#tattoo artist!tory
sensei-venus · 1 year
Tattoo artist! Tory, why because I could and I did.😈
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@gemini-sensei made me do it.😩
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imzacksong · 2 years
HYPE to redo this! 🗣️
It actually aged incredibly well so it's a great time to drop it.
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theicequeenwrites · 1 year
me, describing a pizza tattoo for like three sentences, then not editing any of them out: it's about the admiration of art you see, because tattoos are really fucking dope
anyways, chapter two of ten years time is out now! (my newest wip sam/robby/miguel/tory future fic)
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uwmspeccoll · 22 days
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A Pigeon-fluencer Feathursday
This week’s post was inspired by a recent Guardian article on the rise of Pigeon-influencers on TikTok and their role in reviving the popularity of the oft-derided and underestimated birds.  
Throughout history, pigeons have provided sustenance (“squab”), labor (in the form of the “pigeon post”), and companionship to human populations. Though these days we may typically associate the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia, otherwise known as the common pigeon) with other animals classified as “pests” in urban landscapes, they are in fact understood to be the world's oldest domesticated bird. Historical documentation of pigeons can be found in hieroglyphic texts and art dating back as far as ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. According to Colin Jerolmack, professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at NYU and author of The Global Pigeon, pigeons “have been in cities as long as we’ve had cities” and, prior to the technological innovation of the telegram, were “the most reliable messaging system in the world”. While “fancy” pigeons (like Frillbacks, English Magpies, Jacobin, and Archangel pigeons) were bred and kept as prized pets in the Victorian era, the North American Passenger Pigeon (or “wild pigeon”) was hunted to the point of extinction in the early 20th century.
To illustrate the complexity of our love-hate relationship with the birds we've selected a variety of illustrations and text from our collection and featured them alongside some images from outside sources.
The engravings in images #2 & #8 from The Illustrated Natural History: Birds (London: George Routledge & Sons) were created by the Brothers Dalziel, a wood engraving shop in Victorian London founded in 1839 and operated by George and Edward Dalziel. Image #1 from Birds of America; Fifty Selections (with commentaries by Roger Tory Peterson) (New York: Macmillan) is a reproduction of a hand-colored lithograph produced by the shop of J. T. Bowen of Philadelphia from a painting by naturalist and artist John James Audubon in the early 19th century.
--Ana, Special Collections Graduate Intern
Other image sources:
#3: Western Crowned Pigeon (Goura cristata) in TMII Birdpark - Western crowned pigeon - Wikipedia
#4: Keyla Rose with Tony, her pigeon, on a walk in New York. Photograph: Alaina Demopoulos/The Guardian. August 23, 2024.
#5-6: from City Creatures: Animal Encounters in the Chicago Wilderness Pigeons (poem) by Chicago-based Puerto Rican poet and community activist David Hernandez, DH+BH (image of tattoo) by Camilo Cumpian.
#7: Ceiling Fragment Depicting Pigeons in Flight | New Kingdom | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org) (ca. 1390–1352 B.C.)
#9: a Memorial to the extinct Passenger Pigeon at Wyalusing State Park in Wisconsin (1947)
#10: from Nikola Tesla's Obsession with Pigeons, Electricity, and a Plan to Wirelessly Connect the World (nautil.us)
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
😂🤭✨️ @sensei-venus @miguelnation @may-moskowitz
Tattoo parlor au where Hawk books an appointment with Reader as a new client and she tells him a lot of artists never wnat her back. He thinks she must be difficult, but she actually super sweet and good to work with, it isn't until he gets her in the chair does he understand what went wrong before.
She moans. Loud. As she gets a tattoo done. And omg he's red faced the whole time.
Everyone outside of his room is left wondering wtf they are doing in there because Reader just is constantly moaning and it gets even louder when he hits an especially sensitive spot. Robby can't work for it, Demetri is in destress just naturally and even more so now, Migue is scared of what's behind that door and Tory is just plain annoyed.
But what can they do? They can't kick her out, she's a paying customer. And Hawk is so nice to her, he feels bad that all those other artists didn't wanna work with her again just because she moans during a session. He ones up them and tells her that she can come back any time she wants.
It also may or may not have turned him on a little bit 👀
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bthemistake · 10 months
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I want to tell you a story.
When I was in Primary school, I went to an afterschool club and it was there I met a good friend. At the time, he wasn't called Dan nor did he go by he/him pronouns. I knew Dan for a year, in which we became close friends and shared our love of theatre. At the age of nine, I thought myself quite the writer and created a short play (if it could be called that lol) called 'Shining Stars'. A few pages actually managed to survive my childhood and are carefully tucked away in my room.
Dan, of course, was a part of the play and asked for their character to be male. At such a young age, I was oblivious and thought nothing of it, writing the character 'Rob' at my friends request. I believe he may have even picked the name himself.
Due to being a year older than me, Dan moved up to Secondary school without me and another year would pass before I saw him again. When I met him for the first time as 'Dan', I happily accepted him and was only a little sad that we weren't as close as before.
Unfortunately, that school was far from accepting. I myself would later be outed twice with nasty rumours gossiping about my sexuality while other queer students were picked on by teachers, but nothing would compare to the harassment Dan faced.
The last time I saw Dan, he was crying into the arms of a friend in the middle of a hallway. I remember hugging him too and growing close to tears myself. After that, Dan vanished and I assumed he moved schools, taking his sibling with him, and perhaps towns too because I haven't seen any of them in nine years.
I can only hope that he's still alive and safe, especially from the current culture war against Trans people being used by the Tory government and media here in the UK.
Transphobia isn't something that just got bad recently, it's been around for a long time and it wont get better until everyday people do something. If you are a parent/legal guardian, you have a responsibility to keep your child from discriminating against others. If you are a student and you hear a classmate or friend being an ass, you have to call them out.
Hateful opinions and attitudes flourish when they go uncontested. Sure, donating to charities and engaging in fundraiser are all good things and help, but you can make one hell of a difference by supporting even one queer person in your life. Fuck knows they need it right now.
Build a community, it saves a life.
[Image Description: Coloured in the gradient of the Transgender flag, a trans male (ftm) is reaching up to grasp at a smooth fabric that wafts around him, covering his waist, which is a Trans-pride flag. He had tattoos, one of which being the Transgender symbol and another being my artists tag (lol I snuck that in there), and is proudly shirtless with his top-surgery scars on display. He looks a little worried, cradling his body with his other arm, in a protective manner, but doesn't push away his flag or his identity.]
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thisnerdjason · 7 months
More Heartstopper head canons/fic ideas
Charlie is/was an avid Percy Jackson fan (his favorite character is Nico obviously)
Imogen was also a big Percy Jackson fan
When Nick and Charlie have children, the kids refer to the Paris Squad+Christian, Sai, Otis as aunt/uncle
Charlie and Darcy once dyed their hair during a sleepover and the rest of the Paris Squad decided that they cannot be trusted alone together
Darcy, Tara, Imogen, and Sahar kind of knew Tori from Higgs but didn't know that Charlie and her were siblings until like wayyy too far into being friends with Charlie
Charlie, Tao, and Elle all had an emo phase at the same time
Nick is secretly a Doctor Who fan boy (kind of canon)
Nick doesn't really have his own music taste, he just picks up songs he likes from friends
Darcy becomes a Hairstylist or a Tattoo artist when they get older
(later in life obviously) Every time Tao releases a new film that is in the cinemas, the Paris Squad goes to see it
Tao gets nominated/wins an Oscar for directing and the Paris Squad watches the Oscars and screams so loud that they get a noise complaint when he wins
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isn’t one of jason’s sisters a tattoo artist i remember sky showing his johnny tattoo that he got and said that jason’s sister did it?
yes that’s tori!
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Granny Sharma saying "that would be hard to swallow" after what Kate said... I am dying 😂. Granny Sharma is my role model.
Granny Sharma is a legend, an icon, a star.
This is a woman who was completely unbothered when her son brought home the bassist in a post-punk band (imagine Mary as the bassist in a female version of The Cure and you’re just about there). Granny Sharma didn’t care at all ! Because her son was really happy with her, and she was so obviously great with Kate. She could see how Kate clung to every word this woman said and she couldn’t help but notice the matching boots they wore and the way Kate tucked herself close to Mary. She watched as Kate fell asleep on Mary’s lap and when she herself said-
“I’ll take her off you if you like.”
But Mary just shook her head, running her fingers through Kate’s hair, “Oh she’s fine. She’s such a sweet little thing, I love her so much.”
She’d nudged Tharman into the pantry three seconds later.
“Amma, what-?”
“You need to marry that woman!”
“I’m working on it!”
Granny Sharma is actually very glad that Mary’s someone she could count on to raise her granddaughters to be strong, proud women, unashamed of who they are. But truly, nothing could phase this woman.
Someone in knitting club told her they saw Edwina out with another woman? Cool.
Kate wants to be a tattoo artist? That’s very skilled work, and she’s very talented.
Kate dating a Tory? … She would try to avoid discussing politics at the table.
The woman’s an icon and she’s very relieved when Anthony blinks at her, “I actually vote Labour? Keir Starmer wouldn’t be my first choice of PM but you know, I’m backing the party.”
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sixthemeowmeowidk · 5 months
ok I decided to hand pick some fics from The Vault for u (I sincerely apologize for how messy it is)
Libertango by anonperegrine ! Absolute classic royal au with delicious delicious slow burn and well deserved fluff at the end (there is also a sequel I haven't read yet though)
If Lying Feels More Comfortable When Wearing A Suit, So Be It by A_Concerned_Citizen ! Ok so. If u find this fic you will quickly realize it's unfinished BUT trust me when I say it still totally works and you won't feel anything like missing or left out so it doesn't rlly matter so long as you ignore it. It's got some good ol fake dating they get all domestic and shit it's so cute
Silver Sails and Indigo Scales by VoidAvon ! I love their fics and this one is a mermaid au! Beautiful writing and there are a lot of sorta clueless mermaid Wil and Q hijinks (slow burn too!)
It Is Nothing to Die, It Is Frightful To Not Live by Aba_02_Cash ! Q helps Wil out of a horrible winter storm and soft shit ensues, literally my favorite fic of all time and while you're at it go read all their other fics if ur in the mood of hurt Wil getting taken care by Q
the sunrise is sleeping by ghostieZone ! Q coming home from work to see Wil still sleeping in his bed it's super cute and shit they are just sadly yearning here but FOREHEAD KISSES
What Happens in Las Nevadas, Stays in Las Nevadas by Paperturtledove ! Wil and Q doesn't remember what they did drunk last night, and if u read the tags. Accidental marriage baby! Also a little bit of preening at the start
Meet the Minecrafts by Paperturtledove (again! I didn't even realize they wrote this one too until now) ! Wil invites Q to dinner to the Minecraft household! Shenanigans ensue. Phil and techno are done with their shit
Seniors by d0gteeth ! Tntduo as you guessed it! Seniors. It's pretty short and sweet and I always have a soft spot for angsty teenagers tntduo so this is one of my favorites
The Sanguine Shore by VoidAvon ! Another mermaid au! This one's a oneshot and is super fluffy and just cute as hell. Wil is a loser who falls in love ♥️ oh and nearly dies but that's beside the point
October is for soulmates and October is for lovers by Endergirl ! You know it's good if it's by endergirl. Just a collection of oneshots and they're all super fucking good !! Can't summarize them all here obviously so looks like you have to read it yourself to find out 👀
Being Revived Was a Real Pain In My Back by mintitack ! Q massages Wilbur's back and it's cute :3
you're gonna drown in your sleep by lav_endermoon ! Wil has a nightmare and Q calms him down. A classic. Q's sudden transition to being tender and soft when he realizes what's up got me tho I love it
We Are All Poetry, Night Vale by alittlebitofwonk ! Pretty short and sweet but with some good ol pining and Q is a tattoo artist Wil is a barista all that good stuff
Candle eyes by VoidAvon ! Rivalry in a zombie apocalypse! Oh what's this? Wil realizes making Q smile is better than riling him up to a fight? This isn't like explicitly romantic but if you can read inbetween the lines... Pretty Gay (also one of my favorites cause Avon's stuff is great)
Pretend by Endergirl
automate by darkrooms
we got a love that is hopeless by delusionalbutck
The Pain of No Sleep by Bubblemintbabe
no big deal (I love you) by luminouslotuses
All of Aba_02_Cash's works
All of VoidAvon's works
Another glass of whiskey comin' up! by lovelesmae
Ok...that's all I got in me........my final message........ctntduo gay love..dies
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knitmylove · 1 year
was tagged by @seoksao thanky love 🪼💖
Get to know me ask game - bold the ones that apply to you <3
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies & talents:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated a best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
tagging: @r-askolnikov @trivialoveclub @aomitois @parsleyroot @casualavocados @oikawas-toris @angefairy @punkspiders @aloocha
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coraline-jones353 · 3 months
Coraline Jones Headquarters 🐈‍⬛
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Hey, Welcome to my blog! I just go by Coraline on here.
Henry Danger Master list
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Henry Hart
Your ink adorns my skin Henry x reader soulmate au
Summary: In which the reader is an inspiring tattoo artist and draws on themselves for practice when bored in class. One day Henry has to switch classes mid period and sees them drawing exactly what is appearing on his skin, his favorite animal.
The Hottest guy on the team Henry x teammates sister!reader
Summary: What happens when Henry sees a competor flirting with his y/n. Will he finally admit his burning crush for his teammates sister or will he let her get flirted with right in front of him.
Wall dogs world Henry x walldog!reader
Summary: In which Kid Danger finds his soulmate in a rough wall dog. Will she give up her status on the team for her soulmate or will her soulmate force her away from him in an attempt to keep his identity hidden.
The true parents Ray x reader
Summary: At Henry's graduation party Y/n, his god mom comes to his party from out of town. Henry comes in late to his party and ofc his parents aren't worried, but Ray and Y/n are. Henry seizes the moment to get his actual parents off his back and to make them both happy, together.
Campsite Love Part 1 Henry x Reader
Summary: On a family trip to a campsite, you romanticize having a campsite love story. But this time it ends up coming true.
A Ceo's World Ray x CEO!Reader
Summary: Y/n is a single mother of a lovely young lady, melody. She's a big CEO in Swellview. She needs a particular object that can only be found at Junk n stuff for her daughters 10th birthday, or so she thought.
In the works...
Was it all a joke to you Henry x Mitch's sister!reader
Tournament Henry x Reader
My life with the Walter Brothers Masterlist
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Alex Walter
2 part series: I'd love to dance with you (named reader)
Summary: After Jackie moved in with the Walters she really missed her best friend Evangeline. After hearing from Katherine that Jackie is having a hard time adjusting she thinks it's a good idea to pay her best friend a visit.
Part 1
Part 2
Cobra Kai Masterlist
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Tory Nichols
The First Confession Tory x reader
Summary: Tory and Y/n have been dating for a year now. Y/n decided to invite Tory over to their house for a sleepover.
In the works...
Just get rid of him Tory x f!reader
My Body Guard at School Tory x f!reader
My Body Guard at a Concert Tory x f!reader
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chthonicgodling · 11 months
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(April’s)Huevember - Day 10!
featuring: Meno & Leo!
[in which I’ve made my very own #Huevember wheel this year (that you can use too! Pls tag me I’d LOVE to see!) - unabridged version continues, including a wide array of Elysium’verse characters across the rainbow!]
more rare cameos though I’ve certainly drawn Meno a good handful of times!! usually every Huevember!! as one of our very few greens 🙃 nnNOTES
at long last behold the left out third in that day 4 Alena & Hess polycule pic, their partner Meno, and the throuple’s toddler age son Leo! WOO
Leo is biologically Hess and Meno’s son because since Alena’s a Lamia no one knew what would happen if she tried to carry a baby lmao would prob have been a weird little egg or like. an entire snake monster. Whwhhoops
@fenixethekid’s Meno is a super minor god who actually works in the Underworld as a cattle rancher, running a farm of all sorts of ooky spooky creatures. signature goth cowboy
BUT his real claim to fame is as a tattoo artist and body mod piercer etc,, lots of Tory’s tattoos and Charon’s were done by him, I’m sure others that I’m not thinking of bc I’m currently typing this at 1 am the day before it posts, and also some uhh. choice piercings that Tory and Maci both have yknow 😏😏 Hm
Leo’s a little baby and he’s actually completely mute like momma Hess is! He’s completely fluent in sign language (so are Meno, and Alena of course) !
day 11 tomorrow before we can start to inch out of these greens… ALSO TOMORROW 11/11 IS MY BDAY YAAYY
click the link up above to see the whole Huevember wheel - feel free to use the tag AceprilHuevember if u want to play too - and my tag this year can be found here!!
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neverwear · 1 year
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Hello all,
Many of you know that I was a roadie for many years, touring with bands to include Mötley Crüe, Tool, Britney, Gaga, Soundgarden, Black Keys and more. 
My second tour in 2002 was the brilliant Tori Amos. On that tour (over 20 years ago) I met Neil Gaiman, who was hanging out backstage w/ T. He had a galley of Endless Nights. I told him that when I worked at a comic book shop (Geppi’s Harborplace in Baltimore) in my college days, I sold countless copies of Sandman—
We became friends and when Neil would visit LA, I would drive him to business meetings etc. I got a first class education in how to pitch films /stories and in 2016, he hired me full time with The Blank Corporation. Grateful for my lucky life!
Z2 reached out to both me and Neil to contribute to the newest Tori Amos graphic novel. We now have a few of these hard cover books for sale! They retail for $39.99 and we have created a code to give you $5 off that. Please enter the code : Tori5 at check out at neverwear.net, that will take the fiver right off the total. (& if you don’t want the book, the code is good for $5 off anything at the shop)
  BONUS: I asked Neil to sign only one copy that we will sneak into the pile- the rest will be signed by me. (Cat) My story about ghosts & music was beautifully illustrated by Paul Roman Martinez, who did the Calendar of Tales cards for us. Never did I dream I would share a book with Colleen Doran or Margaret Atwood, but here we are… 
Summary from Z2 Comics (they have sold out of all the premium versions!)
The official graphic novel celebrating 30 years of Tori Amos's breakout album: Little Earthquakes. The landmark release that established her iconic thematic voice, as well as her live intensity behind the keys with unflinching lyrics and songs that would inspire generations of artists and musicians. 
This graphic novel demonstrates the lasting influence of this defining work with 24 stories inspired by the 12 songs on the album, as well as the 12 ‘B-sides’ that accompanied the album and its associated singles. With star writers such as Neil Gaiman and Margaret Atwood  assembled by Z2 editor Rantz Hoseley, who previously edited the multi-award-winning Tori book: Comic Book Tattoo
Standard Hardcover Edition — $39.99
8” x 8” Hardcover Graphic Novel
WRITERS & ARTISTS: Neil Gaiman, Bilquis Evely, Margaret Atwood, David Mack, Leah Moore, Cat Mihos, Colleen Doran, Derek McCulloch, Lar deSouza, Annie Zaleski, Marc Andreyko, Neil Kleid, Alison Sampson and Paul Roman Martinez
DESIGNER: Lauryn Ipsum
 ps. here's what my sweet husband and shipping elf wants me to add: "My wife wrote in this!!"
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genderflu1dwh0r · 11 months
Jade: So, there was also a man murdered for his civil war era items, uh tattoo artist and 19th century antiques collector, Greg May was murdered, and his body was cut up with a chainsaw- ohmygod-
Tori: Jesus Christ-
Jade: That's violent.
Jade: Uh, it took a year for police and federal investigators to prove that he was dead, um, all they knew was that his former roommate had stolen his 70 000 collection, it wasn't until-
Jade looking at Tori: You with my Lego's.
Tori laughing:
Jade furrowing her brows: Oh jeez, I'm no better than the true crime people right now.
Tori laughing harder:
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So it’s both “Mermaids” release day and the day I can finally unwrap my “Daffodil” tattoo.
I’m staying up until midnight to hear this last Dance Fever song, so I’ve spent a large part of today thinking about the whole album.
I’ve worked through a lot of it academically this year, but I haven’t really let myself sit down and think about what it means to me personally. I saw someone write that the build up of “Mermaids” feels like a scream waiting to be released (@veronicaofosea), and that’s so close to how Dance Fever as a whole feels to me. Listening to it has felt like letting out multiple screams that have been building up in my body since girlhood.
Florence isn’t close to the first artist to remind women that we don’t have to be good, seek approval, be desirable, and keep the peace. Within my own pantheon of favorite artists/musicians/poets, I have heard it so often. Mary Oliver has told us (“You do not have to be good / you do not have to walk on your knees / for a hundred miles through the desert repenting”). Tori Amos has told us again and again in more ways than I have room to write down (“She’s been everybody else’s girl/ Maybe one day she’ll be her own”). Each instance has felt like a small revelation to me. An idea I could intellectually know to be true, but couldn’t feel in my body when needing to go out into the world to assert myself. My voice is always quieter than I mean it to be. I apologize for myself when I don’t want to. I have a really hard time making eye contact. Dance Fever marked the first time that I could fully hear this truth. Right now. In my late thirties.
I don’t know what did it, exactly. I think part of it was lockdown and being on my own so much. Probably having the space to retreat into myself, being responsible only to myself and my partner. Having very few external expectations placed on us. And then coming out of that, Dance Fever was the first piece of art to shatter my grief-induced numbness.
“Oh bring your salt, bring your cigarette. Draw me a circle and I’ll protect…” The ferocity of the circle drawn in “Heaven is Here.” The dark magic and intentional monstrosity of it. How it made a protected space for our rage and mourning and reclamation of self.
The tender, funny anger of “Girls Against God.” (Which actually made me feel conflicted at first. Growing up going to an Orthodox Hebrew school, we didn’t write God’s name on anything that wasn’t sacred and meant to last, even in English. Writing down that title was literally the first time I spelled out “God” which was scary but also powerful.) The permission of being able to own our anger, even if it’s just us, in our pajamas, alone in our bedrooms.
And it took me a while to notice what was being sung during the “Dream Girl Evil” bridge, but once I figured out that it was a reversal of Yeats’ “The Second Coming,” I couldn’t stop thinking about it. What does it mean to look at our world on the verge of collapse and respond-- at least for a moment-- by essentially saying well fine, this wasn’t a world built for us. If it’s dependent on women being the world’s angels and dream girls, just let it all burn. “I am nobody’s moral center / it cannot hold.” Again, this intense permission to claim our rage and independence.
The part of the album that has probably made me cry the most is a lyric I still don’t fully understand. It’s toward the end of “Choreomania,” when the music slows down a little and Florence sings, “And do they speak to you? Because they speak to me, too. The pressure and the panic you push your body through.” I’m not sure who “they” are for her, but there is something so comforting in how the fourth wall breaks down here, how she sings “they speak to me, too.” The vulnerable confession that we all carry unwanted voices with us born of mental illness, or intergenerational trauma, or gendered social expectation, and the recognition of what those voices do to us and our bodies. The anxiety and the panic attacks.
This album feels like a release of those voices or an attempt to live with them in a way that allows us to fully reclaim ourselves.
Even just posting this feels like something I wouldn’t have done before. I would have checked with multiple people to make sure it wasn’t too much, or too pointless, or too intense, but I think of “Restraint” and post it anyway. “And have I learned restraint? Am I quiet enough for you yet?” Saying “yes, but I’m unlearning it” feels like a source of power.
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