#tbc tag
rogdona · 1 day
Iz the girl in ur profile ur oc?
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hii!! nope, shes a character from the battle cats!!🙌🙌🙌i just thought she was cute kajdghsd
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purgetrooperfox · 4 months
non-comprehensive list of potential reasons Sgt Sanderson was dubbed "Roach" and it stuck
extremely difficult to kill
undeterred by loss of limb (once lost a finger but they sewed it back on and it was mostly fine)
undeterred by attempted drowning (lung capacity go brr) (surprisingly good swimmer for a guy who doesn't like the water)
Fast and Sneaky When He Wants To Be
steals bites of any food left unprotected during meals
gets into other people's lunches left in the fridge/cabinets
drawn to booze
thrives in the heat, miserable in the cold
personal space is a mess
common cause of jumpstartles on base (round a corner/turn around/look up and he's suddenly there in the corner)
voted must likely to survive the apocalypse (not for prepper reasons. bit of a survivalist though)
often seems like he could have just crawled out from under a gas station chest freezer
general indestructible insect vibes
brought to you in accordance with stuff I know about roaches
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transmasccofee · 1 year
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really hes an icon
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borrelia · 4 months
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can everyone look at beautiful knuckles images with me. please please please. @frostios made a beautiful knuckles image of him enjoying a picnic lunch of ants and grapes and worms for me* can we please all look at KNUCKLES!!!!!!
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1tbls · 2 months
kim's liberal ass being like "we can fix police corruption by simply reorganizing and changing the points system :)" sir 😔 fucking shakes him. sir.
like when he says he doesn't believe in anything but the RCM he really fucking means it. including this almost naive faith in its ultimate good. actually, this makes his past dolorianism/moralism much easier to imagine.
makes me wonder about "the only people who actually call themselves liberals are mouth-foaming reactionaries" in relation to younger kim, how he describes his younger self as a moralist. and even in-game how weirdly belligerent he becomes towards mañana, defensive when accused of ultraliberalism. kim..... kim my man how fucking bad were you as a 20-something. i feel like in the game we only get to see the tip of the iceberg.
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transsexualhollyleaf · 7 months
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this was fun to do
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moonscape · 2 months
apparently the confessions blog is posting dumb takes we have to put it down now
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efverse · 4 months
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Your love is a fraction It's not adding up
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orange-orchard-system · 4 months
I know it's a response to current events, but I kind of miss when the system community was talking more about how our system origins and structures work for us. Not just that our origins exist, but specifically sharing information about our experiences and building upon theories and discussing research that, even when not specifically about systems, could be related. I have lots of posts in my drafts about this sort of thing, but it's a little hard to work up any motivation to look for answers about how these things work when there's so much denial that things can work this way; it just feels like we're all in this limbo of waiting for the rainy season to be over so we can get back to our construction sites. Like. Idk. I hate bringing up syscourse on this blog (even though this is mostly just referencing it) but does anyone else miss when we were talking more about exploring who we are and how these things might work than just... trying to keep ourselves afloat? Banding together over slogans? Not that coming together as a community is bad, obviously, it's just that it feels a little stifling when we used to do a lot more adventuring; something done out of survival and not out of community. I feel like the recent AMA for the tulpamancy study is a step back in that direction I'm looking for but. Rn I just miss the mix of criticism of the current psych field(s) and the genuine interest in looking for what does work that used to be more common. Or maybe nostalgia has gotten me overestimating just how common that sort of thing was. Idk, I was thinking about how it feels like it used to be more common for someone around here to go "hey, here's this text about autism that might be especially relevant to autigenic systems" or for someone to say "hey, here's this analysis about a historical figure who might have been plural based on their work and words". I miss that, I hope we can get back to that sort of post/thing being commonplace soon
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084392 · 1 month
godddd and if aang's decision to not kill ozai had been more effectively framed as being a "last airbender" thing than just an "avatar aang" thing...
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rogdona · 1 day
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5516-minutes · 9 months
merry holidays to everyone! i humbly offer a charlos hotelier/lobby pianist AU:
Charles had absolutely seen the man around the hotel before. The massive windows that let the sunlight fall against his back for most of the day overlooked most of the grounds below, from the mosaic-tiled pools to the arbors crested with budding vines— the hotel vinted their own wine, and Charles had been gifted a bottle or two during his musical residency there. As spring fell to summer then to fall Charles sometimes spotted the man amongst the grapes, the rounded glint of a wine glass in hand, that swoop of brown hair a soft auburn in the sun. He was always with somebody. After a while Charles came to recognize the various others as staff members of the hotel. At one point the man passed by with the hotel manager, his crisp dress shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbows as he gestured animatedly in conversation. As the lounge pianist Charles was obliged to acknowledge each guest that walked through the lobby but it was quite difficult to pull his eyes away from that striking figure he only ever saw at a distance; Charles hadn't meant to stare to the point of distraction but his fingers stumbled together in a discordant strain that had some guests look up in the ensuing silence. Ears and cheeks burning red, Charles hadn’t needed to look at his hands while playing in a long while— but not wanting to chance any kind of embarrassing eye contact he determinedly kept his eyes on his wrists as they coaxed music from the keys until he finally had to look up at someone's approach. Amused brown eyes look back at him over a strong nose and a plush bottom lip. “I don't think I've met you yet,” the man says, holding out a hand for Charles to shake; Charles, to his credit, is able to keep playing with one hand while reaching over to shake the proffered hand. “Carlos Sainz, Junior.” “Carlos Sainz?” Charles repeats dumbly, realization sinking in. “You must be the son of...” Carlos casually leans one hip against the piano. “Sí. My father owns this hotel. I'll be running the wine business, helping out with some operations.” Head cocked, he comments, “I was told we hired a lounge pianist, but you are not what I was expecting.” Great. Charles swallows nervously. He may have botched this lucrative gig. All because he got distracted by the attractiveness of his hotelier boss’s son. “What do you mean?” Carlos chuckles. “I wasn’t expecting our new pianist to be as handsome as he is talented.”
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maowives · 1 month
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hnnny · 4 months
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Another magma session with art pals :)
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1tbls · 5 months
thinking about 16-22 year old kim being pushed out into the adult world entirely on his own for the first time. trying to figure it all out when you have absolutely no one to take care of you, to worry about you. looking at the warmly lit windows of the skyline of revachol west, and all the family units intertwined behind them. all slotted into place.
kim, knowing it's illogical, feeling betrayed by his mum for leaving him. resenting himself for leaving her.
something about. kim likes when things click into place. when they add up. something about how their family had (mediocre) father and (cherished) mother and baby - and his father wasn't around much, and his mother was slaughtered, and kim was left in the wind. all these loose, scattered jigsaw pieces. nothing satisfying about that.
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