#taz crit
You’ll never see more creative and hive mind fanart than of podcast blorbos. So widely different but so perfect each time
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may-tine · 3 months
I kinda wanna start watching dimension 20. What campaign is the best to get into first?
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mabaris · 6 months
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sometimes, reading D&D lore, i am reminded that one of bioware's first big games was D&D IP, and many of those writers went directly on to work on dragon age
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missingphi · 1 year
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very concerning that so many NPCs from previous heists are showing up. i felt pretty strongly that it was probably kenshall who had paul pantry killed. maybe paul had some dirt on kenshall and was trying to blackmail him. maybe he even figured out kenshall was behind the gallspire incident and threatened to expose him.
but now darla davis is here and claiming she actually investigated the murder and determined it was gravel, even though it seems like the murder didn't even happen at prize pantry... very strange. darla seemed to be more aligned with the employees than the dentons, so it seems unlikely she'd go along with making gravel a scapegoat unless they were hardcore blackmailing her as well. it will be very interesting to see what she says next episode.
'murder we spoke' was really funny though. that made me laugh. and i loved how the background music went to a serial-type song.
my least favorite thing abt steeplechase is how a lot of the time the boys try to do things and justin just like...totally blocks them. so it feels like most of their efforts are completely useless. he doesn't even let them roll, he just roleplays the NPC stonewalling them, and doesn't give any opportunity for it for it to contribute to the story.
like when clint talked to the whittle around hardlight. it seemed so obvious that that guy didn't know anything about the crime. it would've been way more interesting if that guy had potentially had some information, and if clint rolled really well he would've found it out. it would take some real improv to do, but would've paid off so well if justin had roleplayed and tried to incorporate clint's initiative into actually helping them. but instead the same thing happened with a bunch of npcs and most of the episode was just spent in conversations where the boys learn nothing. i know it was pretty obvious that gravel didn't actually kill paul, but when montrose got her attention and asked if she did it, why didn't griffin roll to see what kind of answer she gave instead of just defaulting to a non-answer that justin knows will fool montrose's lie detector
i don't know, maybe i'm thinking of this more like dnd but this episode felt soooo slow
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shuckstruck · 2 years
say what u will about the mcelroys and taz specifically. but Lup was such a good character and Genuinely just coming out and being like “this is your sister Lup and she’s been trans since you guys were pretty young” was good and she was Such an important and badass character
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perplexingly · 1 year
I’m looking for another ttrpg show to listen to, could I ask for recs?
I’m familiar with Crit Role, Bombarded, TAZ, Naturalne 20 (the Polish one), Geek & Sundry’s Vampire The Maquerade, Deerstalker (the one time they actually played dnd); I tried watching Dimension 20 but I just can’t make it past the first 5min of the first ep when they make horrible fun of slavic accents
I know there’s lots and lots more but that quantity is overwhelming 💦
Also if anyone knows something rather mystery/horror that would be great too!
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trashyspaceprxnce · 3 months
I like that C2 E45 of crit role is literally just taz balance. We got the planes, we got the red robes, it's all there
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commander-minkowski · 2 years
ok actually thinking about this though. there's no way brennan wasn't planning for a tpk. knowing how the intrepid heroes are in combat, it was pretty much guaranteed they would all get permakilled; making the constructs stay animated after the fg went down + needing pc death save crits to stay alive + adding the mechanic of instakilling on combat nat 20s ... all but guarantees a tpk for level one players. it would have taken six tremendous streaks of luck to avoid it, and banking on that to continue the entire story feels foolhardy even for a home game, let alone an actual play run by an experienced dm. so, that leaves us with two options (or three, if I'm wrong and this wasn't actually planned):
this was, essentially, a fakeout party marked for death from minute 1 that was meant to show the darkness of the world or some shit. this could be cool, depending on what the new party looks like, but if they're just some more level 1 randos the tpk starts to look kind of pointlessly cruel. which, despite this being horror, hardly seems like brennan's style. however, if the new party is all people somehow connected to the original pcs -- maybe seeking revenge for them, or have been watching them from a distance, or even taking over NPCs that they've seen before like caravan members, the mice, or rosamund's "sisters," that could be cool. I'd be ok with that. above all, the first three episodes shouldn't be completely useless narratively.
However, this tpk also leaves another option:
2. the current party is going to come back.
what if red saying "once upon a time" sends them all into the book? given the gasps and breaths at the end, it sounds like everyone's waking up. what if they wake up inside the book and have to fight their way out/ solve the puzzle of where everyone in the book is going? assuming jack went into the book after he died, this could be plausible (and fascinating).
this could also be a taz eleventh hour situation (ie a time loop), given how much has been said about the party being destined and needing to stay together as a specific group of six. imagine the party just getting zapped back to when they met at the caravan and having to speedrun the forest-mice-godmother sequence again until they succeeded. could be related to the power of the book again, or nebulous forces of fate. ngl this option would also kinda slap.
either way, I'm strongly leaning toward this not having been a true tpk. as long as there's a major status quo change -- like the ones I've guessed -- a resurrection wouldn't feel cheap and would actually be more satisfying than starting over from whole cloth with a new party.
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swearwolfcola · 1 year
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ragsy · 2 years
Anyone got any recs for a good narrative podcast? I'm looking for something engaging and tightly paced, and most importantly, FUN. I can't do "one guy speaks sedately into a microphone" podcasts. I'm looking for something like Mission to Zyxx, TAZ: Balance, or Bubble.
I've already tried Wolf 359, I Am In Eskew, Welcome to Night Vale, and the Crit Role podcast and they didn't quite do it for me
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breadedsinner · 1 year
I loved TAZ so much and it helped me through a time, I feel bad that my main memory is Merle seducing a plant. Might be time for a re-listen of Balance, although I am very much a fan of the whole thing, I'm really behind. I do wish it were more in conversations with Crit Role/Dimension 20.
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Looking for the “city” dnd? Podcast
does anybody know the name of that rly good (dnd?) game podcast with a funny white guy dm that everyone on here loves. NOT TAZ. NOT CRIT ROLE. It’s called [something] City and features several gay ppl. sorry for being so vague. Ppl have recced this soooo many times I can’t believe I can’t remember it…….
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Somehow ended up relistening to TAZ Balance and its forcing me to acknowledge the fact that I am. Almost certainly going to rewatch the entirety of Crit Role campaign 1, despite the fact I'm literally on the final Vecna fight, both before I actually finish it and before watching the other new seasons hhshsjfjf
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pharahsgf · 2 years
I tried to get into crit role but for some reason it was a little hard for me even though I love DND podcasts. I think the comedy style of TAZ and some D20 shows (though D20 is a mixture of drama and comedy and Brennan is hands down my favorite GM. Genuinely his worlds are so interesting) made it easier for me to get into. I seriously hope Vox Machina catches on and DND animation becomes a thing so I can see some of those stories brought to life. Also to see what you think because your media observations are really fun to read!
i might watch d20 if it gets animated.. i'd really like more serialised animated shows for adults that aren't sitcoms or nonstop "dark humour" and i'm glad tlovm is doing so well while filling that niche. we all joke about the normiefication of d&d but if this is what it takes to have some nice looking animation and Actual Storytelling in an adult cartoon i'm all for it.
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ethersierra · 2 years
Steeplechase episode 1 thoughts- THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. These are like live posts but all in one okay?
,, starting out with a non McElroy voice👀 Krystal with a k?
STEEPY WATCH. Like Disney video blogs oh my god ily
"Don't eat the flakes" we are getting some heavy social commentary here about corporations
Dentonic made a one of a kind enamel pin with gold ahaha who would do something like that 👁️
OH MY GOD THE INTRO SONG ❤️❤️❤️❤️ it reminds me of John Cena I'm sorry but it's so good. And we've got all these different elements going on with it oh my god I'm obsessed let me memorize it into my skull
Strong opener Justin mhm
I should have had "Griffin wreaks havoc out of game in his role as a player" and "Travis makes a sex joke" on the bingo card
The woman from the sky yesyeysyes
HER ACCENT I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She's my favorite already I I'm i
THE CHARACTER VOICES- beef's is so fun
Griffin started talking and I thought he was speaking as Montrose and I was about to say "dude that's JUST your voice" .. I am a wee bit foolish
Montrose has an old timey rich guy voice (carnival barker) aND IT FITS SO WELL WITH WHAT HE DOES I SHOULD JAVE SEEN THIS COMING
Warm bodies? Is uhhh there a lot of cold ones?
Does Montroses voice count as an accent because I think it should. It has a certain cadence to it . Also I want a bingo spot.
A big unveiliiiiiing 👀 they are dropping the pin in cereal. I uhh I missed that connector tbh I did not realize it was related. That's what I get for pausing so much lol
Do you think they're gonna eat the cereal to get to the pin
I love the ominous carnival music in the background
YAY DICE ARE OUT BABY. Mechanics baby
I want a carnitas tostada so bad right now. It's not related to the plot but idk the music reminds me of it
Of course Justin would combine his two loves of theme parks and cereal
Slipper, matchstick, and trashbag. I love you Justin for opening a random object generator and deciding that these are your NPCs.
Sorry but is that Minecraft sheep in the background right now?
"assault" "a pepper" shoulda put Travis makes a dumb joke on the bingo too
I like that the rule is once you start planning you're already there
I like that they're gonna undercut the other thieves akdnakndak
UESTACE!! AND WE GOT A SPELLING❤️ the bad news is that it's abysmal! I think it's supposed to be futuristic though. Gotta update the wiki.
Hold on. The hard light grandpa calls him papa and also does manual labor. They really are alive huh
I like that though. Very Pinocchio though in a kinda fucked up future way
Emerich wears a jumpsuit coverall 😌💪 win for character design. Also I love him he's the IT guy in an appliances guy kinda way
Also is steeplechase title the sleeping beauty font <3
Oooh Montrose stealth by blending iiiiin I love this character. I think that these characters play well into the player strengths!!
Justin is doing so good by the way I knew he would be great as a GM !!!!<3
I need trav to crit fail this cereal roll so bad that beef takes damage
Awww. Good enough for me. This is fun
That was a sneaky move to get them away ayeheh
I don't quite get how the dice works
OH HE GOES MASKLESS. A PLAIN FACE. we did think that would be something but, (is now a good time to reference the dream thing...)
Oooh he actually got the guard to leave his post👀
Perception check😏 sorry sorry "survey"
TAKE TWO STRESS👀👀👁️👀👁️👀👁️ I like that mechanic a lot
I expect many more "he beefed it" jokes in the future
Finally. A TAZ campaign with vloggers.
I really like the dynamic here with Montrose and the people it's fun
Also Montrose is doing this whole STEALTH thing toooo a Livestream audience 💀 good job bud
This is gonna go HORRIBLY wrong.
how.. how big is the tube...
Justin's Taako voice came out there for a second "okay they're distracted what are you gonna do now?"
Beef is so good at distracting
Montrose. How the hell do you think this will work. You have made no change then like turned on them WITH AUDIENCES OF LITERALLY EVERYONE - I mean idk how far away from them they were they probably didn't hear
Haha yeah roll for it baybeee
Montrose. C'mon. What is happening sir
I'm kinda glad they fucked that one up. It's for funsies. They just did it so goddamn bad that I don't know how they'll possibly fix it!
I'm going to start working on their designs this weekend so expect a drawing😌 overall love this ep and super excited for more!
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