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[ 芋酷同行 ]最愛芋頭的法國人酷跟超商推出聯名商品啦~~ 喔~ 真的沒有一次在桌上擺這麼多芋頭的食物, 看著就覺得療癒感滿點! 前兩天看完酷的新片, 就是那部18間不同主題的小七開箱, 就在猶豫要不要在半夜打去問店員能不能預留商品, 最後還是決定打去問問看, 能就能,不能就算了, 一切看運氣, 沒想到居然可以! 真的是很感動~ 因為他這次推出的品項有點麻煩, 因為不是每間店都買得到, 必須去特定的門市才能買得到! 然後前陣子另一位YouTuber也是跟小七聯名, 說實話, 我真的沒有任何理由去買來吃, 因為他聯名的商品跟他的連結度實在太低, 隨便說一樣商品, 我真的不會想到他欸。 但這芋頭商品, 一說直接會有很強烈的連結感, 因為酷他真的是超級愛芋頭的, 說他是台灣的芋頭推廣大使, 芋頭教教主真的是當之無愧! 加上他又是法國人, 所以我對他所認可的芋頭甜點, 絕對是有基本分, 其他就是看每個人的口味喜好了! |芋泥閃電泡芙 他泡芙外層有一層紫薯粉的巧克力甘納許coating, 退冰之後整體質感是軟軟的, 沒有什麼脆皮感。 他的內餡真的塞得很滿~ 芋泥香氣算是夠, 而且也加了不少的鮮奶油下去調整口感, 白巧克力帶出來的奶香味很重, 然後甜度也算是這四款最高的, 怕甜的人要三思, 建議吃的時候可以搭配無糖茶或是咖啡, 而且一份兩條, 價格也還算是銅板價, 如果去小七有看到的話, 我會直接拿走。 我不知道是不是真的啦, 我去拿的時候, 店員說其實這塊是最主推的商品, 但又不可能只有推一款, 這樣超商也不好做企劃, 所以才又衍生出其他商品。 |雙色芋頭流心可頌 / 回烤過 預定時我請店員如果情況允許的話, 給我冷凍的,不需要加��, 畢竟我不會馬上吃, 所以是回家後要吃才現烤的。 回烤後的可頌麵包體酥脆, 原本以為他的芋泥會偏乾一點, 但其實很濕潤綿密, 有淡淡的芋頭香氣, 但更多的是奶香味, 甜度的話大概是六七分吧, 但跟不甜的可頌體吃起來, 我覺得剛好。 先不說他在超商的保溫箱狀態會怎樣, 先來說他的可頌層次是真的很夠, 吃起來不會太油, 層次光從視覺上就很明顯了, 切下去的聲音也是超級誘人的, 如果可以的話, 買回家建議再稍微烤一下, 讓他表面酥脆一點, 這樣跟裡面濕潤的芋泥餡搭起來, 會更美味, 但可能我沒有烤完馬上吃, 所以沒有很明顯的流心感, 如果烤完馬上吃的話, 我相信那層次落差更明顯! PS. 4/19加碼 推出冷凍版本 |芋泥肉鬆華爾滋 / 回烤過 他的麵包體算是偏紮實一點, 但還是有彈性的, 回烤過後他最上面的那個條狀, 不是菠蘿皮, 但也不是蛋黃液, 因為他有一個厚度, 他配上麵包體, 就做出了一個口感上的層次。 接著是他的內餡, 是很台味的肉鬆跟芋泥的搭配, 我一開始聽到這個名字, 以為是裡面包芋泥, 外面用美乃滋把肉鬆黏在上面的那種方式, 但我錯了。 他裡面芋頭跟肉鬆比例我覺得大概是2:1~3:1, 我原本以為被包在裡面的肉鬆, 沒有其他的水分滋潤, 會比較乾, 但其實不會誒, 也許是一位他芋泥條的比較濕潤一點, 而肉鬆又吸收了一點他的水分, 反而是剛好的濕潤度, 而且吃得到芋泥跟肉鬆不同的質感。 味道上的話, 雖然說視覺上芋泥感覺上比較多, 但吃起來不會都是甜味, 而是鹹甜鹹甜, 鹹香鹹香的 要給老人家吃的話, 也是很可以的口味!! 他其實整體還是會比較偏乾一點, 所以會需要搭配飲料, 是說為什麼沒有搭配飲料~ 他的冰沙要等到四月中才有。 |芋泥包 一看到他, 我就想說:誒~這不是奇美出的那個芋泥包嗎? 結果把他翻過來看, 還真的是奇美出的。 他其實就跟之前奇美之前的芋泥包沒什麼不同, 但算是芋泥up up版, 他的芋泥真的比以前的多蠻多的, 大概是之前的兩倍左右吧, 其他的味道口感, 其實就都差不多, 就只是芋泥分量多, 算是裡面比較普通一點的品項。 我這四款吃下來, 除了芋泥包之外, 其他三樣我覺得都還不錯啊, 但我可能會希望肉鬆芋泥麵包做小一點, 大概做成目前尺寸的3/2吧, 這樣當點心吃會比較沒有負擔, 不然就是跟朋友分著吃, 但如果是當正餐,算是剛好, ��應該還可以飲料做搭配。 #超商美食 #小七美食 #超商甜點 #酷的夢 #芋頭甜點 #芋頭麵包 #法式甜點 #芋頭 #超商下午茶 #早餐 #甜點 #北極是吃貨 #taro #tarodessert #taroaholic #dessert #dessertaholic #tarobun #eclair #croissant #芋泥閃電泡芙 #雙色芋頭流心可頌 #芋泥肉鬆華爾滋 #芋泥包 #popdaily #popyummy https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMcJD3PFq0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I want the ocean right now.
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Crafting Cute Meat Buns: Handmade Buns with a Twist!
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That was satisfying! Frozen Din Tai Fung dumplings delivered, including their noodle! I had a massive bowl of noodle with just that chilli sauce I miss so much! #stayhome #delivery #dumplings #dintaifung #sydneylife #steamed #tarobuns #wontons #lockdownfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B_UcT3AnF_-/?igshid=12ffek97awl01
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Honestly i don't have a favorite song bc I love everything that they have!! (Except I haven't listened to songs that they've featured in)
chilli peppers (roy woods) and move together (somewhere else) are both cool songs that they’ve featured in
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Day at #wem. Definitely tiring a lot of food though #icecream #sushi #tarobuns #bahnmi. @720sweetsab https://www.instagram.com/p/B8p6RK6g5sF/?igshid=kqxbpgemr6ez
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Because I still enjoy going to #animecons especially small local ones. #njit #njitminicon #animeconventions #newarkhappenings #everythingnewarkeveryday #nekoears #kawaii #bubbletea #tarobun #orgami #papercranes #weekendwarrior #localsonly #animegirls #otakufoodie #otaku #foodporn #supermario #Pokemon (at NJIT)
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The Favoured Genius 116
Translator: Foreverhungry
Editor: Cosmic, Riem
Proofreader: tarobun
FH has something to say:
“Going on vaca next week, goodbye my little readers~ On another note, I'm contemplating increasing our release rate to once per week, but my Editors are all so busy with irl *sniffs*”
The Favored Genius Doctor and Businesswoman - Chapter 116 - Looking for A Miracle Doctor (找神医)
The space Jing Yunzhao owned was larger than this field by innumerable folds. Even though it could be said that she was only going through the stances for her martial arts, but more importantly, it was to train her breathing and physique.
Every day, she would run in her space for a considerable amount of time. Combined with practising the breathing methods taught by the cultivation manual, she could now run 10 laps without breaking a sweat, let alone five.
“I heard someone in Class 2 say that the matter of Jing Yunzhao being pregnant was also a rumor that Qiao Hongye cooked up…” As she was running, Jing Yunzhao kept an ear out to the gossiping going on and heard some people talking.
“It can’t be?”
“It’s true! My friend suspects that it was when Qiao Hongye had seen Gan Jinchen and Jing Yunzhao arrive at school together. Other people didn’t know of the situation then too, so it suddenly became the truth…” The girl defended.
Class 2 was lagging behind Class 1 by an entire lap, so they were currently still following behind the rear of Class 1. The conversation ahead was also overheard by Qiao Hongye.
She clenched her teeth, her heart cold, but she could only endure.
Qiao Hongye stared at Jing Yunzhao from behind, unresigned. Her steps slowed down and became heavier, yet Jing Yunzhao’s were still not slowing down as she moved onwards with a relaxed pace. It was as if she was just taking a stroll; She didn’t look tired at all! This suddenly gave Qiao Hongye a sense of inferiority.
A few laps later, Qiao Hongye’s legs didn’t feel like they belonged to her anymore, but the other students still wouldn’t let her off. They kept forcing her to participate in the activities after that. The unceasing lines of provocations made her feel muddleheaded as her head felt like it was about to combust.
At the same time, a car was parked outside the field. The figure inside stared at a certain figure on the field, their face exposing a complicated look.
"What’s this, Young Master Li? It can't be that you've fallen for one of the female students in that group?!" A companion sitting by the man’s side teased.
The owner of the voice also swept their eyes across the field, and he couldn't help but sigh. Being a student sure is great. He could feel the youthful atmosphere even from across the distance.
"Since we’re already here, I wanted to look for someone," The corner of Young Master Li’s mouth curved, and he told the driver to drive the car towards the school gate. He leisurely watched the ongoings of the field, patiently waiting.
“Look for someone? There shouldn’t be anyone in your family who attends this school though?” His companion, Du Lin (杜霖), was dumbstruck and asked in surprise.
Even though the ancestral home of the Li Family was in Hua Ning County, Li Shaoyun would only return for a short period of time once a year, thus he didn’t have many friends here. The only ones he were truly familiar with was probably him alone. In fact, while this Young Master Li’s attitude might make him look like a playboy, the reality was that he was one who didn’t indulge himself in lust. Also, his patience was comparable to a sesame seed or even smaller. No one has ever seen him wait for anyone so patiently.
“Wasn’t Uncle not feeling well recently? Coincidentally, I managed to acquaint myself with a miracle doctor. Let’s bring them over so they can take a look at him,” Li Shaoyun randomly found himself an excuse.
Du Lin’s expression stiffened, “Young Master Li, you’re kidding me right? My dad only has a toothache…”
“Wasn’t it said that the pain of a toothache can make one hurt to the point of wanting to end their lives? It’s my duty to be worried,” Li Shaoyun shamelessly spoke.
Du Lin was speechless.
His words may not be wrong, but his dad had only met Li Shaoyun three times so far; They couldn’t even be considered to have an adequate relationship. Plus, when speaking of miracle doctors, shouldn’t they be found deep in the mountains and dense forests, hiding from the world, or staying in some sort of clinic? But they were now in a school! He could maybe let it go if it was a university, but this was a high school...Please consider reading at mehtranslations. wordpress. com // mehtranslations. tumblr. com ?
Du Lin’s curiosity rapidly rose. He followed Li Shaoyun’s gaze and tried to identify the ‘Miracle Doctor’ from the students, but he still couldn’t see anyone who had the unique characteristics of a miracle doctor after a while. As a matter of fact, they were all little rascals who were below 18 years old. They couldn't even be considered adults!
After another 10 to 20 minutes had passed, the bell to signify the end of the class rang. It was also finally the time for the students to be dismissed.
Li Shaoyun's car was luxurious yet low-key. The students couldn't read anything off of it, but when Li Shaoyun opened the door and stood outside to wait, his handsome appearance attracted the gazes of many female students.
Previous chapter ( 115 ) | Directory | Next chapter ( 117 )
We have a discord here! https://discord.gg /z9DHypf
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in case anyone cares, i changed my url from “tarobun” to “tillindigo” this week
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It’s #NationalDessertDay ! 🎂 🥳 🍰 🍩 🧁 #dessert #sweetparis #nutellawaffle #strawberry #foodporn #foodie #instafood #yummy #chocolate #sweet #delicious #foodphotography #desserts #foodstagram #foodblogger #instagood #tasty #foodgasm #foodlover #dessertporn #sweettooth #carrotcake #spicedchailatte #cakejunkie #pumpkinmuffin #macarons #laduree #krispykremedoughnut #tarobun #cupcake (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nVf1XBWNk/?igshid=m8972jrf4qi4
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這家店的視覺識別在去年2019得到了著名的德國紅點設計獎, 但是網路上相關的資料好像不多, 或是我搜尋的能力還不夠, 沒有查到相關的資料。 本來想吃的是有軟殼蟹的蟹老闆 - 美味蟹堡, 可惜已經賣完了, 於是請店員推薦。 最後點了會飛的牛 - 醬烤牛肉, 搭配芋頭麵包。 芋頭堡一咬下最先出現的是麵包的芋頭香氣跟味道, 不是假的芋頭麵包, 係金誒芋頭, 而且吃起來就好像真有芋泥在裡面的口感, 接著嚼著嚼著就會出現沒有過多調味的牛肉香味, 而且牛肉不乾柴也不過硬, 厚度也不算薄。 旁邊還有附上吃起來口感滑嫩的鮮奶蛋, 還有中規中矩的沙拉, 然後他們的地瓜不是清蒸或是烤的, 而是炸的,但卻清爽而不油膩, 整體的蔬菜量跟種類也算豐富, 搭配的是日式油醋醬。 薯條炸的香酥脆口, 再灑上含有香料的椒鹽粉, 讓你不用沾醬就一口接一口的吃掉。 附餐飲料改成紅玉紅茶, 微糖喝起來剛好, 微微的甜度,帶出清爽的紅茶味。 朋友點的是黃色德國人 - 咖哩德腸盅, 內容有兩顆軟法, 一顆是主餐,另一顆則是裝著濃湯, 旁邊當然也附上了沙拉, 重點是他這道才198, 主餐部分是德式香腸切開後拌著咖哩醬料, 還有幾片蔬菜下去拌炒, 最後鋪上兩條煎過的培根然後再放上起司下去焗烤。 另一顆的濃湯味道朋友則是覺得是有奶油香,但是就是味道偏淡了點, 承裝的軟法因為吸收了濃湯, 變得比較有韌度,不是很好切。 #nonamelab #brunch #dessert #chiayi #reddotaward2019 #industrystyle #burger #tarobun #bbqbeef #crispyfriedfries #freshsalad #germansausage #currysauce #bacon #cornsoup #softfrenchbread #roastbeefburger (在 Nonamelab) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFqUC_GMICt/?igshid=168eks59adcxz
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Sunsets with You
#kairi#kingdom hearts#kh#illustration#art#artists on tumblr#procreate#tarobun art#sunset#fanart#kh kairi#kairi kh
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It is I Thomas Tarobun, Duke of Eddington
your english reformation name:
girl : ‘anne’ or ‘catherine’ + the last thing you bought with ‘shire’ at the end
boy : ‘henry’ or ‘thomas’ + the last thing you ate with ‘sbury’ at the end
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Accurate depiction of my mood today. The left one inside, the right one outside #buns #tarobuns #breakfastmetaphors
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so i'm a bit more active on twitter nowadays and i'm just gonna drop here that my @ is tarobuns!
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