paskuda-lynx · 6 months
Oh hey guys look Hooty has reproduced some owlet-wormlets!!
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pansylair · 2 months
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figuring out some cute flowerbeast pin concepts!
if you’re interested in possibly purchasing one in the future, please feel free to let me know, feedback really helps push things forward and confirms production can happen. :-)
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aimasup · 5 months
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evil loving relationships are too fun to write oh no
Hope they all get a horrid ending and they do it together (preferably if one or two of them die)
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tapakah0 · 1 year
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Training with Master Michelangelo
@celestialrose3 , *bows*
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kacievvbbbb · 17 days
it's interesting that despite all being the same age you can see a clear division of younger and older siblings within the Hargreeves siblings.
With five it's more obvious despite being mentally far older than all of them he looks like a child he looks like their much younger brother did when they lost him and so they treated him as such. But you can see that level out now to they still treat him like a younger brother but give him space to be an adult.
But for the other siblings that all remain the same age it's a nice little look into how parentification of the higher numbers and the wombification of the lowers ones by Hargreeves insane parenting methods created an artificial sibling age hierarchy amongst children of the same age.
Which is also why ben doesn't fit. He was number 6 to them but he was number 2 in his own family. They want to baby him but he is used to being looked to as an elder. it's also why him and Diego seem to clash the most can't be two number twos with complexes about being number two in the family it fucks the whole shit up
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fujimiiiya · 5 months
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san-demetrio-corone · 8 months
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Lviv National Opera Sculpture "Glory" with a palm branch (1900) Ukrainian-polish sculptor Petro Viitovych (1862–1938)
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rarilee33 · 7 months
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these have been sitting in my moral orel folder for months so have some wips I never finished
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beachsideufo · 17 days
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i think people should draw more of the left 4 dead: survivors characters
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blu-ish · 7 months
Seasonal Love💝
Summary: "Love is in the air~" or that's what all the Valentine's Day decor says around Westopolis anyways...
Shadow finally decides to participate in a holiday for once. Little does he know most Mobian's don't know what a "Valentine's Day" is...
AKA Shadow gives a certain oblivious blue hog the surprise of his life.
"Do you know what Valentines Day is Shadow?"
Shadow ponders for a moment, reaching instinctively toward one of the history books spread around the metallic flooring. Flipping past the tables of contents before landing on the page.
"It's name derives from ancient Rome," he holds the small candle to the passage, illuminating the words for the other. "It's a pagan festival called Lupercalia, celebrating a martyr named St. Valentine." Small hands reach to take the book, a soft chuckle following.
"I didn't mean literally silly."
It was past their bed time, well, from what schedule they did have aboard the Ark anyways. The sun was hidden behind the earth, it's rays barley reaching around its curves like a halo.
The lights below sparkled like the blanket of stars surrounding the planet, reminding them of the life they could barely see, they weren't the only ones awake.
Maria smiled, the tubes in her nose shifting ever so slightly. "It has to be one of my favorite holidays."
Shadow adjusted her IV pole as she spoke, making sure it didn't bother her when she moved. "I thought the tree holiday was your favorite." He smirked as Maria rolled her eyes.
"That's Christmas Shadow."
"Close enough," she gestured to her bed as Shadow helped her up, she was always more tired during the night. She hated it.
But what she lacked in physical strength she made up for in her love of knowledge. She wanted to always learn more, more about Earth, about her people. Who they are, what they do, what they did. Besides the doctors and scientists aboard the Space Colony who doted after Maria.
She was fascinated with the giant blue planet, she loved it with every fiber of her being. He wanted nothing more then to experience it with her. It reminded him the hours of testing in the lab and sneering doctor's were worth it, for her.
"It's a day to celebrate those we care about, to remind them we love them. Grandfather thinks it's rather childish, but he thinks that of most things I suppose." She fiddles with her night gown, even with the small flame and his advanced night vision Shadow could see how her face darkened.
"Tell me about it." The hybrid rolled his eyes, trying his best to comfort his sister. If there was one thing to say about his creator, is that he lacked a sense of humor.
Maria let out a giggle taking the candle from Shadow, using her free hand to reach under her pillow.
"I wanted to give this to before you went into the labs today, but I didn't want them taking it away from you." She pulled out what seemed to be a handmade object, a simple paper folded together with Shadow's name written in fine print on the front. A heart sticker sealing its contents.
Shadow let out a soft breath in amazement, gently taking the lumpy paper from her. He examined the paper front to back honestly a bit puzzled. It was kind of heavy. His face flushes in embarrassment as he catches Maria trying not to laugh.
"It's a card, you have to open it, stinky."
"I am not stinky, I am Shadow." He replies monotone, but opens the card as instructed. Through his peripheral vision, he sees Maria's excited expression as he's greeted with a drawing.
It's him and Maria, standing on Earth, hands outstretched to hold the hands of the planets inhabitants encircling the globe, she even included Gerald and a few doctors and nurses he's grown to tolerate.
A bag of coffee beans falls onto his lap.
"It's not chocolate, but I know how much your love grandfathers coffee beans so I--" Maria was enveloped in a hug, Shadow was gentle to not put to much of his weight on her. But this meant so much to him. More than he would've thought it would. He loved his sister to the Earth and back.
"Thank you, Maria."
She blew the candle out.
Shadow stood Infront of one of the many decorated shop windows in the city. His ruby eyes staring right back at him. The heart shaped window stickers had caught his eye, and he ended up glancing around at what was behind the glass.
More heart themed chocolate boxes, bouquets, and what seemed to be a uncountable amount of stuffed toys. Those prices...
"Find something you want hun?" The clicking of heels approached the ebony hedgehog, he knew he didn't have to look to know who it was.
"Your late." He responded a little dryer then anticipated, but Rouge knew better. She insisted he get here early-- the cold might not bother him much, but he'd still rather be inside their drastically warmer apartment by now.
"Had to pick up a few extra things~" The agent chuckled, gesturing to the multiple bags she had in her hands. Shadow only huffed in response. "So glad you understand sweetie! Thank you for coming over to take them off my hands."
He hummed, placing the bags in the side-bag attached to his motorcycle. Somehow the bat was capable of flying hundreds of miles in the air to try to "borrow" a certain emerald from a certain echidna, but is unable to fly to Team Darks apartment with a few bags.
That's just Rouge he supposed.
Just as he was finished snapping the side-bag shut, Rouge let out a dramatic sigh. Glancing back, he saw her looking through the window with a sly smile on her lips.
"My, my, that much for some mere gifts?" She let out a laugh, "Please, what are they stuffed with, diamonds?"
He couldn't help but chuckle, he had to admit it was rather ridiculous, then again some humans tended to be that way.
"I didn't take you for someone to be so concerned with such materialistic things." He teased, but Rouge only scoffed. It wasn't like she just spent a whole extra half hour "shopping" or anything.
"At least people know when I steal from them, I've been living in the city for years, this holiday is nothing more than a capitalistic nightmare." She groaned, fixing her outfit with the reflection.
"Right." Shadow sat on his bike, starting up the engine with a low purr. He was ready to go.
"I'll see you at home hun, just a few more hours and we'll be free from all this Valentines stuff." She blew him a kiss and was on her way, but what she said stuck with him on his ride home.
There was more to it than just that.
He wanted to make a valentines.
He stopped himself halfway turning the keys to unlock the apartments door.
He wanted to.. what?
He pushed the thought away for a second, entering the room and placing Rouges bags on the couch. Slipping out of his jacket, folding it neatly over his arm.
He could, maybe...
But he hasn't made one since then.
Who would he even give it too?
Walking into his bedroom, he set his things down. Thoughts unwantedly swirling around in his mind. He supposed there were multiple people he could theoretically give a gift too. Glancing at his clock, he cursed under his breath. When did it get so late?
He didn't have much time.
But he wasn't actually planning on doing anything so why was he worried. He wasn't. No.
He groans as he sits up from his bed, scrambling around for some paper.
He was.
Sonic was asleep in one of the trees surrounding Green Hills. The branch bent a little, supporting his weight. He had found the perfect position where the setting sun hit his quills just right.
There was nothing better than getting a moderately warm sunbath during the seemingly cold winter, the hedgehog could barley keep his eyes open during this time of year anyways.. he cursed his hibernation tendencies.
Don't get him wrong, he LOVED to run during the winter, kept him active, it didn't snow a lot in Green Hills expect in some areas.. maybe he'd check it out after he wakes up--
He woke up with a yelp, quills sticking out sharply, piercing what was left of the leaves on the poor tree. Falling right onto his face on the somewhat grassy surface below.
Quickly standing up, he looked around in a groggy daze.
"Whatsgoingonwhosthreatingtheworldnowohhishads--" Words a little slurred, he readjusted himself by shaking his head, leaves falling with it. He thought he recognized that voice!
However, the other hedgehog only looked at him with mild confusion, hand momentarily outstretched to help the other but ever hesitant.
The hybrid decided to just clear his throat, Sonic noticed how his hand was awkwardly behind him, along with a basket in the other arm. Just Shadow doing Shadow things he guessed, but man, he was so happy to see him.
Sonic practically jumped in excitement. "Shadow! Aw man, how have you been! Didn't think I'd see you until spring dude." Last he heard from his rival, he was abroad on some "mission". He remembered Shadow telling him about it... kinda. He sorta spaced out after Shadow started talking about paperwork and-- yeah he doesn't remember.
"Recon ended early, so I was able to come back.." Sonic raised a brow when Shadow started to avoid eye contact. "Rouge needed help back at headquarters anyways--".
"What's in the basket?" Sonic mentally cringed, he didn't mean to say that out loud. Oh welp.
Shadow glanced down toward his arm, bringing the picnic like basket a little closer to himself. Sonic guessed he was still half sleep because he could've sworn Shadow looked almost, nervous?
"I got you, something." He replied, completely monotone. Sonic blinked.
"Wha...?" A big dumb smile creeped on the hero's face.
Shadow growled, but caught himself and sighed. "It's not anything special, you don't have to take it." He slowly extended his hidden arm, revealing a card-- made simply from folding a paper in half.
Sonic didn't know why, but he could feel his heart in his throat. Trying to stop his tail from wagging too much. He gingerly took the card from Shadow, and the basket. As soon as he opened the lid the smell woke him up completely.
"Is that a chilidog...?"
If Shadow didn't look worried before he sure did now. He crossed his arms, huffing a bit. "Yes, it is... it's all I could think of at the moment."
Sonic placed the basket down to grab it, it smelled heavenly. He took a bite and he swore he was about to cry.
"Holy Gaia... Shadow, WHERE did you get this?!" Sonic had to stop himself from eating it too fast, he wanted to savor every bite.
Shadow seemed to relax a little, relieved for the most part. "I made it myself." The hedgehog said matter of factly. He flinched when Sonic just stared at him in complete awe, his emerald eyes wide.
"I-It was pretty... simple I suppose, why are you looking at me like that?"
Sonic could not believe it... it was almost ironic in a way. His rival, made what was now probably his favorite chilidog ever.
Instead, he directed his attention to the card still in his hand. He ate the rest of his godly like chilidog and opened the card. This time however, Sonic squinted, seemingly reading the card over again and again. Shadow was back to being worried, ears pinned back.
Maybe this was a mistake after all...
"Shadow..." Sonic looked up from the card with a lost look, Shadow felt like he was going to test his own immortality and die right there. Did he go too far? Why did he feel like this? Why wasn't Sonic saying any--
"What's a Valentines Day?"
The duo sat on the roof of Shadows apartment, Sonic had practically begged Shadow for more chilidogs. He didn't know what to do with this kind of power over the hero, yet.
"So your saying there's a whole holiday dedicated to giving gifts to those you care about, and you give them cards that say Happy Valentines Day?" Sonic had started to piece it together, sorta, he took another bite of his chilidog with a thoughtful hum.
"Yes," Shadow took his seat next to the blue hedgehog, "I'm surprised you never heard of it, I assumed it was a well known custom."
"If your thinking of the human calendar at least." Sonic corrected, licking his fingers before Shadow stopped him and handed him a napkin.
"What do you mean?"
"Well," the hero started and let out a breath of a laugh, "Tails would probably be better at explaining this than me.. but basically, you know how Humans tend to call the Earth, well.. Earth?"
Shadow blinked, "I'm aware..."
"Well most Mobians, like us, call it Mobius. And like how Earth as a specific set of seasons and holidays.." Sonic explained, "So does Mobius, but its called the Mobian Calender."
The ebony hedgehog hummed, he didn't know that at all. Who knew Sonic of all people would teach him something...
"So Valentines Day isn't on the Mobian Calender?" Sonic nodded with a smile.
"Yeah! Where did you even learn about that holiday from?"
There was a pause. Sonic looked at Shadow curiously.
"From my sister... Maria, it was one of her favorites."
Shadow noticed how the others face softened, he didn't know why he said that. But, he did, and he felt like Sonic understood. So he didn't press.
After a few moments of strangely comfortable silence, Sonic broke it with a gentle nudge to Shadows shoulder.
"Ya know, I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about it... If you wanted to of course."
Shadow could feel the ghost of a smile creeping on his face. He looked away, not quite sure why he felt such a flush to his face. He hoped the night hid it well.
"I also wouldn't mind, at some point, learning some Mobian traditions as well."
Sonic leaned a bit into his side, causing the hybrid to fluff up a bit.
"You got yourself a deal faker."
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buttercup-barf · 11 days
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Those are some morbid songs these kids are singing.
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cornflakesdoesart · 4 months
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DTIYS for my friend  @n0ahsferatu , honestly I had a blast drawing your boy!! it's a pretty straight on redraw but it was nice not to think about pose and composition and colors etc and just be in the flow of drawing so!! 😅
Uncolored ver below the cut
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jeshiiru · 6 months
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They went to the human world and face a little problem-
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Seven Warlords of the Sea
*edit: because I like an idiot forgot Akainu didn't actually want the warlord program destroyed 😭
the real reason that Akainu *should have* voted for the destruction of the Warlord program is, besides them being filthy pirates, they were also just fucking embarrassing.
Like pathetically, how did we let this happen, embarrassing In the amount of time we have known them, between the 12 total Shichibukai;
4 of them got their asses beat by the same dude (1 of them before he even became a warlord)
2 of them went on to openly work for/ with said dude
1 of them literally fell in love with and actively sabotages efforts to apprehend this same dude
At two separate points they have actively tried to recruit (and succeeded once) the sons of two of their biggest ops.
Not to mention how 1 of them also got their ass beat by said dude's brother and then they would lose 3 more on the same day over the war for the life of said brother who was the same son they tried to recruit
2 of the Warlords would then go on to harbor/ mentor a member of this dude's crew and the dude himself! Arguably when he was the most wanted criminal alive. While the member that should have been the most robotically compliant protected the dude's pirate ship with his life.
They got played four different times on a world stage by 4 different members and 3 of said times all involved THIS SAME DUDE!
2 of the times involving the take over of a country that was then foiled by said dude while the marines did nothing.
They've had to imprison 2 of them and brainwash a 3rd
They've had to shop for replacements 7 whole times just in the span of 3 years
At no point have all seven members attended a meeting. Hell Hancock has attended not a one.
During the months before their disbandment there weren't even 7 of them! there were only 5
They are pretty sure 1 of them is fucking an emperor, 1 of them was working for an emperor, 1 of them might be (it is unconfirmed) the illegitimate son of a now dead emperor and another is protected by The actual fucking Dark King.
They literally had to fire Moria for being a fucking embarrassment
And one of them is a fucking clown
that would go on to recruit 2 other former warlords to create a guild that encourages the hunting of marines for sport and rise to the ranks of emperor.
Of course Akainu hates their fucking guts. They are quite literally the stupidest group of people he has ever had to work with in his life and they seem to bring out new levels of previously unreached stupidity in the marines! Just a cesspool of failure and incompetency trying to call itself a program.
95% of the reason Sengoku retired was to get away from these fucking idiots. He was drowing in the sea of paperwork Mihawk alone was causing not to mention the rest of their dumbasses and Akainu isn't about that life.
And that brings me to reason number 184 of why Akainu *should have* voted yes on disbanding the warlords
dealing with the fucking paper work storm and international incident that hit Sengoku's desk everytime Mihawk decided that needing to be fucked outweighed being subjected to an idiot. Nah Akainu needed them gone like yesterday.
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lifestealasposts · 3 months
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skysurfing · 2 years
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i put your boyfriend in the soup
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