#td character bingo
boyfriendkissertd · 9 months
Part one
A continuation of the character bingo!!!!
Dave: 5/10
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He sucks. He's literally the worst and i love him for that. But I wished he started off as a bad condescending person (like Amy) in the beginning, instead of tweaking out at the end. Lowkey he should've killed Sky (jkjkjkjk....nah not really). He was boring the first half of the season though.
Ella: 7/10
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I LOVE ELLA YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She's so sweet and she should've went further, but Chris was an asshole so they had to get rid of her....sigh. One of my favorites.
Emma (tdrr): 10/10
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One of the best characters on ridonculous race. Her and Kitty should have won, I do not care. Her relationship with Noah was also super cute and I hate how people forget she exist and say "Noah should've been with *insert character here* and not Emma." (As a nowen shipper I have came to accept nemma as a cute ship)
Kitty: 10/10
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I love Kitty, like you don't understand. As a younger sister, I can relate to her a lot. She really is one of the best tdrr characters. I also loved how she worked with owen to get Noah and Emma together. Simply one of the best characters.
Emma (2023): 8/10
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dogboymutual · 1 year
i’d love to hear ur thoughts on bowie!
hi uh i don't know if this was the blog u were supposed to send this to but uh. here are my opinions on bowie total drama 2023!
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i rly like his design - the pearls are a nice touch and i think that the purple/green combo fucks so hard fr. i use the term bastard for him affectionately, he's easily one of my favorite TD villains so far. other than those two things i don't have much of a strong opinion on him, other than that i find his design fun and that i like him as a villain. i also like his and raj's relationship, it's super cute! however i will say that i don't necessarily see them continuing to be a couple for the entirety of their time on TD; i would love it if the healthy gay couple remained a healthy gay couple, but i imagine that bowie might get concerned with how much raj hangs out with wayne at some point, that or i think raj might end up having a problem with the way that bowie acts during the competition
tl;dr - good design, fun villain, good rep & half of a rly cute couple! i just personally liked some of the other characters a lot more
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elskamo · 1 year
Kitty, Wayne, or Dawn
(bonus: Duncan and Alejandro)
Thanks for sending an ask :)
I couldn't help it, I had to do all of them XD
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I don't think about Kitty very often, I don't not like her but also... meh. I couldn't for the life of me relate any of the bingo spots to her other than "WHY are they like this" which is what I think of most characters because I understand no one.
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I have never loved a straight person more.
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Dawn used to be one of my favourites a very long time ago and now I remember next to nothing about her. I still like her but also how brain work? I am trying still enjoy her as a character but given who she's a parody of it's gotten a bit difficult for me to do so without feeling sad. (Fuck TERFs and fuck wizards)
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...you knew this was coming.
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Also not elaborating on this one...
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I was playing around with character.ai and I was talking to TD characters and Sierra ended up giving me a whole therapy session
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Duncan for character bingo?
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Just A Couple Of Fun Headcanons Of TD Characters (Cody)
Trigger Warning, there's some abusive relationships in this one. And a pet doesn't make it. Maybe don't read this if you're sensitive to that.
- Cody Anderson was born a rich kid and an only child.
- He was an accidental pregnancy. It was so accidental that the parents didn’t even recognize pregnancy and assumed it was just a bad weight gain. There was no baby shower. 
- No one showed up for Cody’s birth. He was born on April 1st. And they didn’t anticipate the situation was a baby, so when they called people and said “I had a baby”. They took it as an April Fools joke. Then when they first met Cody, they all asked, “Wait, when did you have a baby?”
- How did they get away with nine months not knowing it was pregnancy? They don’t trust doctors. Cody was a stay at home birth. He never had doctors appointments. He never met a vet. If he broke a leg, he was told to put ice on it. 
- The parents are THAT stupid, and they also don’t struggle cause they’re rich. Worse than that, they are both severe alcoholics. They don’t bathe. They don’t take care of themselves. They don’t do anything besides gamble money and play bingo. They are extremely neglectful of their kid, not even remembering he exists. At best, Cody is white noise.
- They don’t even remember Cody’s birthday. (Which is canon)
- Cody’s aunt was a babysitter for him. She’s more of a mom to him than his own mom. 
- Cody is kind of a Matilda, in the sense that he learned to take care of himself and act like an adult as a toddler. And the parents don’t notice it at all. 
- Cody taught himself how to read and take care of himself as a doctor would. When he had the flu when he was five, his parents told him to put ice on it. 
- Cody learned what sex was at the age of seven. Now all he wants to watch is porn, and due to bad parents, there are no consequences. (I do not understand people who say Cody is pure)
- Cody is a straight A student.
- When he was nine, his aunt got into a car crash. The parents said ‘put ice on it’. She survived. No thanks to them.
- They have a billiard table in their house. Cody loves playing the game. He’s self taught, and he got so good that nobody wants to play with him in gambling. That didn’t stop him from finding someone oblivious though.
- Cody’s alternate job idea was to be a doctor. He already had an interest in medical studies, so why not? I’d say his parents would be against it, but they don’t pay attention to him anyway. They wouldn’t care if he became a felon.
- Cody was used to the smell of alcohol. It’s his oxygen. But he managed not to end up like his parents. This is because in the fifth grade he had his first encounter with drugs. But he hated the taste so he trashed it. He later researched and found out about all the horrible stuff that they do to people, so he set up a campaign in his school to protect kids from a death sentence. They listened because the kid who offered Cody the drugs died from overdose a month later. So... success on Cody’s part? He saved lives.
- Cody ran away from home one of these nights to get a doctor’s opinion, and he helped prevent Cody from an addiction himself. They’re good friends now.
- Cody had a dog. Her name was Darling. He adopted her from a puppy charity. She became his best friend for his preteen/teen years. She was well trained, loyal, and sweet hearted to everything Cody did. 
- She got sick when he was fourteen. He tried to get his parents to take her to the vet, but they said it was pointless. So Cody stole their car and illegally tried to drive to the vet. Car crash. Only Cody survived. He had severely broken bones and was stuck in the hospital his entire Juvie time for the act.
- It took two weeks for the parents to realize what happened to their kid. They didn’t even bring up Darling’s death in the accident. They tried to bail Cody out of the hospital when he wasn’t ready to leave. They said he just needed some ice. Cody got so furious that he tried to use his good arm to punch his mom. At this point, the bottled up hatred for his family was set loose.
- Child services were finally called, and Cody was taken away. 
- Cody was quickly adopted by a non-drinking family, but they were also overworked and ignored him. So Cody decided to devote his life to three things: Billiard gambling, medical school, and a girlfriend.
- When asked about his past, Cody would often answer that his adopted parents were his blood parents. Sometimes he would tell the truth, but he’d laugh off the entire thing like they’re funny stories. (Imagine Peritto from Puss N Boots. He has almost that exact attitude.)
- It was only for a short while, but Cody had an older stepbrother who was going off to college across the country. This is why Cody was adopted. The stepbrother was a musician, and treated Cody like a bro. He was offered to write a song for the guy, and Cody spent sleepless nights perfecting this song. The song flopped, but it’s dear to the stepbrother even after he left their lives. I say that, but he and Cody are pen pals. 
- Cody would later use his internet presence to try and write more songs as a hobby. He felt uncomfortable with singing, but he wanted to at least inspire other musicians and not just be a nerd on medical studies on YouTube. Which by the way, were videos that were torn down because he was not a professional. 
- Cody’s school life is pretty separate to his home life. Despite being a straight A student, he’s your average joe. He’s smart when he needs to be, he’s helpful with projects, he’s decently social but doesn’t belong in a group, and he’s horny middle school onwards. He wasn’t popular, he wasn’t hated, he was just there.
- Cody is insecure about his appearance. He draws himself as this buff hot guy that girls fall over. 
- Cody has a private journal. It’s full of NC-17 drawings. Mostly of women. One day he accidentally mixed up this journal for his math notebook, so because they were checking notes that day, a teacher found the journal. And she was a real Karen of a teacher, so she was NOT happy. It was presented to the whole class, who laughed at him. Cody was given detention for ‘inappropriate gestures’, but that was NOTHING compared to the sheer EMBARRASSMENT of the situation. Nowadays, he isn’t sorry.
- Why is Cody uncomfortable with singing? He took a music class in middle school because of there being no room in his ambitious classes. He lost his voice on the day of a chorus concert. He sang anyway. He was so ill sounding that it made babies cry hearing the choir. Next semester, he quit the class.
- Cody never got a girlfriend. They all found him creepy and a nice guy. Wish all girls rejected people like this in real life, but sadly I feel alone in this being easy.
- Cody has a few friends. Not one friend group sticks every year, but Cody does have friends. They’re all boys. He doesn’t have any female friends.
- Cody and Trent went to the same school. They weren’t friends, but Cody knew who he was even before the show.
- His stepbrother wrote to him about Total Drama. 
- Does Cody even do much in the story?? Uh... (No. He doesn’t. I’m going freestyle here folks)
- The Noah sleeping kiss. These two could not talk to each other the same way for the rest of the season. (I could pull the trigger on Bi Cody though...)
- His obsession with Gwen is exactly as it seems in canon. It’s all looks. There’s not much to say.
- But canon showed Cody is at least a better person than most simps as he gets to accept Gwen and Trent’s bond over his own pleasure. Speaking of, this is how Cody and Trent actually met properly and respected each other. Cody recognized him and got to properly talk to him. 
- It’s Trent who told off Cody regarding Gwen, not because Trent wants her, but because it’s simply disrespectful for any girl. Cody, in return, admires Trent. 
- Cody and Owen are friends. The show forgot about this duo in Island. (Owen was the first headcanon post I did, and yet he’s been very disconnected with the other characters. Ouch.)
- Cody has PTSD after the bear mauling incident. He’s also scarred all over his torso. The show doesn’t show them because ‘that’s not TV advertising friendly’ (Fact: The show is evil, disrespectful, and harmful to people. In universe.)
- He also can’t look Beth in the eye anymore after that one. They are not friends.
- How did Cody not die? There was camera watching the incident. That guy saved him. 
- Cody was hospitalized, and wasn’t taken to the resort until around the time of Trent’s elimination. The guy wasn’t there yet by the time Cody arrived.
- Cody, at first, just wanted to chill and live out the rest of the stay. 
- The others watch the episodes every evening the show airs. Cody’s first witness of it was seeing the episode where Trent was eliminated. Everyone HATED the episode. Eva was throwing stuff at the screen, for example. Courtney was also running around hunting down Harold. By that point, she was invading other people’s rooms at midnight just to find him. 
- Harold was the only one not showing up to anything, but at first, it didn’t seem to concern Cody since they never talked before.
- But then Cody got his own room, and he was ready to unpack in there...
- Harold was hiding under the bed.
- They both freaked out. A lot. 
- Harold begged for Cody to not turn him in to Courtney. And since Cody gained nothing either way, he agreed. So now Cody had a roommate he was stuck with. Cody also offered to get some barbeque for them both, as Harold was practically starving. 
- On that errand, Trent was just arriving to the resort, and Cody was the first to run into him and talk to him. (And Katie and Sadie, who were bawling over what happened to Trent) Cody was a little bitter with Trent, as he knew no regret when he saw it (Trent and Heather’s kiss). Trent tried to tell him that Heather used him, and what he was supposed to believe, and Cody told him off that Trent was stupid for believing that, as there was no reason for him to. It was TRENT who told CODY to respect women, and then Trent goes on to ignore logic just to get a petty clingy impulse in. Men are better than that. 
- Trent claimed that Cody, with his own impulse, would never know the feeling of betrayal, and Cody stated that maybe he wouldn’t, and maybe he was as naïve, but at least he was loyal to the girl he found himself with. (Which, you know, would turn into a FLAW later down the line)
- From there, Cody’s kind of lost respect for Trent and Gwen’s relationship, and secretly hoped they broke up. Does that mean he isn’t friends with them both? No. He still is. This is one of few times he lets his grudge out aloud. 
- Justin joining them... he helped out Cody when he first got to the resort, and offered some beauty tips for the kid, as he asked for it. Then Justin noticed Cody going to his room with what is basically catering, and he got concerned, so he followed him to his room. And he found out Cody was keeping Harold. It was awkward seeing him there, but both of them basically held Justin hostage until he promised not to tell anyone about this.
- Harold, while Cody was gone, also found Cody’s songwriting notebook. Cody was embarrassed about it and called him out, but Harold praised his work, much to Cody’s surprise. Harold even asked Justin if he had any music talent, and Justin admitted his talent was looking pretty. But he could learn an instrument if he’d look good with it. Cody called this out and said it was for the skill.
- Basically, Cody is the songwriter for the Drama Brothers, and the heart of the group.
- Justin came by to visit and help every once in awhile (by help I mean just stand there and use Harold as a dog scraping off your plate) And Cody was basically the caretaker sharing a bed with the guy. (Take that any way you will, Cody and Harold shippers. This obviously means they’re FRIENDS.)
- Harold even opened up to Cody about his rigging of Courtney, and why he’s being hunted. All Cody could say was how much of a jerk Duncan seemed, but it was chill since Cody himself didn’t have personal problems with the punk. (Yet)
- Unfortunately, Courtney began to track down the situation, and Harold was on his own. Cody had to get them both out of there and hide Harold in a shower. (Again. FRIENDS.) And... the stall they picked had Trent in it. 
- Cody had a lot of explaining to do, and ironically, Trent was the calmest one about it. Trent wanted to help, and he also said that Cody had a point before. Trent did care what people thought of him a little too much. It’s something he wish he could drop about himself, but can’t. In fact, all four of the Drama Brothers seem to have that exact same flaw, so they would get along well and work together with combining egos. 
- The Drama Brothers didn’t become official yet, but the ideas were being tossed around. Mostly it was Cody being more comfortable with showing people his songs, and Trent helping with his guitar. The band idea also gave Cody the brilliant idea to make himself hotter by sunburning his entire body. Brilliant.
- He wasn’t in Action. Idk what to tell you.
- Cody didn’t know who to side with when it came to Trent and Gwen. They were both his friends. He knew there had to have been a reason for Gwen to break up with Trent, even if he didn’t understand this side of Trent being exposed via medication withdrawal. (Yeah, that’s the best explanation I can come up with. I’ll subject myself to the pain if you guys ask for a Trent headcanon)
- So when the fanbase was on Trent’s side, Cody was not. He avoided Trent, who would not even NOTICE Cody’s been avoiding him until AFTER the season was over. Cody mostly stayed around Noah because he was the one sane person in the VIP section. 
- Gwen over time has appreciated Cody not despising her for the breakup. She was the one who advised Cody to make the Drama Brothers with Trent. Just because Trent wanted to cut all ties with Gwen, doesn’t mean Cody should pick a side and choose between them. 
- So Cody reluctantly went back to talking to Trent, who just said “Oh hi Cody, been awhile, how you been?” (Yep. He didn’t even notice Cody’s attitude.)
- Thus, with assistance from Harold and Justin, the Drama Brothers were born. Trent was the lead singer and guitarist, Cody was the songwriter, Harold was the percussion, and Justin... was the eye candy. 
- They became a modest success due to the show giving them names, and Cody got quite a few fans. At first, he was excited at the idea of a fan club of his own, and even understood Trent’s attitude a little better. 
- Then Harold disbanded from them out of an ego. It left Trent Cody and Justin on their own losing their popularity. They tried to pull through without Harold, but Cody was doing most of the work now, especially when Justin is... Justin, and Trent was more focused on pleasing his fans and associating with his new date, Sadie.
- One time, Trent and Justin didn’t even show up in the album sale, and Cody was by himself. At the very end of it, when the store was closing, Trent showed up as if he was late. Cody was not happy, and called him out on his ego, his treatment towards Gwen, and there was quite a bit of foul language thrown in there. He even said “Gwen did nothing wrong”. If he ever got a girlfriend, he would ALWAYS be there for his girl and respect what they want even if Trent won’t. 
- A certain uber fan was actually AT THE STORE at the time, and HEARD all of that. Then that was their vow to be the love interest for Cody.
- It was MONTHS before Cody and Trent spoke again, at Celebrity Manhunt.
- It was before the search party left the bus to get help that Trent got to talk to Cody. And unfortunately, Cody was the one who apologized for what he said, not Trent. Trent just showed his devotion to Sadie and his personal interactions with his fans, and suddenly Cody was the one in the wrong. (You’re supposed to not agree with that.) 
- Oh boy... okay, look, I don’t like Sierra. She’s probably one of my least favorite characters of the entire show. I can’t stand her in any scene she’s in. The question is, will that affect how I’m writing this?
- Short answer: YES. I’m NOT SORRY.
- Canon pretty much nailed how Cody felt about the relationship. He was miserable beginning to end, and he only chose to be nice to her because he’s that kind of person, and to get her to stop whining. It was a perfect guilt trip tactic to use so he didn’t try to get rid of her.
- And when approached to his friends about it, they just laughed. They saw it as quirky and cute, and Cody was lucky to have her because she was a girlboss. (Because that’s how TV framed it) So Cody thought HE was the problem. 
- Cody is the only person in the entire cast that didn’t hate Gwen. Instead he hated Duncan. He openly stated that he had no idea why Gwen was cancelled and Duncan wasn’t. She was a brainwashed victim who had been through too much. Sierra deleted his response and made a claim that he lied and was on tea drugs. (You know, that SHE gave him.)
- Sierra even FORGED her MARRAIGE with Cody at one point. That’s not me. That’s CANON. Just so you know how F’d up it is. 
- The reason he eventually turned towards her in the end was because she remembered his birthday. Something no one did. 
- This put a big strain on Cody’s other relationships. Like any abusive relationship does. Before he could do anything, she posted to the entire fanclub about their marriage, she shoved him in a suitcase to take him on a honeymoon to France, and even barged into Cody's family's house to take the guest room. Where's Sierra's parents? They ditched their constant attempts at a restraining order a long time ago.
-But because she remembered his birthday, Cody allowed all of this and even tried to tell his housemates it was fine. They proceeded to try and show Sierra kindness. Did she return the favor? No. Especially not when Cody tried to go ANYWHERE without her.
-I talked about Cody's dynamics with certain people in the Harold, Heather, and Gwen post. So I'll be repeating myself if you didn't see those.
-Gwen and Cody kept in touch. Gwen needed it after her cancelation with the entire world. Of course they didn't see each other too much because both of them are in very complicated relationships. (Go see my Gwen headcanon post for more details on her side.) Duncan just complained and moved on without doing anything to prevent it, especially when he learned Cody was against Duncan himself and not Gwen. He just said "I don't like Cody, but whatever." Sierra though? She blocked all contacts Cody had with Gwen when she found out he was TALKING to her ABOUT A HAPPY MEAL. For the longest time, Cody couldn't explain to Gwen that it was Sierra's doing, so Gwen thought that Cody too ditched her because of cancelation.
-In case you're wondering what Cody's reaction was to Duncan's arrest... no comment. No care. He had it coming.
-Heather and Cody are in touch, but they don't talk as often. Most of the time, Cody treats her as someone to vent to. Heather doesn't want to be that person. Especially when she, ironically, had a much happier relationship and eventual marraige.
-Sierra was fine with Harold being around Cody because was a dude and therefore wasn't a threat. Yep. In case you didn't hate her enough, she is homophobic. (Blame the show airing in the 2000s)
- It's also because Harold is a co-worker for the Drama Brothers. So they kind of have to be around each other.
-Cody got into K/Pop thanks to Harold.
- Harold and Cody do Ninjago marathons. Trent and Justin are very casual bystanders to their fandom. They also did a roleplay together once. (In case you're wondering, Cody was Kai. Harold was Jay. Trent was Zane. Justin was Cole.)
-Cody went to med school. He was a modestly successful student. But he didn't like Sierra constantly screaming at the Internet to support him. When Cody asked her to stop, he got NASTY responses. By the Internet, because Sierra posted "Cody's being mean to me... *crying emoji X10*"
-Sierra loves the gap between his tooth. So Cody asked Justin and his co-students at med school to help him remove it. So he had braces for three years to get rid of it.
-It became a cast at one point because when he came home, Sierra didn't recognize him with the braces, thought it was an impostor, and punched his jaw into a hospital. She apologized for not recognizing him. Nothing else.
-Justin retired from the Drama Brothers to move to Hollywood North. And Trent is taking care of his family. Cody keeps the name afloat, but he doesn’t see Harold too often because he’s bitter from Harold spending more time with his career than helping him with his unhappy marriage. (Go see my Harold headcanons for more details)
-Cody was still writing to his stepbrother, wishing he came back. He was a little bitter when he learned he was married and was having a baby, but he didn't say anything and supported it. Why was he bitter? Because it meant he had a new family and moved on, and he couldn't be there for Cody.
-Cody was begging for Harold to be with him because Sierra was at his writs end. But he wasn't. He called Cody selfish as Cody never once considered Harold's problems. (Again, see Harold's headcanons for more details on that) His advise: Get a divorce.
-Heather snapped at Cody about the same thing: Get a divorce.
-Cody said "That's not fair to Sierra. She really is a good person who cares about me. There's no reason to dump her for one or two quirks of his." (Every Sierra stan yelling at me when reblogging)
-Cody's basically learned that if you submit to the girl, you have things easy. But you're sexist if you dump her, no matter what your reason is. Do everything your stalker says, do what they want, follow all their rules, marry them, and shut out everyone else in your life, THEN you will have free will to get a career you want. But not before that do you have a choice. (This is supposed to be a BAD MESSAGE. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS.)
-Become a big part of your wife's blog? Do it. Don't complain.
-Move into some fancy rich place? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dump your job interview for a date? Do it. Don't complain.
-She wants to use your utensils? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dress up a certain way? Do it. Don't complain.
-A ton of sexual content I can't put into details because of social media restraints? Do it. Don't-NO I WOULDN'T LIST ANY OF IT ANYWAY, JUST IMAGINE WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
-Alcohol? Do... he can't. That's a trigger. He's not doing it. He's leaving the bar. He's running away.
-He denies all phone calls from Sierra, not wanting to be around her. He can't do it anymore. (No, she's not alcoholic, but she saw no problems with a bar date one time.) He so happens to run away to a vet, and he finds a box of puppies. It helps calm him down a little.
-Later on in the night, he tries to call someone to talk to. He had to find Gwen's contacts again after Sierra's hacking. Heather was unavailable. Trent and Justin were out of the country. That left Harold. He DOES pick up, and they talk a little...
-And then there's just static on his end.
-Cody's running to Harold's apartment, and he finds Harold on the floor overdosed from a bad take of medication. Cody took care of him the entire night and saved him. He is a doctor, after all.
-Cody stayed at Harold's place to take care of him. He constantly got calls from Sierra, but Cody kept denying them. He eventually had to throw his phone on the streets and use Harold's phone so Sierra didn't track him.
-Cody got Harold some doctors and therapists, friends of his, to help out, but Cody pretty much lived next door to Harold. He's wealthy enough to afford that. Harold did get better, and there weren't any more incidents, but the guy was a mental mess. (Again, Harold headcanon post for more details on what happened. Or Heather's, that reveals it too.)
-Cody and Harold both got to apologize for being selfish about their situations. Both forgiven. They were just glad to see each other.
-Cody ended up adopting a puppy. He named her Skylor. (Again, his Ninjago bias shows)
-This was the best two years Cody had in a long time. No Sierra, no drama, just being neighbors with a friend, and taking care of a dog. A dog that does not die this time.
-He became a co-editor in Harold's YouTube videos, and it was a much healthier online presence because Harold doesn't talk about real life on it and talks about media opinions and does gamer roleplays. (...don't look at me like that.) He did however draw the line with Harold's hatred for Harry Potter. How dare he.
-Cody got Gwen's contacts back. He was able to explain to her that Sierra blocked them and he cared about her. As a friend. (He's pretty much over Gwen romantically now.)
-Cody and Trent started calling again. It was casual and they purposefully kept romance drama out of it. This was the best way they could maintain a friendship. Cody could care less about Trent's relationship with Sadie. Do what ya want guitar boi.
-He also got to reunite with Heather, Alejandro, and Leshawna, who had a daughter. (Yeah he knew about that already cause Harold told him, but still) He was a little rocky with Alejandro, but they didn't try to start fights.
-He found Noah again at his college campus. They got on good terms and became acquaintances again. Though Cody was a little confused on why Noah was in a romantic relationship with Owen, without any sex. (Blame Sierra for him not understanding how that works.)
-Cody was able to talk to all of these people (except for Noah) about his incident with Sierra, down to the sexual details he had nightmares about from time to time. Leshawna was the one who sympathized the most, because a similar case was how she got her daughter (though in her case she had more of a say in it and chose it in the end).
-All their advice: Get a divorce. Never go back to her. He is much better off without Sierra. It's not mean. It's looking out for himself.
-Trent Facetimed Cody and Harold once, and a nice co-worker dude (Cameron) was in the call. Slip of the tongue, Cody said to Cameron, "That's cute of you." But no one said anything. Cody became self conscious after that. He had to talk to Noah later about what happened. Noah gave him a book about understanding bisexuality.
-Yeah, pull the trigger on Bi Cody. Why not.
-When Cody realized it, the first person he came out to about it was Gwen, when he was helping her with her music. (Gwen headcanon post for more reference on her career.) Gwen took it very casually. It helped Cody's confidence in figuring about himself more. He can be proud of this.
-Then Sierra found him.
-She was worried SICK. She thought he was dead. She planned his funeral. He should've told her she was kidnapped by Harold.
-Cody went back with her. She overwhelmed him with care and smooches. Harold was betrayed by that, but understood. It was Cody's choice.
-Sierra became more overbearing than ever, and didn't let ANYONE go anywhere NEAR him. Talk to Cody? Blocked. Maybe punched in the face. Stand in the same room as Cody? Prepare to be assassinated (not literally). All Cody had was the puppy. Their 'baby'.
-Then Trent came to visit when he heard from Harold what happened. He was greeted with a sock to the eye.
-That was it. Sierra got sued. She defended herself and claimed she was protecting Cody from an 'evil man'. She believed she would get off Scott free from the trial, as Cody would explain everything.
-And he didn't. He defended Trent.
-Sierra claimed he was brainwashed, and brought up that Trent turned to the dark side after Gwen dumped him. Love can do that to a person.
-Cody asked what she knew about love.
-She claimed she loved Cody. She loved him so much-
-No she doesn't. All she wanted was to use him for her little fanfictions of Total Drama. So her little Cody X Reader fic was canon.
-She defended that she tried to be good to everyone on the show. All her peers. But they didn't understand her. They were all toxic. They didn't understand she was quirky-
-Being quirky was no excuse. Sierra was the toxic one. And toxic people don't deserve sympathy.
-So in the court, Cody filed a divorce. Harold helped forge Sierra's signature.
-Sierra begged and told him he didn't want to leave her.
-Cody left the court after that, not even hearing the results. He made sure all ties with Sierra were cut, and he would never see her again.
-He eventually heard what happened. Trent was decreed Not Guilty. Sierra got a big fine. So she did not go to jail. But by the time she got home, Cody was moved out and long gone, officially staying in that apartment as Harold's neighbor with Skylor the dog.
- Harold and Cody took a vacation to California to see Justin. They were happy to see each other again and bring back a band of friends. Justin even let them be around his paparazzi's, and tell them these were his friends. 
- Trent came back to the band. Though Justin was out from where he lived, the remaining three Brothers did some music videos on Harold’s channel. Even though Trent’s not a fan of the genre, he let them do a bit of K/Pop. 
-In terms of Cody and Trent after the assault, Trent didn't blame Cody at all, and was just really proud of him. Trent was in the court when it happened. But Cody found out that Trent recorded the entire thing and posted it online. The comments were... 50/50. Some were proud of Cody, some claimed Sierra did nothing wrong. Cody didn't care. Trent and Cody were good friends again.
-Another thing Cody did was go to a pride club. He met Noah and Owen at that pride club. And Cameron was there, so they got to talk and properly meet each other.
-Cody focused more on himself after all of this. He pursued is music. He became a well paid doctor. He had a good dog. He had some good friends and potential bf? It's just a crush.
-Cody would be there to talk to anyone on his blogs how to detect an abuser, stand up to them, and leave them. He wanted to prevent others from going through what he did more than anything. Not a lot were able to get out of it. He was lucky he could. It's the least he could do.
(Unlike my last headcanon post, Cody gets a better ending. Or, I say that. I don't write these as life memoirs that end when they die. I am not the biggest Cody fan, and this took awhile to make cause Cody is a side character with not a lot to work with. That shouldn't be an excuse though, we're all the protagonists of our own stories. But I do like Cody, and I do feel bad for him and I wanted to give Cody an ending better than what the show called 'a good ending'. Total Drama has a relationship problem. When I first watched the show, I thought I was gonna hate Cody, as he reminded me of a lot of people I knew in real life, people who bullied and harassed me to no end. But no. Episode 8, he won me over as he proved he wasn't like that. Respect. Now SIERRA, that is the exact character I thought Cody was gonna be. You can harass me for making her an antagonist in this all you want, but I will NOT apologize. But there's other factors that played in me doing Cody next: TDDRI, short end of the stick there. And you guys messaged me a lot of questions regarding Cody, so I thought why not?)
Check out my other headcanon posts on TD characters, I put a lot of effort into them, and let me know if you want me to do someone else:
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sigmxnd · 4 months
character bingo thingy!! harold td?? :3
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criminalcinnamon · 4 months
Courtney (td) for the character bingo !!
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Corner from tonal dahr mann islan...
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Zoey for the bingo?
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i have very complicated thoughts on zoey. on one hand, i do think she is a nice girl who really wants friends but struggles to make them due to insecurity, and i can understand the appeal of that. but on the other hand, she can also be judgmental and abrasive in a way the narrative doesn't punish or even acknowledge like it does to most of the characters who act that way. which is frustrating to watch! i also think she doesn't go through much of a character arc. apart from like two episodes as commando zoey, she stays the same throughout her entire time on the show. and pretty much her entire story revolves around a boy. mike most of the time, but also cameron near the end of roti. which i did think was sweet at times, having their friendship becoming strained and then strengthening as a plot point, but zoey doesn't really get to exist on td without her story being reliant on a guy's character arc. there is. a lot i can say about zoey.
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dogboycolumbo · 1 year
lindsay, duncan, brick, sam, and nichelle for the character bingo!
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lindsay<3 i love her people NEED to be more niceys to her and she should get a bike and a pony for free
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duncan is a freak. theres so much wrong with him i hope he gets run over with a car. love him
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MY FRIEND BRICK!!! yippee yaay. i love him hes so silly and nice i hope he goes to fashion skool and gives up the military thing<3
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genuinely very few thoughts on sam. someone brought him up in a td context the other day and i had literally forgotten who he was. whoops? the chewing square is what dakotazoid is doing 2 him^
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i LIKE HER!!! if she doesnt get to merge in s2 i will kill terry mcgurrin personally. she has so much potential i know and i love her . movie star queen <3
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smile-files · 1 year
Profile picture (bfb) for the character bingo?
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i don't think about them much but profily is so funny. they're besties with td too which i appreciate
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boyfriendkissertd · 9 months
Jo for character bingo?
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I feel like Jo should've been the finalist along with Cameron in ROTI. She's a really funny character and I feel like they could've done more with her in All Stars.
(Also her body insecurities are a mood even if it was just a throwaway gag.....)
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elskamo · 1 year
Julia for the charcter bingo, assuming you’ve seen the new season
Thanks for sending an ask :)
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I'm still deciding how I feel about Julia, she can definitely be an interesting character but I have no idea why she does anything that she does. I am guessing daddy issues but then again I assume any contestant on Total Drama has daddy issues.
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hollowsorrows · 2 years
POINTING POINTING. for the unhinged blorbo bingo: BK, TD, KK7, uhhh idk. random third character, teacher H? for funsies :-) –torrr !!! :mua:
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in order!!!
i have some additional thoughts though. as much as i say i hate tyrone dyson hes actually a really good character and. well. yeag. i love him.
teacher H is so fucked. fucking LOOK at the ending to ep6 part 1. he goes into this dark tower and it engulfs in darkness. he is not making it out of there okay :) and i think that the demon mentioned in ep3 (lerajie) will play into that. like. what happens to him is unknown, but i think he either will: 1. become evil, 2. become a mindless puppet, 3. become a demon, or 4. die. either way he is not going to be fine and dandy. to think, the guy who was a silly little teacher to kk, becoming an enemy he must fight... im going insane over this silly little side character my gog
also i have a fat crush on both kk7 and bk so MWAH thank you <333 i have a lot of story thoughts about bk too but like. im fixated on H rn
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stunfiskz · 1 year
STUN!!! mal and lightning 4 the ask game!!!
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i think mal is silly and has the potential to be rlly interesting but atm i don’t have many serious feelings about him
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HEYYY I GOT BINGO!! anyways LIGHTNING i love you sha greatest td character ever
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tdsaveme · 1 year
Ella TD for the bingo thing.
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she's cute! i don't have any major opinions about her (wasn't the biggest fan of tdpi since most of the characters were a bit weak compared to previous casts) but i've grown to appreciate her girlish whimsy (and though her design is a bit on the nose it's not bad by any means)
send me a character!
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