#so i lost that username forever when i deleted the app once
talkplaylove · 6 years
When you have a great set of EXO cards given to you by Fate (aka you were collecting Universe but the game kept giving you R and S Power of Music cards so you caved and accepted the blessing of high cards and changed even tho PoM card colors make you D:)
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But you're a sucker for coffee shop!AU so now you'll waste coins and RP and cards to get Barista to that level instead of filling in the gaps in your other card books (: (:
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Hello everyone.
Been a while, huh? First, I’d like to apologize for the sudden hiatus. Things going on in the world and in fandoms drove me to a breaking point. I had several freak-outs and was in a constant state of panic nearly every day. Social media was making it worse, so I decided that in order to get control of myself, to cut off everything. Thankfully, after two weeks, I am in a much happier and calmer state of mind. Still, it was a choice made in panic and all of a sudden, and I would like to apologize for doing so with so little warning. That’s the least I can do.
However, I am not ending my hiatus. At keast, not fully.
These past two weeks gave me a lot of time to think. Not just about the world, but my social media life in general. I began to realize how much time I devoted to my accounts, Tumblr in particular. How I kept leaving things I wanted to do incomplete or never done. How I spent most of my time refreshing my dashboard every five minutes. How I was more concerned by what a fandom was doing or about the lives of famous people I don’t even know, and never on my own. I spent so much time focusing in what people thiught about something, instead of focusing on what I enjoyed.
In other words, social media became an outright addiction. Something that I did for escapism, and it consumed my life. It also kept making me focus more and more on the negative and breaking things down, instead if just having fun. I had to blacklist so much over small things just to keep my anxiety in check. It’s a useful tool, but doesn’t say a lot of good over my mindset.
But ever since I pulled the plug, I’ve been doing better. I deleted my Twitter account. I signed out of all my accounts. I deleted all the apps. I stopped obsessing. I had wothdrawl of course and have been cknstantly tempted to log back on, but I fought the urge back. I’m focusing my creativity on my original works, with plans to also resume fanfiction. I finally started watching the Viz Sailor Moon dub fully after constantly putting it off. I’m watching tutorials on how to draw after feeling so insecure about my abilities. I’m in a good mood and much more cheerful than I have been in... honestly years. I’m not even doing much, but I feel like I’m genuinely living my life agai, and it feels good.
So then... will I return to social? I ahve actually began using Instagram again (username is calliecatt93). Twitter is deleted, and I don’t plan in reactivating it or going on there ever again. As for Tumblr... I still plan to be off for a while. I probably won’t be on regularly again until whenever RvB starts. I plan to continue my reviews of it and RWBY, and in fact I’ve been working on the RWBY character analysis stuff as I promised. And when I start fanfiction again, I’ll leave the links here. Heck I may pop on to do a Sailor Moon spam when I finish the rewatch (just finished R) and heck, I might review that XD
For now though, I still feel the anxiety as I type this. So I’m going to listen to myself for once and keep off for a bit longer, and keep a more healthy distance when I do return. Current plan at the latest is to be back in August or September, but as usual who knows if I’ll follow through. But I don’t plan on leaving this hellsite forever, I’ve put too much into this to do that. But eight years without a break is a long time, so I’m gonna make up for the lost time and relax.
I want to thank everyone for their patience with me. Ask box will remain closed for now and with no app to notify me, I won’t be checking PM’s. If you have Insta and I know you, feel free to send me a message there. But for now, I hope you all understand. If you unfollow, I fully understand. But still, thank you everyone for putting up with me and my insane self. I’ll have this whole act together one of these days~
Love you all. To make up for the abscence, here’s a kitty! See you all soon~!
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someraesofsun · 7 years
Here's... news.
A whole lot of ex venting and explanations and shit under the cut
Its been a month and a half since the break up. Or maybe more than that because honestly days just blend together at this point. I thought I was doing fine, and I was. Then we made contact again.
I noticed on one of the shared accounts I paid for, my email was no longer the email the account was under. I noticed this because I couldn't log in using my email but my username worked fine. Alarming, I checked the account details and there it was. Her email.
I didn't handle it maturely. I made a snap story on how pissed I was because I thought she wasn't on my snap anymore. As far as it looked, she was stealing my fucking account for this service and she had access to receipts I bought from their store, my credit card info, etc. She was using the service under my dime and under my name. I made a bunch of videos showing receipts of her stealing from me and basically being like "it was enough when you didn't want to accept my new name or when you thought my transitioning worries were whiny and not your problem. It was enough shitting on all my interests and leaving me on seen for hours without explanation during important conversations. Don't try stealing my money too"
In addition I ranted about it tumblr. I was incredibly pissed off. I didn't call her names or anything but I did come clean about her transphobic shit and the lack of communication and all the times she made me feel awful. Maybe because the entire relationship, it was my bpd and my mental illness and my toxicity that was the problem. It was never ever her. It was crazy fucking me. Sorry always came with a caveat. I'm sorry but its your problem. I'm sorry you're hurt but you brought this all on your fucking self.
And finally, there was something proving that yeah, she's not the perfect fucking person she made herself out to be those entire ten months. She's stealing from me. Surely that means that finally i'm not the fucking villain. There was anger, yeah, but there was also this feeling of victory. I finally caught her. I'm not crazy, she really is cruel. There was a sick satisfaction to winning that I'm not proud of. I know in my heart that I did bring my flaws to the relationship. I was clingy. I could split and get nasty on a bad day. I always tried to apologize and make it right and change for the better. But she always held my actions over me even after I apologized and tried to undo it. I would step away when I split. I would keep my dysphoria to myself because it was clear she didn't want to hear it. But when I approached her calmly about things that upset me, even that wasn't right. I was upset but she had every right to remind me that I was still the bad one. She didn't have to hold herself accountable because somehow, she was the one wronged.
I mean I get now that we were both extremely emotionally abusive towards each other. I'll admit to it. I was cruel too. After a while, she kept sticking knifes in me so I stuck them right back in her and we went back and forth like that. I dont remember who stuck the first knife in who. I don't think it matters because that's not how two adults are supposed to fix things.
She hated the name I chose for myself and she hated when I talked about trans stuff and she hated my movies and my music and every time I seemed to open my mouth I fucking exhausted her. I don't know why I stayed with her for so long. I began hating her. I called her names during fights. I got upset quickly and I never expected much out of her ever and I think she began feeling that and it made her feel pretty useless and low. Her comfort when it did come was never enough for me. Because it always felt like she was trying to fix me. I needed to be repaired and all my problems solved when all I wanted to hear was "you're not crazy. This sucks but you're not crazy and how can I help?"
But that never came.
We were toxic. Disgustingly toxic. And of course she had friends on my snap I forgot to remove and of course they told her about the story and of course she was still fucking added on there. She told me herself that she found it hard to stay away from me and I shouldn't have just assumed she removed me by now. I barely use snap. I don't watch stories because never open the app except maybe once a day. I didn't know she was still on there.
She defended herself real quick. She changed the email while we were still dating so she could buy something off the store for me and the receipt would go to her email and not spoil the gift. She forgot to change it.
I didn't "win" because that's a perfectly reasonable explanation. I didn't try winning. I said sorry, deleted the story, thanked her for giving an explanation. It wasn't worth it. I wanted her gone again because I was better off in the ignorance of thinking I finally had something on her that wasn't gaslit out of my head or wasn't dubious at best evidence that I wasn't fucking crazy. That she was cruel to me.
But she bought me gifts, so she must have been a nice girlfriend. Never mind that she didn't talk to me for an entire week, ghosted my messages, called me draining and pathetic and codependent. Never mind the mental hospital and her refusal to communicate with me. She used the account to buy me gifts. So i lost.
Even writing this now I feel like I'm trying to prove to myself that I wasn't the only villain in this relationship. She called me asking to let me know if she was too busy to talk when I asked her "controlling" and "manipulative" and those words still fuck with me. Maybe I was the manipulative one. That's a bpd trait according to a lot of psychs. She called me draining because I vented too much so now I keep to myself. I don't talk about things. I'm too scared my friends will see me as selfish for talking about myself so much. I'm scared I have no personality and nothing of value to offer the world. I'm scared everyone will see the monster she saw. I could end it right now but I won't because now I'm kind of living to spite her. She made me feel like nothing and drove me to dark, toxic places I never want to return to.
This is obviously a biased account. I glossed over any times I was a complete scumbag with a few words of admission but I also spent the whole of four months at the end of our relationship begging for forgiveness and trying to make things right and trying to be honest with her and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of asking people to forgive me for reacting in a bad way to bad circumstances. I'm trying to change. I think posting that fucking snap story set me back a few months in change. I knew it was dumb. I don't think when I do shit. That wasn't a moment of thought, it was impulsive. I apologize for it and I apologize for the tumblr posts. They were shitty of me. I was out of line and I had a whole lot of anger still built up that I don't think I realized I had. I'm sorry for going off the map and not really being on here at all. I couldn't deal with it. It was keeping me up at night just how many people fucking hate me on here. And how I feel like I deserve that.
I want to have a nice relationship. I'm scared I'm too awful for one. I'm scared I'm beyond help.
I don't know the state of this account. I don't know if I'm keeping it or not. I don't know how good for my health it is, in all honesty. Logging on here, it's quiet and I like that. But I know that doesn't last forever for me. Knowing me, this post is going to get me hate. Me defending it is going to get hate. Me apologizing for it is going to get hate. In a place where I can't do any right, I kind of feel like I'm being suffocated.
I'll figure it out eventually. Maybe make a new, personal account and leave this one up because it's still impressive to me i even got a thousand people to care about my online activities. Even if a good number of those might be hate followers for all I know. I burned enough bridges. I'm not in the business of anymore of that... I just want to focus on improving myself and moving on. That's gonna be hard for me and whatever went down with the account stuff, it fucked with me. I'm seeking help.
Take this however you want. This is an admission of guilt but it's also an explanation. You might see it as just a bunch of excuses and fine. Go ahead.
I'm trying to care less about what people think of me.
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waftr · 4 years
This post teaches you How to delete your Instagram account. Using Instagram over a long period can cause severe addiction. It is better to get rid of the application and delete Instagram for good if it is clogging up your social and work life. Instagram is perhaps the most popular social media application right after Facebook. In fact, the Instagram account is directly linkable to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. which gives you more motivation to waste your time using these applications.
Instagram provides you two options of either deactivating your account or permanently deleting your Instagram account forever. You can delete your Instagram account if you completely want to delete including photos and videos permanently, But, If you want to delete your account temporarily you can deactivate your Insta account.
Also Read: How to Delete Instagram Comments
Permanently delete Instagram Account (Quick Answer)
Time needed: 5 minutes.
Below are the steps to delete your Instagram account permanently
Login to Your Instagram account.
Open your Mobile browser and Log in to your Insta account, as your App won't allow you to delete Instagram.
Click here: Delete Instagram Permanently.
Now Go to Manage account and select Delete my account or follow this link - instagram.com/accounts/remove/request/permanent
Choose a reason for leaving Instagram.
Pick a reason for deleting your Instagram account like Trouble getting started, Want to remove something.
Now Type your password again
Don't get annoyed, this is for security purpose, just type in your Instagram password again.
Select Permanently delete my account.
Now click on the big red button saying "Permanently delete my account" This is the final confirmation button so think twice before clicking the delete button, with this your whole account will be gone.
Before moving on to a detailed explanation of how to delete the Instagram account for good, there are a few things that you should keep in mind.
Note: Read Before Deleting Your Instagram Account
Once you delete the Instagram account permanently all your information from the platform is lost for good. All your likes, followers, following, videos, comments, photos, etc. vanish from the platform.
After permanently deleting your Instagram account, you have no way or recovering the information back. So, if you plan on not using Instagram for a while to practice self-control, you might want to check out how to deactivate the account instead.
You can deactivate your Instagram account to take a break and get back all your information just the way you left it on reactivating the account.
You can use your username only once on Instagram. Unlike other social media platforms that allow others to use the same username again after Insta account deletion, your username is permanently blocked and made unusable for good.
It is always advisable to deactivate your Instagram account for a while rather than permanently delete it for good because in the second scenario you need to start afresh.
Uninstalling the Instagram application from your smartphone is not the same as deleting the Instagram account for good. You need to follow different steps to remove your account permanently.
Once you delete your account, all your photos and videos are automatically lost. Also, no one will be able to locate you on Instagram after you delete the account.
You cannot delete your Instagram account in case you have forgotten your login credentials. You need to first recover the credentials using the Forgot Password feature to permanently delete the account.
Also Read: How to Delete Facebook Account
So now that you know the various risks associated with deleting the Instagram account, I will teach you how to delete it for good.
Deleting Instagram Account in 2020
In cases where you are unsure of your decisiveness in throwing away your Instagram account or at times when you think you just a temporary break from the outside world, you can choose to ‘deactivate’ your Instagram account. This means your account will not appear in anyone’s newsfeed and search results. Your username is still yours and all your photos are safely stashed away but in an invisible mode. Anytime when you decide to step back in action, you can sign in to your account with your authorized credentials and your account will get activated.
In the other case where you feel you have had enough drama, you can opt to delete your Instagram account permanently. Once you delete your account, there is no option to backtrack! Your username is grabbed away from you and is made available for the millions of other users who are signing up. All the photos that you posted get lost including the ones in which you were tagged. All the likes and comments you made gets deleted permanently.
How to Deactivate your Instagram
Deactivating the Instagram account will only disable the Instagram account till you re-enable your Instagram account, Your photos and videos won't get deleted.
1. Login Instagram and click the profile icon. 2. Click Edit Profile and click temporarily disable my account. 3. Choose a reason and enter your Instagram password. 4. Click Temporarily Disable Account. 5. Your Instagram account got successfully deactivated.
How to Delete Instagram Account - Step by Step
Here, we explain you in details about the way in which you can delete your Instagram account –
Step 1: Initially log into your Instagram account. Since deleting/deactivating your account is not possible through your mobile app, log into your account via mobile browser or desktop.
Step 2: Click here: Delete Instagram Permanently to navigate to your Instagram account deletion page which will automatically be directed to a page that allows removing Instagram account permanently from the list of its users.
Step 3: Choose a reason why you want to delete your account. This is a mandatory step that has to be followed as it enables further understanding for the people behind the application to understand what went wrong that forced you to step out of their arena. Further, on choosing a reason to step out, Instagram gives appropriate links that are meant for helping in sorting out the issue the person is facing.
Step 4: Re-enter your password to continue the process. In order to make sure that you arrived at this decision definitely and not by mistake or doubt, Instagram asks you to perform this step to get a double confirmation from your side before it proceeds in deleting your account.
Click on the ‘Permanently delete my account’ blue colored button present at the bottom of the page to proceed to the final step in this account deletion process.
Pooffff! With that, you get away from the Instagram community forever, unless you choose to create a new account with a new username and you start posting new pictures and new stories and gain new followers.
Frequently Asked Questions on deleting Instagram:
1. What happens when I disable my Instagram account?
Nobody can search your profile, Nobody can take your username, Your photos and videos won't get deleted.
2. Is disabling Instagram deletes all my Photos and Videos?
Disabling Instagram account won't delete all your Photos, Videos, and even your account configuration when re-enabling will bring all Photos and Videos.
3. How to Reactivate Instagram?
Login to your Account from your phone browser and your Instagram account will get activated.
4. How to delete a Hacked Instagram account?
Go to Instagram support and explain your situation, they'll help you.
The post How to Delete or Deactivate an Instagram Account [2020] appeared first on Waftr.com.
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