#team sillyvision
corruptimles · 4 months
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2019 art:
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queenofcats17 · 6 months
Fav batim au’s?
Ooh!! I haven't talked about my favorite BATIM AU's in a while.
There's @disneyphantomlover's False Protagonists AU. That was one of the ones that really got me into BATIM I think.
There's @pipesflowforeverandever's Hymns of Struggle.
@a-rae-of-sunshine's Happily Ever After AU
@insane-control-room's The Big Picture.
I don't know if @randomwriteronline has any dedicated AU's, but I really like their BATIM works.
Reeling Off The Wheel by robboyblunder
Team Sillyvision by maulan-reverie
fishy-mom's Metal and Ink AU.
The Undertale crossover by esthyradler.
jekyll-doodles and @rosebloodcat also had a lot of AU's I really enjoyed.
I'm probably missing some, but those are some of my favorites that have been done by other people.
(I didn't ping everyone involved because I didn't know if they'd be okay with being pinged or not)
@liliflower137 and @miscmangos-wonderland have also done some really cool AU stuff! Some of which I've been a part of and some of which I've just witnessed!
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brainyrot · 1 year
This is actually a bendy crack-up comics headcanon But
Whenever it's Christmas or Halloween, miss twisted and bendy actually just team up to do random chaos in sillyvision. Not necessarily super BAD things, just generate enough chaos to actually remind the town folks that there's TWO demons around and it's the time of the year they will be making more chaos than usual!
Just some demon bonding time, until it's time to have dinner with their lovable papa Pluto, just so they can also have some family stuff, y'know, dinner and everything. Some houses on fire. That thing!
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Sorry for the long hiatus. The studio is ready for asks once again!
-Joey Drew and the Sillyvision team
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vanana-r0tat3 · 2 years
need everyone to know i genuinely cried over both the team sillyvision au and the escape au
goodbye forever they make me so autistic an emotional
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hunterwritesstuff · 2 months
Fan of any good aus any fandom?
The first ones that come to mind are like, Hell's Studio, Toon Henry, Team Sillyvision, Underfell(I like it for normal reasons I swear, and it's the "CANON" UNDERFELL NOT THE FANONIZED ONE.), Paper Trails(Deltarune AU lol), idk if it counts as an AU but like, The whole Salt Route thing that went around on tumblr for a bit after DR Chapter 2 dropped, and like, Handplates(If that counts), idk, I don't look into AU stuff too much because I don't wanna accidentally steal shit for my own works-
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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And here they are- the final images for Reeling Off the Wheel from the last chapter! Because it was a collaboration chapter, you can find the other half of the art posted by @maulan-reverie albeit more gradually than I’m posting these!
It’s been a fun wild ride but this is likely to be the last bendy fanart I draw in a while considering my interests have pretty much moved on- anything else i draw for bendy will likely be for my friends more than anything. That aside I hope everyone who followed me for Bendy sticks around anyways for the rest of my art!
If you haven’t and are curious, you can check out my now completed AU here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/51533803
thank you so much to everyone who supported my journey on this!
(please don’t repost/use these images, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs appareciated!)
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blue-scr33n · 4 years
Okay, like normal I'm back on my bs because I doodled this after posting my last image
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For one, I have been wanting to do this drawing of @maulan-reverie 's TSV au for a good while never got the drive to actually do it till today
For two, please ignore the fact Sammy's line quality is less than Henry's, he had less features so I didn't redraw him when enlarging the image.
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jerboagoat · 5 years
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my computer genuinely BROKE and died in the middle of @maulan-reverie ‘s stream yesterday so im coping by drawing fanart. ft a crossover episode of our aus just because sometimes self indulgence is king
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queensqueercourt · 3 years
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he’s waiting for sammy! @maulan-reverie 
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rubinjuweldraws · 3 years
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Happy birthday @maulan-reverie!
Rollerskates Malice is coming for you with many heartfelt gifts (probably very literally)
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corruptimles · 6 months
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gee Susie how come I let you have four forms
I only realized now that I never drew her "perfect" form in full so here. Sorry I forgot to give you your legs back Susie :/
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old art with my original notes and comparisons
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bunsterkeaton · 4 years
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A redraw of Ariel needs legs featuring TSV Malice n Boris, which is created by @maulan-reverie You should read it.
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robsdoodlebook · 4 years
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Here’s a big ol compilation of Au doodles I did for me and @maulan-reverie because I felt like it LOL. Lots of shenanigans to behold...
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paper-and-aus · 3 years
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Is this Norman? Yeah. Yeah it is...
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limetoons · 4 years
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I wanted to experiment with a more angular art style and what better way to do so that by drawing silly bendz!
@maulan-reverie hope ya like it!
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