#tammy thompson takes on the upside down
asirensrage · 2 years
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down - 45/?
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Story Summary: Everyone asks - what would you do if you could change how the story goes…but what if you don’t know the story? Kate wakes up one day in the body of Tammy Thompson. Now instead of living her life, she’s stuck dodging monsters, avoiding catching the interest of the government and surviving high school. Again.
Chapter Summary: Kate tries to find her place...and a way to spend summer.
Find it on: Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own
taglist: @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @veetlegeuse @chickensarentcheap @booty-boggins @residentdormouse @delicateblackrose @stanshollaand @wordspin-shares @chrissymunson
ST tag: @happinessinthedarkesttimes
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itsladyliv · 4 months
I looked over to Billy, noting the giant bags under his eyes and the way his hand was shaking as he took a drag of his cigarette. I stepped towards him before I could stop myself. “Are you okay?”  “Stellar, Peaches. Can’t you tell?” “You look like shit.” “Aw, and here I thought you cared,” he sneered as he said it. I nearly snapped back before I realized it was a familiar defence mechanism.  “We’re friends, aren’t we?” I asked. His eyes widened (...) “Yeah,” he finally said. “Don’t worry about it, Queenie. Just dealing with some shit.”
— Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down, chapter 52
@asirensrage gurl i am begging you--- just. please.
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kurtie4life96 · 2 years
when the party's over.
E.M. x F Reader drabble
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Summary: That night in the Upside Down changed everything between you and Eddie.
CW: MDNI 18+, extreme angst, (soft) smut, mentions of drinking, smoking, arguing, injuries, dialogue taken from season 4
Loosely based on the song by Billie Eilish.
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"Oh my god, Eddie!"
"Pretty bad, huh?" He sputtered, his hair matted with blood and dirt as you held the back of his head.
"No, no you're fine, we just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?" Your voice cracked as panic gripped every muscle in your body.
You tried to lift him up, tried to get his bloodied body off the cold ground, but he'd grunted in pain, dead weight, too heavy to carry, so you tore your shirt, frantically trying to stop the bleeding from his neck, but it was no use.
There was a moment of silence between you two, the only noise in the background from demobats and other unholy creatures in their habitat of the Upside Down.
An ominous, dreadful feeling settled itself in your stomach as you looked at his brutalized body in horror- pieces of him bitten off all over his legs, arms, sides, and neck as he lied in a pool of his own blood, motionless.
Reality only settled in more when his glossed over eyes turned to look at you, and he smiled- a type of smile that without words, told you he wasn't going to make it.
"I think it's my year now," Eddie's voice shook as he choked out more blood, a smile still on his face, "I think it's finally my year."
"Eddie, no, please..." you quietly sobbed, pleading with him, holding him as close as you could without hurting him further, hot tears rolling down your cold cheeks.
"I love you." He confessed, his body beginning to shudder uncontrollably beneath yours.
"I love you too, Eddie," you assured your dearest friend through sobs, "I'll always love you."
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It'd been 5 months since Eddie Munson died in your arms.
It'd also been 5 months since Eleven found the two of you, and restarted his heart, saving his life.
Eddie had healed from his injuries, went on to graduate, and, of course, flipped Principal Higgins off.
He'd also told you, over time, that he meant what he said when he'd told you he loved you.
You told him you meant it too. Yet, you also told him that you couldn't be together.
It was too risky, too dangerous to start something romantic with a friend, when there was a possibility you could lose him again, or he could lose you. The fight with Vecna wasn't over.
The two of you had argued about it numerous times, and as much as you wanted to be with him, be something more than friends, you were just too damn scared.
Eddie eventually said he understood, after months of trying to convince you otherwise, because you wouldn't let up. But this also caused a rift between you two.
Anytime you were around each other, there would be this strong tension in the air, this push and pull, and by refusing to do anything about it, you'd eventually distanced yourselves from each other.
You thought that you would go numb, that your feelings for Eddie would eventually subside, but it was sure taking an awfully long time.
And you missed him more than anything. But his presence was too overwhelming for you. The event that took place was too traumatic for you to even converse with him.
Trauma is just funny like that.
And now here you were, 5 months later, at someone's house party that you didn't even know the name of.
Music boomed throughout the fairly large house, a giant crowd of belligerent teenagers and young adults scattered throughout it.
Everyone was dancing obnoxiously, shouting, doing shots and shotgunning beers. Well, everyone except for you and Robin.
The two of you stood in the corner of the living room people watching, sipping on a red solo cup of a mixed drink like the usual wallflowers you were, snickering and making fun of everyone.
You were dressed similarly- tank top, flannel, and high waisted shorts, a perfect outfit for a warm August evening.
"Check out Tammy Thompson's moves," you giggled, leaning against Robin's shoulder.
"Oh my god."
She put a hand up to her face and hung her head low with secondhand embarassment, before the two of you bursted into laughter, stomachs hurting and pushing each other back and forth, before Robin's laughter stopped abruptly.
"What, what happened?" You chuckled, still smiling at her.
"Look," she whispered, a sense of urgency in her voice.
You glanced over to where she stared, to find Eddie Munson on the other side of the room, gazing at you with soft eyes, a kind grin on his face, seemingly amused with your good mood.
Your smile slowly faded and your heart dropped, going silent, and his did too, his gaze hardening before he looked away quickly, averting his eyes back to the group of teenagers he'd previously been speaking with.
"Shit," you murmured under your breath, staring into your cup and fiddling with the straw.
"I wish you guys would just talk, or fuck, or something," Robin emphasized, taking a sip of her drink.
"Yeah, right," you scoffed playfully, raising your eyebrows, refusing to look back up at him, "shoulda known he'd be at a party, selling weed or whatever it is he's doing now."
"Go talk to him," she suggested, shoving her shoulder against yours, "this is stupid. You love each other."
"I can't, Robin, I just can't," you reasoned with her, though your heart ached, "everytime I see him, I just... see him die all over again... plus, I've been drinking, probably not a good idea."
She rolled her eyes, "Oh, please. You've had one drink. Neither of you are leaving Hawkins anytime soon. You can either stare at each other like creeps forever, or you can just clear the air."
She motioned her head for you to look at him, and you sighed, slowly averting your eyes back to Eddie to find him observing you once again.
His throat bobbed, studying your body language cautiously as you continued to stare back, taking note of his furrowed eyebrows, pursed lips, and long dark curls.
Damn it.
"Fine," you groaned, keeping eye contact with him, "but it's not gonna change anything."
You began to trek through the sea of the intoxicated crowd towards the backyard, knowing well that Eddie would get the hint and follow after you.
"Yay!" Robin exclaimed, "Love you! Be good! Hey, Tammy!"
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You opened the sliding glass door and walked outside, not bothering to close it behind you as you knew Eddie would be out momentarily.
You stood on the back deck, arms crossed as you peered off into the night sky. Your stomach was doing backflips in anticipation- no- nervousness as you awaited his presence, counting the seconds as they went by.
11 seconds and you heard a couple of heavy footsteps behind you, the door gently slide shut, and a couple more steps walking towards you.
With a sharp inhale and exhale, you turned around, arms still crossed and took in the heartbreaking sight before you.
Eddie Munson.
He stared at you, hands in his pockets, a melancholy, yet empathetic look in his eyes, and you looked down to your feet, shuffling them back and forth, unsure of what to say.
Another moment passed before he asked, "Cigarette?"
Another moment passed before you answered in a flat voice, "Sure."
He handed you one, putting another between his lips, lighting the tip of his before using the same flame to light yours as you leaned forward into it, taking a long drag and giving him a small nod of appreciation.
"So," he exhaled, "what're we doing out here?"
"Robin." You blew out smoke, flicking your cigarette constantly in an anxious manner.
Eddie nodded, "Figures."
"Mhm," You nodded back, focusing on anything but him, until you felt that same tension, that same push and pull feeling crawling back towards you.
"Wait, what do you mean by that?"
"Oh, nothing," he flicked his cigarette, his lips curling into a smile, "just that I figured you wouldn't talk to me unless someone told you to."
You frowned, looking to your feet again and your chest tightened, "That's not true."
"Yeah, it is," he chuckled sarcastically, "I mean, you avoid me at all fucking costs-"
"Stop it," you demanded, now scowling at him, "you act like I hate you-"
"No, it's fine," he interrupted, a shit eating grin on his face as he leaned back nonchalantly, "everyone hates me. I hate me, too. It's alright."
"Eddie," you looked at him with disbelief, "that is absolutely not true, I-"
"You what?" He took a step forward to you now, peering down at you, "you, what? Love me?"
You stared into him, faces now inches apart, feeling provoked, "You know I do."
"Yeah, right," he laughed, throwing his arms up in the air, voice getting louder, "that's why you just love to be around me, you know it's not my fault what happened-"
"Eddie," you warned quietly, "let me speak."
"Oh, so now, now all the sudden you've got so much to say? Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus christ, pick a way to be-"
"Let. Me. Talk!" You raised your voice, instantly feeling bad for it, but stood your ground anyway.
He let out a small laugh of disbelief, staring into your eyes, before he leaned back again, taking another puff of his cigarette, motioning for you to continue.
"Let me talk, please, okay?" You sighed.
He nodded impatiently, only making you angrier.
"Eddie, I love you. And I'm so fucking scared to lose you," tears prodded at your eyes now, "I know what happened wasn't your fault. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's my fault. And I feel it, and I relive the experience everytime I look at you. I've learned what it's like to lose you, and I am fucking terrified that I will again. I could lie, I could say I like it like this-"
You choked back a sob, earning a concerned look from Eddie's face, "Wait, hold on, it's not your fault either, don't say that-"
"Stop interrupting me!" You cried, tears rolling hot over your cheeks now, "I can't be with you the way you want me to, the way I want to, because I don't want to be in love with you, plan some kind of future with you, only to lose you again, or for you to lose me. So please, stop doing this to me!"
"I love you!" He shouted as he lunged towards you, his face turning red, curled up in pain as he attempted to hold yours, "I love you so much that it fucking hurts, and I can't do this, I'll never be able to look at you, and not love you-"
You took a step back, swatting Eddie's hands away, "Please, let me let you go. I can't do this. I can't keep telling you the same thing- I'm fuckin outta here-"
You shoved your way past him, opening the back door and storming aimlessly through the crowd.
"Hey!" Robin yelled at you, "where are you going?"
"I've got a ride," you lied, not bothering to make eye contact as you head out the front door, starting your journey home on foot.
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You sobbed as you walked down the streets, not even knowing if you were headed the right direction, mascara staining your face as you stumbled and stopped every few steps to catch your breath, the emotional pain becoming physical as you leaned over to gasp, an even deeper sob from the last leaving your chest each time.
"Nothing's better sometimes," you tried to reassure yourself that you were doing the right thing as you trekked down the dark streets of Hawkins.
Normally you would feel scared, worried that you were walking home alone in the middle of the night, knowing what monstrosities could be around you and even underneath you, but not this time. This time, that was the last thing on your mind. And the first thing on your mind was Eddie.
Eddie. Oh, how you loved that boy so god damn much, it ached every bone in your body. All you wanted to do was be with him, more than anything, but it was just too risky. Too risky to be with him, only for him to lose you, or for you to lose him again.
You wondered if you even were making the right decision, that if that stupid saying, 'it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all' was really true. But it was surely too late now. That argument, that fight felt like the last one. The one you couldn't come back from.
You'd only walked about 10 minutes before you heard a vehicle slowly pull up next to you, making you stop in your tracks.
You tried to compose yourself, catch your breath, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest before you turned towards it, knowing damn well what and who it was.
You slowly looked over to see Eddie, sitting in his van, his engine running and his window rolled down.
Time slowed down for you now, the world outside, the night pausing, coming to a halt around you while you stared at him, your makeup now a sorry mess on your face, as he said the simple words you didn't even know you so desperately needed, his voice stern, but his face soft and kind.
"Get in."
Your crying stopped, and you continued to gaze at him for a moment, trying to grasp the situation in front of you, before you easily agreed, not saying a word to him as you walked to the passenger side door, opened it, got in and sat down, putting your seat belt on as you hiccuped.
"Cigarette?" Eddie asked you, not looking at you, his eyes only on the road, though he hadn't started driving yet.
You nodded, your hands on your lap, only keeping your gaze directly on the lit up gravel in front of you.
Eddie put a cigarette between his lips, lighting it and then passing it to you before he lit his own, shifting his van into gear and speeding off.
Neither of you spoke as he drove through the red lights of Hawkins in a rush to get home, the radio not even turned on as you sat in blissful silence, a mutual, comforting understanding between the two of you that no more words needed to be spoken, it just simply wasn't necessary.
You had long finished your cigarette by the time he turned into the trailer park, shutting off his headlights as he pulled in front of his home, parking his van and turning it off, pulling the keys out as you clicked off your seat belt, and the two of you sat in silence a moment longer.
Eddie glanced at you for a beat, his gaze unfocused and dark before opening his door and getting out, walking over to the passenger side and opening it for you, reaching a helping hand towards you to help you get out.
You followed him up the steps of his trailer as he fumbled with his keys, then unlocking the front door and stepping inside, grabbing your arm and yanking you inside the dark of his home before you could walk in yourself, slamming the door.
Everything happened fast, as you expected.
Eddie pushed you against the front door as quickly as you pulled him into you, his soft lips finding yours easily, kissing you as hard as he could, his hands cradling the side of your face as you raked your hands through his hair and pulled him into you, humming with relief into each other's mouths.
The kiss broke, only for the both of you to sigh a blissed out swear as you surged forward again, each rough kiss feeling like a 'what if', 'why not', 'fuck it', 'this should have happened sooner'.
His hands snaked up your waist, shirt lifted, calloused hands wide and hot across your ribs. You pushed up into him more when Eddie slipped his tongue along your bottom lip, deepening the kiss, softly moaning into it as you licked into each other's mouths feverishly, desperately, and there was an ache in your heart that felt like he still wasn't close enough.
You tugged on his hair, earning a groan from him, your name leaving his lips with a drawn out whisper.
The action made your body relax into his and your knees fell apart for him, inviting him to put his leg between them, the friction of his pants against your clothed heat making you gasp softly as Eddie slid off his infamous jacket in a hurry, hastily pressing his lips against yours again as he pulled off your flannel, needy hands now smoothing up and down bare arms.
His hands roamed down to your ass as you embraced desperately, lifting you up and pressing you against the wall harder, making you yelp, as he kissed down your neck, sucking a light bruise there, another one on your collarbone when you let out the prettiest sigh he'd ever heard.
Eddie needed more, his voice rasping swears as he carried you to his bedroom, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, kissing against his neck, and he pressed you into the messy sheets of his bed, his lips still soft and probing, sighing in solace as if to say, 'finally'.
But then he pulled back, sitting before you, his lips swollen from yours as he gazed at you, and you reached your arms out to him, a sudden stinging of tears in your eyes, quietly whining for more.
"It's okay, I got you babe, don't worry," Eddie reassured you softly, peeling his shirt off of himself, then pulling you up by your arms to pull your tank top off and unhook your bra in a hurry, throwing the garments to the side and he leaned into you again, kissing the tears off of your face before they could come running down.
He sucked on your bottom lip hungrily, and you whined, reaching between you to grab at his belt, a pretty whimper leaving your lips as you tugged at it wantonly, making him hiss.
You were begging, pleading with him, 'more, please, more,' in a small voice that drove Eddie absolutely mad, his hard length straining against his torn jeans, all for you.
He cursed to himself in a hushed voice, biting his lip and sighing heavily, and he gave in, taking his belt off and tugging his pants down his legs frantically, leaning back with a sigh of relief as his rather large length was free.
"C'mere," you insisted, reaching for him, wanting to touch him, wanting to smooth your hands along the scars in his sides that you never got a chance to care for, but Eddie shushed you, placing a kiss to the side of your knee to comfort you as he saw you were overwhelmed.
"Just want you," his voice low and husky as he fumbled with the button of your shorts before he paused, his eyes heavy and half lidded, "that okay?"
"Please. Want you too," you whined, arching your lower abdomen into his hand, motioning for him to hurry.
Eddie unbuttoned them in a frenzy, pulling your zipper down and sliding your shorts and panties down your legs, tossing them aside.
He had to lean back and take a moment, his eyes hungry and dark, his lips slightly agape as he took in the full sight of you, and cursed to himself at how pretty you looked.
He gazed at you and then your heat, groaning and praising you for how wet you were when he slid two fingers along your folds, his thumb grazing over your clit, trying to contain himself from absolutely ruining you.
You keened at his touch, grinding into his hand and he bit his lip at your reaction, spreading your knees farther apart for more access as he dipped a finger inside of you easily.
You gasped at the action, and Eddie quickly dipped in a second finger, curling and thrusting them in and out of you languid, gazing in wonder, getting impossibly harder by the second.
"Eddie," you rasped, "I need you. I love you."
He pulled his fingers out and crowded into you then, his hand sprawled messy but gentle along your throat and jaw, kissing and licking into your mouth deeply, moaning into each other as he lined himself up with your entrance.
You brought your knees up to your sides, caging him in, and he pressed a hand into the pillow next to you, hovering over you as you rested a hand against his scarred chest as he pushed into you.
You both let out a gasp of each other's names and expletives as your slick made it easy for him to push all the way into you, bottoming out, and Eddie gave you a moment to get used to the feeling, the pad of his thumb gently stroking your cheek, and curled his hand under your knee, lifting it up over his shoulder before he pulled out slowly, and pushed into you again.
He set a slow but sensual, deep pace and as much as you wanted more, it felt amazing, the both of you panting softly, cheeks flushed and skin slick with sweat, clutching the sheets of his bedding as he pushed in and out you, his lips kissing lazily against your own as you pushed against his thrusts, hitting the spot you so desperately needed.
Eddie picked up the pace, and with the stuttering of his hips, you knew that he was already getting close, understandably so, as you were too, a result from the want- the need from each other you needed for so long, and you couldn't wait anymore, not when he stretched out your walls so perfectly, when he felt so deep, so amazing.
When your walls squeezed against him, his hips snapped and Eddie cursed, his jaw slack as the both of you moaned in ecstacy.
"Jesus christ," his voice was hoarse between thrusts, "you can't do that, I'm not gonna last long."
"Me neither," you mumbled as he continued to massage your inner walls, the curls of his hair tickling your face.
You nearly cried out when he gripped your hip tightly, sure to leave a bruise, and he couldn't help himself anymore, not when you looked so pretty, not when you felt so good.
Eddie bit back a moan, sinking his teeth into your knee as he spilled himself inside you, his hips stuttering as you followed closely behind, your walls gripping him and pulsing as your orgasm took ahold of you, your lower tummy blooming deliciously as he rocked into you through each other's highs.
His hips finally stilled, and his body went limp into yours, the both of you panting against each other, his head in the crook of your neck, pressing sloppy, loving kisses along the side of your face, smoothing stray hair strands away from your forehead.
He pulled out of you and you whimpered, but Eddie was quick to catch your lips, swallowing the sound and he kissed you passionately, before tumbling next to you, pulling your slick body into his, limbs entangled, trying to get impossibly close.
"I love you," he whispered against your lips, eyes closed, "and you're never gonna lose me. Okay?"
Tears prodded your eyes, and you nodded eagerly, smoothing your hands up and down his scarred sides, not knowing if it was true, but you smiled anyways.
"I love you too."
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Note: this is not a Stancy story.
“Say it,” he bites out. He’s pushing too hard, being too mean, and he doesn’t fucking care. “Say you love me.”
Nancy’s eyes slide off to the side and she—she laughs, like he’s making a joke, but he can see in the way she’s got her arms wrapped around herself that they both know it’s not a joke.
“Steve, come on,” she says.
There’s a hot, buzzing feeling in him like a hurricane.
The words peel out of him: “But…we’re soulmates.”
He’s gripping his forearm, holding it out in front of him even though he’s wearing long sleeves. It doesn’t matter. They both know whose name is written there in careful, neat cursive, like a puzzle piece slotting next to the blockier name scrawled on Nancy’s wrist. 
Nancy reaches out to push his arm down and out of the way, out of her eyeline, but she laces her fingers with his like she’s trying to calm him down. Like an apology.
“Steve,” she says. “Let’s just—can we focus on the important stuff, here?”
This is important, why don’t you think that nothing could be more important than this. Steve doesn’t say it because he’s trying to be better. He can be better for her, for Nancy, his soulmate. So he swallows it down and nods, gripping her slender fingers tight in his. 
It takes him a while, but he figures it out. It’s fate. It’s gotta be. It’s all a big part of their story, the one they’re gonna tell at their wedding, about the time they broke up and made bad decisions and were really unhappy. When you find your soulmate early, sometimes you have some growing up to do, he’ll say. Or maybe Robin will say it. He can’t imagine a wedding where Robin’s not his best man. Best lady?
It’s so stupid, but there was a moment, back in ‘85, when he thought maybe Robin could be his true soulmate. Like maybe there was some giant cosmic error, and the smart, funny, beautiful girl he’d been overlooking all summer was really the one he was meant to end up with after all. 
When she tells him about Tammy Thompson, it’s almost a relief. The universe isn’t wrong after all. He actually feels really sorry for Robin, because without a name on her arm, how’s she supposed to know who to pick? And with the gay thing—it’s gotta be tough even just knowing who’s an option. He doesn’t think he could handle that kind of uncertainty. 
It’s a good thing he doesn’t have to. All he’s got to do is hang on until his story and Nancy’s story bend together again, and become their story. He thinks it’s kind of romantic, even: like he’s been given this time to learn to be a better boyfriend. 
So he’s in good spirits, especially when Eddie Munson gives him a heavy look that shoots through his veins like lightning and says as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen. If even Eddie can see it after spending about five minutes around them, probably not even knowing about the soulmate thing, it must be true. 
Afterwards, he finds himself unexpectedly alone with Nancy in the hospital, waiting their turn to see Max and Eddie. It’s not exactly the stuff of fairytales; even though they’ve had a chance to go home and shower and get some sleep, they both have Upside Down gunk caked into their fingernails and purpling shadows under their eyes. The fluorescent lights overhead are way too bright. The flimsy plastic chairs are digging uncomfortably into his thighs. 
But he’s not gonna get a better opening than this quiet moment, with Nancy slumped against his arm, tired and lovely.
“Hey, are you—” He clears his throat and tries again. “Hey, Nancy. Did you…think about, uh, what I said? About…you know. The future?”
She goes tense.
“Yes, Steve. I did.”
Maybe something in her tone should be warning him off, but he’s on this road now, careening down the fast lane with no exits in sight. 
“And? What did you think?”
Nancy takes a deep breath, then lets it out after a second in a heavy sigh. “Steve, I…I’m with Jonathan now. You know that.”
“Yeah, but that’s—I mean, you know it’s not the same.”
“No.” She slips a thumb under the cuff of her sweatshirt and rubs it over her wrist. It looks like something she doesn’t even know she’s doing. “It’s not the same, no. It’s…Steve, it’s better. This way is better.”
He ducks down, tries to meet her eye. “Nance, I know I was kind of a shitty boyfriend, but—things are different now, right?”
Finally, she turns to him. Her back straightens, shoulders square, like she’s bracing herself. 
“Yes, things are different,” she says slowly. She reaches out to take his hand in both of hers, soothing. “This hasn’t changed for me, though. It’s not about—I just can’t be with you, Steve. Not like that. I’m sorry.”
He doesn’t say but we’re soulmates again like a child, but it lives in his throat, in the thump of his heart. Maybe she just needs more time.
Maybe not, though.
(ETA: continuation here!)
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metalmunson · 4 months
I wrote a thing, if anyone wants to check it out.
4k words of Steve being in his own personal hell: an amusement park. Lots of cute shit and wholesome fun. Please take a look!
“Oh, is that so,” came a smooth voice, sounding highly amused. Steve was almost afraid to look. He could see stray dark curls dusting the tops of the man’s shoulders.
“Don’t mind being my seat partner do you, Big Boy?” the guy crooned.
And Steve really could just die now. He looked up into pretty, chocolate brown eyes, framed by thick dark lashes. The stranger had his hair pulled up into a bun, with curling strands framing the sides of his face. Bangs. This guy had bangs, and he still made it work. God, this was Tammy Thompson all over again. He was about to puke on the hottest guy he’d ever laid eyes on. He was so grounding everyone from his pool for at least a month.
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grahambaham · 1 month
I have recently read a bunch of fics of different fandoms and I've decided to dump them here, hope you like them.
Arizona Sky by husborth - Childhood is sometimes remembered at the weirdest, and worst, times. Half sweet, half really fucking sad. Percabeth. Mentions of Gabe and the abuse Sally and Percy suffered at his hands, so TW for that.
2. Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down by Ridea - self insert where a random woman from like the world world wakes up in Tammy's body and shakes things up. Eventual Tammy/Steve I think? With unrequited Tammy/Billy on Billy's side.
here comes the rain again by pocketofsky - Dick doesn’t patrol when it rains. Not since Blüdhaven. And everyone knows that, but they don’t know why.Or: Dick slowly but surely confronts his trauma. Now featuring: a train, pain, and a lot of rain. Read the tags.
4. The Delicate Art of Raising Thestrals by AppoApples - Luna and Harry return a year. Luna/Harry. No bashing, acknowledges characters' flaws.
5. This Universe is Strange (I'm Stranger) by Bamboozledddd - Harry (female Harry) dies and travels to Hawkins, is awesome and fucks shit up. Made me laugh so fucking bad. Literal gold. It's a Billy/Harry/Steve throuple which isn't usually my thing, mostly because of Billy, but it was still so good.
6. From the Mouths of Babes by CAPSING - “There’s a guy who’s been flirting with me.”“Mhmm,” Ned turns to Peter, swallowing his bite. “Is he hot?”(Or: Deadpool starts hitting on Spider-Man, unaware he’s a minor; ignorance turns up not to bring any bliss to either of them.) It has Peter and Wade in the tags as a ship but there's no actual shipping there. It basically has wade shooting himself in the head when he finds out the guy he's been flirting with is a minor.
7. without a flashlight in the dark by jurassicqueer (kukurosaki) - Steve gets taken to the Upside Down instead of Barbara Holland.
8. The Future Mrs Harrington by BritChick91  - Robin and Steve go back in time, it's awesome. No pairings.
9. my friends are all waving from the shore by birthdaycandles - I've been obsessed with stranger things lately. oops. Steve makes a will. Jonathan is concerned.
10. Dish Duty by Princeliest - All Zuko had been trying to do was wash some dishes. Zuko and Katara being idiots. No pairings.
Hope you enjoy!! <3
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liesyousoldme · 7 months
like you've known me | rated T | word count ~25k
a @steddiebang fic coming february 29
featuring art by sharkscouts and @vesperalhemlock
When the only way to beat the Upside Down is to erase it (and the last three years) from time, Steve Harrington is transported right back to the Fall of his junior year. His biggest problem? Everyone who had died in the last three years fighting inter-dimensional evils has no memory of the events. Suddenly, Steve finds himself with Tommy and Carol at his side and sitting mere feet away from Robin in class, and she has no idea who he is except the douchebag with the good hair that Tammy Thompson has a crush on.
With a little help from Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, Lucas, and El, Steve will learn to navigate his life, The Right Way, this time. Which friends he wants to keep, who he wants to spend his time with, and if he wants to take notes in class this time around. If that means sometimes he needs a little weed to take the edge of stress off? Well, it's a good thing he knows a good dealer.
As things finally fall into place and Steve begins to re-form the most important relationship in his life, he thinks anything strange is over. Then, Robin starts mentioning weird dreams about ice cream and torture, and Max Mayfield shows up from California with an angry step-brother and a lot of questions. Maybe those memories aren't erased, after all.
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & Lucas Sinclair Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Tommy Hagan, Carol Perkins, Max Mayfield, Billy Hargrove Tags: Romance, Angst, Friends to Lovers, AU: Time Travel to Pre-Season 1, Post-Season 4, Impermanent Major Character Death, Fix-it, Falling In Love, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington-Centric, First Kiss, Drug Use (Marijuana), Steve Harrington VS Junior Year (Again)
Excerpt (cont. under the cut):
It had been a few weeks in the new timeline when Steve jumped at the sound of the phone ringing through the empty house. He frowned, setting down his fork and walking to the phone. It was Wednesday, Steve was sure of it, and Dustin’s calls always came on Thursdays, so who the hell would be calling?
“Hi, Steve.” Nancy’s voice was soft and sweet and surprising.
“Oh. Uh, hey, Nance, what’s up?” He asked, heart suddenly starting to race – not because he had feelings for Nancy but because if Nancy was calling then something was wrong. Had something happened? Had their plan not –
“Listen, I don’t have too much time, Mom’s making dinner and I just finished up my homework, but I really wanted to call you,” Nancy said. She wouldn’t start out so calm if something was happening, right? So this was just a social call?
“Um. Why?” He asked, then winced. Since when did he forget how to have a conversation?
He could hear Nancy’s sigh through the phone. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you at school lately, and –“
“Okay, creep,” he joked, lips curling at the corners when Nancy laughed.
“Shut up, I just mean I’ve – Look, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And like I said, I’ve been watching you in the halls and stuff, and I know you’re eating lunch in the library because Tommy told everyone in the cafeteria one day –“
He what?
“- and I know the whole thing with Robin is hard for you but…”
“But what?” He prompted when she trailed off.
“But you’re moping, Steve. You’re moping all over school, and probably all over your house.”
“I – wha- I mean, that’s not true,” Steve said, frowning.
“Steve, we beat the bad guys and everybody is fine. Everybody’s alive! And you’re moping.”
“Okay, now this just feels like you’re being mean.”
“I’m not trying to be mean, I’m trying to – “ She cut herself off with a frustrated groan. “Do you even know how El is doing?”
“I – what? Is she okay?”
“Yes, she’s okay, Steve, but also, no, she’s not okay, because Hopper is still trying to find Owens since he’s the one that will probably know best if it’s safe for Jane Hopper to suddenly show up in Hawkins and enroll in school. So, she spends her days alone, but everyone always goes to visit her, every Saturday, at the cabin. Everyone except you.”
Steve felt tears prick behind his eyes. “I didn’t know.”
“Yes, you did,” Nancy said, sounding tired. “Dustin said he asked you to come that first weekend, and you said no, so he didn’t ask you again.”
“I don’t – I don’t remember that,” he admitted, feeling dreadful disappointment spread through his veins. “Nancy, I hardly – that first week was –“
“But it wasn’t just the first week, Steve. We’re all trying to get back to our lives but you’re just going through the motions. Even Dustin knows something’s wrong.”
“What? I talk to Dustin every week!”
“Lucas wanted to invite you to the park to play basketball and Dustin told him you probably still weren’t ready.”
Steve’s jaw dropped.
“Dustin knows you, in this timeline probably better than anyone, and he knows something’s wrong but he’s still just a kid, Steve, he doesn’t know how to deal with this.”
“Did Dustin ask you to call me?”
“No, this was my idea,” Nancy said. “I’m just a kid, too, Steve. I don’t know what to do to fix it but I want to help you, and so does Jonathan.”
“Jonathan wants to help me?” He asked, incredulous.
Nancy chuckled. “Honestly, I was as surprised as you are. But he does because despite everything, he cares about you. We all care about you, and it’s way too easy for you to hole up in your house and ignore everyone at school and… mope.”
“I don’t think I like that word anymore,” Steve said, even though it was true. His stomach twisted in knots at the sudden guilt he felt.
“Well I didn’t think you’d like it very much if I accused you of being depressed,” Nancy stated boldly, and Steve winced. “Just meet me and Jonathan at that picnic table outside of school tomorrow morning, okay? Like, twenty minutes before first bell. Can you do that?”
Steve swallowed thickly and fought every instinct in him that wanted to say no.
“Yeah, Nance. I can do that.”
Steve woke with a sense of dread hanging over him. He really didn’t want to show up just for Nancy and Jonathan to chew him out for how selfish he’d been (he could beat himself up for that without their help). But he got in his car twenty-five minutes earlier than he usually would, just to make sure he wouldn’t be late, and laughed to himself when he got to the school. He pulled into the empty spot next to Jonathan’s car. Apparently, they had the same idea.
Steve got out of his car and shouldered his backpack. He looked around; there were a few people milling about, and more cars pulling into the lot than he expected this early.
“Do people always get to school this early?” He asked by way of introduction.
Jonathan laughed and walked over to him. Nancy stepped up behind him and gave him a pointed look. “I think you’ll find that you’re just always late.”
“Yeah, okay,” he conceded. “So, uh… Picnic table?” He suggested, already feeling the stares of their classmates from around them.
Nancy and Jonathan agreed and they made the walk together, quietly taking in each other’s presence. Nancy was in between the two boys but it wasn’t as awkward as Steve expected it to be.
Maybe he really was over Nancy Wheeler, after all.
He choked on a laugh when the picnic table came into view, and they were sighted almost immediately.
“Oh,” Eddie Munson said, grabbing his metal lunchbox and dropping it near his feet. Steve snorted. Eddie huffed. “What?”
“As if we don’t know what’s in your damn lunchbox, Munson,” he said, finding himself immediately falling back into the banter he’d developed with Eddie before –
“I don’t really know what’s going on here,” Eddie admitted with an awkward, nervous laugh. “You three might be the weirdest combination of buyers I’ve ever gotten.”
“Oh, we’re not –“ Nancy started, but Steve interrupted.
“I am,” he said, ignoring the looks from Nancy and Jonathan. He pulled out his wallet and made eye contact with Eddie. “I’ll –“ He paused, unsure of what to say. He’d never done this himself before. “I’ll take some weed. Uh – a joint? Uh. How much?”
Eddie looked at him with a furrowed brow and a frown on his lips. “Are you wearing a wire?”
Steve snorted a laugh. “Dude. What kind of operation do you think is being run in Nowhere fucking Indiana where a 17-year-old is wearing a wire for a drug bust on your tiny fucking lunchkit –“
“Okay! Okay,” Eddie conceded with a barely concealed laugh. Jonathan was openly laughing behind him, and Steve recognized the amused look on Nancy’s face.
Steve sighed when Eddie just kept looking at him like he didn’t believe him. “I’m being serious. If I’m not gonna have a social life anymore at least let me be high for it.”
“Amen,” Jonathan said quietly, and Steve choked down his laugh.
Finally, after a few more moments of silence where Eddie stared at his face, seemingly deciding whether or not to trust him, Eddie sighed and picked up his lunchbox. Steve let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“I’ll sell you a gram for twenty-five bucks. Do you want pre-rolled, or…” Eddie trailed off.
“Uh,” Steve said, unsure. “Yeah, that’ll probably be easier.”
Eddie opened his lunchbox and got to work rolling the joint. “Usually, it’s your friends I sell to,” he said conversationally.
“Not my friends,” Steve corrected, then awkwardly added, “I don’t have any of those.”
“We’re your friends, Steve,” Nancy said, and Steve could hear the pity that coated her voice.
“Didn’t you, like, dump him for him?” Eddie asked her, pointing first and Steve, then at Jonathan. Nancy huffed, took a breath to begin talking but Steve cut her off before she could begin.
"That's not what happened. Tommy and Carol told everyone that because they're pissed off that I don't wanna hang out with them anymore. Me and Nance are fine. Me and Jonathan are fine. Look. I know you're overcharging me so badly right now but I don't care enough to fight you on it. Can you please just sell me the weed?"
Eddie frowned. “Fifteen.”
Steve looked at him incredulously.
"What can I say? You guilt tripped me and I'm a sucker.” Eddie held out the joint. “Just. Take it."
"Thanks, Munson." Steve said, taking it and stuffing it in a zipper inside his backpack.
Eddie closed and shut his lunchbox, then stepped away from the table and gave a little bow. "King Steve."
"Just Steve."
Eddie looked at him through calculating eyes. "Just Steve, then."
The three of them waited until Eddie was far enough away before taking seats at the table.
Nancy started after a short awkward beat. "Look, start hanging out with us at school. I have mutual friends with Robin, somehow we'll get it through her head that you aren't a bad guy and then it's just a matter of winning her over again -"
"It really isn't like that; I’ve told you a million times, she's my best friend.” Steve said. “And I already just started fucking crying in front of her, I think the ship has sailed."
"Don’t say that, man," Jonathan said. "Just… give it time. Let the school get used to the new you. Maybe you can figure out if she's got a job and apply wherever she works and do whatever you did at Starcourt to make her like you."
Steve sighed. He already knew where Robin worked; she'd told him about the job she had before Scoops. "She's working at a hair salon as a receptionist right now."
"Sorry, they let Robin be in charge of answering phones and setting up appointments?" Nancy asked with an incredulous giggle.
"She doesn't last long," Steve admitted with a little laugh.
The bell rang, interrupting them and signaling the start of another day. Steve sighed to himself and stood, following Nancy and Jonathan into the school. At least he had somewhere to sit at lunch now.
And the chance to get high tonight.
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I saw your requests were open....(R means reader)
A third member of the scoops troops. She works with Steve and Robin (Fuck the duffers upside down is sealed)
Steve has been hitting on her all summer. Instead of being in love with Robin, he's in love with R
Robin and R are also really close, Robin tells R she doesn't like guys. R's response is that she's bisexual
R and Robin start dating, Steve finds out and is totally supportive and becomes lesbian supporter bestie
Sorry for that brain rot
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So here it is, 3.4k words of 2 sapphic disasters. Also Steve is hopelessly in like with y/n and doesn't realize she's just flirting back so he does the chores she doesn't want to. Also she's so casually dominant even before she and Robin get together. And calls literally everyone babe. I hope you like it and yes, part 2 is already planned based on the second ask (if you don't mind @manyfandomsfanvergent) And never apologize for the brain rot. I promise I adore it!
“I get 15, right?” Y/n asked Robin, just to be sure before she left for her break. 
“When are you here til?”
“I’m closing with Steve, so 9?”
“Take 30 then. It’ll probably be even later since he has to mop the floor twice with all the drool he leaves just being in the same room as you.”
“He’s not that bad, did you see him when Tammy Thompson came through?” If she noticed the way Robin flushed at the name, she didn’t say anything. “I thought he was gonna follow her out of the store with his tongue hanging out like a lost puppy.”
“Yeah-eheh, that’s totally something Steve, and only Steve would do.” She was kicking a loose sprinkle around to keep her focus on anything but the girl she was totally and entirely not in love with. She looked up when she heard the timecard being pulled out of its slot. “You don’t have to clock out. You’re only scheduled for a 15, just take 30 and I’ll cover for you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you breaking company policy over me.”
“Screw company policy. Go get something to eat before you're stuck with Dingus for another,” she checked her watch. “4 hours. Give or take.”
“How will I survive?” y/n groaned. 
“I’m sure you’ll manage.” Robin had to watch Steve relentlessly flirt with y/n since his first day. From the second she walked in to ask for a scoop and an application, he’s been incorrigible. ‘Don’t think they’d turn a pretty girl like you down.’  And she’s been eating all of it up from the moment she first donned that ridiculous hat and he and Robin began training her. 
‘Oh, Steve, could you get that for me? I can’t reach. Thank you, babe.’ And,‘Hey, Stevie, the S.S. Harrington get shot down again?’ She’d pout and hold out a sample for him while Robin crossed another tally off the “You Rule; You Suck” board. “Like the Lusitania,” Robin would say, which made Steve’s face contort into one of rapt confusion. Then of course y/n would take pity on him and explain it. It was clear she liked him, well, clear to Robin she did. 
“Guess I’ll just have the thought of coming back in the morning and opening with you to keep me going, babe.” She kissed Robin’s cheek then passed through the swinging doors to the front. “Bye, Stevie,” Robin heard her say in that faux sultry voice she always used with him. Not that she was really paying attention to anything other than the stamp on her cheek. Shimmery, sticky, pink.
“Woah, leaving me so soon sweetheart?” Steve said, clearly completely ignoring the customer standing in front of him to follow y/n from the other side of the counter. 
“You’ll have me all night. Maybe a little longer if you clean up for me.” She walked backwards while she talked to him and smirked at the dumbfounded look her wink left on Steve’s face. She spun around dramatically just to distract him a little longer once she got out the door.
“Sorry ma’am, what were you getting?” Robin asked the woman whose order had just been taken by Steve but obviously never fulfilled, as seen by the annoyed look on her face and nasty glance towards Steve. Robin hip checked him out of the way from the flavor she needed. “If you’re not going to help customers you can at least go in the back and do something useful.”
“Yeah, yeah, probably-I should-yeah.”
Robin rolled her eyes, “Will that be all for today?”
“And another one bites the dust.” Robin slid out with the board from one side of the back counter and y/n handed her the marker from the other. 
“You are O-for-6, Popeye,” y/n said as Robin added another strike to the tally.
“Yeah, yeah, I can count.”
“You know that means you suck?”
“Robin, don’t be mean. He’s trying. I think it’s sweet.”
“I think it’s pathetic,” they both had a tough habit of talking about him like he wasn’t right there.
“Still here,” he reminded them. “It’s this stupid hat, I am telling you. It is totally blowing my best feature.”
“Yeah, company policy is a real drag,” Robin said with faux sympathy.
“I don’t know, I think it adds to the look,” y/n thought out loud.
Steve perked up at that. “Really?”
“Yeah, wait let me see. Take it off,” she made a slight face. “Back on.” She kept changing directions, “oh yeah…No, no, not like that. To the left, no your other left, other other left. Mmm, take it off?” That just messed up his hair further. “Hmm, push it more towards the back, oh yeah, like that, that’s perfect.” She waved him closer. “Yeah, oh yes, just like this.” She messed with his hair a little and snuck her hand into his pocket to pull out his pink cherry lip balm he thought no one knew about. “Go like this.” She pouted her lips out and he copied her. She held his chin and smudged  it on his lips then gave him the quickest, shortest peck, there was probably still a centimeter of space between them, the only things touching were the tips of their noses. “Now let’s hope that can tide you over til your next date, Popeye, ‘cause it’s all you’ll ever be getting from me.” She smiled and shook his chin affectionately before letting go. She got all her things from the back and clocked out.
“I’m just gonna look around for a little bit and find something to eat, then I’ll be back to pick you up, yeah?” 
Y/n had been driving Robin whenever her parents weren’t able to. She noticed her coming in out of breath a couple times since she rode her bike and Robin didn’t take her up on her immediate offer but finally did, when she walked in drenched and dripping through the hallway, having biked the last mile and a half through the rain. 
Y/n came in a minute behind her, following the trail of drips down the hall, she started doting all over Robin. ‘Steve, can you wait just a few minutes before punching out?” She hadn’t used her usual teasing, flirty voice, and she also didn’t wait for an answer before shoving her hand in the tip jar and running out before he could tell her those were his tips. “Thank you Stevie, I’ll owe ya forever.” She sprinted to the department store and bought the fluffiest towel she could find, as well as the most neutral blue t-shirt and shorts. She shoved the change (money from her wallet) back into the jar, definitely more than she took out of it, and wrapped Robin up in the towel. “My little burrito.” ‘This is an ice cream shop, not a taco shop, y/n.’ “I know, but you look so cute like this.” She booped Robin on the nose and told Steve to give them 5 more minutes and that he could get all her tips the next time they worked together. ‘What’s the 5 minutes for?’ Robin asked. “You think I’m letting you stay in these dripping wet clothes while we work in a literal refrigerator? Not on my watch.” She pulled Robin into the dark storage closet, the lone lightbulb long since needing a replacement. Not quite at the flickering stage, but still hardly doing more than a nightlight. Robin tried to keep her focus on boxes of extra toppings, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, red white and blue sprinkles, star sprinkles, heart sprinkles. Wow, somebody should really alphabetize this. “You can look, if you want. You don’t have to stare at the wall.” ‘I don’t wanna um, bother you.’ “Robin, babe, I pulled you into a supply closet, I brought this all upon myself. If anyone’s uncomfortable it’s you. You’re soaked to the bone. And so tense. You gotta relax.” She ghosted her fingertips down Robin’s arm, though she stayed facing the abounding boxes of sprinkles, trying to come up with a better means of organization. She took Robin’s hand and closed her fist around the dry uniform. Warm, Robin thought. “I’ll bring you a bag for the wet one, I’ll take care of the front, you take your time.” ‘What about you?’ “I’ll just wear this.” ‘But Kurt (the owner) is coming today. You’ll get in trouble.’ “Don’t worry about me, love. Put the uniform on. I’ll leave the bag on the handle.”
“Yeah, that’s- that’s fine.” She shook herself out of her memory/daydream and Steve came up to the second register with her. 
Y/n came up next to Robin. “I’ll be back,” she whispered like the Terminator. Robin giggled and y/n kissed her shoulder through the polyester of her uniform. She rubbed her back a few times. “Bye, Steve.” He raised his hand in place of a wave with all the new customers coming up to him. “Bye, Robin.” 
Steve dropped the scoop he was holding into the wrong flavor, his jaw practically on the floor. Robin in a similar state, turning as red as cherries jubilee from her chest up to her ears. Steve scoffed a laugh before he composed himself and finished taking the man’s payment. A group of girls walked up to the register while y/n was navigating her way out of the busy storefront. “Ahoy, Ladies!” He shouted. Partially because he was in a bit of a rut and partially to pull Robin out of whatever daze she was in, oh my god, Oh my god, Oh My God! What is happening?! She didn’t say it like that to me! She never says anything to me like that. Only to Steve. Lord have mercy on my poor gay soul. Either way it worked and Robin looked up just in time to see y/n jump and put a hand to her chest at the outburst. She looked back to Steve and Robin and had a whole conversation with her across the room, get a load of this guy, she rolled her eyes and waved one last time with a smile like Robin had never seen. All shy and soft.
The store was empty and since it was that weird time of day when it's too late for lunch but too early for dinner, especially when you're having ice cream for either, Steve and Robin were just sitting in the back eating bananas and twirling their hats on their fingers.
“So,” Steve started, “what do you think of y/n?”
“What do you mean what do I think of her?”
“I mean, think of her and what do you think?”
Robin had not had nearly enough iced coffee for this conversation.
“She’s nice.”
“Tell me more things.”
“What do you think of her?”
“Avoiding the question, I see.”
“She’s pretty, and she’s smart, and she has good taste in music. And movies, too.” He held his hand out with a limp banana to gesture for her answer.
“Why are you asking me this?”
“Nothing better to do. You know her from school?”
“Yeah, just a few classes though. And art last year.”
“But I thought you were into the whole music thing?”
Robin only shrugged and checked the clock for how much longer she’d have to suffer until y/n came back like a knight in navy blue polycotton. 
The dinging of the bell in front pulled them from that conversation. At least for a little while.
Then Robin’s shift was almost up and she was checking her reflection on the refrigerator door. 
“Is that lipgloss?” Steve came in for another stack of cones. 
“What?” Robin shoved the tube into her pocket faster than you can say ‘Robin, you’re in love.’ “No, just, um my lips are chapped, dehydrated. I haven’t had any water today.”
“Hmm.” He thought about all the times y/n had to remind her to drink. Always so sweet about it too, ‘Go drink, baby.’ He just pinned it on her being a natural flirt. But now it seemed like it was quite a bit more than that.
“Oh,” Steve’s voice dropped a whole octave. He started pointing his fingers at Robin, then putting them together and pulling them apart, I connected the dots.
“What ‘oh?’ No ‘oh.’ There's no ‘oh’. There's nothing to ‘oh’.”
“You like her.”
“Pfft, what no- I don’t-ha. I don’t like y/n. Why would you say that?”
He just stood there blinking.
“Steve. Why would you say that?” She wasn’t really in the mood to hear the once all powerful king of Hawkins high, one of the least observant people she’s ever met, say he’s figured out the one thing she needed to keep hidden. The worry and urgency apparent in her voice.
“I never said who. You like y/n!” 
“Could you keep it down! Please!”
“Sorry. Sorry.” He held up his hands in surrender, then got a conspiratorial look on his face, something similar to the gossiping church ladies that come in every Sunday. “So…are you gonna tell her?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You’re obviously in love with her, tell her.”
“Steve, I cannot be obviously anything with her. I can’t tell her.”
“Whu-why not?”
“Steve, she clearly likes you. I don’t think she’s into girls and even if she was, it’s not like we can go out or anything.”
“Sure you can.”
“Girls come here on dates all the time. Have you been to a movie theater? Girls go with girls all the time.”
“Yeah, but not like that.”
“How do you know? And how do you know I didn’t see her let her friends in through the back door, ask them about their date, and tell them she wishes she had a girl to go on cute dates like theirs with?”
“Because that can’t happen.” Then it hit her, what he actually said. “Wait, what?”
“Oh, yeah. Obviously, she’s not immune to the Harrington charm, but I think you might have a shot.” He could tell she wasn’t very convinced. “Come on, I’ll be your wingman.”
“You haven’t gotten a date in months.”
“But there was once a time I went months before my weekends were free.” Of course he had to choose the most roundabout way to say the simplest thing. “I got a lot of dates, I mean.”
“How is that supposed to help me?”
“You gotta be subtle. Sneaky. Like a- a ninja or something. Let her come to you.”
“She’s not a wild rabbit, dingus.”
“Yes, but she’s a- she’s a-uh- I don’t know. Just start dropping hints.”
“Great advice, really, riveting stuff but she’s gonna be back soon and I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“Oh, come on.” He groaned, “Where’s your…”he snapped until he got the right word, “prowess.”
“Again, she’s not a wild animal, Steve.”
“Just let me be your wingman. I’ll be so subtle, she won’t even know what hit her.”
“If I say yes will you stop asking?”
“Fine, but do not make it obvious.”
“Aye-aye, captain.” He saluted. 
The pre dinner rush was up and it was finally Robin’s turn to go home, y/n was helping her carry all her things out. She picked up her metal water bottle. “It’s still so full, Rob. Drink more for me while we’re in the car, yeah?”
Steve came back in under the guise of getting more cones again, though there were still plenty out front. “You heading out, Rob?”
“Yeah? It’s 5:10, 10 minutes after I was supposed to leave.”
“Oh no,” y/n lamented, “Did I keep you waiting? I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, not at all. There was just a rush out of nowhere and Erica and her friends wouldn’t leave.”
“Oh, ok.” She looked around the small room. “Is that everything?”
“Yeah, I think,” Robin answered.
“Bye- oh!” Steve was real close, reaching behind her to get a pen though there were five on the other table. 
“Robin likes boobies,” he whispered, but not very well. 
“Hmm? Did you hear something? Must have been the fridge, you know this thing is on its last legs.” He smacked the door and it made a long groan. They collectively took a large step back and Steve took one further to Robin. “You got this, champ. Remember, prowess.” He clapped her on the back then shook her shoulders. Her eyes were wide with panic. This was the absolute opposite of subtle.
“Ummm, hate to interrupt whatever uh…this…is. But are you ready to go, babe?” She came between the two of them and guided Robin to turn around and walk out the door. Steve gave her one last double thumbs up then hid them when y/n turned around. “Uh, bye, Steve.”
“Bye y/n, you ladies have fun! But not too much fun.” He made the motion of ‘eyes on you.’
“Uh, yeah, later.” Y/n started walking quickly down the hall, pulling Robin with her. “That was weird, right? He was definitely acting weird.”
“Yeah, no idea what that’s about.”
“Weird.” She opened the passenger door for Robin. “Your place or mine?”
“I kinda wanna change.”
“Of course.”
The drive to Robin’s was a bit longer than the one to y/n’s and was filled with her nervous drumming on the wheel. “Are you ok?” Robin asked her.
“Yeah,” it sounded too much like a question for her liking. “Yeah,” she said more surely this time. “Um, I have a question. And, uh, you can definitely say no, or just like not answer at all and we just forget I ever asked.”
“Uh, yeah, shoot.”
“Um so, uh, if I…if I asked you to go out to dinner with me, how would you take it, and um, what would you say?”
Both of them had the same fear that the other could feel their heart beating and melting out of their chest at the same time. 
“You mean like, out? Like- like a date?”
“I’d say- I’d say yes?”
Robin was looking right at her but y/n was scared that if she looked at her, she wouldn’t be able to look away, and of course she had to keep her eyes on the road. But that didn’t stop a smile so big it hurt her cheeks from growing on her face.  
“And what if I asked you where you wanted to go?” 
“Somewhere quiet, but busy enough no one pays any attention to us,” Robin answered with equal excitement.
“What if I said tonight?”
“I’d say yes.”
“And if I dropped you off but asked you your favorite flowers before you shut the door?”
“Surprise me.” Y/n already planned a bouquet of camellias, only because Robin mentioned a book a few weeks ago, La Dame aux Camélias.
She put the car into park and looked right into Robin’s stormy blue eyes, brewing with light and excitement.“I will.” She walked Robin to the front door and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “You have one hour, gorgeous.”
“One hour?”
“I made the reservations this morning.”
“Steve’s not as quiet and you’re not as subtle as either of you think you are. And I thought it’d be a good way to force myself to say something. And, also, you have an hour because you don’t have enough time to panic about your outfit. Show up in your little sailor suit, I won’t mind.” She twirled the tail of her crosstie.
Robin took that hand and kissed her knuckles. “I’ll see you then.”
“Yeah you will,” she walked backwards to her car. “Drink your water! I don’t wanna kiss chapped lips!”
Every like, reblog, tag, and comment is so immensely appreciated, I promise. If I can come up with any way to express my gratitude, I'll definitely tell you mwah mwah mwah <3, until next time 💖
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possessedramblings · 6 months
No upside down au but things aren't magically okay
TW! Parental abuse, neglect & abandonment, Racism (Billy Hargrove is a piece of shit) Alcoholism, bullying and sexual harassment
Things aren't just happy and great because the Upside Down doesn't exist, and I want to write about it, so this is my take and my AU.
Will, Jonathan and Joyce are still in poverty, on the brink of nothingness, and it doesn't help that Lonnie is a piece of shit, who still has occasional custody of the boys. Every other weekend, Joyce is alone in her little house, while the boys are with their father, because the three of them are too afraid to speak up.
Mike and Nancy don't get along, plain and simple. It's not because they're siblings and because "siblings fight" but because they're in a broken home. Karen is out some nights seeing her "lover" and Ted is just the worst. He yells at the kids, shames Nancy, belittles her to the point that she leaves Mike alone. He hates her because she can leave, which is why he begs for a bike, or to spend the night somewhere, anywhere but home.
Dustin is the kid of a single mother, who is overbearing on him. She's an anxious woman who fears Dustin's gonna get hurt. He gets bullied at school, and not just insulting words. He gets shoved, his d&d dice, books, hats, and other things get stolen, and sometimes he comes home with bruises from the older kids.
Lucas has it fine at home, but once he leaves it's no longer anything happy. He's afraid to spend time with his friends because of Billy and all of the other assholes. He constantly gets harassed because of his skin, the way he talks, the way he looks, and it gets even worse when he starts talking to Max. His parents worry that one day, he won't come home.
Max couldn't hate life more. She's always angry, and it's all her moms fault. Her mom decided that Neil Hargrove was a good man, but it led to a life of absolute fucking pain. Billy was angry with her, for what - she didn't know. Neil was a drunk, he'd drink and drink for hours, using bottles as weapons against everyone else in the house. She saw the same hatred in Mike Wheeler, which caused her to lash out at him, but she knew it wasn't his fault, it was their parents.
Jane's mom couldn't properly care for her, something about a neurological disease that would get worse as the years passed. So she was given up to a foster home. Poor Jane was young, ad could hardly speak, let alone know her own name, so the man, Brenner, didn't care to know names. Jane, now Eleven, didn't know how she got there, or why, but she grew up believing her mother hated her, until she ran away after the oldest kid there snapped.
Steve never knew what his parents were like. They were always away. They'd bring back snow globes from every state airport in the country, but that's all he knew about them. He started to act out so he could possibly get their attention. He stopped once he finally saw something he hadn't noticed before. Jonathan wasn't flinching when he hit. He was just as bad as any old abuser. He tried to turn himself around, he really did. He had to change, especially after seeing Dustin, Lucas and Mike being thrown around by Billy.
Robin knew she never had it easy. She grew up in the trailer parks after her mom and dad lost their jobs ad had to find somewhere else. Her parents jumped between jobs for a long time, and once Robin was old enough, they gave her an old hand me down bike and set her on her way. She knew life was even harder after she discovered her undeniable crush on Tammy Thompson. She would be a town pariah if anyone found out.
Nancy on the other hand, was a town pariah. Her home was the least of her problems. She was humiliated by a man, by several men. Steve Harrington and Tommy Hagan calling her a slut, her own father accusing her of being a whore, and her employers objectifying her at every chance they could get. Nancy felt just like an object for the pleasure of men, so she started learning to defend herself, wanting to be her own woman, but too afraid to deep down.
Jonathan always pushed back how he felt for his mom and brother. Joyce was a struggling woman, and Will was so young, he didn't want his brother to feel like the world was so cold and dark, so he took more hits for the both of them. He took hits from Steve and Tommy, he wanted to keep everyone else safe so he took hits.
Things aren't happy in Hawkins, but we can certainly pretend.
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siriuslysmoking · 1 year
Wait For You? | Chapter 3
(The Year Everything Flipped Upside Down Masterlist)
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—You've got your passion, you've got your pride But don't you know that only fools are satisfied? Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true, ooh When will you realize Vienna waits for you? — —Billy Joel
People race into the gym as Y/n stands with the cheerleaders shouting their chants as they warm up for the game. Y/n takes in her surroundings, she sees Nancy Wheeler standing near the corner with two of her Hawkins Newspaper classmates, she looks further to her right and sees Robin in her band uniform standing next to Vickie, And coming in from behind Nancy, Steve with his date, Brenda.
“Everyone please rise for our national anthem.” everyone from behind her raises from their spots on the bleachers. “Singing for us tonight, we have a very special guest. All the way from Nashville, our very own, Tammy Thompson.”
Y/n doesn’t mean to but she snorts, only loud enough for Chrissy to hear from next to her, the blonde nudges her with her elbow. Tammy comes in with a pastel pink dress, with white boots, and a white jacket. Y/n looks behind her with a bewildered look, making eye contact with Robin and then Steve, they both hold the same expression. 
Then it starts, an off key, muppet sounding, national anthem. Y/n laughs to herself silently, she looks to the basketball team who was lined up to their left. She sees Lucas glancing behind him looking toward an empty spot on the bleachers, she doesn't know why he looks but she has a gut feeling that it has something to do with his friends. Who she knows for a fact are down the hall in the drama room.
As the opening tip plays, we win the ball as we dribble up court. And at seven minutes and fifty three seconds Hawkins high shoots the first goal and scores. “Push ‘em back, defense, push ‘em back…”
The cheerleaders drone on as Y/n looks around the room spotting Nancy writing on her notepad and Jason pointing to Chrissy when he walks back down the court.
As the game goes on and on and on. Jason seems angrier, sure there was an injury and a foul that definitely wasn't theirs but still. Calm the fuck down, dude.
And then it gets fun, Lucas Sinclair is in the game.
As Jason calls a time-out, Y/n is just in ear shot that she can hear Jason arguing about taking the winning shot. And at this point Y/n wants to go home, she’s got work in the morning.
But Jason misses. As the players jump to get the ball for a rebound, it lands in Lucas’ hands, he pivots and gets a free shot.
Two seconds
He raises to shoot.
He lets it go, and as the buzzer sounds when the ball is headed for the basket. It seems to go in slow motion as it circles the edges of the rim. It leaves the edge of the rim, hits the backboard… and goes in!
The team circles Lucas as the cheerleaders go to jump with the team along with Y/n. She doesn’t care that they won but she couldn’t be prouder of Lucas, they both make eye contact after they hug and she smiles while she winks at him.
And then Lucas is lifted into the air in celebration.
As everyone in the gym slowly files out, Y/n makes her way towards the drama room, she only has to wait a few minutes before they’re all rushing out in excitement, they barely even notice she’s there.
“Woah, you wanna walk home, Henderson?” Y/n raises her eyebrows, he had the biggest smile plastered onto his face. “‘m guessing the campaign went well?”
“Yes! It did!” He starts gushing about his adventures of the night before stopping himself to ask. “Wait, how was the game?”
“It was good, actually! Lucas made the winning shot, pretty proud of that kiddo.”
“I’ve gotta tell you what Erica did!” As he droned on about their campaign Y/n replied after he told her about the roll.
“Sounds like a pretty good night for the Sinclair siblings, huh?” she hummed as she wrapped her arm around Dustin’s shoulder, before she continued walking to the door she looked back to the others. “Anyone else need a ride? Mike? Erica?”
They both shook their heads, “Oh, Mike before I forget I have a christmas and birthday present in my car for Jonathan, El’, and Will. Would you give it to them?”
He nodded. As Y/n walked out with Erica and Mike next to her and her arm around Dustin’ shoulder she didn’t notice Eddie watching her. He never knew that she’d ever known who these kids were. I guess there’s a lot you just perceive about a person.
“Wait? Who the hell is Vecna?”
“Y/n…” She heard his voice, she’d heard it so many times before. His voice is different, dark, deeper, angrier. “You can run, but you know you can’t hide from me.”
Her breathing shook as she looked around, she could go to the exit doors, but that’s where everyone is, she’d be leading him straight where they are. Or she could make a run for it, past him up the stopped escalators to maybe a shop where she could hide.
Her mind was still fuzzy from earlier when  she was dosed with the others underground, she’s lost a lot of blood, her left eye is almost swollen shut, her lip is tingly, and her legs are just so so tired. She’s tired of running. So tired.
She can hear footsteps coming closer, she doesn’t have a choice she’s trapped one way or the other, so she turns and runs, past him all the way up the stairs, but he’s hot on her tail, she only makes it half up the stairs before he grabs onto her shirt and pulls her down, dragging her as she screams, this is it. This is how she dies. Alone. With him. And utterly alone.
He drags her down the stairs as she kicks and tries to pry his arms away from her.
“You’ve gotten stronger since we’ve last fought.” he speaks of a memory from Halloween. Once they get back to the main level he turns her over so she’s on her back, facing him. His eyes are different, darker, his face, angry, angrier than she’s ever seen before. He brings his face close to her’s, his hair falling around them, enclosing them. She takes a deep breath, she tries to raise her arms but he has her pinned on the ground. “Don’t worry, try to be very still, it’ll be over soon.”
“Please…” she whimpers, then before she can do anything else…
She’s gasping for air as she opens her eyes. Then she closes them just to reopen, she’s at home, in her bed, it's 1986 not ‘85. It’s March, not July.
It’s also seven thirty in the morning, she has to get ready for work.
She doesn't put any makeup on, she doesn’t have the energy. All she does is put on her jeans and a dark green crew neck over a simple tee. Her head killing her again, she carries her shoes down the stairs along with her bag and vest, she takes two pills to help calm down the pain. Her vision is still blurry, but she puts her on the edge of the sink until the pin seems to dull and her vision becomes clear again.
She quickly puts her shoes on as she puts a piece of bread in the toast, she thinks to herself that she wants to bake something tonight, she mentally makes a checklist of things she needs to get at the store on her way back home from work.
Cookies she decides, cookies fix everything.
The drive isn’t long to work, Steve opened and Robin came thirty minutes after that then another thirty minutes her. On her drive she seems to be auto-pilot, she’s made the drive so many times throughout the school year that she doesn’t even notice when she arrives. She’s racking her mind, it’s been a while since she’s had a dream about that day.
But before she knows it, she pulls up to Family Video for her shift. She grabs her purse and vest, she slowly puts it on as she walks across the parking lot to the door. It’s a little awkward over her crew neck but it’s kind of a winding day so she deals with it.
When Y/n walks in from the door all she hears is: “I’m hopeless.”
“Eh. we both are.” Steve agrees.
“I have to agree on that.” she says as she makes herself known to the pair.
“Like you have some big love interest we don’t know about?” Steve raises a questioning eyebrow.
“When did you start talking about love?” Y/n asks, she has no idea what conversation she just walked in on. “Wait, is this where you both say you’re hopelessly in love with me and of course I could never possibly choose for I accept both of your proposals.”
“Yes.” Robin dead-panned.
“Oh!” Y/n cheered, “I want a fall wedding, how ‘about you Stevie.” she puts her hands up to her chest then looks at it as though admiring her ring finger.
“Oh but, what if we could just, like, combine.”
“Combine?” Y/n and Steve both wondered aloud. Y/n was now across from them sitting on the glass display case as they were leaned up against the wall.
“No, think about it, I know exactly what I want, and I’ve found the girl of my dreams, but I just can’t get the courage to ask her out.”
Steve just hums along as Robin continues. “Meanwhile, you go on a million dates and you have no idea what you want.”
“So if we just combine, all our problems would be solved.” Steve makes a gasp-like noise of understanding. “Because I mean, alone, let’s face it…”
“We totally suck.”
“Totally and utterly.” She looks away. “Oh, I think I found our morning movie.”
As she literally scurries away, Y/n says, “Hey, It’s my day!”
“Doctor Zhivago.” Y/n just hums.
“Ugh, you know I don’t do double VHS.” Steve dismisses.
“But it’s about doomed love.”
“Well that’s relatable.”
“precisely.”  she turns and makes her way around the counter, “Also Julie Christie is like b-b-bonkers hot in this. Like seriously, the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life.” 
Robin grabs the remote to put in the tape “We’re in Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” a reporter speaks on TV. Y/n swirls around so that she’s facing the TV still on the counter. “We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that a body of a Hawkin High student was discovered early this morning. The police have not yet released a name…”
All Y/n can think is, Max…
“Holy shit.” Steve says.
Y/n can’t breathe, she stumbles off the counter and makes her way to the TV, “Although we are told they are currently in the process of notifying the family.”
The reporter goes on to talk about all the things that has happened in the town for the past few years. “Do you-” Y/n tries to find it in herself to speak her next words, “Do you think it has something to do with- with-”
“I can’t be, right?” Steve looks to her, “The Gate’s closed. Isn’t it?”
“It’s been opened again before.” Y/n spins her ring around her finger again, she’s made it a nervous habit. “It can’t be max, right?”
“No.” Robin dismisses, “We don’t know them, the person, don’t worry unless we have something to worry about.”
I hope you enjoyed the 3rd chapter! Reposts, comment, like so others can enjoy this story as well! it's super appreciated! Updates every sunday!
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Marlene Carver, Daughter of Jason Carver and Tammy Thompson;
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Trigger warnings; underage drinking, one night stands, and tattoos.
Her full name is Marlene Christine Carver.
She is fifteen years old.
She is the daughter of Tammy Thompson and Jason Carver (and the result of a grief-filled, one night stand a couple years after Chrissy died).
This resulted in a loveless (but cordial, friendly) marriage because Jason knew he was never gonna be able to move on from Chrissy (he was right) and Tammy didn’t care who she married as long as she was married (so her parents would stop asking pushy questions).
Her best friend is thirteen year old Marshall ‘Flex’ Hagan. 
Marlene is a cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in school. 
She also does ballet and is a big fan of pop and country music (as well as musicals).
She loves farming, shopping, gardening, and singing (and she is a good singer but thinks otherwise because she thinks that her mother is a good singer).
Oh and she’s also a total foodie (despite sucking at cooking) and a theater kid. 
She is an only child and her parents’ pride and joy (even though Laura Cunningham went all nutty and kept calling her ‘her grandbaby’ and called Tammy a ‘evil child stealing homewrecker’ to everyone who would listen). 
Marlene is also slightly religious and is a perfect example of ‘looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll.’
She is an angry crier.
She has a crush on Nova Bingham.
She is good at turning pitchforks and other gardening tools into weapons and actually manages to look intimidating while wielding them. 
Her favorite musicians are Taylor Swift, Rodney Atkins, and Kelsea Ballerini.
She also resembles Chrissy quite a bit at first glance which confuses the fuck out of people. 
Marlene has a higher alcohol tolerance than Zane Callahan but none of the upside down crew’s kids are gonna admit that because none of them want to explain WHY they know that. 
She is surprisingly fast—even when barefoot or in heels—and is basically a human furnace for her friends because she is naturally warm. Not that she minds because she likes cuddles.
She swears like a sailor but only her friends know that. 
She is a sweetheart and graceful and polite but has been known to make bullies cry. 
Also one time when the group got drunk while their parents were away, Marlene and Marshall ended up with matching tattoos and the entire group has sworn to take that secret to their graves because they don’t want to deal with the wraith of the Carvers and the Hagans. 
Marshall is the closest thing to a sibling she has.
She grew up getting horseback lessons and is very well versed in taking care of horses and getting them to listen to her.
And she has an extensive collection of stuffed animals—especially the mini ones. She loves them and cannot get enough of them.
These headcanons take place in my Stranger Things au 'Cats in the Cradle'. In that au, Tommy and Carol are left to raise Steve's four infant children with the help of the Upside Down Crew, Steve's half brother, Steve's younger cousin, and their collective families.
Also Marlene loves her name and really wishes people would stop comparing her to Chrissy.
She is one of the last of the older teen's kids to find out about the upside down.
In that au, Jason and Eddie live. Max is less seriously injured.
Phil Callahan is Steve's older half brother.And Chrissy, her brother, and Fred Benson were Steve's cousins.
Oh and Steve hooked up with one of his pre-nancy girlfriends and after his death she found herself pregnant with quads that Steve never got to meet.
Hope that clears up any confusion regarding these ocs and headcanons.
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asirensrage · 2 years
Okay, so I’m rereading the companion fic to TTTotUD. Honestly, I love Max’s POV. Unfortunately, the boys aren’t prone to listening to her about how helpful and badass Kate could be. That’s a shame. 😔 Oh well, as we know in chapter 25 of the main fic, they learned.
Will there be a chapter with Steve’s POV? I would definitely love to see his perspective when he had that first introduction with Kate at the Wheelers’ house and Dustin being there or when she decides to help them with the monster hunting post-concert or even when she invited him to Thanksgiving at her house. That reminds me, what would we find out what happened at the Snow Ball? I remember El mentioning wanting to go but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t touched on in the main fic.
I’m definitely going to do another reread of the main fic. After reading Billy’s POV, I can only laugh and go 🤦🏻‍♀️. Unfortunately for him, he’s only working with the information he has on hand. So he doesn’t know that the Tammy he knows isn’t the same one who had a ginormous crush on Steve. And, let’s be real, Steve wouldn’t give pre-Kate Tammy the time of day. Also, let’s be honest. The reason why Kate is the way she is is because she’s an adult in a teenager’s body. She’s already done all of this before and she doesn’t have time for that kind of drama.
Either way, even if Kate doesn’t have an interest in Steve, she still wouldn’t give Billy the time of day. Mostly because her mental age is older than her chronological one, Billy is probably interested in her because she’s unattainable, and she has other things to do. Also, he can’t compete with Ted Theodore Logan. And really, who can compete with the incomparable Keanu Reeves? He’s just so 👀👀👀😍
I’m still chuckling over how upset he is at Kate’s “boyfriend”.
Anyhoo, thanks for the fics! I’m probably going to reread This Means War too. Matt Murdock and Billy Russo? Yes, please! 😍👀👀🥵😳
Hahaha, yeah, they do and Max will likely tease them about the fact that she knew Kate was the best first.
There will be a chapter with Steve's POV. It's already written but it takes place...a couple of chapters ahead of where we are now. It talks a bit about when the crush starts and how Steve is feeling. We're also going to have a POV from Steve when Tammy's dad comes to talk to him. It's not finished yet but it's planned, lol.
As for Billy, that's it exactly. He doesn't have the whole story and he definitely wouldn't have focused on Tammy if she was herself. It's because Kate calls him out and actively steps forward to give better examples that draws him to her. (Also with the fact that she keeps denying him lol) But Billy is going to go through some things and wanting Kate is going to take a backburner. We'll see ;) We'll also get another pov from him where we see him taking Kate's advice...
That's it exactly. So Steve has his work cut out for him in convincing her to give him a chance once he comes to that realization. Right? Who could compared to Ted? lol
You're very welcome! Thank you for coming and telling me all of this and asking questions. It's amazing! Hahah, TMW is such a fun fic too. I'm so glad you're enjoying it all!
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itsladyliv · 4 days
but it's a GHOSTFACE AU because i feel like every fic needs one. this was locked away in my computer to never see the light of the day but @asirensrage said she liked to see my delusions 😊✨💙
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alcottsangel · 2 months
Stranger Things Library
when the party’s over
everyone in high school knows him as the guy with a big house and parents who are rarely around. but what happens when he can’t leave that role behind?
Sweet Caroline
Billy Hargrove is a California bad boy with a tough exterior and rough history. He is frustrated, angry, and feels the need to bring back some sense of control in his life. If he is going to be his dad's punching bag, then he needs a punching-bag of his own. His stepsisters, Caroline and Maxine, are weaker than him. When Caroline starts to get a backbone and stand up to him, all hell breaks lose.
took a hard left (but we’re alright)
the two lines are unexpected, but you and steve have a village of support
unless it's you
The thing is, Mike wasn't planning on not telling his friends about the whole- having a baby thing. He really wasn't. How was he going to hide it in the long run anyways? He just...wasn't going to ever tell them who the father was.
oh you kissed me, just to kiss me (not to make me cry)
Billy and Steve had… something. Steve’s not quite sure what it was, doesn’t know if he ever really agreed to it. And then the Mind Flayer happened and Billy died and Steve got beat up by Russians and the mall burned down. And Eddie showed up, all flashing smiles and sure hands, and Steve can’t take his eyes off of him. There’s just that pesky, niggling possibility that maybe everything with Billy fucked him up more than he’s ever willing to admit.
The Joke
"Steve Harrington never says no to anyone." When he first heard someone say it, he thought maybe it was just a weird way for people to say that Steve was too nice, which made sense to Lucas. Despite the fact he used to be a huge public facing douchebag, Steve was nice. Almost painfully so. Sure he called them shitheads sometimes and argued with them like he was their mom, but he was always there when they needed him and always saving them from the end of the world at the expense of his own physical safety. Steve Harrington was nice, and Lucas thought it was cool that other people were realizing that. But the more he heard that sentence, the more it felt like that wasn’t what anyone was implying. The more he heard it, the more it kind of made Lucas’ skin itch.
Baby on Board
It took less than a day after the news that Steve Harrington had gotten Tammy Thompson pregnant for his friends to all but abandon him. It took less than a ten minutes after finding Eddie Munson under the bleachers for Eddie to adopt Steve into his merry band of outcasts.
Nothing About The Way That You Were Treated Ever Seemed Especially Alarming 'til Now
Hopper Lives, he doesn't go to russia but he is held by the russians for a bit before he's rescued by Murray and Joyce but he isn't moved to RUSSIA, that plot was kind boring and I didn't love it so we aren't keeping it lol. Steve Harrington knows Vecna is going to get him soon, with the headaches and nose bleeds and visions he's been having. But has he said anything? No? Will he say anything? Probably not. So what happens when everything he's tried so hard to hide comes out. His parents, the russians, his insecurities.
Sweet Child O Mine
The worst part is it was supposed to be a quick run. (Ruby Munson is 16 when she sneaks out of her house in the year 2005 and somehow ends up in the 1980s looking at a young version of her Dad and all his friends.)
I Can('t) Live With This
Unsure how to deal after the Upside-Down, Steve starts a bad habit of taking out his depression on his body. With each battle that passes, it gets harder and harder for Steve to cope. Coming to terms with his feelings for his straight friend Eddie does not make things better. Steve begins to play a dangerous game with death. How many times can he pass out in his own blood before he doesn't wake up? How long can he live with this? When Eddie finds him one night things take a drastic turn. Steve doesn't think Eddie should try and save him. Eddie doesn't think Steve gets to make that decision.
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midnight-fauna · 2 years
cuttin' me open (then healin' me fine)
A/N: Originally posted on my Ao3 under "TheExtrovertOutcast"
Pairings: Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: 2053
Summary: Nancy patches up Robin after their fight with Vecna.
Ronancetober Day 1: Upside Down
It was over.
Fuck, it was finally over. 
Exhaustion hit Robin like a brick as her filthy body collapsed on Steve’s couch. Only an hour prior, she, a few teenagers, and a gaggle of kids had single-handedly stopped the apocalypse. Eleven had managed to kill Vecna’s Upside-Down form before he got to Max. The two girls were huddled up close on the floor, comforting one another. On Max’s other side was Lucas, a warm hand on her shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. He stayed silent while the two girls talked. Erica had already gone home, claiming she needed to tell the Sinclairs where their son was, but it was clear she just needed to be alone. The poor girl was way too young to be dealing with all this shit. All of them were.
On the other couch, Dustin and Eddie told Steve about their adventure of distracting the demobats. From what Robin had overheard, Eddie had tried to be a hero and act as bait for the hell-sent creatures. Fortunately, Vecna had been slain before they’d been given the chance to completely devour the lanky man. Steve was lecturing on Eddie, going on and on about how foolish the action had been; however, the gentle care he took in cleaning the other’s wounds spoke volumes louder. The interaction made Robin’s lips twitch upward in a small smile. 
Seeing her kids and her platonic soulmate safe eased something in Robin and she felt her heartbeat slow, sleep tugging at her wrist, begging her to succumb to it. Her eyes had only just begun to flutter to a close when she felt a weight beside her. She didn’t question it, assuming it was one of the kids come to find a proper napping spot, until a gentle hand found her arm.
She didn’t need to open her eyes to know who it was. The touch was cool, fingers delicate yet strong. Well-kept nails traced ever so slightly over her skin and it took all of Robin’s strength not to shudder. Her pulse spiked once more. 
“Robs,” Nancy’s voice was soft beside her. “Come on, we gotta get your wounds cleaned up.”
Too tired to care about how whiney her voice came out, Robin muttered, “We can… just do that tomorrow.” 
She didn’t have to look to know Nancy was frowning. “By tomorrow, a nasty infection might already find itself a wonderful home in your gashes.” 
Robin stirred slightly. As much as she’d love to get pampered by the Nancy Wheeler, the prospect terrified her at the same time. Ever since that night at Starcourt Mall, she’d been crushing hard on the girl. Seeing her with that gun, ferociously defending those she loved - fuck, not even her old admiration for Tammy Thompson could compare. 
Of course, just as the crush had started to fade, just as Robin wasn’t staring at her in the halls and buying every copy of the school newspaper religiously, the world had gone to shit again. It had brought her right back to Nancy and they’d actually grown close. 
Close was dangerous. Close meant heartbreak. 
Unfortunately for her, Nancy wasn’t taking “no” as an answer. 
With surprising strength for her short frame, Nancy yanked Robin to a seated position from where she’d begun to slump to the side. Robin let out a little shout, instantly turning the room’s attention to her. Face burning, especially so when Steve shot her a knowing look, she whispered, “Fine, fine, I’m coming.”
Nancy gave her a satisfied smile and, to Robin’s extreme panic, grabbed her hand, leading her up the stairs. They turned a corner, passing by Steve’s bedroom, and into the adjacent bathroom. Immediately, Nancy got to work, opening cupboards and rustling through them. “I know he has a first-aid kit somewhere in… aha!” Triumphantly, she emerged with a large white box with a grin. Robin’s heart physically fluttered. 
“I can patch myself up, Nance, really. It’s okay,” Robin said quickly, horrified at the possibility that sometime, after this, Nancy would find out what she was - how she felt about women. Wouldn’t Nancy be disgusted if she figured out she’d been so close to a lesbian? God, would she think Robin was trying to be predatory? 
Nancy raised an eyebrow. “You have cuts all over your back. How are you going to reach those?”
“I- well- I could-” Robin began to protest. 
“C’mon, it’s no big deal, really,” Nancy insisted and carefully grabbed Robin’s shoulders, pushing down on them so Robin ended up in a seating position on the edge of the porcelain bathtub. “I saw a pretty bad one on your leg, so I’ll start there.” 
Robin watched in awe as Nancy knelt down in front of Robin, making quick work of opening the kit and searching through it. She emerged with a handful of cotton balls, a bottle of clear liquid, and two rolls of gauze. Turning back to Robin, she worked her hands underneath the rough fabric of Robin’s blood-stained camo pants. Her chilled fingertips felt heavenly against Robin’s burning skin and she internally groaned at the realization she’d already become addicted to Nancy’s touch. 
“This is going to sting a little, okay?” Nancy warned once both pants had been rolled up to Robin’s mid-thighs. Various bruises and small cuts littered her freckled skin, undershadowed in importance against the long gash on her left calf. It was the source of all the blood on the tarnished fabric, not gushing any longer but still trickling down to her once-white socks. 
Lost in her thoughts, Robin was caught off-guard when a cold wetness dabbed at her cut. The antiseptic stung like hell and she couldn’t help the pained whimper that left her. Any prior attempt to seem “cool” to Nancy was completely lost by whatever the fuck that sound was. 
She tensed, waiting for Nancy to laugh at her or make some snarky remark. No such thing came. Instead, Nancy looked up at her with sympathetic doe eyes. “Sorry, maybe ‘a little’ was an understatement.”
“Of the century.” Robin allowed herself the sarcastic comment, surprised when Nancy laughed softly and lifted her free hand to her. 
“Here,” Nancy said. “Take my hand and squeeze it whenever it hurts too bad, alright? I got you, it’s okay.”
That last sentence had Robin’s head practically spinning. No one had ever “got” her before. Her dad was always out of the picture and her mom’s only form of affection was insulting Robin’s intelligence. Steve was her practically her platonic soulmate, but even he had never said something like that. 
Hoping Nancy wouldn’t notice how clammy her palms were, Robin reached down and took it. The cotton pad returned to her wound, the stroke soft despite the near-agony the action caused. Instinctively, Robin bit her lip and tightened her grip on Nancy. She expected her to yank her hand back, deciding her offer was no longer worth it. Yet, she only felt the soothing caress of the pad of Nancy’s thumb on the back of her hand. 
She would’ve fought Vecna all over again if it meant she could feel that forever. 
“You’re doing so good, Robs. You’re sitting so well for me,” Nancy praised and Robin could only pray that her jackrabbit pulse couldn’t be felt by the other girl. Though Robin had never been in a relationship, she’d always assumed she’d be the “dominant” one or whatever. After all, she was taller than most girls she knew and she had always associated the two traits. But hearing Nancy praise her like that? God, Robin was a pitiful puddle, threatening to slip behind her and sink down the drain. 
Eventually, the torment of the antiseptic ended and Nancy tossed the bloodied cotton into the garbage bin. She ruffled through the box and, extracting some medical tape, she set both that and the gauze in her lap. Robin watched in less-than-straight fascination as Nancy firmly pressed the gauze down on the wound. One hand kept it steady while the other brought the tape to her lips, grabbing the edge of it with her teeth and pulling. It was almost primal and Jesus, Robin did not have the time to unpack what that did to her. 
Soon, the tape was wrapped skillfully around Robin’s calf, holding the gauze in place. “There we go,” Nancy murmured, more to herself than anything. Her eyes lifted to meet Robin’s and, to the Robin’s confusion, she furrowed her eyebrows. 
“What? Do I have Hell dirt on my face?” Robin joked, desperately trying to ease the tension because she simply couldn’t cope with Nancy staring at her so intensely. 
Without a word, Nancy rose on her knees, thighs lifting off her calves and reached up to touch Robin’s bottom lip.
What. What. What. What. What. What. What. 
Robin’s mind was a blur of racing thoughts, all unintelligible to herself as her brain had become much more interested in the sensation on her skin. 
“Your lip is bleeding,” Nancy said quiety, thumbing over the torn skin. “That gash must’ve hurt like a motherfucker for you to bite it so hard.”
“Uh… yeah… yeah,” Robin stumbled out, knowing damn well her teeth had been teasing at her lip out of anxiety rather than physical pain. “It’s fine, though, really. Like, what’s a little lip wound to all the shit we’ve been through? Honestly, out of all of you, I probably ended up with the least amount of winds, so I really should consider myself lucky. Oh shit, speaking of, we need to go get checked for rabies after this. Do you think Eddie has his rabies vaccination? I’m not saying that because he’s poor because like, I know poor, but-”
“- sometimes I wonder how his hygiene is? Respectfully, of course. He’s a great guy and I hope to become better friends with him just like I want to become better friends with you. I just didn’t really have anyone before Steve and even with him, sometimes it gets a little-”
“- hard because like, you can only stand to be around Steve for so long, y’know? I mean, of course you know. You dated him and stuff. I hope that’s still not awkward between us, because I swear we really are platonic with a capital-”
Robin hadn’t even registered what Nancy was doing until she shot up, lips fitting against hers. All the exciting rambles streaming from her mind stopped, left with only Nancy. 
After a brief moment of their lips simply touching, not moving against one another, Nancy moved away. Robin’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of her own blood painted on Nancy’s perfect mouth. 
“Wow, uh, I’ve… never been shut up like that before,” Robin broke the silence awkwardly, damning herself internally. 
Nancy smiled a little. “I love it when you talk like there’s no tomorrow, Robs, but I honestly just really needed to do that.”
“Needed… to…?” Robin squeaked out. 
A laugh left Nancy and she rested back, kneeling once more. “You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met and you still don’t get this, do you?”
Robin stayed quiet. 
“I like you, Robin. I didn’t understand it, at first, but when you ran ahead in the Upside Down today, Steve and I had a talk. He… told me you told him about ‘bisexuality’ - that it’s possible to like both girls and boys. It made everything click for me. It made me realize I once loved Jonathan and now I love you.”
“Me?” was all Robin could muster.
“Yeah,” Nancy said, amusement glinting in her big eyes. “I guess I sort of have a thing for awkward tall people that are just a little bit weird.” 
Robin’s brain stopped short-circuiting for a brief moment, allowing her to joke, “Weird? Me? I don’t know what you could possibly be insinuating, Wheeler.” 
“There’s my Robin,” Nancy said, beaming.
My Robin.
“I’m your Robin,” Robin repeated, saying it like an oath, a promise. “I’m… really regretting biting my lip now because god, I really want you to kiss me again.” 
Nancy leaned forward, bending Robin down by the collar of her shirt. “Lucky for you, Buckley,” she murmured, a teasing glint in her eye, “years of fighting monsters made blood not a problem for me.” 
Robin exhaled shakily.
“Prove it then, Nance.” 
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pubbydreams · 1 year
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𝐢'𝐦 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨) ⁠— [𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰]
pairing: steddie fic summary: after two months of ignoring their increasing thoughts about one another, steve and eddie struggle to put themselves out of their misery. fic content notes: depiction of an autistic meltdown, internalized homophobia, nsfw - mdni, referenced past child abuse (emotional & verbal). preview notes: angst (i think that's it but pls let me know otherwise) preview wc: 793
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“One,” she retorts, “I’m an academic scholar—”
“Ruth was an academic scholar,” he snorts.
“I was Rose, dingus. And fine, maybe she didn’t, but what, was I supposed to just leave you out here sulking all by yourself?” She stresses like he’s completely out to lunch.
“I’m— I wasn’t sulking!” He sneers, furious at just how quickly and easily she’s able to burrow under his skin.
“Steve, I could hear you wallowing from the other side of campus,” she whines, “it was majorly messing with my mojo.”
If he’s being honest with himself, he’s not sure what to say to that, and he’s way too tired to try to come up with something witty or sarcastic, so he just drops it. Anyway, she’s technically right, ‘cause he’s absolutely sulking. Not that he can really help it, but whatever.
His heart may have finally calmed down, but her tone spikes his anxiety right back up again. If she’s going to dance around whatever it is, it must be bad, and he really doesn’t want to deal with bad right now, but he’d rather deal with it now than in five minutes or however long it takes for her to get to the point.
“Robin, whatever it is just say it, alright?” He begs, palms going a little sweaty.
She sucks a deep breath in through her teeth, and stretches her arms in front of her, biding her time in spite of him. Asshole.
“No, it’s nothing,” she lies, “I just wanted to know how you and Eddie are doing.”
“Me and Eddie?” He asks, ears going hot at the idea of there being a ‘him and Eddie.’
“Yeah, I mean, you’ve got this weird thing going on, right?” She probes, suddenly really fascinated by the zipper on her backpack.
Alright, yeah, no, he’s not dealing with this.
“There is no thing going on,” he corrects.
“OK,” Robin mutters before ticking off his sins on her fingers, “I catch you canoodling in the den, you invite him to the pool party, the two of you disappear for like, an hour, then he runs out without saying goodbye—which you got super sad over, by the way—and, like, every single time I’ve mentioned him this last week you’ve gotten all weird.”
“I do not get weird!” He protests. “And we were not canoodling!”
As much as he hates to admit it, she’s right, and it sucks. What’s worse is that it’s been that obvious. In his own head, he’s actually been kind of proud of himself, thinking he’s done an alright job at hiding just how much it hurts to constantly be left with an Eddie shaped hole in his chest. What happened to him? He used to be better at hiding things, didn’t he?
She frowns, and it looks like it’s made of pity which makes him sick. “Look, Steve, as much as it pains me to say it, you’re my best friend. Do you really think I wouldn’t notice—"
“Robin. There’s nothing to notice. We’re friends. It’s just…it’s taking a bit to break in,” he insists, hating how goddamn defensive he sounds.
As far as best friends go, he’s really lucked out because the minute things get too heavy, she always backs out. Things are just about as heavy as they can get outside of the world ending, so he watches as the fight drains out of her.
“Fine, I’ll drop it. But Steve, in the Upside down…I know what it looks like to look at someone the way he looks at you,” she confesses, her words coming out all slow and serious.
As far as best friends go, he’s not sure he’s got a good one, ‘cause for as much as she claims to know about him, Robin doesn’t know a damn thing. If anything, he’s the one looking at Eddie. If anything, he’s the Robin, and Eddie’s Tammy Thompson. Yeah, sure, Eddie’s eyes are technically on him, but it’s temporary and doesn’t mean much more than a shaky friendship and mutually beneficial whatever. The look she thinks she’s seeing isn’t there. He should know.
“It’s not like that,” he stresses through a mutter.
She doesn’t believe him, obviously she doesn’t believe him, and she’s looking at him with so much understanding and disappointment he just wants to shrivel up and die.
“OK,” she says just as quietly.
It isn’t there, and it’s never going to be there, and the sooner he, and Robin, and whoever else accepts that, the better. Even if he’s going to milk every single second of Eddie’s attention—and do everything in his power to keep the focus on him—it’s silly and destructive to pretend that it means any more than it does.
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hai, i'm pubby! if you enjoyed this little excerpt, please consider checking out the full fic on ao3!! have a great day!! ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
read on ao3! ♡ masterlist ♡ kofi
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