#tbh there should be a badge for this
thescarlettdetective · 11 months
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samtheplatypus · 8 months
I... I liked Hazbin Hotel
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I love them so much, the e4 hit hard, it changed my brain chemistry, I'll never be the same
New hyperfixation just dropped (it's them)
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chococookiez · 5 days
shout-out to the girl who showed me her notebook decorated with the names of all the members of bts, shout-out to the girl who got on the bus in front of me who had a childe keychain on her backpack, shout-out to the guy in a club im in who almost always wears sonic merch, just general shout-out to people who show off their interests i love y'all
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carcarrot · 5 months
do i need the noel badges. do i have to have them
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shinkai-kaiju · 8 months
are makeship plushies even good? as in, quality. ive never heard anything bad about them (ill be honest i havent heard ANYTHING about them) but im always annoyed by the fact that they ONLY do campagins you cant just go "hi heres the money make me 100 plushies" and they seem to have a rerun thing but only for particularly sucessful plushies...
If they are, i wonder if theres a reputable maker out there like them that'll REALLY get the job done right off the bat no campaigning needed...
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yourlocaltoad · 10 months
just hit the achievement of having over 300 things queued
i shall celebrate by crying while eating a pint of cotton candy ice cream and watching the fnaf movie again for the 6th time
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I love how I carelessly implied Swindle not only existed in TFP but we all accepted it
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vorpalmuchness · 1 year
I'm screaming at Speed 1994 like I'm a straight man watching football
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momodashii · 2 months
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It's my 15 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Holy shit I've really been around this long. That's a little nuts
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Whats it called when, while scrolling through tiktok, i see and like properly look at a thumbnail of an oracle card from a deck that i have right before i close the app
Then, when i open the deck guidebook in the next few minutes in a random place, what i see immediately is the page with the image and definition of that exact card
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transienturl · 1 year
new idea about how to remove css classes from an element in a reversible way: just display:none the element and make a clone of it displayed however you want
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dokyeomini · 2 years
i am so excited to quit man.....
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morgana-larkin · 3 months
Love your work, i think ive read all ur melissa x reader fics😭. So yk how melissa says “youse”? I was wondering if u could make a fic where reader is a new teacher and shes from the south and constantly says “ya’ll” instead. Idk what after that tbh
Girl next time I'll need a bit more than that. And really happy that you love my work and thank you for the prompt. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I'm finally getting to all your prompts, so if you sent one, it's coming soon! I believe I have 5 other Melissa ones and 1 Chessy prompt.
Southern Girl
Warnings: Fluff, Reader having doubt
Words: 2k
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You walk into the doors of Abbott all excited. You’ve been subbing for a year now, mostly at Addington Elementary, the charter school down the street. Now you’re Abbott Elementary’s new art teacher. You check in at the office and get your classroom key and badge with the photo from the interview a week ago. 
“Alright newbie, you’re here. Follow me to the teacher’s lounge and I’ll introduce you to the ones that I tolerate here.” Ava pipes up from behind you and you follow her there.
You both walk in and 8 sets of eyes fall on you two. 3 from a corner in the back, 3 from a table near the window and 2 from a table near the fridge. 
“Newbie this is where you introduce yourself.” Ava tells you as you were shocked with the sudden spotlight on you.
“Oh right, hi y’all my name is Y/n Y/l/n. I’m the new art teacher here.” You introduce yourself, your southern accent visible. Two teachers come bouncing over to you and talking a mile a minute. The things you got were Janine Teagues, second grade teacher as well as Jacob Hill, 8th grade teacher. The rest you didn’t catch at all as it was a lot before 8am.
“Janine dear, why don’t you and Jacob give her some room, she just got here.” One of the women from the table near the fridge says. “Hello dear, I’m Barbara Howard, kindergarten teacher.” She says gently as Janine and Jacob go to sit down. Barb then softly nudges the woman next to her and gets a weird look from the ginger. You have to admit that this nameless ginger is very attractive. “You should introduce yourself.” Barb tells her and she sighs.
“But she’s from the south, for all we know she can be a cowboys fan.” She says to Barb.
“The girl from south is right here and can hear you. And are you talking about the Dallas Cowboys?” You ask and she quirks an eyebrow at you.
“So youse a fan?” She asks and crosses her arms.
“Of the cowboys, no. Never really been a fan until I got here to be honest. It was all the rage when I got here so I looked into it, the Eagles aren’t bad of a team.” You tell her and you see the slightest smile on her face. 
“I’m Melissa Schemmenti, 2nd grade teacher.” She introduces herself and you freeze.
“Schemmenti? Why does that name sound familiar?” You say and she sighs.
“Have you been to Addington?” She asks and you nod.
“Quite a bit actually.” 
“You might have met my sister Kristen Marie there then.” She says and you widen your eyes.
“Of course, I do know her. Her and I are texting buddies, we text about once a week. I honestly forgot about her last name.” You tell her and she shakes her head. “Wait you’re Melissa, she’s mentioned you a few times.” You add.
“All bad things I’m assuming, knowing my sister.” She says and you shake your head.
“No, not bad at all.” Mostly embarrassing things, but you ain’t mentioning that to her. “Well I’d love to stay and chat with y’all but I gotta skedaddle. Lots to do in just a week.” You tell them and then leave the room. Everyone turns to look at Melissa and while she doesn’t see it, she feels them all staring at her.
“What are all youse looking at?” Melissa says without turning to look at them.
“You gave your name so… willingly.” Janine says confused.
“You heard her, she doesn’t mind the Eagles, she seems alright.” Melissa says with barely a thought to the answer.
At the end of the day you go to turn into the teachers lounge to get your lunchbox, only to run into Melissa, physically run right into her.
“Oh I’m so sorry Melissa, you ok?” You tell her while you have your hands on her arms to stabilise her. 
“Ya I’m fine kid, are you alright?” She asks you and you nod. You go to get your lunchbox from the fridge and when you go to leave, she’s still there, waiting for you.
“Should I be flattered that you’re waiting for me?” You joke with her and she chuckles.
“I think so. I mean, I’ve never done it for anyone else before.” She says and you smile.
“Well considered me flattered then.” You tell her and she smiles at you.
“Well let’s, what did you say earlier? Skedaddle?” She teases you and you laugh. You both start to walk to the parking lot.
“Why Melissa, I hope you’re not making fun of the language of the south.” You joke with her and she laughs.
“Wouldn’t dream of it southy.” 
“Oh I get a nickname too? You’re too sweet.” You say and she playfully shoves your shoulder with hers.
You reach the parking lot and then you both walk to her car which was right next to yours. 
“Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” You ask her, not wanting this moment to end. 
“Ya, you will kid.” She tells you with a smile then gets in her car.
2 months go by and it’s safe to say you’re settling in pretty well. You’ve gotten support from your coworkers and your students are loving your classes. There’s one specific coworker that stands out to you and that’s Melissa. You’ve found yourself admiring her a couple weeks now. Ever since you were able to watch her teach, you’ve been wanting to again. At lunch, she offered you a spot at her and Barb’s table, which apparently has never happened before, and you find yourself staring at her when she’s talking. When she comes to drop her kids off at your class, you make yourself more presentable before she gets there, you quickly brush your hair, reapply lip balm, just anything to make yourself look better for her. You got looks from people when she invited you over to her house for the first time and you loved every second of it. You’ve also gotten weird looks from Barb and the trio lately and you have no idea why, until Barb talks to you. 
“Hello dear, can I come in?” She asks from your doorway and you look up from your sketchbook.
“Barb, hi. Ya of course.” You tell her and she smiles as she walks in and closes the door. “What’s up?” You ask as you put your pencil down and lean back in your chair to look at her. 
“I’ll be blunt with you.” She starts and you tilt your head at her in question. “You have a crush on Melissa right?” She asks and you widen your eyes. “We all see it, you’re not good at hiding it.” She adds.
Well no use in trying to cover it up. “Oh god, does that mean that Melissa knows?” 
You ask her and she shakes her head.
“No, Melissa won’t ever think that you’ll like her. The only way she’ll know is if you tell her.” She says and you sigh.
“Well that won’t ever happen?” You say and she tilts her head at you.
“Sweetheart, what reason can you have to not want to tell her?”
“Many reasons. About to start with the fact that she’s straight, she’s my friend, she’ll never be into me, she’s out of my league, and did I mention that she’s straight?” You say and she smiles at you.
“You did mention it. Dear, I have known Melissa a long time, and what I can tell you is that you’ve caught her eye. I’ve seen how she is when someone catches her interest and how she is with friends. She treats you differently then how she treats me and the rest of the Abbott crew, and everyone else she has ever befriended. What I’m saying is, I think if you told her about your feelings for her, you might be surprised of her answer.” Barb says and you look at her stunned. 
“I’ll- I’ll think about it.” You tell her.
“I wouldn’t take too long, Gary has his sights on her too.” She tells you and you widen your eyes.
“The vending machine guy?” You ask and she nods.
“Well she might be better off with him.” You say casually.
“Why do you say that? Why wouldn’t she be happy with you?”
“Cause I’m me.” You tell her and then get back to your drawing. Barb walks up to you and puts her hand on your shoulder.
“Yes you’re you, and Melissa likes who you are.” Barb tells you and then leaves.
At the end of the day you finish cleaning up the art supplies, then you grab your stuff and leave and you bump into someone on the way out.
“Oh sorry hon.” Melissa tells you.
“Oh Melissa, hi.” You stutter. “Wha- what are you doing in this corner of the school?” You ask her, considering her classroom is on the other side of the school.
“I came here to see you.”
“I didn’t see you at lunch today, or barely at all today actually.” She says.
“Melissa, are you saying you missed me?” You tell her in a teasing tone.
“I did actually, if you must know.” She says and playfully shoves your shoulder. “Something happened at lunch actually.” She adds and you tilt your head to let her continue. “Gary asked me out.” She says and you stop breathing for a second and widen your eyes.
“Oh.” You say, you stayed in your classroom at lunch today going over what Barb told you before lunch. Now it seems you missed your chance.
“I turned him down.” She says and that snaps you out of your head.
“What? You said no?” You tell her and she nods her head. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want to go out with him. I’d rather go out with someone else.” She tells you and she takes a step towards you. You’re breathing quickens as you look into her emerald green eyes that captures you in them. Your faces are close together, as you’re the same height, it wouldn’t take much to lean forward and kiss her. You gulp as you realise she’s waiting for you to say something.
“And who is it that you’d rather go out with?” You ask and you glance down at her lips before looking into her eyes again.
“You.” Is all she says but it still leaves you breathless. You see her glance down at your lips briefly before looking into your e/c eyes. Without thinking, you lean forward and kiss her fiercely. She kisses you back with just as much force and she grabs the back of your head with both of her hands. You place your hands on her waist and press her up against the wall and you both continue kissing each other as if your lives depended on it.
 “Should we stop them? I mean it is still school property.” Janine says as the trio, Barb, Ava and Gary are watching you two make out down the hall.
“I think we should let them enjoy today. Then if we catch them making out again, then we can stop them.” Barb says, glad you both finally took the chance. “And Gary, thanks for asking her out, I knew it would make Melissa finally admit her feelings.” Barb tells him and he nods at her.
“Glad I could help.” He says and they all leave.
You both pull back to catch your breath. Melissa giggles as you look at each other. “Did you kiss all the southern girls that told you they have feelings for you?” She asks with a smile.
“I never liked them back so no.” You tell her and she cups your cheek. You surge forward to capture her lips on yours again, never wanting to pull back.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
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obey me x pokemon au: the great mammon wants to fight!
summary: when you decide to become a pokemon trainer, a familiar face from your childhood decides he's going to help you by not helping you. or that's what he tells himself, anyway.
featuring: mammon x gn!reader
content: sfw (suggestive towards the end). follows the vibes of generation one except they're adults and, y'know, not children. "rivals" to lovers trope and so many clichés. tbh this is mostly mammon challenging reader to pokemon battles instead of talking about his feelings. wc: 1.6k+
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Mammon is there when you choose your first Pokemon and he boldly declares that he's going to be your rival. Apparently, it's going to toughen you up and you should be grateful. When you admit you've never battled before, he embellishes his own track record hoping to impress you. (It doesn't.)
"Your first challenger is the Great Mammon! You better be ready to cough up that prize money!" He summons a low-level Pokemon similar to yours, but your Pokemon has a type advantage over his and it's almost a landslide victory in your favour.
He scoffs when you seem surprised by how easy that was. "You’re lucky I wasn't trying that hard. The next time we meet, I won't hold back!"
He just happens to set out for his own adventure the same time you do. At one of the junctions just outside of town, there's a very clear fork in the road: left or right. You think he's going to follow you, but when you turn right, he pointedly goes left. You wish him luck but he doesn't look back, and your mood deflates a little. It would've been nice to have company for a journey like this, but you carry on and accept it might be a long time before you see him again.
As it turns out, you cross paths with Mammon much sooner than you think.
For someone who claims to be your rival, it's weird how often you run into him. It's too convenient that Mammon shows up exactly when you need help the most. He teams up with you whenever a pair of trainers tries to gang up on you, or when you wander into an area with Pokemon far stronger than your own. Your Pokemon learn to fight in sync with his because they spend so much time together.
No matter how many times you ask, Mammon refuses your offers to officially join you. Sometimes he shows up out of the blue to challenge you to a battle. Other times he shoves a bag of supplies - usually spare Pokeballs and potions - into your arms and takes off again.
For most of your journey, Mammon's not far behind you. There are a few times he beats you to your destination. It’s a rare treat when you arrive at the next gym in time to watch him battle against its leader. He gets flustered when he realizes you're watching from the sidelines, but his Pokemon preen under your rapt attention. His team's gotten a lot stronger too.
If you're last to challenge the town's gym leader, Mammon waits for you outside and drags you into another battle. You're not sure what he's trying to prove, but you reluctantly accept his challenge and defeat him once again.
He doesn't usually have much prize money to give you when he loses. You refuse to take the small amount of gold he has in his pockets. He's your friend and you don't even want his money, but that just seems to irritate him even more. He denies loudly and vehemently that you're nothing more than his rival.
You think losing would hurt less than the sting of his rejection.
Contrary to what he says, your not-a-friend keeps traveling the same path you do. It would be cute if he wasn't being so stubborn.
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Your dream of becoming a Pokemon Champion draws closer with each gym leader you defeat. You fasten the shiny new badge from the eighth and final gym leader to your jacket, but your excitement is short-lived. There's a familiar figure waiting for you on the outskirts of town, and he's wearing all eight badges too.
"Mammon, do we have to keep doing this? We've come so far. I really don't want to fight you anymore."
But he just smirks and plucks a Pokeball off his belt. "How are you gonna beat the Elite Four if you can't beat me?"
It's a close battle - the closest one yet - but you add another victory to your winning streak against him.
After the dust settles (literally), Mammon storms away. You heal your Pokemon with some potions first and you heal his too. None of the Pokemon pick up on the tension between you and Mammon. In fact, they all play together like they weren't just locked in a feverish duel a few minutes before.
You look over your shoulder and spot Mammon under the shade of a nearby tree. The scowl on his face is unwelcoming and you decide to give him his space. You assume he's stewing in the disappointment of another defeat. You could say "I told you so," but that would probably make things worse. (And you don't want to make things worse.)
Besides, even if you asked him, Mammon wouldn't be able to tell you what's wrong. He watches his Pokemon flock to you for attention and you feed them berries from your satchel. Was it the fact that you beat him every time he challenged you to a battle? He's always been a sore loser. Or was it the realization that he wasted so much time being your rival when he could've just been your friend instead?
"I wonder if you ever needed me at all," Mammon mutters to himself. His voice is too quiet for you to hear.
Eventually he returns but his mood is indiscernible and you don't know what to say. By the time you're both packed and ready to leave, the bitter expression on Mammon's face is gone. He runs his hand through his hair, glancing at you from the corner of his eye while his cheeks darken slightly.
When he's not too busy being your rival, you think that he can be very charming.
"How do ya feel about goin' up Victory Road together?" He holds his hand out to you stiffly. "Y'know, safety in numbers and all." His expression softens when you immediately place your hand in his. He laces his fingers with yours and you both pretend neither of you are smiling.
You make it through Victory Road, but the playful banter between you fades into grim anticipation when you finally reach the steps of Indigo Plateau. You both sign up to challenge the Elite Four at the reception desk before you lose your nerve and run back out the door.
There must not be any other challengers because Mammon's name is called almost immediately. He looks as panicked as you feel; there's so much left unsaid but not enough time to say anything at all. When he passes through the door without a word and it slams shut behind him, you feel like you're going to cry. Regret sits heavy in the pit of your stomach but all you can do is wait.
It feels like an eternity before they finally call your name, and Mammon still hasn’t returned.
You try to push thoughts of him away so you can concentrate on battling your opponents and their formidable Pokemon. Adrenaline surges through you and your hands tremble each time you summon a new Pokemon to your side. One by one, you come out of each battle victorious. It feels like luck rather than strength or skill that's gotten you this far because your potion supply is dwindling. Doubt clouds your mind each time one of your Pokemon is knocked out but the third member of the Elite Four finally bows to you.
The battle with Lance, the final member of the Elite Four, is absolute chaos. Your Pokemon suffer the merciless onslaught of his powerful dragon-types, the likes of which you've never seen before. Somehow your team barely manages to secure your victory, but it's still too early to celebrate.
There's one more challenger waiting for you.
When Lance accepts his defeat and moves aside, you step into the next arena to face off with the region's newest Champion.
“Yo! I was wondering how long you were gonna keep me waitin’!”
You gape at Mammon who waves to you from the Champion's podium. He looks so happy to see you that you break the stunned silence with a sigh of relief that bubbles into giddy laughter.
He tosses his first Pokeball into the air and catches it again, over and over, while his confident smirk warms into something more teasing. "C'mon babe, it's just you 'n me at the top of the world. Show the Great Mammon what you've really got!"
Both your teams fight like they've never fought before. It's a knock-down-drag-out battle that shifts back and forth between your favour and his.
When your last Pokemon is the only one remaining and the battle is won, Mammon jogs across the arena to you. He hands you a bag filled with more prize money than you know what to do with. "I owe ya from all those times before, don't I? You deserve it. Besides, I got most of it from those losers back there."
He nearly loses his balance when you throw your arms around him and give him a hug. It only takes a moment for him to wrap his arms around your waist and melt against you.
"So, Champion," he murmurs, brushing his lips against your cheek with a smile, "how about we find somewhere to grab dinner and celebrate?" 
The next morning, Mammon looks far too devilish with his messy white bedhead hair and starchy hotel sheets draped loosely across his hips. You're not sure you'll ever want to get out of bed when he looks like that, but when your tummy rumbles with hunger, you bashfully suggest getting up.
Mammon waggles his eyebrows and slides an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. His very thoughtful suggestion is staying put and eating a breakfast of champions instead.
(He holds up his hands in mock surrender after you hit him in the face with a pillow, and he agrees to go out after all - once you give him one last kiss, of course.)
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read more: obey me x pokemon au masterlist | obey me masterlist
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gemini-sensei · 5 months
i just watched blue beetle for the first time and am going insane about jaime. i've liked his character for years, but the new tidbit about him going to gotham law made me have some thots. i thought about riding him while he does his homework but him eventually not being able to focus anymore so he just pounds the fuck out of reader. full blue beetle suit fucking with him also drives me crazy i just love jaime so much. (imagining him dirty talking in spanish is also super hot to me for some reason) i meant this as a discussion ask btw
Omg this is what I've been waiting for and tbh idk why I've been waiting but nevermore that because please let's discuss Jaime at law school trying to study and focus and Reader just trying to get him to take a break the whole time because this is his fourth night in a row studying because he's there for a degree and he's not gonna let his family down but he does need a break and Reader is determined to get him to relax a little bit.
He finally caves a little bit and let's her sit on his dick if it'll get her to calm down a bit, but of course that idea leads to now studying or work getting done at all. It just leads to her riding him and him finally relaxing like she knows he deserves. It's a win-win situation.
And omg using the full force kf his suit to fuck Reader and have her shaking and screaming for him, toes curling. Ugh 🥴🥴 say more please because him seeing her enjoy it so much would be such a high for him. He wishes his wounds didn't heal so fast because he wants her to scratch up his back and him feel the stinging sensation over his skin and wear it like a badge of honor because he made her feel that amazing.
And the whole time he's calling her name and his little nicknames for her: Cariño, mi vida, mi amor (that's honestly the extent of my Spanish, so my apologies) but yes, him speaking Spanish to her as they fuck is everything. The dirty talk is filthy, let me tell you ugh. Once he's telling her how much he's going to ruin her, he's not gonna stop; he'll tell her how pretty she looks all laid out for him and how she should see herself because she's just so pretty, all wet and taking him so well.
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Send more discussion asks about Jaime (and/or Jenny) if you want 😉 I'm all hears
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sirenscriptures · 6 months
saying you would fuck a space marine/primarch anywhere other than tumblr or ao3 should warn you a badge of honor tbh
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