#tangled pub thugs
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tangledbea · 10 months ago
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peapeapeapa · 1 year ago
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Watching Tangled The Series again and remembered I'm deeply in love with this baker boy ruffian
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nerdasaurus1200 · 24 days ago
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Some little details about this that I love
Hector petting his rhino
Ruddiger almost laying his head on Varian
Catalina and Angry holding hands
Lance reaching out for the girl
Everyone else laying down like an angry cat
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romancemedia · 7 months ago
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bananaphone---t · 2 years ago
I was rewatching Max's Enemy, and how the hell is that I either didn't notice, or I forgot, that literally all of the pub thugs, Eugene, and Lance, all make 'Oh, shit' faces when the woman yells, "Stop! Theif!" at the beginning of the episode.
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audioaujom · 9 months ago
4: He's Got a Dream!
CHTangled Hub, <prev, next>
Hi! I’m impressed I managed to finish this on time since I spent the last week both on vacation and working on another fic, and all day today moping about and playing Stardew instead of working. Anyway, here’s what I got done! Enjoy!
Word Count: 2657
“Hey, what’s that?” Zac grabbed a rather annoyed Emily by the arm, breaking off a long ramble he'd been on about the softness of grass that had really worn down the thief's patience. Not to mention that the chameleon—Lou, Zac insisted—seemed to be following along better than her.
“Oh, that’s… nothing important.” Emily squinted her eyes at the sign for the tavern, recognizing it with a grimace. She switched up her grip so now she was holding onto Zac, starting to pull him back towards the woods. “Hey, didn’t you want to see those lanterns? We shouldn't be late!”
“‘The Snuggly Duckling’?” Zac read off slowly, surprisingly strong as Emily couldn't pull hard enough to actually budge him. “I love ducklings!”
In an instant, Emily changed her mind.
“...we can go in, if you’d like.” She let go, smiling hopefully sweet enough that Zac wouldn’t question her abrupt change. Knowing the kind of people that frequented that tavern, Zac would last all of thirty seconds before he’d be running off home and she’d be home free. 
“Really?” Zac brightened up so much she felt a twinge of guilt. “I can go in?”
She frowned. There was only so much of this she could take in a day. “You don’t need my permission.�� 
“Yay!” Zac took off jogging for the front door, Emily racing to keep up. This could be risky, but if it got her as far away from whatever Zac’s situation was it was a risk worth taking.
Zac, on the other hand, was thrilled.
A real tavern? With real people? Emily wasn't scary at all, and if she wasn't scary then Brennan was wrong since he’d said all people were scary, so maybe the people in here would be nice, too. 
That thought died in the same instant it formed as Zac slammed open the tavern door, the entire crowd of people inside all stopping their chatter at the same time to turn and stare at him—not to mention Lou on his shoulder.
The room looked exactly the way it always had in Zac’s nightmares.
Every patron was armed to the teeth, with swords and axes rusted with what Zac assumed to be blood littered on the floor and tables and with heavy helmets and armor spiked and chipped with use. Everyone shot nasty glares at the open door and two intruders, all with rather scary looking faces.
“Well, whaddaya think?” Emily grinned as she grabbed Zac’s shaking shoulders, free arm out wide to be mindful of Lou. “Is it everything you'd hoped it’d be?” 
“What is this place?” Zac stood frozen with Emily draped over him, mouth agape as he stared around in unmasked horror.
“Just a normal tavern full of normal people.” Emily lied smoothly, anxious to leave as she felt every eye in the room scrutinizing them both. “Say, if you think these people are scary, you should see what else is out there!”
Zac paled. “He… was right?” 
Emily felt another twinge of guilt, but told herself she was in too deep to back out now. She used her arm to gently guide Zac back towards the door, still smiling. “I guess so! Let's get you back home then, yeah?”
The two stopped in the doorway as one of the patrons threw an arm out in front of them, using his other one to point at a nearby ‘Wanted’ poster with a half-way decent drawing of Emily's face on it. In her humble opinion, they never quite managed to capture her true beauty, but they tried.
“This you?” He asked, voice deep and gravelly as Emily did her best to try and duck her and Zac under his arm and get outside.
“As much as I'd love to say I look as dashing and beautiful as that fair lady, I—”
She was cut off by another person getting up and grabbing her by the shoulders, taking one good look at the poster and her face before yanking her away from the door. “Yeah, it's her.”
“Hey! Wait!” Zac reached out to stop them but was a moment too late, his protest drowned out in bickering that quickly started up among the crowd.
“Greno, go get the guards.” Someone in the back bellowed, before pushing to the front of the crowd as someone by the door turned and ran out. He grabbed Emily by the front of her shirt with one hand, brandishing his other—that had been replaced by a ruggedly sharp hook—by placing it up against her throat. “Your reward will buy me a brand new hook.”
“Hey, why should you get the reward?” The one who had identified her—a huge man in a fur coat—complained, smacking the man’s hook away and grabbing hold of her instead. “I saw her first!”
“Well, I'm broke, so I should get it!” A man in a huge metal helmet that covered his face and had horns sticking out of the top yanked her away from the previous guy, before she got whisked away again into the crowd with a half-panicked, “Can't we talk about this, fellas?”
Zac listened to their loud overlapping arguments about who would get the reward, trying to interject with a feeble shout of, “Give her back! I kind of need her!”
No one in the tavern paid him any mind, Zac watching Emily’s composure slip the further the argument progressed. She’d been cocky and… suave? Was that the word he was looking for? Maybe. But she’d been consistent since he met her in the tower, and seeing her shaken had him glancing around the deserted tables, fireplace, and bar for anything he could use to maybe help out. She’d gotten him this far, after all.
It was then he spotted the discarded frying pan near the cooking fire, lighting up with familiarity as he picked it up and tested its weight. He felt a sudden surge of confidence as he held the weapon in his hands, turning back to face the arguing mass of… thugs. These are thugs.
“Give me back my guide!” He demanded, pointing the pan at the thugs in the same way he’d done when playing knights with Lou, who perked up on his shoulder and pointed at the crowd as well. This still didn’t seem to phase the crowd, though, who settled down with Emily hidden in the middle. Zac looked at Lou, who nodded, rolling with this newfound attitude he had to step forward to hit the largest thug upside the head with the frying pan with an exasperated shout of, “What is wrong with you people?!”
He was unfazed by the entire tavern of stares this time, panting heavily as he held the frying pan out once again, Lou chittering in agreement from his shoulder.
“I need her to take me to see the lanterns, which has been this huge lifelong dream of mine and she is going to help me do it! Haven’t any of you crazy people ever had a dream?!”
One of the men arguing over Emily—the one with a hook for a hand—stepped forward first, glaring down at Zac before his gaze softened ever so slightly. “I… had a dream once.” 
The energy in the room shifted as Zac and Lou stared up at him curiously, the former hesitantly asking, frying pan still outstretched, “...what was it? Your dream.”
“Would you believe me if I said I wanted to play piano?” Hook, as Zac dubbed him in his head, suddenly looked far smaller and less intimidating as he blushed awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his neck with his human hand. “This hook really does a bad thing for my image as a musician…”
“I bet your playing is lovely.” Zac smiled encouragingly, glancing over at the piano in the corner. Maybe these people weren’t so bad!
Hook followed his gaze, lighting up and running over to sit on the stool before he started to play an upbeat melody that had Zac bouncing on his feet excitedly. “You’re so good!”
“I have a dream, too!” A guy from the back piped up, running up to stand beside the piano as he placed one hand on his chest and dramatically declared, “I… want to fall in love!”
“Love? That’s so sweet!” Ecstatic, Zac jumped up onto a nearby table with a laugh as the crowd started chattering among themselves about being the next to speak up.
“I know I’m not the most attractive fellow, but… one day, wouldn’t it be nice to go out for a boat ride with someone who loves me?”
Zac had no idea what this guy was talking about, but maybe he hadn’t seen enough people yet to judge. What’s the big deal about a big nose and a lopsided smile? “That would be the best!” 
“Tor, what about you?” The guy on stage turned to the audience, calling out to a guy who carried a shield that still had fresh arrows sticking out of it.
“I… like making flower arrangements much more than fighting.” Tor admitted, poking at the place setting of a nearby table that had a rather exquisite setting of skulls and flowers.
Emily, once again, was completely fucking dumbfounded.
Who exactly was Zac? With one simple question he turned this entire tavern of heartless looking mercenaries into a room full of potential friends, also drawing their attention away from turning her in. She blinked, then blinked again, staring up at the strange boy with a chameleon and a frying pan and found herself questioning her life choices. “What… is happening right now?” 
“I’d love nothing more than to do interior design.” A fellow shyly spoke up from the middle of the pack, wandering over to a nearby wall and straightening the only piece of art hanging in the entire establishment. He then pointed into the crowd at someone else, declaring, “And I know Ulf likes to mime.”
The man he pointed out immediately put his hands up to mime an imaginary box, Zac riling the crowd up to cheer loudly, encouraging more admissions (and more cheering) from the assembled group.
“I like to bake!” 
“Bruiser here knits!” 
“Well, Killer sews!”
The room only briefly quieted as one particular guy moved to stand behind the piano that Hook was still playing at, one hand popping up into everyone’s view with a small, felt dragon covering it.
“...I like to do little puppet shows.” He said quietly, before the crowd went wild again. “It’s nothing serious…”
Emily looked between everyone’s wide smiles, more confused by the second. “Seriously, what the hell is going on?”
“Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns.” Hook called out from the piano, to more excited yells as the dude Zac had hit with a frying pan—and the one in the largest fur coat—held up the tiniest, most delicate pieces of craftsmanship anyone in that room had seen with a smile of pure childish wonder.
“You’ve done nothing but complain since we started talking.” Hook stopped playing, standing up from the piano and approaching Emily with a renewed menacing stare. “Do you have a dream?”
Emily thought for a long moment, slowly growing more uncomfortable as the crowd silently waited on her. “...live alone on a secluded isle with enough money to retire?” 
Several of the thugs booed.
“She sucks, but if it helps you out at all you can keep her.” Hook commented casually as he turned back to Zac on the table, who let out a loud, “Hooray!” that led to another round of cheering from the crowd that only cut off when the door slammed open.
“I brought the guards!” The guy who ran out earlier, Greno, reappeared, out of breath and with a proud smile.
Everyone turned to look at each other.
Well, shit.
Emily didn’t say anything before she grabbed Zac by the arm and pulled him around behind the bar and ducked them both down out of sight, Lou hissing angrily at her but getting the message to be silent as a host of royal guards burst into the tavern.
“Where’s Axford?” One of them shouted, getting stopped by the entire crowd who kept all of the guards from getting more than a few steps inside no matter how hard they shoved. “Where is she?!”
Emily stole one glance over the counter to see if she could find a way for them to get out through the front door, only to see the brothers she’d left behind trailing along with the guards, in custody.
Well, double shit. They were so fucked—
A hook lightly tapped her on the shoulder, her turning to look at Hook. He gestured with his head for her and Zac to follow him, the three scooting across the floor as quietly as they could while the other thugs distracted the guards. Hook reached up and pulled on one of the taps at the bar that opened a small wooden door on the far back wall.
“Go, live your dream.” Hook smiled at the two of them and motioned into the passage, keeping his voice down.
“Thanks, I will.” Emily sighed in relief.
“Not you. Your dream stinks.” Hook frowned, thumbing over at Zac. “I was talking to him.”
Zac grinned and followed a dejected Emily into the tunnel, keeping a tight grip on his frying pan. He had a sinking suspicion he was going to need it if he continued traveling with Emily. Lou agreed.
Hook stood up after the trapdoor closed and snuck out from behind the bar, just as a new, late-arriving knight barreled through the door and into the tavern.
“Where is she?!” Brown quiff wildly destroyed from all of his running and falling into his eyes as he stood with his sword out, he surveyed the room with expertly sharp eyes and a heaved breath. “I know she’s here!”
“Sir Murphy, we’ve already looked everywhere!” Another knight spoke up, nervous, earning a glare for his comment.
“If you haven’t found her, you haven’t looked everywhere.” Murph wasn’t going to stand for losing her again, after her trail went cold in the woods. If he let this lead go cold too, he could lose her for good and there was no way he could let her get away with that. His gaze finally landed on the duck-shaped tap at the end of the bar, spotting a tiny matching decal on the wall behind it. He strode over to it and pushed on it, opening up the secret passage on the back wall with a triumphant—and maybe a little manic, “Ah-ha!”
“A passage!” The guard seemingly in charge called out, Murph already vaulting over the bar and disappearing inside. The rest of the knights were quick to follow, leaving one behind with the brothers to keep an eye on them. “Conli! Make sure those two don’t escape!”
Once the door to the passage shut, the knight in charge of looking after things was punched hard in the head and had his weapon stolen, the rest of the thugs in the bar anxiously hearing them plot to go after the guards—and Emily, and by extension Zac.
One particularly drunk patron in the form of a short old man stumbled outside instead of listening to them, running into a hooded figure who seemed to be watching the commotion through the only window on the front of the building.
“Oh… we have another visitor today!” He hiccuped a little, laughing to himself and absentmindedly humming the tune Hook was playing on the piano. “We must be popular!”
“Haha, yeah.” Brennan laughed politely, thoroughly unamused as he pushed back his hood. 
He left Zac alone for one day, and he’d already caused this much chaos? If he wanted to see the outside so badly, fine. He’d play along. 
Drawing a dagger he always kept on hand for emergencies, he aimed it at the drunk man’s throat as he demanded, “Where does that tunnel let out?”
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ravinray · 2 years ago
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Some Tangled stills from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Facebook post
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mizu-writes-kumo · 9 months ago
Pairing: Pre-New Dream
Rating: T, light swearing and mentions of drinking.
Flynn whistled above her. Watching at her head snapped up to look at him at the sound.  The bit of moonlight catching her wide eyed expression as her hood fell clean off her head.  And the realization and relief that washed over her face at the sight of him. “Flynn!”  She exclaimed, just shy of a shout. “Yes, me!”  Flynn said with a dazzling smile, he was sure she couldn’t really see.  “Now hurry up, and--”  The sound of two whistles cut him off.  But he pointed at the crates he used to get clamber up onto the rooftop, and motioned sharply for her to get up.
AN: Chapter 3 of my Forbidden Love AU. I hope you all enjoy it. I really like how it came out.
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paintbrushnebula · 6 months ago
Have you ever thought about making a Ghostflower Tangled AU? Because I can't stop thinking about Miles with 70 feet of blonde dreads, and Gwen's failed smolder and begrudgingly guiding Miles to see the lanterns. It just works so well in my brain.
Hi! YOU! YES YOU! You've got my number! Because I LIVE for Ghostflower x New Dream. Gosh, I live for Spider-Verse x Tangled, period! I've had it rotating in my brain for about a year now, although I guess I've never really talked at length about it or shared any of my ideas for a proper Spider-Verse x Tangled AU, have I?
I was a little embarrassed before, if I'm being honest 😅. But if y'all wanna indulge me, THEN HYYYES IMMA WAX POETICALLY ABOUT THIS AU TILL THE END OF TIME AND SPACE.
Rapunzel - Miles Morales Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider - Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider Mother Gothel - Olivia Octavius Captain of the Guard - George Stacy King Frederic - Jeff Morales/King Jefferson Queen Arianna - Rio Morales/Queen Rio The Stabbington Brothers - Tombstone and Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider Maximus - Widow (Web-Slinger’s horse) The Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs - The Sinister Six (they’re soft-confirmed to appear in Beyond the Spider-Verse after all) Pascal - isn’t in this AU.
So the overall plot of Tangled remains relatively the same, with the cast of Spider-Verse implemented into it, of course.
18 years ago, King Jefferson used the sundrop flower to heal the dying pregnant Queen Rio of Corona. Prince Miles is born with golden, ultra kinky 4c hair and magical healing powers, gets kidnapped by Mother Olivia, locked away in a tower deep in the woods, the whole shebang.
Now, Gwen Stacy is the secret identity of masked legendary thief Ghost Spider, currently a respected, high-ranking member of the Spider Society, a crime syndicate run by The Kingpin in the neighboring kingdom of Vardaros, the most powerful in the Seven Kingdoms due to its members' all wearing masks that hide their faces, rendering their identities completely unknown to anyone and impossible for any law enforcement to track them down. Recently, Ghost Spider has been commissioned by The Kingpin to steal the Lost Prince of Corona's crown from the palace.
So Ghost Spider has been on the run for years from the Captain of the Coronan Guard, Captain George Stacy, her father, who has no idea the masked thief he's hunting is his own daughter.
And don’t think I haven’t thought about the TV series exclusive characters!
Cassandra - Lyla (you have no idea how happy I was when I came up with that) Lance Strongbow - Hobie Brown/Rebel Spider Kiera and Catalina - Peni Parker and Margo Kess (they’re not kids in this though) Uncle Monty - Aunt May Varian - Miles G. Quirin - Aaron Davis Adira - Jessica Drew Hector - Miguel O’Hara The Baron - Kingpin (obv) Anthony the Weasel - Web-Slinger Baron’s Henchmen - Spider Society Lord Demanitus - Peter B. Parker King Edmund - Spider-Noir/King Benjamin Hamuel - Spider-Ham/Hamuel (he’s not called “Spider-Ham” ofc but he is still a talking anthropomorphic pig in this) Zhan Tiri - The Spot
Your concepts about Miles with golden dreads, Gwen's smolder, her taking him to see the LANTERNS OOHHHHHHH yeah imma just have to draw all that, sorry. Talking about it aint enough. Expect a buncha Tangled x Spiderverse fanart to be flooding my blog soon XD
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tangledbea · 3 months ago
Rapunzel actually cusses a lot because her first social interactions and group of friends were the Pub Thugs.
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peapeapeapa · 11 months ago
Every day is Attila appreciation day at the Snuggly Duckling 🦆
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year ago
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Wait a second….
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That’s definitely not the Snuggly Duckling roof….
Awww is that their house?! Do they all live together?! 😍
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romancemedia · 7 months ago
The Pub Thugs help Eugene escape prison to rescue Rapunzel
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the-gateway-to-madness · 1 year ago
i dont know if this fandom is very big
but to my toa/tangled fans...
krel's face shape is pretty similar to rapunzel's, give or take some mass in the slope of the cheeks to the chin. I found this out while making an extremely self-indulgent gaylen!krel tangled toa au a while back. here's my sources. the sketches are two years old please ignore how bad they are
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the idea was that Gaylen's Core was shallowly embedded in Krel's chest (still removable with a knife or smthn without too much damage), whoever you ship Krel with (or if you don't, Aja) rescues him from the tower. morando is gothel. fialkov and coranda get to be alive. varvatos is the captain of the guard, a tiny, Pascal-sized Luug is. well. Pascal. Buster is Maximus. Stuart is a pub thug.
So... yeah
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rta-user-2025 · 1 year ago
Facts about my rta OC - Part 2
The RTA fan character's design is actually inspired by BBC Merlin. Cuz of the medieval fantasy outfits, cloaks and scarfs.
He is one of the second unofficial disabled characters in the Tangled franchise, the first being HookFoot.
Marcellus's phobias are often either Phonophobia (Fear of sound), Haphephobia (fear of touch) or Atelophobia (Fear of imperfection).
The main reason why Marcellus is alive is cuz of him surviving in the infirmary with just soup after the horrific incident and the arrest of his parents. The guards quickly took him to the infirmary, and cleaned up his wounds after he was placed in the bed and put in a hospital gown (Or infirmary gown) and bandaged his amputated leg and parts of the injury up, cuz of Marcellu's immune system quite weaker than people beyond his years.
Marcellus got used to people lying to him that rumours about Varian won't be trusted by him until he seeks for himself.
Cuz he was born with albinism, he does have the struggles that every person with albinism endured. Bullying, teasing or unwanted questions about their appearance, eyewear or visual aid tools. 
He often has vision problems, as well as photophobia (a.k.a eyes that are sensitive to light), strabismus (a.k.a "Lazy eye") and nystagmus (a.k.a back-and-forth movement of the eyes). As Varian will often read him the instructions or give him goggles or magnified goggles if needed, but Varian isn't mad about it.
Marcellus would often brush Varian's hair since it relaxes him sometimes. But can also, relax Varian. Nevertheless!
He does often refer to Varian as just "Varian" or "Var".
Cuz Quirin adopted Marcellus and he took him into his custody. Because of official and legal adoption by the king of Corona, granted Marcellus the name "Adopted son of the leader". Since then, the leader's son often would follow Marcellus around to guide him or help out not just be his science partner.
Marcellus does occasionally talk with the pub thugs, as well as Eugene and Rapunzel. Plus he does communicate with Cassandra, Lance, Kiera and Catalina as well as Varian and the rest of the townies as well as outside of Corona.
"Young warrior" is often used as a nickname by Cassandra but also by Adira in some circumstances.
Marcellus actually hates Mother Gothel and most of the Zhan Tiri followers and maybe Andrew and his friends.
Nigel is often critical of Marcellus as he often referred to him as "Whitey" and often says "He stands out from everyone" cuz of his skin. Which Marcellus slightly dislikes him but as to accept it as he is the royal advisor of the king.
Xavier does teach him blacksmith skills for him to learn one day in the future but much like alchemy, the boy often fails at it by accidentally having some of the blacksmith tools fall but would however use the goggles Varian offered him. But, Xavier does occasionally see it.
Hector referred to him as "the kid with albinism" but once he found out he was adopted by their friend, he soon changed it to "Quirin's kid with albinism".
Marcellus enjoys reading but because of poor vision. He often just dips through the pages, browses, looks, glances, leaves, flicks and skims.
The bullies often call him "four eyes" cuz albinism is often associated with poor vision.
Varian does, however, protect him from all of this and vice versa.
Marcellus changes the meaning of alchemy, often doing the same thing as Varian but adding his flairs to it like mathematical alchemy.
Part 1 of the facts about my rta OC
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maevemedeina · 9 months ago
The better to see you with my dear...
Closed starter @taurusvolkov When: Midday Where: The Kyngeshed
There was a definite sense of lethargy that would be endured in the Kyngeshed. You could see it when you walked in and got an eyeroll from the bar tender. You could feel it when patrons slouched down in their chairs, and you could most definitely smell it. The humid heat had most of the patrons who were capable of it, sweating, both inside and outside of the establishment. It seemed as though everybody responded by wiping their brows and deciding to move as little as possible to avoid further heat production. A lazy solution for a motley crew.
One of those sweating patrons, remaining as stationary as still as possible was Maeve. The golden haired armourer could be found at a picnic table, lying on her back. She had one leg tucked underneath her on the bench, the other dangling lazily off the edge of the table. Stuck to her legs were leather pants, the buttons undone at her hips, and her equally hot, leather boots were discarded on the grassy floor. The worn, linen cloth shirt Maeve typically wore beneath a vest hung loose, and might have billowed in the breeze had there been one. The werewolf's exposed skin glistened with sweat and the blonde, tangled waves draped down one side of the bench, pooling on the grass below, so Maeve could enjoy a little fresh air around her hot neck.
Whether the unseasonably hot whether was natural or the result of some mythical or supernatural's mood swings, was something that had occurred to Maeve as she enjoyed her afternoon amongst other like minded thugs who had packed in work for the day and retired to the pub to drink cheap.
Littering the grassy outback were mismatching chairs, stools, even one hammock. A blend of supernaturals, lazed and lounged in the heat. A haze of smoke cloaked some of the illegal deals that were arbitrarily being conducted between sips and smokes, smirks and half hearted threats. Some, if not all were indulging in something.
Maeve herself had indulged in a little magical enhancement to her vision. It was temporary and mostly safe, traded to her by a nearby elf who now wore Maeve's leather vest in return.
The plan was to meet Taurus after she had finished the multitude of daily tasks it took to maintain the makeshift pavilion she lived in. The heat had pushed her from her work and she found herself at the Kyngeshed several hours earlier than planned. It was for this reason that she decided to treat herself to the eyesight enhancing red soot like substance she now had smeared across her eyes.
A contended smile settled comfortably on Maeve's lips as she admired the almost cloudless sky above her. Had it not been for the glinting axe of her own making, stationed between her legs, Maeve might have resembled something akin to a woman on holiday.
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The wolf inhaled deeply, enjoying the mixture of scents around her when Taurus's very familiar, musky scent began to tickle her senses. Guided by the scent, Maeve reluctantly lifted herself up by her elbow and peered around to look for the pack leader, she hadn't expected so soon.
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