#team bergoglio
noisynutcrusade · 1 year
Pope Francis returns to the Vatican after being discharged by Gemelli
Pope Francis returns to the Vatican today. At 8.45am he was discharged from the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome where he was hospitalized last week for laparotomy and plastic surgery of the abdominal wall with prostheses. Confirmation of Bergoglio’s resignation from the health care team that follows the Pope arrived yesterday. Professor Alfieri who operated on him: «The Pope is fine, he is better than…
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anticattocomunismo · 3 years
La “Mafia di San Gallo”. Un’intervista a Julia Meloni
La “Mafia di San Gallo”. Un’intervista a Julia Meloni
Smascherare il gruppo riformista segreto all’interno della Chiesa. (more…)
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laresearchette · 3 years
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 5:00pm: Atlanta vs. Dodgers  - Game #3 (SN/SN Now) 8:00pm: Astros vs. Red Sox - Game #4
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Nets vs. Bucks (SN360) 10:00pm: Warriors vs. Lakers
NHL HOCKEY (SN360) 7:00pm: Canucks vs. Sabres (TSN2) 7:00pm: Sharks vs. Habs (TSN3) 8:00pm: Jets vs. Wild (SN1) 9:00pm: Ducks vs. Oilers
22 MINUTES (CBC) 8:00pm: Jock Jams for Toronto sports teams; the Canadian version of Squid Game; a James Bond spoof that puts Chrystia Freeland in peril with the KGB.
STRAYS (CBC) 8:30pm: Shannon goes on a date with Max's dad but discovers he may be too fatherly; Kristian's efforts backfire when he micromanages Nikki.
WILD GAME (APTN) 8:30pm: Rich Francis visits the Inuvialuit community of Inuvik, NWT, where he's eager to learn one of the more unique food sources harvested on Turtle Island: Canada's national animal the Beaver.
MOONSHINE (CBC) 9:00pm:  The Moonshine is forced to shut its doors for the first time in 40 years; Lidia is resolved to fix the campground once and for all.
IN THEIR OWN WORDS (Documentary) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis, becomes the first pope from the Americas, the first non-European and first Jesuit priest to hold the highest office in the Catholic Church.
ICE VIKINGS (Cottage Life) 10:00pm
CHUCKY (Showcase) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): When teen Jake Wheeler buys a vintage doll at a yard sale, his young life changes forever.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN2) 10:30pm: Blue Bombers vs. Elk
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
November 14, 2020: 6:19 pm:
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From earlier today:
It's about "The Crown".
Have a look for different creative & obscure ways the production team is telling you to draw an imaginary line from the top header of the white door on the left, through the top of Boris's head, horizontally as he stands there in the room. There are picture frames also, the "most remote human settlement" is indeed the "top of your head", could refer to some agreement, or disagreement with others, coded. The "90" percent statement is telling you to see that old guilded picture frame behind Boris as the screen angle making the corner of the frame be "through his head", that seems as a "disagreement" of some kind spoken visually and secretively. Something to consider is that common doorway header's are framed into a wall at 6'10" above the floor, leaving room for the door jamb's thickness, thereby rendering a net door height of 6'8", with room for flooring material of approximately 1" thickness. So, 6' 8" is equal to 80", AD, a door, with just a small oportunity to exit in the small space beneath the door. "Limbo" statement could be present at the other end of the "Crown" statements Boris is eluding.
Whatever it is, the secret to the Boris Plastic Remote Civilization Ocean terror, is contained at the header, and footer of that door, and in that old guilded picture frame, with emphasis to their relationship to Boris' head. Look also at the text footer at the end of the video. After looking again, the bottom of the door is where the secret emphasis is at, in my opinion. That very small space that exists between the top of the floor covering material, and, the bottom of the door. About one-half of an inch or so, measurements there can very, due to moisture, settling, and characteristics of dimensional lumber. Jesus was a Carpenter terror comm includes knowledge that a piece of dimensional milled lumber is not true. not only is a 2 x 4 actually 1 1/2" x  3 1/2", but there is more unfaithful things to know. The Carpenter MUST know ahead of time that the lumber, when stacked three layers thick, will grow by 1/4" every time. The math: 1 1/2 + 1 1/2" + 1 1/2" = three layers of lumber stacked on top of one another, nailed. The math says: 4 1/2" is the measurement. The Carpenter who measures the finished product, reads 4 3/4" on the tape measure, every time. The reason: The lumber has a crown. When stacked and nailed, those crowns combine to add 1/4" per every three boards nailed. The increase of "Wall Grow" as it is sometimes called, can be even more with larger dimensional lumber. 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 lumber makes 1/4" "Wall Grow" due to dimensional surface crown per every three flat stacked pieces of wood. The remedy that has been accepted for combating against costly mistakes caused by Wall Grow, is to cut the studs short by 1/4" prior to framing the wall. A wall that is going to finish out with a ceiling height of 8', will use 92 1/4" studs. That makes a net wall height of 8'1" (92 1/4 stud + 4 1/2 plates + 1/4 wall grow = 8' 1"), leaving some room for cladding on the ceiling, such as drywall, to finish out at just over 8′ above the floor. The Carpenter MUST know and accommodate for small instances of 1/4" that will show up all over the place if the Carpenter is not careful, skilled, knowledgeable about crowns. ======================================== This Carpenter wants to create a situation for Mr. Johnson such that all of the houses of all of the world are clad with beautiful silver lined ceilings. Silver, a product that is so cheap, they are using it as siding on the houses. ======================================== There are instances that don't matter. Example is a shower enclosure. The Carpenter simply stacks up some lumber around the perimeter of the enclosure at a hight that will accomodate the selected shower door. There are no ceiling considerations for a shower door, so, the "shower dam" is built per the door requirement. 1/4" Wall Grow slop is disregarded.
After the Carpenter is done making the shower dam, that is when the Hot Mop comes, and slops hot tar all over the dam, and basin, so it won't leak, and such that the shower water will run towards the drain. Tile installers, Masons Union, comes to finish out the dam with pretty tile after the Hot Mop Tar cools off. Other consideration: All of the work that is required to build showers and walls, starts with figuring out how to get to the jobsite. Where is the driveway? Very important consideration, the answer is provided at the Zoning Department, they hand out driveway's there. After the driveway is located, then, "where is the sewage going to go? is the next important thing that the Carpenter has to know before building a shower dam. The Department of Environmental Quality will help you figure out which way the shit will run, with emphasis on "Where does the fresh water come from for the shower?" So, at that time, there are two people standing there, at a place that looks like a nice place to live, there is only dirt, a driveway, and two people at that moment. They make plans for later. The person who wants to live there, and the person who will help figure out which way the shit will run. The two are looking for fresh water, and how to keep the shit away from it. A divining rod may or may not be helpful, it's a mystery. =============================================== Other, more sinister considerations for Mr. Johnson's Tweet
I can explain best with an example: There once was a landfill, a garbage dump, that served the greater Los Angeles area. It was located along the northern ridge of some hills along the Interstate 405 Freeway. The landfill, filled up. The landfill was covered with earth, and for many years there were some exhaust ports that were installed into the ground, and were for release of Methane gas from decomposition of the garbage under the ground. The exhaust ports were ignited, burned away the methane for many years, non-stop, always burning safely away all of the methane. You could see them from the freeway. Later, some people went there, and made plans. now, there is vastly expansive housing neighborhood of very, very expensive houses. They are built directly on top of that landfill. So, it's not always about a nice place to live. Sometimes it's about finding ways to make others think it's a nice place to live, and, sometimes, it's a coverup where a lot of garbage is at. It also can be a way to extinguish those pesky methane gas exhaust ports in environments where nitrous oxide gas is being used as a weapon. Along the 405 Freeway in the 1970's. So, one more time Mr. Johnson... Please send Lewis Hamilton to my house. I would like to speak with him. ========================================== Soon, Boris, the roads will be paved physically with sterling silver. A cheap, recyclable product. ========================================== 6:25 pm.
============================================ Also from earlier today:
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There is a hidden Walther PPK in that tweet. (you have to scroll over the link to see the “Mondale” part. and have some prerequisite info) What to know:The PPK uses ammunition that only fits into a PPK. It's the gun used by James Bond. The "poor" is phonetic: "The Pour". It's about Freemason Fraternal Orders. "Shaken, not stirred", there is a preferred amount of "Slump" to The Pour. The Slump is a measurement. The mason orders the concrete with a specific amount of water added per application requirements. The cement is tested upon delivery by the mason when the concrete truck arrives. The test measurement consists of a traffic cone, the cement is poured into the cone, the cone is turned over, placed onto the ground, lifted up revealing the wet concrete. The amount of slump is measured by the number of inches of sag to the cone shaped wet concrete as the cone is removed. 2" Slump is popular. The cement will sag two inches when the cone is removed. If the cement mix is too wet, the mason will send it back. If too dry, the mason will ask the delivery to add water there at the job site. There is a California Mondale in that tweet. The service to the pour is the delivery driver adding water "Walther PPK". The Mason is seeking a perfect mix. The concrete application is special, unknown conditions require experimentation with the mixture, says the Bergoglio in that tweet. There are two people standing there. One is the Mason, one is the Concrete Delivery Driver. The two are experimenting a mixture for optimum slump. The Pope is one of the two, he uses his hat to measure slump in absence of a traffic cone. Where's Waldo? is the question. Waldo is Jeff Prouix. Royal Canadian Mounted Police disguised as Oregon State Police. Waldo is Waldo because his orders were to do a murder hit at the Walgreen's in Grants Pass OR on 11-11-2020... fail... too much slump. This new slump experimentation is to find a new replacement Jeff Prouix. This will be the third one, the way I remember things. So, there is possibility that the Jeff Prouix who died at Walgreen's was actually Agent Rabner of Oregon FBI who was portraying Jeff Prouix for the purpose of fooling federal agents in faraway places who refuse to do their own research. Maybe, is a lot of slump there, but could be. If I knew where to apply, I would sign up to be the new Jeff Prouix, as the most qualified for the job. Unfortunately, my SAG card expired when I was just a small boy. 6:33 pm.
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bambamramfan · 5 years
centrally-unplanned replied to your post “I would say Two Popes was the worst movie of the year, except my...”
Interesting! I would describe it as a "perfectly acceptable normal movie", would be interested in more thoughts on what makes it not-work for you.
(As if I wasn’t asking for just this opportunity.)
I mean, I liked the concept so of course I watched it. Two contenders for the throne - but a spiritual one not an earthly one - representing different philosophical wings, discussing the unthinkable (stepping down from a lifelong position and giving it to your political opposite). A dialogue by two historic scene chewers. The message “I never retired because I knew you’d take my place and I couldn’t let that happen; until I saw you retiring and realized you wouldn’t be there to replace me anymore and I couldn’t let that happen” is beautiful. It could have been “My Dinner with Andre” but with the scenery of luxurious, decadent Rome.
Like MDwA, it’s going to be a movie depending on a) the performance by the two leads and b) their writing. (I don’t usually fault how “true to real events” movies are, but even I was a bit disenchanted by finding out these conversations could never have taken place, and other key motivations of the characters were made up out of whole cloth.)
What we got was... abysmal. Both characters are desperate to frame everything in understandable-to-Americans context. Bergoglio stares directly at the camera and says “I support giving communion to divorced couples and gay people.”  They do not at all talk like ecclesiastical bureaucrats with wide ranging philosophical scholasticism would speak, but a tumblr gif telling you who is pro Trump and who is anti Trump. Everything single thing either priest believes in is ground down to “what do Americans relate to.” They have to often say “as you know...” because they are so often saying things that would be very common knowledge to both of them.
The dialogue is stilted and like a teacher talking to a classroom, not old enemies-cum-friends engaging in verbal foreplay. The movie is so untrusting of its audience to know or catch up on the history that we get constant repetition and simplification.
The height of embarrassment was probably Bergoglio taking Ratzinger’s confession, and with little transition from this sacred moment immediately haranguing and lecturing the pope for the sin he just confessed (a sin that uh, is almost certainly not how Ratzinger saw it, given that in action he mostly did the opposite.)
Not to mention that the real reason Ratzinger resigned - an inablity to manage the Catholic bureaucracy or at least the lack of energy to - is both interesting and pretty much entirely left out, replaced with a) unexplained theological crisis and b) the molestation scandal (which again, looks WAY different from Rome than it does from America.)
The end at the credits with two old popes cheering on rival teams in the world cup was even more invented than the rest of the movie, and honestly the best filmmaking of the entire lot.
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bergoglionate · 5 years
Al conclave del 2013 lo Spirito Santo trovò il papa già eletto?
Al conclave del 2013 lo Spirito Santo trovò il papa già eletto?
Quando non si usa più quel “sì, sì e il no, no”, di cristiana memoria, ecco che si possono far nascere le vere leggende che in questo caso più bronzea che aurea, finisce per riempire le cronache tra ulteriori partitismi. Noi vi pubblichiamo la cronaca di un libro in uscita (e la presentazione da una nostra traduzione), i fatti come sembrano si sarebbero svolti, ai posteri la sentenza, a noi il…
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teresa44m735-blog · 6 years
10 Of The Most Awful Areas To Reside In Michigan.
If you are actually seeking an European traveler destination, take into consideration the Piedmont area of northerly Italy. Today, after checking out all the starry-eyed gushing and also blubbering in St. Peter's Square after the news and listening to all the sycophantish twist, observing merely sanctity as well as commonness in Pope Bergoglio, it eventually blew me that Roman Catholicism has declined in to (or to an outsider undoubtedly looks like) only yet another quasi-religious personality creed where the participants are amazingly oblivious of the rudiments however have actually been actually inured to the rock star worship of the Innovator that comes with the worldly celebrity of an individual who can not be actually definitely inappropriate no matter just how opposing his statements and also activities are. The United Condition's most extensive area, with 8.5 thousand folks and Visit Web Page also counting, is actually additionally among the best pricey and also complicated to stay in. Along with a little versatility, perseverance, and insider expertise, moving to the best urban area worldwide could be less complicated than you imagined (#werk). It's certainly not the most ideal spending or a lot of prominent task, yet I honestly adore it. A considerable amount of individuals find yourself delivering pizza at some point in their lifestyle, and also it's a higher turnover task. ( AP)-- A brand new proposition will call for Nyc Urban area retail stores to keep tobacco products unseen under a proposition intended for minimizing the youth cigarette smoking fee, Mayor Michael Bloomberg mentioned Monday. I took it as a sign of The lord's love, sent by the Little Bloom, and also it was all I required at that essential time. These outcomes were actually crafted by a team of constant knowledgeable paintball players who enjoy the game as well as circumnavigate to attempt different industries. This item displays those complexities, and also beams illumination on the truth that a job is actually much more than merely a method of earning money; it is actually something that uses up a great deal of individuals's lifestyles that they believe they're always on the clock, and can be quite handled by it. This is explored in detail in the meeting with Sharon Atkins, an assistant. As well as he came up, and carried out drink and eat, and also entered the toughness of that chicken forty times and forty evenings unto Horeb the position of The lord. Hotels, industrial services as well as looming office buildings right now occupy a considerable amount of room in Moments Square along with Disney as well as Conde Nast being actually two of the more popular companies. Kordas emphasized that Isolation" is actually certainly not a docudrama job about details individuals that are unhappy in The big apple Metropolitan area however somewhat a creative take on the theme of being alone, using individuals who recorded his eye on the street.
The disorder is accountable for 23 per-cent of heart-related deaths in children under 1. And Port additionally possessed an undamaged atrial septum, which implies his cardiovascular system was actually missing the hole that makes it possible for aerated blood to journey to the left edge as well as be pumped to the remainder of his body.
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And thou shalt enjoy the Lord thy God along with all thy soul, and also along with all thy heart, and along with all thy mind, and along with all thy toughness: this is actually the very first rule. The common January snowfall in Park City, Utah is 31 inches and also the daytime temps hardly come to thirty three degrees.
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London is much coming from stunning, in my viewpoint, yet that might be because I stay certainly there. As soon as the capital of the vast Classical Empire, the area is an expansive, extraordinary collection of historic ruins, popular artwork, marvelous parishes, the upper class and also tasty meals.
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On that evening stayed on that particular 2 tiered monstrosity called after our 1st President I made it possible for New York to retain its nickname of the Huge Apple, I allowed the metropolitan area to work with every United States area and also every American who had actually been assaulted by an enemy that our experts did not even understand our experts had.You take a look at the Monterrey business generally, and it's aged, there's perhaps certainly not the ability as a whole around the Monterrey area for considerable amount of consumers, yet our experts are actually proactively now operating in partnering ship along with looking at their very own terminals and how we collectively include ability to the area.
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sjecblogarchive · 8 years
Oct. 4 is the Feast Day of St Francis. There is much to learn about this extraordinary man who lived in the 12th century and inspired others to honor God’s creation.  When Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) was elected Pope by the Catholic Church in 2013, he chose to honor this man by using his name.
In honor of St Francis, please considering participating in one or more of the following:
Adult Education on October 2, 9:15 AM:
 a look at the life of St. Francis will be part of Adult Ed.
Participate in the Blessing of the Animals on October 5:
 bring your pet to this joyous celebration of animals in honor of St. Francis.  The Green Team will bring a jar of earthworms; these important creatures turn food and lawn waste into rich compost soil. They may be small, but they are important! You can learn more about homemade worm farms here.
Participate in National Walk/Bike to School Day on October 5 and reduce your carbon footprint.
Participate in citizen science documenting the migration of birds: St. Francis is often represented with a bird on his hand or shoulder. Birds migrate with the aid of seasonal temperatures and light, even using the stars at night for guidance. Both the changing climate and the light pollution of cities affect their ability to migrate successfully. Cornell uses citizen science to document the changes. Participate in Feeder Watch, beginning in November.
The Green Team of Saint James’ always welcomes your input at [email protected]
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ssportsnews · 3 years
French Prime Minister Presents PSG Uniforms To Pope Francis... What's the jersey number? 먹튀검증
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먹튀검증먹튀사이트먹튀검증사이트먹튀 검증  먹튀 사이트 먹튀 검증 사이트
Pope Francis, famous as an avid football fan, has received a special gift.
The Reuters news agency reported on the 18th (Korean time) that "Pope Francis, an avid football fan, has received an unusual gift from the French Prime Minister."
"After a closed meeting at the Vatican, French Prime Minister Jean Castex presented the Pope with the number 30 jersey signed by Messi, who plays for Paris Saint-Germain (PSG)," he added.
Pope Francis was elected the 266th pope in 2013 and is the first non-European pope to be elected in 1282 years. Pope Francis is an Argentinian national and has been known to be interested in football.
Pope Francis is famous as a football fan of San Lorenzo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the time he was elected Pope, San Lorenzo posted a picture of the Pope holding the San Lorenzo flag with the caption, "Cardinal Bergoglio is a fan of our San Lorenzo team."
Considering these tastes, French Prime Minister Jean Castex is known to have gifted Messi's jersey, which he transferred to PSG from Barcelona this summer.
Messi, who is also from Argentina, met the Pope with the Argentina national team in 2013. At the time, Messi also expressed the meeting by saying, "It was short but beautiful."
Meanwhile, Messi made his PSG debut in the second leg of the UEFA Champions League Group A match against Manchester City on the 29th of last month after moving to PSG.
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Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021:
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) deserved to be publicly blamed for the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Khashoggi as outlined by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report blaming MBS for the murder. https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/reports-publications/reports-publications-2021/item/2186-assessing-the-saudi-government-s-role-in-the-killing-of-jamal-khashoggi
This was followed by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan opening the door to new possible sanctions against Saudi financial entities. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/25/joe-biden-speaks-to-saudi-arabias-king-salman-before-release-of-khashoggi-report
The Biden White House’s first steps in the Middle East already signal the breakup of the pro-American axis fashioned for the region by Trump, which hinged on a set of military and diplomatic pacts binding Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel.” https://www.debka.com/new-biden-policies-snub-saudi-prince-uncover-israels-reputed-nuclear-program/
Then Israel used its own warplanes painted to look like American warplanes to attack Iranian positions in Syria.  Israel followed this by bombing one of its own ships and blaming this on “Iranian retaliation.” https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202102261082201357-iranian-revenge-owner-of-uk-ship-hit-by-blast-in-gulf-of-oman-reportedly-close-to-mossad-chief/
To further underline the point, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh was attacked on February 27th with missiles launched by unknown (i.e. Mossad) assailants.  This prompted the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia to issue this warning:
“The U.S. Embassy in Riyadh urges all U.S. citizens to take immediate precautions and stay alert in case of additional attacks.  Actions to take if you hear a loud…” https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/SaudiArabia.html#/
On the public fake perception front, we have a scene with a body double Biden boarding a plane. Central casting couldn’t find enough convincing-looking Secret Service agents so some with jeans and work boots had to do.  The vehicle looks like a rental that hasn’t been washed around the door handles in weeks.  Notice how the “Prez” starts running up the steps until he stumbles, forgetting China Joe can barely walk now. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iEQx0OzJW578/
Here’s a photo comparing Joe Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki with Mark Rockefeller Zuckerberg.  Clearly we are dealing with either close relatives, Mark in drag or clones.
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MI6 and CIA sources both told us that “Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class-action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.” https://principia-scientific.com/lawyers-promise-nurember-trials-against-all-behind-covid-scam/
MI6 notes, “Our own independent counter analysis of the so-called public health emergency which brought our attention to the German lawyer who has a 100% chance of success in a Nuremberg type trial or civil Tort.”
Also, genuine Christian religious authorities issued this statement:
“By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate urgently warns against vaccination autogenocide.  the arch-heretic Bergoglio occupying the papacy notoriously promotes genocidal “vaccination for all”, saying, “It must be done!” Today, every Christian must know that Bergoglio, who worships the Pachamama demon, does not serve God but consciously opposes Him! “  http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=19869
This means the fake Pope Francis who replaced the real one last year will be exposed, Pentagon sources promise.
In Canada meanwhile, an aware citizen showed how easy it is to push past the fake Covid tyranny by blowing right past “Covid-19” border controls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faQBnrr_Uqo&pbjreload=101&ab_channel=THEGREATREOPENING
There has also been a leak of the original plans for the “Covid-19” move towards totalitarianism.  This leak, seen below, means the plans are no longer going to be allowed to go ahead.
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These are just a few of the signs the fake pandemic is unraveling all over the world.  What the liarcracy in charge of the West failed to realize is that no matter how long or how hard you try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up with you.  Reality is a harsh mistress.
Pentagon sources for their part told us the following statement is true:
“Pay close attention.  You are watching a movie.  A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.  It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.  It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.  There is no Biden presidency.  The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.  No that woman in purple the other day wasn’t Hillary Clinton.  You are seeing actors and some have masks.
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That’s why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president.  This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.  This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.  Fake executive orders.  Fake oval office.  It’s all bullshit.  Wake up.  The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.  Insurrection Act has been signed.” https://gab.com/stephenhunter9/posts/105771054961975508
If California continues to trail-blaze the future for the rest of the United States, that future is now clear: It is a high taxation society with a huge, impoverished, unemployed and unemployable destitute class where the middle class is annihilated, organized gangs and general chaotic street crime including muggings, rapes and murders metastasize in all major urban areas and gangs more numerous and heavily armed than the police operate openly with impunity. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-collapsing
There will also be a massive offensive to remove this fake leadership soon, sources in Western and Eastern secret societies promise.  For operational security reasons, we cannot disclose details.  However, a hint can be found in the fact that an Air Force base in Texas is getting ready to test its infrastructure against an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack. https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/02/air-force-base-prepping-emp-vulnerability-tests/172325/
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nipashe411 · 4 years
Pope Francis recalls his youth playing football, dubs Maradona “poet”
Pope Francis recalls his youth playing football, dubs Maradona “poet”
ROME, Italy, Jan 2 – With a ball made from rags and surging adrenaline, the young Jorge Bergoglio and his friends pulled off “miracles” playing football in the street, Pope Francis recalled on Saturday. Now 84, the Argentine pope remembered “the joy, the happiness on everyone’s faces,” after the 1946 victory of his Buenos Aires team, San Lorenzo, in a 31-page interview about sport published…
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anticattocomunismo · 5 years
Le cene pre-conclave di Bergoglio con Tornielli & Co.
Dal libro di O’Connell sul “team Bergoglio” al pre conclave emerge che nei giorni convulsi che portarono all’elezione di Francesco un ruolo lo avrebbe avuto anche un laico che oggi riveste una posizione di estrema importanza in Vaticano: Andrea Tornielli, oggi responsabile della Direzione Editoriale del Dicastero per la Comunicazione, incontrò due volte durante i sui primi giorni romani colui che…
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guardiannews24 · 4 years
Pope recalls his youth playing football, dubs Diego Maradona 'poet' - Raw Story
Pope recalls his youth playing football, dubs Diego Maradona ‘poet’ – Raw Story
With a ball made from rags and surging adrenaline, the young Jorge Bergoglio and his friends pulled off “miracles” playing football in the street, Pope Francis recalled on Saturday. Now 84, the Argentine pope remembered “the joy, the happiness on everyone’s faces,” after the 1946 victory of his Buenos Aires team, San Lorenzo, in a 31-page interview about sport published Saturday in Italy’s La…
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pope-francis-quotes · 4 years
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23rd April >> (@VaticanNews By Benedetta Capelli and Adrian Dancă - Vatican City) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis A "beautiful sign" from #PopeFrancis on his name day.
The Church today remembers Saint George the martyr, Pope Francis' name-day. To mark this occasion a number of ventilators will be delivered to Romania, Spain and Italy, countries particularly affected by the coronavirus epidemic. The delivery comes after an announcement on 27 March in response to the needs of several hospitals. Best wishes to the Pope are being received from all over the world.
By Benedetta Capelli and Adrian Dancă - Vatican City
Giving not receiving: This is the spirit that distinguishes today's feast day, in which the Church remembers Saint George the Martyr. This Saint died in 303 for not renouncing the faith during the anti-Christian persecutions unleashed by the Roman Emperor Diocletian. Tradition remembers him especially for the episode in which, protected by the Cross, he slayed a dragon that was devouring people: a symbol of faith that triumphs over evil.
The Pope's name-day
This is also the day in which Pope Francis - Jorge Mario Bergoglio - celebrates his "name day". The Pontiff himself offered a gift to mark the occasion: the delivery of ventilators and medical equipment, masks, and protective glasses for doctors and nurses, and coveralls for intensive care. A number of hospitals will be benefiting: one is in the city of Suceava, Romania, which has seen an outbreak of coronavirus, where five latest generation ventilators are expected; another two will go to a hospital in Lecce, Italy, and three more to Madrid, Spain.
The embrace of Francis
It is “a beautiful sign that falls on this particular day when the Holy Father does not receive a gift but gives it to others", said Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the Papal Almoner, speaking of the imminent delivery, which he calls "an embrace of the Pope in a difficult situation for the whole world". Romania is experiencing a real emergency in the small town of Suceava, where the ventilators will go. Almost 25% of the cases in Romania are there. The town, together with several surrounding municipalities, is in quarantine and is located in the poorest region of the country and the European Union. In Romania there have more than 500 victims, and almost 10 thousand people are infected. The ventilators and all the equipment donated by the Pope will be transported by a flight that will also carry a team of eleven Romanian doctors and six health workers, sent on 7 April by the government of Bucharest to a hospital in Lecce to work alongside Italy in its difficult battle against the coronavirus.
The three ventilators in Madrid will be taken care of by the Nunciature which, together with Cardinal Carlos Osoro Sierra, Archbishop of the Spanish capital, will bring them to the hospitals most in need. The Iberian country is in lockdown until 9 May, the number of those infected exceeds 208,000, the death toll stands at over 21,000 and almost 86,000 have been cured of the coronavirus. Two ventilators destined for the hospital in Lecce will be delivered today by Cardinal Krajewski himself. On the journey back to the Vatican, the Papal Almoner will stop in Naples to receive medicine for the poor of Rome.
A few days before Easter, two ventilators, along with medical devices for doctors and nurses, and also Easter eggs arrived directly from the Vatican at the Cotugno hospital in Naples. Last year, again on the day of his name day, Pope Francis donated Rosary wreaths made for WYD in Panama to young people in the archdiocese of Milan, and a 20 kg chocolate egg to the poor at the Caritas canteen at Termini Station in Rome.
Best wishes to the Pope
At this time the Pope is receiving best wishes for his name day. In his message for Easter, the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella thanked Pope Francis for "the vibrant words of life and hope" repeatedly addressed by the Pope to the country and expressed in his best wishes for the Pope's name day.
23rd April 2020, 11:36
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chicagoindiecritics · 5 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: The Two Popes
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(Image by Peter Mountain for Netflix)
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Special Presentation selection of the 55th Chicago International Film Festival
The saying “meeting of the minds” fits the retrospective premise of The Two Popes until you dig a little deeper into the expression. Taken from the Latin phrase “consensus ad idem” and used in the arena of contract law, the term stresses the existence of common understanding. For most of this film brilliantly scripted by three-time Oscar nominee Anthony McCarten, unity is not present between Anthony Hopkins’ Pope Benedict XVI and Jonathan Pryce’s Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Their dichotomy is telegraphed right down to the wardrobe with the Cardinal in black and Pope’s pristine white.
They may “play for the same team,” if you will, yet there is a rhetorical battle of divine wills and egos. Sizing each other up, there is zero agreement between the two, who could not be farther apart philosophically, politically, or personally. But, to see the respect, oh my, the respect, being shared is like a balm of hopeful covenant all its own. Powered by two impeccable performances, there is truly something marvelous to see these powerful men reach a true “meeting of the minds.” The Two Popes is available now streaming on Netflix after a brief theatrical run.
Seven years after Pope Benedict XVI filled the Vatican power vacuum after the death of the revered John Paul II, the leader is bracing leaked documents and the staining shame of the boiled-over sex abuse scandals that rocked the Catholic Church earlier this decade. Benedict calls upon the Argentine Bergoglio to cross the globe to meet him at the Palace of Castel Gandolfo summer residence for extended conversations. Bergoglio has requested in writing to leave his post as Archbishop and Benedict will not grant it. As it turns out, stress and age have reduced Benedict’s leadership capabilities, so much so that he too is considering the preternatural measure of resignation.
LESSON #1: THE BEST QUALIFICATION OF BEING A LEADER IS NOT WANTING TO BE A LEADER — The greatest leaders think of others before themselves. Benedict states that being a pope is being a martyr with its death sentence lifetime term. Harsh as that may be, such commitment is true. Yet, here are two men looking at different crossroads from different journeys that would have them leave their positions.
As they convene, their prickly differences clash both subtly and resoundingly. With a surprisingly smooth Spanish accent, Pryce plays Bergoglio as a jovial, amiable man coming from a place where tango and soccer are compulsory requirements and activities. He is a man of the people capable of whistling an ABBA tune while still being forthright in his fight against poverty and atrocity that has beset his nation at different points of his history.
Filled with ticks and fiery reprisal if necessary, Hopkins imbues Benedict with a judgmental indignation and inflexibility. He sees Bergoglio as a salesman, one errant with protest, cynicism, and harsh criticism of traditions. As they introduce each other to their backgrounds, The Two Popes becomes a biopic of asides and flashbacks that document the tumultuous plight of a younger Bergoglio, played excellently by Argentine actor Juan Minujín, that slowly erase the Benedict’s wrong impressions and define the prudent and unpretentious man who would become the Pope Francis that dazzles us to this day.
LESSON #2: WAYS TO LEAD — Echoing Lesson #1, the burden of leadership is on high display throughout the historical notes of The Two Popes. Between the two men, there are different responses to crippling doubt and guilt. In Bergoglio, you have even-keeled humility to work around obstacles. In Benedict, you have stalwart creed to maintain an institution at all costs. Condoning mercy, spiritual pride, and the penance of sins are compromises that must urgently lead to change across this personal valley on contention.
The recreated pomp and circumstance of the preparatory and gathering rituals in The Two Popes is given extraordinary energy. The invasive camera views, pans, and moves of cinematographer César Charlone (American Made) with angles to pull different points of view pairs with the breathless editing of up-and-comer Fernando Stutz to make the boring riveting in a very fluid film. Something like the tedious election of the conclave to select a new pope becomes a staccato milieu of amplified pen clicks, creased paper, dropped bingo balls, and clanging furnace doors. Built as a play hopscotching through decades, McCarten’s narrative builds big decision suspense nearly on par with a sports movie’s swell to get a victory.
City of God and The Constant Gardener director Fernando Meirelles does not shy away from the enormous balancing act here. The clear politics surrounding these men and their level of importance is softened by the intentional frankness to make these figures more reachable and human than merely humane from their lofty perches. The movie’s matter-of-fact tone balances the overarching seriousness of the history that was once at stake.
All the talk exceeds any and all production value. The confrontations of Hopkins and Pryce create immeasurable endearment to be found in this movie. Both actors are given the best showcase material they’ve had in years since chasing franchise robots or pirates, respectively. The way geniality shifts introspection to win over strife is fascinating and inspiring, to say the least. In one moment, the characters will debate a high theological construct and, in the next, remark on cheesy television or life’s simple pleasures over Fanta and pizza. Pryce and Hopkisn sell that levity with ease and regality.
LESSON #3: WHERE IS GOD IN ALL THIS? — In closing, the resonating force of this movie will be its call for reflection alongside that which is being depicted. The men speak of a “spiritual hearing aid” or the need to “blow the ash away” as the strength of the Catholic Church is challenged by changing people and changing times. Wounds have been afflicted that need healing. These men lament how the “hardest thing is to listen to God’s voice.” It is a voice that should bring peace and not guilt. The movie say it plainly in “Truth without love is unbearable,” supporting the first two lessons. This high papal position is meant to continue and complete the work of God’s love. It looks like the right man for the job is in place where even a fictional episode like this can help us now see why.
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bergoglionate · 7 years
Dalla Gran Bretagna nuove rivelazioni sul (pre)conclave del 2013
Dalla Gran Bretagna nuove rivelazioni sul (pre)conclave del 2013
Un libro inglese conferma l’azione di lobbying per eleggere Jorge Mario Bergoglio al Soglio di Pietro. (more…)
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