#tc texts
sacramentalgirl · 2 months
how many girlfriends do the ghosts of eric and dylan have
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soahbee · 7 months
OK GIRLS???! I tried to boldly flirt with him, but I didn't think that I would die more from the answer....SIR WHAT? U FLIRT BACK???😭
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kookiekult · 2 months
There are 3 stages to becoming a dilf.
Late 20's/Early 30's awkward ugly phase
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airlocksandaviaries · 8 months
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John Anderton is having a bad time
Minority report text posts 1/?
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weekly-whitewing · 4 months
Whitewing hanging out with her grandson (Shadowsight) :3
Sorrey for the wait!
This is also a bonus whitewing cuz im too impatient to wait
Wanted to draw adult Shadowsight and a background but struggled with everything else so uhm
This man loves to talk about herbs and Whitewing likes to listen but god is it hard to understand
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Whitewing even knows more herbs than an average warrior since she helped her mom help Leafpool lmao
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h3rself · 4 months
I love love love your relationship with your tc! If you don't mind sharing, was your letter also so romantic?
i mostly kept my letter school-related, saying things like how much i loved his classes, how interesting they were, and how i could listen to him talk about those subjects for days on end.
but there was one paragraph that i made a bit more personal. i told him that i was sad when our classes ended in my third year but it was comforting to know that we were still walking the same halls at our uni. i mentioned that those days were now behind us, but i'd remember them fondly. at the time, i was planning to move to a different part of the country, so i also said something like, i don't know where life will take me, but i hope an occasional cup of coffee at our favorite café will always be welcome.
the night i gave him the letter, he messaged me quite a while after we both got home. it was just a picture of my letter on his desk (to show me he'd read it, i think?), and a single sentence: any drink with you is always welcome
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thetoxiccupcakes · 1 year
Most people in their Books of Shadows, probably: As the moon enters Aquarius I've noticed a vibrational shift.
Me, when I actually remember to write: There is 3 planets in retrograde and oh boy buddy do I feel it. I am really being sqroingled rn
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heart-wit-strength · 5 months
Apparently the first ever amphibia content I watched was the season 3 intro for some reason
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marisatomay · 1 year
amanda marisatomay do you, or possibly anyone you know, have the link to the interview val kilmer once gave where he said that tom cruise is aging into a beautiful woman? i can't find it anywhere and i'm at least 80% sure i didn't fever dream it
of course i do (interview magazine, 2009)
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today he described something of mine as "little". like you would say "your silly little self" or something like that. NEED him to call me little girl
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soahbee · 8 months
The delusions I created because of him are worth a mass.
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wysteria-clad · 1 year
*crawls out of a hole.* Hi guys.
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airlocksandaviaries · 8 months
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Minority Report Textposts 3/?
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douchebag-rituals · 26 days
Saw some post earlier about a "new shooter", and peeps r arguing over it. Specifically over being "excited" over it or smth......
Like I'm not necessarily excited but. Y'all. We out here making cutesy aesthetic moodboards for shooters,,,stop acting like u care about morals??? What??? I thought we were here 2 b freaks wtf
(Ehhh sorry if dis iz just word noodles-)
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h3rself · 5 months
i need to know if he has ever thought about me even once outside of school
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ward-leon · 3 months
Love is in the air? WRONG!
A thick fog appears from nowhere. Something stirs in its depths.
[plaintext: A thick fog appears from nowhere. Something stirs in its depths.]
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