#taurus love tarot
astrosolutions · 3 months
Taurus July Horoscope 2024 Monthly Predictions.
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Taurus July Horoscope 2024: Welcome to your July 2024 horoscope. July thus holds for you a promise of blending between stability and transformation. It is something that you have to be very familiar with. You value consistency and practicality as an Earth sign, but the planets indicate a period where you might need to embrace some changes to thrive fully.
July is a month where the best strength leads to great opportunities and fewer challenges. Expect to move through personal growth, career advancements, and deeper connections in your relationships. Let’s talk about the Taurus July monthly 2024 horoscope predictions.
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tarotwithavi · 4 days
Venus and your love language
Venus in astrology signifies how you love, your views on relationships and how you express affection.
This is a general post.
For entertainment purposes only
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Venus in 1st house
For someone with Venus in the 1st house, their love language is often affection and physical touch. They love to show and receive love in obvious, open ways. They appreciate compliments, sweet gestures, and anything that makes them feel valued and admired. They enjoy making others feel special too, often through kind words, attention, and being present for the people they love. Romantic gestures , like holding hands, hugs, or small gifts, can make them feel loved and appreciated. In simple terms, their love language is about showing love openly and feeling beautiful connections with others.
Venus in 2nd house
For someone with Venus in the 2nd house, their love language is often centered around security, comfort, and material affection. This means they express love through giving and receiving gifts, acts of service, or doing things that create a sense of stability. They value tangible expressions of affection like thoughtful presents or providing for their partner’s needs. They also appreciate being pampered and feeling secure in relationships, so they might love being shown care through practical gestures, like cooking a nice meal or sharing experiences that make them feel safe and cherished.
Venus in 3rd house
When Venus is in the 3rd house, your love language is connected to communication. You express love through words, thoughtful conversations, and meaningful interactions. You enjoy sharing ideas, writing sweet messages, and talking openly with your partner. You appreciate when someone listens to you carefully and engages in deep discussions. For you, love is about staying mentally connected, being playful with words, and showing affection through small, kind gestures like compliments or texts. Clear and frequent communication makes you feel loved.
Venus in 4th house
If your Venus is in the 4th house, your love language is all about creating a sense of home, comfort, and emotional security. You express love by nurturing others, making them feel safe, and creating a warm, cozy environment. You might show affection by cooking, caring for your family, or spending quality time at home with your loved ones. In return, you feel most loved when someone gives you emotional support, makes you feel safe, and shares quiet, comforting moments with you. You value deep emotional connections and stability in your relationships.
Venus in 5th house
If Venus is in the 5th house in your birth chart, your love language is all about fun, creativity, and romance. You express love through playful, joyful activities like going on dates, enjoying hobbies together, and sharing exciting experiences. You enjoy giving affection by making the other person feel special, often through surprises, gifts, or romantic gestures. You also love receiving attention and admiration. Feeling appreciated and adored in a fun, lighthearted way makes you feel deeply loved. Your love language is full of warmth, excitement, and passion.
Venus in 6th house
When Venus is in the 6th house, your love language tends to be expressed through acts of service. This means you show love by doing things to help and take care of others, especially in everyday tasks or routines. You feel loved when someone helps you with practical things or when they are thoughtful about your well-being. In relationships, you like to make life easier for your partner, and you appreciate when they do the same for you. Love, for you, is about kindness, support, and helping each other in daily life.
Venus in 7th house
With Venus in the 7th house, your love language is Quality Time. You really value spending meaningful moments with your partner, whether it’s going on fun adventures or enjoying cozy evenings at home. For you, being fully present and sharing experiences helps to build a strong connection. You like to create memories together and want a partner who feels the same way. Quality time is what makes you feel loved and appreciated in your relationships.
Venus in 8th house
When Venus is in the 8th house of your birth chart, your love language is intense, deep, and transformative. You crave emotional connection and trust in relationships, and love becomes a way for you to experience profound changes. You want intimacy, not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional and spiritual one. For you, love is about bonding deeply with someone, sharing secrets, and feeling safe with vulnerability. Trust and loyalty are essential, and you are drawn to relationships that make you feel empowered. You may also be attracted to people or experiences that involve mystery, passion, or even a sense of risk.
Venus in 9th house
If you have Venus in the 9th house, your love language focuses on adventure, exploration, and deep connections. You likely express love through sharing experiences, like traveling together or learning new things. You value freedom and enjoy relationships that encourage growth and understanding. You appreciate open-mindedness and might feel most loved when your partner engages with your ideas and beliefs. Philosophical discussions or cultural exchanges can strengthen your bond. You may also show affection by introducing your partner to new places or ideas, seeking to expand both of your horizons. You may find joy in discovering new cultures, enjoying nature, or attending events together.
Venus in 10th house
If Venus is in the 10th house, your love language often focuses on public recognition and admiration. You may feel loved when your partner shows you off to others or supports your career goals. Acts of service are important; you appreciate when someone helps you achieve your dreams. You value respect and status in relationships, so compliments about your achievements mean a lot. You might also express love through quality time spent in public settings or during social events. You seek a partner who appreciates your ambitions and stands by you in both personal and professional aspects of life.
Venus in 11th house
If your Venus is in the 11th house, your love language often involves friendship and shared dreams. You value connection with others and express love through social activities, group experiences, and helping friends. You enjoy building relationships based on mutual interests and support. Your ideal partner is often a friend first, and you appreciate open communication and shared goals. You show love by being there for others and encouraging them in their pursuits. In relationships, you seek freedom and individuality, wanting to grow together while still being your own person. Friendship is at the heart of your romantic connections.
Venus in 12 house
Having Venus in the 12th house often means you express love in private or hidden ways. You might be romantic but keep your feelings to yourself. You enjoy deep emotional connections and may love through acts of kindness or support. Your ideal partner could be someone who understands your need for privacy and intuition. You might find joy in creative expressions, like art or music, as a way to show love. Sometimes, you may feel drawn to those who are mysterious or different. Your love language is often gentle, sensitive, and deeply emotional.
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sagstelliums · 2 months
How/when will your future spouse know youre the one (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that your future spouse is going to know you’re the one when they get sick or don’t feel well youll be super supportive and caring/affectionate, they’ll know you’re the one when you get into a conflict over them and you protect/defend them. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how you handle obstacles or when they see you take a chance and be risky after dealing with something that they thought you couldn’t recover from, they’ll know you’re the one by seeing how motivated and hard working you are. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how much peace and balance you bring to their life, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how abundant and successful you guys are when you’re together. For some of you they’ll know you’re the one when they first shake your hand or introduce themselves, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much you spark their creativity or when they get a lot of new ideas/plans. They’ll know you’re the one when they see they how much easier life is with you in it, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how you handle depression and stagnancy or how you help them get out of theirs. (There may be an age gap). Signs- Leo/aries. Initials- I, R, S
Pile 2
I see that they’ll know you’re the one by the way you motivate them and inspire them, they’ll know you’re the one when they see that you guys had a friendship first and made a deep trusting connection. For some of you they’ll know you’re the one after you guys have a reconciliation, they’ll know you’re the one when they feel comfortable enough to drop their guard. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how balanced the connection is or how you balance out their life, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much their friends/family likes you. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how good you are at consoling them and nurturing them, this may be a same sex marriage. Signs- Sagittarius, Taurus, Capricorn. Initials- P, E, A
Pile 3
I see that they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much better their life is when you’re in it, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much their life is improving and upgrading because of you. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how far they’ve came with your help, they’ll know you’re the one when see how beneficial you are to them. Th know you’re the one when they start having new experiences and new opportunities, they’ll know you’re the one because of how good you are at helping them or solving their problems. They’ll know you’re the one because of happy and successful they’ll be because of you, they’ll know you’re the one after a certain amount of time and when they feel like the connection isn’t temporary anymore. (There may be an age gap, someone may live in Texas or is from there) Signs- cancer/aries. Initials- T, L, X
Personal readings always available!
Pngs by @janschildhooddump @daydreaming-in-daisies Divider by @nicodefresas
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hrhstarrydawnn · 3 months
Mars Inside the Heart of Venus
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Astro Insights
Venus in the chart can tell you how old your heart is and how you will experience love. A Mars sign (Aries or Scorpio) in the planet of love (Venus) will give an intense heartbeat making the heart exude high forms of magnetism. Each pump of blood pulls anything and everything to the body giving it the ultimate LOVE experience. These experiences can be toxic/poisonous, healthy/healing, and even fortuitous.
Venus Aries (sign, degree, & house) has many significant relationships/long-term/marriages throughout their life. They seem to be simple toward love. These types will believe that each person they encounter could be "the one" bravely entering a union with their forever.
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Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) has many insignificant relationships/short-term/engagements throughout their life. They seem to be cynical toward love knowing that none of their encounters are "the one". They believe there is only "one" and will risk encountering many souls until they meet their forever.
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Venus Aries and Venus Scorpio both have an intensity about them and crave it in order to feel love/be loved. The difference is in the degrees of their intensity. Aries the newest heart of the zodiac (and youngest heart of the fire signs) seems to be at the other end whereas Scorpio the much older heart of the zodiac (and the middle heart of the water signs) is at the other end.
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Venus Aries is like Cinderella trying on many glass slippers each time she enters a relationship. She will wear the glass slipper hoping it will not come off while she is walking until love allows her to walk in perfect stride.
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Venus Scorpio is like Cinderella almost turning from Pauper to Princess each time she has an encounter. She will acquire new rags, but never the gown until love invites her to the Gala.
If Venus and Saturn are both in Aries or both in Scorpio:
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Venus Aries (sign, degree & house) and Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) will not live happily ever after until their Saturn relieves/unlocks their Aries/1H heart and Scorpio/8H heart (sign, degree & house).
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Next time you learn of a Venus Aries or Venus Scorpio (sign, degree & house) converse with them to learn the number of significant relationships/long-term/marriages (Aries) or insignificant relationships/short-term/engagements (Scorpio).
You'll be surprised at how many frogs they kissed!
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Tarot Insights
Cards: Afro Goddess by Andrea Furtick
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Venus (Taurus and Libra) represented by The Empress
Aries (Mars) represented by The Emperor
Scorpio (Mars) represented by The Death
Venus Aries- As The Emperor is looking/magnetizing to finally have love to conquer it in order to succeed at the heart.
The heart will go through battles of what love means and how it is expressed before it receives its ultimate LOVE. They will try and try again refusing to be conquered as their heart beats as The Emperor card.
Venus Aries- The Empress meets The Emperor
Venus Scorpio- As The Death is looking/magnetizing to have love to transform it in order to succeed at the heart.
The heart will go through modifications of what love means and how it is expressed before it receives the ultimate LOVE. They will try and try again revisioning to be converted as their heart beats as The Death card.
Venus Scorpio- The Empress meets The Death
Linguist Insights
Aries sounds like Airy
(head in the clouds)...
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Scorpio sounds like Scorn.
Both have the prefix Scor- meaning crack, crevice, mark
(Hell hath no fury like a wo(man) scorned)...
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vex-jb · 20 days
If anyone would like a free tarot reading please like comment and share !!!
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- I will try to get back to you as soon as I can ! I work and am pretty busy so I will try to get back to u and be transparent if I’m taking long! Please be patient with me 🩵
Please send me your First/ Last name DOB. Make sure to message me with your info and question ! This is for yes or no or love related tarot . If you would like u can provide me your person name and dob for a love reading. But always keep in mind that nothing is concrete i can pick up on present energy*** , circumstances can alter the future. That’s why it’s better to ask about YOUR love life in general and if someone significant is in your energy I’ll be able to pick up on it. If u would like to still provide your persons info that is fine it’s really up too u ! We can not control an outcome there is possibilities…
-this is for entertainment purposes. Below is a little about me and fyi …
I have been studying tarot cards as a hobby for 2 years now. I am an intuitive reader and interpret the energy I feel via the spread I pull. I use the general tarot as a foundation but use my intuition to provide the interpretation of what I feel and see. I claim not to be any psychic. I am still learning and growing in my abilities this is a fun experience for both u and I ! I will be transparent in what I see and not sugar coat. I will also be direct without going off topic unless u ask for advice lol- I’m trying to learn not to talk in circles I just get passionate and want to make sure I articulated myself well. I mean well and am excited for the opportunity to read for anyone who allows me !- I’m getting tired reading for myself 😪😭 thank u for the opportunity 💛
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ariesmoontarot · 5 days
Earth Sign Reading🌎
There is someone in your life who has a very healing & loving energy towards you. I see that you’re focused on taking care of those you love and the one you love. I also see that you’ve been loving yourself a bit more and connecting more deeply to your surroundings. This person could’ve helped motivate you into being in this energy. You’ve grown and overcome so much and you may be wondering when you’re going to have your moment. You’ve been waiting for something for a while now and I feel like it could have something to do with finances/career, home, family, or a relationship. You aren’t seeing any opportunities around you at this time and I feel like you’ve been reflecting on this. Thinking of what you can do or how you can do things differently to receive the outcome that you want. I feel like it’s your mentality that you’ve been really trying to change and maybe you weren’t looking at things in the most positive way because of past disappointments. However I feel like you being more patient, optimistic, & confident in trusting that things will happen the way they’re supposed to, will help you attract what you want. You just have to make sure you’re aligned with what you want energetically. Acting as if you already have it within you. You have to start allowing yourself to feel now, what you’d feel when you receive the opportunity you want. I feel like you’re really self assured and independent. You don’t really need to be surrounded by a bunch of people or things that don’t benefit you or your goals. Maybe right now is a time for you to be by yourself in solitude. There were bad habits, influences, fears, & possibly addictions that were affecting your energy. I see you freeing yourself from any toxic and harmful behaviors or environments. You are ready for change and I see you going towards new things with a very lighthearted and positive attitude. Don’t commit yourself to a specific thing or person right now because I feel like it’ll only distract you and things are already divinely and inevitably falling into place. The main thing you need to focus on is what you can control and that is yourself. Start embodying the qualities, values, & standards you need for yourself to feel confident and secure. I’m seeing that when the opportunity you’ve been wanting presents itself to you it won’t be how it usually is. You may be used to feeling super excited, passionate, & a burst of energy when new things come to you, but for this it’s going to take some patience, hard work, & dedication. This is something you’ll have to fight for in a way and I feel like it will seem as if things aren’t going in your favor but they are. You will see in due time, but you need to trust and have faith that it is. There could be two different people or things that you are juggling at this time and the best thing you can do is keep your own energy balanced and centered. Don’t lose yourself trying to keep others satisfied and be sure to limit your distractions!!
I feel like you’ve been working towards being more stable and independent when it comes to your finances, relationships, & career. You want long term results and I feel like you are slowly receiving that. You’ve been healing and releasing any sadness and grief from losses and heartaches. You could’ve been feeling betrayed or really hurt by an experience you had in the recent past and I feel like you’re starting to see the bright side of things. You’re listening to your inner voice and trusting the information you receive about a lot of people and situations. Right now there’s a need for more patience and persistence. Things aren’t happening as fast as you’d like but your efforts and energy that you put towards your goals will be rewarded in due time. Finding ways to cultivate the feeling of you already having achieved so much will help you accomplish more. When you feel good you get to live good. You won’t see challenges as a horrible thing but rather something that helps you learn and grow even more. You will go through trials and tribulations but at the end of the day you can overcome them. Having endurance and confidence will help you more than you know. I feel like you don’t really see how far you’ve come and grown as a person and maybe it’s time for you to start looking at things differently. Don’t think about the challenges that lie ahead of you or what could possibly go wrong. Just think of all the things that could go right and be practical and diligent about the way you move.
I feel like you’ve been dealing with someone who is a little self centered. They’re focused on themselves and what can benefit them. I feel like things can be really passionate and at the same time cold with them. They come off as very direct, straightforward, & reserved. They aren’t too emotional or expressive about their feelings and they usually just like to make things happen instead of talk. They strategize their steps and move accordingly to their plans. I feel like this is someone who can be on the go a lot and usually has to make the time to be around people. You could be feeling insecure and unworthy of receiving love right now and I see you a little emotionally dependent on this person. It seems like aren’t giving you the time of day or really even focused on you at all and I feel like it’s been weighing heavily on you how they can just seem so distant and not even think about you. You’re in the dark about a lot of things and you don’t understand why. You could feel like there is no future or point of even opening up to this person because of the way things have been going. However I feel like it’s your fears and insecurities that are making you feel this way because maybe you’ve been through a situation in the past that is triggering trauma. Don’t place your emotions and happiness too much on this persons actions and just focus on what you can control and how you can keep yourself more reserved and less reactive. Your personal happiness is more important right now than being worried about somebody else who is focused on themselves. You need time to reflect and process your emotions before you speak and make decisions that could affect you long term. Focus on what is in your life and what’s showing up for you. Pay attention to the details of things and the information you find out, but keep things to yourself. Not everything needs to be said. I also feel like you don’t give things and people enough time to grow. It’s almost like the minute you feel a certain way or something in you gets triggered, you run and detach from the thing you feel that’s causing it. Good things take time, patience, effort, & commitment. It also takes a lot to even trust in the results before seeing them. You need to have unwavering faith and know that what you need will come to you at the right time and place.
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tarotofzhivasmoon · 11 months
Pick a picture reading
What makes you stand out to them?
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any service!
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Pile 1
Your person loves that you are a challenge, not in the negative way, but that you’re kind of independent and enjoying your own life, maybe being a little bit hard to get but not to an extreme in which you’re completely pushing people away and you’re scared of interacting with others. You’re not really isolating yourself, but you just love your life and you love the experiences of life that you actually take on fully. You just surrender to life, you see beauty in everything and you don’t really say no to anything because you know that it’s most likely going to be something that you will never forget. You’re very smart, very intellectual and you love learning, but you also love traveling, especially over seas and live in the present moment rather than in your head. There’s something intriguing about how you manage and deal with your emotions, you know you have the right amount of support and care from other people, but you also have faith and trust in yourself that you are going to get through anything that life throws at you; it took you some time to get to this mindset, maybe in the past you have actually been scared of big waves, agitated sea and every time you wanted to take on this journey of exploring your emotions you just turned right back because it felt unsafe and you didn’t want to take that risk, but you actually have conquered the waves of your emotions through embracing the fact that sometimes they won’t be calm, the journey might not always be smooth but being afraid of it is never going to get you any progress. You also have this amazing ability of detaching from things that no longer serve you, besides the exploration of the world, you don’t waste time in places and with people that do not deserve you being there and honestly, you have gotten quite ‘lucky’ with finding yourself in that type of situations because others needed someone like you to show them the way, to show them that not appreciating someone or taking advantage of that person isn’t going to bring happiness and it’s not going to last forever. You were teaching them through loss, by getting read of that baggage that wasn’t really serving you whether it being people or situations, because you know that there’s no point in carrying everything and make it harder for yourself when you have the ability to choose. You’re a hard worker, always learning from your mistakes and you have a beautiful connection with the divine that has always intrigued them because it offers them a new perspective. Your ability to detach from situations you’re in and look at things from a wider perspective is also something that makes you stand out because most are wrapped up in circumstances, but you zoom out of it and see things for what they really are. You’re really sweet with them, love those who you think are worthy of it and are never afraid of speaking up your mind because you take pride in what you know and who you are.
The 18+ extended reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
Pile 2
Your person simply loves your energy so much because when they’ve met you, you might’ve been in a lack mentality, wallowing in misery, refusing other people’s support and trying your hardest to prove your worth to others so that they could accept you and see you for who you are. You weren’t having a whole lot of faith that things were going to get better, you might’ve only learned to rely on yourself and it was very hard for you to rely on others, but through all this time that they’ve known you, they can actually see how your mentality has changed and now you’ve actually transformed towards the opposite of who you used to be. They find that so beautiful, they love seeing you actually speaking up for yourself and the effort that you’ve put in to actually go within yourself, figure out what your needs and wants are and now you’re not really sitting in silence whenever others don’t meet them, due to the fear of being abandoned and being alone again, but you actually stand up and you take action to get those needs fulfilled whether through communication or actually fulfilling your needs yourself. You seem to be a whole lot more open towards people’s advice, towards people’s support and you’re no longer accepting having people in your life who are going to dry out your entire heart because they see you giving all that energy, all that love without any boundaries; you’re surrounding yourself with those who actually pour back onto you because you’re more secure with yourself and you don’t hold onto those who breadcrumb you because those breadcrumbs are better than nothing. You know your value and you know your worth and you’re getting towards a place in which you don’t really accept anything less than you deserve and you’ve actually recovered from that ‘defeat’ that you’ve experienced in the past. It’s wholesome to them how you changed the way you were seeing the world and now you actually have everything you want and need to feel complete. They are in love with you and they love that you’ve maintained your kind soul, and only stepped up on recognizing how amazing you are instead of having a big ego and being greedy with what you give; you didn’t let those experiences completely change you, you changed how you reacted and you changed how you see yourself. They love your dedication and they love who you are as a human being and they couldn’t be more grateful to have someone like you in their life.
The 18+ extended reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
Pile 3
You stand out to your person because they believe that the two of you could actually have a long-term relationship, one in which you’re going to overcome your differences, you’re going to have it all together. It’s all about how reliable and secure you are to them as they know that they can actually build something really strong with you and they’re not really going to miss that opportunity they have. They see you as really fiery and energetic, but also they absolutely love the ability that you have to actually bring everyone together, no matter how different those people are and they feel like you have done this with them as well. The two of you might be really different, have different points of view and approaches to life and you are the one that’s usually able to identify the common ground on which both of you can stand and actually get closer to each other rather than being on two different islands where you can’t reach each other. This person is paying close attention to you, to how you move into the world and they are actually so intrigued by you because you are really wise and smart, the information you possess is actually helping them do better as they might be someone who only focuses on ideas and facts that actually supports the conclusions they reached and disregard anything else, so they feel as though around you, they can approach everything else from an open-minded perspective and not have that tunnel vision only on what benefits them or their own ideas, but actually thinking about the greater good for all. You’re also someone who listens to their feelings and intuition, very reflective and observing in nature rather than being someone who’s consistently acting without thinking; you know when to speak, you know when to keep quiet and they actually find that very intriguing because there’s not many people who actually have that level of stability within themselves to know when their insight is going to make a difference and to know when speaking up is unnecessary as most people defend themselves, their grounds and their ideas and they want to share them and be heard at all costs, or others are too passive and even when they feel like something is wrong, they do not stand up for themselves. You do that because you’ve done a whole lot of soul searching and you’ve progressed towards becoming a person who’s sure of themselves and knows what to say, when to say it and how to say it.
The 18+ extended reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope this offered you the guidance you needed! Much love xx
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etherealyoni · 5 months
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The Most High is making a way for you. There could be some exhaustion and burnout you’ve been experiencing. Please take this time to rest and recharge because you are due for a retreat, vacation, or even a self care day. Treat yourself because you are the one making things happen in your life. If anyone deserves the credit, why not you?
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Take your time feeling through these emotions. So much is changing around you and you just want to adjust. Don’t fight anything, simply let it flow. This may not be comfortable for you and this may be a time where it feels like challenges are always ahead. As unsettling as all of this is for you, you deserve to know that you’re doing an amazing job. In the midst of all the chaos, trauma, and conflicts you survived and there may even be a story to tell when the time comes. But know that you’re worthy of much more and you will have those experiences you could only dream of. Allow your creative side to come out, it seeks to express itself.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
I can see things are hard right now and something is taking a toll on you. It sometimes feels like your back is against the wall and if you scream and shout no one will hear you or even care to help. All of this seems to be taking place in the heart chakra for some. You’re going through enough and next thing you know the show isn’t even over. It’s not easy trying to get back up every time you get knocked down but it doesn’t make it impossible and it also doesn’t mean you have to take whatever is being given to you. Don’t settle for a lifestyle that makes a mockery of your pain and discomfort. Cultivate a reality where you feel safe and free enough to express yourself with no shame. Live the life that inspires you!
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Go have some fun, water signs. When is the last time you went out and did things you like? You gotta get into the groove of spending quality time alone or even with the ones you keep close. It’s not only rewarding but it's a part of life that can easily be missed out on if you’re not paying attention. I know life throws its curve balls but don’t forget how rewarding it can be to take yourself shopping, read a book you like, watch a good show or movie with your loved ones, and even doing the things that light you up internally.
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tarotofzhivamoon · 10 months
Pick a picture reading
Why aren’t they making the first move?
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Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading my work. I hope that you’re going to find the guidance that you need🫶🏻 You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any reading.
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
Masterlist • P@tr30n • Personal readings
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Pile 1
Your person isn’t making the first move right now because they feel extremely intimidated by you, by your energy but also by how you are making them feel when you are around you. There’s this nervous energy about them that is coming through really strong because you as a person, you demand respect from those around you just by the way you present yourself, the way you enter a room and how you navigate life and that’s simply too powerful and way too intimidating for your person. It’s almost like they feel as though they’re not on your level yet, they haven’t really explored themselves, but also the world the way you’ve done and they just feel really insecure when it comes to approaching you. It seems as though they’re really struggling because this person could be very domineering, energy wise, as well, but you’re far more powerful than they are and they haven’t really met someone who could actually stand up to them or is as sure of themselves, sure of what they want and actually taking the necessary action to get it. It could be that you’re the one who approached them as well when you’ve met, your eyes might’ve locked on them and you weren’t simply passively waiting for them to come to you because you simply give off that energy of “I want it, I got it” and you don’t really give up or stop until you actually have what you want. They’re simply impressed by you and who you are as a person, they are studying you but keeping their distance a little bit because maybe they’ve been used to be the one who’s in control or to actually make the first move in relationships, come up with the initiative to do something or take some form of action and you just flipped their entire world around by simply being this amazing you. This person is so into you that they just freeze when it comes to actually coming towards you, they have no idea how to act, how to react, how to respond because again, you’re a person who knows what they want and now it’s making them feel like they don’t want to do or say the wrong thing and lose your interest because they didn’t play their cards right with you.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
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Pile 2
Your person isn’t making the first move just yet because they are feeling very disconnected from you emotionally, they don’t really know if you are interested in them just as much as they are interested in you and they really seem to be very self conscious about the way that they are showing up with you. They are looking at things from a higher perspective, debating, thinking, analyzing and honestly the conclusions that they have reached have been pretty unfair towards you. There might be some accusations in the end on you as well, that you’re not doing this and that, that you’re not showing up and you also could be the one to actually make the first move and they don’t have to be the ones doing that at all and they are just trying to assign blame everywhere else but on themselves where it kind of is necessary. The two of you really need to sit down and have and open and honest conversation about where the two of you are at mentally, emotionally but also in this connection so that the two of you can actually address the root cause of that resentment that they have been building and forget past mistakes in order for you to move forward with the connection. This person seems to be lurking in the ‘shadows’, from behind the scene and they are actually looking through your social media, checking to see what you’ve been doing, what you’ve been sharing, maybe even looking to see if you’ve shared something for them specifically that you’re not actually saying to them directly. Instead of messaging you and trying to be mature and act like an adult, they are actually choosing to play games and actively look for passive messages for them that you might be sending them. They might be the type of person who’s not very experienced in communication, they might struggle to initiate them or even talk about difficult things that kind of need to be addressed so their other options is to just avoid those conversations and try to find answers through other means that are very indirect and non-confrontational.
If you enjoyed this reading, the full, in depth reading is available to read on P@tr30n which you can find in my masterlist pinned post. Thank you so much for your support💗
Likes and rbs are appreciated🦋
Dividers by Kawaii-Lau on Tumblr🦋
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prettyashtrological · 1 month
Venus goes home to Libra on Thursday, August 29th, 2024 which forms a well matched trine with Pluto in Aquarius. VENUS LOVES TO BE IN LIBRA & LOVE becomes a primary focus unlike when Venus is in Taurus and material values/property/finances are more the focal point during Venus transits there.
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In Libra, Venus will be bring balanced connections to those willing to be cooperative enough to make logical head over heart decisions while concerning emotional connections involving the self and oneself. Libra is the sign of partnerships that bring fairness and harmony. With Venus here we will be able to be more mindful of how we move in our relationships with ourself and others since the sun in Virgo will have us focused on cleaning up and developing healthier routines. Accountability will be a major theme. Establishing peace & tranquility within everyday life will be major key 🗝️
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Relationships and connections with loved ones overall will be more peaceful and most of the time the drama is severely minimized while Venus transits through it's home in lovely Libra. Libra is air masculine energy and is the most balanced in the entire zodiac. People will be acting more off logic than their emotions however Emotions will be kinda rocky by September 4th when Mars enters Cancer but Venus will be moving too fast in Venus for a square to formulate between the two planets. Venus will exit Libra on September 22nd, 2024. Venus will not experience any harsh aspects during the Libra 2024 Venus transit. The moon will create squares with Venus in Libra on September 11th in Capricorn, & an opposition with Aries moon on September 18th. Venus will not have smoke again until she goes into detriment in Scorpio on September 22nd almost immediately forming a square with Pluto.
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This will be a where everyone is infatuated with the thought of love and harmonic connections with others. Everything that lacks aesthetics, harsh on the senses or is distasteful will severely suffer. Ambiance is the name of the game and for those who stay away from anything that is rude, nasty, and disruptive this be a rather pleasant period of time. Social manners and etiquette being top tier will take you far in your goals and public appearance. ART and DECOR are major themes during this type of Venus transit. Fashion and Artistic flair are able to be executed amazingly during the time Libra houses Venus. Be careful spending too much money since Venus can cause one to be rather indulgent. If anything be focused more on creating rather than spending :)
Signs that will benefit the most from this transit:
Sagittarius placements.
Aries, Capricorn I& Cancer placements watch out for skin problems, teeth/dental focus, headaches or hair changes, partnership and finances during this transit. Do not do any major changes to the physical appearance or career until Venus’s Sagittarius season transition. Do as you please just advising favorability for such a change :) for some it’s not favorable until the end of January 2025 to make major changes in love, career and appearance. It’s a time to focus on establishing strong values in alignment with who you are evolving into so you’re a perfect match to what it is you are attracting for “end game” results. Establishing harmony and collaborative measures to have a lovely winter is what Venus in Libra is bringing so for the most part it is still something positive to experience in different areas of our lives, respectively 🫶🏽
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ch4os4virgo · 5 months
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POTENTIAL NEXT BF/ GF — Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus
Monday, May 6
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⤷ Work-related: you may be working with this person, or you two will meet through mutual friends (they work together). This can even happen during a job interview! Or If you work at a desk job, have a crush on a coworker, and the two of you are flirty, this could be the person you date next.
⤷ This person may have Sun/Moon Libra placements. The skin complexion can range from light to dark, and the hair color can be dark brown or even black.
⤷ Your next potential partner may be experiencing some depression right now. This person is attempting to repair their heart after something that occurred to them in the past. They're dealing with fears and doubts.
⤷ Your emotions will be through the roof. You’ll be excited and very passionate about your person—maybe even a little bit obsessed, but not in a negative way! 
⤷ This person will feel conflicted about the relationship. They like and enjoy you very much, but certain external factors will hamper their relationship with you. Inside, they hope that their relationship with you will work. Inside, they’ll feel challenged, interested, and excited by you, but they’ll also feel like they will have to compete for your attention and affection.
⤷ There will be some confusion. Someone in this situation will feel lonely. A third party, such as an ex, may intervene and try to instigate conflict between you and your partner.
⤷ After everything that'll happen in the beginning of this new relationship, everything will be OK; however, keep in mind that not everything comes easily, and good things take time. Try not to rush things, and let the universe guide you through this.
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saylessastrology · 6 months
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sagstelliums · 2 months
The effect your energy has on your future spouse (pac)
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Pile 1
I see that your energy makes your spouse want to nurture you and treat you gently, for others your energy makes them want to be nurtured by you. Your energy makes them feel affectionate and touchy, your energy makes them want to be closer and more intimate with you. Your energy makes them comfortable and open, your energy feels calm/inviting and trusting. Your future spouse may be your twin flame, your energy makes them feel really connected to you and they can sense you. Signs- Pisces/taurus. Initials- M, E, W
Pile 2
I see that your energy makes them overthink or feel confused/insecure, your energy makes them think about deep things like their future or purpose in life. The effect your energy has on them makes them more attractive to other people, your energy makes them have more abundance or opportunities. Your energy makes them feel nostalgic, your energy levels them up and guides them to where they’re supposed to be. Your energy helps them get through tough times and stagnancy, your energy makes them feel welcomed or accepted. Your energy makes them feel open minded and optimistic, your energy makes them want to spoil you or give you things. Signs- Leo, cancer, Aquarius. Initials- R, U, L, J
Pile 3
I see that your energy makes them feel more optimistic and hopeful about their circumstances, your energy makes them feel impulsive or risky. The effect your energy has on them makes it hard for them to lie to you or withhold secrets, your energy feeds their ego or gives them confidence/strength. Your energy makes them think more logically and it makes them act more responsible, your energy makes them work harder. Your energy makes them feel free and it makes them feel like anything is possible, your energy makes them more talkative and comfortable. Signs- Leo, Libra, virgo. Initials- M, A, G
Personal readings always available!
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krisluxxeeempress · 10 months
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If anyone is going to have a NEW YEAR, NEW ME – it is certainly you. Let me tell you!
It looks like you are dodging several bullets here by blocking your energy and becoming Judge Judy! It looks like you were committed to a un loyal individuals or the chase of a relationships. You were dealing with someone specific or may have a history of chasing relationships that would just never form. We all know Taurus energy is relationship oriented and very hardworking and it’s like you were attracting people who took advantage of this. They had you waiting for years for a committed relationship all while getting relationship benefits from you in this drawn-out process. You were attracting people who never was sure about you and basically would play you knowing you tend to “play it cool”, slow to anger and always understanding. The death card has come out clarified with the Queen of Swords (my Judge Judy card) and the Seven of Wands card. You are truly experiencing a death and rebirth come this January 2024, especially in your relationships and how you operate within them. I do not see you in a relationship at all starting off the year, let alone focused on them. Granted, this could just be energy reserved for a specific person, where this is no chance in hell (since you are visiting hell now to complete this death and rebirth) that you will ever return to this person.
Now, this energy as previously mentioned can be reserved for everyone in general moving forward. You are moving much different in your relationships, and this is due to a revaluation on your standards. The price has gone up, including your standards, expectations, needs and wants. As grounded as you are, it looks like you were constantly put into Pisces Lala land when it came to love or the potential of it. This can also apply to family, because we love them, right? I have my Mars in Taurus 7th house, and just this morning I got triggered for the last time when it came to my family. They do not love me, and I am tired of trying to force myself to believe otherwise. Back to this person, or people in general- I can see them dealing with sneaky links and other men or women who are attempting to trap them with babies for force commitment upon them. This will confirm and explain why these people, or a specific person was dragging their feet and moving even slower than you, to commit. They had other options wanting the same thing from this person as you. You were being juggled and used. I am getting heavy Baby mama, Baby daddy situations at play here and a miscarried baby (which is sad, but…) If you had a miscarriage, I am truly sorry. I am not sure how else to insert this bit without coming off insensitive, however, I can see that you were being protected by the loss of your baby. It looks like you would have been a baby mama, baby daddy and in family court often, in addition to this person being unfaithful to you. This applies especially if this person did not have any baby mama, or daddy issues to begin with. This could be telling me that your future would have played out that way, had you continued dealing with this person. This could also be happening to them currently as their karma for wasting your time and quite frankly, playing you! The “you are chosen” card came out with the 6 of pentacles and so this confirms for me that not only did you dodge a bullet, but you clearly have a higher purpose and calling on your life that this person would have stolen by reducing you to a baby mama or daddy while cheating. This would have eventually diminished your self-worth, confidence and value and would have taken your further and further away from your God given destiny. This is not to say anyone who is a single mother or father is less than, I am just showing it was not your life or God’s plan for you especially not with this person. Now that you have stronger boundaries and learned from this atrocity committed against you, you are much wiser now and of course, now they want to spend time with you and be all in your energy.
They want what they can’t have, and this should not flatter you, it should be a turn off.  They are mad you refuse to chase them. It’s strange because they see you have stronger boundaries which means you are wiser now; however, they are not acknowledging you have experienced a death and rebirth. This person may think you are a joke and truly think they can get you back due to arrogance (wow) or they are extremely delusional which would make more sense as to how you being as grounded as you are, were in LaLa land dealing with them. In Conclusion, Taurus, going into January 2024, you are completing a death and rebirth. You are rising from the ashes and your old life, habits, expectations, beliefs, values, and morals HAVE CHANGED. This is major considering you’ve been incorporating your opposite energy, Scorpio. That’s how stubborn you are. It takes a complete death, metaphorically and spiritually to change your ways. I see that you have done so, and the sky is the limit come January 2024. Again, New Year & New Me truly applies to you. Congratulations.
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tarotofzhivasmoon · 11 months
Pick a picture reading.
Why aren’t they making the first move?💌
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any service!
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Pile 1
Your person isn’t making the first move right now because they feel extremely intimidated by you, by your energy but also by how you are making them feel when you are around you. There’s this nervous energy about them that is coming through really strong because you as a person, you demand respect from those around you just by the way you present yourself, the way you enter a room and how you navigate life and that’s simply too powerful and way too intimidating for your person. It’s almost like they feel as though they’re not on your level yet, they haven’t really explored themselves, but also the world the way you’ve done and they just feel really insecure when it comes to approaching you. It seems as though they’re really struggling because this person could be very domineering, energy wise, as well, but you’re far more powerful than they are and they haven’t really met someone who could actually stand up to them or is as sure of themselves, sure of what they want and actually taking the necessary action to get it. It could be that you’re the one who approached them as well when you’ve met, your eyes might’ve locked on them and you weren’t simply passively waiting for them to come to you because you simply give off that energy of “I want it, I got it” and you don’t really give up or stop until you actually have what you want. They’re simply impressed by you and who you are as a person, they are studying you but keeping their distance a little bit because maybe they’ve been used to be the one who’s in control or to actually make the first move in relationships, come up with the initiative to do something or take some form of action and you just flipped their entire world around by simply being this amazing you. This person is so into you that they just freeze when it comes to actually coming towards you, they have no idea how to act, how to react, how to respond because again, you’re a person who knows what they want and now it’s making them feel like they don’t want to do or say the wrong thing and lose your interest because they didn’t play their cards right with you.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
Pile 2
Your person isn’t making the first move just yet because they are feeling very disconnected from you emotionally, they don’t really know if you are interested in them just as much as they are interested in you and they really seem to be very self conscious about the way that they are showing up with you. They are looking at things from a higher perspective, debating, thinking, analyzing and honestly the conclusions that they have reached have been pretty unfair towards you. There might be some accusations in the end on you as well, that you’re not doing this and that, that you’re not showing up and you also could be the one to actually make the first move and they don’t have to be the ones doing that at all and they are just trying to assign blame everywhere else but on themselves where it kind of is necessary. The two of you really need to sit down and have and open and honest conversation about where the two of you are at mentally, emotionally but also in this connection so that the two of you can actually address the root cause of that resentment that they have been building and forget past mistakes in order for you to move forward with the connection. This person seems to be lurking in the ‘shadows’, from behind the scene and they are actually looking through your social media, checking to see what you’ve been doing, what you’ve been sharing, maybe even looking to see if you’ve shared something for them specifically that you’re not actually saying to them directly. Instead of messaging you and trying to be mature and act like an adult, they are actually choosing to play games and actively look for passive messages for them that you might be sending them. They might be the type of person who’s not very experienced in communication, they might struggle to initiate them or even talk about difficult things that kind of need to be addressed so their other options is to just avoid those conversations and try to find answers through other means that are very indirect and non-confrontational.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
Astrology and Tarot Readings by HoneySiren
Get your readings HERE
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Big 3 Astrology Reading (Sun, Moon, Rising) $30
breakdown of your sun, moon and rising signs and how they interact with each other, the difficulties you may face and how to overcome them.
Ask Me Anything Tarot Reading (2 Questions) $20
ask me any two questions you desire
What makes you attractive? (Tarot) $20
detailed reading on your magnetic qualities, archetype and attraction points
How does your person see you? (Tarot) $20
detailed reading on how your person sees you, their ideal type and the archetype they see you as
Inner Chart Personality Reading (Astrology + Tarot) $40
breakdown of your core personality and inborn archetype
Are you light or dark feminine energy? $20
detailed reading about your light or dark energy you embody and how you come off to others
Get your readings HERE
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