#teen novela
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danyellatatizzz · 1 year ago
My hand was the one you reached for,
all throughout the great war 🎶
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limethefirst · 3 months ago
Hello! I've read you're shadow fanfiction and it's just absolutely amazing!! Can I request a shadow x teen reader(platonic) where the reader stays with robotnik and stone but isn't related like they just decided to keep them because they were useful and when shadow comes around he grows an attachment to them and constantly wants to protect them
Please and thank you!!!!
Guardian Hedgehog
pairings: Shadow the Hedgehog x teen!reader (platonic)
warnings: slight sonic 3 spoilers
summary: Shadow finds himself getting attached again, but maybe this outcome will be different from the rest
a/n: thank you so much for being patient and enjoying my other stories! Here’s your request, I hope you enjoy it as much as the others!
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When you first met Shadow, he quite literally jump scared you. You were walking down the dark corridor with Knuckles the Echidna, he was letting out a nervous mumble about supposedly not being scared but you could tell he was from his shaking. You didn’t blame him though, this place was creepy that’s for sure, you wanted to go with Robotnik or Stone but Sonic had very little faith in you three so instead you had to pair up with Knuckles.
As you walked with him, your arms crossed you let out an annoyed groan, sure this place was creepy and weird and actually somewhat scary…but nothing would get you, so why make a big fuss anyway.
And that is how you met Shadow. By getting unintentionally scared and jumping behind the smaller echidna.
From that point forward it seemed as if he wanted to just stick by your side, which you didn’t really mind. It was actually quite funny; when Robotnik would reprimanded you for messing up a task, Shadow would give him a mean glare, which happened a lot in the short amount of time he was with you.
Even Gerald noticed it, although he didn’t say anything about it. It was you and Shadow’s little thing, like he was your little guardian.
Currently you were in London, inside The Crab, watching the novela on the T.V.
“Gabriela should kill them both, she’s not a prize to be won,” Shadow grumbled, his focus on the show in front of him. You let out a small nod, not turning back to look at him, disgustingly engrossed in the show.
Stone only let out a chuckle, telling Shadow not to be so negative before he called out to you, “Hey, could you slice up these avocados for me while I use the mortar to grind them?”
You gave a quick glance back before standing, eyes lingering back to the show every once and while. Shadow watched the interaction subconsciously moving a bit closer to where you were.
As you stood next to Stone on the counter you weren’t paying as much attention to the knife in your hand as you should’ve as you suddenly cut the tip of your index finger.
“Ah shoot,” you hissed out, dropping both the knife and the avocado in your hand onto the counter. Within a second Shadow had immediately teleported to your side, his head raised to get a look at what happened to you.
Stone also turned, putting down his bowl and taking a look, “Just a small cut don’t be so over dramatic,” he sarcastically said.
“If it were the Dr you’d probably already call an ambulance…” you replied with a snarky tone, teasing him a bit. He gave you a short glance before grabbing a first aid kit and handing it to you.
Shadow watched you the entire time, his face as stoic as ever, but his moves precise. He would check the cut then your body language seeing if you were in anytime of pain. Honestly it was a bit of an over exaggeration on his part but he felt the need to protect you and in that moment he sensed it was like he failed you.
As you took the first aid kit you turned over to Shadow, before you even got the chance to open it he’d already taken it from you, “What are you doing?” You questioned him.
“Fixing your cut,” he plainly replied.
“Awe you’re like an angel sent from above!”
“Don’t call me that.”
You chuckled before sitting down on the ground so Shadow had an easier time helping you. Shadow didn’t want to admit it but he found your banter with him endearing and tolerable compared with most others.
As you sat there, you watched Shadow disinfect the cut, drying it once he was done.
“You’re good at that, have you done this before?” You asked him, watching as he grabbed one of the kiddy bandaids in the kit.
“I have experience,” was all he said, not feeling the need to go into detail, most of his focus currently on making sure your cut was secure.
Slowly he unwrapped your bandaid, Patrick the Starfish was the one you got, they were all little kid bandaids since you were in charge of making sure all the first aid kits were packed.
You watched as he put it around your finger, his eyes very focused on the task at hand. Quietly he gave a curt nod once he was done, signaling that you could get up now.
As you stood up you took a look at your bandaid, you gave a small smile, “Thanks Shadow,” you quietly said, patting the hedgehog on the head.
He didn’t tell you anything, his job was done, you were okay now and he could relax.
Shadow wouldn’t do what he had just done for you for most people, but even he knew it was a little different when it came to you. The longer he’d been around you, the harder it was to detach himself, in fact, he’d found himself growing more attached.
Maybe it was okay for him to finally get attached again, maybe things wouldn’t be so bad this time. Everything would be alright.
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nani-nonny · 3 months ago
WDS F!Leo snippet following up this Bruce encounter :D
Uhhh… Happy New Year! :D
Word count: 2.7k+
Leonardo walks around the docks waiting for Hueso’s shipment to come in.
The Boneman has been afraid as of late because of the possible repercussions of Leonardo’s actions. And while Leonardo was convinced Hueso had no reason to be afraid, he offered to pick up the boxes. Of course, Leonardo was right. Hueso has no enemies to fear. If anyone were to be fearful, it should be the very slider who loves to pick at people’s patience like it was a game.
But at the moment, Leonardo was growing bored as the seconds went by.
The elder slider leaned back against one of the old pilings as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lifted the box to his mouth and flicked out one and tucked it in his mouth before pocketing the box and pulled out a lighter. He lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply, leaning his head back with closed eyes as he did.
The toxins filled his lungs with a burn that he hadn’t realized he missed. He hadn’t smoked since he came back from the future, afraid to be caught by the teens. He didn’t realize how much he needed this until now.
“Dad’s gonna be so mad.”
Leonardo exhaled through his nose, waiting until the smoke cleared from his lungs before speaking. His voice is soft when he retorts with a light snort, “Shut up, Mike.”
It’s not like it’s his first cigarette. Even back in the day, Splinter knew about his smoking. Cigarettes and alcohol were highly sought after during the apocalypse, which was no surprise. It was hard living, so cigarettes and alcohol were the easiest choice when choosing how to cope. Hell, even Donnie smoked despite his initial distaste for its smell.
The slider held his cigarette in his mouth as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes when he inhaled through his cigarette again.
He doesn’t know when the ship will arrive, so he opts for resting his eyes. He’s sure he won’t fall asleep, but he’s always been a light sleeper, in case he actually falls asleep.
And to preoccupy his mind, he thinks to himself. He thinks of when the shipment should be coming in.
Hueso said he was expecting a shipment today, but Leonardo was already heading over to the docks before he could say what time. So, Leonardo has that to kick himself over. But the contents should be easy to carry through his portals.
Leonardo knows Hueso’s menu from front to back; he can recite it from memory with his eyes closed. So he should expect something like styrofoam boxes of meat or crates of vegetables. He could expect boxes of spices or oils. Or it could be replacement furniture for the chairs he broke during the mafia fiasco he stirred up.
Hm. Maybe Hueso lied about being afraid and only wanted Leonardo to pick up the shipment to make it up to him.
That could be possible.
Or it’s all a trick to get Leonardo out of the restaurant with the lie of a shipment.
It’s times like these he regrets not accepting the phone from Donnie. He could save a lot of time from waiting by sending a quick text to Hueso. Or spend the time watching one of his novelas. Either one is good. And he wouldn’t mind being able to smoke as he watches. He can’t count the amount of times he yearned for a smoke at the lair while watching a stressful movie or show.
Maybe he should buy a pack of cigarettes while he’s here. There’s a chance he could find a different brand here instead of his old brand—.
Leonardo doesn’t need the warning from April to know he’s slowly being surrounded. It’s a little late, but he heard it. He heard the echo of a distant footstep before April spoke. He’s annoyed he hadn’t noticed earlier. Guess that’s why smoking is bad.
Leonardo acts nonchalant, pretending he hasn’t heard them closing in. He simply keeps his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the piling. He smokes his cigarette, listening to them closing in.
But he stops when he feels a sudden gust of wind pass him in an upward motion.
Leonardo opens his eyes to see Bruce standing before him, blade in hand. He glances at the end of his cigarette to see it shortened close to his mouth. A threat.
Leonardo smiles, “Hey, Brucie. Have a cigarette on you? I think this one’s done.”
Bruce snarls as his eyes narrow at Leonardo, “You’re a difficult one to find, Azules.”
Leonardo catches in his peripheral the enclosing members of Bruce’s gang, all appearing from shadows and behind buildings. They’re leering at him, hands hovering over the places where their weapons are concealed. Their tongues flick out of their mouths, eyes narrowing as they take cautious steps forward.
“You can handle this, right, Leo? I’m in the middle of a game with Mikey and I’m winning.”
Bruce has been dealt with before in a previous life. So Bruce in this life will be an easier feat. Leonardo won’t be needing any assistance.
Leonardo takes out his cigarette to assess its damage. A clean cut straight through it like it was made to be this short. He places it back in his mouth and juts his chin out enough to relight it. But once again, Bruce cuts clean through his cigarette in one swift swipe.
The blade nearly met Leonardo’s skin, enough to feel the steel cut through the air.
This time, Leonardo sighs and spits the butt of his cigarette on Bruce’s snout. He grabs the blade aimed for his neck with his prosthesis at the very second Bruce’s eyebrow twitches. He smirks in response.
Smoke seeps through Bruce’s teeth, rising from his lips like a chimney. He’s about to speak when Leonardo looks away to rummage through his pocket. The slider nonchalantly pulls out another cigarette and tucks it into his mouth. He then lights it without a care in the world and takes a long drag.
Leonardo turns away to exhale the smoke before he lets the blade rest on his prosthetic shoulder. “I bet you’ve met people like me—people that aren’t easy to find. Usually it means we don’t want to be found… but in this case,” Leonardo explains before cutting himself off and twists his wrist to break the blade in his grip.
The katana snaps in half, making the corner of Bruce’s mouth twitch in response.
“You weren’t looking in the right places,” Leonardo finishes and triggers his power.
Blue electricity consumes the entirety of the broken blade’s half that he carries. He throws the blade past Bruce, transporting himself closer to the Makers of Barbarianism members. Before they react, he cuts a portal into the ground they stand on, making them fall in.
Only a few remained out of reach of the portal in the ground, but Leonardo can handle it. He just needed to dwindle their numbers. So, with most of their members gone, he pivots on his heel and balances his weight on his temporary sword like a cane.
He takes a short puff of his cigarette before flicking the ashes and teasing, “If you wanted to talk, you should’ve called me.”
Bruce doesn’t look entertained, no longer taken aback by Leonardo’s power. He cocks his head back with an amused huff, “You should’ve expected us after the disrespect you gave in Señor Hueso’s establishment.”
Leonardo leans over to rest his chin on the sword, “Aww, come on, Brucie. You didn’t expect me to stand and watch when you disrespected my good, old friend, did you? It’s like you said…”
Leonardo smirks as he tilts his head to the side and finishes, “You should’ve expected it.”
Red flames ignite in Bruce’s mouth when he snaps in turn, “Watch yourself.”
Leonardo shrugs in response, a puff of smoke leaving his mouth, “I thought we set aside our differences the last time we met. We shared a pint and took a few shots together. Aren’t we friends?”
Bruce drops his sword in favor of his claws, unfurling them with full intent to attack like a feral beast. “It takes a lot more than that. Blood must be drawn to become brothers in arms,” Bruce retorts with full disgust.
Leonardo drops his false blade, making it lose its power and returning to its broken state. He stretches his nonprosthetic arm as he steps forward and mockingly admits, “You’ll make me blush talking like that.”
Bruce lunges forward in response, claw raising to swipe down at Leonardo. But the slider catches the claw with his prosthesis by the dragon’s wrist. Leonardo smirks before pulling Bruce toward him and slamming his free fist into the side of the dragon’s face.
Bruce recovers quickly and exhales flames in Leonardo’s face.
The slider reels back, unable to completely dodge the flames when he feels his skin burn painfully and the end of his cigarette burns brighter. He lets go of Bruce’s wrist when he jumps back. He’s surprised to see that Bruce has crossed the short distance, flames seething between his teeth.
Leonardo kneels when Bruce attempts another exhale of flames, then he raises his prosthesis up to grab Bruce’s jaw. The flames seep through Bruce’s mouth, bursting out in thin lines like lasers. The slider rises to his feet and slams Bruce to the ground with his prosthetic hand wrapped around the dragon’s snout.
“Blood wasn’t drawn, but maybe we can settle for a draw?” Leonardo asks cockily, metallic fingers tightening in warning.
Bruce lets out a growl and grabs Leonardo’s prosthesis, smoke takes the place of the flames. The metal bends under Bruce’s claws, hands slowly sinking into the prosthesis.
Leonardo tries to pull his prosthesis but Bruce’s grip is too tight. Time should be running out, just as he planned, so he knows he should take advantage of this.
Bruce grabs Leonardo by the shoulder, keeping a rough grip on the prosthesis. He smirks and tightens both grips.
Leonardo winces but he smirks in turn. He gathers all his strength into his core and flips them over. Bruce, for a second, smiles behind Leonardo’s grip as he releases the slider’s shoulder and cocks his fist back.
But Leonardo winks when he catches Bruce’s fist.
The first body falls on Bruce’s back.
Bruce exhales painfully through his nostrils, smoke spilling through with a small flicker of flame. He tries to look at what fell on him, eyes fighting to look over his shoulder. But Leonardo’s hand over Bruce’s snout is too strong.
The second body falls.
Bruce exhales as painfully as the last, eyes widening in shock as the body lands roughly beside Leonardo.
Leonardo glances at the fallen snake yokai who curls into himself then shrugs at Bruce, “Looks like I found myself a friend.”
Bruce’s jaw rumbles in Leonardo’s grip but the slider’s smile doesn’t fade.
“I think I’m going to find myself a bunch of friends,” Leonardo warns.
Bruce’s body braces when the third body falls on him, adding another pained body next to Leonardo. He cocks his fist back to punch Leonardo square in the face which sends the cigarette flying, but Leonardo doesn’t let go. In fact, his smile deepens despite the wince-inducing screech coming from his prosthesis.
Leonardo clears his throat garnering a small amount of blood to splatter on his chin. “First blood, congrats Brucie. One step closer to brotherhood,” he sneaks in his joke before Bruce lands another punch.
Another body lands on Bruce, making Leonardo laugh.
“How many guys did you bring with you? Fourteen? Do you think you’ll catch them all?” Leonardo threatens when he catches a glimpse of the next body coming down.
This one is falling down with a loud, horrified scream.
Bruce, with all the power he wields, plants his feet firm on the ground as he finally releases Leonardo’s prosthesis. He grabs the slider by the shoulders and pulls them both up with a deep, guttural growl. He raises then slams Leonardo to the ground, and reels his fist back for another solid punch.
Leonardo wheezes painfully when his body slams into the ground, feeling the tremble of his body as the pain reaches throughout his limbs from his spine. His mouth drops open when the punch makes his ears ring, but smiles when the next body falls on Bruce’s back.
Leonardo coughs as he tries to wheeze out a joke, “You know that song about raining men?”
Bruce tries to swipe a claw down but Leonardo punches the dragon in turn. “Heavy forecast,” the slider warns as another body falls.
Bruce finally snaps and wraps his claws around Leonardo’s throat. He tries to speak through the grip on his snout, his words coming out like thick growls and snarls. He tightens his grip on the slider’s neck as he rises again, standing tall and raising Leonardo off the ground.
Leonardo grabs Bruce’s wrist in turn, too stubborn to let go of the dragon’s mouth. His voice is garbled and strained as he tries to speak, “Will your… buddies survive… the fall…?”
Bruce’s eyes flicker behind Leonardo, hesitance evident in them. His gaze flickering back and forth and back and forth and back and forth as if arguing with himself on the inside.
Leonardo winces when the grip tightens. He grips both of Bruce’s wrists, finally releasing the dragon’s snout. He faces the smoke-riddled mouth of the yokai as he strains, “One life… for the many…”
Bruce snarls but remains silent. There’s an obvious imprint on his snout where Leonardo’s hand once was. He’s unmoving for nearly a whole minute, hands tightening around Leonardo’s neck and eyes watching another one of his lackeys falling from the sky.
Bruce fights with himself until he finally releases Leonardo with a careless drop. He massages his jaw as he demands, “Release my men from wherever you put them.”
Leonardo slowly rises to his feet as he massages his neck, “Buy me a drink and we’ll call it even.”
Bruce grabs the upper lip of Leonardo’s plastron as he pulls the slider closer to seethe through his teeth, “Release them.”
“Wait a second, he didn’t ask nicely.”
Leonardo shrugs as he catches sight of his cigarette. He picks it up and places the cigarette in his mouth; he tries to breathe in the toxins but nothing comes out. He holds the cigarette out to Bruce with a raised brow.
Bruce glances upward before he huffs out a growl and blows out a small flame enough to light the cigarette. “Get to it.”
Leonardo rolls his nonprosthetic shoulder as he makes his way to the broken half of the sword on the ground. He smiles when he notices how stressed Bruce is over the safety of his lackeys.
Bruce has always been a good man, even when he’s choking Leonardo out. Just as the future-slider remembers.
Leonardo saves each and every Makers of Barbarianism member from their impending doom, making sure each one lands in a way that doesn’t injure them too badly. They may have a few bumps or bruises but they’ll live. And when the job is done, he takes a long drag of his cigarette.
“Well, that was fun. Wouldn’t want to do this again, but I wouldn’t mind a drink or two. What do you say, Brucie? Drinks on me?” Leonardo asks as he tosses the broken sword at Bruce then finds his place on one of the dock’s pilings to resume his waiting.
Bruce scowls silently, staring at his men. “The next time we meet will be the day I burn you to the ground.”
“Aw, don’t be like that Brucie. You can bring your family to the restaurant and I’ll perform a few magic tricks as a treat. Bellona is—what? Four, by now?” Leonardo offers as he thinks to himself, making silent calculations in his mind.
Bruce freezes. “What?”
Leonardo waves Bruce off, “Relax. I told you. I’m an old friend. Time doesn’t matter when it comes to friendships, Brucie.”
Bruce stares at Leonardo before he picks up one of the yokai closest to him. “I’ll see you around, Azules.”
Leonardo salutes, “Remember that drink, Bruce.”
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keepingeahalive · 2 years ago
Faybelle Thorn Headcanons:
Her full name is Faybelle Arabella Raette Thorn. Her middle names come from the First Dark Fairy and her grandmother respectively.
She shares a very loving relationship with her mother. The Dark Fairy had Faybelle when she was relatively young and devoted almost all of her energy into raising her. In turn, Faybelle looks up to her mom, wants to make her proud, and will curse anyone who says a word against her.
Her father died before she was born. She doesn’t know how, but she knows it wasn’t a natural death.
She and Ginger had known each other since childhood, but they weren’t exactly friends. They only played together because their moms were friends. The one thing Faybelle really liked about Ginger was her baking.
Faybelle hates Raven for being more powerful than her and for going against what she views as a great and powerful legacy. But she also hates the Queens in general for shaming the Dark Fairy Legacy. The Evil Queen had tampered with Sleeping Beauty’s curse, overpowering dark fairy magic and leaving Faybelle’s mom a laughingstock. 
Fairies live longer than humans, dark fairies especially. Faybelle’s mother was practically still a teenager when she had her, but it was more out of necessity because of the Evil Queen’s meddling. 
She has a huge sweet tooth.
She’s a massive dog lover. She talks to her pet pom-pom Spindle like he’s a baby and absolutely spoils him, even if he’s insanely aggressive to everyone except her.
Faybelle has had a crush on Briar since they were kids. She’d never tell anyone because of her destiny, but it’s the main reason why she teases Briar. 
Her wings are extremely sensitive, and she does not allow anyone to touch them.
She has a pair of tree-like horns that grow insanely fast. She loves them, but she clips them and hides them under her hair because they snag on everything. She hopes to grow them out once she can figure out how to slow their growth.
She was roommates with Duchess during her freshman year. It’s how they met. They have a very competitive relationship and trade playful insults with each other, but they will defend one another if someone else goes after them.
She likes watching teen dramas and spell-a-novelas unironically. She’s one of those people who cries over them with ice cream. 
She claims she’s the cousin of movie star Spella Thorne. No one is convinced.
In addition to cheerhexing, she also teaches step to spellementary school kids. 
Faybelle has been taught to control her magic from a young age. She knows more evil spells than Raven (though Raven is more powerful) and has access to incurable curses. She prefers to cast curses with an escape clause, though. Having no cure takes the fun out of these things.
She doesn’t like physical contact unless she initiates it. 
She’s surprisingly good with kids but is a horrible influence. She’s been blacklisted as a babysitter. 
Despite building up a reputation as an unapologetic mean girl with a constant need to feel included, she doesn’t know how to make friends any other way. She believes the only way people will notice her is if she makes them notice her, and this almost always backfires. 
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urannos · 2 months ago
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À esquerda, eu. À direita, Luana. Em algum momento de 2013. Nessa época, eu tinha cortado meu cabelo com uma tesoura Bic sem ponta. Evento canônico e um erro na vida de toda criança.
Todos os dias, Luana ia lá em casa. Se eu pedisse, a mãe dela deixava, claro. Vivíamos pedindo para as mães umas das outras que nos deixassem brincar de Barbie, pular corda ou amarelinha na rua.
Fabiana, a mãe da Luana, tinha um pulso mais firme que minha mãe. Não sei se ela gostava muito de mim. Eu nem fazia nada para incomodá-la, mas tinha uma leve intuição de que ela não ia com a minha cara. Ou será que era eu quem não confiava nela?
O fato é que, por bem ou por mal, Luana e eu brincávamos todos os dias, mas mais na minha casa do que na dela. Talvez Fabiana realmente não gostasse de mim.
Minha mãe sempre nos agraciava com sucos e biscoitos, tentando encontrar espaço para os pratos e copos na mesa cheia de revistas Capricho, Toda Teen, lápis de cor, giz de cera e bonecas.
— Que gosto tem beijar na boca, Lu?
Na minha pré-adolescência, eu tentava desvendar essas coisas, especialmente porque Jéssica, a irmã mais velha da Luana, vivia agarrada com aquele emo cabeludo da escola. Devia ser bom beijar. Talvez tivesse gosto de Nutella e viciava, porque tudo o que eu sentia quando via aquele cabeludo era medo e estranhamento. Mas Jéssica já parecia tão viciada nele quanto eu estava nas minhas bisnaguinhas com Nutella enquanto esperava a resposta da Luana.
— Não sei, deve ser nojento.
A Luana era aérea. Não parecia pensar muito nisso, mas eu sabia que ela só não queria falar, fosse por vergonha ou outra coisa que eu também não entendia.
Eu rabiscava minha folha, desenhando casas em planta baixa, inspirada pelas revistas de arquitetura dos meus pais. Minha cachorrinha, Katty, cochilava debaixo da mesa enquanto eu passava os pés no pelo dela, fofinho e quentinho, como uma confidente dos nossos sonhos e curiosidades.
— A Jéssica falou que ele pegou na bunda dela!
Luana soltou a informação depois de um tempo, folheando a edição do Restart da Capricho daquele mês. Rimos juntas, chutando as pernas uma da outra debaixo da mesa. Katty, assustada, foi beber água e logo voltou, escolhendo o lado da Luana para o segundo tempo de seu cochilo.
Ríamos de besteiras até minha mãe entrar na cozinha. Aquele não era um assunto que eu falaria com ela, e eu tinha certeza de que Fabiana nem sabia sobre o namorado estranho da Jéssica. Então, éramos só duas crianças curiosas, nos valendo dos relatos da irmã namoradeira da Luana.
— Mãe, eu e a Luana vamos morar juntas quando crescermos, e essa vai ser a nossa casa.
Eu disse, levantando a folha A4 com o esboço de uma casa em planta baixa. Minha mãe olhava atenta, “esquecendo” que ouvira um pedaço do assunto anterior, até para evitar ter que explicar qualquer coisa nova que ultrapassasse o limite do beijo.
— Olha, mãe, tá vendo? É uma casa gigante. A gente vai ter uns 10 cachorros. Se a Katty quiser, ela pode morar com a gente também, né, Lu?
— É verdade — respondeu Luana, abaixando a revista Capricho e tomando o desenho da minha mão. — Mas, Sandra, eu acho que os cachorros podiam ter mais espaço. O que a senhora acha?
Minha mãe fingia interesse naquele assunto, ria um pouco e dizia:
— Isso é com vocês. A casa está muito bonita, mas pra quê tanto cachorro? Olha a Katty, só ela já dá trabalho! Vocês vão limpar tudo? Vai feder a casa de vocês.
Era verdade. Acho que minha mãe tinha razão. E se os cachorros não se sentissem bem naquela casa? Eu não gostava de limpar o cocô da Katty. Eu era boa em dar amor a ela. Luana podia limpar o cocô.
— A Lu vai limpar, mãe! — Eu piscava o olho para minha mãe.
— Eu não!!! — Luana fazia careta.
Ríamos e tomávamos suco enquanto minha mãe ia para a sala assistir a novela no Vale a Pena Ver de Novo. Ficávamos reformando os planos para o futuro, adicionando novos detalhes ao nosso contrato imaginário.
Isso foi em 2013.
Hoje, em 2025, eu nem sei por onde anda a Luana.
Nossa casa de amigas com 10 cachorros tem apenas uma moradora.
A saudade.
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victoriareigns · 3 months ago
Episode 2: “Pressure Cookers”
The Blue Line screeched into the station, its doors hissing open. The train was already packed, standing room only, as students from all over the West Side jostled for space. J.R. leaned against the door, hoodie pulled low, earbuds in. The music was supposed to drown out his thoughts, but the message on his phone kept replaying in his mind:
“Fix it, or everyone else finds out.”
“Yo, J.R.!”
He looked up to see Carlos, his teammate, weaving through the crowd. “Man, why you always so serious? You good?”
J.R. forced a laugh. “Yeah, just tired. You know how it is.”
Carlos nodded, but his eyes lingered for a second too long. “You better wake up by Friday. Morgan Park’s coming for us.”
J.R. nodded, but his stomach churned. The game wasn’t the only thing weighing on him.
Naomi sat in her usual seat in the back row, flipping through the school newspaper layout on her laptop. The front-page headline read: “Athletes Under Pressure: Hyde Heights’ Star Players Speak Out.” She stared at the blank space under J.R.’s photo, frustrated.
“Why are you so obsessed with him?” Jazzy slid into the seat next to her, uninvited. Her oversized hoops swayed as she tilted her head, smirking.
“I’m not obsessed,” Naomi replied without looking up. “He’s just...interesting. He’s hiding something.”
Jazzy raised an eyebrow. “Everyone’s hiding something, girl. Especially here.”
Naomi closed her laptop, narrowing her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jazzy shrugged, leaning back. “Let’s just say you don’t make it at Heights unless you learn to play the game. And not everyone plays fair.”
D-Mac sat at the center of the basketball team’s table, hunched over a notebook filled with play diagrams. His plate of nachos sat untouched. Carlos and J.R. traded jokes across the table, but J.R.’s laughter felt forced.
Across the courtyard, Naomi watched them from the steps, her pen tapping against her notebook. She wasn’t sure why, but J.R. fascinated her. He had the perfect life on the outside—athletic, popular, untouchable. But she could tell there were cracks in the facade.
“Still stalking Richardson?” Eli’s voice startled her. He plopped down next to her, his sketchpad under his arm.
“Research,” Naomi corrected.
“Sure,” Eli said, smirking. He flipped open his sketchpad, revealing a half-finished drawing of the mural he’d worked on the night before.
Naomi tilted her head, studying it. “That’s him, isn’t it? The basketball player carrying all that weight.”
Eli shrugged. “Could be anyone.”
Before Naomi could press further, Malik walked past them, earbuds in, his head down. Aaliyah trailed a few feet behind, holding a stack of audition flyers.
“Yo, Malik!” Naomi called. He hesitated, then turned.
“You still thinking about the talent show?” she asked.
Malik shrugged. “Probably not. Too much going on.”
“Come on,” Aaliyah chimed in, stepping forward. “You’ve got talent. Don’t waste it.”
Malik offered a small smile. “We’ll see.”
Naomi watched him walk away, her mind racing. It wasn’t just J.R. Everyone seemed to be carrying something they weren’t talking about.
The squeak of sneakers echoed in the gym as J.R. stayed late, shooting free throws. The ball swished through the net over and over, but he wasn’t counting. The rhythm was calming, a temporary escape from everything swirling in his head.
“Still here?”
J.R. turned to see Coach Carter leaning against the wall, arms crossed. “You don’t need extra practice, Richardson. You’re already the best player on the team.”
“Gotta stay sharp,” J.R. replied, retrieving the ball.
Coach stepped closer, his tone softening. “Listen, I know there’s a lot riding on you. College scouts, this team, your family. But you can’t carry it all by yourself. You need to talk to someone, you let me know. Got it?”
J.R. nodded, but he didn’t meet Coach’s eyes.
Aaliyah stood in the tiny kitchen, reheating leftovers while her brother practiced multiplication at the table. She glanced at the stack of audition flyers on the counter, debating whether to bring it up to her mom.
When her mom finally walked in, exhausted from another double shift, Aaliyah hesitated.
“Liya, you okay?” her mom asked, noticing her silence.
Aaliyah forced a smile. “Yeah. Just tired.”
Her mom kissed her forehead and shuffled off to her room. Aaliyah stared at the flyer again, her chest tight. “One day,” she whispered to herself.
Malik sat on his bed, his guitar across his lap. His parents’ voices rose in the next room, arguing over rent again. He strummed a few chords, trying to block it out, but the melody sounded heavy, like the walls pressing in on him.
His phone buzzed. Aaliyah had sent him a picture of the audition flyer with a simple message: “You belong here.”
Malik stared at it for a long time before picking up his notebook.
Eli crouched next to the mural, adding finishing touches under the dim streetlights. The boy in the mural looked more defined now, his shoulders straining under the weight of the basketballs.
Footsteps echoed behind him. Eli turned to see J.R. standing there, hands in his hoodie pockets.
“You drew me,” J.R. said, his voice low.
Eli smirked. “You’re not that special. Could be anybody.”
J.R. stepped closer, staring at the mural. “How’d you know?”
Eli didn’t answer, just leaned back on his heels and studied J.R. “You don’t have to carry it all, you know. Whatever it is.”
J.R. scoffed. “What do you know about it?”
“Enough,” Eli said, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “You don’t fix it, though? It’ll crush you.”
J.R. stared at the mural long after Eli left, the boy’s bent shoulders feeling like a mirror.
Episode #2
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laryssamedeirss · 10 months ago
Idk maybe im in my delulu era or being too optimistic but i think sydcarmy is gonna have their first kiss this season by the last episode like in my mind makes sense cause ive watched a serie that also had this will they won't they dinamic and the antis were like "they are platonic, they're friends, sibling vibes" and all the blablabla and in my head their story has other similarities with sydcarmy and by the end of s3 they kissed after a lot of disbelief, exes and miscommunication and if anyone is wondering im talking abt hstmts which is a silly show but they made a really good teen romance at it like i wasn't expecting what i saw from a disney teen show anywayyy they finally had their moment in the season finale so yeah im hopeful that sydcarmy will follow the same path, I think later im gonna write abt Ricky and Gina and explain why i think they're so similar to sydcarmy, honestly i think i see sydcarmy everywhere now 🤣 they are in the keith and watts dinamic, they are in a disney teen show, in a netflix italian teen show, they are in a novela couple i watched, they are in richonne, anyway i need them to happen
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year ago
Some of you are being really weird about Aura Maria in regards to her treatment of Freddy and her overall character\personality traits. Overall, if you dislike a character its fine. It means nothing to me. But these posts about Aura Maria are getting a little misogynistic.
The facts are, that yes--she is immature, she does string Freddy along, she is very extroverted and charismatic and a lot of men like her.
You know who else is immature, strings someone around, is very extroverted and charismatic and a lot of women like them?
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This guy right here.He's gonna string around his assistant for at least half a novela.
But there's already some excellent meta on Aura Maria and Freddy vs Betty and Armando and u can read them here and here. so I'm not gonna get into that.
Again, if you don't like Aura Maria thats fine. She's a flawed character in a show with other flawed characters. I don't like Patricia, for example. I think she's annoying, she's mean, her goal is to find a man to fix all her problems and she fails at it. She's immature. She's classist. She gets paid 3x more than the other secretaries bc she's a nepo hire and yet still can't make any payments bc she's terrible with money. I could go and on.
But a lot of you like her and sympathize with her and her problems and how nobody wants to help her.
Aura Maria is also sympathetic character. She became a teen mom. The guy that got her pregnant is not in the kid's life nor in hers. She's a receptionist at a company who's alternate slogan is 'women don't advance here'. Her parents kick her and her son out, yes it was a consequence of Aura Maria's party girl antics. But that's not a good enough reason to kick out your daughter and grandson. Knowing that she's a receptionist and doesn't make much money to begin with.
And then the Mario of it all. No, she shouldn't have gotten involved with him but he's the one in the position of power. He shouldn't have gotten involved with her, he shouldn't have encouraged it, nor should he have been seeing her and Patricia at the same time. Both women who work where HE works. And who does he want to fire when he gets caught? Aura Maria. She's the one who gets the low end of the stick.
Aura Maria and Patricia are looking for men with money to support them and don't do well in this endeavor bc the only man that looks like a prospect is using them in some way. That or the men they encounter don't take them seriously.
Freddy likes Aura Maria and yeah she does like him but she doesn't take him seriously as a prospect bc he's not rich and when you're a poor young single mom--bc REMINDER Aura Maria is in her early 20s forced to grow up quickly (she was a child having a child)--living in your friend's\co workers house--he doesn't completely fulfill her list of requirements of what she needs financially. She's not looking at the full picture. Much like Patricia, who doesn't look at the full picture when it comes to her transactional relationship with Nicolas.
So because Aura Maria mismanges her relationship with Freddy, I'm supposed to what? Have her burned at the stake? That because Freddy is kind to her, and does things out of his own free will over and over again, that Aura Maria needs to be devoted to him? Automatically? Because people think she owes him?
If you don't like Aura Maria, that's fine. But a lot of the posts I've seen in the general tag are past not liking a character bc the vibes are off--it's becoming about hating her bc she's not reciprocating to one guy bc you think he's earned it. Or it's about her not being a good mother bc she's not acting 'like a mother'. And want to see her punished for it as a result, as if getting sexually harassed by Gutierrez (ON TWO OCCASIONS) isn't punishment on it's own.
Because reminder (again)---that Mario AND Gutierrez have taken advantage of Aura Maria in some way bc of their position of power. Bc Aura Maria is young, beautiful, and poor. She can be easily be taken advantage of and tossed away. (Much like another character who gets utilized as a consequence of financial fraud)
But Freddy is the true victim in all of this bc Aura Maria sometimes take advantage of his kindness. Do you realize how dumb that sounds?
There is a double standard in how Aura Maria is being viewed bc she's not acting grateful or humble or self sacrificing enough to gain sympathy. She's being judged solely on how she's treating (1) man and not about all the other factors she's living in--some of them out of her control.
If one can feel bad for Patricia even tho it's primarily her fault that she's in the predicaments she's in, then I don't see why one can't extend that same grace to Aura Maria.
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unmotivated-student · 1 year ago
Barca's teen drama telenovela moment with Cellbit 🥰
Reading the chat: Now you know players from France, Brazil and Portugal
Barca: [*corrects himself*] "You will meet" Oh shit! Are there going to be players from France, Bra-...? What the hell! Hey, give me a summary, I only saw that someone who was going to play was-... Look I-..., look, if Cellbit's there that's enough for me dude... I met him at TwitchCon, the dude is very handsome... He was at TwitchCon and suddenly he opened the door for me... dude it was like my novela... We were-... We were at TwitchCon, I was there very cool, very happy in Las Vegas when suddenly someone opened the door for me, I turned around to say "thank you very much [muchas tenkius]" and then I saw that beard uff... that beard of his... just saying... dude i even want-... I wanted to talk to him but the truth is I didn't know-... I didn't know what language to speak to him in... I used a little bit of everything "hey bro, thank you very much [Ey manito, thank you, muchas gracias]"... I didn't know what else to say to him but... I just said "thank you" and that's it.. And then he left with Quackity to who knows where, they were there together, obviously I greeted this bald guy and then they went to gamble, the gambling addicts were there in Vegas what else could they do?
I guess that's the effect Cellbit has on people 🫴
Sorry, I just thought it was funny how he said it 😶‍🌫️
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pig-demon · 1 year ago
Undernovela after 6 years
Today on stream someone kind lightheartedly mentioned my old Undertale AU Undernovela, and I was so surprised, i became very flustered. !!!
It was hard to get all the right words out, and I keep thinking I didn't say enough. so here's some ramblies on the blog, because this IS a blog after all.
So, if you're not aware, I used to have an AU for undertale that was basically "what if the story, but it was dramatic like a hispanic novela." Because if you're still familiar with my art over in @pigdemonart you know that I still obsess over making art inspired by my upbringing and culture.
However, Undernovela was a short-lived project. On stream I told the story of why I stopped drawing for the AU and why I pretty much disconnected from it and the fandom.
I told the story like I usually do, and explained how at the time I became really bitter with how the fandom treated me and the story. I was a Hispanic person just trying to have fun with this goofy concept, making a story purely for other Latinos.
I think whenever I reminisced on 2016 or trusted someone enough to talk about this, I focused heavily on the negatives.
Its hard for me not to think of that time as a negative memory -- at the time I was battling depression and my relationship with my art really suffered for it. And the criticism I would get for the comic I was making, be it justified or not, weighed heavier than the positive ones.
It was also one of my first time getting online attention, and seeing notes fluctuate put a damper on my mood even worse. Not to mention, I struggled with how a lot of ignore white Americans wanted to join in on the "joke," and the nuances that were obvious to people who watched novelas all their life, were lost on them. I try not to hold contempt for those people, as most of us were in our early to late teens in Undertale at that time. But I hated to think I was a gateway to them being openly racy against my own community. Who knows?
Regardless, in spite of all that, I think I'm doing those memories a disservice by thinking of it ONLY so pitifully. It was also a very precious time -- it was my first time making comics consistently, it was the first time so many other Latinamericans across North/South America and the Caribbean reached out to me online. I felt understood, and part of a niche community within a community. Undertale Fandom was so immense, I feared the pressure to perform, but being a much smaller AU really made it feel safer. I felt creative and inspired and happy to be Latino, and that is a good precious feeling.
So yes, while I did make the decision to disconnect, and I think that was for the better, I'm glad to be playing Undertale again with @bunnyangeltuber because I'm reminded what inspired me to make the AU in the first place and what continues to inspire me to create.
That being said, I will still cringe at some of the jokes I wrote. Like why were so many characters either mafioso or a mariachi guy?? beats past pig up with a shovel
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sparkles-oflight · 6 months ago
FANÁTICO - The references + Argentinian Politics
So, Lali released a new single called "FANÁTICO" and if you are out of the loop like I was this, you'd think this is another video calling out haters like a lot of artists do.
TURNS OUT, it's directed at a very important person in Argentina at the moment, and everyone should be talking about it.
I'll list all the silly references I was able to get and all the info I was able to find on the video undercut. If you see something wrong or know something else, feel free to add more info.
FANÁTICO's lyrics in English
Okay, first thing is first: Who is Lali?
Lali (Mariana Espósito) is an Argentinian singer who began her career in acting in the Cris Morena novela "Ricón de Luz". Her biggest role was in "Casi Angéles" where she belonged to a band called Teen Angels.
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In 2022, she came out as Bi and she also sang the national anthem of Argentina at the World Cup in Qatar
Not only that but she's probably one of the biggest - if not the biggest - Argentinian pop artists at the moment.
Now, back to the MV, let's start with silly and unrelated references to Argentina politics I was able to catch.
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It says "Day 33". Lali is turning 33 this year.
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The nun is a reference to a character she played in a novela called "Esperanza Mía".
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I'm not sure about this one, but her style of clothing reminds me of Dolly Parton
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The bodyguard has a necklace that says "Disciplina" one of Lali's songs from the last album
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The dress and hair are a reference to Miley Cyrus' "Flowers". Lali has referenced her multiple times and says she has a crush on her.
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While this dude walks in she mentions her song "Disciplina" again which is about BDSM, so I think that's what this is referencing to.
If you don't know who Javier Milei is, allow me to introduce him to you.
Milei is the current president of Argentina. He is the head of a right/extreme-right wing party called the Partido Libertário.
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After Milei won the elections, Lali expressed her sadness and he said he only listened to Rolling Stones and that he didn't know who Lali is
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"Lali Espósito is sad about the victor of Javier Milei, and he replies with: I only hear Rolling Stones
The Argentine actress expressed her displeasure after the victory of the leader of La Libertad Avanza in the primary elections. “Sorry, I don’t know who she is,” the politician replied."
His political party was also responsible for spreading Fake News about Lali (claiming she was leaving the country or she was living of the government's money)
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"The new fake news from Javier Milei's trolls against Lali Espósito: they are obsessed
Troll accounts, endorsed by the President of the Nation himself, once again invented fake news to attack Lali Espósito."
Some of these references I couldn't get on my own so here's a link with sources
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Referring to the fact he claimed to not know her, but he can't shut up about it
(also, even if it was true... dude... you have to know your country's biggest stars as a president. you have to know about culture to be able to to manage its funds)
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Reference to the times he has liked anti-lali posts
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A reference to Lali saying he is is unfair and violent and inviting him to one of her shows.
This is not just about Milei, but I didn't know where else to put it.
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A reference to Milei claiming to not know Lali
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Iñaki Gutierréz worked for the government and has called Lali a "delinquent", but also claimed he's not an idiot and her music is good. Thus the wardrobe change.
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This man wearing a leather jacket is a direct reference to Milei. They are around the same age, Milei wears leather jacktes, and this actor is imitating his way of screaming. Here's Milei screaming at a VOX meeting (far right movement in Spain):
unrelated but Vox has annexed Portugal in their campaigns and as a Portuguese person I feel the need to tell them to fuck off
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in a "blink and you'll miss it" moment, we see a girl wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt with the Argentinian colors
Also, the Libertários (the supporters of Milei's Party) have called her Lali "Depósito" (storage), and that's why the whole MV is in a storage room. You can see some of their marketing on that using AI-generated images here
Surprisingly, this song just.... dropped.
Well... not really.
A couple of days before the song was released, a poster of Lali showed up in the streets of Buenos Aires.
The following day, it was vandalized
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People began speculating and the next day she announced a new single to her upcoming album. With the release of the MV, it was revealed she did it.
Also, I think that's supposed to be a reference to something, but I couldn't find anything.
If I missed anything, let me know ;)
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phregnancy · 3 months ago
do you have any tv recommendations? like any kind
i have watched an ungodly amount of television in my life so i’m going to list the first that come to mind that i’ve enjoyed in no particular order and take what you want from that
- buffy - everyone’s familiar with buffy, teen/young adult drama with comedy woven in (not a dramedy though)
- angel - buffy’s angstier counterpart
- la familia peluche - family centered sitcom, i think the humor’s kind of unique
- that 70’s show - teen sitcom, starts strong and gets weaker over time
- derry girls - teen sitcom about northern ireland in the 90s
- malcolm in the middle - early 2000s us family centered sitcom, i like that things are not perfect
- welcome to samdal-ri - sam-dal deserves everything imo
- scrubs - medical sitcom
- el chavo - classiccc sitcom, it’s from the 70s and definitely is a product of the time
- twin peaks - love the mystery, however when my friend showed it to me she was annoyed because i guessed the outcome less than ten minutes into the first episode
- x-files - really enjoyed scully and mulder’s relationship but don’t like the last season (as is the case with most shows)
- hello, my twenties! - generally heartwarming story of friends growing into adulthood
- living single - everything i thought about nyc was because of this show
- betty la fea - a novela pero it’s short so really just a nove, not sure how the humor would land if you’re not already familiar with latam media
- ugly betty - the us counterpart, i think it’s better than the original largely because it was given the time to flesh out the various plots
- my first first love - another heartwarming coming of age kdrama
- the secret life of an american teenager - cheeeesy and poorly acted but it’s so ridiculous that it’s funny
- house - tumblr’s favorite medical drama
- my name is earl - sitcom about a man making amends and ends in a way that infuriates me
- abbott elementary - my birthday buddy quinta brunson’s show, one of my favorite sitcoms
- raising hope - an imperfect family focused sitcom
- my mad fat diary - teen mental health drama
- svu - copaganda but watching predators get hurt is a comfort to me
- everybody hates chris - hilarious family focused sitcom, also influenced what i thought about nyc
- yellowstone - a more involved drama but very good if you have the time to dedicate to it
- grey’s anatomy - horrible, horrible medical drama, but another that is insane and that’s the fun
- pretty little liars - another insane teen drama filled with plot inconsistencies and retcons
- lost - drama. i couldn’t begin to explain anything else if i tried, another that requires undivided attention if you haven’t seen it before
- the fresh prince - funny feel good sitcom, sometimes i play it to fall asleep to
- king of the hill - adult cartoon comedy based in texas, that is what i imagine texas is like sorry if it’s inaccurate
- freaks and geeks - teen dramedy featuring some now really well known actors
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disgracedmilfman · 1 year ago
In spite of everything, I do still want to learn Spanish, and my ex recommended I watch novelas while we were still dating to pick it up faster. I really doubt it's gonna help because these people talk fucking fast, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway.
I picked Maria La Del Barrio just for that *kills you in Spanish* screenshot, and this villain intro from episode 1 is insane. Crying in the club. Vowing vengeance on all women. I feel myself getting locked in.
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Side note: Watching things in parts on Youtube is delightful bc it reminds me of watching Naruto in 3 parts as a teen
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skloomdumpster · 1 year ago
fic asks
Thank you @leadingrebel and @dr-lizortecho for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3? Between all my accounts I have 212 fics.
What’s your total ao3 word count? In skloomdumpster is 759,511 but in total of all my accounts is 909,749
What fandoms do you write for? Fate: The Winx Saga, Supernatural, Daisy Jones & The Six, Fast & Furious, Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, MCU, The Vampire Diaries, The Order (not anymore for the tiny ones)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You, Me and The Brickwall Between Us
On The Down Low
3 AM
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Nope, I always wanna respond but then I get the Anxiety and then too much time passed so answering now would be weird and rinse repeat for every single comment.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're talking just ending, then I'd say either Voicemail, Treacherous Nature or Meeting The Parents.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of romcoms, so Not Mad About It, you make it look easy, On the down low
Do you get hate on fics? Nope, but sometimes I get unsolicited criticism.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes and idk what kind? Kinky stuff, love-making, hate fucking, bad lame cringy sex, you name it, I've written.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a Fast&Furious/SPN crossover oneshot that I really liked and a The Vampire Diaries/Teen Wolf one shot too, but I dont write crossovers anymore and it has to be really well set up for me to read one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! And once they translated it from portuguese-br to portuguese-pt and that was very fun to follow.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep, plenty.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Anything Bloom comes to mind, because I just can't find the motivation. Between The Lines because I doubt anyone would be interested and I made my peace with it long ago. Cabin Fever because canon kinda fucked me sideways with this and I'm very into sticking to the canon.
What are your writing strengths?
Channeling characters motivations and voices. Writing the body language of characters.
What are your writing weaknesses? Writing group scenes, descriptions of mundane activities, graphic whump without falling into melodrama, making the world my characters are in feel real and not like a novela.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? All for it, and I dont think a translation is even necessary right next to it, if the context is strong enough to give us the understanding. Add the full translation at the end notes though.
First fandom you wrote for?
Narnia, I think. I wanna say Harry Potter, but I vaguely remember writing Chronicles of Narnia fanfic at recess in my little notebook.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Toss up between: The Soft Animal of Your Body, A Merry Fucking Life, How The Night Changes, Once Broken and The Burned One
(sorry that's too many, but I do have 200 works let me be greedy)
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frociaggina97 · 1 year ago
hay un en twitter escribiendo un algo sobre como el status teen cambio acá de la cosa europea y yanki al contenido asiático y del medio oriente (de decir esta remera de forever 21 o la cosa esta de londres a estos mangas, la photocard de yoongi, lo que sea que esta pasando con las novelas turcas y coreanas en el pais)
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inthehausofholbein · 1 year ago
Top 5 worst shows you’ve seen
fun fact about me: i don’t have that much time or attention span to watch most shows so i get very picky with watching shows (specifically shows since obviously they take longer to watch) 😅 also i tend to only remember shows i enjoy since i don’t like to focus on bad pieces of media
i don’t remember enough bad shows i’ve watched to make a top 5 (sorry 😞) so here’s just me talking about two shows that are like… bad in different ways:
Cielo Grande/Secrets of Summer
I don’t know if I already said on Tumblr how bored I was from this show, but everything was just so boring 😭 Even the songs which are normally the BEST part of these badly-written telenovelas.
Part of why a lot of teen novelas have music is to create a soundtrack for viewers to be able to still engage with the franchise even without watching the long ass shows. The songs in this show were a bunch of wannabe-feel-good acoustic guitar friendship songs.
Other than that, the writing is not good (kinda forced and because of the much MUCH shortened show format, very rushed). I mentioned to my friend how I couldn’t believe they made a teen drama bad and boring at the same time.
A show also doesn’t need to stand out or be extraordinary to be good, but this one just fell flat.
(I seem very angry toward this show, but I prefer bad over boring in terms of entertainment)
Miraculous Ladybug
This show is ANNOYINGLY entertaining and also ANNOYINGLY stupid. I’m too tired to write a long essay about why this show is bad, but it’s mainstream so people know why it’s bad. Marinette (as much as I love her and Christina Vee’s incredible voice acting) was toxic, many characters’ arcs were wasted potential, and the hopeful plot was ruined by the execution.
Those two shows aren’t even bad per se, but I just don’t like watching shows if either they’re irredeemably bad or don’t intrigue me, so I don’t have any to rant about.
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