robboyblunder · 2 years
Just read your ROTW fic. Absolutely loved it!
I have a question though: How did Wally and Shaun got out? Did they go through the same as the others?
Hi there! I’m glad you enjoyed it, even after all these years it makes me happy people are still reading it even if my interests have moved on :) that story was a huge project that I still cherish!
When it came to Wally and Shaun, it was a mix of I wasn’t sure how I wanted to fit them in because like a lot of the other minor characters they didn’t have a ton going on so it was hard to figure out where to put them! So I decided to give them a really important “later” role I felt fit their situation: reintegration of the others as guiding Shepards into the real world! They sounded like they were some of the first who might’ve left or gotten fired or something anyways due to their audio logs- at least in Wally’s case because he had the wedding card and such. I threw in Shaun with him because some people had the idea it was them that married haha.
They kind of “got out” in the beginning a long time ago in a sense where the machine spat them both out before they could get fully sucked into the simulation studio- Wally’s funny catch phrase I felt made it appropriate that he would be the escape artist who got out first on technicalities and took a friend with him. If I had to make up a real reason I guess his pure soul and determination made the machine unable to hold him I suppose, but I haven’t entirely considered the details to be quite honest haha. Just picture it this way: when everything went wrong, those two got spat out from the start partially on purpose part on accident and they spent their time figuring out how to be ink people in the real world while also trying to figure out where the others went!
Wally never gave up on trying despite Shaun being quite over it having been quite some time passed after they were freed, but hey Wally’s patience paid off :) hope that gives you something of an answer! It’s been some years since I wrote that story but again I thank you for reading it 💕 take care!
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corelex · 2 years
Just read the entire Reeling Off the Wheel fic by Robboyblunder.
10/10 BATIM fanfic. Would recommend.
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robsdoodlebook · 4 years
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Here’s a big ol compilation of Au doodles I did for me and @maulan-reverie because I felt like it LOL. Lots of shenanigans to behold...
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shada-art · 4 years
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@robboyblunder 's «Reeling off the Wheel» fanfic has become my all-time favorite in this fandom. Looking forward to the last chapter.
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soggyhannah · 4 years
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i wasn’t gonna post these sketches but after that reeling off the wheel chapter i feel like i have to skfkfkfl
i did these last night as semi warmups so imagine my surprise when sammy and norman actually start dancing in today’s update
once again rotw is written by @robboyblunder and the sammy and edgar designs belong to him!
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pangolin-404 · 4 years
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@robboyblunder's Reeling off the Wheel may be an emotional rollercoaster that makes you dread who's gonna get hurt next, but at least Jack Fain is okay
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robboybot · 4 years
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It didn’t send the first time, let’s try again
This story was amazing and I loved every second of it! Hope you like this gift!
– (By @ancient-lo​)
Thank you so much for your submission, this is very cool and sweet of you! :D I love it! I’m so glad you liked my story ^^ thank you for making me something in return!
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corruptimles · 3 years
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Old sketches I just found featuring @robboyblunder’s ROTWAU Henry with my Norman because they’re an awful couple
Dialogue under cut because I didn’t rewrite the original text so it’s hard to read:
Norman: Hey if I try to stick one of th’ Bendys in this, would you stop me? Henry: Absolutely not. Norman : Nice
Norman :  Hey Sam, can I borrow Bendy for something?  Sammy: Why are you asking me?  Norman: Yer kinda like his other dad or somethin? If yer gonna marry Henry I mean
Norman: Hey kid, wanna do something real stupid? Bendy: Okay! (Sammy *incapacitated*: dad? marry him? marry? propose? marriage? marry?)
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robboyblunder · 3 years
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It's the one year anniversary since completely my massive 300k+ work of fiction Reeling Off the Wheel! To celebrate, I was commissioned by @maulan-reverie to draw a heart warming cafe date with my Henry and their Norman! I loved drawing every second of this!
I want to thank everyone for the support they gave my work and me while creating it, as well as a shout out to my good friend Corrupt for co-writing the final chapter and creating a fun cross with our works! Ty again for supporting me too💖😄
(please don’t repost/use this, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs highly appreciated!)
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robboyblunder · 3 years
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Did a quick sketch the other night for upcoming comm example stuff of my Henry from batim because I still like the design I made for him 💖
(please don’t use/repost, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs welcome)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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And here they are- the final images for Reeling Off the Wheel from the last chapter! Because it was a collaboration chapter, you can find the other half of the art posted by @maulan-reverie albeit more gradually than I’m posting these!
It’s been a fun wild ride but this is likely to be the last bendy fanart I draw in a while considering my interests have pretty much moved on- anything else i draw for bendy will likely be for my friends more than anything. That aside I hope everyone who followed me for Bendy sticks around anyways for the rest of my art!
If you haven’t and are curious, you can check out my now completed AU here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/51533803
thank you so much to everyone who supported my journey on this!
(please don’t repost/use these images, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs appareciated!)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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Chapter 69, the final crossover chapter is finally here! :D I want to thank you all SO MUCH for following me on the journey for this and @maulan-reverie for dedicating your time to this project! you can officially read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/63220390
I want you all to know how proud I am of this project. It’s the first fully written, finished, AND published story I’ve ever completed. I’m so dang happy it’s complete, and with such a big sendaway for an ending! I can’t thank you all enough for your support and continued excitement all this time. It helped me through dark times and has truly given me something special to always remember.
Cheers guys! I’ll be posting the rest of the art later so as to give time for people to read and avoid spoilers!
(please don’t repost/use this image, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs super appreciated!)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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Chapters 64-66 for Reeling Off the Wheel are now live! You can read them here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/61205038#workskin
My fic is finally reaching the end, but there’s some fun surprises for it- be sure to read the notes on my fic in order to see what’s going on! A fun special ending chapter and art giveaway are involved for those reading, so be sure to check that out :D
The art this time is all chapter 63- man, that was a doozy drawing so many things just for one chapter... my hand hurt after that LOL
(please don’t repost/use these, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs always appreciated!)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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Chapters 54-58 for Reeling Off the Wheel are now live! That’s right; FIVE today! You can read them starting here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/60503410 Enjoy!
Today there’s extra art to post since there’s extra chapters out; these are from chapters 46, 48, 51, and 52! There’s a lot happening pretty fast, I hope you guys can keep up :D Towards the end of my fic there’s a couple fun surprises that’ll be happening so stay tuned!
(please don’t repost/use these, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs always appreciated!)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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Chapters 42 and 43 for Reeling Off the Wheel are now live! You can go read them here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/58458400#workskin
Today’s art is from chapter 37 with a big ol’ group hug with Henry’s found family! Super sweet compared to the ‘fun’ in today’s update :)
(please don’t repost/use, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs always appreciated <3)
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robboyblunder · 4 years
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Chapters 67 and 68 for Reeling Off the Wheel are now live! You can read them here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21611671/chapters/61618093#workskin
Today’s art is from chapter 66 featuring Inky having a bad time melting outside, and the introduction of where Shawn has been! This current update is the second to last, the last one going to be a canon cross over of my and @maulan-reverie‘s AU’s we’re working on together- this is going to take some time so it’ll likely not be ready by next Monday on the spot.
Additionally, if you’ve been following my fic please check out the art giveaway that’ll be ending on July 24th 2020: https://twitter.com/RobBBlunder/status/1282786064277680133
Thank you again to everyone following my story so far, I look forward to sharing the last chapter! :D
(please don’t repost/use, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs always appreciated!)
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