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names of body parts for beginners with full illustration
Names of body parts Essential Names of body parts English learning students must know about the names of body parts because we use them almost daily. I am sure and assume that you know many names of body parts, but I have tried to include almost all of the essential names of body parts in the lesson.
names of body parts in detail
I have observed that the majority of people learn the meaning of individual words to enhance their vocabulary. The problem with learning individual words is that we forget them very soon. The best way to increase vocabulary is to understand a word's meaning in the context. Therefore, in today's lesson, we will learn the names of body parts in the context of memorizing them longer and permanently. Head 🗣️ سر: the part of the body containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth He got a head injury in an accident. Forehead ماتھا: The front part of the face above the eyes Michael kissed her on the forehead. Hair بال: a dense threadlike thing on the different parts of the body, especially on the topmost part of the head Sofia has beautiful long hair. Ponytail بندھے ہوئے بال: arranging hair together at the back of the head in a specific way especially by girls Salma's thick ponytail was swinging side to side. Face چہرہ: the front part of the head that includes the eyes, nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelid, cheeks, and chin, etc. Salman got up and washed his face. Templeکنپٹی: the flattened space on each side of the forehead The rubbers put the pistol on his temple and snatched his mobile 📱 phone. Ear 👂کان: an organ on both sides of the human's face that is used for hearing purpose He has big ears 👂 like a rabbit 🐰. Eyes 👀 آنکھیں: an organ on the middle of the face and above the nose that you see with Akram has sore eyes 👀 Eyebrows: the line of hair arch above each eye Rebbeca has thick black eyebrows. Eyelashes پلکیں: the line of hair that grows over the eyelid She brushes her eyelashes to look beautiful Eyelid پپوٹے: either one of the two covering of eye skin that protects your eyes from any harm Irfan closed his eyelids to save his eyes 👀 from the dirt. Nose 👃 ناک: an organ on the face above the mouth through which a person smells and breathes She has a flat nose 👃. Nostril نتھنے: the inner part of the nose or one of the two openings of the nose Reema has some problem in her nostril; that's why she always has a runny nose 👃. Cheeks رخسار: either side of the face that is below the eye or the left and right side of the nose and mouth I want to kiss 💋 her on her red cheeks. Dimple گال کا گڑھا: a small area on the part of a person's body (such as the cheek or chin) that naturally curves in especially when you smile When she smiles, the dimple on her face makes my heart ❤️ pounding. Mouth 👄 منہ: the part of the face that includes the lips and teeth and through which we eat Shut your damn mouth 👄. Jaw جبڑا: Upper and Lower bones inside the mouth where teeth grow He clenched his jaw in irritation. Gum مسوڑے: the fleshy part that surrounds the bases of teeth and covers the jaw When Warda brushes her teeth, her gum starts bleeding. Teeth دانت: the white objects inside the mouth that we use for biting and chewing He has strong white teeth. Lips 👄 ہونٹ: two soft parts that surround the mouth and protects teeth and inside part of the mouth Rania uses red lipstick 💄 on her lips 👄. Pimple مہاسے: a small, red, swollen spot on the skin She is sick of pimples on her face. Mole تل: a black spot, mark, on the human body she has a mole under her right eye. Rashes سرخ دانے: a group of red spots on the skin due to illness Imran is sick and has rashes all over his body. Moustache مونچھیں: the hair that grows above the man's upper lip William swung his mustache and laughed. Beard داڑھی: the hair growing on a man's chin and both sides of the cheeks The older man had a long white beard. Chin: the lowest part of the face under the lower lip where the beard grows. He held her chin and told her to look into his eyes. Throat گلا: the front part of the neck I have a sore throat. Adam's apple ٹیٹوا: the lump in one's throat in a human's neck that moves up and down at the time of speaking and eating He made her lay down and poured wine 🍷 in her Adam's apple and started copping. Neck گردن: the part of the body between the head and the shoulders Suleiman put chain ⛓️ in the dog's neck. Nape گردن کا پچھلا حصہ: the back of the neck My nape hurts when I lay straight, facing upward. Shoulder کندھا: the left and right side under the neck where the arm is connected She was crying and put her head on his shoulder. Arm بازو: the part between the shoulder and the wrist Feroz writes with his left arm. Armpit ب��ل: the hollow area of the body beneath the shoulder joint In summer, the armpit smells terrible due to excessive sweating. Elbow کہنی: the middle joint of the arm where the arm bends He started crawling with the help of his knee and elbow. Hand ہاتھ ✋: the part at the end of the arm that includes fingers and thumb Raise your hand 🧤 who knows the answer Forearm بانہہ: the part of the arm in between the elbow and the wrist The ball hit his forearm and ran towards the boundary. Thumb انگوٹھا: the short, thick finger on the side of your hand The baby was sucking his thumb. Point finger اشارےوالی انگلی: the finger on your hand that you use for pointing objects We often use our point finger to refer to something or someone Middle finger درمیان والی انگلی: the middle finger on your hand He hurt his middle finger. Ring 💍 finger: e finger on your hand that you use for wearing ring 💍 She was wearing an engagement ring 💍 on her ring finger. Little finger: the smallest finger of the hand Tahir often uses his little finger to clean his ear 👂. Palm ہتھیلی: the front part of the human hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist She put some cream on her palm and started rubbing both of her hands. Nail ناخن: the hard covering at the end of a finger or toe, i.e., a fingernail or toenail I cut my nails once a week. Wrist کلائی: the joint between the hand and forearm The boy held the girl's wrist pulled her towards his chest. Fist مکا: a hand with bent fingers Waqar raised his fist ✊ in the air. Chest مرد کا سینہ: the front part of man's body In old times, men often had hairy chests. Breast عورت کا سینہ: the two soft fleshy parts on a woman's chest that produce milk when she has a baby Boys like big breasts. Nipple چوچی: the two small, round dark parts on a man's chest and woman's breast The baby was hungry and sucking her mother's nipples crazily. Belly پیٹ: the outer part of the body under the chest including the navel up to the groin She is an expert belly dancer. Abdomen شکم: the inner part of the body below the chest I have pain in my abdomen. Navel ناف: the raised area in the middle of the belly When a girl wears a Saree ( an Indian typical woman's dress), you can see the girl's belly and navel. Waist کمر: the middle part of the body below the navel and above the hips where we fasten the belt She is skinny and had only a 24 waist. Groin چڈھا: the area of the body where legs come together She pulled her bikini 👙 and exposed her groin area. Penis مرد کا عضو تناسل: male sexual organ The tiny baby was playing with his penis. Vagina عورت کا عضو تناسل: female sexual organ She has a disease, and her vagina does not stop bleeding. Back پشت: the back part of the human body above the waist He was lying on his back. Backbone کمر کی ہڈی: the hard bone on the backside of the human body that goes down to the middle of buttocks Rizwan has severe pain in his backbone. Buttock چوتڑ: the two fleshy soft parts of the body under the waist that a person sits on She has round fleshy buttocks. Thigh ران: the part of the leg that starts from hip joint up to the knee The athlete's thigh muscles were strong. Knee گھٹنا: the joint at the middle of the leg at the end of the thigh and at the start of the shin that helps in bending the leg He fell and hurt his knee. Calf پنڈلی: the fleshy part of the leg on the backside of the shin below the knee and above the ankle She itches her calf . Shin ٹخنے اور گھٹنے کے درمیان کا حصہ: the front part of the leg below the knee and above the ankle He was massaging his wounded shin. Shinbone پنڈلی کی ہڈی: the prominent bone at the front of the leg between the knee and the ankle The opponent player hit him on his shinbone with a hockey 🏑 stick. Leg ٹانگ: the extended part of the body including thigh, knee, shin, ankle, and foot as a whole that is used primarily for standing, walking, and running Please press my legs🦵 I am so tired. Foot 🦶 پاؤں: the remaining part of the leg below the ankle He was walking barefoot. Instep پاؤں کا اندر اولاد محرابی حصہ: the inner side of the foot The bully smashed her heels 👠 into his instep. Ankle ٹخنے: the small round raising joint of bone where the foot joins the leg She hit her ankle with a table corner. Heel 👠 ایڑی: the backside of the human foot below the ankle She likes wearing high heel 👠 shoes. Sole تلوا: the undersurface of afoot The police found the signs of the sole of the thief on the soil. Toe پنجہ: one of the five separate parts at the end of your foot She was walking on the toe because she does not want to disturb anyone. Toenail پاؤں کے ناخن: the hard covering at the end of a toe, a nail of a toe The toenail is more complex than a finger's nail. Read the full article
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What is a metaphor? here is what you need to know
Metaphor:- Metaphor is a word or phrase that exaggerates the meaning of another word in a sentence far away from reality only to show similarity between the two. Metaphor changes the original meaning of another word and gives it a completely different sense from the original one. A metaphor is a figurative word or phrase stating that two things are similar in that particular sentence. Metaphor and other terms are different literally, but they share the same quality in that sentence. For example, The flames 🔥 were talking to the sky. In the above sentence, the phrase (talking to the sky) is a metaphor. The metaphor (talking to the sky) exaggerates the meaning of flame 🔥. This metaphor implies that the flames 🔥 were so high as if they were touching the sky. In reality, nothing exists like that. The metaphor vividly portrays the fire scene and gives us information about a heavy fire outbreak, and the flames 🔥 of fire were very high. You may be shocked to hear that we all use metaphors every day, but unfortunately, most do not know.
Metaphor is not a difficult thing to understand. It is we who have made it complicated. We use metaphors to beautify our writing. Writers use the analogy in their writing to sound professional and expertise in their fields. For example, Hercules had the heart of a lion 🦁. Helen is the apple 🍏 of my eyes 👀. It is raining 🐈 cats and 🐕 dogs. He is the dirty egg 🥚 amongst them. His garden was a jungle of weeds. We use metaphor to exaggerate things, i.e., to show them more than they are. For example, Pakistan and China's friendship is deeper than see and higher than mountains 🏔️. The phrase (deeper than see and higher than mountains 🏔️) is a metaphor in the above sentence. The speaker exaggerates the idea 💡 of friendship between Pakistan and China. The speaker considers that the friendship between Pakistan and China is unique, cordial, and exemplary. Therefore, the speaker draws sketches metaphorically by saying that Pakistan and China's friendship is deeper than see and higher than mountains 🏔️. We use metaphor to compare two different things sharing the same quality. Metaphor gives a specific meaning to another word changing its usual meaning. Suppose we have two words (Love & Battlefield). Love means a strong positive emotion of regard, respect, and affection for something or someone. A battlefield means a place where a battle is fought. Now, if we compare the meaning of the two words, it seems that they have entirely different definitions and even opposite meanings to some extent. Let us use both of the words metaphorically. Love 💞 is a battlefield. Here, the word (battlefield) is used as a metaphor. The word (battlefield) refers back to the word (Love) 💞. The speaker is sharing his experience here. He (speaker) wants to say that as on the battlefield, we fight with another party, similarly, in love 💜, we fight with difficulties that we face. So, for the speaker, Love 💞 and battlefield are the same. We use metaphor instead of more prolonged-expression to make it short and easy to understand. For example, you are working in an office. There is a person named Robin in your office which is very cunning. Robin acts as a spoiler everywhere. You people are sick of Robin. In short, you have a lot of complaints about him. Now, let suppose someone asks you what kind of person Robin is. You can reply in two ways. Firstly, you can say many things about his character, like he did wrong to you, misbehaved with your friend and so on. Secondly, you can say Robin is a devil 😈. In the above sentence, the word (devil) is a metaphor. The word (devil) refers back to the word (Robin) and suggests that both the terms are equal in quality. The speaker 🔊 wants to say that Robin behaves like a devil, and there is no difference between the two. Therefore, the speaker has used metaphor here.
Explanation of metaphor with examples
Example 1 She is hot. In the above sentence, the word (hot) is a metaphor as we know that hot means something that gives energy and heat. For example, if we take our hands 🧤 near fire 🔥, we feel warm, and our blood circulates fast. It gives us energy. In the same way, when we say she is hot, it means that she is beautiful. Her body attracts us sexually. Our energy level goes up. So that's why we say she is hot, metaphorically. Example 2 You lit a fire 🔥 in his ass. In the above sentence, the phrase (a fire in his ass) is a metaphor. Suppose a girl breaks up with a boyfriend and then she makes a new boyfriend. To make her ex-boyfriend feel bad, the girl takes her new boyfriend in front of her ex-boyfriend. There she starts kissing and hugging him. She catches his hand firmly in her hand and starts waving. Her ex-boyfriend feels very bad. The girl then says to her new boyfriend. You lit a fire 🔥 in his ass. Example 3 My wife is honey 🍯. In the above sentence, the word (Honey) 🍯 is a metaphor. Often we use this word for a spouse and girlfriend. As honey 🍯 is sweet and pure, similarly, we feel a kind of sweetness towards our beloved ones. So, indirectly the speaker wants to say that my wife is so sweet and shares the quality of honey. Example 4 She is a book 📖 worm 🐛. In the above sentence, the word (book worm) is a metaphor. It does not mean that she is a bookworm 🐛 . As a worm works steadily and eats the hardwood, she is compared to the worm 🐛 because she always reads the book and absorbs all the knowledge. The word (a book worm ) is used for a person who is always busy reading books. Example 5 There was a pin 📍 drop silence. In the above sentence, the phrase (pin drop silence) is a metaphor. It is used when there is complete silence. Here, the speaker describes a situation where there was complete silence, and he compares this silence with the pin 📍 drop silence. What is a pin 📍 drop silence? Suppose you are in the classroom. Everybody is silent, and there is complete silence. Usually, when a pin 📍 drops, it does not make any noise to be noted. But when it is completely silent, then it may produce a little bit of noise. So here, the speaker says that there was a complete silence even a noise of dropping pin 📍 could be noticed. Example 6 Usain Bolt is a running machine. In the above sentence, the word (running machine) is a metaphor. In this sentence, the speaker wants to deliver an idea 💡 that Usain Bolt, a Jamaican sprinter runs super fast. The speaker compares the running of Usain Bolt with the running machine and considers that there is no difference between the two. Example 7 Rosie is a whore. In the above sentence, the word (whore) is a metaphor. It is quite possible that Rosie may not be a whore at all, but the speaker gives us a clue that, like a whore, Rosie has a sexual relationship with every other person. So for the speaker, there is no difference between a whore and Rosie. That's why he says, Rosie is a whore. Example 8 He is a dick head. In the above sentence, the word (dick head) is a metaphor. It doesn't mean that he is a dick head. It means that he behaves like a dick head. Here the speaker delivers an idea 💡 that like you can't count on dick head, it can embarrass you anytime, anywhere. For example, you see a hot girl on the bus 🚌, the dick head will start erecting. It will not see the time, situation, or even day and night 🌃. It will embarrass you anyway. Here, the speaker compares the person in quality with dick head. This expression is used for a person who is stupid and acts bizarrely. Example 9 Akram has a golden 🥇 heart ❤️. In the above sentence, the word (golden heart) 💜 is a metaphor. There is no such thing as a golden heart 💓. This expression is used for a very kind person who forgives others' faults and keeps nothing bad in his heart 💖 for others. As gold 🥇 is precious, so here the speaker compares the kind heart of Akram. Example 10 Salma is a walking dictionary. In the above sentence, the word (walking dictionary) is a metaphor. Here the speaker tries to convince us that Salma is knowledgeable and knows everything about every topic, so the speaker compares her intelligence with the dictionary.
Are metaphor and simile the same?
The answer is "NO." There is a slight difference between a simile and a metaphor. We use simile the same way we use the metaphor. The only difference is that we use connecting words (as & like) with simile; otherwise, there is no such difference between the usage of simile and metaphor. Let us have a closer look at some of the examples. William is a lion 🦁. (Metaphor) Salman is as brave as a lion 🦁. (Simile) She is a fox 🦊. ( Metaphor) She is as cunning as a fox 🦊. ( Simile) He is a parrot 🦜. (Metaphor) He speaks like a parrot 🦜. (Simile) Mike is Hitler. (Metaphor) Mike is as cruel as Hitler. (Simile) He is an angel. (Metaphor) He is like an angel. (Simile) Read the full article
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200 + most popular English idioms in Urdu
english idioms in udu
200 + English idioms in Urdu you must need to know to sound more professional. Idioms are those sentences that are time-tested and rich in wisdom. Often older people, men, and women use idioms frequently in their speeches. It isn't easy to get their meaning at once because its figurative meaning differs from literal. It has been observed that we have very few resources to know about these odd sentences. Therefore, below are given 200 + the most popular English idioms in Urdu. Note: - If you do not find the English idiom in Urdu you want to know about then please let me know in the comment box below, thanks.
The most popular English idioms in Urdu for enhancing your vocabulary
English IdiomsUrdu TranslationOne post and a hundred candidatesایک انار سو بیمارA wish coming trueاندھا کیا چاہے دو آنکھیںOut of the frying pan into the fire 🔥آسمان سے گرا،کجھور میں اٹکاNeither fish 🐠 nor fowlآدھا تیتر آدھا بٹیرComes good evil runsآیا رمضان بھاگا شیطانOut of sight, out of mindآنکھ اوجھل پہاڑ اوجھلSelf-done is well doneآپ کاج مہا کاجAmong the blinds one-eyed is kingاندھوں میں کانا راجAll are not alikeپانچوں انگلیاں برابر نہیں ہوتیThe teacher behaves like a crazy kidپڑھیں فارسی بیچیں تیلAn empty vessel makes a much noiseتھوتھا چنا باجے گھناCharity begins at homeاول خویش بعد درویشWhile in Rome, do as the Romans doجیسا دیس ویسا بھیسForced guest is not welcomedجان نہ پہچان میں ترا مہمانMight is rightجس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینسLet us see which way the wind blowsدیکھتے ہیں کہ اونٹ 🐫 کس کروٹ بیٹھتا ہےIf you have decided to leave me, no need to say sorryجب ناچنے لگی تو گھونگھٹ کیساIf the sky falls, we shall catch the larksنہ نو من تیل ہوگا نہ رادھا ناچے گیThe ass dreams thistlesبلی کے خواب میں چھیچھڑےThere is no rose 🌹 without a throneجہاں پھول وہاں کانٹےSelf-praise is no praiseاپنے منہ میاں مٹھوSave life save a millionجان بچی سو لاکھوں پائےThe higher you go, the cooler it isجتنا گڑ ڈالوگے اتنا میٹھا ہوگاBetrays the one you owe toجس تھالی میں کھائے اس میں چھید کرناCut your coat 🧥 according to your clothجتنی چادر ہو اتنے ہی پاؤں پھیلاؤWalls have ears👂دیواروں کے بھی کان ہوتے ہیںEverything will be clear when you see the truthدودھ کا دودھ پانی کا پانیA drowning man catches at a strawڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہاراA burnt rope does not lose in a twistرسی جل گئی پر بل نہ گیاWhere there is life, there is hopeجب تک سانس تب تک آسFortune mishaps at the very outsetسر منڈاتے ہی اولے پڑےOuter is the inner shadowدلوں کی میل پیشانی پر آئے بغیر نہیں رہتیTo make a mountain 🏔️ of a molehillرائی کا پہاڑ بناناA mountain 🏔️ is labor and a mouse 🐀 be the resultکھودا پہاڑ نکلا چوہاWhat all men say is always trueزبان خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھوA poor's man voice is never heard against the richنقار خانے میں طوطے کی کون سنتا ہےA rolling stone gathers no mossدھوبی کا کتا نہ گھر کا نہ گھاٹ کاEverything appears yellow 💛 to the Jaundiced 👀 eyesساون کے اندھے کو ہرا ہی سوجھت�� ہےYou can not convince a stubborn manڈھاک کے تین پاتEasy come, easy goمفت مال دل بے رحمThe fox 🦊 knows many devices but the cat 😺 great on onlyسو سنار کی ایک لوہار کی If Allah wills not, no can harmجسے اللہ رکھے اسے کون چکھےTo show anger after getting embarrassedکھسیانی بلی کھمبا نوچنے چلیHoney 🍯 is not for the asses mouthیہ منہ اور مسور کی دالTo talk big without having a prominent positionچھوٹا منہ بڑی باتThe division is the main reason for damageگھر کا بھیدی لنکا ڈھائےGood mind, good findآپ بھلے تو جگ بھلاDo evil and look for likeکر برا تو ہو براRubbing salt 🧂 one's woundزخموں پر نمک چھڑکناYou have to lose something to gain somethingکچھ پانے کیلئے کچھ کھونا پڑتا ہےNature can not be changedچور چوری سے باز آتا ہے ہیرا پھیری سے نہیںThe sleeping fox 🦊 catches no poultry 🍗جو سوتے ہیں وہ کھوتے ہیںOnce bitten twice shyسانپ کا ڈسا رسی سے بھی ڈرتا ہےIt is useless to cry over spilled milk 🥛اب پچھتائے کیا ہوت جب چڑیاں چک گئی کھیتAt open doors 🚪 dog 🐕 dogs come inآ بیل مجھے مارTo kill bird 🕊️ birds with one stoneایک پنتھ دو کاجThe thief threatens the constableالٹا چور کوتوال کو ڈانٹےBell 🔔 calls others to church but enter it themselvesاوروں کو نصیحت خود میاں فضیحتA single sinner sinks the boat ⛵ایک مچھلی سارے تالاب کو گندہ کر دیتی ہےBetter an egg 🥚 today than a hen tomorrowنو نقد نہ ترا ادھارNo pain, no gainsسیوا بن میوا کہاںGod helps those who help themselvesہمت مرداں مدد خداCocks fight best its own dunghillاپنی گلی میں کتا بھی شیر ہوتا ہےThat city can not prosper where ox 🐂 is sold less than a fish 🐟اندھر نگری چوپٹ راجA pimple has grown upon an ulcerایک کریلہ دوسرا نیم چڑھاA flower 🌹 alone can not make a garlandاکیلا چنا باڑ نہیں پھوڑ سکتاThe blind man is no judge of colorsگدھا کیا جانے بسنت کی بہارSomething is better than nothingبھاگتے چور کی لنگوٹی ہی سہیFair exchange 💱 is no robberyجب میاں بیوی راضی تو کیا کرے قاضیA black man being called Mr. Whiteپڑھے نہ لکھے نام محمد فاضلYouth is blindجوانی دیوانی ہوتی ہےWhat is done, ✅ is doneرات گئی بات گئیBlood is thicker than waterاپنا مارے چھاؤں میں کرےMoney makes the mare goدام بنائے کامRome was not built in a dayسرسوں ہتھیلی پر نہیں جمتیYou can not get oil from stonesان تلوں میں تیل نہیںAs you sow, so shall you reapجیسا کروگے ویسا بھروگےA poor worker blames his toolsناچ نہ جانے آنگن ٹیڑھاIt takes two to make a quarrelایک ہاتھ سے تالی نہیں بجتیThe grass looks greener on the other side of the fenceدور کے ڈھول سہانےTo use the available opportunityبہتی گنگا میں ہاتھ دھوناOne is afraid of his crimeچور کی داڑھی میں تنکاThe grapes 🍇 are sourانگور کھٹے ہیںEvidence does not need proofہاتھ گنگن کو آر سی کیاThere is something at the bottomدال میں کچھ کالا ضرور ہےGetting involved without havingمان نہ مان میں ترا مہمانA young whore an old saintنو سو چوہے کھا کے بلی حج کو چلیHard nut to crackلوہے کے چنے چباناIn front a precipice behind a 🐺 Wolfآگے کنواں پیچھے کھائیTo add fuel ⛽ to the fire 🔥جلتی پر تیل چھڑکناWhere there is a will, there is a wayجہاں چاہ وہاں راہAll is well that's ends wellانتھ بھلا سو بھلاNo man can serve two mastersایک میان میں دو تلواریں نہیں سماتیںDo good, have goodکر بھلا سو ہو بھلاGreed is curseلالچ بری بلا ہےUnion is strengthاتفاق میں برکت ہےBarking dogs 🐕 seldom biteجو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیںPure gold doe not fear the flames 🔥سانچ کو آ نچ نہیںEvery person knows their businessجسکا کام اسی کو ساجھےA nine days wonderچار دن کی چاندنی پھر اندھیری راتDiamond 💎 cuts diamondلوہے کو لوہا کاٹتا ہےDo good and cast into the riverنیکی کر دریا میں ڈالA little knowledge is a dangerous thingنیم حکیم خطرہ جان، نیم ملا خطرہ ایمانOnly if you are alive, things matterجان ہے تو جہان ہےA wild in lamb's clothingبغل میں چھری منہ میں رام رامThe butcher looked for the knife 🔪 when he had it in his mouthبچہ بغل میں ڈھنڈورا شہر میںOld mare red reignsبوڑھی گھوڑی لال لگامWatch the oil and watch it pourتیل دیکھو تیل کی دھار دیکھوTo carry coal to Newcastleچور مچائے شورNecessity is the mother of inventionضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہےLove is blindمحبت اندھی ہوتی ہےSomething happens for a reasonبنیے کا بیٹا کچھ دیکھ کر ہی گرتا ہےYou can not catch a hare with a tabretلاتوں کے بھوت باتوں سے نہیں مانتےTo make responsible others for your faultsایک تو چوری اوپر سے سینہ زوریOnly those who dare risk a fallگرتے ہیں شہہ سوار ہی میدان جنگ میںWater always flows downsideغریب کی جورو سب کی بھابیEarth's joys and heaven combinedآم کے آم گٹھلیوں کے دامBeauty is in the eyes 👀 of a beholderخوبصورتی دیکھنے والے کی آنکھ میں ہوتی ہےLoaf 🍞 of bread looks bigger in poor's handغریب کے ہاتھ میں روٹی کا ٹکڑا بھی بڑا لگتا ہےA man is known by the company he keepsآدمی اپنی صحبت سے پہچانا جاتا ہےLove ❤️ and red rose 🌹 can not be hidعشق اور مشق چھپائے نہیں چھپتےBad is worse than good deedsبد اچھا بدنام براThere is no time for the customer and death 💀موت اور گاہگ کا کوئی وقت نہیں ہوتاA stitch in time saves nineوقت کا ایک ٹانکا بے وقت کے نو ٹانکوں سے بہتر ہےHopelessness us a sinنا امیدی گناہ ہےCopying too needs senseنقل کیلئے بھی عقل کی ضرورت ہوتی ہےBeware of copycatsنقالوں سے ہوشیار رہیںIt is not a thorough fareیہ شارع عام نہیںPride hath a fallغرور کا سر نیچاTo build castles in the airہوائی قلعے تعمیر کرناA lie has no legs to stand uponجھوٹ کے پاؤں نہیں ہوتےEvery rise has a fallہر عروج کو زوال ہوتا ہےAs many mouths so many opinionsجتنے منہ اتنی باتیںA constant guest is never welcomedعزت کھو دیتا ہر روز کا آنا جاناThe more the sweat the more the rewardجتنا گڑ ڈالوگے اتنا ہی میٹھا ہو گاTruth is ever greenسانچ کو آ نچ نہیںIt is good sometimes to hold 🕯️ candle for the devil 😈ضرورت کے وقت گدھے کو بھی باپ بنانا پڑتا ہےTruth is bitterسچ کڑوا ہوتا ہےI ask for a fork 🍴 and you bring a rakeمیں مارتا کدھر ہوں اور آواز کدھر سے آتی ہےA closed 🔐 mouth catches no flyبن روئے ماں بھی دودھ نہیں دیتیFetters even of gold are heavyنوکری باپ کی بھی بریA Pitcher that goes to the wall must break at lastبکرے کی آخر کب تک خیر منائیں گیIt is never late to mendصبح کا بھولا شام کو واپس آئے تو بھولا نہ کہلائےFirst come, first serveپہلے آئیں پہلے پائیںPrevention is better than cureپرہیز علاج سے بہتر ہےAn empty mind is devil's workshopخالی دماغ شیطان کا گھر ہوتا ہےA nod is enough to the wiseعقلمند کیلئے اشارہ کافی ہوتا ہےSuperstitution has no cureوہم کا علاج لقمان حکیم کے پاس بھی نہیںHealth is wealthتندرستی ہزار نعمت ہےHonesty is the best policyایمانداری بہترین حکمت عملی ہےLove ❤️ begets loveدل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہےWhere there is bee, there is honeyجس گھر میں بیری ہو وہاں پتھر آتے رہتے ہیںMoses to every pharaohہر فرعون را موسیٰFailure is the first step to successناکامی کامیابی کی پہلی سیڑھی ہےThe villiage was not settled and the beggars cameگاؤں بسا نہیں اور بھکاری آگئےTit for tatادلے کا بدلہNothing comes amiss to a hungry manبھوکے کو سوکھی بھی چپڑی کے برابرGreat cry little wool 🦙اونچی دکان پھیکا پکوانCasting pearls before swineبھینس کے آگے بین بجاناA drop 💧 in the ocean 🌊اونٹ 🐫 کے منہ میں زیرہTo go about the same beaten pathلکیر کا فقیرThe snake dies, and the club does not break 💔سانپ 🐍 بھی مر جاۓ اور لاٹھی بھی نہ ٹوٹےTwo hunts with one arrow 💘ایک تیر سے دو شکارHis wits are gone a woolgatheringاسکی عقل گھاس چرنے گئی ہےAs the king 👑so are subjectsجیسا راجا ویسی پرجاThe child is in the armpit, chaos in the cityبچہ بغل میں ڈھنڈورا شہر میںA dead bee 🐝makes no honey 🍯مری ہوئی مکھی سے شہد 🍯 نہیں نکلتاThe modesty will be the ruin of youجس نے کی شرم اسکے پھوٹے کرمWhen God says today, the devil says tomorrowٹال مٹول کام شیطان 😈 کاOut of debt, out of danger ⚡بھلا جو رکھے آپ کا، دینا نہ رکھے باپ کاHoney 🍯 is sweet, but the bee 🐝 stingsپھول میں کانٹا ہےNo corn 🌽 without chaffبھوسے بغیر اناج نہیںCreep before you gangدوڑنے سے پہلے چلنا سیکھوUneasy lies the head that wears the crown 👑کھوٹھی ولا روئے چھپری والا سوئےDo not give me words instead of mealsخالی باتوں سے بھی کہیں پیٹ بھرتا ہےAn open door 🚪 will tempt a saintمفت کی شراب قاضی کو بھی حلالError is always in the hassleشتابی میں خرابیDo not put all your eggs 🥚 in one bucketسارے انڈے ایک ہی ٹوکرے میں نہ رکھوPoverty on an old man's back is a heavy burdenبڑھاپے کی مفلسی سب سے بریMoney 💵 earned the wrong way will be taken awayچوری کا مال موری میںA fog can not be dispelled by a fanاوس چھوٹنے سے پیاس نہیں بجھتیBirds of same feather flock 🕊️ togetherچور چور میسرے بھائیThey agree like a pick-pocket in a fairچور کا بھائی گٹھ کتراThe water of water, milk of 🥛 milkدودھ کا دودھ پانی کا پانیFriendship is not to be bought at a fairدوست راہ چلتے نہیں بنتےNo one can strip a naked personننگی کیا نہائے گی کیا نچوڑے گیThe mind ennoble not the bloodشرافت نیت سے ہےTo invite one and feast anotherایک کو سائی دوسرے کو بدھائیBetter cut the shoes 👟 than pinch the foot 👣بھٹ پڑے وہ سونا جسے ٹوٹے کانThe slothful man is the beggar's brotherکاہل فقیر کا بھائی Read the full article
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present indefinite tense in Urdu made easy
present indefinite tense in urdu
Dear students, today, we will learn Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu. پیارے دوستوں سب سے پہلے ہمیں یہ جاننا ہے کہ فعل حال مطلق (پریزنٹ انڈ یپیننٹ ٹینس) کی تعریف کیا ہے ۔اس کے علاوہ یہ کب ،کہاں اور کیسے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ آج کے سبق میں ہم یہ ساری چیزیں تفصیل کے ساتھ پڑھیں گے۔ باقاعدہ سبق شروع کرنے سے پہلے یہ بات اچھی طرح ذہن نشین کرلیں کہ زمانہ کے اعتبار سے فعل تین قسم کے ہوتے ہیں یعنی کہ (فعل حال،فعل ماضی،فعل مستقبل) جبکہ کام کے اعتبار سے فعل دو قسم کے ہوتے ہیں یعنی کہ (فعل جاری اور فعل مکمل) دیکھو، سادہ سی بات ہے کام یا تو جاری ہوتا ہے یا مکمل۔ اب سوال یہ پیدا ہوتا ہے کی باقی کے دو فعل کدھر سے آگئے ہیں انگریزی گرٔیمر میں۔مرا اشارہ ہے (فعل مطلق اور فعل مکمل جاری کی طرف)۔ آپ لوگوں کو شاید یہ جان کر حیرت ہوگی کہ فعل مکمل جاری فعل درحقیقت میں ہوتا ہی نہیں۔یہ فعل ایسے ہی فضول میں بنایا گیا جس کے بنانے کی کوئی معقول وجہ نظر نہیں آتی۔ اسلئے یہ فعل بہت ہی کم استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ اب بات کرتے ہیں کہ فعل مطلق کیا چیز ہے اور یہ کس بلا کا نام ہے۔ تو دوستوں فعل مطلق ایک ایسا فعل ہے کہ جس سے کسی کام کے جاری رہنے یا مکمل ہونے کا پتہ نہیں چلتا بلکہ ہم اس فعل کا بنیادی استعمال روزمرہ زندگی کے ان کاموں کے لیے کرتے ہیں جنہیں ہم روزانہ کی بنیاد پر دہراتے ہیں۔ ایک ایسا سچ جو افلاکی ہو ، جس کو جھٹلایا نہ جا سکے ایسے سچ کو بیان کرنے کے لیے بھی ہم فعل مطلق کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ کوئی شخص یا چیز کس حالت میں ہے اسکے لیے بھی ہم فعل مطلق کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ اب ہم باقاعدہ جاننے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں کہ فعل حال مطلق کیا ہے ۔ تو چلو دوستوں بغیر وقت ضائع کئے شروع کرتے ہیں فعل حال مطلق کی تعریف: ۔ جیسا کہ نام سے ظاہر ہے فعل حال مطلق وہ فعل ہے جس کو ہم زمانہ حال میں استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ فعل حال مطلق کی پہچان کا سب سے آسان طریقہ یہ ہے کہ جس ف��رے سے یہ پتہ نہ چلتا ہو کہ آیا یہ کام جاری ہے یا مکمل تو سمجھ لیں کہ یہ فعل حال مطلق ہی ہے اگر زمانہ حال میں بات ہو رہی ہو تو۔ بنیادی طور پر ہم فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال مندرجہ ذیل فقروں میں کرتے ہیں جن میں کسی کام کا ذکر نہیں ہوتا بلکہ ہم صرف اپنی رائے کا اظہار کرتے ہیں ہم فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال زمانہ حال میں اپنی عادات کے بارے میں کرتے ہیں جن کو ہم دہراتے ہیں۔ مثلاً He goes to school وہ سکول جاتا ہے Alina drives her car علینہ اپنی گاڑی چلاتی ہے Sohail plays cricket سہیل کرکٹ کھیلتا ہے مندرجہ بالا فقرات میں ایک بات مشترک ہے اور وہ ہے عادت جن کو ہم آئے روز دہراتے ہیں۔ اوپر کے سارے فقرات میں عادات کا ذکر ہے اور زمانہ حال میں بات ہو رہی ہے اس لیے ہم نے فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال کیا ہے۔ نیچے دیئے گئے مثال پر غور کریں He goes to office وہ روزانہ آفس جاتا ہے۔ اب اس جملے کا ہرگز یہ مطلب نہیں کہ (وہ آفس جا رہا ہے) بلکہ اس کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ اس کی روزانہ روٹین ہے۔ ہو سکتا ہے کہ وہ کل بھی آفس گیا ہو، آج بھی آفس گیا ہو اور کل بھی جانے کا ارادہ ہو۔ ہم فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال زمانہ حال میں کسی کی کیفیت بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ کون یا کوئی شے کس حالت میں ہے کو بیان کرنے کے لیے فعل حال مطلق فعل استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ مثلاً Waqar is sick 😷 وقار بیمار ہے Sara is fat سارہ موٹی ہے I am happy میں خوش ہوں اوپر کے سارے فقرات میں کیفیات کا ذکر کیا گیا ہے اس لیے ہم نے فعل حال مطلق فعل کا استعمال کیا ہے۔ ہم فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال زمانہ حال میں افلاکی سچائی (ایسی سچائی جس سے انکار نہ کیا جا سکے) کیلئے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ مثلاً God is one اللہ ایک ہے Two and two make four. دو اور دو چار ہوتے ہیں Honesty is the best policy ایمانداری بہترین حکمت عملی ہے ہم فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال زمانہ حال میں کسی کا (پیشہ) بیان کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ مثلاً He is a teacher وہ ایک استاد ہے Imran Khan is a politician عمران خان ایک سیاستدان ہے Mahira Khan is an actress. ماہرہ خان ایک اداکارہ ہے اوپر دی گئی مثالوں سے ایک بات تو بالکل واضح ہوتی ہے کہ فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال صرف ان فقروں میں ہوتا ہے جن میں کوئی پریکٹیکل کام نہیں ہوتا ہے بلکہ ہم صرف اپنی رائے کا اظہار کرتے ہیں۔ اچھا کچھ لوگ یہ غلط فہمی پھیلاتے ہیں کہ فعل حال مطلق کا استعمال مستقبل میں بھی ہوتا ہے جیسا کہ Tomorrow is holiday کل چھٹی ہے در حقیقت یہ ایک رائے ہے جس کو ہم انگریزی میں سٹیٹمنٹ کہتے ہیں اور کسی بھی رائے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کو بیان کرنے کے لیے ہم فعل حال مطلق کا ہی استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
recognitition of present indefinite tense in urdu
فعل حال مطلق کی پہچان:۔ فعل حال مطلق کی پہچان کیلئے مندرجہ ذیل باتوں کو ہمیشہ ذہن میں رکھیں۔ جس فقرے میں روزمرہ کی عادت بیان کی گئی ہ��،زمانہ حال استعمال ہوا ہو تو سمجھ لینا کہ وہ فقرہ فعل حال مطلق کا ہے۔ جس فقرے میں افلاکی سچائی بیان کی گئی ہو۔ ایسی سچائی جس سے انکار نہ کیا جا سکے،زمانہ حال استعمال ہوا ہو تو وہ فقرہ فعل حال مطلق کا ہی ہوگا۔ جس فقرے میں کسی کے پیشے کے بارے میں بات کی گئی ہو کہ وہ کیا کام کرتا ہے،زمانہ حال استعمال ہوا ہو تو یقیناً وہ فعل حال مطلق ہی ہے۔ جس فقرے میں کسی کی کیفیت کے بارے میں بات کی گئی ہو کہ وہ کس حالت میں ہے تو یہ ایک نشانی ہے کہ وہ فقرہ فعل حال مطلق کا ہے۔ سب سے آسان اور زبان زدِ عام طریقہ فعل حال مطلق کی پہچان کا یہ ہے کہ جس فقرے کے آخر میں (تا ہے،تے ہو،تی ہے اور ہوں ) کا استعمال کیا گیا ہو تو وہ فعل حال مطلق کا ہی فقرہ ہوتا ہے۔
formation of present indefinite tense in urdu
فعل حال مطلق بنانے کا طریقہ:۔ فعل حال مطلق کو بنانے کیلئے سب سے پہلے (فائل) اس کے بعد (فعل) اور آخر میں (مفعول) کا استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ (فائل) + (فعل) + (مفعول) Subject + Verb + Object فائل (سبجیکٹ) کا مطلب ہے عمل کرنے والا فعل (ورب) کا مطلب ہے کہ جو عمل ہو رہا ہو مفعول (آبجیکٹ) کا مطلب ہے کہ جس چیز پر عمل ہو رہا ہو مثلاً He eats mangoes 🥭 وہ آم کھاتا ہے یہاں پر (ہی) فائل ہے (عیٹ) فعل اور (مینگو) 🥭 مفعول ہے۔ یہاں پر وہ (ہی) عمل کرنے والا ہے اور کھانا (عیٹ) عمل ہے اور 🥭 (مینگو) وہ چیز ہے جس پر عمل ہو رہا ہے۔ دوسری مثال Shakira sings a song شکیرا گانا گاتی ہے یہاں پر (شکیرا) فائل ہے (سنگ) فعل اور (سونگ) مفعول ہے۔ یہاں پر شکیرا عمل کرنے والی ہے اور گانا (سنگ) عمل ہے اور (سونگ) وہ چیز ہے جس پر عمل ہو رہا ہے۔ تیسری مثال They play cricket وہ کرکٹ کھیلتے ہیں یہاں پر (دے) فائل ہے (پلے) فعل اور (کرکٹ) مفعول ہے۔ یہاں پر وہ (دے) عمل کرنے والے ہیں اور کھیلنا (پلے) عمل ہے اور کرکٹ وہ چیز ہے جس پر عمل ہو رہا ہے۔ فعل حال مطلق میں ہم (ایس) یا (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کب اور کیوں کرتے ہیں۔ یہ ایک ایسا سوال ہے جو ہر طالب علم کے ذہن میں ہوتا ہے۔چلو آج ہم اس معمے کو بھی حل کرتے ہیں۔ ذیادہ گہرائی میں جانے کی ضرورت ہی نہیں۔ سادہ سی بات ہے انگریزی گرٔیمر کا اصول ہے کہ واحد فائل کے ساتھ واحد فعل استعمال کیا جاتا ہے اور جمع فائل کے ساتھ جمع فعل استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔اور ہم اردو زبان میںھ، بھی ایسا ہی کرتے ہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر عثمان پڑھتا ہے جمیلہ روتی ہے فاروق گاڑی چلاتا ہے اوپر کے سارے فقرات میں ہم نے چھوٹی (ہے) کا استعمال اس لئے کیا ہے کیونکہ فقرے کا فائل واحد ہے اور اس مناسبت سے ہم نے فعل (پڑھتا،روتی،چلاتا) بھی واحد استعمال کیا ہے طلباء پڑھتے ہیں والدین بچوں کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اساتذہ سکول جاتے ہیں اوپر کے سارے فقرات میں ہم نے بڑی (ہیں) کا استعمال اس لئے کیا ہے کیونکہ فقرے کا فائل جمع ہے اور اس مناسبت سے ہم نے فعل (پڑھتے،رکھتے،جاتے) بھی جمع استعمال کیا ہے اب بات کرتے ہیں کہ انگریزی میں ہم (ایس) یا (سی ایس) کا اضافہ کیوں کرتے ہیں۔ جیسا کہ ہم اوپر پڑھ چکے ہیں کی اردو اور انگریزی دونوں زبانوں میں واحد فائل کے ساتھ واحد فعل استعمال ہوتا ہے اور جمع فائل کے ساتھ جمع فائل استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ انگریزی زبان میں اسکو (سبجیکٹ ورب ایگریمنٹ) کہتے ہیں۔ یہ بات اچھی طرح سمجھ لیں کہ انگریزی زبان میں سارے فعل بنیادی طور پر جمع ہوتے ہیں۔تو ان کو واحد بنانے کیلئے ہم واحد فائلز (ہی،شی،اٹ اینڈ نام) کے ساتھ (ایس) یا (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کرتے ہیں اب اکثر طلبا کہ ذہن میں یہ سوال ہوگا کہ ہم (آئی) کے ساتھ (ایس) یا (سی ایس) کا اضافہ کیوں نہیں کرتے ہیں حالانکہ یہ بھی تو واحد فائل ہے۔تو اس کا جواب یہ ہے کہ انگریزی زبان میں صرف (تھرڈ پرسن سینگولر ناموں) کے ساتھ (ایس) یا (ای ایس) کا اضافہ ہوتا ہے جبکہ (آئی) ایک (فرسٹ پرسن سینگولر نام) ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر He goes to school اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے فعل (گو) کے ساتھ (ای ایس) کا اضافہ اس لیے کیا ہے کیونکہ یہ ایک (تھرڈ پرسن سینگولر نام) ہے۔ اور دوسری بات یہ ہے کہ چونکہ اس فقرے کا فائل (ہی) واحد ہے اور فعل (گو) بنیادی طور پر جمع فعل ہے جیسا کہ ہم نے اوپر پڑھا ہے کہ انگریزی کے سارے فعل بنیادی طور پر جمع ہوتے ہیں۔اس لیے فعل (گو) کو واحد بنانے کے لیے ہم نے (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کیا ہے She plays piano 🎹 اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے فعل (پلے) کے ساتھ (ایس) کا اضافہ اس لیے کیا ہے کیونکہ یہ ایک (تھرڈ پرسن سینگولر نام) ہے۔ Ahmad recites the Holy Qur'an. اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے فعل (رسائٹ) کے ساتھ (ایس) کا اضافہ اس لیے کیا ہے کیونکہ یہ ایک (تھرڈ پرسن سینگولر نام) ہے۔ It smells bad اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے فعل (سمل) کے ساتھ (ایس) کا اضافہ اس لیے کیا ہے کیونکہ یہ ایک(تھرڈ پرسن سینگولر نام) ہے۔ کس فعل کے ساتھ (ایس) اور کس فعل کے ساتھ (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کرتے ہیں انگریزی زبان کے گرائمر کے اصول کے مطابق ��ن افعال کے آخر میں (او،ایس ایچ،سی ایچ،ایکس وغیرہ) آتا ہو۔ ان افعال کے ساتھ (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ باقی سب کے ساتھ (ایس) کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ نوٹ:۔ اگر کسی فعل کے آخر میں (وائی) ہو اور (وائی) سے پہلے کوئی واول (اے، ای،آئی، او، یو) ہو تو صرف (ای)کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے اور اگر کسی فعل کے آخر میں (وائی) ہو اور (وائی) سے پہلے کوئی (کانسونینٹ) ہو تو (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ مثلاً She plays tennis 🎾 اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے (پلے) کے ساتھ (ایس) کا اضافہ اسلئے کیا ہیں کیونکہ (وائی) سے پہلے واول (اے) آیا ہے۔ Ahmad carries a bucket. اوپر دیئے گئے مثال میں ہم نے (کیری) کے ساتھ (ای ایس) کا اضافہ اسلئے کیا ہیں کیونکہ (وائی) سے پہلے (کانسونینٹ) (آر) آیا ہے۔
verb in present indefinite tense in urdu
فعل حال مطلق میں کونسا فعل استعمال ہوتا ہے؟ فعل حال مطلق میں دو طرح کے افعال استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ جس فقرے میں کوئی (ایکشن ورب) استعمال ہوا ہو تو اس فقرے میں ہم واحد فائل کے ساتھ (ڈز) اور جمع فائل کے ساتھ (ڈو) استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ (ایکشن ورب) سے مراد وہ (ورب) ہے جس میں کسی عمل کا ذکر ہو جیسا کہ کھانا ، پینا ،دوڑنا،گانا وغیرہ۔ یاد رہے کہ (ڈو اینڈ ڈز) کا استعمال صرف سوالیہ اور نفی جملوں میں ہوتا ہے۔ سادہ جملوں میں نہیں۔ سادہ جملوں میں بنیادی فعل(مین ورب) کے ساتھ صرف (ایس) یا (ای ایس) کا اضافہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ جس فقرے میں کسی کیفیت یا رائے کے بارے میں اظہار کیا گیا ہو تو اس فقرے میں (از، ایم، آر) میں سے کوئی فعل استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ ہم (ایم) کا استعمال (ائی) کے ساتھ کرتے ہیں۔ (ایم) کا اردو ترجمہ ہے (ہوں) ہم (از) کا استعمال (ہی، شی، اٹ اینڈ نام) کے ساتھ کرتے ہیں۔ (از) کا اردو ترجمہ ہے (ہے) ہم (آر) کا استعمال (وی، یو اینڈ دے) کے ساتھ کرتے ہیں۔ (آر) کا اردو ترجمہ ہے (ہیں اور ہو) سادہ جملے (پازیٹیو سن ٹینس) چند سادہ فقرے جن میں (ایکشن ورب) کا استعمال ہوا ہے۔ I read a book 📖 She washes clothes They plant 🌴 trees. چند سادہ فقرے جن میں رائے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کا استعمال کیا گیا ہے۔ I am a teacher She is sick 🤢 You are handsome 😍 سوالیہ جملے (انٹرو گیٹیو سن ٹینس) چند سوالیہ فقرے جن میں (ایکشن ورب) کا استعمال ہوا ہے۔ Does he ride a 🚲 bike? Do you go to the gym? Does she watch television 📺? چند سوالیہ فقرے جن میں رائے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کا استعمال کیا گیا ہے۔ Are you crazy 😧? Am I stupid 🤔? Is she late? نفی جملے (انٹرو گیٹیو سن ٹینس) چند نفی فقرے جن میں (ایکشن ورب) کا استعمال ہوا ہے۔ Ali does not write a letter 💌 They do not play ⚽ football You do not cook food چند نفی فقرے جن میں رائے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کا استعمال کیا گیا ہے۔ She is not beautiful ❤️ I am not naughty They are not thieves نفی سوالیہ جملے ( نگیٹیو انٹرو گیٹیو سن ٹینس) چند نفی سوالیہ فقرے جن میں (ایکشن ورب) کا استعمال ہوا ہے۔ Do they not study? Does Salman not run? Do you not eat? چند نفی سوالیہ فقرے جن میں رائے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کا استعمال کیا گیا ہے۔ Are you not interested? Am I not intelligent? Is Salma not cute 💜?
50 sentences of action verbs
فعل حال مطلق کے 50 جملے (ایکشن ورب) کے - I write poetry. - She narrates a story. - He works hard. - It tastes delicious 😋 - We carry 🛍️ bags. - You earn money 💰 - Nawaz buys balloons 🎈 - You do not play game - We do not accept your request. - She does not qualify. - He does not cry 😭. - Haroon does not compromise - You do not work correctly. - Do you like her? - Does she love ❤️ you? - Do we annoy you? - Does she nag you? - Do they shout? - He jumps into the water 💦. - I look forward ⏩. - We do not knock at the door 🚪. - Do I disturb you? - I fly an airplane 🛫. - She runs a small business. - They complete their homework. - Do they agree? - Do you realize? - Does she leave? - Tahir does not come. - You do not go. - Do you not understand? - Does she not turn pale? - Waqar teaches maths. - I do not promise. - We bring 📃 documents. - Does he fight with you? - Do they drink 🍷 alcohol? - I pray to God. - Do you not feel shame? - She does not care. - He speaks fast. - I run slow. - She chews bubble gum. - My grandma reads 🗞️ a newspaper. - They tell us lies. - We do not hate you. - Ayesha does not respect me. - He raises his hand - Do you repair your shoes? - Do you not listen 👂?
50 sentences of state of being
فعل حال مطلق کے 50 جملے (سٹیٹمنٹ) کے - I am happy 😊. - Iqbal is a teacher. - She is hot 🔥. - It is pricy. - We are friends. - They are foreigners. - You are nervous. - Akram is young. - Am I stingy? - Are you mad 😡? - Is he tired 😩? - Is she bridal? - Is it gold 🥇? - Are we late? - Are they selfish? - Is Irfan lazy? - I am not busy. - He is not arrogant. - She is not sexy 😜. - You are not alone - We are not your slaves. - They are not foolish. - Reema is not pregnant. - Am I not intelligent 🤓? - Are you not interested? - Are we not serious? - Is he not home? - Is she not asleep? - Is it not broken 💔? - Are they not angry 😡? - Is Kamran not sure? - I am confused. - He is worried 😫. - you are mistaken. - We are players. - She is a nurse. - It is a football ⚽. - You are my teacher. - Tahir is healthy. - They are American. - I am not naughty 🙂. - You are not clever. - Are we lazy? - She is abnormal. - Is he not available? - You are stubborn. - They are jealous. - It is flexible. - They are twins. - She is cool 😎. Read the full article
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Abstract Noun: A Comprehensive Guide To Sorting It Out.
definition of an abstract noun
Def: - Abstract Noun is a Noun that we can only feel but cannot experience with our five senses, i.e. (see, hear, taste, smell, or touch). It is an intangible Noun that has no physical existence. Hence, an abstract noun has no physical shape; therefore, we can neither make a picture of it in our mind if we think about it nor can we express it in our words. For example, Honesty is the best policy. Here the word "honesty" is an Abstract Noun. We cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste honesty. It is an idea 💡 that can only be felt. I love 💕 you. Here the word "Love"💕 is an abstract noun. Love ❤️ is one of the forms of emotion. It cannot be expressed in words. We can only feel it when we are in love 💜 with someone. Pakistan got independence in 1947. Here the word "independence" is an abstract noun. It is a concept that is beyond expression. One of the remarkable things about an abstract noun is that it has a different meaning for different people. The definition of an abstract noun changes from person to person everywhere. It has no single meaning like other common nouns. For example, I have some information to share with you. In the example above, the word "information" is an abstract noun. Information can be anything. You cannot define information in words, and every person will define it differently according to their knowledge. You will not always get the same answer if you ask someone to define information. On the other hand, a common noun has a fixed meaning. There is only one definition, and people have no confusion in their minds about its description. For example, This is a glass. In the above example, the word "glass" is a common noun. It has a precise meaning. People may name it differently in their mother tongue, but everyone worldwide knows that glass is a thing that is used to drink water. You will always get the same answer if you ask someone to define a glass. Lets us understand the concept of abstract nouns more clearly with a short story. Long ago, there was a boy in Saudi Arabia. His name was Qais (قیس). He fell in love with a girl whose name was Laila (لیٰلی). Laila also loved Qais. Their love was exemplary. Qais was obsessed with Laila. Qais loved Laila so much that he would wait in front of Laila's home for hours to see a glimpse of her. People started calling Qais crazy (مجنون). An exciting thing about Laila was that she was very black. In the Arabic language, Laila means night. As night is dark and black, therefore, she was called Laila. Soon their love story spread far and wide across the country. The love couple became famous as Romeo and Juliet. The news of their love story reached the king. The king became so much curious about the loving couple that he wished to see them. The king invited Qais and Laila to his court. When the king saw Laila, he laughed loudly and said. I had heard so much about you and your love story. I thought Laila would be so much beautiful because you are cray after her. Then he asked Qais satirically. Do you love this black Laila? Qais replied humbly. My king, see Laila through my eyes; you will find here the most beautiful girl in the world. The king smiled and said, someone, has rightly said that "beauty is in the eyes of a beholder." In the above story, there are two abstract nouns, Love and Beauty. Both of the abstract nouns are indescribable. These words have different definitions for different people. As we saw in the story, the concept of love and beauty was different in the king's mind compared to Qais.
Don't be confused between an abstract noun and an uncountable noun
The majority of students get confused when differentiating between an abstract noun and an uncountable noun. But there is a clear-cut distinction between the two. There are two types of uncountable nouns, uncountable concrete nouns, and Abstract uncountable nouns. Concrete uncountable nouns are those nouns that we can detect with our five senses. Sometimes, we can count some of the uncountable concrete nouns individually, but we cannot count them as a whole. For example, I like rice. The word "Rice" is one of the examples of the uncountable concrete noun. We can experience it with our five senses. We can count individual grains of rice, but it is hard or maybe impossible to count the whole packet of rice. Therefore, it is an uncountable concrete noun. I need some water. Water is another example of an uncountable concrete noun. We can see water, touch it, but we cannot count it. I like ice cream. The word ice cream is an uncountable concrete noun. Abstract uncountable nouns are those nouns that we cannot detect with our five senses. They are more often an idea, quality, or state of being. We don't have any clear picture in our mind to describe them. As we cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or touch them; therefore, it is impossible to count them. For example, I need your advice on this matter. The word advice is an uncountable abstract noun here. There is no fixed meaning of advice. Every person will give different advice if you ask him. You are spreading hatred through your speech. Here the word hatred is an uncountable abstract noun. It is impossible to measure the quantity of hatred. Air is a blessing of God. The word air is an uncountable abstract noun here. We can only feel air but cannot experience it with five senses; therefore, it is an uncountable abstract noun.
Can an abstract noun be plural?
The answer is yes. An abstract noun is always singular. The reason behind this is that abstract noun comes under the category of uncountable noun. As uncountable nouns cannot be counted, that is why they cannot be plural. But there is something else that you should know. An abstract noun is always singular when it is used in a general sense. But when it is used to count the action or activity, it is always plural. Let's understand it with examples. Singular examples Failure is the first step to success. General sense Do you have any idea? General sense What is your problem? General sense Plural examples He faces many failures in his life. Action or activity An idea can change your life. Action or activity She has many domestic problems. Action or activity
How is an abstract noun formed?
An abstract noun is usually formed from nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
The formation of an abstract noun from a common noun.
S NOCOMMON NOUNABSTRACT NOUN1ChildChildhood2Boyboyhood3BrotherBrotherhood4ManManhood5Mother Motherhood6FalseFalsehood7NeighborNeighborhood8FriendFriendship 9KingKingship10RelationRelationship11ScholarScholarship12MemberMembership13CitizenCitizenship14LeaderLeadership15OwnerOwnership16InfantInfancy17AgentAgency18Captaincaptaincy19PiratePiracy20SlaveSlavery
The Formation Of An Abstract Noun From Adjective.
S NOADJECTIVEABSTRACT NOUN1Angry Anger2BeautifulBeauty3InsaneInsanity4BraveBravery5Great Greatness6HungryHunger7LuckyLuck8MatureMaturity9RomanticRomance10RelationRelationship11StrongStrength12StupidStupidity13CleverCleverness14AbleAbility15WeakWeakness16FitFitness17ResponsibleResponsibility18Captaincaptaincy19WiseWisdom20ClearClarity
The Formation Of An Abstract Noun From verb.
S NOVERBABSTRACT NOUN1DieDeath2EducateEducation3DeceiveDeception4BehaveBehavior5Motivate Motivation6IrritateIrritation7CollectCollection8DevoteDevotion9ConcludeConclusion10InviteInvitation11LaughLaughter12AppointAppointment13ImproveImprovement14DivideDivision15DecideDecision16AppreciateAppreciation17ReviseRevision18DetectDetection19AdmitAdmission20CopmeteCompetition
abstract noun example sentences
- Honesty is the best policy. - 💕 Love is life. - Sympathy means respect for the feelings of others. - Don't feel fear. - The ⛓️ chain in the neck of your neighbor's 🐕 dog is your freedom. - Poverty is a sin. - It is a golden 🥇 opportunity for you. - An idea 💡 can change your life. - Union is strength. - A thing of beauty is a joy forever. - No gain, no pain. - It is a white lie. - It is a significant loss for him. - Have good luck. - There was no hope left for him. - Every master was once a disaster. - Your behavior hurts me. - He has a friendship with her. - Suliman is the man of principle. - Might is right. - He sacrificed his life for the sake of his motherland. - Salma is fond of music 🎶. - Please 🙏 mercy on me. - He fought with bravery. - If you show patience, victory will be yours. - Trust in God and do the right. - Islam is the religion of ☮️ peace. - What is your opinion? - You don't know the reality. - If you want peace, prepare for the war. - Charity begins at home. - Money 💵 is power, but knowledge is the superpower - Pride hath a fall. - Your arrogance will destroy you. - There was chaos everywhere in the City. - It is blowing fresh air. - Politics is the shortest way to gain power and fame. - You haven't seen my anger yet. - It is fiction, not a true story. - Health is wealth 🤑. - Ali has no unique skill. - You have no talent. - Pleasure is mine. - Sorry for the inconvenience. - Amazon is famous for its outstanding service. - I was obese in my childhood. - It is your kindness, sir. - Curiosity killed the cat 😸. - Nip the evil in the bud. - What is your goal this year. - do you feel irritation? - He has a sense of humor. - Imran solved the riddle with intelligence. - It is stupidity to run after 🐕 dogs - Iqbal was a poet of great vision. - The rumor must be spread by the enemy. - I need some information. - Beggary is a curse. - I do it for my comfort. - Dictatorship is one of the forms of government. - Always tell the truth. - The world is not a place of happiness but sorrow. - Sara hates defeat. - She is the comfort of my heart 💖 and peace of my mind. - Anarchy is prevailing in the country. - What is your problem? - Do you feel any relief now? - Are you in trouble? - There should be an equal education system for all. - It is my insult. - We are living in a diverse society. - He is addicted to theft. - You have hurt my ego. - We had an adventure in the forest. - Every human being will taste ☠️ death. - Music 🎶 is the diet of the soul. - Are you calm now? - It is a matter of death and life for me. - War brings destruction of men and material. - There is a lack of awareness in our society. - It shows your relationship with her. - We want the rule of justice. - It is unfair. - I have no second thought about it. - Please pay attention here. - I like solitude. - We should worship God. - You broke my rhythm. - We had lengthy gossip then. - Are you suspicious about my ability? - I don't care. - I always enjoy her company. - What enmity do you have with her? - Do respect, have respect - English is science as well as art. - I felt danger. - This work needs clarity of mind. - Necessity is the mother of invention. - She answered me with loud laughter. - Failure is the first step to success. Read the full article
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Demonstrative Pronoun: The Most Persuasive way to learn it
Demonstrative Pronoun
The demonstrative pronoun is one of the eight kinds of a pronoun. As we already know, in the English language’s grammar, the pronoun is used instead of a noun in a sentence to avoid repetition. Demonstrative pronoun does the same thing, i.e., we use a demonstrative pronoun in place of things, objects, or persons that have already been mentioned in a sentence. Def:- Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is commonly used for two things, i.e., for Time and Distance. There are four kinds of Demonstrative pronouns, they are, 1.This 2.That 3.These 4.Those Explanation Of Demonstrative Pronoun
The demonstrative pronoun used for time
We also use “Demonstrative pronoun” in place of a noun (Name of a person, place, or thing) referring to present or past times. Although the use of “Demonstrative pronoun” for time is less commonly used as compared to distance, still, we use it in a lot of situations. Let’s make this point clear with an imagery situation. For example, If Shakira comes to your house and knocks at the door. Your say from the inside, who are you? Shakira’s response would likely be, (This is me, Shakira). Here, “This” is used as a Demonstrative pronoun and refers to the noun Shakira. Hence, the conversation occurs in the present; therefore, Shakira replies in the present tense. Suddenly, you say, who knocked at the door before? Shakira replies, (That was Sam, my driver). Here “That” is used as a Demonstrative pronoun and refers to the noun, Sam. Hence, you were talking about the past event; therefore, Shakira replies in Past tense. Anyhow, you open the door and let her in your house. After some minutes, Angelina Jolie and Bard pit ring the bell. You say, who? Bard pit says, (These are us, Angelina Jolie and Bard pit). ). Here, “These” is used as a Demonstrative pronoun and refers to the nouns Angelina Jolie and Bard pit. Suddenly, you say, who knocked at the door before. Bard pit replies, (Those were Andrew, Simon, and Joseph, our co-stars). Here “Those” is used as a Demonstrative pronoun and refers to Andrew, Simon, and Joseph. Hence, you were talking about the past event; therefore, Bard pit replies in Past tense. When the demonstrative pronoun is used for a time, it means This ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “This” when we have to talk about something or someone in the present time. The demonstrative pronoun “This” is used for singular objects. For example, 1.This is our home. 2.Is this your car? 3.This is my office. That ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “That” when we have to talk about something or someone in the past time. The demonstrative pronoun “That” is used for singular objects. For example, 1.That was my old picture. 2.Was that your girlfriend? 3.That was his teacher. These ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “These” when we have to talk about something or someone in the present time. The demonstrative pronoun “These” is used for plural objects. For example, 1.These are our classmates. 2.Are these your colleagues? 3.These are my clothes. Those ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “Those” when we have to talk about something or someone in the past time. The demonstrative pronoun “Those” is used for plural objects. For example, 1.Those were golden days. 2.Were those your gloves? 3.Those were our neighbors.
The demonstrative pronoun used for Distance
Most commonly, we use “Demonstrative pronoun” to point towards specific objects in terms of Distance. The things may be near or far. When the objects are near and visible to the eyes, we use the Demonstrative pronouns “This and These.” On the other hand, if the things are far and maybe or may not be visible to the eyes, we use the Demonstrative pronouns “That and Those.” In simple words, The Demonstrative pronouns “This and these” are used for near things, and the Demonstrative pronouns “That and those” are used for farthings. We use the Demonstrative pronouns “This and that” for singular objects and “These and Those” for plural things. The Demonstrative pronoun ‘These” is the plural form of “This,” and the Demonstrative pronoun “Those” is the plural form of “That.” Some example sentences 1.This is a chair. 2.That is a car. 3.These are orange's trees. 4.Those are policemen. When the demonstrative pronoun is used for Distance, it means This ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “This” when something or someone is near to us. The demonstrative pronoun “This” is used for singular objects. For example, 1.How much is this? 2.This looks fine. 3.This is my book. That ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “This” when something or someone is far from us. The demonstrative pronoun “That” is used for singular objects. For example, 1.How much is that? (Visible to the eyes) 2.That looks shiny. (Visible to the eyes) 3.That was Sally’s horse. (Not visible to the eyes) These ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “These” when something or someone is near to us. The demonstrative pronoun “These” is used for plural objects. For example, 1.Why are these so expensive? 2.These are our new employees. 3.These are my servants. Those ---------We use the demonstrative pronoun “Those” when something or someone is far from us. The demonstrative pronoun “Those” is used for plural objects. For example, 1.Why were those angry? (Not visible to the eyes) 1.Those look, foreigners. (Visible to the eyes) 3.Those were funny. (Not visible to the eyes)
Example sentences of Demonstrative pronoun
1.This is yours. 2.That looks boring. 3.These are new. 4.Those are expert players. 5.This is my mistake. 6.That was your idea. 7.These are the boss’s instructions. 8.Those were my bad days. 9.This is simple. 10.That was awesome.
What makes Demonstrative pronouns complicated?
The fact is that Demonstrative pronouns are as easy as eating pizza. So the question is, what makes Demonstrative pronouns confusing. The answer is “Demonstrative Adjectives.” It has been observed that the majority of students get confused in identifying Demonstrative pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives. But worry not; I am here to get you out of this weary situation. Now let’s examine Demonstrative pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives and understand what the difference between them is.
Difference between Demonstrative pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives
A demonstrative pronoun replaces a noun in a sentence that may or may not be mentioned earlier, but it would clearly point towards something or someone, i.e., noun. In contrast, a Demonstrative Adjective describes the quality of a noun in a sentence. Demonstrative pronoun always comes alone in a sentence. Demonstrative Adjective always comes before a noun it modifies.
Point to Remember: - If helping verbs (is, am, are, was, were, etc.) come after the words (This, That, These, Those), then you should understand that it is used as a Demonstrative Pronoun and if a noun comes after the words (This, That, These, Those), then you should understand that it is used as a Demonstrative Adjective. Let’s understand them with examples, Demonstrative pronoun This is a mango. Here “This” acts as a Demonstrative Pronoun. It points towards a noun “Mango” that is lying near to the speaker. Demonstrative Adjective This mango is delicious. Here “This” acts as a Demonstrative Adjective because it describes the quality of the “Noun” mango it follows. Demonstrative pronoun That is a girl. Here “That” acts as a Demonstrative Pronoun. It points towards a noun “Girl” that is far from the speaker. Demonstrative Adjective That girl is hot. Here “That” acts as a Demonstrative Adjective because it describes the quality of the “Noun” girl it follows. Demonstrative pronoun These are new books. Here “These” acts as a Demonstrative Pronoun. It points towards a “Noun” Books that are lying near to the speaker. Demonstrative Adjective These books are new. Here “These” acts as a Demonstrative Adjective because it describes the quality of the “Noun” books it follows. Demonstrative pronoun Those are my pencils. Here “Those” acts as a Demonstrative Pronoun. It points towards a “Noun” Pencil that is far from the speaker. Demonstrative Adjective Those pencils are mine. Here “Those” acts as a Demonstrative Adjective because it describes the quality of the “Noun” pencils it follows. Read the full article
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counting in Urdu: from 1 to 500
Counting in Urdu is very important for beginners. A list of 500 numbers is given below with English, Urdu, and Roman.
counting in urdu from 01 to 100
Counting In Urdu From 101To 200
Counting In Read the full article
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translation of English sentences into Urdu: 300 most important one
Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu
The best way to learn English is to know English sentences, not individual words. Therefore, the English learning students must focus on the most common daily use sentences. For this purpose, a translation of 300 crucial English to Urdu sentences is given below.
Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu from 01 to 100 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu 1Are you Feeling Dizzy? کیا آپ چکر محسوس کر رہے ہو؟ 2Some people prefer Quack over doctor. کچھ لوگ حکیم کو ڈاکٹر پر ترجیح دیتے ہیں۔ 3A Skint man has nothing to lose. کنگلے آدمی کے پاس کھونے کے لیے کچھ نہیں ہوتا۔ 4Imran khan is an Outspoken man. عمران خان ایک صاف گو شحض ہے۔ 5Aqib is no 1 Easy-going man. عاقب ایک نمبر کام چور آدمی ہے۔ 6Nafeesa lives in a world of Fantasy. نفیسہ خیالی دنیا میں رہتی ہے۔ 7Ishtiaq is Zany. . اشتیاق بیوقوف ہے۔ 8Ali is celebrating the Gala of his success . علی اپنی کامیابی کا جشن منا رہا ہے۔ 9Salman Pledges that he won't repeat this. سلمان پکا وعدہ کرتا ہے کہ وہ دوبارہ ایسا نہیں کرے گا۔ 10Corruption prevailed in the country. بدعنوانی ملک میں چھائی ہوئی ہے۔ 11Rightful should be given his right. خقدار کو اسکا خق ملنا چاہیے۔ 12White papers were Scatterd on the table . سفید کاغذ میز پر بکھرے پڑے تھے۔ 13This Riddle is challenging to solve . پہیلی حل کرنا انتہائی مشکل ہے۔ 14Never Miss apply your power. اپنے اختیارات کا ناجائز استعمال مت کرو۔ 15We used to Sneak from school in childhood. ہم بچپن میں سکول سے بھاگ جایا کرتے تھے۔ 16Ali hustled me, and I fell. علی نے مجھے دکھا دیا اور میں گر گیا۔ 17Zahid is Humpback. زاہد کبڑا (کمر جھکی ہوئی) ہے۔ 18Ayesha Pesters me. عائشہ مجھے تنگ کرتی ہے۔ 19Gloomy face doesn't suit you. افسردہ چہرہ آپ پہ نہیں ججتا۔ 20Ahmed will also Plead my opinion. احمد بھی میری رائے کی تائید کرے گا۔ 21After Panama, the Dignity of Imran Khan has increased tremendously. پانامہ کے بعد عمران خان کی عزت میں خیرت انگیز اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ 22His new business proved Gainful for him. اسکا نیا کاروبار اسکے لئے سود مند ثابت ہوا۔ 23Intended to be the best in my chosen field. میں نے ارادہ کیا تھا کہ میں اپنے منتخب کردہ میدان میں سب سے بہتر ہونگا۔ 24You should get your Dicky car washed. آپ کو اپنی گندی کار دھونی چاہیے۔ 25Someone Choked Ali's wife's throat last night. کسی نے کل رات علی کی بیوی کا گلہ دبایا۔ 26The offender was Lashed in front of all. مجرم پرسب کے سامنے کوڑے برسائے گئے۔ 27Your abusive words have begun to Erode our friendship. آپکی گالم گلوج والی زبان نے ہماری دوستی میں دراڑ ڈال دی ہے۔ 28Engineers Erected mobile towers safely . انجینئرز نے موبائل انٹینا باحفاظت کھڑا کر دیا۔ 29Uzair is an Errant boy. عزیر ایک آوارہ گرد لڑکا ہے۔ 30The thieves deprived her of gold ring. چوروں نے اسے سونے کی انگوٹی سے محروم کر دیا۔ 31Male child is unique Bounty of Allah. نرینہ اولاد خدا کی خاص نعمت ہے۔ 32Hassan is Chatterbox. حسن بہت باتونی ہے۔ 33He is characterless and Bilks everyone. ۔وہ بدکردار ہے اور لوگوں کو گمراہ کرتا ہے 34Becalm yourself. اپنے آپ کو پرسکون رکھو۔ 35Abscess on my foot is bleeding. میرے پاؤں کے چھالے سے خون بہہ رہا ہے۔ 36The lovers Absconded in the dark of night. پریمی جوڑا رات کی تاریکی میں فرار ہو گیا۔ 37The accused was Absolved due to insufficient proof. ملزم کو عدم ثبوت کی بناء پر بری کر دیا گیا۔ 38My son doesn't Abstain from mischief. میرا بچہ شرارت سے باز نہیں آتا۔ 39Keep this case Abstract from other issues. یہ والا کیس باقی کیسوں سے علیحدہ رکھو۔ 40He uses Absurd language. وہ بیہودہ باتیں کرتا ہے۔ 41Excessive rainfall caused Abyss in the road. ذیادہ بارش کی وجہ سے سڑک میں کھڈا پڑ گیا۔ 42I like American Accent. مجھے امریکی لہجہ پسند ہے۔ 43I have no access to the principal room. میری رسائی پرنسپل آفس تک نہیں ہے۔ 44We should Abide by our parents. ہمیں اپنے والدین کی بات ماننی چاہیے۔ 45Hajatmin is an Abject man. حاجت مین ایک ذلیل آدمی ہے۔ 46Ali Abraded the old paint from the walls. علی نے پرانا پینٹ دیوار سے کھرچ ڈالا۔ 47They were all in accord with one another. انکا آپس میں باہمی اتفاق رائے تھا۔ 48Sawara Accosted me politely. سویرا نے مجھے نرمی سے مخاطب کیا۔ 49I have Accomplishedmy homework. میں نے اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر لیا ہے۔ 50Naeema Accredited to me on her behalf. نعیمہ نے اپنی جگہ پر مجھے اختیار دیا۔ 51Ali Accumulated enough money to buy a car . علی نے کار خریدنے کیلئے کافی پیسے جمع کیے تھے۔ 52Accursed man gets abjection everywhere. لعنتی شحض ہر جگہ ذلیل وخوار ہوتا ہے۔ 53The Accused was released on bail. ملزم کو ضمانت پر رہا کر دیا گیا۔ 54I have Abandoned my job . میں نے اپنی نوکری چھوڑ دی ہے۔ 55Ali Abashed him for his misconduct. علی نے اسکی بد اخلاقی پر اس کو شرمسار کر دیا۔ 56Terrorists Abducted two Chinese engineers. دہشت گردوں نے دو چینی انجینئرز کو اغوا کر لیا۔ 57He did half of his work and Abated his burden. اس نے آدھا کام کرلیا اور اپنا بوجھ ہلکا کر دیا۔ 58I Abhor all those who tell a lie. آپ کا اندازہ اس پراجیکٹ کے بارے میں بالکل صحیح تھا۔ 59Shakir is going Abroad for higher studies. شاکر اعلی تعلیم کےلیے باہر جا رہا ہے۔ 60Your estimate was entirely accurate about this project. اس پراجیکٹ کے بارے میں اپکا اندازا بلکل درست تھا۔ 61The accused is Acquitted respectfully . ملزم کو باعزت بری کر دیا گیا۔ 62The taste of bitter gourd is very Acrid. کریلے کا ذائقہ بہت کڑوا ہے۔ 63The pilot showed tremendous Acrobat in the air. پائلٹ نے بہایت اعلیٰ قلا بازی پیش کی۔ 64He can't do so; he must be Actuated. وہ ایسا نہیں کر سکتا،اس لیے اسکو ترغیب دینا پڑی گی۔ 65I use fair & lovely to avoid Acne. میں کیل مہاسے دور کرنے کے لیے فیئر اینڈ لولی لگاتا ہوں۔ 66Rabia Acquaints me personally. رابعہ ذاتی طور پر مجھے جانتی ہے۔ 67I will Acquire my task within time. میں نے اپنا ٹاسک وقت پر حاصل کر لونگا۔ 68He must be praised for his Acuity. اسکی چستی کی تعریف کرنی چاہیے۔ 69Rustam is an Adamant boy. رستم ایک ضدی لڑکا ہے۔ 70Kareem is Irfan's adopted son. کریم ارفان کا لے پالک بیٹا ہے۔ 71Adjust your rifle and fire again. اپنی بندوق کو ترتیب دو اور گولی چلاؤ۔ 72Hard work is the only way to achieve success. سخت محنت ہی کامیابی کا واحد ذریعہ ہے۔ 73She feels Acidity in her stomach. وہ اپنے سینے میں جلن محسوس کرتی ہے۔ 74Ayyub is an Adroit worker. ایوب پھرتیلاورکر ہے۔ 75Raj Ali always Adulates his seniors. راج علی اپنے بڑوں کی چاپلوسی کرتا ہے۔ 76With the advent of the internet, our lifestyle changed. انٹرنیٹ کی ایجاد سے ہماری زندگی بدل گٰی ہے۔ 77Advert of different things on TV is the top trend nowadays ٓاج کل ٹی وی پرمختلف چیزوں کی مشہوری عروج پر ہے۔ 78True leader is required to Aegis the country. صحیح رہنما کو ملک کی قیادت کرنی چاہیے۔ 79Sanam baloch is Affable women. صنم بلوچ ایک ملنسار خاتون ہے۔ 80After Benazir's death, Ado started all over the country. بے نظیر کی موت کے بعد ملک میں افراتفری پھیل گئی۔ 81Adapt yourself according to the circumstances. اپنے آپ کو حالات کے مطابق ڈھالو۔ 82Rukhsana Adores her son. رخسانہ اپنے بچے کو بہت عزیز رکھتی ہے۔ 83The new bride was Adorned thoroughly. نئی دلہن کو زیورات سے سجایا گیا 84Don't poke your nose in my personal Affairs. 👃 میرے ذاتی معاملات میں اپنی ناک مت گھسیڑو۔ 85Wrongdoing will Affect your personality. غلط کام آپکی شخصیت پر اثر انداز ہوگی۔ 86Today, I Affirm that Nawaz is a thief. آج میں اعلان کرتا ہوں کہ نواز ایک چور ہے۔ 87younger should be given Affection. چھوٹوں پر شفقت کرنی چاہیے۔ 88Hard work is the Effective way to success. سخت مخنت کامیابی کا ایک پراثر رستہ ہے۔ 89Saleem is seriously Ail. سلیم سخت بیمار ہے۔ 90Teacher Admired me for my great job. استاد نے میرے اچھے کام کی وجہ سے مری تعریف کی۔ 91Akram Admitted my efforts. اکرم نے میری کاوشوں کو تسلیم کیا۔ 92We Admix some fruits to make a fruit chart. ہم چاٹ بنانے کیلئے پھلوں کو آپس میں ملاتے ہیں۔ 93Boss Admonished her for unfinished work. باس نے اسکی کام مکمل نہ کرنے کی وجہ سے سرزنش کی۔ 94The Alias of Shaikh Rashid is Sheeda Talli. شیخ رشید کا تخلص شیدا ٹلی ہے۔ 95Who is that Alien? وہ خلائی مخلوق کون ہے۔؟ 96She Alighted from his BMW. وہ اسکی بی ایم ڈبلیو سے اتری۔ 97Some brothers have a similar shape. کچھ بھائیوں کی شکل ایک جیسی ہوتی ہے۔ 98Alas! he is dead. افسوس! وہ مرگیا ہے۔ 99Alleviate some load from the truck ٹرک سے کچھ وزن خالی کرو۔ 100This Alley is closed at the end. یہ گلی آگے سے بند ہے۔ Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu From 101 To 200 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu 101Bear this in mind. اس بات کو ذہن میں رکھو۔ 102Don't make a noise. شورمت کر۔ 103What is going on? کیا چل رہا ہے؟ 104Damn it. لعنت ہے۔ 105Leave me alone, please. برائے مہربانی مجھے اکیلا چھوڑ دو۔ 106Please stay away from me. برائے مہربانی مجھ سے دور رہو۔ 107I am fond of playing football ⚽. میں فٹبال کھیلنے کا شوقین ہوں۔ 108You deserve it. تم اسکے مستحق ہو۔ 109Please don't argue with me. برائے مہربانی میرے ساتھ بحث مت کرو۔ 110I don't mean it. میرا یہ مطلب نہیں ہے۔ 111Are you crazy? کیا تم پاگل ہو؟ 112What is the problem with you? اپ کیساتھ مسئلہ کیا ہے؟ 113I felt hurt. مجھے دکھ ہوا۔ 114Pass me the salt 🧂. ذرا نمک نزدیک کرنا۔ 115Are you bored 😴? کیا تم تنگ ہو؟ 116Make yourself at home. اپنا ہی گھر سمجھو۔ 117Please don't tease me. برائے مہربانی مجھے تنگ نہ کرو۔ 118Are you finished? کیا تم نے کام ختم کر لیا ہے؟ 119She is so mean. وہ بہت مطلبی ہے۔ 120Beware of pickpockets. چوروں سے ہوشیار رہیں۔ 121They are my colleagues. وہ میرے ساتھی ہیں۔ 122She is my fiancée. وہ میری منگیتر ہے۔ 123It doesn't matter. اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا۔ 124She is so talkative. وہ بہت باتونی ہے۔ 125Give me a hand, please. برائے مہربانی میری مدد کریں۔ 126Don't 😢 cry, please. برائے مہربانی مت روئیں۔ 127I will be right 🔙 back. میں واپس آؤنگا۔ 128Are you kidding me? کیا تم میرے ساتھ مذاق کر رہے ہو۔؟ 129Was it my fault? کیا یہ میری غلطی تھی؟ 130You are mistaken. تمہیں غلط فہمی ہوئی ہے۔ 131Please don't take me wrong. برائے مہربانی مجھے غلط مت سمجھیں۔ 132What else do you need? تمہیں اور کیا چاہیے؟ 133What do you prefer? آپ کس چیز پر ترجیح دیتے ہو۔ 134She is a liar. وہ جھوٹی ہے۔ 135For God's sake, trust me. خدا کیلئے مجھ پر بھروسہ رکھیں۔ 136He is very greedy. وہ بہت لالچی ہے۔ 137I am not interested. مجھے اس میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے۔ 138What brought you here? آپ کو کیا چیز یہاں لے آئی؟ 139Don't you remember? کیا تمہیں یاد نہیں؟ 140I was not expecting this from you. میں آپ سے یہ توقع نہیں کر رہا تھا۔ 141Behave yourself. تمیز سے بات کرو۔ 142It was nice meeting with you. آپ سے ملاقات خوشگوار رہی۔ 143We had a great time. ہم نے اچھا وقت گزارا۔ 144Remind me later. مجھے بعد میں یاد دلانا۔ 145You are stubborn. تم ضدی ہو۔ 146The teacher scolded him. استاد نے اس سے ڈانٹا۔ 147It was not a surprise for me. یہ میرے لیے خیرانگی کی بات نہیں تھی۔ 148Let me know when you are 🆓free. جب آپ کا کوئی کام نہ ہو تو مجھے بتا دینا۔ 149I am getting used to it. میں اسکا عادی ہو رہا ہوں۔ 150You are very generous. تم بہت سخی ہو۔ 151You made my day. تم نے میرا دن خوشگوار بنایا۔ 152You won my heart 💜. تم نے میرا دل 💓 جیتا۔ 153I will pay the 💵 bill. بل میں ادا کروں گا۔ 154Party 🎉 is on me. پارٹی میرے اوپر ہے۔ 155Shall we start? کیا ہم شروع کریں؟ 156Don't mention it. اسکا تزکرہ مت کرو۔ 157Fuck off. بھاڑ میں جاؤ۔ 158Turn the light off. بلب بند کرو۔ 159I watered the plants. میں نے پودوں کو پانی دیا۔ 160I am drowned in debts. میں قرض میں ڈوبا ہوا ہوں۔ 161I don't know what to say. مجھے نہیں پتہ کہ کیا کہوں۔ 162I am speechless 😶. میں بات کرنے کے قابل نہیں ہوں۔ 163Are you angry 😡 with me? کیا تم مجھ سے ناراض ہو؟ 164Don't be silly, please. برائے مہربانی بیوقوف مت بنو۔ 165Let's talk about something else. چلو کسی اور چیز کے بارے میں بات کریں۔ 166You made my mood off. آپ نے میرا مزاج خراب کر دیا۔ 167I was stuck in the traffic 🚦. میں ٹریفک میں پھنسا ہوا تھا۔ 168I had flat Tyre. میری گاڑی کا ٹائر پھٹ گیا تھا۔ 169She got an accident. اسکا ایکسیڈنٹ ہوا۔ 170What time does the bus 🚌 leave? بس کس وقت جاتی ہے؟ 171I want an aisle 💺 seat. مجھے کھڑکی والی سیٹ چاہیے۔ 172Have you known him? کیا تم اس سے جانتے ہو؟ 173It is an honor for me. یہ میرے لیے عزت کی بات ہے۔ 174He is a hypocrite. وہ منافق ہے۔ 175She is a backbiter. وہ چغل خور ہے۔ 176Salma is disloyal. سلمہ بے وفا ہے۔ 177Stop staring at me. مجھے گھورنا بند کرو۔ 178Go to hell. جہنم میں جاؤ۔ 179How dare you talk to me like that? تمہاری ہمت کیسے ہوئی میرے ساتھ اس طرح بات کرنے کی۔ 180Show him out. اس سے باہر کا راستہ دکھاؤ۔ 181How much I pay for this? میں اسکے لئے کتنا ادا کروں؟ 182Are you mad? کیا تم پاگل ہو؟ 183How do I make you understand? میں آپ کو کس طرح سمجھاؤں؟ 184Shame on you. شرم کرو۔ 185What the hell is this? یہ کیا مصیبت ہے؟ 186You can't hide. تم چھپ نہیں سکتے۔ 187Don't pluck the flower 🌹. پھول مت توڑو۔ 188Please, make my 🛏️ bed. برائے مہربانی میرے لیے بستر لگاؤ۔ 189What enmity do you have with me? آپ کو میرے ساتھ کیا دشمنی ہے؟ 190Are you jealous of me? کیا آپ کو میرے ساتھ حسد ہے؟ 191Hide your face from here. دفع ہو جاؤ ادھر سے۔ 192You could have said this to me politely. تم یہ بات آرام سے بھی کہہ سکتے تھے ۔ 193This is Insanity. یہ پاگل پن ہے۔ 194The boss fired him. مالک نے اس سے نوکری سے نکال دیا۔ 195Get out of my class. میری کلاس سے باہر نکلو۔ 196Get your haircut. اپنے بال بنوائیں۔ 197It is your turn now. اب تمہاری باری ہے۔ 198Who knocked at the door? کس نے دروازے پر دستک دی؟ 199It is cloudy today. آج بادل ☁️ ہے۔ 200It is scorching today. آج بہت سخت گرمی ہے۔ Translation Of English Sentences Into Urdu From 201 To 300 S NoTranslation Of English Sentences In Urdu 201It is windy 🌬️ outside. باہر تیز ہوا چل رہی ہے۔ 202It is raining cats and dogs. موسلادھار بارش ہو رہی ہے۔ 203It is drizzling. بوندا باندی ہو رہی ہے۔ 204Pour some tea ☕ into my cup, please. برائے مہربانی تھوڑی اور چائے میرے کپ میں ڈال دو۔ 205You are very naughty. تم شرارتی ہو۔ 206He is bald. وہ گنجا ہے۔ 207There is no accounting for the taste. شوق کا کوئی مول نہیں۔ 208My mom cooks a delicious meal. میری ماں نے مزیدار کھانا بنایا۔ 209What is wrong with it. اس میں کیا خرابی ہے؟ 210This house is to let. یہ مکان کرائے کیلئے خالی ہے۔ 211I beseeched him. میں نے اسکی منت سماجت کی۔ 212Ahmed is very lean. احمد بہت لاغر ہے۔ 213I saw him off. میں نے اس سے الوداع کیا۔214 Could you drop me off at the airport? کیا آپ مجھے ایئرپورٹ چھوڑ سکتے ہو؟ 215Make a single line. ایک قطار بنائیں۔ 216I was waiting in a queue. میں قطار میں انتظار کر رہا تھا۔ 217Don't be impatient. بے صبرے مت بنو۔ 218She is the hurdle of the way. 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250 proverbs in Urdu with meaning: all you need to know
Proverbs in Urdu With Meaning Proverbs are words that have a double meaning, i.e.(Figurative as well as Literal sense). That's why it is challenging to understand their importance. Non-Native speakers have a hard time learning the meaning of Proverbs and use them in sentences. Therefore, a list of 250 proverbs is given below for students interested in learning Proverbs in Urdu with meaning.
List of Proverbs in Urdu with meaning From 1 To 100 S NoProverbs in Urdu With Meaning1A friend in need is a friend indeed. دوست وہ جو مصیبت میں کام آئے۔2Appearances are often deceptive. ظاہر میں آنے والی چیزیں اکثر دھوکہ دیتی ہیں۔3A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush. نو نقد نہ ترا ادھار۔4Something is better than nothing. کچھ نہ ہونے سے کچھ ہونا بہتر ہے۔5Out of sight, out of mind. آنکھ اوجھل پہاڑ اوجھل۔6Money makes the mare go. دام بنائے کام۔7All is Well That Ends Well. انتھ بھلا سو بھلا۔8Where there is a will, there is a way. جہاں چاہ وہاں راہ۔9Necessity is the mother of invention. ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے۔10Love begets love. دل کو دل سے راہ ہوتی ہے۔11Actions speak louder than words. افعال کی طاقت الفاظ سے زیادہ ہوتی ہے۔12A bad workman always blames his tools. ناچ نہ جانے آنگن ٹیڑھا۔13A drowning man will clutch at a straw. ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا۔14A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. بڑے کام کا آغاز چھوٹے کام سے ہی ہوتا ہے۔15All that glitters is not gold. ہر چمکتی چیز سونا نہیں ہوتی۔16All is fair in love and war. محبت اور جنگ میں سب کچھ جائز ہے۔17An empty vessel makes much noise. تھوتھا چنا باجے گھنا۔18An apple a day keeps the doctor away. روزانہ سیب کھانا صحت کے لیے مفید ہے۔19An idle brain is the devil's workshop. خالی دماغ شیطان کا گھر ہوتا ہے۔20A picture is worth a thousand words. ایک تصویر ہزار الفاظ سے بہتر ہے۔21A rolling stone gathers no moss. دھوبی کا کتا نہ گھر کا نہ گھاٹ کا۔22A stitch in time saves nine. وقت کا ایک ٹانکہ بے وقت کے نو ٹانکوں سے بہتر ہے۔23As you sow, so shall you reap. جیسا کروگے ویسا بھروگے۔24A thing begun is half done. نیک آغاز ،انجام بخیر۔25Barking dogs seldom bite. جو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیں۔26Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. خوبصورتی دیکھنے والے کی آنکھ میں ہوتی ہے۔27Beggars can't be chosen. بھکاری کو من پسند چیز نہیں ملتی۔28It is better to be late than never. دیر سے پہنچنا نہ پہنچنے سے بہتر ہے۔29Blood is thicker than water. اپنا اپنا،غیر غیر۔30Cleanliness is next to Godliness. صفائی نصف ایمان ہے۔31Curiosity killed the cat. تجسس انسان کو مار دیتی ہے۔32Don't bite off more than you can chew. اتنا کھاؤ جتنا چبا سکو۔33Don't judge a book by its cover. کسی کو اسکے دکھاوے سے مت پہچانو۔34Don't put all your eggs in one basket. اپنی ساری امدنی ایک جگہ خرچ نہ کرو35The early bird catches the 🐛 worm. سب سے پہلے کام شروع کرنے والا ہی فائدے میں رہتا ہے۔36Easy come easy go. مفت مال دل بےرخم37Every cloud 🌨️ has a silver lining. ہر انسان کی زندگی میں اچھے دن ضرور آتے ہے۔38Every 🐕 dog has its day ہر ادمی کی زندگی میں اچھے دن ضرور آتے ہیں۔39Every man is the architect of his destiny. ہر انسان اپنی زندگی کا مصنف ہے۔40Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. احمق وہاں دوڑتے ہیں جہاں عقل مند جانے سے ڈرتے ہیں۔41Fortune 🔮 favors the brave. قسمت بھی خوش نصیبوں کا ساتھ دیتی ہے۔42When the going gets tough, the tough get going. جب حالات مشکل ہو،تو ہمت والے ہی آگے بڑھتے ہیں۔43God helps those who help themselves. خدا انکی مدد کرتا ہے جو اپنی مدد آپ کرتے ہیں۔44Good things come to those who wait. اچھی چیزیں انکو ملتی ہیں جو صبر کرتے ہیں۔45Grief divided is made lighter. غم بانٹنے سے ہلکا ہو جاتا ہے۔46Half a loaf 🍞 is better than none. کچھ نہ ہونے سے کچھ ہونا بہتر ہے۔47Honesty is the best policy. ایمانداری بہترین حکمت عملی ہے۔48Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. اچھے کی امید کرنا اور برے کے لیے تیار رہنا۔49If you can't beat them, join them. اگر آپ اسے ہرا نہیں سکتے تو اسکے دوست بن جاؤ۔50If you play with fire 🔥, you will get burned. آگ سے کھیلو گے تو جلو گے۔51It is no use to cry over spilled milk 🥛. اب پچھتائے کیا ہوت جب چڑیاں چگ گئیں کھیت۔52It takes two to make a quarrel. تالی دو ہاتھوں سے بجتی ہے۔53Laughter 🤣 is the best 💊 medicine. ہنسنا بہترین دوا ہے۔54Learn to walk before you run. دوڑنے سے پہلے چلنا سیکھو۔55Life begins at forty. اصل زندگی چالیس سال سے شروع ہوتی ہے۔56Money 💰 doesn't grow on 🌴 trees. پیسے درختوں پہ نہیں اگتے57Money 💰 talks. پیسہ بولتا ہے۔58Necessity is the mother of invention. ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے۔59Never put off till tomorrow what you can today. آج کا کام کل پر مت چھوڑو۔60No gain without pain. بغیر تکلیف کے کچھ حاصل نہیں ہوتا۔61No news🗞️ is good 📰 news. خبر نہ ہونے کا مطلب سب ٹھیک ہے۔62The pen 🖋️ is mightier than ⚔️ the sword. قلم کی طاقت تلوار سے زیادہ ہوتی ہے۔63People who live in glass 🏠 houses shouldn't throw stones at others. جو لوگ شیشے کے گھر میں رہتے ہیں وہ دوسروں کے گھر پتھر نہیں پھینکتے۔64Practice makes a man perfect. مشق کرنا انسان کو کامل بناتی ہے۔65Rome wasn't built in a day. روم ایک دن میں نہیں بنا تھا۔66When in Rome do as the Romans do. جیسا دیس،ویسا بھیس۔67Silence 🤐 is half consent. خاموشی نیم رضامندی ہوتی ہے۔68Slow and steady wins the race. سہج پکے سو میٹھا ہو۔69Strike while the iron is 🔥 hot. لوہے کو اس وقت مارو جب وہ گرم ہو۔70The harder you work, the luckier you get. جتنی آپ مخنت کرتے ہو اتنا آپ خوش قسمت بنتے ہو۔71The grass is 💚 green on the other side of the fence. دور کے ڈول سہانے۔72Time and tide wait for none. وقت اور لہریں کسی کا انتظار نہیں کرتیں۔73Too many cooks spoil the broth. دو ملاؤں میں مرغی حرام۔74Two heads are better than one. ایک سے بھلے دو۔75You can lead a horse 🐎 to water, but you can not make it drink. آپ گھوڑے کو دریا پر تو لے جاسکتے ہیں پر اسکو پانی پینے پر مجبور نہیں کر سکتے۔76You can not fit a round peg in a square ⬜ hole. بے محل اور بے موقع۔77Do respect and have respect. عزت کرو اور کرواؤ۔78Honey 🍯 is not for the ass's mouth 👄. یہ منہ اور مسور کی دال۔79Even Walls have ears 👂 . دیواروں کے بھی کان ہوتے ہیں۔80It is hard to live in Rome and fight with the Pop. دریا میں رہنا اور مگر مچھ سے بیر۔81First come, first served. پہلے آئیے پہلے پائیے۔82A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. نیم حکیم خطرہ جان،نیم ملا خطرہ ایمان۔83Prevention is better than cure. پرہیز علاج سے بہتر ہے۔84A man is known by the company he keeps. آدمی اپنی صحبت سے پہچانا جاتا ہے۔85A bad man is worse than a bad deed. بد اچھا بد نام برا۔86Pride hath a fall. غرور کا سر نیچا۔87Out of the frying 🍳 pan into the fire 🔥. آسمان سے گرا ،کجھور میں اٹکا۔88A node is enough to the wise. عقل مند کے لیے اشارہ کافی ہے۔89A black 🖤 sheep spoils the whole flock. ایک مچھلی سارے تالاب کو گندہ کر دیتی ہے۔90First, deserve than desire. پہلے مستحق بنو پھر مانگو۔91No rose 🌹 without thorns. جہاں پھول وہاں کانٹے۔92Tit for tat. ادلے کا بدلا۔93Health is wealth. تندرستی ہزار نعمت ہے۔94Union is strength. اتفاق میں برکت ہے۔95It is useless to build castles 🏰 in the air. ہوا میں قلعے تعمیر کرنابے سود ہے۔96Bird 🕊️ of a feather flock together. کبوتر با کبوتر،باز با باز۔97Haste makes waste. جلدی کام شیطان کا۔98There is something at the bottom. دال میں کچھ کالا ہے۔99Casting pearls before swine. بھینس کے آگے بین بجانا۔100Honesty pays in the long run. ایمانداری کی جیت ہوتی ہے۔ List of Proverbs in Urdu with Meaning From 101 To 200 S NoProverbs in Urdu With Meaning101Poverty is a curse. مفلسی ایک لعنت ہے۔102Don't quarrel over petty things. چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں پر مت لڑو۔103Self-done is well done. اپنے ہاتھ سے کیا ہوا کام سب سے اچھا ہوتا ہے۔104Neither fish 🐠 Nor fowl. آدھا تیتر ،ادھا بٹیر۔105The face 😈 is the index of the mind. چہرہ دل کس آئینہ ہوتا ہے۔106To kill two 🕊️ birds with one stone. ایک تیر سے دو شکار۔107It is work that kills but worries. کام سے بندہ نہیں مرتا،پریشانیوں سے مرتا ہے۔108Much cry and little 🦙 wool. کھودا پہاڑ، نکلا چوہا ۔109If wishes were 🐎 horses, beggars would ride. اگر خواہشیں گھوڑے ہوتیں تو بکا ری اس پہ سواری کرتے۔110Once a whore, always a whore. رنڈی ہمیشہ رنڈی ہی رہتی ہے۔111Where there is life, there is hope. امید ہے تو زندگی ہے۔112The squeaking wheel 🎡 gets the grease. جو شور مچاتا ہے وہی مراد پاتا ہے۔113The way to a man's heart is through the stomach. انسان کے دل کا راستہ اسکے پیٹ سے ہو کے جاتا ہے۔114After dinner, 🍽️ rest a while after supper, walks a mile. دن کے کھانے کے بعد لیٹنا اور رات کے کھانے کے بعد چلنا بہتر ہے۔115Revenge is a dish that can be eaten ❄️ cold. بدلہ دیر سے لینا ہی عقل مندی ہے۔116United we stand, divided we fall. نفاق میں آرام ،نفاق میں تکلیف۔117What's done can't be undone. کمان سے نکلا تیر واپس نہیں آسکتا۔118The truth lies at the bottom of a well. موتی گہرے پانی میں ہوتا ہے۔119There is no tomorrow. کل کا کوئی بھروسہ نہیں۔120No time like the present. جیسا وقت اب ہے پھر کبھی ایسا نہ ہو گا۔121Time is money 💰. وقت پیسہ ہے۔122Time is a great healer. وقت سب زخموں کا مرہم ہے۔123There is a time for everything. ہر چیز کا ایک وقت ہوتا ہے۔124Set a thief to catch a thief. ٹھگ ہی جانے ٹھگ کے ٹھکانے۔125You can't teach an old dog 🐕 new tricks. بڑھاپے میں کچھ نیا سیکھنا مشکل ہوتا ہے۔126There is no accounting for tastes. شوق کا کوئی مول نہیں۔127Think of the Devil 😈 , and Devil is here. نام لیا شیطان کا،شیطان حاضر۔128Cut your coat 🧥 according to your cloth. جتنی چادر ہو،اتنے ہی پاؤں پھیلاؤ۔129Stolen fruit 🍑 is sweet. چوری کا گڑ میٹھا ہوتا ہے۔130The more you stir it, the worse it stinks. جتنا گند میں تیلی گھماؤ گے اتنی ہی بدبو پھیلی گی۔131Variety is the spice of life. تبدیلی ہی اصل زندگی ہے۔132Speech is silver, but silence 🤐 is golden 🥇. بولنا چاندی جبکہ خاموشی سونا ہے۔133The sooner begun, the sooner done. جلدی شروع جلدی ختم۔134You get something for nothing. دنیا میں کوئی بھی چیز مفت نہیں ملتی۔135No smoke without fire 🔥. افواہ محض بے بنیاد نہیں ہوتی۔136More but poor slow but sure. کم ہو پر اچھا ہو ذیادہ ہو بے فائدہ ہو۔137It is a sin to steal a pin 📍. معمولی چیز چرانا بھی گناہ ہے۔138Silence 🤐 means half consent. خاموشی نیم رضامندی۔139Self-praise is no recommendation. اپنے منہ میاں مٹھو۔140Seek, and you shall find. ڈھونڈنے سے خدا بھی مل جاتا ہے۔141If you run after two hares, you will catch Neither. دو کے پیچھے بھاگوگے تو ایک بھی نہیں ملے گا۔142Punctuality is the soul of business. وقت کی پابندی ہی کاروبار کی کامیابی ہے۔143Practice what you preach. جو نصیحت کرو پہلے خود اس پر عمل کرو۔144A penny saved is a penny earned. اگر بچایا سو کمایا۔145If you want peace, you must prepare for war. اگر آپ امن چاہتے ہیں تو جنگ کے لیے تیار رہو۔146Opportunity never knocks twice at any man's 🚪 door. موقع بار بار نہیں ملتا۔147When one door shuts, another opens. جب ایک دروزہ بند ہوتا ہے تو دوسرا کھلتا ہے۔148He that cannot obey cannot command. وہ استاد نہیں بن سکتا جب تک کہ وہ شاگرد نہ رہ چکا ہو۔149Nothing succeeds like success. چلتی کا نام گاڑی۔150No pain, no gain. تکلیف اٹھائے بنا راحت نہیں ملتی۔151No man can serve two masters. دھوبی کا کتا نہ گھر نہ گھاٹ کا۔152New brooms sweep clean. نیا نو دن پرانا سو دن۔153Never too old to learn. انسان ساری عمر سیکھتا ہے۔154The nearer the church, the farther from God. چراغ تلے اندھیرا۔155Might is right. جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس 🐃۔156So many men, so many opinions. جتنے منہ،اتنی باتیں۔157Marriages are made in heaven. رشتے آسمانوں پہ بنتے ہیں۔158Man proposes God disposes of. انسان سوچتا اور ہے۔خدا کرتا اور ہے۔159Love me, Love my 🐕 dog. اے خدا مجھے بھی بخش دیں اور مرے ماں باپ کو بھی۔160Love is blind. محبت اندھی ہوتی ہے۔161Love and cough 😷 can't be hidden. عشق اور مشق چھپاےٰ نہیں چھپتے162He lives long who lives well. وہ ذیادہ جیتا ہے جو اچھا جیتا ہے۔163Live and let live. جیو اور جینے دو۔164Lend your money 💰 and lose your friend. پیسے ادھار دینا اور دوست کھونا۔165Who knows more, speak least. جو ذیادہ جانتا ہے کم بولتا ہے۔166The king can do no wrong. بادشاہ کبھی غلط نہیں کرتا۔167Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. قانون سے لاعلم ہونے کا مطلب یہ نہیں کہ آپ قانون توڑو۔168The husband is always the last to know. شوہر بے چارے کو ہمیشہ آخر میں پتہ چلتا ہے۔169When you are in a hole 🕳️, stop digging. جب آپ سوراخ میں ہو تو کھودنا بند کرو۔170History repeats itself. تاریخ ہمیشہ اپنے آپ کو دہراتی ہے۔171One hand washes the other. چراغ سے چراغ جلتا ہے۔172Good 🍷 wine needs no bush. اچھی چیز خود بخود مشہور ہو جاتی ہے۔173Good men are scarce. بھلے آدمی بڑی مشکل سے ملتے ہیں۔174A good horse 🐎 can't be of bad color. نسلی گھوڑا ہمیشہ اچھی شکل کا ہوتا ہے۔175The good die young. بھلے لوگ جوانی میں ہی مر جاتے ہیں۔176What goes around comes around. جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی۔177Go abroad, and you hear news 🗞️ of home 🏡. پردیس میں آپ کو دیس کی ہی خبریں ملیں گی۔178Garbage in, garbage out. گدھا اندر ،گدھا باہر۔179When all 🍓 fruit fails, welcome haws. جان بچانے کے لیے گھاس بھی کھانی پڑتی ہے۔180There is no such thing as a free lunch. دنیا میں کوئی بھی چیز مفت نہیں آتی۔181Fools build houses 🏘️ , and wise men live in them. پھوہڑ کا مال ہنس ہنس کھائے۔182All is fish 🐠 that comes to the net 🥅. رو میں سب روا ہے۔183Fish 🐟 and guests stink after three days. تین دنوں کے بعد مچھلی اور مہمان سے بو آنے لگتی ہے۔184The first impression is the last. پہلہ تاثر ہی دیرپا ہوتا ہے۔185Fire 🔥 is a good servant but a bad master. آگ ایک اچھا نوکر اور برا آقا ہے۔186Familiarity breeds contempt. قدر کھو دیتا ہے ہر روز کا آنا جانا۔187Faith can move mountains. عقیدہ پہاڑوں کو بھی ہلا کر رکھ دیتا ہے۔188Faint heart never won, fair lady. نامی کوئی بغیر مشقت نہیں ہوا۔189Facts are stubborn things. سچ کڑوا ہوتا ہے۔190The eyes 👀 are the window of the soul. آنکھیں روح کی کڑکیاں ہیں۔191Experience is the father of wisdom. تجربی حکمت کا باپ ہے۔192A fair exchange 💱 is no robbery. میاں بیوی راضی تو کیا کرے قاضی۔193Everybody business is nobody business. ساجھے گھوڑے کی کون جڑے نعل۔194What everybody says must be true. آوازِ خلق کو نقارہ خدا سمجھو۔195To err is human, to forgive divine. غلطی کرنا انسان کا کام ہے اور معاف کرنا خدا کا۔196The end justifies the means. آپ کے کارنامے ہی آپ کی نیت کا پتہ دیتی ہے۔197Empty sacks will never stand upright. جھوٹ کے پاؤں نہیں ہوتے۔198Eat to live, not live to eat. زندگی رہنے کے لیے کھاؤ نہ کہ کھانے کے لیے زندہ رہو۔199Early to bed 🛌 and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise 🦉. کم کھانا صحت،کم سونا عبادت اور کم بولنا حکمت ہے۔200Eagles 🦅 don't catch flies. شیر گیدڑوں کا شکار نہیں کرتا۔ List of Proverbs in Urdu With Meaning From 201 To 250 S NoProverbs in Urdu with Meaning201🐕 Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. کتے بھونکتے رہتے ہیں جبکہ کاراوں چلتے رہتے ہیں۔202Do right and fear 😨 no man. اچھے کام کرو اور اللہ پہ بھروسہ رکھو۔203Distance lends enchantment to the view. دور کے ڈھول سہانے۔204Diamond 💎 cuts diamond. ہیرا ہیرے کو کاٹتا ہے۔205Death ☠️ pays all debts. انسان کو قبر میں ہی سکون ملتا ہے۔206Let the dead bury the dead. رات گئی بات گئی۔207The darkest hour is just before dawn. اندھرے کے بعد اجالا ہوتا ہے208Don't cut off your nose 👃 to spite your face. غصے میں انسان اپنے آپ کو ہی نقصان پہنچاتا ہے۔209The customer is always right. گاہک ہمیشہ صحیح ہوتا ہے۔210What can't be cured must be endured. تنگ آمد بجنگ امد۔211Don't cross ❌ the bridge 🌉 till you come to it. مصیبت سے پہلے پریشان ہونا۔212Cowards die many times before their death 💀. بزدل ایک بار نہیں سو بار مرتا ہے۔213Why buy a cow 🐄 when 🥛 milk is so cheap. جب بازار میں تازہ دودھ ملتا ہو تو بھینس پالنے کی کیا ضرورت ہے۔214The course of true love never did run smooth. حقیقی محبت کا راستہ کانٹوں سے بھرا ہوتا ہے۔215In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king 👑. اندھوں میں کانا راجا۔216Don't count your eggs before they are hatched. کامیابی سے پہلے ڈھنڈورا پیٹا۔217Confession is good for the soul. اعتراف روح کے لیے مفید ہے۔218Coming events cast their shadow before. پوت کے پاؤں پالنے میں نظر آتے ہیں۔219Cold hands, warm heart ❤️. مزاج کا گرم ،دل کا نرم۔220Clothes make the man. انسان کا لباس ہی اسکی پہچان ہے۔221Hasty climbers have sudden falls. آگے دوڑ ،پیچھے چھوڑ۔222Children and fools tell the truth. بچے اور بیوقوف جھوٹ نہیں بولتے۔223The child is the father of the man. انسان اپنی بچپن کی غلطیوں سے ہی سیکھتا ہے۔224Cheats never prosper. ٹھگ Read the full article
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The Use Of Has And Have: a simple yet comprehensive guide
The use of has and have The two words (has and have) are Auxiliary helping verbs. Auxiliary verbs are those verbs that help the Main verb in a sentence. There are two kinds of Auxiliary verbs, Auxiliary helping verbs and Auxiliary Modal verbs in the English language. Some of the Auxiliary helping verbs are (is, am, are, has, have, was, were, had, etc.) There are nine Modal Auxiliary verbs, they are, (will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must) and some quasi Modal Auxiliary verbs(used to, has to, have to, need to, etc.). Besides Auxiliary helping verbs, has and have can also be used as the main verb. This is the reason why a lot of students get confused about their usage. But don't worry, here is a short trick for you guys so that you don't have any problem with it. Point to remember:- When we use has and have as an Auxiliary helping verb, they don't have any meaning of their own. They are meaningless. They help the main verb and give us information about the tense and number. On the other hand, when we use has and have as a Main verb, they provide a complete meaning like other verbs. Both the words (has and have) mean possession, belongings, ownership, contain, etc. The two words (has and have) have the same second & third forms. Has had had Have had had Let us understand this with examples (Has and have) as an Auxiliary helping verb Suliman has completed his homework. In the above example, the word (has) is used as an Auxiliary helping verb. In the sentence, the word (has) does not have any meaning of its own. The job of (has) is to help the Main verb that is complete. The word (has) gives us some basic information. Firstly, It tells us that work is finished. Secondly, it indicates that work is completed in the present time. (Has and have) as the Main verb You have an umbrella. In the above example, the word have is used as a Main verb. Here, it gives the meaning of belonging or ownership. When we use has or have as a Main verb, we do not use another verb in that sentence. Whereas, when we use has or have as a helping verb, we must use the Main verb in that sentence.
The key difference between has and have
We use the word (has) with third-person singular pronouns and names, i.e. (He, she, it, name). The word (have) is used with singular & plural pronouns of the First and Second person, i.e. (I, we, you), and third-person plural pronoun, i.e. (They). Has -------(He, She, It, Name) & any other singular noun Have ------(I, We, You, They) & any other plural noun
The use of has and have
1.The use of Has and have as a Main verb 2.The use of Has and have as a helping verb
1.The use of Has and have as a helping verb
One of the most common usages of has and have is as a helping verb. The verbs (Has and have) are mostly used in the present perfect tense. We use the third form of the verb after has and have. For example, He has sent a message. We have received an email. In the above examples, (has and have) are used as helping verbs. The verbs (Has and have ) are meaningless in both sentences. They give us information about the amount of work done and the time of work. As we have discussed earlier, the Main verb after the has and have is always in the third form, so in the above examples, sent and received are the third forms of the verbs send and receive, respectively. The Use of Has as a helping verb Example sentences 1.He has rung the 🔔 bell. 2.She has gone to London. 3.It has melted. 4.Hareem has cooked 🍽️ dinner. 5.He has played basketball 🏀. 6.She has sung a song. 7.It has broken. 8.Sidu has broken the table. 9.He has called the police 🚓. 10.She has made breakfast 🍳. The Use of Have as a helping verb Example sentences 1.I have made a mistake. 2.We have discussed the matter. 3.You have crossed the limit. 4.They have purchased a car 🚗. 5.I have paid my bills 💵. 6.We have won the match. 7.You have not decided yet. 8.They have cleaned the room. 9.I have talked to him. 10.We have visited the palace. 2.The use of Has and have as a Main verb
We also use (has and have) as the Main verb too. They have a beautiful house. She has an expensive locket. In the above examples, the words (have and has) are used as a Main verb like other common verbs in the English language. Here, the words (has and has) means possession or own. We can say, They possess a beautiful house Or They own a beautiful house. And She possesses an expensive locket. Or She owns an expensive locket. All of the above sentences are correct. The Use of has as a Main verb Example sentences 1.She has a lovely 👗 dress. 2.He has a slim body. 3.It has a rotting smell. 4.Nora has white teeth. 5.She has a lovely smile. 6.He has strong muscles. 7.It has a sustainable 🔋 battery. 8.Saleem has a new 🆕 laptop 💻. 9.He has a great personality. 10.She has curly hair. The Use of (have) as the Main verb Example sentences 1.I have an ☔ umbrella. 2.We have several 📚 books. 3.You have a kite. 4.They have 🎈 balloons. 5.I have a notebook 📒. 6.We have backpacks 🎒. 7.You have enough money 💰. 8.They have golden ⌚ watches. 9.I have bad luck. 10.We have a Haier refrigerator.
Other usages of has and have
1.The use of Has and have as an obligation We use (has and have) for urgency, necessity, or obligation. For example, She has to prepare for the exam. You have to resume your project. In the above examples. Has and have are used for indicating urgency or obligation. the Use of has as an obligation Example sentences 1.He has to complete the project. 2.She has to leave soon. 3.William has to act fast. 4.He has to call now. 5.She has to press the suit. 6.Farooq has to pay the rent. 7.He has to announce the names. 8.She has to tell the truth. 9.Imran has to repair the shoes 👟. 10.He has to make it fast. The Use of (have) as an obligation Example Sentences 1.I have to help her. 2.We have to inform him. 3.You have to listen 👂 quietly. 4.They have to go to school 🏫. 5.I have to sell my old phone 📱. 6.We have to present the idea 💡. 7.You have to write a letter 💌. 8.They have to fight 🔙. 9.I have to send a message. 10.We have to start 🔜. Note: We use them as quasi-modal auxiliary verbs when using (has and have) for the obligation. They tell us about the mood of the speaker.
2.The use of Has and have for eating or drinking
Has and have are also used for drinking and eating. In these sentences, (has and have) express the meaning of drinking or eating. For example, Farzana has an egg for breakfast. I have fruits for dessert. In the above examples,(has and have) give the meaning of eating. The Use of has for eating or drinking. Example sentences 1.He has apple 🍏 juice 🥤 for breakfast. 2.She has snacks three times a day. 3.Sidra has ice cream 🍨. 4.He has dry fruits. 5.She has Noodles. 6.Sobia has red chili. 7.He has roasted chicken 🍗. 8.She has pizza 🍕. 9.Nerma has boiled eggs. 10.He has coffee ☕. The Use of (have) for eating or drinking Example sentences 1.I have lunch. 2.We have supper. 3.You have orange 🍊 juice 🥤. 4.They have pineapple. 5.I have a banana 🍌. 6.We have tea 🍵. 7.You have fries. 8.They have cherries 🍒. 9.I have strawberries 🍓. 10.We have cheese 🧀 paratha. Note:- When we use has and have for eating or drinking, we use them as Main verbs.
3.the Use of has and have for diseases
We use (has and have) in the sentences when someone is sick. For example, Alishba has a shoulder injury. You have high blood pressure. In the above examples, (has and have) are used for showing disease. When someone has a disease, we use these two verbs to show the relationship between them. the Use of has for diseases Example sentences 1.He has diabetes. 2.She has influenza. 3.Farah has cancer 🦀. 4.He has heat strokes. 5.She has a temperature 🌡️. 6.Najma has typhoid. 7.He has rashes. 8.She has freckles. 9.Noor has leprosy. 10.He has brain 🧠 loss memory. The Use of (have) for diseases Example sentences 1.I have 😷 a cough. 2.We have flu 🤧. 3.You have cholera. 4.They have smallpox. 5.I have a headache. 6.We have anemia. 7.You have piles. 8.They have sore eyes. 9.I have ear 👂 pain. 10.We have asthma. Read the full article
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The use of would: 6 easy ways for poor students
The word "Would" is a Modal Auxiliary verb. There are two kinds of Auxiliary verbs, Auxiliary helping verbs, and Auxiliary Modal verbs. There are eight Modal Auxiliary verbs, and would is one of them. We use the Modal Auxiliary verb 'Would" in multiple ways in English grammar. In today's article, we will learn the most common usage of the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" in detail.
Different usage of Modal Auxiliary verb "Would."
1.Would use as a (Polite Request) 2.Would use as a (Polite Offers) 3.Would use (in Conditional Sentences) 4.Would use for expressing ( a desire) 5.Would use in (Direct & Indirect Speech) 6.Would use for (Past habits and routine)
1.Would use as a (Polite Request)
We can use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" for a polite request. We can use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Will" in these sentences, but "Would" is the correct choice to sound polite and sophisticated. Example Sentences 1.would you help me, please? 2.Would you give me your phone number? 3.Would you pass me the salt? 4.Would you lend me your car for an hour? 5.Would you let me stay with you? 6.Would you take me for a long drive? 7.Would you bring this for me, please? 8.Would you mind closing the door, please? 9.Would you leave us alone for a moment, kindly? 10.Would you mind not telling him about the incident?
2.Would use as a (Polite Offers)
Modal Auxiliary verb "Would' is also used for polite offers. We can easily observe this in restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, and shopping malls. Example Sentences 1.What would you like to have, sir? 2.Would you like coffee or tea, sir? 3.Would you like another drink, madam? 4.What would you prefer, sir, red or blue? 5.Would you try our brand new shoes, sir? 6.Would some dessert after the meal, sir? 7.What would you like to take with you, madam? 8.Would you like some fresh fruits, sir? 9.What would you like for a takeaway, madam? 10.Would you like ice cream, sir?
3.Would use (in Conditional Sentences)
One of the essential usages of the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" is in the Conditional Sentences. Remember that we use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" in the Dependent clause of the Conditional Sentences. Example Sentences 1.If I met you before, I would marry you. 2.If she had money, she would buy a car. 3.If you had crossed the limit, I would have stopped you. 4.If she got a job, she would give us a party. 5.If they were thieves, they would run. 6.If we were rich, we would go to Paris. 7.If you had started a business, you would have made some money. 8.If I were you, I would accept her proposal. 9.If she were not angry, she would convince him. 10.If she were ugly, she would not have this attitude. Note:- We always use the First form of the verb or base form of the verb after the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" in the sentence.
4.Would use for expressing ( a desire)
The Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" can also express a desire, wish, opinion or hope. Example Sentences 1.I would like to have hot chocolate. 2.She would like to go for a long drive. 3.We would like to have an aisle seat. 4.They would rather stay at home. 5.Sara would rather quit her job. 6.She would like to be a pilot. 7.He would like to buy this car. 8.We would rather keep silent. 9.They would like to pay for it. 10.I would like to buy this beautiful house.
5.Would use in (Direct & Indirect Speech)
We use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" in Direct and Indirect speech. This is one of the old and primary usages of the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" in English grammar. When we change Direct speech into Indirect speech in the future tense, we use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" instead of the Modal Auxiliary verb "Will" in these sentences. Example sentences 1.He said that he would help you. 2.She told me that she would not lend me a pen. 3.He said that he would live in New York. 4.My friend said that he would get a job. 5.The student said that he would work hard. 6.The man said that he would become a teacher. 7.Vicky said that I would be a billionaire one day. 8.We said that we would not come to the party. 9.She told me that she would marry Ali. 10.Sara informed me that she would quit her job.
6.Would use for( Past habits and routine)
We use the Modal Auxiliary verb "Would" to talk about our past habits, routines, schedules using Past indefinite tense. Example Sentences 1.We would make castles from mud in our childhood. 2.Sana would often go to school late. 3.You would overeat when you were young. 4.We would have less money in our college days. 5.I would ride a bicycle to my office. 6. They would get pleasure from it. 7.She would enjoy the music. 8.You would make her annoyed all the time. 9.Our teacher would tell us jokes. 10.Zara would laugh loudly. Note:- We can also use the second form of the verb for describing our past habits, routines, or schedules. Both the usage are correct. Read the full article
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conditional sentences: a unique way to express your thoughts
What are Conditional Sentences?
Def:- Conditional sentences are those sentences that express a condition and the result of that condition. Conditional sentences consist of two clauses, the dependent clause or conditional clause and the independent clause. We can easily recognize the dependent clause because the dependent clause always starts with the word "if" or, in some cases, "when." These two parts make conditional sentences. If one part is missing, the sentence is not conditional. We use the helping verb "were" instead of "was" in conditional sentences. It is a rule of thumb, and you should bear this in your mind. Conditional sentences are statements that illustrate hypothetical and real situations. They are called conditional sentences because there is always a condition attached to them. They describe an outcome that may happen in the present or future. For example, (If I go to Lahore,) (I will bring you a beautiful gift.) In the example above, the dependent clause or conditional clause is (If I go to Lahore,) and the independent clause or result clause is (I will bring you a beautiful gift). There are four types of conditional sentences. They are
Types of conditional sentences
1. Zero conditional sentences. 2.First conditional sentences 3.Second conditional sentences 4.Third conditional sentences
Zero conditional sentences(100℅ possibility)
Def:- Zero conditional sentences are used in a situation when we are 100℅ sure about something that is considered to be true. Often it is a universal truth or when something happens in a natural order. In zero conditional sentences, if we change the order of the sentence, the meaning remains the same. We can place the ( If clause before the outcome clause and vice versa). Note:- In zero conditional sentences, we use present simple tense in (If clause, dependent clause, or conditional clause), and we also use present simple tense in ( result clause or independent clause). Sentence structure If + present simple + present simple For example, If it rains, things get wet. We have used the zero conditional sentence in the above example because we are 100℅ sure that (things get wet when it rains). In Zero conditional sentences, the result never changes. It remains the same for all. Let us look at the following example If you catch hot iron, it burns. The example above is 💯 % true. The sentence is a universal truth because it was true in the past. It is true in the present, and it will be true in the future. In Zero conditional sentences, everybody gets the same result. On the other hand, in the First conditional sentences, the result is not the same for everyone. Some people may have a different outcome in the First conditional sentences that we will discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs. Example sentences 1.If it rains, the soil gets wet. 2.If you boil water, it becomes vapors. 3.If the temperature is below zero centigrade, the water becomes ice. 4.If you touch the fire, it burns. 5.If babies need something, they cry. 6.We get water if we mix oxygen and hydrogen. 7.It smells good if you take a rose near to your nose. 8.Water boils if the temperature reaches 100 degrees. 9.If I hit the ball, it goes away. 10.If you press the bell, the doorbell rings. Note:- In zero conditional sentences, we can replace the word (if) with (when), and it will not affect the sentence's meaning.
First conditional sentences(50% possibility)
Def:- First conditional sentences are used in a situation when we are 50℅ sure about something that is considered to be true. In the First conditional sentences, we do not talk about universal truths or scientific facts. We generally talk about the future outcomes or possibility of something. The difference between the zero conditional sentences and First conditional sentences is that in zero conditional sentences, the result always remains the same, whereas, in First conditional sentences, the outcome does not always stay the same. Consider the following two examples carefully. If you mix oxygen and hydrogen, you get water. (Zero conditional) If you work hard, you will succeed. ( First conditional) Now let us examine the two sentences in detail The first example is true for you, and it is also true for me and everyone. It was true for you yesterday, is true for you today, and will be true for you tomorrow. The situation is all-time true. So, (when the situation is all-time true, we use zero conditional sentences. On the other hand, we have used the first conditional sentence in the second example because the result will not be the same all the time. Sometimes it might happen, you work hard, but you do not succeed. Maybe your approach is wrong, or perhaps another cause does not let you succeed. In short, when there is a 50 % possibility of something, we use the First conditional sentence. Sentence structure If + present simple + future simple 1.If I win the lottery, I will buy you a gift. 2.If he comes late, I will tell you. 3.If it rains, we will cancel our meeting. 4.If you do not go to sleep in time at night, you will not get up early in the morning. 5.If you get a job, you will give us a party. 6.If she loves you, she will look at you back. 7.If you disagree, we will not proceed. 8.If he is a genius, he will find a solution. 9.If they are wise, they will not make a mistake. 10.If you do not complete your work, you will be responsible for it.
Second conditional sentences(50 % possibility in the past)
Def:- We use Second conditional sentences in situations when we want to talk about something that was 50% possible in the past. There is a slight difference between the First and Second conditional sentences. The only difference between the First and Second conditional sentences is that we use First conditional sentences for situations that may or may not happen in the future. We use Second conditional sentences for situations that might or might not happen in the past. In short, when we want to talk about a possibility in the future, we use First conditional sentences. When we want to talk about a possibility in the past, we use Second conditional sentences. For example, First conditional Possibility in the future If you work heartily, your boss will give you a bonus. Second conditional Possibility in the past If you worked heartily, your boss would give you a bonus. Sentence Structure If + past simple + would + infinitive Example sentences 1.If I won the lottery, I would buy you a gift. 2.If I were rich, I would help the poor. 3.If he had the resources, he would travel all over the world. 4.If I had your number, I would call you. 5.If I were you, I would marry her. 6.If you were like me, you would do the same. 7.If he were aware of the situation, he would inform you. 8.If Salman were brave, he would kill the Lion. 9.If she were polite, no one would insult her. 10.If the sales manager were right, the customer would not complain.
Third conditional sentences (Zero % possibility) 💯 Impossible situation)
Def:- We use Third conditional sentences in situations when we talk about our past regrets, wishes, excuses, or dreams. The situation is unreal or imagery. In the Third conditional sentence, we describe a situation that we wish would or would not happen in the past. The condition is all about our past experiences. For example, If I had started early, I would have finished my homework. In the example above, I am talking about my past regrets. The time has passed, and I am sharing my views about my past experience. I can do nothing or can not alter the situation. If I started early, I would finish it, and it would be better for me. Sentence Structure If + past perfect+ would + have + 3rd form of the verb Example sentences 1.If you had work hard, you would have passed the test. 2.If Sara had used the life jacket, She would not have drowned. 3.If he had made a mistake, I would have taught him a lesson. 4.If Vector had reached there, he would have called us. 5.If it had not rained today, we would have begun our journey. 6.If she had needed money, she would have told me. 7.If Sofia had started practice, she would have won the race. 8.If you had published your Novel, you would have become a novelist. 9.If you had Cancelled the flight, you would have saved some money. 10.If Imran had bookmarked this website, he would have learned English. Read the full article
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The Hidden Secrets: Why Use Of Since And For Sucks
The Use of since and for
The use of since and for is not as difficult as it is considered. We use the two prepositions ("since and for") when talking about time. "Since and For" are used as a preposition for a particular time in the past. Much has been written and said about the correct usage of "Since" and "For." One of the common problems that English learning students face is that they do not know when to use "For" and where to use "Since" in a sentence. There is a clear distinction in their usage, but many students get in trouble when using them in a sentence. In this blog article, I have described the difference between the two with examples in detail. By reading this article, I believe that you will not have any difficulty using "since and For" at the end of this article. Today, I am sharing the most straightforward and shortest trick of using "Since" and "For" correctly. The trick is, "The words "Since and For" are used to express time in the sentence. Both "Since and For" are used for the duration of time. The only difference between them is that "Since" is used for starting time, and "For" is used for ending time."
We use the preposition "Since" when we want to talk about an exact starting time of an action or activity ( when exactly something has started ). When we want to emphasize the ending point of time, we use the preposition "For" for that purpose (How long something has continued). Since + starting point of time For + ending point of time Look at the following examples, I have been working for two hours. ✅ I have been working since two hours. ❌ What do you think? Which sentence of the two is correct? ✅ The first sentence is correct, and the second one is wrong. Why the first sentence is correct ✅ and the second one is wrong ❌? Let us have a deeper look at both of them. For better understanding, observe the following situation. Let suppose there is a girl whose name is Marina. She starts studying English at 7 pm and continues to study at 9 pm. At 9 pm, We can describe her situation in two different ways. First way It is all about intention. If we want to focus someone intention on the starting point of time, we can say, Correct:- Marina has been studying English since 7 pm. Second way Now, if we intend to emphasize the ending point of time, we can say, Correct:- Marina has been studying English for 2 hours. "Since and For" can be used in various ways, as a preposition and conjunction. In today's article, l will only cover the use of "Since and For" as a preposition referring back to a previous time in the past.
The use of Since as a preposition (starting point)
We use the Preposition (Since) for showing the exact starting point of an event. It is the specific point in time. When we are 100 % sure about the precise time of an action, we use the word (Since). There is no doubt or confusion in our minds about the starting point of an activity. We generally use 'Since" with present perfect continues and past perfect continues Tenses. However, the use of "Since" in the Present perfect and past perfect tense is also common. Let suppose Imran migrates to London in 2015 and starts living there. Now is 2021. We can say then, Imran has been living in London since 2015. In the example above, we have used (since) in present perfect continues Tense. The reason to use (since) is that we know the starting point of Imran migrating to London in 2015. Let us have a look at another example, Sofia had been crying since morning. In this example, we have come to know that Sofia started crying in the morning. As we only focus on the exact starting point in sentences where we use since, so, in the example above, the precise starting point of Sofia crying is morning. That is why the usage of 'Since" in the sentence is correct. The simplest way to learn the correct usage of (since) is to answer this question to make things easier. When does/did something start? If you can answer the question, use (since); otherwise, use (For). Let us apply this rule and see what happens. Example 1, She has been studying English (since/for) June. Now let's ask the question. Q.When has she been studying English? A. June. It means (since) is the correct choice for the above sentence. Correct:- She has been studying English since June. Example 2, Rubika had been watching a movie (since/for) for 2 hours. Now let's ask the question. Q.When had Rubika been watching a movie? A. No answer Here, in the above sentence, we have no answer because we do not know the exact starting point of the activity watch. We know the total duration of the watching time that is two hours. So, the correct choice here is (For). Correct:- Rubika had been watching a movie for 2 hours. Example 3, I have been collecting coins (since/for) my childhood. Now let's ask the question. Q. When have I been collecting coins? A. Childhood As we know the answer so, the correct choice is (since). Correct:- I have been collecting coins since my childhood.
Bonus Tip on how to use "Since and For"
If you are like me and like shortcuts, then carefully observe one thing. In 99% of cases, we use a singular noun after the preposition "Since" because a precise starting point cannot be a widespread noun. It must be singular and one word. Therefore, the word after the preposition "Since' will be one word. For example, He has been working in Microsoft company since 2015 (one word). You have been writing a letter since evening (one word). They have been doing business since 2000 (one word). Don't be confused with the following sentences. Sohail Khan has been playing cricket since (2 May 2014). Here, you may think that the word after since is more than one word. But the fact is that it is one word, not two words. It refers to the 2 May of 2014, talks about a single day, which means it talks about one thing or one word. Don't be confused with the following sentences. Sohail Khan has been playing cricket since (2 May 2014). Here, you may think that the word after since is more than one word. But the fact is that it is one word, not two words. It refers to the 2 May of 2014, talks about a single day, which means it talks about one thing or one word. More examples, She has been talking on the phone since six o clock. She had been singing since 8 pm. The world has been changing since 9/11. Note:- The words Morning, evening, Monday, Friday,7 am, 8 pm, three o clock, five o clock,2018,2020, June, July, Eid, Ramadan, Christmas ⛄, Winter ❄️, summer, etc. come after " Since in a sentence. Example sentences 1. I have been waiting for you since nine o clock. 2. We have been learning English since 2018. 3. You had been walking on the track since afternoon. 4. Alina Lopez had been practicing since 4 April 2020. 5. She has been dancing since evening. 6. He had been making money on the internet since childhood. 7. It had been raining cats and dogs since morning. 8. They have been applying for the job since 2019. 9. I have been writing a poem since midnight. 10. They had been traveling since 10 pm.
The use of (For) as a preposition (ending time)
We use the preposition (For) when we want to talk about an ending period or, in some cases, in a vague period. The period can be ranging from seconds to ages. As we have discussed earlier, when we use "since" in a sentence for the period, we must know the exact starting point of time, but in the case of (For), we talk about the ending point of time. In some cases, we even do not know the period exactly. We use (For) in a Sentence when we talk about a vague period or when we want to talk about the endpoint of something. The preposition "For" can be used in all tenses, i.e., past, present, or future tenses for the period. For example, Ali has been working in Google for two years. (Present perfect continues Tense) Ali had been working in Google for two years. ( Past perfect continues Tense) Ali will have been working in Google for two years. ( Future perfect continues Tense) Suppose you are working in a multi-national company. You leave your office at 2 pm and go to the cafeteria for a lunch break. When you come back to your office after one hour, you see your boss is standing in your office and the time on the watch ⌚ on the wall is 3 pm. He asks you, where were you? You reply, sir, I have been having lunch for some time. He gazes at you and says, what is the time now? You reply, sir, it is 3 pm now. Your boss shouted at you and said, Tell me the exact amount of time you were outside of the office. You say, sir, I have been having lunch for one hour. Your boss becomes angry 😡 and says, it means you have been having lunch for one hour against our company's rules. He gives you "show cause notice." From the above example, we have learned two things. Firstly, we have learned that when we have to talk about the ending point of time, we use the preposition "For" in a sentence. Secondly, when we have to talk about the exact starting time, we use the Preposition "since" in a Sentence. Still, you are confused 🤔. Let's look at some examples, I have been living in New York for three years. This sentence means that I started living in New York in 2018, and now it is 2021. It has been three years that I am living in New York. The ruling shows the total time I have lived in New York. The speaker is talking about the endpoint, not the starting point. She has been working for five days. In the above sentence, the speaker talks about the duration or period he has spent working. The speaker is calculating the total closing or ending time at the time of 🗣️ speaking. Salma had been exercising for three hours. In the above example, the speaker gives us information on the total exercise time of Salma. The speaker is just talking about the ending time of the exercise. That is why the usage of "For" in the above sentence is grammatically correct. Now let us explore the usage of (For) furthermore Let suppose; There is a boy whose name is Victor. He has got a job in a company. After working in the company for ten days, we can say, Victor has been working in a company for ten days. In the example above, we have used the preposition (For) in the present perfect continues Tense. The reason to use for in the above sentence is that we are talking about the ending period of Vector working. We are not talking about the exact starting point of time. Let us look at another example, Imagine Suleiman is a dancer. He starts dancing at 11 pm. He continues to dance at 12 pm. Now at 12 pm, you can say, Suleiman has been dancing for 1 hour. In the example, we have used the preposition (For) to emphasize the ending period. If you want to make no mistake in using (For), you should always ask this question. How long was the activity? We use the preposition "For" when we want to specify the amount of time( How long has something continued?). If we can answer this question, we should use the preposition (For) in that sentence. Let us understand this with examples. Example 1 Ali had been dating her (for/since) three years. Now let us ask the question. Q.How long had Ali been dating her? A. 3 years It means (For) is the correct choice for the above sentence. Correct:- Ali had been dating her for three years. Example 2 She has been sleeping (since/for) morning. Now let us ask the question. Q.How long has she been sleeping? A. No answer Here in the example above, we know the exact starting point of time of her sleeping activity. We have no information on how long the activity of sleeping continued. So, the correct choice is "Since." Correct:- She has been sleeping since morning. Example 3 He had been singing (for/since) 20 minutes. Now let us ask the question. Q.How long had he been singing? A. 20 minutes It means (For) is the correct choice for the above sentence. Correct:- He had been singing for 20 minutes.
Bonus Tip "For" (how to use since and for)
In 99% of cases, We always use the plural form of a noun after the preposition "For" in a sentence to show the duration of time because a period or duration cannot be a singular noun. It must be plural. It will always be in pairs. It will be the combination of two words. For example, We have been listening to music for (1 hour). (two words). They had been discussing the topic for (two days). (two words) I have been waiting for your reply for (two weeks). (two words) Don't be confused with the following sentences. I have been waiting for this moment (for ages). She had been working on the project (for years). They have been suffering from the pandemic (for months). Here, you may think that the word after "For" is a single word. But the fact is that they are pairs of words, not a single word. Ages can be one century; years can be one year, two years, etc., and months can be one month, two months, etc. Note:- The words seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, ages, etc., always come after the preposition 'for' in a sentence. Example sentences 1. He had been dating her for two years. 2. I have been cooking meals for 15 minutes. 3. We had been sleeping for six hours. 4. You have been arguing with me for 45 minutes. 5. He had been coming to the office late for two weeks. 6. She has been watering the plants for 30 minutes. 7. It has been showering for two hours. 8. They have been shopping for five days. 9. I had been negotiating with her for two months. 10. Alishba has been making noise for 40 minutes. Read the full article
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(8) personal pronoun; How To Learn it easily and permanently
Personal Pronoun
What is a Personal Pronoun? Def:- A personal pronoun is a form of pronoun that is predominantly associated with a person. Therefore, it is called a personal pronoun. The main job of a personal pronoun is to replace a noun in a sentence to avoid repetition. Personal pronouns represent both people and animals. Explanation of the personal pronoun As we can guess from the name of the personal pronoun, it replaces a person, thing, or object in a sentence. The majority of the time, the personal pronoun refers to persons, but it also relates to none living things. A Personal pronoun takes different shapes and forms according to the situation. It may be singular or plural. The personal pronoun has three kinds of cases which we will discuss later in detail. A Personal pronoun gives us three essential pieces of information.
1.It tells us whether the person is the first person, second person, or third person. 2.It gives us information on whether the person is singular or plural. 3.The last but not the tiniest information that a personal pronoun gives us is whether the person is feminine, masculine, or neuter. Usage 1.(I) First-Person singular for male/female. 2.(We) First-Person plural for male/female. 3.(You) Second-Person singular for male/female. 4.(You) Second-Person plural for male/female. 5.(He) Third-Person singular for male. 6.(She) Third-Person singular for female. 7.(It) Third-Person singular for None living things and animals. 8.(They) Third-Person plural for persons, None living things, and animals. kinds of personal pronouns There are three kinds of personal pronouns. 1.First-person personal pronoun 2.Second-person personal pronoun 3.Third-person personal pronoun First- PersonSecond- PersonThird- PersonI (singular) You (singular)He (singular)We (plural)You (plural)She (singular)It (singular)They (plural) First-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- In the English language, a person who speaks is called First-person, and the pronoun we use in place of the First-person is called the First-person pronoun. The First-person represents the English letter (I) for a singular person and (we) for plural persons. Examples Of First-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (I) love music. 2. (We) study together. Second-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- A person who hears 👂 the First-person is called the second person. The pronoun we use instead of the second person is called the second person pronoun. The second person represents the English letter (you) for a singular person and (you) for plural persons. Examples Of Second-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (You) are busy. 2. (You) are cheaters. Third-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- when the First-person and the second person talk about the third person (who is often not present), it is called the third person. The pronoun we use instead of the third-person is called the third-person pronoun. The Third-person represents the English letters (he, she, it,) for a singular person and (they) for plural persons or objects. Example Of Third-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (He) is an actor. 2. (She) is a student. 3. (It) is a book. 4. (They) are my classmates. cases of a personal pronoun A Personal pronoun has three cases. 1.Subjective case 2.Possessive case 3.Objective case Let us look at the following Table to make the point clear. Subjective CasePossessive CaseObjective Case1.I (singular)1.Mine (singular)1.Me (singular)2.We (plural)2.Ours (plural)2.Us (plural)3.You (singular)3.Yours (singular)3.You (singular)4.You (plural)4.Yours (plural)4.You (plural)5.He (singular)5.His (singular)5.Him (singular)6.She (singular)6.Hers (singular)6.Her (singular)7.It (singular)Has no case7.It (singular)8.They (plural)7.Theirs (plural)8.Them (plural) The total number of subjective personal pronouns is eight in English grammar. They are, 1.I (singular) 2.We (plural) 3.You (singular) 4.You (plural) 5.He (singular) 6.She (singular) 7.It (singular) 8.They (plural) The total number of possessive personal pronouns is seven. They are, 1.Mine (singular) 2.Ours (plural) 3.Yours (singular) 4.Yours (plural) 5.His (singular) 6.Hers (singular) 7.Theirs (plural) Note:- There is no Possessive case of the third person singular pronoun (it). Objective Case The total number of Objective personal pronouns is eight. They are, 1.Me (singular) 2.Us (plural) 3.You (singular) 4.You (plural) 5.Him (singular) 6.Her (singular) 7.It (singular) 8.Them (plural) Subjective Personal noun Def:- We use a subjective personal pronoun as the subject of the sentence. For example, (She) loves Salman khan. In the example above, the word (she) is the subjective personal pronoun. It is the subject of the sentence. The subjective personal pronoun ( she) is associated with the person (Salman khan). examples of subjective case 1. (I) love my parents. 2. (We) are friends. 3. (You) are fabulous. 4. (You) look fantastic. 5. (She) is cute. 6. (He) speaks English well. 7. (It ) is beautiful. 8. (They) are students. Possessive case Def:- Possessive personal pronoun shows ownership or belonging. For example, This car is hers. In the example above, the word (hers) is a possessive personal pronoun. A Possessive personal pronoun expresses relationship, ownership, or belonging. The term (hers) gives us information that the car belongs to a female. Examples Of Possessive Case 1.This book is (mine). 2.The beautiful house is (ours). 3.Is this shirt (yours)? 4.These flowers are (yours). 5.The mistake is (his). 6.It is (hers). 7.These children are (theirs). Note:- There is a slight difference between the possessive personal pronoun and objective personal pronoun. Both are the object of the sentence. The possessive personal pronoun shows belongings, whereas the objective personal pronoun does not show any belongings. There is only a connection between the objective personal pronoun and the subject, not more than this. Objective Case Def:- We use an objective personal pronoun as the object of the sentence. For example, Kajol loves (him). In the example above, the word (him) is the objective personal pronoun. It is the object of the sentence. An objective personal pronoun (him) is associated with the subject Kajol. Examples Of objective Case 1.Ahmad believes in (me). 2.She cares about (us). 3.Did not he told (you)? 4.Noor blamed (you). 5.The teacher scolded (him). 6.Ibrahim invites (her). 7.You break (it). 8.We helped (them). Read the full article
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(8) personal pronoun; How To Learn it easily and permanently
Personal Pronoun
What is a Personal Pronoun? Def:- A personal pronoun is a form of pronoun that is predominantly associated with a person. Therefore, it is called a personal pronoun. The main job of a personal pronoun is to replace a noun in a sentence to avoid repetition. Personal pronouns represent both people and animals. Explanation of the personal pronoun As we can guess from the name of the personal pronoun, it replaces a person, thing, or object in a sentence. The majority of the time, the personal pronoun refers to persons, but it also relates to none living things. A Personal pronoun takes different shapes and forms according to the situation. It may be singular or plural. The personal pronoun has three kinds of cases which we will discuss later in detail. A Personal pronoun gives us three essential pieces of information.
1.It tells us whether the person is the first person, second person, or third person. 2.It gives us information on whether the person is singular or plural. 3.The last but not the tiniest information that a personal pronoun gives us is whether the person is feminine, masculine, or neuter. Usage 1.(I) First-Person singular for male. 2.(We) First-Person plural for female. 3.(You) Second-Person singular for male/female. 4.(You) Second-Person plural for male/female. 5.(He) Third-Person singular for male. 6.(She) Third-Person singular for female. 7.(It) Third-Person singular for None living things and animals. 8.(They) Third-Person plural for persons, None living things, and animals. kinds of personal pronouns There are three kinds of personal pronouns. 1.First-person personal pronoun 2.Second-person personal pronoun 3.Third-person personal pronoun First- PersonSecond- PersonThird- PersonI (singular) You (singular)He (singular)We (plural)You (plural)She (singular)It (singular)They (plural) First-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- In the English language, a person who speaks is called First-person, and the pronoun we use in place of the First-person is called the First-person pronoun. The First-person represents the English letter (I) for a singular person and (we) for plural persons. Examples Of First-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (I) love music. 2. (We) study together. Second-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- A person who hears 👂 the First-person is called the second person. The pronoun we use instead of the second person is called the second person pronoun. The second person represents the English letter (you) for a singular person and (you) for plural persons. Examples Of Second-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (You) are busy. 2. (You) are cheaters. Third-Person Personal Pronoun Def:- when the First-person and the second person talk about the third person (who is often not present), it is called the third person. The pronoun we use instead of the third-person is called the third-person pronoun. The Third-person represents the English letters (he, she, it,) for a singular person and (they) for plural persons or objects. Example Of Third-Person Personal Pronoun 1. (He) is an actor. 2. (She) is a student. 3. (It) is a book. 4. (They) are my classmates. cases of a personal pronoun A Personal pronoun has three cases. 1.Subjective case 2.Possessive case 3.Objective case Let us look at the following Table to make the point clear. Subjective CasePossessive CaseObjective Case1.I (singular)1.Mine (singular)1.Me (singular)2.We (plural)2.Ours (plural)2.Ours (plural)3.You (singular)3.Yours (singular)3.You (singular)4.You (plural)4.Yours (plural)4.You (plural)5.He (singular)5.Him (singular)5.His (singular)6.She (singular)6.Hers (singular)6.Hers (singular)7.It (singular)Has no case7.It (singular)8.They (plural)7.Theirs (plural)8.Them (plural) The total number of subjective personal pronouns is eight in English grammar. They are, 1.I (singular) 2.We (plural) 3.You (singular) 4.You (plural) 5.He (singular) 6.She (singular) 7.It (singular) 8.They (plural) The total number of possessive personal pronouns is eight. They are, 1.Mine (singular) 2.Ours (plural) 3.Yours (singular) 4.Yours (plural) 5.His (singular) 6.Hers (singular) 7.Theirs (plural) Note:- There is no Possessive case of the third person singular pronoun (it). Objective Case The total number of Objective personal pronouns is eight. They are, 1.Me (singular) 2.Us (plural) 3.You (singular) 4.You (plural) 5.Him (singular) 6.Her (singular) 7.It (singular) 8.Them (plural) Subjective Personal noun Def:- We use a subjective personal pronoun as the subject of the sentence. For example, (She) loves Salman khan. In the example above, the word (she) is the subjective personal pronoun. It is the subject of the sentence. The subjective personal pronoun ( she) is associated with the person (Salman khan). examples of subjective case 1. (I) love my parents. 2. (We) are friends. 3. (You) are fabulous. 4. (You) look fantastic. 5. (She) is cute. 6. (He) speaks English well. 7. (It ) is beautiful. 8. (They) are students. Possessive case Def:- Possessive personal pronoun shows ownership or belonging. For example, This car is hers. In the example above, the word (hers) is a possessive personal pronoun. A Possessive personal pronoun expresses relationship, ownership, or belonging. The term (hers) gives us information that the car belongs to a female. Examples Of Possessive Case 1.This book is (mine). 2.The beautiful house is (ours). 3.Is this shirt (yours)? 4.These flowers are (yours). 5.The mistake is (his). 6.It is (hers). 7.These children are (theirs). Note:- There is a slight difference between the possessive personal pronoun and subjective personal pronoun. Both are the subject of the sentence. The possessive personal pronoun shows belongings, whereas the subjective personal pronoun does not any belongings. There is only a connection between the subjective personal pronoun and the subject or objective personal pronoun, not more than this. Objective Case Def:- We use an objective personal pronoun as the object of the sentence. For example, Kajol loves him. In the example above, the word (him) is the objective personal pronoun. It is the object of the sentence. An objective personal pronoun (him) is associated with the subject Kajol. Examples Of objective Case 1.Ahmad believes in (me). 2.She cares about (us). 3.Did not he told (you)? 4.Noor blamed (you). 5.The teacher scolded (him). 6.Ibrahim invites (her). 7.You break (it). 8.We helped (them). Read the full article
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How Easily Semicolon Can Beautify Your Writing Skill
What is a semicolon?
Def:- A semicolon is one of the most commons punctuation Mark in English represented with the symbol (;). In the English language, the semicolon is primarily used to join two independent clauses closely related to each other in thought 💭. Independent clauses are complete sentences and can stand alone on their own to give whole meaning. We use a semicolon between the two related independent clauses to show their relationship. If the clauses are not related to one another, then the semicolon between the unrelated clauses will be wrong.
When to use a semicolon They are three primary uses of a semicolon, they are, 1.To connect two independent clauses 2.To separate items in a list 3.To join two clauses with conjunctive adverbs Let us discuss them further in detail. 1.Semi colon:-To connect two independent clauses We commonly use a semicolon to join two independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences and can stan alone. The job of the semicolon is to connect two Independent clauses to make an extensive sentence. Example one, Two independent clauses. It is cloudy. You must take an umbrella ⛱️. Now, let us join the two independent clauses with a semicolon. Correct:- It is cloudy; you must take an umbrella ⛱️. Example two, Two independent clauses. I am tired. I need rest. Let us join the two independent clauses with a semicolon. Correct:- I am tired; I need rest. Example three, Two independent clauses. She is hungry. She wants something to eat. Let us join the two independent clauses with a semicolon. Correct:- She is hungry; she wants something to eat. Note:- We should use semicolons only to connect two independent clauses related to one another. Incorrect:- I am tired; I am having fun. The above sentence is wrong because two independent clauses are not related to one another. The two actions may occur at the same time; they do not directly relate to one another. Correct:- I am at the party; I am having fun. Here, the usage of the semicolon is correct because both the independent clauses relate to one another. We also use the semicolon in place of comma and coordinative conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, FANBOYS) when we connect two independent clauses. It is wrong to use a comma and coordinative conjunction when using a semicolon. Example one, Incorrect:- I like walking outside; and I also enjoy listening to 🎶 music. Let's replace the comma and the conjunction (and) with a semicolon. Correct:- I like walking outside; I also enjoy listening to 🎶 music. Example two, Incorrect:- Asim cleaned his room; but Asma did not clean her room. Let's replace the comma and the conjunction (but) with a semicolon. Correct:- Asim cleaned his room; Asma did not clean her room. Example three, Incorrect:- He does not like swimming 🥽; nor he likes hiking. Let's replace the comma and the conjunction (nor) with a semicolon. Correct:- He does not like swimming 🥽; he does not like hiking. 2.Semi colon:- To separate items in a list Semicolon clarifies confusing information in a list. We usually use a comma to separate items in a list, but we must use a semicolon to clarify the confusion. If you want to know more about the usage of a semicolon, you can read the following articles. - Grammarly - The punctuation guide Example sentences, 1.The first, second, and third position holders were from London, UK; Paris, France; and Munich, Germany. 2.You should buy 🧀 cheese, 🍔 burgers, and 🍟 fries from MacDonald; basketball 🏀, 🥅 net, and boots 👟 from sports store; and Pepsi, juices 🥤 from drink corner. 3.For dinner 🍽️ today, I had chicken 🐔 biryani, made with hot 🥵 spices; Sprite with ice; and Laziza kheer from Refan 🏪 store. 4.I need to buy a pen and paper 📜 for writing, a geometry box for math, and a map 🗺️ for political science. 5.I bought 🍰 cake, cookies 🍪 from the bakery, Lamb 🐑, beef, and mutton from the butcher house, and vegetables from a market stall. 3.Semi Colon:-To join two clauses with conjunctive adverbs We use a semicolon when using conjunctive adverbs. Conjunctive adverbs are the words like (therefore, this, in addition to, hence, still, consequently, resultantly, on the other hand, however, etc.) Incorrect:- She likes pizza; but her friend likes a burger. The sentence above is grammatically wrong because we do not use a semicolon when conjunction connects two independent clauses. Here the correct punction mark is the comma. There is no need to use a semicolon here. Correct:- She likes pizza, but her friend likes a burger. The take out from the above example is to use a comma with coordinative conjunction or use a semicolon with conjunctive adverbs. Example sentences 1.He was driving crazily; therefore, he got an accident. 2.It was cloudy today; however, it didn't 🌧️ rain. 3.She loves you too, Sam; in fact, you should marry her. 4.I don't have enough money; otherwise, I would help you. 5.My 📱 phone is old; still, it works pretty well. 6.You should work hard; otherwise, you will not get a scholarship. 7.She is timid; in contrast, her friend is bold and talkative. 8.We should care about the poor; additionally, we should give them money 💵. 9.The necklace was not original; besides, it was expensive too. 10.Gopal worked lazily; hence, he was fired. 11.He is poor; in fact, he needs help. 12.She is not feeling well; therefore, she can't go to the office. When not to use a semicolon We do not use a semicolon when a dependent clause comes before an independent clause. Example sentences, Incorrect:- Since I had little water; I am thirsty now. Correct:- Since I had little water, I am thirsty now. Incorrect:- Whenever she sees me; she smiles at me. Correct:- whenever she sees me, she smiles at me. Incorrect:- As she was sick; she is unable to walk. Correct:- As she was ill, she is unable to walk. Incorrect:- Because he would come office late; his boss fired him. Correct:- Because he would come office late, his boss fired him. Incorrect:- If you help me; I will help you back. Correct:- If you help me, I will help you back. Aslo Read. - Proverbs - How to learn English - English History - Pair of words Read the full article
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Top 60 important English Proverbs with meaning and examples
What is a proverb?
A proverb is a short, famous, and concrete saying that expresses truth based on previous experience. In most cases, figurative language is used in proverbs. Therefore, they can be used in a multi situation. They sound rhythmic and can easily be memorized. Proverbs and sayings are the two sides of the same coins. They can be used interchangeably. There is always a hidden life lesson in every proverb. They are time-tested and accurate. For an English learner, it is crucial to learn English proverbs because Proverbs is the soul of a language. A person who uses proverbs in his speech means that he has achieved mastery in the language.
Here, we are giving the top 60 important English proverbs list with their meanings and examples. 1.Absence makes the heart ❤️ grow fonder Meaning:- This proverb means that when someone (who we love) is away from us, we feel more love and affection for him than usual. The heart ❤️ is eager to meet that person. We miss him all the time. Example:- Suppose a husband goes abroad for some business meeting. Her wife and his children would miss him due to his absence from home. Her wife can say to her husband on the phone 📱 , Absence makes the heart ❤️ grow fonder; we all miss you so much. 2.A friend in need is a friend indeed. Meaning:- It means that when you have a difficult time and your friend helps you when you need it. A Your friend upon which you can rely is your true friend. Example:- For example, your sister is sick 🤢 , and she is admitted to the hospital 🏥. But you are unable to pay the hospital expenditure, and you need money for that purpose. So you make a call to your friend and request money. He helps you out and delivers the hospital bills. You can say then, A friend in need is a friend indeed. 3.Appearances are often deceptive. Meaning:- This proverb means that we should not believe things blindly because it has been observed that usually, things are internally different from their apparent outlook. A thing may be beautiful from the outside, but it is not necessary that the item must be original. It may be artificial. Example:- Suppose you go to a party. There you see a person who has a fancy car 🚗, wearing an expensive watch, and a lovely dress. You are impressed by that person and say to your friend. That person has a great personality, and he is so rich. Your friend laughs at you and says. He is not rich. The car 🚗 is his friend, and the watch he is wearing is artificial. Further, he says, Appearances are often deceptive, dear. 4.A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush. Meaning:- It means that what you already have is better and worthy than to greed for something greater. It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to put yourself at risk of losing it by getting something better. Example:- For example, you have a job, but you are not happy with that. You want to get another job. You are confused. You don't know what to do. You wish to quit your current job, but you are not sure whether you will get another job or not. So you ask your friend for his opinion. He says to you. It is better to have this job until you get another job. He figuratively says to you, A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush. 5.Out of sight, out of mind. Meaning:- This proverb means that we soon start forgetting things or people if they are no longer visible. Example:- For example, when someone dies, people talk about that person for some days or months. As people no longer see that person, they forget him very soon after his death ☠️. Therefore, it is true to say, Out of sight, out out of mind. 6.💰 Money makes the mare go. Meaning:- This proverb means that you can do and have almost everything if you have money. In simple words, money is the king 👑. In today's world, with money, you can make the impossible possible. Money rules the world 🌎 , and those rich countries enjoy supreme power over the rest of the nations. Money is a symbol of power. Example:- Suppose you want to get admission to a renowned college in your city. But it costs you a fortune to pay the fees. You discuss that matter with your friend. He says to you, No problem. My father gives a significant amount of money as charity to that college. He will talk to the principal to provide a scholarship. You can say to your friend then, Money makes the mare go. 7.All is Well That Ends Well. Meaning:- It means that no matter how hard time and difficulties you have faced achieving something but if you have ended successfully and accomplished that, you forget all of the uncomfortable and bad days. Example:- For example, if you love a girl and want to marry her. But your parents disagree with your decision. You don't have enough money too. You make every effort to convince your parents, and at last, they agree with you. You successfully manage cash 💸 from here and there for your marriage. You get married to her. In situations like this, you can say to your beloved wife, All is Well That Ends Well. 8.Where there is a will, there is a way. Meaning:- This proverb means that if you have a firm determination to do something, you can find a way to achieve it. In other words, there is a solution for every problem. One can achieve anything if he wants it truly. Example:- we can take the famous example of Thomas Addison. It is said that he tried 999 times but failed before he invented the Light 🕯️. But Thomas Addison was firm in his belief, and finally, he made it. We can undoubtedly say about him that, Where there is a will, there is a way. 9.Necessity is the mother of invention. Meaning:- Sometimes, we are stuck in a situation where we are forced by nature to find ways to get out of the problem. In other words, when the need for something is essential, we are bound to find a way to get it. Example:- we can take the example of coronavirus when the coronavirus spread all over the world 🌎. There was a real need for its cure. So people researched and invented the coronavirus vaccine. So we can say that, Necessity is the mother of invention. 10.Love begets love. Meaning:- This proverb means that you get back what you give to others. If you show your respect for others, others will respect you back, and if you behave harshly to others, they will respond to you the same. Similarly, if you love someone, he will love you back. Example:- if you are working in an office. It depends upon you the way you behave people. If you talk to people with love and affection, they will show their respect and love for you. The proverb's sole focus is on spreading love. Love begets love 11.Actions speak louder than words. Meaning:- This means that it is useless if you don't act upon what you preach. Just talking positively is not enough; you have got to prove it by your actions. People follow those happily whose deeds reflect their words. Example:- We often see people around us who talk much and work less. They talk much so that nobody focuses on their work. You can take the example of two coworkers. One is talkative and the other talk less and work more. So when the time comes for a bonus, the person who works more will get the prize. In this situation, we can say then, Actions speak louder than words. 12.Something is better than nothing. Meaning:- This proverb means that little is more than having nothing. It is better to have less success than nothing because this small amount of achievements become significant achievements in the end. Example:- For example, you are a student. You set a target 🎯 to get 90 % marks in the exam, but you get 80% marks. It would help if you weren't disappointed about that because at least you are near to your goal. Your teacher can say to you, Something is better than nothing. 13.A bad workman always blames his tools. Meaning:- It means that when someone is not experienced in his field. He is unable to produce a quality product. Then he starts making excuses and blames circumstances, tools, and even other people for his low-quality work, not himself. The reality is that he is inexperienced. Example:- Suppose there two friends. They challenge each other for the dance competition. The competent person wins the match. The incompetent person will not accept his defeat. He might blame that the floor is short or my boots are slippery. The competent friend can say to him then, A bad workman always blames his tools. 14.A drowning man will clutch at a straw. Meaning:- The actual story behind this proverb is that a man was drowning in the river. A straw was floating near him. He catches the straw to save his life, although it was very little help. In simple words, a person in a difficult situation will make every little effort to get out of the problem. Example:- For example, you have a neighbor. He is well educated and works in a good company. For some reason, his boss fires him from the job. After some months, he is unable even to pay his rent. Now he gets a job, but the salary is meager as compared to his first job. You ask your neighbor, why are you doing this low-quality job? He can reply to you, A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 15.A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. Meaning:- This is a Chinese proverb. It means that no matter how long the journey is, if you take the first step, the countdown begins. After some time, you will reach your desired destination. It focuses on starting anything. It also means that everything has an end even if the task is difficult; one day, you will come to an end. Example:- For example, if you aim to save 10,000 money 💰 dollars. So your first step should be to save 10 dollars a day. Almost after three years (1000) days, you will have 10,000 dollars in your pocket. After all, A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. All that glitters is not gold. Meaning:- it means that things that look good and shining may not be original. So is the case with people. A person may look gentlemanly, but he may be a cheater in reality. Example:- For example, you go to a wedding party. There you see a girl wearing a diamond 💍 ring. You are impressed by the diamond 💍 ring so much that you tell your mother that you want to buy a 💍 ring call like that. Your mother tells you. It is not original. It is artificial. She further says, dear, All that glitters is not gold. 17.All is fair in love and war. Meaning:- This proverb means that usually, people follow some rules in almost every aspect of life, but love and war are the exceptions. There are no rules and fair play; you can apply any tactics to win the war. Similarly, in love, there are no boundaries and no rules. You can use fair and unfair means to win the heart ❤️ of your lover. Example:- For example, you have a girlfriend. She is angry 😡 with you and stops talking to you. To get her back, you start flirting with another girl so that she becomes jealous. She comes to you angrily and says. You are a cheater. You tell her. I don't love it. I wanted to get you back. Therefore I did this. Dear, All is fair in love and war. 18.An empty vessel makes much noise. Meaning:- Some people in our society are just talkative, but practically, they do nothing. They have little knowledge and most minor talent, but they praise themselves all the time. It is similar to " Barking dogs seldom bite." It has been often observed that those people who are incompetent are sweet talkers. They talk politely and sweetly so that other people don't focus on their work. Example:- Suppose you are working in an office. You have another colleague. He is not competent but a good talker. You, on the other hand, are a good worker. You don't show off your work. One day your boss calls you and says, why don't you work as your colleague. He presents me reports on everything, but you don't. You can reply to your boss, Sir, An empty vessel makes much noise. 19.An apple a day keeps the doctor away Meaning:- This proverb signifies the importance of an apple 🍎. It says that if you eat an apple 🍏 daily, you will not get sick and healthy. We can use this proverb in a general sense too. Eating any fruit is good for health. Example:- For example, your stomach doesn't work well, and your feeling sick. You share this with your father. He advises you not to eat those things that are not rich in vitamins. He suggests you eat more fruit 🍑. He smiles at you and says, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 20.An idle brain is a devil's workshop. Meaning:- It means that people who are idle and don't have anything worthy of doing, their minds start working on something terrible. If he doesn't have anything valuable to do, he is likely to do something evil. His mind often thinks of trivial things. Example:- Suppose you are going on the road 🛣️. You see young boys are having a party 🎉. They are shouting and making a lot of noise. They also drink 🍻 alcohol. You inquire about another person on the street. What are they doing? He can reply to you. An idle brain is a devil's workshop. 21.A picture is worth a thousand words. Meaning:- It means that a picture can convey an idea 💡 more quickly and effectively than the spoken or written words. You may have to register a thousand words to come across your opinion about a concept. But a painter can show you the whole story in a single picture. Example:- For example, you break 💔 off with your girlfriend. You are very sad. You want to share your sadness with your friend. It may take an hour to make your friend understand that how you are broken 💔. But if you show him a picture in which a boy is crying, and his heart ❤️ is bleeding. Your friend can understand your situation better than your explanation. He can say to you for sure that, A picture is worth a thousand words. 22.A bad penny always turns up. Meaning:- This proverb means that bad and nasty people (who you don't like) often come in your way again and again to make your life discomfort. Whenever they appear around you, they spoil your happy moments. They are like lousy luck (lousy penny) for you. Example:- For example, you are sitting with your friend in a cafeteria to celebrate 🥂 his birthday 🎂. In the meanwhile, a person who you don't like sits near to you and spoils your whole party. You can say to your friend, A bad penny always turns up. 22.Bad news travels fast. Meaning:- It means that news about horror, accident, illness, misfortune, trouble, death ☠️ , etc. Spread quickly as compared to good news. It is the human mind that shares terrible news as soon as they receive it. They don't share good news the way they share awful information. Example:- For Example, God forbid, you get an accident, and the rescue team takes you to the hospital 🏥. Surprisingly, you will start getting text messages and phone 📞 calls after some hour to inquire about your health. You can hold your head and say then. OMG, Bad news travels fast. 23.Attack is the best form of defense. Meaning:- This proverb means that it is the best strategy in a war to attack your enemy first before your enemy attacks you. In simple words, kill the enemy before the enemy kills you because if you don't kill him, he will kill you. It also means that if you attack your opponent first, he will forget about attacking you and will defend himself. In this way, you will strengthen your defense. Example:- In the world 🌎 of Football ⚽, Argentina, Spain, England, etc., are the teams whose strategy is to attack their opposite team from the beginning. They play to win the game. For other groups who are weak, their strategy is just of defending. They play not to lose the game. By watching the game of Argentina, Spain, and France, one can say, The attack is the best form of defense. 24.After the storm comes a calm. Meaning:- This proverb means that it is the beauty of nature after every discomfort comes to comfort. We have seen that after a period of unrest comes peace. In everyone's life, after a difficult time comes a good time too. Example:- We use this proverb in a situation where we want to give someone Hope. For example, you are jobless. You apply here and there but don't get a job. You feel so bad. Your father comes to you and says. Everything will be better soon, my son. After the storm comes a calm. 25.Adversity makes strange bedfellows. Meaning:- It means that when a lot of people face the same problem together like flood, storm or epidemic. They may come together to ally to overcome the problem. These people may not even interact normally, but they come close to common interest because of the epidemic. Example:- We can take the recent example of the coronavirus epidemic. Doctors from all over the world helped one another to get rid of the coronavirus epidemic. They are united for the common cause. One can say for sure now that, Adversity makes strange bedfellows. 26.The best things come in small packages. Meaning:- This proverb means that the most valuable things often come in small sizes. Its emphasis on the slow success of anything. Often we have seen that sudden success turns into failure soon. The slow and steady success is long-term and reliable. Example:- For example, you are a salesman. You cheat your customer and sell your product with a high margin. For the time being, you may get a good profit, but that customer will not buy from you, and you will get a reputation as a spoiler. In comparison to you, your coworker gets less profit. But he gains a good reputation among the customer. Soon he will get more profit than you. Your coworker can say to you then. The best things come in small packages. 27.Better be envied than pitied. Meaning:- This proverb means that people should envy you than pity you. The hidden meaning of this proverb is that if you do something worthy, people often envy you. On the other hand, when you don't have or do anything valuable, people pity you. 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