#teds random rants
parasprite · 6 months
modern rise in tradwife and its related parenting fads comes as no surprise when you consider that mothers have always been held to impossible standards of maternal perfection and the rise of social media has them being more watched and scrutinised than ever, strangers picking apart their every single decision and calling them terrible mothers no matter what they do — no wonder they shape themselves for the approval of the Most vocal and Most sexist public opinions and end up treating little reighlynne's measles with organic no sugar granola because the keyboard warriors condemn any demon mother who has to resort to pharmaceuticals or whatever the fuck
the parenting advice industry is huge and filled with unqualified opinions, but it's Always been the most extreme, most controversial, most wacko religious parents who rise to the top and get the most attention. and now with tiktok and instagram it's easier than ever for a mommy influencer to get in on this grift, even (or especially) if she forewent formal education, married a rich man and started having babies young. you don't need to know shit about photography or business to point a camera at your biege playroom and make millions going tiktok viral. no matter what a mom does, people are gonna be angry; rage drives engagement and makes more money, so the wider social media trends are always gonna follow whatever pisses people off the most. the christian mom with the Most kids, with the Weirdest names, with the Most uncomfortable cryptofascist messaging is gonna get the most attention. and women who are just struggling and looking for easy parenting advice are going to get funneled into that echo chamber no matter what. and feminist mothers and child psychologists and doctors with anything actually useful to say are going to be underrepresented because they don't have a cloth nappy and peasant dress brand deal in their caption.
tradwife influencers are, at the heart of it, advertisements; they exist to sell products and ebooks and a romanticised, oversimplified lifestyle to their followers, while they simultaneously profit off spectacle, shock and rage from their detractors.
there's a reason why conservatives love the nuclear family so much. it's a multi billion dollar industry.
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average-hyperfixator · 2 months
being a Ted fan is lowkey so embarrassing bc it's like yeah I could've gotten hyperfixated on any of these six main characters and my brain chose the human equivalent of a whiny wet pathetic kitten. no I don't know why. yeah no he says weird shit I just have to watch from the sidelines and sigh. throwing the radio drama at you bc I love him in that so much. I love him. I need to justify my like for him because I feel like I'm a bad person otherwise.
I am living proof ppl can't choose their hyperfixations I am in the TRENCHES with this whiny incel. He's babygirl to me tho, mwa.
srsly tho I love seeing other Ted fans bc yes yes we all have our pathetic fucking meow meow, we are sitting here poking him and watching him fuck up literally every social situation ever.
this has been a 9:40 pm rant brought to you by Tumblr user average-hyperfixator, I'll be here all week
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aleksanderscult · 9 months
Analyzing one of the Darkling's most notorious lines
Even though nobody asked for it, I want to analyze one of Aleksander's most controversial lines.
And it's none other than:
"I will strip away all that you know, all that you love, until you have no shelter but me."
Most people say that it's proof of his evilness and he can have no redemption and blah, blah. But we miss the big picture here. It's too easy to take a line, say it's evil and move on. I'm not that kind of person. I always look deeper (as you have already noticed) and in this line too there are so many things that can be drawn from about the way he was raised, his mentality at that point of the book and the lengths he would go to take Alina for himself.
Because, my dear people, it's more than a toxic line.
1) I'm gonna start with the most obvious one which is his possessiveness. I've already analyzed this point here so I'm not going to dwell for long.
In the beginning, Aleksander was (more than) willing to kill Mal 'cause he was the greatest obstacle between him and Alina. But as the latter gained more and more allies and friends the number of the people that Aleksander had to kill increased. He knew that she created bonds with most of them something that contrasts his own situation. Because he has none. He has soldiers. He has allies. He has his nichevo'ya. But he has no bond with anyone. Except with Alina. A girl that is too dependent, too caring with her friends so he has to do something about it. There is no way Alina will ever love him as long as those people are alive and he knows it. She will always fight him and push him away as long as there are beloved places to fight for and familiar people to turn to.
So what can he do about it? Destroy everything she cares about and apparently he has already started. He burned the orphanage, the place where she grew up, and killed the only mother figure she ever knew. If, one by one, her comforts are destroyed then Aleksander will be the only person she knows. Yes, in the beginning she will still fight him but as Aleksander has said "You will find I have more practice with eternity". And in the end he would win. Alina would give up. She would surrender to him and give herself completely to the Darkling 'cause he will be the ONLY familiar face she knows. She would forgive him and love him since what other choice could she have? There is none other left.
And for Aleksander it would be the same but for him it would be a victory. Because they have each other at last. No one would keep her away from him and he finally has a person that he can share the eternity with.
(Not me saying that I won't dwell for long and I wrote two paragraphs)
2) This one I consider the most important. This whole "I'm gonna cut you off from every person so you'll have only me" doesn't sound kind of familiar??🤔🤔
Ah, yes. Baghra of course!
For those of you who have read "Demon in the Wood" you know what I mean. But for those who haven't I will explain.
When he was a child, Aleksander kept asking his mother about his father.
Where is he?
Is he dead?
Who was he?
But he never got a good answer. He never knew anything about him.
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It's possible that Baghra told him that he was a powerful Heartrender. But even that is not confirmed in text. We, the fans, guess it because the Darkling always showed favor to Heartrenders. And he might did this out of some repressed fondness for him.
But anyway back to Baghra. It's obvious that she didn't want him to think or feel anything about his father. She chose to keep everything a secret to her son in order to cut him off from any bond he could create with his father.
I believe she did this for two reasons:
A) Because she's not one for sentiment, as the Darkling himself had once said. She's not the type of person to say to her children "Oh my sweeties! Your father was tall and handsome with dark hair. He was a really good man". Not in a million years I imagine her to behave or say something like that.
B) Because she wants him for herself. When she was a child her mother didn't care at all for her. She only showed love towards her otkazat'sya sister. And the same went for her father. She saw a powerful Grisha bring an otkazat'sya back to life and he got killed for it. So, two members of her family died leaving her behind.
And when she gave birth to a powerful son, she wants him to stay with her forever. To love her and be his only companion. She didn't treat him with open love. She didn't kiss him goodnight and there is evidence that she verbally and emotionally abused him. If he ever did something that she didn't like, that didn't go along with her opinions and plans, she opposed him and scolded him. But she did it because she knew that he would always forgive her. He would always come back to her because there is no one else like them. Powerful, immortal, filled with so many and similar experiences.
They say that sometimes victims replicate the same pattern when they grow up.
And with the Darkling it's true.
Now he does the same to Alina. And whatever else he also did to her is a result of Baghra's upbringing that he repeats. He wants her to depend on him, to turn to him for love and company. To forget everyone else. Because no one will understand her like he does. And when he kills people she cares about, when he destroys places that mean something to her, he does it because he knows that she'll forgive him. Because she'll realize that he's the only one that will stay with her forever. Everyone else is dust and bones but not them.
Furthermore, eternity will make her tired of fighting him and hating him. "You'll tire of everything" as the Darkling said. Just like he did.
So yes, in this infamous line we can see that Baghra's manipulation and abuse towards him affected him and rubbed off him.
Here he speaks like her.
3) I think we all agree that the Darkling's dream to provide a safe home and life to the Grisha and put an end to the constant wars that Ravka suffers from is noble and reasonable. He's actually the only person that DOES something about this.
But by book three the Darkling's mentality has gotten worse, in large part because of Alina's constant rejections. She keeps slipping away from his hands, she keeps fighting him and she always keeps her power away from him. A power that he desperately needs and awaited for hundreds of years. All of these have made him almost mad from fury and despair and even though his strategic skills haven't been diminished, he now seems more concerned about having Alina than giving the Grisha a haven. He's no longer mentally stable to do it especially after he saw his mother commit suicide. Right now, he's willing to go to extreme, brutal lengths to have her and fuck the world and the casualties that are needed for this.
In conclusion, that line of his goes deeper than "oH mY GoD hE'S sO EviL! ThE ToXiCiTY!".
Yes, he's toxic and that line was toxic as well but what can you expect from a person that was raised by an abusive parent, never had a home, never had friends, didn't know how to form healthy bonds with others, saw so many loved ones die a mortal death and couldn't stop the wars that plagued his country?
Toxicity was the only path eternity would allow him to take apparently.
And if you want to know my opinion. I don't see the Darkling as the villain, but as an anti-villain (an anti-villain is a character that has a noble goal but the means he uses to achieve it is controversial and catastrophic, like Magneto).
A man that had a viable plan to stop the Grisha persecution but when you are immortal and see atrocities again and again for hundreds of years your heart becomes colder and harder. I don't think he took pleasure from killing people (like Voldemort, for example). For him they were just casualties of a war that, according to him, needed to be sacrificed. And he saw them this way because they were dust and bones for him. There was once a time (when he was much younger and more innocent) when he saw people as people. With their own lives and emotions. But the constant loss of people he cared about made him stop trying. Stop trying to make bonds and feel emotions (and this aspect of him was confirmed by the author itself in an interview).
Just like he said in the same scene:
“I have lived a long life, rich in grief. My tears are long since spent. If I still felt as you do, if I ached as you do, I could not have borne this eternity.”
He used to cry but not anymore.
He used to feel grief, sorrow and emotional pain but he forced himself to withdraw from any sentimentality.
He had closed his heart a looong time ago.
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stgosupremacy · 1 year
random goh rant ok-
so i only just realised this now but like...not the point. I remember in these project mew scenes, goh is very much less keen to trust these sketchy sort of people, whereas Ash (in the 1st episode case) and Horace (the 2nd episode case) are very trusting of those kinds of people.
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ash is definitely more social than goh, ofc, and im assuming horace is as well, and we can kind of see that when goh was younger he did have a hard time trusting people after being unsociable...which could bring out some of his traits in those episodes above.
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like, when he meets horace, he defo hesitates for a little bit before accepting his handshake. this whole thing just came out of nowhere, it was such a random observation ;-;
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random but this episode lives rent free in my head and i thank anipoke to this day for making goh's backstory how they did <3
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sweepweep · 1 year
My hot take on D1:
Hifumi is not the perv of D1. Sure he’s a little odd, he submits like a dog to Celeste, and he loves fictional women, but like so do most of us. He makes some icky comments, but NONE of that even COMPARES to TOKO.
Hifumi’s a little freak but Toko is downright creepy. She stalks Byakuya, ignores him repeatedly telling her no, and makes so many comments about and to him. Not to mention to tons of pervy things shes said to about most of the cast. She’ll accuse them of being creepy then openly enjoy it, meanwhile whoever it was about didn’t even consider the creepy side. Makoto spaced out when meeting her, she accuses him of “undressing her with his eyes” then smiles and giggles and says something about not really minding while blushing
She assumes the perviest of everyone and just really makes them all super uncomfortable. She ignores them asking her to stop
Hifumi may be a bit of an oddball and a bit freaky, but most of it is towards Celeste, who PLAYS INTO IT and ENCOURAGES IT, and fictional women
TLDR: Hifumi’s uncomfortable and odd, but Toko is a literal stalker and ignores all boundaries, making her the perv of D1
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larz-barz · 8 months
why do ppl ship Rengoku and Tanjiro-?
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thevoidstaredback · 6 months
One thing in movies/shows/books that always upsets me is when they use the wrong names when in reference to Primordials/Giants/Titans/Gods/Demigods/Legacies.
It's such a specific thing to get upset about, but it upsets me nonetheless.
Like, when they focus on Greek myths and use 'Hercules' instead of 'Heracles' or 'Cupid' instead of 'Eros' or referring to Hades as the God of the Dead. He's the God of the Underworld. Thanatos is the personification/God of Death.
Or when the focus is Roman and people forget that Pluto is not only the God of the Dead, but also the God of Wealth and Agriculture.
Another is when the focus is Norse and suddenly, Loki isn't messing with people. Or Hella is Loki and Thor's sister instead of Loki's daughter. Also, Norse Gods *can* be killed in combat. Other Pantheons cannot.
Lets not forget that all of the Creation Myths are botched in some way or another. Same with Destruction Myths.
Anyway, I do love a lot of media pertaining to the different Pantheons (like Rick Riordan's stuff and Disney's Hercules) but that doesn't mean that the tiny little nitpicks don't get me riled up.
(Another thing that upsets me is when everyone conveniently forgets that pretty much every deity in every Pantheon holds more than one position)
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lunathejaguar · 22 days
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its not rlly that deep but i will forever have beef with the people who made this the giga chad song 😭
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winnie-the-monster · 2 years
How anyone can call these two selfish I’ll never know
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wearewildanimals · 7 months
I will die on this hill...alone if I have to. But taking out Sokka's misogyny as part of his character growth was the ONLY change I agree with from the new live action show.
At the time that the animated show was created I do think it was a very progressive storyline. But it's 2024. I'm 27 years old and the idea that Sokka "unlearned" his misogyny from a girl that he found attractive and ended up being his gf later on...is not really that great. I mean...he was raised by his gran gran. By whole village full of women. Like...do we really want to see yet another world full of misogyny? For what? In 2024?
If the script was stronger and the writers were better...I think they could have made the same character growth by showing Sokka's pride and arrogance be questioned and challenged by Suki. A trained warrior. I think it would have been such a great moment to see Sokka's pride and arrogance that comes from a place of fear and insecurities that comes from the fact that his father wasn't there to teach him. I think that would have been such a beautiful place of vulnerability for Suki and Sokka to bond over.
Anyway I haven't finished the Netflix show yet but...honestly I just feel like there is way more nuance to this one character change than just "they took away his misogyny as his biggest character growth"
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will0beatle · 8 days
Sonder on the web
I read a fanfic on ao3 a month ago that was so incredibly good I just could not get enough, so naturally when I finished it I went and browsed through the authors other works. You see this author had completed the fanfic I´m talking about, in March 2020 (it´s like a fucking time capsule it´s hilarious) and then immediately a week later started uploading another fanfic of the same ship but then abandoned it after a month. I of course binge read that fanfic as well knowing that it was unfinished and was still devastated when I finished it. The thing is I got so morbidly curious about this that I looked them up and found their tumblr which they also hadn´t been active on since they abandoned the fic. This has been haunting me ever since for some reason.
It´s just the thought of this anonymous stranger that has written such extraordinary (and popular!!) works just disappearing out of nowhere after being extremely active in said fandom since 2019 (on multiple platforms!!) What freaks me out is that they stopped updating at the same time they stopped posting here.
I guess what I´m getting at in this extremely long ramble of a post is that I´ve always felt at unease because there are so many people on the web that I´ll never get to know (because they have a life unlike me). You can forget that there is decades worth of all sorts of content about people and their lives, opinions and problems, still available on the internet when social media constantly shows you only the freshest up to date stuff from people who are still active.
I´ve always been curious about all the people I see on random blog websites, that haven´t been used since 2007, that we´re wondering about the same niche thing I just looked up. I´ll never know where these people are now.
(I´m just sour that that fic probably won´t get updated and my insatiable thirst for this specific authors writing style will never be quenched.)
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maeve-99 · 9 months
ngl finding a phone that still has a regular headphone jack as well as an additional SD card slot (for storing images, music + video) is like finding a needle in a haystack. When did they stop including those? micro-sd card slots have always been standard in android phones. They remove stuff in the name of innovation, why is this so-called innovation always tied to an alternative that costs more and is increasingly consumer-unfriendly, taking away control from the customer?
So they take away the sd card slot so they can sell their overpriced phones with tiny storage and try to sell you a cloud storage/backup option for yet another monthly fee. They build computers in a way so you can't upgrade or repair them anymore, just so you need to buy a new one.
I don't feel like I'm living in the future. In the 2000/2010s we were restricted by technology, now we are restricted by capitalism.
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Hey do you have a genshin character that really DIDNT want to join your team, (aka kept evading ur wishes) so you got hyper focused on pulling their ass onto your team whether they like it or not???
don’t be shy *cocks gun* share em
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fertilize-my-eggs · 1 year
I'm gonna be honest, I hope there others who can relate to this if not it's fine, I just wanna talk about it.
Ever since I became both a proship and lolishocon for I think two years, I can say it's been the best. I can literally draw or write whatever I please because it's fiction yes I was kinda like an anti when I first started twitter around 2021 I used had a mindset of this whole ' mortality ' thing where I remember I say:" that fictional child!! " Something like that how I was scared to retweet fanartist's drawing anime minors in such a lewd way. The more I was on twitter, I slowly realized how antis would normalize this disgusted behavior like harassing, telling others to off themselves or doxxed and straight up act more crazy and constantly calling themselves as " normal ".
As an autistic woman, I always get so speechless and overwhelmed by the amount of times, I've seen antis used photo of children vs lolis debates and how they would say:" they look the same. "
News flash you're a fucking weirdo if you used photos of CHILDREN when you're arguing about a 2D fictional characters.😮‍💨😮‍💨
Antis makes me concerned the most because y'all say you're 'normal' but here you are posting CSEM on A03 to prove what?? You scream at anyone who's a proship or lolishocon a predator WHEN YOU'RE POST ACTUAL CSEM ON A03 where a website where you post fanfics 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Antis time and time again y'all overwhelmed me the most. Stressing me out because I like dark content?? Because I love fictional content but you're calling a victim a predator DOESN'T HELP ANYONE AND MAKE ME AS A VICTIM UNCOMFORTABLE WHEN YOU'RE CALLING ME A PREDATOR... ( This happened countless times. )
I know this is a small rant, I need to let's this out and talk about it because I used writing to cope, I used drawing to cope as well but it will never make me want to commit a crime because I know it's fiction people these days shouldn't be harassing others for liking an anime characters or ship two fictional characters together and you scream it as if it's sinful or act someone murder your whole family when it's not and you shouldn't be triggered yourself if you don't like the content.
I personally don't go after people who are into vore, age play, diaper lovers or anyone who into that because I don't look for it, I mind my business or just block the content if it makes me uncomfortable. Because that's what NORMAL people do.
Anyway thank you for reading all of that and my random ted talk, I need to talk about it.
If anyone asks me how I'm feeling? I'm doing well, I try to stay away from drama or social media and I've been doing a bit better. I'm been more with my family and trying to get into a relationship again hopefully I'll meet new people soon because I want a handsome man or woman, I'm not picky unless you're a milf or cute femboy👀😏💕
( P.s. please stop treating fictional characters as real people please, you're not helping anyone. )
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hate to be a hater on the main … but this season of ted lasso excels (once again) at team dynamic and the found family elements and i think the finale absolutely nailed that, i cried, i laughed, it was perfect on that. now as for the individual stories and relationships… yeah, let’s leave it at that
#(rant below ignore me)#i think making longer episodes allowed them to add stories that felt so pointless to me#what was the point of zava? to make jamie understand something about himself? could have done that better with just the roy plot#i would have understood roy and keeley breaking up of it was like ‘let’s both grow as individuals’#and roy kinda did but apparently not enough because his plot at the end is how he do better so i guess he didn’t#jamie had the best development only to then lose part of it by throwing the random video comment?? like why??#keeley my love … from the random friend that added nothing to the story to an undervelopped love interest plot line … they did u so dirty#why the hell was ted so emotionally off this last episode instead of actually talking the time to proper end things with london and everyone#rebecca was SOBBING and ted was like ‘well gotta go’ ??#it’s not about the ship or anything but what ?? and rebecca … love that she stayed with the club#but to have her end up with some random creepy man she met once and whose name WE DONT EVEN KNOW#i have no issues with ted going home to his son. it makes perfect sense. but it felt so weird#the nate plot was wrapped kinda poorly too??#sam colin and most of the guys from the team were amazing#and the found family and team dynamic was still amazing as always#the beard and jane relationship was always weird to me because it feels like joke after joke of.. abuse?#do they get married or was it a dream?? and if so was the whole sequence a dream? and if it wasn’t WHO DID THE CGI FOR THE WEDDING 💀#we spent more time with these characters this season and it doesn’t feel that way and idk this season felt weird at so many points#I LOVE THIS SHOW I DO!! first 2 seasons are one of my all time favourite seasons of a sitcom!! and i still enjoyed a lot about s3 <33#anyway sorry to be a hater on the main but it was just a weird season to end it on#anti ted lasso#<- i really don’t wanna upset anyone i just felt like ranting a little 💀 pls don’t hate me#ted lasso spoilers
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only the football show could make me feel optimistic, then take that away and make me not bother hoping for anything when they decide they want to do a S4.
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