holyfreaks · 26 days
this gif from this post like. jesus christ
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are yall seeing this ?
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Today's problematic ship is Simon Tam and River Tam from Firefly
Brother/sister incest
Requested by anonymous
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shipcestuous · 27 days
Y'know that scene in "Ariel" where Simon Tam finds out they stripped River's amygdala and she literally cannot repress her feelings?
I imagine a scene after that where Simon admits to himself that basically he's been repressing his incestuous feelings and asking River to do the same. But — with that stripped amygdala — maybe that's an unfair thing to ask of her. Maybe this has to be the end of trying to repress this.
Ooh, I like that a lot.
I can see how he would see that it's unfair to her and maybe have to reconsider how he's handling the situation.
If she can't not feel it, then what's fair?
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just-antithings · 1 year
I'm so sad that the tamcest community (firefly) has mind of died out bc the show is so old.... Its SUCH a good pairing if you vibe with incest ships they're so! The "light it." moment ALONE is enough to make you ship it, let alone all their other interactions
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jaredackles · 6 years
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They’re gone. We’re safe now, we’re safe, I’m here.
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Please don’t judge me for this...
I really wanna do a thread that intersects a few things that I’ve found are pretty rare in the RP community: Incest, Firefly/Serenity, and diapering. I want to do a thread with Simon and River with Simon acting as a Caregiver to River and them helping each other with their tensions.
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lodessa · 7 years
Lodessa: A Fic Retrospective - Timehop for May 12th
11 Years Ago
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Title: Bitter Aftertaste
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Rating: General
Word Count: 402
Characters/Pairings:  Simon Tam, River Tam (Simon/River if you so choose), other Tam family members.
Posted: May 12th, 2006
Summary: “Primavera. River was springtime and the Tam estate seemed barren without her laughter. Ashes and dust as the world became grayscale where once it had been bright.”
Author’s Notes: Oh man, this was when I was still classy and succinct with all my mythological allusions, before I gave into the spirit of smut.  Anyway. I feel like I really packed a lot into these few hundred words about the Tam family in general as well as Simon and River specifically.
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bonegrenade-archive · 7 years
If I ever see another Tamcest shipper I am going to drown them though, regardless of how I ultimately end up feeling about Firefly
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benegesserwitch · 6 years
wow super cool that my 6 year-old, 130k post about buttsex is getting notes again! thanks! and to the person who likes my Firefly Tamcest posts: i’m not proud of it anymore and i really like to keep it quiet/avoid that subject all together <3
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holyfreaks · 25 days
not enough simon/river fanfic. guess I need to be the change I want to see in the world
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Ohoh tamcest! Simon and River from Firefly, sibling incest 🖤
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shipcestuous · 6 years
Crazy Space Incest & Anicent Egyptian Mythology (Submission)
In Firefly, Simon and River Tam come from a planet called Osiris. The parallels between the Tams and Osiris in myth have not been overlooked—there are a few fics that make the mythological allusion. (Including one I wrote.) In Egyptian mythology, Osiris is the god of the afterlife. He’s married to his sister Isis, who is the goddess of healing, magic, and families. And she was the awesomest wife ever. Set tricked Osiris into lying down in a box, then killed him and nailed the coffin shut. The box was swept far away, to Greece. Isis refused to accept this, and she searched for Osiris until she found him, even though it took years. She took the box back to Egypt, to the Nile, and opened it. She fixed him, but then Set came back and killed Osiris again. This time he chopped him up and scattered him all over Egypt. Isis gathered up and the pieces and fixed him anyways. But even though she did her best, he couldn’t be quite alive after that. So he became the god of the afterlife. The parallels to Simon and River are pretty obvious.
Absolutely refusing to give up on them, even though finding them—let alone saving them—seems almost impossible.
A person not-quite-dead and sealed in a box.
Trying desperately to fix them, but being unable to make them quite as they were before, despite being a great healer.
These parallels are striking, and because Osiris is the name of their home world, I think it might deliberate. Also, because Simon and River aren’t a canon ship, I find this parallelism kind of affirming, since Osiris and Isis
canon. It’s not like Joss (the show’s creator) was
of the possible ship between Simon and River. Sometimes it even seems like he shipped it.
Wow, I had no idea! I think the parallels must certainly have been intentional, even if Whedon isn’t necessarily saying that they ought to get married and be a couple. But I do still think they have a suggestive meaning. And I think maybe he did ship it, a little. He’s had a lot of questionable but not entirely satisfying sibling pairs in his oeuvre. And there’s more than one moment between River and Simon that plays with incest a little. 
Awesome analysis, and I’m so glad you shared this with us because I DIDN’T KNOW!
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handsofbluetwobytwo · 7 years
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     >>>> triggers & nsfw material present // tagged appropriately (tamcest is always tagged tamcest cw) etc.  crossovers and aus always welcome! by PENNY ( tuppencetrinkets ).
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Zuko led Azula to the Dragons, in order to dragons to cure her madness. He run risks very much. If the Dragons decided to kill her, Zuko will die too. Not mine. But I wanted to know your thoughts
Neat fanart, touching but depressing idea. Reminds me of one my favorite episodes of Firefly, with Simon deciding that, if he can't save his sister, he will be burned at the stake with her so they won't be separated again
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Rules: tell your followers eleven facts about yourself and then tag eleven more people to do it.
TAGGED BY: @youmeanwheniwasdoingmyjob 
TAGGING: @child-of-the-amis, @starspangledtightsman, @lv-to-spare, @poorlilprincess, @mistressquakeshouseofbigbeauties, @bluedreamswhitepearls, @black-wiidow-baby, @thewidownatasha, @shieldsstrongest, @lainxcas, @playfulbabygirls
I have a let’s play channel on youtube, gba let’s play.
I am a true 90′s kid, which means that most of my nostalgia comes from the early 2000′s
Originally, I didn’t care much for the MCU, back when it was only Iron Man. I didn’t know how cool it would get
My favorite band is either Rush or Nightwish. Not sure which at this point. Or maybe Sabaton...
I have probably way too much metal on my ipod
I like to play Pathfinder, and I’m looking for a group
I moved across the country for my girlfriend, and we’re still going strong!
I met my girlfriend on tumblr, though tamcest shipping
I play Magic: The Gathering
I’m still looking for a job...
I have a Bach degree in CS
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lodessa · 7 years
Lodessa: A Fic Retrospective - Timehop for April 13th
11 Years Ago
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Title: Osiris
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count:1418
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Simon/River Tam
Summary: “Lying in Serenity's infirmary, watching Simon go about his business, River remembers the time she visited Simon at school shortly before she went away, away to… that place. She had thought maybe he'd be different somehow, changed and a stranger, but he was still her Simon.”
Author’s Notes:  I wrote three Tamcest ficlets (out of six total Firefly pieces) and this one is the most literal ironically, despite being the one from River’s point of view.  Writing from her point of view was really satisfying (and a little indulgent) because it allowed me to be somewhat inconsistent in level of style/metaphor,  drifting in an out of being direct versus hazy.   Which was nice because it means I could use the details and descriptions I wanted in the moment, even if they didn’t seem to match each other; because, River is so mercurial in her expression and mental/emotional state.   Rereading this made me nostalgic for this show and this relationship.  Of all the incest ships I’ve ever written (not that I ever actually wrote this one as very explicitly physical) this is the one that transcended the appeal of wrongdirtybad (Blackcest, Mathecest, etc) trainwreck hot, into something else entirely.  The Tam siblings are each other’s world and in a way that is surprisingly unbroken.  Their codependency isn’t a spiral of destruction, it’s the calm at the center of the storm.   I think part of the reason I never focused on whether they crossed certain lines, was because their level of intimacy/trust was beyond that threshold anyway. It would have been sort of incidental (not that I can’t see how that would play out, Simon’s guilty resistance and River’s insistence).   
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