Tig nudges him with a smirk, clearly seeing what he has been staring at.
The club's tech guy glanced away from you to Tig with a confused dazed expression and quickly shakes himself seeing all the guys looking at him, "what?"
Clay narrowed his eyes as Jax turned to look in the direction Juice had been before turning back with a glare of his own, "She's off limits."
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Tig's Daughter, Chapter 2
Word Count:  2.1k
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Alex’s POV
"Is it bad that I sort of remember this place?" 
Dad smiled at me as I got out of the car. He ran to my side and grabbed my backpack, "dad I only have one bag. I can get it."
"That's bullshit that your mother threw away all of your stuff when you were at work," he growled, "I'll have the prospect or Gemma take you shopping. You're gonna need clothes for school when it starts up next month."
"Yeah," he laughed, "don't tell me you thought I was gonna let you off scott free when it came to that."
"You didn't graduate," I began, "hell neither did Fawn."
"Yeah," he sighed, "but you are going to go to school. And you are going to graduate. I want you to have a better life than I have."
"Your life doesn't look so bad."
"Tig, thank god your back," a younger guy said, running up to him, "Clay's telling me there's a beamer that's coming in."
"Fucking deal with it then, prospect," dad growled at him, "I'm off today. I brought my kid home."
"Your kid?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, "people have them sometimes. It's a result of fucking without a condom."
"Sorry kiddo," he sighed, sparing me a glance. Then he turned to the prospect once more, "see, you got me swearing in front of my kid, half-sack. GO TO WORK!"
As he ran away, dad turned back to me, "who was that?"
"The prospect?" he asked, "name's half-sack."
"What's his real name?"
"Well, I think you scared Kip," I said, pointing into the garage. He was asking another guy about something, and it looked like he was annoying him just as much, “poor guy looks scared half to death.”
"He's still getting his bearings," dad shrugged, "he's only been here a month and a half.  But he’s alright.  Veteran…served in Iraq.  We’re not scaring him, trust me."
"And you guys are already putting him to work in the garage?"
He shrugged, "not my call."
Then he turned around, and we were facing the clubhouse.
"Is this where we're staying?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "at least until I can find us a place. When your mom left me, she forced me to sell the house. It was in both of our names. Been living in the dorms ever since."
"Well, that's kind of depressing."
"Hey, we take what we can get," he shrugged, "I didn't have you...or your sisters...and that day when Missy died...I didn't have anything left."
I sighed, knowing that was all too true.
When mom walked out on dad, she'd pretty much taken any asset he'd had. Part of me always believed that if Missy hadn't been shot that day, she would have tried to take her too, just to spite my dad.
"So do you want the tour, kiddo?"
I nodded, "sure."
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and led me into the clubhouse. It still looked as big as I'd remembered it. When we walked inside, I noticed a few women hanging around the bar or cleaning up. Dead ahead was a room with a big table.
Out walked two guys. A heavy-set guy with a full beard, and a taller, more brute looking man with white hair.
"Clay, Bobby, this is my kid."
Dad sounded almost proud when he said that, pushing me ahead of himself slightly.
The heavy-set man was first to come up. He wrapped me up in a hug, "Oh kiddo, you've grown so much since I last saw you. Tig, she's gotten so big.  How long has it been?  Ten, no, eleven years?"
"Do I know you?"
"Elvis," he smiled, holding himself out to me, “Bobby Elvis, babydoll.”
My eyes went wide.  I remembered him.  He was the man who would always act like he was Elvis Presley.
"That's right," he smiled, imitating Elvis. I laughed and hugged him again, "thank you. Thank you very much."
"Oh my god," I exclaimed, "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!"
"It's fine doll," he laughed, "you were probably five or six the last time I saw you."
"OH MY GOD, ALEXIS!" a woman's voice yelled, "TIGGER IS THIS REALLY HER?"
I turned, but just quick enough that the woman in front of me didn't bowl me over. She wrapped me up in the tightest hug I'd ever felt. Closing my eyes, I relaxed into her scent.  It was one that I couldn’t forget.  I felt myself sliding into the comfort and familiarity of her. 
I smiled and held the woman who'd been like a real mother to me for the first six years of my life, "Gemma."
She let me go just long enough to bring a hand to her mouth, "oh baby, you've grown so much. You're such a beautiful young lady."
"I missed you, Gem."
She pulled me back into a second hug and she began to pet my hair, "oh baby, I'm never letting that evil woman tear you away from us again. Even if it means putting a bullet in her, myself."
"Feel free," I laughed, “I won’t stop you.”
She let go of me and I turned to the white-haired man. The president of the club.
He tried to act like it was no big deal, and he held a hand out to me.
"Good to see you."
"Oh, who you kidding," he laughed, pulling me into a hug as well. My façade broke as the man who was my best friend as a kid practically lifted me off the ground, "it's been too long kiddo.  You’ve been far too far from home.”"
"I know."
"You're home now though," Gemma smiled once Clay had finally let me go, "and that's all that matters. Come on sweetie, let me show you to the dorms so you can put your stuff down. We'll send the prospect out to the car to get the rest of your stuff."
"Oh, I uh, only have a backpack." I said, gesturing to my dad, who was still holding it, "I don't have much.  My mom threw out most of my stuff when I was working a double at the diner."
"Well that just won't do," she frowned, her hand reaching out to stroke my cheek, "you're seventeen sweetheart, you need to have options.  You’re a growing young lady."
"Just not too many options," dad said as Gemma grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the clubhouse, "GEMMA SHE'S ONLY SEVENTEEN!"
"Forget what your dad says," Gemma smiled as she used the keyless entry to her car, "we're going shopping and I'm spoiling the hell out of you baby." 
"I'm not seventeen."
"What?" dad asked, "yes you are. You're seventeen. You were born-"
"Dad...I'm eighteen."
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"You know, I'm glad that bitch finally gave you back to your father."
"I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
"What do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Dad says that mom couldn't have been all that bad," I shrugged, "but he doesn't know what it was like living with her. He wasn't there when she forgot my birthday. He wasn't there when I learned how to ride a bike because my downstairs neighbors taught me. Wasn't there when mom pulled me out of school-"
"Your mom pulled you out of school?"
"Last year," I nodded, "she tried forcing me to go down with the corner with her, but once I told a neighbor, she got me a job under the table at a diner down the street. I got myself a fake ID and everything and started working a second job she didn't know about. Stashed some money away so that I could disappear when I turned 18."
I looked up at Gemma, putting my phone in my lap. She genuinely looked shocked at what I was telling her.
"Baby, that's not okay."
"I'm fine," I admitted, "Dad tried to keep in touch. I remember he would call, and mom wouldn't let him talk to me. She'd just scream about money...and he'd tried to visit a few times...but he always sent me a birthday gift.  I knew he didn’t forget about me, and it made things a little more…bearable."
She looked sad as she focused back on the road.  We didn't say another word until we pulled back into TM. When we got out, she ordered the prospect to get my bags.
She truly had bought me a lot, saying that dad would foot the bill later.  But part of me knew she wouldn't give dad the bill.  He looked like he was barely making it by as it was.
I mean, I know mom took everything from him, but it didn't seem like he ever stopped giving what he had left to me.  As I walked into the clubhouse yet again, I saw dad sitting at the bar talking to Clay.
I ran up and wrapped my arms around him.  He turned partially in his seat and smiled when he realized it was me.
"So we got the rest of the day together," he smiled, "been talking with the guys. They're gonna let us spend some time together. Only thing I got going on is church tomorrow evening."
"Church?" I laughed, "when did you become religious."
"It's what we call our little get togethers," Clay laughed, taking a swig of his beer, "We just have to get together and vote on some things."
"Oh," I laughed, "I was gonna say, dad was never religious."
"They're religious about their bikes," Gemma laughed, putting an arm around Clay. They greeted one another with a kiss, and she turned back to me, "did you wanna go back out with me? I have to run a few more errands so I can do dinner tomorrow night. You're coming to that, right?"
"Let Tiggy spend some time with his little girl," Clay laughed, wrapping an arm around Gemma and pulling her close, "who knows how long she'll still wanna spend time with her old man."
Just then a loud noise broke us from our conversation.
"What the hell was that?"
"Guys, you gotta see this!" Half sack said, running into the clubhouse, "something just exploded."
We all followed him outside.
It looked like it was a bit further out, but the noise was getting louder, and a second, even bigger explosion went off.
"Holy shit!"
"Oh my god."
I looked back to my dad, but he was already looking to Clay.
"That ours?"
"Shit," Clay hissed, nodding towards my dad, "call the boys. We've gotta get everyone here. NOW!"
Without another word, dad pulled out his cell phone and began dialling up numbers.
"What's going on, Gemma?"
"Looks like you're stuck with me, sweetheart," she sighed, "let's go back in and get you unpacked. Your dad's gonna be busy for quite a while."
"But wha-"
But I was cut off by a third explosion developing from the area.  She sighed as she turned me around and led me back into the clubhouse like this was some everyday occurrence.
"Is this normal?"
"Well not that, exactly," she sighed as we walked back towards the dorms, "but there's always something going on in this town."
"I'd expect an explosion in Oakland, but not here," I admitted, “That’s crazy.”
Gemma shrugged, opening a door at the end of the hall.  Walking in, I took note of what Gemma had already done to make it more acceptable for a teenage girl.
The bags were haphazardly dropped in the room by the dresser. On top of the dresser was a picture of me and dad with Missy. He was laying on a couch and Missy was laying on him, and a six-year-old me was snuggled up right alongside of her.
That was a few months before she died.
I think that was one of the last pictures dad had taken of us.  Sighing to myself, I walked up, touching the frame.
"Your dad had his copy in his wallet," she said softly, "I borrowed it to make a copy so that you would have it."
"Dad had this in his wallet?"
"Yeah," she laughed, "on the back it says 'my girls' and it was dated 1998."
"Yeah," I smiled, "that was back at the house before mom left dad. They never tell you that you're in the good old days, you know. That shit always slips by and you never know it."
"Tell me about it," she laughed, "I remember 1998 so well. Jax was turning 20. They let him prospect for the club. It felt like he was still my baby boy."
"I'm sure he still is, Gemma."
"He'll always be my baby boy," she shrugged, "but you're right, sweetheart. Things have definitely changed since then." 
Chapter 3
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dallianceangel · 1 month
I’m Not Proud Of It
Writing this has given me another idea for a fic 💗
🫦 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🫦
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You slip out of the clubhouse wearing the same clothes you wore last night, grinning as your mind plays back the wild night you had with Chibs. As you head toward the exit, Jax catches you as he works on fixing a motorcycle in Teller-Morrow. His gaze follows you, and he grows suspicious as he notices Chibs licking his lips, a subtle sign of the recent encounter he had with his girlfriend’s daughter.
Jax lowers his voice. “You and her...?”
Chibs sighs, nodding his head. “Aye, but you know, I’m not proud of it.”
Jax chuckles, not believing a single word. “Yeah, right. I bet you felt proud last night.”
Chibs smiles, but it soon fades when his girlfriend’s face flashes in his mind and the guilt resurfaces. “It shouldn’t have happened.”
Jax goes back to fixing what he is working on, but continues the conversation. “Was it just the once?”
Chibs’ silence gives Jax the answer he suspected, it’s happened more than once. “Fuck.”
Chibs sighs, the guilt eating away at him. A little while later, during lunchtime, your mom arrives outside Teller-Morrow, cheerful and unaware of the situation. She heads into the office and greets Chibs with a warm smile, holding a bag of delicious goodies.
“Hey, love,” she says, giving Chibs a kiss on the cheek. “I brought us some lunch.”
Chibs forces a smile. “Hey, doll. I’m so hungry.”
As she talks to Chibs over lunch, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Chibs discreetly checks it—it’s a text from you. He fights back a smile as he reads the message.
"Last night was hot. Round two later? 😏"
Chibs quickly types back, his heart racing: “You’re trouble, lass. We’ll need to be careful.”
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marvelous-slut · 11 months
Rats - Chibs Telford x Reader
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not many warnings on this one, just mentions of guns i think? xx
You feel your body tense up as you hear the motorcycle pull up to your driveway. The gun in your hand is cold, but you have a tight grip on it. You have your mothers crucifix in the other hand, holding onto it just as tight as you pray silently. Tears fall from your eyes as you stand up to face the door way. The engine turns off and your body goes cold, holding the gun out to the door. Prepared to kill whoever it is that has been sent to kill you.
It was always said Piney, Clay and Bobby had spent many days in the club house carrying you around. They held you, fed you, changed you. Bobby was the most attached to you out of the three men, once you got old enough he’d make sure he had things to keep you occupied. He didn’t want you thinking of your father Otto being locked up and at this time as far as you were concerned your mother had a 9-5, but everyone knew she was filming her movies to try to help with the expenses that came with a baby.
Jax and Opie had been your right hand men for years. The two of you had did everything together. Riding bikes together and imitating all of your fathers, running around Teller-Morrow together. Once the three of you hit high school, your trip was inseparable. Lots of parents didn’t want their kids hanging around “biker thugs” kids.
Tig was like the creepy uncle, sure you didn’t like to sit alone with him but he sure did know how to make someone laugh when they were down. Juice, while quiet he thought highly of you. You were always willing to help him out, and he did the same for you. Any time he over heard you talk about going on dates, he was looking up information on the guy to make sure he wouldn’t cause any problems. Happy was different, he usually said nothing when you were around. You couldn’t help but like him because when he did say something, it was always a great comeback or eagerness to help the club.
Chibs Telford, he was the man who occupied your mind day in and day out. The one who looked out for you most in the club besides Bobby. You didn’t know what it was or why he did the things he did for you, but they always made you feel like a high school girl again with a crush. Anytime at the SAMCRO parties when you’d have a little too much to drink, he’d make sure you made it to his bed safe and sound, untouched. He’d let you sleep there alone until the morning when you felt better. He always had coffee made for you two to share. Maybe it was the fact he had a daughter he couldn’t take care of as you were younger than him, but it made you feel a way about him that you’d never felt about anyone else.
One of these men would kill you tonight and you were sure of it. You hoped it would be Happy, convinced it would be him. He would kill at the drop of a hat, plus you were close to him. Bobby would never be able to pull the trigger he was too close. No one else made sense. Your father had ratted on the club and tonight they’d seek revenge on his child as his wife was buried 6 feet under ground. As much as you loved these men dearly, considered them family you also knew what they were capable of if it hurt the club. The engine turns off and you hear a knock at the door. You set the crucifix down, holding on to the gun with both hands. Your heart falls when you see Chibs standing at your door, of course. They’d sent him to end your life. As he sees you with the gun pointed at him, he throws his hands up in the air.
“Jesus Christ! Lass, put that thing away!” You continue holding the gun, pointing it directly at his head. You feel yourself shaking, unsure if it was fear or shock. Maybe even both. Tears spill over as you realize the man you’d been in love with would kill you, or you’d kill him.
“No. I know dad ratted. I know what you’re here for!” You scream, shoving the gun closer to him. He grabs it and jerks it down. He takes the gun, emptying the bullets. You fall to the floor, tears falling down your face. “I don’t want to die.”
“What the hell are ya talkin’ about?” He asks, shoving the weapon into the waist band of his pants. He squats down, pushing hair out of your face. “Who’s going to kill ya?”
“Apparently you! The club has to send a message to dad about him flipping, my moms dead. He has nothing else to loose besides me.” You say, Chibs feels his heart ache at the sight of your tears and fear. He grabs your face, making you look him in the eyes.
“Love, no one’s killing anyone. Jackie boy wanted me to come by and make sure you were okay. Reassure you the club still has your back, we know this ain’t your fault. What your father has done doesn’t outweigh the trust we have in you.” The words make a weight lift off your chest. You wipe the remaining tears away and laugh. Chibs remains a little distraught that you thought he would be coming to kill you.
“They wouldn’t send me anyways, probably send Happy.” He says, chuckling as he does. “Jax says we have some kinda fucked up bond.” You think back to the times Jax had told you at the club house you had daddy issues after he’d saw you and Chibs together.
“That bastard.” You say, sighing afterwards. Chibs has a confused look on his face.
“Do we have some kinda fucked up thing?” He asks. You grab his hands, running your fingers over them.
“Maybe we do. But I like it.” You say, he smiles, pulling you into his chest. Your face lays on his kutte as he runs a hand through your hair. “Would you please stay tonight?” You whisper.
“I’d love to.”
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drakoneve · 1 year
Destined Meetings
request: Hey, do you think you could write something where the reader is related to tig somehow, and they're in charming for work or college and they start a relationship with juice? Cute and a little angsty at first?
pairing: Juice Ortiz x Trager!Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: club crimes, reader's mom isn't the best + suggested childhood trauma, alcohol and drug (maryj) use
a/n: there will be another part for sure, but i might make this a bit of a mini-series, lmk what you think. happy reading!
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Tig hardly ever talked about it, but he'd been married once. He would rather die than ever admit he loved anyone but Dawn and Fawn, but he loved her. And you, his sweet, sweet Y/n.
His heart clenched at the thought of you. You were only two years old at the time of the accident. The day your mother decided she had had enough of Tig and the life he came with and that she needed to run.
It was that day, when your mother pulled out of Charming and never looked back. She only made it two towns over before she took a reckless turn right off an overpass into oncoming traffic.
Tig could remember the look on Unser's face as he approached the older man in the TM parking lot like yesterday, and how he wished he could go back and convince your mom not to go. Or to leave you, at least.
Unser had just began working with the club back then, and this case in particular had always stuck with him. A woman trying to escape her outlaw husband with their baby daughter who ends up getting into a horrific accident that ends up killing them both? One of the saddest stories Unser had ever heard.
Except for the fact none of it was true.
Because there you stood, alive and well, right in front of the Chief's desk.
"I know it sounds crazy," you shake your head, hopeful look on your face. "I wouldn't believe it either, actually. And I don't really have any proof other than my memories, but I'm sure it's him."
The aging polaroid in you had provided him of a much younger Tig and a woman he recognizes to be your mother back when she was pregnant with you.
"No, no," he waves your worries away. "I believe you. In fact, I remember your mother, vaguely, and you look a lot like her."
You grimace. "Yeah, I've been told a few times. So do you know where I can find Alexander?"
Chief Unser pulls a pen from his shirt pocket and begins writing on a slip of paper on his desk. "This is the address of the Teller-Morrow, the automotive shop your dad works at. I would take you there myself, but I'm swamped here."
"Oh, it's no issue," you shrug and take the slip of paper. "I can get there myself. Thank you for everything, though."
You turn and begin to leave when Unser calls for you to stop.
"I forgot to mention, your dad goes by 'Tig.'"
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Juice stretched out his arms and popped his neck while he wiped his hands with a rag. Two weeks of waiting for one part was finally over, and he could get this damn Taurus out of the shop. He tossed the rag into his toolbox when a sleek black car comes rumbling into the lot.
He leaves the garage to get a closer look and notices the car is actually a classic, a well taken care of (or well restored) '69 Chevy. While he admires the car he notices you, too.
Your hair is partly clipped back, with enough loose enough to frame your face in a casual look. You're pretty, and admittedly he'd be more distracted by you but Juice can tell by the look on your face you're nervous. Juice would know, it's a look he's had to learn to hide.
By sight and sound nothing seemed to be wrong with your car, and Juice can't help but wonder why you're here.
You shut the engine off and exit your vehicle, all the while silently composing yourself. Heart thudding in your chest, you wonder if you're doing the right thing.
Juice takes the moment you shut the door to approach further.
"Hello," he greets politely, friendly smile on his face. "I'm Juice, and I'll be taking care of you today. What seems to be the problem?"
"Oh, no," you shake your head and laugh nervously. "Nothing's wrong with her. I'm actually-"
You pause, close your eyes for a second and bite the inside of your bottom lip. Juice can't help but watch you fondly, finding you oddly adorable.
Finally you open your eyes and flash a bright, genuine smile.
Damn, I'm made, he thinks.
"This is gonna sound completely insane," you explain, nervously clasping your hands together. "But, um, I'm looking for Alexa- well, no, Tig, Tig Trager."
Juice raises his brows. "Tig? Uh, I don't know if now's the best time."
It's true, he's currently in Oakland with Jax and Chibs on quick business.
"Look, I know it's inconvenient and you don't know me," you plead. You're closer now and Juice can smell your sweet perfume and practically feel your hopefulness. "But until a couple months ago I had no idea my dad was even alive. And then I found out I was here for weeks before realizing he's here, too."
Your dad? There has to be a story there. Juice raises his hands to either side of your arms, holding you still in hopes to assure you.
"It's okay," he says sternly, but in an endearing way. "Tig's not here right now but he should be soon, so let's head on inside and you can tell me a little bit about you. Just to be sure, no offense."
You smile, relieved to be believed to some extent rather than none. "Thank you, Juice. Thank you."
Juice leads you into the Teller-Morrow through the garage entrance into the larger building. From what you could see on the outside you wouldn't have imagined such a spacious clubhouse inside.
Inside were several pool tables, a couch with mini pieces about, a bar with stools, and other tables each with their own set of chairs. Decorations littered the walls and floors and you laughed to yourself as you noted a nearly full ashtray on almost every surface and a wall completely dedicated to mugshots.
Juice leads you to the bar where he gestures for you to sit as he makes his way around. You slip onto a stool and watch patiently as Juice finds two glasses and turns to you.
"What's your preference?"
You shrug, "Whatever, I'm not partial. On the rocks, though."
He serves you and pours his own drink before setting the bottle down and leaning on the bar on his elbows in front of you.
"So tell me about you," Juice presses softly. He can tell by your fingers circling the rim of your glass that you're not excited for this conversation but he has no choice. "You said you've been here for a few weeks, where'd you live before?"
"Nevada, mostly," you tell him before sipping on your drink. "My mother moved us around a couple times and we lived in Colorado for a while before eventually settling in Sparks."
"Why'd you guys move around?"
You drain the rest of your drink quickly in hopes it'll support you through this conversation. Juice begins to refill your glass without being asked.
"I didn't know it then, but my mom was running from the Sons," you confess.
Juice's eyes widen slightly as he looked you over. What could you know about the club? They were notorious around Charming sure, but with their recent run ins with the ATF has the club struggling and making choices they wouldn't normally make.
You continue, "It wasn't until I graduated high school and I left that she told me my dad was actually alive. Then she told me about the Sons of Anarchy, and everything else I did on my own."
Juice nods, unsure of what to say. He nurses his drink for a moment before reaching for your hand.
"This life is complicated, but we're a family here."
The gesture, simple as it is, riles up all the pent up feelings you've mastered all your life comes rushing forward as tears brim your eyes.
"Family," you repeat and pull your hand from Juice to wipe your tears. "What a weird concept?"
The two of you talk well into the evening and you end up migrating to the couch with a bottle and a large bowl of buttery popcorn. Juice made good company. He's genuine, gunny, and from the way he talks you can tell the Sons are something special to him.
He tells you about himself in turn for the vulnerable information you've given him. You learn he was born and raised in New York before coming to Charming, and he has a little sister behind in the city. Juice tells you he works in the TM garage alongside what he does for the club.
"I'm not stupid," you tell him once you notice his hesitance. "It's not hard to find information on the club from the locals around here."
He chuckles softly, "Yeah, I'm sure. If you have any questions, you can ask me."
Before you can the rumbling of bikes coming into the TM parking lot distracts you. Instinctively you grabbed Juice's hand, but let go just as fast as you'd grabbed him. Luckily before he can say anything the door bursts open and income more Sons.
The first is a younger blond man with piercing blue eyes and you notice the President patch on his left. He greets Juice happily before his eyes look to you, and he looks confused but seemingly brushes it off and goes to the bar.
Your dad walks in near arm in arm with another handsome man with scarred cheeks, obviously older than he is in the polaroid you own, but otherwise he seems the same. Its as if he can feel your gaze as he turns to meet his blue eyes to your own.
You stand, trying to ignore the thumping of your heart in your chest. "Hi, Tig," you greet, silently cursing the waver in your voice. Immediately the polaroid is out of your back pocket and in your hand. "My name's Y/n, and my mom's Y/m/n."
He takes the polaroid from you without a word and holds it carefully in his hands. His friend has stepped away towards Juice, likely for questioning.
"I saw Unser earlier today," you continue on. "He told me that I have a grave here in Charming, so does mom. Funny, considering she always told me you were the dead one."
You take a shaky breath in, trying to keep from bursting into tears. "I just... I wanted you to know I'm not dead, very much alive. I don't, like, expect anything from you I just knew I had to say something."
Tig finally breaks away from the polaroid to meet your eyes again, and it makes you feel a bit better to see his blue eyes are as tear filled as your own.
He raises one hand to cup your cheek, thumb moving to wipe your tears. "Losing you was the worst pain of my life," he admits softly.
His words crumble your resolve, the walls you'd spent your adolescence building to protect yourself fell faster than they were constructed. You practically fall into his arms, and the two of you break down as you hold each other.
As you sob into Tig's chest he merely cradles you the way he wishes he'd been able to all these years. The way he deserved to have been there for you. He holds you tight against him like he's afraid you'll dissipate and it'll be decades before he sees you again.
"We're gonna be okay, baby," he tells you. "We're gonna be okay."
This time, he's not going to be letting you go so easy.
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your-space-brain · 1 year
Filip “Chibs” Telford x Reader - One Shot
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Gif does not belong to me.
Moved from @spacedbrainnn .
Little Clay.
That’s what they called you, Little Clay. You were the daughter of Teller and Morrow, Jax’s half sister who was untouchable. You were a princess, the pride and joy of Gemma and Clay, and everyone knew not to flirt with you, unless they planned to be intimidated.
And threatened.
That’s why you’d been talking to Chibs. Late night drinks here, a smile there, a wink thrown in the mix and you found yourself festering with feelings for the man twice your age.
But, you couldn’t care less.
You’d never talked about anything exclusive. There were never any lines drawn, anything. So when you saw him with a Crow Eater hanging around his hips, you couldn’t be jealous.
But, everyone else saw it plain as day.
“Oh come on, Clay Jr.” Tig was dancing on your last nerve while you were attempting to finish up an audit for the garage. You sat in Jax’s mechanic shirt while you wrote on a clipboard and typed on your calculator. “Give me one chance.”
“I’m not in the mood, Tiggy.”
“Why do you gotta give me such a hard time?”
“Because I’m a giver. It’s what I do.”
“But one chance. Let me take you out on the dance floor. We can even dance around the shop.”
“I’ve got two left feet.”
“Alexander Trager.” You spat the words colder than you intended and he feigned offense.
“What? Can’t stand to see Scottie have another woman—”
“What about Scottie?” The thick accent boomed throughout the garage as his boots preceded him. You looked up and tried not to show that your heart was pattering for him.
“Nothing. Just talking.” Tig smirked knowingly as he backed up and walked off, a toothpick in his lips as he exited. You looked down at your paper and tried to force yourself to get back to work.
“Lass? He givin’ ye a hard time?” His accent was undeniably bouncing around in your head while you tried to focus, unsuccessfully, due to his intense stare.
“No more than usual.” You replied to him as your pen marked against the paper, before you looked at the calculator.
“Ye sure?”
“I’m sure.” You didn’t give him that pretty smile you normally did. Hell, you didn’t even hardly look at him.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
“Ye can’t lie ta me like that.”
“I’m not lying.”
It was becoming a war of who was more stubborn, who would outlast. He gave a sigh before you heard the flick of the lighter, then cigarette smoke filled the air and you felt the scent of tobacco wash over you.
“Ye can’t lie ta me.”
“I’m not lying, Chibs.”
That’s when he knew. He was always Filip to you. Always.
“Tell me what’s eatin’ that pretty li’l head up.”
Sighing, exasperated, you gave up. Dropping your pen down, you stared up at him as it clattered and rolled off the desk.
“What are we?”
“Whataya mean?”
“I mean, what the hell are we? You can’t tell me we’re just friends. You can’t tell me that we haven’t been shamelessly flirting, dancing around the idea that we’re not something. It doesn’t make any sense.”
Your eyes searched his dark ones as he sighed, before he took another drag of the cigarette.
“Lassie, ye’re…”
“Half your age. I know. I don’t care. What are we?”
“What do ye want us to be?”
“More than this. I want you to not have fucking women—”
You were cut off by his little smirk. “Is that what this is about? The women?”
“Shut up.”
His smirk widened before he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’m yers, sweetheart. I’m yers.”
— end —
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ravennaortiz · 8 months
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Hello Loves!
Below you will find a list of all the fun projects that I have in store for the next year! This is a mix of series, oneshots and random tidbits. I have done my best to include a summary or brief snippet if able. As always feel free to reach out to chat!
Updated as of 7/20/2024.
Sunshine: Currently being posted
Juice x OC Stormie Rayne Epps.
Stormie ran away from home at 15 and Half-Sack never hears from her again until she turns up one day at Teller-Morrow with a story to tell and a young daughter. Juice falls hard for his best friends sister. Can he be the rainbow in her clouds?
Suggested Reading
Monster Under the Bed
Chapter List
Two Worlds Universe
Join OC Lupe on her lifes journey.
Two Worlds
Love or Leather- Juice does some soul searching. After the events of two worlds
When the Wolf Hunts- OC Lupe x Letty
What led Lupe to Santo padre
Three: The magic number-Being posted now
Simply just a smut series with the reader and two of the guys. Mix and match from SOA and Mayans.
Masterlist Here
Keep My Secret Juice and OC Widow Maker
Click here for the moodboard/idea
Hate Me, Love Me Series
Click here for the moodboard/idea
Letters- RatboyxOCTrinityxJuice
Click here for moodboard/idea
Camera In the Attic
Dark Juice x Reader
The Missing Pages
Angel x Reader
The Idea
One Day
Sequel to Be Okay- Chibs x reader fic where you were taken by the mayans and tortured. This story will showcase the aftermath and healing.
Crying Under Water
Idea Here This will be a choose your own story!
October Mystery Bingo!- Starts 10/1
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garbinge · 2 months
Joanne Teller's Past
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I have a multi-chap (📖 Charming Life ) that pretty much follows canon but from Joanne Teller's perspective and life. But here are some past and future fics of her life as the eldest Teller, and only daughter.
Graduation Day - Jax Teller & OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller / Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller (Also in fic: Bobby Munson, Clay Morrow, Gemma Teller, and Tig Trager)
Bad Haircut - Opie Winston & OC Joanne Teller & Jax Teller
Drunken Night - Jax Teller & OC Joanne Teller
Ivy Coated Castle - Opie Winston x Teller!Sister OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller
Fairytale - Jax Teller & OC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller / Tara Knowles & OC Joanne Teller / Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller
Never Okay - Opie Winston x OC Joanne Teller
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Mine Now| Jax Teller
word count 3k
Mine, Now 
Summary: Ryder didn’t even want to attend the homecoming dance, it wasn’t her, but thanks to her best friend Holly and her ex-boyfriend David Hale who later ends up ditching her, she agrees to go only to be stood up. Worried about her well-being Luanne calls Jax who comes to the house and they finally admit those feelings for each other. 
Rated T for language 
*mentions of smut*
*This is conveying some of the thoughts I have had in the past about myself and my place in everything.
Homecoming was the first dance of the school year, and while it was at the top of most girls’ lists it wasn’t even on Ryder Winston’s radar. Maybe it was because she was a tomboy that would rather play with tools and grease than dress up in a pretty dress and get her hair and makeup done.
Or maybe it was because she was the daughter and the sister of members of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club and most residents of Charming were leery of the group and its doings. Or maybe it was because she just didn’t care but still agreed and agreed to go shopping with Gemma and Luanne who always jumped at the chance to dress up Ryder.  
“Come on Ry, this is going to be fun,” Luanne commented as she pulled another brightly colored dress off of the rack and held it up to Ryder’s body causing her to push it down while pulling a face. Ryder rarely wore bright colors, it was black, white, denim blue, and gray. Like a good future old lady should. 
 “As much fun as going to the dentist and getting a tooth pulled.” “If you didn’t want to go, why did you agree?” “Have you tried to say no to your best friend?” 
“And ex-boyfriend?” Gemma threw in, she was curious about what happened, but thanks to her son and his best friend she wasn’t able to question her until now, “Are you going with David just to piss off Jax?”
 Ryder rolled her eyes and turned the rack of dresses. 
“This has nothing to do with Jax, Gem. I am never gonna be anything more than Opie’s little sister. And it doesn’t have anything to do with David either. If anything he is trying to prove a point to his dad, that he isn’t going to fall in line and hate us because they do. Or he is just using me to get Tara back? I am not the greatest catch.”  
Since the first breakup with David happened Ryder had become more self-aware and self dissipating. And it worried Gemma that she was like this. She was 17 years old, she didn’t need to be like that.  “Don’t say that sweetie.” Luanne started, “You are a great catch. People are just idiots.”
 Ryder rolled her eyes and pulled a dress off the rack, she knew that she wasn’t a catch. She was the daughter of a war vet and a member of a motorcycle club and had served time in jail and her older brother Opie was following in his footsteps. And she, herself didn’t have much to offer and she knew that she was subpar at best. And why would Jackson Teller want someone like that? When he could have Tara Knowles? She had thought she had gotten over her crush on Jax, but she hadn’t.  But she would never say that out loud especially to Gemma and Luanne. 
They were her biggest cheerleaders and supporters and if they heard those thoughts, there would be hell to pay.  And if Gemma found out about the crush she would do everything she could get them together. 
Instead, Ryder kept her mouth shut and pulled several black dresses off of the rack, “I will be trying these on.” 
3 days later
“Sweetheart, I am so sorry,” Gemma said reaching to touch the back of Ryder’s shoulder, the girl jerked it away and shook her head. They had been waiting for well over an hour for David to come and pick her up from the Teller-Morrow house and he hadn’t shown up. 
“Don’t be.” Ryder returned, reaching up and undoing the diamond-dangling earrings she had been wearing, “I knew it was going to happen. Why date the daughter of an outlaw? When you can be with someone that’s going to be a doctor? That looks a lot better in the political circle.” 
She dropped the earrings on the side table before undoing the matching necklace.  
“What’s so great about me?” 
Luanne, who had been standing in the doorway, took steps back and picked up the cordless phone to call the clubhouse. 
There were only three people who could talk her down from this ledge she was on. One was her older brother Opie, two was Jax, and three was her old man Otto.  
“What do I have to offer Gem huh?” Her trembling fingers were already pulling at the bobby pins that were holding her hair up. 
“My own fucking mother didn’t want me. She left me here. Why am I even still alive? There’s no point. Piney has crow eaters, and Opie has Donna. No one needs me.” 
“I do.” Jax’s voice said from the doorway, he had broken all the speed limits to get from the clubhouse to his mom’s house. Ryder turned on her heel and looked at him, the tears sliding down her cheeks. He crossed the room and pulled her into him, his free hand wiping some of the tears away and ruining the makeup that Luanne had spent hours on getting perfect. At this point Luanne didn’t care that all her hard work was going down the drain, she just wanted Ryder to be better.  
Looking at Gemma, she knew that she too was feeling the immense guilt of not seeing that Ryder had been struggling ever since Mary left. She had put on a hell of a show for them even though 90% of the time they would see right through it and call her on her bullshit. Now was not that time. 
“No, you don’t Jackson, as soon as Tara is back to being available you will be right back to circling her like a little puppy wanting to mark its territory.”  
Instead of getting angry as he would have in the past, he pulled her closer to him, his hand bunching in the material of her dress.
 “You have never been so dead wrong in your life Ryder. I started dating Tara because I was jealous that you were dating Hale.” 
“You? Were jealous because I had a boyfriend?”
 Through the tears, there was surprise in her voice, and in her eyes “I thought you thought of me as Opie’s little sister.’  He laughed, “I never thought that.” 
Sensing that this was going to be a very private moment between the two and they didn’t need an audience, both Luanne and Gemma left the two alone, going to the kitchen and hiding just out of sight. “You didn’t?” Jax shook his head, the familiar cocky smirk forming on his face. “Don’t play with me, Jackson Teller.”  She warned tapping his chest with her hand in warning. He laughed lowly before lowering his mouth onto hers. 
Once he pulled back, Ryder laughed breathlessly, her fingers clenching his kutte, “Well I guess that changes things.” 
The Next Morning
Ryder blinked her eyes open, her head felt heavy and her hazel eyes were burning with the effort of being open. 
“What the hell happened last night?” She muttered to herself, she vaguely remembered being stood up for the homecoming dance and Jax coming to be with her but everything after that was kind of blurry. 
Carefully she lifted her head up and looked around the room she was in, it was her bedroom at Gemma’s house. A room she had insisted that she had before Mary pulled the disappearing act on them, the black dress she had on was left in a pile on the floor by the door, followed by the black lace strapless bra and thong and baggy blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a leather kutte.
 Panicked she went to sit up but couldn’t, she twisted her head quickly and her eyes landed on Jackson Teller, his head was resting next to where hers used to be and his arm was holding her close to his chest. 
“Go back to sleep Darlin’.” Jax’s voice came sleep-filled, his arm tightening on her waist, “Ma will wake us up when it’s time to get up.” Ryder nodded her head and let him pull her closer to him. The heaviness in her heart was missing. But maybe this was what she was missing. Jax.  Maybe she was meant to be his old lady and she was just putting it off because she didn’t want to become like Gemma or Luanne or even worse her mother. 
And that thought scared her more than anything 
Teller Morrow Auto Shop
“What happened?” Holly Oswald asked as she threw open her car door and stormed over to where Ryder was holding a clipboard and going over the repo list with her brother, Jax, and Chibs later that afternoon. She and Gemma had come in after Opie and Piney threatened to kill Jax if he hurt Ryder. Either one of them had planned to tell the others yet about whatever this was but Clay wanting to cause more issues opened his mouth and told them what he had seen that morning. 
“You never showed up, and David came in with Tara.” “There’s ya answer lass,” Chibs answered, they had all gotten the download from Jax when the man showed back up at the garage plus what they had heard from Clay made them want to be more overprotective of her. 
“He stood Ryder up. Jackie boy had to go comfort her.” 
“He said.” Holly started feeling worse than she had after she found out. She and Audrey both agreed that Ryder stood him up and that David was right to take Tara instead. 
 “That’s your first mistake Holls.” Ryder said handing the paperwork to Chibs, “Believing the bullshit lies that David obviously told you and Audrey about wanting me back. I was the fool that got stood up, and it’s not gonna happen again.”  
The dark-haired teen nodded her head watching her friend and Jax together, something had changed but she wasn’t sure what it was. “No! Shut up! Ryder!” “What?” She asked innocently as Jax pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered a few quiet words to her, causing her first to blush and then shiver. 
“What happened?” She motioned between the two.  Ryder shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t kiss and tell.”  The girl looked thoughtful before piecing it together. “It’s about goddamn time.” 
The following Monday morning, Jax pulled his bike in front of the school next to Opie’s bike and looked back at Ryder who had just slid off of the bike and was undoing his spare helmet. “What?” She questioned with a small smirk pulling on her lips. “Nothin’.’ He returned with his own smirk pulling her to him by his baggy hoodie she had thrown on over her clothes. 
“Sure, nothin.” She returned as she raised herself up on her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. 
“Oh come on,” Opie complained, leaning against his bike, Donna, his girlfriend, was standing next to him, excitement in her brown eyes. She had gotten a quick version of what happened that weekend the following day at the clubhouse but she wanted the whole dirty version of it. Except for Ryder wouldn’t give it not with Opie being around. 
 “What?” The younger Winston returned glancing over her shoulder at her older brother, “Now you know how I felt seeing you and Donna together.” Opie rolled his eyes, he and his dad had given Jax the talk about not hurting Ryder the way that David had hurt her. Even though Jax was his best friend, Ryder was his little sister and he would do anything for her. 
Even beat the shit out of his best friend. 
“Come Ry, we got to go in,” Donna said, there were students starting to go into the building. Ryder nodded her head and finished removing the helmet followed by the hoodie. Jax waved it off when she tried to hand it back to him. “Keep it.”  
According to Piney’s rules, they had to wait at least until she was out of high school for him to mark her, and sending her with his hoodie and dropping and picking her up from school every day was the best way he could show that she was his.  
“See you after school?”  She questioned as she pushed her heavy red hair off of her shoulders, having freed it from the ponytail holder.  
“Yeah.” He returned his focus as well as Opie’s on David Hale who was walking down the sidewalk with Tara Knowles on his arm.  “Ope, don’t,” Donna warned, they had been equally as furious when they found out that David had stood her up.
 “It’s not worth it.” Ryder spoke as she raised herself up on her toes again and pressed a kiss to the corner of Jax’s mouth, “They aren’t worth it.”  She went to move away from Jax but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him and kissed her deeply.  
“See you later.” He grinned as she whined and stepped back, a pout forming on her mouth. Holly, annoyed, took steps off of the curb and grasped her forearm. “Come on hussy, we have to go to class.’ Ryder nodded her head and let her friend lead her away.   
Tara was absolutely furious when she had seen the two together, she had thought that she was going to be the only one for him and that he would always be waiting for her to come back around to him. But seeing them together made her angry, made her want to lash out at Ryder. 
And that’s exactly what she was going to do.
Ryder wasn’t hard to find in the locker room, they had gym class together and the women’s locker room was the one place she could get to Ryder without David being around to pull her away. 
“Ryder, we need to talk.” She demanded going three rows downs to where she could hear Donna, Ryder, Audrey, and Holly talking.
 The redhead already had her gym shorts on and was pulling on the white t-shirt that had the property of Charming High stamped across the chest. She could see the red marks that darted along the collarbone and the swell of her breasts, and dark hickies. 
 “What do you want Tara?” Ryder questioned, already bored with the situation, she was finally happy, and having to deal with Tara was going to bring that down and she wasn’t ready for it. 
 “Jax is mine and the sooner you realize that the better off we will all be.”
 “This is how I see it.” The tall redhead girl commented as she pulled the shirt down and fussed with it to make it straight, “Jackson made his choice. Me. And I am with him until he doesn’t want me anymore and speaking from this weekend, that is never gonna happen.” Tara went to say something but was stopped by Ryder holding her hand up, “If you try to fuck this up Tara, there will be no one that will be able to find your body.” “The club doesn’t kill women or innocents.” She started causing Holly, Audrey, and Donna to laugh. “Who said anything about the club sweetheart? Old ladies and royalty like myself,” Ryder smirked as she pushed back her hair, “don’t have the same rules about who we can take out.” 
Tara took a step back surprised, Ryder, at times could be the polar opposite of what Gemma was but this was all Gemma Teller.  “And they will never find your body,” Holly added with her own smirk, she had learned where there’s a will, there’s a way, and in this case, there’s always going to be a way. 
David Hale was already outside of the building when Jax and Opie parked their bikes, and he took steps toward them. The rumors of Ryder Winston and Jax Teller being together had been running rampant around the school and even though he had hurt Ryder beyond words, it felt like it was his duty to say something to him. 
Even if he picked Tara over Ryder. 
“Hale,” Opie commented lowly as he hung his helmet up on the handlebar, his eyes going first to the school looking for Donna and his sister then back to the boy standing in front of him. Jax’s left hand which was hanging to the side tightened into a fist. “You need to leave now.” He ordered as he got off his bike, he wouldn’t cause a massive scene at school, not when this thing with Ryder was so fresh. “I just want to talk about Ryder is all.” Hale held up both of his hands in surrender. The two men exchanged a look before they both started laughing, “Ryder isn’t any of your business anymore.”
 “She is mine and I won’t make the same mistakes you made with her.”  Hale tightened his jaw up so they didn’t see it drop in surprise. “You say that now Jackson but how long can you actually stay faithful to a girl? At least I tried. You will drop her as soon as another piece of pussy comes along. You did it with Tara and you will do it with Ryder. It’s only a matter of time.” Jax had caught sight of Ryder coming out of the school with Donna and their two friends and smirked, “Yeah we will see about that. I got her now, and I am not letting her go.”  
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charminggirl512 · 2 years
welcome to charming // chibs telford x oc
Chibs Telford x F!OC
Warnings: 18+, language, talk of sexual assault and violence, slight fatphobia
Word Count: 2,887
A/N: I've finally written the first time that Ellie and Chibs met. Felt good to write the beginning of their story. Gaelic translations will be at the very end. Enjoy!
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   I haven't relaxed in two weeks. I don't remember what it was like to not be nauseous and shaking with heart palpitations. I grew up in an extremely stressful family and environment, yet I don't think I've ever been so unable to relax. I prayed that as soon as my plane landed that I would feel some sort of relief, but it's been twenty minutes in a cab and I still can't slow my breathing. 
   The driver stops in front of a large garage and another building surrounded by a fence. I peek and see a giant sign that reads "Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair" which tells me that I'm in the right place. I grab my backpack and small suitcase before paying the driver and thanking him. Once my feet are settled on the pavement, he races away, eager to get to his next job that doesn't involve a strange girl who barely speaks. I don't blame him.
   As I'm walking towards the garage, a group of men on motorcycles pull in and parks before going into the additional building. I barely get a glimpse of their familiar patch, but I'm further assured that I'm in the right place. I've seen McGee's patch enough to know what it looks like, and it finally feels like a piece of home is here. 
"Can I help you, sweetheart? You look lost," A tall woman says as she exits the garage. I should be intimidated by her biker babe clothing and judging stare, but I've faced far worse than her.
"I'm Eleanor Drysdale. I'm looking for Clay Morrow," I answer, and the second she hears my accent her stare relaxes. 
"He's just gone into the clubhouse. You're the girl that McGee sent, aren't you," She asks as she leads me towards the additional building. 
"Aye. He said that I should ask for Clay and that if I can't find him, to ask for Gemma," I answer, feeling my body relax minutely with the knowledge that I was one step closer to safety.
"Well, I'm Gemma. I'm Clay's Old Lady and my son, Jax, is also in the club. You'll be staying at my house, so I'm sure we'll get to know each other well," She says as she places her hand on my arm as I walk past her through the doorway. I try to not jump, but can't help the involuntary reaction of feeling someone else's touch after what happened. 
   She stares at me for a second before the sound of a bunch of men interrupts. There are at least a dozen of them and they all seem to be laughing and talking, most of them with a drink in their hand despite it being just barely noon. A man with long blonde hair comes over and kisses Gemma's cheek before looking me up and down. Despite my worn-out jeans and a black long-sleeve top, he seems to enjoy what he sees. 
"I'm Jax. What's your name, darling?" The drawl of his voice is full of confidence and I can tell that he always gets what he wants. 
"I'm Eleanor, but you can call me Ellie. Is Clay here?" 
   I don't have time to flirt with boys; I need to ensure my safety and make a plan and Jax was standing in the way of that. He just barely hides his look of hurt before pointing over to the bar where a large man is talking to two other men, one with dark curly hair and the other with scars on his cheeks. I nod at Jax, before heading over to him. They stop talking as I approach them, and Clay seems to be annoyed that I've interrupted him. 
"I'm Eleanor Drysdale, Alastair Drysdale's daughter. McGee sent me to you for safety from Jimmy O'Phelan and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me that I'm safe." I do my best to not let my voice crack on the last word, but it's a losing battle. His gaze on me softens and he looks behind me at Gemma.
"You're safe, sweetheart," She says as she comes up next to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. 
"You're safe. Jimmy doesn't know that you're here and everyone in this club is sworn to secrecy about where you are," Clay adds and it's the straw that breaks the camel's back. 
   The tears that I've been holding in for two weeks fall and I can't control the sobs that come out of my throat. Things go into motion around me and I'm gently pushed into a bar stool with a glass of Jameson and a cigarette and a lighter waiting for me. Gemma rubs up and down my back and the man with the scars stands opposite me behind the bar.
"You're Alastair's girl?" The Scottish accent scares me at first before soothing me. I nod and he continues. "I knew your father. He was a good man and I know that he would want you taken care of. It's gonna be okay, lass. Tha thu sàbhailte an seo."
   With shaky hands, I light the cigarette and allow the smoke to enter my lungs. After a couple of sips of Jameson and the rest of the cigarette, I've calmed down some. My heart has finally stopped trying to escape my chest. 
"Tell us what happened," Gemma says, her voice soft and motherly. I lost my own mother to a bomb when I was eight and haven't been around any sort of nurturing since. 
"I was sixteen when Jimmy first met me. He was working with my father on some gun shipments and took a liking to me. Once I finished school and was eighteen, he started to try to seduce me despite having a wife. I denied him, of course, and my father's power protected me from anything worse. My father was killed and three days later, Jimmy was on my doorstep telling me that I wasn't protected anymore and that I couldn't keep him away. 
   He had his men follow me wherever I went and he tried to kidnap me a handful of times over the past two years but was unsuccessful. The last time that he tried to kidnap me, he also tried to sexually assault me. When I got away from him, he came after me with a knife and cut open my thighs and my arms. I went to McGee for help and he sent me here." 
   You could hear a pin drop, the room was so silent. The Scotsman across the bar seemed to be vibrating with rage, and I was both confused and comforted by a stranger's anger for what happened to me. I left out that the stitches I received from one of McGee's men were poorly done and hurt more than they helped. That wasn't one of my top priorities so it didn't matter to me now. 
"Did you go to the hospital," The Scotsman asks, breaking the silence. 
"I didn't want to risk it. One of McGee's men patched me up," I answer, wondering why that was the part of the story that he decided to fixate on.
"Let me see the stitches." When I don't move to expose myself to him, he continues talking. "I was a medic in the army. Show me the stitches so that I can make sure that there's nothing wrong with them." 
"I'm not going to expose myself to you. I don't even know you," I answer, shocked by his boldness. 
"Lass, infected stitches can kill you. We can go to another room so that no one sees anything, but you're showing me the stitches." The authority that oozes from his voice would turn me on in other circumstances, but right now it just pisses me off. When I don't move from the bar stool, he comes around and throws me over his shoulder. I cry out at the pressure on the stitches and I can almost feel his self-satisfaction.
   Once we're in another room with a large table with a Reaper on it, he closes the door and grabs a bag which he begins unpacking on the table. It's full of medical supplies and he organizes them in a way that must make sense to his mind. 
"Take off your pants," He orders without looking at me and I contemplate fighting him on it, but decide that it would be a waste of energy. 
"Will you at least tell me your name?"
"Chibs." Short and sweet but not his name.
"Your real name." He looks over his shoulder at me, probably surprised that I would further question him. 
"Filip. Filip Telford." 
   I automatically understand his rage earlier. His wife was Fiona, the woman that Jimmy was in an odd marriage with. I'd never met him, but his story was told as a warning to not cross Jimmy. I take a deep breath and pull of my jeans then sit on top of the table in front of him. I avert my eyes away from the stitches, knowing the pain that will fill me when I see them again. 
"Oh, lamb." He's looked at the letters etched into my skin. Now he understands why I didn't want him to see them. 
   The J is a little more ragged than the O. By the time he got to his second initial, I had stopped fighting and had given into his anger. The mental pain of knowing that he literally would be etched in my skin for forever far outweighed the physical pain of the knife in my skin. I had already disliked my large thighs and now I would never be able to look at them again without being forced to relive my trauma. 
"He said that if he couldn't have me, I would have to always have him," I whisper as I wipe the silent tears falling down my face. The stitches are red and angry, but Filip tries to be as gentle as he can as he begins to undo them. 
"Once they heal, you'll hardly notice them. Mine were about as deep as yours are and they took around three months to heal. I don't know how bad your arms are, though," He answers with his eyes laser focused on what he's doing. 
"Why did he do it to you," I ask and almost instantly wish that I hadn't. He surprisingly doesn't get angry at the question, just continues to undo the jagged stitches. 
"He banished me from the IRA and wanted me to live with the knowledge that my wife would never want me again with the scars," He answers, his tone showing no anger. "You know who Fiona is so I'm sure you know the rest of the story." 
"My Uncle Galen told Jimmy where I was hiding from him because he killed my father and wanted to get rid of me so that I wouldn't find out. What he doesn't know is that I watched him shoot my father fifteen times on the steps of Kellan Ashby's church." He looks up at me when I say that. "I've never told anyone that."
   Filip continues to work in silence, undoing the stitches before redoing them. The difference is instantly noticeable; the stitches are tight and even, rather than loose and jagged. I'm grateful that he forced me to do this because hopefully my scars would look better with proper stitches. Once's he's finished, I remove my shirt so that he can fix the ones on my forearm. These read out 'slut' though they don't seem to bother me as much. 
"I want to kill him even more than I already did. How could he do this to a little girl," He says to himself. 
"I'm a woman, not a child," I snap at him and he seems surprised by my bite. 
"I know, lass, I know," He reassures me, guilt in his eyes.
"No one believed me for months that Jimmy was after me. They said that I was doing it for attention and that I was just a little girl with mommy issues. Why would the great Jimmy O'Phelan want the chubby daughter of an IRA King when he could get whoever he wanted?" He stops attending to my wounds to grab my face so that I maintained eye contact with him. 
"Don't ever talk about yourself like that. You're more beautiful than half the women in Ireland and I won't listen to you insult yourself," He tells me with his voice raised. I can't help the blush that rises to me cheeks and pull away from his grip to hide my face from him. 
   He finishes his work in silence and I watch his face the whole time. Though he's definitely older than me, I find myself incredibly attracted to him. His eyes are soft and gentle, his mouth set in a firm frown that almost makes me pity him. The scars enhance his face structure rather than taking away from it, and I find myself more and more enamored with them. I like the sprinkles of gray throughout his hair and beard. His hands are calloused yet gentle, and I find myself watching their every move. I've spent the last year avoiding every man I've come into contact with to protect myself, and now that I'm safe I can't help but fall for the first man that shows me attention. 
   A knock on the door breaks our silence and he looks up at me to make sure that it's okay for them to come in before allowing them in. Gemma walks in with her purse in hand.
"I've got to go home and check on the birds. I've got your suitcase and backpack in my car, so I'll bring them to the house and pick you up later, Ellie." She barely knows me and she's already taking care of me. 
"No need. I'll bring her by on my bike when we finish up here. She needs to go over a few things with Clay," Chibs answers for me. Gemma nods before kissing my forehead and Chibs' cheek and leaving. 
   The rest of the guys take the open door as an invitation to enter what I've figured out to be their room for Church. I spent some time hanging out at SAMBel over the past couple of years, so I'm familiar with how the club works. Clay sits at the head of the table and the rest of them sit in what seems to be their assigned seats. Chibs continues finishing up the stitches as Clay starts talking. 
"Ellie, you'll be staying with me and Gemma for the time being. If we think the Irish are coming for a visit, we'll move you to our cabin with at least two members, but we don't expect that to happen any time soon. You'll be working with Gemma in the garage, doing some office work and just helping around with the club so no one becomes suspicious. Your cover is that you're McGee's adopted daughter and he sent you here because you're thinking about going to school in America." I nod while Clay tells me all of this, absorbing as much information as I can. I'm about to reply when Filip pulls particularly hard on the last stitch.
"Fuck, Filip! Na bi garbh," I hiss at him and he glares up at me. The guys seem to find it funny that I called him Filip, which only makes him glare harder. 
"Bi nad nighean mhath," He answers, which makes me glare back at him. 
"Go fuck yourself." The guys really get a kick out of that, but Filip and I keep glaring at each other.
"I think Chibs has finally met his match," Jax says as he smirks at the two of us. 
   They finish up talking about whatever else they needed to talk about before Clay dismisses everyone. Chibs helps me put my shirt back on since I already put my jeans back on when he finished restitching my thighs. His fingertips graze my waist and goosebumps arise under his touch. Once I'm situated, he puts his hand on my lower back to lead me out of the clubhouse. Jax is climbing on his bike at the same time as Chibs and I are walking to his. 
"Don't be too hard on Chibs, Ellie. He's getting old," Jax teases before speeding off. Chibs ignores him and helps me put a helmet on over my mass of dark curls, making sure that it's clasped properly before putting his own on and climbing on the bike. I settle in behind him and precariously wrap my arms around his waist. There's a good two inches between us and he uses my hands to pull me so that my front is pressed firmly against his back. 
"Hold on tight, little lamb," He says, and I can practically hear the smile in his voice. 
   He speeds off into the afternoon traffic, taking me to Gemma's house. Neither of us know this yet, but this certainly won't be the last time on the back of his bike and it is definitely not the last time that I'm pressed against him like this. 
"Welcome to Charming, lass." 
Gaelic Translations:
Tha thu sàbhailte an seo: You're safe here.
Na bi garbh: Don't be rough.
Bi nad nighean mhath: Be a good girl.
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xthexkillingxgroundsx · 2 months
fearxtoxfreedom asked: "  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “ (gemma @ tara)
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Exhale, tongue running along the inside of her gums. Glance down. Sigh out. Glance back. "Really? Smash or Pass Gemma Teller Morrow? The mother of my husband? The woman who hates my guts? And never wanted me in this life?" Brow raised, head tilted, and she shrugged. "So what? We're fucking fifteen again? Sitting in a circle, getting drunk in Ted's mom's house?" Who the fuck was Ted? "Playing our silly little games? Guess we'll play spin the bottle next. Or truth or dare." Was she protesting too much? Cold. Hard. YES. "What happens between me and Gemma is my business. No one else's." Well, by definition it HAD to be Gemma's business. But she wasn't the one asking. And Tara had no answer either way.
Truth was, Tara was SCARED to try and figure out whatever the fuck THIS was between her and her old man's mom. (Formerly archnemesis.) See, here's the thing: Actions didn't need to lead to promises or conclusions. Until one of them said exactly what this meant to them personally, this was all just chaos, confusion, emotional turmoil, two lost women struggling to orient themselvse and navigate a world steadily leaving the BOTH of them behind. Gemma had lost Clay. Tara was losing Jax. Wendy wanted to take Abel. And between Half-Sack, Luann, Piney, Ope, Donna, Miles, & Kozik? They were slowly looking more like a graveyard than a Motorcycle Club.
But that wasn't all there was to it... Gemma... Things had been COMPLICATED long before Clay beat the poor woman half to death, and before Jax took leadership of the Club. Actually, these complications dated back over 14 years. Truth was? Tara was terrified of what exactly Gemma meant to her. There was a deeply entwined and highly disturbing level of fuckery with her getting off on sexually referring to Gemma as "Mommy" as it started as the only way for Tara to feel WANTED as a DAUGHTER in Gemma's life. But did she even still want that? Or was she just trapped by decisions that pride wouldn't let her take back? Tara didn't know. Nor did she even need it. Now it was TARA freezing GEMMA out. NOT the other way around. Yet somehow, smash or pass, they kept ending up in the same room, same bed, same breath, together. What that meant? Only God could know...
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knownasbeacon · 4 months
❛ i’ve done things i’m not proud of. i’ve hurt people and i’m going to hurt more. ❜
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〝 are you telling me this on the record, or as a concerned citizen? 〞 california had never been a place that elias had thought he'd set his hooks into. new york was where he was born and raised and it was a place he swore to himself he would die in. yet life had it's own plans for him and nothing he could do would really change that. ( especially given his desire to continue his career in the enriching field of journalism. )
charming, ca. was where he now called home. population: a little over fourteen thousand souls. some of whom he called friends, most he called sorry folks. they knew nothing about what lived just on the opposite coast in new york city. that city was where dreams were born and often died – though not his. his thrived in ways that solidified a future for the young journalist.
though when his newspaper forced him to take a job on the opposite coast with the threat of being demoted to teaching, he saw his hands were tied. freshly divorced and toting around a young daughter, he moved into a future full of sand and cool evenings. close enough to san francisco should the need to desert his post ever arise.
how he came into the lives of the sons and their interesting way of life is another story entirely. the first time was a story that needed writing – outlaw biker club in central california raided – the second time had been maintenance work on his car. the irony. he wondered if any of the sons had known, or would recognize his name, that it was him that wrote that article.
what led him into this twisted conversation with the matriarch had been the fact he'd brought his daughter with him to the shop. he couldn't call his babysitter last minute and he needed to pick up his car to get to work. she had been playing on the newly installed playground that had been put on the grounds of teller - morrow automotive repair shop when gemma had asked about his daughter.
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m0rn1ngstar28 · 1 year
Chibs x OC x Tig Part 1
So this is my first posting here. Started SOA over recently and fell back in love with these two. This will be a full story and each chapter will be a part. I'm not very fast at coming up with content so please be patient with me. Hope ya like it. It does have implications of smut but nothing too descriptive...yet.
Paring: Chibs x Tala (OC)
Summary: Bobby's adopted daughter returns to Charming. The club will not be the same now that she's back. However, what will happen when something dark has followed her home. Will the club accept it or will they push her out due to it? *Smut in later parts*
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The sound of the motorcycle’s engine roared down the street as it got closer to the mechanic shop Teller-Morrow. Pulling into the shop’s lot all eyes fell on the new rider. Parking as close to the office as possible the rider pulled off their helmet. Long, dark, loose curls, cascaded down the rider’s back. She turned towards the onlooking motorcycle club members. The secretary of the group jumped up and quickly made his way towards the new comer.
“Hey there ol’ man.” The new comer smiled, causing the rest of the club members to start their way over towards them.
In mock hurt, and some dramatic theatrics the man pulled the new comer into his arms. “Hey kid.” He placed a light kiss to their hair line. “How was the ride?”
“Long. But oh so enjoyable. Finally got this ol’ girl purring like a kitten under me.” The new comer smirked.
By this time the rest of the club had circled around the two. One specifically laughing at the crude comment just made.
“Who’s this Bobby?” A blonde male asked while looking in the new comer’s direction.
“This is-“
“I’m Tala.” She smiled as she reached a hand out to shake his.
“Jax.” He smiled back as he shook her hand.
“Back off boys, she’s off limits.” Bobby warned while making direct eye contact with a curly haired, blue eyed, man standing to the right of Tala.
“I haven’t even introduced myself yet. Why you looking at me like that?” The man Bobby practically glared at questioned.
“He’s looking at you like that cause I look like sex on legs, and he’s overprotective.” Tala smiled a sickly-sweet smile in the direction of the dark-haired man.
“Is that my baby girl?” A woman’s voice called from the office area.
“Help mom! I’m surrounded my dirty ol’ men!” Tala laughed as the matriarch jogged her way to her, also laughing.
“Who ya callin’ dirty?” A silver haired man asked from behind the matriarch.
“With the look I’m getting from that one, and that one,” Tala smiled as she pointed at the dark-haired man and another man with scars on his face, “I’m callin’ at very least them dirty, but knowin’ the lot of ya, I’m callin’ all y’all out.” Tala laughed lightly as she hugged the matriarch and then moved to hug the silver haired man.
Taking the young woman into his arm, “So glad you made it here safely. Bobby has been worried something fierce.”
“Well it’s to be expected since I am his girl.” Tala pecked the silver haired man’s cheek as the sound of some defeated sighs and a muttered “of fucking course” reached her ears.
“Party tonight, Clay?” Bobby asked as he wrapped an arm around Tala’s waist.
“Oh course. We have to celebrate our girl’s return.” The silver haired man, Clay, beamed as the club erupted into cheers and excitement.
“Hey Bobby?” Tala smiled as said man escorted her towards the club house.
“Yeah darlin?”
“Can I crash in your dorm? Just until I find a place of my own.” Tala inquired as she picked up her duffle bag off the back of her bike.
“You can crash in there as long as you need. I’ll talk to Clay and see bout getting you your own dorm room. If you want that is.”
“That would be great Bobby. Thank you.” Tala beamed as she hugged him. “Oh, what can I do to help with the party?”
“Not a thing darlin’.” The man with scars on his face smiled. “This is for ya. Ya just unpack an relax while we do all da work.”
“Thanks, but not gonna happen.” Tala informed the man before turning to Bobby. “I’ll set up the bar. Everything still the same?”
“Yeah. Unpack first though Hun.”
“Will do.” Tala laughed as she made her way inside to at least put her bag in Bobby’s dorm room; which she just put her bag by the door.
Hours had passed since Tala returned and a celebratory party was announced. Tons of people had turned out for it. Most of them Tala didn’t know. Typical SAMCRO party really. Looking around the clubhouse, Tala was flooded with memories. How she would hang out here while Bobby and the guys worked on cars or their bikes. It was how she learned to fix up bikes. Not to mention how to fight.
Slipping outside, Tala looked around the lot. Her eyes landing on the boxing ring to her left. She ran her hand on the mat of the ring remembering the first time she ever entered the ring.
“Where the hell is Tala?” Bobby had questioned in a tone that was a cross between pissed and scared shitless.
“Last I saw her; she was outside with the prospect and Chibs.” The eldest member of the club smiled.
“Thanks Piney.” Bobby clapped the back of his shoulder before making his way outside.
The sight that stood before him took his breath away. There in the ring stood a bloodied prospect and a red knuckled, slightly bruised and scraped up teenaged girl. Her long dark hair pulled up into a ponytail. The prospect was huffing and puffing in the far corner. Jax by his side trying to stop the bleeding from the gash above his left eye. The blood dripping out of his nose was finally starting to slow down. Chibs stood next to the girl smiling brightly at her. Telling her how good she was in the fight and how we had better stop before Bobby found out.
“Too late.” The girl gulped as she locked eyes with Bobby.
“What in the fuck is going on here?” Bobby roared, gaining the attention of all the club members on site.
“Bobby, it ain’t what it looks like.” Chibs tried to explain.
“I won.”
“Tala, get out of that god damn ring now.” Bobby was livid. “What were you thinking? You could have been hurt.” He snarled at Tala as she joined him.
“Nothing a shot won’t fix.” Tala retorted.
“Damn.” Whispered a dark-haired man from behind Bobby. “You did all that to the prospect doll?”
“Sure did. Chibs taught me.”
“Remind me not to get on your bad side, Tala.”
“Hey Tig, don’t get on my bad side.” Tala beamed as Bobby fussed over the small cut on her cheek.
Tala smiled to herself as the sound of footsteps approaching her pulled her back from her memories.
“You fight darlin?” The dark-haired man with blue eyes smiled.
“I’ve been known to hold my own.” Tala purred.
“Care to go around or two?”
“I wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours.”
“Oh, now ya gotta go around or two with me.”
“You would hit a woman?”
“Only if she liked it.”
“She would kick your ass Tig.” One of the youngest members smiled.
“She would not. Stay out of it, Juice.” Tig growled.
“I so would, Tig was it?”
“Let’s go sweetheart. I’ll show you what’s what.”
“Let’s go then.” Tala sneered with a dark smile as she hopped onto the edge of the ring. Smoothly sliding under the ropes and choosing a corner as her own. “Hey Gemma! Got a hair tie?” Tala called to the matriarch who was walking towards her with Clay by her side.
“Sure, thing baby.” Gemma smiled as she handed over a hair tie. “If Bobby catches you in that ring, he’ll lose his shit.” Gemma warned as Tala put her hair up into a ponytail.
“I ain’t a kid anymore Gem. He may be overprotective, but trust me, I can hold my own. Hell, the kid still remembers.” Tala smiled as she looked at Juice. “So, are we just duking this out or are we putting money on this thing?” Tala turned to Tig at this point as she pulled her black tank top off. Tala stood there in black jeans, a long black and short silver skull chain that connected to her wallet, black combat boots, and now a black and grey camo patterned sports bra.
“One-hundred on Tala to win.” Clay barked with a proud wide grin.
Tala laughed out loud at the look of shock and disbelief on Tig’s face. The man with the scars, who had been by the ring the whole time, hit the bell. Tig squared up to Tala as she just calmly watched him. They circled the ring a couple of times before Tig took the first swing. Missing due to her dropping low, Tala swung her leg in front of her, catching the legs of her opponent. Tig tumbled to the mat, landing on his back.
Jumping at the opportunity, Tala leapt onto him. Stradling his chest as she started wailing on him. Punch after punch to the face, Tig hardly had time to block the blows. Suddenly, Tig turned the tables and rolled; Tala now pinned under him. He had a triumphant smirk plastered on his face. That was until Tala did the one thing that threw everyone off. She rolled her hips up into Tig’s half hard cock. His breath catching in his throat and all his strength vanishing.
With another roll of her hips, Tala forced Tig off her and pinned him again. The cheers of the crowd that had gathered around them never registered with the two fighters as they staired into each other’s eyes. There was something in Tig’s eyes that told her, her secret weapon worked. Swiftly, she lent forward and planted a kiss to his lips. Then landed a strong punch to his face. In an instant Bobby called the fight to an end. He was seeing red.
“Again, with the fighting? First Juice now Tig?” Bobby growled.
“I won, didn’t I?” Tala retorted as she climbed off Tig.
“And the kiss?”
“Secret weapon against guys like him.” Tala smiled. “Dad, you gotta calm down before you give yourself a heart attack.”
“DAD?!” Most of the club gasped in shock.
“Did I stutter?”
“Little Tala Munson?” Tig gasped after sitting up. “Holy shit.” He sighed as he flopped back onto his back.
“Are you seriously telling me none of you assholes recognized my lil girl?” Bobby laughed.
“Hey Clay, how much did I just win?” Tala laughed as she climbed out of the ring with the help of the man with scars, and joined the president of the Sons of Anarchy.
“Five hundred.” Clay smiled proudly.
“Damn, anyone vote for Tig?”
“No, but don’t tell him that.” Gemma snickered from next to Clay.
“Poor Tigger.” Tala sighed. “Get’s his ass kicked by a girl and everyone bet against him.”
“At least he got a kiss for his efforts.” Juice smiled just to get slapped in the back of the head by Bobby.
“You ever kiss one of these low life’s again and we’ll be having our own match darlin.” Bobby warned Tala.
“Will a bribe change your mind?” Tala jokingly asked.
“Don’t go there.” Bobby warned as he started to head inside the club house.
“Oh, but I did.” Tala shouted after him with a laugh. Turning around, Tala made her way over to Tig. “Here Tigger, your cut.” Tala sweetly smiled as she handed him half of her earnings.
“They didn’t bet on me doll.” Tig sighed in defeat.
“No, they didn’t, but I did.”
The look of pure utter shock washed over his face. None of his brothers had bet on him to win. Not a single one of them, but this little girl did. Well, she wasn’t so little anymore. What was he thinking...this was his brother’s kid. He watched her grow up. Hell, he even helped teach her how to work on bikes for fuck’s sake. But that kiss and those hip rolls. He was just gonna have to try and stay away from her. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen and he knew it. After the look she gave him and that kiss, he knew he wasn’t gonna be able to stay away. Not to mention she knew exactly who he was and still got in the ring with him.
Tig got his senses together, shoved the cash into his pocket and headed inside the club house. As he walked in the music suddenly changed mid-song. Cranking his neck in the direction of the stereo he laid eyes on the back half of his target. Standing at the stereo was Tala, changing the song to a more erotic song. Tig’s eyes widened as he recognized the song. The smile on her face lit up the room as she moved to the bar. She took a quick glance around the club, most likely looking for her father’s location, then started to climb up onto the bar.
“What do ya think ya doin’ lass?” The man with the scars questioned her as he moved his beer off the bar.
“You know CPR?”
“Yeah, but that don’t answer my question.”
“Good, cause if dad sees what I’m about to do he will have a heart attack.” Tala smiled as she finished getting onto the bar top.
“Lass this ain’t a good idea around these guys.” The man with the scars tried to warn.
“Shhhhh, it’ll be fine Chibs. Just sit back and enjoy the show.”
By now the song was already in full swing. Standing to full height, Tala started to go through a series of erotic dance movies. Chibs was doing everything in his power to not get turned on by his brother’s daughter. His resolve was quickly wearing thin as he sat there and watched her dance up on the bar. Chibs didn’t even realize Tig took a seat next to him to watch the show Tala was so generous to provide. A lot of the other members of the club were tied up with croweaters or their old ladies. Both Chibs and Tig prayed to whatever god there was that Bobby was tied up for the rest of the night.
As the song ended, Tala giggled at the look on both Chibs’ and Tig’s faces. They were both memorized by her. Nothing new really when it came to the opposite sex. Whenever she danced, whether it be with a group of friends or by herself, men would always watch her with that same look. The look of amazement and lust. The fact that these two had that look just made her giggle.
She would never admit it out loud but she had always had a thing for both of the sons. The Scot was always such a sweet and gentlemanly type towards her. Tig on the other hand, while always being respectful, always flirted with her. She knew his reputation was a bad one. A dark one. It sparked something in her and in all honesty, while she was away, she a realized she had a dark side that might have been inspired by the blue-eyed man. Hopping off the bar, she took a seat on a stool next to Chibs.
“Enjoy the show boys?” Tala teased as she leaned over the bar to grab a bottle of whiskey.
“Tala, lass, that was amazing but-“
“If your dad was to find out you were dancing for us he would-“
“Have a heart attack? Yeah, I know. Hence why I asked if Chibs knew CPR.” Tala chuckled. “How bout we change things up a bit? I promise I won’t give dad a heart attack.”
“What you have in mind doll?” Tig questioned as he too reached over the bar, grabbing glasses.
“Drinking game.”
“That could be dangerous, lass.” Chibs sighed as he slid one of the three shot glasses Tig grabbed to Tala.
“I’m in.” Tig smirked.
Sighing, knowing that this wasn’t the best idea, Chibs surrendered to some of his darker thoughts. “What’s the game?”
“I’ll let you guys choose. Never have I ever or Truth or Dare?” Tala purred as she poured shots for the three of them. “We were so close before I left. Now that I’m back lets get to know each other again.”
“Both are dangerous baby.” Tig smiled wickedly as he picked up his glass and moved his stool to the other side of Tala.
“Oh, I know.” The smirk that played at Tala’s lips was just as wicked if not more so than Tig’s. “That’s why I’m leaving the choice up to you two fine gents.”
“Never hav’ I ever sucked a guy’s cock.” Chibs said.
Both Tig and Tala sighed before taking their shots. “Seriously?” Tala asked shocked as she refilled both hers and Tig’s shots.
“You gotta do what you gotta do to survive in prison.” Tig shrugged.
“Oh you liked it didn’t you?” Tala teased the man. “Never have I ever…been tied up to a vertical surface and fucked senseless.” Tig took the shot after a few moments. “Fuck you are twisted aren’t ya?”
“Shut up, she was hot as fuck and knew things.” Tig snapped.
Chibs and Tala shared a laugh as Tig’s shot glass was refilled. The game went on for about an hour or so. Tig being the drunkest out of the three. Tala close behind and Chibs seemed to still be sober. After a few more rounds, a croweater finally made her way to the three. More specifically over to Tig. In his drunken stupor, he eagerly went with her to his dorm room, leaving Chibs and Tala alone.
“Hey Chibs?”
“Yeah lovey?”
“Truth or dare?” Tala slurred slightly as she rested her head in her hand, elbow propped on the bar top.
“You got the hots for someone?”
Chibs barked out a drunken laugh, “Ya could say dat.”
Sitting up a little straighter, “now ya gotta tell me.”
“That ain’t how ya play the game lass.”
“Oh fine. Go then.” Tala pouted.
“Truth or dare love.”
“Dare me.” Tala drunkenly giggled.
Chibs took a moment to think things over. However, with the state he was in, whether he looked it or not, he was drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly. The only thing going through his mind was the beautiful lass in font of him. The one that had showed up Tig in the ring. The one that had danced on the bar right in front of him. The one that had been flirting with him and Tig all night. “Talk dirty to me.”
“Ya want me to talk dirty to ya Chibs?”
“That’s what I said lass.”
“Alright then.” Tala gulped down her shot and stood up just to sit back down on Chibs’ lap, facing him. One hand resting on his half hard cock. Lightly palming it through his jeans. She leaned into him; her breasts pressed against his chest. Lips ghosting his ear as she seductively whispered, “I could pull it out right now and no one would notice. I could drop to my knees, take ya into my warm, wet mouth, and no one would care.”
Tala took his ear between her teeth and lightly moaned. “Or I could just have you slip inside, squeeze you tight with my pussy.” The groan that left Chibs’ throat stirred you on. “Make you harder than you’ve been in a long-time baby. Keep squeezing around you until you’re trembling and begging me to let you cum deep inside of my tight, wet, pussy. However, you don’t dare out of fear of alerting the whole club due to your loud moans. Fuck, I can’t wait to have you cum in me, filling me to the brim.”
Chibs couldn’t take it anymore, “Let me take ya ta bed.”
“I’m not tired.” Tala whined thinking he was just trying to be a gentleman.
“No lass, let me take ya to bed.”
What he was suggesting had finally registered with her. Smiling she took his hand and stood. With a head nod, Tala led Chibs towards the dorms. They quickly made their way down the hall and into Chibs’ dorm room.
“If you don’t stop lass, you’ll have a repeat of last night.” Chibs whispered against Tala’s ear. “I know ya awake love. Ya been wigglin’ ya ass against my cock for the past five minutes.” He purred as he started kissing down her neck and onto her shoulder.
“No clue what yer talkin’ bout. I’m sweet an innocent.” Tala smirked with her eyes still closed as she pushed her ass against his hard cock again.
Groaning, which sounded more like a growl, “Ya think so lass?” He gripped her waist a bit tighter than she was anticipating as he started kneading at the breast.
Arousal pooled in their cores as he continued his actions. Tala tried to keep her neutral “I’m sleeping” face, but her focus was quickly fading. She wanted to tease him like he had done to her since she could remember. Tala was damn sure she wasn’t going to let him continue to tease her. It was finally her turn to tease him.
“This is a dangerous game ya playin.” Chibs warned as a smirk crept onto Tala’s face.
“Don’t I know it? Been playing dangerously all night.” Tala slyly purred as she shoved her ass against his cock once again.
That’s when he lost it. Within seconds, Chibs was on top of Tala. His legs on either side of hers, his hand pinning both of hers above her head. The wetness pooling between her legs was beginning to seep out onto her thighs. Tala knew she wanted to tease him like he had been teasing her but all she wanted right now was for him to fuck her like he had last night.
“Ya ain’t so tough now are ya darlin?” He seductively whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers; a short yet passionate kiss. Feather light kisses from her jaw, down to her neck, to the soft patch of skin at the junction between her shoulder and her neck. There he bit down, surely leaving a mark for the whole club to see.
Suddenly there was a solid knock on the door. The two lovers jumping at the sound and then locking worried eyes. Chibs called out to the person on the other side of the door. The voice that came back was the one voice he really didn’t want to hear. Neither of them did really.
“Chibs have you seen Tala?” Bobby questioned through the door.
“Nah. Think she was sleepin’ on the couch when I came to bed.” Chibs lied as she smiled down at Tala.
“She probably went into town or something. If you see her tell her I’m looking for her.”
“Aye. Will do Bobby.” Chibs sighed as he rested his head on her shoulder. “Ya better sneak off and change. If yer da sees ya comin from my room he’ll probably castrate me.”
“You regretting what we did chibs?” Tala questioned as she moved to sit up.
“No darlin’ just worried bout yer da is all.”
“Good. Cause I wouldn’t mind a repeat performance.” Tala smirked before kissing Chibs.
She quickly got dressed and then vanished from his room. Sneaking down the hall to Bobby’s dorm. Thanking her lucky stars that he wasn’t in the clubhouse, she quickly changed into a red crop top. She decided that since her pants weren’t dirty she would just wear them again. Pulling out her make-up kit, she checked the love bite in the bathroom mirror. Clear as day was a purple mark where Chibs had bit her. Silently cursing him, she set about hiding it with her make up.
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jaxteller87 · 1 year
Big Papa 5
1st month
A few weeks had passed, and I was gradually settling into a routine without Jax. However, helping Donna with the kids kept me occupied, and we all agreed that their well-being was our top priority while the guys were away. Teller had left notes hidden in every room of the house for me to find before he departed, including the bathroom, garage, and living room. It was a sweet notion that made this whole situation suck just a little bit less.
Just the other day, I had taken the kids to the little playground by Teller-Morrow for Donna because she had to work late. Piney was there too, but with his health declining, she worried about his capability of looking after the children alone. I’m pretty sure he would have been fine, and I can’t help but to wonder if I was helping him keep an eye on the little ones or if he was helping the others keep an eye on me. Regardless, I’m aware that I sometimes get stuck in my thoughts, so I chalked this one up to my overthinking. As my mind ran away with trivial thoughts, I was happily interrupted by Kenny.
“Hey, Aunt Amber, would you push me on the swing?” she asked.
“Of course, my love,” I beamed joyfully as we made our way to the swing set.
Jax and I had teased each other for the past few years about having kids of our own and how these little ones were great practice for when that time was finally upon us. But, of course, that would have to wait until their father was out of jail.
What a horrible thing to think, and without the context behind it, it would be horrible. Even though I knew that it was for the greater good and part of “the plan,” it still felt odd.
As these nonsensical thoughts kept barraging my head, I gently began pushing Kenny.
on the old chain-link swing. Luckily, the sounds of her playful giggles ushered all the weird thoughts I was having away, if even for a little while.
A few moments later, I noticed  Ellie running toward another swing, with Piney doing his best to keep up with her. Despite being ten times her age, he struggled to keep pace. He was clearly out of breath but wearing a smile on his face by the time he made it to the swing. She plopped down on it, and without skipping a beat, Piney began gently pushing her. In moments like these, I couldn’t help but wonder about Clay. How could he think it was acceptable for Opie to miss out on his kids’ lives? I knew it was all part of being a member of the Sons, you know, club business and all of that, but still. With kids, you never get years back. Once a stage of their young lives passes, it’s gone forever. You only get so many times pushing your kid on a swing before they learn to do it themselves, and after that, they outgrow the swing altogether.
“Mommy!” both kids squealed as they saw Donna stepping out of the pickup.
Once again lost in my own head, I didn’t even realize she was there until I saw her sprinting across the playground parking lot.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said, scooping up her youngest.
“No problem, momma,” I winked at her.
“The pleasure was all ours,” Piney added.
“Thank you, guys. Really,” she smiled.
“That’s what family is for,” Piney smiled back at his daughter-in-law. “Hey, you guys smell that?”
I paused for a moment and took a deep breath, but I couldn’t smell anything out of the ordinary.
“Smell what, Pappy?” Ellie asked.
“Well, it smells like that big dinner Grammy Gemma was cooking up for everyone. Are you two ready to grab some food?” Piney scooped up Kenny in his arms.
“Yeah!” both kids exclaimed before managing to wiggle out of their loving embraces. Once back on the ground, they ran off toward TM.
“Are you guys all good or—” Piney started.
“We’re fine. You go ahead; we’ll meet you there,” Donna interrupted.
“Fair enough. You need some girl time, huh? Don’t need to tell me twice. I’d rather be first in line for a plate anyways,” he winked and followed after the girls.
“I wish he wouldn’t call Gemma, Grammy,” Donna remarked, taking control of my wheelchair.
“Ah, lighten up. She’s like a Grandmother to all of us,” I told her.
“Lucky us,” Donna replied sarcastically. “Oh, shoot! I need to run back to the truck.”
“What for?” I asked.
“I picked up some rolls for the dinner and—”
“Leave’em. Gemma told me this morning not to worry about cooking or bringing anything and that she had everything under control,” I explained.
“Yeah, but—”
“Seriously, Donna, trust me. If Gemma says she has it covered, there’s no doubt in my mind she has it covered. Not to mention, if we go in there with store-bought rolls, let’s just say I don’t want that kind of heat on me, and trust me, neither do you.”
“Oh great, she has you brainwashed too,” she says as I look up to see her flash me a sarcastic smirk.
“All I’m saying is things go a lot more smoothly if you don’t fight her every step of the way. Besides, hate her or love her; she is a damn good cook,” I retorted.
“I don’t hate her; it’s just—” Donna paused for a few seconds, “well, she is a good cook; I’ll agree to that.”
We all gathered around the dinner table, talking and enjoying each other’s company. However, I felt a tinge of sadness when I caught Gemma glancing at Clay’s empty seat and fiddling with her ring. Gemma had to be the toughest woman I’ve ever known, and it was at this moment that it looked as though she might cry. I might have said something if it wasn’t so crowded, but I knew better than to bring it up in front of everyone. Besides, she wasn’t the only one going through this, and knowing Clay’s history; I wouldn’t think it was the first time, either.
After helping with the cleaning, Juice escorted me back to the house, and once I had settled in, I followed my nightly routine. On nights when I missed my husband terribly, I would wear one of his flannels as a nightshirt. It was a little rough on the skin and smelled like exhaust and cologne, but it reminded me of him. That was the part I struggled with the most. I couldn’t understand it. We had gone months without seeing each other before, and it hadn’t bothered me. But this time felt different because we had completely cut off contact. We couldn’t ask each other how their day went or what they’d been up to. That had never happened before. Jax and I had been talking to each other since we were five years old.
A few weeks later, I was helping Gemma with paperwork at TM when I heard a familiar voice.
“There you are,” Mary said, standing in the doorway.
I looked up from the desk, and there stood my best friend, Mary. I wheeled over to over and wrapped my arms around her.
“How did you know?” I whispered, holding her tight as I fought back the tears.
“I just had a feeling, that ‘tone’ in your voice when we talked the other night, and things are slow in NY, so I thought, why not visit my bestie?”
Gemma knew I needed this and cut me loose from helping her, although we were almost done already. I think we could have finished long ago, but she seemed to be moving slower than usual, perhaps to help keep both of our minds occupied and off of other things. Later that night, Mary and I returned to my place to find Juice sitting on his bike out front.
“So, he’s here every night?” Mary asked.
“Yeah,” I said, sipping my sweet tea.
“Tell me, how did you know I needed help, you know, besides the tone in my voice?”
“Well, Jax called a few weeks before he left and told me to check in on you a little more than usual.”
“Oh, did he now?” I asked, “What else did he tell you?”
“That was pretty much it. Just that he was leaving, and he was worried about you.”
“My badass biker,” I laughed. “And that’s what I don’t understand. We went months without seeing each other before, and I was fine. But we never went without contact; we still talked on the phone and stuff. It just feels different this time, you know?”
“Yeah, that makes sense. You guys are much closer now than you were then, that’s all.”
“Very true,” I replied, “I just wish my big poppa was here right now.”
“You’re what?” she smiled. I caught her out of the corner of my eye and instantly realized what I said in front of her.
“It’s a, it’s just something,” I fumbled with my words as I felt myself turning red before bursting out into laughter. It must have been contagious because it only took Mary a second before joining.
I needed that laugh.
It was so wonderful to have Mary around for a few days, but before I knew it, the first month had passed.
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allielu105 · 2 years
Happy or Not- 2
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A week later, Tara walked up to Happy as he worked in the shop at Teller Morrow, handing him an envelope. 
"Happy Lowman…you are the father."
She smiled before walking away. 
Tearing it open he read the paper, he was a 99 percent match when it came to being Ramira's biological father. 
In his heart he knew, but his brain wouldn't let him believe it until he knew it was true. 
He walked outside finding the girl...his daughter, sitting on a swing in the playground that had been built for Jax's boys. 
He handed her the piece of paper
"Your Ma was right."
"Told you she wouldn't lie to me."
She answered, reading over the paper. 
Ramira had spent the last week sleeping on the couch at Happy's house. Then during the day bouncing between there, T.M. and the clubhouse. She had felt like her life was in limbo because Happy didn't completely believe her until now, he didn't let himself get close. 
"So what now?"
She asked, meeting his hard gaze. 
"Guess we gotta get you enrolled in school…. get you settled in at the house. And you're abuelita is goin to want to meet you."
"I have an abuelita?!"
He couldn't resist smiling at the surprised yet happy look on her face. 
"Yeah, course you do. She lives over in Oakland."
He was caught off guard when she wrapped her arms around him. 
The moment was interrupted when Chibs walked up
"We gotta go Hap."
He nodded as Ramira pulled away, looking up at him. 
"Stay here."
He directed sternly
She agreed, he didn't miss her wiping away the tear on her cheek. 
She stood next to Gemma as they watched the guys drive out on their bikes. 
It was well into the night, almost the next morning, before the Sons came back to the clubhouse. Gemma watched as Happy quickly looked for his daughter. 
"I sent her to bed, she's in your room."
He nodded making his way inside, finding her exactly where Gemma said she was. 
She was curled up on one side of the bed wearing one of his SAMCRO shirts and a pair of sweatpants as pajamas. 
He pulled the blanket up, tucking her in as he placed a kiss on her temple. 
"Love you Kid."
He murmured quietly before making his way out of the room. 
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
Masterlist Chapter Page
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Juice x OC Stormie Rayne Epps.
Stormie ran away from home at 15 and Half-Sack never hears from her again until she turns up one day at Teller-Morrow with a story to tell and a young daughter. Juice falls hard for his best friends sister. Can he be the rainbow in her clouds?
Warnings: As always this is an 18+ story. General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing, smut etc. Mentions of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault/harassment are in some chapters.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
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