#team nora
moonsnqil · 6 months
first snow
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veelilee · 6 months
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some sketches :)
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schizomothh · 5 months
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they could never make me hate you jaune
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thepalestrose · 5 months
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What could have been...
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 13 days
Ruby: Hey, if you had to kill any of your team-
Jaune: Myself.
Ren: Jaune.
Nora: Jaune.
Pyrrha: Nora.
Nora: Too attached to Jaune, Ren too good at surviving?
Pyrrha: Exactly.
Nora: That's fair.
Ruby: ...
Ruby: Holy fuck there wasn't a half a goddamn second of hesitation from any of you. What the Hell guys.
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scripted-downfall · 6 months
I know that, in canon, the Latte Hatte is Zoey, but my headcanon is that Ted is actually referring to Nora because he's a pathetic wet cat of a man with a Type. There is no actual "Latte Hatte" because everyone just imagines whichever of the three Beanie's workers they like and rolls with it.
Ted's goes "ah, yeah, the Latte Hatte (Nora)" and Paul nods sagely "indeed, the Latte Hatte (Emma)" while Bill's like "Don't talk that way about her (Zoey); she reminds me of my daughter!"
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thesoulbonder · 3 months
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Hey peeps!
This is my entry for @one-crusty-batch-of-nature ‘s DTIYS!
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I’m such a fan of her artstyle, and all her designs for the RWBY cast bring me SO much joy
Doing this challenge really motivated me to experiment with my designs for JNOR, since I’ve only really focused on Pyrrha so far lol
I’m pretty happy with where I landed for everyone ngl
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ahn1zos · 4 months
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more of the party!
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craziechwiv · 2 months
Jnpr Berries Small shorts.
Ruby: Hey Jaune, wanna have a movie night?
Jaune: Sorry Ruby, it's a very important night for my team. We can do movie night tomorrow though!
Ruby: Oh...okay. May I ask, what's so important about tonight though?
Jaune: Well, we sorta like to just be by ourselves.
Cut to tonight, with Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren all cuddling up with each other on their couch, a giant blanket covering them all as they watched Pumpkin Pete cartoons.
Weiss: Pyrrha! I've been meaning to talk to you about something.
Pyrrha: Not her again...Uh, y-yes. Hello Weiss, what is it you need to discuss?
Weiss: You...you remembered my name?!
Pyrrha: We literally see each other every day...and you say your name so proudly...kind of hard not to. What did you need again?
Weiss: O-Oh right, I was wondering if you'd like to study with me?
Pyrrha: Oh, sorry Weiss. I gotta help Jaune and Nora study...their grades are just, the worst right now.
Weiss: Oh...I see. I'm sorry you have to deal with those two, but I understand. I can't expect nothing less of the champion herself helping out those in need!
Pyrrha: Yep...thank you!
Pyrrha begins to walk off and wave at Weiss before turning the corner and breathing heavily over the lie she told the Ice Queen. After which, she calls Ren.
Ren: Hello?
Pyrrha: Hey, sorry. I got held up, we still having our quadruple date?
Ren: Yeah, Nora and Jaune both are ordering though, so hurry up.
Pyrrha: I'll be there in a bit!
Blake approaches Ren who was meditating on a slone mat in the gym.
Blake: Excuse me, Ren?
Ren: Hm?
Blake: Mind if I borrow your time for a second? I wanna try this yoga thing to try and ease my mind a bit.
Ren: Sorry, but I'm trying to think peaceful thoughts at the moment and need some alone time. If you want to try this out, do it by yourself. It works well like that.
Blake: Oh, okay. Thanks for the tip, sorry for interrupting you.
Ren: No worries, I'm just thinking of peaceful thoughts...
Ren breathed slowly as his mind was filled with thoughts of Jaune's exposed muscles, Nora's tightly packed thighs, and Pyrrha's sweaty abs.
Ren: Very, peaceful and enjoyable thoughts~...
Yang: Hey hey, energizer! Mind if I spar with you real quick?
Nora: Wha- Right now?! Sorry Yang, but I really need to get somewhere, and I can't be held back!
As Nora began to make her way towards the entrance of the gym, Yang blocks her way as she held up her fists.
Yang: Uh, yeah no. At least try to get past me, then you can go~. So me what you got short-iEEEEEE?!
Nora picks up Yang and does a suplex on Yang, slamming her hard onto the ground as she began to run out the gym screaming.
Yang: ...wha...what just happened?
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bluearc009 · 4 months
Everyone walk up to Ruby and Jaune.
Yang: all right you two spill, what's going on with you two?
Weiss: yeah are you dating?
Ruby: What! No we're not dating.
Jaune: yeah we're just best friends that's all.
Blake: how do you explain this
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Ruby: both our team split up for awhile, I was happy to see him again.
Jaune: and I was glad she was OK.
Nora: then explain this.
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Jaune: we were excited after seeing Ace ops in action.
Ruby: Nora you were there, you were as excited as we were.
Ren: then what's your explanation for this
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Ruby: I was worried about my sister and friends after Ironwood bomb and was relieved when you guys was OK.
Jaune: look Ruby and I are not dating, we're just really good friends.
Yang: OK then.
Ruby: good now excuse me I'm going to take a shower now(grab Jaune hand) come on Jaune.
Jaune: She likes how I shampoo her hair.
As they leave everyone has a mixed of Confused and WTF look on their faces.
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
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@cheeseeater2 Here's your answer
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erros429 · 10 months
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rwby textposts pt 39!! hiatus is making me go hhrhfhhrhtjghhrhfbrbghhrhh insane can we please get volume 10 greenlit before i go batshit insane
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fanstuffrantings · 2 months
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Months later, the gangs here. Featuring my Pyrrha atlas design, not because I'm a pyrrha should live truther but because it felt weird posting them without her.
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juanarc-thethird · 5 months
Mana is not the only thing I have.
The sorcerer Jaune faces the demon Cinder in an epic battle. The fight was even until the worst happened to Jaune.
Jaune: *Tries to cast a spell but only a spark comes out* Oh no
Cinder: *Mocking him* What happened? Did you run out of mana? *Chuckles*
Jaune: I didn't want it to come to this. *He begins to take off his thick sorcerer's robe*
Cinder: Hahaha! Are you so desperate to live that you are going to try to seduce me? Hahaha! That's...
Jaune finishes removing his robe, showing his incredible, very well built, I mean VERY well built body.
Cinder: *Astonished* ...hilarious?
Jaune: *sad* I am very sorry for this. I assure you I'll do it quickly.
Cinder: *Nervous* H-Hold on, what are you going to do to me?
Jaune: *Gets closer* I'm really sorry.
Cinder: H-Hey! S-Stay away from me! STAY AWAY!
Moments later:
Nora (Dwarf): Jaune, we're here! Are you still alive?!- Oh!
Ren (Elf): *Show up behind her* What happen, Nora? Is Jaune- Oh!
Pyrrha (Barbarian): *follows* Guys, what happen?!- Oh my~
In front of them was Jaune holding Cinder in a wrestling hold trying to cut off her airflow.
Jaune: *crying* I'm sorry
Cinder: *About to pass out* L-Let me g-go, y-you b-b-brute...
Pyrrha: Aw, he remembers the hold I taught him~💕
Nora: How much was the reward if we brought her back alive?
Ren: 10,000 extra gold pieces.
Nora: Jaune! Don't kill her! We need her alive!!!
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superiorsturgeon · 10 months
Showing Affection
Blake: …and then Yang actually picked me up and carried me through the puddle! 🥰 It was so romantic~!
Yang: *flexes her arm* 😁
Weiss: Ruby actually managed to contact the cake chef my family employed in Atlas and made my favorite when I was having a difficult day. It was the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me!
Ruby: *blushing a bit, but proud* 😊
Nora: Oh yeah? Rennie made me a whole stack of heart-shaped pancakes! He didn’t even cut them to shape, he made them look like that in the pan!
Ren: 😌
Blake: Does Jaune do anything romantic for you, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: The other day at lunch he sorted all the most tightly-curled curly fries out of his order and gave them to me!
Blake/Weiss/Ren: …uh…that’s nice?
Yang/Ruby/Nora: *all crying* 🥹 That’s the most romantic thing we’ve ever heard…! 😭
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codename-adler · 11 months
this means.
laila. alvarez. laila and alvarez. LAILA. AND. ALVAREZ.
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