#team vacío legal
demonicblu3 · 2 years
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te voy a extraña mucho missa :,(
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saintsr · 3 months
Esté es él Capítulo 1 en español.
Cómo puse en la otra publicación, quería publicarlo cuándo estuviera completo pero creció mucho, tengo ideas pero necesito conectarlas correctamente y eso me está matando.
Esta es una adaptación del Mito Griego de Hades y Perséfone, así como habrán otros mitos involucrados, y libertad creativa así cómo Disney y otros medios han adaptado la Mitología Griega.
Cualquier duda o comentario siéntase libres de plasmarlos.
Capitulo I
En un bosque llenó de vida se podía ver a cinco figuras cubiertas con capas que tapaban desde sus cabezas hasta el piso, todas ellas llevaban cestas que tenía frutos exquisitos desde manzanas, uvas, plátanos, mangos, duraznos y demás alrededor  de las figuras se podría también ver a una manada de lobos junto con ovejas con lana esponjosa además de unos pollos, gallos, gallinas y pollitos todos conviviendo en paz. Hasta que oyen un alboroto pasos rápido  además de el choque metal contra metal.
“¡Demeteres! Por fin, no hay escapatoria hemos rodeado esté lugar incluso Hermes ni Ares escaparían, sus secretos son nuestros”  llegó un hombre vestido con una armadura y empuñando una espada además de su escudo, a su alrededor muchos más entre hombres y mujeres en igual de condiciones “¡Spreen!  ¡Shaudone! Mi venganza será cumplida” sin más con un gesto todos atacaron a las figuras, por su parte las figuras dejaron las canastas en el suelo y un pequeño gesto cada lobo tomo una corriendo hacia un lugar desconocido.
Las figuras se pusieron espalda con espalda para cuidarse sin más se quitaron las capas revelando sus armaduras empuñaron sus armas y escudos esperando los golpes.
En otro lugar más lúgubre, gracias a la niebla pero si eras uno de los elegidos podías ver  luces guiando el camino además de esmeraldas que reflejaban las luces de las lámparas, más allá había grandes construcciones llenas de vida ya que sus esculturas parecían vivas, no había plantas o animales pero no importaba el constructor las fabricaba y las pintaba intentado replicar lo que había en el mundo de los vivos.
“¡Hey Phil, ¿Qué haces ahora?” Llegó un joven rubio color miel con ojos azules traía un casco con alitas así como unas zapatillas de igual forma estás traían alitas haciendo que se moviera por todos lados “ ¿Qué raro está figura se me hace conocida? ¿Por qué?  ¿Phil, quién es?”
“Tobby, por los Dioses, deja de moverte tanto  me desconcentras” decía un rubio mientras esculpía una figura de un joven se veía con el pelo largo hasta los hombros, con una sonrisa amable al igual que sus ojos pero cómo no tenían color no podía saber si estaba feliz cómo su imagen lo representaba a su alrededor había muchas ovejas pequeñas y él estiraba su mano queriendo acariciar una “ no es nadie, sólo una idea que me llegó a la cabeza”
“sí por eso tienes las orejas rojas” Tubbo se paró a su lado con una sonrisa traviesa
“¿Qué?, No” Phil convocó una alas arriba de sus orejas para que las tapará, así como su sombrero para que las sombras taparan la mitad de su rostro.
“¿Es alguien especial?” Tubbo se acercó a la escultura viéndola con curiosidad.
“No” Philza se dedicó a esculpir más ovejas y uno que otro pollo
“¿Está aquí?” seguía mirando la escultura, ahora de todos los ángulos.
“No ¿Por qué estás aquí?” Lo jalo de su ropa poniéndolo a una distancia prudente.
“Sí, bueno quería ver qué hacías ya que nunca sales o sí te habías atorado en un agujero al intentar atrapar un diamante” se cruzó de brazos mientras veía una lámpara a lo lejos sintiente ofendido.
“Sólo pasó una vez y estoy bien”  limpio con cuidado sus herramientas acomodándolas una a una, y poder limpiar el sudor de su cara  además de beber agua “Sólo he tenido mucho trabajo”
“Sí, puedo verlo” volvió a mirar a la escultura, dando un salto cuándo el sonido de las Moiras usando sus tijeras a gran velocidad hizo eco en  todo el lugar “Oh, tienes razón tienes mucho trabajo”
“Qué raro no hay noticias de una guerra, estás muertes son muy rápidas” los dos se quedaron en silencio por un rato.
“¿Qué es ese sonido?” La tierra retumbaba de forma extraña.
“Tubbo quédate aquí iré a ver”
Así sin más aparecieron unas alas de cuervo juntó con su armadura alzó el vuelo haciendo que la tierra que dividía su Reino con el de los vivos se conectarán, al salir muchos cuervos lo rodearon graznando sin control felices de ver a su padre, esté con una pequeña risa los reconoce ya que sabe que son traviesos pero con un gesto les pide silencio, así en la quietud con sólo el batir de las alas y el viento corriendo cómo sonido lo pudieron oír.
“¡Corre Missa, corre Fido corran que aquí espantan!”
“¡No me pueden hacer nada! ¡Hijos de la Chingada!”
 Philza vio que a la lejanía de dónde se encontraba se acercaba un joven con unos lobos siguiéndolo, posiblemente estaba huyendo de ellos, cómo no era nada importante iba a regresar a su Reino ya que por fin tenía la respuesta hacia las muertes en grupo, hasta que el atardecer cayó definitivamente dando pasó a la oscuridad y así pudo apreciar flechas prendidas en fuego cayendo hacía el joven  como personas yendo tras él.
“¡Detente! Ya no tienes dónde correr”
“No, no pienso morir atrápame sí te crees tan listo”
Por fin pudo reconocer a esa persona no por su voz  ya que era la primera vez que lo oía pero que tonto  esa figura, su cabello y esa ropa era inconfundible, gracias a la oscuridad se camuflo y pudo ver cómo una piedra caía en la cabeza a la Deméter más joven sin pensarlo cayó en picada para alzar al joven en sus brazos ya que había caído desmayado.
Las personas se detuvieron al igual que los lobos cuándo vieron una sombra caer y el suelo abrirse sin más así cómo una masa llena de grumos y graznidos impidiendo qué los siguieran por fin el piso había sido cerrado, los lobos empezaron a olfatear el suelo y arañarlo para llegar a su dueño al no conseguirlo alzaron su cabeza aullando con gran tristeza.
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karmaduck1 · 2 years
Team reactions to Missa's "third death"
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merao-mariposa · 6 months
I'm weak for Phil/Missa with a worship focus
Think about this:
We're looking at the angel of death and a reaper of death.
We are seeing the guy who has survived everything since the beginning of time and the guy who keeps dying, and coming back, choosing what he always wants to return to.
They are united more than they should while one wields a sword to defend those he loves, the other clears the clouds in their loved ones path because he loves them! He wants them to be happy!
They will both forever remember those who were in their heart, The Antartic Empire and Team Vacío Legal lives forever, no matter how much time passes because they were loved by Philza and Missa; the most loyal immortals.
Oh! And something more; the focus on their immortality is so unique! When did I meet him I was told that; “The only thing Phil knows is that he has not died yet” But Missa I think is very aware of his death, he died, he died and he came back with a fourth chance when the others had until the third chance to return and he came back from the dead a fourth time. time, he would do it a fifth, sixth and seventh time he would do it all over again because he cares about.
While Philza in life gives everything of himself for people once they earn his loyalty, trust and appreciation. He won't stop being the same emotional-constipate-crow-dude but God knows he will follow his closest friends to the end of the world, he took the world alongside Technoblade and then he would destroyed another next to him! He is a patient crow, domesticated by death herselft (for whom he is waiting patiently to be with her) staying home and being domestic? He can do it, chaotic raiding dungeons and loting everything that makes his “shiny!” Brain go?, he won't say no. This man can do both if the people he cares ask him.
We have years of lore about Phil, I'll be honest. while we don't have much information about Missa but what we do have comes from HIM and US (his community) do you want a prince-ish son of la Santa muerte? He can be, do you want an labor overexploited reaper? poor thing lmao but here him is! Do you want him to be 26 (or more) meters high? well, ask the admins but no one will deny you //I have seen him ominous, savage, bear hybrid, anguished, violent, etc, the limit is in the imagination!
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(You have so many styles)
They worship each other by the way they complement each other. Just by thinking of Philza as the one who has not died, silent and anxious, waiting almost patiently for his complement, his missing half, the father of his children and his husband to return to him after literally being in the center of the end, the end of their life together, the end of watching his children grow and grow, until grow old (even though the mere thought of them aging beyond them breaks him)
After literally being in death and its domain only to choose to return, Missa would never believe in taking away Phil's free will so he's prepared to not see him there, he'll be fine; It is his right. Someone like him with the eternity in front of him would get bored of waiting for a guy like Missa.
Only to arrive and be absolutely adored and hugged till death (again) by his husband. He is happy to see him, he is so glad to see him waiting for him, Philza is happy that not so much of that so-called “time” has passed since the last time he had him in his arms (where Missas belongs to), so happy that their life together is not over yet. A life he loves and a husband he would fight for until he dies.
Obviously he drags him into the house where Missa is absolutely delighted to be welcomed (he always will be) like a crow carrying a new treasure to adore to its hiding place, only that Missa in his soul shines brighter than many of his shinys.
Missa is a reaper of death, literally a part of him feels explicitly built to respond to Phil as his angel or to BBH as a companion of duty, but it's too much, almost too instinctive and natural for him to worship Phil, not that he has a lot of experience but it is nothing like the crush he once had with Quakity, this is more real and deeper than the kiss he shared with Roier.
It's almost like nature for him to adore Philza.
And he doesn't make it any easier for poor Missa, so great and kind, Missa will always be vocal about how incredible and charming his husband is, how much he wants to spend time with him despite the adversities and hazards of the job that he does. prevent, they are worth it as long as he can be under his presence like a cat with sunlight.
It doesn't matter if Phil doesn't want him anymore because Missa is his because he decided it for himself/the skeleton isn't going anywhere, Phil is patient but as long as they are on the same earthly plane of life he is not going to let go of Missa, simply because he is loyal to him (hes also a little chaotic, not above dragging Missa around like putting a collar on a wet kitten)
En conclusión:
❗️How we interpret their relationship does not change that Phil took the name “platonic husbands” correctly. (Pissa AND deathduo are totally valid, don't worry, we can get both :D )❗️
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Who is Spreen?
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We're doing this again I guess LMAO. Spreen just got announced for the QSMP so here's a quick rundown of who he is:
Spreen is a very popular Argentinan streamer. He was in Tortillaland 2, and he recently participated in Squidcraft Games and Minecraft Extremo (a Hardcore Minecraft server with a battle royale / hunger games mentality where everyone had only 3 lives).
Spreen was nominated (and won) the Breakout Streamer of the Year award at the Eslands (a Spanish streamer awards show, similar to the Streamer Awards).
Quackity and Rivers (another streamer friend of theirs) were also nominated for this award, and when Spreen won, he insisted that Rivers and Quackity join him on stage because they're all worthy of the award
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Spreen went to the awards show in PJs (lmao)
Because his Minecraft skin is a black bear wearing sunglasses, a popular theory is that his character is the son of Rubegetta (Rubius x Vegetta)
He and Karl were one of the first streamers (besides Quackity ofc) to do a collaboration between Spanish and English content creators.
Karl calls Spreen "gatito" (kitty / kitten)
In Minecraft Extremo, he was part of team Vacío Legal (Legal Loophole). His teammates included Rubius, Missa, Shadoune, and Quackity. He was one of the last surviving members.
He's a very good PVP fighter and he worked hard to protect his friends (though he was unable to save Quackity, who died in front of him twice after getting yeeted by the gods then killed by a Vindicator).
Spreen's character seems to have a soft-spot for Roier, a friendly flirty guy who Spreen defended from his teammates, even though Roier was on an enemy team.
Despite this fondness, he'll still gladly maim Roier for fun, he just won't let anyone else hurt or kill him.
Although he was very competitive in Squidcraft Games, Spreen was still quick to defend Karl when a guard threatened to shoot him.
Spreen also had a very playful rivalry with Tubbo.
He has a habit of catching people off-guard with his humor.
In Tortillaland, Spreen's character was similar to Gus from Breaking Bad. He had his own city where he controlled the medial, extorted people, and threatened to kill people with withers if they annoyed him or didn't pay rent.
Spreen has also cosplayed his character cosplaying as Gus.
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Other info posts:
Who is Vegetta? | Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu?
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bagely · 8 months
Missa told Tallulah about the team "vacío legal" I don't even know if she told Chay too this stream will leave me crying
Missa: I used to be on a team of very talented and amazing people, they taught me how to play... I didn't learn much but that team was called the team "Vacío legal", they were the best, they formed what I am now... A mess.
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jesssart · 2 years
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Te kiero muxho Team Vacío Legal <3
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orpheus-lament · 2 years
Hey guys! can't make polls but I wanted to ask what you'll like to see
1.- Big Q in happy relationships
2.- Final girl big Q
3.- Small rubegetta comic
4.- Maybe a small drawing of team vacío legal
idk please let me know
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doubleslashkarma · 1 year
Listen if the ice block countdown is adding more people of the same language, this is our chance for Shadoune. We could have Team Vacío Legal back. We'd have to convinve Spreen to log on again and Missa would have to get home and stop his house from flooding long enough to stream and Rubius would have to actually be Rubius but I BELIEVE‼️
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sapybara · 2 years
Shadoune who came so far and was so helpful and kind to everyone (except that one girl). He was a good person and it was his skill that pulled him through this tournament. He lost all of his friends and wasn’t there for many of their deaths, just watched their names appear and felt the world get emptier and emptier. There he was in the final 2, with the skill that put him there as the only way out and could do it. He could. But still
You wouldn't know it for his attitude, but Shadoune was a beast at pvp. During the night, he only ran with the group to protect his friends, but he could never damage any of the other people there (well, except for those who were mean to his newly made friends). He's always so kind and trying to keep the spirit up in that horrible situation.
He should've noticed when Missa died, but he didn't. Then, before he noticed, Quackity, Rubius and Spreen were gone too. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Flashes of Minecraft Extremo pass in front of his eyes. This is the same wicked scenario. He didn't even process the fact that he watched all of his friends die in front of his eyes when it was happening again. Both times he couldn't do anything to save them. Winning the game wouldn't bring them back, but maybe it'll mean that they didn't die for anything, he could carry his memory, he was the only one from Team Vacío Legal and he will represent it. He remembers the first time Spreen died. It was like something switched in him and he didn't stop until everyone was dead.
But this time? This time it was different. In front of him, there was a guy covered in the blood of his friends. He remembers him, he remembers laughing together and trying to teach each others words in different languages. He remembers his eyes shining with excitement as he wished good morning and good night every day. Fuck. He has to focus. He needs to win this. For the Team, for his friends; for himself. But as soon as the battle starts he realizes he might not be the only one hiding an immense ability behind kind smiles. It was hard, God it was hard, they were both covered in blood, he wouldn't be able to tell you whose blood was. Maybe it was his, maybe it was Sapnap's. Maybe it was the blood of a hundred and ninety-eight people weighing on his clothes. This needed to end. He tried to trick his opponent to walk to the border and push him off but that didn't work. He could only fight now. His vision was blurry, he could taste blood in his mouth, he could felt his legs starting to fail. He looks up and he sees the exhausted eyes of his opponent before closing his eyes.
He blinks his eyes open. He's laying on the floor and feels a bit floaty. He sits up and sees someone extending a hand to him.
"Cmon is over now" says Spreen
He takes the hand and stands up. Briefly looks at Sapnap, who is just standing in shock before looking in front of him and offering a sad smile Quackity, Missa and Rubius. "I'm sorry guys"
"Shut up. You did your best, we are proud of you" Rubius says while tucking him under his arm. "We're alright now"
As they walk away from the arena, Shadoune let's himself believe that.
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saintsr · 3 months
Well I wanted to publish it when it was complete and it isn't but I also wanted to upload something so here is chapter one of the adaptation of the Greek myth of Hades and Persephone Take it as a preview, honestly this was just something small and it grew a lot I have ideas and no way to put them together, I waited to get out of this to bring it complete Without further ado, chapter 1.
This is an adaptation like how Disney and other media have played with I do it too, taking a lot of creative freedom as well as the integration of other myths, the characters can feel OCC, Sorry.
Feel free to ask questions or leave opinions 💕❤️🫡
Chapter I
In a forest full of life you could see five figures covered with cloaks that covered from their heads to the floor, all of them carried baskets that had exquisite fruits from apples, grapes, bananas, que mangoes, peaches and others around the figures you could also see a pack of wolves along with sheep with fluffy wool as well as some chickens, roosters, hens and chicks all living together in peace.  Until they hear a quick commotion of footsteps plus the clash of metal on metal.
“Demeteres!  Finally, there is no escape, we have surrounded this place, even Hermes or Ares would escape, its secrets are ours.” A man arrived dressed in armor and wielding a sword in addition to his shield, around him many more men and women in equal conditions. “Spreen!   Shaudone!  My revenge will be fulfilled” without further ado with a gesture everyone attacked the figures, for their part the figures left the baskets on the ground and with a small gesture each wolf took one running towards an unknown place.
 The figures stood back to back to take care of each other without further ado. They removed their capes, revealing their armor. They held their weapons and shields, waiting for the blows.
 In another more gloomy place, thanks to the fog but if you were one of the chosen ones you could see lights guiding the way as well as emeralds that reflected the lights of the lamps, beyond there were large constructions full of life since their sculptures seemed alive, not There were plants or animals but it didn’t matter, the builder made them and painted them trying to replicate what was in the world of the living.
 “Hey Phil, what are you doing now?”  A young honey-blond man with blue eyes arrived. He was wearing a helmet with wings as well as some slippers. In the same way, they were wearing wings, making him move everywhere. “How strange is this figure that seems familiar to me?”  Because?   “Phil, who is this?”
 “Tobby, for the Gods’ sake, stop moving so much, you’re disconcerting me,” said a blonde while he was sculpting a figure of a young man. He looked like he had shoulder-length hair, with a kind smile like his eyes, but since they had no color, he couldn’t. To know if he was happy, how his image represented him, there were many small sheep around him and he stretched out his hand wanting to caress one “it’s nobody, just an idea that came to my head.”
 “Yes, that’s why your ears are red.” Tubbo stood next to him with a mischievous smile.
 “What? No” Phil summoned wings above his ears so that he would cover them, as well as his hat so that the shadows would cover half of his face.
 “Is he someone special?”  Tubbo approached the sculpture, looking at it with curiosity.
 “No” Philza dedicated himself to sculpting more sheep and the occasional chicken
 “Is he here?”  He continued looking at the sculpture, now from all angles.
 “No, why are you here?”  He pulled him by his clothes putting him at a safe distance.
 “Yes, well I wanted to see what you were doing since you never go out or you had gotten stuck in a hole trying to catch a diamond.” He crossed his arms while he saw a lamp in the distance, feeling offended.
 “It only happened once and I’m fine” I carefully clean his tools, arranging them one by one, and being able to wipe the sweat from his face in addition to drinking water “I’ve just had a lot of work.”
 “Yes, I can see it,” he looked at the sculpture again, jumping when the sound of the Fates using their scissors at high speed echoed throughout the place. “Oh, you’re right, you have a lot of work.”
 “How strange there is no news of a war, these deaths are very fast” the two remained silent for a while.
 “What is that sound?”  The earth rumbled strangely.
 “Tubbo stay here I’ll go see”
Just like that, crow wings appeared, together with his armor, he took flight, making the land that divided his Kingdom with that of the living connect. When he left, many crows surrounded him, cawing uncontrollably, happy to see his father, he was with a Little laughter recognizes them since it knows they are naughty but with a gesture it asks them for silence, so in the stillness with only the flapping of the wings and the wind rushing how sound they could hear it.
 “Run Missa, run Fido, run, they’re scary here!”
 “They can’t do anything to me! 
“Children of the Chingada!”
   Philza saw that in the distance from where he was, a young man was approaching with some wolves following him, possibly he was fleeing from them, since it was nothing important, he was going to return to his Kingdom since he finally had the answer to group deaths, until that dusk finally fell giving way to darkness and thus he could see arrows lit on fire falling towards the young man like people going after him.
 “Stop!  “You no longer have anywhere to run.”
 “No, I’m not going to die, catch me if you think you’re so smart.”
 Finally he was able to recognize that person not by his voice since it was the first time he had heard it but what a fool that figure, his hair and that clothes were unmistakable, thanks to the darkness he camouflaged himself and he could see how a stone fell on his head The youngest Demeter, without thinking, swooped down to lift the young man in her arms since he had fallen unconscious.
 The people stopped just like the wolves when they saw a shadow fall and the ground open without further ado, like a mass full of lumps and squawks preventing them from following them. Finally, the floor had been closed, the wolves began to sniff the ground and scratch it. To reach their owner, when they couldn’t, they raised their heads howling with great sadness.
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karmaduck1 · 2 years
El team ayer: Sí, que Missa sea parte de nuestro team para usarlo de carnada.
El team hoy: *Cambian toda la casa para que Missa esté seguro*
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kqluckity · 1 year
not only does the house he built looks like a scaled down version of minecraft extremo's team vacío legal house, but also the beds all together and the way he started organizing the chests immediately reminded me of that...
what i think happened is that, while they were trying to delete his memories of the eggs and the rest of the things that made him unhappy, the federation accidentally jumbled all his memories from the past together and that's why it always seems like he's going from one thing that happened in his past to the other
but it seems they deleted all of his memories of roier, even from minecraft extremo? idk
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131-vr · 2 years
Team vacío legal
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bagely · 3 months
Q!MISSA VS STEVEN UNIVERSE: love when you don't love you
(essay on a beloved wet cat)
WARNING: These are my opinions, none of this is strictly canon, and it took a lot from Missa's pov and nothing more. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. As you can see in the title I'm all related to Steven Universe songs lol
Welcome to the firts song, Love Like You;
Minecraft Extreme is the key to understand the actions and decisions of Missa cube. In extremo he was alone in that cold and hostile world until the team vacío legal took him in. They taught him what it was like to have a family, they protected him and teached him to defend himself, but since good things don't last missa left first. But across dimensions, time and space, the connections he had, the warmth and the feeling of family never went away. It changed the perspective of family forever. In missa's own words about them: 
Missa Cubito has never felt enough for the people he loves.
If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love..
Missa: I was in a team of very talented and wonderful people, they taught me how to play.... I didn't learn much but that team was called the " Vacío legal" Team, they were the best, they formed what I am now.... A disaster.
Missa learned, he grew up and there was a development in his abilities but he does not feel like that, he does not stop feeling like the person he was before them. He doesn't stop seeing himself as the weak one, the one who is protected, the one who didn't know how to survive until the end. 
Another reason why extremo is important to understand q!missa is because some people from extremo went along with missa to quesadilla island, and one such relationship was maintained.
Spreen and Missa are brothers. There is much to say about the two of them, and it is impossible for me to summarize, but for Spreen, Missa was everything, and for Missa, Spreen was MORE than everything. 
Before the eggs in the early days when they met again they did not change this relationship, and roier was also there, became his friend and helped him with his taqueria. Then the betrayal of the tacos happened.
Missa came back one day, and the world was upside down. Spreen killed his cat? no, it's not impossible, Roier is lying. His brother would never do that, he wouldn't be able to do that just for power and money, wouldn't he? He had to have a reason, he would never do that to missa, they're not like that. he's not like that. Missa even mentioned that maybe he wasn't Spreen that maybe he was like Quackity and "ElQuackity" because Spreen is his brother who protected him from everything, a person like that wouldn't hurt him, right?
When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
..I could even learn how to love like you
Even when Missa accepted that it happened, he blamed Roier. He knew it was a bad idea, he didn't have to trust Roier, all of this is because of his ambition. It is obvious that he would not beat Spreen, nobody beats Spreen. Roier is a fool and it's all his fault, not spreen's. And Roier made Spreen angry at him too, there is not other explanation, is Roier's fault.
Missa : [...] Throw everything away. Get rid of absolutely all the tacos you have and burn it. Get rid of- 
Roier : You don't understand, Missa .
Missa : [...] I'm leavin   
Roier : Are you leaving Missa? Are you going to leave me alone
Missa: You are not alone, you are with your pinches tacos, family ruiner.
Missa always idolizes his brother. Spreen is; brave, strong, and cool. this bunch of things that Missa felt he isn't. Spreen is and was Missa's hero.
But he betrayed him. Missa erased that from his memory in denial, and when he saw him again he pretended nothing had happened. He didn't expect an apology, it didn't matter anyway… it was just a cat, his brother is more important. Missa has never been against spreen, he can't be after all they have been through as siblings... Still, why did he kill his cat, why didn't he apologize? Why would he- ... After the egg event, he never saw his brother again. 
It's strange when people leave, because you can't ask them for explanations anymore, you can't tell them how bad their actions made you feel, you can't complain. Spreen left, and Missa couldn't do anything to stop it.
Now, Missa is alone and meets someone, and becomes a father. Things move fast, on the island. He is with two people who think he is amazing, who praise his attributes, who show him constant admiration, love... Something he hasn't felt since the team vacío legal, family.
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'Cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you..
Missa had never really been in the position of protector until chayanne came along, after the betrayal of the tacos, missa had been alone and out of nowhere he was given this little egg to protect and he couldn't get happier. Missa becomes someone's hero, someone's protector.
Missa loves Chayanne, that is something without a doubt. He is their little warrior. Missa doesn't want Chay to end up like him, he wants to make him strong because he is afraid that Chay will feel what he feels all the time. Missa supports Chayanne in everything, and even he doesn't limit Chay from just being strong and treats him like the child he is.
Missa: I wanted to see you, I missed you a lot. [...] I was afraid to return, because I was a bad father and I said: My son will not love me anymore, never again [...]
Missa thinks he's a bad father, he says it so much that it comes out easily. Although his son and husband deny it. When he sees his son's joy at seeing him, he thinks of his sadness when he goes away. He started to see himself as a shadow for the death family. 
Look at you go, I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special..
He tries to emphasize his presence, to make gifts like drawings that will cheer them up when he's not there. He feels weaker and weaker as the world gets harder and harder, and he doesn't see himself going up steps but trapped on an electric ladder going down.
Missa: Omg, I'm making you work just for me, thank you so much for.... Sorry, sorry...
Philza: Don't worry, I got you.
Missa: I don't deserve you philza, I'm going to talk like this weird so the translator won't work, so it won't understand that I'm telling you that I love you.
Missa begins to believe that he is a burden to these wonderful people, especially Philza. They were named as a partner, and now they are in this together... but Missa every time he comes back he feels he contributes less and less. And Philza gives him so much, Missa thinks Philza should give it to someone else and that he doesn't deserve it.
Missa can't see someone else as the father of their child, and for some reason that Missa doesn't understand Philza can't see someone else in Missa's place either, and it's all wonderful... but is it? Isn't he putting too much pressure on Philza with Chayanne?
If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love..
And Philza is so good, someone was going to notice, see it, and take it away from him. Missa doesn't blame them, but it bothers him, and he wants to fight but not because of Philza, but because Phil's rights to decide need to be respected, even though he doesn't believe he will be chosen. 
Missa feels that he can't support him anymore, that the level of support he can give is not enough. That he is not enough. Philza tries to calm him down, to tell him that he's fine taking care of Chay alone, but out of nowhere it's two kids... When? How much has he missed? 
When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Love like you
Love me like you.
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melissa-848 · 1 year
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Antes que nada me presentó, soy una dibujante/artista de México, me llamó Melissa y hago dibujos gore Ho de cualquier cosa XD
Aquí les presentó a mi au! Del team vacío legal
Monster team vacío legal au
Pueden encontrar mis dibujos en mi Instagram
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