#tatia tvd
Presenting, 🔥da Doppelgangers🔥
Elena: You know those things will kill you, right?
Katherine, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Tatia, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Amara: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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pinkhysteria · 9 months
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jennifersminds · 6 months
me when i’m left unsupervised
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andreal831 · 8 months
If one of the Mikaelsons (anyone) was married when they were humans, do you think their partner would get to be treated as a part of family? Or would they always be "otherER" (lol) than them all. Also do you see a potential divorce or straight up murder.
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It depends on who they are married to and who you are talking about. But likely they would always be seen as "other." Even as humans they seemed to close rank and keep away from others. I think divorce would be unlikely so either they would accept them as family or straight up murder.
The most likely to have been married was Finn or Elijah because of their age. We are never told if Finn had any desire to marry as a human or if there was anyone he was interested in. I always headcannon that Esther would talk him out of anyone he was interested in to prevent him from getting married and having a child. I also don't think his siblings would have cared one way or another. Finn was always left on the outside of the siblings, so his spouse would be too. If they had turned, I could see his siblings forcing him to leave his spouse behind. Potentially straight up murder if he wasn't willing.
Elijah was clearly interested in Tatia and they likely would have gotten married if they had stayed human. But we already see this causing issues in the family. In TVD, Klaus says he and Elijah went through a period of not talking because they both cared for Tatia. Personally, I believe it had more to do with Klaus being jealous of Elijah's affection for Tatia. He saw Elijah planning to start his own life and leaving him behind so he attempted to insert himself in the middle to stop it. Klaus always saw his siblings' relationships as a betrayal, this didn't start when they became vampires. If Elijah and Tatia had been married, and she wasn't killed, I could see Elijah sending her away with her son, afraid he or his siblings would hurt them. If she had stayed with them, Finn and Kol wouldn't care about Tatia, Klaus would eventually get over it, Rebekah would love having a sister. I don't think she would be fully seen as family but likely almost take on a maternal role to the rest of them since Elijah tended to take on a paternal role.
If it was Klaus who had been married, I think it would be similar to Elijah where Finn and Kol still wouldn't really care one way or another for his spouse but Elijah and Rebekah would view them as family. They both would have loved to see Klaus happy and would welcomed anyone who could make that happen. It would be different than with Aurora because his partner would have been there at the beginning. Now if this person was likely to try and talk Klaus into running off without his family, Elijah might have intervened.
Rebekah would likely be similar to Elijah. Klaus might have been jealous even as human and intervened. But especially as a vampire. It would be very unlikely that Rebekah's spouse would make it. They would probably be one of the first people Klaus killed honestly. Elijah would view Rebekah's spouse as family adjacent. He would care for them until they gave him a reason not to.
If Kol was married before turning, he would have left with his spouse. The only reason he stayed with his siblings for so long was because he didn't want to be completely on his own. He was the first to break off from the family unit and if he had someone in the beginning, he would have done so immediately.
Thanks for the ask! I love talking about human Mikaelsons
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hyperactivewhore · 9 months
I never thought about it before, but now that the idea is in front of me, I think Klena would have been absolutely WILD had it happened, and it would have made a lot sense for Klaus's character. He's been waiting for a thousand years to break this curse, and suddenly Elena comes, and easily gives him everything he's wanted, she doesn’t die like Tatia, she doesn’t run like Katherine, and she's also the key to making his hybrids. I also think Elena could have been a compelling character had the writers treated her as one. She is smart, she has daggersd two Originals after all, I think she could have empowered Klaus in ways that others maybe couldn't, because he can't kill her since he needs her, and while she's physically not strong, she can be pretty manipulative sometimes. It would have been INSANE if they had a thing, they would have been absolutely toxic but a great dynamic for a show like the vampire diaries.
I like toxic ships, I won't lie, but only if they're well executed, have a solid reason as to why the people dating even got interested in each other (this is why I like klaurora and enjoy the dynamic delena has, but don't like klaroline or bonkai) and I do feel Elena and Klaus would fall into this category. They had potential for a relationship, just not a healthy one.
Don't bring up that it would be ooc for Elena to fall in love with Klaus after he murdered Jenna: she's married to Damon, who raped her best friend and who literally killed her brother, so let's skip this unneeded discussion, because tvdu writers are always retconning their characters for ships/the narrative. I've talked and recommended her fanfic a thousand times, but Fairytale Ending by @livlepretre really, really touches what I think would be canon klena. They're toxic, screwed up and yet they love each other in their own fucked up way. It's so good written too, and it makes Klaus look even more fucked up than in canon which I just love.
Despite how tvd made her look, Elena is clever and resourceful and she also looks like Tatia, who was Klaus’s first heartbreak, and knowing how obsessive and screwed up he is with the women he loves romantically it's strange he didn't try to do anything physical or romantic with her. Just imagine Klaus and Elijah repeating history with Elena by falling in love with her, just because she shares the face of the two women they both wanted at one point. It would be so twisted yet such an interesting dynamic to watch, at least for me.
It obviously wouldn't be healthy, but it would be so ironic to have Klaus falling for the girl he's supposed to kill. If they had met in different circumstances, then maybe they wouldn't be as toxic, but I do get the appeal of klena and why people ship them.
And personally, ships where the other person stresses the fuck out of Klaus will always be my favorite.
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katherineholmes · 1 year
Petrova Doppelgängers and Femininity
I'm not sure if the show runners and the writers intended to do this, but the Petrova doppelgängers are deeply entrenched in femininity. The one thing that all doppelgängers have in common is that they are always the sufferers. That they are powerful but only because they can be used. And that is exactly how the world has used women for centuries.
Amara’s cast in stone for two thousand years, being the anchor to the other side, her power used to hold up the so called supernatural purgatory. Tatia’s love is twisted, her blood is used to turn the men she loved into monsters. She had a child, presumably from a man who either left her or died. And then she’s killed by the lover turned monster for her blood. Katherine’s child is ripped from her, and when she tries to start a new life, she’s shown a beautiful, romantic future with a lord before it’s ripped away from her too. Before she sees her whole family slain. Elena is entrenched in grief and trauma, her loss is like Katherine’s, but where Katherine’s happened in a single night, Elena’s happened over three years.
Over and over again, the doppelgängers are used for the two most personal things - their blood and their womb. Having children that they can’t raise.
Amara falls in love with a man far more powerful than her and is condemned to an eternity of suffering and punishment for her crime.
Tatia is blamed for coming between two brothers and killed for her crime.
Katherine has her child ripped from her arms, seeing her daughter only once before she’s gone forever. She goes to England and dreams of a perfect life, emboldened by Klaus and his ‘romantic’ pursuit of her. Probably sees dreams of being a lady and a wife and a mother, for she’s a mother without her child.
But when she realises that these are just her dreams and tries to take control of her situation, she’s punished and has to see her entire family dead. Punished because she did not accept death and suffering. It’s telling as well, the way she’s portrayed on the show, the femme fatale, the ‘sexy’ one, the whore to Elena’s Madonna.
The only one who gets sent to hell for her sins.
Elena sees her parents die, Elena’s stuck between two brothers who love her face and her body and her compliance more than they love her. Who loses her aunt despite giving into Klaus and then becomes his human blood bag. Who keeps trying to save Stefan until he breaks her spirit, who keeps trying to save Damon despite how he takes away her right to grieve.
Amara, Tatia, Katherine and Elena are all sufferers. They suffer for their blood and their bodies and their wombs. They scream and are turned into victims, monster teeth in their throats, and iv lines in their veins and their blood turned to stone.
They are a representation of the most fundamental ways in which women suffer. Through their blood and their wombs and their hearts.
They are not powerful beings, yet their blood and suffering is of use to others.
And yet, they persevere. Amara who chooses her own death, and Tatia who had willingly given her blood to save Elijah. Katherine who takes her death in her own hands and lives. Refuses to suffer. Elena who plays the game and uses everything at her disposal to save everyone she can around her.
Just as all women do.
They all play a game that’s been rigged against them since the beginning.
They are one whose blood enables the existence of vampires and hybrids. Without the doppelgängers, there would be no vampires, there would be no originals, and no hybrids. Their blood is what sustains two entire species.
And so, in one way or the other, they win.
@sevensistersofsussex @amandamonroe @feralcherry @qvnthesia @jennifersminds
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randomestfandoms · 1 year
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I've seen it in the poems and the sands I've pleaded with the powers and their plans I tried to rewrite it, but I can't It's the history, the history of man
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crimsonlyinglilly · 3 months
Day 9 “I made a mistake.”
| Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
a step from Cage founder to a new AU and another day for @juneofdoom, even if this link to the Prompt is a little fragile.
New AU- Lost Gods and Found Memories
Katherine had arranged Cade’s death to give her the rightful place as Queen of Hell, she didn’t realise how rightful until she sat on the throne and Remembered.
Hades!Katherine and Perserphone!Elijah
Katherine felt Cade die as she planned, she had manipulated him with ease, disappointingly, considering his age but it was all to get her the power she deserved.  
But she hadn’t expected the rush of memories as she sat on the throne
Katherine was just the latest in many names, Hades, Pluto, God of the dead and the King of the underworld.
Mortal lives had brought new experiences and feelings as they were meant to, but he should have known better than to expect his wife not to follow. Persephone swore the return and always did while he swore to wait and yet he hadn’t been there last she returned for him..
They found each other still, unknowing lead back to each other
The memories of the many human lives give him brief views of his wife, goddess of spring following him in his foolish plan.
This last life blurred, he had spent so long as she, fearing running for her life, an experience she had never felt as a god.
With her memories and powers suddenly returned she was hit with a vast loneliness, beyond the absence of his other half, his beloved wife and queen.
He couldn’t feel his brother or his brother’s children. Only two, sister still bound where Ken had cursed her and a niece upon the earth still.
The afterlives shake at the return of their lord, and just as soon as the throne is filled, it sits empty again as Hades-Katherine leaves for a chat with their sister.
He-she can feel the absence of their brother and his many children, but something is far more concerning, enough for her to set aside her plans to toy with the Salvatores, the throne besides his sits empty.
A feeling she could accept, after all they did half the year but the connection between them was distant and wrong; Persephone, the goddess of spring and life; his other half felt cold and numb.
Katherine had memories of human lives seeing Persephone in their loves, he should have known she would follow him in his foolish plan, they always found each other in their lives until his other half vanished a thousand years ago. 
Her life as Tatia was foggy and she had a faint memory of Persephone shining bright though dark kind eyes, but that life ended and since then every life had been empty without her, until Katherine where while she had loved, but she had never found her wife.
She remembered sad lonely dark eyes, Katarina, the accented voice, soft gentle smile, but that couldn't be true, she may have become a vampire but the goddess of spring couldn’t have been changed to her opposite.
Not without interference, then again his time as a mortal was only meant to last a human lifetime not dozens and that change stunk of Ken’s touch, brother had alway been a controlling pest. She should have known better after what he did to Lynn and the way he had further restricted his-her own ability to enter the living world.
Which led to the other issue, the laughter in his halls of madness missing, Persephone may have follow them into their foolish experiment to live as a human but Melinoe, their daughter wouldn’t have, she should have claimed his thrones until he returned, but she was alost Ken’s darling grandchild and she would have followed him.
Where ever her brother was, Melinoe would be, so she needed a talk with the one family he felt the one he could speak to.
She appears in front of a skeleton.
They looked at each other, behind the skeleton, in a distance Katherine could see the shore of their ‘home’.
“You look different.” She arched her brow as the ferryman.
“Brother.” Lynn called as she returned to her original shape, “I felt you return, I must say you looked rather different yourself. ”
“Sister,” Katherine inclined her head in return, “I suppose I would be sister as well now.”
“You prefer that shape?” Lynn asked.
“I’ve had it long enough, I'll be keeping the name too.”
“Katherine then.” Lynn acknowledged to before continuing "I suppose our niece would feel the same about her new shape since she has had it longer than you.”
Katherine’s heart froze she had arrived here for news of their sibling and his clutch and most importantly Melinoe, discovering what had changed with Persephone could've waited she would be irate if she placed her before their daughter but if Lynn already knew she could arrange the memories to wake early, return them to their pattern, his-her wife by her side six months of the year, whatever their shape she didn’t care.
Once he would have waited, but she was different, five hundred years had managed to teach an old gods new tricks.
However barred from the living world as she was, she would need pawns, but first the identity.
“You know where my wife is?” Katherine asked, keeping her voice calm even as she wanted to demand it.
“You know him, well.” Lynn doesn’t answer and her smile was almost enough to make Katherine scream before it hit her.
Sad, lonely but so soft dark eyes.
I do not believe in love
The words had sent a dagger into her heart, far sharper than it should have but now she understands why,
Oh my love, my heart, my beloved wife, my queen
She sucked a breath in through her teeth;
Kindness and the want to be good, yet the cold ruthlessness he possessed.
A love for the living.
The loyalty and love to a family who didn’t treasure it as they should.
She cursed suddenly as she realised her plans of paying back Niklaus Mikaelson for trying to sacrifice her, for hunting her for five hundred would have to be given up.
Persephone was protective of those she loved; she hadn’t changed that during her human lives, Elijah was not different.
Having her wife by her side and free from the Mikaelsons for half a year would have to do
Still she knew who her wife was now, and why she had grown numb in their connection.
Her memories as Tatia hit her, dark eyes before something had stolen the temporary humanity and made a new kind of monster.
I choose you, Elijah
A first kiss by the pig's pen.
His attempt to hold back against a new beastly hunger, but he was only human, the sleeping power of a goddess was useless to help.
He had chased her down, feasted on her, killed her, and yet she didn’t blame him. Someone- no they, the unworthy parents of him, had corrupted her wife and left him to suffer for it, who had used her blood to do it.
It wasn't just blood that had changed them, it was her blood, the blood of Persephone's other half for all none of them would have known that.
From the start of their relationship he had feared he would corrupt her, that too long in the dark would dull and weaken her but she had brought warmth and light into his halls.
To think someone else would unknowingly used him to change her, to cut Persephone off from very thing that made her, Life.
Centuries ago he would have waited, now though, Katherine had lived lives waiting for her other half, now she was going to get what she wanted; Elijah’s restoration to everything he should be, the throne beside her own filled for their half year, Melinoe’s return, she cared nothing for Ken and the others.
Katherine returned to hell once she got what little Lynn could tell her about what had happened to her first daughter, she was pleased to see the servants were already returning it to her former court, Cerberus sitting by his throne waiting.
She would need pawns within the living world to gather and act in her stead, thankfully she knew just where a powerful witch was along with a easily used set of vampires, the return of a few loved ones would work well to show her power and motivate them to follow her orders.
Once she cared about the rules but that was before Katherine, she had learned much over that last life, besides Nature would bend in the goal of returning one of it’s beloved daughters to the way they should be.
While she waited she had plenty to do, Hale and most of her other human children from the human lives had long passed and crossed over by Lynn making them out of her own reach.
But Nadia, her poor daughter, ever loyal, centuries searching for her only to die for it, her daughter, her youngest, had remained in limbo since the fall of the other side. Easily collected by her servants, finally Katherine could fulfil her promise and give her daughter everything she deserves.
Speaking of deserved, she would have Esther and Mikael brought to her, neither had moved on and unlike her brother and wife’s first set of parents nothing would save them from her ire at the treatment her Persephone had dealt with from them, and corruption they dealt.
Perhaps she would look into who else was tied to her bride’s current life that hadn’t moved on, prepare a proper count for the Queen of Hell to return to.
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thefandomchaos · 4 months
The doppelgängers in TVD are such a interesting topic to me-
They literally exist because Silas and Amara went against the law of nature and become immortal, and nature found a way of balance by creating the doppelgängers. But then I questioned how the rest of the doppelgängers came to be because they’re all descendants from Silas and Amara right?
I assume that Amara and Silas had other family who would continue their bloodline? Because Qetsiyah cursed the both of them to stone, they obviously din’t continue their own bloodline- someone else had to.
Going over Amara’s bloodline, it would continue until we eventually get to Tatia, who I believe is from the petrova bloodline if I’m not mistaken. And then the bloodline would continue until we get Katherine, who gives birth to Nadia who continues the petrova bloodline since the rest of Katherine’s family was killed. Nadia’s bloodline would continue until we get to the Flemming’s, aka Isobel, who gives birth to Elena and she becomes the last of Amara’s doppelgängers.
With Silas’s bloodline we barely know anything. All we know is that it will eventually end up with the Salvatore bloodline and Stefan is born, and then the only reason the Salvatore bloodline continues if because of his and Damon’s half brother since they both got killed before they could ever have a family. And at some point, someone in the Salvatore family ended up with an Avery or something along those lines because the last of Silas doppelgängers was Tom Avery.
And there’s also the whole “doppelgängers are drawn to each other” thing which if you really think about it- meant Elena and Tom were meant to end up together if Stefan had never been turned and him and Elena met. We know Katherine and Stefan were truly drawn to each other because of this, we can assume Tatia met her own doppelgängers at some point, or she didn’t- because if we think about the fact that Katherine only met the Salvatores because she had been a vampire, her and Stefan were never meant to meet, and the whole doppelgängers being drawn to each other really only happens if two doppelgängers are alive around the same time-
And this is not even going over the fact that Stefan and Elena, even if they did end up together for a moment, broke up and would end up with different people (Elena with Damon, Stefan with Caroline briefly). Meaning that doppelgängers aren’t always meant to be (or maybe is because Stefan and Elena weren’t the doppelgängers that were meant to be together)
And if we really want to think further- if Amara and Stilas had never drank the cure- but the plot of TVD continued as it did and Damon and Elena would become human and have children together, the doppelgänger would continue but now because the Salvatore and Petrova bloodline were mixed- the next doppelgängers would be family-
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vicontheinternet · 7 months
It would've been just as problematic but the tessa thing should've been abt a Bennett and a mikaelson (and petrova) but instead of a lover’s quail it’s the story of how they leneage became tied together in this Celtic knot instead of a Salvatore cheating on a bennett to be with a petrova and the bennett being bitter not that I blame her
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riderofblackdragons · 5 months
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell
I had fun writing this! And yes, I'm posting ti so fast after the other one, bc its almost not the 5th for me anymore and I do want this out on the 5th like its supposed to be!
And I'm introducing a new au for this one! It's called An Original Mother, and I hope that yall enjoy!
Elijah sat down in the circle, masking her nervousness. A simple truth circle, to make sure they all knew what they would be getting into with this marriage. Because no, Niklaus didn’t trust the mother of his child to have their family’s best interests at heart, so who does he also involve in this? His big sister, of course!
And it wasn’t as though Elijah wasn’t attracted to them. Of course she was! Both her spouses-to-be were incredibly attractive, and she would probably have flirted with them at some point if this wasn’t happening. Hell, she’d even slept with Jackson’s uncle, his cousin once removed! She was literally the mother of Jackson’s second cousins! So it wasn’t as though Hayley or Jackson weren’t her type.
It’s just that… Elijah preferred to be the one choosing when she was to marry people. Especially for political marriages. She’d done it before, to buy protection, she could do it again. She just preferred when she was the one deciding whether or not she was doing it, rather than her younger brother.
Niklaus himself, standing on the outside of the circle looking in, looked awful smug about this. And why would he not? His reunion with his son was going well, his sister was marrying the mother of his child and said woman’s fiance from birth for the safety of his child. All Niklaus’ plans seemed to be coming to fruition, he had no real reason to not be smug about it.
Even though Elijah was going to make him pay for this. First, he daggered her, because she was a weakness Marcel could use against him. (And to be fair, he was probably right about that. Marcel was still her beloved nephew, and she’d helped her brother raise him. If Niklaus had gone too far in it, Elijah would’ve stepped in against him.)
Then, after she’s woken up, he doesn’t even know where she is, and she has to rescue herself! Although Davina was a lovely young witch, and Elijah looked forward to meeting again with her great-niece at a later date, Marcel and Niklaus notwithstanding.
And then, as soon as she arrives home, Niklaus doesn’t even bother to check that she’s alright. She’d been daggered for five months! He could’ve at least said hello, or offered her some blood! But no, instead he just tells her that she’s to marry his one night stand and her wolfy fiance, to buy protection so said fiance’s pack can help them.
The old woman standing at the head of the circle starts to chant, pulling Elijah’s attention back to the present. She was still annoyed at Niklaus, and she definitely wished he wasn’t here now, but there was nothing to do about it at the moment.
It wasn’t entirely certain how they would do this, if anyone was willing to be honest about it. It was typically for werewolves, both inactivate and active, and used the magic of the curse to help them along. It had been done in the past with humans and witches, but a vampire had never married into a pack before.
This was going to be an all new experience, especially given that they didn’t know how the vampire curse would affect the ritual. Maybe it would backfire entirely.
Elijah started a little, as a warm hand brushed hers. She looked up into the eyes of its owner, seeing Jackson’s staring back into her. They seemed familiar to her, and suddenly, Elijah was sucked into the memories of her first marriage.
A ritual circle, with both Elijah’s mother and her brother’s mentor Ayanna around the outside with the alpha of the wolf pack, chanting over them. Elijah had been filled with giddiness, glancing between Tatia and Garmr, none of them able to keep their excited grins hidden.
She’d gazed into Garmr’s eyes before they’d gone in, as he’d reassured her that nothing bad would happen. As she looked into Jackson’s eyes in the present, Elijah could almost hear her late husband’s voice, promising that it would all be okay.
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dobrevanina · 11 months
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Nina Dobrev - 2023 CFDA Fashion Awards in New York November 6, 2023
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jennifersminds · 1 year
19 20 and 21
you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
Bamon. I hate that man and Bonnie deserves so much better but I think, in a vacuum, they're interesting and have great chemistry. It's the only relationship Damon has that has any real potential for value and growth in my opinion. Ironically and unfortunately I think that's because of jplecs blatant racism. Because she refused to acknowledge Bonnie as a romantic prospect for anyone of importance to the fandom she accidentally built a relationship between Bonnie and Damon that existed outside of Damon's usual pattern of pinning all his insecurities on a relationship and using his romantic interest as some kind of moral obligation.
that being said fuck him. fuck his soul. wish she burnt him alive but the fics slap and they're hot together.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
the season five doppelganger development. Katherine, Elena, and Tatia are SO FUCKING FASCINATING. The endless cycle of being sacrificed for a male character's growth (Tatia to Elijah, Katherine to Klaus and the Salvatores, and Elena to all of them) and the way the memory of each of them influences and affects the way the future doppelganger is treated and viewed,,,, miraculous and underappreciated.
They're a tragedy that's already been written, specifically for Elena and Katherine, their fates are sealed the second they're born, and the way each of them chooses to fight it. (Elena's technique being determined by Katherines before her). It's so cool. And also something I think a lot of fanon refuses to acknowledge. Not just stelenas (refusing to acknowledge that Katherine was his main motivator for pursuing Elena) or delenas (refusing to acknowledge the effect Katherine and Damon's relationship had on his mistreatment of Elena) but I think Elejah's don't address it enough either. Elijah (imo) has a lot of unjustified anger towards Katherine and (while I understand why we don't always get into it because it's a lot) I think it's something it would be really fun to discuss how that affects his treatment of Elena and how she'd feel about it in a self-aware post-Salvatore world.
so yeah long way of saying the doppelgangers were interesting enough and I found the whole Silas/Stefen thing to be a really cheap uncreative way of derailing that when there was so much to explore already.
part of canon you think is overhyped
The love triangle. Damon and Stefan in general. I don't care about them or their pain. I think Damon's dad should have hit him more.
give me Bonnie's backstory, where the fuck is her dad? has she ever had a pet? what's her favourite movie? forty minutes of her painting a wall, idc. anything.
thank you so much for the ask @sevensistersofsussex
choose violence ask game
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andreal831 · 7 months
How do you think the Mikaelson’s lives would have turned out had they been human?
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Sorry for the delay in answering! I forgot this one was in my drafts.
It's really hard to say since we know so little about their human lives. When we see flashbacks, we mostly see the bad parts of it. Mainly Mikael's anger. But each Mikaelson also reflects fondly on parts of their human lives.
Part of my writing takes place during their human lives so I spend a lot of time thinking about what their lives were actually like past the small glimpses we see. I also like to think about the trajectory of their lives because I think it makes it all the more devastating how their lives turned out. I honestly think they would have had good lives.
I really don't know what Finn would have been doing since we see so little of his personality outside of his attachment to Esther. But because of this attachment I feel like he would potentially never marry. Esther feared brining Dahlia to them and would have tried to prevent any of them from having children. But I also like to imagine Finn would have met someone like Sage who would have captured his attention and he would have run off with her. I don't see Finn ever being close to his siblings, so he likely would have been the first to leave and not look back. I truly think that would be best for him. To start his own family and his own life away from the pain of losing Freya.
Elijah would have married Tatia and become a step-father to her son. Esther would have been thrilled because it gave Elijah the chance to have a child without triggering Dahlia's deal. She likely would have tried to do something to prevent any more kids. But Tatia and Elijah would have had a nice, simple life together and would have been incredibly happy.
I think Klaus would have been better off. While we see him struggle with his werewolf temper and his trauma from his childhood, he would have had more of a chance to work through it. Being on the run from Mikael and having his anger/mental illness exacerbated by vampirism pushed Klaus down a dark path. I like to think at some point, Klaus and Elijah would have felt strong enough to challenge Mikael. Mikael would have gotten older and Klaus and Elijah would have become more prominent members of the village. Klaus standing up to his abuser would have given him the closure he never had in his thousand years. He would have met someone, fallen in love, had a family, and hopefully have stopped the cycle of abuse rather than falling into it.
Kol, I could also see leaving the village. Traveling the world and finding witches to share his knowledge and learn. He would have written home and visited occasionally, but found his love for adventure and exploration elsewhere. Likely gotten married to some witch he met along the way. They would have travelled and raised their kids away from the small village he grew up in.
Rebekah would have had the life she wanted. Gotten married and had kids as well. She would have stayed close to Klaus and Elijah. She would have been a dotting aunt to their children and meddled in their lives.
Mikael would have eventually died, whether naturally or not, and I think they would have been able to slowly repair their relationships with their mother. Especially if Klaus would have been able to have a relationship with Ansel as he got old enough to understand the dangers of Mikael finding out.
Henrik would be alive. We don't know a lot about him but I always felt like he was a lot like Kol. The youngest, wild brothers, always getting into trouble and Elijah having to clean it up.
Someone likely would have had a kid and brought Dahlia to them which would be interesting. Freya would defend her siblings but wouldn't have much help outside of Kol or Esther. It would be interesting to see Esther actually use offensive magic. Although from how Dahlia was hyped up in TO, I don't think they would be super successful. It would have been beautiful for Esther and Dahlia to repair their relationship as well. Both of them realizing the pain and hardship the other has been through. I would have loved Esther and Dahlia to team up against Mikael and then have the safe and happy family they always desired.
Thanks for the ask! Sorry, it took so long to respond!
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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_dream of love
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"I can't stay. But it was lovely meeting you Nik. Unfortunately, just like the Cinderella, I have to go. I will not forget this evening. Maybe we will meet again. Goodbye." Elena Gilbert said to the dapper looking man.
"Wait. I didn't catch your name."
"It's Elena."
Elena turned around and hurriedly disappeared in the black car that waited for her.
Klaus Mikaelson gazed into the black night as he could not see the flicker of the red light of the Porsche disappeared.
"Hey, mate," Jackson Kenner came up to his friend tapping him on the shoulder, "we're going. Are you coming with us."
"Yes." The wolf said turning to his friend.
"Are you all right?" Hayley asked seeing the man's face draped with a mix of dreamy absence.
"I am." Klaus replied.
"Who was the woman you danced with?" Tyler inquired.
"Her name was Elena. That's all I know. Come on. Let's go." Klaus said and now led the way to his friend's car.
At the same time, in the Porsche, Elena Gilbert swiped the call open.
"Elijah- yes- I am fine. I will soon be on the plane. See you in a few hours. I got the amulet. Did you find her?"
"No. Unfortunately, it was a wrong address. I have to go. I will see you soon." Elijah said and hung up.
Elena sighed a little gazing outside the window in the dark her head beaming up in the clouds as her thoughts swayed with the music and the man. Nik.
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kathethequeen · 2 years
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