#tc 2x07
purpleplaid17 · 5 years
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Michael in rehab
This Close 2x07
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hoidn · 3 years
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Gl tc h
Another Life 2x07, Never Gonna Give You Up
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fyeahvulnerablemen · 4 years
Do you know any scenes where the composed character loses their composure? Like they get really angry all of a sudden which they normally don't..Or any scenes where that one person thats normally the caretaker/savior who never gets hurt, is injured? Like everyone is shocked because they never thought it would be them to get hurt
(Hope that this makes sense and that its not too specific, huge fan btw ^^)
So sorry for the late response my friend. I absolutely love this trope!
This happened to Jack O'Neill and John Sheppard from SG-1 and SGA a few times. Jack was impaled to a wall once and the team was stunned. They didn't even know what to do. He was in so much pain he yelled for them to get it out and grabbed his friend's shoulder. I get whumperflies just thinking about it. :) That was 2x07.
-In Stargate Atlantis 3x07, John is tortured in front of his team. He tries to act tough at first but they can see he's weakening after each round of torture. Also SGA 1x03 is another good example of team feels because John is hurt.
-NCIS Los Angeles 4x24, 5x01 and 5x02. Deeks is tortured. When his team finds him he is completely incoherent. 3 episode whump arc! Also in NCIS LA 10x01, G. Callen suffers a collapsed lung and Sam suffers from a leg wound and blood loss. Bonus Deeks whump in that episode too.
Firefly 1x05: Mal is shot and left for dead. When his team finds him and start patching him up, he is kind of out of it and makes sure they'll be there when he wakes up.
Angry examples: Outlander 1x05: Jamie is angry that he was forced to reveal his whip scars. Man of Steel: Superman's/Clark's scream near the end. Daredevil 3x07: Angry Matt with a bloody white shirt. 👌👌
And some examples of a character tearfully breaking down: Roswell New Mexico 1x04 (Max), Graceland 3x07 (Mike), Legends of Tomorrow 2x14 (Nate), Criminal Minds 5x09 (Hotch) and The Night Shift 1x08 (TC). Oh and Iron Man 3.
There's probably a ton more but hopefully you like some of these! And if anyone wants to add please do. :)
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Okay, so that was actually... nowhere near as bad as I expected.
To get the whole poker thing out the way first, as much as I think we can all agree that level of PDA in front of the Ohana is... not ideal, she had been drinking, and, after having not been with someone in so long, Juliet is probably pretty touch starved too, so it does make sense for her to be excited and way more touchy around Ethan than we had expected.
And hey, Higgy's happy, so I can't really complain. But I must agree with the rest of them and recommend they get a room when they have moments like that.
Juliet in Thomas' room is an interesting first. Back in season one, we had her send Kumu to go and fetch one of his shirts - she didn't go herself - so it's nice to see that she's more comfortable with entering his space, albeit to pour a glass of water over his head. Also, you know I have to point it out, but she definitely checked him out whilst he was still asleep. 😏
Another thing in this episode I enjoyed was Magnum impressing Higgy and Ethan with his medical knowledge. It makes sense for him to have known what Ethan was talking about - afterall, he once went undercover as a vascular surgeon - and their expressions in response were priceless. Thomas Magnum 1-0 Ethan and Juliet. 😂
There's another thing I would mention now, as it links to what I'm about to say, but I'm going to leave that to the end, because it was an overarching feature in this episode. Higgy mentioning Abby and asking how much she knew about her was a surprise, but I actually really appreciate the fact that there has been another reference to her, because I literally don't think she's been mentioned since 2x07 (the episode after they broke up). It's also interesting that Magnum denied having told Abby much about Higgy, considering the fact that she clearly knew that Juliet knew him better than she ever would - which is pretty much the entire reason they broke up.
I'd still like for Thomas to mention at some point that Abby had said that he'd find someone who knew him better than anyone else, because I think Juliet would quickly remember what she'd said in the van, and realise that Abby had been talking about her - I think it'd be interesting to see how she'd react to that. But I digress.
The case felt a little more like old times this episode, seeing as so far, in almost every episode our dynamic duo has either been in serious peril, or they've got into trouble without even being on a case, which can get kind of monotonous. I don't mind that it was Ethan who came to them with a case because it's actually quite a nice parallel to 2x06 when Abby enlisted their help, albeit slightly unwillingly after the case was handed off to them. So overall, I enjoyed the plot of the case.
Rick and TC's storylines this episode felt pretty minimal, but it's nice to have something more about the military incorporated into the show, especially because I feel like a lot of people who sign up do so because their family have been involved in the military, and I like that they pointed out that wasn't necessarily a good enough reason. However, in the end we didn't get a good resolution to that, so it feels a bit unresolved.
In terms of Rick's storyline, it's nice to have a minor character in one episode come back to have a bigger role, and it would also be nice for Rick to have a love interest, because there isn't enough love going around for the boys right now. So I'm excited to see where that goes, and whether Rick will disregard the rule of, "don't date someone who works for/with you."
Last, but most certainly not least, we're going back to Thomas' insomnia. As soon as Ethan mentioned giving him a prescription for it, I cringed, because I knew he was going to be upset that Higgy had shared that with him. But, the more I thought about it as they went through the episode, I realised that Juliet did it for the right reasons, and that it was coming from a place of concern, and honestly, it was really sweet of her to try and help.
I was waiting for that final scene because I knew they were finally going to talk about it, and I love that Higgy referenced their conversation in 2x08 where he told her, "If you're not honest with me about how you feel, it's not fair to me. Not if this is going to work." Because she's right - it does go both ways.
So Thomas explaining that he doesn't want to hide things from her just because he's afraid she'll share it with Ethan is a really vulnerable but beautiful moment. Juliet's apology is beautiful too, as is her promise that she won't share anything private, but does tell him that he will inevitably come up in conversation because he's an important part of her life - I love that. And I love even more that Thomas said the same in return, even if not in as many words.
Plus, them sat there drinking beer in front of the sunset? It's so beautiful?? I love it! I love them! And I surprisingly enjoyed this episode a lot!
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magnumdays · 5 years
My Favorite to Least Favorite Episodes of Magnum PI Season 2 So Far
I know no one asked for this but I was rating the episodes in my head for a post-Christmas re-watch and I thought I might as well write it out and share... 
(I also just wanted a reason to look at some of all the amazing Miggy gifts from this season!)
Nr. 1
2x01 - Payback for Beginners
I loved the premier. It had all my favorite things. Fun case with a bit of a twist, Magnum & Higgings banter, some fun snark from Rick and TC and just an all-around good and fun feeling. Possibly because it’s the first episode of the season (I always get flashbacks to how excited I was for season 2 when watching it!) or just because it was awesome. Both are equally possible. Also, the Miggy was strong with this one, always a bonus! 
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Nr. 2
2x09 - A Bullet Named Fate
This episode, where Harry gets shot, we got Magnum and Higgy following his tracks and then finding out about the kidnapped girl. I just enjoy the shit out of it. I’m not sure exactly why because I didn’t love it as much the first time around but on the re-watches, it has really grown on me and is now one of my faves.
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Nr. 3
2x08 - He Came by Night
This is the episode where Magnum takes the case without asking Higgy first and is possibly the most shippy episode of the season (other than maybe the Secret Room) in my opinion. But I don’t just love it for the Miggy but this has one of the subplots I rather enjoyed most this season, the one with the veteran lying about his identity.
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Nr. 4
2x02 - Honor Among Thieves
Jin is fun on the first watch. On the second and third, not as enjoyable. I did like a lot of the banter in this episode and Magnum trying to talk Higgy into becoming his partner. Also TC + Rick’s trying to get a loan and then partner up is really amazing and feels relevant to what is going on with Magnum, which the subplots don’t always do.
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Nr. 5
2x07 - The Man in the Secret Room
So in this one the case itself isn’t super in focus, but I don’t mind one bit. I love mopey Magnum and everyone trying to be supportive in their own ways, the guys with funny dog vidoes, Higgins with tough love and just being there and Gordon by just actually saying he’s sorry.
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Nr. 6
2x06 - Lie, Cheat, Steal, Kill
Magnum is just so happy at the start and then his poor little heart gets crushed by the end. This one just like the episode after (2x07) isn’t as cased focus but more character-focused which I like a lot. It was a little over the top on the Miggy (which I should have liked but annoyed me on the re-watches for some reason.)
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Nr. 7
2x03 - Knight Lasts Forever
I really liked a few bits of this (I think you can guess which bits...the miggy ones of course) but after the midseason finale, I feel like the Ivan storyline is just ‘mewwe’, so this ep. lost some of its enjoyability.
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Nr. 8
2x10 - Blood Brothers
This one had a lot of really amazing moments and even though I have some issues with flashbacks I actually enjoyed this one more on the re-watch for some reason. 
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Nr.  9
2x04 - Dead Inside
There was nothing wrong with this episode, but there was just a few too many things going on somehow for them to all have enough to fully develop. Gordon and his feels about drugs, the different suspects, Magnum / Higgins just having teamed up and still ironing things out, then the subplot of looking for the missing football player’s stolen Ipad. Confused Higgy and Magnum and Gordon having some little moments at the football game was a great ending though...
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Nr. 10 
2x05 - Make It 'Til Dawn
Suffering a little from the same thing as the one above. There are four separate stories; Higgy and Rick at the haunted house, Magnum and Jin on the hunt for the bail jumper, Gordon and his partner after the serial killer and TC and Kumu at the sacred site. Even though Magnum+Higgins+Gordon+Jin plots sort of merge together it still feels both too coincidental and too random for me to truly love it.
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Nr. 11
2x11 - Day I Met the Devil
Yeah, so the midseason finale was the episode I liked the least. Ivan was a huge disappointment, the whole Magnum on random team planing on kidnapping the weapons dealer thing didn’t draw me in and while the team coming to get Magnum was nice I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I’d hoped. Maybe I just had too high expectations. 
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That’s my list in order of how much I like the episodes of the first half of the second season, just in time for the crossover episode later today!
I’d love to hear how you’d rate the season 2 episodes we have had so far!
Also, happy new year! Can you believe it’s 2020 already? 
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blastar-blr · 5 years
"Magnum P.I." zapowiedź odcinka S02E07: The Man in the Secret Room
“Magnum P.I.” zapowiedź odcinka S02E07: The Man in the Secret Room
W następnym odcinku “Magnum P.I.”…
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One of my greatest fears, I think I've said this before, is that someone will trick me into doing heroin. [...] How many situations could even put you up to that potential danger?
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Wagner must... I mean, does that hav- man have a magical penis or something?
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magnumdays · 5 years
Magnum PI - 2x07 - The Man in the Secret Room - Thoughts
OMG! OMG! I can’t wait for the gifsets for this episode.
So yeah, right now I can’t remember what the episode was about because I’m still squealing internally about the last scenes. I mean as soon as I heard couples massage I hoped but OMG. I mean, I have no words for how squeal worthy the last five minutes were!
But, I’m gonna get out of my Magnum x Higgins trashcan and try to remember what I spent the last hour watching.
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Um, there was a dead lady. And a dead other-guy. And a smug gangsta. Gordon got his punchy-punchy on (good for you Gordy, venting a little.)
No, but seriously. Starting of we have Magnum being sad about Abby. Which I like. TC and Rick are trying to cheer him up to no avail. I like this different dynamic of their friendship because a lot of the time there is just Magnum asking favors from them. Them being there for one another, TC and Rick trying to make him feel better (even if it is with cute dog videos) is sweet. 
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 I also we get Higgins showing up to remind Magnum to do his job and we get my favorite line of this episode.
“Two things, first you don’t even like scotch and secondly....if your heart was actually broken, you’d be dead.“
It’s so on point! Higgins is Higgins, but still showing she knows him (weirdly enough maybe better than Rick, who must have poured the drink) and that she is trying to be supportive but utterly failing at it due to the fact that she is Higgins. IDK, I thought that was the cutest.
Then Rick and TC telling her she was out of line with her tough love, making her worry. Plus we get a Higgins sad-face the “Abby was the first woman Magnum could see a future with” which I can’t quite decide what it is going through her mind, but it is something.  
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Following this we get her going to the hotel for a “Staycation” (Every time she said that I was like ‘yeah, sure‘ keep telling people that and someone might believe you.) 
It took a while for the actual case to get rolling. Or well we get the dead lady fairly quickly but then it takes to beyond the middle to actually find some answers to what it is we are investigating and some (one) suspect to question. This is a little late in the game for a full-on murder mystery, but the end twist with it being the wife of the gangster cheating is a perfect reflection of Magnum’s state of mind (Abby didn’t cheat, but she did ruin what they had by picking her career over his basically.) as well as good way of getting both the murder and the gangster bad-guy. 
It did feel a little rushed though and for some reason, I kept thinking I was watching a movie and we were only about halfway through once we came to the end. IDK, probably just me wanting more Magnum. But maybe this would make a good movie; Magnum & Higgins and the Hotel Murders (obvs, needs a catchier title).
For side plot we had Rick’s father figure having cancer I’m assuming is something that will come back? We’re getting more and more of Katsomoto’s backstory/hint at family life so I’m thinking we might be getting an episode where that will be important later on too? Maybe his kid getting into trouble and him asking Magnum for help?
We also get Gordon being an actually good support/ offering his regrets to Magnum about Abby, which is thumbs up. Magnum is all “it’s fine we were just getting to know each other” but you can see he’s real broken up about it. At the same time, I’m not sure how serious it was between Abby and Magnum. Probably this was his moping episode and he will be back to normal cheerful self next week.
He did get to release some tension there at the end after all..,
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(”Are you going to be making those noises the entire time?”)
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This scene you guys. It’s just, just, I have no words. I have to go watch it again. I mean, can it get better? Bantering during a romantic oceanside couples massage. The writers are still being about as subtle as a brick to the face (but we love it so it’s totally fine. In fact, if anyone on the writing team running low on bricks I’ll even splurge on international shipping and send some to the CBS studios. Just say the word.)
Completing the scene we get this 
“I’m sorry I was a little harsh about Abby earlier.”
“Oh you were harsh? I hadn’t noticed.” 
“I’m being serious.”
It’s either the beach massage or the lobby scene that takes the prize for Most-Miggy I’d say.
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Magnum reading Georgia’s letter: “...whoever she is, she’s a lucky woman.”
Higgins: “What’s that?“
Magnum: “Letter from Georgia...”*hands it over*
Higgins: *Reads it* "She’s right though. Someday you will make someone very happy.” 
I mean, it’s a tie, but still, both are pretty freaking ship-tastic! 
Also; how do Perdita Weeks manage to look so adorable, sexy, honest, vulnerable and fierce all at the same time? Seriously, is there a class I can take?
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