#tamara osborn
transmutationisms · 1 year
hi can you recommend any books on the histories of medical practices?
ok this is scattershot & disorganised geographically and temporally but, some starting points for medical practice & practitioners:
indian doctors in kenya, 1895–1940: the forgotten history, by anna greenwood & harshad topiwala
migrant architects of the nhs: south asian doctors and the reinvention of british general practice, by julian m simpson
herbs and roots: a history of chinese doctors in the american medical marketplace, by tamara venit shelton
the people's hospital: a history of mccords, durban, 1890s–1970s, by julie parle, vanessa noble, & christopher merrett
nationalizing the body: the medical market, print, and daktari medicine, by projit mukharji
doctors beyond borders: the transnational migration of physicians in the twentieth century, ed. laurence monnais & david wright
physicians, colonial racism, and diaspora in west africa, by adell patton
doctors of empire: medical and cultural encounters between imperial germany and meiji japan, by hoi-eun kim
the emergence of tropical medicine in france, by michael a osborne
the professionalisation of african medicine, ed. murray last & g.l. chavunduka
aaron mcduffie moore: an african american physician, educator, and founder of durham's black wall street, by blake hill-saya
atomic doctors: conscience and complicity at the dawn of the nuclear age, by nolan l james
beyond the state: the colonial medical service in british africa, ed. anna greenwood
before bioethics: a history of american medical ethics from the colonial period to the bioethics revolution, by robert baker
medicine and memory in tibet: amchi physicians in an age of reform, by theresia hofer
domingos álvares, african healing, and the intellectual history of the atlantic world, by james h sweet
pushing silence: modernizing puerto rico and the medicalization of childbirth, by isabel m cordova
the business of private medical practice: doctors, specialization, and urban change in philadelphia, 1900–1940, by james a schafer, jr
the lomidine files: the untold story of a medical disaster in colonial africa, by guillaume lachenal
fit to practice: empire, race, gender, and the making of british medicine, 1850–1980, by douglas haynes
the racial divide in american medicine: black physicians and the struggle for justice in health care, by richard d deshazo
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doyelikehaggis · 1 month
I saw there was a picture of Ela-May and Charlie too. Do you know if there were any other cast members there?
There was! Here is a list of the cast members I recognized, but there were a few others I didn’t! Here is the tiktok that showed a lot of the cast arriving at the event!
• Danny Mac (Dodger Blake)
• James Sutton (John-Paul McQueen)
• Charlie Wernham (Robbie Roscoe)
• Kelly Condron (Zara Morgan)
• Tyler Conti (Abe Fielding)
• Jessamy Stoddart (Liberty Savage)
• Billy Price (Sid Sumner)
• Owen Warner (Romeo Nightingale)
• Nate Dass (Dillon Ray)
• Jason Roberts (Damon Kinsella)
• Ryan Mulvey (JJ Osborne)
• Ashley Taylor Dawson (Darren Osborne)
• Ellis Hollins (Tom Cunningham)
• Isabelle Smith (Frankie Osborne)
• Anya Lawrence (Vicky Grant)
• Elá-May Demircan (Leah Barnes)
• Ruby O’Donnell (Peri Lomax)
• Nick Pickard (Tony Hutchinson)
• Jessica Ellis (Tegan Lomax)
• Rory Douglas-Speed (Joel Dexter)
• Nadine Mulkerrin (Cleo McQueen)
• Harvey Virdi (Misbah Maalik)
• Annie Wallace (Sally St. Claire)
• Tamara Wall (Grace Black)
• Jonny Labey (Rex Gallagher)
• Jimmy McKenna (Jack Osborne)
• Lily Best (Lizzie Chen-Williams)
• Charlie Behan (Charlie Dean)
• Jeremy Sheffield (Patrick/Jez Blake)
• Parry Glasspool (Harry Thompson)
• Alfie Browne-Sykes (Jason Roscoe)
• Oscar Curtis (Lucas Hay)
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newmoussaland · 5 months
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Last round…:
💋 Thabita started an affair with Samuel Evans 💁 Randy got a job in the music career 💋 Thabita started an affair with Hawthorne Hawkins 🏫 Miriam maximized the mechanical skill 📈 Randy got promoted to Coffee Shop Sound Engineer 🎈 Thabita threw a party 💋 Randy started an affair with Lorraine Foster, Tamara Parsons and Sharon Price 💋 Thabita started an affair with Lloyd Murphy 👽 Randy got abducted by aliens 💋 Thabita started an affair with Sasha Osborne 🏫 Randy maximized the body skill 🏫 Miriam maximized the creativity skill 📈 And got promoted to Criminal Mastermind 😠 Thabita became enemies with Miriam 💸 Taxes were 5,580 §
This round's taxes were 7,570 §
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Starting off on a good note !
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Something that feels out of character is that Tabby ALWAYS reads when I'm not controlling her.
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Wait, what ? I never thought romance teens would want to OFFICIALLY date someone.
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Of course he got a bad memory of asking her out, and yet, he's afraid to lose her.
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Miriam managed to fulfill her lifetime want and the picture is a cake ? Was that supposed to be a joke, or ? Like, for her it was LITERALLY a piece of cake.
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Speaking of cake, it's the twins birthday !
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Tabby became an adult...
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...While Randy went to university (I forgot to take more pics).
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Vernon was passing by and Tabby decided to confront him. I don't remember why she was mad at him, but it was most likely because he slept with her mother. Anyway, she forgave him.
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Miriam came back from work right in time...
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...And then THIS happened. Could it be Vernon's baby ? I didn't record it, but he wasn't the only one she slept with around that time...
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Randy came to visit and you better believe Tabby told him EVERYTHING !
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He made sure to beat up everyone. Also, the baby is gone. I thought about keeping it, but I didn't want Tabby to raise it while Randy was still at university (i.e. alone).
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He had one more thing to do before leaving. Of course he couldn't risk letting his mother hurt his sister again, so he faked a peace deal.
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The poison strikes again !
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Regret ? What's that ?
That's it for now.
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floripire · 1 year
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Tamara "Tami" Bryce (Amanda Arcuri) might look cute, sporting candy colored hair and performing in poetry slams, but this human is the definition of the saying: look like the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath. Beneath her sugar sweet veneer, she hides the parts of herself that repulses others: the parts of herself that would see people hurt, laughing gleefully about it. Yet those parts of her always manage to peek through, somehow.
Douglas "Doug" Carson (Eric Osborne) is Sue Carson's older brother and Floribeth's ex boyfriend. The relationship meant more to her than it did to him and he never realized that his younger sister had a crush on her until after he and Floribeth had broken up. He was never satisfied with the animal attack story that was fed to him and his parents after Sue died. So he decided to investigate on his own. His now ex-boyfriend was the one to bring him into the supernatural world and Doug was the one to bring in his girlfriend, Tami. Doug wants to make sure that what happened to him doesn't happen to anyone else so he goes after vampires specifically. He couldn't get justice for Sue then. Maybe he can get it now, if he can get his hands on Floribeth.
Joe Flowers (Lyle Lettau) is Doug's ex boyfriend and the grandson of Mrs Theophilia Flowers, a powerful witch. A genius in his own right, he's the one who armed Tami and Doug with liquid sunlight against vampires and other such concoctions to take out werewolves.
npc time // @wiytch
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chez-mimich · 2 years
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“Nj Weekender Fall Edition” è la “due giorni” autunnale di Novara Jazz che si è tenuta sabato e domenica scorsi presso lo spazio “Nòva,” ricavato all’interno della gigantesca ex Caserma Passalacqua nel cuore della città e abbandonata da anni al suo destino. “Nòva”, una volta, si sarebbe chiamato “centro sociale” e del centro sociale ha tutte o quasi le caratteristiche: laboratori, biblioteca, spazi per incontri, dibattiti, proiezioni e concerti, piccolo punto ristoro; manca forse solo la politica, almeno quella tradizionalmente intesa, poi c’è tutto, persino un posteggio a pagamento (questo magari non in stile col centro sociale anni Settanta-Ottanta). Ed è qui che Mr. Corrado Beldì, Mr. Riccardo Cigolotti ed anche Mr. Enrico Bettinello, stanno cercando di compiere il miracolo, ovvero quello di smuovere i giovani, trascinandoli verso qualcosa che non sia solo lo spritz o i riti, un po’ ritriti, della movida. E così eccomi qui, a quasi sessantacinque anni, in piedi (i concerti nei centri sociali et similia, dicono si debbano seguire rigorosamente in piedi e con una birra in mano, come mi ha rammentato più d’una persona dello staff), ad ascoltare un programma di gran qualità che questa sera comprende brevi concerti, alternati a dj set di grande impatto per il pubblico più giovane, che vengono proposti in due diverse sale il che che permette, grazie alla doppio allestimento, un veloce alternarsi dei musicisti gruppi. Questo è il nuovo “format” di “NJ Weekender Fall Edition” (che lascia presumere anche una edizione primaverile o estiva…). Tocca alla straordinaria voce di Anna Bassy e ai suoi musicisti, ovvero Pietro Girardi alla chitarra, Andrea Montagner al basso, Pietro Pizzoli alla batteria, ad aprire le danze (eh sì, perché qualcuno accenna anche qualche timida oscillazione danzante). Pochi pezzi inframezzati da poche timide parole, ma la sua voce sembra nata per il canto più che per il parlato. Già ascoltata in “Universal Language” di Ganluca Petrella e dei “Cosmic Renassaince”, Anna Bassy è una cantautrice italo-nigeriana della quale sentiremo parlare (cantare) a lungo. Dopo il “dinner” in scatola (molto indovinati i box-cena-aperitivo ideati da “Atheneum”, locale per universitari poco distante), e il dj-set di Andrea Passenger, eccoci ora nel lato B di Nòva (lato B ci sta bene, vista anche la presenza di un “vynil-store”), per il concerto di Rosa Brunello che ha recentemente pubblicato il suo ultimo lavoro, “Sounds Like Freedom” per l’etichetta “Domanda Music”. Con lei Tamara Osborn dei “Collocutor” al sax baritono e al flauto, (già ospiti della passata edizione di Novara Jazz), Maurice Louca alla chitarra e alle tastiere, Marco Frattini alla batteria e percussioni. Un jazz che trascolora in una raffinata etno-music e in tanti echi di altre sonorità, raccolte in giro per il mondo e fuse meravigliosamente, senza rinunciare ad una vena di ricerca sempre vitale e alimentata dall’alternarsi di Rosa al basso elettrico e al contrabbasso. Dopo le sofisticate sonorità di Rosa Brunello, il pubblico è invitato a spostarsi ancora nella sala “storica” di Nòva per una bella iniezione di possenza sonora data dal tuonante sax di Daykoda, al secolo Andrea Gamba che, col suo quartetto stordisce a dovere (in senso positivo), chi nel jazz cerca principalmente vitalità ed energia. Un altro dj-set, quello di Lefto conclude la prima serata di “Nj Weekender Fall Edition”.
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luinzine · 3 years
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As we near the end of our pre-order period (and we’re just a couple orders away from reaching one of our stretch goals, at that!) we’d love to introduce you to the rest of our contributors! Meet our first group of artists in today’s lineup -- Feiyus, Fusha, Pochips, Sierra (Sierra117ren), Tamara (Tamara Osborn), and Yiilea! Thank you all so much for being a part of our zine; our creators have been working so hard to produce pieces that they’re so excited to share with you! 
Pre-orders close on MAY 16th! Keep an eye out here, our TWITTER, or INSTAGRAM for more information on how and where to buy it, as well as to meet the rest of our lovely contributors! 
feiyus’ twitter || fusha’s twitter || pochips’ instagram / twitter || sierra’s instagram / twitter || tamara’s instagram / twitter || ylilea’s instagram / twitter 
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jackbatchelor3 · 6 years
Hollyoaks: The Village Is Missing Sienna
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inprnt · 4 years
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"Manuscript" by Tamara Osborn on INPRNT
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satanssmutcorner · 4 years
Smutty Blog Introduction
Hello fellow earthlings! I’ve been debating for a while now on whether or not to become more active on this platform. Given the short nature (ish) of the content here, it seems like a good option given that I’m currently quite busy with Uni and other life stuff in general, but still feel that writer’s itch and wish to write down thoughts and ideas to explore some creative avenues. Now, for that to happen, I’m more than happy to take requests, given that I’m a part of quite a few fandoms. I’ll also add the characters I’d be willing to write for, so you guys get an idea as to what to expect.
That being said, this is a blog largely dedicated to all the smutty fics I come up with, so it’ll mostly be one-shots, drabbles, headcannons, NSWF alphabets, etc. I reserve the right to not write certain stuff because, well, I might not be into it (this includes underage stuff and noncon, straight off the bat, sorry, that’s just how it is). Other than that, please feel free to send me an ask of a request. Under the cut are a list of characters I’ll happily write for since I’ve watched/binged the show and have plenty of inspo for them. If you can’t find something to your liking, please shoot me a message anyway an we’ll see if we can work something out.
Actors I’d consider writing preferences, imagines or one-shots for, and any other characters they might have played in movies (as well as scouring the internet for pictures and mood-boards):
Ralph Fiennes,
Christoph Waltz,
Willem Dafoe,
Jason Isaacs,
Alan Rickman,
Iain Glenn,
Stephen Lang,
Charles Dance,
Robert Carlyle
David Thewlies
Cliff Simon
Javier Bardem
Bill Nighy
Tim Roth
Joe Mantegna
Hugh Laurie
William Fitchner
Michael McEalhatton
Timothy Dalton
Michael Sheen
Robert Sean Leonard
Claes Bang
Goran Visnjic
Oded Fehr
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
J.R. Bourne
Sebastian Roche
Jack Davenport
Colin Firth
Mark Strong
Henry Ian Cusick
Aiden Gillen
Alexander Skarsgard
Stephen Moyet
Mads Mikkelsen
David Tennant
Stargate (Atlantis, Universe and SG1) Characters:  SG1: Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, Ba’al, Cameron Mitchel, Vala Mal Doran, General Landry,  Selmak/Jacob Carter, Martouf) Atlantis: John Shepherd, Teyla Ammagen, Todd the Wraith, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Carson Beckett)  Universe: Nicholas Rush, Cl. Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, Camille Wray, Chloe Armstrong, David Telford, Varro, Ginn, Simeon, Amanda Perry, Commander Kiva)
The 100  Charaters: Clarke Griffin, Marcus Kane, Octavia Blake, Lexa, Echo, Raven Reyes, Roan) 
Star Trek (For now only Discovery and a few of the main characters from the older series such as TNG, Enterprise, etc) Characters: James T Kirk, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Leonard McCoy, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Odo, Worf, Jonathan Archer, Paul Stamets, Saru, Gabriel Lorca, Phillipa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Sarek, Leland.
Battlestar Galactica Characters: Admiral William Adama, Dr. Gaius Baltar, Nr. 6, Boomer, Starbuck.
Terra Nova Characters: Nathaniel Taylor, lol.
Westworld Characters: William/The man in Black, Delores, Mave.
Harry Potter Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Rufus Scrimgeour, Minerva McGonagall.
Games of Thrones Characters: Jorah Mormont, Tywin Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Eddard Stark, Oberyn Martell, Bronn
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Characters: Zelda Spellman, Faustus Blackwood, Madam Satan
Supernatural Characters:  John Winchester, Ruby, Crowley, Lucifer, Balthazar, Naomi.
True Blood Characters: Eric Northman, Russel Edgington, William Compton, Jessica Hamby, Sam Merlotte, Alcide Herveaux, Pam.
Vampire Diaries Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Katherine, Elijah Mikaelson, Mikael, Alaric Saltzman, Bonnie.
Reign Characters: Mary Stuart, Sebastian, Kenna, Stephan Narcisse, King Henry II, Gideon Blackburn, Aloysius Castelroy.
The OA Characters: Prairie, Hunter Aloysius Percy (HAP).
Penny Dreadful Characters: Malcolm Murray, Vanessa Ives, Ethan Chandler, Brona Croft, Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Henry Jekyll.
Grimm Characters: Nick Burkhardt, Juliette Silverton, Captain Sean Renard.
Aquaman Characters: Nuidis Vulko, Arthur Curry, King Nereus.
Hannibal Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Dr. Alana Bloom.
Kingsman Characters: Merlin, Harry Hart, Lancelot, Whiskey.
The Lighthouse Characters: Thomas Wake
Pirates of the Carribean Characters: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, James Norrington, Armando Zalasar
Spiderman Characters: Norman Osborn
John Wick Characters: Marcus, Viggo Tarasov, Winston
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megatrip · 4 years
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Inked by Tamara Osborn
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redadhdventures · 4 years
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Not Alone: Famous Bisexual People
A couple of years ago I posted this little thing thinking it would get a few likes and then vanish into the inter webs. Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support for this little piece! I’ve taken your suggestions and have done some research. Some names have been taken off and some have been added. As before, please let me know if some if you see a misspelled name or a name that shouldn’t be there or don’t see a name that should be there. I will take your input and do some research and update it as needed!
Names included:
|Frank Ocean |Demi Lovato |Lady GaGa |Nina Simone |John Maynard Keynes |Giorgio Armani |Megan Fox |Janis Joplin |Edna St. Vincent Millay |Rebecca Sugar |Lord Byron |John Forbes Nash |Nathaniel Hawthorne |Marilyn Monroe |Malcolm X | Fred Rogers |Walt Whitman |Oscar Wilde |Daphne Du Maurier |Sir Alec Guinness |Zoe Saldana |Margaret Cho |Ke$ha |Alexander Hamilton |Oscar de la Renta |Frida Kahlo |Jessie J |Ezra Miller |Billie Holliday |Josephine Baker |Ethel Waters |Shailene Woodley |Freddie Mercury |Joan Crawford |Alice Walker |Aubrey Plaza |Raúl Esparza |Bella Thorne |Billie Joe Armstrong |Sharon Osborne |Nicola Adams |Tamara de Lempicka |Angelina Jolie |Cynthia Nixon |Evelyn Mantilla |El Hedi ben Salem |Bessie Smith |John Lennon |Fergie |Kate Brown |Gina Rodriguez |Virginia Woolf |Alan Cumming |Sia |David Bowie |Ani DiFranco |Azealia Banks |Alfred Kinsey |Sister Rosetta Tharpe |Michael Chabon |Farley Granger |Orlando Jordan |Rebecca Walker |Bai Ling |Dorothy Thompson |Mike White |Christian Lacroix |Conner Mertens |James Dean |Fritz Klein, MD |Marielle Franco |Amy Winehouse |Lou Reed |Rabbi Debra Kolodny |Kyrsten Sinema |Nicholas Ray |Katherine Mansfield |Michael Stipe |Dusty Springfield |Dolores del Rio |Kristen Stewart |Amber Heard |Gillian Anderson |Anna Paquin |Evan Rachel Wood |Michelle Rodriguez |Andy Dick |Jillian Michaels |Joan Baez |Kathy Najimy |Carrie Brownstein |Jane Wiedlin |Amanda Palmer |Vanessa Carlton |Clive Davis |Sapphire |Meshell Ndegeocello |Frenchie Davis |Sara Ramirez |Charles M. Blow |Amandla Stenberg |Halsey |Monica Raymund |Bryan Singer |Lauren Jauregui |JoCasta Zamarripa |Roxane Gay |Cara Delevingne |Megan Mullally
Names added to the list:
Fred Rogers
Alexander Hamilton
Names removed from the list:
Brendon Urie
Janelle Monae
You can find the original post here.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Do you have any OCs in fanfics? :D
I do actually! It's super rare for me to use them but there are two in particular that are close to my heart:
- Tamara Fisk, daughter of Kingpin. She's my morally grey marvel universe OC, working for the Sinister Syndicate and dating Jason Macendale/Hobgoblin. In the past she's been involved with Emil Blonskey (Abomination) and Norman Osborne before they died.
- Hartoria Raze, my Nightmare Before Christmas OC! She's the only daughter of the Vampire Prince and the Harlequin Demon. She becomes involved with the Mayor of Halloweentown's ambitious son, thereby involved with his plan to tyrannically spread Halloween to all the other holiday towns.
Normally I just do reader inserts, but OCs are super fun and sometimes I cave in and make them haha. If anyone wants links for the fics they're attached to lmk! :)
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nsula · 5 years
NSU awards 948 degrees at Spring Commencement
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NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University awarded 948 degrees to 942 graduates during spring commencement Friday, May 10.  Spring 2019 graduates listed by hometown are as follows.
Auburn, Washington – Selina Cho, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Abbeville – Samantha Richard, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Abita Springs – Rachel Strain, Associate of General Studies;
 Alexandria – Justin Dupree, Jessica Griffin, John O'Dell, Associate of Science in Nursing; Antoinette Baker, Meagan Braud, Jasmine Brown, Ashley Colson, Laindia Howard, Donald Johnson, Sidnethia Starks, Associate of General Studies; Steven Bryant, Selena Elmore, Bachelor of General Studies; Allison McCloud, Bachelor of Music; Iris Barrera, Kristan Cascio, Maeghan George, Chelsea Jones, Jimmie Magee, Madeline Pharis, Robin Scott, Tiffany Townley, William Welch, Samantha Wynn, Bachelor of Science; Marquita Benjamin, Decoste, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Tashiana Whitehead, Bachelor of Social Work; Nancy Robinson, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                               Shaundreca Love,  Jocelyn Mabrey, Christopher Reimer, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Anacoco – Tristan Harvey, Associate of General Studies; Jacob Bennett, Bachelor of Arts; Kenneth Cochran, Caitlin McKee, Jason Ortiz, Cassandra Osborne, Brooke Phillips, Cayla Roberts, Emily Williams, Bachelor of Science; Karington Hood, Kayla Stephens, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Angola – Ursula Poarch, Bachelor of Arts;
 Arlington, Texas – Reginald Lars, Associate of General Studies; Samantha Bell, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                      
 Arnaudville – Bliss Leblanc, Bachelor of General Studies; Dianna Davis, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Atlanta, Georgia – Tremayne Flagler, Bachelor of General Studies;
 Aurora, Colorado – Lindsey Torres, Master of Arts;
                                                                                                                                        Austin, Texas – Wyona Crenshaw, Carson Goldsmith, Associate of General Studies, Ysmina Smith, Bachelor of Science;
 Avondale – James Brown, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Barksdale AFB – Priscilla Molina, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Ball – Kelsey Walters, Associate of General Studies; Brittani Billingsley, Master of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                      Baltimore, Maryland – Shatera Walters, Bachelor of Science;
 Baskin – Ashli Gandy, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Bastrop – Anna Akins, Kayla Bonner, Kimberly Robinson, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Baton Rouge – Barbara Friedrichs, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenna Baldwin, Teressa Calligan, Rosa Campbell, Maisyn Guillory, Jordan Hall, Madison Harris, Bethany Lee, Rachel Monsour, Madalyn Mullins, Emma Rivet, Ashleigh Rumby, Bachelor of Science, Laura Vance, Megan Vernon,Master of Education;                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Belle Chasse – Natalie Wilson, Associate of General Studies, Bachelor of Arts; Annie Wright, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Belmont – Kelly Bass, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Belton, Texas – Rachel Hall, Master of Music                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bentley – Byron Walters, Master of Music;                                                                                                                                                    
Benton – Mark Foy, Bachelor of Applied Science; Tamara Korner, Bachelor of General Studies; Jessica O’Neal, Bachelor of Science; Emily Maddox, Craig Martin, Master of Science in Nursing;
                                                                                                                                      Blairstown, New Jersey, Patrick Garie, Master of Science;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Boaz, Alabama – Taylor Wilkes, Master of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Bogalusa – Taylor Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Laura McFarlain, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Bossier City – Lauryn Bakalis, Kaytlin Clark, Austin Coffey, Brandi Ervin, Kenesha Joiner, Regena Juneau, Brittney Malmay, Niesha Marks, Melissa Murphy, Kortney Nattin, Shelby Peebles, Lindsey Rathel, Jerdine Robinson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Brittney Blechl, Lena Harrell, Lytrisha Scott, Associate of General Studies; Casi Martin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Samantha Maiette, Bachelor of Arts, Nicholas Jones, Bachelor of General Studies; Colby Cranford, DeMontre Evans, Daijonni Ferguson, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Dejaney Jackson, Rance Mason, Andrea Parks, Katherine Parson, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Colby Ponder, Taylor Powell, Madison Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Sydney Shannon, Danielle Toney, Madeline Webb, Nour Zeidan, Bachelor of Science; Azita Naderi, Reid Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Timothy Osteen, Master of Arts; Kimberly Perez, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tarcariyunn Caldwell, Emily Green, Mary Inman, Amita Patel, Elizabeth Robinson, Ashley Viviano, Stephanie Whitman, Master of Science in Nursing;                                                                                                                                      
 Boyce – Timothy Glass,Bachelor of General Studies; Sonya Hill, Lane Robinson, Julia Watson, Bachelor of Science; Kristen Ducote, Lisa Lee, Master of Science in Nursing; Kayla Tanner, Educational Specialist;                                                                                                                                            
 Breaux Bridge – Blanche Trahan, Associate of General Studies;
 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma – Madeline Drake, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Broussard – Matthew Buteau, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                              
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson, Bachelor of Science;
 Byram, Mississippi – Rachel Elkins, Master of Science;
 Bunkie – Chelsea Villemarette, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Burleson, Texas – Addison Pellegrino, Bachelor of Music Education;
                                                                                                                                        Calvin – Erin Price, Bachelor of Science;
 Campbell – Caidon Campbell, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                Campti – LaTrice Telsee, Associate of General Studies, Damarte Fisher, Bachelor of Arts; Kortney Greer, Dorianna Telsee, Donta' Turner, Bachelor of Science                                                                                                                                                
Canon City, Colorado, Kimberly Rupp, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
 Carencro – Harold Williams, Bachelor of Arts, Britney Bonnet, Olivia Tolliver, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Cartagena, Colombia – Jair Morelos Castilla, Bachelor of Music; Hassik Vasquez Narvaez, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Racero Rocha, Bachelor of Science;
Castor – Hogan Nealy, Bachelor of General Studies;
                                                                                                                                        Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth, Bachelor of General Studies;
                                                                                                                                       Champaign, Illinois – Titi Joerres, Master of Arts in Teaching;
                                                                                                                                        Charlotte, North Carolina – Alyssa Collins, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                                                    
Chauvin – Randy Savoie, Master of Arts;                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chicago, Illinois – Ona Giles, Bachelor of General Studies                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Clarence – Malik Metoyer, Bachelor of General Studies;                                                                                                                                        
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Bachelor of Arts;
                                                                                                                                                  Clermont, Florida – Jacob Manning, Master of Science;
 Colfax – Kaneedra Harrison, Associate of General Studies, Dalton Jones, Associate of Science; Alison Churchman, Bachelor of General Studies;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Colorado Springs, Colorado – Rossana Potempa, Bachelor of Arts;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Bachelor of Applied Science;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Columbus, Georgia – Teresa Sandusky, Bachelor of Science;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk, Bachelor of Arts;
                                                                                                                                                  Converse – Wade Hicks, Associate of Science in Nursing; Ricki Sepulvado, Master of Arts; Dorothy McCrocklin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ashley Asbell, Master of Education;                                                                                                                                                
Cottonport – Zachary Gauthier, Bachelor of Science;
 Coushatta – Destiney Coatney, Bachelor of Arts, Sydney Anderson, Emily King, William Lee, Aston Lester, Sh'Kea Sibley, Mikailah Smith, Caroline Wren, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                 Covington – Kelsey Cassidy, Brian Pickett, Bachelor of Science; Leslie Hoffman, Master of Education;
 Covington – Casey McKinnerney, Master of Music;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dallas, Texas – Rose Obiora, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                  Delhi – Jasmine Poe, Bachelor of Social Work                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Denham Springs – Matthew Broussard, Associate of General Studies; Stephanie Ryals, Bachelor of General Studies; Jenson Wall, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music Education, Caitlyn Cutrer, Bachelor of Science; Emily Falcon, Master of Arts in Teaching;                                                                                                                                        
DeQuincy – Valarie Clark, Casie Kellogg, Master of Science in Nursing                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                     DeRidder – Taylor Gill, Associate of General Studies; Amie Ashworth, Brandy Bryant, Lauren Callis, Rebekah Frantz, Bobby Guichet, Lakaybra Purdy, Julie Ramos, Morgan Smith, Associate of Science in Nursing; John Ham, Bachelor of Arts; Eriq Carver, Karli Kennedy, Crystal Mccollough, Rebecca Richmond, Summer Thomas, Tyler Wright, Bachelor of Science, Kaylyn Cooley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shynikia Roberson, Bachelor of Social Work;
 De Soto, Illinois – Jayci Deaton, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Deville – Amber Kreideweis, Associate of Science in Nursing; Hannah Siebeneicher, Bachelor of Arts; Kealee Anderson,
Mikayla Brown, Amanda Slayter, Bachelor of Science; Susan Littleton, Master of Education;                                                                                                                                                
Dodson – Melanie Thomas, Bachelor of Science;
Double Oak, Texas – Alexsis Cable, Master of Science;                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Downsville – Abby Fordham, Bachelor of Applied Science;                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Dubberly – Joni Nelson, Master of Art;                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Edmond, Oklahoma -- Jayzen Boger, Payton Hartwick, Jiyoon Lee, Bachelor of Science;
Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Bachelor of Arts; Sadie Perkins, Bachelor of Science;
Elmer -- Brennan Mays, Bachelor of Science;
Euless, Texas -- Brooke Payton, Associate of General Studies;
Eunice -- Jeremy Ortego, Associate of General Studies; Mary Pitre, Bachelor of Applied Science;
FPO, AP, CA -- Amber Travis, Bachelor of Social Work;
Franklinton -- Douglas Goss, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science;
Ferriday -- Shanequa Tyler, Associate of General Studies;
Florien -- Chelci Scott, Associate of Science in Nursing; Danielle Anthony, Associate of General Studies; Kristopher Dees, Tyler Johnson, Emma Ray, Kaitlin Sepulvado, Megan Wagley, Bachelor of Science; Amanda McFarlain, Master of Education;
Forest Hill -- Anna Doherty, Rachel Humphries, Bachelor of Science;
Forney, Texas -- Jared Walker, Bachelor of Music;
Fort Myers, Florida -- Andrea Smarsh, Bachelor of Social Work;
Fort Polk -- Jamie Curtis, Cynthia Schwartz, Associate of Science in Nursing; Leo Banaszak, Charlotte Rivara, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Ramirez, Shiela May Tabonares, Sasha Trevino, Bachelor of General Studies; Genesis Rondon Torres, Bachelor of Science;
Fort Worth, Texas -- Corban James, Bachelor of Science; Darius Williams, Master of Music;
Franklin -- Alison Guidroz, Bachelor of Science;
Fuquay Varina, North Carolina -- Craig Vickers, Bachelor of General Studies;
Garland, Texas -- Joseph Goodson, Bachelor of Science;
Gilbert -- Sarah Calhoun, Bachelor of General Studies;
Glenmora -- Eric Baker, Kristopher Devore, Bachelor of Science; Tiara Baker, Bachelor of Arts;
Gloster -- Caitlin Burford, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jennifer Simmons, Bachelor of Science;
Gonzales -- Keanna Bolding, Associate of General Studies; Rebecca Marchand, Bachelor of Music Education; Julie Breaux, Jordan Enloe, Bachelor of Science;
Grand Cane -- Nathan Graham, Associate of General Studies; Kayden Booker, Bachelor of General Studies; Catie Griffith, Master of Science in Nursing;
Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Langlois, Bachelor of Science;
 Greenwood – Lyn Belida, Associate of Science in Nursing; Branden Savell, Bachelor of Science;
Gretna -- Janelle Montalvo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau Bachelor of Arts;
Hammond -- Angela Davis, Educational Specialist; Brittany Johnson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Hamtramck, Michigan -- Mary Cotter, Bachelor of Science;
Harrisonburg -- Brandi Bordelon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Harvey -- Tyrone Johnson, Associate of General Studies; Kelly Maldonado, Bachelor of Science;
Haughton -- Shakayla Bell, Bachelor of General Studies; Stephen Bundrick, Bachelor of Music Education; Bethanie Couch, Brittony Cole, Alexis Hoeltje, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Licentra Randolph, Hannah Robertson, Logan Turner, Kacie Wilkinson, Dawn Young, Bachelor of Science; Amanda Hathorn, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Chelsea Dunlop, Keith Sellers, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jerry Williford, Master of Science in Nursing;
Henderson Texas -- John Floyd, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music of Education;
Hessmer – Aslyn Dennie, Associate of General Studies; Mckinley Greenhouse, Dana Lala Bachelor of General Studies; Daren Dauzat, Bachelor of Science;
Hornbeck – Tricia Ceballos, Associate of Science in Nursing; Sarah Ceballos, Bachelor of Science; Shaina Neal, Master of Arts;
Houma -- Kelsey Chauvin, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rhiannon Dean, Sarah Lajaunie, Bachelor of Science; Richard Jones, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Houston, Texas -- Oai Lee Huynh, Bachelor of Science; Jordan Rains, Master of Science;
Humble, Texas -- Toiquisha Johnson, Bachelor of General Studies;
Hyden, Kentucky -- Zachary Sparks, Master of Science;
Iota -- Katie Latiola, Bachelor of General Studies;
Iowa -- Marvette Williams, Bachelor of Arts;
Jefferson -- Ariann Knox, Master of Arts;
Jena -- Mercedes Farris, Bachelor of Science; Kathy Lambeth, Master of Science in Nursing;
Jennings -- Rachelle Edwards, Bachelor of Music Education; Destany Brown, Rachel Edwards, Lydia Williams, Bachelor of Science;
Jonesboro -- Destini Mathews, Bachelor of Science; Carson Robinson, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Jonesville – Rachel Powell, JaMarcus Wilkerson, Bachelor of Science; Cydnie Plaisance, Master of Science in Nursing;
Kinder –Kelsey Frank, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kansas City, Missouri – Myleesa France, Associate of General Studies;
Katy, Texas – Clayton Holgorsen, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Weittenhiller, Master of Arts;
Keatchie -- Brittany Miller, Bachelor of Science;
Keithville -- Tabitha Boldings, Robert Hays, Associate of General Studies; Felicia Flint, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jeniffer Campbell, Bachelor of General Studies;
Keller, Texas -- Deby Woodard, Bachelor of Applied Science;
Kenner -- Willie Soniat, Bachelor of Arts;
Kentwood -- Kevin McDaniel, Master of Education;
Kerrville, Texas -- Kristy Harris, Bachelor of Arts;
Killeen, Texas -- Sara Bishop, Associate of Science in Nursing; Kierra Poole, Bachelor of Social Work;
Kinder -- Lacey Weldon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jonathon Villareal, Bachelor of Science;
Lacombe -- Amy Schneider, Bachelor of General Studies;
Lafayette – Claire Broussard, Anthony Paris, Associate of General Studies; Ashanti Alfred, Jeffrey Blossom, Bachelor of Applied Science; Rachael Bryant, Bachelor of Music Education; Laci Bruno, Ashley Guidry, Hannah Travis, Bachelor of Science; Brandy Burrell, Megan Sistrunk, Master of Arts; Atia Garrett, Master of Education;
Laplace -- Tiffanie Bourgeois, Master of Science in Nursing;
Lake Arthur -- Tuesdi Stipek, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicole Andrews, Bachelor of Science;
Lake Charles -- Lynell Broussard, Ashlynn Smart, Associate of General Studies; Landon Dore, Ashtyn Hare, Richard Jimney, Rebekah Nicholas, Bachelor of Science; Jacqueline Clark, Master of Arts; Daren Reed, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Lake Providence -- Brandy Chapman, Lakarven Pitts, Bachelor of Science;
Lansing, Michigan – Angelica Ortega, Master of Arts;
Lauderhill, Florida -- Daeshon Gordon, Associate of General Studies; Tamara Style, Bachelor of Arts;
Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry, Bachelor of Science;
Lawton, Oklahoma -- Jennifer Davis, Master of Science in Nursing;
Leander -- Karissa Boswell, Bachelor of Science;
Lecompte -- Linzey Evans, Bachelor of Science; Ikeia Johnson, Bachelor of Social Work;
Leesville -- Diana Cassels, Jessica Herring, Leigha Jackson, Mahala Lewis, Shermeka Rogers, Danielle Smyth, Joyce Stevick, Associate of Science in Nursing; Cecilia Alfaya, Diana Cassels, Leigha Jackson, Julia Park, Krystal Todd, Associate of General Studies; Wendy Bartlett, Damion Brown, Raegan Dotson, Jessica Gray, Matthew Ward, Bachelor of Arts; Joseph Cryer, Britney Harvey, Bachelor of General Studies; Rachal Brown, Jonathan Bruce, Miranda Fulks, Payton Gordy, Sydnee Haag, Taylor Helton, Haley Hood, Karl Marzahl, Amy McKellar, Linsey Preddy, Heather Snell, Megan Tucker, Bachelor of Science; Sabrina Coffman, Kayla Wells, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Brittany French, Bachelor of Social Work; Samantha Thomas, Master of Science;
Lena -- Kardaria Lajaunie – Associate of General Studies;
Lewisville, Texas -- Jasmine Frazier, Bachelor of Arts; Erin Knox, Bachelor of Science; Venus Par, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
Little Elm, Texas -- Jasmine Ealy, Bachelor of Arts;
Little Rock, Arkansas -- Whitney Jinks, Bachelor of Science;
Logansport -- Charles Mclintock, Bachelor of Science;
Longview, Texas – Kelsey Hall, Associate of General Studies; Kelli Hickerson, Bachelor of Arts;
Loranger -- Laurie Lassalle, Associate of General Studies;
Loreauville -- Tiffany Trahan, Bachelor of Science;
Luling -- Macie Barrios, Bachelor of Science;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry, Bachelor of Science;
 Machesney Park, Illinois – Alicia Teran, Bachelor of Science;
Madisonville – Bailey Garfield, Bachelor of Science;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell, Bachelor of Science;
 Mangham – Rebekah Aultman, Bachelor of Arts;
 Mansfield – Ladarius Ealy, Bachelor of General Studies; Whitney Jackson, Autumn Laffitte, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Mansura – Magen Hegger, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Holcomb, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Many – Maegan Burkett, Sydni Easley, Ashley Lafitte, Bachelor of General Studies; Heidi Knight, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Simmons, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science; Krisha Williams, Bachelor of Science; Brittany Founds, Emmy Jeane, Valarie Williams, Master of Education;  
 Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis, Bachelor of Science;
 Maringouin – Rineshia Adams, Bachelor of Science;
 Marksville – Morgan Hughes, Associate of Science in Nursing; Tanner Nugent, Bachelor of Applied Science; Andre Boyer, Madeleine Morrow, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Spivey Mayes, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Shelby Lemoine, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Marrero – Ajeahnell Dempsey, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Luis Escobar, Bachelor of General Studies; Tara Brown, Bachelor of Science;
 Marshall, Texas – Serdalyer Darden, Bachelor of Science;
 Marthaville – Melinda Powell, Bachelor of General Studies; Dillon Hagan, Bachelor of Science; Daniel Rachal-Glaspill, Bachelor of Science;
Memphis, Tennessee – Tristan Joynes, Master of Science;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel, Bachelor of General Studies;  
 Metairie – Jaime Waguespack, Associate of General Studies; Christian Frost, Bachelor of Arts; Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Cameron Duhe, Bachelor of Science;
Minden – Angelina Carlin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Asata Sylvas, Bachelor of General Studies; Amanda Rogers, Bachelor of Science; Special Crawford, Bachelor of Social Work; Shonesty Kinsey, Association of General Studies; Abby Greene, Bachelor of Science;
 Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson, Bachelor of General Studies;
 Mobile, Alabama – Major Deacon, Master of Science;
 Monroe – Stephanie Elliott, Associate of General Studies; Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Aaron Hunt, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Ashley Murphy, Orlandan Williams, Bachelor of Science; Debra Coenen, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Montegut – Megan Pellegrin, Bachelor of Science;
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Monterey – Tara Dale, Master of Education;
 Monterey, Tennessee – Roy Gentry, Bachelor of Science;
 Montgomery – Heather Wehunt, Associate of General Studies; Miranda Bartlett, Bachelor of Science; Morgan Bartlet, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Mooringsport – Bruce Schimmel, Bachelor of Science; Jo Anna Fisher, Bachelor of Social Work;
 Morgan City – Jeremy Orgeron, Bachelor of Arts; Kelly Terrebonne, Master of Arts;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith, Bachelor of Science;
 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina – William Martin, Associate of General Studies;
 Mt. Hermon – Warren McFarlain, Bachelor of Science;
Murcia, Spain – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon, Bachelor of Science;  
 Natchitoches – Micion Aaron, Danielle Anthony, Aaron Berry, Santaurus Burr, Endesha Davis, Joises Florez-Perez, Courtnye Franklin, Eyvette Harris, Charizma Hill, Leigh Martin, Hannah Robertson, Tracy Wilridge, Richard Ziegler, Associate of General Studies; Paula Sanchez Luna, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Jeane, Ricky Lacour, Christopher Lewis, Ja’Lesia Mims, Kevin Price, Meghan Richard, Kayla Rockett, Jacob Ware, Bachelor of Arts;  Robert Carrier, David Holmes, William Rogers, Taylor Rutledge, Jalon Sangster, Bachelor of General Studies; Luis Gallo Quintero, Aura Hernandez Canedo, Daniela Salas Ricardo, Jason Smith, Ricardo Ventura, Bachelor of Music; Jeremy Aaron, Kayla Arnold, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Keaton Booker, Brooks Bryan, John Byone, Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Jessica Coleman, Haley Dahlhoff, Jacob Dahlhoff, Kara Davis, Logan DeOre, Chasity Dupree, Virginia Falgoust, Kaihe Fisher, Moises Florez-Perez, Luis Gallo Quintero, Haley Genovese, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Thomas Hadzeriga, Hannah Haigh, Deshon Hayes, Aura Hernandez Cadedo, Saul Hernandez, Jasmyn Hunter, Hannah Jones, Kelsey Jordan, Lyndon Kneuppel, Colby Koontz, John Lindsay, Alexis Moses, Trevor O’Bannon, Anthony Pastorello, Jarrot Remo, Shelby Riedel, Taylor Robverts, Skyler Speer, Patrick Sprung, Cierra Stephens, April Trowbridge, Kaleb Usleton, Fierra Vaughn, Ricardo Ventura, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolen, Madysen Watts, Sarah Kay Whitehead, Bachelor of Science; Maria Rushing Bachelor of Social Work; Caron Coleman, Education Specialist; Amy Hooks, Master of Arts; Jeffrey Nieman, Steven Miette, Vashaun South, Master of Arts; Macy Coleman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Emilie King, Alexis Rice, Faith Stanfield, Master of Education;  Kaitlin Champagne, Spencer Goodwin, Aaron Patrick, Kayla Velasquez, Master of Science; Susanna Squyres, Master of Science in Nursing; Kelsey Jordan, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Bynog, Associate of General Studies;  
 Natalbany – Shawanda Robinson, Bachelor of Arts;      
 Natchez – Courtney Sarpy, Associate of General Studies; Brandi Carpenter, Bachelor of Science;
 Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford, Bachelor of Science;    
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Tara Bonvillain, Natalie Ortego, Bachelor of Science; Theodore Turluck, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 New Orleans – Jaime Hendrickson, Diane Nguyen, Iceyuniek Oliney, Amy Thomas, Bachelor of Science; Sally Cragin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Allison Curtis, Master of Education; Frenisha Allen, Associate of General Studies; Jared West, Bachelor of Science;
 New Roads – Landry Davis, Bachelor of Science; Sharon Dunnehoo, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Noble – Savannah Anderson, Shelby Etheridge, Thomas Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany, Gregory Germany, Bachelor of Science;
 Northville, Michigan – Kelly Wright, Master of Science;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech, Bachelor of Science; Heidi Stephens, Master of Arts in Teaching;    
 Oakdale – Kelli Morgan, Associate of General Studies; Katelyn Johnson, Kristy Lowe, James Obrien, Magan Soileau, Mary Wharton, Bachelor of Science; Courtney Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;      
 Oberlin – Deanna Villareal, Bachelor of Social Work; Jennifer Trombatore, Master of Science in Nursing;      
 Olla – Cierra Evans, Bachelor of Arts; Danielle Veuleman, Master of Education;  
 Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kayla Pitre, Bachelor of Science;                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Otis – Sabrian Thiels, Bachelor of Science;
 Palestine, Texas – Bethany Hubbard, Master of Science;
 Paris, Texas – Zachary Hevron, Bachelor of Science;
 Pearl River – Joseph Lagreco, Bachelor of General Studies;  
Pelican – Justin Allen, Associate of General Studies;
 Pineville – Sydney Duhon, Autumn McSwain, Stacey Ramsey, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jasmine Clark, James Wenzig, Associate of General Studies; Cedrick Lott, Bachelor of Arts; Taylor Campbell, Rodney Lonix, Bachelor of General Studies; Katlin Ernst, Hannah Pusateri, Micah St. Andre, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Bachelor of Science; Stacy York, Associate of Science in Nursing; Katie Rayburn, Master of Arts; Kenneth rushing, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mary Huff, Jennifer Kees, Elizabeth Wiggins, Master of Education; Wakanda Mason, Tatjana Mimes, Arwa Mohammed, Rebecca Sigler, Master of Science in Nursing;  
 Plain Dealing – Camille Watkins, Bachelor of General Studies; Nicholas Cason, Bachelor of Science; Cheryl Cook, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter, Bachelor of Science;
 Plaquemine – Kameron Landry, Bachelor of Science;
 Plaucheville – Hailey Brouillette, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies; Matthew Armand, Bachelor of Music;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Bachelor of Science;
 Pollock – Kari Taffi, Bachelor of Arts;
 Pollock, Texas – Katelyn Boles, Bachelor of Science;
 Port Allen – Ishmael Lane, Bachelor of Arts;
 Port Barre – Skylar Guidroz, Bachelor of Arts;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Dwight Robinette, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Bailey, Master of Education;
 Princeton – Amie Bowen, Tricia Malone, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jacorious Jeter, Bachelor of Arts; Micah Larkins, Ariell Shield, Bachelor of Science;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft, Bailey Scarbrough, Bachelor of Science;
 Quitman – Kristopher Cash, Master of Education;
 Raceland – Melissa Duet, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Rayville --- Emily Rawls, Bachelor of Science; Melissa Duckworth, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mallory Middleton, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Reeves – Dominique Aymond, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes, Bachelr of Science;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis, Bachelor of Science;
 Richton, Mississippi – Kalen Meggs, Bachelor of Arts;
 River Ridge – Taylor Young, Bachelor of Science;
 Roanoke – Leah Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Robeline – Patricia Goodwin, Laura Olguin, Associate of Science in Nursing; Angela Mitchell, Bachelor of Arts; Kacy Morace, Bachelor of General Studies; Arin Ammons, Bergen Oge, Bachelor of Science;
 Rochester, New York – Jackie Fritz, Master of Science;
 Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington, Bachelor of Science;
 Ruston – Ragen Hanson, Associate of General Studies; Heather Beckwith, Phynecha Richard, Bachelor of Science; Meghan Kavanaugh, Elyse Mills, Rachel Moore, Master of Science in Nursing;
 St. Francisville – Ryan Reed, Bachelor of Science; Diana Weller, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Blake Blanchard, Destiny Simon, Bachelor of Arts;
 Salado, Texas – Reagan Rogers, Bachelor of Science;
 Salem, Oregon – Stephen Kim, Master of Science;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Bachelor of Science;
 San Antonio – Anthony Renteria, Bachelor of Science;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Matrid, Bachelor of Music;
 Scott – Tayla Soileau, Bachelor of Science; Hollie Touchet, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Seabrook, Texas – Amy Whitecotton, Bachelor of Science;
 Shreveport – Ashley Brokenberry, Associate of General Studies; Tiffany Allen, Loree Daws, Jessica Hill, Jolene Mateo, Tara McMullen-Turner, Joseph Michael, Robert Mottet, Kaitlin Rawlinson, Misty Roe, Ivana Skocibusic, Tonya Steele, Pamela Stroughter, Laken Thompson, Associate of Science in Nursing; Jessica Adams, Azhani Bennett, Divina Ann Cinco, Angela Coleman, Jasmine Crowe, Tabitha Dabney, Luke Hill, RaTonya Howard, Jared Husley, Qunika Kinsey, Jacinta Lewis, Paula Monsanto, Sarah Starr-Nech, Cory Thomas, Ly-Shaquala Williams, Angela Wills, Associate of General Studies; Jessica Adams, Jessica Bourne, Bachelor of Applied Science; Reagan Escuyde, Chatoria Pace, Katherine Sawyer, Jade Williams, Bachelor of Arts; Mackita Brown, Zandrai Douglas, Jazzmine Jackson, Bachelor of General Studies; Yasmeen Bader, Xavier Daughtery, Rebekah Evans, Samantha Freeman, Jamie French, Elaina Guerror, Caitlin Johnson, Damion Johnson, Drake Johnson, Nathan Jones, William Mahoney, Kelly Moody, Michael Phelps, Taylor Poleman, Shelby Reddy, Kristen Reutlinger, Angelica Satcher, Catherine Shaw, Jackiesha Simmons, Richard Sloan, Curt Story, Rodnisha Terry, Gabrielle Thomas, Kayla Waller, Dillion Wilkerson, Lana Williams, Shamolia William, Bachelor of Science; Shequita Brown, Sarah Starr-Neth, DeAndre Stevenson, Joyce Turner, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Rakeisha Brown, Bachelor of Social Work; Shamela Freeman, Eiyana Middleton, Tiffany Sandifer, Master of Arts; Sadie Pearson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Cara Lamb, Master of Music; Nicholas Campbell, Master of Science; Elizabeth Bright, Julie Brown, Kayla Bryant, Shimekia Evans, Dannette Furgerson, Elizabeth Hunter, Brandi Jaison, Ema-Chanel Johnson, Lori Phillips, Christina Simpkins, Sara Vergis, Hannah Williams, Master of Science in Nursing; Victoria Bradford, Associate of General Studies; Savonya Robinson, Bachelor of Arts; Breyonna Thompson, Bachelor of Science; Shreka Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Diedra Emerson, Associate of General Studies; Alexis Mason, Bachelor of Science;
 Silverlake, Washington – Veronica Umiker, Associate of General Studies;
 Simpson -- David Marquis, Bachelor of Science;
 Slagle – Rachel Holten, Bachelor of Science in Nursing;
 Slidell – Erica Brumfield, Associate of General Studies; Jacqueline Coleman, Theresa Sharp, Bachelor of Music Education; Claire Harvey, Ariel Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Kelly McNeese, Master of Arts in Teaching;
 Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris, Bachelor of Science; Anastasia DiFrancesco, Master of Science;
 Springhill – Reagan Tilley, Associate of Science in Nursing;
 Sterlington – Jody Boatright, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kaitlyn Johnston, Jessica Smith, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Stonewall – Derrick Hamon, Associate of General Studies; Chase Slater, Bachelor of Arts; Alexa Barron, Mallory McConathy, Heather Schiller, Bachelor of Science; Kristi Bass, Mastet of Arts in Teaching; Shelby Bickham, Melanie Matthews, Master of Education;
 Sulphur – Derek Henry, Bachelor of Arts; Elisabeth Perez, Bachelor of Science; Kayla Gaspard, Master of Science in Nursing;
 Thibodaux -- Terrance Johnson, Bachelor of Arts; Katelyn DeLaune, Samantha Eroche, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Tomball, Texas -- Aliona Salter, Bachelor of Science;
Toms River, New Jersey -- Jacqueline Manza, Bachelor of Science;
Trout -- Amber Morphis, Kaitlyn Roark, Associate of Science in Nursing; Andrea Walters, Bachelor of Science;
Tullos -- Danielle McCartney-Brown, Master of Arts in Teaching;
Ventress -- Racheal Gaudé, Bachelor of Fine Arts;
Vidalia – Christopher Wells, Associate of Science in Nursing; Charles Johnson, Evandria King, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Anderson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Dawn Moss, Summer Powell, Jenny Watson, Master of Science in Nursing;
Vinton -- Toby Stanley, Madison Zaunbrecher, Bachelor of Science; Kelsie Rayon, Bachelor of Social Work;
Vivian -- Cynthia Dixon, Associate of Science in Nursing; Chase Lewis, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science;
Walker -- David Kolb, Bachelor of Arts; Johnny Brister, Brittany Marten, Bachelor of Science;
Washington -- Halie Briley, Bachelor of Science;
Wayneville, Missouri -- Molly Fields, Bachelor of General Studies;
Welsh -- Jordan Durio, Bachelor of Arts; Katherine Salassi, Bachelor of Social Work;
West Monroe -- Allison Freeman, Associate Degree, Bachelor of Science; Jaimie Hankins, Master of Education; Marbie Becton, Nicholas Fisher, Lacey Kennon, Brooke Sutton, Jennifer Williams, Master of Science in Nursing;
Whitehouse, Texas -- Jackson Allen, Bachelor of Arts;
Wilmington, Delaware -- Amy Bourett, Associate of Science in Nursing;
Wilmington, North Carolina -- Noelle Cox, Associate of General Studies;
Winnfield -- Shannon Drake, Melissa Mixon, Zachary Perot, Associate of General Studies; Lori Spangler, Bachelor of General Studies; Fabian Correa Guette, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Music; Jermesia Anderson, Derek Ball, John Collins, Polina Mutel, Rebecca Reine, Anna Sibley, Bachelor of Science;
Winnipeg, Manitoba -- Tyra Duma, Bachelor of Science;
Winston Salem, North Carolina -- Ulric Aristide, Master of Arts;
Woodworth -- Kaitlyn Albert, Associate of Science in Nursing, Associate of General Studies;
Youngsville -- Noel Bourgeois, Brian Horton, Bachelor of Applied Science; Brandon Granger, Bachelor of Arts;
Ypsilanti, Michigan -- Anthony Enos, Bachelor of Science;
Zachary – Nekia Richardson, Associate of General Studies, Darryl Anderson, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Brooke Melancon, Master of Science in Nursing;
Zwolle – Holly Laroux, Bachelor of Applied Science, Samantha Rivers, Bachelor of General Studies; Rylea Sepulvado, Bachelor of Science.
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architectnews · 4 years
George Strait’s Texas Mansion, San Antonio
George Strait’s Texas Mansion, San Antonio Luxury Villa, Texan Architecture Images, Property For Sale
George Strait’s Texas Mansion in San Antonio
Feb 18, 2021
George Strait’s Texas Mansion
‘King of Country’ is selling his Spectacular Texas Mansion – priced at $7.5 million
Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
‘King of Country’ George Strait’s Texas Mansion Is Spectacular!
Source: TopTenRealEstateDeals.com
Known to country music fans as the King of Country, George Strait is selling his bespoke adobe mansion in San Antonio on a 12.2-acre hilltop. Designed by sculptor-turned-architect, Bill Tull, the adobe mansion took two years to build. George’s home is priced at $7.5 million.
A powerhouse in country music, Strait has received more awards and honors than one can count. He holds the record for the most #1 albums and singles, gold albums, platinum albums and multi-platinum albums in the history of country music. He is also the only performer to have the largest number of number one songs and top five songs than anyone in music history and is the only one in any music genre to have songs in the top 10 for 30 years in a row.
In 2006, Strait was elected into the Country Music Hall of Fame. One of the most interesting things about his stellar success is that he did it without Nashville. Though invited to be a member of the Grand Ole Opry, he turned it down, knowing that continuing to live in Texas, instead of Nashville, wouldn’t be fair to the Opry. Instead, he did it his way – by writing and singing songs that connected with people. Strait has sold over 70,000,000 albums in the U.S. alone.
Strait and his wife, Norma, bought the land in the upscale Dominion Country Club neighborhood of San Antonio in the mid-1990s. After deciding on sculpture/architect Bill Tull, Tull moved his staff to San Antonio where they resided for the two years the home was under construction. The 7,925-square-foot mansion, with its scenic views, has 14 hand-sculpted fireplaces, four bedrooms and seven baths. The main residence consists of three bedrooms and six baths plus a fully self-contained casita with one bedroom and bath, living room and kitchenette.
Each main house bedroom is ensuite with its own fireplace. The master suite has separate his-and-hers bathrooms and closets and two fireplaces. Additionally, there is a chef’s kitchen, gym with separate bath and sauna and multiple venues for dining and entertaining large groups, both inside and outside on paved terraces.
Views over San Antonio and the Texas Hill Country from the infinity-edged, glass-tile pool and spa catch the sunset and twinkling lights below. The home has undergone almost a complete update from the roof to new windows since 2020. Outstanding design features include stained-glass windows, artist murals, earthy saguaro cactus rib shutters, and walls of imported adobe.
Still going strong, Strait has two concert dates rescheduled in 2021 due to Covid. The first is scheduled for July 31st in Minneapolis with guests Chris Stapleton and Little Big Town and the second at Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend on August 7th. Special guests at his “Strait to South Bend” show will be Chris Stapleton and the Brothers Osborne.
The listing agent is Tamara Strait, George Strait’s daughter-in-law, with Phyllis Browning Co., Boerne, Texas.
Photography: LRES
Source: www.straitluxury.com
George Strait’s Texas Mansion, San Antonio images / information received 180221
Location: San Antonio, Texas, TX, USA
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