#charming life
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garbinge · 10 months ago
Drunken Night
Jax Teller & Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller (a little Chibs cameo too) 30 Day Fic Challenge (19/30)
Word Count: 2.4k A/N: Another slice of life fic for Joanne Teller outside of my multi-chap Charming life but as usual I'll still be using that tag list :)
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Drunkenness, drug use, drug selling, pining, hungover, alcoholism in a way.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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When Jax’s phone rang, he knew answering it was going to piss off pretty much everyone around him, but when he saw Jo’s name with the time in the top left corner, he walked away immediately and answered. 
“Hey, what’s up?” He could practically hear the scoffs clear as day of the men who ranked a lot higher than him burning their glares into his kutte as he walked away. They were likely getting more mad as they stared at the fresh rocker that was sewed into the back of his kutte, since he and Opie just finished their prospecting period. 
All Jax could hear on the other line was loud music, yelling, and then he heard Jo’s voice. “Jax?” It was extremely slurred, and very faint, like it wasn’t her who was on the phone. “You called Jax?!” And that remark confirmed it. 
“Hey Jax,” One of the voices Jax knew as Jo’s close friend was calmly speaking into the phone despite the chaos going on in the background. 
“Mare?” He asked, confused. “Where’s Jo?”
“Well um, currently? She’s making her way to the coffee table–oh no, she cut across to the keg to do a keg stand. She’s drunk, Jax. She won’t listen to me, I didn’t know who else to call.” 
“Shiiiit.” Jax was laughing slightly. “C’mon Mare, give her a slide of bread to soak up the beer and a cigarette outside and you’ll be able to push her into a car and drop her in the plants on the side of my moms. She’ll find her in the morning.” Jax was laughing at his own joke. 
“Jax,” She was cut off by a lot of noise which made Jax frown. “It’s bad Jax, I think it’s more than just alcohol, she was upset before, I don’t know. But I need help. We’re at Laney’s house.” 
“Alright, yea I’m on my way.” Now he was more concerned, the idea of his older, definitely more responsible than him, being on drugs, and being taken advantage of at a party was off-putting. 
“I gotta go.” He spoke up to the group as he walked back putting the cell back into his pocket. 
Some of them groaned, some laughed, most were pissed. 
“Nah, man.” Tig shook his head with a smirk. 
“You’re not going anywhere, son. We’re on a run, we need you.” Clay’s tone of voice left little to be argued with, but that didn’t bother Jax. 
“It’s Jo.” Jax knew those words were the magic ones. 
Clay’s eyes closed in frustration and he brought his hand up to his head like a headache was forming. “Can’t you call Gem?” This time his voice left much to be argued with and was drowning in desperation. 
“You wanna call mom at 1:30 in the morning to go to pick up a completely smashed Joanne?” Jax’s eyebrows raised. 
The rest of the crew looked at each other knowing none of them would have wanted to deal with that or the aftermath of it. 
“I can ride with him.” Opie spoke up, his hands resting across his chest. 
“Nah, bro. I’m good.” Jax shook his head, knowing the likely reason Jo was like this right now was because of Opie. 
“You gotta bring someone with you, it’s 1:30, you ain’t goin’ alone.” Clay pointed, his anger coming back out. 
“Chibs.” Jax nodded to the man before looking at Opie who looked wildly confused. “It’s better not to have both our bright white brand new rockers driving through Mayan territory to get back home at 1:30, bro.” Jax scrunched his face up. 
“Let’s go, Jackie boy.” Chibs slapped his shoulder as he walked towards the bikes. 
“Take the tow, she’s probably not in the best riding shape.” Clay spoke annoyed. “We’ll load your bikes up in the van.” 
The ride was quick, they made a 40 minute ride back to Charming, 20 minutes, without incident. Both of them stepped out of the truck as they stared at what was clearly a large house party still unfolding in the house. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go in and find her, you stay out here, only come in if things get rowdy.” He turned to Chibs who was grinning and pointing to the house. 
“Seems a bit rowdy already, lad.” 
Jax smirked and waved him off as he jogged up the driveway. The door was open but it was still tough to squeeze through the crowd. He dodged spilling drinks, annoying drunk people, and ashes of cigarettes being discarded until he spotted his sister, face down in the sink throwing up. 
“Jo.” He said as he pushed through the people now to make his way over to his sister. 
“I’m fine.” She pushed Jax’s arms off her the minute they touched her. 
“You’re clearly not fine.” 
“Here, I got her a water bottle.” Mare, Jo’s friend, appeared on the other side and handed Jax the water bottle. “She’s been like this for the last 10 minutes.” 
“Thanks, I got it from here.” Jax was shaking his head as Jo rolled her eyes clearly at the both of them. “C’mon, I’m gonna take you home.” 
Jo wasn’t in a place to argue anymore, the spinning was taking over and she was wishing she was back home. 
“Gemma’s gonna kill me.” Jo mumbled as she tried to balance herself against the counter. 
“Gonna bring you to my apartment at the clubhouse, I’ll tell her you were hangin’ with Wendy or some shit.” 
“She won’t believe that, she knows I got into it with your girlfriend last week.” 
Jax recalled their little argument last week that happened in front of everyone, Jo grilling her about something with her current boyfriend Micky that turned heated. Just as Jax thought about his sister’s boyfriend, he was in the room, like he spoke him to existence. 
As Jax closed his eyes in frustration, he mumbled under his breath. “Yea, not the biggest fan of yours either. C’mon, Jo.” He moved so that his sister was tucked under his arm and started leading her out of the party. 
She was mumbling a lot of nonsense, Jax not only chose to ignore it but it was honestly too hard for him to understand anyways. It was like that until they reached outside when Jo panicked. 
“My bag, I need my bag!” That was a sentence that came out clear as day. The panic in Jo’s voice meant there was something in her bag that she couldn’t leave without. 
“We’ll come back in the morning.” Jax tried to convince her as she flailed around in his arms. 
“I need my bag, NOW.” She was turning around, practically pushing Jax too go back inside. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll go grab it, you go with Chibs.” He was looing down the driveway in hopes that the man would see his struggles and come help. “Chibs!” With one call of his name, the man was appearing and Jax was pushing the girl into his arms. “Put her in the car, I gotta get her shit.” 
Jax was stepping back into the madness of the house party. His eyes immediately scanning for Joanne’s bag, her backpack was something that she’d bring everywhere with her since she was 12, and despite her being older now, he knew she still would have brought it. 
He clocked it on someone in the crowd and as he followed it he realized it was Micky. 
“Of course.” He mumbled before pushing through the crowd. “I’ll take the bag, Micky.” 
He turned around, pretty quickly, ready to fight but then smiled when he saw Jax. “Jackson.” He nodded. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep the bag safe for Jo.” 
“Yea just like you did for her.” He puffed his chest out. 
“I ain’t tryna fight you Jax.” The man escalated the conversation just by mentioning the word fight. 
“Never said anything about fightin’ Micky, just give me the bag.” 
“I ain’t given’ you shit, Teller.” Micky stepped to Jax who within the next two seconds, was ripping the bag off his shoulder and looking inside. 
He let out a breathy scoff when he pulled the bag of drugs out of his sisters bag and held it up to Micky. 
“I know for a fact this isn’t Jo’s.” He slammed it against his sister’s boyfriend’s chest. 
“I don’t know, she’s been really in the dumps lately, maybe she’s self soothing.” Micky smirked as his hand wrapped around the bags. 
“You know what, if that’s the case, I think I’ll take these with me.” Jax had started to think through how not only could he prove a point to Micky but also use this to get some quick cash for the club. 
Micky didn’t say anything, just tightened his grip on the bag. 
Jax pulled it out from behind his arms and stuffed it back into the backpack. His teeth sucking against his lip as he did it. “Stay the fuck away from Jo.” 
“Can’t help that she keeps running back to me. You’ll get it one day, Teller. Maybe when I have that reaper on my back.” He poked at Jax’s kutte which Jax quickly brushed off. 
“You’ll never be patched in Micky, you’re too much of a junkie creep to step foot in any SOA charter.” He was tossing the bag over his shoulder. 
“When I’m Jo’s old man, it’ll be pretty hard to stop me.” He was taking a step back now. “Enjoy the cash my drugs bring the club, maybe I’ll tell Clay if I’m funding SOA, I deserve a seat at the table.” 
Jax scrunched his face up at the comment but did the same as Micky and walked away. Moving the bag back down his shoulder to look through it. Finding a book, a notebook, and a makeup bag under the drugs. Inside the book, acting as a marker was a picture of Joanne, Jax and JT. Jax knew what it was before even looking at it fully. But when he went to place the book back in the pack, a piece of notebook paper fell out onto the driveway. As he moved to pick it up, he saw it was a note from Opie. 
“Know you’re leaving for cosmo school, Gemma mentioned it last time she was at TM – wanted to let you know that Donna and I are planning the wedding in June, wanted to let you know ahead of time so you could be there.” 
It looked like he had dropped it off or taped it to her door or something by the looks of the tape on the top of the sheet. He immediately knew this is what spiraled his sister. He pushed it back into the bag and made his way towards the tow truck. 
“Here.” Jax handed the girl the bag in which she hugged it tightly. Chibs looked at both of them a bit confused when Jax spoke up. “It’s JT’s bag. Gave it to her when we were kids.” 
That was all it took for Chibs to understand it’s sentimental meaning. 
“Where to, kids?” Chibs pushed the car’s gear into drive. 
“Back to the clubhouse, I’m not chancing dumping her at home and waking Gemma.” 
The ride was silent, the only sound being from the loud engine of the tow truck. As they pulled into TM the jerking of the truck over the potholes woke up Jo and she came to. 
“I feel like shit.” Her hand flew up to her head. 
“You look like it too.” Jax teased her as he glanced over at her hair all messed up. 
“Smell as well.” Chibs scrunched up his nose. 
“Fuck.” Jo looked down and saw the dried up puke stain on her shirt. 
“There’s clean clothes in one of our drawers. Gemma just did laundry. You’ll find something to change into.” 
“Gemma.” Jo started to piece together things. “She’s gonna be pissed I didn’t come home.” 
“Aren’t you leaving for cosmo school in like a week? She’s gotta get used to you not being home.” Jax said as he jumped out of the tow truck. 
“I think that’s exactly why these last few days home will be so crucial for our loving mother.” 
“I’ll tell her we were having a sibling bonding moment and drinking ourselves silly at the clubhouse bar.” Jax shrugged trying to think of something. 
“Aye, I can back that statement up.” Chibs agreed as he jumped up on the picnic tables to wait for Ja so they could head back up to meet the club. 
“Thanks.” Jo nodded in agreement. “You can go, I’ll be fine, I’ll take one of the prospect’s shirts, he keeps his things freakishly organized.” 
“Ahhh, Juicey.” Chibs laughed at the thought of their brand new prospect. 
“Did I say anything…” Jo whispered to Jax as her hands leaned against the clubhouse door to push it open. “..Stupid.” 
“Nope, just your normal bitchy self.” Jax joked which earned him a push. 
“I still feel so drunk.” Her hand moved to her head. “Thanks for picking me up. Mare call you?” 
“Yea, she was worried.” Jax grabbed a cigarette to place in his mouth. “For the record, if Micky can’t be there for you in moments like this, maybe he isn’t a good match.” 
“I broke up with Micky. Tonight. He’s dealing. Why I was fighting with Wendy last week.” 
Jax sighed and nodded. “You got shit in your bag.” He pointed to it which caused Jo to drop it off her shoulder and look inside. 
Her shoulders dropped, still being too inebriated and hungover mixed together to deal with it. 
“Give it to me, I’ll handle it.” His hand was extended out. 
Jo handed the plastic bag that was filled with a bunch of different pills and powders to Jax. “Can’t promise he won’t come looking for it.” 
“He won’t.” Jax grabbed it and tossed it to Chibs who caught it as he laid on the picnic table. Jo nodded and went to go inside the clubhouse when Jax called her name one last time. “You know, it’s his loss.” 
Jax wasn’t talking about Micky, but he knew Jo was assuming he was. 
“Thanks little brother.” She tapped his arm before she disappeared back in the clubhouse where she’d spend the rest of her night, alone. 
As she walked past the blue bike that was JTs, she stopped and placed her hand on it. 
She mumbled as her hand glided across the bike and fell off as she stumbled down the hallway of apartments. 
“Wish you were here.” 
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wasabi-gumdrop · 11 months ago
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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forestgranted · 15 days ago
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very cute and exciting things on the way :)
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months ago
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Crush, crush, crush!
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lovehina019 · 6 months ago
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maureen2musings · 16 days ago
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Mornings in North Wales & Rydal
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datcravat · 3 months ago
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It seems there's a new lawyer in town!!!
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ventricodus · 6 months ago
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couples therapy for 10 year olds
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
So you know of other fairytale-theme school medias?
oh yeah, there's a few! the one I was thinking of specifically was Ever After High; I was mostly into the dolls, but I also really liked the webseries and the Shannon Hale novels! Apple was my definitely my favorite. 🍎
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witchstone · 2 years ago
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oh to be a little tabby cat snoozing in a sheet that was supposed to be hung up to dry <3
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garbinge · 10 months ago
Charming Life (7/?)
Opie Winston x Teller!SisterOC Joanne ‘Jo’ Teller Jax Teller & OC Joanne Teller 30 Day Fic Challenge (18/30)
Chapter Index 
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Siblings fighting again, light angst, but other than that mostly fluffy.
Charming Life Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @livingdeadblondequeen​ @justreblogginfics @chloe-skywalker @kmc1989
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“Hey.” Opie’s voice caused Jo to turn around, almost knocking over her salon chair. 
“Hey.” She laughed and steadied herself. 
“You alright?” He frowned, taking a step closer to her. “Yea, sorry just a weird day.” 
“Micky?” Opie frowned and asked. 
“No, why? What do you know?” The girl got nervous, quick. 
“Nothin’, no. Just see you get like this when it’s gotta do with that piece of shit.” 
“For once my problems have nothing to do with him.” She laughed and ran her hands through her hair again. 
Opie frowned looking for an answer from her and she just shook her head. “Jax and I got into it, feel like we haven’t fought like that since we were teenagers and I was yelling at him to turn his music down or he was pushing me down the stairs to get the passenger seat the rare times Gemma took us to school. This was bad, Ope. He said some awful shit.” 
“I remember way worse fights than that.” Opie laughed and wrapped his arm around Jo as he recalled the fight he witnessed first hand. “Think he asked you what it’s like to be so perfect and it snowballed from there.” 
“I pushed him in Gemma’s azaleas, she still hasn’t forgiven me for that.” Her head was pressed against Opie’s chest. 
“He’ll come around.” He was now rubbing her back with his arm. “How you holding up about Luanne?” 
“I’m fine, more worried about my mom. She asked to watch Dil today, think she’s trying to break the cloud around her.” Jo spoke still soaking in every minute of this embrace with Opie. 
“You off work?” Opie asked, hoping it meant he could spend some time with Jo. 
“No, I have a 4:30 client. Who always shows up late and wants a full head of highlights, shit take’s forever.” She sighed. “What’re you doing tonight?” She peeled away from his chest to look up at him. “Want to hang then? I can pick the kids up and have ‘em sleep at my place. We could watch a movie.” She shrugged. 
Opie sighed and dipped his head. “I’ve got club shit tonight. Don’t worry about the kids, Bobby’s sister is watching them.” 
Jo looked up and raised her eyebrows. “You’d be better having Bobby himself watch them.” She teased. “I’ll pick them up, they can stay at my place. Dil loves having them around, I think she breaks them out of their shell.” 
“She does, Ellie was mumbling that song Dillon is always singing around the club the other day. I’m lucky to get her to say more than 5 words a day.” Opie laughed. 
“See. I’ll pick ‘em up after this client. I’ll see you in the morning.” Jo leaned up and placed a quick kiss to Opie’s lips. It was still an unsure thing, the two hadn’t really discussed anything, which was typical, but one thing that was certain without words was something shifted with them. 
“Everything’s going to be okay.” Opie caught Jo’s head before she pulled away too far. 
“I really hope that’s true.” She closed her eyes and before another word could come from her mouth, another kiss was being placed on her lips, this one more passionate than the one she left on Opie, this one he was holding her close like taking any time away from doing exactly this would paralyze him, but his touch was light and tender on her so as not to make her uncomfortable. The kiss was long, and Jo practically melted into him again. She felt the butterflies in her stomach full force, still almost a dream to her that this was her reality. 
As Jo pulled into TM the next morning, she saw Gemma walking from the office to her car. 
“Hey!” She called to her mother before stepping out of the car. Gemma turned and frowned. 
“What’re you doing here so early?” 
“Wanted to check in on you, plus I’m meeting Opie, going to grab breakfast with everyone.” She pointed to her backseat which had all 3 kids. 
Gemma smirked and thought to ask more questions but held off. “I’m headed to give Wayne a ride. Just needed to drop off some paperwork I brought home last night.” 
“How you holding up?” Jo genuinely asked her mother. 
“I’m fine.” She answered quickly and clearly lying straight through her teeth. 
“Here if you need anything.” Joanne spoke just as the rumbles of motorcycles began to sound from down the street. 
“Looks like your breakfast date awaits you.” Gemma’s eyebrows raised and she smiled again before peering into the car to see the kids. 
Jax and Opie pulled up. Opie offered a quick wave as he moved to debrief with the rest of the guys, leaving Jax by himself. Jo would have easily ignored her younger brother if it wasn’t for Dillon undoing her belt and opening the car door to run towards him. 
“Uncle Jax!” She called out as she ran faster than Jo’s head could wrap around what she was doing. 
Without a second guess, Jax was kneeling to the ground to pick the girl up, all smiles on his face. “What’s up Dillybear.” She was now settled in his arms. “Going to breakfast, I’m going to get waffles, french toast, bacon, sausage, maybe hashbrowns,” she started listing off every breakfast food there was before catching her mother’s eyes and frowned. “and a cup of fruit yogurt because mom makes me.” 
“Yea mom can be annoying, can’t she.” Jax said knowing Jo was in full earshot to hear it. 
“So annoying, I hate the yogurt cup.” She crossed her arms and pouted. 
“Dillon, c’mon get back in the car, we’re gonna head out soon.” Jo’s voice was stern. 
“Do I have to eat the yogurt cup.” She tried to negotiate, a tactic she probably picked up from Gemma. 
“Yes, but if you eat the yogurt cup you’ll get chocolate chips in your pancakes.” 
“Deal.” The little girl was squirming out of Jax’s arms and running back to the car. 
“I don’t appreciate you negating me to my kid.” 
“It wasn’t a big deal, relax.” Jax laughed it off, annoyed himself. 
“Nothing’s a big deal to you because you don’t have to deal with it, it’s Jax’s world and we’re all just living in it.” 
“You really want to start this right now?” Jax looked like he was eager to fight with her. 
“I didn’t start shit, Jax. You started this by keeping that shit to yourself.” She pointed at him, it took everything in her not to step up and let her finger lay into him. 
“Can you just trust that I’m going to fix shit?” 
“You can’t seem to trust me, why should I trust you?” She pinned it back on him. 
“Call me when you grow up.” Jax was walking past the girl, shaking his head. 
“Jax!” Jo turned and it caught everyone’s attention but that didn’t bother her at all. “Call me when you actually want to be a brother!” 
It wasn’t a monumental diss, but it sure did get her point across. 
Breakfast was silent besides the kids murmuring and giggling to each other. It really was true, the three of them really brought out each other's personalities. While Kenny and Ellie became more vocal and out of their shell, they showed Dillon that she didn’t always have to be into the adult conversations. It was something that came with being an only child, she’d find herself in the mix of the adults, but now she had kids around her age more frequently to keep her occupied from that. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Opie casually brought up the tension as he picked at his plate. 
“No.” Jo was aggressively stabbing her pancakes. 
“Can I have your bacon?” Dillon was peering over at Opie’s plate. He let out a chuckle and looked to Jo for her permission to which she nodded. 
“Here, each of you get a piece.” He handed each kid one. 
“See you just have to ask, they normally say yes.” Dillon thought she was whispering perfectly but it just earned her another chuckle from Opie. 
“I’m so full.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at the kids. Dillon was so quick to copy him by leaning back as well and rubbing her belly.
“Ahhh, me too.” 
“You’re a funny kid, you know that, Dill.” Opie was smiling looking down at her. 
“Can we get pancakes every Sunday.” Kenny was leaning forward on the table, while his feet dangled. 
“If the schedule allows it, I don’t see why not.” Opie said with a shrug. 
“No, like all of us.” Ellie spoke up, still a shy voice, but learning to break out of it. 
This made Jo look up and she saw that the girl was looking between her and Dillon. 
“Yea, Ellie girl, I’d like that a lot.”
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shanastoryteller · 2 months ago
let the beltane fires burn
The Halliwells are descended from Melinda Warren, are the branch in which the greatest power resides, the line that would birth the most powerful witches to walk the earth.
It's not the only line.
Deanna knows about hunters, knows what they don’t know and don’t understand and that they killed her family. But Samuel didn’t kill her family. Samuel’s a good man who saves innocents, the same way she was raised to, if not how she was raised to do it.
She’s all alone. It’s not safe to be a witch.
The day before her wedding, she binds her powers.
When Mary is a year and a day, she does the same to her. It’s safer this way. Better. The world is so unkind to witches, even ones like them, born into it, with their power baked into their blood. Better to fight evil with bullets and knives than the strange terrible thing she’s destined to give her daughter, that her daughter is destined to pass along to her own daughters.
She never tells Samuel. There’s no reason to.
When Mary is old enough, when she’s talking of running and rebelling and all those things Samuel thinks will never come to pass and Deanna knows almost certainly will – running and rebelling is in her blood as surely as the magic, but there’s no binding potion for that – she tells her daughter what they are. What she’ll have to do to keep her future daughters safe, if she has them. It’s the only potion she ever teaches Mary how to brew, the only one she’ll ever need.
The day after Dean’s first birthday, Marry brews the potion and feeds it to him. He cries more after, doesn’t settle as quickly, and John worries and Mary reassures him and tells herself she’s done the right thing. Whatever it is that Dean feels he’s lost, he’s better off without it. She’s going to be normal. Her children are going to be normal.
She intends to do the same for Sammy, but she burns above his crib when he’s six months old.
John sees Sammy levitate a toy towards him when he’s two years old and shouts so loudly that he drops it, tears running down his face and wailing in the face of his father’s anger. Dean comes running from the other room and reaches for Sammy, letting his brother’s chubby fingers tangle in his shirt. “What’s wrong?” he asks, eyes wide.
He doesn’t answer, rubbing his hand over his face and heart pounding in his chest.
What did that demon do to his son?
What did it turn him into?
Is Sammy even human anymore?
He doesn’t react to salt, to holy water, to silver. John loses his temper every time something moves inexplicably and eventually it stops, by the time Sam’s in kindergarten he’s just like all the other kids.
John watches, fear and suspicion and something uglier caught up inside of him.
What is his son?
Sam figures out young that he’s a freak.
Dad and Dean just think he’s weak, just think he has nightmares, and he lets them. He only practices the telekinesis when he’s alone and every time he almost gathers the courage to tell his brother or father about it, to finally come clean, he’s viciously reminded how much they hate the things they hunt, how they’d never accept it, accept him, and as soon as he tells them what he is, he’ll lose them.
He doesn’t know what he is, really. Only that he’s not normal.
Eventually he stops seeing things in his sleep, instead getting them when he’s awake, more vivid and real than the monsters that plague his dreams. He sees people being hurt, people who need help, and it goes against everything he’s been taught to leave them to their fate.
But how can he explain it to his family? He can’t.
He’s thirteen the first time he sneaks out and saves a woman from one of his visions, finding her in the dark alley he’d seen her die in. He puts a bullet in the man’s chest, but it barely stops him, and then she and him both are getting a fireball thrown at them.
Sam shoves his hand in front of him, pushing back against the heat, refusing to die the same way his mother died.
The fireball returns to the man, catching him in the chest and he screams, disappearing into the fire until he’s nothing more than a smudge on the ground.
“Wow,” the woman breathes. Sam turns to her, trying to come up with some sort of explanation, when she continues, “I’ve never met a witch with active powers before.”
“I’m not a witch,” he says automatically, thinking of bargains made with demons, of hex bags and rotting meat and blood sacrificed.
She looks between him and the smudge on the ground incredulously. “Are you sure about that?”
Yes. No.
He doesn’t know what he is.
She leads him back to her apartment, stacks books into hix arms, and then makes him a sandwich when his stomach rumbles. His age worries her, his ignorance worries her even more, and everything she’s saying sounds like kooky new age bullshit except for the way that it explains everything he’s never been able to.
There are witches and demons and monsters nothing like anything his father’s ever talked about.
It’s easy to research, at least, because his dad thinks there’s a kernel of truth in every piece of supernatural bullshit. Dean makes fun of him for digging into girly, feel-good crap rather than the harder stuff, but his dad just seems relieved he’s taking an interest all. Sam starts taking notes, keeps them all in a folder until Dad buys him a journal, patting his back when he hands it over like it’s a rite of passage.
To Dad, it’s his first hunting journal.
Sam runs his hand down the soft leather spine and knows he’s starting his book of shadows.
The visions don’t stop. He saves more innocents, some witches and some mortal, and keeps the record of all the creatures he’s killed in Latin to discourage Dad and Dean from snooping. He uses his telekinesis on hunts only when there’s no other option, only when there’s someone’s life on the line, and he’s as careful as he can be not to get caught.
It should be a relief, to find out there are other people like him, to know that he’s a force for good in the world.
There’s no way he can explain the existence of a different type of witches to his father without putting a target on their backs.
Some witches have been targeted by hunters, ones who were trying to help but got caught in the crossfire, ones that had turned evil and needed to be stopped, but it’s not often he finds a witch that regards hunters with anything but fear. At least when his family are the ones sniffing around, he can give them a heads up, can tell them how to avoid their attention.
He’s had a lot of practice, after all.
Sam is sixteen when he’s a little too slow.
The innocent is safe and the demon is killed, but his chest is torn open and he’s bleeding out on the pavement.
“Oh no, oh no,” the woman he’d saved chants, pressing her hands against him, even though it’s pointless, even though it just sends a bolt of pain through him. Fuck. He doesn’t want to die. Dean is going to devastated. “Paige! Help me! Paige!”
There’s a bright light in the corner of his eyes and an woman around his dad’s age with bright hair red hair is leaning over him.
Then she touches him, but her touch doesn’t hurt.
He looks down and the wound on his chest closes, skin clear and unharmed, pain retreating to only a memory.
“He saved me,” the woman says. “He can move things!”
The redhead’s eyebrows rise. “You have active powers?”
They’re always so surprised by that. Sam’s more impressed with the fact that she just healed him. “I get premonitions too. What are you?”
“You get,” she starts then cuts herself off. “Where’s your whitelighter?”
He stares. “My what?”
She raises a hand to her head and groans. “Oh, someone’s really messed up somewhere. Leo!”
Guardian angels are real, called whitelighters, and apparently witches with active powers who go around saving innocents are supposed to have them to help keep them from getting themselves killed in the process.
Leo, who’s something called an elder with a kind face, says an unconventional witch deserves an unconventional whitelighter.
Chris Halliwell is his age, half witch, and also has telekinesis.
Oh, and he’s apparently his cousin. His very, very, very distant cousin.
“Are all witches related?” he asks incredulously.
“No,” Chris says, long dark hair and hazel eyes doing more to aid his claim of family than the spell his mother had cast. He and Chris look more related than him and Dean do. “We’d thought all the other branches of the Warren line had died out. You’re a surprise.”
Great. He’s a freak even among witches.
It’s so much easier now that he’s not desperately trying to piece together everything on his own, with only the occasional help from the innocents he saves. Chris is sarcastic and annoying and funny and more than having a guardian angel, Sam’s relieved to just have a friend he doesn’t have to lie to for once.
The Halliwell house, with its potion ingredients and powerful witches and home cooking, is only an orb away. He mostly hangs out with Chris, of course, but Piper always invites him to stay for dinner and Paige checks in on him, feeling somewhat responsible for him since she met him first, and Wyatt’s friendly enough but Chris sends him packing whenever Sam’s there.
He’s pulling doubletime when it comes to saving innocents, doing it as a witch and as a hunter, and he’s still maintaining straight As on top of it all while lying about half his life to his father and brother. It’s a stack of cards that’s bound to fall apart.
Going to Stanford is about more than just escaping his father.
It gets him close enough to San Francisco that he won’t need to be orbed to the Halliwells. It’s supposed to give him some breathing room, to let him focus on being a witch, to let him get his education. He does more good as a witch than as a hunter, but it’s not like that’s something he can explain to his family.
He’d wanted out, needed out, before he gets himself or someone else killed trying to balance it all. But he hadn’t thought his father would kick him out. He hadn’t thought Dean would let him.
He goes to the bus station but doesn’t buy a ticket. He calls Chris and spends the rest of the summer at Halliwell manor, burying all his hurt under training with Chris and saving people and getting ready to start college in September.
Jess wears a pentacle around her neck and keeps salt in small bowls in each of the cardinal directions and Sam doesn’t intend to tell her that he’s a witch, but when he ends up saving her from a darklighter attack, that decision is taken out of his hands. Coming clean about the hunter part takes longer, but it’s a bit of an easier sell once the knowledge of the supernatural is already out there. The thing that surprised her most of all is that things like bullets and steel can be used successfully against monsters, rather than the existence of monsters themselves.
Three years later when Dean shows up at their door, Sam can’t bring himself to deny him. It’s one weekend. He’d never wanted to lose his family in the first place.
When he returns home to Jessica pinned to the ceiling, he doesn’t even have to think.
He yanks her down, catching her in his arms just as fire effulges the place she’d been. He pushes the fire away from them, but it fights him harder than demonic fire usually does and leaves his hands burned and blistering. He doesn’t care. Jess is bleeding and in shock but still alive, breath rattling against him. “CHRIS!”
Dean’s yelling for him, but Sam can’t let him in. He throws his hand out, keeping his bedroom door closed even as his brother throws his body against it, still screaming his name.
Chris orbs in, eyes going huge. “Sam, what-”
“Heal her then go,” he snaps, the smoke already hurting his throat. “I’ll explain later.”
He puts his glowing hands over her bleeding stomach and the wound closes, her body going slack and her breathing easing even as her eyes roll back.
Sam tenses. “Is she-”
“Fine, let’s go, your hands,” Chris says, hands already glowing as he reaches for him.
“SAM!” Dean shouts, sounding like he’s about two seconds away from trying to shoot through the door.
“You can heal me later,” he says. “Thank you. Go.”
Chris shoots him a bitchy look that Paige says they share and then he orbs away. The fire’s covered almost the entire room now and Sam finally lets go of the door.
Dean stumbles in, pale, already reaching for him.
Sam stands and finds his knees buckling, gritting his teeth to keep himself upright. “Take her,” he says urgently, pressing Jess into his brother’s arms. “We have to go.”
“You think?” he snaps, but he’s gentle with Jess. Sam shoves him towards the door, slamming it behind him just as it surges after them. Keeping the flames from killing them is one of the hardest things he’s ever done. No wonder he’s exhausted.
They stumble downstairs, away from the fire, and someone’s already called the ambulance.
The story’s an easy sell because it’s not like anyone would believe the truth. They say Jess took sleeping pills and Sam came home to flames. He pulled Jess out and has the burns to prove it. Dean saw the flames in the window and went up, helping to get them both out.
It’s almost true.
“He had yellow eyes,” Jess tells him after. “He was – Sam, I’ve seen demons, I’ve fought demons. He’s something else.”
“Different kind of demons,” Sam says. There’s the underworld, and there’s hell. Underworld demons go after witches mostly. Hell demons go after mortals and are a lot harder to kill, ironically. “It’s the same demon that killed my mother, Jess, and now it’s after you. I have to take care of this.”
Dean’s too relieved about Sam’s determination to rejoin the hunt to question him too closely about all this. He knows better than to think that will last for very long.
Chris agrees to watch over Jess for him even though she’s not technically one of his charges. They layer protection spells on her, including one cast by the power of three, and even this yellow eyed demon will be hard pressed to break through that.
Hell demons are tricky. They’re not as susceptible to witch magic. But Sam’s not just a witch.
He’s a hunter too.
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lilpomelito · 9 months ago
In a series of events that absolutely nobody could have predicted, Steve’s parents adore Eddie. Richard thinks he’s witty and sharp, a breath of fresh air for a man stuck in endless meetings with corporate egos. Linda laughed so hard the first time they invited him to dinner, she cried. Nobody is more surprised than Steve, who brought his alternative high school dropout boyfriend to his parents almost as an act of late teenage rebellion. But hilariously, Eddie’s fun personality and his disdain for everything mainstream makes him catnip for rich pretentious people. They bond over their hatred of the idiosyncrasy of middle class small town people in America, everyone is so closed minded and average, you know? No ambition, nothing! And this guy is a rockstar, Steve!, they say. You could use some of that ambition yourself! Have some goals in life!
It’s almost insulting. Like that’s his boyfriend. They can’t like him more than he does!! But Steve even caught his mom smoking pot with Eddie in the porch after dinner one time, which was insane to him since the last time they caught him doing exactly that Steve had been grounded for a week. You were 16 Steve, and a star athlete, we couldn’t have you smoking in the house, she argued. And Eddie, the treacherous man that he was, agreed with her. How would you feel if Dustin started smoking, huh?
In retrospective, Steve should have seen this coming. His parents hate Hawkins people as much as Eddie does, they do everything in their power to be away from town as much as it’s physically possible without actually moving away. They’ve had the “moving to another state” conversation several times already, and it’s been Steve who refused every time. The entire fight about Steve not getting into any college had been more about having to stay in Hawkins than anything else. But of course, his boyfriend who is literally everything this town hates in a person would be exactly what his parents like. No bond is stronger than the one between people who hate the same things.
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lovehina019 · 6 months ago
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thelilylav · 2 months ago
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Who loved you first? Who loved you last? Why do I even think of these things?
On Apple, Darling, and Daring
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bloodofelves · 2 months ago
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LIFE IS STRANGE (2015) ↳ dev. Dontnod Entertainment
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