#tarot 0
nenatarot · 2 years
14/02/23 (terça-feira)
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Cartas pertencentes aos decks Lo Scarabeo, The Modern Witch e THE SPIRUTUAL TAROT, respectivamente. Confira aqui mais sobre.
Arcano Maior representado pelo número 0, se trata do LOUCO. Que tradicionalmente é representado por uma figura independente que carrega consigo além de suas roupas do corpo uma pequena trouxinha. Em algumas representações, é acompanhado por um cão. Basicamente, esta carta é principalmente atribuída as qualidades (ênfase em qualidade de ingenuidade) da pureza, da ingenuidade, do otimismo, da autoconfiança, independência, intuição, segurança em si mesmo e em seu caminho, desapegos e liberdade. Eu pessoalmente não gosto de trabalhar com palavras chaves, pois elas podem resumir muito uma imagem que pode ter várias interpretações e possibilidades de significados, acaba limitando muito o praticante e estudante. Por isso, a melhor coisa a se fazer é analisar profundamente os detalhes.
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O Louco está em uma jornada, não sabemos o que ele busca exatamente; apenas sabemos que ele leva consigo algumas coisas que não sabemos do que se trata exatamente. Para uma análise profunda, irei me basear em uma figura ilustrada mais tradicional, por exemplo, O Louco, de Rider Waite. O jovem leva consigo uma rosa, o que indica paixão, delicadeza, uma certa ingenuidade, imaginando estar em um caminho e simplesmente por ser bela, ele leva consigo a flor. Ele estava apaixonado pela vida, ele ama o sentimento de caminhar, de existir, de poder explorar; um eterno explorador nato. Um aventureiro que só leva o essencial consigo, sem se importar com julgamentos de ninguém: se leva pouco, se leva muito, se anda torto, se o caminho está certo… ele apenas deseja seguir em frente. O seu pensar não se faz com o racional; ele age sem pensar nas consequências; o que não soa bem — porém, tem seu lado bom: não se estressar demais, valorizar sua vontade e intuição interior a respeito de uma atividade que queria realizar. A essência de ação, exploração sem se importar com o que os outros pensam, de uma ingenuidade boa, é o que mais devemos admirar no Louco.
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onefleshonepod · 3 months
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Nona leant into her and said, “Thanks. I love you too, Camilla,” and: “Do you know who I am yet?”
Beyond the fact that this scene instantly came to mind — a parallel to the Rider-Waite tarot card with a figure merrily walking off a cliff, white dog trotting at their heels — when I thought of this card, Nona as a character works perfectly for The Fool.
On both literal and metaphorical levels, she is experiencing life for the first time. Her existence represents a new beginning for the series, with a new unanticipated book exploring new people and new stories.
Her innocence, however, sees her delve several times into the reversed meaning of the card: taking on tasks she can't fully comprehend, throwing eldritch tantrums, and making naïve mistakes and misunderstandings which drive the plot.
The jig was finally up. [...] “Nona,” said Palamedes [...] “that was very important information—information that changes everything—[…] and the type of information Camilla and I personally trusted you to prioritise.” This was too much to bear. “I’ve had things to think about,” Nona wailed. “I didn’t want to get in trouble.”
ID: A digital collage of "The Fool” tarot card as Nona from the Locked Tomb series. The design parallels the Rider-Waite Fool card. Nona, dressed in a yellow raincoat and respirator, is stepping off the edge of a cliff with Noodle at her heels. A destroyed city is in the background in tones of orange and purple, and Varun the Eater is a bright blue orb in the top right corner of the smoggy yellow sky. Nona’s outfit is from illustrations by Holly Hobbie, Lou Rogers, Howard Smith, and Henry Hintermeister. The cliff is from Brunhilde by Arthur Rackham. The city images are photos of 1940s Warsaw. Noodle is from a painting by Cecil Aldin, with some added legs. The left side of the card shows the upright meaning of The Fool and reads, “Beginnings | Innocence | Leap of Faith | Spontaneity | Idealism" in all caps. The right side of the card shows the reversed reading and reads "Chaos | Foolishness | Naïveté | Poor Judgment | Gullibility" in all caps. The base of the card reads "The Fool | Nona" in a groovy font.
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ashleyslorens · 4 months
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krokaxe · 11 days
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The spiders come in side by side Two by two and night by night
Hunter (left) belongs to @koilarist
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I wanna pull out my cards and do a reading but one reading isn't enough of a reason to pull them down.
So for a short time, I'm offering Free One to Three card readings. Number of cards will be random, this will be open for 10 people.
Request a spot through the ask box. One advice related question, no medical, time sensitive, relationship, deity or legal questions please.
Slots 0/10
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ardenrosegarden · 1 day
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The general meaning of The Moon Tarot card in an upright position is that everything is not as it seems. It is also the Major Arcana Tarot card of intuition. The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion... ...In a general context The Moon Tarot card reversed can signify releasing fears or negative energy clearing. It can also indicate secrets or lies being exposed...If you have been awaiting a decision on something, The Moon reversed indicates that you will get an answer or clarity on the matter.
-The Moon
The Two of swords The Heirophant The Hanged Man The Devil The Lovers The Sun
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urlocalcupcxke · 8 months
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i forgot i did this redesign lol
from my present!au version (present!au is just my interpretation of the canon lol) of Amy
its been a long time i have posted art, huh? sorry :p
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dyinglikeicarus · 2 years
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Sometimes I think of doing a tarot inspired by Greta’s arch and see how the jungian theory of the journey of the hero around tarot would look like. 
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witchescollection · 2 months
Ok not a question but I wanted to share this thoughts lately
I think I have something related with rain, not that is particularly special because It wouldn’t surprise me if it was actually very common or that I care very much about it very much but, ever since I was a child, I made what I called the rain dance, i never did it seriously and it started as a joke but like, there was a high probability that if I made the rain dance, it started raining. Not only that, but like unironically my mental health and my mood in general gets better when it rains. It is also important to say that I am indigenous descent and only a few weeks ago I learned that apparently the ethnic group where part of my family comes from were known as the people of the rain.
The most clear evidence I had of my affinity with rain was one time that the city I live was going through a very intense drought, and one of my friends said that I should do the rain dance and I jokingly accepted and that same evening, even though there were no clouds in the sky before, it rained, ofc that didn’t stop the drought and the rain was very little but it weirded me how a rain manifested out of nowhere
Anyway that’s just all I know it’s kinda stupid but still, I’m also aware that it can also probably be mere coincidence and I wouldn’t mind, idk I just love rain in general and just seeing it makes me happy
no because i am OBSESSED with the little witchy things we do prior to realising our power!!! little kids making potions out of mulch, or collecting and befriending unconventional pets, or chatting to the plants!! it is not stupid at all, flower, i'm so glad it makes u happy <3 <3
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maddyshome · 10 months
gojo is the moon but geto is not the sun. geto is the star. it is yuuji who is the sun.
sukuna is also the moon and yuuji is still the sun here too.
why? because yuuji's belief is a direct contrast to gojo and sukuna's. the sun and the moon need to be two opposing beings. like ying and yang.
to satosugu fans, stop living in a delusion. your otp is not the sun-moon pair. its more like the moon-star pair. so just go with that.
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cleverclove · 1 year
The way that Shakespeare plays would make an excellent tarot deck…….
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Back to the Major Arcana featuring Haruka!
This was an interesting card to work on! I'd watched a video going a bit more in depth on color theory so I tried to work some of the things I learned into this piece!
I didn't want this post to be too long so I have some more design notes on this card's Patreon post. You can read those and download a High res version of this card for free! It was also available 2 days early for Patrons just a quick mention
Interpretations are below the cut:
In the pursuit of understanding the self, the Hermit has elected to remove themselves from their outside world. At this point in the Hermit's life, others' opinions and thoughts are too overpowering and make it difficult to decide what they truly want.
Whether this be metaphorical or literal, the occasional period of self-isolation can be very beneficial, especially if you've felt like you've been doing certain actions that aren't aligned with who you truly are. It's important to note that this isolation period should not last forever. The Hermit is aware that their solitude is not permanent and chooses to make the most of their time.
While alone, the Hermit can focus inward: their thoughts, their desires, and what they believe is right or wrong. Away from the public, the Hermit aims to define who they are. Their values, the direction they wish to take their life, things that only they can decide for themselves.
When the Hermit appears in a reading, they're urging you to consider your recent actions and whether they were what you truly wish you'd done. What pressures are causing you to act a certain way? Do you wish you'd done something differently?
Perhaps a period of withdrawal would be beneficial to finding the answers to these questions.
Reversed, we see a Hermit that's isolating for more harmful reasons. When faced with the outside world, it can sometimes be tempting to disappear into oneself. The unknown is scary and it's human nature to try and avoid it at all costs.
While there may be times when you simply aren't ready to step out of your comfort zone (as doing so can do more harm than good), a reversed Hermit in a reading suggests that maybe it's time to begin the transition back to the outside world. This can be done as gradually as you like, but try to make those decisions based on what feels most aligned to your inner self. Simply asking that part of you for guidance will oftentimes give you the answer you need.
The main theme of the reversed Hermit is someone who's acting in ways that just don't feel right. Whether due to fear or outside pressure or any other myriad of reasons, a reversed Hermit feels like they're not being authentically themselves. Even if they're not conscious of it, there's a nagging feeling in the back of their mind telling them something needs to change.
What actions can you take to feel more like yourself? How do you define yourself in the first place? Are there any voices around you (or within) that are leading you astray?
Haruka's arc in Yakuza 5 is such an interesting one and it's been stuck in my brain ever since I first played it.
For almost her entire section, Haruka's living her life for other people.
She feels pressured to become an idol in the first place because Kiryu informs her that the orphanage is struggling financially. She allows herself to be completely isolated from her family in the hope that she can create a better life for her siblings.
She becomes closer to Mirei and then feels obligated to help her surrogate mother figure relive the glory that was stolen from her. Even after Mirei dies, Haruka feels obligated to join an idol group with the girls that made her life hell during the Princess League.
Through the whole game, there's this theme of following your dreams and doing what you feel is necessary to achieve them, and then you have Haruka.
She insists being an idol is what she really wants, but the whole time it really doesn't seem that way at all. It seems like she's just being shuffled around any way the adults in her life see fit.
At the very end of the game, she sees Kiryu, the man that raised her for almost a decade of her life, her father, and she can't keep pretending.
She never wanted to be an idol. She never wanted to be so thoroughly separated from her family. She wants to go home.
And here we see the Hermit turn from a reversal to upright. Haruka's isolation from her home taught her that pushing away her desires to live for others is painful and depressing and the exact opposite of how she wants to live her life. She refuses to be a pawn in the Idol industry and in Mirei's own agenda (even if Haruka cared about her).
It's Haruka's turn to figure out what she dreams of and how she'll achieve those dreams.
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sweetsaucyhazel · 2 months
The Witch, Hazel: Morning Tarot 7/31/24
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theme of the day: storms (overwhelming force, imbalance, lashing out, force of nature)
what lies beneath: passion (enthusiasm, shared emotion, closeness, intuition, risk-taking)
advice: dreamer, inverted (groundedness, contentment, cut off from insight, realism)
takeaway: avoid being too swept up in excitement or too overwhelmed by outside pressures to lose sight of your options (you always, always have options). keep your feet on the path you have chosen and your eyes on your desired future.
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bleaksqueak · 11 months
I think someone has said something about this before but I'm going to also say it. If you ever did a tarot deck with your art, I would buy that shit so fast. I would love to see it Solivaga themed and how you slot the characters into the card. But I'd still buy it even if it wasn't Soli themed because I just really love your art. Now I'm gonna go stare at that Halloween art for the rest of the night.
For those that follow the Patreon and got to see the chapter 3 cover already, I can impart some fun facts: the chapter 3 cover is already based off of a tarot card (the three of swords, precisely), and from here on the chapter covers are all likely going to follow this theme so that I can actually make a tarot deck like I've been wanting to! And thank you for an eternity, to be honest if I did a tarot deck as stated above, there's no way it wouldn't be soli themed lol even if I included some of my other OCs, I'd probably just work them into a soli deck as thematic elements (like the Halloween pic of Elias had me borrowing some of Nakyl's design while I was trying to think of a cool spooky costume for him) Audun's a great candidate for some really illustrative tarot cards, given his loci design and his job.... aaaa. why can't I draw 100 things at once!!
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crowsofafeather · 2 years
OC question for everyone: what tarot card(s) do you associate your OC(s) with? Why?
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yakny · 1 year
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