#team: you're my best friend
introspectivememories · 8 months
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glitchdecay · 6 months
i saw this scene being uploaded in english the other day and i can't not rewatch the japanese version because, you know, seiyuu brainrot and whatnot. translations (completely my own) under the cut.
Prompto: What're you doing?
Noctis: Nothing, really. Just spacing out.
Prompto: Huh. I see.
[ Leave him alone / Talk about something random / Wait for him to speak ]
Noctis: Hmph—
Prompto: We went through so much today, huh?
Noctis: Everything's so new to us, too.
Prompto: You can say that again. Things have been super hard, but I didn't expect every day to be so much fun. Y'see, everything I see is new to me.
Prompto: I never expected things to turn out this way or to go out on a trip together.
Noctis: Yeah.
Prompto: How long have we known each other again? It's since high school... So five years?
Noctis: But I've known you for longer. Was it since elementary school?
Prompto: Eh? How'd you remember that?
Noctis: 'Course I'd remember. You stared at me so much.
Prompto: Ugh. [nervous laughter] You see, that's because I have my reasons...
Noctis: But you were still like, "Nice to meet ya!" at the high school entrance ceremony.
Prompto: I had to really brace myself to talk to you that time.
Prompto: [sighs] Kinda takes me back.
Noctis: You could've just talked to me, you know.
Prompto: I know it's easy for you to say— You wouldn't understand, Noct.
Prompto: Back then, I—
Prompto: Sorry, man. It really is nothing.
[ Ask him out of concern / You're concerned but you don't force it out of him / You won't get mad so ask him to be honest ]
Noctis: What is up with that? Just say it.
Prompto: [sighs] All right.
Prompto: You see...
Prompto: I used to be unable to reach out to other people.
Prompto: And I... didn't have anyone that I could call a true friend.
Prompto: I was always by myself.
Prompto: So sometimes I end up thinking maybe I'm not worth anything.
[ "You're joking." / "I kinda noticed." / "Didn't expect that." ]
Noctis: You've always gotten hung up on loads of things.
Prompto: Hehe.
Noctis: See? You're getting hung up on something right now.
Noctis: Like, "I'm the only commoner," or "I'm weaker than the others..."
Noctis: "At least I gotta try to make it so everyone feels at ease," so that's what you've been doing, right?
Prompto: Ah—
Noctis: Being considerate of others is pretty cool by itself. It doesn't come easily.
Noctis: The fact that you do that is just like you, and it's a good thing.
Prompto: Huh? You're saying I can just be myself?
Noctis: Yeah. What's wrong with that?
Prompto: Yeah... well... Sorry if I said anything weird.
Noctis: Besides, I'd never let anyone useless hang around me in the first place.
Prompto: Eh? Why are you mad about that?
Prompto: ... Thanks.
Prompto: Oh, man. I feel like a weight's lifted off my shoulders.
Noctis: Heh. What's up with that?
Prompto: Right, I'm gonna keep doing my best with the things I can do.
Noctis: I'd appreciate it.
[ Obtained the "Pop" photo filter effect. ] ※ Yep, you read that right: This photo filter is called "Prompto" in the Japanese version.
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
I know i'm making this deeper than it needs to be but people comparing Jason Todd to Danny Fenton because they both died and came back.Danny died on accident while snooping his parents' bussiness and woke up like he took a nap and got super cool powers and to be a superhero afterwards and Jason was MURDERED.He was FIFTEEN,he was a BABY,my sister is that age,he fought crime and he was so sweet and funny and respectful of minorities and he cared about school and loved books and plays and neapolitan ice cream and didn't know how to flirt with girls and grew up poor and became a street kid after his mom died of overdose and his dad got sent to jail and he had a pen pal who was also a kid sidekick and they got to met just ONCE before the Joker decided to kill him as a fucking game to him and almost everybody talked badly of him afterwards for no reason and NOBODY in the D/p x DC shitdom cares because they don't actually know Robin!Jason and just want to compare the definition of 'Good Kid' to a guy who's the pic for the 'power perversion potential' page on the tropes website and dumped his fat black gf for a skinny white pick me because they have a white boy fixation and a pedofetish
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jilliancares · 8 months
I had no clue you had a book but I just found out and I missed your writing so I made my library buy it. Hopefully others will get to pick it up when I’m done with it. I hope life has been treating you well 🤗
woah!!!! that is so sweet, i had no idea you that was even something you could do! i really hope you enjoy it, thank you so much!!! and i've been really great, i hope you are too :) ♡
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cephalog0d · 1 year
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Just thinking about all the names Dick called Jason for most of the night they met (in this version of things) before he finally deigned to actually call him Robin. XD (These are in chronological order, because I think it’s funny you can see Jason growing on him through the course of the evening.)
(And then the next day actually finding out his real name, and Jason’s response, they’re both such brats and I love them so much)
(Source: Nightwing 1996)
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bericas · 1 year
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let's have a toast to the good life; suicide before you see this tear roll down my eyes.
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batcavescolony · 5 months
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David Alleyne/Prodigy has such a interesting power, if he's near someone he can gain all their learned knowledge and skills. he stood near Rictor and knew what he knew about Shatterstar, he knows how Scott and Emma kiss, so that means he knows EVERYTHING about everyone he's near. Think about that, actually THINK about that? If he stood near you he'd know everything you ever learned about yourself or others. It's just so interesting to me.
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batimcthulhu · 1 year
The Ritual - Aftermath (CoC AO3 Update)
[ BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost ]
Joey: @inkyvendingmachine Henry: @inkcryptid Sammy: @inkdemonapologist Jack: @whatyouwantedmetosee GM: @haunted-hijinxer
The Ritual - Aftermath
The ritual was a success - though everyone involved might be feeling its repercussions for some time...
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tiredassmage · 1 year
I... finished my last final of the semester (it went well, btw, bc this post is about to take a sharp left turn that has nothing to do with finals) and then went back for a nap bc body was like 6am!!! 6am is a good time to be awake today! (Incorrect answer).
And all I vaguely recall from that time is like... dreaming??? Plotting???? Something I can only really describe as if you took Imperial Agents and put them in a movie that is essentially the lovechild of Top Gun: Maverick (Leave me be, I just watched it last week and apparently I Really Enjoyed It) and... I dunno, heist movie of your choice????
So, that’s how my week’s going, in case anyone was curious. Something something let’s get down to business and ruin the Sith Order!!!!!! Confetti guns. I think agents deserve a little heist against the Sith Order. As a treat.
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reikunrei · 1 year
i know i’ve already talked about this half a dozen times but i’m really sooo so excited to see Steve and Jonathan interact more. like, it’s obviously been set up that at this point they have to be teamed up in some way, and i’m just chomping at the bit for that kind of interaction.
like, it’ll probably be against both of their wills in some way, or at the very least against Jonathan’s, and so now they’re stuck together and it’s awkward because neither of them really know each other. and they’ve saved each others lives like a dozen times at this point, and watched each other kick ass again and again, but like...
Steve probably still thinks about the fact that Jonathan took those sneaky photos in his back yard, and while Jonathan did apologize to Nancy for it, he and Steve never talked about it again. and Jonathan definitely still thinks about all the shit Steve said before they had their fist fight (how the Byers are a bunch of screw ups, how it’s not surprising that Will “died,” how they all deserved it, etc.) because of course he’d still hold a grudge over that! it was shitty!
and even if they’ve saved each others lives several times now, that doesn’t automatically negate the shitty things they’ve said or done to each other on a personal level. and the fact that Jonathan still defaulted to making a jab at Steve about him being unable to be “in charge” proves that he still thinks that, to some degree, Steve is still very much like he was in high school. like, he knows that, on some level, Steve has changed, having likely heard tons of praise from the younger kids... but how much of it does he really believe, you know? it’s a high stakes situation, of course Steve is gonna try to save people... but what about when they’re outside of a high stakes situation?
as the audience, we’ve seen Steve steadily improving across all seasons, and he really didn’t learn how to be a wholly “good person” until the very end of season 3, i think, and his friendship with Robin was just the beginning of that growth tbh, at least by way of changing the way he thinks about and views the world and his relationships with other people. but Jonathan has seen, like, basically none of it first hand. they don’t hang out, they don’t talk. hell, even after the season 1 fight with the demogorgon, we learn (in season 2) that Jonathan just “disappeared,” per Nancy’s words. Jonathan didn’t stick around, and we see that, when Steve appears, Jonathan slinks away. he and Steve do not have a relationship right now.
and i really truly think that some sort of forced team-up that results in a heart to heart between the two of them would do astronomically well by their individual character arcs.
something about how Steve is still in love with Nancy, and still hoping it’ll work out between them, but talking more with Jonathan and learning just why Nancy likes him so much, and how her and Steve aren’t quite compatible anymore, and maybe never were, because maybe even the true Nancy that Jonathan loves so much isn’t the Nancy that Steve knew and still fawns over. like, it would allow Steve to move on or come to terms with the fact that he doesn’t need to be in love with someone or be in a relationship in order to be whole. he might want Nancy, but he doesn’t need her.
and we’ve still never really seen Jonathan’s trust issues addressed on screen (i will forever be sad that we didn’t see Jonathan letting Argyle into his life), and having Steve poke that bear, to talk to him and make Jonathan second guess his feelings about Steve. like, words cannot describe how fucking badly i want Steve to finish his apology from season 1. like, as far as i can remember, it didn’t seem like Steve went to Nancy to apologize to her first. he went to the Byers house to apologize to Jonathan. only, he got interrupted by the plot he was totally unaware of. and i can bet that Jonathan forgot about that, but maybe Steve hasn’t. and once they’re alone together, air thick with awkward tension, he thinks, fuck, this dude hates me, and i know exactly why.
like, just imagine having that final link closed for the both of them. Steve finally getting to apologize for the asshole things he did to Jonathan, owning up to what he did and not hiding behind something like, “well, i saved your life, so you have to like me now.” like really owning up to everything he said and did to Jonathan. and Jonathan just gawks at him because, oh. fuck. and Steve would just have to keep talking, because Jonathan is stubborn and a little caught off guard. so Steve is saying stuff like, “I’m happy for you and Nancy, you make a great pair. i’m sorry i broke your camera, that was really fucked up. i’m glad that Will ended up okay. like, really glad.”
and then imagine Jonathan muttering out an apology, after way too much silence has passed, and Steve just kinda blinks at him. and Jonathan says it again, “I’m sorry, too. for, you know, the pictures and... and for... you know...” for being a dickhead to you all these years when everyone else was telling me you were a good guy. he can’t say that, though. to Steve Harrington?? that would be too vulnerable for Jonathan. at least right now.
i’m just so !!!! about them and the potential for more interactions between them!! like their relationship is still so fragmented, they’re the only two who have yet to reconcile and gotten to know each other on screen. and i honestly feel like if we don’t get just one little awkward team-up between them where they’re forced to talk about their feelings, the two of them will stall out and not be able to move forward in their arcs. because if they really want to lean into this love triangle with Nancy, Jonathan can’t keep going to Argyle for advice and Steve can’t keep going to Robin, and Nancy can’t be caught in the middle with her split attraction between the two of them. the two guys have to talk to each other, to learn who each person is, so that Steve can move on and accept Nancy’s feelings for Jonathan, and Jonathan can stop being a defensive prick around this guy who’s otherwise a perfectly lovely friend to Nancy and everyone else.
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madamescarlette · 2 years
Absolutely wild how much more meaningful and warm and kind and gentle life becomes when there are people you love in it!
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maschotch · 2 years
I started watching cm from season one again because i got to season 12 and realised that basically all the castmembers have been changed, and then Hotch was on his way out and I just can’t handle change too well… anyways, what I’ve realized is that Hotch was a lot more funny at least in the first season than in the rest of the seasons. Like, he’d just get these funny one-liners that are probably made even funnier because I know him from season 11/12 where he’s as bland as white bread (affectionate)
early seasons hotch my beloved… 
i do think some of the tonal shifts were just from writing changes as they settled into the typical archetypes associated with crime dramas (especially after they gideon was replaced by rossi, since they needed a serious counterpart to restore the balance). they lost a lot of nuance very early on once they got into the rhythm of pumping out episodes that would ensure more viewers. which is to be expected, i guess, but there really is something truly special about the first season of the show. 
that being said, i think it’s also kinda fitting for his character? 
season one hotch is still new to being unit chief. he was accustomed to a supporting role, which allowed him to be more casual and laid back around the others (though he was always at least somewhat serious). we meet him right as he starts to shift into the mode of professionalism, and from the easygoing way the older team members, like morgan and garcia, interact with him—teasing, flirting, complaining, just overall seeming more comfortable—they’re used to him being at least somewhat responsive to their banter. and he still is—especially in season one—but there’s a modicum of gravity to his actions, realizing that there’s more at stake  
it becomes all too clear to him when he’s not overtly clear with his instructions to anderson, and elle nearly dies because of it. we get a vague sense that some things have changed in the time before the show begins, but the contrast between season one and season two hotch is glaringly obvious. he slipped up. he failed them. he doesn’t have time to mess around like he used to; he has to prioritize the team’s safety, even if it means establishing a barrier that hadn’t existed before. i think the importance of that is amplified by gideon’s struggles: hotch realizes very quickly that ultimately it is his responsibility to maintain order within the team. he cuts back on the jokes and establishes a more severe demeanor—especially with the obvious plant sent by strauss to keep an eye on him (though emily wasn’t aware of it at the time) 
the final nail in the coffin is gideon’s departure. from a writing standpoint and a character standpoint: gideon had his moments but he was pretty dry, whereas rossi is more sardonic and playful in nature. not wanting to overburden the team dynamic with goofiness, they needed to sober hotch’s character a bit. within the story itself, hotch as a character feels even more pressure to be the voice of reason, transitioning from the protective older brother to the attentive and morally upright father. he can’t mess around with the team as much as he used to. even if he could, with the mounting guilt of losing elle then gideon—plus all the other crazy shit that happened in season two—it would be hard for him to engage with them so flippantly
as the trauma continues to build over the seasons for both the team and himself (haley leaving, kate dying, the foyet business, haley dying, jj getting ripped away, emily “dying”), by the end of season six he’s haggard and weary in an entirely new way. the last few years were brutal for him, and he takes responsibility for everything that happens to the team as well. the jokes have all but disappeared. he can still find it within himself to be lighthearted at times, especially around garcia and reid, but overall he’s just too stressed out to even feel the urge
with emily’s return i think things begin to settle. the team is healing, and although they’ll never be the same, it’s still a little easier for him to smile. whether it’s because he feels some sense of accomplishment from finally being able to save someone or simply because it’s been enough time for him to process all that other shit, he gradually opens up and allows himself to appreciate the warmth of those around him. as the seasons continue, i think it gets easier and easier. he’s still serious and hard to read at times, but the best example i can think of is how cheerful he is when he hugs kate goodbye and how supportive he is of tara splitting the job so she can follow her dreams. he’s not as uptight anymore, not nearly as high strung. there’s still a little tension, he still blames himself for too much, but he has enough support that he can enjoy a night out at a jazz club with dave or karaoke with the team. 
i do like the early seasons way more and i did have to stop around season 12 the first time before finishing the show a few years later. truly i didn’t really mind the main cast starting to break away (i had already faced that particularly brand of heartache when i watched season 8 for the first time and emily wasn’t there), though i do see how it can be jarring. it’s been more than a decade: changes are bound to happen. thankfully it’s just a show, so we can take a break before coming back to it later when we’ve had more time to adjust
most of my complaints from the later seasons are more about the writing than anything else. starting with season 11 i think the overall plots get sloppy and it’s clear they’re just trying to crank up the drama. which again, i suppose, is to be expected. truthfully i think the genius of criminal minds was just a fluke to begin with. but it’s still kind of painful to see the steep quality decline—and jumping from various eras in cm is always a bit jarring. i’d like to think it’s more than just nostalgia that keeps the early seasons special, but it’s entirely possible it’s been shit the whole time and it’s just easier to notice when it’s shot in high definition
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rootsofdread · 1 year
me giggling like a little girl as i drop 50 million pallets on a wraith at the game
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chplatoon · 2 years
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huge thank you to these ppl it was sooo fun playing together!! we cleared every shift and almost got cohozuna. the team was in sync and everyone was super nice I hope you're having the best day of your life
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Yelena gives both Jaws and Natasha the shovel talk after they get together. She knows they’re adults and they can handle themselves but they can’t go and hurt each other. She loves them both too much.
I wanna say that these conversations happened seperatlely
It doesn't surprise Natasha that Yelena would want to have the talk with Jaws because she would do the same thing for her, you know ✨sister tingz✨, but she does take a second to really appreciate how close Yelena and Jaws must be for Yelena to have that same talk with her as well.
I also feel like Jaws would take the warning not to hurt Natasha to heart, not in a bad way mind you, just that they themselves are very conscious not to hurt Nat (physically mainly).
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wiildroses · 3 months
dead boy detectives tags drop
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