#techniques de discipline
zeboute · 1 year
Surveillance et discipline
Surveiller et punir ? A l'heure du numérique, une société disciplinaire en vue ? #Foucault #1984 #SIC
Nos sociétés sont aujourd’hui sous surveillance. Par les drones, les caméras de surveillance, nos empreintes numériques. Cette surveillance a une histoire. Maîtriser les comportements dans une société démocratique ou pas. Et surtout discipliner la société, en la connaissant ; la mesurant. Pour le bien du “bien vivre” ensemble, ou pour la contrôler. C’est l’histoire de la surveillance, écrite…
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howtofightwrite · 5 months
So happy you're back after all this time! I have a question, do you happen to know how people fought in ancient rome? Particularly gladiators and soldiers? Sorry if this isn't the blog for this question tho!
I think we've covered both of these questions independently over the years.
Gladiators were a performance sport. It was more about glorifying the Roman Empire and its victories, than a conventional fight. As a result, most Gladiators were armed with specific variant, “loadouts,” designed to cosplay as various enemies that The Empire had conquered, and they only fought against specific countering variants. Specifically, the variants would be matched in such a way that it would be difficult for either combatant to have a decisive advantage over the other, with an eye towards creating situations that would result in a lot of visible injuries, without serious harm to either participant.
In case it needs to be said, gladiators were a significant financial investment, and they weren't casually killed in the arena. The point was for visible injuries, and a bloody spectacle, not a slaughter. Sometimes someone would die, but having them die on the field wasn't the intention, and they generated a lot of money, and on the rare cases when they were killed, it was meant to be a climactic moment, not someone taking a blade to the gut and collapsing mid-fight.
Obviously, I'm barely scratching the surface here, because it gets a lot deeper, but the simple answer is that in the vast majority of cases, gladiators were armed with weapons that were designed to make seriously harming their foe difficult to impossible. Also, the gladiators were something that evolved and became more complicated over time. When they first started in the Republic, it was a much more stripped down structure with prisoners of war being given a sword and shield and forced to face off against one another.
As for the Roman Legions. I'm not sure I've ever seen a comprehensive description of their training techniques. The Testudo, (or Tortoise) is one of the more famous examples of their specific combat style. Legionaries would create a shield wall, and the soldiers behind the front line would raise their shields to cover the formation against attacks from above (usually arrow fire, or thrown spears.) While being able to strike with javelins. In practice, the formation had issues, including being vulnerable to siege fire, and mounted archers were able to easily flank the formation. It's a neat story, but the formation had serious limitations.
One thing we haven't talked about before (I think) was the Roman's use of biological warfare. During sieges, they would load (locally sourced, I assume) corpses onto catapults, and then launch them into the besieged city.
Beyond, the major thing about the Legions was the extremely disciplined and orderly combat formations, with a lot of attention paid to managing battlefield movement. It wasn't so much about exceptional individual performance, so much as their ability to operate as a unit. This isn't a particularly mind blowing concept today, but in an era when professional soldiers were the exception, or limited to the elite forces, it had slightly more impact.
Regarding the details of their training, I've never seen any of that come up. Now, granted, I've really tried to research that degree of Roman history. So, if you're asking, “how, exactly, did they swing the gladius?” I don't know, and I don't remember ever seeing anyone credibly claim they had that insight. As far as I know, the only surviving Roman training manual was De Re Militari, (there's around 200 surviving Latin copies) which is far more concerned with overall strategic planning and command. If you're trying to write Roman era military fiction, it's probably worth reading. So, I'm not sure this is exactly what you were looking for, but I do hope it helps.
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makapatag · 6 months
cross disciplinary training in gubat banwa
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so, GUBAT BANWA is a big martial arts game of esoteric martial arts. of beatdown and bone breaking. bakbakan at suntukan, pangamot ug pagdaug. it focuses on martial arts and the culture that surrounds that. during ancient seasian times (the main foundation for this game), formal categorized schools didn't exist: participating in your culture was you learning its martial arts, or a random hermit in the sea cave could teach you a secret martial art, or your family could have its own secret martial art, etc. etc.
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so martial arts classes (in gubat banwa they're called Disciplines) are expressions of culture and tradition. from a mechanical side, I knew I wanted to make Gubat Banwa a multiclassing-first game, a la Lancer, for multiple reasons
I like multiclassing, I almost always multiclass
You get access to more of the game and the game's lore (much of Gubat Banwa's lore is in the disciplines)
You get to write a plurality of classes that deal with a plurality of playstyles
It makes writing Disciplines easier--they become small packages of power instead of the long Narrative Playbooks that they are a la D&D 4e's classes. this also makes making Disciplines easier as you don't have to write one for a 12 Level long progression
it creates a more emergent character progression (a Mangangayaw learning Sword Saint techniques for example might be a raider who raided a Virbanwenyo settlement and got the resident martial artist to teach him a thing or two, or it could be that they started picking up how Virbanwenyo Penitents fought)
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however, Disciplines were more than just classes, they're also martial arts in their own right. So as I deepened my understanding with the Martial Arts I also found further justifications for multiclassing [which we like to call crosstraining]). these are from my and GB's Art Director Dylan's experiences from Filipino Martial Arts:
to become a true grandmaster is to learn or observe a large variety of styles (see: Johnny Chiuten, Anciong Bacon, etc.)
most real grandmasters that began their own FMA schools are those that studied and learned techniques from a wide variety of martial arts (Anciong Bacon knew Boxing and Dumog, for example. Johnny Chiuten knew multiple Chinese Martial Arts and trained in Balintawak and Lapunti, GM Filemon Caburnay learned both the arts of blacksmithing and of multiple arnis styles as he traveled across Visayas and Mindanao, and learned Kung Fu from Johnny Chiuten, before going down the path of perfecting his own fighting style that became Lapunti Arnis de Abanico)
even my own master in Lapunti who started with Lapunti was exposed to other Arnis and Martial Art styles so he was able to build his own style around it, and was able to contribute his own moves into modern Lapunti. i can see a bit of Chinese Martial Art influence in his movements now, a bunch of balintawak progression
very often if you're a student of violence, you will be learning multiple combat arts both out of necessity and out of love for movement. a balintawak warrior might have their movements augmented with jiujitsu training, a lapunti could benefit from learning sikaran, etc. etc.
kadungganan are meant to be nascent grandmasters, especially those that reach legend 12, so this is the main justification for the multiclassing instead of just having 1 martial art that you perfect. in real life this doesn't really happen, especially if you want to perfect your own fighting style. the assemblage of multiple techniques from 12 Legends worth of progression is there to facilitate the fantasy of a Kadungganan perfecting their martial art style, like the grandmasters of old
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i knew since the earliest stages of gubat banwa that i wasn't going to compromise the multiclassing aspect, i just find it very serendipitous that crosstraining fits so well into the martial arts fantasy. it makes me pretty satisfied and happy, and i'm glad i didn't bend to internal talking and thinking about making a "pure discipline" progression possible
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lycheeteeni · 2 months
Emotional Discipline:
Implement a 5-second chemical countdown to deter impulsivity and prevent regret.
Reflect on the root causes of your reactions, practicing introspection, prepare for damage control. Take a step back.
Identify and address sources of resentment to foster emotional well-being.
Name your emotions to gain clarity and understanding of your inner state.
Incorporate stress-relief practices such as writing exercises or meditation into your daily routine.
Utilize avenues for expression, such as therapy, journaling, supportive groups or companions, for emotional release.
Channel emotions into productive activities or hobbies to redirect energy positively.
Cultivate empathy and maintain composure in challenging situations.
Take ownership of your emotions, embracing vulnerability and accountability.
Recognize your boiling point and implement strategies to de-escalate before reaching it.
Adopt a personal mantra to ground yourself during moments of emotional turbulence.
Practice deep breathing techniques to restore calmness and control.
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uwmspeccoll · 10 months
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Marbled Monday
Dutch artist Karli Frigge began marbling paper in 1963 and has had a prolific career in marbled paper production. Her compendium of sample books includes 349 different samples of marbled paper, all made by Frigge. This book, Marbled Landscapes, includes 12 landscapes made using a variety of marbling techniques. It was bound in the winter of 1987-1988 and the landscapes themselves were made during the summers of 1982-1987. The book's layout was done by Willem de Valk, it was published by Frits Knuf, and bound by Karli Frigge. Our copy is a gift from the estate of our late friend, Dennis Bayuzick.
There are a variety of marbling patterns at play in these landscapes, including the traditional nonpareil and bouquet or "peacock" patterns. The colors match Frigge's feelings throughout the days of making the landscapes:
"Early in the morning the landscapes have a delicate hue, like mist over the fields and as fragile as the courage I am trying to muster up.
After a while I get into my stride. Then the marbling is properly done: sprinkling the paint on the surface with accuracy, moving the pin and the comb through it with a steady hand, laying down a sheet of paper and peeling it off, washing and hanging it up...
When a couple of hours has gone by in this way and the workshop is stuffed half-way with gleamingly wet sheets... self-discipline fades and I begin to yearn for a wild landscape."
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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apas-95 · 4 months
interpersonal conflict resolution techniques:
• de-escalation, tension defusal
• organisational discipline
• magdump
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runabout-river · 5 months
Thoughts on JJK Chapter 250 (spoilers)
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This chapter is marked by us getting to know Yuta's DE and Sukuna being pushed around in it. Next chapter will most likely be about Sukuna finding a counter against the trio and maybe destroying Rika.
That's one hell of a Sukuna face up there.
We learn that Yuta's DE provides him an infinite number of CTs he can draw from with the only weakness that he doesn't know which CT is in which sword. Holding more than two swords would also hinder him from fighting and blocking but he might put one sword in his mouth in a pinch
Sukuna is still weakened by the fight against Gojo (RIP Kashimo) and can't use his DE. His RCT is also sluggish and his total amount of CE is on par with Yuta right now. Which is still much of course, Yuta had always been known as the sorcerer with the most CE
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Yuji being thrown by Rika is hilarious, absurd and fitting because he's tough in a HR kind of way.
This chapter is also the first one where rescuing Megumi actually feels like a possibility and sth the good guys want to do primarily. Yes, we had that short moment with Gojo but his fight had a different focus most of the time.
It's also worth noting that Sukuna speaks about himself as a cursed object inside Megumi. In case he meant that literally then they're not as fused together as I always thought. That might be sth that only applies to Yuji, Megumi and Hana though. For every other vessel, we know that their consciousness gets erased.
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Even Sukuna asks how they trained in the last month because of the sophisticated way Yuta's Domain barrier is constructed as well as the defences of the others. While Yuji answers with good old discipline, Yuta slips up and says that they cheated.
HOW? Was this the body swapping technique that Yuji had used? Or some other way where they collectively powered up? Did the evil trio train too? Probably not.
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French boy gets a moment to shine after not being seen for... 100 chapters? I'm baffled at the 3rd CT that Sukuna mentions though. I don't remember a sorcerer like that and who knows how many more CT there are in Yuta's arsenal.
My thoughts on Yuta's DE deleting the copied CT isn't the case apparently, except that kind of drawback will be revealed after the domain collapses and Yuta survives long enough to use his CT again
Yuji is loath to admit it, but Sukuna is The Strongest Sorcerer on Earth now and even when Gojo comes back, that title will be lost for him forever
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And Cleave on Sukuna! It's not annihilating but it still gave him some deep cuts. Yuta probably hoped for more damage but their strategy to chip away at Sukuna is working until now.
But what about Megumi? I can't even imagine how this will play out. Even if he is roused from his Bath, will he want to take control? He feels responsible for Tsumiki's death and that won't be different for Gojo.
Tsumiki's soul is with him but I don't think they're able to communicate at all. As far as Sukuna knows, Megumi was also completely dormant in the last month, however much that is true we'll hopefully see in the next few weeks.
Some thoughts about Megumi from the last year:
Sukuna will put his hands together to finally expand his domain again but instead of his hand seals, the hand seal for Chimera Shadow Garden will form and Megumi will expand his domain
Inside the domain, Megumi forms a clone of himself and faces off against Sukuna face-to-face.
Megumi might also have gained the collective knowledge of everything that Sukuna and Gojo know. For Sukuna by having a reverse memory grab like how Sukuna knows Megumi's memories. For Gojo because of his Unlimited Void hitting Megumi 5 times with every piece of information Gojo imparted into his technique.
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lounesdarbois · 2 months
Dans l’enquête qui nous concerne, cette ingénierie, cette technique, cette école, cette ascèse, c’est la religion catholique bien comprise, relue à la lumière du temps d’invasion-propagande-prédation actuel, temps de persécution. « Il y a beaucoup de maisons dans la maison de mon père. » Il y a assez de place dans l’Église pour une maison française, européenne, strictement organique (donc sans moi, qui m’arrête à son seuil mais qui l’aime et veille sur elle). Ces principes sont décrits par des auteurs comme Julien Langella, comme tous ceux qui entendent concilier foi et identité, et qui s’appuient sur l’exégèse biblique et l’apologétique, disciplines que peu de chrétiens étudient.
Nouveaux pèlerins, vous cherchez vraiment la vie chrétienne ? Vous ne pouvez plus vous habiller comme des primitifs, vous ne pouvez plus parler comme des primitifs, vous ne pouvez pas descendre vers des primitifs même temporairement par confort, pas d’un seul millimètre, sans quoi c’est la descente entièrement au primitif ontologique pour n’en plus jamais remonter. En temps d’effondrement vous ne pouvez pas « faire la fête ». On ne fait pas la fête quand on est assiégé. Vous ne pouvez pas paraître ivres en public comme les Hilotes devant les Spartiates, ni consommer du loisir, prendre du poids, descendre le courant avec les branches mortes. Les époques de vaches maigres sont des temps virils de réforme, de débarras, de concentration. Après le Carême viennent les délices du banquet de Pâques ; encore faut-il les mériter par les purgations du jeûne sans quoi on ne fait plus que bouffer pour se récompenser d’avoir bouffé, toute l’année, toute la vie. Le salaire des gaudrioles, c’est la honte, le déclassement, la mort, l’oubli.
Le suicide des adolescents harcelés à l’école, la persécution à travers le pays des jeunes Blancs sur les terrains de football urbain qui a fini par décourager tant de carrières prometteuses et défigurer l’équipe de « France » (le contre-exemple Griezmann formé en Espagne dit tout par ricochet), tant d’autres déshonneurs ordinaires, sont des plaies qui cicatrisent très vite à condition d’une hausse drastique des standards culturels.
Vive le prolétariat chrétien
Quand le gras domine sur le muscle, quand l’efféminé domine sur le bonhomme, alors c’est la dictature des bourgeois-bordel sur une Église-armée-mexicaine. C’est le modèle exactement contraire qui est chrétien, et qui commence au prolétariat choyé, révéré, spécifiquement favorisé. Ouvriers, techniciens, artisans, un prolétariat français chrétien qui maîtrise les métiers indépendants productifs, formé sur le modèle de l’école de la Martinerie : non-mixité, sobriété, technique.
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Le prolétaire, étymologiquement, c’est l’homme dont la seule richesse sont ses enfants. Qu’est-ce qui a perdu le Liban ? La Syrie chrétienne ? C’est la vie bourgeoise, le mesquin principe du « pas trop d’enfants », la radinerie du « pas de premier enfant avant 30 ans ». En pleine Syrie 2013, en plein merdier, une petite effrontée de l’ultra minoritaire communauté chrétienne restante, propriétaire d’un restaurant payé par sa famille articulait ceci à un camarade. « Quoi ? Tu n’as pas cinq cent mille euros sur ton compte en banque ? Tu ne te marieras jamais », authentique. Le principe de toutes les libanisations par guerre des berceaux tient peut-être en cette phrase. Stérilité par calcul bourgeois. Tous les parents de familles françaises nombreuses se sont mariés jeunes et pauvres, ont commencé par souffrir et non par jouir, pour ensuite s’enrichir. Leurs maisons sont rangées, vivantes, ils prient, ils travaillent, ils chantent, ils lisent, ils s’entraînent, ils s’entraident. Tout le contraire des couples catastrophes qui eux commencent par le plus agréable : la baise, le restaurant, le voyage ; en un an ils ont déjà tout ratissé et aux premiers nuages qui s’amoncellent ils ouvrent chacun un parapluie différent au lieu d’en prendre un pour deux et de se serrer dessous ensemble.
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mariaspir · 2 months
I just finished watching Tsiskaridze's 7th year exam... I have lots of opinions...
I did not like it.
1. The pointe shoes come on too early. They did the first small adage and the rest was en pointe. I am perhaps one of the few people on this earth who finds pointe shoes more easy to dance in than flats, pointe shoes have a rise and fall, there's an up and down, and these days the shoes help us both go up and stay up (I too wear Gaynor knock offs, I don't think it's "cheating", but it objectively is easier). They need the exercises to be done on half toes, it aids to the development on turnout through the way of using the floor, these are students, this is training, it should not be a performance. The legs aren't warm enough, pointe shoes come on AFTER allegro in the method for a reason. And movement quality gets lost, like what happened in fondu, also whole movements are lost, like flic-flac and reverse en ecarte.
2. Loss of technique: the girls jump lovely with height and ballon, but they land sloppily. Dirty fifths, turned in knees, weak batterie. All those things were crucial in the Vaganova style even a decade ago. If you go further back, in Somova or Novikova/Obraztsova graduation years, the allegro was textbook perfection, it was unreal how clean every movement was. This class was just okay; they jump strongly but that's about it. To me it seems like the teacher didn't insist on cleanliness, either excused it because of the added difficulty of the pointe shoes* or ignored it in favour of proving his choreographic talents (which are obviously wonderful, just not suited for a school exam).
*nobody cares if pointe shoes make it harder. If it can't be done well with them on, you should have the students take them off.
3. Loss of coordination in hands and arms: fairly obvious if you've watched enough Vaganova classes. There are moments where the arms are awkward because they don't have a clear place to be, they haven't been trained or paid attention to enough. Again, I blame the pointe shoes, these are students who are supposed to understand the use of user body in these final 3 years, yet they're told to forget what they were building towards, focus even more on footwork and nevermind the port de bras. Nikolay had naturally beautiful coordinated arms and I wonder if he can't pass that to his students because he never struggled with it.
4. Too much allegro too early: this was a men's class. I don't have a lot to say on this, it's quite straightforward. Some combinations were even the same as his past classes, lacking that feminine Vaganova grace because they were made for boys.
5. All this culminates into a Bolshoi style exam, Bolshoi style class, Bolshoi style dancers. Do that extra turn even though you are behind everyone else. Do all double fouettes even though you can't land it. Vaganova had that noble grace, polished simplicity. They were a corps de ballet, now everyone is dancing for themselves. Russians more than anyone know most students end up in the corps, and that's what they're trained for. Nikolay himself has said "careers are made in the theatre, school is for learning". You learn in a class, not in a choreography. Ballet discipline is learning to all be the same, do the exact same thing, even if you're Ulanova dancing next to cotton eye Joe.
I used to be a fan of Tsiskaridze's classes, now I truly feel like he'd be better off in Moscow, and Vaganova get a Vaganova trained dean. I wonder if Lopatkina is interested in teaching.
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uriekukistan · 6 months
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right so here i am w MORE URIE BALLET HCS
- the first time urie went to a ballet class was against his will
- i wanna say hsiao took the quinx bc the way i see her move in the manga reminds me of a dancer…yeah she probably goes for cross training or smth
- urie was pretty reluctant and not looking forward to it at all. probably thought it was a waste of time
- but he so quickly came to love it. like by the time they were done with tendus (literally the second thing you do in a ballet class)
- i wanna say he was one of those people who didnt think much of ballet and ballet dancers, but after that class he really came to respect the art
- i’ve said before that i think he would appreciate the way it combines all of his fav hobbies - the creativity of art, the athleticism of working out, and ofc we rarely see him not listening to music in his headphones
- but i think what he likes most is the structure and discipline of ballet
- he’s someone who has a lot of thoughts at all times. ballet classes are very predictable and you should be focusing on the technique, so your brain kinda goes quiet. i think he would appreciate that
- anyway after that first class he’d kinda get obsessed w ballet but he would keep it to himself
- his fav company is the bolshoi ballet btw
- after a few weeks of obsessing, he would finally go to another class, but he would figure out when hsiao went and specifically go on different days. or he would straight up find a completely different studio
- idk why he’s so hellbent on hiding this new hobby bc you know the quinxes would be supportive as fuck
- the teacher really likes him because he’s always super focused and looking for corrections
- so the teacher asks him if he’d be interested in performing in the nutcracker with the company they’re part of (omg time for my fav urie ballet hc)
- urie hesitantly accepts because he really does enjoy ballet but he’s worried he’s not good enough and also that the quinxes will find out (again- why???)
- so he ends up being the cavalier for the sugar plum pas de deux, which he’s kinda like ???? because other than the nutcracker prince it’s one of the most coveted male roles in the nutcracker
- he’s also never done partnering before so he’s kinda nervous. very shy in rehearsals but also very cooperative with his partner. he wants to do well in everything so he works very hard and always asks for tips and feedback from his teacher and his partner
- he also finally comes clean to the quinxes about where he sneaks off to every night and theyre so excited to come see him dance. he thought they would tease him, but no one does because they can see how much it means to him
- they all come and sit in the front row. saiko also told takeomi and yoriko, and kaneki and touka so they all come too and urie is lowkey mortified
- he slays tho as expected
the dance if u were interested! one of my personal favs! this was so long omg
also his dream role is prince siegfried from swan lake (bc his fav ballet is swan lake), and he kinda wants to do the russian dance from the nutcracker bc of all the jumps
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blog-article-usa · 5 months
Agences de Traduction : Accédez au Monde avec Nos Services Multilingues
Dans le monde moderne, où la communication transcende les frontières, la demande de services de traduction est plus cruciale que jamais. Les agences de traduction jouent un rôle essentiel pour permettre aux entreprises et aux particuliers de s'engager avec le monde dans la langue de leur choix. Dans cet article, nous explorerons en détail les différentes facettes des agences de traduction, en mettant l'accent sur les services en français. online traduction traduction juridique anglais  traduction documents juridiques traduction juridique en ligne  services de traduction juridique tarif traduction juridique traduction juridique en anglais service juridique traduction cabinet de traduction juridique service de traduction de document agence de traduction de documents agence de traduction de documents officiels
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empirearchives · 5 months
Michel Foucault on Napoleon and the ‘man of modern humanism’
‘What do I hear? But the world of details, who has never dreamt of that other world, what of that world? I have believed in it ever since I was fifteen. I was concerned with it then, and this memory lives within me, as an obsession never to be abandoned. . . That other world is the most important of all that I flatter myself I have discovered: when I think of it, my heart aches’ (these words are attributed to Bonaparte in the Introduction to Saint-Hilaire’s Notions synthétiques et historiques de philosophie naturelle). Napoleon did not discover this world; but we know that he set out to organize it; and he wished to arrange around him a mechanism of power that would enable him to see the smallest event that occurred in the state he governed; he intended, by means of the rigorous discipline that he imposed, ‘to embrace the whole of this vast machine without the slightest detail escaping his attention’ (Treilhard, 14).
A meticulous observation of detail, and at the same time a political awareness of these small things, for the control and use of men, emerge through the classical age bearing with them a whole set of techniques, a whole corpus of methods and knowledge, descriptions, plans and data. And from such trifles, no doubt, the man of modern humanism was born.
[Quotes made bold and italic by me]
— Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Translated by Alan Sheridan, pg. 141
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megaverserpg · 10 days
Particularités acquises - occlumens
APPRENTISSAGE ‧₊˚ L'occlumancie est l'art de protéger son esprit des intrusions et attaques mentales. C'est une discipline complexe qui s'acquiert et se maîtrise grâce à un entraînement rigoureux effectué uniquement auprès d'un·e maître·sse du domaine. Ce n'est pas un don inné.
CARACTÉRISTIQUES ‧₊˚ Les occlumens, sorcier·e·s pratiquant cette compétence, sont capables de fermer leur esprit contre toute forme de lecture ou de manipulation mentale. Dans son usage basique, et qui nécessite un entraînement moyen : il s’agit de vider son esprit de toute pensée, ce qui peut s’apparenter à une forme de méditation. Cette technique permet de ne rien dévoiler lors des intrusions et, avec de la pratique, il peut être possible à ses pratiquant·e·s d’y avoir recours sans même s’en rendre compte, de façon spontanée. Néanmoins, dans les formes les plus avancées, qui demandent énormément d’entraînement et de pratique, un·e occlumens accompli·e est en mesure de modeler son esprit, ses pensées et ses souvenirs afin de donner à voir aux intrus·e·s une fausse vérité. Véritable manipulation mentale qui n’a de limite que les compétences et l’imagination de la personne qui l’emploie. Pour les plus aguerri·e·s, et après de longues années d'entraînements éprouvants et intensifs, il leur arrive parfois de résister au sortilège Imperium et au Veritaserum — cette expérience demeure cependant extrêmement douloureuse et traumatisante.
RELATIONS AVEC LA COMMUNAUTÉ MAGIQUE ‧₊˚ L'occlumancie est une magie obscure, rare et respectée au sein de la société. En plus d’être une discipline très fatigante, de nombreux·ses sorcier·e·s ayant trop souvent recours à ces duperies mentales finissent par ne plus distinguer la vérité réelle de leurs constructions psychiques et sont connu·e·s pour souffrir de troubles plus ou moins importants.
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nikarie5 · 8 months
Chair de poule - snippet
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Rating: General audience but with warnings Trigger warnings: Walburga Black's A+ parenting, corporal punishment, book burning, bad French* (although less than expected because it was a very unproductive weekend and I didn't get my act together.) Description: A view into Sirius's childhood, and how Pascal Dumais ended up with multiple complete sets of R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series in his basement. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, @hazelnoot-analyst for their excellent work, @1-800-shedevil for the fun line divider, and to R.L. Stine for giving me many nightmares (not that I ever read a full book, just the thought of the stories and YTV show gave me nightmares.)
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-Sirius. SIRIUS! Descend de là tout de suite. Tu étais censé commencer tes exercices il y a cinq minutes.
Sirius sort de sa chambre, tourne pour se présenter pour une rapide fesser (peut-être il pourra ainsi éviter une punition plus sévère), puis se dirige vers le foyer ou se rangent tous les patins. Il avait oublié que son père n’avait pas un match ce soir, et sa mère était toujours plus stricte et attentif quand son père était là. Se peut-il que son père entrerait assez tôt pour observer un peu de son entrainement? Sirius savait qu’il était toujours un petit peu trop lent, qu’il n’avait pas réussi à surpasser les objectifs fixés par Orion pour le mois peu importe qu’il ait fait des intervalles pour une heure chaque soir sur la patinoire dans la cour, même après les entrainements avec son équipe les lundis et mercredis. Devrait-il tenter de changer l’objectif pour démontrer son contrôle de la rondelle? Il a beaucoup amélioré sa technique depuis la dernière fois que son père l’ait vu. Mais, en ce faisant, il sera peut-être puni pour avoir l’audace de changer le régime qu’Orion lui avait dicté. Non, mieux qu’il se prépare pour une double session sur la patinoire avec son père. Sa collation n’était qu’une banane, s’il vomisse, ce ne serai pas trop dégoutant. De toute manière, s’il ne se gave pas à diner, son père ne croira pas qu’il s’est efforcer jusqu’au bout. Ce soir, il n’ira pas au lit affamé. Perdu dans ses calculs, il commence ses étirements puis se lance dans sa routine. --
He was right, he was in for a double session on the ice, and then a lecture after supper to boot, since he both failed to meet his father's speed goals and missed the net with one of his slapshots. What he hadn't expected was for Walburga to then bring Regulus into the room, carrying his stack of Chair de Poule novels. He had convinced his parents to buy him the series and each new novel, because it was what most of his team was reading on the bus, and it was important to fit in with the team. He had been passing them on to Regulus after reading each one and they would read them together on the few nights that they could sneak into each others' rooms - usually when Walburga and Orion had a team event.
Walburga showed Orion how she had been tracking the boys' practices and progress, and more importantly, how they had been lacking in discipline and failed to follow his set training regime. She claimed that these books were a distraction, were the reason the boys had failed to meet Orion's expectations. She had seen both boys reading on multiple occasions over the past two weeks, when they should have been studying the plays Orion had designed for them to practice. Sirius had been late - late! - to start his practice sessions twice - twice! - in the past month, because he was holed up in his room reading.
Orion looked very disappointed as he ordered both boys to lower their pants and bend over. He reviewed the boys' lap times, and told Sirius that he would remove his signet and Cup rings this time, since Sirius had gotten faster, albeit if not fast enough. Afterwards, he lectured the boys about the need for drive and discipline if they wanted to make it into the NHL and win Stanley Cups for Slytherin. Distractions would derail their career before it ever began. Distractions must be eliminated. Their team mates would respect them more for their dedication to the game if they studied playbooks on the bus. He and Walburga then ordered the boys to feed the books into the fireplace, one by one, until they were all reduced to ash. It took over an hour to burn the 60 books they had - nearly the full collection. Sirius blamed the smoke for the tears he and Regulus were both blinking away.
-- « Sirius, tu as un livraison », cria Celeste Dumais quand elle entenda Pascal et Sirius sortant du garage. «C'était un peu lourd, et je ne voulais pas descendre les escaliers avec un tel poids...» --
Celeste and Pascal were expecting their third child, and Sirius didn't want her attempting the basement stairs with a heavy package either. He hadn't been around many pregnant people, but even he knew lifting wasn't what they should be doing.
He hefted the box, and brought it down stairs. Pascal watched with a raised eyebrow but made no comments as Sirius started unpacking a complete set of Chair de poule books.
Pascal's eyebrows raised further when Sirius ordered, and unpacked, the exact same series three months later.
He figured it was a Black secret that Sirius would eventually unburden himself of when over the course of the next three years, Sirius bought more than thirteen complete sets of the series. He thought he had it nearly figured out - as far as he could tell, Sirius ordered a new set around the time he reached a point milestone, or if he broke his own scoring record within a season.
When Sirius moved out, he only took one set of the books with him, and asked Pascal to give a set to each of his children, and donate the rest. Pascal did that, but also left a set on the basement shelves. He would often find Logan reading one of those spare copies in the quiet hours of the morning, or at night when he was still too keyed up after a game to sleep but none of the Dumais kids were awake to be read to. In fact, he himself had started grabbing one or two of them when he was still keyed up after a game but Celeste and the kids were in bed. Adele had outgrown them, and never really liked that brand of horror anyway, but she had loved snuggling into Sirius when he started reading aloud. She had recently sent her complete set back to the basement because she had run out of space on her bedroom bookshelves. Marc and Louis were about the age to find them the right amount of frightening, and Katie was into anything that would get her snuggle time with Logan, so they were still getting lots of use.
He hoped that whoever next billeted in the basement would be able to carry on the tradition with the kids' horror books. He didn't expect Regulus to tear up when he saw the complete set on the bookshelf in the basement bedroom when Pascal gave Regulus a tour. He certainly hadn't expected it to be the deciding factor when Regulus was hesitant about moving into the basement. Maybe one day Regulus would explain the attachment the Black brothers held for these books? Although, given how attached the two brothers were to just these books, and what he knew about their childhood, maybe he didn't want to know.
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calydriarpg · 3 months
Les académies
Académie des Chevaucheurs (dans la région de Argenfels) :
Processus d'admission : Les étudiants doivent être conscient des risques liés à cette académie. En effet, c'est la plus dangereuse en raison du caractère capricieux des Ethéria, mais aussi des cours de vol et pour finir les chevaucheurs font partie de la première ligne. Beaucoup d'étudiants meurt pendant les entraînements sur le terrain.
Programme d'études : Les étudiants apprennent les techniques de communication télépathique et de combat monté. Au fil des années, les alchimistes ont développés des selles pour sécuriser les cavaliers, cependant pendant les premières années d'étude ils doivent apprendre à tenir sur un Etheria sans selle. Ils étudient également l'anatomie et le comportement des Etheria, ainsi que les stratégies de combat aérien.
Formation continue et service militaire : Les diplômés de l'Académie des Chevaucheurs sont intégrés dans les escadrons de montures aériennes de l'armée d'Erydor, où ils participent à des missions de reconnaissance, de patrouille et de combat aérien contre les forces ennemies.
Durée de la formation : 6 années complète sont nécessaire pour être capable d'être suffisamment aguerri au combat aérien, terrestre, au développement de la connexion avec son Etheria et leur compétence spécial qui se développe une fois le lien activé.
Connexion éthérique : Ce sont les Etheria qui choisissent leur cavalier et ils sont très exigeants. En général, les premières connexions arrivent vers la troisième année mais certains ne se lie qu'à leur dernière année. Le cavalier et l'Etheria seront en mesure de parler télépathiquement, un cavalier ne peut pas entendre un autre Etheria que son lié.
Académie des Élémentaires (dans la réagion de Drakonia) :
Processus d'admission : Les candidats sont évalués sur leur capacité à manipuler les éléments naturels et leur affinité avec l'une des six formes de magie élémentaire (air, feu, terre, eau, lumière, ombre). Ils doivent démontrer leur contrôle et leur compréhension des pouvoirs magiques lors d'épreuves pratiques.
Programme d'études : Les étudiants apprennent à canaliser et à contrôler leur élément de prédilection à travers des exercices de concentration, de méditation et de pratique magique. Ils étudient également la théorie et la philosophie de la magie, ainsi que les applications pratiques de leurs pouvoirs dans le combat et la vie quotidienne.
Formation continue et service militaire : Les diplômés de l'Académie des Élémentaires sont intégrés dans les unités magiques de l'armée d'Erydor, où ils utilisent leurs pouvoirs pour soutenir les troupes au combat, manipuler les éléments naturels pour créer des obstacles ou des armes, et protéger les frontières du continent contre les attaques ennemies.
Durée de formation : entre 3 et 6 ans selon la maîtrise de l'étudiant.
Bénédiction : Uniquement la maîtrise d'un élément est possible, pendant les 3 premières années les étudiants découvre la magie qui réagit le mieux à leur ancrage et c'est autour de cet élément que les étudiants se focaliseront. Ils maîtriseront uniquement un élément.
Académie des Alchimistes (dans la région de Valoria) :
Processus d'admission : Les candidats doivent démontrer leur aptitude à la science et à la magie, ainsi que leur créativité et leur ingéniosité dans la manipulation des substances chimiques. Ils doivent également passer des tests de connaissances pratiques en alchimie et en pharmacologie.
Programme d'études : Les étudiants apprennent les principes de base de l'alchimie, y compris la préparation des potions, des élixirs et des poisons, ainsi que la fabrication d'objets magiques et d'artefacts enchantés. Ils étudient également la botanique, la chimie et d'autres disciplines scientifiques connexes.
Formation continue et service militaire : Les diplômés de l'Académie des Alchimistes sont intégrés dans les unités de soutien logistique de l'armée d'Erydor, où ils fournissent des potions de guérison, des explosifs alchimiques et d'autres ressources essentielles pour les troupes sur le terrain.
Durée de formation : 4 années pour que les alchimistes finissent leur étude. Ils seront déployés sur le terrain selon leur spécialisation.
Spécialisation : les alchimistes pourront être spécialisé dans les domaines suivant : les artéfacts (selle, armure, armes etc...), les potions défensives, les potions offensives.
Ndlr : Rappel chaque Erydiens possède un ancrage, un lien avec la magie qui vit dans chaque être vivants sur Calydria, uniquement les années d'études permet de développer un certain aspect de cet ancrage. Pour les chevaucheurs ce sera leur lien avec l'Etheria et la capacité spéciale qu'ils développeront avec ce lien, les élémentaristes sera leur maîtrise d'une des 6 formes de magies et les alchimistes leur capacité à modifier des éléments environnement de la nature comme les plantes, les pierres etc.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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A few more fabulous masks by Severine Gallardo, French fiber artist originally from Angoulême, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Marseille in 2000, but not in disciplines regarding textiles. In fact, as she herself says, the study of these subjects was not at all encouraged by art schools.
The encounter with threads and fabrics took place thanks to the precious know-how transmitted to her by her grandmothers since childhood and was the starting point of what later on became an artistic path based on the language of textiles that refers to the traditional techniques of felting, embroidery and knitting.
In 2007 the artist also founded, together with Franck Guyon, the publishing house Marguerite Waknine for which she manages the collection Le Cabinet de Dessin.
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