fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
hi :3 i was wondering if you could rec some of your personal favorites? stucky fics or maybe underrated stucky writers? i feel like I’ve read all the big popular fics and i crave new unexplored material.
Honestly, a lot of the individual stucky fics I could rec have a high chance of being repeats if you've been around here long enough lol. I write much, much more than I read. Also, then, when I do read, I find myself reading the same fics over and over again because it's I know they'll be good haha. Oops?
So, I don't know how off the beaten path these fics will be, but...
Anyway, in no particular order, have some smutty recs for stucky (be sure to check the tags!)-
"Maybe we'll get it all (If we choose one night)" by sourwolphs
"Short Circuit" by Chiyume
"bucky loves his 'alpha'" by hey_you_with_the_face
"Show your teeth, Now play dead" by TyrantTirade
"Innocent Until" by L1av
"we are the things that we do for fun" by Nonymos
"Check, Mate!" by talkplaylove & wearing_tearing
"Darling Wolf" by cleo4u2 & xantissa
"Titanium (I'm Bulletproof, Nothing To Lose)" by sassbandit
"much tattoo about nothing" by Deisderium
"Give a Little, Take a Little" by notlucy
"meet me in my boudoir, make my body say ah, ah, ah" by prettymalfoy
"Sweet Sugar" by this_wayward_life
"the serum amplifies" by mcwho
"Ty's porn collective!" by TyrantTirade
"Out of your system" by strebe
"How Sweet The Sound" by i_buchanan
"less talk, a little more touch" by endofadream
"Breaking Tradition" by AndreaDTX
Roe87 - they have So So Many fics and they're so good! They surely have written something you'd be interested in reading!
LeeHan - they're a HELLA skilled artist and a fantastic writer and it's not fair. If you want SHAMELESS SMUT in the best way, their series "fucklets" are Where It's At.
thiccbuckybarnes - I 👏🏻 love 👏🏻 their 👏🏻 shit 👏🏻
MaddieWritesStucky - her fics FUCK
musette22 - stucky or evanstan, her fics are Lovely and Hot
howdoyousleep - her fics are always always always drool-worthy
mcwho - all their fics that I've read are A++ horny
13Queen - they have, like, 4 stucky fics but they all are hot as shit
greenbergsays - their fics on Tumblr are great too 👀
pandafish - I DEEPLY appreciate how fucking kinky their fics get
the1918 - she has some really, really good longer fics!!
I hope you enjoy 😘
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bridenore · 1 year
HD prostitution fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs featuring Harry or Draco as a prostitute. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Ai by talkplaylove [18k]
Harry Potter wanders into a bar.
Another Mask Behind You by @letteredlettered [116k]
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity.  Harry unknowingly hires him.  And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.  (And then more porn.  Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this.  And please read the warnings.)
Coins by Inell [5k]
Coins make a certain jingling sound whenever they are tossed onto the top of a wooden bureau.
Exposure by GallaPlacidia [26k]
When Seamus uncovers Draco Malfoy’s camboy profile, he, Harry and Ron decide to anonymously book a private show so as to humiliate him later. Fascinated by Draco’s confidence, Harry keeps booking private shows under the disguise…
Self prompt: Draco is a camboy. Harry betrays him.
The First Time He Held Me by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed [11k]
Draco works for a Muggle escort service, and uses a Polyjuice potion to disguise himself when meeting clients. He’s highly desired, but not often requested because of his high prices, so it’s more of his side-hobby to bring in a little extra cash now that his parents are in jail— plus, he enjoys it. One night, he’s called to the room of the one man who he has always wanted, but could never have. Now, he needs to decide whether or not to reveal his true identity, or to remain in this polyjuiced body so that he can keep the attention of the Boy Who Lived.
“You remind me of someone,” he murmurs, tilting his head as his fingers sweep under my chin. I look up automatically and my stomach flips because I hope he’s talking about me— the real me, I mean, not this Muggle body.
“Who?” I ask, and I’m frustrated at how breathy my voice has become.
His eyebrows pull together fractionally and then they smooth out as a smile pulls at the corner of his mouth.
“Someone even more stubborn than the pair of us combined,” he says calmly, and I arch a brow.
Heart Like Neon by @lqtraintracks [41k]
Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for.
If Sex Is the Drug, Then What Is the Cost by @eva-eleanore [3k]
For quite some time, Harry has been seeing Malfoy. Well… Actually, he’s hired Malfoy, to keep him company, in his bedroom. It’s only sex — honestly — and since Malfoy is the best, he’s the only person Harry wants. That’s all it is, right?
In The Red by @bixgirl1 [45k]
When Harry goes looking for a vampire at a Creature club, the second-to-last thing Harry expects is to find Malfoy working there.
The last thing he expects is to fall in love with him.
In Which Harry Potter Discovers a River In Egypt by Kestrel_Sparhawk [23k]
A missing roommate, a mysteriously familiar male prostitute, murdered Muggles, and an angry boss are all making life difficult for Auror Harry Potter. And that’s before he discovers that the reason he’s avoided having girlfriends for three years is not just because he doesn’t like publicity.
Kiss A Boy In London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore) by @femmequixotic [36k]
There’s only one cardinal sin for a whore.
Little Star by @ladderofyears [39k]
Ever since the end of the war Draco Malfoy has been scratching a living as a sex worker. He lives on the margins of society in squalid rooms and doesn’t imagine that his life will ever change. Then, after a couple of years, Draco becomes pregnant by an unknown client. Despite the Healers at St Mungo’s treating him with prejudice and contempt, Draco is determined to keep his baby. In his desperation, Draco approaches the wrong person and the result is disastrous. Draco is beaten up and left for dead in an alleyway. As Draco hovers between life and death, Harry Potter discovers his bruised and battered body.
The Saviour doesn’t only save Draco’s life. He takes Draco back to Grimmauld Place and helps him to recover.
Morning Mr Devil, Come Say Farewell to Your Dreams by @thisbloodycat [32k]
Nothing stays the same after a war. Except for lack of luck, that much Draco has noticed.
Paradigm by @dysonrules [57k]
Harry Potter is an Auror and Draco Malfoy is a rentboy, but this is not a typical rentboy story.
Party Poppets or ‘How Not to Fall in Love (and why you should do it anyway)’  by anon_drarry [18k]
Head Auror Potter has no idea what he’s about to get himself into when he decides to investigate the Ministry’s newly created POPPET program, and meets its star poppet - one Draco Malfoy.
Put a Price on My Soul by lamerezouille [11k]
Harry has become used to being a whore in the crapsack Wizarding World that’s now governed by Voldemort. Everything changes when Malfoy becomes his new pimp.
Railway lands by Maelipstick [65k]
Draco finds his own way to cope with being a failed Death Eater at Voldemort’s headquarters. Voldemort finds a way to destroy the wizarding world even after his death. Harry is trying to hold the world together while his mind quietly comes apart.
Warnings for graphic drug use, depression and suicidal ideation, Draco being an arsehole, sex work, criminality, non-con sexual situations, shifting POVs, ofc werewolves, self neglect and self harm, general unprettiness, unplanned parenthood and references to other works of fiction.
Soldier's Eyes by Eruditewitch [31k]
Almost six years after Voldemort falls, Harry Potter goes missing. No    one can find him, until chance would have Draco Malfoy thrust right in    his path, picking up shattered pieces while trying to keep himself together.
That Which Remains by @sitaz [2k]
Being a Junior Auror is not what Harry expected it to be. And the unregistered Veela in cell 4 does look familiar…
Things Worth Paying For by MalenkayaCherepakha [11k]
After leaving post-war Britain for Paris, Draco is finally happy, with friends and a job he loves. But then his newest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and everything changes.
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks [23k]
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
You open always (petal by petal) by birdsofshore [65k]
Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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film-in-my-soul · 9 months
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The Manbun Afficionado | 1,652 | betts / @bettsfic
Summary: Steve doesn't even like pizza.
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The Barnes Exotic Animal Rescue (for Magical Creatures) | 5,672 | Deisderium
Summary: The man blows out a breath. It's a surprisingly prosaic noise. "Let's start over," he decides. "I'm Bucky." He wraps Percy's leash around his left hand, leans down, and holds out his right. Steve takes it. It's warm and calloused, the skin a little rough. "Bucky Barnes." He tugs at Steve's hand and Steve lets himself be helped to his feet. "Steve Rogers," Steve says. "What the fuck?" Bucky laughs. Steve has to make himself let go of Bucky's hand after what he hopes is a normal amount of time, not a creeper amount of time. Bucky's laugh is really nice. He thinks he'd like to hear it again. But first, there's the matter of the gryphon.
Reading Time With Pickle | 6,682 | littleblackfox / @thelittleblackfox
Summary: “This is my book?” Steven holds up the scraps of paper. “This is my book!” Bucky’s mouth twists. “Yeah. Sorry about that.” While Steve struggles to think of anything else to say other than variants of ‘you tore up my book, you dick’, Bucky carries his jar of pickles over to the counter but doesn’t put it down, and unscrews the lid. “You want a pickle?” he asks, taking one out and biting the end. “No, I do not want a damn pickle,” Steve snaps. “You tore up my book.” You dick.
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Apes Debemus Imitari (We Should Imitate the Bees) | 15,711 | buckysbees
Summary: Steve operates a fruit & veg stand at a farmer's market. Bucky keeps bees and has started up a honey shop just opposite. They're failing to get along. Steve gets along a lot better with the anonymous friend he's been writing letters to. In fact, he's rapidly falling for him.
Please see below for more recommendations!
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Bait and Switch 'verse by galwednesday
3 Part Series | Rated G-T | Total Words: 5,797
Part 1 Summary: "Post-action tacos?” Tony suggested. “I’m thinking that place by Fordham. BattleBot, you in?” “Can’t,” the Soldier said, typing something into his phone. “I have a date.” Tony stopped talking for an entire three seconds. “You. Have a date.” The Soldier looked up and blinked, clearly nonplussed to find Sam and Tony both staring at him. “Yes.” “With who?��� “My boyfriend.” “You have a boyfriend. You have a boyfriend?” Tony looked like he’d just walked into a lamppost, and then the lamppost had handed him a birthday present.
Coffee & A Library by thepinupchemist / @sergeantscarlett
2 Part Series | Rated T-E | Total Words: 10,984
Part 1 Summary: In the heart of a modern library, children's librarian Bucky Barnes meets his match in the form of the new barista: Steve Rogers. He doesn't think there's any way his crush could be requited -- but sometimes librarians don't know everything.
Slide to Answer by relenafanel / @relenafanel
3 Part Series | Rated T | Total Words: 13,064
Part 1 Summary: "What do I do?” Steve appealed into the phone. “I’m freaking out.” There was silence on the other end of the line. It lasted so long that Steve pulled the receiver away from his ear and frowned at it. Pay phones were old. Maybe this one wasn’t working despite the obvious dial tone when he picked up. “Ok,” a stranger’s voice said over the phone. “First acknowledge the fact that you dialed the wrong number, but be quick about it because my cab is a few blocks away from my own plans and I’m about to drop some truth bombs on you.”
endgame by wearing_tearing / @wearing-tearing & talkplaylove / @talkplaylove
3 Part Series | Rated T-E | Total Words: 19,132
Part 1 Summary: A notification from Check, Mate? blinks back at him. Steve’s heart speeds up when he opens the app and then his face breaks into a blinding grin when sees what’s waiting for him. James likes him back.
what's for dessert? by brideofquiet / @bride-ofquiet
6 Part Series | Rated T-E | Total Words: 34,196
Part 1 Summary: Now, Steve is no prude. In fact, he is very much the opposite of a prude, but that’s mostly behind closed doors or when it’ll earn him better tips. But he feels the blush rising on his cheeks anyway, because who really expects to pull a string of anal beads from the lost and found at their restaurant job on a Thursday morning? No one should ever expect that. That’d be fucking weird as hell to expect that.
Lovecraft in Brooklyn by littleblackfox / @thelittleblackfox
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 38,780
Part 1 Summary: Bucky shrugs. “My brothers wish me dead. But I have claimed this world as mine, and should any dare approach I will slaughter them, and their progeny.” “Oh,” Steve says weakly. “Well, it’s tough coming from a large family.”
Master Reclist · Personal Masterlist · Blog Nav.
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musette22 · 1 year
...if anyone wants a Stucky Notting Hill AU, they should absolutely, 100% run not walk full on Usain Bolt it to AO3 and read no matter how long the day is (i'll come home to you) by talkplaylove and alby_mangroves
Yessss, I love that one so much!! 💗💗 I've read this one at least twice, and there are a couple of other Stucky ones that are great!! I'd really like an Evanstan one too though, or more specifically a movie version 👀👀
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weeklyreadings · 2 years
Week 48
Ai by talkplaylove
Rated E. 18k. Drarry
Harry Potter wanders into a bar
Seven Minutes in the Bottle by nikkiRA
Rated T. 7k. Wolfstar
During a quite frankly ridiculous game of spin the bottle, Lily discovers something about Sirius that ties them together, and also, somehow, seems to make him think she's his psychiatrist. Or: how Lily Evans accidentally became the Marauder's matchmaker.
Paragraph Twelve, Clause Four by innerlilith
Rated E. 15k. Drarry
Harry loves nothing more than a nice, leisurely wank in the bath. He thinks Draco can’t hear him. Draco can hear him.
The Road Not Taken by @mollymarymarie ♥️
Rated E. 88k. Wolfstar
Ten years ago, Remus broke the heart of his best friend. Just before that friend became world-renowned pop icon, Sirius Black. Now, his other best friends are having a baby, and they've named both Remus and Sirius the godfather of their unborn child as some convoluted plot to get them back together. They pretend it doesn't work while simultaneously, and secretly, finding their way back to one another.
👆🏾one of the absolute best stories written in this fandom. Go read it.
The Only Living Boy in New York by @mollymarymarie
Rated E. 32k. Wolfstar
At the boarding house Remus lives in with Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas (who Remus has never actually seen), there is only a single rule: No Dating. And Remus doesn't find himself having a hard time following that rule. Until he fatefully runs into the most dazzling person he's ever seen, who makes a skirt and high heels and burgundy lipstick look far more appealing than anything Remus is capable of handling.
A Practical Education by @impishtubist
Rated E. 9k. Sirius/Remus/Bill
Bill is newly-divorced and looking to explore his sexuality. Sirius and Remus offer to help.
Wolfstar Prompts by @mollymarymarie
Not Rated. Total 23k. Wolfstar
Mix of shorter Sirius and Remus stories.
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mitsususu · 4 years
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His name is B.O.B. B is for Battery. O, operated. B is for better ‘cos he’s not complicated. Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories:
“American Bombshell” (M, 10k) by writeonclara
Captain America wakes up in the future and runs straight into a sex shop. Bucky accidentally traumatizes him with novelty silicone dicks.
And then: aliens.
+ Shrunkyclunks. A series where Bucky sees Steve as who he really is and not as Cap. The Avengers crash their date and try to fix what they’ve done, with mixed results
“Plug It In” (E, 13k) by Kalee60
Bucky was going to hell. There was no question about it. Making a fool of yourself and lusting after your roommate was probably no grounds to end up in Hades playground, but when he finds himself unable to stop *ahem* making his blanket dance while Steve was asleep on the other side of the room - well, he was currently waiting to be struck down.
But what a way to go.
So when Bucky buys a new 'toy' for the first time, he never imagined it might be a catalyst to change their roommate dynamic, and maybe, just maybe Steve wasn’t as oblivious to his feelings as Bucky had first thought.
+ Modern AU. Mutual pining, voyeurism, butt plugs, bedsharing, and fucking. What’s not to like?!
“Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy” (E, 16k) by triedunture
Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
+ Post WS. Bucky tries to tell Steve he’s interested. The Avengers give their advice and support in the own ways
“just the right fit” (M, 3k) by deceptivesoldier and talkplaylove
“There should be a tetris vibrator. The blue line one! Or the other shapes if you wanna get kinky.” Bucky says, wiggling his eyebrows. He grins, maybe a little bit maniacally. “Clint, we gotta start a line of Tetris-themed sex toys. We could put it up on...on Kinkstarter!”
“We gotta find a designer.”
Famous last words.
+ Modern AU. Steve designs sex toys and Bucky gets a test ride
“Hale and Hearty” (E, 6k) by what_alchemy
In 1936, Steve is prescribed a set of Dr. Young's rectal dilators. For his health.
+ Pre-War and Post WS. Medical devices inadvertently kick off their sex lives and no one’s complaining. 
-☆- And a bonus freebie -☆-
“All Bets are Off” (E, 34k) by OtroAmigo
Steve should honestly stop making bets. The universe loved to prove him wrong, so he doesn't know why he even bothers. That is until a stranger on the train makes him all weak in the knees. And that isn't just the vibrator in his ass talking, he swears.
+ Modern AU. An incomplete series but worth reading for the premise. Bucky picks up Steve’s remote and knows exactly what he’s holding. 
*More Stucky Recs here
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stucky-ficrecs · 6 years
Author: talkplaylove, wearing_tearing Rating: teen Status: complete Length: 6K
“Bucky, why does Sam have a photo of you surrounded by goats and the words “Always be happy with Jesus” on it?” Steve asks, looking at him on the screen.
Or the one where Steve and Bucky move in together, adopt some goat kids, and live happily ever after.
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stellahibernis · 6 years
Saturday morning fic rec:
Author’s summary:
Steve’s spent an hour along Portobello Road before he sees the paparazzi on the left side of the street, trying to be inconspicuous by a street lamp. He crosses the street and ducks into the first store he sees, tucked behind a screaming red door and under a blue and white striped awning.
He listens, feet planted in front of the door, shoulders tense, as he looks around the shop. Row upon row of books are on the shelves in front of him, the wood creaking under their weight. Behind the counter is a dark haired man wearing a jacket, elbow on the table, stubbled chin on one hand, gloved left hand flipping the pages of a book.
No one follows Steve in.
Or, the one where Captain America travels the world, learns how to be Steve Rogers again, and meets Bucky Barnes along the way. Also: the one where two old souls fall in love over young adult books, long distance calls, and texting at strange hours of the day.
Words: 27769, Chapters: 1/1
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Riley (Captain America movies), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Scott Lang
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alternate Universe–Canon Divergent, Notting Hill AU, Post-Avengers (2012), Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, Modern Bucky Barnes, suicide ideation, Canonical Character Death, racebent Riley, POV Alternating, bucky barnes wears glasses, Character Study, Shrunkyclunks, Texting, long distance, book lovers
My notes:
This was probably my favorite story that resulted from 2017 Stucky bang, it has such a lovely mood and the progression of both their relationship and Steve’s settling into the world is handled with utmost care. And it comes with beautiful art too, what more could one want?
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leveragehunters · 7 years
Just wanted to thank you for your reblogs and content. I've managed to buy a couple fanbooks AND the limited edition Bucky Barnes Captain America funko pop figure that I wouldn't have known were available thanks to you as well as subscribe to more blogs and artists, and I just finished reading No Matter How Long The Day Is (I'll Come Home To You) which was AMAZING. Your blog is such a delight and I'm so happy to be able to follow you!
Oh, Nonny, you are so sweet, and too kind, cause my Tumblr’s kind of a disaster most of the time, but I’m so happy it’s been able to help you find such wonderful things! Thank you so much for letting me know.
I don’t usually publish these kinds of messages (I love getting them, but it feels a bit strange), but I wanted to make sure I shared the love with @artgroves and @talkplaylove who did indeed create something amazing in No Matter How Long The Day Is (I’ll Come Home To You)!!
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talkplaylove · 6 years
When you have a great set of EXO cards given to you by Fate (aka you were collecting Universe but the game kept giving you R and S Power of Music cards so you caved and accepted the blessing of high cards and changed even tho PoM card colors make you D:)
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But you're a sucker for coffee shop!AU so now you'll waste coins and RP and cards to get Barista to that level instead of filling in the gaps in your other card books (: (:
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epicstuckyficrecs · 2 years
Do you have any really good Stucky crackfics? Or one's that are just so hilarious you start laughing while reading it? (Not explicit please!)
I answered a very similar ask in my crack tag!
Some other fics that aren't in there:
#TweetMeDaddy by StarSpangled (Senforza)
Boeuf Mystère by galwednesday
How To Woo A Winter Demon by cleo4u2, xantissa
yoga mesh by wearing_tearing
penis for password by obsessivereader, talkplaylove, wearing_tearing
Something Fishy by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
5 times Steve was Bucky's Prince Charming (and 1 time he was a frog) by kocuria, kocuria-arts (kocuria)
Fucking Anne Rice Bullshit by rainbow_nerds
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hellerism · 2 years
hi i just have to thank you for mentioning Not Easily Conquered! i don’t even usually read stucky/marvel but oh my god i cannot stop thinking about that fic even though i finished it four days ago. i think it changed me forever. so i have to know if you know of any similar fics, either stucky specifically or that level of quality in any fandom bc clearly you’ve got great taste lol. ty in advance! <3
oh wow i’m so glad you liked it! it ruined my fucking life when i was a 16 year old stucky stan and even now when i dislike them there’s just something special and insanity inducing contained in that fic. it’s one of the most romantic things i’ve ever read in my life and i will never be over it. and thank you for the compliment >:) the secret to good taste in fic is only read fics that have been thoroughly vetted beforehand
as for other fics…ummm to be honest i don’t really read a lot of fic. i don’t know of any stucky fics that are on the level of nec but i can list off a few well-written ones that i remember being my favorites
no matter how long the day is (i’ll come home to you) by alby_mangroves and talkplaylove: steve is the regular canon captain america struggling to adjust to modern day life. he meets bucky, a civilian bookshop owner, and they bond while bucky helps to ground him in modern life
thirty-eight days and counting by thecommodore_squid: bucky is in witness protection and steve is the agent assigned to protect him. posing as his husband ofc. clintasha is there as a supporting couple
various stucky fics by thebrotherswinchester: these fics were all deleted from ao3 bc the author started publishing real books but you can download the pdfs from that link. i don’t remember the plots of most of them but i know they were well-written. the reason i bring them up is bc this author wrote one of my favorite fics ever which i’ll mention later
where there’s no end or need for goodbyes by buckyjerkbarnes: bucky is a lighthouse keeper and steve washes up on his island after a storm one day. bucky patches him up and they start to get to know each other. i really debated including this one bc it was my white whale when i was in the stucky trenches. it’s a wip that was abandoned halfway through and steve and buckys relationship isn’t even close to being resolved. but the writing is good enough that i think it’s worth the lack of closure and you can just like imagine for yourself what happens next
for other fandoms
i’m assuming you know the spn classics but my personal favorites are and this, your living kiss and so says the sword
this could be a city by cherryice: spn, deanbenny. i have to spread the deanbenny agenda or i’ll die. alternate s8 where benny stays in the bunker. examines and begins to dismantle the tenets of monster hunting. found family galore. plate tectonics. my deanbenny scholar bestie swears by the rest of cherryice’s fics too but this is the only one of theirs i’ve personally read
tell me about the big bang by thebrotherswinchester: star wars, finnpoe. post-tfa character study of finn adjusting to. like. being a person instead of a stormtrooper. it was written before tlj so there’s no reference to any of that bullshit. this is the fic i mentioned before. its one of my favorite fics of all time and i reread it yearly. it’s got a few off moments but if you’re not a militant finn stan like me they won’t bother you
i loved you first by thirdactlove: tenet, protagoneil. only read this one if you’ve seen tenet as it won’t really make sense otherwise. follows neil before, during, and after the events of the movie and details his relationship with the protagonist. the sequel follows the protagonist and does the same from his own pov. had me writhing around in my bed at 3am out of misery and lovesickness
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bridenore · 2 years
HD Mostly set outside the UK fic recs - Others
Here are a few drarry recs that are mostly set in outside of the UK, North America or the EU. Listed in alphabetical order.
Aeternus Solem by @onbeinganangel  [36k]
On December 1st, Harry Potter gets sent halfway across the world to attempt to break a possibly fatal curse on an unnamed British Unspeakable — except said Unspeakable is not unnamed at all and Harry has been in love with him for over four years.
Ai by talkplaylove [18k]
Harry Potter wanders into a bar.
Call Me by Your Name (And I’ll Call You by Mine) by @acupforslytherin [35k]
My dearest Harry, because no matter how far we are, even two different worlds apart, I can never tell where you end and I start.
Draco never expected Potter to find his way back to his life, especially after seven years of no contact, but here he was. With Potter’s will in his hands, his own name written in that untidy scribble he recognized anywhere, Draco had to accept this was his time to reopen an old wound, revisit painful memories, and relearn everything he thought he knew about his past.
Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes by sleepstxtic [15k]
Magic is going haywire after ley lines all over the world are mysteriously failing. A cross-border Task Force is set up by the League of Wixen Nations with Expert Cartologist Draco Malfoy and Ley Line Specialist Pansy Parkinson being called in from Britain to work with Magi-Geographers Harry Potter and Parvati Patil in India. But can they get to the root of the issue before it’s too late? Featuring: an excessive use of holograms, numerous references to food, and lots and lots (and lots!) of travel.
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla [40k]
When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
Harry goes back to India to rediscover some of his lost roots. He meets Malfoy there. Hijinks ensue!
The Great Magic Sex Mushroom Fiasco by Magnolia822 [6k]
Lost in the Siberian wilderness without food, Aurors Potter and Malfoy are forced to improvise, with unexpected consequences …
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre [122k]
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic [32k]
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around.
Sæglópur by @femmequixotic [34k]
After a difficult breakup, Draco finds himself dragged to the land of magic, law, and natural wonders where, of course, nothing goes as planned.
The Spider and the Moth by marguerite_26 [10k]
Young Auror Harry Potter is sent to Morocco to investigate a potion smuggling ring. He quickly realises he’s in over his head with both the assignment and the primary suspect.
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 [46k]
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea.  The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant.
Ticking Time by calrissian18 [5k]
Draco moves to Egypt to escape his past. Of course Potter has to come along and be a tangible representation of it.
Through Worlds by @rain-beee [42k]
Harry is looking for a new start, and he’s travelled the world to find it. Now in Japan, a chance encounter with someone from his past threatens to distract him from his goal, but when he runs into them again and again, he begins to wonder if maybe he’s found what he was searching for all along.
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship [24k]
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige.
But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 years
Anon who wanted some Stucky in wakanda fics- this is for you! I have a few fic recs and there’s a little bit of everything but I’ll start with the smut: relearning by savorvrymoment and back to you by givemesumaurgravy. Then there’s the fluffy oneshot I love him and our goat children by talkplaylove and wearing_tearing. And, best for last, you were a kindness (when I was a stranger) by steviepie: a really good multichap steve angst fic entirely set in wakanda, if I remember correctly. Hope this helps!
related to this
Oh, sweet!
Thank you for the help!
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"relearning" by savorvrymoment on AO3 (rated E - 3.1k words)
"back to you" by givemesumaurgravy on AO3 (rated E - 5.9k words - omegaverse)
"I love him and our goat children" by talkplaylove and wearing_tearing on AO3 (rated Teen & Up - 5.5k words)
"you were a kindness (when I was a stranger)" by steviepie AO3 (not rated - 80.4k words)
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Do you guys know of any fics based off Princess Diaries 2? Thanks for what u do it’s much appreciated
Nothing for Princess Diaries 2, but there is this one:
taking a chance (on us) was right by talkplaylove, wearing_tearing (oneshot | 29,130 | T)
Steve looks at the copy of the magazine in his hands. There, in big bold letters were the words:
The tragic and unexpected death of His Royal Highness Prince Joseph Grimaldi Rogers Erskine shook Genovia and the entire world, but it seems like not all is lost for the royal line! It has been revealed that Prince Joseph fathered a son seventeen years ago with an emergency nurse, Sarah Rogers. Their child, His Royal Highness Steven Grant Joseph Grimaldi Rogers Erskine, has been living a quiet life in the borough of Brooklyn, New York City, since his birth. It is unclear if Prince Steven has been aware of his princely status for all this time. He is now the next in line for the throne and possible future King of Genovia. No official statements have been made by the Royal House of Genovia or King Abraham Erskine himself.
The one where Steve finds out he’s a Prince and doodles frantically on his art journal (mostly about Bucky), Bucky writes love songs (mostly about Steve), they pine, and everyone thinks they’re together—except them, of course.
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mitsususu · 4 years
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Call me, call me. Let me know it’s all right. Call me, call me. (Don’t you think it’s about time?) Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories: 
“Let this be light work” (T, 8k) by caughtinanocean
On the run with Sam and Natasha, Steve finds the words to describe his commitment to Bucky. As with most of Steve’s decisions, there are unintended consequences.
“It’s no use,” Natasha tells Sam. “You won’t get him to go out and flirt. Steve here’s a married man.”
They’re somewhere in Croatia, and Sam’s been hard at work, trying to pull Steve away from a busy night of sketching and staring at his phone. He wants to go out and drink plum brandy and dance with the locals.
“You should go without me,” Steve says, hazy. Married. A married man. Isn’t that something?
+ Post CW. Steve considers Bucky his husband, so he tells people he’s married (even though he’s not)
“Skype Right” (E, 7k) by Kalee60
Steve didn’t like the idea of Skype, but it was a necessary evil in his line of work, especially when his friend and co-worker, Sam, refused to leave DC and Steve was never leaving Brooklyn.
He wasn’t expecting to see the literal man of his dreams wandering around in the background of one of Sam’s calls, one who, once they got to talking, proved to be everything Steve had ever wished for.
So what was he to do? Because it appeared the man he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with, was dating Sam. Wasn’t he?
+ Modern AU. Steve gets a crush! Skype chats, mutual pining, and long-suffering Sam. 
“you’ll find something waiting” (E, 3k) by cobaltmoony, Nonymos
These times are odd times. Steve’s forgotten what it meant to have a circadian cycle; he’s overtaken the sun around the globe more than once in less than a week. He sleeps when he’s tired, and eats when he’s hungry. There are no more movies he needs to watch, no more books he needs to read, no more small talk, no more silent apartments, nothing beyond the endless string of missions and how he can fit his immediate needs in there. It’s like being back in the European theater, this mixture of constant strain and exhilarating freedom.
+ Post CW. They never defined their relationship, but a strip tease and Skype sex can fix that right up
“love is blind (steve and bucky are just dumb)” (T, 4k) by wearing_tearing, talkplaylove
“You shouldn’t have interrupted their date, then,” Natasha pipes up, finally showing her face as she gives Bucky a wave and a tiny smile. “I like the hair.”
“Thank you.” Bucky preens a little. He ignores the teasing about this being a date; Nat and Sam somehow got it into their heads that Steve and him were dating via Skype calls. They’re not. They’re just friends who video call sometimes. Friends do that.
+ Post CW. They’re absolutely dating; they just don't know it 
“a line that goes all the way” (E, 45k) by napricot
"About six months after he left Bucky in cryostasis in Wakanda, Steve got a text from an unidentified number: He is awake and well, and wants to see you."
Steve and Bucky reunite and reconnect, with some help from modern technology.
+ Post CW. Steve visits, and leaves, visits, and leaves. One day, he’ll stop circling and stay for good. In the meantime, there’s always Skype.
-☆- And a freebie where they missed their Skype date -☆-
“Where The Lovelight Gleams” (T, 2k) by heartsdesire456
For the past thirteen years, Steve and Bucky have said 'Merry Christmas' to each other every year. Some years, they weren't together when they said it, but when Bucky was deployed, apart from one year when Bucky's call got interrupted by action, they always managed a 'Merry Christmas' in Bucky's weekly Skype call.
It was Christmas Eve and Bucky's Skype call time had come and gone.
Steve couldn't imagine a worse Christmas than one where he didn't get to tell his husband Merry Christmas.
+ Modern AU. Steve doesn’t get that call, but he gets something better
*More Stucky Recs here
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