#teen vigilantes..........
a-cat-in-toffee · 2 months
YOU CANNN you absolutely can :))
okay so: no! they arent all powerless! vyncent still got isekaied and william is still straighjt up wispin it but dakotaa didnt experience his near death moemnt (i still havent decided if that because it didnt happen all together of if by pure luck he just survived. but its one of the two) and summer takes his place instead (some events get time quangled around just. for funsies :3) so because of that the prime defenders are much more sleuth/stealthy
if you have anythign in particular you wanna hear about i would lovelovelove to talk about it but there just genberally a lot askdhfb
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darkeneddawning · 1 year
Escaped clone au
You know all those fics where Danny and Damian are twins but everyone first assumes Danny must be a clone? How about an au where Danny is Damian's clone who escaped the League after he was assumed dead. Damian could even have been the one to have "killed" him, back when Danny was a newly created, fully brainwashed clone minion and trying to kill Damian himself.
Danny gets adopted by the Fentons and canon goes on as normal, until Dan. Witnessing what would happen to the world should he turn evil really drove home to Danny how dangerous he is.
Even if he was confident he could be trusted with his absurd amount of power (which he isn't), what if the League of Assassins found out about him? Does he still have programming triggers from his evil assassin clone conditioning?
So, Danny does the responsible thing: he goes to Batman to turn himself in.
Cue Danny showing up on Bruce's doorstep with ghost hunting equipment, intel on the afterlife, and an almost unbelievable backstory. Somehow he still managed to be more well-adjusted than Damian.
More thoughts under the read more
Here's how I'm thinking Danny leaving the League went down:
After surviving his wounds but failing his mission, Danny (then an unnamed potential Damian replacement) knew there was no point in returning to the League. As a failure, he was meant to be disposed of. He even thought of simply allowing himself to perish, since that was what the League would do.
But he couldn't help but feel as though that would be a waste of a resource. Surely he could be of more use to the League alive than dead?
That tiny bit of rebellious logic is what caused Danny to go into hiding, only living on based on the off chance he would find opportunities to further the League's goals. Obviously, that mentality didn't last long after being exposed to the real world and meeting one Jazz Fenton.
Being adopted by the Fentons was the best cover Danny could have asked for, since any odd behavior he couldn't hide while he was learning how to be "normal" was totally overshadowed by the sheer bizarre eccentricity of his new parents. He was still the neighborhood weird kid, but even that was a major upgrade from disposable tool, so Danny considered it a win.
Anyway, if anyone likes this idea, please feel free to have at it! Interpret it as you please :)
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 192
Danny feels exhausted. His stupid ghost-puberty is annoying, and is affecting even his human form. Which wouldn’t be that bad, except for the fact that instead of having a simple elemental or obsession core, he happens to have a Space one. Technically the Space Core seeing as apparently he’s the newborn Ancient of Space. Or something. 
Urgh, he just wants to get some food from the dollar store down the street, not deal with whatever attempted mugging this is. He’s hangry, and just wants to get some food and curl back up in his mass of blankets back in his tiny apartment. 
So maybe he overreacted. He might have released his very careful hold on his less-than human traits that have been attempting to leak through the last several weeks. On the bright side, he, uh, isn’t hungry anymore and is now back in his nest of blankets. 
On the other hand, there is now a vigilante in his window. 
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
It's ironic how Batman is painted as irresponsible for having children fighting as his side (ignoring how said children would still fight without him), but never other heroes, HOWEVER the moment the Teen Titans/Young Justice wants to do something dangerous or comes back from doing something dangerous, he is literally the only responsible adult out of the Justice League. Like, the others are simply like "I'm so proud of you!" but Batman is lecturing his kids about how dangerous it was, how they didn't even told him where they were going, how they didn't contact him about their well-being enough, about how difficult it would have been for him to come help if they needed it... He's straight-up acting like a parent that found out his kid sneaked out, but they didn't came back until later the next day, and never called to tell them they were alive.
Bruce is portrayed as the "unfunny" one when one of his teenage kids is like "the team and I wants to do this dangerous thing unsupervised", because every other adult is fine with their own doing it, but like, he is being the responsible one. Yeah, a responsible parent would not be like "sure sweetie, go fight this dangerous thing with your teenage friends", they would be like "No, you could get hurt. Yes, I trust you, but this is not safe".
Sometimes, he isn't overprotective, he is normal-level-protective for when your kid is a "vigilante that fights people who will kill them without regret" as a hobby, and the others are being careless (no hate to them tho)
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sekai9 · 4 months
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So I did a thing.
Funny how you have a shower thought and the next thing you know you're 90k words deep into a time travel fix it.
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jupiterfallz · 5 months
Patrol Tales Pt 1: Nightwing
Mugged Citizen: I LOVE YOU NIGHTWING!!!
Nightwing, backflipping and dodging bullets: And I love you random citizen!!!!
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
The first mission the Court send their newly minted Talon on is an assassination attempt on the ward of one Bruce Wayne… Dick Grayson.
Calvin— can’t kill Dick. He can’t.
He didn’t know it would be the boy he grew up in the circus with they want him to murder in cold blood. He didn’t know— didn’t recognize him until the knife was already at his throat.
But he remembers now. And he won’t do it. Never. Never.
He’ll run. Disappear. Dick doesn’t know who he is, it’s better that way, and if he’s lucky the Court will be too busy hunting him to care about the failed assassination.
Unfortunately for Calvin, Dick does remember; Recognizes the Talon.
And he’s not inclined to let his childhood best friend slip through his fingers again after years of believing him dead.
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homelesstravelerssp · 7 months
ok vigilante Izuku, in order to save his ass from arrest, punches Present Mic in the face to drown him out
A month later, Midnight comes at him and he has to hit her in the face too, so that she reflexively grabs her nose and does not have time to tear the suit and release her quirk
Meeting the vigilante-friendly Eraserhead, Izuku hits him in the face simply out of principle, and responds to his indignant look:
- I needed that three-point combo!
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andthendk · 2 years
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D: "I don't see why this is so important to you, but fine" (enjoys it anyway)
R: 🥰
😘😘Long time no post fam🥰🥰 (winter lags fr!)
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winged-bat · 2 months
early stephcass both feeling a sense of inadequacy to each other is something that can be so personal actually
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sofyreneko · 2 months
hc that one thing everyone in the batfamily knows without doubt is: alfred knows everything. hidding anything from alfred is a waste of time and energy, because he always just knows. so they simply don’t. they dont need to tell him, but they dont need to hide it, he always knows anyways.
however, the thing is alfred is just a regular old man who spends all of his time cleaning, cooking and making sure they dont die. he doesnt have time to be figuring out what the bat ninjas he has for a family is hidding so most often than not he doesnt know. it doesnt help that no one in the family ever tells him anything, because they expect him to just know. he just has a really really good poker face and an inability to be surprised by much so everyone just assumes he already knew once he discovers anything.
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Is it just me? I always preferred New York City to Blüdhaven as Dick Grayson’s second city.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(Had this idea a couple nights ago after playing Oxenfree for the eighth time. Not based on the game or anything, but that would also be extremely cool to read. Anyone who wants to take this idea, take it and run. Run as far as you can with it. I'd love to see what you write.)
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Radio Silence
The Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms is supposed to be linked to every universe/dimension in existence. If this is true, what if when The Accident ™ occurred, Danny's dying screams echoed throughout the multiverse where everyone to ever exist hears the cries of a child going through what sounds like agonizing, lethal torture.
This wakes some of the heroes/vigilantes in the DC Universe ™ from a dead sleep, chills scraping up and down their spines, while others freeze in their spots as they listen and can do nothing to stop it. The Supers have it the worst, because the screams ring in their ears long after they stop and they were also able to pick up what sounded like begging. Begging for the pain to stop. What felt like hours of listening to the tortured screams of the poor child, is only a matter of thirteen seconds before they're abruptly and eerily cut short. Clark is absolutely sobbing up in the Watchtower, Batman beside him as they were originally going over plans for a mission.
This just took immediate priority though.
Clark fully believes that whoever the child was, they were no longer alive. At least until he starts hearing the voice, mostly when the child was in distress, in pain, or seemingly battling something. It's later that he discovers the rest of the world -and even the universe- can also hear the child's voice, although more faintly and only on occasion. His voice comes across more clear on silent unused radio frequencies. Danny has basically become the voice of the universe.
While the Justice League are trying to devise a way to find and keep this child safe, them and the rest of the universe are able to hear every battle (especially the ones against Pariah Dark, the other Ancient ghosts, and Dan) every late night spent stitching himself back together, everytime he's been electrocuted and forced to relive the way he died. Those particular moments are what nearly bring the JL to their knees. The screams are too close to what started this entire mission to find the mysterious boy. Whoever this Vlad Plasmius or the Guys in White were gained a long list of people who want to personally punch them in the face, Batman and Superman being the first of that list.
By the time the JL have built a machine to allow them to travel to Danny's dimension, they've heard all of Danny's accomplishments, followed him throughout his growth as a young hero, and his ascension to the throne. They are immensely proud of him. Several of them have thought of inviting him to the Justice League, even if he was from an entirely different dimension.
Now though, after years of listening to him and hearing his struggles, and begging for a way to find him, the Justice League will finally complete a years long mission.
Time to meet Phantom.
This prompt doesn't have to be just a DP X DC prompt. This can apply to any universe you want to work with! Run wild with it! Have fun!
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imjustajade · 5 months
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he’s not just some guy, he’s my girlfriend!!!
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year
Oh yeah sure Bruce made a glass case with his dead son’s clothing in it and that was weird and all. But what about when his next son copied him and made FOUR glass cases, one for each person he was trying to resurrect and/or clone? That. that was weird.
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Teen Titans (2003) #43
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Teen Titans (2003) #44
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laufire · 7 months
early 00s comics be like. everyone was SO mean to stephanie for NO reason.
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