#tarot influence
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tarotaloud · 10 months ago
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Заглядывая в холодильник, мы видим торт с коктейльной вишенкой и невидимой неоновой надписью «Это на Новый Год» прямо над ней. Можем ли мы съесть вишню, не съедая её? Можно ли тарологическим «просмотром» влиять на ход события и насколько? Вопрос на стыке областей философии, физики и хронофантастики. Вопрос, который проверяет тарологов на крепость убеждений и настораживает клиентов, приходящих за раскладом впервые. Для ответа нужно рассмотреть вероятность вне концепции правильного и неправильного, с доверием и беспристрастностью. И принять, если нужно, некую меру фатализма.
🔅Ключевые события УЖЕ произошли. 🔅События происходят естественным (читай, наилучшим) образом. Последнее не означает, что произошедшее безболезненно и вписывается в рамки человеческой этики. 🔅События движутся к точке своей кристаллизации (негэнтропии). 🔅Степень, в которой человек может повлиять на ситуацию, зависит от его осознанного и целенаправленного волеизъявления, акта.
Таролог не лезет вёрткими пальцами в шапку взбитых сливок, непоправимо меняя жизнь клиента, перед ним вообще не стоит такой задачи! Задача таролога – дать клиенту ясное представление о ситуации и способах реагирования в ней (с учётом запроса), а также о возможности клиента повлиять на ход событий. Клиент, совершая поступок – любой – не нарушает Вселенского порядка и не обрекает себя на прозябание в результате неверного выбора. Он принимает решение, совершает акт (а большинство людей склонны принимать решение, которое считают «наилучшим», с учётом известных им обстоятельств). Остальное – путь к обсессивным сомнениям в собственных решениях. При этом путём корректирующих раскладов можно варьировать ситуацию в пределах проявленного в ней типа энергий, но не «уронить» её полностью без эффекта «пружины» в другой области. А как же тогда обстоит дело с многократной «перепроверкой» события? Максимум, который можно получить такой практикой – «перекрытие» аркана из директного состояния в ретроградное, как если бы ученик многократно наводил тушью один и тот же иероглиф – а потом и вовсе закрасил его чёрным. Видимость для гадателя в результате существенно снизится, но это не отменит первой линии, которую он провёл.
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x-enocyon · 4 months ago
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domestic dog that belongs to no one; wild wolf that chooses to belong to someone
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jadynwaymire1997blog · 5 months ago
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whwsd1wrof · 5 months ago
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grandepretresse · 15 days ago
🀧 continuing from here [ There was a brief, warm ‘you’re welcome’ to Apollo’s thanks, but the mood soon took a major shift when Apollo’s expression fell, and Tarokki’s blood turned cold as she processed the implications of it in regards to her question. The flat expression on Apollo’s face almost looked scary, and she could feel her earrings shift slightly though Tarokki hadn’t moved her head. She slowly raises her hand to stop the earring from making that very faint yet distressing hissing sound each time it attempted to turn to the other side.]
[ She could feel the indentations in the metal of the card, and she ran her finger over it trying to decipher what it was trying to tell her, but she was taken out of her thoughts by Apollo’s mutter.] “Wait, you’re—“ [ She grabs another napkin from the beverage station and hands it to him. She doesn’t feel like she needs to finish her sentence, Apollo must be feeling the blood running down his nose and over his lips. Tarokki sighs, and despite Apollo telling her not to worry, she finds that she can’t just brush it off. First, however, is a check for his physical wellbeing.] “Alright, you clearly need to sit down, have you eaten anything? When was the last time you’ve rested?” [ Just how many nosebleeds had this man had that he could just brush off one more? This was not looking good. She would continue her line of questioning later.] @surging-eyes-seeing-au
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honestlyobsessed · 2 days ago
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for some reason i enjoy painting on wood rather than canvas.
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qldqueerboy · 10 months ago
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It really should be a very happy day for you but what you can’t seem to supress is that growing dissatisfaction from arising. Understand why your accomplishments today are not producing you with the feeling of complete emotional fulfilment comes as no surprise. Self-doubt and anxiety appear to be your only motivator behind your achievements. The good news is that you are fully aware of this behaviour and are prepared to work out a strategy in changing your way of working.
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macguffinandco · 1 year ago
Upriver, Downriver - our gorgeous, tarot-infused fantasy game about facing the inevitable and doing the impossible - is up for general sale!
Kickstarter backers should have their books by now (or very, very soon for some international backers) and pre-orders have all been sent out so this is the point that feels like the game has truly set sail.
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Players in Upriver, Downriver become a crew, bound to each other and their ship through an unbreakable oath: to reach either the mythical source of the Great River, or to cross the sea from which no one has ever returned.
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During your quest, you'll explore four different locations, each showing a different side of life on the River, and you'll commune with the many-faced River God, drawing powerful blessings and curses that will shape your path.
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If you're into thematic TTRPGs and/or cathartic tales of magic and change, we think you'll really love it. (It's also available as a PDF)!
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magical-xirl-4 · 2 months ago
Jewel Joker theory! *spoilers for Chapter 4*
Arcana Academy and its card suit symbols are egregious. Absolutely everywhere. Chapter 4 has released and we for sure now that the Jewels will upgrade Amu's transformations. This makes one think about how perfectly suited Amu is to be here, how coincedental that the card motifs within the school connect directly to her guardian characters.
My theory: someone previously had 4 guardian characters like Amu, with the same playing card symbols. They, along with some others, founded Arcana Academy and made the Jewels. I don't think its a stretch either to say that its likely the Humpty Lock was made alongside them, as they represent 4 leaves of a clover (which is also Amulet Fortunes symbol). 4 guardian characters, 4 suits, 4 jewels and 4 dorms. It's all been done before.
(I'm almost willing to bet that there's some archaic history behind it with a reincarnation cycle, buuut thats probably too much of my own ideas that I'm trying to inject). I'd say that time travel is probably the most likely answer funnily enough: Amu's future self went back in time to found Arcana Academy.
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myobsession · 11 months ago
Hmm…I’ve had this thought forever but what is going to happen to Cattleya and Bernadette’s fairytale magic? The rule of the Mystery Pryer pathway is that the less known about your magic’s origins and the less it spreads, the more powerful it is. Now we have a whole slew of transmigrators which will definitely spread the magic, not to mention any one of the transmigrators could have published a book of fairytales and marketed it to the public which would further impact Cattleya and Bernadette, especially if their magic becomes common place stories. Now we’ll see how the affects unfold from now on I guess (I think they might have to dig deeper into history which is…blasphemous ngl).
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aquaticadventurearkblog · 5 months ago
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felbelfittich · 7 months ago
i have never played a game from that series but i firmly believe that the dragon age tarot is one of the most important modern art pieces for fandom all over the place.
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helianthus-tarot · 1 year ago
hey i was thinking about tarot reading and how its a 'most likely outcome' kinda thing and wanted to ask a super complicated question for no reason lol, you dont have to answer/ignore this if u want. If someone doesn't have a future s/o who they will end up with for one reason or another, and they ask for a future s/o reading, how would that look or how would it be different from someone who actually does end up with someone else? Like does the reading then talk about a potential partner instead? Or a partner that could have been? Or would it focus more on the querent and the reasons why they dont end up w someone? Have you even done a reading that indicated both a f/o but also a divorce from them?
No worries! The questions are fine.
"If someone doesn't have a future s/o who they will end up with, how would it be different from someone who actually does end up with someone else?"
In future spouse or next partner readings, no difference can be noticed.
"Does the reading then talk about a potential partner instead? Or a partner that could have been? Or would it focus more on the querent and the reasons why they don't end up with someone?"
Possibly yes.
Possibly yes.
Logically it can happen, though I don't remember experiencing it. I remember once feeling like the querent should focus more on their self-development at that time. But so far I haven't seen any definite/clear indication that querents would never get married or never get into a relationship.
I've addressed this before in another ask, I think it got lost in the tags. If you ask about next partner, the answer will be about the person who is most likely to become your next partner (unless the cards decide to talk about something else). If you ask about your love life in this lifetime, then you may get more answers that address whether or not you'll find any in this life, or what kinds of relationships will you form, and so on.
The answers tarot gives you highly depends on how you form the questions. And since most of my questions address the potential spouse directly, this could be why I haven't got any message about the querents not meeting anyone.
"Have you ever done a reading that indicated both a f/o but also a divorce from them?"
Nope. No message about divorce. Just messages about potential issues in the relationship, but then again, every relationship has its own struggles. So whether or not a particular struggle will end up in a divorce, I assume that depends on how the couples handle it. Tarot hasn't said anything about it, and I haven't asked about divorce specifically because there's no point to asking in a reading about a future relationship. It's dooming the relationship before it even starts.
I believe that sometimes we are meant to meet some people in our lives. But what types of relationships we form with those people and how deep the relationships go, can be influenced by our own actions. You might be destined to have a particular person as your professor, but whether you want to deepen that connection into something else, or how exactly you want to interact with them, that depends on you and the other person. It's the same thing with divorce.
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hearthandheathenry · 10 months ago
Hi I just saw your post and was wondering if I can get a 1-card reading from you. My question is what kind of energy should I incorporate in the content with my sister on social media? We’re leaning more into being an influencer but it’s hard to create content that gets people engaged and interested in us.
Hey there! I totally get the frustration on content creation, I think all content creators feel it! Truth be told, I've heard that the algorithms are designed to make your first few posts successful, then it's a little harder to get views, so they keep you hooked and trying to make the next viral content, so that you keep pumping out content for their website! I don't know if it's true, but I've noticed that taking the stress off your shoulders and posting what feels authentic to you, and actually enjoying your content creation, tends to give the most insight and helps the process feel more successful! There's nothing better in content creation than seeing something you're proud of and love get the attention you want! Rather than things you hate making. Other tips I can think of is definitely utilize hashtags and SEO as those things help your content get seen in the first place. And definitely find your niche! There's no rush, so play around with what you like and see what takes off. For example, the witchy stuff on this blog gets the most engagement, but I still enjoy posting about cooking and such!
As for your card pull, the King of Pentacles popped out for you!
Literal meaning: "The King of Pentacles is an honest, generous leader who has worked hard and achieved great success. He upholds his duties and traditions, and respects his ancestral heritage. He is kind, but has high expectations of others and believes they should have the same work ethic as he does. He is humble and self-reliant."
Pentacles also represents earth, winter, and years. It represents money, work, talent, reputation, achievement, stability, and the material realm. The court cards tend to represent people, so the King is most likely a representation of you.
My interpretation of the card: The king is a representation of you or who you need to be to achieve your success that you're after. Keep in mind the qualities that it is describing, as these are most likely the type of energy you need to put forth to gain what you want. Hard work, honesty, generousness, self-reliance, humbleness, and respectfulness of traditions. Success takes work and the good type of success will take honest and kind work. No one gets famous overnight, and many influencers have done some shady things to get to the top. If you want genuine engagement and success, this is telling you to keep at your goals, to not rely on others but your own efforts and merits (as in not expecting others to do everything for you, but theres nothing wrong with help and collaborations), to be kind and generous to others as you climb to your goals, and it has an additional message of tradition, so maybe there is something in your ancestral lineage or heritage that can inspire you in your work. Perhaps its educating others on something from your history, or maybe its a lesson learned from the past. It says that he also expects others to have the same work ethic, so in regards to working with your sister, make sure she is on the same page of hard work and other qualities in order to reach your success together. Since the pentacles represents years, achieving your goals may take years instead of a shorter amount of time, so again, don't expect instant success. With it representing winter, perhaps something will happen in winter that will bring you good news on your success, or that may be the season you reach your goals. Stay diligent, learn the tricks of the trade, and find your niche and what you enjoy creating. You'll get there! The king is the highest card of the suit, so you will definitely reach your success in the end!
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skeletorg · 1 year ago
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thefallenperfection · 11 months ago
I offer monthly subscription and independent tarot readings
Please support me, this goes towards rent since my bf lost his job again
You can also cashapp me: $babybratbat03
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