imagination is nothing but belief
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not the xkit guy or the xkit girl but a secret third thing
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transienturl · 16 hours ago
normal people: have normal hobbies
me: how do you publish an npm package containing importable yaml files in a way that can be used both with a native yaml import plugin and the regular way
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transienturl · 1 day ago
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Cranberry, white chocolate, macadamia nut shortbread cookies 🍪
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transienturl · 1 day ago
i think that maybe I give up
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works I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(why did mozilla not apply its extension restrictions to an upload of the same code? beats me.)
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transienturl · 1 day ago
They trained an AI model on a widely used knee osteoarthritis dataset to see if it would be able to make nonsensical predictions - whether the patient ate refried beans, or drank beer. It did, in part by somehow figuring out where the x-ray was taken.
The authors point out that AI models base their predictions on sneaky shortcut effects all the time; they're just easier to identify when the conclusions (beer drinking) are clearly spurious.
Algorithmic shortcutting is tough to avoid. Sometimes it's based on something easy to identify - like rulers in images of skin cancer, or sicker patients getting their chest x-rays while lying down.
But as they found here, often it's a subtle mix of non-obvious correlations. They eliminated as many differences between x-ray machines at different sites as they could find, and the model could still tell where the x-ray was taken - and whether the patient drank beer.
AI models are not approaching the problem like a human scientist would - they'll latch onto all sorts of unintended information in an effort to make their predictions.
This is one reason AI models often end up amplifying the racism and gender discrimination in their training data.
When I wrote a book on AI in 2019, it focused on AIs making sneaky shortcuts.
Aside from the vintage generative text (Pumpkin Trash Break ice cream, anyone?), the algorithmic shortcutting is still completely recognizable today.
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transienturl · 1 day ago
I guess a good web design project for me to do would be an illustrative chart of all of the models for cpus, gpus, etc, with responsive design for mobile so you could reference them in a store setting. there are two tough things about that, though. one: while I think I'm decent at poking holes in an obviously bad user story, I'm not any good at design. and two: this is another one of those "the data is the product" projects, in which your project is pointless if not kept up to date, and it's tough to do that and remain committed to it especially as a solo project... and I've never really had the experience of having a friend quite as into computer hardware in quite the same way I am.
(I'm definitely lucky to have my dad as someone who's interested, and he does keep up on a good portion of the desktop chips market nowadays, but there's another level of, like—I dunno. I can't actually imagine it. I would lament not hanging out with more of the cs kids in high school except for the fact that I really liked the theater kids and the cs kids were mostly, to a first order approximation, kind of annoying, so why would I have.)
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transienturl · 2 days ago
🎶 "ai" is still a scam 🎶
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transienturl · 2 days ago
why did anandtech have to die. literally I just want someone who actually knows the answer to tell me what the actual hardware in the new amd "strix halo" chips is and to give like two sentences of context around what place it serves in the market. is that so hard.
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transienturl · 3 days ago
github feature request: priority system for review requests
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transienturl · 3 days ago
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transienturl · 4 days ago
logic dictates that one should not take actions within a system that one finds the performance of by others distasteful—
(no, I agree, I'm pretty sure the grammar there is wrong. but whatever.)
—and so it would be silly for me to submit the same bug to tumblr that I have already submitted and that I have also mentioned in a post recently and gotten a developer response about, and I will not do this.
however: each day that passes in which tumblr content filtering does not include the tags of the post (nor, per my notes, the name of the blog the post is reblogged from), I solemnly swear that I will...
...uh, that I will with like 50% probability do nothing, and with the other 50% I will remember this fact and go, "well, that's kind of silly; I have no reason to doubt that the system by which staff prioritizes improvements to the codebase is somewhat rational, though, so presumably in the fullness of time they'll either get to it eventually and at a time dictated by conditions which I am not privy to or tumblr will shut down before then and it will no longer matter." and then I will continue with my life.
it is kind of silly though!
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transienturl · 4 days ago
me: man, non-rhetorical question: why is everyone in my family except me, like, a restaurant-quality chef?
my brain: because they put in time and effort? into things? while the last time you applied yourself to any task that you already didn't want to do and that wasn't specifically asked of you by someone you care about was [I actually spent like 10 minutes trying to continue this sentence but I didn't come up with anything to put here]
me: yeah, yeah, definitely. though actually I didn't mean that as a question about the contrast between myself and them. the "except me" was just to specify the right sentence subject. I just meant, like, "that's impressive; I wonder how that happened," you know?
my brain: ah! right. okay. yeah. well—hmm, I don't know, it's always some nurture and some nature, right? anybody would be lucky to have those genes and those resources, I imagine. ah, hold on—you do have those things, don't you? lucky you.
me: mhmm. sure is such a lot I've done with them innit.
my brain: ...yes.
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transienturl · 4 days ago
ah never mind. it's going up now. great
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works I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(why did mozilla not apply its extension restrictions to an upload of the same code? beats me.)
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transienturl · 5 days ago
me: programming naturally has some quirks that are difficult but the basics shouldn't be too hard to explain to people!
my vscode window: const sourceUrlRegex = /(?<=url(["'])[^)]*?.gifv?(?=["']))/g;
me: uh, that's—one of the parts you—nobody look over there ok
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transienturl · 7 days ago
i heard david karp gonna sneak into tumblr headquarters and snip the cord with a pair of scissors. so enjoy our time together
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transienturl · 7 days ago
seeing this too! it would be really funny, actually, if this were an internal server issue related to the new year turning over. baby y2k bug!
What's going on with the search? All the displayed posts were posted 7-9-14 hours ago. At first I thought there was a problem with my blog, but it's not just my new posts that I don't see in the search.
For example...
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transienturl · 7 days ago
weird thing about living in like. not even a small city, just a city that's smaller than the largest one you've been to and have integrated into your worldview. is that when you see evidence that people online also live in that city your brain is like "oh wow we're basically neighbors I wonder if I'll run into them" when you would never have thought it if the city in question was [amount that changes nothing about this situation] larger
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transienturl · 8 days ago
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works I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(why did mozilla not apply its extension restrictions to an upload of the same code? beats me.)
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