#tarra needs help
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hmstartnell · 2 months ago
I’m going to the national archives next weekend and I want to see the muster lists for Erebus & Terror for the Franklin expedition. Could anyone tell me the reference numbers please? I think I’ve found them I just want to get it right
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dreamsteddie · 1 month ago
Who Will Catch Me When You're Gone?
Content Tags: Platonic Sobin, major character death, grief, depression, major character undeath
Inspired by this beautiful art by @tarraing
When they found Steve, broken and bloody and scraped raw from the bats, all Robin could think about was that Steve's favorite sweatpants were ruined. She'd never understood those things or how someone so obsessed with fashion could wear them, but he'd always loved how comfortable they were. She razzes him about it every time he wears them.
Now they're ruined. Dirty and ripped.
She can hear Nancy ordering them to help her and Eddie freaking out but it's all just white noise to her right up until the moment everything comes flooding back in and the world has never been louder. Her breathing is deafening like she's trying to breathe for both of them.
Steve isn't breathing.
Steve isn't breathing but somehow she still is.
One moment she's stuck watching Nancy Wheeler try to patch her soulmate back together the next she's doing it for her so Nancy can start CPR. Eddie has stopped freaking out, she is dimly aware of him standing behind her, hovering because he doesn't know how to help. Doesn't know if there's any way to help.
Robin knows she's talking but it doesn't matter what she's saying. She doesn't think Steve can hear her. How could anything she says matter when her best friend isn't there to hear it? But she can't make herself stop, just in case.
But Steve never hears her. Nancy pushes on his chest and forces air into his lungs until her arms are shaking and she doesn't have enough strength to move his chest anymore. Then Robin takes over even though she has no idea what she's doing. Even though Nancy and Eddie are trying to tell her it's no use, that they need to go.
Like she could leave him here.
Then she's kicking and screaming because they're trying to pull her away. She's biting down on Eddie's ringed hand and kicking out into Nancy's ribs. She's not leaving, she's not. She can't do that to Steve, would rather lie down next to him, take his hand, and let the bats find her than leave him behind.
The last thing she sees before someone knocks her in the head is Steve's eyes, open and empty and staring right at her.
When Robin wakes up she's surrounded by people, but no one says a thing. She sees Dustin, red-eyed and empty standing in a corner across from the couch she's been placed on. Max won't look at her, Erica is glued to her side, Eddie looks lost, and Nancy looks like a block of steel. Steve isn't anywhere to be found.
But then again, Robin knew that. She'd know if Steve was her because their hearts beat as one, but now her chest feels empty. It's Max, brave, scared Max, who breaks the silence. Robin doesn't hear it. Doesn't listen as people start explaining plans around them. Can't channel the righteous fury she sees in Nancy, Dustin, and Max or the barely concealed fear in Eddie and Erica. All she feels is empty.
She's going to do whatever they want her to do because she knows it's what Steve would do. Knows without a shadow of a doubt that if she was the one lying dead in the Upside Down he would be on a war path in her name, so she needs to do the same.
When she launches that last fire bomb into Vecna's ugly head, it's a hallow victory.
Everyone else survives. The Byers move back to Hawkins. The town starts to rebuild. The big bad is gone for good.
But it doesn't mean anything to her. She lies in bed most days without saying a word. She lets her parents dote on her, listens passively as they try to remind her of the college acceptance letters waiting for her on the kitchen counter. Manages to sit up and smile just a little when Eddie brings Dustin and Erica by to see her. Cries with the two of them tucked under her arms, all three of them aware of how vulnerable they feel without a strong pair of arms wrapped around their other side.
Robin asks Eddie to hang back one day and makes a request. The next day he comes by with a clean needle and a pot of ink and Robin sits motionless as he engraves a sunflower inner her wrist, somewhere she'll always be able to see it. She always swore to Steve that she would never get a tattoo, too freaked out by the possibility of an infection, but those fears feel so distant now that the worst thing that could happen has come to pass. She catches Eddie with one of his own to match the next week.
A month goes by. She doesn't leave the house, even when Dustin comes by to beg her.
Then two. She can tell her parents are starting to really worry. They've given up trying to get to college and started trying to get her to think about therapy.
Then Five. She started going to work again. She puts on her Family Video vest and thinks about Steve. She walks through the door and imagines Steve leaning over the counter. Keith turns on Back to The Future and she goes home with a panic attack. She doesn't speak unless it's necessary, but she's trying to move forward. She knows it's what Steve would want for her, even on the days when it's not what she wants for herself.
And then Six months pass. There's a tap at her window.
She ignores it, at first. She refuses to go to a shrink, there are too many things she can't say to the ones her parents recommend, and she won't accept anything from those government goons who turned her best friend into a soldier. Into cannon fodder. Instead, she writes letters.
She sits down at her desk once a day and pours her heart out to Steve. She lets herself pretend for a few moments every day that he's just been dragged away by his parents for a few months. He's out there somewhere in the world relying on her to keep her updated on the kids and the drama at work and herself until she can go out and join him, wherever he is. Some days she writes about nothing at all, some days she rages at him for leaving her behind, sometimes she speculates about their future where she goes to college wherever he is and they get an apartment and two dogs. She seals every one in an envelope, tucks them in a drawer, and lets herself breathe in that perfect fantasy for just a moment. It's the best part of her day, and nothing can tear her away from it.
Except the tapping doesn't stop.
And Robin lives on the second floor.
And everyone she knows would just come through the front door.
She turns, so slowly, toward the window. The glare from her bedside lamp makes it impossible to see anything through it, but she doesn't need to.
There are fingers, claws, forcing their way under the sill. She sucks in a sharp breath as they curl upward, crashes to the ground as they start to pull.
She's scrambling back, getting ready to scream and make a run for the walkie she leaves on silent on her desk to call for help. To warn the others that their monsters are back before it mows her down.
But then the window gives way and she stops. Stops everything.
Because the thing in her window is wearing her best friend's face. It's wearing his hair and his moles and his stupid fucking sweatpants.
And at the end of the day it doesn't actually matter what he looks like. It doesn't matter if there are new hinges in his jaw to show off new, shark-like teeth. It doesn't matter mater if he can't say anything besides a hissed, garbled rendition of her name. It doesn't even matter when he latches onto her wrist, right above that little sunflower, and sucks, taking just enough blood to make her light-headed.
Because she can feel his heartbeat pounding along with her own, perfectly in sync.
Because she's not alone, anymore.
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earthshine-moon · 4 months ago
Introductory Pinned Post
Hi! I’m Tarra
My pronouns are she/her
This (earthshine-moon) is my main blog 💜
My Terror side blog is @hmstartnell ❄️
My Polar Exploration side blog is @mirages-and-polar-ice ⚓️🧊
What I post about:
• Rings of Power
• Tolkien Legendarium (specifically Silm)
• BBC Merlin
• reblogging anything that interests me (tends to be nature / history / art related but that doesn’t happen often)
Naturally, any hate in the notes on my posts (tagged with #tarra speaks, #tarra needs help or #tarra’s opinions) will be deleted and the account blocked 🚫
Get in touch with me through the ask box or direct messages 💬 If it’s Terror related, please send to @hmstartnell. If it’s general Polar Exploration related, please send to @mirages-and-polar-ice. For anything else, send to this blog
Likes and follows will come from my main ❤️
Nice to meet you all and happy scrolling 💜
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mirages-and-polar-ice · 2 months ago
Introductory Pinned Post
Hi! I’m Tarra
My pronouns are she/her
This (mirages-and-polar-ice) is my polar exploration side blog ⚓️🧊
My main blog is @earthshine-moon 💜
My Terror side blog is @hmstartnell ❄️
Check out the pinned posts on both for what I post about and my boundaries for interacting with those blogs
What I post about:
Anything at all about polar exploration
For the time being, this will be mainly a reblog account dedicated solely to polar exploration and our cold boys
I might make my own posts every now and then but we’ll see where it goes
Naturally, any hate in the notes on any of my posts (tagged with #tarra speaks #tarra needs help or #tarra’s opinions) will be deleted and the account blocked 🚫
Get in touch with me through the ask box or direct messages 💬 Only send to this account if it’s general Polar Exploration related tho
Please send all Terror related stuff to my other side blog (linked above). For anything else, please send to my main blog (also linked above)
Likes and follows will come from my main blog ❤️
Lovely to meet you all. Happy scrolling 🧡
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years ago
dc characters as quotes from "bnha-more-like-bnh-gay" tumbler user's mental breakdown
damian: it’s fine, my mom just wants me dead I guess lol
beast boy: I don’t need therapy, I have humor 😎
impuls: it’s chill, we’re Gucci
*narrator voice* they were decidedly not chill or Gucci
tim or jason after an anxiety atack: I’m just a ball of,,,,, bleh
dick robin: in theory,, I am funny; but in practice? in practice, I am fucking hilarious
jon constantine: 🎶crying myself to sleep and pretending I don’t exist. This is a myth, and time is just a metaphor🎶
tim: aaaaaand time to write my feelings out in vent fanfiction. Yeehaw motherfuckers, it’s time to cry
jason: my trauma really just pulled up in a Tesla and told me to ‘get in, you sack of shit’
bruce: I swear to whatever, if I don’t finish this homework right now, I will vanish from existence. I’ll just,, poof. Bye bye, dad. No more bruce, just. Disappear, in my little, disappointment. hole
cyborg: I want to edit my life
beast boy on 5 hour energy: so, thanks to doctor who, we know that if you touch your past self, bad things happen. But we don’t know to what extent this is. If you touch something your past self has touched, will bad things happen because you touched the dead skin cells of your past self?
green lantern(hal): I wish I was puppy living lavish lifestyle
steph, for some reason?!: *messes up saying something* yup, good job, steph. Thank you, stephany, I try my best! And yet you’re still a failure. Hahah that’s not funny, that’s just mean 🥲
flash: why do school work when you can just freak out over not doing school work and sit there having a panic attack? Ahahahahah, oh god, someone please kill me
tim: I haven’t slept in so long, and it’s great because my brain is numb and the world is fuzzy. But I’m like, really smart, it doesn’t matter that I fell down the stairs today- it probably didn’t help that I haven’t eaten or drank anything for the last 19 hours, so I’m also really fucking stupid, but in a genius type way-
tarra or supergirl: because I am a ✨material girl✨ I will blow my bank account on stuffed animals, as this is the only way I receive serotonin
manhunter: I haven’t had a hug in years, and you know what? That’s okay. Normalize being touch starved. It’s okay, you depraved freak. There is nothing- there is very little… it’s okay to have things wrong with you. You’re not killing people, you’re fine.
raven and jason: I love this book more than I love myself-which I will admit, is not hard-but still. That should count for something
tim: I have not slept in 53 hours, and you know what? That’s okay. Normalize being unhinged. The dissociation bean juice (coffee) might only make me more tired, but it’s as bitter as my soul, and I feel alive and dead at the same time: the duality of man. How iconic of me
super boy: I just spent three hours staring at a blank page because my writer’s block is stronger than All Might, but you know what? That’s okay. Because I have memes to carry me through the day. When in doubt, meme it out
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usernoneexistent · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
A/N: Apologise for scaring some people with my early accidental post yesterday 😅 but finally, we finish off with some of my favourite HPMA Hufflepuffs as a nice way to end the challenge with 'sunset'. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.
Characters featured: Patrick Hopper-Lee @thatravenpuffwitch, Dylan Amari @lifeofkaze And Saffron Summers @the-al-chemist in that order.
Warnings: Tarra and Pat being annoying first years XD
The soft indoor breeze brushed against their faces as the two first-year Hufflepuffs, Tarragon Weasley-Moss and Patrick Hopper-Lee, stared intensely at the glowing white egg in its handcrafted nest. While exploring the forbidden forest a week ago, Tarragon and Patrick found an egg abandoned and alone. Their immediate instinct was to keep it warm and find out what kind of egg is it. Hidden in the artefact room, they have built a nest for the egg to brood. 
“Did you see that, Tarra! I swore it moved.”
“No, I didn’t see it, Pat.” Tarra pulled her wild curly blue hair up into a pile on her head.
“That's cause your hair was in the way.” Patrick rolled his eyes jokingly. “Besides, I can’t wait and see the baby dragon.” 
Tarragon frowned, “I don’t think it’s a dragon egg, especially not an antipodean opaleye. The eggshell would be an opal colour then.”
“But it could be a defected egg,” Patrick argued. “Or even better, this could be a brand new dragon breed.”
This debate started as soon as they found the egg. Patrick was so determined that this would be a baby dragon even Tarragon remembered that her dad, who was equally dragon obsessed as Patrick, told her how he, with the help of her mother, bought what they thought was a dragon egg only for it to be an acromantula instead. Though Tarragon hasn’t mentioned that she has yet to see an antipodean opaleye in person, they’re rare to breed and even rarer to find in the wild, usually in New Zealand or Australia. 
“No, this is clearly a hippogriff egg from the size and colour,” she pointed out the markings on the egg. “A hippogriff would be so cool to see especially a baby one.”
“Yeah, a hippogriff would be cool, but you know what would be cooler?”
“A dragon.”
“That’s right.” 
“What are you two doing here?” 
Patrick and Tarragon nearly jumped out of their own skin. Quickly using their bodies to hide the egg from the intruder behind them. It was Dylan Amari, a fellow Hufflepuff student in the year above them. 
“Oh hey, Dylan. Didn’t see you there.”
“Hi Dylan,” Tarragon shyly waved before touching stray curls as her face blushed a bright pink. Patrick sighed inwardly for his friend's obvious crush and was even more impressed by Dylan’s obliviousness to it. Dylan raised an eyebrow at the two first years, obviously hiding something behind them. 
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
Tarragon and Patrick glanced at each, knowing that they were caught red-handed. Though she seemed to trust Dylan more to help than Patrick did.
“Well…we found an egg a week ago…” She avoided his gaze. They moved out the way to show Dylan the nest they made for the egg. “And we’ve been looking after it.”
“Do you know what kind of creature egg is it?” 
“It’s a dragon!”
“Hippogriff!” Patrick and Tarragon glared at each other as they said simultaneously.
The answers didn’t help Dylan at all. “Let’s go to Hagrid’s hut. I was helping him and Saffron out earlier, and they needed more food for the jackalopes, which was why I came here.”
Patrick and Tarragon agreed with Dylan’s reasoning. They carefully wrapped the egg to walk down to the grounds outside Hogwarts, where Hagrid’s hut stood. The familiar sight of the giant pumpkins, where a blonde girl in a flowy, brightly coloured strappy dress stood in the midst. Tarragon recognised her immediately; she had seen Saffron Summers around in their common room. The first year found the third year quite peculiar yet intriguing simultaneously. 
“Oh hello Dylan. I see you brought more friends,” On closer inspection, Tarragon noticed the lack of shoes on Saffron while surrounded by jackalopes. 
“Yeah, they need help,” Dylan looked around. “Where’s Hagrid?”
“Oh, he had to leave because someone wandered into the forbidden forest,” she stated. Saffron tilted her head towards the blanket covering the egg in Tarragon’s arms. “Does it have anything to do with the ostrich egg?”
“Ostrich egg?” Patrick asked, surprised. 
“Yes, yes. It's aura is not of a magical creature." 
"Then what is an egg, ostrich or not doing in the forbidden forest?" Dylan 
The three of them shrug; Saffron’s attention has been diverted to holding a crystal up to the sun. Dylan sighed at their unhelpfulness. “Well, we better wait here until Hagrid gets back.” 
They agreed with Dylan’s suggestion. Dylan loaded off the creatures' food while Tarragon and Patrick fixated on the egg. Saffron seemed occupied by the jackalopes and her bunny rabbit, though Tarra had to fight the urge to stroke the white rabbit. Though Dylan seemed keen to everyone busy looking after the jackalopes, taking turns to take on egg duty.   
It was Saffron’s turn to look after the egg. Tarragon joined her, looking at the sun slowly setting down at the forbidden forest. A vision of bright light flashed in her mind. The kind of light she would see when she shut her eyes in front of the sunlight. She glanced over at the white casing for the unknown creature lying inside. 
“It’s time,” Saffron said with a knowing smile. 
Tarragon realised what she saw. “Pat! Dylan! The egg is going hatch!”
“Really?! Hell yeah!” Patrick rushed over by their sides. 
The four of them crowded around the egg in a circle. Watching the gentle movements. Tarragon received more visions, letting her know it was waking up and ready to come out into the big world. The cream shell cracked.
“That’s not a dragon.” Slight disappointment coated Patrick’s tone. 
“It’s not a hippogriff either,” Tarragon said, a little less disappointed. However, still, it was not a baby hippogriff as she had hoped for. 
“It’s an ostrich,” Dylan said, amused by the result. The baby ostrich wiggled around but managed to fully break the outer shell. Saffron gently picked up the baby bird and cleaned it from the fluids of the yolk sac. 
“What will do with the ostrich now?” Patrick asked, looking up at Dylan. 
“I guess we’ll have to wait for Hagrid and get his help,” Dylan reckoned. “He’ll know what to do?” 
“Do we just wait here then?” Tarragon said, worried, unsettled by the darkening sky. “The sun is setting, and we can’t wait here in the dark.”
“If we explain to Hagrid what happened, I’m sure he’ll make sure we won’t get into trouble,” Patrick confidently assured Tarragon. 
“I think Sunset is a good name for the ostrich,” Saffron piped in. Patrick and Tarragon were taken a little off guard by her comment. “Afterall, she was born at sunset.”
“I don’t have any problems with it,” Dylan shrugged. He looked over at the first years, “what about you guys?”
Tarragon shook her head as she stroked the tiny head.
“I don’t mind,” Patrick accepted the name too. A prominent figure ahead came down the hill, led by a dark dog. 
“There’s Hagrid.” Tarragon pointed. Dylan looked relieved at the sight of the gatekeeper.
“Sorry, fer takin’ so long. That poor student had teh be sent teh the hospital wing.” Hagrid boomed across the field. He squinted his eyes to look closer at the now doubled number of students. “Grippin’ gargoyles, what happened ‘ere?”
The four Hufflepuffs looked at each before Patrick started, “Well, it’s a bit of a long story….”
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czv-hops-kalos-arc · 2 years ago
Awakening - Part 1
[A live video is going on below, showing Hop catching up right behind his Lucario's speed; whom is chasing after what looks to be a man in a black suit carrying a sack of some kind.]
[It is difficult to see what exactly is going with everything happening within seconds, but Hop skids to a stop in front of an alleyway and points forward; commanding his Lucario to send a force palm towards at the running man; with Que just barely catching the man flying a foot forward as the Rotom zips closer to its trainer. Luke looks about ready to fire another attack before Hop rests his hand on its shoulder stopping it]
[Hop's voice statics into the feed] Que?- Great you're out. I need you to send a message to Calem-
[Hop jogs into the dark alleyway with Luke following after; Que lets out a distressed buzz before flying after]
[Hop continues to the end of the alleyway; turning his head as if looking for something] Tell him that some psycho attempted to steal some people's pokémon- [As Hop says this he kneels down to a burlaps sack; untying it to reveal 4 low level pokemon. A Skitty, Eevee, Heliotile, & Azurill. Hop tries to calmly coax them out. Lucario stands guard and begins chittering. Hop looks towards the opening of the alleyway before standing to let out Basil, Mist, & Tarra. Hop leads his pokemon to help the young ones over the back alley wall. Hop calls for his Rotom phone]
Que! Can you give Tarra some help finding the Cafe? [Que give a ping in agreement and flies up to the cute group of little pokemon. It gives clear directions to Tarra- telling it to go ten buildings over. Que robotically coos at the pokemon before they skitter away. Some yelling can be heard in the background. Que flies flatly and hides behind a building's gutter pipe, making sure its camera get clear picture of the alleyway.]
[Hop and his team are standing in the same spot they were in, while at the opening of the alleyway stand three people; two male, one female. All wearing black suits with red and charred accents. The lead one speaks.]
“Hey kid, you know those pokemon you released belonged to Team Brazen.”
[Hop stands firm in reply] Those pokemon do not belong to you, I watched you’re buddy there, runnin’ off with ‘em!? [The more Hop talked the more surprised the three thugs got. The head one spoke again] “Oh. A foreigner ay? And just telling by these three rare pokemon alone; you must be a trainer, right?”
[Hop squared his shoulders and stood tall, raring for a battle. the lead continues unprompted] “Hm, you know there's an easier way out of this right? You can either hand over your pokemon for a very nice sum, or you can come with me to meet the boss yourself. I'm sure he'd be delighted to meet you.”
[Hop growls before saying loudly] No way in hell. I don’t associate with ‘teams'  like you lot; and I sure as hell ain't giving away my pokemon!
“Hmph, Oh well, don’t say I didn't warn you.” [at that all three grunts release their fire pokemon.]
[Hop forgot to do his lucky move of patting his cheeks before a battle; he really had no time when he yelled] Vaporeon, use Surf!!
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25centsoda · 4 years ago
An Unintended Side Effect, Part 2/?
This time when Luke woke up his mind was clear and the Force came readily when he called. He breathed deeply, savoring the clear connection to the energy of the universe for a moment before drawing shields tight around himself, ensuring Vader couldn’t reach him. He sat up, scrubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands, and sighed, looking out over the room.
He really was stuck on the Executor with his father, wasn’t he?
Well. Nothing for it. He would have to find a way to escape, as soon as possible. He had friends and a Rebellion to get back to, after all, and he would not turn to the dark side.
Luke stood and stretched, again noting the lush carpet and wondering just how out of it he’d been the previous day to not have noticed where he was immediately. Now able to actually process things, he took in the room properly. Deep red carpet, grey durasteel walls, no closet that he could see but three doors broke up the monotony of the walls, along with...was that…
Luke crossed the room in wonder, staring open-mouthed at the view of the stars outside his viewport. A viewport, in starship quarters!
After admiring the view for an indeterminate amount of time, Luke mentally shook himself and went to explore the rest of the room. On a small nightstand by the bed he hadn’t noticed before was a chrono, brightly declaring the time and date on its face. Luke grimaced. Two days since he’d seen his friends, what they must be thinking about his disappearance… Had they seen Vader take him? Or did they think something else happened to him?
One of the doors led to ‘fresher, fully stocked with anything he could need, plus water settings in the shower. He looked critically at the long handle on the shower door; could he rip that off and use it as a weapon? Something to come back to later. Maybe the mirror shards would make good improvised weapons as well, if it came to that.
The second door led to the closet he’d been looking for yesterday, but of course instead of Rebel fatigues it was filled with black outfits, both with and without the Imperial cog stitched to a sleeve or breast pocket. From here Luke took a pair of boots - new ones were hard to come by, in the Rebellion, best to take them whenever you can - and a belt with weapons holsters.
The third led into a hallway, which ended in another door. Luke looked back to the door he came from; looked like it could be locked from the outside. Lovely. He tucked that piece of information away, resolving to escape the ship before it became something he had to work around.
The door at the end of the hallway opened as he approached, into a larger room containing a couch and desk, lots of open floor space, and another door with a large keypad next to it, the small light on top glowing firmly red. He couldn’t quite get that open on his own, it was too complex a mechanism to tease open with the Force without knowing anything about how it was supposed to work - likely Vader had deeply considered the place he was going to stash his son - but he could sense the energy of two Stormtroopers just outside it.
Banging on the door, using the Force to make each blow as loud as possible, Luke shouted, “Hey! Please, I need help!”
“Quiet in there,” came the reply.
Luke could only hope Vader had given them instructions to keep him not just alive but well, otherwise this wouldn’t work and he’d have to try something else.
His suspicions were confirmed moments later when the door slid open to show two Stormtroopers as expected. He smiled.
Vader kneeled before a hologram of the Emperor in his private chambers.
“And the boy is cooperative?” the Emperor asked.
“Yes, master. At the very least, he has not yet opposed me.”
“Hmm. Ensure that he does not. Remember that you have already failed to bring him to heel once; I will not be so forgiving of another failure. Next time, the boy will come straight to me, and I will put him to rights.”
Vader strengthened his shields and held himself still, even as Palpatine’s words brought a most unwelcome image to his mind. His anger blazed, and he fed the flames behind his shields, vowing to never let Luke near Palpatine if he could help it. In this the son would not follow the father; he wouldn’t allow it.
“I understand, my master.”
“Good. I’ve allowed you to keep the boy, but you must not neglect your duty to wipe out the rest of that pathetic rebellion.”
“They shall not be a plague on our galaxy for much longer, master.”
“See that they aren’t, Lord Vader. Dismissed.”
The hologram winked out and Vader stood, wincing at the strain holding such a position for long periods of time caused his prosthetics. He ached for the day he could give the empire he’d built to his son, but they were in no position to attack Palpatine yet. That day would have to wait until he could find a way to train his son without the Emperor finding out, for he had no doubt that as soon as they began Palpatine would find an excuse to spirit Luke away from him, preventing them from joining together to defeat him.
Stalking out of his rooms into the hallways of the Executor proper, Vader found Piett and said, “Admiral, report.”
Admiral Piett snapped a salute and fell into step with his commander. “My lord, we will be arriving at Tarra soon to refuel. All aspects of the ship are running smoothly, and after refueling we should be en-route to Coruscant within the cycle.”
“And what of my...guest?”
“The last report I saw some fifteen minutes ago said all was quiet on that front, my lord. He’s not been an issue.”
As soon as Piett finished speaking, the hum of stun shots echoed down the corridor along with aborted screams. Vader threw his awareness out in the Force, seeking his son’s bright energy, but it was like looking at the surface of a lake in the sunlight; the image shimmered and flickered away from him, impossible to make out. He cursed and began moving quickly - not running, Sith Lords did not run - towards the quarters his son was housed in. The boy could hardly have been awake much longer than an hour, how could he already be causing trouble?
By the time Vader arrived at the door outside his son’s quarters, the boy was already gone, leaving both troopers who had been posted outside collapsed on the floor in his wake, presumably the recipients of the stun shots he’d heard. He growled low, the vocoder in his suit picking it up as crackling static, and tried to reach for his son again. This time, he was able to pick up a sense of the boy in the vague direction of the hangars. Of course he would immediately try to reach the ships.
Suddenly Vader remembered the ship was about to dock at a planet, and his heart seized in fear. If Luke was still loose when that happened, he would actually stand a chance of getting off the ship.
“Lock down all hangars, no one will leave this ship until I give the order,” Vader said into his comlink, moving to follow the faint light of his son’s Force signature.
There is no escape, my son, he sent along their fledgling bond. He felt Luke flinch in response, and smiled in satisfaction under his mask. The boy’s shields had slipped just enough in that flinch to give him a better location.
“Send a detachment of troops to Hangar Bay Three, and have them set their weapons to stun. A prisoner is loose; he cannot be allowed to escape.”
Vader strolled into the aforementioned hangar bay, casting his awareness out, scanning the room for his wayward son. The boy’s shields deflected his senses, but it was that refraction of light that gave him away, a distortion in the Force in a corner of the hangar.
“It is no use hiding, young one,” he boomed. “Come out before I am forced to stun you.”
The spot of refracted light in the weave of the Force shifted, drawing tighter about itself, but it was no use. Vader had already located it.
He motioned to a small group of troopers, directing them to surround the crate that Luke was hidden behind, and they took up positions in a loose semi-circle, guns aimed at the crate.
After a moment, Luke emerged, scowling, his hands behind his head. Without a word, two troopers surged forward and none too gently dragged his hands down behind his back, clasping his wrists in binders. He purposefully avoided his father’s gaze as he was marched back to his quarters. Vader watched him go.
Luke broke out of his quarters twice more, managing to disable the lock on his door, and after the sickening way the boy’s head hit the durasteel floor collapsing from a stun shot the second time, Vader decided he couldn’t take any more risks.
His son was a lot quieter and easy to contain with a drug tailor-designed for Jedi coursing through his veins, living in Vader’s quarters.
Luke was falling asleep again, leaning against his father on the couch as various Imperial servants flitted about the room taking his measurements, proposing outfit and fabric ideas. He tuned them out. Vader was just going to choose what he felt was best anyway, and Palpatine got final say. Luke had picked out several of the main fabrics. That was enough.
Without realizing it, he had fallen completely asleep. When he woke, it was to Vader gently pulling him into a sitting position and beginning to apply a thick white powder to his face. Luke blearily looked down at the table filled with cosmetics, then tried to lean his head on one hand, but he was prevented from doing so by Vader pushing him back up.
“You’ll smear the Nubian makeup, Luke,” he chided.
Luke made a face at him. “I wouldn’t be so tired if you didn’t keep drugging me, father. Either let me sleep or let me think clearly.”
“It’s this or giving you to Palpatine for training, my son, and neither of us want that for you. Especially in light of your many failed escape attempts.”
Luke made another face, then an effort to sit up straight and stay awake. At least being paraded around as the Imperial Prince sounded like a cushy job…
“Why am I being styled after the Naboo, anyway?” he asked, hoping a conversation would help him stay awake. Vader paused, frozen, and Luke could just pick up the edge of a maelstrom of emotion from his father before the Force slipped from his grasp again and he sighed quietly.
“It was your...mother’s home planet.” Vader said carefully. “As well as Palpatine’s. He believes using the style will serve to endear him to the galaxy, and use you to evoke his own image.”
Luke hummed, closing his eyes for a minute. Vader prodded him gently with a tendril of the Force and as he opened his eyes again Luke thought longingly of being able to do more than passively sense it, himself. He would throw all this finery about the room and steal a ship, return to Han and Leia and Chewie, R2 and 3PO.
Deciding he definitely needed something to focus on to keep himself awake, Luke tried to reach out to the Force himself, clumsily brushing against his father’s signature. He felt the edge of his father’s amusement and Vader reaching back to him in response, like holding their hands up to opposite sides of glass.
“My Lord, you are needed in a meeting about introducing the Imperial Prince,” Piett said, shattering Luke’s meager focus. He sighed and gave up, leaning his head on a hand while Vader too distracted to tell him not to.
“Why?” Vader demanded, standing. “He is to be announced in a few hours, what more is there to discuss?”
“There are some last minute security concerns they want to go over, my Lord.”
Vader scoffed, then looked down at his son for a long moment, thinking. Looking back at Piett, he said, “I leave you in charge of the boy, Admiral. Stay here with him and ensure he does not attempt another escape.” Piett seemed like he very much doubted that would be a concern, but nodded anyway. To Luke, Vader said “I will return as soon as I can and help you finish getting ready, my son.”
“Whatever,” Luke said.
With a sigh, Vader swept out of the room.
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ask-beacons-finest · 5 years ago
Tarra, coming up to Blake with a piece of paper in her hands: Mommy?
Blake, glancing down to her: Yes sweetheart? Do you need something?
Tarra, holding up the paper: My teacher said I have to write down quotes that I think are important. Can you tell me some?
Blake, taking hold of the paper: Hmm, what sort of quotes are we looking for...ah, about example.
Blake, her eyes slowly narrowing as she reads through it: "Respect is earned, not given."
Blake: Hmm...
Blake, looking down to Tarra again: Did your teacher tell you all that one?
Tarra, nodding her head: Mhm.
Blake, crouching down, handing the paper back to her: Well, how about this quote? Ahem, "Respect is freely given, its withdrawal is earned."
Tarra: Oooooooh...what's that mean?
Blake, sighs and stands up: It means that you're to be kind to everyone you meet, unless they give you a reason not to be.
Tarra, nodding looking down to the paper again: Okay...okay...mom?
Blake: Yes dear?
Tarra, looking back up to her: How do you spell "withdrawal"?
Blake: O-oops, why don't we sit down at the table and I'll help you okay?
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 4 years ago
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Setting of W&L (Wings and Light, Wiendell)
First, the cosmos was empty. There was only darkness, void and spacedust. But then, something happened. Dust started heating up, and became so hot it lighted up, becoming the first stars. And then, in the poorly lighted cosmos, the first two god deities were born: Ranaira and Aydnai, the first gods, the Pair, the Elder Duo. While Ranaira was the entity of the yellow stars, Aydnai was the deity of the white ones. Both of them had no gender at first, but were free to choose their look. Exploring the cosmos, they fell in love.
From their love were born three abnormal, Other Stars: Ikara, the blue star, Nibui, the purple star, and Devon, the red one. The three siblings were a good family for a long time. Ikara was the goddess of justice and law, Nibui - of wisdom, neutrality and knowledge, and Devon of desires and sin. And because of their brother, Ikara became afraid of him, and took Nibui to keep her safe. Devon did not like it. 
At this time, the Elder Duo found an unique star, and to their surprise, one and only planet orbiting it. They never saw a planet before, so they were happy for what they’ve found. The unique star was pale-yellow, and the Elder Duo thought of sharing it. But after they saw what was on the planet - which they named Wiendell - they gasped in surprise. There was life.
The Elder Duo created the ancient humans, Prilfes (ancient elves) and ancient dwarves. Enjoying their creation, the Elder Duo left it for a while, curious to find other planets like this one. Aydnai gifted Ranaira the star, when she herself will guard Wiendell by night, under the light of the white stars. Ranaira agreed. They named the strange star Demistar.
Meanwhile, Devon found his sisters in cosmos, and seduced both of them, showing them the nature of sin. The Other Stars all got filled with a new generation of gods: the Moons. When the Elder Duo, not knowing about the accident, told the Other Stars about Wiendell, they all fastly came to observe it, and gave birth to the Moons: 
Lluna, of lies and illusions; Selena, of truth and facts; Marsica, of blood and war; Neptunia, of water and ice; Jupiter, of time and history; Kynn, of wealth and luck; Plutonica, of darkness and fear; Kaotica, of chaos and impropabilities; Pandoauro, of nature and peace; Io, of beauty and mountains; Helara, of the dead and death; and Vulkaan, of smiths and volcanoes.
Then, the offsprings of the Other Stars looked upon Wiendell and the ancient races, and without any hesistation, without knowing about Ranaira and Aydnai even, they started changing it.
Selena gave birth to the Seleniths, or the Moon Elves, and let them live on her surface. Lluna - Selena’s twin sister - got jealous and made a rip off race of seleniths: the Moonmen. The only difference between them was the character and a big ruby, implanted in the foreheads of the moonmen, and less pointy ears.
Marsica gave birth to the ancient orcs, which became the inhabitants of her surface, and after many centuries evolved into Orc-kami, the green orcs, Tarra-kami, the orange four armed orcs, Oni-kami, the red orcs, Uray-Kami, the black orcs, and Nissk-kami, the blue winged orcs. A war started between the sacred clans of Kami, and in it, Uray-kami were sealed inside a mountain, frozen in ice for their warcrimes and cruelty, and Nissk-kami got their title of the sacred clan taken, and thus they became just Nissks, and banished into space. 
Neptunia gave birth to Atlants and Mermen, and adopted Nissks, giving them tentacles instead of wings.
Jupiter did not wanted any children, trying to get the very essence of reality, time, and history, but Kaotica attacked him and affected by her chaotic energy Jupiter accidentally gave birth to Khaydzi, the anthropomorphic snakes, Nagas, people with snake tails instead of legs, and Rmuja, the people with snakes instead of spines. He left them be, and sent them to Wiendell. 
Kynn wanted to keep her gold safe, and asked for help from Vulkaan and Io, who gifted her the Spirits of Kynn, knights made from midasium, Gnomes, who would keep her gold safe on Wiendell, and Imakoaka, or the Red Tailed Bestems, tall anthro tail-less maned wolves.
Plutonica needed the enrgy of fear, so she gave birth to Shaags, white skinned lizardlike people with bloody eyes, who would be able to feed off fear. Helara offered Plutonica a gift, servants who will serve her - the Spirits of Plutonica, and she agreed. These dark creatures were once alive, but became such after death.
Pandoauro gave birth to Centaurs, Satyrs, Harpies, Dryads and Hobbits. They all spreaded on her surface, living in a green paradise.
Io gave birth to Naiklyn, spirits of nature and beauty, which she shared with Pandoauro. Slightly bluish, with deer horns and astonishingly beautiful, mute, they came to Wiendell to keep the beautiful sightings of nature safe with their magic.
Vulkaan forged Titans, tall horned demi-gods; Emperors, even more powerful demi-gods, sometimes called the fourth generation of gods; Cyclops, one eyed brutal creatures; Rokrytes, people of stone; Golems, whose secret of creation he sahred with Elves; and Nords, the tall blonde warriors who kept the secret of an utopia.
On Wiendell there appeared strange creatures, Pixithes, who claimed they came from the fey-realm. They had colorful eyes, hair, and were born with tattoos. They were always linked with all three generations of gods of Wiendell, and their colors indicated that.
When Orcs opened a portal to Wiendell, they started a war with a large kingdom of humans. Humans locked themselves behind the highes walls, and stayed there, not giving up. After centuries, orcs gave up, but the creatures who walked out of the city were not humans anymore. They names themselves Glaedmins, and were looking like very slender people with tan, sunburnt skin. They were fast and agile, and had almost no need in food, compared to other races.
Harpies and Nagas combined, and thus was created a new race: Quetzals, who had both features of snakes and birds: wings and a tail, which they were able to “hide”.
A mad human scientist experimented with ooze and slimes, and by accident created anthropomorphic slimes: Narzals. They ran away and made their own underground cities.
A big kingdom, after furious and fanatic praising of Devon, was turned into Tieflings.
...in cosmos there appeared a sentient planet, which named itself Synergon. The whole planet was just a biomechanism. He stated that he could be counted as a god, but he did not want any conflicts, so he stayed away, not interacting with Wiendell.
From dragons and by the will of Pandoaruo, were created the Dragonborn. Pandoaruo also gave birth to Minotaurs.
Last, Vulkaan forged the Gargoyles, to keep Wiendell safe from the attacks and shenanigans of Devon, despite being his own son.
Emperors enslaved large amounts of people and turned them into Empicrates, their servants.
Nibui, feeling lonely, gave birth to Mamirs, blue and purple colored creatures looking alike octopi, and let them live peacefully in her own realm.
Devon created the Hordemons to destroy everything created and become the only god. Hordemons were demons looking alike mummies of giant monstrous wolves, and could turn anything and anyone into themselves. Turns out they wer too powerful and almost destroyed Devon himself, so he encaged them in the Hordemons Cage realm.
Devon have made five worlds which were his own realms: Hell, Apocalypse, Hordemons Cage, Tombworld, Labyrinth and Abaddon. 
The Elder Duo created Godhheim, the afterlife paradise.
Some glaedmins joined Synergon and became Synergonians, parts of him and his followers, inhabitants.
Shinhels were created by Helara from Pixithes, all black colored and working for her, taking the souls of the dead.
Cyclops with Vulkaan’s help create the Warforged for the war against Hordemons.
The magic of this world is built upon the different lights. So, the Demistar is both yellow and white light, of Ranaira and Aydnai. Ikara, Nibui and Devon all have their lights, and thee Moons act like special lenses or filters which change the light of the stars and give it different effects. It is possible to fly using the light wind of different stars. 
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hmstartnell · 2 months ago
Does anyone know where I can watch The Last Place on Earth (1985) (preferably without having to spend money)?
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serpentes-lupus · 4 years ago
Two Wolves
Have some little writings that I did for this AU of Tarra and Chiara. I haven’t written in a long time so I’m very rusty when it comes to details and stuff so I apologize if this is short or lackluster. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Hit that like and reblog button and let me know if you want to know more of this AU!
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Having a werewolf for a friend is rather unusual. And being a wizard, you should expect the unusual! 
Tarra Lyall had made friends with a student who resides in the Hufflepuff House. That friend is Chiara Lobosca. Of course, their friendship did not start off on the right foot as Chiara had saved Tarra from Fenrir Greyback’s attack on Hogwarts but that didn’t automatically make them friends. Despite receiving a facial scar from Fenrir, Tarra was not affected by the attack and sought Chiara out before their first year ended but Chiara was nowhere to be seen. 
It was only in the second year when reports of another werewolf attack had occurred near the Forbidden Forest that their paths crossed again. Only this time, Tarra was stubbornly sticking to Chiara, hoping that the reclusive Hufflepuff would see that having friends isn’t so bad. Throughout their investigation, Chiara saw that Tarra was honest and true about her motivation for a friendship between them and that was put to the test on the faithful night of the full moon.
“Chiara, I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to get a hold of yourself!” Tarra cried, watching her friend howled and snarled at her, her fangs glistening in the moonlight. “Remember who you are! Remember your goal to invent a better way for werewolves to manage their condition. You want to help all those werewolves in need. But you can’t do that unless you get through tonight.”
Without having taken the Wolfsbane Potion for the following weeks of the full moon, it would be impossible to get through the changed Chiara. Tarra knew this but she had to try. Unfortunately, talking wasn’t working and Tarra had no choice but to use force to aid Chiara. 
With her wand at hand, Tarra conducted a battle against Chiara, using spells that won’t cause too much harm on her friend. Being a second year, Tarra didn’t know a lot of combat spells, resulting in receiving a couple of shallow scratches from the silver werewolf. Episkey may heal these scratches, hoping that Tarra won’t be sent to the Hospital Wing if the healing spell doesn’t work. 
Luckily, those fangs of the werewolf didn’t make contact with any part of her skin, saving her from becoming a werewolf herself. 
The battle was hard. It seems like Chiara was overflowing with stamina and energy, and Tarra was concerned that she won’t be able to beat the werewolf into submission. While Chiara wasn’t backing down, Tarra was soaked in her sweat, her breathing raspy as exhaustion was hitting her. She had enough energy for one last spell and she has to put everything she has in this one last attack. With all the strength she can muster, Tarra pointed her wand at a charging werewolf. 
“Flipendo!” She exclaimed, a blue spark flickering at the tip of her wand changing into a purplish-red color.
The spell directing hit Chiara, sending her backwards harder than any previous flipendo that Tarra has ever cast before. Chiara hit a brick wall of the Training Grounds before she slumped to the ground. Tarra, becoming concerned that she hit Chiara harder than she meant to, moved towards her werewolf friend before stopping in her tracks. With a low growl, the werewolf began to slowly get back on her hind legs.
“Mierda,” Tarra cursed, her knees buckling underneath her. Her arms left like lead and her feet sore from the running and dodging. She doesn’t know if she can keep this fight up.
Looking back at the werewolf, Tarra was surprised to see the sight in front of her. Chiara was wobbling side to side, a weak whine escaping her mouth.
“Chiara?” The Slytherin cautiously called out. Chiara made no response, her gaze dazed. It seems that Tarra was able to subdue the werewolf and maybe now she will be able to get through the werewolf. “Chiara, you’re strong! You can get through this! And you’re not doing this alone! I’ll be here for as long as you need! I won’t let you hurt anyone or yourself!”
Unfortunately, Tarra didn’t really keep that promise. She could feel the scratches on her body stingy from the chill in the air. No doubt a bit of blood may have stained her uniform shirt but Tarra hopes that Chiara won’t learn about this. 
The dazed werewolf stared at Tarra as she spoke. The Slytherin took this as a sign that Chiara was listening to her. “Because I’m your friend!” She said, a smile on her face despite being bloodied and bruised.
Chiara stared at Tarra, her battered body weakened from the fight. Silence fell between the two, both watching the other closely. Finally, the silver werewolf raised her head towards the sky and let out a long howl before turning away and rushed off towards the Forbidden Forest. Tarra wished she could follow her friend, to ensure that she was safe for the rest of the night but her body was aching. She had to trust Chiara that she will be okay until morning.
The rest of the night, Tarra recovered Chiara’s photo of Hogwarts at dusk and she used Episkey on her shallow cuts and bruises, but the blood on her white shirt told the story that something happened. Sneaking back to the Common Room wasn’t easy, having some Professors and Filch patrolling the corridors but thankfully, Tarra didn’t get caught and slipped back into her dormitory, quietly changing her clothes and hiding the bloodied ones. She will have to find a way to clean it tomorrow, or discard it somewhere outside the castle. 
The next day, Tarra checked up on Chiara, wanting to see if she was doing okay after her transformation and their unwanted fight. She, herself, had a small limp to her walk and her body felt rather banged up from the fight. But she had to put up a brave front. She can't give off any hints that she was harmed. Chiara would never forgive herself, let alone let Tarra come near her ever again.
The Slytherin was happy to know that Chiara was fine, just a bit sore from all of the Flipendos that Tarra casted on her. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t run away when you saw me transform.” Chiara whispered, her voice low, afraid that someone might overhear them. “Weren’t you afraid?”
“Of course not!” Tarra responded without skipping a beat. “Like I said before; I’d still stay by your side, Chiara. Because being friends with you is worth the risk.” She smiled at Chiara. 
Her answer surprised Chiara. Tarra has been by her side throughout this whole ordeal, including during Halloween of their first year at Hogwarts. Helping her gather the last ingredient for her Wolfbanes Potion even after being told that she is a werewolf. Even keeping the information about being a werewolf a secret from Cecil Lee.
After what happened with her childhood friend, Chiara was convinced that having friends will end tragically and that is why she kept away from Tarra. 
But Tarra truly cared for Chiara. The 12 year old Hufflepuff felt warm from this revelation, a soft smile spreading on her lips. And as her first gesture of friendship, Chiara let Tarra keep the photo that once belonged to her. 
---| Year 3 |---
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“And then this rooster comes rushing out of nowhere, chasing both me and my cousins like a raging Hippogriff!”
It was the second day of the third year at Hogwarts and many students were catching up with friends  during breakfast and between classes. 
Tarra was talking to Rowan as they made there way to their second class of the day. As they walked, Tarra was telling her friend stories from her summer break. Her current story was her time at her uncle’s ranch where she and her cousins were messing around with the hens and chicks, which upset the rooster who was guarding nearby. 
“Let me tell you, being pecked by a rooster is not fun.” Tarra laughed while Rowan shook her head. 
As they pass the Courtyard, a voice calls out to the Scottish Slytherin. “Tarra!” 
Looking over, Tarra smiled when she saw a silver haired Hufflepuff. “Chiara!” She grinned as the other student waved at her with her own smile on her face. 
During the summer vacation, Tarra and Chiara exchanged letters via owl mail. It was great building their friendship since the werewolf investigation. They both shared what was going on during their summer break while getting to know each other some more like what their parents do as a career, if they have any siblings or how big their family is. Even though the exchanging of letters was fun, it wasn’t the same as in-person interactions.
Tarra made their way towards the silver hair Hufflepuff, momentarily leaving Rowan a few feet away. Rowan was curious, remembered seeing Tarra talking to this student in their first year and a bit more in their second year, but she didn’t know that they became friends. It felt kind of weird but it’s not up to Rowan to decide who Tarra makes friends with. But she had thought that, since Jacob almost ruined her family because of all the stories and rumors that were made about him, people wouldn’t want to be friends with Tarra. It was now the complete opposite. 
Watching the two chat, Rowan picked up on their conversation. 
“Sorry that my letter arrived later than usual. That week...wasn’t a good time for me.” Chiara said, eyes moving downwards to the ground.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad that you’re okay.” Tarra replied, a soft smile on her face. Her eyes told a silent message, one only the pair know and with this look, Chiara relaxed and returned the smile.
The two fell in an awkward silence before Tarra quickly perked up. “Hey! Did you get the souvenir I sent ya?”
“Oh! Yes, your owl dropped it off before I left for Platform 9 3/4!” She answered before pulling back her sleeve robe. On her wrist was a bracelet that is a single string band. It was decorated with turquoise and silver engraved beads with a few yellow beads in between, and in the center was a slightly bigger bead that was light blue in color.
It was known that Tarra gave gifts to her friends but it still surprised Rowan. This was the first time that Tarra gave anyone jewelry as a gift while Rowan, Ben, Penny and Bills got more like knick knacks that one would use to decorate their bookshelves or walls. 
“It fits perfectly,” Chiara said, recalling in the letter that Tarra was concerned that the bracelet would be a bit big. “I really like it too! Thank you, Tarra!”
Rowan would have thought she was seeing things but it was clear as day. Tarra smiled in response but one would think that is normal. But this kind of smile was different. This smile was warm and bashful, and her bronze eyes shined with overwhelming joy. Even her stance showed that she was slightly embarrassed at Chiara’s positive response to her new gift.
But that’s not all.
As Tarra responded in her own words, her smile gentle and sweet. “Heh, I’m glad.” Rowan saw a blush forming on her friend’s cheeks. 
Does...does Tarra like Chiara?!
---[A Month and a Half Later]---
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Despite being in separate houses, and Tarra balancing being a Quidditch player and curse breaker, she managed to make time to hang out with Chiara whether between classes or during the weekends. Even though it’s the beginning of their third year and they barely became friends in the middle of second year, it feel as though they have been friends for a long time. They flow naturally into their conversation, going more into detail about the letters they sent to each other. Tarra was surprised to learn that the quiet Hufflepuff is into punk music. Their conversations would also consist about their classes and the topic of what electives that they were taking came up. While Tarra took Study of Ancient Runes, Chiara was taking Divination.
“Seers are known to predict future events,” Chiara said as they walked through the corridors, heading to the Great Hall for lunch. The corridor was bustling with students, chatter filling the air all around them. Students were ready to eat, several hurrying to get some food in their belly. Or just to meet up with friends. 
“Although, a Seer wouldn’t know that they just said a prophecy, having someone else to write it down for them.”
“I heard that Professor Trelawney isn’t….accurate with her so called “prophecy”.” Tarra responded, softly grimacing at the image of an over exaggerating professor to make themselves took authentic.
“Yes, there are some…awkward moments but the subject is still fascinating.” Chiara sheepishly laughed before perking up. “Did you know that centaurs are seers as well? They have their own form of Divination.”
And off Chiara went about the subject.
Even though Tarra wasn’t interested in Divination, having seen so many muggles pretending to be seers and her own father’s rough childhood, the class subject just leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.
But seeing Chiara rather excited about the subject caused Tarra to smile, listening to every word. She didn’t had the heart to tell her of her distaste of the subject when Chiara looks so happy talking about it. Heck, anytime Chiara became enthuastic of whatever they could be talking about -- it can be about freaking waffles for all she cares -- and Tarra would find herself smiling.
Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched from another crossing corridor. Rowan, Ben, Penny and Tonks were watching from the opposite of the grassy courtyard, spotting Tarra watching Chiara closely, her expression soft and warm. It’s like the outside world didn’t matter to her as all of her attention was on the silver haired student. 
“Now I see what you mean Rowan,” Tonks smirked. “Tarra might even be smitten too.”
Rowan was curious to Tarra’s relationship with Chiara. Rowan doesn’t know who Chiara is, having only seen her on occasion in the Great Hall but never gave her much thought until Tarra started hanging out with her. Even though Rowan made friends with Ben and Penny, and everyone has to their right to make friends outside of their social circle, Rowan couldn’t help but be curious after what she saw a few weeks ago. Especially after seeing that blush on her friend’s face made Rowan think that something else is going on. Maybe these two are more than just friends but how can that be possible? They just started hanging out, right? 
She had shared her suspicion to the others, causing them to be just as curious and were now spying on the pair whenever they can. Being a bunch of teenagers, crushes and romance are always hot topic for students to talk about. It brings out more excitement outside of class. So of course the rest of their friends became curious and excited. 
“I know that Tarra hangs out with all of us, but I feel like she makes more effort to hang out with Chiara.” Rowan pointed out, the group remaining in the shadows.
“You’re not jealous, are you dear Rowan?” Tonks teased before raising her arms defensively, a smile on her face as her friend became flustered.
“Of course not! If I was, none of you would be friends with her!” Rowan shouted before covering her mouth and ducking away. The group peeked back but saw that they weren’t noticed by Tarra or Chiara, the corridors still active with students, Rowan’s shouting being died out by other chattering.
“W-we shouldn’t be spying,” Ben stuttered, glancing around nervously. “Besides, i-if Tarra fancies Chiara, it’s not any of our business.”
However, he was huffed at and looking over, it was Penny with a disgruntled face and arms folded across her chest, cheeks flushed. “It should be our business. She’s a friend. We should have known about this. I should have known about this.” She sneered before stomping away.
The trio watched Penny’s retreating figure with baffled expressions.
“What’s biting her?” Tonks asked and Ben shrugged. Rowan, however, watched with a sharp eye.
“Do you think…that Penny’s jealous?”
Again, hope you guys enjoyed it! I will be doing more of this snippets for this AU. Maybe it will be companied with my own drawings! Anyways, thanks for reading! 
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isolaradiale · 6 years ago
Well, we’ve all been together a year now so we thought this might be the perfect opportunity to throw together a new introductory post! The three policy mods aside, we also have a group of amazing assistants that have been helping with lists since the olden days and have recently taken to helping out with the askbox proper. 
LYRA  ☆ FLORA 26 | SHE/HER, HE/HIM Hewwo. uwu. I’m Flora aka Mod Lyra, I’ve been here for forever. Hika says 8 years so I’ve been here probably the same length, and modding just as long. Currently, I’m the local ghost as I don’t actually have a character, but I was previously known for literally only rping Terezi Pyrope with any consistency for 5 straight years. I might still bring her back some day. She deserved a vacation.
PLEIADES ☆ HIKA 28 | SHE/THEY Poses at y’all. As stated, my name’s Hika and I’m generally known as Mod Pleiades. I’ve been around the tumblr rp community for about 8ish years now? But I’ve been rping for much longer! I’ve helped mod specifically for 7, incredibly enough. All you need to know about me is I’m your local Jehanne enthusiast and FFXIV is my lifestream. You’ve probably seen me around on my more mainstay blogs as Jehanne, Jalter, Jeanne, Keith, Harpy, and a few others here and there.
ALTAIR ☆ DAVID 28 | HE/HIM Heyo! I’m David, otherwise known as Mod Altair. I’ve been modding Tumblr MFRPs for... whoa, 5 years now? Anyways there isn’t a lot you need to know about me. I overly fixate on the things I love and have an ever changing RP roster. I think my mainstays in the group are 2B, Tamamo, Lala, Shuten, and Murasaki however.
ASPIDISKE ⋆ SHIRA 25 | SHE/HER It's Shira, super spooky assistant. I've been here for about two years but have been roleplaying since middle school (and LARPing forever, once I orchestrated a "Teen Titans war" with all the other little kids in my family). I'm a graduate student and I know way too much about the Fate series magic systems. I am pretty much always at cap here but my longest term/well-known muses so far are Inumuta, Lord El-Melloi II, and Alucard.
BELLATRIX ⋆ BUTTON 22 | SHE/HER Hi!! It's Button!! I’ve been roleplaying for almost a decade now, but only joined the MFRP scene 3 years ago! I don’t really have a main fandom, unless you count “spiders” as one. My motivations and passions can change on a whim, both in general and in RP. But my most consistently loved muses are Muffet and Memo Loir!
BETELGEUSE ⋆ SHVON 25 | SHE/HER Hello lads it’s me Shvon! While I’ve been RPing pretty much since I first got onto the internet, I’ve been with Tumblr RP since 2011 or so. I’m a bit of an anxious mess so I can be a cryptid from time to time, but I’m always here if anyone needs assistance with anything I can help with! I like gay swords and Final Fantasy. I was mostly known for roleplaying GLaDOS for a long time, but right now I can be found on Yotsuyu, Xion, Tensa, and Faris.
δ CAELI  ⋆ TY 24 | THEY/THEM Howdy! Call me Ty or Tyler. I’ve been in the Tumblr RP scene since... 2011? Roughly? But I joined this community about 4 years ago, and I’ve been here since! My mainstay muses are Iori, Anda and Iskandar, with a few others here and there. I like cute bugs, thunderstorms, and death-related things.
CAPELLA ⋆ TARRA 26 | SHE/HER Hey everyone! I’m Tarra and I’ve been roleplaying since the Jurassic era. I have been a part of this community since it’s start years ago, so I’m very delighted to be a part of the Isola team! I tend to know and be in a lot of fandoms, but my main ones are Legend of Zelda & Final Fantasy. I am also an artist that is trying to make ends meet. My roster can change at times, but for now my main muses are tp!Zelda, oot!Zelda & Sugar.
MAIA ⋆ CHIBI 24 | THEY/THEM Hello everyone!! My name is Chibi, it’s super nice to formally meet you all! I’ve been roleplaying since I was a wee young lad, but I’ve been RPing on Tumblr specifically since 2011. I’m bad on focusing on more than one fandom at a time, but usually my main focuses are Fire Emblem and Castlevania. My muse list can change every now and again but my main stays are Lucina, Zero, Monika & Richter, so please don’t hesitate to hit me up to RP!
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pseudofaux · 6 years ago
🎵It's the most wonderful time of the YYYYEEEEAAAARRRR🎶 Gah! I love these so much! Hope things are going well for you lovely! May I have a bit of SLBP Toshihisa? Or Ikesen Kennyo? Whoever inspires most. My mans need more love!
😂♥️♥️ On THIS blog, on the Wednesday before TARRA’S birthday, we wear pink WRITE BOTH. 💕 Thank you for requesting!
Everything he’d done to avenge his brothers destined him to hell, but he was still a man of religious principles. He had no desire to hurt the kidnapped Oda woman; violence against the innocent was abhorrent (though he had done and would go on doing abhorrent things, he thought, more tired than furious).
Moonlight made the distress on her sleeping features so plain it pulled his own brow down, far enough to hurt, and good— it should, he did not seek to escape the truth of his actions. But her helplessness there on the floor of a dirty forest shack reminded Kennyo that not so long ago he’d been a source of help for many troubled faces.
He laid down his staff and knelt quietly beside her. Perhaps because of the memories she stirred, his touch to smooth her delicate forehead was even more gentle than he meant it to be.
🌶 Toshihisa under the cut. 🍰
“How many?” Toshihisa asked, feeling like a man who had the health and time to be lazy and revel in filthy games with his wife.
There was the press of her muscles tensing around his fingers as she tried to feel within herself, and her eyes went up as though the answer was hidden in the soft fringe that crisscrossed her forehead, limp after all the rainy afternoon’s play in their bed.
“…Four,” she said, like it was a marvel (it was).
He inclined his head as he stretched those four fingers, just a bit, to press against her walls (wet silk, seed-soaked silk, every little sinew slippery and wonderful). He kissed her hip with the gentleness he allowed when they were alone; she was so sensitive by then that even the slowest suck of her skin had her tensing again, deliciously, tightly frantic. Toshihisa pulled his body from hers for possibly the tenth time that day, and as each fingertip grazed her clit, he counted over the sound of her cries.
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usernoneexistent · 3 years ago
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A/N: Yeah the song and title is very much on the nose with the prompt but it works. Btw Rory and Zola are a brief thing but i wanted to explore it. I was nervous writing this, as romances with other people’s ocs is harder than friendships so Al, I hope you like this.
Character featured: Rory McTavish belongs to the wonderful @the-al-chemist.
Warnings: alcohol, reference to NSFW topics.
The music blasted loudly throughout the Gryffindor tower. They've decided that the end of the last semester deserved to be celebrated by throwing a party. However, Zola wouldn't describe it as really joyous. Her best friend, Tarragon, bailed on her for a runespoor. However, Zola couldn't say no to her as she batted her eyelashes and gushed about how this was a rare opportunity. Usually, she would have asked Duncan despite his hatred for parties but would always end up either him drunk or some prank. Preferably, the former option so he doesn't be the party killer with his antics. However, he graduated last year, so the only ones she was on good terms with here were Rory McTavish and his friend Flynn Nowak, but he didn't count much either.
"Hey Zola, how's it going?" The tall boy greeted them from behind her, a drink in each hand. It was Flynn; he was in the year above her and part of the Gryffindor quidditch team.
"Hey Flynn, nothing much really," Zola slumped down on the red sofa. She had to admit; that they were more comfortable than those in the Slytherin dungeons.
Flynn stared at her, unsure what to say before realising the drinks in his hands, "Want a drink?"
"Sure," Zola grabs the drink with fingerless fishnet gloves covered hands. She was rather thankful as she needed another to cool down from the heat and wanted to get wasted. The Gryffindor boy slumped down next to her. "Where's Tarra? Usually, you guys are inseparable, almost like… What's the word? Sounds kinda like a cat breed?"
"Siamese twins," Zola helped him out.
"Yeah, that's the one, but I think it's a dumb name."
"You do realise that it's also called conjoined twins."
Flynn looked at her in awe, like she had just explained to him a revelation. "That makes a lot more sense. You're so smart, Zozo."
"Everyone's smart to you." Zola sipped her drink; the bitter liquid caught her off guard. Zola grabbed a watermelon from the buffet table next to her. Letting the sweet pink taste fill her taste buds to cover for the bitterness.
"How's it hanging, Albatross? Flynn?" A thick Scottish accent entered the conversation, slightly slurring his words. He gave Flynn a quick fist bump.
"Hello to you too, McTavish," she smiled. Zola felt her cheeks heating up, but her dark complexion hid it well. The biggest flirt of Hogwarts was flirting with her and a rather handsome boy at that. She wouldn't say she found him the most physically appealing of guys she had ever been with, but Rory was undoubtedly charming. He has an annoying, charismatic charm, where no matter how much you want to punch him, he always found ways to soften hearts.
"I was wondering when you'd showed up," Rory gave a crooked grin. "Where's your twin anyway?"
"That's what I just asked." Flynn commented.
Zola sighed, "she ditched me for a runespoor."
"Ouch. Must be one hell of a runespoor to miss this smashing party, but that's on her, not you." He downed his alcoholic beverage, or at least Zola assumed it must have alcohol involved, considering his slightly inebriated state. Rory nodded his head towards the make-shift dance floor. "Want to have a dance together, Albatross?"
"I'm always ready for a dance, McTavish." She returned back his lopsided smile. Zola downed the rest of the cider for some extra liquid boost. Rory held a hand to pull her up and guided her to a space for them to dance.
Zola let the music guide her rhythm, flowing with the beat. Her dreadlocks swinging with her. At the same time, she stared back at Rory's blue eyes. How his eyes looked at her was still the same when they found themselves alone in the quidditch changing rooms. A pure chance but steamy encounter it was indeed. One that Zola can't forget. She remembered every detail, even the scar on his left shin. The way he lowered his voice, calling her by her surname though never by her first name.
They danced and laughed until their feet grew tired and their jaws hurt. Rory pulled her into a hidden spot. Zola's back to the wall while Rory leaned over her. Zola grabbed at his T-shirt to pull him in closer. Their lips collided, rushed and messy. After a few minutes of kissing that turned into a make-out session, the results from the passionate moment were left as the dark lipstick remnants on Rory's lips.
"You have something on your lips," Zola giggled either from the hilarity of the dark lipstick stain making him look like a clown or that she was tipsy from the humidity and alcohol. Rory tried to wipe the lipstick stain but only made it worse by smearing it over his chin and cheek.
"What is this? Your lipstick?" He glanced in the small handheld mirror that Zola gave him.
"Yeah, but I think it suits you."
"I don't think black is my colour."
"Maybe red then, it would match with your uniform."
They managed to remove most of the stain in a combined effort, but Zola reckoned that he could wash the rest off in the morning. They walk towards a window, looking out from the Gryffindor tower. The wasn't a speck of cloud to be seen while the moon was slowly rising to brighten the sky. Zola reminisced that the school term was coming to an end. And possibly whatever Rory and Zola had too.
"You live right outside of London right?" Zola queried.
"Aye, in Watford. Why'd you ask?"
"Um… I'm visiting my brother, Jeremiah, for a couple of weeks this Summer. I'll be in the neighbourhood for a while, so maybe…would it be cool if we meet up?"
"Aye, that would be cool." Rory nodded but squinted as he looked at her face. "You have a something on your lips," Rory pointed above her plump dark lips.
"Oh, that might be from the watermelon from earlier." Zola was about to move her hand to brush the watermelon seed off, but Rory stopped her. "I'll get it."
She felt his hand pick the black seed before slipping a surprise kiss. Zola could taste the watermelon's sweetness clashing with the bitterness from the cider. The bittersweet taste lingered in Zola's mouth after the kiss as the grasshoppers cry inbetween the few seconds of the music changing as the new moon greeted them.
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littlemix-styleblog · 6 years ago
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Requested Leigh and Jade Inspired Masquerade Inspired 
ASOS DESIGN high neck lace & mesh long sleeve thong bodysuit: £14. I just want to say first this was really hard, I`ve only just come to the realisation that not all of it is inspired by Leigh and Jade but i`ll try my best. So first of all a masquerade, I wasn`t sure whether to go formal or formal but laid back so I went for a bit of both and I also colour coordinated it. So with a masquerade it`s dark, it`s secret, it`s a mystery but it`s also a gathering of people coming together to have a good time. So I picked up this bodysuit from ASOS, Which for you eagle eyed fans would recognise as Jesy has worn it before.
ASOS A Star Is Born thong bodysuit with tassels and embellishment in black: £65. I also consider a masquerade as a sort of mardi gras festival, with lots of colour, tassles, sequins and not forgetting it`s a party. So you shake all you got with these two bodysuits.
ASOS A Star is Born iridescent beaded bodysuit in black: £70
Topshop Black Coated Joni Jeans: £40. Was pretty hard to decide what to wear on your legs and I thought well it`s busy on top and you don`t need to be busy at the bottom so go simple and casual. So I opted for these coated black Joni Jeans from Topshop and yes before you ask they are comfortable to wear, You can dance to your heart desires and you still wouldn`t get a split. 
Silkfred Black Leather Skirt: £30. Ok so the skirt is a little restrictive, but we`re trying to keep it classy here we can`t be going round in hot pants. You don`t have to stick to a long leather skirt, You can opt for a short mini skirt too. A skirt like this accentuates your figure, Nips it all in giving you a longer silhouette and not forgetting a slimmer waistline and stomach.
ASOS Fringe Mesh Strappy Maxi Bodycon Dress: £48. Now we have a number of dresses in this post that arent included in the photos because theirs too many of them, So I`ll just add them here as a extra. So as I said before I went with formal, over the top and casual casual. This dress is in the range of formal over the top. Before I begin it is something Perrie would wear, but it`s something I can see Leigh in as well. You`ll be not only having a good time with pals in this dress, But you will be twirling all night amongst these tassels. Pair it with some earrings and a drop down necklace if you wish and you would look gorgeous.
ASOS Jarlo Tall high neck allover cutwork lace midaxi dress in black: £87.50. Another of the dresses, Now this wouldn`t be too everyone's taste. It is in the style of a fishtail where it comes inwards towards the bottom, it also has the bodycon of a fishtail dress where it goes in and out if that makes sense. Jade has worn this pattern style before on several occasions, Most recently in LA. The thing with this pattern is that sometimes even though it`s high end and can be designer is that sometimes it can look cheap. But do not fear this one does not look cheap at all, It`s just the right amount of material in all of the right places.
ASOS Forever Unique lace contrast bodycon dress: £42. So Leigh has been to a Masquerade ball before and I took inspiration from the dress she worn then to now. Again it`s the same style of lace and pattern with a few added extras. The plunge, Not everyone is keen on a plunge are they but I know Leigh likes a plunge so will stick with it. I myself am not keen on the sleeves, but maybe you can do a bit of DIY and cut them to a length that suits you. 
Black lace mask asymmetric: Now we move onto accessories and theirs lots of them. A few years ago Little Mix had a masquerade party where some of them wore masquerade masks and I think this was one of them i`m not quite sure. But this is one of the more simpler black lace designs.
Black Fascinator: Mayfair: £125. I know what your thinking and No I am not expecting you too buy this but at some masquerade parties people go over the top and go right down to the T with their outfits. Now as I said i`m not expecting you to buy this, But this is just a summary of what you can do with your look. But don`t worry because we have some much cheaper and smaller alternatives here.
Claires Black Matte Filigree Flower Stretch Bracelet: £4. Continuing with the theme of baroque, Jesy would be more of the one to wear baroque lace in the real word but that doesn`t mean the other girls can`t. If you don`t know me by now I do go over the top sometimes with accessories, But accessories help enlighten a dull outfit don`t forget.
Claires Black Lace Choker: £2.25. This is one of them pieces when you can add if you want too, If your stuck for anything else then a simple black choker is your go too girl.
Claires Jet Black Vintage Filigree Beaded Drop Earrings: £2.50
TFNC halter neck jumpsuit in ombre sequin: £85. How gorgeous is this jumpsuit? It reminds me of ice cream. This is something Jade would wear...Not necessarily the colour I don`t think, But a sequin jumpsuit is right up her lane. Again the colours in this jumpsuit go well with the colours in the mask.
ASOS A Star is Born Petite Prom Embellished Maxi Dress in Iridescent Sequins: £130
Topshop Fringed Head Piece: £18
PrettyLittleThing DARK RED FRILL HEM BANDAGE MIDI DRESS: £45. What`s better than dangerous and feisty red. So with red we have chosen this fishtail midi dress that shows your curvy figure and lifts your bum.
PrettyLittleThing TARRA RED LACE FISHTAIL MAXI DRESS: £30. We also chose another red dress from PLT, But this time it`s a maxi dress and that means your more free to dance your socks off. Reminds me of the Christopher Kane dress Leigh wore a while ago.
Claires Victorian Floral Statement Necklace - Red: £5. It`s your choice whether you wanted to dress the outfit up or down, But bear in mind is leaving a gap between your face and your chest a good idea? Is it a good idea to leave it as a blank space? Some people would say yes, some no but it`s your decision whether you wanted to or not. But if you did then here is a great example of what to fill that blank canvas with.
Claires Gold 3" Shine Drop Earrings - Red: £5
PrettyLittleThing DUSTY BLUE LACE SQUARE NECK MIDI DRESS: £28. A common theme you might find throughout this post is the pattern of baroque, or baroque lace. Designers such as Versace like to use it on their designs. But you don`t have to pay high end prices to buy it, You can also buy it for much cheaper prices too. A mixture of blue and gold (I think it is anyway) colour in this dress goes well with the mask.
PrettyLittleThing PALE BLUE VELVET COWL NECK MAXI DRESS: £25. Another alternative, This time this one is more longer and covers a bit more then the other dress I have on offer. Also isn't as confined as the other one, It`s satin and has a thigh high split so you can split that leg up into the air as high as you want.
ASOS Pieces faux pearl stud earring: £3. Nothing is more better then pearls, Pearls are a classic, feminine accessory to any woman's outfit. It will make your outfit look much more then it is worth. What`s better is that you don`t have to fork out thousands to buy a pearl necklace or earrings, You can simply pay £3 at ASOS. I have also chosen a alternative in the form of pearl hoops
John Lewis & Partners Short Faux Pearl Necklace, White: £18
PrettyLittleThing CLOVER ROSE GOLD STRAP HEELED SANDALS: £20. Make sure you match your shoes to the outfit as well. If you matched these outfits with black heels then it would look odd and make you stand out. What is the most stand out colour of the 21st century right now though? Copper...Well Rose gold and copper. Is their anything more satisfying in the world other them two colours?
PrettyLittleThing MULTI SEQUIN PLUNGE JUMPSUIT: £45. How jazzy is this little number, Jade would definitely wear something like this to dance about in and you have no excuse now not to buy it. 
Topshop Gold Tear Balaclava: £20. I know these arent exactly masquerade, But I thought since it covers the face with gold that it comes off to me as secretive and mysterious. A great alternative to a mask and it goes well with the mardi gras theme.
Topshop Diamante Face Mask: £20. Probably thinking what the hell is this before you read the title, But it is a face mask another one yes. Again like I said above you can use this instead of a masquerade mask. But this time this one comes in silver.
Topshop Fringed Head Piece: £18
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