#teeth planting
buvi10 · 5 months
Role of Vitamin D in Dental Implant Success and Overall Dental Health| Dental implant studio| Bangalore| Dr. Sudhaker reddy
Check our website @ https://implantdentistindia.com/
Vitamin D is essential for overall health and also the success of dental implants. People with Vitamin D deficiency are at a higher risk of dental implant failure. Do watch this video to know about the benefits of Vitamin D for dental health, overall health, and also how it helps in the success of Dental Implants. Hear from Dr Sudhakar Reddy, renowned implantologist and maxillofacial surgeon.
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Dr.Sudhakar Reddy.K M
Dental Implant Studio, 1st A cross Jayanagar
2nd Block Near Ashoka pillar
  +91 98451 98455,  +91 98457 98455
Makes Teeth Strong: It helps your body use calcium, making your teeth strong.
Protects Enamel: It keeps the outer layer of your teeth tough.
Keeps Gums Healthy: It reduces gum problems.
Prevents Cavities: It lowers the risk of tooth decay.
Fights Infections: It helps your body fight mouth infections.
Less Tooth Sensitivity: It makes your teeth less sensitive.
To keep your teeth healthy, spend time in the sun, eat foods with vitamin D, or take supplements if needed. Vitamin D is like a friend to your smile, keeping your teeth and gums strong and happy.
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drakkonyan · 3 months
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i like thinking im funny
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lionfloss · 2 years
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Dmitry Starostenkov
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justsprout · 6 months
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He’s skrunkly
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claypigeonpottery · 1 month
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teeth and monstera leaves
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inkly-heart · 1 year
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museqmeg · 6 months
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That caricature artist got the plant teeth spot on
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yinyangabyss · 4 months
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I've seen lots of art of bowser giving Luigi pirahna plant bouquets very dangerous very spicy there bowser considering how nippy those pirahna can be
Bowser gives Luigi a bouquet/flower plant pot and the pirahnas spring to life absolutely just covering Luigi in kisses just mwamwamwamwamwa because Bowser specially raised/grew/trained them to be non hostile and affectionate which leads to overly affectionate kissy plants and Bowser going "HEY" cause that's HIM boyfriend!! Too many kisses!! Tone it down! You were meant to only make one kissy sound each! Getting very upset with his trained plants because urg too affectionate go away I wanna smooch Luigi now.
So now Luigi owns this affectionate pirhanna plant which is essentially just puppy hardwiring in plant body, they wiggle their leaves vigorously and waggle their whole stems when they see him coming like excitable puppies ready to play and the worst they'll ever so is chew on his fingers sometimes and aw his plant.
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spidvrbatz · 10 days
Caregiver!Alfred Pennyworth
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(hc's always in tags 🦇💕)
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// pt - dni: nsfw accounts //
#how much i struggled with this? a despicable amount that shall not be said.#i still dunno how to feel abt this template - also why is alfred screen caps so hard to find.#anyways.#moodboard tag#batman agere#agere batman#dc agere#fandome agere#he buttons up your little suits for you n ties your shoes n makes sure you're all put together#he allows you to get hurt n explore n always patches up your ouchies before planting a kiss to your forehead or wherever your hurt#n reassuring you that its alright n he's right here#learns cute hairstyles so that you always go out looking presentable#hes very lenient with rules - always doting on you with headpats or forehead kisses before you go to bed#you like to brush your teeth with him - its fun for you n his way of making sure you brush your teeth and wash your face the right way#this means you get up extremely early n go to bed at a decent time as well so plus#you never actually get a full nights sleep alone in bed- its either you crawling into his bed bc you had a bad dream#or him crawling into your bed because although he knows how to handle himself when things like flashbacks n stuff plague him#its nice to know someones there in his corner who he can rely on to ground him#magically knows when parties get too overwhelming and swiftly takes you out of there - consequently leaving bruce to deal with the elite#do i hate this? no - did it take me 3 tries n multiple switch ups until it felt “right?” yes - does it feel “right?” i have no idea.
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tothesolarium · 7 days
post all the horror please!
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There’s a lot in the works 🙏🏻 thank you for the supporttt
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plushiebomb · 1 year
I love how it's canon that crazy dave just eats random shit and he's barely bothered by it
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duncanor · 1 year
It's really interesting how Nightow talked about humans being some kinds of Gods to Plants because they created them. (Thus playing around with the trope of Man vs God)
And then having Knives describe himself and his kind as Gods or angels.
In a way, his goal was the exact same as humanity. Building a paradise for his kind to thrive in, free of the horrors and errors of the past.
However, like men were created in God's image, Knives is as human as he gets. Repeating the same mistakes and furthering the harm he and his kind received. Perpetuating the cycle of never ending violence.
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creachureboy · 3 months
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Demo drawings I cobbled together in an hour, credit to @averageludwig for the vampire demo thing !!
And credit to this song for being an absolute banger and motivating me to continue drawing
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mangomoody · 8 months
Also here are some random doodles I made :)
Here is Mr. Plant with teeth
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And that one edit audio if you know what I mean
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Deep Water Prompt #3026
I have no choice but to ask the vampire trees. They know everything, ancient beyond ancient, the bone white thorns that line their branches gleaming like so many teeth.
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