#technically not looking back if his eyes arent...open...
ficklefood · 1 year
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I strain my eyes and try / to tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites / from the passenger seat as / you are driving me home
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sillyyuserr · 7 months
A longer, more in depth (9 parts all in one) terukane analysis, and/or everything i could find, compiled (one of my better pieces of work imo) ⭐️
Ok so it might be the fact that i ship them so i see alot of things they do as possibly romantic even when theres no romantic implications, but the amount of times it feels like AidaIro seems to be implying that teru likes akane is getting to a suspiciously high number. Like lets look at this from a non-shipper’s pov (or at least try😭)
Item A: teru looking at akane
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Without the context that he’s looking at akane, he genuinely looks like he’s showing something of raw emotion, unchanged by his “fake persona” but a genuine reaction. Looking at this picture at face value one would assume he’s big time crushing. I mean i wouldn’t say “omg hes so in lovveee!!!” But considering he doesn’t really open up to like anyone, i think this is definitely something??
Item B: them going together on a romantic outing
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Yes i did make it sound much more compelling then it actually is but cmon man. The school festival is considered a “romantic event” and these two spent the entire time hanging around the school together. Giving the excuse that "it's our job being in the student council" (which i guess it is) but in reality it was because no one wanted to come with them.
Which i mean they also did technically go on an actual date together
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also nene looking like a hamster 😭😭
Item C: teru trusting akane more than anyone (?)
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Teru likes talking to akane, trusts his intellect, and considers him someone he can rely on but doesn't like it when his whole world starts to revolve around aoi. My guy, that's jealousy.
He is shown to trust him and even show his back to him in multiple instances, knowing he wont hurt him, and he’s someone he can trust (lets ignore what happens on the literal next page)
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Even literally being one of those “i fight alone” type of people but when akane’s there, he’s never fighting alone
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Item D: not sure if thats whats happening here but im pretty sure he tried rizzing akane(?) even blushing n shit like ‘oh no mr judge im not guilty🥺💄💋’
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And then got agitated when it didn’t work
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Item E: akane knows teru better than we think
When kou and teru were fighting, the reason teru even walked out in the first place was because of the fireworks. And whos idea was that?
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Akane’s. He knew he liked fireworks and that they’d lure him out of his room. And again, he was right they did it fact get him to leave
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Item F: valentines day event
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i dont think i even need to break this one down. Its a picture of JUST them TOGETHER posted on VALENTINES DAY. 2/14/24. THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY THAT CELEBRATES NONE OTHER THAN ROMANTIC LOVE. Also teru’s color being used as akane’s sparkles and akane’s color being used as teru’s sparkles kinda shows that AidaIro arent just showing us two characters, they’re showing us TERU and AKANE, TOGETHER. If it really could be anyone im sure they’d put them in a general setting, but with the paired colors i’d say that says otherwise.
some might say they’re looking at eachother
Item G: possible fruit symbolism
first off, this picture.
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First lets look at hanako’s. We can see he has two drinks, both red + with strawberries, along with a red straw. While also being pictured near other red fruits.
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In this picture, nene’s flower(s) are literally strawberry flowers, putting the association between strawberries + nene out there. Meaning the strawberries in his drink could be purposeful, along with the red undertones. (red being her eye color) (sorry for quality im doin this on iPhone)
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Moving on to teru’s, he has one drink, being yellow-ish with pineapple on the side, and chunks in the drink itself. Whilst his straw is orange, while also being pictured around a ginormous pinapple
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And this isnt the first time we’ve seen him pictured with pineapples
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This god awful picture unfortunately exists so im adding it as proof/evidence for my argument. (Oh and not to mention akane has green pants on so everyone’s a lil funky igs)
notice how as soon they got to his house his outfit changed? This is him when they got to his house (clearly in a long-sleeve shirt, not the hoodie)
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this is him with akane + nene going on a date
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All within the same chapter i think, but him changing outfits i feel like says something. Like we’re supposed to associate that with something other than aoi (them talking ab how to save her at his house) or his family. Like aidairo are shoving it in your face ‘disassociate teru w aoi!!!’ He even straight up left when they started talking ab how they missed aoi at the karaoke place. (More or so when he left they started talking but ykwim) Since nene is being associated with strawberries it leaves the only other person to be akane, this also making sense also because of the straw color. (The straw being orange; akane’s rep color being orange, as nene’s is red)
also the fact that fruit is literally associated with the queer community
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Item H: triangles + queer symbolism
Quick history lesson, A triangle has been a symbol for the queer community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had been identified by authorities as gay men. In the 1970s, it was again, reclaimed as a symbol of protest against homophobia, and has since been adopted by the larger queer community as a popular symbol of queer pride. More or so, the upsidown triangle. and guess whos ALWAYS wearing a fucking upsidown triangle
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My guy has one for EVERY OUTFIT 😭 he’s just ab the only character to have this. Aidairo finds a way to sneak an upsidown triangle in all of his outfits
Item I: extras
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This picture. Him holding akane’s shirt and aoi’s bag really shows that AidaIro REALLY doesn’t want us to know which one he likes 😭 (if you’re confused, to sum it up AidaIro did a really good job keeping teru’s stance on the “love triangle” between akane, teru and aoi, ambiguous. If you are STILL confused go check out my other analysies i only have like 5 other posts, they go more in depth ab it)
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Him looking at akane after he ate his “home made cooking” 😭 ALSO HIS EYES?? Dude they’re glistening. And the slight blush too
In the “kiss comic” part of the art book, not only are teru and akane’s on the same page, but they also look like they go together
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Thats all i got for now (´-ω-`) MAN this took me like 5 different consecutive days. I wrote like 3 parts on one day, 2 more parts the next, and 1 more part today. 😭 hope you enjoyed and this re-gave you faith that terukane might be canon one day 😔 fake it till you make it
Feel free to comment and tell me ab anything i may have missed!! :3
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
dang it i just got another little drabble
a late call on a stormy night with miggy.
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imagine calling miguel in the middle of the night when it's raining, when you should be asleep, when you should be catching up on all the nights you should've been resting when instead all you've done was stay up and carry the multiverse on your shoulders along with him.
you know you should be sleeping, you know your body would thank you so damn much right now for falling asleep, maybe for days on end and just think of nothing. but you're not. you're wide awake because of the thunder clapping in the distance, the flashes of lightning that strike through the sky and evoke for your eyelids to fly open and forget your need to sleep.
rainy nights are wonderful to listen to, but stormy nights are the pits.
you sighed as you rubbed your eyes with your palms, wishing that the overwhelming sounds and sights would vanish as soon as they came; but unfortunately, the weather gave no sign of relenting, and you gave no sign of wanting to sleep any time soon.
you sat up in your bed, feeling like absolute crap since it's been days since your last full cycle of sleep. you ran on nothing but energy bars, instant coffee, and general workaholism. you sighed as you got up and checked your phone for the latest weather forecast, trying to distract yourself from the rain pouring outside your window and from the roaring of thunder outside.
you looked through your messages, nothing new there. but as soon as you were about to close your phone to try and regain some motivation to sleep, you received a notification from your colleague, miguel o'hara. you grumbled as you opened the conversation, hoping with all your might that he wouldn't unreasonably summon you to HQ to handle some technical problems yet again.
as soon as you opened the conversation, all you were greeted with was a singular, "are you up right now?"
you blinked in confusion, but you felt obliged to reply. "ye, wsp?" you messaged. you weren't scared of casually messaging miguel like that, unliked everyone else, you were the only one he had more casual talks with, someone he actually found comfort and fun in talking to, which was incredibly rare for the man since all he thought of was the fate of the multiverse or something.
"can we talk? like, right now." he messaged back. "but arent we talking rn" you were in the middle of typing, when all of a sudden, the screen changed from your messages with him to the screen of a call from him coming on your phone. you nearly jumped at the abrupt transition, but you bore it anyway. you clicked the accept button on the call, and you saw your own face being lit up solely by the blue light being emitted from your phone on your screen, and his end being... just his ceiling.
"uh, did you call me, or did a ghost do it for you?" you joked. "ay, mierda, sorry." miguel said hastily as he soon picked up the phone, and in a flash, you went from looking up at his boring, beige ceiling, to suddenly seeing his sculpted, tanned face; seeing up close his left hazelnut brown eye and a furrowed eyebrow. "guess i accidentally clicked the call button, sorry." he cleared up as he angled the camera to his face properly, a sign he didn't want to end the call right then and there.
you smiled as you saw him. "looking good, o'hara, for a half-asleep mess of a man." you remarked, to which he rolled his eyes, unamused. "haha, thanks." he said as he cracked a small smile as he looked away from the camera for a second. "did you get any sleep?" you asked as the thunder clapped yet again in the distance, causing you to shake a little.
he shook his head. "got too much to think about to sleep." he admitted as he looked at your shaken figure. "you okay?" he asked as he heard the rumbling of the thunder in the distance. "oh, i suppose not." he muttered as he looked at you, who got back into bed and curled up under the covers.
miguel looked at you with some form of sympathy in his eyes. "do you... want me to, oh nevermind." he put down his suggestion as he turned away, about to head back into bed himself and end the call. "to what?" you pressed him as he was about to drop the call. his finger hovered over the end call button, but he soon pulled it back and looked at you for a few seconds before he continued his thought. "would you like me to... talk to you for the night?" he suggested as he looked at you, your eyes looking back at his own, which made him look away for a little to compose himself.
"i, um... i know how much you hate the sound of thunder and the sudden flashes of lightning, i hate them, too." he admitted as he looked away from you still, trying to get to the point of what he was trying to tell you. "and, um... the way i get through them when it rains that bad here is by talking to lyla, but i remembered you don't have anyone like her, so... here i am, talking to you right now, and, uh... yeah." he mumbled.
you slowly smiled at each and every word he uttered, it made you feel like you weren't alone that night, even if you two were worlds apart, and living alone in your own homes. you nodded. "how charming." you said with a slight chuckle as you set up your phone directly across from your face as you snuggled up in your bed as the rain kept pouring and hammering down your windows and roof. "talk to me." you told him in a gentle voice as he looked at you finally and chuckled himself.
"alright..." he began as he initiated some small talk with you, which, as the long hours of the night went on, became long-winded conversations you two had almost all the time when you two were together in person. you two laughed, smiled, frowned a little, and comforted each other as the rain got louder at times, as the thunder clapped, and as the lightning striked.
"i'm so glad..." you trailed off as you yawned and miguel smiled a little seeing your yawning face. "...you were the one i could talk to tonight." you admitted to him with a grin on your face. "hey, same here." he said as he looked into your eyes from across the screen. you two didn't end the call there, however, you two kept talking to each other for a longer while throughout the night; seeming as though the night was the only time you two were truly active, truly yourselves.
the morning came not long after, and you woke up, having only remembered a few bits of the conversations you had late at night. it was pretty fuzzy, seeing as how you were sleep deprived for a week and could barely sleep due to the damned storm. you sighed as you sat up in bed, content with having at least a few hours of unbothered rest.
but soon, you jolted up in your bed to hear a guttural snore next to you. you looked around you, of course no one else was next to you physically, your bed was too small for it, plus you lived alone. then who was...? you turned around and found your phone, barely hanging on to its last percentage of battery, with miguel's sleeping face on there; him snoring loudly all the while as he mumbled your name in his sleep.
you chuckled. "good morning, miggy." you greeted him, to which miguel found himself waking up to. "hang on, i wanna talk to y... oh." he said in a groggy voice as he saw your face on his screen, with bed head and a sweet smile. "shit, how long's this been on?" he asked with a chuckle. "probably for hours." you pointed out.
he sat up in bed and turned to look at your face in the screen. "you look... pretty." he remarked as he brought his phone closer to his face. "so do you." you said in a sleepy voice. "can we, um... do what we did last night every night?" he asked in a sleepy, yet hopeful voice. "if you're up for it." you teased. "i'm always up for seeing you the moment i sleep to the moment i wake up." he admitted with a sma blush on his face. "always." he repeated as his face disappeared from your screen, with a black screen replacing him in his wake. you sighed but smiled as well, knowing you'd see him today.
"guess i'm grateful for the thunder and lightning at least once in my life."
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @luvstarrstruck
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despairots · 9 months
uhmuhm! can i be smile anon!!
i have a silly request, you dont have to write if you aren't taking requests but like,, gojou with like some kind of makima vessel reader
like how they would get along and stuff ^_^
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#BITE ME, g. satoru!
you weren’t known by gojo until you were introduced. surprisingly enough, he wasn’t the only one with charming eyes (and terrifying powers).
content warning: swearing, r! has makima’s abilities and eyes but they don’t necessarily look like her, gender neutral! reader, r! wears a white button up with a black tie, a black blazer hung around their shoulders, black dress pants and a bandage wrapped around their neck (honestly like 15! dazai), etc.
authors note: u absolutely can!!! <3 my requests arent open but i really liked this request :3 im sorry if this is bad or not exactly what u want but i tried :( and so sorry this is late!!
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knowingly enough, gojo satoru was known to be charmed and blessed with eyes that most people swoon for ever since he was a child. not only blessed with charming eyes but finally born with both limitless and six eyes, the first one in 500 years.
because of that, he was spoiled rotten (how horrible!) but no one can deny that he didn’t deserve it. after all, after 500 years of the gojo clan producing, they finally got a kid who changed the balance of the world.
after he turned the rip age of 28, he noticed a person always wake by his classroom with a man beside them. the one thing that caught his attention, was the energy they gave off.
not once did he notice the eyes that pierced through his black blindfolds.
the first time he was formally introduced to them, was that one time where nobara was introduced to megumi and yuuji. he didn’t notice it as first but he realized you were the person walking pass his classroom all the time.
time for the friendship headcanons!
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at first, gojo’s first impression of you, was how calm and collected your composure was with some joking antics here and there. you were mostly there just in case gojo wasn’t able to be there with them.
in general, gojo thought you were trying to compete with him because of how you came close to strongest sorcerer (selfish).
i don’t have a grasp understanding of how you two became friends, actually… i don’t think you would necessarily be friends, more like people who trust eachother, have eachothers back and holding respect for each but at the same time, you two don’t trust eachother.
it’s a weird friendship, though, sometimes you two got along, talking and joking around. the next thing you know, you two are ignoring eachother like you never even knew the other.
the concept of friends didn’t scream anything to you, friends didn’t come close to you with how you picture him. in shorter terms, you saw most people like pawns, a means to your plans. gojo was just there.
most of the times, he annoyed you a lot, you could see the way nanami didn’t want to step an inch to gojo (considering how he’s younger than gojo, yet looks older then him. how odd?).
despite everything you two go through as teachers and partners, there are no growth in your “friendship”, as both of your students call it. it’s not what you’re expecting but from the beginning, gojo has had an off feeling about you.
the first time gojo witnessed your technique, was during the shibuya arc; where he massacred a bunch of transfigured humans. you were there helping him, after all, what type of person would you be?
as i said, even though you’re not necessarily friends, you two still have eachothers back.
when time passes, there was a feeling in your stomach whenever you would hang around with gojo, that shoko would explain to you as ‘fondness’.
he was starting to look more like a friend than just a pawn, a nauseous (that didn’t change actually). though, he doesn’t automatically get a pass because the two of you started to call eachother actually friends.
the trio saw the way you two were always with eachother, technically glued to eachothers side and always being there for the other.
gojo, still ever being hungover his ex, saw just a glimpse of him in you, that was partially the reason why he grew closer to you but at the same time, he grew worried that something might happen to you.
without a doubt, even though he’s a complete cocky, egotistical, idiot of a man, his one weakness is his big heart. that’s the first thing you noticed about him. it wasn’t his looks, his energy, or how he was the strongest, it was his big heart that he so desperately tried to hide away.
there’s development to both parties.
you, started to think of him like an actual friend, someone you cared about, and no doubt about it, someone you would sulk over if he ever disappeared.
gojo, who— praying to the lord— for once, will try to get over his ex when he’s with you, there’s something about you that makes everything that’s happening disappear, he needs comfort, you provide that to him.
oh boy. why would you ever date him?
how did you even start dating him?
yet again, i don’t have a grasp understanding on how the dating started but i could give a brief explanation of how the feelings developed from there on.
the fondness you get from being around him developed into something where, if he ever got hurt or someone said something to him, you would go ballistic.
he’s someone you genuinely started to cherish and for someone to say or do anything to him would send you to a toxic state. it’ll have him a lot of time to convince you not to harm this person or curse.
eventually, the feelings than letter on developed into, again, what shoko would explain to you, as love. you had rejected the idea of love for ages because you thought you weren’t able to ever feel it. gojo proved that wrong.
gojo’s a nauseous to be around, but knowing him for quite some time made him into a pleasing nauseous. gojo started to pick up that your starting to enjoy bringing around him that he started to tease you about it.
you wouldn’t lie and say the teasing was annoying, it was but it wasn’t the same annoying as before.
when gojo started to fall for you, he quickly tried to bury it before it got out of hand. remember that breakup scene at the kfc? yeah… he doesn’t want that again. let alone fall in love again.
he already lost geto, he can’t lose you. everything he’s ever loved and didn’t want to lose, is lost the moment he gains it.
though, he’d drop signs, massive signs or just small signs, they’re there. even though of what i just said, he’s whipped for you. so down horrendous, my lord.
when you two do get in a relationship, gojo’s touch starved and it shows. he needs to have some sort of contact with you or he’ll sulk in a corner. for a matter of fact, if he doesn’t get atleast 5 kisses each day, he’ll ignore you out of spite until you do kiss him. that’s when he gives you a kiss attack.
i won’t go deep into the intimate details, you can dream about those yourself but i will say, he’s fucking crazy in there (and so are you!)
you’re absolutely spoiled by him, he loves you so why not just give you everything. regardless of that, he knows both of you don’t have enough time, so he tries to make it count by making you happy.
he loves the sparkle in your eye when he surprises you with gifts you adore.
the same goes for you, knowing he’s touch starved, you try and shower him in affection as much as you can before the two of you depart on missions that don’t involve you two partnering up.
knowingly enough, pda is a must in the relationship. though, gojo will stop if you don’t like it, he’s a dick but he’s a good dick (no pun intended).
even though, there’s not enough time and both of your lives are on the line since you’re jujutsu sorcerers, you’re both grateful you had enough time to confess.
oh, and gojo swoons over you, annoying megumi when you’re not there.
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luvyeni · 9 months
Heyy omg i love your work! I had a request and im really sorry if requests arent open when you read this but i wanted to request meandom jeno getting mad at reader for flirting with his friend at a party and ends up fucking reader in his friends room. Thank you if you do decide to write this💗
p. fwb!jeno x fem bodied reader | warnings: 18+ content (mdni!!), unprotected sex, rough sex, cumming inside | words: 0.4k ~ (448) 🐶ㆍ₊⊹
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“you think this shit is funny?” He growled in your ear — the music playing in the background along with laughing, signaling that you weren’t alone — the party going on right outside the door.
“what are you talking about?” You smirked, yelping his bit your skin neck. “fuck!” he marked your skin. “j-jeno.” You whimpered, he licked the marks he made, your panties soaking through.
“flirting with haechan — showing off that short skirt , you wanted him to look at those pretty panties didn’t you.” He slapped your ass, throwing you on to the bed. “fucking slut.” He undid his pants letting them fall to his ankles. “you’re fucking mine.”
Technically no — you weren’t his, he was the one who decided to keep it casual, but seeing you flirt with his friend, rubbing all on his arm while you pressed your chest against him, giving him a shot of your tits — it pissed him off.
He couldn’t help himself, coming up to both of you, dragging you away from the boy and up the steps — but not to his room, he took you straight to haechans room, closing the door.
“Gonna fuck you on his bed.” He slid your panties to the side, toying with your folds with the tip of his cock. “make a mess with your slutty pussy.” He groaned, pushing into your waiting hole, both of you moaning out in pleasure, the people outside heard you but they probably didn’t care.
He began to rock his hips, his cock dragging deliciously against your walls.  “fu-fuck jeno , faster.” You moaned out, his hand came up to your neck, squeezing as he speeds up. “y-yeah -fuck- such a tight cunt.” He groaned. “this pussy belongs to me.”
He used the pad of his thumb, rubbing figure eights on your clit. “he'll never fuck you the way I could.” He hit deeper, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. “you think he could fuck you dumb like I could.” You yelped as he pinched your clit. “shit! m'gonna cum!”
“yeah? gonna cum?” he groaned. “cum all over my cock hm?” you nodded dumbly, the knot in your stomach tightening. “make a mess, cum all over his sheets.” He commanded.
Your legs shook as you came screaming his name as he continued to plow into you, chasing his own high. “fu-fuck im gonna cum inside you.” He grunted, his cum filling up your cunt. “shit, you made such a mess.”
He pulled out but not fully , making you look up at him , wide eyes as he pushed back in, you screamed in overstimulation.
“Im not gonna stop until you squirt all over his bed.”
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Entrapped Arc 2
Lucifer woke up to a beautiful sight, his mate snuggled into his arms dead asleep. The both of them were as naked as the day they were created. For the past week the two mates had been riding out the heat together on all time fuck streak. Day after day Lucifer and Ada would spend them making the most passionate love between the two, only stopping to eat and rest. Lucifer smiled as he sniffed his new Queens neck. No more heat, it seemed, judging by the lack of intense hormone filled air. Suddenly Ada’s eyes fluttered opened and she gave him a small tired smile
Ada: Morning Luci, (kisses his lips then turns away) no offense babe, but I thought I had bad morning breath, you have the whole cave of it
Luci: (chuckles) Well I am known for smelling like the most foul of things. 
Ada laughed as well but suddenly felt a little nauseous the more she smelt it. Quickly she got out of Lucifer’s hold and ran toward the bathroom. Lucifer quickly followed suit when he heard the sound of vomiting coming from it. He crouched behind his mate and proceeded to rub her back until she was done.
Lucifer: Are you alright?
Ada: Yeah I’m fine, I think since it’s been so long since I’ve been in heat that my body just isn’t used to it.
Lucifer: Mm, probably right, anyway I hope your not too sick to go out
Ada: Out where?
Lucifer: To Charlie’s hotel, to tell her the news about us, as well as the other residents. Since she sees them as family after all
Ada grimaced, she didn’t want to go to the place where she obliterated her now technically step daughters home, maim many of her friends, and watched from afar as Steve killed one of her residents when he was observing the battle and a blimp with a sinner got in the way. She sighed thinking of how many of those residents most likely wanted her head on a pike.
Lucifer: Hey, it’s going to be ok, look Charlie knows about the story of Eden and while she may not know the whole full details of what Steve put you through she knows that you were forced to do things you didn’t want to, and that underneath the harsh exterior you have on now is the same sweet, kind women who loved all animals whether they were a giant lion, or a tiny duck. 
Gently he turns her toward him and places a hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on it. She nuzzled into the hand then looks back to see his kind eyes staring at her with so much adoration 
Lucifer: That is the person I fell deeply in love with all those years ago, and she is the same person I’m still madly in love with. We’ll get through this Ada, me and you
Ada: But what if she hates me?
Lucifer: Maybe, maybe not, but if I know Charlie it won’t be for long. After all, she believes in the philosophy that everyone can change. That is literally the main reason she built that hotel. It’ll take time I’m sure, but eventually she’ll see the amazing omega I see. 
Ada gave him a watery smile before hugging him. They stayed like that for a couple minutes before Lucifer pulled away. 
Lucifer: Welp, let’s get dressed then we can head to the hotel
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hey thanks for accepting this ask. So what I wanted to ask is how the amazing digital circus crew would react to a reader who's a strong hero...that's incredibly optimistic, dense and Guilable thinking that the world acts like a cartoon/comic sometimes
TADC cast x comic hero type reader!
meant to start knocking out these last two requests earlier this morning but i had to clean up the house a bit; but im finally getting onto it! reminder that requests are currently closed and any requests sent in will not be answered and will be deleted to keep the inbox clean; so please keep your requests until i announce theyre open again! plan on taking a day or two off to rest my brain n back as well as catching up on art and my own personal fic. the requests being answered currently were sent in prior to requests closing with that said, i hope you enjoy this anon!!
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honestly i think caine would be the same way, not exactly but i think he would some of the cluelessness in terms of how the real world works... except its mostly with the non digital real world; call it inexperience or something! lets you play hero during the IHA.. honestly you kind of fit right in with your personality, with tropes and being a stereotypical comic book hero, if not a little naïve. pretends he doesnt recognize you when you walk around in your "citizens disguise"
likes coming up with villain npcs for you to fight during adventures
initial confusion when she sees you just walking around with a tie plastered to your chest, asks you what its for as well as dropping your name. even more shocked that youre shocked that she knows who you are. kind of just accepts this is a thing you do and doesnt question it, especially as she settles into the digital world.. at least youre handy during IHA.. i think during my little break i might try to figure out how i wish to right pomni because i really do wish i made her stuff more... interesting
honestly i think she would make you stuff to add to your disguise. doesnt want to shatter the illusion for you so she just tries to casually give you stuff out of the kindness of her heart... which isnt... totally wrong.. honestly i dont think she would try to change you or bring up the bad disguise thing so long as its not somehow putting you in danger. in fact i think she finds your whole hero personality endearing, you guys are both optimistic and its nice to be around someone who isnt just. losing their marbles or being a dick.. plus, you arent technically wrong to view the digital world as a cartoon, i mean, look at it and look at the physics of the world and all
oh he is going to be a menace, probably makes a joke villain persona to mess with you only for you to immediately gun for him and deal with his "evil antics",, i mean hey as long as jax doesnt put his silly little villain mask back on you wouldnt suspect a thing... maybe... i think he would roll his eyes at some of the things you say, since youre way more optimistic and out there than ragatha... probably uses your gullible..ness... as a means to trick you
honestly the "as a royal myself" line he dropped in the pilot makes me think that at some level he believes himself to be a real king; or maybe he was just REALLY playing into his whole theming and he knows hes just some dude but was trying to appeal to the gloink queen... what im trying to say is that i think there might actually be a solid chance he fully leans into your hero thing, and perhaps even falls for your disguise (if him constantly forgetting gangle is standing right next to him says anything about his observation skills and/or mental state)
similar to jax but also not. finds your optimism a little too much sometimes; especially if youre very outwardly social and friendly so its not like you swoop in to do your hero duties but you also stop to talk to the 'civilians' of the circus.. though unlike jax they wouldnt try to trick you, nor do i think they would exactly be mean to you. a little irritable by your energy and attitude, maybe, but i think zooble gets irritated by almost everyone in the circus.. reluctantly plays along with your disguise
i think she would be into it, probably draws you in your non-disguise outfit. you get fanart, yay! probably similar to pomni in the whole, just accepts how you are both as a person and with your antics, but i think she just accepts everything everyone else does! not much to say, shes a fan of it and if you stand up for her when jax is mean thats just an added bonus for her
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nomizombie · 8 months
König’s first CNY 🧧🥢🎊
boyfriend!König x afab?GN!reader
[SFW/Fluff/Wholesome] ; basically celebrating lny/cny with ur boyfriend, könig (very self indulgent haha), i guess this one is aimed towards people with female bodies? … since the reader wears a qipao, but if you wanna wear one and you have a male body thats okay too! :)), no usage of pronouns, no y/n
[A/N] ; 新年快乐 (xīn nián kuài lè) to my fellow chinese/singaporeans/anyone else celebrating!! Just got my ang paos from my extended family. Ahh I think my back is gonna break from the amount of bowing i had to do tho…
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He had never seen so many people wearing red at the same time. Red floral qipaos, red bows, red shirts, and of course… red envelopes.
That morning, you handed him one too, although you arent technically aren't supposed to.
He accepted it, a puzzled look in his eyes as he opened it and expected a letter of some kind. Instead, a couple euros laid within.
“Lieb, what is this?” He asked, very very confused.
“It's an ang bao, silly.” you laughed.
He stared at it again, even more confused. Perplexed eyes roaming all over the package.
“An, ang… bao?” He struggled to pronounce it, german accent and all.
“For chinese new year.” You happily smiled at him while he clutched the bright red envelope in between his massive fingers.
“You give me… money?” He asked again, worried you thought he was in need.
“You really dont have to i have enough schatzi-“
“No, no, no! Its a tradition!” You giggled, “every CNY you give away red packets to kids and other adults!”
He blinked at you.
“So you give me money for…?”
“Just take it!” You pressed the envelope against him.
He smiled at you.
“Chinese new year is awesome.” He laughed.
Later that day, as the two of you were getting dressed to visit your relatives, he stumbled into your room looking for his watch. Thats when he found you staring at yourself in the mirror, donning a scarlet qipao.
He couldve sworn his jaw dropped.
You turned around, red, fitting since its chinese new year.
“König! Youre done already?”
He continued staring at you, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“You look… really good.” Is all he could manage. How was he supposed to put your beauty into words?
You stared up at him as you tugged at the sides of the floral garment nervously.
“Thanks.” You said, eyes dropping to the floor in embarrassment.
He smiled at your bashfulness. He had seen you wear dresses a million times at this point but for some reason, a qipao was different.
Once the two of you arrived at your relatives home, he was immediately bombarded with a tsunami of aunts and uncles fawning over him. Labelling him as your “tall boy”.
While he was left in a encircling swarm of relatives pinching at his cheeks and asking him questions that were much too personal, you were free to eat as much of the feast without any ‘thats too much’ remarks. Also free to pray to the shrine in the corner without some stingy uncle saying your ‘qipao was too short’.
You would have to cuddle him for a few hours at least as an apology. His limit is 2 people for a maximum of half an hour.
When he finally broke free from the crowd of relatives, he found you curled up on the couch watching a lion dance performance on TV. He playfully slapped your shoulder, clearly feeling betrayed after you abandoned him.
“Sorry.” You cheekily grinned at him. You were full of delicious food and he was drained of all his energy. Eh, he’d live.
“Can we go home now..?” He said meekly, voice raspy from all the answering he had done. More words said in one hour than he had ever said in a year.
You rubbed his head as he dropped it into the crook of your neck.
“Sure. Just let me get one more bite of the roast duck and then-“
He stopped you, pressing a finger to your lips.
“I swear I will die here, schatz. If we dont leave now, I might go insane.” He hissed at you.
You laughed. He was always so dramatic. Either way, he would have to get used to it. You planned on bringing him to every gathering from now on.
“新年快乐, König.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, snickering.
新年快乐 = xīn nián kuài lè ("happy chinese new year")
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oh god my back still hurts from all the bowing 😭😭 ang paos make the pain worth it tho :33
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paintedcow96 · 2 months
Another preveiw of a special update I did...
~~~KAI'S P.O.V~~~
I wake up to Benjis warm mouth around my cock.
"Good morning daddy" he says looking up at me from under the covers.
"baby whats this about? its 8 AM" I ask him as he continues bobbing.
"Its fathers day daddy?"
"B-benji I told you Im your boyfriend, we arent celebrating fathers day even tho im your 'daddy' " I say rubbing my eyes open.
"I know but I like embarrassing you, it's funny" he says and then goes straight back to blowing me.
God he's such an adorable pain in the ass. If he's gonna be sucking me off i should at least enjoy it. It is a great way to wake up.
I grab his hair and start fucking his face.
"You like it when daddy fucks your face dont you baby?" I say. His throat is so tight. I'm close.
I start fucking him faster so I can climax. "Cumming!" I say right as I cum straight down his throat.
"Swallow" He swallows.
"Show" He shows me his mouth to prove he swallowed everything. He did as usual.
"Good boy, clean up daddys cock now, would ya?"
He licks my dick to clean off anything left.
"Come here pretty baby show daddy that sexy mouth" I say. He crawls up my body to meet my face and straddle my stomach.
"you're such good boy, do you have a kiss for me?"
"Yes daddy" he says as he kisses me.
"I am going to punish you no mater how nice that was"
"No! daddy please!"
"Sorry baby boy, but you're sitting in the backseat for the next three days for Ignoring my instructions"
"Please! Daddy Please!"
"Darling begging won't get you anywhere"
"Boo! Normally it does" he pouts.
"You're so damn cute when you pout"
"Daddy I'm hungry"
"But you just ate, didn't you baby? " I say stroking his hair.
He giggles before saying "well technically but I want food not just your cock. Even though you cock is very delicious"
"You want to cook with me? "
"Yeah! " he says "Happy daddy's day"
"Im not a father nor a dad Benji"
"What if I was pregnant! Maybe you are a father and this is my way to tell you! "
"You're a cis man baby you can't get pregnant"
"What if this is the omegaverse and we have no idea! "
"We'd know"
"Buzz kill"
"Daddy! "
"Yes baby? "
"I have another suprise for you" he shouts from our bedroom.
Oh my god.
"Benji I swear to god-"
"Hi daddy" he says...
Benji is a horny bastard if you haven't learned that by now. If you want to read them fucking like crazy and a bunch more breeding jokes read RAINBOW ROPES ONE SHOTS by PaintedCow on wattpad & ao3 (links on pinned post)
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So, hello and welcome to whumptober day six proof of life. Im doing "ive got a pulse" because... fun? I guess? And day seven will arrive eventually as well as day seven of suptober, anyway today im doing a stargate atlantis one today because i can and no one can stop me. So... have fun <3
Whumptober day 6- proof of life (ive got a pulse)
"John!" Teyla called itching trying to tear off the suit she was wearing. With Mkcay's suit already off due to his near constant compaints of an allergic reaction to the fabric or whatever, he dove in immediately. Once in the icy water he immediately had to surprise the urge to gasp in shock but he had to stay on task. John had been stunned and fell into a body of water, his suit was torn from an earlier interaction with a rusty nail, they all had written it off thinking of it as little more than a minor inconvinience meaning they would have to mend it later, however when it had snagged on thick branch the entire chest of his suit had torn clean open. But it didnt matter in the moment, all that mckay knew was unconscious human plus body of water usually meant a drowned man. Mckay swam fast and hard through the icy water his eyes stunning from the salt content of the water, he shot through the water like a bullet sheddingnhis jacket behind him as he moved to cut down on the drag. He finalky caught sight of the military man's black hair and repositioned himself appropriately to propell towards him efficiently.
He grabbed a hold of the mans vest hauling him up by the shoulder, he kicked hard pulling him up as he swam, his vision blurring from the lack of oxygen and fighting the urge to take a deep inhale. He finally reached the sufrace watching teyla and ronon run towards him on the beach, he held shepherd's head above the water, listeing for any sounds of breath... none. He cursed lightly before feeling teyla and ronon pull the man (more drag really) ashore. Mckay climbed out after him before kneeling next to the man.
"Ok, come on shepherd. Come on." He felt the mans kneck looking for the reliable comforting thump beneath his finger tips. "Ive got a pulse!" He sughed in relief. "Well technically, i guess hes got a pulse... Whatever." He finished before beggining the chest compressions trying to return the natural rhythm to his chest and restore the all too improtant rising and falling to his lungs. Almost immediately shepherd coughed up the salty liquid onto the ground while mckay turned him onto his side so he wouldnt choke.
"Youre ok, youre ok. Just deep breaths." Mckay comforted. "Deep breaths." He repeatedly calmly and softly rubbing the colnels back as he breathed wuth teyla and ronon watching the pair in conern and awe.
"You ok?" The dr asked him.
"Thanks, thanks Mckay. Im good." He breathed depply his head falling to rest in rodney's lap.
" good job mckay!" Ronon aplauded. As teyla produced a nervous chuckle before dissolving into genuine laughter realesing her tention and anxiety through bursts of giggles.
"You sure youre ok?" Rodney asked.
"You arent an MD doctor mckay." John joked smiling up at him.
"Yeah and you almost drowned colonel so just... humour me ok?" His sarvastic facade dropped like a lead balloon revealing just how scared he truly was. This revealed jarred john slightly, shocked to see mckay that open and feeling a sudden onset of guilt for just how scared he had made his friend.
"Yeah, yeah Rodney im fine. Don't worry. I'm all pinsean and needles from the stunned but the suit got most of it, im shivering and cold but im fine. Just a little shaken is all." Shepherd consolled. Trying to soothe the nerves of his friend.
"Ok." Mckay nodded before moving to allow him sit up.
"We should probably go." Shepherd decided before standing up to leave. He could feel mckays worried eyes on him the rest of the way to the gate but by the time he had arrived back in atlantis mckay had already radioed in asking for a medical team to meet them in thencontroll tower. Shepherd was rolled off in a gurney he insisted was unnecessary but mckay informed him it was not up to him.
Beckett insisted that shepherd would be ok and only then did mckay allow himself leave his side to do work and insignificant things as such. John was touched and smittened by mckays caringness and affection towards him obviously he would never admit it to him john was grateful for the extra attention on top of him saving his life. He smiled at the man as he walked away grateful and loving before deciding to turn in, he was pretty tired already from being almost dead so he thought he had earned the extra few hours of rest.
He went to sleep smiling at the though of mckay.
A/N: so i dont know why but for the day 7 one i think it will be another stargate atlantis one for no reason in particular other than i plan to go the hypoglycaemic route for "shaking hands" and i can think of no more appropriate a character for hypoglycemia than Dr Rodney Mckay. Anyway this one probably has way worse grammar, puntiation, etc. Because I'm exhausted. Peace out.
Hope you had fun<3
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
If available/possible, can we please get a part 2 on slender man's story? The one where he bred the reader in
18+ breeding ment, inflation ig? noncon
(Name) weakly groaned as he began to shift and open his eyes, he looked down at his expanded stomach and let out a whimper. He felt so full. He panicked wondering what was to come of him, shakily he looked around the room. He was placed on a bed in an incredibly run down room, he moved onto all fours before sitting down and focusing on the door in front of him.
He didn't think there would be a door behind him until the same slimy appendage from last night shot around his throat. He choked out a gasp before it tightened around his throat, it got tighter until his hands fell limply by his sides.
It finally loosened and he fell back into a large lap, he wearily gazed up at the faceless being peering down at him. He didnt have much perspective during the night but now, as sunlight streamed in through broken glass (Name) knew exactly how small he was. He couldnt help but freeze up and shake as the being shifted him so he was leaning against its chest with his legs spread.
"N-no, please." (Name) shook, he didn't know if his body could go through it again, he couldn't do anything as the being gripped his thighs in a vice like grip as a tentacle slid easily into his hole. A sob left (Name) as the tentacle railed into him quickly.
"Wha-whatever I did im sorry." (Name) slurred out in between moans. A rumble left the being behind him. "You're just a vessel, little human." (Names) mind went blank as panic filled him. "A vessel for what?" He whimpered out. "Nothing technically, you are the wrong gender but it doesn't mean i can't use you to relieve myself." He was going to be tied up and used constantly by some monster with tentacles.
He would forever feel the slimy appendages slipping up his body to play with his nipples, he bit his lip as the tentacles seemed to follow his thought and he let out a soft moan as the tentacle inside him stilled. Tentacles played with his nipples until he was moaning and squirming, he could still feel the tentacle inside of him which would lazily push in and out of him on occasion.
His moans grew as another tentacle slid over to play with his cock, he couldn't stop himself from trying to grind down onto the tentacle almost forgetting about the all white being holding him.
(Names) gaze dropped to his stomach, wondering if it'd get any bigger. Part of him couldn't deny hoping the creature would pump him full again, the more rational part of him being appalled. "Oh, you will be filled." (Names) mouth ran dry, hoping he'd said it out loud and that it couldn't read his mind. "I can. You're a good boy who wants his master to breed him until he cant walk arent you?"
(Name) moaned and nodded, head spinning as the tentacle inside of him removed itself. All he could do was allow it as the creature pushed it's cock into him again, despite last night it still burned him. It felt like it filled every inch of him and then some, he couldn't stop sobbing and he wasn't quite sure if it was because it burned like hell or if it felt that good.
Pain and pleasure filled him as he gasped and looked up, making 'eye contact' with the horror behind him. The tentacle around his neck tightening, his eyes blurred and cross eyed due to lack of oxygen. Slenderman every few moments would choke him until he nearly passed out. Making sure a tentacle had a tight wrap around the boys cock and balls, he didn't want him to cum too quickly.
Tentacles seemed to cover every inch of (Names) body, they kept sliding around him. They kept him exactly where Slenderman wanted him. No matter what (Name) did he couldn't move an inch, all he could do was take it as Slenderman stuffed his huge cock into him. "Might just keep you as my little slave, that or i could tear you in half." (Name) whimpered, he didn't want to die.
"I'll be your slave." He choked out in between moans, the tentacles tightened around him until he felt like he would break. "Good bitch." Its tentacle removed itself from his cock choosing to instead dive in between (Names) lips as his cock shot out white liquid all over himself.
The tentacle fucked his face quickly leaving him a choking spluttering mess against Slendermans chest. Slenderman kept pounding into (Name) causing him to squeal around the tentacle in his mouth, his toes curled as he came again. He let out a groan as he felt Slendermans cock swell inside of him and begin shooting his load.
Slenderman let go of (Names) legs as he weakly sobbed as he was pumped full of cum, his whole body shook as he looked as his stomach getting bigger. One of his hands coming up to cover his mouth, as one of Slenders moved to his stomach. He lightly held it as his cum flooded (Names) insides, he weakly begged Slenderman to stop when he began to rock his hips into (Name). Instead slenderman ignore him, patting his head as he filled the small human with his seed.
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hugheshugs · 2 years
dbsf!thomas has me thinking about them kissing or doing the devils tango and her dad walking in imagine the tension like damn dog
not really smutty but 18+ !!
for all the blurbs that arent accurate w the timeline, im just gonna say they're not canon, like this one. but it would go similarly, this just isnt how i think he'd find out about them.
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your body was flushed against thomas' as you laid on top of your soft comforter, quiet, heavy breaths leaving your lips.
"are you sure you locked the door?" you asked nervously, wrapping a hand around his bicep.
"do you think i'm an idiot?" he asked, the corners his eyes creasing.
"i just don't want anyone to see us," your voice shook for all the wrong reasons.
"they won't," he mumbled, his thumb coming up to your lip. "now, where were we?"
the heat between your legs was almost unbearable at his words, and the look in his eyes certainly didn't help. neither did the tattoo near his collarbone, or the chain around his neck.
"god, i need you to touch me, thom," your back arched as you whined.
you were fully clothed, him shirtless, which only drove you further to insanity. his body was a blessing and you were grateful to have him all to yourself.
"be patient, mon amour," he tutted. "we'll get there."
his lips locked with yours and you moaned, cupping his cheek to bring him closer. he tasted like the mango chapstick that had previously been on your lips, and it was heaven.
he let out a sigh of content as you wrapped your leg around his torso, pulling him down against your crotch. his hips moved at a rhythmic pace right against your clit, causing you to lose your focus as you struggled to kiss back.
"mh— thom," you mumbled against his lips. "i need you."
a hand made its way into your hair, deepening the kiss. "if i take you, we might get caught. think you can be quiet for me?"
you nodded eagerly. "i'll be good, i promise."
his breath fanned against your face. "i don't know. maybe we shouldn't go further? not right now—"
"no, thom, please. you don't understand, i need you now."
"what if we get caught?"
"you're really turning me off right now," you huffed impatiently.
he rolled his eyes. "i'm being realistic."
"i was the one who asked you earlier and you said you locked the door so what's the big deal now?"
"earlier, i was blinded by lust—"
"are you not anymore?" you cut him off.
"no, i am," he gave you a small, toothy smile. "but i don't want that to lead to something bad—"
right as those words left his mouth, your door bursted open. heavy footsteps quickly made their way into your room, not even giving you both the chance to act casual.
"y/n— what the fuck?" brendan's eyes met thomas' and they widened as he stopped in his tracks.
thomas scrambled off of you and shot up to his feet. "it's not what it—"
"shut the fuck up," your dad's nostrils flared angrily. "why the fuck are you on top of my daughter?"
"well, technically i'm not on top of her anymore—"
"thomas fucking bordeleau, i'll rip your body apart limb by limb if you don't tell me why the hell you were touching my daughter."
thomas swallowed loudly, full of fear for the first time in his life. he felt his heart in his throat.
"dad, it wasn't his idea," you shook your head. "i wanted it, please don't get mad at him."
"y/n, i don't want to hear another word from you."
"but dad—"
he cut you off with a glare, tears welling up in your eyes. "enough. not another word."
"why in the world would you think it would be okay for you to fuck my best friend? he's forty fucking years old!" he shouted, making you flinch.
tears fell from your eyes but you remained quiet like he demanded.
"don't yell at her—"
"bullshit," he cut thomas off. "i can't even think straight, i don't know what the fuck to say to you guys but you're in deep shit, y/n."
"it's not her fault," thomas defended. "i'm the older one, blame me."
"it takes two to fuck, thomas," he spat.
"stay in your room," he said to you before clenching his jaw at thomas. "you're coming with me."
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jarofstyles · 3 years
"If you let me in, I’m ready to give you what I couldn’t before"
Oh some angst we are 👀👀
warning: implied cheating (in a sense?) angst angst angst
If you enjoy this, check out our Patreon!!
“If y’let me in, I’m ready to give you what I couldn’t before.”
He wrung his hands as he stood in front of her door. His stomach a mess of anxiety, sweat on his brow, he had realized just how badly he fucked up when her face barely moved. Stoic. This wasn’t his Y/N.
It had started off as simply fuck buddies. Friends with benefits. And it progressed through the months. They did things that friends with benefits shouldn’t. Snuggles and kisses and sweet nothing. Picnics and movie dates and private fluff that really had her believing that they were more than just random fucks.
Harry had wanted to have his cake and eat it too. When Y/N had opened up his phone to some sexting going on back and forth between Harry and some sorority girl, she felt her heart shatter. Seeing him talk about it wanting to taste someone else and wanting to see how tight she was, making plans to see her the day Y/N was going out of town… it had utterly wrecked her.
When confronted, Harry panicked. They had never claimed exclusivity but everything had hinted at it. His idea was that when she was away, he could play a bit and come back to have the soft snuggles and hot sex with her. There was nothing wrong with tasting a few more things, right? I didn’t matter that his stomach didn’t felt right doing it.
His mates had been on his back about the fact he wasn’t dating her and also not taking advantage of being in college. They’d gotten to his head, and he was set up with Stacey and she was good looking, decent enough. She was willing and eager and They’d texted back and forth, Harry not thinking twice about leaving his phone in the bed with Y/N as he went to the bathroom.
When she opened his phone with the few dings it had, she felt like she could throw up.
S: I can’t wait until you come over. I haven’t been fucked in agesssss.
S: honestly? I’ve had my eye on you for a while.
S: I got a set I think you may like. You said you liked red, right? ;)
Attached was a photo of a toned body in a red lace outfit, nipples able to be seen and a bare bottom with a hand covering her cunt.
S: if you can find some time to come sooner… I’ll be waiting. Xxxx
Y/N felt like she couldn’t breathe. Hand shaking slightly as she stood up, grabbing her clothes and hastily putting them on. She was so fucking stupid. So dumb. Harry was like everyone else. And it was her fault for letting this go on as much as it did.
Harry’s brows furrowed as he walked out of the bathroom to see her hastily getting dressed, tears streaming down her face. His heart broke, hating seeing her any type of upset. It was instinct, rushing to grab her and pull her into his body.
“Baby… wha’s happened? What’s the mat-“ he was interrupted by a shove, loosing his balance and falling on to the bed.
“What’s the matter? I’m…. Please, don’t touch me.” She said quietly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shove you. But this… it isn’t going to work anymore Harry. I obviously was thinking it was more than this was, and that’s my fault. You stated your opinions and wants and I was fine with that at the time-“ her voice cracked, and Harry’s stomach dropped. What was she talking about? She couldn’t know….
“Your texts. You’ve got a lovely girl named Stacey who has a nice set for you to see when y’go over on the day I leave to go back home for a day.” The bitterness was tasted even on Harry’s tongue, his throat feeling thick as he stood up. She wasn’t supposed to see those.
Shit. Shit. Why did he feel like this, like he had cheated when they weren’t anything? Why did he feel like he wanted to get sick and cry?
“We-we arent exclusive! We aren’t and y’said that was fine, we arent.” He sputtered out, making it worse. Her face dropped and her eyes hit the ground, the silence broken by a sniffle.
“Yeah. We aren’t, I guess. I dunno… when it’s a few months in and you do all those… dates, and y’introduce me to your mum and sister And have me come out every night and call me your girl… it all seemed like more. Everyone keeps askin’ me how long we’ve been dating and I suppose I’m an idiot for saying a few months when…. I jumped the gun and believed that everything you said… that I’m the most beautiful girl and youre so lucky to have me, that I’m the best you’ve ever had…. It’s easy to believe it when you must have so much practice saying it.” She laughed bitterly, throwing her shoes on her feet, throwing Harry’s shirt off and pulling on her own.
It felt like he got punched in the stomach. Realizing how badly he had fucked up, bur his ego wasn’t allowing him to admit it. The technicalities saved him, Didnt they?
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” He said though the tears burned behind his eyes. He refused to show how it was effecting him. Instead of being hit, shoved again, yelled at, she just nodded, shocking him.
“Yeah. I don’t know… I thought… was living in a fantasy land. You were giving me what I wanted but it’s obvious now that you were playing a game. You can’t actually give me what I want. I wanted to be with you.” She pushed the hair out of her face, Harry helplessly sitting on the bed as she gathered her things. The panic was setting in but he didn’t dare make a noise about how the makeup wipes being thrown into her bag tore him apart. She was leaving, leaving.
“We don’t have to- we don’t hav’ta stop, Y/N. Why?” He knew he sounded stupid when her head snapped to him, irritation covering her face.
“I know that my pussy is apparently too good and you continued this whole charade to keep it, but you can’t give me what I want. I want a boyfriend. I want someone to love me and give me those forehead kisses and say those beautiful things you said to me and mean them. You can’t give me that, can you?” The last piece of hope had shattered when he stayed silent, the silence staying around until she slammed the door shut and walked out of his life.
It hasn’t been too long since then, and he knew immediately that he was fucked up. His texts and called remained ignored and unopened. Her friends had told him to fuck off, and he understood. Mitch had smacked him upside the head and he couldn’t stomach the looks Sarah and Evie had given him when they’d found out why Y/N wasn’t tagging along anymore.
So that’s how he ended up outside her apartment door, knocking and speaking through the door. “Please. I’m a fucking idiot, Y/N … I’m an arrogant son of a bitch and I didn’t want to back down but please let me in. I meant ever bring I said to you before then. I haven’t fucked anyone else since you. Please let me in.” His voice broke, resting his head against the cool wood. “Let me give you what you want.”
His breathing caught as he heard the click of the lock.
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader (nicknamed Kitten)
Wordcount: 5k
Genre: smut, pwp, slightest angst, plenty of fluff, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: 18+, minors scroll away.
Synopsis: Set after the events in Illicit Affairs | MYG, Kitten finds the courage to take that step that always makes her a bit uneasy. She finds out her brave decision was way more than worth it.
Warnings: angst in forms of them needing to part because of Yoongi's schedule, and Kitten's toxic ex, and Yoongi's shoulder (he's still injureed in this one). Swearing, very descriptive unprotected oral sex (female and male receiving) face riding, blindfold, sub!yoongi, breast worship (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), squirting, ofc cumeating, spitting kink (? i guess it's called snowballing technically).
Author's note: This was requested by @dani2008aguilar (tags arent working dumblr, fix that) so thank you Dani and another special mention goes to the wifey @joheunsaram who betaed this lovingly (and hornily LOL)
Here is my masterlist, enjoy!!!
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There were many things you had chosen not to say.
First, that you were scared of Yoongi leaving so early in your attempt at a relationship.
Second, that a part of you still feared him finding someone better — more understanding, unproblematic, empathetic.
Third, that you wanted to hide in his bed and stay there, possibly forever, possibly with him.
For now, you were just lounging there, hair wet, body naked and wrapped in a towel.
He was currently in the bathroom, flossing and shaving. He was so neat. Such a maniacal perfectionist.
You snickered at the thought and stood, getting rid of your towel and putting on one of his t-shirts. The glass wall dividing the shower from the bedroom was largely appreciated by Yoongi at that moment. The design that had convinced him and Namjoon both to buy an apartment in that building was definitely worth the money.
Yoongi stared at your frame in one of his signature FG shirts, your breasts and curves making the hem hit a couple inches higher than his usual fit.
Once he entered the room, he laid down on his side of the bed, waiting for you to join. He looked adorable in his light, loose pajamas, so soft and blatantly expensive. It was one of the few items he was willing to spend good money on — with the exception of music equipment.
You found your place on the bed and snuggled up against him.
“Isn't it getting a bit too hot to sleep all cuddled up?”
You blinked at that and scooted away. It was confusing since he was the one who would always stick to you by morning come; still, you let it slide. It would be your last night together before his so-called “cramming-week” and he wanted space. So you gave it to him, no matter how disappointing it felt.
However, it was as if he could sense he had said something wrong. “Kitten?”
He came closer, spooning you. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“Mh mh,” you confirmed drily.
His hand suddenly appearing around your waist almost disturbed you. “Kitten?”
You moved away to shut the light. Yoongi was confused.
“Let's sleep. It will be a long week.” You fluffed up your pillow and found your sleeping position.
On the opposite side of the bed, he switched on his light. “I won't be able to sleep until you tell me what happened.”
You shook your head. “Nothing.”
“Why are you upset at me? Because of the cuddles? I was being sarcastic and we both know I wanted them!” he complained petulantly.
“Then don't make me feel like shit about them!” you snapped back almost loudly.
Yoongi froze a little at your remark. “I'm sorry about what I said, ____. I was teasing you but it's okay if you're not in the mood. I'd like some cuddles, please.”
You exhaled and opened your arms at him. He immediately threw himself at you, closing his eyes once he felt you starting to pet him affectionately. “I overreacted. The distance thing worries me.”
He nodded and kissed your chest. “I'm sorry I didn't get you. I should have asked.”
“There's also… something else, I guess…” you started vaguely.
“What is it?” He immediately sat up straight, cupping your cheek. “Are you okay? Is this okay? Are you—”
“Everything is fine,” you reassured him quickly. “It's just that there's something I've wanted to ask you the whole day and I kept telling myself I needed to find the right timing and I kept postponing and I feel like I have no time left now.”
“Kitten,” he cooed sympathetically, fondly.
“I want uh… I— Would you like, uhm… to go down on me?” you almost whispered, your words rushing out of your mouth.
He blinked a couple times. “You want it now?” He watched you blush and look away before gripping your chin and making you look at him. “Look at me and tell me if you want it now or not.” As you tried to avert your gaze, he moved like a snake to maintain eye contact.
“Yes, now,” you confirmed shyly.
He placed his lips on yours delicately, his eyelashes fluttering against your cheekbones. “I'm sorry I reacted that way. Did you feel like I was doing what your ex did?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him, secretly so grateful for his understanding. “I know you're not him, but sometimes I prefer not asking than being denied. And I don't want you to feel forced into saying yes.”
“Trust me, you don't need to convince me,” he started kissing down your jawline, reaching your ear and purring against it as he murmured, “I was born for this.”
You chuckled as your toes curled, his voice working its magic on you, as always. “I bet you are.”
“I can't wait to prove it to you.” He slotted his leg between yours, letting you grind against it as he dedicated some more attention to your neck and chest.
“Do you want me to take the shirt off?” you asked, lost in the feel of him so absorbed by your body.
“As long as you're comfy,” he replied tenderly, his fingers slipping the neckline to the side so he could nibble and suck at your collarbone. “We're just getting started.”
You snickered and threw your head back, giving him more of your naked skin. “What would you say if I asked for a blindfold?”
Yoongi slowed down and parted from you, his expression sultry as he looked into your eyes. “Won't that trigger you?”
You shook your head. “I want to focus on the feeling and… I mean, in the past, not looking helped my mind from wandering.”
With a kiss on your cheek, he rose and stretched to his drawer. “What's our safeword, Kitten?”
“Yellow to slow down, Red to stop. Green to go,” you replied diligently, watching him rummage into his drawer until a gummy smile accompanied him fishing out a black silk blindfold. “I use it for travelling.”
You snorted in a very unimpressed way. “Yeah, sure.”
His petty expression made you laugh as he arched an eyebrow and sat on his heels. “We both know you don't want me to edge you, right?”
His tone made your laugh freeze on your lips, your hands reaching for the hem of your shirt and pulling it off, trying to appease him with the sight of your naked chest. “Sorry,” you mumbled meekly.
He nodded to himself and climbed on top of you. “It's okay. We're good, baby. I just need you to remember you are the one who requested the blindfold, so you're in control of it, okay? You can wear it, take it off, burn it, I don't care. It's your own toy and you're in power. Okay?”
You nodded and settled down, propping yourself up.
“I know you've done this before and just avoided it with your ex, but if anything triggers you, you give me your safeword. You're in charge, yes? I am serving you,” Yoongi stated clearly. “You have all the power. To stop me, to order me around, to use me and move on me however you like.” His gaze was steady as he held your eyes with his. “I'm bottoming for you, are you alright with that?”
You didn't know it was actually contemplated in the picture. And the idea of Yoongi being so adamant in his will to submit was not only enlightening but also arousing. “I don't want to hurt you though.”
“I can set my boundaries. I'll use the safewords too if I need them.”
“Okay then,” you confirmed, trying to relax.
He laid on top of you, propped up on his elbows as he touched his lips to yours. “How are you feeling?” he asked, closing his eyes and feeling your skin with his face. The smoothness of your neck under his lips, the warmth of your chest against his cheek, the light sheen of perspiration between your breasts meeting the tip of his nose, his mouth, and the taste of your sweat on his tongue, salty, an anticipation of the flavour of your wetness.
And then the softness of your breast under his teeth, grazing your flesh before sinking in. And then the rough texture of your nipple.
“I'm doing perfect,” you breathed out, running your fingers through his hair. “You're so lovely, baby.”
Yoongi smiled and nuzzled up against your chest. “I know,” he teased before turning serious. “You make me like that,” he praised you before sucking your flesh into his mouth.
“You love sucking my boobs, don't you?”
He stayed attached to you and nodded. The motion made your insides clench. He released your skin with a pop, nuzzling it with his nose to dry it — but also to check that it bruised enough to stick around for a week, while he’s gone. And your blood vessels bloomed so close to the surface that not abusing them was a shame. He would have marked your whole body if he could have.
You enjoyed watching him for a minute before grabbing the blindfold and putting it on. You knew that not looking was in large part an excuse to experiment with him. You wanted the trust. And you wanted to feel him, only him. You would have plenty of time to watch him do that in the future. Right then you wanted to dive into sensations — focus on how different it feels rather than looks.
Something wet, soft, hot circled your belly button. His tongue. And then his teeth nibbled at it. You knew you had to be gooey between your legs. You felt the creamy wetness already.
Yoongi’s hands landed on the inside of your knees, spreading you wide.
Yoongi was never one to believe in the motto ‘the world is your oyster’. He preferred willing surrender rather than reckless exploitation.
But now, with your legs spread wide in front of him and that wet, salty scent filling his nostrils, with the way your breasts moved so blatantly in front of him rising and falling with deep breaths, your folds glistening as he parted them with his fingers, he found the small pearl between your legs. He had been offered an oyster, and he was ready to enjoy every single millimetre of it until you were begging for reprieve to gods unknown.
He grabbed two pillows from his side of the bed and slid an arm behind your lower back. “Lift your hips, please, love.”
You did as he asked, lowering yourself only to find out your hips were significantly raised now.
“This way my neck won’t cramp. It will feel good, I promise.” Yoongi’s words hit two inches shy of your mound, his hot breath fanning over your damp skin.
“Just lick me already,” you breathed out, only slightly exasperated.
He chuckled, tempting you. He brushed his lips against your labia. “What did you say, Kitten?”
You felt your cheeks heat up and your voice cracked a little as you complained — with way less outrage now — “Just lick me already.”
He laughed. And then he delivered.
His first lick was glorious, slow, torturing. He pushed his tongue into your entrance, then he slipped it out. And then he licked up.
It was heaven. And the moment he found your clit, you knew you had the longest night of your life right in front of you.
You mewled.
“Just like that, kitty cat,” he taunted you before his tongue turned serpentine, heading back down and drawing a series of tantalising curves with the very tip of it before delivering three short and dainty licks to your very clit — not the hood, not the sides —, each in a different direction.
He closed his mouth, rubbed his lips side to side against your core, covering his lower face in your juices.
“Any requests? Suggestions?” he murmured, stopping for half a second.
“Everything you did but more and harder,” you panted, gasping in disrespect as he grabbed your legs and spread you wider, turning ravenous over you, sucking your nectar out of you and spitting it over your folds. He was literally in heaven. He was feasting, his mind was hazy and his heart was beating old songs of desire and mirth. He watched your skin glisten, he heard it squelch and he tasted it as his spit and your wetness mixed up. It was so beautiful he closed his eyes and dove into it all. He didn’t care. He was just a man, and you were his object of worship.
He knew he would need hours to feel like he had done everything he could and finally give in to exhaustion. But he wasn’t anywhere close to even a mild tiresomeness, so he got into his rightful position and dug in.
You didn’t know what was happening. He had one thousand tongues. One thousand hands.
He touched everything, tickled every spot, licked every inch, turned you inside out. You weren’t sure you were still you by the time your first high came around.
You needed to clench around something but he refused to give you that, no matter how hard you begged, how much you promised, how desperately you bargained. He gave you ten percent of what a true orgasm would have been by denying you fullness.
You ended up sobbing, pushing, pulling, thrusting into him, wriggling like a feral beast underneath him, trying to escape him while he pinned you down with all the strength he had.
You could only feel tongues. Thousands of them.
And then, while oversensitivity possessed you, he had the brilliantly cruel idea of catching your clitoris in his mouth — and sucking. Hard.
Your hands flew to his hair, grabbing it, tugging at it — away — then pressing him back down when you found out that tightened his hold and made it all even more unbearable.
Yoongi had the vague impression you had to be screaming. He didn’t care. He heard a beeping sound in his ears — it usually meant the head was good. He didn’t have the heart to ask you; first, because he didn’t fish for compliments; second, because his mouth was too busy to talk and he was very happy with whatever it was doing at that moment.
He only stopped when you begged for a breath, which he conceded only because he was feeling a bit too breathless himself.
You tugged the blindfold off looking at him just in time to catch him wiping his face with his forearm.
“You’re fucking insane!” you exclaimed, slapping at his hand as he tried to bring it between your legs. “Gimme ten minutes or something!” you joked — while also being pretty serious.
He chuckled. “Feedback?”
You shook your head and threw it back on the pillow. “I’ll ask for this a lot. But you’d better slide those pretty fingers in next time or I swear I’ll never let you eat me out ever again.”
He kissed your belly. “I’ll slide my fingers in the day you’ll look me in the eye while you fuck my face.”
Your face boiled at the thought. It wasn’t ‘oral sex’, or ‘eating out’ or ‘going down’. It’s ‘fucking his face’, with all the rowdiness and dirtiness it entailed. It was feral and forbidden and so extremely naughty, with a pinch of vulgar and unspeakable.
You loved it.
“The blindfold stays off,” you announced, cosying up into your spot, fluffing the pillow behind your head. “I’m ready.”
He grinned. “You want to watch me, kitty cat?” That was his nickname. The one you used to tease him with. It wasn’t the usual ‘Kitten’ he used with you — he was taunting you.
“I want your prodigious fingers inside me, kitty cat.”
He showed you his gummy smile. “You’re a fast learner. Grab my head, I won’t be happy till I’m gasping for air.”
“You know a job well done,” you teased, cupping his crown and pushing him down, till his chin and lips and nose slid down your mound, rubbing against it in a way that made you shiver. “Just do it again but fuck me with your fingers this time.”
He lapped at your entrance three, four times, letting his drool slide all the way to his fingers — two awaiting just below your entrance. He realised he was rubbing himself against the sheets below him. He wanted a pillow.
He didn’t know how but you noticed and passed him one. Call it the perk of sleeping with too many pillows.
His situation fixed, he turned back to work. He was more than grateful to do so, his fingers inside you started rubbing that perfect spot, the one he had learnt so well with all the random fucking you had done in the last week or so. “Which kind of motion do you like?”
You stared at his face. His cheeks were adorably red, his hair curling at the tips with perspiration, and his eyes were so black, flooded with frenzy. “Try a few, I liked more than one.”
He nodded. “Stop me with the right one, okay? I want to please you, Kitten.”
You combed his hair back, trying to get the best view of his tongue lolling out and tentatively flicking it against your clit.
And there he was: the glorious Min Yoongi. Tongue out, bubblegum pink, eyes closed as he took a larger lick, slurping side to side slowly, voluptuously, sucking at the labia diving in to rub his nose to your folds, to smell you, taste you, feel you.
His fingers were relentless while his mouth assaulted your cunt, robbing it of every ounce of pleasure you could offer.
At some point you realised you were flexing your quads, trying to push into him, against him. He seemed to realise it as he took a pause, using his nose to nudge your clit as he spoke. “Fuck my face, Kitten. Just hold my fucking head and rub yourself over my face. I hold my tongue still and you slide on it.”
You tried to imagine it. “You put it inside and I like… in-out—”
“God no, babe.” He hardened his tongue and nodded, the tough muscle rubbing against you.
“Oh fucking— Goodness, yes!” you sobbed, feeling your orgasm crest over you.
He stopped moving once your body responded naturally, your hands grabbing his hair and tugging him into motion while your hips started to fuck up, against his awaiting tongue.
“Yoongs—” you gasped, your glutes flexing faster, till you felt your hips cramp.
You clamped them shut in response, Yoongi continuing unfazed as he recognised the crest of your climax before you started tumbling down the high at breakneck speed — the same speed at which you were pushing yourself against him.
Yoongi was positively surprised. He had been waiting to see you like this for so long, and now your tits were bouncing as you thrusted up, throwing yourself at him with all your might.
You were unbridled and beautiful and in that precise moment he felt like he was fully serving his duty.
He felt accomplished. The fact that he was also on the verge of his own orgasm was a minor inconvenience to him, one that he solved easily.
“Sit on my face,” he spoke once your clit was too sensitive and you forced him away — his fingers still ministering their attentive stroking against your walls, slow, deliciously so.
“Are you sure?”
“Just sit on my damn face, babe. I promise you’ll love it.” He kissed your belly, then looked at you.
You were sweaty, dishevelled, as if you’d ran a marathon in the middle of August. You didn’t look tired, though.
You were glowing and insatiable. “Okay. How?”
He wrapped his arms around your legs, his hands holding the small of your back. “Follow me,” he said before he rolled on his back and dragged you with him.
You huffed at the manoeuvre, using your hands to steady yourself once you found your hips straddling his face.
“Like this. Good Kitten.”
You chuckled, ready to find a remark when he decided to spread your labia with his thumbs and dig in once more.
“You’re hungry, uh?”
“You’d better remember your safeword because I won’t stop till I collapse.” He was rock hard. His pyjamas were stroking him just barely and he could still feel himself pulse. He hoped at some point he would be lucky enough for you to notice him, and kind enough to offer him relief.
You smiled. “Just this last one, okay? I need you alive and well so you can cram all week and I can fuck you dry next weekend.” You touched his hair. “Just for safety, pinch my leg twice if I’m hurting you, okay?”
He nodded meekly. “Okay.” He looked into your eyes. “I love you, Kitten.”
You licked your lips. You were somehow aware that what you felt for Yoongi couldn’t be just love. It had to be something stronger, something superior.
Or maybe no one had ever loved you before. “I love you too, Yoongi.”
All softness was gone after that. He ravished you once more, tapping his tongue three, four times against your nub before lashing it out, mercilessly.
And then he began to suck.
“God no…” You knew what was about to happen. It had never happened like this before though. Maybe it was because of his fingers hitting an unexpected nook. Maybe it was the combination of all the motions. Maybe the position. “I’m gonna—”
Yoongi was alert, but not worried. You would have already punched him in the face if anything was going wrong.
Instead you were moving faster, harder against him.
He was ecstatic.
He let it happen. He watched it happen.
One second he was sucking your clit, the next his entire face was drenched, covered in a transparent liquid without smell or taste.
It was the first time it ever happened to him — and he was fucking glad you were the first to ever reward his hard work like this.
Meanwhile, you were lost someplace between heaven and hell, your confusion long abandoned as you simply basked in the moment.
Min Yoongi had just made you squirt all over his face and chest and he was basking in it like a gladiator in his crowd’s cheers.
You had screamed his name too, most definitely causing misery to all your neighbours, but you were too high to care.
When you came back, Yoongi was still slowly, diligently licking you, this time with tenderness and dedication. If you had fucked his face before, now he was making out with your cunt, with tender kisses and fond caresses of his tongue.
“Quite a show, my love,” he murmured.
He had loved watching your breasts bounce, your head thrown back, your thighs wiggling at the way you were riding him. And your face — sweet mercy, your face…
He was lost in you.
“The neighbours are gonna hate me.”
Yoongi chuckled and shrugged. “They’ll simply be jealous of not having you as theirs.” He helped you lay back on the covers.
“Fuck, look at this mess—” you fussed immediately, noticing the wetness on the grey covers.
“I’ll deal with that. You go clean up,” he said, drying his face with the sheets before turning towards you, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it.
You frowned at how impersonal it felt, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him closer before planting your lips on his, pushing your tongue to his mouth until he opened it, allowing you to slide into the cave where he was still treasuring the taste of you.
And then you felt it, his crotch against your hip. “I’m gonna blow you,” you whispered, more as a declaration than a request.
He whined, but still he rolled onto his back, fixing his arms behind his head, getting comfortable. “It’ll be the easiest orgasm you’ve claimed from me.”
You giggled and settled between his legs, rolling down his bottoms and underwear just enough to free his dick. “Damn, you’re delicious,” you murmured, staring at him, tracing the pulsating vein crawling up his length.
He hissed and thrusted up.
You wasted no time: you swallowed half of him and grabbed the rest with your hand, drooling aplenty to get some lubrication in your palm.
Three strokes and his hips started gyrating, the salty, bitter flavour of him already hitting your tongue.
“I fucking love you, Kitten,” he spoke through gritted teeth. “I fucking love your sweet cunt on my face and your sweet throat around my cock.” You bobbed your head on him even more enthusiastically. “I love every damn thing about you, baby.”
He was so far gone and you were so helplessly proud of it.
He spilled inside you in a minute, and you took him diligently, not wasting a drop of him.
His orgasm was endless and he was wrecked by the time it ended, oversensitivity making him hiss and fuss.
You simply smeared the last bubble of cum he had to offer and headed back up, at his side.
As he stared into your eyes, his eyelids lowering sultrily into exhaustion, you pressed your dirty fingers to his lower lip, tracing it enticingly before he parted his lips.
Tentatively, letting him understand what was happening, you rolled on top of him, only a couple inches separating your lips from his.
You got closer.
One inch.
You opened your mouth, letting a lazy dribble of pleasure roll down your tongue and fall into his awaiting one.
He purred at the gesture, showing you how he swallowed it before he arched up, and wrapped his lips around your tongue, sucking it into his mouth.
It became one more sloppy make out session, where he managed to earn out one more lazy, weak climax as he rubbed himself against your hip.
And then you found yourself laying side by side in the disastrous aftermath of an exceedingly sloppy, wet session of oral sex.
Not even in your worst night you had managed to make half the mess you were seeing in that moment.
“We need to shower. Again,” you commented, Yoongi peacefully kissing your chest while he breathed in and out, his eyes closed.
“Just a minute,” he debated before hearing you dissent.
“Come on, kitty cat. You can nap on the tiddies later. Let’s go shower.”
“I want cuddles,” he spoke through a pout.
That made your heart melt. “I’ll cuddle you in the shower.”
“Can we take a bath instead?”
You chuckled. “We can take a bath, baby.” You kissed the top of his head. You had no idea who was the messier between the two of you at the moment. You only knew it was your turn to take care of your kitty cat tonight.
You managed to slide out of bed and get Yoongi’s favourite bath bomb in the tub while some warm water was running. You almost had to princess-carry him to the bathroom, his face nuzzled into your neck while you managed to make him waddle there as he hugged you.
Then he fussed some more when you had to leave him in the tub alone to change the sheets — thanking the waterproof mattress cover while you changed every single item of bedding, frowning at the three out of six pillows that needed to be washed.
It took you maybe ten minutes before you were back in the bathroom, spooning Yoongi in the tub, rubbing his shoulder and neck.
“I want to meet your physiotherapist,” you murmured. “I want to learn how to soothe your shoulder and back muscles. Your neck too. You spend too much time hunched over your desk.”
He nodded absentmindedly. “You don’t need to baby me because of the shoulder.”
“I know.” You proved your point by pressing two specific points at the base of his neck, causing him to groan in pleasure and relief. “This is why I want to learn.”
Yoongi chuckled. “I’ll arrange a meeting.”
He leaned back into your chest, turning his face to the side and rubbing the tip of his nose against your neck. “I like when you take care of me when I’m tired.”
You smiled. He was the one who babied you when you were tired, spoiling you rotten. It was only natural for you to return the favour just as ardently. “I do, too.” You also loved babying him when he was vulnerable and lovely and exhausted.
“I love you a lot. I want to wear my heart on my sleeve for you.”
You felt your eyes water a little. How had someone so delicate and strong and committed ended up in your life? How was he so perfect, so made for you?
“And I’ll protect it from anyone who wants to hurt you.” It was a pact. He would be open to you, and you would never hurt all the gentle, tender sides he showed you, all his unshielded softnesses. “Allow me to protect you,” you whispered, pressing your lips to his temple. “I know I’m difficult, and unfriendly and rough—”
“You’re not. You’re tough and loyal and determined. And you’re so, so loved for it.” You naturally found his hands, speaking that language he knew so well. You wrapped your arms around him. Kissed his forehead. “You’re so, so loved too, Yoongi.”
You felt him relax in your embrace. “I like it when you hold my hands.”
For the first time in years, you felt it.
“I like it too.”
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
Chance Encounter Ch-III
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Cover: @hyeinfection
Rated: Smut, Office au, CEO au, lowkey fluff, highkey filth
Pairing: JohnnyxReader
Summary: The Aftermath of a good time might just be a better time. But there's also the threat of unsaid tensions boiling to the surface. But impulsive decisions are always the most fun, arent they?
Warnings: Masturbation, Thigh riding, Fingering, Riding, Praise Kink, Riding, Pet Play, Slight dumbification, Degradation, Blow Job, Face Fucking, Dirty Talk; Kim Doyoung cameo, Rockstar Doyoung in general deserves a warning; Johnny being dense, OC being dense, It's one of those fics if I'm being completely honest; Brunch; We're all hoes in this one I'm afraid; Johnny's a low-key masochist, He's also a low-key Sadist; The pining is just too much and self-inflicted; Everybody has an ego in this one and it's the root of all the self-infliction; I don't apologise for this fic, but I'm sorry anyway.
Word Count: 25.5k
Mini Masterlist
(A/N): I don't know, don't ask me. I apologise to people who sleep with their bras on. I didn't mean that.
(Y/N) stirred awake, feeling a warm hand brush over her forehead. When she opened her eyes, a sleepy smile spread on Johnny's face.
"Hi." His voice was an intimate kind of soft, heavy from sleep. "Good morning."
An abrupt blush heated her cheeks this close to him. As she recovered from sleep, the image of him in a bed that was technically hers did not help. She groaned, lifting her duvet higher to her chin. "The sun is up again. Nothing good about it." She huffed.
"I personally think it's a great morning. Though it would have been better if I didn't have a meeting in three hours." He expressed his remorse.
She buried her face into the duvet to hide her smile. "The hardships of a chairman." She clicked her tongue in mock sympathy, "How unfortunate for you."
The glint that she had started to strive for lit his eyes. It made her toes curl as he pushed closer towards her. The entire night Johnny had kept to his side of the bed for the sake of civility, she assumed. It was a small gesture that she nonetheless appreciated immensely.
He listened to her and behaved.
But as the gap between them rendered down to non-existent, she had a bubbling feeling that was going to change.
"It's a new day, (Y/N)." His words made her stomach do somersaults. With a slow pull, he dragged the duvet down from her face and came even closer.
"So I hear." She mumbled.
The chuckle that came from him sounded sinister. "Consider yourself fortunate that I have a meeting." His hand brushed up her chest with a feather-light stroke till his thumb reached her lips, tugging down the lower half softly from between her teeth, an intent gaze searing her. "Otherwise, I would have gotten even with you on the same bed you took so many liberties on." His hand settled under her chin to tilt her head up.
"Are you sure you'll be able to live up to all this build-up?" She turned over to her side to face her body towards him, playful skepticism weighted in her already heavy morning voice.
"You can be the judge of that." His eyes were fixed on her lips, voice dripping with the same undeterred confidence.
She took a shivering inhale at his words, scoffing despite it. "I'm not easy to impress." She said as she turned over in bed to face away from him. There was a small silence when she resisted the urge to turn back to look at him out of curiosity.
"I'm an eager learner." His morning voice reverberated against her ear with a rich viscosity as he pushed closer. A small laugh was swallowed in her throat by a dangerous shiver that spread down her side from the proximity. "And I don't play rigged games." His lips brushed against the shell of her ear as two fingers traced over her shoulder, blunt nails tickling her collar bones.
Her head lifted for him by its own accord, lips parting with a soft gasp and eyes fluttering shut. His lips seemed to gain fortitude at the response, leaving more open-mouthed, wet kisses against the back of her neck, dragging the pillowy flesh against the edge of her hairline. Her body squirmed in his touch despite her best effort to keep it still, hips gyrating slowly till they dug into his pelvis. They both winced in unison upon contact.
Her eyes fluttered open as he tilted her chin higher till she was arching back to meet his penetrating gaze.
His breath tickled her hair, "What are you thinking about?" He asked with an unassuming murmur, the question catching her off-guard.
The realisation of what the answer was made her face warm again. The same embarrassment also effectively sealed her lips, especially when he smiled like he already knew her answer. Her lips parted softly, and this close, it was easy to see his pupils dilate, turning his otherwise honey eyes dark.
"Don't you have a meeting?" She swallowed when his jaw flexed at the words.
"Trying to get rid of me?" His lips cocked on the edge as he released his hold on her jaw.
A playful smile danced at her lips, moving her head down. "Yes. I want to go back to sleep, and you're currently detrimental to that cause."
Johnny laughed as he slipped off the bed. The sudden lack of heat was the first thing she noticed. (Y/N) didn't realise before how large this bed was. She turned over to look at him.
"Did you take a day off?" He tried to sound casual, his shifting gaze the only sign that he cared about the answer.
"No. I'll come in after lunch." She bit back her smile, "I'll see you then." She promised before turning her back to him to hide her flustered cheeks, smiling a little wider once her face was buried into her blanket.
"Sweet dreams." She heard the humour in his voice, only responding with a low hum as the sleep took over her eyes the moment she shut them.
The sound of his door banging shut echoed against the walls of Johnny's apartment. He took a glance at his watch while taking off his shoes and decided that a shower was in order if he was going to be sitting for meetings all day.
It was a cruel end to a cruel week, he lamented, peeling his socks off with a groan under his breath. Johnny sighed when the soles of his feet touched the cool marble floor. His skin still felt hot, and the sensation gave him momentary relief.
Padding across the empty apartment to his room, he gave his bed a begrudging look as he took his clothes off. His smirk at a stray thought at the sight was justifiably bitter. While Johnny was thoroughly a patient man, he was but a man.
Shaking the thought off, he moved instead into his bathroom quickly, like it would make things better.
It did not.
He stood under his shower, the warm cascade relaxing him into a gentle lull. Johnny took the precaution of keeping his mind occupied with his schedule for the day, going through it over and over till it became white noise in his mind. He revised in his head the topic of each meeting and planned accordingly which of his employees he'd bring into them. Johnny was sure he'd beat his thoughts successfully when he was almost done with his shower.
Instead, his first mistake was paying attention to the comfortable warmth of the water pouring down on him, slipping down his torso gently.
From there, it was almost too easy. He pictured her hands sliding down his chest, always a little nervous despite her thrilling audacity.
His hands ventured down the same path, slowly tracing over his skin as the water pouring down made way for the obstruction in its wake, falling around his palm. Johnny exhaled a relinquished sigh, telling himself that he had set himself up for failure from the start.
With a low hiss, his fingers wrapped around his already hardening length. From then, it was like he had no control over his mind, flooding with a frenzy of still fresh memories from the night before.
Johnny gripped his shaft tighter as his fist pumped his cock at an ever-increasing pace, feeling like a slave to his pleasure. He let his head fall back a little, the droplets hitting his skin effectively lulling him into a comfortable rhythm.
He imagined how her fingers would feel around his dick; soft, inviting flesh and ruthless nails. He imagined her plump lips pouted softly as she watched him with a cool sheen of indifference in her eyes, nails digging into the vein under his shaft: the mildest pressure short of pain. A faint whimper slipped through his parted lips.
He imagined her lips moving as she called him desperate, the way her lips would mould around the word. Feeling like borderline perfection.
He twisted his wrist, hand gripping unsuccessfully at the edge of a tile as he started thrusting his hips into his own rough hands. All pretense left him a moment ago, flowing down with the water and disappearing in a last grand whirlwind down the drain.
He imagined her calling him a dirty slut.
A louder groan left his lips this time. He deserved to be called one as well, abusing his cock for quick relief before a meeting like this. Like some boy going through puberty. His breathing became harsher as he thought about what she'd say if she knew, if she was here watching him trying to cum into his inadequate fist.
Then Johnny thought about the way her fingers barely fit around his cock, her thumb merely touching the tip of her longest finger. The image filled him with a sense of pride that was like whiplash.
He remembered the small tells she had, giving away how nervous she felt despite every other action telling him otherwise. Hands trembling slightly each time they loosened on his dick. Her voice, trembling on occasion when he said the right words. It filled him with a little more pride to have caught those moments, like looking behind a veil that was just sheer enough. He wanted to unfurl her and look in. To see where those two opposing ideas reconcile.
His second mistake this morning was to remember when she rolled her eyes at him. Johnny winced when he unintentionally grabbed his shaft tighter, more blood rushing into it till he felt sparsely light-headed. His exhale stuttered in tandem to his twitching dick, and he had to curse under his breath.
The things he wanted to do to her. Like he sought retribution for each realisation of what she was doing to him. Each moment he caught himself willingly relinquishing in more ways than one.
Johnny's wrist ached from how fast it was moving. He took a shallow breath, wondering how she'd look— desperate and heaving on top of him, coming apart so slowly. How those guarded eyes would look when gazing into his with nothing but need.
For him, just him.
Johnny's head fell back further as he groaned, the droplets from the shower piercing his face and neck. He turned his head to the side as a reflex against the sudden onslaught.
He'd coax every whimper, every whisper out of her like he earned it. He wanted to render her senseless. He wanted to fuck her dumb.
He took another desperate breath as the pressure built in his belly. Johnny wanted to see her in need of him. To want him. Johnny wanted nothing more than to watch her beg.
He came almost suddenly, too engrossed in his fantasies to feel the build-up. He increased his pace in an effort to milk the last few bits of his pleasure.
To his dismay, he felt more unsatisfied despite the release, cock twitching again in need at the slight humiliation he felt from watching his cum wash away. He came too quickly, he realised.
He turned the shower off after one last rinse. This was new. It was absolutely uncharted territory, and the feeling was almost akin to a small surging ecstasy coursing his veins. And he'd stand his ground, he decided then. Despite the precarious nature of where he stood.
After all, Johnny was mostly a patient man.
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She dragged herself to the kitchen before noon, being rewarded with the smell of eggs and butter. Yuta looked up from his phone, looking perplexed as she walked in.
"Okay wow. Why do you look so nice?" He pointed at her dress. (Y/N) groaned, tugging at the hem as she came and sat on the table.
"I have to be at work in less than two hours. This was the only thing I left here that could pass off as remotely professional." Both of them looked down to the snug, low cut of the neckline at the same time. How it curved low over her cleavage. "I'll um, wear my jacket with it." She looked up at him sheepishly. Yuta looked at the thin straps and then down her sides with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "I was supposed to wake up a lot earlier than this." She defended herself further.
Yuta pursed a smile, "I'm sure you've had a rough night.” He eyed the dress with a growing smirk this time, “But maybe try not to have a rough day at work." He winked, sitting back and crossing his arms with a laugh when she smacked his arm in protest. He quickly spoke back up before she could respond. "It's a beautiful dress, by the way." He sat up, "You should take me shopping with you sometime."
"I agree." Donghyuck added from beside Yuta, only partially awake from the look of it.
She scoffed, appreciating Yuta's attempt at reassurance despite his other deplorable habits. "I thought you said my style was too safe for your rockstar persona." She reminded him.
Yuta shrugged, sitting back in his seat, "Something like this though." He uncrossed his arms to point at her dress, pinching two of his fingers together. "Is just short of being slutty." He smirked like the idea amused him. "I like it."
She groaned again, throwing a kitchen towel lying on the table at him. "Don't say that. I have to go to work in this, whether I like it or not."
"I said 'just short of' didn't I?" Yuta protested, throwing the towel back on the table. "It's too long to be slutty."
She looked down at her exposed thighs, "It's knee length.” Her frown deepened when he shrugged, distracted only by the smell of food as Taeyong approached her with a plate.
“I don’t want to talk about your dress anymore.” Yuta huffed, already bored by the topic. “Your mood is terrible considering that you were the only one who got laid last night.” Yuta huffed with indignation as he pointed at the others in the room, missing the way she looked away from his gaze at the words. What he did notice though was the way her fingers gripped around the fork she picked up, tighter than necessary.
He looked up, a slow smile of realisation lighting up his eyes, much to her imminent horror. “You did get laid last night, didn’t you?” He curled his lip in to stop his grin.
(Y/N) should have lied to him. She was starkly aware of Taeyong stopping mid-step to look back at her. Both Donghyuck beside her and Doyoung at the breakfast counter looked up, all giving her their strained attention despite being exhausted. She really should have lied.
“It was my choice.” She mumbled instead, diving into her sunny side up with utmost concentration.
“Why?” Hyuck practically spat, making her sigh. “I mean, he’s-”
“I know. I get it!” She snapped at him, “But I don’t think it’s fair to take your own attractiveness for granted.” She lowered her volume, clearing her throat.
“You do it all the time.” Yuta reminded her, grinning when her head jerked too fast to face him. “Or is that exactly why?”
She turned back to her plate, “Shut up. You don’t have to get it. Just leave it.”
“Oh no please!” Yuta laughed at her incredulously, “Of course I get it, what kind of a friend do you take me for?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and mocked her pout with his own, smirking soon after. “You just don’t want him to think that he has more game than you.” Yuta put his cheeks in between palms, the smile on his face daring her to prove him wrong.
Her cheeks heated and she didn’t know where she could look to hide them from the curious eyes pointed at her from all across the room.
“That’s horrible.” Her words were a murmur after a silence that was too long— neither accepting nor denying Yuta’s claim deftly. Taeyong scoffed, turning away to go back to his breakfast, sitting beside Doyoung.
“No it’s not. Stick to the men, (Y/N)! Make your boss beg for it.” Donghyuck made a show of cheering her on by pumping his fist. Both Yuta and him laughed when she blushed again.
“Don’t make me sound like a tyrant.” She flicked Hyuck’s arm with two fingers, making him protest loud enough to earn a collective groan of disapproval from the room.
Doyoung turned in his chair, “You do like an earnest grovelling though, don’t you?” His eyes danced with humour.
Her nostrils flared as she turned to Doyoung, “I thought we were keeping the sex parts out of the friendship parts?” She raised a brow at him.
Doyoung just shrugged, “You broke the covenant first, (Y/N)." He shrugged a shoulder flippantly. "By telling him.” He jerked his chin at Yuta, making her turn to him.
She shut her mouth into pursed lips and looked away, giving him a small nod— the closest gesture she had to conceding. Doyoung turned back to his food with a short chuckle.
“That dress is what I’d picture if I had to get my boss to grovel.” Taeyong changed the topic, earning hums of eager realisation and agreement from his bandmates.
She got out of her chair after shoving her last bite into her mouth forcefully, “I’m banning the word boss from future conversations.” She glared at them all, “Bye. I’m not putting the plate in the sink.” She added with the same bite to her voice but her eyes lost their heat, tired.
"Bye! Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Haechan yelled behind her as he left.
"That's terrible advice." Doyoung frowned with a piece of toast in his mouth. "Don't ever say that to someone again without a legal disclaimer. We can’t deal with that scandal as a band." His words muffled over the bread, making Hyuck grimace.
"You're disgusting. You sleep with a lawyer once and suddenly you're an expert?" Hyuck scoffed, deserving of the kitchen towel Yuta threw at his face.
"Nine times." Doyoung frowned, deserving the smack Taeyong landed on his shoulder.
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"So?" Ten asked, sitting back into his seat with a smirk on his face.
Johnny couldn't help his frown, especially when Ten rolled his eyes.
"Don't do that. You know I find it deplorable." Johnny groaned. He knew Ten understood exactly what he meant.
"That's your problem, not mine. I called you for lunch because seemingly everyone but me knows that you're sleeping with your lawyer."
Johnny turned to the waiter with an apprehensive look as he put down Ten's drink and Johnny's lemonade.
"Are you sure you don't want something stronger?" He pointed a finger at Johnny's glass, looking offended.
Johnny cracked a smile, "It's a workday."
"It's Friday." Ten rolled his eyes.
"It's a workday." He repeated himself. Johnny watched the waiter walk away, turning back only when he looked out of earshot. "First of all, she's not my lawyer. Kun is. She works for the label. She's the company's lawyer." Johnny picked up his lemonade, enjoying the moment after proving a point.
"And second?" Ten asked, impatiently tapping his fingers against his phone lying on the table.
Johnny took his time sipping his lemonade, even smacking his lips in appreciation as Ten waited.
"I don't have all day." Ten scowled.
"You're drinking at noon on a weekday. You do, literally, have all day." Johnny raised a brow.
Instead of being annoyed, Ten smiled. "What is it?" He put an elbow on the table and his chin in his palm, interest growing clear in his eyes. "What are you trying not to tell me?"
Johnny wanted to groan, finding himself currently too sensitive for Ten's candid ability to figure Johnny out.
"I haven't slept with her." Johnny mumbled, making Ten frown.
"Why not?" Ten questioned, justifiably confused. "She's–" Ten sat up.
"I know." Johnny cut him off swiftly, instinctively, "I'm not saying it was an active choice." He sighed when Ten grinned. "It was the circumstances. I don't know." Johnny groaned, sitting back into his seat as well, the deep sofa much too comfortable for a restaurant. But at the moment, it felt to serve its purpose as he sank into the cushioned surface.
"I was an idiot the first time." He ran his hands over the leather surface of the couch, watching his fingers trace over invisible grains. "Actually, in all fairness, I was an idiot both times." Johnny felt himself smiling anyway, cheeks feeling a little warm at the memory.
"You don't sound very penitent to me." Ten scoffed.
"The alternatives either time weren't too bad." Johnny shrugged, failing to hide his smile.
Ten scoffed, "You're terrible. I hope you realise that you will have to keep seeing her at work after your fascination wears off?"
Johnny gave him a perturbed look, "Fascination?"
Ten shook his head, "You know I know you well, right?" Johnny gave him an unsure nod. "Considering how frequently you patronise my club, some would say I know you too well." Ten raised a brow like he expected Johnny to fill in the blanks of meaning.
"What are you trying to skirt around?"
Ten sighed, "You're fickle, John. I'm just saying that maybe you need to consider what happens when you stop sleeping with her rather than when you start."
"I–" Johnny sat back, realising that this was indeed the first time he was considering that. "I mean, I don't think–" Johnny paused, not sure how to explain to Ten. Then he smiled to mask the sting of a different sinking realisation.
Johnny scoffed, "I think she's more likely to get bored of me first." Johnny reached for his lemonade again, mouth a little dry.
Ten laughed, sitting back and covering his face, "Third time's the added charm then." He spoke once he calmed down. "It's Noir night at the club on Saturday. I'd pay good money to see you bore someone." He winked at Johnny.
"You're an asshole." Johnny frowned, "Did you call me here to laugh at me?"
"No, I called you here because you're keeping things from me." Ten shrugged, going silent just as the waiter approached again, with their food this time.
Ten waited till the waiter left, eyeing Johnny's burger with envy before turning to his mushroom and tofu. "What is it then?" He looked back up at Johnny.
He hated that the question was deliberately vague, "I like her." Johnny shrugged, sitting back up to focus on his food and keeping his tone apathetic, looking away when Ten's eyes grew. "She's fun, she's interesting. I think we'd get along." Johnny toyed with a fry the entire time he spoke, the action not missing Ten's attention
"But?" Johnny could hear the enforced patience in his best friend's voice. It made him look up reluctantly.
Johnny licked his lips. "I feel like I'll scare her off." His face definitely felt hotter as he looked back down at the top of his burger. Said out loud, Johnny realised how ironic he sounded, "Enough that it makes me a little nervous about how I act around her." His chest deflated as the words felt like a weight off his shoulders, one that he didn't know he was holding.
"So she makes you nervous?" Ten scoffed, grinning wide like he was becoming one of his cats.
"That's not what I said." Johnny frowned at him with unprecedented sourness.
Ten smacked his lips, "But that's what I'm hearing." He pointed a finger to his ear, always a bit too animated in his opinions.
"No, what you're hearing is that this person, in particular, makes me nervous." He huffed, pressing a finger down on the table. "And what I'm telling you is that it's this situation." He sat back when Ten nodded with a sly smile, clearly not convinced.
"What's the situation?" Ten asked like he was humouring Johnny, which only made him more defensive.
"I like to believe I'm self-aware. At least enough to know that I pursue people with a certain enthusiasm." Johnny realised somewhere at the back of his mind that he was only giving Ten more ammunition. But he felt like he was justified in his apprehension.
"So?" Ten shrugged.
"So," Johnny snapped, finding his reservoir of patience exhausted this week. "I'm saying that maybe that enthusiasm isn't going to bode well. That's why I haven't fucked her." He frowned, turning back to his plate to regain his composure.
"So you're playing hard to get?" Ten scoffed.
Johnny cut into his steak with a loud screech, wincing at the accidental assault.
"You're a monster," Ten glared at Johnny's loud plate before coming back to the topic. "It's a human person. You're infatuated. It's fine, happens to the best of us. Men are weak; we always cave. What the fuck are you waiting for?"
Johnny bit his lip, wondering whether or not to verbalise his answer. He sighed, "I just." He took a shameful moment to eat a piece of his steak. He sat back slowly as he swallowed, "I just want her to want it as bad as I do." He sighed again, the words feeling more stupid when said out loud.
"Want what?" Ten furrowed his brows.
Johnny gave him an impatient look. "Me." He sighed, feeling utterly embarrassed.
It didn't help that Ten sat there confused when Johnny looked up. Looking like he couldn't even comprehend the idea. The way Ten furrowed his brows with deeply etched confusion made Johnny scoff,
"Your bewilderment is flattering, but this isn't about me." Johnny sat up, starting to explain seriously.
"And that's the problem?" Ten cut him off with another blunt but accurate assessment, making Johnny pause. Slowly, he groaned, nodding at his friend as a flustered smile spread on his own face.
Ten frowned, like he did, in fact, care for Johnny's predicament. "But you're you."
Johnny smiled gratefully at the words, still sitting back unconvinced. "Yeah but–" He clicked his tongue, wondering if he looked as frustrated as he felt. "She looks at me like she sees through me sometimes." He looked up at Ten, "I can't tell if I did something wrong! It's–" He sat back in the plush chair again, groaning under his breath
"Maybe she's not into you?" The careful way Ten said it only seemed to add insult to the injury.
"No." Johnny said immediately. He thought about the subtle scowl that remained etched on her face after he told her where he came from last night, his own lips twitching up. "That is definitely not what it is."
Ten's hum was unconvinced at best. "So what I'm hearing is that (Y/N) is unpredictable?" Ten furrowed his brows.
Johnny nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." He shrugged.
"Like how you're unpredictable?" Ten added.
Johnny wanted to throw his fork across the table this time, "I'm not unpredictable. I just like spontaneous things."
Ten nodded, lips slowly spreading into a smile. "Why don't you use that same level of mental gymnastics to convince yourself to sleep with her instead? I'm sure it would be put to better use there."
Johnny pointed his fork at Ten, imagining the look on his face if he flung it across, "The next time you fight with your husband. I'm taking Taemin's side."
Ten laughed at the unintentional pout that formed on Johnny's face.
"You are absolutely no help." Johnny sulked.
"I'm a lot of help. In this conversation we've found out that you're a little skittish around a girl. You!" Ten scoffed, laughing when Johnny didn't look amused. "Come on. It's funny." Ten encouraged him. "If it were someone else, you'd find it hilarious. You're her boss! Her literal boss." Ten sat back into his chair laughing, face red from the mixture of alcohol and sheer comedy. Johnny hated him at the moment.
Ten stopped laughing with small gasping breaths, "Okay I'm sorry, I've had my fun." Ten mimed the gesture of zipping his lips, "What did you do yesterday?"
"I invited myself to Yuta Nakamoto's birthday party." Johnny sighed. What he told himself was assertive confidence before now felt more like desperation.
"Oh, Taeyong invited me for that. I would have gone with the jet lag if I got to watch you flirting with someone unsuccessfully." Ten finally returned to his attention to his rapidly cooling food.
"Why the assumption that it wasn't a success?" Johnny raised an irate brow.
"Didn't get laid, did you, Johnny boy?" Ten clicked his tongue, using the nickname Johnny despised.
"It wasn't because of that." Johnny mumbled, "I went to meet Sofia before that." Johnny tried to explain. Ten looked up from his food, frown etching his features.
"You slept with someone while trying to sleep with someone else?" Ten looked thoroughly confused.
"She did it first." Johnny grumbled, "What was I going to do? I was just trying to level the playing field."
"And what did that earn you?" Ten tried to chastise.
"A new appreciation for versatility in bed." There was defiance in his humour.
Ten's lips twitched, "I thought you couldn't tell what she's like?"
"It's a calculated risk evaluation." Johnny Shrugged back.
"Fuck off, John." Ten sat back to laugh, "Who thinks so much about this?" Johnny looked at him with a smile that was obvious in his message: he did.
"It's new."
"You're a cliché, Johnathan."
Johnny frowned at the other name he couldn't stand.
"You're hot for someone because what? Women don't kick you around like men do?" Ten snapped at him. "In their defense, you don't make it easy."
"No. I'm hot for her because women otherwise take it for granted that I'm in control in bed. At least with her, the need is my own." Johnny admitted with fierce honesty, swallowing the embarrassment the confession gave him.
"When will I be exempt from your fuckboy anecdotes? Aren't you almost thirty?" Ten finally decided to abandon the risotto, sliding it away from him. "I need to tell Taemin that I can't be vegan." Ten groaned.
"Isn't everyone almost thirty?" Johnny raised a brow
Ten narrowed his eyes, giving him a tired look of disbelief. "You're unbelievable. Go back to work." Ten swatted his arms in the air.
When Johnny entered the conference room, he first spotted Kun at the table in the middle. With papers around him, he was speaking to the new intern and (Y/N).
Johnny's back straightened as he remembered Ten's words, moving towards them slowly.
“What is it?” Johnny asked Kun, making him look up from his papers.
“Ah.” Kun smiled, “There’s cake.” He pointed his pen across the table.
Instead of following the direction, Johnny raised a brow. “You said it was urgent.”
“It’s an ice cream cake.” (Y/N) chimed in.
Johnny turned to face her when she spoke, noting the small familiar smile on her lips and the warm mischief in her eyes. Johnny licked his lips, smiling to himself.
Maybe he was a god damn cliché.
Johnny took a step behind Kun’s chair to come to her side, eyeing the small paper plate with a piece of cake beside her.
“Are you working on the distributor’s meeting today?” Johnny asked Kun nonchalantly as he reached towards the fork on her plate. Kun nodded at him, not looking up from whatever he was reading. With great leisure, Johnny cut himself a morsel from her slice. When she followed the fork to look at him, the confused crease on her forehead made him chuckle.
“There’s an entire cake right there.” She pointed beside her, down the table. Johnny shrugged, taking another bite when he saw Kun look up from the corner of his vision. Her lips split into an incredulous grin, shaking her head as she turned back to the paper on the desk.
Johnny risked a look towards Kun, who gave Johnny a pensive look before looking back to whatever he was working on.
With a greater sense of triumph than he had any business feeling, Johnny put the last bite of cake into his mouth, finishing her slice. When she sighed at her paper, he had to curb the urge to laugh out loud.
Instead he walked towards the cake, cutting a generous slice and taking a seat beside her. He put the plate between them, the action making her look at the slice of cake before looking up at him. When she raised a brow, Johnny felt his blood rush to his dick rather shamefully.
She looked back at the plate again, noting the two forks that were propped in front of both of them. Running her tongue inside her cheek, Johnny could tell that she was trying not to smile. She looked back up at him amused.
When she took a bite while holding his gaze, Johnny had to remind himself that he was in a boardroom full of people in the middle of a workday. When he peeled his gaze away from her he heard her gentle giggle, soft enough to be heard just by him.
Johnny ran his tongue over his teeth as he saw the intern look away while smiling. Another surge of triumph made Johnny reach for a bite of the cake.
“This is very good cake.” Johnny nodded as he swallowed, “What occasion is it?” He questioned.
She turned to face him, hands folded under her chin. “Someone from marketing is getting married. So she got a cake." She explained politely, giving him a passive smile. Johnny pushed the plate towards her, trying his best to hide his smirk. She bit the corner of her mouth, reaching over to take a bite. Johnny dared to watch her eat slowly, purple lips pursed tight as she chewed.
Willfully, Johnny turned towards Kun. He was watching Johnny with a deliberating face.
"When can I have the numbers to read through before the meeting?" Johnny asked him. Kun reached beside him, grabbing a file and sliding it across the table. All the while his eyes stayed on Johnny, giving him a suspicious look that made Johnny grin.
Kun was the first to look away, clearing his throat and looking back to the paper in his hand. When Johnny looked back, she was watching him with fresh guarded eyes, assessing something in silence.
"Do you like ice cream cake?" Johnny distracted her as he reached for his fork. She sat back, blinking like the question caught her off guard. Then she looked down at the plate and shrugged with nonchalance.
"This one is really good for sure." She nodded. Johnny wondered why she would dodge such a frivolous question, none the less do it so skillfully.
(Y/N) turned away from Johnny towards Kun and pointed her spoon at him, "Tell Jessica that this is good cake." She pointed her fork back at the plate.
When Johnny looked at Kun, he was squinting the way he did when he was confused.
"Her name isn't Jessica." He said sheepishly.
She looked back at him and grimaced, cheeks turning red before she shrugged with a sigh. "I'm sure you'll know her name when you tell her."
Johnny thought it was a funny thing to say, chuckling to himself, but Kun just shook his head while hiding his own smile.
She turned to Johnny, “I have terrible interpersonal memory.”
Johnny scoffed, along with Hendery who snorted across the table and tried hiding it behind a cough.
"And what are the symptoms?" Johnny's eyes danced with humour.
"I can't remember names." She said without skipping a beat.
An amused smile spread on his face slowly, "How easy is it to avoid using somebody's name in a conversation?" He wondered out loud.
A smile that looked partially guilty and partially amused graced her lips, "You'd be surprised by how little need there is for a name unless you have to summon someone." She couldn't help her scoff, eyes distracted by the table. "Even then you can just wave them over once they look at you."
This time Johnny laughed, giving her a nod in agreement. “Then I guess I’m lucky you know my first and last name.” He teased her, earning the blush that spread down her neck.
That was when Johnny noticed her neckline, eyes daring to go down before he quickly caught a hold of himself.
“Of course I know your name.” She mumbled, looking slightly perturbed. Both of them blushed in tandem at that.
“I’m flattered.” Johnny pursed his grinned.
“You need to raise your bar a little in that case.” She scoffed, mirroring the grin that spread on his face at the words.
She stopped speaking, turning to Kun. "Jane. That's her name." She tapped a nail on the table in victory. Kun smiled, nodding like he acknowledged the effort she put in to recall it. When she turned back to her paper, there was a small pleased smile on her face.
A moment later when she got out her chair, all three people at this side of the table turned to look up. She gave them a questioning look each, “I’m going to get myself a cup of coffee.” She explained.
Johnny’s eyes turned to the person who stood at the window behind her, their eyes travelling down her legs. I made Johnny get out of his chair too.
“I’ll join you.” He nodded.
She turned to look at him with an expression he couldn’t quite decipher, before giving him a nod. He didn’t miss the way she glanced at Kun tentatively.
The walk to the elevator was silent; and while Johnny didn't mind it at all, he also didn't mind getting the opportunity to catch her alone again. He just about parted his lips when the ding of the arriving elevator earned her attention instead.
"What is your favourite colour?" Johnny finally asked after they entered. She turned to look at him, puzzled by the question. He couldn't blame her, he hadn't exactly thought it through.
"Green." She said, a smile finally lighting her face when he furrowed his brows, "Not the ugly kind of green you're thinking about right now. Something like jade I suppose."
"Oh." Johnny said, a little stupefied, "I really thought you'd say red."
She scrunched her nose with a shake of her head, "No I just think I look good in red."
Johnny nodded like he knew exactly what she meant, "I guess I have to agree to that. Red is definitely my favourite colour on you." He hummed with consideration.
The blush that radiated through her cheeks served as evidence of his claim, but it was the slight parting of her lips that caught his attention. An action that he knew by now was for when she was flustered by something.
"Still want to kiss me all the time?" The words practically fell out of his lips inadvertently, but he'd be a liar if he said he wasn't thinking about it anyway.
"Yes." She divulged, looking up at him without moving from where she stood. He didn't hesitate when he took a step towards her either but the elevator reached its destination too soon.
He was sure that his evident exasperation was the cause of the smile on her face, her eyes sparkling under the lights inside the small space.
"I should have stopped the elevator." He tried to make it sound like a joke.
She laughed as they stepped out onto the corporate floor, "That shouldn't sound as flattering as it does." She walked towards her destination without looking back.
Ten was right, he told himself as he followed behind her.
But Johnny just didn't care.
“So,” (Y/N) spoke once she filled the empty coffee machine. She turned with a stiff back, lips pursed in a smile that looked almost like unease to Johnny. It made his brows knit together.
“Yeah?” He asked with an encouraging tone, forehead creasing further when a silent huff left her lips.
She drifted her eyes to the floor, “So what’s your favourite colour?” She breathed the words out.
It took Johnny a moment to stop bracing himself, then his lips split into an incredibly audacious grin.
“Why do you ask?” He teased her, biting back his smile only when she looked up with growing impatience in her eyes.
“Because you have slandered my favourite.” She answered. "And I'm terrible with small talk." She added a shrug.
Johnny chuckled with a shake of his head, “I just didn’t expect it.”
To that she kept a secretive smile to herself, “Well you haven't known me long enough to expect much of anything, truth be told.” She joked, the coffee machine beeping just in time for Johnny to grasp her words. She turned to pour each of them a cup, handing him one.
"We must all start somewhere, I'm afraid." He raised his cup as she turned around, "Even if it is at the bottom of a hill."
She gave him that same unreadable expression before lifting her own cup to her lips with a noncommittal shrug. "What you see is what you get with me."
That made Johnny widen his eyes with a mock gasp of disbelief, "Now I don't believe that to be true for a second."
"Why not?" She laughed at his animated response.
"What I saw when we met that night accidentally was a demure person who I had the misfortune of finding shy." He recalled the events of that evening, the wide-eyed hesitation of her demeanor. "Instead you're vivacious and irresistibly self-assured." He thought about it before adding, "You're just reticent enough to get away with it."
Johnny laughed when her face turned red.
"Not that reticent if you can say all of that with confidence." She mumbled, covering half her face with her cup.
"Don't be hard on yourself. I just know the importance of details." He winked when she looked up at him with a curious gaze.
"I'll keep that in mind." She nodded to herself, like she was assimilating the information.
"It's blue, by the way." He answered her previous question.
"At least mine isn't a cliché." She quipped, juxtaposing the sharp retort with a sheepish reluctance in her smile.
His laugh was punctured with a genuine wince, "I really wish you'd have used a different word. I'm quite sensitive about that one today." Johnny was sure that it was his tone that made her consider his words for a moment too long.
Once Johnny finished his coffee, he placed the cup down to take a brief step closer to her.
"Blue is a fine colour." She finally said, swallowing what he assumed was nerves— or at least he hoped.
"It's a great colour." He corrected her.
"Sure." She hummed, distracted by the slowly closing distance. "Johnny, we're in the breakroom." She took a step back, snapping her gaze away from him.
"I have spatial awareness."
Her lips twitched, almost despite herself. Shaking her head at the, admittedly terrible joke he made. But she laughed anyway, and Johnny thought he could get used to the sense of accomplishment it made him feel.
"I don't want people to know about this." She pointed between the both of them. Johnny tried to swallow the blow to his pride.
"Why?" He asked, trying his best not to jump to false conclusions.
She avoided his gaze as the humour in her eyes gaze way to something more timid, "I'm not going to give people the chance to think that I didn't earn my place in this company." She put her cup down on the counter, taking her time to finish the action with all her focus. "Or that this puts me at an advantage." Her volume dropped further, words ending with a soft sigh.
Her words made Johnny feel at a loss. One hand he wanted to say that merit speaks for itself. But Johnny knew that wasn't how the world worked. So he chewed on his lips, feeling increasingly timid himself.
"I didn't think about that." He admitted, "I'm sorry." He dropped his gaze as she shook her head.
"No, I just–" She paused, only their proximity and the silence of the room letting him hear her soft huff of frustration. "I don't want people to assume something based on limited information. That doesn't mean you have anything to apologise for. I just don't want to make it anybody else's business. Especially at work."
"Okay." Johnny nodded, "I'm glad you told me that. I was so occupied with worrying about whether you felt coerced by my efforts that I didn't stop to think about how it must feel for you."
She looked up at him finally, a momentary dubiosity passing her eyes before she smiled. "As honourable as your words are," She pursed a smile, "Nobody has successfully made me do anything I didn't want to. At least not with satisfying results. But your concern is, nonetheless, appreciated." She bit the inside of her cheek in a shallow attempt to mask the humour that dripped from her eyes.
"Are you mocking me?" He questioned, his own lips twitching.
"No, sir." She shook her head, failing to hide the humour that sparkled in her eyes.
Johnny had to take a quick but deep breath at the word, failing to keep up yet again with the sudden shift in the atmosphere.
It gave him the small push he needed to slide his fingers into hers, moving his posture just enough to hide the gesture from anybody who were to walk in. He parted his lips to ask the question that seemed to occupy his thoughts as of late.
"What are you thinking about?"
She looked, at first, taken aback by the question. Then, as a flustered flush painted her cheeks he could see what looked like a realisation of her own thoughts.
It made Johnny grin with a little confidence, wondering how close her thoughts were to his own. He tugged her hand and turned, hoping to find out.
"Come with me."
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When Johnny closed the door of the small room, her nervous breathing was enhanced by the dark surroundings. The gulp of breath she took was perfectly audible to him in the space. Johnny relished the time he took to turn around, enjoying the way her breathing only rose.
"Where are we?" She asked. Johnny strained his ears for any sign of unease in her voice.
"It's a server room that doubles as a supply closet." He stepped closer towards her voice.
"So now you want to make me a cliché too?" She quipped, the breathless anticipation in her voice softening the impact of the teasing words.
"What's wrong in being a cliché?" He lowered his voice as he stepped closer, the sparse light in the closed space just enough to see her close up. Just enough to make out the growing impatience in her features that he would now gladly pursue every chance he got.
She took a few steps back and he tailed each step till she slipped behind a wall of servers. The dim, blinking lights made it easier to see. When her back hit a barrier, Johnny had to smile
"What are you trying to do?" Her voice was, despite the stronghold, dropping into a palpable whisper.
"Trying to taste that treacherous lipstick of yours." He slowed down for the last few steps it would take to bridge the gap between them, relishing the rise and fall of her chest.
"I thought you liked the lipstick." She raised a brow, lifting her chin to keep her eyes on his when he was too close
"If I say yes, will you stop wearing it?"
She tried to curb her smile, shaking her head in a way that didn't make him believe her.
It gave Johnny the last surge of bravery he needed.
His hands found her before his lips did. The nervous heat of his palms finding relief against her cool shoulders, sliding his hands down to her fingers.
"This dress feels like a taunt." He mumbled with the smallest hint of grievance. "Haven't you punished me enough?" His lower lip puckered the slightest bit, eyes tracing down her face and neck, following the low neckline to wear it dipped.
"It's just a dress." She looked away. Johnny could somehow anticipate her blush even in the dim light. He was still watching as her breathing became more erratic with every passing moment of inaction.
With a renewed sense of purpose and the memories from the morning, Johnny dipped lower to brush his lips over her cheeks. When she gasped softly, his lips spread in a small grin as they travelled closer to the corner of her mouth.
"I knew before I walked into work that it would be impossible for me to keep my hands to myself today." He left a chaste kiss on her eyelid. "Still I wanted to try, you know? I wanted to be a better man." He kissed the bridge of her nose.
By the time he dragged his lips down her neck, they were both panting. His kisses on her neck were sloppy, settling on running his tongue over the vein on her neck till she moaned into the collar of his jacket.
"But you've already decided to wring me dry of such notions, haven't you?" He hummed against her temples, slowly sliding his lips down to her ears. "Answer me, (Y/N)." He ordered, kissing the shell of her ear.
"Yes." She murmured.
"Yes what?" He bit down on her earlobe, earning a small gasp and the now familiar sound of her licking her lips.
"Yes, sir."
Johnny smiled against her skin, travelling down her neck as he tried not to think too hard about the growing tightness in his pants.
His lips travelled down her chest next as he savoured the feeling of her fingers pulling at his hair. Her grip tightened when he pinched her skin between his teeth gently, a quick flow of blood rushing into his head till he felt a little befuddled. To lift her higher, closer to him, he raised his knee between her legs.
(Y/N) winced, making him pause. Johnny pulled away quickly, "Did I hurt you?" He questioned with genuine concern, moving his leg away. When her hips chased his leg, he paused.
She took a moment to swallow slowly, "No." She shook her head, eyes still closed. "Feels good." She nodded, words jumbled.
Johnny swallowed, eyes honing in on the look of distracted pleasure on her face.
"Okay." He nodded, bringing his leg back up to rub against her clothed core. Her brows screwed into focus as she struggled to keep her mouth closed.
His cock twitched at the desperate daze written all over her face. He brought his hands to her waist, pressing her down harder till her lips parted in a silent scream.
Soft sighs and pants filled the small room along with the sound of fabric brushing as she ran her hips over his leg.
Johnny put a finger under her chin, lifting her face to his gaze. "Look at me." His voice was soft, but without request. Her eyes fluttered open, giving him a look of utter desperation that utterly devastated him.
It also made his cock throb in his pants.
He clenched his thighs, eliciting a soft but amorous moan. She lowered her head, letting him guide her thighs over her pants.
"Oh my god." She whimpered, the edge in her voice making him bend down to her ears.
"You look so beautiful like this." Johnny stared at her shivering lashes, "Desperately rutting yourself on my leg for any semblance of pleasure." He took one arm away to run his fingers into her neatly tied hair, her eyes fluttering shut at the contact. He slowed his movement to admire her blissful face.
The door of the room burst open. She winced as the impact made the machines behind her rattle, his hands instinctively going to protect her head, while the other sealed her mouth. Unwillingly, he took his knee away from her, hoping that the tiny reverberation against his palm was a sound of protest.
"What was that?" A new voice asked. The way the blood drained from her face made him smile with utter amusement.
"Probably from the outside. Let's just put the table back and go." Another voice answered the first.
There was shuffling as the people did whatever they came for. Both Johnny and her remained shielded behind the floor to ceiling barricades of blinking servers. It made Johnny feel brave enough to run his lips over her temples. Weakly, she grabbed his bicep in protest while her head fell back to accommodate his touch anyway. Johnny would have chuckled if they didn't have company.
"Alright let's go." One of them said with an excitement for their departure that Johnny inadvertently shared. Her phone buzzed inside her jacket, making him move his hands away from her mouth.
Once the door closed, the room dipped into silence.
"I have to go. There's some prep work for the meeting." She looked up at him, eyes still blown wide from desire. "Sorry." She sighed, leaning her head back on the wall.
With his hands in his pocket, Johnny took a few steps closer, lips brushing against hers. When he found her eyes on his, he smiled; lowering his head to deepen the kiss.
He took advantage of her gasp to slide his tongue into her mouth, moaning when she dragged her teeth against it. He failed to keep his hands in his pocket, reaching for her waist. He enjoyed the kiss with thorough leisure, only pulling away several moments later.
"Come and see me at seven if you're still here, okay?" He kissed the corner of her mouth.
"I'll be here." She mumbled softly, nodding without hesitation.
He smiled against her cheek, "I'll be in one of the boardrooms upstairs." She nodded again.
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(Y/N) stood in the same elevator with the same person as in the afternoon. And yet she was currently nervous from the sheer tension the confined space caused.
When he asked her to come find him at the end of the work day, she didn't think he'd leave in the middle of a meeting.
She wasn't really thinking at all, but she would rather not disclose that to the man who currently stood too close.
Anybody else, the distance would feel overbearing. But she had grown rather fond of Johnny. One more thing she wasn't ready to disclose yet.
After taking her entrance to the meeting as an excuse, Johnny kindly offered the people dinner 'on him' while he told Kun to take them along to the restaurant across the street.
Kun, (Y/N) thought as she bit down on her cheek, was not clueless enough to not have a suspicion of what was happening.
Perhaps, if she didn't suddenly like her boss so damn much, she'd have more concern for her professional reputation.
"Why did you send them to dinner?" She turned to ask him, curious but also just wanting to cut some of the thick air between them.
His lips grew with a slight smile that told her that he was waiting for her to ask.
"They were trying to rush. Almost too much." He took his hands out of his pocket, turning to face her and then lowering his gaze till their eyes met. "So we take our time. Negotiations need some sense of equality, even if it’s a facade." He shrugged his shoulders, watching her like he was waiting for her reaction.
She should have told him what she really thought— that it was a great idea. Instead she nodded.
"Sounds like a business thing. I'm sure it'll work." She mirrored his shrug, looking away after holding his gaze for too long.
Johnny chuckled softly, his hands returning to his pockets. If he felt at all slighted by the comment, he didn't express it.
She knew it was probably unfair, but she couldn't help how out of bounds these mundane moments felt with Johnny. When he wasn't teasing her, or she wasn't responding with quick quips that always came naturally to her; she almost felt timid around him. Something she was not used to feeling.
(Y/N) would have dismissed it as a consequence of him being in an automatic position of authority. But she knew and was compelled to acknowledge that the man had almost been too careful when walking that line. And she wished to verbally acknowledge that at some point.
She was just afraid that she was assuming more than his intentions actually were.
"(Y/N)?" His voice made her snap her head up, looking forward to see him standing outside the now stopped elevator, hand holding the door open for her.
She blinked a few times before shuffling out of the elevator once she realised.
"What's up?" He asked, trying to mask his concern with his signature nonchalance. It was a rather endearing habit.
"Just tired." She mumbled, "Did you really want to talk about the Taemin acquisition?" She changed the topic, bringing up the excuse he gave before leaving the meeting.
He gave her a look that was a cross between amusement and curbed impatience. An odd sense of accomplishment lit the smile on her face at it.
According to Kun, Johnny was the most patient man he knew. So far, that claim had held water despite many onerous circumstances. But a smaller part of her, the lesser part that enjoyed throwing him off his game, wanted to see what lay at the end of that well crafted perseverance.
She walked into his office with a renewed sense of purpose. Walking up to his desk before he could, to pick up the file she had left there a few hours ago.
"I think I know how to get them to cave on the music copyright." She said, only half invested in her own words.
"That's great, (Y/N)." She could hear the struggle in his voice to sound like he was genuinely excited. With her back to him, she could afford her little smile.
"You can read this file when you have time." She started her charade with zeal. But when she turned around, her act faltered like it was divine justice.
Johnny sat down on the sofa that was placed in the corner of his office, spreading his legs and relaxing into the cushioned surface. With incredible leisure, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his silk shirt— his jacket discarded before she even turned around. The sight was too familiar, heightened only by the look in his eyes.
She swallowed when he pulled on his tie to loosen it's hold, raising a brow in challenge.
"Come here, (Y/N)." He asked gently. When she didn't move he smirked, tapping his hand on his thigh. She took a few steps towards him, giving him a questioning look that she hoped was an equal substitute for words.
He turned his hand over to brush his fingers over his leg, "I want you to fuck yourself on my thigh." He looked up at her as she came close to him, giving her a disarming smile.
Her breath stuttered at his words, stomach doing somersaults. She had to close her eyes to take a clear breath, the look on his face as he looked up at her making it impossible to focus.
With a grounding breath to help silence her stray thoughts, she could manage a blithe smile. Locking her gaze with his, she slowly slipped her jacket off. This time she used her silence as a tool to intimidate, like he did with his well placed words.
The cool air made goosebumps rise on her arms and she resisted the urge to rub her nervous, warm palm over them. It was an effort to look less weak.
She stepped in front of him till the shadow of her silhouette engulfed his form. He slowly looked up with a gleam in his eyes.
She could tell that he wanted to lower his gaze, her brow raising as she dared him to keep his eyes on her face as long as he could. He tried his best, keeping his gaze obedient.
Her knees dug into the sofa as he straddled him. Needing to steady herself, she put a hand on his neck. He put a hand on her back to help.
"I'm starting to believe you're a little dick-shy, sir." She ran her free hand over his top button and slid it off.
Johnny let her do it with a patient smile, watching her as she loosened his tie slowly till it came undone. Only when she finished did he grab her chin, tugging her closer with his arm tightening on her back to maintain her balance.
He moved his hand to brush over her jaw. "No more smart talk, sweetheart. It's my turn now, isn't it?" Nodding in an encouraging, slightly patronising way, he waited till she nodded back.
Johnny ran his fingers into her hair, her eyes fluttering shut at the touch. He pulled her hair open to run his nails through her scalp. When she shivered at the sensation, his eyes sparkled as he took note.
With a hand firmly placed on her waist, his lips brushed over her jaw. “Not going to move?” He murmured against her skin, “What is it? Not horny enough to rub your pussy into my thigh to get off?” He hummed thoughtfully, “We should do something about that.”
He moved up her neck to her ears, lips brushing over her cheeks till he reached her lips. Before he could move away to tease her, she pulled at his head and kissed him. Her hands ran down his spine, his back stiffening and neck moving to deepen the kiss. The way they were seated made her perch higher than his, making him tilt his head higher. He could only risk opening his eyes for a moment, just enough to commit the image of looking up at her face to memory. The reluctance with which he pulled away could only be outdone by the reluctance in her whine as he moved back to kissing her face.
"I want to feel what panties you're wearing." He whispered in her ear. "Can I touch you?" His kisses travelled down from behind her ear, making her shiver. She nodded furiously, eliciting a sound from his throat at the eager permission— the mix of a sigh and a groan.
He lifted her leg over his other thigh, eyes boring into her as he reached between them to run a finger over her clothed slit. She bit her lip, leg twitching from the sensation. Johnny lifted her dress higher, looking thoroughly intrigued.
"I don't usually wear something like this." She blurted out. The thought was on her mind all day, ever since she picked up the unused packet she left at Yuta's place as a backup. She blushed as she thought about it.
Johnny looked up at her, forehead creasing skeptically. "What do you usually wear?" He questioned, the genuine curiosity on his face making her blush uncontrollably. Johnny smiled, "The cute cotton ones?" He realised. "You don't like these?" He asked, digging his finger into her clothed clit. She yelped, hand reaching out to grab his wrist instinctively.
"I–I do." She had to close her eyes as pressed the silky material into her clit. "It's just–" She paused, head dropping when he spread her folds, pressing the material deep into her slit. She whimpered for mercy, making him pull her closer, kissing her chin sofly.
"But it feels too good doesn't it? Distracted?" He mumbled against her jaw, "Is that why you're already so wet?" He groaned against her ear, running his finger over the snug fabric in her folds. She gasped at the feeling of the smooth cloth rubbing against her sensitive skin. "Look at you. Already so needy." Johnny clicked his tongue, kissing all over her neck with an unprecedented amount of tenderness.
Johnny kept running his finger over the dampening fabric till she moaned, eyes fixated on the signs of disorienting pleasure on her face. Only then did he pull the fabric taut against her clit, the action making her head fall back.
“I think about the moment you did this last week a lot. More than I could admit without losing any semblance of pride I have left in front of you.” He kissed the corner of her mouth again just as he took her clit between two fingers, rubbing the now sticky material all around the increasingly sensitive bud.
"Please." She whined, shifting her hips to rut against the two fingers shamelessly. She put a hand on his shoulder, dragging it to his neck as a quick afterthought— an effort to not wrinkle his shirt too much.
A lighthearted chuckle left Johnny's lips, tongue sliding over her shoulder. "Please what?" He kissed the skin softly.
"Please, do something. Anything." She shifted her hand into his neck, back arching closer towards him. “Please.” She pecked his bottom lip, the small action making something in his eyes shift.
(Y/N) started to sit back, but he grabbed her leg. Slowly he lifted it back, placing it between his legs till she was seated on his thigh again. A small sound of protest left her lips, Johnny’s dick twitching uncomfortably against her knee in it’s increasingly tight confines. When she dared to push her knee against his crotch, he simply pushed her knee back with a chastising click of his tongue. With a small shake of his head, he sat back on the sofa.
So impatient.” Johnny clicked his tongue, “Tell me, (Y/N). Are you used to people giving into your every whim?” His voice was deeper now, the tone he had a lot recently— the one which she couldn’t quite categorise as arousal or irritation. It only turned her on more.
She sighed, her own irritation coming to the surface like his own was the permission she needed. “You make me sound like a tyrant.” She crossed her own arms in front of her chest, sitting back further to widen the gap.
He dragged his fingers up the back of her neck, his fingers tangling into her hair till her head rolled into his meticulous touch. “You make it sound like an insult.” Her skin rose into goosebumps as he ran his fingers through her hair, “I’m just trying to know how you liked to be fucked.” She shivered when he pressed his nails lightly against her scalp.
The effort it took her to flutter her eyes open was already sizable, trying to make her voice sound anything above the weak whimper it had was a challenge. “With a dick, if we’re getting into the specifics. Somehow, a personal hurdle when you are involved.” She sighed, forehead etching together.
Johnny hummed impassively, no way to hear any effect of her taunt on his tone. It made her pelvis dig into his leg, teeth gritting tight to swallow her own moan.
“You have the audacity of someone who hasn’t been fucked dumb. It infuriates me.” He ran his tongue over her neck, her hand coming back onto his neck.
“Are you trying to rise to the challenge, Mr. Suh? Show me my place?” She scoffed at him, tone equally dismissive. Almost subconsciously, her hips moved over his thigh, only knowing when a thick jolt of pleasure ran down her legs.
Johnny chuckled, “You know your place almost too well, (Y/N).” He put his hand under her chin, pulling her close. She braced herself for a kiss, but he pecked her cheek instead. The unprecedented action made butterflies thrash against her chest, catching her off-guard.
Johnny sighed, “I just want to watch you fall apart.” His head travelled down to her chest, nose brushing over her clavicle. “I want to make you feel so fucking good.” His tongue licked against the ridges of the bone, “I want to be what you think about when you’re wet.” His lips brushed against the low collar of her dress.
She mewled, the words lighting a fire inside her that she didn’t realise she was collecting kindling for. Her hips moved again, desperately trying to find the right angle. His hand reached her waist like he was carefully reading her body. He pressed her into his thigh with a stern force, flexing the muscle tight at the same time.
“Shit, Johnny. Oh my god.” Her words started as a groan but melted into a weak whine. She buckled over slightly, catching his shoulder just in time. Her fist held the white shirt for dear life, only distantly aware now that he still had a meeting to attend.
“Tell me how I’m making you feel, (Y/N).” He spoke against her temple, hands moving her waist over his thigh by himself now. Her hands flew into his neck when he rolled her hips in circles, another jolt shooting up her stomach.
“God, this is unfair.” She huffed, “You shouldn’t be allowed to make someone feel so good without really even touching them.” She could hear the confused irritation in her own voice, turning her on more and leaving more confusion in its wake.
Like a reward for her words, Johnny bounced his leg. The movement made her cry out, burying her face into his neck immediately.
“Do that again.” Her voice rose with a clear command. “You’re making me lose my mind.” She mumbled, losing the bite in her voice almost immediately when he pushed her pussy over his leg again. She bit down on his collar to muffle her loud moan.
“Do you know how wet you are? You’ve soaked my pants through.” He kissed her head.
Her mouth moved away from his shoulder, “I’m sorry.” She said timidly. It made him pull her away from him, his gaze burning into hers till she looked away.
“What are you sorry for?” He cocked his head to get a look at her face as she looked down, “Rubbing your pretty pussy into my leg?” He questioned. Her cheeks heated at his blunt words, shoving his shoulder softly with a groan. She saw another shift in his gaze. It was a look of contemplation, she was starting to learn.
“You look so good like this.” Johnny groaned, letting her waist go slowly. As he probably had assessed, she kept moving by herself. Her hands desperately moved from holding her own calves to his chest and then finally his neck, hips moving languidly over his thigh. “So desperate to come on my leg. Such a pretty little princess, cheeks red from fury because she has to work for her own orgasm.” He clicked his tongue, the words making more hot pleasure course in her veins. “You’re doing so well.” He brushed his lips over hers, “Such a good little cum slut.” The words made her gasp, the nerves in her core slowly knotting tighter with each slide of her hips and each soft word from his mouth.
“Johnny.” She whined, earning a hum back.
“I could watch you like this all day, coming undone.” His hands came back to her waist with a vengeance, running her hips over his flexed thigh so fast that her legs shook. “When I finally get the chance to undo you myself, it will be what I do all day.” He groaned, eyes closing like he was picturing it.
It made her skin heat more, another lick of heat rising up. It was his easy admissions combined with the manic pleasure she was in that made her part her lips.
“I’ve never wanted to fuck anyone like I want you.” She gritted her teeth immediately, when the words slipped out unceremoniously in the throws of her desire.
He stopped her hips so abruptly that her eyes flew open. His fingers dug into her waist as he watched her with the same intense scrutiny that flustered (Y/N) endlessly.
“What?” She asked softly, forgetting that she was so close, as she looked down to avoid his gaze.
He lifted her head back up to meet his gaze. “I don’t know when this meeting will end.” He was looking at her acutely, brows furrowed in tentative contemplation. “But,” He licked his lips. His tone was one she had witnessed once before, the start of a proposition. It made her squirm, whining when her sensitive clit rubbed into him at the action. Johnny closed his eyes, taking a deep, distressed and patient breath.
“But?” She squeaked. He opened his eyes, pulling her into a kiss finally.
His arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her close to his chest. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she let him slowly explore her mouth. She groaned, hips moving against his lap instinctively now. His hand came up her back to pull her away.
"Go home." He pecked her lips once, looking up from them to her eyes. Her heart sank at the words and his lips twitched like he could tell. "Pack a bag." He kissed under her jaw, her chest fluttering furiously. "If you're awake when I'm done, I'll take you home." He kissed her shoulder, hand coming up to brush against her clothed breast. She could feel him smirk against her neck.
"Going to fuck you into next week." He whispered the promise, biting down on her shoulder to moan when she mewled at his words.
"Okay." She said breathlessly, "I will pack a bag." She nodded, pausing at a thought. "But–" She smiled when he raised a distressed brow. "It should be my turn next."
Johnny parted his lips to speak, furious refusal written all over his face. But a knock on the door made them both still. She clutched at his chest out of reflex. He put a hand on her back, pulling her close.
"It's locked." He kissed her ear, voice laced with reassurance.
"Johnny?" Kun's voice came from across the door.
Johnny sighed, running his hand over his face. "Yeah?" He answered with a sturdy voice.
"We're back from dinner. Is (Y/N) still with you?" He questioned.
Her heart started beating so loud that he chuckled when he felt it against him. Brazenly, he kissed her cheek, right under her eye.
"Yeah." He kissed her nose, giving her a smile.
"Okay. Tell her she can leave once you both are done."
Johnny smiled at those words, "She heard you."
"Good night, (Y/N)." Kun said as his voice retreated.
"I'm on my way!" Johnny said a little louder, hearing an incoherent sound in return.
When Johnny looked back at her, his eyes danced with mischief. "Let me have you for the night. We didn't even get to finish." He pouted, mocking the one she realised was already on her face.
"Exactly! I didn't get to finish and now you want to negotiate?" She sat back.
"It's not a negotiation, it's a ground rule. Hear me out." He waited for her to interject, continuing when she listened intently. "Tonight it's my turn. Let me make these two weeks worth it and I swear I'm going to give you such a good reward." His hands brushed up her arm.
"But–" She wanted to protest but he dragged his fingers through her hair, making her stop to groan.
"You won't regret it." The confidence in his voice intrigued her.
She nodded at him, before tilting her head back to give into his touch on the sensitive scalp as her arms erupted into goosebumps.
"Don't get so complacent already. Give me something to work towards." He brushed his thumb over her neck, the feeling of his hand around her throat making her feel her wetness again.
She had to resist the urge to put her hand around his and squeeze, looking at him straight instead. "We'll see how eager you are to fuck my back in after sitting for a meeting past midnight."
Johnny’s lips twitched with eager delight, "Is that a challenge, Ms. (Y/L/N)?"
"Of course it is, Sir."
She lifted her leg off him, a sound leaving both their lips when she had to peel her wet, sticky centre away from his leg. She pulled away from him reluctantly, sitting back beside him with a sigh.
“At least I let you come.” She voiced her dissatisfaction, whimpering when she pulled out her soaked panties from between her slit, tender from the friction.
“That’s absolutely Kun’s fault. I told him to text me when he leaves.” Johnny rested his own head back, taking heavy breaths as he watched her roll her fingers over her clit a few times.
She risked a look at him, biting down on her lower lip. “First of all, your phone did sound twice.” She rolled her eyes when he reached for his phone with a frown to check. “Secondly, Kun isn’t the one who is supposed to get me off.”
There was an odd spark in his eyes she couldn't decipher when he looked up at her, “He isn’t, is he?” His phone dropped from between his fingers and he slid closer, cupping her cheek. “I’m supposed to do that.” His other hand brushed over her still sensitive core, making her eyes flutter shut instantly. “It’s the least I can do.” His lips brushed over her eyes as his finger curled over her underwear, pushing it aside. “This must be the most you’ve worked for anybody’s cock.”
She took a deep, animated breath, grabbing his wrist. "No. Go to your meeting. I joined this company for this IPO. I'm not letting you lose it for an orgasm." She pushed him away reluctantly.
Johnny stared at her for a moment before kissing the tip of her nose, another misplaced intimate gesture that made her heart flutter.
She put a hand on the back of his neck and kissed his lips, like some silly retaliation in hopes to get the same reaction from him. He pulled away, kissing all over her face till the butterflies in her stomach revolted again.
"Go." Her voice was weaker this time.
"This isn't over." He promised, brushing his nose over her ears. "I'm not letting this go on for another day." He kissed the hidden weak spot behind her ear, running his tongue over it. She mewled in a mix of protest and arousal, the sound making Johnny laugh breathlessly against her skin. "Pack a bag." He kissed her eyelid gently before standing up, reaching for his jacket.
She traced her eye up his frame, "Best of luck, Sir." She purred. She saw the moment's hesitation in his posture before he stood up straighter.
His eyes darkened as he turned, "Don't make me throw you against my desk and fuck you till they hear you upstairs." She was sure it was the slow smile spreading on her face at his words that made him groan the way he did. She decided to help him out, lifting her hips to pull her dress down.
"Go. And call me when you reach." She stood up, ignoring the wobble in her legs.
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Johnny understood that his presence was required in such an important meeting, but the fact that it was ceremonial at best was what made him incredibly impatient.
His jacket had been tucked carefully in his lap all evening; it had turned out to be the only way he could mitigate the worst of the situation.
It had been 4 hours since they reconvened. Johnny had spoken thrice. And it was his idle mind that was occupied with endless scenarios that he helplessly gave into.
One after the other, a matinee of possibilities played in his head till there was a need to take a deep breath that probably came off as irritable to Kun seated beside him. Kun who turned to give Johnny a small frown, contemplating something with his eyes on him. Turning away after a long moment when someone across the table spoke.
Johnny reached for his phone, putting it back almost immediately when he realised that texting her was equally a bad idea, and an overestimation of their mutual comfort with each other. Ten’s voice taunted him, making him scoff under his breath.
Maybe she did make him nervous.
He was certainly wary. But Johnny wasn’t one to be deterred. In fact, he found himself rather enjoying it. Especially when those moments gave way to ones where she was a little flustered in his presence.
Or when she was retorting back at him with a sharp tongue.
Johnny sat up and readjusted his posture, trying for what felt like the hundredth time to pay attention to the proceedings of this dreadful meeting. This time he told himself that at least time would pass faster this way.
By the time Johnny actually sat down in his car, he felt like the shell of a man. Quickly he dropped her a text and drove out of the lot without wasting a second.
She woke with a jolt, realising after sitting up that it was her ringing phone that woke her up. It took her another second to realise who it could be, reaching over to answer.
“I had a feeling you fell asleep when you didn’t respond to my text.” His voice sounded as tired as she felt.
“That’s why I asked you to call.” She confessed.
“Fair enough.” He breathed the words.
She eyed the bag that lay on the chair in her room. “I’ll just change.” She mumbled sheepishly, cheeks only heating when he laughed, his tired voice making it more throaty.
“Fuck it. I’m downstairs. Just put on a coat.”
That made her put her feet over the edge of the bed, “You're downstairs?”
“You told me to call when I reached.” He reminded her, the playful smile he probably had clear in his tone.
“Fair enough.”
By the time she seated herself in the passenger seat of Johnny's car, the suspicion that was sinking in on the elevator ride down was confirmed.
"Are you sure you don't want to sleep?" She asked out of concern. "You look awful." Her brows knit together.
"Thanks. Nice to see you too. You look great. Do you want to grab a bite?"
"I got two hours of sleep." She confessed, "I had dinner too." She realised as she spoke that he had slipped dinner on her account. "But I could use some food." She added clumsily.
"What are you in the mood to eat?" He asked as he started the engine.
"This isn't going to work if you depend on me to be decisive." She joked, only a little surprised by the glint in his eyes.
"I'll keep that in mind." He said without looking away from the road ahead of him, his voice masking some unspoken intention.
"I'll eat whatever you're in the mood for." She told him.
(Y/N) stood in line beside Johnny as they waited to order at the first McDonald's Johnny spotted. She was too aware that underneath her coat she was wearing very modest pajamas and had on even more modest slippers, an almost laughable contrast to Johnny's three-piece suit.
What an odd pair they must have looked like to the other people waiting in line with them.
"When I can't decide what to get, I end up getting a burger or steak depending on what type of restaurant I'm in." Johnny spoke after what she assumed was a break to let the cup of coffee he was drinking start it's work.
By now she knew that he was making an effort to know something about her.
"I always try something I've never had before." She shrugged, "But in McDonald's it's always chicken nuggets."
Johnny hummed, "You better share."
She nodded with a soft smile, "I'll think about it." She joked, "What do I get in return?"
He smiled to himself at the question, humming like he was contemplating the answer.
"Me." He said, getting called almost immediately to the counter. Almost like he had planned it.
She really needed to do something about those unyielding butterflies.
"Fries?" He turned to question, seemingly not paying mind to her distracted nod. "Do you want a drink?" He added.
"A coke is fine." She answered with a little more focus this time.
"McDonald's really tastes the best at–" Johnny paused to raise his wrist, flicking it to make the dial of his watch shift to view, "2 am." He relaxed into the seat of his car as he took another bite of his burger. "Why are you so quiet?" He questioned after swallowing, reaching for one of her nuggets.
"Well mostly, I'm exhausted." She said immediately, before taking a pause. "And also because I still don't understand how I'm sitting in your car at 2 am, eating McDonald's with you." Her own words made her blush, the absurdity worse when verbalised.
"Life's all about surprises, isn't it?" He smiled at his burger, already halfway through.
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By the time Johnny pressed the elevator button to his floor, every exhausted bone he had in his body had been replaced with liquid nerves of anticipation.
It was the third time he was confined in an elevator with her just today, and for the third time that day he thought about what he could do with the privilege of this solitude.
But the thought he was more invested in was what she could be wearing under her tightly knotted navy coat.
"How was your day?" She questioned with immense hesitation, wincing at herself almost immediately. "Sorry, that was a terrible attempt at a conversation. I'm terrible with tension." She scoffed.
Johnny smiled as he realised that it was the first real information she had volunteered about herself.
"No one's good with tension." He shrugged, slipping his own clammy hands into his pockets. She nodded as she looked down to the floor.
Johnny smiled to himself, "My day was great. Felt longer than most, but I ate some ice cream cake, saw you in a dress that I'm definitely going to miss and my label will now trade publically." He answered her question, "And," She looked up with a curious gaze when his voice trailed off. "I got to start, and now end it with you. Even got a double cheeseburger out of it. This might just be one of the best days I've had in a while." He sighed with a sense of contentment that was foreign but not at all unwelcomed, leaning back against the elevator door.
If she was going to respond to his sudden brazen musing, it was overridden by the sound of the elevator arriving at its destination.
On his part, Johnny blamed his words on the exhaustion.
"I hope you remember my promise from last night." He smirked as he reached into his pockets for his keys, "I'm rather adverse to repeating myself."
"And yet you've repeated the same promise a generous number of times." She scoffed, at his back. "The only thing you seem adverse to is living up to inflated expectations."
Johnny turned to her as the door swung open, the look on his face silently questioning her audacity. He held the door open for her, tilting his chin inside.
There was the smallest hesitation in her step, a moment's reprieve to contemplate what she had gotten herself into.
"Scared of the consequences?" He questioned.
She frowned, stepping by him as she rolled her eyes. The abrupt slam of the door made her turn. Johnny looked down at her with a gaze capable of rendering anyone silent— it pinned her in place.
"Roll your eyes at me again and I'm going to make sure to fuck you till you can't remember your name." He promised.
She swallowed, her eyes unreadable. "Not till I can't remember yours? Or is that too easy?"
Johnny narrowed his eyes, trapping her against the table by his door. "Trust me, (Y/N). I'll make sure you remember my name." His fingers fiddled with the belt on her waist.
She smiled like she enjoyed riling him up like this but didn't say anything, only nodding at him.
"Don't believe me?" He asked as he slid her coat off, placing it on the table behind her.
"I never said that." She mumbled, gasping right after when he lifted her up to the table with ease.
He watched her face as he kneaded her bare thigh. While a part of him did wish he had the privilege to get her out of the dress she walked around the office in, all day. Seeing the cute and excruciatingly short shorts she was in felt somehow more special.
"Did you wear these just for me?" He asked, fingers sliding under the edge.
"No, I wore them because they're comfortable." She sat back, watching him. "But you can borrow them if you want." He grinned.
Johnny took two more steps, stroking his palm over one of her legs before lifting it to his waist.
"First watermelon panties, now pineapple shorts. You're trying to make it impossible for me to appreciate a balanced breakfast." He grinned wider when she smacked his chest with a breathy chuckle.
"That's disgusting." She lamented, putting her head on his chest and chuckling a little more.
"We're only just getting started." He rubbed his hips slightly, earning the small gasp he intended to elicit.
"Wait till you see what's under the shorts." She mumbled, words breaking off into a moan when he moved his hips a little harder against hers.
She grabbed the lapel of his waistcoat, using the hold as an anchor to move her own hips slightly. It was the physical evidence he needed, stepping away to enjoy the anger on her face.
"Hands by your side, (Y/N)." He tilted his chin down to point at her hands with his gaze. She clenched her jaw but obeyed, sliding her hands away to rest beside her on the table.
"Are you being this obedient because you're afraid of vengeance?" Johnny mused, his own hands slipping down her arms till they came to her fingers. "I guess it does benefit you right now doesn't it? Keeping that divine mouth of yours shut?" He resorted to leaving small kisses over her neck, keeping the rest of his body deliberately afar.
"You've set a low bar if listening to a single request makes you think I'm being obedient."
Johnny smiled against her jaw, grabbing the skin between his teeth, tugging.
"Jesus." She winced, hips twitching. When her arms jerked, he threaded his fingers through hers.
"He can't save you now." He mumbled.
A small shake in her chest made him freeze before it came out as a breathless snigger from her lips, "Stop it. I can't believe you're joking around right now." She bumped her shoulder against his, "Especially right after you talk about vengeance." Her words gave way to a small whine.
Johnny laughed with her, kissing up to her ear. "I'm a man of many talents." He tugged on her earlobe with his lips. She tried to swallow her whimper.
"Is that a threat?” She mumbled, only partially joking.
"Don't worry, I'm less cruel than you are." He hummed, amused when she looked unconvinced.
Johnny let her hands go to slide under her t-shirt. On a whim, he turned his hands over so the much colder back of hands touched her waist instead. As Johnny expected, she yelped.
"But still cruel." She grumbled at the torture he inflicted on her.
Johnny just smiled, slowly sliding his hands up till his knuckles were brushing the skin right under her breasts. She gasped, back arching on it's own accord.
"Nothing underneath, hmm?" He clicked his tongue, "Such an eager little slut." His thumb brushed over each nipple with sparse pressure. "Weren't you telling me just yesterday how you don't like to rush?" Johnny raised a brow, all his attention fixed on her face.
“I was sleeping. Psychopaths sleep with their bras on.” Her voice was a faint mumble now.
With her eyes closed and lips parted, Johnny felt like he was finally receiving his reparations. With that thought in mind he leaned over further, taking one of her nipples into his mouth over her t-shirt and shifted his now free hand to her back to hold her in place.
Her fingers flew into his hair, the tight tug making blood rush into his scalp and making him forget his train of thought for a moment.
The incoherent mewls that left her lips probably did the most to weaken his resolve. He wanted to take her right there just to hear her babble like that again, his petty games be damned.
But recalling her little retorts from moments ago was all he needed to regain his composure. Johnny stopped what he was doing to come up to her face, "I thought I gave you an instruction." He used a chastising tone, knitting his brows together to feign disappointment.
He clicked his tongue, "If you can't listen, we can't enjoy ourselves can we?" He hummed, prompting her to focus on his words, "As someone who loves giving orders. You should know how to follow them, shouldn't you?"
His tone was performatively patronising, making her finally open her eyes and take in a shaky inhale. Slowly, almost too eagerly, she nodded. Her wide eyed look challenged his resolve once more.
Johnny's tone softened as much as his resolve, "Such a perfect picture of compliance. I want to store this moment in a bottle so I can remind you of this every single day." He brushed his thumb over the plump quiver of her lips. "It's like a privilege to watch you come undone from my efforts."
He looked back at her eyes when he pressed his thumb through her lips. He groaned under his breath when she parted them without even having to be told. It was the only reason he discarded his previous intention of shoving the finger far enough to make her gag.
Johnny was starting to realise that he was a weak man.
He moved his thumb out to rub it around her lips, smiling wide when she seemed displeased.
"Don't frown. We have all night." He mumbled against her cheek, "If you learn to listen, you'll be rightfully rewarded." When she nodded with a resigned sigh, he kissed the corner of her mouth.
"You're so beautiful like this." Johnny sighed this time, stepping back once again to take in the look on her face, "Waiting for me to have my way with you."
She whined with a mix of arousal and growing embarrassment that was apparent with the growing blush on her cheeks. He wondered just how much further he could push her.
"Helpless is a good look on you, (Y/N)." He goaded her on with sly purpose
"Just like how desperate is on you?" She retaliated, victory coursing through Johnny's veins faster than his overwhelming arousal. Only when she opened her eyes to catch the glint in his gaze, did the deliberate nature of his action hit her. She bit down on her bottom lip.
"Oh baby, it's going to look better on you. Trust me." His hands came to her knees, moving them just enough to make space for himself between them. He took the steps he needed to have his chest pressed against hers.
"Belligerence, I think, is the best look on me." She mumbled, distracted by his proximity enough to forget the sting in her tone.
"I can't say I disagree." He smirked, hand sliding up her thigh. "But that doesn't mean we don't diversify." He stroked his thumb over the skin in lazy circles, slowly dragging his hand further in between.
When his fingers barely brushed against her shorts, his brows knit in concentration. "Can I touch you?" He asked seriously, considering it his last ounce of resolve.
The glazed look on her face cleared momentarily, a deliberate smirk playing on her lips. She slid a little closer to the edge of the table, till most of her balance came from leaning on him. She lifted her chin to look into his eyes.
"You can do anything to me."
Johnny didn't need to be told twice.
Without breaking eye contact, he slipped his hand through the shorts. "I'm going to leave this on." He informed her.
"Pervert." She whispered, biting down on her bottom lip when he pushed her underwear to the side. He stroked a finger up and down her slit with lazy precision.
"Hmm? What did you say?" He mocked, "I didn't catch it." He feigned confusion. The moment it looked like she parted her lips to speak, he pressed his finger over her clit. "What?" He teased as the only sound that left her lips was a gasp. "You were saying?" He started to move his finger around, still obstructed by her folds.
"Asshole." She managed to squeeze the word out from between her teeth.
"Yeah?" He questioned, finally parting through her folds to touch her clit. (Y/N) jerked, hand reaching up to his arm. "Assholes must be your thing if you're so wet for me." He clicked his tongue a few times, shaking his head like he pitied her. "So fucking wet." He traced his finger up and down, spreading the wetness. "For an asshole?" He gasped, "What a slut, aren't you?" Her forehead creased, hips twitching.
"So wet for me, (Y/N)." He breathed out, the realisation hitting him with equal force. This was the first time Johnny was touching her this intimately, the thought lost initially to his quest to memorise the growing affliction on her face.
"How does it feel?" He whispered. Johnny realised that the shift in his tone was distinct enough for her to force her eyes open. She carefully assessed his face before nodding.
"You haven't done anything yet, Johnny." She said anyway, grinning when he did too at her words.
For a moment, Johnny forgot what he was doing, using his other hand to lift her chin. This time Johnny closed his eyes before she could, their lips meeting gently.
For a moment he felt queasy in his stomach like he swallowed tv static.
The hand that was stroking her clit retreated to rest on her thigh when she arched her back closer to his to deepen the kiss. Johnny found himself holding back, brushing his lips over hers lightly instead.
Johnny never quite understood the reputation kissing had. What he heard was that there was something intimate about it that wasn't replicable. To him, it was just another act.
In the moment, as he opened his eyes to catch a glimpse of her, he had a sense of what they meant. There was something almost overwhelming about being surrounded by another person in this way that was incomparable. At that moment, Johnny was a believer.
When she opened her eyes to meet his, the static in his belly felt like a threat.
"Aren't you going to kiss me?" Her voice was a soft mumble against his lips while he stared at the soft doubt in her eyes. Doubt that he found ironic because kissing her was all he thought about since he did it the first time.
But again a part of him was slowly realising that he was afraid his usual zeal in pursuing someone might not work with her. With that also came the realisation that he really wanted it to work on her in particular.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked instead, lips only moving back an inch to speak.
"You." She breathed out. Even if the answer was one he anticipated, the confirmation filled him with a little more confidence.
"I think about you all the time." Johnny finally said the one confession he held onto all this time. Almost immediately, he lost his nerve; kissing her instead of waiting for a response that he was afraid wouldn't be favourable.
The hand she had on his arm went to his shoulder and the hand he had on her chin went to her cheek to deepen the kiss.
Maybe she was just a good kisser, he tried to rationalise as his belly erupted with more of that queasy feeling. To prove his theory, he let her have her way.
Slowly her brazen disposition seeped back into her, her tongue exploring his mouth slower. Johnny wondered if she knew what she was doing to him with each flick of her tongue against his. The thought made him reluctantly pull away.
He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Johnny felt embarrassed by his own pride. So he kissed down her cheek to her neck, burying his face there and returning to the task at hand.
Johnny's finger entered her smoothly, the soft grunt that left her lips the only sign of its effect. He reached her shoulder, trapping the skin between his lips with the intention to leave a mark as proof.
The slick sounds of her arousal were enough to make Johnny feel like he'd achieved what he set out to do. The thought was unseemly. The soft sounds from her that increased in both volume and pitch were enough to make him go faster and faster. Both their breathing was somehow equally hefty by the time he added another finger.
When his fingers found their pace, the hand she had on her shoulder reached over his back, making Johnny finally aware of all the fabric still between them.
"You should only get to come on my cock." He spoke against her skin.
"No!" The urgency in her voice made Johnny smile, "Feels so good. Don't stop." She inched further off the table, dangerously close to falling over the edge.
Johnny pushed up slightly to see her again, "How good?" He hummed.
"So good." She responded instantly, moaning when he curled his fingers up. "So fucking good. Don't stop." Her hand clasped his back tight, the other coming to his chest to ground herself.
Johnny's eyes gleamed with delight, "Is that a threat?" He made a show of retreating his fingers slowly
"No." She shook her head, sounding like she was holding back a sob. "Don't stop. Shit it feels so fucking good." He added another finger as he increased his pace.
When a scream ripped out of her throat, Johnny thought he'd lose consciousness from all the blood he'd lost to his throbbing dick.
"How about that? Feel good?" His own voice came out breathless, eyes taking in every wrinkle of her brow, every inflection in her voice. He relished the way her hips jerked back from the force of his fingers ramming into her.
She nodded furiously, the only sound leaving her lips being little grunts every time his fingers thrust back in.
"I'm so close." She groaned.
"I still haven't given you permission to come, have I?" Johnny provoked her. "Be a good little girl and ask, (Y/N)." He began oscillating his fingers with deft movements, the sharp to and fro making her cry out again.
When she bit down on her bottom lip instead of speaking, Johnny stilled his movements. She grabbed his wrist.
"Alright!" She shouted, opening her eyes to meet his gaze, the corner of her eyes moist. The glazed pleasure dripping in her gaze made Johnny twitch painfully again. "Can I please," She paused to take a gasping breath, "Can I please come," She whined when his thumb pressed down on her clit, "Sir?" The last word was a clear struggle, choking in her throat.
"Such an obedient pet." Johnny's lips spread into a grin. "Slut." He taunted her.
"Whore." She spat back impulsively, screwing her eyes shut like she doomed herself. Johnny licked his grinning lips, using his other hand to push away the hair sticking to her face.
"Such a becoming pair we make." He spoke as he regained his previous pace with full fervour. Her head fell on his shoulders, legs shaking so much that Johnny had to press himself up against her to make sure she didn't fall.
"Johnny, please." She groaned.
"Don't worry." He brushed his lips against her head, "I'm going to take such good care of you." She moaned at his words, fingers clutching his shirt harder.
"I want to come." She said meekly.
"Do it." His words were a mix of demand and permission. The hand she had around his wrist tightened.
He felt her walls clenched tight around his fingers, the thought of being inside her now all he could think of.
"Look at me." He mumbled, leaning his head back just enough. She raised her head to do what she was told, just in time for Johnny to see the one thing he'd been craving for two weeks now.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she came in waves. Incoherent praises slipped out of her lips as she slowly rocked her hips into his palm to ride out her orgasm.
"You look absolutely divine like this. Rendered dumb from my fingers." His eyes melted at the sight, leaning in to kiss her as he removed his fingers from inside her. She wrapped her arms around his neck to hold the kiss.
He moved away too soon, taking his hand out from her shorts. She bit down on her lips and he felt more of his self-control slip away.
“What’s my name?” He asked.
She took a dry gulp, “Johnny.” Her eyes remained closed, head coming to rest on his shoulder again.
“Tired?” He asked a little softer, putting a hand on her shoulder to knead any sore muscles.
She shook her head, “Just give me a moment.” She said between breaths.
"How was that?" He asked after the granted moment, standing still to let her rest her head.
"Great." She swallowed, nodding. "It was," She paused to take another stuttered breath, her legs shaking when she tried to move. "Yeah." She nodded again as Johnny tightened his grip to keep her from falling.
"Want to keep going?" He asked, chewing on the corner of his lip when her response wasn't immediate.
She looked up at him and the sheepish look in her voice almost made him panic. "Can I have a glass of water first?"
Johnny's laugh was only loud because of his relief, "You can have a whole bottle." He leaned over to kiss her forehead, giving into the urge to kiss her fluttering eyelid.
(Y/N) followed behind Johnny as he led the way to his bedroom. Her own nerves acting up felt unprecedented. She tried to remind herself that it was just sex. After so many weeks, it had started to feel like an afterthought anyway.
Yet, she had a feeling that maybe those same weeks were the culprit. It didn't feel like just sex anymore.
But she wasn't going to divulge that.
In fact, she decided she wasn't even going to think about it for now.
She sat down on the edge of his bed, confused when he just watched her.
"What?" She asked, heart beating faster than it was with his fingers buried inside her.
"I've spent more nights thinking about you on my bed than my pride should allow me to admit." He confessed, unaware of the effects his words had on him.
"Oh." She said, the uncertainty making her voice meek. "Should I move up?" She tried to hasten the process, caught off guard again when he shook his head.
She scoffed, hiding her nerves with a listless smirk. "Having second thoughts?" She balled her fists up tight, digging them into the mattress.
"No." He frowned, "Are you?" He asked, yet again giving her the chance to back away from this.
"No." She said instead, stomach twisting at the relief so clearly painted on his face. Slowly, he began taking off his clothes. Without breaking eye contact, he patiently took off his jacket and waistcoat. The lesser part of her itched to take the rest off for him.
Johnny stopped stripping, walking around to reach the head of his bed. She followed his movement, turning.
"I want you to ride me, (Y/N). I want to see how bad you want it." He looked away, pulling his bedside drawer open to retrieve a foil packet.
She knew he was deliberate with every word he uttered. It was why a question probed her mind. Before she could consider the repercussions, she spoke up.
"Want what?" She got up as she spoke, walking over to stand in front of him.
He looked up and she could see a genuine deliberation in his eyes. "Me." He answered softer than before.
She smiled, giving into the persistent urge she had to caress his hair.
"Sit back." She answered with more confidence than she probably had about the matter. For a second she was sure he was going to protest to order. But he pursed his lips and did what he was told and she ignored the gleam in his eyes.
"Unbuckle your belt." She pointed her gaze at the object. His arms jerked towards it obediently, sliding the metal buckle off with ease. When he reached for his pants she clicked her tongue. "Just the belt." She kept her voice kinder than he probably expected.
When his arms returned to the side, she put a hand on his chest. There was a guarded look in his eyes that wasn’t there before, she could tell it was mirroring the one in hers.
(Y/N) leaned over instead of dwelling on the thought.
Slowly, she unbuttoned his shirt, proud of her own restraint and how her fingers only minimally shook. She chalked up her sudden reluctance to make eye contact to the same shake. As his chest slowly came into view though, she became aware that it was impossible to avoid him.
"I thought about it too." Her voice was soft, words uttered as she undid the final button.
"About what?" The tremble in his voice filled her chest with exhilaration. It also made her hands shake more visibly.
She unbuttoned his pants, not having to tell him to lift his hips.
She looked up to meet his eyes once she dragged it off, feeling small under his attentive gaze. "About this. Your bed." She relaxed a little more, "Everything here smells like you do, it's driving me crazy." She let the impulsive words tumble out despite her trepidations.
The impulsive decisions were the ones worth making anyway.
He put his hands on her thighs, uncharacteristically silent. Without moving his gaze away from her face, he dragged it up her leg.
"You need to take these off." He tugged on her shorts, his face and voice dangerously timid.
She brought her hands to her side, "Do it."
Johnny looked up at her like he needed the confirmation on her face as well, before tugging her towards him by her drawstring.
She would have tumbled into him had it not been for the firm hand he placed on her waist.
"Sorry." He mumbled, biting down on his lip. She shook her head as the only reassurance.
He was silent as he pulled her shorts down, only smiling at her cherry printed panties.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" He chuckled.
She bit back her smile, "Maybe I just like fruit themed garments."
Johnny hummed, a smile still painted on his face. "I'm sure they have their merits." He brushed his fingers over her clothed mound.
Pushing his hand between her legs, he rubbed up and down till a faint whimper left her lips. He looked up, brows raised and gaze attentive. It was a look searing enough to make her want to cower.
"Take off your t-shirt for me, (Y/N)." His voice was as soft as his persistent touch. She nodded, looking up at the ceiling as temporary respite. Slowly her hands reached for the edge of her t-shirt, clenching it harder than necessary. Just as she began pulling it up, Johnny looped his fingers into her panties.
At the same pace, they both took the individual garments off. Once they fell on the floor, she found herself unable to lower her gaze to face him. He began kneading her thighs, also pulling her closer with the same hold.
"Come here." His voice was a gentle whisper. Her legs carried her to the sound.
With her eyes focused on his hair, she slowly straddled his lap.
He grabbed her chin for no reason other than to pin her gaze with his. "I'm going to drive you crazy now. No more daydreaming." His words were spoken through his unyielding jaw, "I'm going to fuck myself into that capricious head of yours." He pulled her closer to leave a kiss on her cheek that felt like sealing a promise.
"That's cruel." She wasn't trying to be snide this time.
"It's retribution." He kissed the tip of her nose.
She braced herself to ask him what he meant, but he dragged her further up till his tip rubbed against her clit.
"No more talking." He sat back slightly, "What's my name?" The way his brow raised made her stomach knot itself tight.
"Johnny." She clenched her own jaw down after that, putting her hand on his shoulder to lift up just enough to slide down onto him. The glide was smooth, but she felt the air knock out of her anyway from the stretch. The reassurance that his dick felt as good as it looked was a novel one.
"So fucking tight." He spat the words through gritted teeth. "Even after I scissored your hole wide?" His breath stuttered when she rubbed against him, whimpering at the feeling of the fullness. "Your pussy is as willful as you." With the first buck of his hips, her head fell forward onto his shoulders.
Johnny groaned when she clenched around him, "All tightly wound up like you." He thrusted up again, earning a whimper. "I'm going to get both, don't worry." He moved the hand he had on her back to the back of her neck, pulling her away just enough to angle her right and to watch her face as he began ramming his cock into her from below.
Her hands scrambled all over his back and chest, soft grunts leaving her lips every time he plunged up into her. His dick remained inside her at all times at this angle and it started to make her restless.
Almost like he sensed it, Johnny slowed his motions. "Hands behind your back, (Y/N). He ordered, making her brows scrunch up. She had enough experience to know that wasn't going to help her rising impatience, and it would make her very sore. She also had enough experience with him to know that's exactly why he asked.
Still she knew her part, following his instruction as she also took the moment to catch her breath. As she had expected, he held her wrists in one of his palms using the other to raise her hips.
When he thrust in this time, she screamed, caught off guard by the shock of pleasure. His incredible tenacity and skill would have impressed her if she wasn't suddenly zeroed in on the feeling of a rising knot in her belly.
"So fucking compliant." He groaned this time, her walls slowly clenching him tighter. "If someone saw you milking my cock yesterday, or saw you in a boardroom anytime. Would they believe that you're such a good pet?" He tugged her arms back further, her breathing turning to mewls that sounded in tandem with each thrust. "Being fucked into oblivion like this?" She cried out at his words this time, brain slowly slipping into a fog from the combined efforts of his hips and his words.
When her legs started shaking, she had no choice but to tighten it against his waist. He let her arms go so swiftly that her heart lunged, thinking she'd fall back on the floor. But he grabbed her by the neck faster, pulling her to his chest with one sharp tug.
"Didn't I tell you to ask before you come?" His frown was etched all over his face, a loud mewl leaving her lips in protest when he stopped his movements. "Did I or did I not?"
His voice was stern, making more heat pool between her legs. She nodded weakly in response.
"Cat got your tongue?" He asked, making her give in to the urge to open her eyes.
They parted into heavy slits, when he saw her watch he raised his brow.
"Can't speak?" He asked, voice dropping in its volume but not it's chide.
She shook her head. She couldn't even think at the moment, speaking was an impossible feat.
Johnny hummed, "I guess pets can't speak, can they?" She shook her head again, his chuckle making her whimper. "Kittens only mewl after all." He hummed with mock sympathy.
"Look at me." He spoke, words void of it's previous provocation. She didn't realise she had shut her eyes already, opening them on demand.
He moved the hair that was sticking to her face, pushing further away from the edge of the bed. When he lay back, she knit her brows in confusion.
"Ride me, Kitten. Want you to use my cock till you come." He gave her a soft nod, one she mirrored in some form of silent communication she wasn't in the right mind to process. All her focus was on the feeling of his dick twitching inside her.
She put both her hands on his chest, looking up at him to be sure the pressure wasn't uncomfortable. But he just watched her with undeterred focus.
When she lifted off him, it was till his tip was brushing against her entrance. When she sat back down, both of them jerked.
"Fuck." She groaned, relishing in the feeling. Her arousal dripped between them, making the glide deceptively simple. Before she knew it, she was bouncing on his cock. And it was his turn to be rendered incoherent.
In control of the pace like this, she could manage to speak the words she had been holding back on for weeks.
"You refused to sleep with me." She gasped as she moved faster, "It was humiliating and I still fingered myself in front you. I'm the one who deserves retribution." She moaned when he thrust up to catch her halfway.
"Wasn't fucking someone while I thought about you retribution enough?" His voice was a small mumble, bordering on deadly. She ground down on him, more vexed than before by his response.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She leaned forward to roll her hips. "That you fucked someone else while I had to bear witness?" Her legs cramped in their position but her focus remained unchanged.
Her eyes shot open when his hand wrapped around her neck, pulling her chest to his.
"I burned you into my mind that night." With a tight grip on her ass, he took over the pace again. "And when I thought it couldn't be worse than that, you started to take shape in my mind too. Is your grievance worse than mine? Do you think about me as much as I think of you?" He moved with precise movements, hitting all the right spots till her legs felt like mush.
Johnny sighed, running his fingers through her hair tenderly, "Do you think about me at all?" His words were lost to the haze in her mind.
"Going to come." Was all she could manage to say quickly, not willing to risk it this time. He didn't say a word in response, but increased his pace, letting her reach her high. Her head fell onto his chest with a muffled cry, nails digging into his arm. While she couldn't think, his name somehow fell off her lips almost naturally.
It took her longer than she thought to come back to her senses, she wasn't even sure if she had lost consciousness briefly. When she came to, the first thing she felt was his fingers running up and down her spine.
"Good?" He asked her with a soft voice, one laced with gentle concern. It gave her the assurance to nod without looking. "What's my name?" He asked her.
"Johnny." She didn't hesitate, only gasping when he flipped her over instantly. When he slipped back into her, it was a quick thrust that made a string of nonsense words come out of her lips.
"You look ravishing like this." He softly kissed her forehead, "No amount of daydreaming can do justice to the look on your face." He snaked a hand between them to tug her bottom lip from between her teeth as he pulled out of her. "It's my turn to do that." His voice was softer, a momentary trepidation passing by his eyes.
He looked away from her eyes to focus on her lips. When he took her bottom lip between her teeth, he also thrust back in at the same time. She didn't know which of those two actions made her moan as loudly as she did.
Too soon, he let the flesh go, brushing his lips over hers instead. The restraint he showed in kissing her was by far the worst one to acknowledge.
"So stunning when you're losing your mind, kitten." He whispered against her lips, eyes holding hers in place. "Do you want to come again?" He questioned, his gaze softening when she gave him a strained nod. "Okay." His voice became softer. The hand he had on her lip left to trace her sides softly, encouraging another orgasm out of her. The other one dug into her hips so hard that it was sure to leave a mark. He moaned and shivered under him as the second climax built up dangerously fast.
"I just don't understand you." It was a timid confession due to the fog in her mind, heart picking up more at the words than the actions between them. "I'm always trying to figure you out." Her words dissolved into a drawn out moan when a sharp thrust made her clench around him, a sudden orgasm making her vision blur.
He kissed all over her face and neck, the touches so tender that it made her chest flutter and squeeze. She didn't have the energy to pull away. As he pulled out of her, she whimpered again.
"How do you feel?" He asked into her neck just as he licked up slowly. He kept asking the same question.
Despite how spent she was, a soft grunt that was intended to be a scoff left her lips. "How does it look like I feel?" She asked him back.
"I can never tell with you." The look in his eyes burned her skin.
She swallowed, "Good."
"Did I go too far?" His lips brushed over her ear as his finger traced up her stomach.
"No." She shook her head, breathing hitching again despite her body already feeling exhausted.
"Do you want me to go further?" She didn't miss the way his volume dropped, making the words more volatile. It made her insides churn like she was shoved into a clusterfuck washing machine.
She squeezed her eyes, knowing already that she would regret her next words. But she couldn't bring herself to care as his soft lips left softer touches on her forehead.
"I said anything. I thought you could deliver on that?" She tried to chuckle, her voice instead sounding like she was coming up for air.
He pushed back to put a hand on her chin, a salacious smirk darkening his eyes. "Is this how you behave when given the freedom of choice?" He raised a brow, squeezing her cheek when she tried to nod. "Horny pets like you just want to be used, don't you?" This time he let her nod, only narrowing his eyes. "What's my name?" His eyes focused on her lips.
"Johnny." She spoke through her puckered cheeks.
He flipped her over so fast that her brain didn't catch the logistics of the action.
His fingers brushed against her bottom, kneading the soft flesh till she moaned. "Ass in the air. Like the kitten in heat you are, (Y/N)" He lifted her waist up till her face was buried in the mattress. She mewled as if on command, the feeling of his fingers digging into her skin making every inch rise in goosebumps.
She felt his tip brush over her folds again, "It's wrong how good you feel." He groaned as he rubbed against her entrance, "No one should feel this good to fuck." He sighed as he entered her with one clean thrust.
She fell over from the impact, the mattress swallowing her grunt. He steadied her with both hands landing in her waist, digging his fingers into the flesh.
"Is it because this is the longest you've had to work for sex?" She asked when she managed to push back enough to breathe. He thrust into her like the words somehow annoyed him.
"No it's because you drive me crazy." His thrusts turned meaningful in a split second, working her up into another orgasm quicker than she thought possible, "I can't decide if I'm provoked or fascinated by you." He groaned through gritted teeth, the uneven pace of his movement telling her that he was close. "But I always want to fuck you." He groaned when she clenched down on his dick with a death grip. He chuckled like he knew what she was doing.
But instead of giving in, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up with enviable ease. He wrapped one hand around her neck to pin her back against his chest, letting his movement slow into languid rolls of his hips.
"How does it feel?" He grunted into her neck, hand tightening around her waist, pulling her closer and pushing himself deeper inside her. She gasped, head falling back onto his chest.
She took a shallow breath, mouth hanging open. "So good." She spoke softly, brows creasing. "So so good."
Johnny couldn't help his smirk, moving the arm from her waist to push back the hair sticking to her face. "Who's making you feel like this?" He questioned, voice softer.
"You." She breathed out, brows relaxing before quickly knitting together again as he started pulling out. "Shit. Johnny." She moaned, grabbing for nothing before reaching down to his thighs. Johnny winced when her nails dug into his skin, sitting back till his tip brushed against her entrance.
"How do I feel?" His tongue brushed against her earlobe, cheeky pride apparent in his voice. He started pulling her back onto his dick before she spoke.
"Fuck." She squeezed her eyes shut, head falling forward as she took a struggled gasp. "Excellent. Want to come on your cock." She sighed. Johnny pushed her down on his dick with a quick snap at the words, a high pitched yelp leaving her lips.
His hand reached her stomach then to push her harder against his chest, other hand tugging her head back to his shoulder by her hair.
"I want to hear that sound again." He kissed her cheek, such a delicate gesture compared to the tight hold on her scalp or the merciless pace of his hips.
She swallowed a thick lump in her throat, struggling to get her words out. "It'll happen when it happens." Her reassurance came with a small smirk of challenge.
Johnny only hummed in response, lips brushing over her back as he slowed his hips to a torturous pace. "We can take our time in that case." He left a kiss of finality on her shoulder. "We have all night."
Her forehead creased at the implication of his words. The clear distress on her face made Johnny chuckle, kissing the contours.
"You're so cute like this, kitten. Trying not to look as desperate as you feel." He kissed her eyelid.
"Shut up." She mumbled, a fresh flush of humiliation coursing through her. "Make me come, Johnny." The light squeeze of her palm on his thigh was a demand. He smiled against her nose.
"I'll happen when it happens." He brushed his lips over hers, biting down on her upper lip softly when she pouted.
She lifted her hand from his leg to journey between her thighs, a soft sigh leaving her lips when her finger came in contact with her clit.
Johnny clicked his tongue when he noticed, reaching to pull her hand away. He brought her hand to her stomach, intertwining his over it.
"You come on my cock tonight." He warned, voice close to her ear.
She pushed herself closer to his chest, leaning her weight onto him.
Johnny poked her on the side, making her squirm, back going stiff. "Tired?" He teased her. "We just got started."
She could only give him a laboured nod.
Johnny grinned wide, "What's my name?" He questioned.
"What's yours?"
She sighed deep, "(Y/N)."
"Good girl." He turned her to face him on his lap, the shift making him fall out of her. A whine left her lips at the loss. Gingerly, he placed her back on the mattress, leaving soft encouraging kisses on her face. Johnny hovered over her, watching her with heated intensity.
She watched him back through small slits between her eyelids, too spent to exert more energy. He pushed back into her with excruciating patience, slowly filling her back up inch by inch.
"Still feel good?" His voice was a struggled grunt. She nodded immediately, urgently. They sighed in harmony when he bottomed out.  He finally pulled his gaze away from her face to fall into her neck, kissing across the skin.
"You should be fucked like this all the time." His mumble left shivers on her skin, "Till you can't think. You look so fucking perfect like this." His lips travelled lower, kissing down her chest till he reached her breast. He looked up to meet her eyes, giving the top of her aroused nipple a light peck. "I should fuck you like this all the time." He licked the sensitive skin, a whimper leaving her. Then he wrapped his lips around it, pulling out of her slowly before he entered her quicker this time.
Incomprehensible words left her lips again, hands reaching into his hair as she enjoyed the mix of sensations. He reached a hand to her other breast, tugging her nipple between his fingers.
"So good." She said after a short swallow. More words were swallowed by a gasp when he entered her faster this time. "Oh." She nodded, lips falling apart when she felt a thick jolt of pleasure as he hit her g-spot.
"There?" Johnny chuckled, rutting his hips against her. She nodded again, hands reaching for his hair. He quickened his hips to an unbelievable pace, hands reaching for her waist to lift her closer. When he hit the same spot with furious certainty, the shrill yelp he was waiting for left her lips with reckless abandon.
He gave her nipple a last lap before reaching back to her neck, kissing up her jaw till he reached her chin. His touch was gentle while he only increased the brutal pace of his hips. Johnny lifted one of her legs to his shoulder to have something to hold as he sat back on his heels. When the angle made her writhe in pleasure, he sat up with attention.
"You're like an instrument." He ghosted a thumb over her clit, "I'm going to take my time learning how to play you."
She took a short breath, "Is this how you write music?" A sound that was somewhere between a scoff and a moan left her.
"Sometimes." He answered, snapping his hips back into her. A cry slipped from her mouth, muffled when she bit her lips.
Johnny slapped the inside of her thigh, the sound louder than it's sting. "Let me hear you." He ordered, "Every little sound." He emphasised his words by hitting her g-spot again.
"Yes, just there." She moaned, hands reaching for the pillow somewhere above her head. "Gonna come." She struggled to speak, voice cracking into a shriek when he focused on her spot.
"Come for me, Y/N." He lifted her other leg to the same shoulder, holding both her thighs between his palms. His head fell forward as he focused on nothing more than the feeling of her tight walls as she went rigid in search of pleasure.
"Kiss me." She gasped. He dropped her legs, grabbing both of her arms and pulling her up immediately, holding her by the back of her head.
She knew by now to keep her gaze on his eyes. For the first second when their lips met, time slowed. Almost too slowly, his tongue slid into her mouth. Then he kissed her deep and desperate, tongue clashing with teeth.
She pulled back after a moment to whimper. Her legs shaking to signal her orgasm, hand coming up to his chest as both warning and grounding. He pulled back only to ride her through it, rubbing her clit fast with his thumb. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she came, head falling back.
Johnny placed her back down on the bed, sitting back, "I'm going to come." He told her as he put all his energy into ramming into her. She gave him a single nod. Johnny smiled, "What's my name?" He spoke through gritted teeth.
"Johnny." She mewled. He came with a quick spurt, making her gasp.
"Fuck." He whispered as she felt the heat of his cum inside her, moving till he had milked every last drop. Johnny's head fell onto her chest and he took two deep breaths, "What's your name?" He questioned once he stilled, looking up through his hair after a moment of silence to find her eyes fluttering shut with exhaustion. He couldn't help the smirk that lit his face as he reached for the box of tissues on the nightstand.
Despite how slow he pulled out of her, both of them winced.
"Maybe we should take a shower." He teased as he discarded the condom.
"It's not fair to have these expectations." She tucked her hands under her cheek and turned to her side, cracking a smile when a soft chuckle left Johnny's lips as he got out of the bed.
She watched as he pulled open a chest, taking out a pair of sweatpants that he tugged on with far too much mobility for someone who had just been through the same ordeal she had.
He reached for a t-shirt before he shut the chest, walking over to the bed. He reached a hand out to her and she took it without question, protesting when he lifted her off the bed.
"I don't want you to get cold." He explained as he lifted her arms up, slipping his t-shirt onto her. She blushed at the words, lowering her face when he pulled the shirt over her head and getting back into bed quickly after.
"Tired." Was all she said as explanation and Johnny smiled with excessive warmth, giving her a nod and an endearing chuckle that she didn't linger on. She turned away from him, not waiting to see his response as she felt her eyes shut.
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Next Day
(Y/N) woke up to a few moments of confusion, the feel of a strange bed taking it’s time to make sense to her sleepy head.
“Oh.” She whispered to herself when she turned over to an empty side. Sitting up to look around, (Y/N) was almost mad at the relief she felt when she heard his shuffling through the open door of his bedroom. She got out of bed, her painfully sore body making her recall all the talk of retribution with an aim.
Johnny was debating whether his less than adequate skill at making eggs was worth the risk when he heard the sound of footsteps.
"Hi." Johnny said when she came and stood in front of him, "Want some coffee?"
"Later." She spoke as she came closer.
"Okay?" Johnny felt as unsure as his tone made him sound, confusion only aggravating when he noticed the resolute look in her eyes. "What's up?" He tried to sound laid back as he stumbled a few steps back. She shook her head with a callous shrug that felt more real than his efforts.
Johnny looked down at her when she finally stopped in front of his chest. She looked up at him slowly, eyes dazzling under the neon ceiling lights.
She put a hand on his chest and Johnny cursed the pace of his heart. "I want to suck your dick.” She told him, pushing him against the fridge.
Johnny blinked, taking a moment too long to catch up to what she said. He was sure nothing could have prepared him for those words when she walked into the kitchen.
"What?" His words came out unsteady.
"I'm going to blow you." She quirked an imposing brow, "Are you going to say no?" Her words were like a taunt.
"You know I'm not going to say no." He lifted his own brow back at her in hopes to not lose his ground— the one he had tried so incredibly hard to gain just last night.
She nodded, taking a few steps back. "If you lean back against the fridge at any point, I'll stop.” She dragged her gaze away from his chest, “Make good use of your strength and stay still." She spoke to his bare chest, falling down to his knees. "Okay?" She looked back up with a softer gaze that felt somehow more threatening than her words. The way her lashes shadowed her cheeks made her look deceptively innocent.
Johnny could only nod, his words lost somewhere in his chest. A small smile played at her lips, before she turned back to look straight at his navel. “Cat got your tongue, Sir?” She mumbled softly, not waiting for a response as she brushed her hand over his taut stomach.
She looked up like she was making sure he was still watching, leaving a small kiss at the edge of his sweatpants. A groan left his lips as he threw his head back, hearing a short giggle as she grabbed the pants by the drawstring.
"You're leaning your head on the fridge." She clicked her tongue. He pushed his head back into position immediately, looking down at her in time to watch her slip her fingers into the elastic.
"At least let me rest my head." His request bordered on pathetic. She shook her head, pulling her hands away. Johnny had to bite back a sound of protest.
"But you're so good at showing constraint." She pouted, "And you're so good at controlling your body. I'm sure this is nothing for you." She batted her lashes at him.
"You're a little vixen." Johnny sighed, "Fine." He clenched his thighs hard, closing his eyes for a moment to bite back further retorts.
"I thought I was a kitten?"
This time Johnny smirked, looking back down. "Only when it's my turn." He scoffed. She hummed with heavy skepticism, her brows knitting despite her effort to keep her voice passive. It made Johnny chuckle, mixing in with a light hearted wince when she squeezed his dick hard. "Now, now. Let's be kind, Pet." He teased her, earning the harder squeeze she gave his still clothed dick. He just laughed a little more.
"I think you're forgetting that I have your cock in my hands." She looked up, forehead creased in vexation as she finally pulled his pants down.
"I assure you, I would not forget that if I tried." Pushing his head as far back as he could risk, he sighed in relief. When she grabbed him this time, Johnny practically jerked forward. "No cruelty this time, (Y/N)." His warning was absolute, "I deserve better after last night."
"Whores deserve what they're given." She dismissed, beginning to pump his cock slowly.
"And what do you give your whores?" Johnny took the last of his gathered breath to respond.
She looked up at him with a passing alarm in her eyes. As it subsided, she leaned forward while holding his gaze.
Gently, she kissed his tip. Johnny bit down on his bottom lip hard when his dick twitched in her hold. Without looking away, she did it again before slowly parting her lips to take him into her mouth.
"You should have been wearing your lipstick." He thought out loud without notice, only realising when she smiled over his cock. When she pulled away so soon, an accidental whine left his lips.
"You're the most beautiful when you whine like that, Johnny. Should I go put some lipstick on for you?" She hummed.
Johnny shook his head vehemently, "No it's fine. I don't mind. Put me back in your mouth." He wasn't sure himself whether his words were more an order or a plea.
She nodded, cocky smirk still on her lips as she followed through. As she pushed him further into her mouth, her eyes fluttered from the stretch. Johnny had to squeeze his own eyes shut to make sure he wouldn't come at the sight. When his tip hit the back of her throat, her small gag had his hand fly to the counter beside him.
"You really have the most perfect mouth, (Y/N)." He groaned when she moaned over his dick, the small convulsions in her throat making his stomach clench tighter.
When she hollowed her cheeks out, Johnny almost forgot about her requisite condition and leaned back to steady himself. It took him all the restraint he learned in the past few weeks to stop himself.
"Such a pretty, perfect mouth." He finally found himself ready to look back at her. "I want to fuck it till your croaking." He breathed out. In response her eyes rolled back.
Johnny furrowed his brows when she took her hands away to put behind her. Even when she looked back up with an expectant gaze, it took him longer than he was willing to admit till he realised what she was doing.
"Fuck." His groan seemed to make her hum. "Alright." He took in a battered inhale, nodding furiously. "Look at me, kitten." His voice was soft as he reached down to grab her hair. Once he found a hold that had enough hair to distribute the force, he jerked her head up with a swift tug.
"You’re going to let me fuck your mouth?" He questioned once, still unsure of her intentions. When she nodded he bit down on his tongue and nodded back.
As she relaxed her jaw, Johnny began moving his hips while holding her head in place.
"Looking so fucking perfect like this." Johnny groaned, "On your knees with your mouth wide open just waiting for me to use you." She groaned against him, brows furrowing. "God but you're perfect when you're torturing my cock too. I don't think I'm willing to choose which one turns me on more." His eyes fluttered shut as he pictured it, the understated authority that he hadn’t quite been on the receiving end of before.
Without looking he thrust far into her throat, forgetting to keep himself in check. The gag made her dribble over his balls. His head snapped back to catch the view.
"Look at you drooling for me, baby. Bet your pussy is as wet as your mouth." He stilled his hips, changing to moving her head with his hold instead. "I bet you're dripping all over the floor right now, aren't you?" He groaned when she nodded, hand lifting from her thigh.
Johnny tugged on her hair again, making her whine. Tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. "Don't you dare touch yourself, kitten. You don't get to come unless I'm doing it." She pulled her hand back to her thigh, clenching her fist but listening.
"You can be such a good little pet when I dangle a treat in front of you. All you need is a little taming, don't you?" He cooed, reaching his other hand over to poke her cheek. "Should I come down your throat or mark your face like an animal?" The way she moaned at the last one made her answer clear.
Johnny chuckled, his hand slowly caressing her face. Gently he grabbed her chin, slipping himself out of her mouth. The string of drool that slid out of her lips made Johnny grab his shaft tight.
She shook her head at him, swatting his hand away and wrapping her fingers around him. With all her focus, she began stroking his cock, looking up only when Johnny moaned.
"Don't look away." Johnny tightened his hold on her cheek. With one last look at her wide eyes, now glistening with tears, Johnny came.
She tried to angle most of it in her mouth to spare her eyes, but he deliberately landed some on her cheeks anyway. When he finished, she let go but Johnny couldn't help tapping his tip over her bottom lip, imagining them covered in deep red. She gave it one last kiss before licking her lips.
"Phenomenal." Was all he could breathe out. He used the hold he still had on her hair to lift her up, turning her around to push her against the fridge. Holding her face in both hands, they kissed with a fervour.
Johnny rested his forehead against the cool metal when he had to push back for air, watching her through eyes barely open. “Let’s take a shower so I can fuck you in there. Then I’m taking you out for food.”
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Johnny kept a thoughtful gaze on her hunched form, “You’re being quiet.” He spoke with a listless hum, only momentarily giving her a glance before returning to the menu.
“I’m just sleepy.” She sighed and he looked up to watch her sink back into her chair, head resting on one hand. It was the small smile on her face, tired but peaceful that quelled his concerns.
“You can go back and sleep once we get back if you want.” He hummed to himself as he scanned the menu. “I don’t want you to burn out.”
“You really meant the whole weekend.” She spoke under her breath. Johnny looked up, a brow already raised.
“Why would I say something I didn’t mean?” He questioned. "Do you want to go back home?"
She just shook her head and Johnny didn’t have enough to hold onto the topic.
“I’m a man of my word.” He added despite himself. She wanted to speak, but pursed her lips when the waiter came up to take their order.
By the time he left with their respective orders, she was already back with her head leaned on her fist.
“Say something.” Johnny asked, reaching for his glass of water. Her smile felt suspicious to him, making his forehead crease.
“Meow.” Johnny almost knocked his glass over while putting it down, looking back at her with wide eyes.
She chuckled at the surprise on his face. “Are you actually blushing?” She sat up and laughed some more. Her words made Johnny notice the heat in his cheeks.
After laughing for a little longer, she pursed her lips and shook her head.
“Sorry,” She moved the hand under her head to shake it at him, “I get a little bizarre when I don’t get enough sleep.” She clicked her tongue like she was chastising herself mentally, it made Johnny’s lips twitch.
“That’s great because I’m always a little bizarre.” He grinned. Both of them looked up when the waiter came back with their food, Johnny grinned a little more at the shared gesture.
The waiter gave them a look of made up excitement, “We have a bellini on our specials menu today,” He started.
“Yes.” She told him without hesitation. Johnny had to hold back a laugh at the way she sat up.
When the waiter looked at Johnny, he shook his head, “I need to drive.” He explained.
Once the waiter left, Johnny turned back to give her a meaningful look. “They’ll keep giving you a fresh glass every time you finish one till you leave.” He informed her, laughing this time when she blinked at him with a slowly catching up sense of doom.
Then she shrugged, “I’m going to sleep anyway.” She tried to dismiss it with another shake of her head. "Bellinis are delicious." She added, like she needed to explain.
Johnny gave her a smile that he hoped was reassuring. "They are."
Johnny nodded to her words as he sat her down on his bed, trying his best to listen to her while also staring at the flush on her cheeks.
"And then!" She huffed, lips pouting in a way that Johnny realised he'd probably always associate with her. "And then." She lowered her voice.
"And then?" Johnny asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking down at her. She fluttered her gaze up to him, "And then you just walked into the boardroom and told Kun and I to meet you at 7pm. That was my first week, you know?" She huffed again.
Johnny hummed, taking a step forward and brushing his fingers on her cheek when he spotted a piece of lint.
"Is that why you hate me?" His fingers lingered over the heated skin.
"I don't hate you." Her words came out smaller.
"Used to?" Johnny pulled his hand back, turning away to walk to his closet.
"No, I never hated you. You made us stay late but I've never seen you come home early. I think you're admirable," Johnny heard her swallow, smiling into the cupboard he opened. "But I'm still going to be a little pissed when I have to stay at work after dinner."
Johnny turned back giving her an understanding shake. "That's a fair bargain."
"I'm a fair person." She raised her head to watch him as he came closer, smiling when he scoffed.
"Lying vixen." He mumbled, grinning when she laughed at the words. "You can wear this." He put the t-shirt in his hand beside her, brows raising a little when she lifted her arms.
Johnny hoped he didn't look too surprised, furrowing his brows instead and pulling her t-shirt off.
When he reached back to unhook her bra, she gasped. "Johnny."
He looked at her, "I thought you said psychopaths sleep with it on?" He mocked curiosity. She bit down on her bottom lip, eyes dazzling with humour. Without looking away from them, he pulled her bra off.
With a one track focus, he looked back to the t-shirt he got and slid it over her, once again, lifted arms.
"You can take your own jeans off. Otherwise you're all set for a nap." He smiled when he noticed her drooping eyes. Johnny turned away when her voice made him pause.
"What about you? You got less sleep than I did."
Johnny turned back to reassure her that he would be fine, but something that looked like expectation rippled in her gaze— or at least he hoped it did.
"Sure, I can sleep." He mumbled, with a casual shrug.
Johnny slipped under the covers after discarding most of his clothes— never one to sleep in a shirt. When she turned to face him, he thought it was to say something. So when she buried her face into his neck, Johnny froze.
"Sorry, I'm cold." She mumbled against his collarbone.
"Don't apologise." He said immediately
As her hand reached over to his chest, Johnny cursed his blatant heartbeat. Johnny stayed frozen for another moment before a thought made him grin, relaxing against her, "I thought you weren't the cuddling type?" He teased with a soft hum.
When she moved her head, Johnny had his arm behind her ready to keep her from moving away. But she only rested her head on his shoulder.
"I specifically said strangers. I'm not into cuddling strangers." She mumbled, voice sleepy and defensive at the same time.
"Except on Thursday, I remember you saying something different." Johnny hummed.
She paused for a second and Johnny heard her lick lips, "Okay no more talking."
Johnny's chest shook in a silent laugh, holding her closer with the arm he had behind her to give her a good reason to not move away.
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
BKDK - Highschool Romantics Headcanons
LOVE ME some good old fashioned highschool romance shenanigans so as per my brand, lets make it bkdk!! bc tbh i havent made a hc list in a while
its second year highschool! things have calmed down significantly and for class 1-A this means that its time to celebrate their teenage years like they werent able to before
this means more movie nights--more days they get to spend having fun and being regular kids like they shouldve always been
meanwhile bkdk? after confessions and apologies made on bloody battlefields and quiet hospitals at the dead of night... its almost comical how cheesy they are
deku sneaks up on kacchan during lunchbreaks, dragging him to the training fields where he serenades him with a guitar and laughs as a small crowd of their schoolmates whoop in glee
he sings songs of youthful love and friendship, awkward voice smoothing into something beautiful and charming
in return, katsuki learns new songs. he learns to draw and to play the drums even better--living for that shocked little smile when he draws doodles of deku and dedicates especially sappy songs to him during their monthly school jamming session
they arent together at this point, technically. no one knows what they are. no one can begin to label what they have either.
but its definitely good.
its bright and its beautiful and its loud, so theyll protect it with their eyes wide open but in the meantime class 1A just sits back and watches the twin stars of UA unravel like leaves in the cool mornings of fall
they go everywhere together, always holding hands. bakugou and deku have promise rings, little matching all might insignias glinting in the sun
they won those in an arcade somewhere. no one knows what the promise is, and no one really bothers to ask
katsuki really likes lending izuku his jackets. its nothing he says outright, just the fact that he's always ready—always one arm out of its sleeve—to bundle his sweaters and drop it into the lap of the unsuspecting nerd.
"geez, is it just me or is it really co—" *flop*
sometimes kirishima worries about his best friends allowance at the rate in which he has to replace all his jackets
they brawl in the hallways, rough house on the train station, cuddle when its cold and the common room is filled with people and light
deku often likes to surprise katsuki with little gifts. he sneaks spicy candies into the other boy's backpack between classes, slips giftcards and notes of appreciation between the pages of katsuki's textbooks
in return, as he does with everything, katsuki goes big. sometimes he surprises deku with a giant teddy bear, or soft hoodies that remind him of the other. he'll get the whole bakusquad in on it and fill the hallways in the morning with encouraging yells and loud boisterous laughter
sometimes, obviously, they'll still mess up. They're still teenagers, still human.
Deku will sometimes not say things that he should and Kacchan will sometimes say things he doesn't mean.
they'll fight and yell and unsettle the dorms with how charged the air becomes. sometimes Aizawa's worried they'll go back to ground beta and increase the hero course's already abysmal annual repair budget again like they used to do when they were stressed and repressed and each other obsessed
but then bakugou will sneak into dekus balcony at the dead of night, like some sort of delinquent trying to visit their goody two shoes lover at the risk of running into their shotgun father
(which in this case, bakugou supposes, would be uraraka--the metaphorical shotgun being a very tired todoroki)
and he'll knock on the window gently, trying not to smile as izuku opens the window and rubs the sleep from his eyes.
"ka... cchan?"
katsuki lets himself smirk at last and tells deku theyre sneaking out.
phrases it like a taboo secret, even as aizawa watches from the security footage room exasperated but also kind of relieved because of all things his class has gone through, a little midnight tryst is the least dangerous of them all. its not even close to the biggest secret deku's ever had, and by god he has plenty.
but he stifles his giggles into the palm of his hand and watches as bakugou precariously sits on the metal railing, clothes a mess and leaves still stuck in his hair
"Our little secret, okay?" Kacchan jokes, red eyes glimmering with something raw and perfect. "Don't tell your dad about me."
Izuku rolls his eyes and reminds him that All Might isn't actually his father, god Kacchan! You've met my real dad!
Yet still, he lets it pass.
And then, oh so carefully yet recklessly as if they weren't the most powerful duo of their generation, katsuki reaches out and slips deku's hands in his and takes him away
takes him to a beach (Dagobah, because of course it is) in the middle of the night, the stars brighter than theyve ever been because everything looks different when youre young and in love
they lay in the sand and listen to the waves and some weird beat thats been stuck in Izuku's head. Bakugou turns to watch his eyelashes flutter against freckled cheeks and holds out a pinky.
"I'm sorry. By the way. I didn't mean what I said and I want you to be happy."
Izuku hums and they talk it out. Eventually the other boy holds his pinky out too and they link together like pieces of a puzzle.
Under the stars, the two of them make a million promises. Promises that they know they'll break, promises that they know they won't, promises that leave them uncertain and guessing.
"—but you promise, though. Right? You promise that we'll still be by each other? Us against the world forever and ever even after this. Even when we grow old?"
Their pinkies stay linked together and the two boys know for sure that it's one of those highschool promises that they will keep forever.
Deku stares into pretty red eyes that remind him of juicy apples and warm bonfires beside friends who never run out of stories to tell
Katsuki stares back into clear green eyes that remind him of calming tea and lush grass he lays down on in the familiar heat of a summer afternoon
they just. stare. stare and stare and stare and maybe, they begin to think
maybe in those eyes, i can see our future.
and its good.
its really really good.
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