kygirl01 · 1 year
A Teller Meets A Dutton
John sends his youngest daughter "Elsa" to California to meet with Elliott Oswald about some horses, that he is interested in; but she has car trouble and has to go to Teller-Morrow.
I don't own any of the characters, this will be a one shot; if anyone wants to turn it into a story they may. But please give me some credibility for the idea.
"Well dad he had at least two horses that would be worth the money," El spoke to John on the phone. "If it's only a couple I'll just wait to see what Tavis has." "They are still worth the money, especially with their bloodlines." There was a moment of silence "if you think they are worth it, I will trust your judgment."
All at once the engine started to make a knocking noise, "dad I'll call you back before I leave on the plane; this car is making a strange sound." I pulled the car over in front of the barbershop, I got out and went inside.
"Excuse me could you tell me if there is a garage close by, my car is making a knocking noise and I want to get it looked at." The barber turned to me and said, "Teller-Morrow down the street is the only garage in town." Smiling I offered a thank you, and left the building.
I found the garage with no problem, and pulled up infront of the office. When I walked in I saw a older lady with dark hair and highlights sitting at the desk. "Hi I am Gemma, can I help you?" She asked "hopefully, my rental is making a knocking sound; and I don't want to get halfway to the airport and it die."
She smirked a small smile, "fill this paperwork out; and I'll have one of the guys take a look." I handed her the keys, and filled out all the information the car rental gave me. She came back inside and sat back down, "so where are you from?" "Montana" she made a humming sound.
"So what brought you to our tiny small town?" I lifted a blond brow "you ask all your customers their life stories?" She chuckled "only the interesting looking ones," I laughed at that "I was here to look at some horses."
The next thing I know to door swings open to reveal a tall, well built, blond, clear blue eyed, and probably one of the best looking men I have ever seen. "I am going to assume you drove that fire hazard in here" he said. "Is it that bad?" "Darlin your lucky it didn't catch on fire with you driving it."
"Is there a car rental place in town?" "There is, Jax would you mind taking her, and I'll call your rental place to come and take this hunk of junk back." "OK, I'll take you in the tow truck" said Jax.
I gatherd my stuff, and followed Jax to the truck. I turned around to say buy to Gemma to see several of the men trying to look at me without looking obvious. I smiled at Jax "can they be anymore obvious?" He laughed "they can't help themselves around a beautiful woman."
He drove me to the rent a car place, and we made idle chat. But when we got there he stopped me, "so do you have to leave so soon?" I gave him a half smile, "unfortunately I do have to go home." "You think you might come back around sometime?"
I tilted my head, "Well I do have to pick up a couple of horses in a week if you can wait that long?" His eyes gave a mischievous glow "I think I can wait."
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kygirl01 · 1 year
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kygirl01 · 1 year
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new series drops tomorrow, march 27 @ 5:00 pm edt!
single dad!eddie x fem!reader enemies-to-lovers slowburn
please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist (either comment, reblog, or pm me)
scruffy!eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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kygirl01 · 1 year
teenage dirtbag - an eddie munson fanfiction
Warnings for the whole Story: MINORS DNI! 18+, smut, slow burn, drug use etc. will add onto this as I continue writing it. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 , part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16
Summary: You couldn’t believe it, but you knew that since seeing him at that Talent Show, you’d always had a little crush on Eddie. It was pure insanity to assume that this would ever lead to something more, he was almost a High School dropout, being held back the second time now, and he was the school’s drug dealer. You couldn’t risk the crystal-clear perfect façade you had built over the last few years, including tons of studying, going to church, physical exercise and dating Hawkins High’s King Jason Carver, just because of a stupid High School crush that hadn’t even talked to you since Middle School. It was insanity. But his smile…
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Be kind - this is my first time posting my stuff on Tumblr. You can also read this on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39985251/chapters/100130499
i’d recommend listening to my eddie playlist while reading <3
Warnings for this Chapter: slight unwanted violence, blood Wordcount: 1.7k
Chapter 1: library encounters
Hawkins High always resembled a chaotic, uncoordinated battlefield at the beginning of term. It began over a week ago, yet Freshmen were still scrambling around, trying desperately to find their classrooms. They kept their gazes steadily on the ground to not provoke any of the Seniors, especially the Jocks, which inevitably included You. Of course, you never considered yourself intimidating or mean for that fact. Still, your position as a Senior and the Head Cheerleader somehow radiated a certain sense of authority over others.
This was your last year of High School, and the thought filled you with dread as you had no idea where the future would lead you. You understood that your parents expected you to directly get into an Ivy League college – your grades indeed spoke for that fact - but you weren’t so sure if you even actually desired that. Disappointing your parents was undoubtedly not on the to-do list this year, so you quickly shook your head in an attempt to get rid of the thought.
“Hey babe, you alright?” a gentle voice beside you said, and you immediately got yanked out of your dreamy state, right back to the present.
Jason - your boyfriend and head of the Basketball Team you were cheering for – had his arm locked around your neck but was now pulling you to the side softly, staring into your eyes with concern. At the same time, your back was pressed scarcely against the wall.
Somewhat startled at the notion, you nodded, observing the white tiles on the floor while fidgeting with the skirt of your cheer uniform. “I’m sorry, Jason, I’m alright. Thank you.”
You looked back at him, but to your surprise, he was not gazing at you anymore, but at something down the hall, his jaw clenched tight, his left hand rolling into a fist.
Confused, you followed his gaze steadily, and as you spotted what had caught his eye, your heart skipped a beat. Besides the loud laughter, the brown curly hair was definitely too big not to notice. He and his gang stood out like a sore thumb.
He was dressed in black ripped pants with white sneakers, and a band cover patched jeans vest over a leather jacket. You knew the bands, though you’d never admit that to Jason or any of your friends. They’d probably laugh at you and believe you’d fallen into the Satanic Panic, actively following the Devil.
“I can’t believe the Freak got held back AGAIN. At this point, they should just chuck him out of the school for good”, Jason taunted through his clenched teeth.
You’d known Eddie Munson ever since Middle School. In fact, you both took part in the same Talent Show, but you’d doubt he’d remember. In fact, it’s kind of embarrassing that you did. He was playing with his band, and it was one of the first times you’d discovered that type of music since your parents never allowed you to listen to anything but the ICMRS, aka the Indiana Christian Music Radio Station.
After his performance, you gathered all your courage, went up to him and asked him about the song he’d played. Eddie was way too startled to reply. In fact, you even believed you had insulted him until the next day in Math Class when he brought you a little cassette of his favourite band at the time called Black Sabbath.
You listened to that tape every time you got the chance and hid it every time your parents went through your things. You still hear it sometimes. Though you’d never confess it.
Before you comprehended what was happening, Eddie turned around, and his gaze met yours. For a brief second, the two of you stared directly into each other’s eyes then you flinched away, breaking up the look with Eddie and stepping out of Jason’s grip.
Jason goggled at you, completely confused until you told him you’d meet him after school for Cheer and Basketball practice. He scarcely seemed to hear what you were saying, though, because his Basketball Team was jogging towards him, greeting and cheering. With a sigh and a last short glance back at Eddie, who was still staring at you, you disappeared behind the corner.
Two weeks had passed since that short encounter – if you could even call it that, the two of you barely had any contact besides that sharp eye gazing - and to your embarrassment, it was still on your mind.
You were strolling around the library in-between the book-packed shelves searching for a particular book you had to read for English Literature, trying your best to concentrate. Still, your mind drifted repeatedly as you pranced in-between the shelves.
Eddie never turned up to any Basketball Games, and you hated to admit it, but a small part of you wished he did. Hoped he’d see your Cheer routine. You couldn’t believe it, but you knew that since seeing him at that Talent Show, you’d always had a little crush on Eddie.
It was pure insanity to assume that this would ever lead to something more, he was almost a High School dropout, being held back the second time now, and he was the school’s drug dealer.
How no one had snitched on him yet was honestly a miracle, but you assumed that it was because no one actually wanted to lose their direct plug. You couldn’t risk the crystal-clear perfect façade you had built over the last few years, including tons of studying, going to church, physical exercise and dating Hawkins High’s King Jason Carver, just because of a stupid High School crush that hadn’t even talked to you since Middle School. It was insanity. But his smile…
Upon realizing where your thought was going, you scoffed at yourself loudly, staring up only noticing that you had ended up in the Fantasy section of the library. Irritated, you exhaled laboriously and spun around, instantly colliding with something soft. The books the person had held dropped to the floor, splattered all around.
“God, I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there”, you mumbled, sinking to the floor and picking up the scattered books.
“Now that’s a first”, a voice replied, and you froze. You could tell by the way they spoke a deep grin was engrained on their face. Before you could accomplish anything, the person kneeled opposite you, bringing his grin down.
His curls were even wilder up close, and you noticed how deep and soft his brown eyes were. You also caught what was on his Baseball Shirt now; a Devil’s face with a font on top that read – “Hellfire Club”.
“You know when you’re done staring, you could hand me back my books”, he grinned again, pointing his ring-covered fingers at the books you were retaining against your chest. Trying to act nonchalant and unbothered, you rose to your feet again, handing the books over.
“There you go”, you stated, giving him a faint smile back, gaping at how his fingers brushed against yours when handing over the books. The short touch felt like slight electricity but you immediately flinched away at the sensation. You couldn’t help but notice the books he was carrying.
“Deities and Demigods?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah…” he replied, “… it’s not every day you find a book about yourself in the school library.” To your and Eddie’s surprise, you couldn’t help but hold back a short chuckle which earned you a “SHHTTT!” from the other side of the room. His grin widened at this.
“Now are my eyes and ears deceiving me, or does the Queen of Hawkins High actually have a sense of humour?” he questioned while leaning against one of the shelves, the books held casually in his left hand. You rolled your eyes at this, still slightly grinning, staring back down at the books.
“You want to tell me what those books are really about?”
“Oh, these old things?” he asked, waving the books around his head, “…well… have you ever heard of Dungeons and Dragons?”
“The game that contains and promotes satanic worship?” you replied sarcastically.
“That very one….” Eddie smiled, “…well we have a club”, he pointed at his shirt, “Hellfire club, to be exact, and we play together. I’m their fierce Dungeon Master, of course.” He bowed before you, and you couldn’t hold back a smile. He straightened himself again and looked you up and down, driving you to blush a little and stare down at the floor.
“You know you should come by and check out the club if you have-”
“What the hell is this, Freak?” a voice sounded off from behind you, and you rotated around only to witness Jason gaping at the both of you, fuming.
“Oh, hello, Carver, I’m just turning your girlfriend over to the dark side, nothing new, you know how it goes”, he expressed, winking at Jason.
Panic flowed through your body, and you replied instantly: “Jason, it’s really noth-"but he cut you off immediately.
"Stay away from my girlfriend, you Freak”, he hissed, seizing you by the upper arm and hauling you to the side. Eddie pulled a face, putting his fingers up to his head, imitating Devil’s horns while sticking out his tongue.
“Jason, this is really not necessary”, you hissed back, slapping his hand away and hurrying out of the library without looking back. Jason rushed after you, talking his sense into you, saying how dangerous Eddie was, how he worshipped the Devil, how he lived in a Trailor Park, how he had nothing in his brain, how he sold drugs and to generally stay away from him if you knew what was good for you.
You ignored him the complete time he was rambling, and you could tell he was getting more enraged with every moment you did not talk to him. Then out of nowhere, he stepped in front of you, making you flinch to the side and crashing your head into an open locker beside you. You cursed, and Jason was frozen in place as your hand reached up to your head, blood clinging to your fingers.
“Wait, let me-” Jason said, but you jerked your head, annoyed.
“I think you did enough, Jason.”
You turned and rushed to the Girl’s bathroom, Jason following you with his gaze but not moving any further.
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kygirl01 · 2 years
Life Guard
(Billy Hargrove x Female Reader)
Synopsis: It's the middle of summer and everyone decides to go to the pool. You don't know how to swim, but at least Billy's on duty.
Warnings: Language, almost drowning, protective Billy
Word Count: 3169
A/N: Here's that protective Billy fic I was talking about! Also, is the title cheesy? It's definitely cheesy. Should I change it? And I just had to use this gif. I mean, look at his back!
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The hottest day of the year meant one thing: pool day. Everyone had agreed to meet there after picking up their assigned children.
“I’m pretty sure this is what Hell feels like,” Erica said after closing her door.
You chuckled and agreed, pulling out of the Sinclair driveway.
“You both brought your sunscreen, right,” you asked, looking in your rearview mirror at Lucas and Erica.
They nodded.
“Good. Max?” You glanced toward her before turning back to the road.
“Do you really need to ask?” She tugged gently at her hair.
“Just checking,” you said. “I have extra if anyone needs it.”
It didn’t take you long to reach the pool. When you arrived, Steve, Robin, and Dustin were already there.
You caught the last second of Steve cannonballing and splashing Dustin when Robin waved you all over.
“Finally! The testosterone was becoming too much!” Robin said, dramatic as ever.
“Have you been here long?” You set your bag beside the lounger and took a seat. Max, Lucas, and Erica didn’t waste any time jumping in.
“Ten whole minutes,” she whined, making you chuckle.
“Then it’s a good thing I got here when I did,” you said, grinning.
You relaxed into your chair after slipping your sandals off. The umbrella provided enough coverage to keep the sun off you. It was as cool as you were going to get out here.
Not knowing how to swim certainly put a damper on things during the summer months, but it was never something you were in a rush to learn. For you, summer meant working and saving up for college, not hanging out at the pool—one of the many reasons your friends insisted you come with them. They all knew you couldn’t swim. They also knew a public pool wasn’t the most conducive to learning, but you knew it’d be fine. Robin and Nancy would sit and chat with you anyway. The boys and the kids were the ones who took full advantage of the water.
“So,” Robin grinned, leaning in closer, “who do you think's gonna get water up their nose first?”
You tapped your chin as if in serious thought. “Dustin.”
“I was thinking the same.” She nodded as if you had concluded an important meeting.
Said child seemed to be having a race with Steve and Lucas toward the deep end while Erica and Max were leaning on pool noodles and laughing.
Faintly, a lifeguard’s whistle was mixed with shrieks of joy and splashes. The piece of metal fell to the guard’s exposed chest. Your eyes trailed along his strong shoulders and neck to land on his face.
The heat in your cheeks was no longer from the weather.
Your friendship with Billy Hargrove was unexpected, to say the least. His friendship with the rest of your group—even more so. Fighting an interdimensional monster would do that to someone.
He’d changed a lot since last summer. Fortunately, it was for the better. It was obvious in the way he handled his job here. Billy had ruled the pool with an iron fist before. Now, he was less severe. You’d been here a few times already this summer, and not once had he threatened banishment to some too-excited kid who disregarded the safety rules.
You clocked the scars along his abdomen.
It had taken months of reassurance and support for him to take his shirt off. Before then, you never would have described Billy as insecure, but the Mind Flayer stole so much from him. You were just thankful it wasn’t worse. Joyce had closed the gate right on time.
Now, he sat in his chair with his shoulders back, relaxed, and surveyed the area like he used to.
Though he wore sunglasses, you knew he was looking at you when his head stopped in your direction.
You gave him a small smile and a little wave, and he answered with a flirty smirk of his own.
“Get a room,” Robin groaned. “You’re both ridiculous!”
You playfully swatted her.
She’d known for a while now how you felt about Billy. She had caught you staring a little too long, then at a sleepover, made you spill. And it brought you such relief to tell someone.
“C’mon, you’ve been flirting for months!”
“You know he flirts with everyone,” you said.
“Not since what happened,” she countered. “And I know you’ve noticed it, too.”
You had, but you were sure it was just because you'd been there. He had no reason to hide from you. And that gave him the space to be himself again. It’d only be a matter of time before he was chatting up one of the women strutting by his tower trying to get his attention.
She sighed. “All I’m saying is, I think you should give it a chance.” She poked your arm. “You have chemistry, and I know you’d be good together.”
You squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”
She stood, stretching. “Anytime. Now, I’m gonna get something from the vending machine. Any requests?”
“Whatever you’re getting.”
She nodded, walking toward the machines.
You pulled out your book, determined to finish it before you left the pool. Or before Billy got off his shift.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Dustin called. “Can you bring me my goggles?”
“Sure!” You scooped them up from the edge of Robin’s chair and walked over to him. “Here”
“Thanks.” He gave you that smile you loved.
“Where’s Steve?” you asked, looking around.
“He’s gonna do the high dive. I think he’s trying to impress the girl in the blue bikini,” he said, nodding across the pool.
You shook your head slightly. “He knows that won’t actually work, right?”
He shrugged. “I tried to tell him.”
“In other words, ice cream is a must after this.” You usually followed the same rulebook for Steve’s failed flirting as you did for Robin: ice cream and a bitch sesh.
“Ice cream is always a must.”
You laughed, eyes focused on his smiling face.
Maybe if you were paying more attention, you would’ve seen the little boy running to the diving boards. You may have moved in time to avoid him bumping into you and sending you straight into the deep end.
Billy spotted you the moment you walked toward Robin with your gaggle of children. Max had told him she’d be here with the rest of your group. So, when the first to arrive were Steve, Robin, and Dustin, he deflated a little.
Ten minutes later, he straightened and ran a hand through his hair. He hadn’t felt like this since he was a little kid. You made his stomach twist in the best possible way and your smile? He’d do anything to see it.
Every so often, he’d glance back your way. You and Robin laughed at something and his lips ticked up ever so slightly.
He always kept an eye on you. He didn’t want to miss the way your shoulders shook as you laughed. Or the smile you gave El when she wanted you to watch her hold her breath. Or the view he’d get when you bent over facing toward or away from him—he didn’t know which he preferred.
He also knew you couldn’t swim. And every time you showed up, he watched you—made sure you stayed away from the edge. Part of him wished you wouldn’t come to the pool, but the selfish side loved when you did.
It was easier when he was off duty. He didn’t have to pay attention to everyone else. He’d sit at the foot of your lounger and talk to you while the others swam. You’d poke him with your toes if he flustered you too much, and he’d grab your feet and move closer to put them on his lap. He’d graze a finger up the bottom of one, and when you went to pull away, he’d grip your ankle and laugh, promising not to do it again.
You’d ask him to reapply sunscreen to your back. And each time he’d massage it into your shoulders, your neck—his thumbs pushing the tension away—down until he reached your swimsuit, and then move onto your arms. You’d always tell him you could do that part, and he’d grunt at you, wanting to touch you a little longer.
Then, when he finished, you’d offer the same, and he���d turn around, stifling a moan when your hands rubbed his shoulders and down his spine. He’d tease you, ask if you could do his chest, to which you rolled your eyes, but did it anyway because you told him once you didn’t think he applied enough to begin with. You never said it was because you liked touching him, too.
He continued scanning the rest of the pool. It wouldn’t be long before his shift ended, and he could finally join you.
Everything was relatively calm—kids playing, parents sitting with one another, high schoolers gossiping as they floated. Everything was normal.
His head shot to the panicked voice, dread clawing his gut.
Dustin’s arms waved frantically at Billy.
Where were you?
And he dove in.
You were sinking, bubbles no longer escaping your mouth. And the feeling in his gut worsened as your eyes slowly closed.
He’d taken his eyes away from you for a second.
That was all it took.
Just one second.
He wrapped an arm around your waist, using the other to propel himself upward.
Dustin was still panicking and had gathered the attention of his friends, who had rushed forward when Billy emerged.
Billy vaguely noticed Steve above him.
“Help me get her out,” Billy called. “Lay her down.”
Steve hauled you by your arms, using the towel around his neck as a pillow. Billy was beside you in a moment doing compressions.
“C’mon,” he muttered before pinching your nose and pushing air into your lungs. “C’mon.”
Each press into your chest made his hurt.
He couldn’t lose you. He just couldn’t. Not like this, not when you survived so much. Not when you’d become so important to him. Not before he could tell you.
You coughed, water spurting from your throat as you instinctively turned to get it out.
Relief washed over him.
“It’s okay, baby. Just breathe,” he whispered, rubbing your back. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
Your coughing slowly subsided, but your breath shook, and the urge to cry crept up your nose. You’d been so close. You felt the water burning your lungs as you sunk further and further.
Billy’s body heat comforted you as you shivered. You rested your head in the crook of his neck. The warmth of his skin made you shudder at the contrast. All the energy had been drained from you. You were just so cold, so fucking scared.
“I’ve got you, honey,” he repeated, placing a towel around your shoulders. “Let’s go to a chair, okay?”
He was so gentle with you, only his tone registering, but whatever he was saying, you’d agree with.
He hooked an arm under your knees and his other around your back and walked you to one of the Adirondack chairs.
Kneeling in front of you, he covered your hands with his.
You stared at your joined hands, wanting to burrow into him to have some semblance of warmth.
“Sweetheart, I need you to look at me,” he said.
You did.
“You’re safe now.” He used one hand to graze the side of your thigh. “How ‘bout I take you home?”
You slowly nodded. This was the last place you wanted to be. Your nerves felt so exposed here.
“Okay.” He smiled gently, brushing your forehead with his lips as he rose to his feet.
“Here,” Robin said, setting your tote beside you. She placed a hand on your shoulder, and you touched it in thanks.
Billy pulled your coverup out of it and slipped it over your head.
“C’mon,” he shouldered your bag, “let’s go home.”
His arm went around your waist as he led you through the locker room to get his belongings.
When you got to his car, he placed you in the passenger seat and hooked you.
The way to your home was silent. And that was okay. You were still trying to settle yourself, and just being out of there helped.
Billy had put a hand on your thigh, needing to remind himself that you were next to him—that you were still breathing.
It comforted you—he did that in general. Maybe in a different situation, it would fill your stomach with butterflies. But right now, it was the contact you needed.
He was right here. And so were you.
You were grateful your parents were out when you arrived. You didn’t think you could handle any questions.
Billy’s hand was at the small of your back as you walked inside and went to your room to change. And he went to the kitchen to get you some water.
You got out of that swimsuit as fast as you could. Once Billy left, all you wanted was for him to come back.
It was like your chest didn’t hurt as much when he was in your line of sight.
He’d changed out of his suit and was waiting on the couch, patting the back of it when he saw you.
“Feel any better?” he asked.
You nodded slowly. “A bit.”
“What about inside? Anything hurt?” He leaned toward you, scanning your figure like he could pinpoint those spots.
“I’m fine, Billy,” you said. “Really. Maybe a little shaky, but that’s it. You don’t…” You didn’t want him to go, but you didn’t want to force him to stay. “You can go back if you want to. I know you wanted to hang out with everyone.” You didn’t want to feel like a burden. Billy deserved more than being tied down here with you.
He didn’t speak.
He wanted to hang out with you. He may have befriended everyone else, but you were the one he wanted to be around.
You had stopped shaking and coughing. Your breathing seemed normal, and the fear in your eyes was gone. You looked more exhausted than anything.
But still, he kept flashing back to you sinking.
He could’ve lost you. If Dustin hadn’t yelled, you might not be here. And he feared if he left you now, it’d somehow all be a dream. You wouldn't be sitting next to him. You’d be at the bottom of the pool, and he’d have to live with the guilt of not being able to save you.
But you were here. And you were okay. And he had to keep reminding himself of that.
“Let me stay,” he breathed, eyes pleading.
Yours softened, and you nodded.
He gave you a grateful smile. “Good. How about a movie? You can pick anyone you want, sweetheart.”
The pet name sent shivers up your spine, and he noticed. A concerned look covered his features.
“Are you okay? Are you still cold?” he asked, scooting closer.
You shook your head. You were definitely far from cold.
“Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Billy, I’m fine,” you urged.
“You inhaled a lot of water—”
“I promise.” You put a hand over his. “I just…I like when you call me that.” You played with your fingers, avoiding his gaze.
His face pulled in confusion. When he called you what?
He tried to think of what you were talking about, and then it dawned on him. He hadn’t even noticed he’d been doing it.
A grin spread across his face.
“You like it when I call you ‘sweetheart’?” He moved, his knee touching yours.
You nodded slightly.
“What about ‘honey’?” His head tilted so he could try and meet your eyes.
Again, you nodded, but the smallest of smiles tugged at your lips.
“And ‘baby’?” He lifted your chin with a finger, and your breath hitched.
“Yes,” you whispered. “I like it.”
“How would you feel if I used them all the time?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, but the smile still spread. “I’d like it.”
“And what if I wanted to use them in front of our friends? Would you be okay with that?” he asked, leaning in.
“Only if you asked me out first,” you said.
He chuckled. “Could I still kiss you right now?”
“You better.”
His lips pressed against yours a second later. He tasted like mint and the barest traces of smoke and chlorine. He pulled you into his lap so you straddled him, and your hands cupped both sides of his neck. 
You loved how warm he was. Every time you saw him, you wanted to burrow beneath his clothing and find a home there. You didn’t know if it was his Cali sun-kissed skin, or maybe the fire from his cigarettes, or a combination of both, but it was entirely Billy.
His hand trailed up your back to your neck, his other gripping your thigh, trying to plant you there. And part of you wished he’d squeeze harder so the bruises would remind you of this moment.
But you had to pull away.
You panted into each other's mouths, foreheads pressed together. And his hands slid to your waist and wrapped around you, hugging you to him.
“There’s somethin’ I have to tell you,” he whispered, lips brushing your cheek.
“You can tell me anything,” you said, thumb rubbing his jaw.
“I love you.”
You pulled back to look at him better. “What?”
“I,” he cleared his throat, “I love you.”
You caught the panic in his eyes, but before he could move, you put your hands atop his.
“I love you,” you breathed, smiling.
He laughed, cupping your cheeks to kiss you—soft and sweet, and it felt like love.
“Does this mean I can call you ‘baby’?” you asked, a teasing lit to your voice.
He grinned, pulling you closer by your hips. “You better.”
He kissed you again, and you had the passing thought that you could do this all the time.
The next time you went to the pool, Billy had a lounger and umbrella for you right behind the lifeguard chair.
He greeted you with a kiss, his hand slipping down to squeeze your ass. But you caught it. As much as you liked how physical he was, you weren’t about to let the other pool goers see.
“You shouldn’t have anything to worry about, honey. Just sit back and relax,” he said.
“Why’s that?” you asked, pushing one of his curls behind his shoulder.
“‘Cause I banned that little shit.” He shrugged.
“I’m pretty sure you can’t actually do that,” you said, laughing lightly.
“But he doesn’t.” He kissed you again. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Now, enjoy the show.” He winked, then reclaimed his place on his chair.
You shook your head slightly but did as he said. And at one point, when you called out a ‘baby’ to get his attention, you knew the flush on his cheeks wasn’t from the sun.
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