#Andrea Tornielli
anticattocomunismo · 7 months
Ratzinger, per Tornielli, sarebbe il "padrino" della Fiducia Supplicans. Non è una barzelletta
Andrea Tornielli vorrebbe farci credere che non c’è nulla di nuovo nelle “benedizioni non liturgiche” che Fiducia supplicans approva. In realtà, il loro seme è già presente in una “Istruzione sulle preghiere di guarigione” del 2000 firmata nientemeno che dal cardinale Josef Ratzinger! Continue reading Ratzinger, per Tornielli, sarebbe il “padrino” della Fiducia Supplicans. Non è una barzelletta
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
Andrea Tornielli:
Holy Father, I want to ask something perhaps a little indiscreet: there was a photograph that went all over the world when we set off, of you climbing the steps of the aeroplane carrying a black brief-case, and there have been articles all over the world commenting on this new departure. Yes, about the Pope climbing the steps – let’s say it had never happened before that the Pope should climb on board with his own hand-luggage. So, there have been various suggestions about what the black bag contained. So my questions are these: firstly, why was it you carrying the black bag, and not one of your entourage, and secondly, could you tell us what was in it? Thank you.
Pope Francis:
It wasn’t the key for the atom bomb! Well! I was carrying it because that’s what I’ve always done. When I travel, I carry it. And inside, what was there? There was a razor, a breviary, an appointment book, a book to read, I brought one about Saint Thérèse, to whom I have a devotion. I have always taken a bag with me when travelling – it’s normal. But we must be normal ... I don’t know ... what you say is a bit strange for me, that the photograph went all over the world. But we must get used to being normal. The normality of life.
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laus-deo · 3 days
Las cifras de Medjugorje: 36.000 curas al año; 1,8 millones de comuniones anuales, o más
Medjugorje no ha dejado de crecer en su atracción de peregrinos. Casi nadie va allí por curiosidad o turismo, al no tener apenas encanto turístico el lugar. Los que llegan tienen inquietudes espirituales. El periodista Andrea Tornielli, de la Sala de Prensa vaticana, quiso dar algunos números sobre el fenómeno. En agosto de 2024 se repartieron 325.000 comuniones, con 9.500 sacerdotes pasando por…
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europahoynews · 3 days
El corazón del pastor y la fe de la gente
Comunicado de http://www.vaticannews.va — La nulla osta para Medjugorje fue posible gracias al reconocimiento de los frutos positivos de la experiencia espiritual vivida allí y al enfoque pastoral del Papa. Andrea Tornielli El visto bueno oficial a la devoción y experiencia espiritual que comenzó en Medjugorje en junio de 1981, cuando seis muchachos contaron haber visto a la Virgen, fue posible…
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secretummeummihi · 6 months
DDF: Publicada Declaración Dignitas infinita sobre la dignidad humana Declaración Dignitas infinita sobre la dignidad humana. Video (italiano) de la conferencia de prensa de la presentación de la Declaración Dignitas infinita sobre la dignidad humana, Abr-08-2024. Artículo de Vatican News, Abr-08-2024, firmado por Andrea Tornielli, Director Editorial del Dicasterio para la Comunicación: «El http://dlvr.it/T5DVgF
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duckpaddling · 7 months
"Tensions escalated when Cardinal Secretary Parolin said on 13 February 2024 said that what is happening in Gaza was ‘carnage’ adding that ‘this operation [must] be proportionate. And certainly, with 30,000 dead, it is not.’
This was backed up by the Vatican’s official spokesman, Andrea Tornielli. A Vatican website editorial entitled ‘Stop the carnage,’ spoke of ‘Israelis massacred at home’ and ‘hostages torn from their families,’ but also said that ‘No one can define what is happening in the Gaza Strip as “collateral damage” in the fight against terrorism.’ It spoke of ‘innocent civilians – one third of whom are children – killed by the bombing in Gaza.’ Pope Francis condemned any anti-Semitic ‘manifestation against Jews and Judaism,’ but also said that what’s happening in Gaza ‘is not war, its terrorism.’"
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korrektheiten · 10 months
Vatikan verteidigt Homo-Transgender-Dokument von Kardinal Fernández
katholisches.info: (Rom) Am Martinstag, dem vergangenen Samstag, kam Andrea Tornielli, der Hauptchefredakteur aller Vatikanmedien mit Dienststelle im vatikanischen Kommunikationsdikasterium, dem neuen Glaubenspräfekten Kardinal Victor Manuel Fernández zu Hilfe. Kardinal Fernández, der Augapfel des regierenden Papstes, hatte am 3. November Antworten des Glaubensdikasteriums „bezüglich der Teilnahme am Sakrament der Taufe und der Ehe von Transgender- und homoaffektiven ... http://dlvr.it/SymM10
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umbriasud · 2 years
"Chi era davvero Gesù di Nazaret?": i dibattito alla chiesa di S.Cristoforo
“Chi era davvero Gesù di Nazaret?”: i dibattito alla chiesa di S.Cristoforo
La chiesa di San Cristoforo a Terni Mercoledì 9 novembre, alle 18, presso la chiesa di San Cristoforo in Terni, si terrà un incontro-dibattito sul tema: “Quello accoglie i peccatori e mangia con loro. Vita di Gesù un mistero ancora da scoprire”. Interverrà Andrea Tornielli, giornalista, vaticanista e scrittore, direttore editoriale dei Media Vaticani autore di “Vita di Gesù” con il commento di…
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silvestromedia · 2 years
Pope: A "Life of Jesus" for a closer relationship with Him - Vatican News
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urbanhermit · 2 years
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anticattocomunismo · 7 months
Non esistono benedizioni non liturgiche
Affermare che il pensiero di Fernandez è in continuità con quello di Ratzinger, come ha fatto Vatican News, è una fake news. Continue reading Non esistono benedizioni non liturgiche
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tabernacleheart · 3 years
In recent weeks, Pope Francis has been the subject of some criticism from those who hoped that in his public statements he would explicitly mention the name of Vladimir Putin and Russia, as if the words of the pastor of the universal Church were supposed to reflect the dictates of a television news set list. Since this did not happen, the voice of the Pope was not given much attention, as his appeals did not correspond to the desired cliché of the Pontiff "chaplain" of the West, ready to enlist God and bless war in his name.
There are those who have accused the Pope of "silence" for not having explicitly named Putin, forgetting that when the war began, the pontiffs never called the aggressor by name and surname, not out of cowardice or an excess of diplomatic prudence, but in order not to close the door, in order to always leave a crack open to the possibility of stopping evil and saving human lives... This does not mean and has never meant putting the aggressors and the attacked on the same level.
...The Successor of Peter does not have the problem of making known "which side he is on", because the Vicar of Christ, like his Lord, is always with the innocent who suffer as Jesus suffered on the cross. Every word he says, every attempt he makes, is aimed at saving human lives, at not yielding to the logic of evil, at fighting evil with good.
Andrea Tornielli
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msjen141 · 3 years
Dear Andrea Tornielli
I work for the church and have in some capacity since 1994. I was a Catholic high school teacher when the news broke that a popular priest in our parish—one that fed into the high school—had been sexually assaulting altar boys in parish after parish after parish in the LA Archdiocese. I sat across the table from a 17 year old student whom I had known since he was a child and waited for his words…
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europahoynews · 20 days
Del túnel de la guerra al de la fraternidad
Comunicado de http://www.vaticannews.va — El viaje más largo del pontificado del Papa Francisco a Asia y Oceanía. Andrea Tornielli Están los túneles de la guerra y del terror, los que sirven para esconder soldados, milicianos y rehenes. Y están los túneles creados para unir en la amistad a personas de distintas religiones. En Yakarta, la mezquita Istiqlal, la más grande del sudeste asiático, y…
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secretummeummihi · 9 months
Editorial de Andrea Tornielli sobre la Declaración Fiducia supplicans, que permite la posibilidad de bendecir parejas homosexuales El Director de la Dirección Editorial del Dicasterio para la Comunicación, Andrea Tornielli, con uno de sus editoriales sobre la Declaración Fiducia supplicans, que permite la posibilidad de bendecir parejas homosexuales, publicada anteriormente hoy. El editorial http://dlvr.it/T0Jyt0
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apesoformythoughts · 3 years
“Su mirada —a menudo irónica y distanciada de tantos afanosos a la par que bienintencionados ‘intereses’ sociopolíticos— es la del que sabe que Dios es el que guía los destinos del mundo de una manera incomprensible para nosotros. Y que, sobre todo, sabe lo que necesita el hombre de hoy, que es el mismo que el de todas las demás épocas: no un discurso, ni una moral, no una teoría ni una regla de vida, sino hallar vivo y presente a aquel Hombre de Nazaret.
Los cristianos no son una categoría de personas afligidas, obligadas a renunciar a cualquier rasgo de su humanidad. Al contrario: el cristianismo, y sobre todo el catolicismo, como bien explicará el propio [Vittorio] Messori en las páginas que siguen, es la religión del et-et, no del aut-aut. El católico lo quiere todo: ‘posee’, en cierto modo, todo; no está obligado a escoger, allá donde esta elección, absolutizando un único aspecto, representa el comienzo de la herejía”.
— Andrea Tornielli
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