#Adult Education
roosterforme · 8 months
Adult Education Part 19 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jake's birthday starts out with the perfect breakfast in bed and ends with a night out at the Hard Deck with his girlfriend. Somewhere along the way, Jessica gets the wrong impression of the way he feels about her and the gift she got for him, but he's ready to straighten her out.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, oral, angst, language, drinking, 18+
Length: 4600 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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Jake woke up late with sunlight on his face and Jessica still sound asleep next to him. His fingers were threaded through her hair, and his lips were close to her forehead. When she squirmed a little bit in her sleep, he kissed her, and she tucked herself under his chin. 
"Happy birthday," she whispered, and he stroked his thumb along her cheek.
"You already told me that last night," he drawled softly.
"Is there a limit on how many times I'm allowed to say it today?" She kissed his Adam's apple and ran her fingers through his chest hair, and he melted at her touch.
"No," he whispered. "I'm just not used to anyone making a fuss over me."
"So you said," Jessica replied. "Do you want to make waffles? I'd offer to do it, but I think you should at least supervise." 
Jake chuckled and pulled the blanket higher up over both of them. "Not yet," he murmured against her lips. "I just want a little bit more of this first." She let him pull her against his body while he rolled onto his back, and she ended up on top of him with a smile on her face. "God, Jessica," he whispered, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You're so fucking gorgeous."
He saw the blush that colored her cheeks before she rested her head against his chest. "I should be the one showering you with compliments today," she mumbled. "Not the other way around."
Jake grinned and tucked his hands behind his head. "Go for it," he said, and she met his eyes again. "Do your worst."
She took his chin in her hand and moved his head around at different angles. "You're okay looking," she said with a shrug. "For a blonde." She was obviously trying not to laugh as she said, "And your body is decent."
"Decent?" he repeated. 
"Yeah. You heard me."
In an instant she was on her back with both of her hands pinned above her head in one of his, and Jake's fingers grazed her side. "There goes the idea I had where you were going to be nice to me all day."
She laughed and tried to squirm away from his fingers. "You told me to do my worst! You're hot, and you know it. Now don't you dare tickle me."
Jake winked at her before gently squeezing her below the ribs making her squeal. "That's just a little threat right there, Smart Girl. To keep you in line."
"I'll be nice!"
When he released her hands, she looped them around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. She was still laughing, which made him laugh. And then Jake just made out with his girlfriend. His hands stayed on her waist even though she was naked and perfect, and hers remained on his shoulders and in his hair. 
"I like this," he whispered against her neck. "Having you here is a nice birthday treat."
She nipped his lips and ran her nose along his cheek as their legs tangled together. "I like it, too." When she ran her nails along his scalp, he groaned and ended up curled up in her arms. "You're adorable," she whispered. 
"I thought you said I was hot."
With a soft kiss to his forehead, she said, "You are. But that's not even close to being the best thing about you, Smart Boy." 
Jake was so in love. It was time to say something. He was sure about it. But she pulled her hand away when his stomach growled, and she laughed. "Let's make waffles."
Jessica was wearing one of Jake's TOP GUN shirts and running back and forth between the waffle iron and the wall outside his bedroom door. "Is it straight?" Jake asked as he held up the print of his jet that she gave him for his birthday. And he was completely naked which just made it so much better. 
"Wait!" Jessica called out as the waffle iron beeped. She was getting pretty good at this now. She made the batter this time with just the tiniest bit of help, and she knew just how much to scoop onto the iron to make them come out perfectly. Once a new waffle was cooking, she ran back to Jake again. He hadn't moved an inch, and when she checked to see how the frame looked, she kissed his back and said, "It's perfect."
He handed the frame to her, hammered the nail into the wall, and then hung it up. "I love this," he whispered. "Thank you."
Then he cut up strawberries again and ate a stack of three waffles that he told her were the most delicious things he'd ever had while she finished hers. "Actually... I lied," he said as he took the dishes to the sink. "They were definitely not the most delicious thing I've ever had."
"Oh." She felt a little dejected as she said, "I'm just getting used to making the batter, so I'm sure they'll be better next time." She was about to offer to wash the dishes when he started to grin at her. "What?"
"Come on, Smart Girl, use your big brain. What do you think is the most incredible tasting thing I've ever had my mouth on?"
Approximately fifteen seconds later, Jessica was on her back in the middle of Jake's bed with the shirt pulled up to her chest and his lips on her pussy. She tried to push him away, tried to insist they could take a quick shower together first, but he wasn't having it. 
He ran his tongue slowly, luxuriously up and down along her slit and whined her name as her back arched off the bed. "So sweet." He plucked meticulously at her clit with warm lips while he spread her open with his thumbs. "And so pretty." She could feel the cool air on her most intimate parts as he ran his nose and lips through her wetness, making her moan.
"Mmm. I love how you make it sound like so many syllables," he teased, looking up at her. "Like you can't get enough of saying my name." Jessica watched him lick his lips before he smirked, and then Jake spit on her pussy. She watched the strand of saliva leave his lips, and she felt it hit her clit, and she bucked up off the bed as his mouth met her once again. 
She was panting, so turned on. She thought about the damp thong Jake had peeled off of her last night that was still somewhere on his floor. He'd fucked her slow and steady after that, but now he was eating her like he was starving. "Oh my god," she groaned when she felt him suck on her a little hard. "Oh hell." It was pleasure skimming the line of pain, and he soothed her with his tongue before doing it again.
"That's it," he grunted when she started rolling her hips up to meet his face. He licked her with his tongue flat and firm while she rubbed her pussy against him, completely out of control now. Her fingers were curled in the bedding, and she was digging her heels in as she got closer. Just a little bit closer.
When he wrapped his lips around her clit and cradled her rear end with both hands, Jessica came, thrusting against his handsome face and shaking her head. She was still hanging onto the bedding, her brain feeling fuzzy as he plucked at her with his lips, drawing out every little aftershock until she was giggling deliriously. 
"Damn," he murmured as he looked up at her and dragged his lips along her inner thigh. "So much better than the waffles."
"Jake," she gasped, his name coming out with surprised laughter as she carefully propped herself up on her elbows. He was kissing her knee now and running his hands along her skin, but she noticed his cock was so hard, so red and so ready to go. "Are you gonna fuck me, birthday boy?"
His eyes went a little wide as she bit her lip. "Is that okay?"
She nodded. "Absolutely." 
In an instant he was easing his cock inside her and kissing her lips. "I didn't want it to feel like too much," he whispered, his voice ragged as he started to thrust. He tasted like her, and she was exhausted, but it still wasn't too much at all. Not with the way he was already so close, and the way he talked her through it. "I didn't want you to think I expected anything more than the pleasure of my mouth on your body."
She moaned and raked her fingers through his hair as he filled her up. He was sweet and loving, and there were so many things she wanted to tell him. But as soon as he was spent, both of them curled up together and fell asleep. 
Jake watched Jessica parade out of the bathroom wrapped up in one of his towels. She was insistent that she spend an obscene amount of time on her hair and makeup. Sure, she looked good, but she looked great all the time. He lounged back on the bed, already dressed and ready to go as she finally dropped the towel and started to put on the little lingerie set she brought with her. God, he wished that lived in his closet permanently. 
He grinned as she hooked the black bra that he would be taking off again later, and he said, "Dinner's in the oven."
"Okay," she replied, smoothing the lace against her body before she pulled a little black dress on. "How does this look? Because if it's not okay, I brought like five others to choose from."
Jake raised one eyebrow. "Is this some sort of joke? You look perfect, Baby."
"Are you sure?" she asked, adjusting the fabric across her ass and only making the damn thing look even better. "I want to make a good impression, you know?"
Jake laughed. "You're worried about that?"
"Well... yeah."
He sat up and reached for her. "You know Bradshaw and his Sugar will be there."
"It's so funny to me that he calls her that, because she's such a hardass when she needs to be," Jessica replied with wide eyes.
Jake snickered, well aware of that dynamic by this point. "I think that's why he loves her so much," he muttered, wrapping his hands around Jessica's thighs. "But you have nothing to be nervous about. Coyote already knows all about you and can't wait to meet you. Phoenix will be excited to have more estrogen in her presence. Fanboy will ask you if you like Star Trek or Star Wars better, and he'll judge you relentlessly based entirely upon your answer. Payback is probably the nicest person you'll ever meet in your life. And Bob will blush and stutter as soon as you shake his hand."
"I might be the one stuttering," she whispered nervously as she adjusted her glasses with the backs of her fingers. 
He stood and wrapped an arm around her waist. "You'll feel better after we eat," he promised. 
She gasped in delight when she saw that tray of chicken and vegetables he pulled from the oven. "My grandma used to make these kinds of dinners on birthdays, and I guess it kind of stuck. I'll make one for your birthday, too." He realized that was five months away, but he meant every word of it. 
"With all the fancy herbs and everything?" she asked softly. 
"Of course. All the fancy shit."
He watched Jessica take a bite of food, and all he wanted to do was drag her back to bed for the night as she closed her eyes and moaned softly. "It's so good. Oh my goodness, Jake!" She cleaned her plate and got more, and he told himself he'd make it again sooner than her birthday. 
When she offered to wash the dishes, he said, "I'll do them tomorrow. Let's get to the bar and get back home for the night."
After she slipped on a pair of red high heels that he'd never even seen before, he led her out to his new truck and helped her in. She talked a little bit more about work and her tenure review as he drove, and Jake realized how much happier she seemed when she didn't have to see Brian every day. He wondered what it would be like when that asshole came back to work. He would have to make sure he visited her office hours with enough frequency to keep Brian in line and keep his hands and nasty words to himself. 
"It's so cute!" Jessica gushed when he pulled into the Hard Deck parking lot.
He laughed and said, "Don't let Penny hear you call it that. It's a Naval hangout, Reedy. Supposed to be a little rough around the edges."
She gave him an incredulous look. "Just like you're supposed to be a little rough around the edges? Since you're in the Navy? Yeah, nobody's buying that."
"Come here," he whined, and a second later, she was on her back on the front seat with Jake's lips hovering over hers. He had one hand up under her dress, wrapped around her bare thigh and the other stroking her collarbone. 
"How do we keep ending up like this?" she asked as he moved his hand slowly down to her knee and then her ankle while he kissed her neck.
"I have very poor self control when it comes to you."
Her skin was soft and warm everywhere beneath his hands and lips, but he knew she was right when she said, "We have to go in and have at least one drink." So they walked across the parking lot holding hands, and Jake didn't even bother to fix the little smear of her lipstick next to her bottom lip. In fact, he kind of hoped their kissing was evident on his own mouth, too. 
But after they were inside for about ten seconds, he started to feel a little apprehensive. The girls from last weekend were back, and they spotted him right away. He wrapped his arm around Jessica's waist as she smiled up at him and fixed her glasses. But the bar was also filled with a lot of women he'd hooked up with in the past, some on a regular basis. He felt warm and a little bit embarrassed already, even though his girlfriend didn't seem to notice. 
"I know it's your birthday, but you have to buy me a Sam Adams," she teased, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He felt a little bit better as he ordered two beers from Penny. While they waited, he saw Bradshaw over by the pool table in an obnoxiously bright tie dye shirt and backwards cap, with his lips pressed to his wife's ear. Jake used to think they were a little bit ridiculous, but now he got it. He understood what that felt like as he turned toward Jessica again and kissed her next to her lipstick smudge.
When the beers were set down in front of them, Jake cleared his throat and said, "Penny, my dear, this is Jessica. My girlfriend."
He saw the bar owner's eyes go wide as they settled on her face. "Wow. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jessica."
"Likewise," she replied with a smile. "Jake told me not to tell you that I think your bar is cute, but I really do think it's kind of cute." She gestured to all the personalized mugs hanging from the ceiling with a laugh. 
"Thank you," Penny replied. "It's like they don't think anything related to the Navy can also be whimsical."
A minute later, Jake was leading Jessica toward the pool table while she giggled. "You just couldn't help yourself, huh? Now everyone's going to like you, and the secret's going to be out."
"What secret?" she asked as he let his hand settle low on her hip.
"That I'm dating a nice girl."
"Advanced Physics! Welcome to the Hard Deck." Jessica just gaped at her friend. Gone were the tweed skirts and pants and loafers. She looked devastatingly sexy in a black bodysuit and jeans with dark red lipstick and her husband's hand on her waist. 
"You look nice," Jessica told her as she started to rethink the rather modest dress she was wearing herself. Actually, most of the other women here were wearing essentially nothing, and she wouldn't be surprised if she saw someone else's breasts soon. 
"Hey, Jess," Bradley said, barely taking his eyes off his wife. "The beers here aren't as good as the ones Dev makes at Beta."
"I don't mind," she replied, taking a sip of her Sam Adams. It was still one of her favorites.
"Can we not talk about Dev? On my birthday?" Jake drawled, downing half of his own bottle. 
Before Jessica could even respond, there was a petite brunette woman in front of her, eyeing her up and down. "You're joking, right? Hangman? You're dating Jake?" Jessica felt her cheeks grow warm in embarrassment, unsure what to say. "What do you possibly see in him?" she asked, sending a smirk in Jake's direction.
"And here we go," he muttered, kissing Jessica's cheek. "Jess, this is Phoenix."
But before she could even respond, Payback and Coyote were both there, too. And then she got cornered in a conversation about the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Fanboy. And Bob did in fact blush when Jessica told him she was pleased to meet him. Then she had a really nice conversation with Coyote about fuel combustion, and Jake handed her another Sam Adams with a smile before he started to play pool. 
She was surprised at how easygoing and welcoming everyone was. She supposed it wasn't so long ago that the group had welcomed Bradshaw's wife with open arms, because she was clearly one of them now. This evening was turning out really nice. Well, other than the two girls who were looking at Jake like he was a snack. 
"Wanna play?" Jake asked, holding out his pool cue for her. 
"Sure," Jessica replied. She watched Bradley re rack the balls, and he let her break. So she did, forgetting herself for a moment. She ran the table just like she always did, sinking shot after shot, leaving nobody else a chance to even go against her. When she was done, she looked up and stood to her full height to find everyone gaping at her. "Oh. I'm sorry."
Jake burst out laughing, head tipped back in delight. "That's my fucking girl. Physics mastermind."
"Damn," Payback said, clearly impressed. "Usually nobody can beat me."
Jessica shrugged and said, "I could give you lessons?"
Now everyone was talking and laughing, and Phoenix winked at her as Jake backed her up towards the wall. "That was so hot, Baby," he whispered. "So fucking hot." His lips skimmed the shell of her ear, and heat flared through her belly as she gasped. 
"Jake," she whispered, reminding him they definitely weren't alone. 
"I'll behave until I get you back home," he promised, but she could feel his hand slide down from her back to her butt, and somehow she doubted it. 
She spent the next hour feeling too hot while she tried to tone down her pool playing skills a bit. Every time Jake looked her way, she felt herself clench with need, and eventually she excused herself to the ladies' room.
"I'll be right back," she promised after he pointed in the direction of a narrow hallway on the other side of the bar. It was thankfully cooler back here and a lot quieter, too. Jessica took a few minutes to get herself under control. It must be obvious to everyone what she was thinking about doing with Jake later in the privacy of his condo. She washed her hands and realized that her lipstick was smudged, but when she checked herself in the mirror to fix it, she looked happy.
With a smile, she smoothed down her dress and headed back out into the noisy bar toward the group of aviators. But she stumbled in her heels when she saw Jake next to the jukebox with his back to her and a girl wearing tiny shorts in his personal space. Jessica didn't even need to be good at reading lips to know that she just told Jake I miss you.
The two beers she drank started to sour in her stomach as she watched the other woman reach for Jake's hand. None of this stuff seemed like such a big deal when he mentioned it last weekend, but now Jessica kind of understood things a little better. This is what Jake was used to, and she was nothing like these other women. Her black dress felt like it was mocking her now even as she just finished checking herself out in the bathroom mirror. She was more covered up than basically anyone here besides the bartenders, and she flushed in embarrassment.
Jessica took a few steps closer while Jake pulled his hand free, but she could clearly hear the woman ask him, "Do you remember what I gave you for your birthday last year? I could take you outside and suck your cock again. Or we could hook up in your truck like a few months ago."
Jake was adamantly shaking his head and backing up, turning toward the bathroom, and then he saw Jessica standing right there. "Reedy," he groaned miserably, reaching out for her just as she stepped further away from him. "Please."
Tears filled her eyes as she watched the other woman grin before walking away, and if she was embarrassed before, now she was mortified. Jessica got Jake an actual birthday present and wrapped it up for him when she should have been offering to do those kinds of things instead? Why was she even here? And how many of these women were looking at her with pity in their eyes, because they knew she was completely out of her depth?
"God, I miss Chippy's," she gasped softly as she tried to turn away from her boyfriend. 
"Baby, listen," he begged, ending up in front of her again no matter which way she turned. "I haven't even looked at her in months. Since before we met!"
She kind of nodded as her lips quivered. It wasn't that she didn't believe him. "I know," she managed, trying to look at him through her tears. "I'm just embarrassed about what I gave you for your birthday. I mean, I can give you a blowjob here if that's what you want. I just...didn't know."
He dropped his hands to his sides and looked at her as if she'd just slapped him. "That's not... Jessica, that's not what I want." He swallowed hard and raked his fingers through his hair as he groaned and looked at the floor. 
"I should have put all the pieces together," she whispered. "I never offered to do anything like that for you before." Her mind was filled with the image of some other woman going down on him right outside where anyone could stumble upon them in the darkness, and she hiccupped awkwardly. The next sentence was out of her mouth before she could even consider her words. "How long do you really see us being together?"
"Jessica," he barked, looking more upset than she'd ever seen him before as he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer to him in the crowd. She didn't try to fight him as his forehead came to rest against hers as a tear trickled down her cheek. "Baby. I'm in love with you."
She closed her eyes as more tears fell. "You are?" she asked in disbelief as he pressed her back against the wall next to the jukebox, afraid to meet his eyes. She'd almost said the words before, but she convinced herself it was too soon for them.
"Reedy," he gasped, wiping at her tears behind her glasses with his rough thumbs. "Please look at me." When she opened her eyes, his expression was soft but anxious, and he moved one hand back to her waist like he was afraid she was going to try to run away. "I love you. I love you, because you're not like everyone else. You're not offering to do that shit here, because you don't have to do anything like that to have all of my attention."
She stared at him with softly parted lips while her heart pounded, and he kissed her. "Jake," she whispered against his lips, and he kissed her harder. His hand was a little rough now as he tipped her chin up so she was looking at him. 
"Nobody else has ever called me smart before. Nobody else ever cared about my opinions before you, Jessica. You think anyone ever thought I might like to read a physics journal, let alone pick out some specifically covering topics that interested me? No. Just you," he said, kissing her forehead before continuing. "I love you, because you treat me better than anyone else ever has. You're actually perfect, Baby, and you treat me like I matter. And you made me work for it. I've been flying with a picture of you in my helmet bag so I can look at it whenever I want. I can barely handle going a day without seeing you. So when you ask me how long I see us staying together?" He sighed and studied her face before he said, "Forever? Or until you come to your senses? You tell me, Reedy."
She threw her arms around his neck so hard, he grunted as he caught her. "I love you, too. And I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it. I'll never come to my senses."
Jake laughed, and something like a giggle mixed with a sob escaped Jessica's lips before he kissed her again. It was really loud inside the bar now, but they were tucked right next to the jukebox like they were alone, and he dragged his lips against hers and tasted her tongue until he was practically gasping for air. "I love you," he told her again, green eyes earnest. "I've never said that to a woman before tonight, but I love you so much, Jessica."
She scraped her nails along the stubble on his jaw and cupped his cheek, her heart ready to overflow. "Will you let me beat you at pool one more time before we leave?"
"Anything you want," he promised with a grin. 
Jessica managed to inadvertently ensure her victory as she whispered to Jake how much she loved him until his cheeks were flushed and he was missing almost every shot. "I don't even care," he announced after she won. Then he quickly said goodnight to everyone else and accepted birthday hugs as he held onto Jessica's hand. 
When she couldn't run across the parking lot in her heels, Jake carried her while she laughed. "I just want to get home, look at the cool birthday gift that's hanging on my wall, and unwrap you in bed."
Two hours later, when he finally completed everything on his list and finished making love to his girlfriend, Jake lounged back against his pillow as he caught his breath. 
"Did you have a nice birthday?"
"The best."
Jessica basically only needs to exist to have Jake's full attention. I'll be wrapping up this series soon! Get at me if there's something you're dying to see! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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Midnight at New Workers School (Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo), 1933. The school, colloquially known as "Workers School," was an ideological training center of the U.S. Communist Party (CPUSA), established for adult education in October 1923. For more than two decades, the school played an important role in the teaching of party doctrine to the organization's functionaries, as well as offering a more general educational program to trade union activists.
Photo: Lucienne Bloch via artsy.net
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swartzmark · 2 years
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I'm teaching an adult ed course Weds evenings (March 15, 22, and 29; April 19 and 26; and May 3) via Zoom and open to all: "Reading (and Writing) the Jewish-American Memoir."
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Some rambling thoughts on British society in 2023 & the stratification of people into 'workers' or 'non-workers'...
I don't understand why UK society seems to be structured in such a way that you can either work OR do anything else. It feels extremely anti-civic spirit, and by extension, discouraging of good community health and healthy non-work based relationships in your local area.
Taking myself as an example. I have a full-time job 9-5, often more like 8.30-6 depending on how much travelling I have to do.
In my free time, now that I have the time and we are no longer in lockdown, I looked into volunteering, and signed up to a part time college course for leisure learning & to do something creative to relax. All good, you'd think, working, and also in their free time, doing something interesting to relax and also to give back to society.
I cannot for love nor money find volunteering opportunities that do not take place during my working hours. The entire sector seems to organise itself around the concept that the only likely volunteers will be those too young to work, the unemployed, or the retired. Emails come through to me asking if I can support a stall at 11am on a Tuesday, an event at 3pm on a Thursday, or go to a training conference on Monday 10-4! I feel almost guilty or like I'm being rude constantly having to decline but I'm a normal worker, I can't afford to literally take time off my job in order to help out!
As for college, why offer part-time and evening courses if you also won't offer any support structure? We have 'homework' which we need to go to the library to complete...which is open 9-6 in the week and not at all at weekends! 🙃 University support staff work a 9-5. Its 9-5, weekdays, to pick up your student ID card, or to attend other college events. Despite the fact that all students at the college are adults!
All in all, this dynamic actively discourages all but those either with ample free time, or those forced to by external circumstances, to educate themselves or to volunteer their time. And that I would argue increases our insularity as a society and reduces our chances of coming across or working with/alongside people from different backgrounds!
I would be very curious to know if this has long been the case or (yet) another creation of our anti-society Tory government. I think we'd be so much healthier as a populace if it wasn't like this.
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
[...] When they were safely around the corner, Mr. Saveloy said, "Now, everyone: who can tell me what Ghenghiz did wrong?"
"Didn't say please?"
"Didn't say thank you?"
"Hit the man over the head with a melon and thumped him into the strawberries and kicked him in the nuts and set fire to his stall and stole all the money?"
"Correct!" Mr. Saveloy sighed. "Ghenghiz, you were doing so well up until then."
Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
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petervintonjr · 2 years
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"I'm not going to be the teacher. We're going to learn together. You're going to teach me some things, and maybe there are a few things I might be able to teach you, but I don't consider myself a teacher. I just feel that I'm here to learn with you. We'll learn things together."
As an adult educator myself, I couldn't help but be drawn into the fascinating life and philosophies of Bernice Violanthe Robinson. Born February 7, 1914 in Charleston, South Carolina --a day that saw snowfall in Charleston for the first time in more than a century. Robinson's mother, Martha Elizabeth (née Anderson) Robinson took this as a sign that her daughter would spend her life "disturbing the elements." Martha was herself sister to Septima Poinsette Clark's mother (see Lesson #74 in this series), and Bernice's own principles would similarly coalesce around the twin premises of education and citizenship, much like her famous cousin.
In 1929 Bernice moved from South Carolina to Harlem, New York with the intention of becoming a musician, but after a period in the famed garment district, her talents as a seamstress took prominence and she graduated from Poro School of Cosmetology. In 1947 she returned to Johns Island, South Carolina to care for her ageing parents, and with her professional talents was able to open her own salon --a form of economic independence not available to Black women in most other careers. At the time beauticians were traditionally well-regarded amongst civil rights workers, not only because they were known and respected in a community, but also because of their almost-stereotypical role as "the good listeners," and that as self-employed entrepreneurs were less prone to backlash from punitive employers. By all accounts a socially engaging and affable personality with an easy talent for friendly first impressions, Bernice joined the NAACP and made good use of her salon as a "hub" for local activism, and made many contacts and acquaintances.
In 1956 Robinson attended a workshop hosted by the Highlander Folk School (an organization that itself certainly merits its own course of study); her cousin Septima Clark also attended. Ostensibly the topic was about desegregation but over the course of the session the focus turned to civic literacy and educating would-be voters. Bernice expressed an interest in helping to better educate the people of Johns Island but lamented her lack of professional teaching credentials. Clark countered by suggesting that her cousin was the ideal candidate for such a role precisely because she lacked such a credential; that she was perfectly suited to the task because of her lack of formal training --no preconceived notions.
Thusly "voluntold," Bernice threw herself into her new calling; in five months (!) she developed lesson plans, curricula, and distributable materials that would lead to SCLC voter-registration workshops in communities well beyond Johns Island; eventually catching on in Charleston itself. The growth of these first Citizenship Schools in turn fed into the enthusiasm and the missions of CORE, the Freedom Riders, and the SNCC --all of which reinforced one another as they continued to educate and motivate scores of citizens who had never before stepped into a voting booth.
As an adult educator, Bernice also adhered to the principle of never stopping learning: in 1967 she completed a University of Wisconsin correspondence course in community development, and also found time to secure an additional degree in interior design. Robinson stepped down from her behind-the-scenes SCLC role in 1970, having quietly developed what amounted to the most successful and widespread literacy campaign in modern American history. She pivoted to developing curricula for the South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers (SCCFW); and then in 1972 --in what I can only assume is the inherent desire of the adult educator to yet again try something new and different-- she ran for Congress.
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corvus-heliantheae · 1 year
inner child guidance - Sesame Street
Since it's a national holiday today in Germany, my spouse and I decided to visit the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (museum for art and industry) in Hamburg, Germany. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the German version of Sesame Street, they have an exhibition running until January 2024. A real German version of the show started in 1978 with our own street as the framework for the other parts of the show, even with unique Muppets or version of the American originals.
I wasn't even there for the knowledge of how the show works or how the puppeteers make the characters come to life, because I already know that, but since I grew up in the 90s as the child of a single parent, the television was a very important part of my upbringing and education. So besides cartoons, Sesame Street was there in the early mornings when I needed to be distracted, so my parent could get stuff done, and we all know that's now the best approach, but there weren't any good alternatives. But so Sesame Street with all its lovely and goofy characters taught me lessons about sharing, colors, nature, numbers and being a part of a community. To be honest, a community I wasn't really a part of in real life, but at least I had my first fictional one.
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The exhibition is lovely, made with a lot of care and very interactive, and it's great to see 3 to 4 generations enjoying all of this together and my inner child was happy and nostalgic even.
But since right now, thanks to the new show Muppet Mayhem, I watched a lot of Muppet media and documentaries about it and I have a question. Why isn't there an educational Muppet based show for adults? Like seriously. Jim Henson's problem after the launch of Sesame Street was getting any network to pick up a Muppet based late night show, because they all thought Muppets are for children, despite him having done adult content with puppets before Sesame Street, and with The Muppet Show and everything afterward he proved that it was possible.
Me, and a lot of other millennials, love a good, modern children's show like Bluey, where we get the comfort of stable families and the nostalgia of children's educational television, but I'm also a big fan of people like Hank Green or Adam Conover, who explain current affairs, science and culture in a very easy to understand way without keeping any information out or simplifying things too much. So why can't The Muppets do that?
I think the three latest Muppet based TV Shows (Muppet Mayhem, Muppets Now and The Muppets) all had an adult audience in mind and talk about adult problems like workspace, ambition, dreams, relationships and finding yourself. Let's be honest, if any executive decided to fund some proper advertising all of them even would be a huge success, because The Muppets don't even feel nostalgic, because they were never really gone. I mean, Kermit the Frog even gave a TED Talk about creativity 8 years ago, and it was one of the most inspiring things I've seen in recent years.
Dear Disney people, this is my pitch. A Muppet show where every episode has one overarching theme like voting, building relationships, living alone, mental health etc. where The Muppets and Humans, deal with all those things and teach the audience how to be better. I mean, if you wouldn't be such cowards, you could even talk about politics, fighting for the right things or, Mickey forbids, queerness. But let's start small, shall we?
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On January 7th 1451 a Papal Bull from Pope Nicolas IV enabled the foundation of Glasgow University.
Today The University is 574 years old and is the second oldest University in Scotland after St Andrews.
Now housed mainly in Glasgow's West End the origins on the institution however lie in the city's oldest street, in the Merchant City.
The university was inaugurated in 1451 at the request of William Turnbull, Bishop of Glasgow after a Papal Bull was issued by Pope Nicholas V. It was part of King James II's plan to bring Scotland up to speed with England – which already had two universities, Oxford and Cambridge.
Lectures were originally held in Glasgow Cathedral, before moving to nearby buildings on the city's High Street in 1457.
In 1563, Mary, Queen of Scots granted the university a 13-acre site on Glasgow's High street that had, until the Reformation, been home to a Dominican (Blackfriars) friary. The Old College ran along the busy High Street, with a main gateway in its centre that led through to two courtyards and walled gardens.
But as student numbers rocketed, the university was force to sell up their Old College campus and move somewhere cheaper. In 1863 it was bought for £100,000 to the City of Glasgow Union Railway Company, to be used as a goods yard. It was later demolished and housing was built there instead.
The decision was heavily criticised at the time as an act of "cultural vandalism." Nevertheless, the Uni heading west to Gilmorehill – away from the polluted air and the hustle and bustle of the city.
Work started on the new site in the west end in 1866, with the university taking up official residence in 1870.
Prolific architect George Gilbert Scott undertook the grand task of designing the new University buildings – which were the biggest in Britain beside the Houses of Parliament at the time.
The decision not to open up the commissioning process to other designers was met with controversy… Not to mention Scott's Gothic style went against the grain of the architectural landscape of the city, which ventured towards a Greek design.
According to Glasgow Uni's website, esteemed architect Alexander 'Greek' Thomson was not too impressed. He complained Scott wouldn't pay the project the attention it deserved because of how busy he was in his career.
He also added: "There is not a modern Gothic revival building of more than ten years standing that any one cares a straw about." Meoooow.
Nevertheless, Scott pressed on - building one of the most striking landmarks in the west end. The Bute and Randolph halls were completed after Scott's death in by his son Oldrid in 1891, which also included the Gothic bell tower, which stands at 278 feet high.
The Lion and Unicorn staircase was also famously moved, brick by brick, to Gilmorehill – now leading into the west wing of the main building beside the University Chapel.
Pearce Lodge, which sits at the bottom of University Avenue, is also formed by various parts of the Old College buildings. The stonework entrance to the original High Street building was also carefully erected at the gatehouse of the new campus.
The university expanded further over the years – including the A-listed reading room in the 1930s. It also snapped up a number of Victorian terraced houses, where the departments of Psychology, Computing Science and most of the Arts Faculty are based. Elsewhere. the leafy Garscube estate was bought in 1947 for The Veterinary Sciences school in Bearsden.
So, next time you see that regal clock tower and spire looming against the west end skyline, you can remember Glasgow Uni's journey across the city to its rightful place.
To find out more about the history of Glasgow University, visit their website. 
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scullymurphy · 2 years
Teach Me How to Forget - Ch. 4
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Silence fell in the room again until Anthony Goldstein started rummaging in his bag.
"No instructor yet, eh?" he whispered in Hermione's direction, producing an odd assortment of items from the interior of a worn canvas satchel: an apple, a protractor, a crumpled newspaper, a tea cup, a ball of yarn and finally a long, spindly wand. "Aha!" he said, holding it up in triumph, then stuffing everything else back in.
Hermione blinked. "Not yet," she said, looking at the clock again, a frown pulling her brows together. It was really unlike Belinda to leave it to the last—
But just as the minute hand clicked over to the hour, the doorknob twisted and another figure slipped into the room.
He was tall and a bit windblown. Impeccably dressed. Hermione had a general impression of fine wool, crisp cuffs and polished leather, and then a more specific one of the most beautiful coat—highlighting his shoulders and skimming to just the right place on his knife-creased trousers, as he pivoted gracefully, no elegantly, away from the door.
He was smiling slightly. His movements were precise and confident. He was wearing the softest-looking gloves.
He was not Belinda Rowle.
He was Draco bloody Malfoy.
"Hiya." He waved as he strode to the teacher's desk (Hermione's brain in a sort of free-fall built of disbelief, 'what the fuck', and something very akin to a toddler crossing their arms and saying, "Nuh-UH" to a spoonful of peas). "Sorry to be," he squinted at the clock. "Almost late." He was pulling off the gloves, then unbuttoning the coat and Hermione's eyes tore themselves from his very good hair to his long fingers, which worked slowly, patiently, on the glossy buttons. "There's obviously been a slight change-up. Auror Rowle got hexed while in the field today—nothing serious and she'll recover without any permanent damage, but not in time to teach this class." He shook his head once. "And I've just come off assignment in France with nothing pressing to do. So you're stuck with" —he bowed— "yours truly." He'd gotten the coat undone and slung it, along with his (muggle!) suit jacket, casually across the chair. A slim brown briefcase followed before he turned and leaned against the desk to face the class, long legs crossed at the ankle.
He was wearing a leather wand holster over his fine, white shirt.
"For those who don't know, I'm Draco Malfoy. For those who do, I'll give you thirty seconds to get any Death Eater scum comments out of the way before we get started."
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roosterforme · 1 year
Adult Education Part 1 | Hangman x OC
Summary: Jake ends up sitting in on a college physics lecture purely by accident. He's rewarded with a cute smile and a cheap beer when he defends the professor. But since when is he like Bradshaw, getting turned on by math and college classrooms?
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female OC
This story is part of the Beer Boy and Sugar universe but can be read on its own! It was also written for a request and Rocktober! Adult Education masterlist
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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"Hey, Bradshaw."
Bradley spun to face Jake in the parking lot, throwing a questioning glance his way. "Hangman?"
"I need a favor." 
Jake wanted to laugh at the annoyed look on the other aviator's face, but he really did need Rooster to help him out. 
"What favor?" Bradley asked, making a production of checking his watch for the time. It was 5:32. Jake could have told him that without checking his own watch. But once again, being at Bradshaw's mercy had him biting his tongue.
"I need a ride home," Jake informed him, nodding to where that vintage Bronco was parked. "My truck is in the shop."
"Why are you just telling me about this now?"
Jake sighed. "Because I live to annoy you. Can you drop me off at my place or not? It's like a mile from your house."
"I'm not heading straight home," Bradley informed him. "My wife is giving a back to school mini lecture at the college."
"Doesn't she teach calculus?" Jake asked, starting to sweat through his khaki uniform while the two men stood in the hot blacktop. "Why are you going to a college calculus lecture?"
Bradley pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, clearly annoyed that he was being held up. "Because my wife is hot, and I want to get laid tonight."
"That's fair," he replied. Bradshaw somehow ended up marrying a dime. And Jake supposed he'd willingly attend some stuffy math lecture as well, if the woman giving it was hot enough.
"Listen, I'm leaving," Bradley said, already backing away. "If you want a ride from me, you'll have to swing by San Diego State for an hour or two first. I can drop you off after the lecture."
Jake looked around, deciding this was going to be his best option. "Yeah, alright. Thanks, Bradshaw."
"Just don't embarrass me," Bradley replied, climbing in the driver's side door. Jake climbed in the Bronco as well and rolled his eyes. Really, in what world would he be the embarrassing one here? 
"I'm cool," Jake insisted as they pulled out of the parking spot. 
"And please, don't call my wife Dr. Tits."
"Okay, that was one time," Jake said, trying to defend himself. "At the holiday party. And I was very drunk."
"Yeah, well she thinks you're annoying."
"Hmm," Jake hummed, looking out the window. "I'll behave."
They rode the rest of the way in a silence that thankfully wasn't as awkward as it could have been. And when they went walking through the campus side by side, Jake chuckled at all of the college aged girls turning to get a look at them.
"Yeah," Bradley grunted. "It happens every time."
"Hey, some of these girls are cute."
"You're thirty."
"I don't see a problem." 
Jake held open the door to the mathematics and science building for Bradley to walk inside, and they were met with clusters of students and professors talking in the long corridor. He followed Bradley into one of the lecture halls on the first floor, and a pang of jealousy shot through him when Bradshaw's wife made a beeline their way with a smile on her face.
"Hey, Sugar," Bradley crooned, and she kissed him so sweetly, Jake had to look away. 
"Beer Boy! I can't believe you came."
"Wouldn't miss it."
"Oh, hi Jake," she said, waving to him from where she was tucked under her husband's chin.
"Hi," he replied, feeling kind of bad about calling her Dr. Tits a few weeks ago. "Rooster kindly offered to drive me home after your lecture, since my truck is currently in for repairs."
"You're sweet," she told Bradley before leaning up to kiss him again. But now he had one hand sliding down along her ass, and Jake waved as he walked away.
"Text me when you're done," he muttered, despising the feeling of being the third wheel. It happened more and more as his friends and coworkers started to pair off in serious relationships. He didn't mind being single; it gave him more opportunity to save money for a Cessna, and he didn't have to stop picking up girls from the bar. But he didn't like it when he was expected to stand there and watch everyone else sucking face and saying I love you. "Disgusting."
When he wandered back out into the main hallway, he noticed that it was 6:00 and everyone seemed to be heading into the different lecture halls. So he chose a door at random and ducked inside behind a kid holding a skateboard. If he'd had more time to consider his options, he might have looked for something different to listen to for an hour, but it just so happened he walked in as a physics lecture was starting up. 
There was a woman with her back to the room writing her name on the white board. Dr. Jessica Reed. When she turned around, adjusted her glasses and smiled, Jake tripped over a chair leg and sat down a little hard in one of the empty seats. She was beautiful. And now she was looking right at him since he'd made the chair screech a few inches across the floor. 
"Sorry," he whispered, wincing in apology. But she just shrugged a little bit and got started. 
"Welcome back for the spring semester. I'm Dr. Reed, and this is my second year teaching at San Diego State after earning my PhD in physics from Texas A&M." She paused and gestured to five men sitting in the front row. "Tonight some of my colleagues and I will be talking about propulsion and thrust in relation to aviation and aeronautics."
Now Jake was sitting on the edge of his seat. She went to college in Texas? She knew about aviation? She looked hot in her glasses, skirt and high heels? He was fascinated. She gave a short lecture, pausing to write some formulas on the board in her tidy handwriting, and he was pleased to note that he remembered some of this from his classes at the Naval Academy. He actually remembered a lot of this.
Now she was writing a problem on the board while she said, "Thrust provides the forward motion needed to sustain lift and counteract drag. It is also used to accelerate, gain altitude, and sometimes to maneuver. Propulsion is the act of moving or pushing an object forward. So if an aviator needs to prevent altitude loss because of drag, they would need to know how this formula works."
Jake sat with a smug smile on his face. He did this every day at work. And he already solved her handwritten problem in his head, because he took and aced four semesters of physics himself.
"Can anyone solve for the required thrust?" she asked, adjusting her glasses a little nervously when nobody immediately raised their hand. 
Jake glanced from side to side. The college kids either looked lost or too shy to answer, so he slipped his hand into the air. 
"Yes?" she asked, calling on him. "Go ahead."
"2900 meters per second," he answered smoothly, and her face lit up. 
"Perfect," she replied, turning back to the board to finish solving for everyone to see. She gave a few closing notes and some information about her class schedule, and when she was finished, she grabbed her notebook from the podium. Jake and a few others in attendance clapped for her as she made her way to the empty seat right in front of him. She smiled at him softly before she sat down. 
And then Jake had to endure a very loud, very cranky old man named Dr. Benson Leeland give a similar lecture. But his voice was not conducive to learning, and his handwriting was atrocious. He complained in a passive aggressive tone that Dr. Reed hadn't erased the board for him, and Jake watched her squirm a little awkwardly in the seat in front of him. That was pretty rude of Dr. Leeland. 
But now Jake was noticing the way the other physics professors were hanging on every word that this guy was saying. A few even asked for more information. But as Jake studied the sloppy equation he was scribbling on the board, he realized the answer was wrong. 
"He doesn't even have the right information," Jake mumbled, squinting at the board. 
"No," Jessica Reed whispered, "he really doesn't."
"Is he new here or something?" Jake muttered.
She laughed softly and looked at him over her shoulder. She looked so cute, and her eyes were sparkling with wit and intelligence. "He's had tenure since 1995."
"Jesus," Jake groaned, looking back to the board just in time to see Dr. Leeland cap the dry erase marker. 
"Any questions about the problem?" he barked, and once again everyone else in the room looked half asleep. Well, other than the panel of professors in the front who were hanging on his every word.
But Jake raised his hand and said, "Yes. Several."
"Fine," Dr. Leeland growled. "What would you like to know?"
Jake scoffed and stood up as he gestured to the white board. "I'd like to know why your answer is wrong."
The room went silent as Dr. Leeland turned and looked at the board. A few seconds later, he said, "It looks correct to me," but he sounded far less confident now.
"Well it's not. It's off by a thousand. And you need thrust not propulsion to rapidly gain altitude during takeoff," Jake said, and he noticed that Jessica appeared to be holding in her laughter in front of him. "So not only is your math wrong, your equation just doesn't even make any sense."
"I'm sorry, but are you a student here? Did you graduate from this program?" Leeland asked Jake.
"No," he replied with his hands on his hips. "I'm an aviator. And I attended the Naval Academy where the professors taught physics correctly like Dr. Reed."
He could have heard a pin drop, and Jessica was looking back at him from her seat with her lips parted and her eyes wide. Then a smile crept onto her face, and Jake decided that it was so stunning, he'd like to keep it there. 
Just as Dr. Leeland started to shuffle around the front of the lecture hall, and another equally geriatric professor took his place at the podium, Jessica stood, clutching her red notebook to her chest. She still looked kind of surprised by him, but pleased nonetheless. And when she was standing this close to him, Jake was having a hard time remembering why he was annoyed a few seconds ago. 
When she nodded to the doors at the back of the room and headed toward them, Jake tripped along after her. She slipped silently out into the hallway and he followed her lead. It was cool and quiet out here, and she laughed softly as soon as the door closed softly behind him. 
"Sorry, but there's no way I could listen to another lecture after Leeland put his foot in his mouth like that," she told him softly with a smile. "And it seemed like you were probably done, too?"
"That's right. I'm pretty sure I already got to hear the best physics professor give her lecture," Jake said as smoothly as he could. "No sense in staying for whatever the hell that was." He jerked his chin toward the door, and she looked delighted. "He didn't even know what he was talking about."
"Yeah," she agreed, adjusting her glasses and nodding vigorously. "He's been tenured. Since 1995. Welcome to my world."
Jake chuckled, and when he held out his hand, she juggled her notebook and shook it. "I'm Jake Seresin." Her hand was small and sure, and he had to fight the urge to pull her closer.
"Jessica Reed," she replied, pulling her hand from his all too soon. 
"I really liked your mini lecture, Dr. Reed," he said, tucking his hands into his pockets. 
She laughed and looked at the floor for a beat. "You can call me Jessica." She glanced toward the elevators like maybe she was going to leave, but then she turned back to him and asked, "You feel like grabbing a drink? There's a hellaciously shitty dive bar across the street."
He grinned. "Do they have cheap beer?"
"Oh, yeah. And they give you peanuts and let you throw the shells wherever you want to with reckless abandon," she said before biting her lip. Was she nervous to ask him? She shouldn't be. Jake would have followed her out into oncoming traffic if she said that's what she wanted to do.
"Let's go," he replied, earning himself another smile. 
"It's my treat," she said, pushing open the doors and heading out onto the sidewalk with him. "Honestly, a three dollar beer and some stale peanuts is the least you deserve for standing up for me in there."
As they walked side by side toward the corner and the crosswalk, he asked, "So you're the only competent one in your department, Jessica?" Oh, he really liked saying her name. He wondered if she would respond with one of those pretty smiles if he whispered her name in her ear.
"Yes," she replied with conviction as she crossed the street toward the bar called Chippy's. "And I'm also the youngest one, the only female, and the only one without tenure." She pushed open the door, and Jake immediately noticed the crowd of college students and the floor that was simultaneously sticky and slippery from peanut shells.
"Hey, Reedy!" called the bartender, and she waved to him before grabbing the last empty high top with two stools. 
Jake smirked. "Are you a regular at Chippy's?" he asked, and she rolled her eyes with a grin as she took a seat. 
"If you were in my shoes, you'd need a shitty beer at the end of the day more often than not, too."
And then to Jake's surprise, the older bartender stopped by the table with two beers and a bowl of peanuts. He set them down next to Jessica's red notebook. "Reedy," he said with a wink before looking at Jake like he was already on thin ice. 
When he headed back to the bar, Jake sat on the stool opposite hers and watched as she took a sip of her beer. Then she licked her lips, and Jake leaned a little closer.
"Okay, so earlier you said you're an aviator?" she asked, looking at his uniform shirt. "You're a naval Lieutenant? Top Gun?"
"That's right," he confirmed, and that smile was back. "Your lecture took me right back to my Physics of Propulsion and Combustion class from about ten years ago."
She cracked open a peanut, and Jake watched her toss the shell to the floor without a care in the world, and he laughed. 
"What were you doing in my lecture anyway?" she asked before popping the peanut into her mouth.
Jake suddenly remembered Bradshaw and his wife and his ride home. He'd gotten completely lost in Jessica and managed to forget all about everything else. "I actually came with a friend of mine, but he went to a different lecture. I just picked a door at random, and let me tell you, I'm happy I ended up in your lecture hall."
She pressed her lips together, and he crushed a peanut of his own. "Well, I hope you learned something useful today, Jake."
"I did," he replied, throwing the shell over his shoulder, and Jessica laughed. "I learned that if I'm not nice to the best physics professor at San Diego State, the bartender at Chippy's will kick my ass."
The sound of her laughter as she tipped her head back had Jake entranced. Her neck and collarbones looked soft, like they were made for his lips and fingers to explore. And her clothes were kind of sexy in an academic way. Since when was he like Bradshaw, getting turned on by math and college classrooms? 
"Yeah, you better watch your back," she said, cracking into another peanut. "What kind of jet do you fly?"
He had to clear his throat. "F/A-18. Super Hornet."
She moaned softly, and Jake almost dropped his pint glass. "One of my favorites for aerodynamics and combustion studies. I actually just read the most interesting article in the Journal of Propulsion Science about the Super Hornet. It was fascinating, because they touched on-" She froze with a peanut shell in her hand and looked embarrassed. "Sorry."
He wanted her to finish her sentence. He needed her to. She knew about the fucking physics of his aircraft! She was hot as hell! "Keep going," he urged. "Why was it fascinating?"
Jessica licked her lips again and said, "It was fascinating because they touched on the way temperature affects draft and drag."
After that, Jake was completely hooked. He listened to her with rapt attention as she told him a bit more about the article before saying, "I kept the journal. If you ever wanted to borrow it."
"Yes," he replied immediately, leaning even closer to her. "I'd love to borrow it."
"Great," she whispered, adjusting her glasses and finishing her beer. But when she set her glass down, she gasped. "I left my wallet in my office. I was going to treat you to the beer for being so sweet and essentially telling Leeland to go fuck himself earlier."
Jake was the one with his head tipped back in laughter this time. When he met her eyes again, he said, "Oh, you're cute, Jessica. But I was never going to let you pay for the three dollar beers." She giggled and covered her lips with her fingertips, and Jake asked, "You want another pint?"
But then his phone rang, and he muttered, "Sorry," as he dug it out of his pocket. 
He ignored the call. All of the lectures must be over by now. He was probably ready to leave. But Jake wanted to spend the rest of the night sitting in Chippy's with Dr. Jessica Reed, throwing peanut shells on the floor with reckless abandon.
"You have to go?" she asked softly, and Jake thought she looked a little sad at the prospect. 
"Yeah," he started before his brain helpfully informed him that he could easily stay longer and just get a cab or an Uber to take him home later. 
But when he was about to tell Jessica that he actually wanted to hang out with her longer, she said, "Okay. No worries. I... should get back to my office anyway. Thanks for the beer, Jake." 
And then she stood, and he felt instant regret as he left twenty bucks on the table and followed her outside. But his phone was ringing in his hand as she turned toward the math and science building and pushed the button for the crosswalk. 
Jake answered Bradley's call with a clipped, "Yeah?"
"Meet us at the Bronco." And then the call went silent. 
He watched as Jessica pushed the button for the crosswalk two more times. "Jessica," he started, but she cut him off.
"Thanks again, Jake. Have a great night," she said, running across the street in her high heels. So he ran after her. 
"What happened?" he called after her. "Jessica!" But she was already near the doors that would take her inside to her office. She glanced back at him one last time before she walked inside, and he didn't look away until she was completely out of his sight. 
"Fuck," he shouted, turning back toward the street where the Bronco was parked. Everything had been going well. Fucking great. Jessica was smart and attractive. Funny, too. And the chemistry was definitely there. He was almost certain he was about to seal the deal with her phone number. 
As he rounded the corner, he saw Bradshaw leaning against the Bronco. "There you are," he said, opening the driver's door and sliding the seat forward for Jake to climb in the back. 
"Which lecture did you end up attending?" his wife asked as Bradley started the engine and pulled away from the curb.
"Physics," he muttered, still trying to figure out how he managed to fuck up the night. Then he looked at her again. "Hey, do you know anything about Jessica Reed?"
"Oh, yeah, sure. She's nice. Physics professor. Kind of keeps to herself, probably because the rest of her department is comprised of a bunch of old douchebags. She's only been at the school one year longer than me. Why do you ask? Ohhhh," she said knowingly and turned to look at him. "She's a genius, and she's gorgeous."
"Sounds like she's a little bit out of your league, man," Rooster said with a laugh. 
Jake raked his fingers through his hair. "More like a lot," he said, fully agreeing with Bradshaw for once.
"Don't act like I'm not out of your league, Beer Boy," his wife said. And then Jake had to endure their little cuddle fest for the rest of the drive while he mentally kicked himself for having no clue how to treat a woman who he wanted to get to know, not just get in his bed. 
Give it up, Jake. You're just as bad as Beer Boy. Oh, Jessica, where did you go? I'm kind of torn between leaving this as a one-shot and writing a second part. Big thanks for @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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transboysub · 11 months
Questions I Would Have Asked Myself
For my first post on this new journey, I would like to answer the questions I would have asked myself. When I first turned 18 and began exploring the kink community, I had a lot of questions. Here is how I would answer those now.
Is it harder as a trans man to find people to connect with? - I can't speak on whether it is easier or harder, because I have never been on the other end. I have never been a cisgender person searching for friends or partners in the kink community. But, I can say that it has not been easy. I am 23 years old now, halfway to 24. It was only this year that I found myself with the hardcore dom that I actually crave. I have had a soft dom for 3 years and I love him dearly he is my fiance, but finding someone willing to partner with me who is as hard as I want has been a difficult journey.
What are the best ways to explore? - As exciting as the world of BDSM is, it is actually best not to start with it. I know that for many people in the community, vanilla sex just isn't enough to satisfy, but that doesn't mean that you should just jump right into the hardcore things that you read about in fanfiction. BDSM can be dangerous if done improperly and as a trans person, there is a lot that you have to take into account. Triggering dysphoria during a scene is incredibly easy. It is important to find a partner you trust who supports you and your lifestyle before anything else. So date first, make sure you have a support system, then look into kink.
Is kinking with another trans person easier? I've never kinked with a cis person but I have had a one-night stand with one and it went further than I realized I wanted it to. A lot of cis people are kind and do not have anything against trans people, so if you are interested in cis people, that is okay. I hold no ill will against the person I speak about because I never said no and I never asked him to stop. It is not his fault that I did not communicate my feelings. After our first round, I was starting to feel oddly dysphoric and didn't really want to be having sex but I didn't communicate that and while we were going, I was turned on and into it. It was only afterward that I realized I was not mentally where I needed to be and should have stopped him. The reason this story is relevant is that if we were doing something more kink-related and I became dysphoric or uncomfortable, a cis person is not going to recognize that or the feelings that come with it and thus is less likely to check in if something is going wrong. I would feel more comfortable kinking with another trans person because they know and understand dysphoria and can recognize those signs. Sometimes, subspace makes you nonverbal and it is important to have a dom that understands you and the emotions you feel so they know when to check-in.
What titles are comfortable? This is something I simply can't answer for you. Titles are determined by your comfort. Some people are explicitly into being misgendered during kink and want to be called a bad or good girl despite identifying as a boy. Some people are not comfortable with honorifics at all. This is something to discuss and explore with your dom and yourself.
Overall, it is important to know that the #1 thing in kink is communication. If you are feeling something is off, it is safer to stop and have a conversation. If you want to try new things, step one is to communicate.
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wisterianwoman · 1 year
lifelong learning: how to feed your mind
Unlock the boundless potential of your mind as we explore the meaning of lifelong learning, a journey where curiosity is your compass. Imagine a world where your thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, where the thrill of discovery fuels each day.
Unlock the boundless potential of your mind as we explore the meaning of lifelong learning, a journey where curiosity is your compass. Imagine a world where your thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, where the thrill of discovery fuels each day. Let’s go beyond the confines of formal education and explore what it means to be a lifelong learner. Call me nerdy or whatever, but I always loved…
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memoriesofachicken · 1 year
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Oh no! We just found another animated Karen in Family Guy’s season 21 finale (”Adult Education”)!
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megazine07 · 1 year
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thepotentialof2007 · 2 years
Casa Amarela is an Education, Art and Social Support Center in Morro da Providência. It aims to collaborate in human and territorial development through art and culture, contributing to the possibility of reducing the social impact caused and maintained by the state's lack of assistance in the favela.
Casa Amarela operates through activities and classes led by educators, residents, activists, producers and artists from Providência, surrounding areas and other international locations.
Our space offers educational, artistic and cultural activities, professional and training courses. It collaborates with the construction of knowledge based on scientific evidence as a result of research and qualitative work, encouraging territorial appreciation and local culture. [x]
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aetheros · 17 days
i got granted all maturity credits and only have to do a quick 4-quiz assessment and only 3 mandatory courses and i'll have my belated diploma 🎉 yayyyyyyyyyyy
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