#talked to my advisor about it and it should be fine though!
katebihshop · 1 year
callout post for [redacted] university: names and numbers their courses weirdly so my new school didn't register them as college level classes
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parkerslatte · 2 months
Mutual Love
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: alcohol consumption. mentions of beron's torture. scars.
Summary: After spending time with some friends, Y/N returns home to find Eris amongst a few of his trusted advisors. Though he is acting a little different then usual.
Prompt(s) Used: 14.They are drunk and they keep mumbling I love yous and how much they want to kiss you.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
When Y/N decided to visit some of her friends in the nearest village, she never thought she would return to the Autumn High Lord in the midst of a drunken ramble amongst his two most trusted advisors, really Eris’s only friends in the court– other than Y/N of course. 
As Y/N stepped into the room with an amused expression, she noticed the small smiles spread across the advisors faces. Eris's back was facing her as he talked, hands flying everywhere. Y/N smiled softly at the sight. 
“And you should have seen Y/N, she looked absolutely–”
Eris’s words were cut off by one of his advisors, Ansel, clearing his throat and gesturing to Y/N. Eris turned around and a lopsided grin appeared on his face. 
“Y/N!” he exclaimed happily. “Come and join us!”
Y/N dropped her small bag onto the floor by the door and walked over to Eris and the others. As she neared closer she noticed the nearly empty bottle of drink on the table. 
“We’ve had about a glass each of that,” Ansel said. “Eris has had the rest.”
Eris scoffed. “You have had more than that. Come and sit down, Y/N.”
“There isn’t another seat, Eris,” Y/N pointed out. 
Eris uncrossed his leg and gestured to his lap. “There is right here.”
Y/N flushed and looked away from Eris quickly. Ansel stifled a laugh. 
“I’m fine here Eris,” Y/N mumbled. 
Y/N shuffled her feet and winced as she did so. The heels she wore were a good idea earlier but after standing up nearly all night and walking back to the Forest House, Y/N was beginning to regret her decision. 
“I can get another chair–” Yvette, Eris’s other advisor offered. 
“It’s okay,” Y/N said and perched herself on the arm of Eris’s chair. “I’ll be okay here.”
As she turned to look at Eris, he was frowning. “You’re hurting.”
Y/N let out a quiet chuckle. “If you wore heels all night, your feet would be hurting too.”
Eris still continued to frown as Y/N reached forward and picked up his glass and took a sip from it. As she settled on the arm of the chair, Y/N felt an arm snake around her back until Eris had his arm securely around her, his hand resting upon her upper thigh. Y/N became flustered just at the sight. 
As she looked up Ansel and Yvette both hid their grins as they each took a sip from their glasses. Y/N only glared at them. 
“So what were you all talking about before I interrupted?” Y/N asked, trying to ignore the warmth of Eris’s hand. “I believe I heard a mention of my name.”
Eris lit up. “I was talking about how beautiful you looked at my coronation last month.” 
“You thought I looked beautiful?” Y/N questioned. 
“He always thinks you are beautiful,” Yvette chimed in.
Heat swarmed to Y/N’s face as she felt Eris’s hand grip tighter onto her thigh. “Is that true Eris?” she asked. 
Eris scoffed. “Of course I do! That dress you wore was exquisite. It only exemplified your beauty, my love,” He took his glass of alcohol from Y/N’s hand. “No one holds a candle to you.”
“Not even me?” Yvette teased. 
Eris’s lip curled. “Yvette, as much as I value our friendship and I like your company, please don’t ever say something like that again.”
Yvette only cackled and downed the rest of her drink. “I was only teasing, Eris. I know that I would never stand a chance when Y/N’s around.”
Y/N frowned. “What do you mean?”
Yvette’s eyes held an amused glint as she looked between Eris and Y/N. “Y/N, my love, if you are this oblivious, I don’t see what I can say to help.”
Eris shushed Yvette. “Stop telling Y/N my secrets.”
Yvette chuckled before standing from her chair. “They are far from secrets, Eris. I’m heading to bed and from the looks of it, you should take Eris before you get a headache in the morning. I don’t want to deal with your fathers old advisors so early in the morning.”
Eris rolled his eyes. “Goodnight Yvette.”
Y/N waved goodbye to Yvette and she only sent a small wink Y/N’s way before slipping out of the room. 
“I’ll head to bed too, I think,” Ansel said, also standing from his seat. “It seems like I am out of drink.”
Eris didn’t seem to hear as Ansel’s chair scraped back on the floor. He was too busy filling up his glass to do anything else. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ansel,” Y/N said. 
Ansel bid a quick goodbye before slipping out of the room leaving Y/N and Eris alone. As soon as Eris placed the bottle down on the table, Y/N began to stand up from the arm of the chair. 
“Where are you going?” Eris asked, his hand gently gripping onto her. 
“Well there’s two free chairs now,” Y/N commented. 
For a very brief moment, Eris seemed to pout but it quickly faded away. Y/N only smiled. 
“Stay here,” Eris said. “I want to be close to you. I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“You saw me this morning,” Y/N replied. 
“That is too long,” Eris said, and offered Y/N his glass. “I wish to be by your side all the time.”
Y/N didn’t know what to say, words failed on her tongue. She hadn’t a clue what Eris meant by his words. The underlying romantic tone in them was mostly just wishful thinking on Y/N’s part. But if there was a possibility that they were true…
Y/N took a sip from Eris’s drink and handed it back to him. Eris took a long sip for himself. Y/N knew she should stop him from drinking any more. She was sure that if he got even more intoxicated, he would not remember anything in the morning. 
“I have a meeting with my father’s old advisors tomorrow,” Eris said. “Most of them want their old positions back.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure what to say. Despite being Eris’s friend, she was never involved in the politics of the court. She was only a seamstress after all. 
“I don’t want to give their positions back, they were the most despicable males I have ever met,” Eris continues. “I know that I will have Ansel and Yvette there but can you be there too? I don’t know if I can dismiss that many people without you.”
“Eris, you know that I don’t have a clue how court politics work outside of basic knowledge,” Y/N replied.
Eris clutched onto her hands tighter, seemingly afraid that she would walk away. Y/N had no intention to. “Please Y/N. All you need to do is sit there for me. I always feel better when you are around.”
“You’re only asking me because you are drunk,” Y/N said. “If you were sober you wouldn’t be asking.”
Eris frowned. “No, not at all!”
The arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist tightened and Eris pulled her closer until she was situated on his lap instead of the arm of the chair. Y/N let out a small gasp of surprise and clutched onto Eris. His arms circled her waist until she was securely seated in his lap, feeling warmer than she did a few moments ago. Though Y/N wasn’t sure if it was because of Eris himself or the rising heat spreading throughout her body. 
Eris had never been too physical with her. Occasionally he would hold her hand or give her a long comforting hug, but nothing ever went beyond that. This was entirely new territory. Y/N felt herself relaxing. 
“See,” Eris said, resting his chin on her shoulder. “I told you it was more comfortable.”
Y/N couldn't help but smile at the cheek of his tone. It felt nice to see him so relaxed. “I guess it is.”
Eris smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her bare shoulder. Y/N stilled. 
“What was that for?” she asked. 
Eris only did it again. “Just because I love you.”
Shock was evident on Y/N’s face as the words left Eris’s mouth. 
“What did you just say?” Y/N asked, wanting confirmation. 
“I said I love you,” Eris said, clinging to her tighter, burying his head into her neck. “I love you, Y/N.”
“You can’t mean that,” Y/N said. 
Eris didn’t reply. All he did was press small soft kisses against her neck. Y/N’s body felt as if it were on fire. And by now she knew that it wasn’t Eris. 
“Eris,” Y/N said, pulling away from him the smallest amount. “You are drunk. You don’t know what you are saying.” 
“I know perfectly well what I am saying,” Eris replied. “I love you, Y/N. I always have and I always will.”
“Are you being serious, Eris?” Y/N questioned, still not believing his words. 
“Deadly,” Eris replied and took a sip from his drink. 
The room was quiet and Y/N was worried that Eris was able to hear how fast her heart was beating. In his intoxicated state, Y/N hoped he didn’t. The two remained silent as Eris finished off the rest of his drink, his hand laying on Y/N’s thigh the whole time. Everytime Y/N moved, Eris’s grip only became tighter. 
Just as Eris went to reach for the bottle once more, Y/N stopped him. “Perhaps you have had enough for tonight.”
Eris looked at the bottle thoughtfully before pouring out a very small amount of drink. He downed it in one gulp. 
“For confidence,” he said, his words becoming increasingly slurred. 
Y/N didn’t get a chance to respond as Eris’s lips crashed onto hers. It caught Y/N off guard as she fell back slightly, though Eris held her up. Their teeth clashed and it was not like anything Y/N imagined a kiss with Eris like. Partly because when she imagined it, Eris preferably wasn’t intoxicated and was in complete control of his body. 
After her shock fell away, Y/N gently pushed Eris away. His lips only chased after hers as she did so. 
“Eris,” Y/N said softly. “Stop.”
The amber of Eris’s eyes met Y/N’s and she hated the look within them. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “That was stupid of me.”
“No,” Y/N said, gently cupping his face. “No it wasn’t. But perhaps we can talk about it tomorrow when all of your senses are intact.”
Y/N slipped from Eris’s lap and she instantly felt cold. She took her heels off of her feet and allowed her feet to rest on the cold floor. Eris remained in his seat, looking down at his hands. He twisted a ring around his middle finger. The ring Y/N had bought for him for his five hundredth birthday nearly forty years ago. He had never taken it off. 
“Well,” Y/N said, holding out her hand to him. “Are you coming?”
Eris looked up at Y/N, his eyes lightly glistened with unshed tears and Y/N’s heart broke. “Where are we going?”
“Bed,” Y/N said. “You need to sleep before the meeting tomorrow.”
“Oh,” Eris said and shakily clambered to his feet. 
As he stood up, he lightly swayed on his feet and Y/N quickly reached out to steady him. The moment her arms held onto his biceps, Eris reached out and pulled her body to his, enveloping her in a hug. Y/N hugged him back, her fingers threading through the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I love you, Y/N,” Eris confessed. “I can’t keep it a secret anymore.”
“Eris,” Y/N whispered. “We can talk about this in the morning when you actually realise what you are saying.”
“I know what I am saying,” Eris said. “I just wished that I could have told you when I was sober.”
“You can tell me in the morning, Eris,” Y/N replied, pulling away from the hug. 
“I’m afraid I won’t have the confidence in the morning,” Eris admitted. 
Y/N caressed his face. “If your words are genuine I believe that there will be nothing to worry about. Now come on, before you fall over and drag both of us down.”
Y/N carefully and slowly helped Eris to his room. The doors were a struggle to open but as she did so, she was shocked at what she saw. It had been at least six months since Eris had become High Lord of Autumn and the most unexpected thing was how bare his room was. It was as if no one lived inside.
As Y/N helped Eris through the threshold of the room, Eris seemed to shrink into himself. “Can I sleep at your house tonight?”
“Eris, that is at least a two hour walk from here,” Y/N said. 
“I can winnow,” he replied.
“And possibly take us thousands of miles away in the state you are right now,” Y/N said. 
Eris sighed. “Okay, fine.” he let go of Y/N and began to stumble his way to the bed. The sheets were pristine, as if Eris hadn’t slept in them in ages. 
“Y/N,” Eris called out as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Can you stay with me? I don’t want to be alone in here.”
Y/N’s eyes softened. “Of course.”
Only a small smile appeared on Eris’s face before he began to dress down to his sleepwear. Which consisted of only his underwear. As she turned back around, she gasped at what she saw. 
Scars. Many of them. Large ones across his back that shone silver in the moonlight. Smaller ones littered his torso and chest, but none were as bad as the ones across his back. 
“Eris, what happened, my love?” Y/N asked, walking over to him. 
“My father is what happened,” Eris said. “Any act of disobedience and the scars are what I received. My mother had a healer who would always help me after any of my fathers beatings. The scars that remain were the worst of them. I received them just there.” Eris pointed over to the fireplace and the seating area surrounding it. “That is why I try to avoid sleeping here as much as possible.”
“If I knew that I wouldn’t have brought you here,” Y/N said, shifting on the bed. 
“It’s okay,” said Eris, looking at her for the first time since entering the room. “It feels better to be here now that you are here too.”
“Are you sure you want to sleep here tonight?” Y/N said. “I am sure that there are other rooms we can sleep in.”
“None of them have any bedding since I dismissed most of the staff my father hired,” Eris explained. “I will be fine here, with you.”
Y/N offered him a small smile. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Eris replied. 
Y/N nodded and took one of Eris' shirts to sleep in as he got comfortable on the bed. She watched him constantly move to find a comfortable position but it seemed as if he couldn’t. 
Once she slipped into one of Eris’s shirts, she moved over to the bed, slipping beneath the covers. Y/N could tell that they were brand new and had never been slept in. Y/N moved so she was laying behind Eris. The scars on his back were even worse up close and Y/N wished that she could rewind time to make Beron pay even more than he already did. Y/N wasn’t a particularly violent person but what she would do to Beron if she somehow found a way to time travel, she was sure it would even make the shadowsinger of the Night Court deathly afraid. 
Y/N shuffled closer to Eris and carefully wrapped her arms around his middle, pressing herself against his back. 
“What are you doing?” Eris asked. 
“What I should have been doing every single night since you became High Lord,” Y/N answered. 
She pressed soft and gentle kisses against the scar that ran across his upper back and she felt Eris sigh in contentment. 
“I am lucky to have you in my life,” Eris mumbled. 
“No, I’m lucky to have you,” Y/N said, holding onto him tighter. 
Eris threaded his fingers with hers and relaxed in her hold. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too,” Y/N said. “Now try to get some sleep.”
“You’ll be here in the morning?” Eris asked.
“Eris, I am never leaving you again,” Y/N replied. 
Eris didn’t respond as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Y/N made sure that he was fully asleep before drifting off herself, holding Eris within her arms. 
When Y/N awoke the next morning, she immediately knew where she was. Within the night, Y/N and Eris had switched positions and now she was wrapped within Eris’s arms. Y/N laced her fingers with his. 
“I was wondering when you would wake up,” Eris muttered against the top of her head. “I didn’t want to wake you.”
“You could have woken me,” Y/N said and shuffled around to face Eris. “I wouldn’t have minded. How is your head?”
“Surprisingly I haven’t woken up with as bad of a headache as everyone was expecting,” Eris said before some of the light left his eyes. “Y/N, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for last night. I shouldn’t have said all of those things. You must have been uncomfortable–”
“Eris, I am going to cut you off there,” Y/N said. “In no way, shape or form did you make me uncomfortable last night.”
“But I made you sit on my lap, I made you sleep in bed with me, I confessed– I confessed my feelings,” Eris said, avoiding eye contact.
“You also kissed me,” Y/N said.
Eris’s eyes widened. “I did? Gods, Y/N I am so sorry.”
“Eris,” Y/N said, caressing his cheek and forcing him to look at her. His beautiful amber eyes were full of regret. Y/N wanted to change that. “Do you remember exactly what happened last night?”
“Not all of it–”
“Not all of it, so do you remember what happened just before we fell asleep?” Y/N asked.
“No, I just remember falling asleep after you climbed into bed,” Eris answered.
“Well before we fell asleep, you said that you loved me,” Y/N said. 
Eris sighed. “If this is just a way to tell me that you don’t feel the same–”
“Eris you seriously don’t remember what I replied,” Y/N said, fighting the smile threatening to appear on her face. 
Eris shook his head.
“I told you that I loved you too,” Y/N confessed. 
“You did?” Eris asked, a small smile toying at the corner of his lips.
“I did,” Y/N said. “And I do mean it, Eris. I do love you. I am in love with you.”
Eris pulled Y/N’s body closer. “I am so glad to hear you say that.”
“I am so glad to finally say it out loud,” Y/N said. “I have loved you for a long time, Eris.”
“I have loved you even longer,” Eris said. “Possibly the moment I laid eyes on you.”
Y/N smiled. “Kiss me, Eris. And let us pretend that this was the first time.”
A tinge of red appeared on Eris’s cheeks. “Gladly.”
This time, the kiss was sweet and gentle as Eris seemed to pour all of his emotions into it. This was more what Y/N imagined what kissing Eris would feel like. Y/N could feel Eris smile into the kiss. 
“That felt like more of what I imagined,” Y/N mumbled against his lips.
“So you’ve imagined kissing me?” Eris questioned as he cupped her jaw. 
Y/N sheepishly glanced down for a brief moment and it was confirmation of her answer. 
“Well, it is only fair that I have fantasised about kissing you as well,” Eris muttered. 
“We still have a couple of hours until your meeting,” Y/N said. “We can stay here for as long as you like.”
Eris smiled. “I wish I didn’t need to go to the meeting so I could stay here for eternity with you.”
“Your meeting is for an hour, I’m sure you can survive that,” Y/N replied. 
Eris chuckled. “I am sure you are overestimating my restraint around you, Y/N. You have no idea how hard it has been keeping my feelings for you a secret. First it was because I didn’t want my father to know how much you meant to me. I never wanted him in the vicinity of you. And secondly, I just thought you would never return my feelings. You always mentioned never wanting to date or find a relationship.”
Y/N pecked his lips. “You can be so stupid sometimes, Eris. The reason why I didn’t date or find a relationship was because I was in love with you.”
Eris scoffed. “So you mean to tell me that I have been torturing myself ever since I became High Lord when we could have been sleeping together like this the whole time?”
“I’m afraid so, darling,” Y/N said, kissing the tip of his nose. 
Eris scrunched up his nose and chuckled. “Well now we have all the time in the world.”
Y/N smiled, her heart skipping a beat. “Yes we do.”
“How do you feel about moving in here? I’d like to finally feel comfortable in this room and I think a large redecoration is in order. Perhaps building a balcony to allow light inside. My father did always deteste natural light. We can decorate it so it feels homely, and not a torture chamber. A large ‘fuck you’ to my father,” Eris aid. 
“I would want nothing more,” Y/N said. 
“Perfect,” Eris said. “If we start after the meeting, we can get all of your things moved in by nightfall. And–”
“Eris,” Y/N said, cutting him off with a light chuckle. “Please shut up and kiss me again.”
Eris smiled. It was the most genuine and loving smile she had ever seen grace his beautiful features. “It would be my pleasure.”
Eris kissed Y/N once more and she felt herself falling in love with him all over again.
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walkingstackofbooks · 27 days
A 9-year-old Julian Bashir who has had nightmares about evil doctors in an alien hospital for as long as he can remember. He doesn't tell his parents though because "he's a big boy now" and nightmares are for little kids, so he knows he should deal with them alone. And even if he'd like a hug sometimes, his mum only gives him hugs for doing well, not for doing badly, so he figures there's no point bothering her
A 15-year-old Julian Bashir who realises that the nightmares he used to have were based on the apparently very real alien hospital his parents had taken him to as a kid, and spends hours trying to figure out what were real memories and what his mind had made up over the years as he slept. The nightmares come back with an intensity, but they're nothing compared with how he's feeling when he's awake, and pretty soon they become a normal background noise of his life.
A 19-year-old Julian Bashir who's finally been moved into a solitary room after his third roommate in as many weeks complained about the almost-nightly screams. His advisor asks if he wants to speak to anyone: he claims they're just night terrors and he doesn't actually remember them. Besides, even if he could talk about what was in them, he probably wouldn't, because he's fine - he's used to them by now.
A 24-year-old Julian Bashir who gets woken from his nightmares by warm hands and gentle kisses, and learns what is like to be soothed back to sleep by the soft voice of Palis Delon
A 32-year-old Julian Bashir who has a different nightmare every night. The last year's been difficult. But then, it's been difficult for everyone, and he knows he's far from the only one to be suffering from nightmares at the moment.
A 34-year-old Julian Bashir who can't stop dreaming about the torture he went through four weeks ago, who's missing Ezri and who Miles is increasingly concerned about. When the O'Briens offer him their spare room for a while, he warns them multiple times about his nightmares, and is pathetically grateful when that doesn't change their minds. "We have nightmares too, Julian," says Keiko. "We can cope with yours."
A 34-year-old Julian Bashir who is confused when, three days later, Miles remarks, "You are having a bad run of those nightmares, aren't you?"
"They've been better than usual, actually," he replies awkwardly. "It's been really nice being able to go back to sleep afterwards, for once -- you and Keiko have been so generous in coming and checking on me."
"Course we're gonna come and check on you," says Miles gruffly. "You woke up terrified. We're not letting you do that alone."
"I'd be fine, Miles," Julian reassures. "I'm hardly going to expect one of you to come in every night."
Miles pauses. "...How long are you expecting to have them 'every night' for?" he asks, with some concern. "I mean, after a thing like this, how long does it usually take them to settle down?"
Julian stares at Miles. "I... have nightmares, Miles," he replies, frowning. "Just like you. Nightmares happen every night."
"No, they don't," says Miles, equally confused. "Don't get me wrong, they can do: after something big then sure, they're like that for a few weeks - a couple of months, even. But eventually they fall down to once, twice a week..."
Julian is looking at Miles incredulously. "That might be how it works for you," he says. "I guess my brain's different to yours. Mine don't stop, they just... mix. Change. Get confused with one another, eventually. I've had more dreams about being genetically modified by Sloan in the Dominion camp than I care to remember, you know?"
Miles' concern has turned into abject dismay. "You're saying you've had nightmares every single night since the Dominion took you?" he exclaims.
"Well, maybe not every single night!" retorts Julian, a little unsure what Miles is getting so het up about. "I do have some days when I don't... But yeah, pretty much. I've had nightmares most nights since I was fifteen, it's just how my brain processes stuff."
A 34-year-old Julian who finds out that having nightmares every night for two decades is, apparently, "not normal" and something he should be seeking help for.
If Ezri comes back alive, he supposes he might take it up with her.
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doodle-pops · 6 months
House of Fingolfin | Being Called ‘Daddy’ in Public
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Request: Heyo Mina! I'd like to get headcanons for the House of Fingolfin where reader whispers "Daddy" in their ear in public. I can just picture Turgon fainting in public and Argon just "who me? Huh?" Thank you for considering 💖💖 – @rain-on-my-umbrella
A/N: I had lots of fun writing this headcanon, and yeah, Argon is definitely going to panic and get confused.
Warnings: suggestive content, humour
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` Fingolfin
It’s a great prank to throw at him if you know what you’re setting yourself up for in the end, so a win is a win. With Fingolfin’s perfect stoic demeanour and ability to have self-control, you could whisper those words in his ear as much as you want, he isn’t cracking.
On a lovely chit-chat with one of his esteemed Lords and you at his side as you partake in the diplomatic conversation, you would grow bored and find the most inopportune moment to whisper, casually, in his ear, “Daddy.”
That’s it. No attachments, no questions, no extra phrases, just ‘Daddy’. Fingolfin is calm as always, his eyes relaxed, not even a clenched jaw as he takes in your words. You might get a small look of disappointment, but his exterior is like a calm sea, however, his interior reflects the opposite.
He’s already had you ten times over in his head and plotting on making the eleventh time a reality since you want to play games with him. You should know that he’s great at playing games like this one, and never loses.
You might take his lack of response insulting because he continues to chit-chat and drags you along with a respectable smile on his face. So what do you do, say it again and again and again. You’re just piling up your punishment right there because when this talk is over, the Kingdom won’t be seeing you for a week.
Fingolfin is a been too invested in teaching you a lesson, getting you to call him ‘Daddy’ so more and doing his damn hardest to bring the purpose of the name to life once more.
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` Fingon
Everything was going great. He picked you up from your house, greeted you with flowers and a kiss before inviting you on a casual stroll through the city. Somewhere in between, he decided on an impromptu picnic which led him to dragging you around purchasing items.
You found it hilarious to embark on this prank, wanting to see if it would lead to something more…passionate. So what do you do? Wait until he’s about to order treats from the baker and whisper, “Daddy,” in his ear. Poor Fingon is confused because he swivelled his head around thinking that his father was here.
You’re in hysterics, he’s searching for his father and the baker is standing there waiting for his order. Fingon would ask why you’re laughing and where did you see his father. He might even ask if you meant your father and not his.
To keep up the prank, you would cling to his arm and whisper that you did see a daddy and it was him while calling him daddy all over again. Fingon would eventually catch on, and he was getting flustered that you would address him like that so openly. He can’t hide the blush and the heat rising.
Fingon would try to calm himself by telling you that he doesn’t even look like one though he’d like to be a father one day. He might even tease you a bit about how you want him and couldn’t get enough which doesn’t help because it leads to his thoughts slowly being consumed by images of you together.
As much as the term didn’t turn him on like you wanted to, the reason behind it did, and he makes use of his knowledge of the surroundings around the city to find the best spot for an impromptu picnic…with a bit of a physical activity.
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` Turgon
Of all times possible, during a festival and when he was about to make his grand speech, you found nothing better than give him a lovely pep talk and ending it with a sweet kiss and the devious whisper of. ‘Daddy’ in his hear before you strutted your fine, innocent self away, leaving in disoriented.
His advisor is calling to him to take the stage while he’s choking on air and fighting with the internal images popping up one right after the other to prevent his boner from worsening. It’s already worse, thankfully his robs keep it hidden. Cue the advisor, “My King, are you alright?” “Yes I am” No, he isn’t.
Turgon is a mess during his speech, fumbling , shuffling on his feet and making a few stutters here and there as he spots you in the crowd mouthing ‘Daddy’ to him. You’re not helping, as if that was your plan from the start.
His eyes are honed on your every move during the speech. Successfully, he makes it to the end and leaves the stage as gracefully as he could before issuing one of his servants to request your presence to his chamber immediately.
He is disappointed by your display to behave so lowly and lack decorum that he finds it right to teach you a lesson. You don’t get to reason or beg once Turgon corners you, he immediately gets that innocent façade out the moment you arrive to his chambers.  
Like his father, Turgon enjoys hearing you refer to him as ‘Daddy’ and ensures that it’s all you’re mumbling all night (along with ‘sorry’) since you want to play games and test his patience. You aren’t leaving his chambers until the break of dawn.
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◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ ` Argon
He’s cheerfully engaging with his siblings and cousins as they are all out in public. Laughing and joking with one another as they decide on what to do with the rest of their day. While everyone is discussing ideas, Argon sits down on a bench with you at his side, enjoying the atmosphere.
That’s when you strike. When no one was looking, you ran your fingers along the inside of his thighs and leaned in to whisper ‘Daddy’. Never before had you seen him aroused and confused at the same time. He literally bit his tongue swallowing a moan as you touched his thigh.
Argon would slap your hands away and scoot over to the opposite end of the bench while staring at you flustered. He’s doing his best to keep his heart rate in check and the possible rise of a boner on the low. He’s fidgeting with his pants and tugging at it to bring relief, and it doesn’t because you keep giving him that look.
As much as he was turned on, it’s not for the name calling. “Don’t ever call me daddy!” “Do I look like a father, or even father material?!” “Please, call me something else!” “You’re cruel to me, Y/N!”
Just to tease him some more, you would call him ‘Daddy’ again, but louder since his family wasn’t too far away. He’s on the verge of jumping into the stream of water nearby to save himself the embarrassment.
Argon is in a whirlwind emotions because one minute he’s turned on and the next, he’s disgusted. His arousal is just fluctuating at this point, and it might end with him losing it all because of your name choice. Though, when you’re alone later, he might pick things up where it was left off because to him, since you owe him.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms  @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @stormchaser819 @sakurayaxd
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goodboyaudios · 1 year
(untitled vampire hunter story)
"Why did you do that!?"
"I told you before, its not my fault."
"You wiped out the entirety of House Dirk! And now you're going to look at me like this is no issue!?"
Dorse breathed deeply, try to maintain composure. "Are you going to let me explain, or are you just here to storm around my office and scream in my face?"
Servoss stared back at Dorse with visceral anger and disgust for the angel of death. He took a few moments to think on what the end result would be if he did just storm around and scream in Dorse's face. It would be quite satisfying, but it might upset Kayne to learn his personal advisor was equally as dead as the old vampire house.
Servoss did hate Dorse, but he feared him far more.
"Fine", he said at last, "explain to me how you went after one vampire, and killed an entire house of them."
"I went there," started Dorse, "with the intention to ask for the location of Cirrian Dirk. I was polite, they were not."
"That's your excuse?" Snapped Servoss.
"Tell me, Grand Advisor, what do you do when someone knocks on the Blood Emperor's front door? Do you hurl insults, and threaten them with violence? Because that's what they did! It was my understanding that the Blood Emperor wished for there to be stable relations between humans and vampires. So I'm led to believe one of three things. One, House Dirk didn't get the memo on that. Two, this whole thing was a conspiracy to kill me, which obviously didn't work. Or three, House Dirk just didn't care and the entire house of vampires was planning, or were going to plan, something treasonous against your precious Kayne. If you spin it that way, I've done you blood suckers a favor."
Servoss was speechless.
Dorse quickly opened his desk draw, irritably. "I will accept", he began, grabbing his checkbook from the draw and writing down a ludicrous amount of money, "partial responsibilities as to the damage done to the estate."
He ripped the check out of the book with a focused aggression, handing it to Servoss. "It was a nice place", Dorse said with a dry smile. "This should cover it."
Servoss hesitantly took the check and read it over. For a brief moment, the grief of this great loss of life slipped his mind as he thought about why a man would live in this rundown building in downtown Los Angeles, when he had this kind of money to swing around.
"Oh, and by the way", Servoss turn his head upward to see Dorse sliding over to him another scrap of paper, torn from a composition notebook. "I did find your Cirrian."
Servoss' eyes widened. "Then why haven't you caught him yet!? Why isn't HE dead!?" He snapped, suddenly finding his anger again.
Dorse shrugged. "I thought you'd want to talk with him first. He is your target after all. I'm not sure what happened between you two, but I do know, when something like this happens, my client always gets remorseful for some reason."
Servoss stood there, blankly. He'd lost his anger yet again. This was getting annoying. Cirrian was still alive. Was there anything he wanted to say to him? Would there be any convincing him to stop with this disloyalty to the Blood Emperor? Surely he'd be fearful of the Blood Emperor's might where once before he'd thought him a weak excuse for leadership! There was no way to know that though. None at all, except to go to where Cirrian was and confront him.
Dorse swiveled his chair around and opened a minifridge door disguised as gothic wood paneling. It was filled with cheap beer. Despite it all being the same brand, Dorse was rather picky about which one he wanted.
"Thank you". Said Servoss, quietly.
Dorse turned to see Servoss opening the front door. He noticed the paper on his desk had been taken. In its place was the check Dorse had written. In Servoss' free hand, the torn, scrap paper danced violently at the exposure to the wind and rain outside, trying to escape his grip. Servoss quickly pocketed the paper.
"Kayne will be pleased with your work. He'll send you the money and you need for a new office." Servoss put one foot outside.
Dorse suddenly slammed down a bottle on the desk. "I don't want his shit!" Responded Dorse angrily.
Servoss turned to look at Dorse with an offended frown.
"I want him to use his many connections and resources to find my fucking father." Dorse's eyes felt like hot knives to Servoss. He'd never seen him like this. Is this what it felt like to be confronted with the legendary angel of death?
Servoss looked away and thought for a moment. Distant thunder crackled overhead. "I'll...see what I can do."
The rain began to blow in from the open front door and Dorse frowned at the sight of it. He leaned back in his chair, gesturing for Servoss to get out and not let in the rain.
Servoss complied. He fluffed his coat and shivered, trying not to think of Dorse's piercing gaze.
Meanwhile, in his office, Dorse finished the beer he'd picked out from his minifridge. After the last drop was drank, he thought for a moment. The he rolled his eyes as he quickly got up and stuck his head over a nearby trashcan to throw up. The bottle, after being placed haphazardly, rolled off the desk, hit Dorse quite painfully in the back of the head and eventually found it's resting place on the floor in front of him, with the expiration date now staring back at Dorse's remorseful eyes.
"wrong...one..." coughed Dorse between sessions of vomiting, "wrong...fucking...one...!"
(what do you guys think? It's my first time so I'm sorry if it's not up to the Tumblr industry standard! Always looking for tips to improve formatting!)
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felikatze · 1 year
roy is my boy. my beautiful boy who is so bad at combat which is also A DELIBERATE CHARACTERIZATION DECISION.
it's his support with lance, i believe, which questions why roy is at the front lines at all. and roy acknowledges that he sucks. he's weak compared to everyone else, he knows this, but he fights on the frontlines anyways because it's about respect. he doesn't want to be the commander giving orders from up high - he wants to fight together with his men, remain connected with the people he leads. he never wants to lose sight of them.
and it's a thing about self-confidence, too, and how little he has of it - this lad has some massive imposter syndrome. again, he knows all his faults intimately. his combat performance is poor, he's studied the art of war but lacks any actual experience, and he considers himself, well, a loser, overall. but people love him anyway, because he still gives it his all, and it's in his lance support, too - roy's charismatic. not in the bold way, but in his demure nature. he's a steady presence to draw people together, with an earnestness that inspires others to help him succeed. they can tell he just wants to make things better for everybody, and they want to be better for him, too.
also, he's not just a soldier on the battlefied. he's the tactician. you don't see mark sweeping maps, right? roy is canonically the tactical mind behind the entire campaign, and he's damn good at it, too. i forgot whether it's lalum or elffin route, but in one of the two, it's said that it was roy's decision to rebrand to the etrurian army. that name change alone shows keen political awareness. being the lycian army when you're just a hodgepodge of lycians is fine, but when a etrurian general starts backing you, and you've now got the the whole of the continent's biggest nation behind you, well - the snooty bastards from up high aren't gonna let tiny little lycia hog all the glory. roy's conceeding recognition of the war effort to etruria to appease the new etrurian soldiers under his watch who'd balk at being lead by a pheraen nobody. (they probably dont even know where pherae is).
roy's a scholar, not a warrior. he wasn't present when bandits attacked pherae's castle cuz he was on his way home from summer break at college. he's good at this shit cuz he studied it. he has elffin and cecilia as advisors later on, but the early game is all him.
and he still doesn't recognize that cuz it's not physical. he's not in the action. to him, he is just leading people to their deaths. it's his duty to prevent it. it's the inherent guilt of leadership. and how inferior he feels compared to his father and hector - both great warriors in their own right (even if eliwood's combat performance in fe7 is equally poor). this is the only way to prove himself to himself. agrh.
roy is also just so deeply deeply kind. he will give anyone the chance to change, but he's not softhearted. if he must kill, he will. still, though, he has to try. he's always searching for that silver lining, always searching for a way to spill less blood on all sides.
if there is one thing he believes in, it is the goodness of the heart. he's optimistic, but not naive. he knows the world is rotten. the history of the scouring proves that well enough. but the world is made of its people, and if people choose to improve, the world will, too. just as roy tries, anyone can try. anyone should be able to try. humans, dragons, he doesn't care. if you do good, you are good. i just. i know i'm talking vague but it's such a hard thing to pin down.
i really think fe6 is let down by it's lack of emotive portraits here. if you wanna get emotion out of the story you really need to read into it yourself and let your imagination do the work just because there's no portraits or voice acting to sell it for you.
i love my boy. if you mischaracterize him as "hehe dragon racist" ever again i'll kill you.
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dangerously-human · 8 months
Still fighting for my life with tuition benefit stuff, in case anyone was wondering. I would like to submit my request for this semester, but we're still duking it out over last semester because of a problem from over a year ago and I don't want to swing at two hornet nests at once, so. Took every single dollar out of my savings account to pay tuition for this semester and am just praying I can get reimbursed before another rent check needs to go out (and Lord willing, my car won't need massive repairs at inspection this year). I'm doing an actual research study for my mixed methods class this semester, and the professor keeps saying she's fine with giving us an incomplete so we have another year to wrap it up in order to actually get something meaningful out of it. I finally talked to her last night to explain that I cannot afford to take another incomplete and ask how I could do a legitimate study on such a condensed timeline. Thankfully she was understanding and came up with an idea I think will work, since it involves basically just doing the quantitative portion under an existing protocol at work and a qualitative portion that doesn't count as human subjects research, so I don't have to deal with an IRB pissing contest between institutions, nor the debatable ethics of collecting data without compensating people for their time, given that it's unfunded research (and I really can't afford to pay people out of pocket when I'm already paying through the nose to be in this class in the first place). I'm still reworking my research plan, but I do feel a lot better about this in comparison to my plan as of last week, which would have required either submitting to both IRBs (and my work IRB is notorious for having different standards than most, and they/the data lawyers that often end up getting involved move slowly in this kind of situation) or submitting twice to my university IRB, once per phase.
Anyway, dealing with all of this today had me looking at what I really have left to do before I graduate. I'm halfway through the program now, though it feels like I've done way more. After I'm done with this class, which meets my advanced methods requirement (although round 2 of statistics probably did too), I have to eventually go back and take the foundations of the program course that was a scheduling conflict my first semester and somehow hasn't been offered since; another research apprenticeship (I'll probably write another manuscript, ideally one that's already been in progress for a bit at work - if I can get a loan, maybe I can do that this summer with my brief report I'm first authoring); plus two electives, which I was hoping to concentrate on measure design but would also happily do more advanced statistics courses if I'm allowed to take them through the school of psychology (I've tapped out the school of ed on that score). I guess I should ask if I'm allowed to say my job counts as an internship, which from the course catalog it looks like it should, but idk. Theoretically that puts me graduating... fall '25? Maybe? I could go so much faster if it weren't for the financial aspect. I do have to meet with an advisor at some point, but I still don't have one at the moment (again), which really seems like a problem for future me to figure out. But future me before May, because I think I'm still recorded as supposed to graduate this semester, even though it's been clear from the beginning that I was not a full-time student. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They really do make this grad school thing as complicated as possible, don't they?
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dawndelion-winery · 1 year
Just Sign Here
Contract Marriage AU - [5]
Childe × GN! Reader
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"Thought of what you'd like to order yet?"
"Don't rush me, Ajax," you'd mumbled offhandedly out of habit. You hadn't even noticed it until you heard Ajax laughing to himself as he smiled fondly at you.
"Ah wait, your lo-"
"No, 'Ajax' is fine." He insisted, a faint twinkle in his eye as he said so. You were sure you imagined it, because it disappeared as soon as it appeared. Ajax talked your ear off the same way he had all those years ago, running his thoughts by you as though you'd always been his most trusted advisor - as though you'd never been disposed of.
"Say, comrade, you never really seemed the type to want to settle down this quickly - don't lie, I know - so what's the rush?"
"You say that like you're unfamiliar with my current situation, yo- Ajax."
You'd corrected yourself as you saw his eyes narrow when you were about to address him as "your lordship". His mood seemed to instantaneously improve at your use of his name. And so casually, he'd reached across the table to rest his hand atop yours.
"So you knew I was keeping tabs on you?" He asked rhetorically with a cheeky grin. "Then you should know there's no need for that anymore. You're reinstated."
Ajax wasn't stupid, you knew that much. But it was a hard fact to remember when he tended to do whatever he liked regardless. You'd been banished from the grounds before, so reinstating you just like that was bound to start talk, and not the kind you'd enjoy. Ajax wasn't the sort of person to concern himself with the opinions of people he didn't care for; if you wanted to live comfortably, he'd tell you to go for it, even if it came at the price of his reputation for defying his father's decree. So, truly, what better choice had you than to lie?
"Maybe I've changed in the time we've been apart. It's not like you'd know me personally in that time...maybe I've come to dream of marrying a doting spouse who so happens to be rich."
"Well that's just perfect, I happen to be both doting and rich."
By god you missed that self satisfied smirk of his...yet you had to fight down every urge to slap it off him in the moment.
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Taglist [ @yinyinggie @ayatoforlife @eowinthetraveler @tartaglia-apologist @who-is-saylynn @theblueblub @stcrfeesh @boundedbyfate ]
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ivyprism · 5 months
A Brother's Regrets (Tenebrous AU)
Warning: Implied bad childhood, implied terrifying powers, etc.
Uncle Draven appears!
POV is from a child!
*You tap Draven's arm. *You ask about his childhood, you ask about Morte, you ask about their powers.
"You ask a lot of things for a human. Though, really is it any of your business?"
*His denial only fills you with Determination. *You begin to say "please" repeatedly until he says yes.
"Alright, alright, stop saying 'please'. I'll talk, I'll talk."
*You smugly smile at the skeleton. *He looks positively bemused by your antics. *...What a scoundrel you are.
"Yeah, yeah, you can be smug all you want, human. So you want to know about my stubborn little brother, Morte?"
*You nod eagerly. *You scoot closer as you look up at the skeleton.
"Mm... Well, ain't much to say about that, kid."
*You huff as he scratches the back of his neck in thought. *You begin to talk about how he and his brothers have powers over shadows and Morte was sort of evil. *How very polite of you to say about his brother.
"I'm serious, kiddo. My bro and I don't talk much anymore. Morte is too busy with whatever the fuck he does and I'm trying to help my Nite run a kingdom."
*You protest saying there has to be something to talk about from his childhood. *He stares at you before he takes a long swig from his alcohol and he puts it down. *Yay, you drove him to alcoholism....?
"So, what is there to talk about? My childhood was fine, I suppose. I mean. Lots of expectations and stress for tiny kids like me and my older brother…"
*You notice he pauses as he thinks.
"Well, things were really different when Morte was born."
*You ask him to elaborate. *You notice he sighs as he thinks about it.
"I'm not sure if a kid like you should hear that."
*You loudly argue, "I'm not a kid!" *Even though, you definitely are a kid. *He snorts and cracks a smile. *But his smile instantly fades.
"Fine, kiddo. You win."
*You watch the skeleton closely as some shadows wrap around his wrist.
"My family comes from a long line of successful and powerful shadow sorcerers." We could manipulate the shadows and the darkness at will. It was sort of our thing. My father believed that Nite would take over one day since he was more powerful with his shadow magic than mine… But then Morte was born."
*You tilt your head at the skeleton.
"Nite was powerful, don't get me wrong… But Morte? Morte was born a natural at it. He had the most powerful magic in our family, although being the youngest."
*What a twist! *....Just kidding, you knew that. *You tell Draven "I already know that."
"Yeah, everybody knows that. Morte is a beast—literally."
*The Skeleton shrugs... *You notice he's trying to distract you from the task at hand. *You ask him to go on. *He runs his hand down his face... *He sighs.
"Clearly, he would be the one to take over the kingdom, right? A talented and powerful sorcerer like that? My father… He should've been so proud, right?"
*The skeleton sighs deeply again. *You notice his eyes flicker a bit as he thinks back.
"No, he wasn't. He despised--no, he was afraid of Morte and his abilities. I had never seen my father look at someone with such intensity… I don't know, contempt? Terror? All I know is that everyone in the kingdom looked at him that way."
*He can't seem to find the right words to say... *You understand though. *I mean, how would you describe your father viscerally fearing and hating your little brother?
"So, rather than simply accepting my brother and allowing him to become the next heir, my father and the people chose to completely disregard him. He'd start preparing Nite to take over the throne, with me as his advisor, and he never showed Morte any affection."
*You grip your chest. *How alone Morte must've felt... *It makes you tear up.
"And Morte? Morte was many things, but he was not foolish. He could sense that our father despised and scared him. So Nite and I attempted to show him the love his father never showed, but it turned into a hole that began to engulf him. And a kid like that? So gifted, so fucking powerful. It was only a matter of time before Morte put my father in checkmate."
*Draven scratched his skull as he leaned back.
"Morte gained allies and, well, he became resentful. His birthright was taken away from him… I guess that's what made him who he is now… So he took it back. He recovered the power that had been stolen from him. And the kingdom and our father suffered the price for their negligence…"
*Draven sighs and closes his eyes.
"I just wish I'd done more to stop him from doing all of that… I think you could say not assisting him was my greatest regret… But, you see how he is now? He doesn't need his brother anymore."
*You stare at him as he smiles weakly. *You can see his regrets soak through that plastered smile. *A brother's regrets... *You feel there is more to the story. *However, when you open your mouth-
"That's enough for today, kiddo. Let's get you to bed. Your uncle Draven can only handle so much storytelling."
*You protest, but he begins to rush you to bed. *Well, we'll get more answers later, you fiend. *Time for bed.
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mirisss · 1 year
You Belong with Me
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wordcount ≈ 7k
warnings: Siren hunt (aka, luring people into the water to take their souls so some people die though it isn’t really described), Jun threatening (Y/n), talking about someone’s existence being erased, sort of mentioning suicide (sacrificing oneself for others, though no suicide happens), Jun being crazy powerful, being on a boat, a storm, being out on the ocean, being underwater, possessive behavior, jealousy, biting, pet names (mostly darling), kidnapping, Stockholm-syndrome in a way, let me know if I should add anything else,
Pairing: Siren! King of the seven seas! Wen Junhui x afab! human reader
summary: After being attacked by mythical creatures of the sea, known as Sirens, one unfortunate human girl has caught the eye of the siren king. At first, it seems like death had been the better option, but maybe one shouldn’t be so quick at judging. 
Please reblog! Requests are open! 
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Third person POV
“Guys, I really don’t think this is a good idea. The weather forecast said that a bad storm is going to break out in a few hours, maybe we should do this some other day,” “Oh come on, (Y/n), stop being such a scaredy cat. It’s fine, look, there’s not a single cloud in the sky, the forecast is wrong. This is going to be super fun!” Seungkwan was trying to persuade one of his best friends, (Y/n), that having a party on a Yacht, out on the sea, was a good idea. “Loosen up, (Y/n), nothing is going to happen. Dad’s yacht is sturdy, the captain has driven her through a storm before, so even if this storm breaks out, we’ll be fine,” Mingyu walked over and draped an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulders as a form of comfort. “Okay, but if something bad happens, just know that I was right, this was, and is, a bad idea,” And so the trio along with a bunch of other people boarded the yacht and left the pier. 
As the party began, most people were happily drinking, dancing, eating, chatting, and who knows what else. But (Y/n), was just sitting on a chair with her untouched drink in front of her. She couldn’t shake off the bad feeling she had, and oh how right she was. 
Deep underwater, in the lost city of the ocean creatures, the siren king, the king of the seven seas, Junhui was preparing for a hunt. His people had waited for a brutal storm to break out close to their hidden city under the surface, and finally, the storm was coming. Junhui was a powerful siren who not only held the power of his seductive siren song but also the power to rule the seven seas, from birth he had been gifted with immense power that the ocean seemed to follow, so even if Junhui had not been born into the royal family he was still crowned as the ruler once he was old enough. Junhui was a just ruler, his people admired his strength, as long as you kept on his good side Junhui would be the sweetest being in the world but make one wrong move and he would shift into the brutal siren who would destroy the world in the blink of an eye. “My lord, the storm is close. We should move out, the scouts have spotted countless boats close to us,” Jun turned toward Wonwoo, one of his officers and advisor, not to mention, one of his closest friends. “This is going to be quite the prosperous hunt, I can feel this entire body of water shaking at the rage of it,” Jun’s eyes shifted from his warm brown to their terrifying, glowing yellow, as the corners of his mouth turned up into a chilling and sinister smile, that revealed his white teeth and sharp fangs. “Let’s go, brother, it’s time to hunt,” Wonwoo gave a slight bow to his king before they both walked out of the throne room. Even though Jun had countless times told Wonwoo that he did not need to bow to him or call him ‘my lord’ or like, Wonwoo still did. Wonwoo was a man who followed all the rules, he is highly intelligent, which was one of the reasons why Jun had appointed him an officer and his first advisor. The siren king and two of his officers, Wonwoo and Soonyoung, had gathered 50 of their best hunters to go hunt for souls for the people. The sirens didn’t hunt for souls very often, at most 3 times a year, they had developed beyond needing many souls to thrive but every now and then, why not treat yourself? 
Up on the yacht, the party was still going strong, most of the people there were too drunk to notice that the sun had been covered by angry dark clouds. (Y/n) was trying to find Mingyu or Seungkwan to tell them that they needed to turn the yacht around and go back to shore. As she went out on deck she felt the raindrops beginning to come down. Soon enough, the winds had picked up, the rain was coming down in sheets, making it difficult to see more than a few feet, the waves were getting bigger with every second, making it difficult for the captain to keep the yacht steady. The drunk people didn’t seem to mind it, (Y/n), however, were in a full-blown panic mood. The sound of the rain hitting the water was deafening, the occasional clap of thunder only adding to her worry, and the lightning strikes didn’t make it any better either. 
“Mingyu! Seungkwan! Where are you?” (Y/n) tried to find her friends but they seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly, a particularly big wave pushed the yacht around causing (Y/n) to lose her balance and almost fall overboard, luckily she manage to grab onto the railing just in time. She looked down into the deep dark water, expecting to find nothing as the water made anything beneath the surface unintelligible, however, to her shock, she was met with the face of a person. At first, she thought it was someone who had fallen from the yacht, but she quickly realized that it was not a human, as the creature dove down into the water, (Y/n) saw that it had a tail instead of legs. She found more and more creatures popping out of the water, they were locating the different boats around the surface. Some began singing, it was a beautiful sound but (Y/n) couldn’t focus on it, no, (Y/n) was focusing on the way some people began moving closer to the edge of the boats, and then getting into the water. Once they had gone under the surface, they did not come back up. Suddenly, some of the creatures began climbing onto the yacht and other boats around them. (Y/n) was still sitting, frozen as she held onto the railing. One of the creatures had jumped onto the yacht, landing just a few steps away from her, the second that the female-looking creature had landed on the boat her tail turned to legs. She then began moving toward (Y/n), who was crying harder and harder, imagining that she would die here, on this stupid yacht. “Please, don’t, I don’t want to die. I beg of you, please don’t kill me,” The creature just looked at (Y/n), laughed, and then began singing her melody again, causing some of the drunk people on the yacht to come toward her, hypnotized by her song. 
Junhui had stayed beneath the surface for some time, allowing his people to have fun. Jun did quite enjoy hunting, but his people enjoyed it far more, for some reason, he wasn’t that hungry for souls so he didn’t mind staying in the background. After a few minutes, he decided that it was time for him to join the hunt, thus also, signaling that it was ending. The second he broke through the surface of the water, he laid his eyes on a girl who was holding on to the railing of a boat, she was crying, begging for her life as one of his hunters approached. As the hunter came closer to the girl, the terrified human turned her head, and Jun met her eyes. Something in him seemed to click, suddenly he was overcome with a yearning for that girl. With a simple flick of his wrist, a large wave was created to swiftly move him up onto that boat, he landed right in front of the human, facing his hunter. The siren immediately stopped once she faced her king. “My lord,” The siren bowed, terrified of the look Jun gave her, “Leave,” Was all Jun said, though it was a low command, all sirens around them froze before beginning to dive back into the water. All 50 hunters had gone back under the surface within a minute of the king’s command, only leaving Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Jun. Wonwoo approached Junhui but stopped the second his king glared at him, the look in Jun’s eyes was horrifying, his eyes glowed stronger than ever, his fangs protruding past his lips, the waves were crashing harsher and harsher against the yacht. Wonwoo understood that whoever the human behind the Siren King was, they were special and he nor Soonyoung were allowed to come close to them. “We’ll be leaving, my lord,” Wonwoo dove back into the water after signaling to Soonyoung that it was time to leave. 
From the second that Junhui had appeared before her, (Y/n) had been mesmerized even though she could only see the creature’s backside. (Y/n) concluded that whoever this man was, he was of high status, the way everyone followed his command and not to mention, his robes. The black clothes with gold embroidered details screamed wealth and importance. Nothing could have prepared (Y/n) for the beauty of the man who had seemingly saved her. As the king turned around to face her, (Y/n)’s breath got caught in her throat, his well-sculpted face, his two-toned hair, though the detail that had her shaking was his sharp, glowing, yellow eyes that seemed to suck her in. 
“Please don’t kill me,” Jun chuckled arrogantly at her begging. “Darling, if I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t have sent my hunters away,” The siren crouched down in front of (Y/n) and he reached his hand out toward her face, “Please, don’t hurt me,” (Y/n) tried to hide her face away from the mysterious and handsome man, though her attempt was futile, he grabbed a hold of her cheek and turned her face back toward his own. “Once, again. If I wanted you dead, my hunters would have dealt with you,” “Then, can I go? Will you let me live?” Jun sighed before lightly shaking his head, for some reason he was filled with an unknown rage as the human asked if she could leave. “No, you are not leaving. You will come with me. I have spared your life therefore it now belongs to me,” He spoke with a malicious tone, one he rarely used unless speaking with someone who had broken the laws in his kingdom. “No, please, please let me go, please, I beg of you,” Jun grew angrier as (Y/n) kept asking to be left behind, his unstable emotions caused the storm to worsen, the waves became harsher and bigger, the thunder and the lightning seemed to come closer. Just then, Seungkwan came out of the yacht's lower deck, still very drunk, he seemed to have missed the hunt as the mysterious creature had called it. “(Y/n)!” “Seungkwan, help!” Seungkwan noticed the man dressed in traditional clothing who was crouched by his friend and he saw how scared (Y/n) looked as the man held her cheek in his hand. Jun didn’t need to turn his head to know that the man who had appeared behind him, was drunk, and no match for the siren king of the seven seas. Jun’s smirk grew as he snapped the fingers of the hand that weren’t holding onto (Y/n), causing a string of water to grab a hold of Seungkwan, lifting him in the air. “NO! Let him down,” (Y/n) tried to break free of the hold that Jun had on her, however, the second that she seemed to have been freed, the string moved Seungkwan to be held over the raging water causing her to freeze once again. “If you fight me, your friend will die, I will throw him in the water and my hunters will take care of him, and not in the way you would like. However, if you come with me, I will let him live. I will stop the storm, and calm the water. No one else will be hurt. It’s your choice, either you come with me, or everyone here dies and you still come with me,” No matter how angry (Y/n) was with Seungkwan and Mingyu for still going through with this yacht party even though she had warned them of the storm, she couldn’t watch him die knowing she could have saved him. “Alright, I’ll go with you, but I want proof of you stopping the storm and everything,” Jun smiled and lightly petted (Y/n)’s head. “Good choice, darling,” The siren snapped his fingers twice, the string of water moved back to be over the yacht, and carefully put Seungkwan down on the deck again. Seungkwan had passed out from the experience, or perhaps, that was also the doing of the siren. After her friend had been returned to safety, the rain began letting up, the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the waves became smaller and smaller, soon enough, the sky was blue once again, the sunset as pretty as ever, and no trace of the magical creatures were left, except for the man with the yellow eyes. “There, I returned your friend and stopped the storm. Let us go now,” (Y/n) was shaking like a leaf, both out of fear and also from the icy water that had rained down on her. “I can’t breathe underwater,” (Y/n) hoped that when the man remembered that she wasn’t like him, he would let her go. “Darling, I’m the king of Sirens, I’m the king of the seven seas, if I want to bring a human with me under the surface, then the water will allow them to breathe. The ocean follows my every command, so don’t you worry. It will be very kind to you, you belong to its king now,” (Y/n) swallowed the lump in her throat, there was no way out of this. She would have to go with this terrifying man, siren, siren king. (Y/n) wasn’t surprised to hear that he was in fact someone of royal status, but hearing that he was a siren only made her more afraid. Jun noticed the hesitant look on the human’s face, which once again awakened an unknown anger within him. “Remember, if you don’t go with me, I will kill your friend and everyone else around us right now and then forcefully bring you with me,” The sinister smile was still spread across his lips, (Y/n) was looking into his sharp eyes that made her dread for her life, though they were still so captivating that she couldn’t look away. “So, human, how’s it going to be?” “You promise no one else is going to be hurt?” “Yes, you have my word. I pride myself on being quite honest, it’s the best way to rule a kingdom,” “Alright, then I’ll go with you,” (Y/n) whispered out the last sentence, before she remembered another detail that might complicate this deal. “Won’t people come looking for me? And for everyone else who disappeared here today?” Jun looked around them before he clenched his jaw, making (Y/n) cling to the railing even harder, as he relaxed his jaw again, a foggy mist began covering the surface of the ocean, it made her feel quite sleepy. “This mist will make everyone forget who was out here with them or what happened, they won’t even remember the storm. As far as they know, the gaps in their memory are all because of the alcohol, and anyone who goes into the water with a siren is forever erased, no one will remember that you existed, and any photo you have been in will be rearranged so that you are removed from them,” “So going with you means that no one will remember me?” “Yes, however, it was inevitable, had I not stopped the hunt, then you too would have been a lost soul. Thanks to me, you get to live. I promise you, darling, with me you will be treated like a queen,” (Y/n) finally looked away from Junhui and her sad eyes landed on Seungkwan’s unconscious form that lay a few meters away, maybe it was a big price to pay for his, and hopefully Mingyu’s, safety but if she could save them then it was worth it. “Okay, I’ll come with you,” “Good, come on. Hold onto me,” “Why?” “If you want the travel to my kingdom to be smooth, then you’ll hold onto me, however, if you want to be thrown around like a piece of paper in the wind then you don’t,” (Y/n) did not like the sound of that so she let go of the railing and took a step closer to the man, whose name she had yet to know, and then lightly laid her hand around his bicep. “Hold on tight,” (Y/n) did not dare think he was joking with her so she did as he said, and held onto his arm as hard as she could. Jun put an arm around the human’s waist before he jumped into the water. (Y/n) couldn’t hold back the scream that escaped her, she wondered if maybe the siren had lied to her and she would die the second she went under the surface, however, she found that once the water covered her head and they kept sinking, she could breathe just fine. (Y/n) had always been quite afraid of the water, though now as she saw everything from beside the alleged king of the seven seas, it seemed quite peaceful and pretty. The way that all the fishes were floating around, the coral flowers that seemed so vibrant, and even the majestic whale that usually would have her fearing for her life, now just seemed so beautiful as it was swimming around. Jun looked down at the girl who was still clinging to him as they kept descending toward his palace, he saw the wonder, and admiration in her eyes as she looked around them. The siren felt a sense of pride at the fact that this little human was admiring his kingdom, his once cold and sharp eyes now softened and went back to their warm and welcoming brown. 
A few minutes later, (Y/n) found a big structure on the bottom of the ocean, a large castle, or perhaps a palace, it was tall, and shining just like the scales of some fishes, though it was deep down, the palace seemed to shine as bright as a diamond in direct sunlight. “Woah,” “Do you like it?” (Y/n) was taken aback by the soft tone her mysterious kidnapper used, just a few minutes ago he was speaking so maliciously as he threatened her into following with him, now all of a sudden, he was speaking as soft as a person might do to a newborn puppy or a kitten. “It’s pretty but it’s not my home,” “It is from now on,” There it was once again, that sharp tone, the tone that didn’t leave any room for arguments. Jun himself didn’t know what this foreign feeling was, the yearning, the need to have this human for himself. Jun moved them toward the doors and once they were inside, they were met by Wonwoo and Soonyoung. 
“My lord, welcome back,” Wonwoo, as usual, bowed to Jun while Soonyoung just smiled and sent a little salute to him, earning him a little nudge from Wonwoo. “Who’s this?” Soonyoung was far more interested in the human that was clinging to the side of his king than the king himself. (Y/n) immediately stepped behind Jun, using him as a shield from the prying eyes of the man who happened to be holding a sword-like weapon, and (Y/n) did not trust that he wouldn’t hurt her with it. Jun’s heart fluttered at the act, a warm feeling spread throughout his body, and his heart seemed to be doing a happy dance inside his chest. And that’s when it clicked, that’s when Jun finally understood why he had been so adamant about bringing the human with him. This little human was his destined soulmate. “That is not something you need to know right now. Besides, don’t the two of you have any duties to do?” Junhui spoke with a soft tone, these were two of his closest friends, there was no need to be sharp with them, or it was never needed with Wonwoo, with Soonyoung however, it was necessary every now and then. “Yeah yeah, we do. But I, or, we, was curious as to why you stayed behind and ordered us to leave so abruptly,” “Come on, Soonyoung, we are leaving his majesty to go carry out our duties. Do you wish to have your dinner in the dining hall or in your chambers? And will your guest be needing dinner too?” “Thank you, Wonwoo. In my chambers, and yes, prepare food for her too, make sure it is something appropriate for humans,” “Of course,” After that Wonwoo dragged Soonyoung away by the collar of his shirt. “Alright, you can come out again, they are gone,” Junhui couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation, if the human was supposed to be afraid of anyone, it should be him yet she had opted to use him as her protector. (Y/n) carefully stepped out from behind him to face him once again. “Sorry,” “It’s alright, I understand. We sirens can be quite intimidating, though I promised you, didn’t I? that you would be treated like a queen?” “Well yeah, but I don’t know how sirens treat their royals,” “Mostly, we treat them similarly to how humans would, except, we rarely ever indulge in wars and we have never had someone trying to overthrow the one sitting on the throne. If the ocean has acknowledged a person as the ruler, then that person will become the ruler without question,” “So, basically, you’re a very peaceful species that hunt humans?” “I know that the part of us hunting humans isn’t ideal but there was a time when we needed to hunt souls every single day, now we only do it 2-3 times a year,” “I still don’t understand why you kidnapped me,” “I’ll explain that soon, let’s go to my chambers first, you’re still cold from the rain, you can warm up in there, it’s the warmest room in the entire palace,” “Alright,” Jun began leading the way and (Y/n) followed him, she figured that if she were to live her she might as well make it easy on herself and not fight her siren captor. “Um, could I ask you a question?” “You just did, darling, but of course, ask away,” “How come there is no water inside the palace? Or do I just not notice it?” “There is no water inside, despite what some people believe, we sirens are not only creatures of the water but we are also creatures of the land. We can live both in the water and on land, however, we prefer to live under the surface yet keep our homes dry, hence there is no water inside the palace,” “Oh, I’ve always heard that sirens and all other mythical beings of the water only lived in the water,” “Well, that is the truth for some like mermaids and merman, they need to be in the water 90% of the day, while sirens can go without a drop of water for a month, after that we will begin showing scales until we have to go back in the water,” “I thought sirens and mermaids were the same things,” “We’re similar to each other, but very different too. Mermaids don’t have our captivating song, nor do they have the choice of choosing between a tail and legs when in the water, on land they too can have legs but the second a drop of water touches them their legs turn into a tail. Sirens, like you just saw me doing, can keep our legs when swimming or we can choose to have a tail too. And, sirens have more powers than mermaids in general,” Just as (Y/n) was about to ask another question, Jun stopped and (Y/n) walked right into him. “Sorry,” “No worries, I’m quite sturdy, I can take a hit or two. Anyway, here we are, my chambers,” Jun opened the doors and gestured for (Y/n) to walk inside. 
“Woah, it’s so big!” “Haha, yeah, fitting for a king don’t you think?” “Definitely, it seems like something out of a fairy tale,” “Come on, let’s sit down on the couch,” Jun led (Y/n) over to what seemed to be the living room part of his chambers. The two sat down, not too close to each other but still quite close. “Um, could I know your name or am I supposed to call you ‘my lord’ or something?” “My name is Wen Junhui, you can call me Junhui or Jun. May I also know your name? Or, well, hear it from you, your friend kind of already spoiled it earlier,” “My name is (Y/n) (L/n),” “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Now, I’ll explain to you why I brought you here,” (Y/n) turned so she was facing Jun and he moved to face her. “When I emerged from the water and I saw you, something in me appeared, a feeling, a yearning, and all I could think was that I needed to have you, that you belong to me, with me,” “So you became obsessed with me from just seeing me once?” “No, not really. In a way yes, but I didn’t understand it first until we came here, just like wolf-shifters, also known as werewolves, have predestined soulmates, so do we, though sirens rarely find theirs and we can live without them, however life with a soulmate is much better,” (Y/n) pointed to herself, “And, I’m your soulmate?” “Yeah, I’m sorry about how I acted. I rarely ever go full malicious siren but seeing you awoke some very strong instincts in me,” (Y/n) saw how sincere Jun was as he looked into her eyes. “It’s okay, you did scare me, but since we came here to the palace you seemed soft so I’m not as scared now,” “You shouldn’t have any fear of me, I would never hurt you, not intentionally at least,” “What does it mean, being your soulmate?” “Well, usually soulmates end up becoming a couple, but sirens can suffice with just having them close by as friends, though I am going to have to mark you, which means I have to bite you somewhere,” (Y/n) looked possibly terrified at his last statement. “Bite me?” Jun awkwardly scratched his neck as he looked away from (Y/n). “Yeah, it’s unconventional but from what I have heard it usually doesn’t hurt too badly, though it depends on where the mark is placed,” “Would I have to be with you as a romantic partner?” “No, I wouldn’t force you to be that. I would love it if it became that but if you don’t want that, then it will be enough just having you around the palace as my friend,” (Y/n) pondered for a few minutes over what Jun had said. “I can’t promise that I’ll fall in love with you, but I’ll give you a chance. Do you have to bite me now or can we wait a little?” “Thank you, I promise I won’t waste this chance. And I will have to mark you within a week, I wish it was longer but with me being the king my instincts are heightened and the stronger the instinct, the sooner the mark has to be placed,” “Alright, well can we wait until a week has gone by?” “Of course, no pressure,” The two continued getting to know each other while sitting on the couch. Suddenly, (Y/n)’s eyes zeroed in on Jun’s hair, when they were on the yacht his hair had been two-toned, part blonde, part black, however, now it was fully blond. Without thinking, (Y/n) raised her hand and touched his hair, Jun sat frozen as the human petted his head, her lips turned up in an innocent smile and her eyes glimmered with happiness. When (Y/n) suddenly found her senses again and realized what she was doing, she quickly removed her hand from his face. “Sorry, your hair just looked so soft and I was wondering, wasn’t your hair a different color when we were above the surface?” “It’s alright, darling, you can touch my hair whenever you want, and, yes, when I’m in my full siren mood, and above the surface my hair is two-toned, while under the surface and when I’m in my civil mood or whatever I should call it, it’s fully blonde,” “You look really handsome with both,” “Thank you, you are very pretty,” 
And so the next couple of days went by, the king and his soulmate got to know each other, and perhaps a spark of love was starting to kindle between the two. Jun had given his bed to (Y/n) and he himself slept on the couch, it was comfortable enough for him, and he just needed to let his maids prepare a guest room for (Y/n). And before they knew it, 7 days had passed and it was time for Jun to mark (Y/n). 
*knock knock* (Y/n) knocked on the door to Jun’s office, not wanting to just barge in while he was busy. “Come on in,” “Hey, how’s it going?” “Good, I’m almost done for the day. Just, umm, 3 papers left to sign,” “Sweet, Wonwoo asked if we wanted to eat dinner in the dining room or here in your chambers and I might have answered for you,” “That’s alright, I’m fine with eating in either room,” (Y/n) let out a sigh of relief, “Okay, that’s good, I said we’d eat here,” “That sounds perfect,” “Okay, see you later,” “Bye, darling,” (Y/n) left the office and went back to the living room where Wonwoo was still waiting, the human hadn’t actually answered him yet but she didn’t want Jun to decide for them, however, she didn’t think Wonwoo would take her word seriously unless it was a ‘message’ from the king. “He wishes to have his dinner here, and so do I,” “Of course,” Wonwoo bowed before he turned around, ready to leave, yet he was stopped by (Y/n). “Wait!” “What can I do for you?” “Um, do you know anything about marking?” “It is not my expertise, I’m afraid, though I do know someone who knows a lot about it. If you want, I can send him here to talk with you. I understand that you must have many questions and that you might not wish to ask his majesty,” “If you could send that person I would be very grateful,” “As you wish,” “Wonwoo, you know you don’t have to speak like that with me, right?” “Of course, but it is out of respect for my king that I do, his majesty is one of my closest friends, however, when I am working he is not my friend but my king, and you are his soulmate, ultimately making you our queen, and right now I am working therefore, I must speak this way with you,” “You really treasure this job, don’t you?” “Yes, I love it,” “You’re very good at it, thank you, Wonwoo,” “No problem, (Y/n). I’ll have Jihoon stop by so that you can ask him about the marking and everything,” Wonwoo gave (Y/n) a kind smile, before bowing once again and then leaving. 
Not even a minute later, a knock landed on the door and (Y/n) ran to open it before Jun noticed it. Once she had opened the door she was met with a man who was significantly shorter than most of the other men she had seen around the palace, though he still held a lot of authority in his presence and he was jaked with muscles. “Hi,” “Hey, I’m Jihoon. Wonwoo said that you had some questions regarding marking,” “Yes, I’m (Y/n). Please come in, though be a bit quiet, I don’t want Jun to know about me asking about this,” “I’m afraid he already knows,” “What? How?” “He’s the king of the seven seas, he hears everything that’s going around in the castle, especially things involving his officers, or his soulmate,” “So, he can hear our conversation now?” “Not exactly, it’s more like he can hear when someone speaks outside of his chambers, the second someone says his name, your name, or one of us officer’s name then he can tune into the conversation,” “I think I understand, anyway, I don’t think we have too much time before he is done with his work for the day,” They sat down on the couch, (Y/n) was very nervous, while Jihoon seemed as cool as a block of ice. “So, what are you wondering about?” “Um, well, does it hurt? Being marked,” “It varies from person to person and also depends on the placement. Some people have a higher pain tolerance and therefore it doesn’t hurt as much, others have a lower pain tolerance and for them, it will hurt more. Placement can also vary from person to person but most people choose to be marked on the spot right where your shoulder meets your neck, it’s usually somewhere in the middle of the pain scale, however, it is one of the more intimate spots which is why many people like it, others go for the wrist or the ankles, it’s not as intimate and usually doesn’t hurt as much, and finally some people go for the thighs, it’s one of the most intimate spots, however, the pain level is very uncertain. I know of some who said it didn’t hurt one bit while others screamed for hours from the pain,” “Woah, Wonwoo wasn’t kidding, you do know a lot,” “Yeah, I studied soulmates and marking when I was younger, it is also a part of my duties here in the palace, to give advice regarding soulmates and relationships,” “I have one more question. How will the mark affect me?” “The mark is powerful, not to mention a mark from the king, however, the mark can’t create feelings, it can only intensify pre-existing feelings, so if you do not have any romantic feelings for Jun, the mark won’t change that. For a few days, you will need to be close to Jun while the mark is settling down, if you are too far away from each other for longer than 5 minutes, you will feel sick and be in pain, however, the mark will settle down in 3 days and once those days have passed, the mark will not bother you anymore. The mark has a function that allows Jun to know when you are in danger and it also allows him to know where you are so that he can find you and protect you in case anything happens,” “So, it won’t change me in any way?” “No, it won’t,” “Thank you, Jihoon, I think that’s all the questions I had unless you can think of anything else to say,” “No, that’s all. Fortunately, our marks are not as complicated as werewolf marks. Well, I’ll take my leave then. Say hi to the king from me,” Jihoon waved as he got up from the couch and then left the king’s chambers. 
Seconds after Jihoon left, Jun emerged from his office with a lovesick smile. “Hi, darling,” “Hey, Junnie,” Jun looked around, a little confused, “Jihoon was here?” “Uh, yeah,” (Y/n) answered shyly, a blush creeping up on her face. “I guess Wonwoo sent him here so you could ask about the mark, right?” “Yeah, he did,” “You know you could have asked me,” “I know, but I couldn’t because I didn’t want you to know about it,” Jun walked over to (Y/n) and leaned his forehead against hers. “I understand, well, did Jihoon answer all your questions?” “Yeah, all the ones I asked,” “Okay, have you made any decision?” “Not exactly, I know more about it now, but I don’t want to make the decision without you,” Jun stepped back to look (Y/n) in the eyes. “I’m not the one that’s going to be bitten and possibly go through pain, so my opinion really doesn’t matter,” “Of course, it matters, it will be intimate no matter how you look at it and that affects us both, so it’s not a decision I can take on my own,” “Darling, during this week I have fallen in love with you, it’s affected by the pull I feel toward you but as I assume Jihoon explained, it can’t create feelings, it’s all you, so whatever you decide I will do,” “But what if it changes everything?” “What would it change?” “Us,” “Honey, (Y/n), darling, it won’t change anything unless you want it to,” “But what if I already feel something for you?” “You feel something for me?” “How could I not? Jun, you’ve treated me better than anyone ever has, you’re so sweet and nice, not to mention handsome, and I just, and I think I understand why the universe paired us up,” Jun took a chance and leaned in to kiss (Y/n), he put his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. Their bodies were pressed together, their lips locked in a fiery embrace, time seemed to stop and they were the only two people left in the world, and it really seemed like fireworks went off as Jun’s happy emotions set off some electric currents in the room causing sparks to appear around the couple. (Y/n)’s heart was beating so fast that it seemed like it would break through her ribcage any second, she didn’t pull away until her lip got caught on one of Jun’s fangs, it didn’t pierce her but it did wake her up from the moment. She was heavily out of breath and she held a hand to her lip as she whispered out an ‘ow’. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you? Are you bleeding? Should I call for a doctor?” “No it’s fine, I’m just not used to kissing someone with fangs, sharp fangs, I’m not bleeding, it’s just throbbing a little,” “Here, an ice cube to keep it from swelling,” Jun snapped his fingers and then a small ice cube appeared in his hand that he gave to (Y/n). “Thank you,” (Y/n) took the ice cube from his hand and held it against her lip. 
“Alright, now that we have the first kiss out of the way, why don’t we go back to talking about the mark?” “Yeah, we should talk about,” “What are you most worried about, (Y/n)?” “The pain, I think” “I understand that, pain is scary, I’m sure Jihoon told you that the wrist and the ankles hurt the least, always, the thighs, are a gamble, and the shoulder’s somewhere in the middle if you wonder about any other placement just ask,” “What I’m wondering the most is actually, where would you like to mark me?” Jun’s eyes soften even more, his heart happily fluttering at the fact that (Y/n) wanted to make him happy. “I don’t really care but I’d prefer a more intimate spot, so not the wrist or the ankle, though it is up to you,” “After thinking about I think I would want it on the shoulder,” Jun’s smile brightened as he hugged (Y/n) once again. “That would be perfect,” “So, when are you doing it?” “After dinner, the bite takes up a lot of energy, you will feel very sleepy after it and you will need the energy from the food, it will help you feel less pain. Jihoon didn’t tell you this?” “No, I’m sure he didn’t because I hurried him along,” “Don’t worry, I’m not angry, I’m actually surprised, Jihoon rarely ever misses these things,” “Maybe he didn’t, I think he might have left that out intentionally so that you could tell me,” “He probably did,” Jun pecked (Y/n)’s lips again, “I love you,” “I love you too, even though you kidnapped me,” “Hey, would you have come with me had I not kidnapped you?” “Um, probably not, or actually who knows, maybe I would have met you somewhere else? I mean, just because I wouldn’t have remembered you or that night doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have, right?” “Yeah, that’s true but I’m also afraid that my instincts wouldn’t have let me leave without you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you belonged to me, um, with me,” “Is that also a siren thing or is it a Jun thing?” “What is?” “The possessiveness, the ‘you belong to me’,” “Both I think, it’s definitely a siren thing but I can’t say it isn’t a me thing either,” “Well, luckily for you, I don’t mind it as long as it doesn’t turn into anything worse than you saying that,” “It won’t have to, once my mark is on you no creature in the world, except for humans I guess, would dare try anything with you,” “Give me another kiss, my king,” “As you wish, my queen,” And so Jun gave (Y/n) another breathtakingly passionate kiss that had them both lost in the moment. 
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aeoki · 4 months
Blackjack - Gifts Will Not Arrive: Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Studio Characters: Arashi, Mika & Tetora Season: Autumn
TL Note:
A kotatsu is a low heated table with a blanket on top. 
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Arashi: Ehehe. Anyway, back on topic…
That’s why I said all those things to Ritsu-chan. Christmas is a day to celebrate with your sweetheart, so I told him he should just use that as an excuse to flirt with his beloved “Maa-kun”.
Mika: Ahh… That’s the best bait to lure him out.
Arashi: Right? But it didn’t work – Maa-kun was supposed to be my ultimate weapon but even that failed!
What do you think he said when I put it that way?
He said, “I bet Maa-kun’s gonna be busy… Work is more important than me in his eyes.” He just got even more depressed and less motivated.
Ritsu-chan has always called himself the advisor of “Knights”, but he’s not acting like one at all. Love sure makes one weak, huh. Gosh.
Mika: I kinda understand that… Christmas originates from the Western world, right? It doesn’t look like Oshi-san can come home this year for Christmas since he’s busy then.
He has to be in Japan for “SS”, so he wants to get as much of his work done in Paris, apparently.
Arashi: Ah… So that’s why you were feeling down today. Oh, Mika-chan.
Mika: I also don’t like the cold so there’s that too. I’m pretty skinny so I really can’t handle cold temperatures.
Arashi: I’d love to pass some of my fat to you.
Mika: Hmm, I’m happy just chattin’ with you. It, uh, how do I put it? Helps distract me.
Arashi: One of the reasons I called you here was because I was feeling lonely since none of “Knights” would gather.
Mika: “Knights” was a big family at one point in time, though.
Arashi: Yeah, In fact, I didn’t have the time to feel lonely and had to be super sociable to the point that I was left in a flurry.
Even so, it seems the new members were being considerate and didn’t really show up here. Either way, it still made me feel lonely.
Mika: “Knights” has their own ups and downs, huh~ Nothin’ has changed with me – it feels like we’ve been way too stable, so I’m kinda envious.
Arashi: You want things to be chaotic like last year? Oh, gosh – even watching from the sidelines was bad for my heart!
In the end, peace is best.
Mika: Yeah. In that sense, I’m glad that this year’s “Star Fest” is gonna be a peaceful one.
Arashi: And that’s exactly why I want to enjoy such a peaceful event with everyone.
Sure, it can’t be helped that Izumi-chan and Leo-kun won’t be here since they’ll be enjoying Christmas overseas.
But at the very least, I’d like Ritsu-chan and Tsukasa-chan to forget about the bloody battles and enjoy a peaceful Christmas.
Mika: You keep saying the same stuff over and over again.
Tetora: Osu! Merry Christmas! Osu!
Arashi: What’s with the new Christmas greeting?
Tetora: Should I not have? Apparently, this year’s “Star Fest” is individual participation, so I was just trying to come up with some unique Christmas ideas for myself…
Arashi: It’s fine – it suits you well. …Anyway, did you want us for something?
Tetora: Osu! Sorry for interrupting your conversation! Or rather, sorry for barging in on your turf, Narukami-senpai!
Arashi: You don’t have to worry about that. Always so formal, huh.
Mika: Yeah~ Look, I’ve got nothin’ to do with “Knights” and I’m here too.
Arashi: If anything, I was the one who dragged you in here since I wanted someone to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, hey there, Kagehira-senpai! Actually, you two together seem like a pretty weird combo!
Arashi: My, you didn’t know that Mika-chan and I have been besties since forever?
Tetora: Honestly, the students in the lower grades don’t know much about who’s friends with who in the higher grades. 
Mika: Yeah~ I’ve also been surprised to see Oshi-san being friends with a lot of unexpected people.
Arashi: Anyway, what business did you have with us? If you want to chat, we can just do it at Seisou Hall, you know? If you came all this way, is it an emergency, then?
Or do you have nothing on and just passed by? If you’re bored, how about chatting with us, Tetora-kun?
Mika: Yeah, come sit in the kotatsu[⁎] with us~♪ It’s nice and warm.
Tetora: That’s a very appealing suggestion, but I’m not here for that.
Arashi: Oh, did something happen to “RYUUSEITAI”...? You guys still haven’t made up yet?
Tetora: No, it’s got nothing to do with them this time. Actually, I’m here to ask something for Shinobu-kun…
Have you guys seen either Mayoi Ayase-senpai or Hitsugi Kurone recently?
Mika: Ngh? Uhh…
Arashi: Did something happen to them?
Tetora: I don’t really know but it looks like they’re both missing.
Kurone-san disappeared a while back but Ayase-senpai only went missing recently… 
It seems Shinobu-kun and the “ALKALOID” members who messaged him are searching everywhere for Ayase-senpai. I’m just helping out with that. Osu.
Arashi: Missing? My, that doesn’t sound good.
Mika: Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen ‘em around these days… Um, does the police know about this?
Tetora: I personally think the police should be involved, but it wouldn’t be right for an outsider like me to report it.
Arashi: So that’s why you’re running around and directly searching for them.
Tetora: Osu. That’s right.
To be frank, I’m busy preparing for “Star Fest” and “SS”, so I don’t have the time for this, but this is how things ended up.
Arashi: Heroes have it tough, huh. I don’t really understand but alright – I’ll ask around for you.
Tetora: Thanks so much. Manpower is fundamental when it comes to searching for people, so it’ll be a great help if we can get as many people as we can to lend a hand in the search.
Arashi: Ehehe.
Tetora: ? Did I say something weird?
Arashi: Nope. Just thinking how I was also in a rush doing the same thing in this cold weather last year… “Valkyrie” would go missing occasionally, right?
Mika: Ngh ahh~ Don’t bring that up. It’s embarrassin’ in front of our junior.
But yeah, I caused a lot of trouble last year, so I’ll be sure to help everyone out this year.
I’ll talk to “Double Face” since they’re good at findin’ people.
I’ve been keepin’ in contact with ‘em ever since “Antique Market”, so they’re pretty easy to talk to.
Tetora: Oh, Mikejima-senpai… Yeah, he’s reliable.
Arashi: You see him in a good light for some reason, huh, Tetora-kun. He’s usually just a good-for-nothing fellow.
Tetora: He’s a great senior from “RYUUSEITAI”.
Well, in any case, that’s all I’m here for.
I’m gonna go look elsewhere, so if you have any info, please let me know on “Hallhands”.
Arashi: Roger that~
…I don’t really get it but something smells fishy.
And here I thought I’d be able to spend Christmas in peace this year.
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[I am fine I am just saving people who don't want to see my covid venting]
Listen, for complete transparency I am behind on my covid boosters + still way more lax about masking than I should be, but I do have my reusable N95 + N99 masks that I wear everywhere bar my desk at work, students' houses*, or at home. We got the HEPA filters running 24/7 at home**. I STAY HOME WHEN IM SICK. I also remain very boring and masking in public aside I also really don't go to places where I'll be around strangers bar attending theatre (which is my JOB).
I am primarily concerned about covid, but to avoid people feeling the need to grill me I will sometimes swerve to say that my PhD advisor has bad lungs + is immunocompromised and so I'm actually not able to see her if I have ANY respiratory infection (which is also true). But also people look™️ at me in public and will sometimes directly challenge my masking, and sometimes (especially in theatre settings) I will get really pissed by this and actually grow a spine about it and talk about how not only are people dying and being disabled but also the theatre industry in Australia COLLAPSED and in order to keep my Fucking Job I NEED us to make it safe to gather in person. (Also I'm working in disabled theatre rn so... y'know... let's not kill our fellow artists y'all!!)
So this established, yesterday was the second time in less than three months that my brother's gf has come over while symptomatically sick. Last time she was fucken putting her toothbrush touching mine and everything so both myself and my brother got sick. I haven't been sick since early 2021, I suspect largely because I mask (which rocks imo), but then she comes over for a visit without telling my brother or anyone else she's unwell bc she's turned a negative RAT (it was negative RAT tests from all involved the whole illness so inshallah not covid).
That time she knew she was sick sick, and so even though she says yesterday she thought it was just hayfever that honestly doesn't win her much credit with me bc it clearly doesn't actually matter to her. And now she has turned a positive RAT and I am just apoplectic with rage. (My brother is also pretty fucken put out because she is apparently consistently not telling him if she's ill before they meet up, including when he goes over to hers.)
I am angry enough that I am waiting until I'm calmer to make it an official call, but honestly I am considering just banning her from our house. Ma'am you work in allied health what's not fucking clicking???
Like she's very apologetic and I appreciate that and MAYBE I'd be a bit more forgiving (given her symptoms were pretty mild and she does have my sympathy about trying to differentiate hayfever and illness) if I hadn't already been made "week in bed" sick by her THIS SAME FUCKEN RESEARCH QUARTER.
I also know that I'm extra mad bc at the moment she's acting as a symbol for my brain of all the people who should know better but don't even try, for the government policy that is going to kill the presence of the artform I love in this country and also like.... SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE. Like she did not individually do that. But what she has done is at best risked and at worst transmitted this fucking virus to me and my housemates, after ALREADY making 2/3 of us sick less than 90 days ago, and I'm angry I'm so so so angry.
*this is probably the really risky choice
**which has also done wonders for the asthma so that's a nice bonus
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crossdressingdeath · 2 years
I feel like one of the main problems with Inquisitions cast is that they feel like they’re friends with each other, not with you. like obviously part of that is game design/time management: they can only write/voice so many lines and account for so many player choices for each of the companions but like. Come on BioWare. I think Quiz should’ve been able to interact more in banter. As it is they’re mostly a silent participant, unless it’s about them (any of the romance banter basically).
It certainly helps to drive home the feeling of loneliness/separation a Quiz would be feeling but at what cost.
Additionally pre-Skyhold, before you can do any of the personal quests, feels super lonely, especially before you get most of the companions. You have what. Cassandra, Solas and Varric? (not to dis any of them but like. they aren’t 3 of the most open people to talk to and become friends with) Haven is a little town with a lot of people in it but it feels very empty, especially since so many of those people wanted to dead days/weeks prior… + the fact that Quiz may feel like they’re being forced into joining the Inquisition. just a recipe for bad mental health
I do really like Quiz having some opportunities to interject in banter, especially since DAO and DA2 really don't give you that chance? I've been keeping Varric and Dorian in my party in order to eventually trigger the banter where they start betting on Quiz's chances... with odds of three to one in Corypheus's favour. And you can either get upset at Dorian for betting against you or take the bet. (Also side note Varric refers to Quiz as "our beloved Inquisitor" and that pleases me immensely.) But yeah, a lot of the time it does feel a bit like soldiers chatting in the back ranks while their commander leads them to the next destination.
But I think the biggest problem with DAI's writing is the way the vast majority of your companions think of you as the Herald of Andraste and treat you more like a religious figurehead and boss than a friend. I know I bring this up a lot, but Varric ending his friendship cutscene by openly saying he finds it easy to forget that Quiz is a person like that's fine and normal even though his entire deal is "Hey, remember that Hawke's a person and my friend and not just some walking, talking statue that does Heroics" really is a whole thing.
And yeah, Haven would be incredibly isolating for Quiz. Varric at least asks how they're holding up with the whole prisoner to religious figure speedrun situation, but other than that you're basically just... expected to deal with it. Especially bad for any Quiz who isn't Andrastian and is getting a fun first taste of how they're going to be expected to play a good little Andrastian for at least the next three years whether they like it or not. But even when the characters actually ask if you're okay there's never really a nice strong no. Like... maybe when your LI asks how you're holding up at the end of WEaWH there should be a "I just had to risk my life for a bunch of Orlesians who've spent the whole evening talking shit about me to my face for being a mage/elf/dwarf/Vashoth as part of my duties in a role my advisors threatened me into to begin with and I'm genuinely starting to wonder if saving the world is worth all this" option, for example. But the absolute most you ever get is "I don't know if I did enough for these ungrateful bastards who treat me like shit". I guess at least you can swear about it in Trespasser...
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painterofhorizons · 1 year
Not so random academia work rant under the cut
I've been so relieved when I had that talk with my boss about not finishing my PhD a couple of months ago. It's okay to not finish a PhD. It literally doesn't matter. I'm dropping out for a shitload of reasons, both personal and structural, and I'm good with it. My boss is okay with it even though she really wants to see me with the title because she thinks I deserve it which is really sweet of her. But we're fine, and we're still working together as long as they let us and we're still doing our very cool 3 year project we got funding for and it literally doesn't matter if I have the title or not. In the end it doesn't matter for her wether or not I'm having that title, we're a really good team anyways. So it was really good to have that "listen it just won't happen anymore" talk a while ago, get that off my chest and stop struggling with that stupid dissertation. I've been struggling with trying to do my PhD in two tries since 2015.it's time to move on.
Now another prof I had worked with recently was asking about how I'm doing with my PhD because one does a PhD at university of course. We're meeting for coffee next week to talk about other stuff but today she was already like "but why haven't you finished your PhD by now" and stuff, and I'm dreading having to explain myself to her.
If you look at the numbers, more people drop out of grad school than finish it. Even more so if you look at social background. There really are so many reasons why I didn't finish this, and every single one is valid, and I still feel like a failure and I'm still embarrassed to bring it up in academic context.
Like, I shouldn't feel this way! There shouldn't be shame attached to it! A person's worth is not attached to things like titles or accomplishments. And I'm doing a damn good job besides this stupid PhD. I'm good I'm my field even if I'm not good in doing a PhD. And most of the reasons why I'm not doing it anymore are structural and not even personal failures - and dropping out of grad school ain't goddamn failing either.
It should be enough and normal to just say "oh yeah I was working on a PhD but I'm not finishing it" and then go on with whatever you're doing. If I'm fine and my boss is fine it shouldn't be anybody else's business. I shouldn't have to explain myself, and it shouldn't be a bad thing. My reasons shouldn't matter to anybody else but me (and a bit to my advisor). I shouldn't have to tell my reasons to anyone. And yet oh gosh I don't want to have that talk with that prof next week. I just want to be like "yeah I'm not doing that anymore" and she nods and we go on with discussing the other work stuff where we want to work together.
I'm so tired about not fitting in at work. I'm so tired about all the ways academia is wrong or unjust or broken. I'm so tired of the struggles one faces in academia as neurodivergent and from working class and specific social and political upbringings that just damn, make things like finishing a PhD hard sometimes. It should be okay. It shouldn't be failure or a flaw.
I was so relieved I had cleared that with my boss and we're both okay with it, I don't want someone else to have an opinion on it.
People drop out of grad school, so what? Life goes on!
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mengy007 · 10 months
The Wizard Lizard and the Royal Scarab. (Scaraman fic :D)
CH.1: It All Started With a Dance
(Notes: HOMOPHOBIA DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS FIC, anyone can date anyone due to magic and advanced technology, also this fic includes one of my friend’s OCs that they ship with scarab, @spamton-garfungle ‘s OC Lyman)
(This is mainly for them but feel free to read it too)
The ballroom was all in a buzz, everyone was chatting or eating something with their partners or friend groups for tonight was the night of the royal couple’s fourth anniversary. The two were famous in the kingdom but for very different reasons, Prince Prismo was very friendly and loved to talk amongst even common folk which gave him a very high popularity status, he was everybody’s pal Prismo. The king’s lover on the other hand, Sir Scarab was a quiet and more reserved ruler who tended to be unnecessarily rude at times, but was fair and just when it was important. The King was Orbo, Orbo had adopted Prismo as a sort-of son and hired Scarab as a bodyguard, the once lowly beetle had bested all of his classes, rose above all his peers, and even petitioned to the job. Prismo and Scarab winded up falling for each other and from there blossomed a romance.
Lately however, the two had found themselves bickering and having banters over things like dinner or who Prismo should and shouldn’t be hanging out with and it was tearing their relationship apart. Prismo had noticed this more than Scarab so he decided to make up a solution, and he planned to propose to Scarab this very night believing marriage would bring them closer together.
Prismo was talking to his friends about what he had planned, specifically a magician named Cosmos (who was Prismo’s advisor) and a few other folks. Scarab had been weaving his way through the crowd to try and find Prismo, the slow dance would be starting soon and he wanted to dance with his lover. Scrarab finally spotted that mass of pink curly hair on the balcony discussing something with Cosmos, he went over as his black dress trailed behind him.
Prismo heard footsteps approaching and made a small motion for Cosmos to shush about what they were just talking about, giggling like they were children. ‘So immature…’ Scarab thought, having second thoughts about dancing with Prismo. “Hey Scrabby, whats up!” Prismo greeted with a smile, “Prismo, I was wondering if we could perhaps dance?”
Well shit, Prismo actually didn’t know how to ballroom dance, and he certainly didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of everyone tripping over himself, so he hurried to make en excuse, “Erm, sorry Scrabs but I’m a bit busy with Cosmos at the moment, we’re discussing something real important” he said, feeling very guilty that he had denied his lover his dance. Scarab sighed, annoyed. “Alright then, I’ll be around if you change your mind” he spoke, leaving the two.
“Prismo are y-hoo crazy?!” Cosmos asked in a hushed tone, “Urrrrgggghhhh I know but I really cant dance man, and I didnt want to tell Scarab because if I did he’d be all like: ‘let me teach you’ or ‘It’s fine I’ll lead’ and all that jazz, and I’d be teased for weeks about how I keep stumbling over” Prismo complained, “S-hoot dude, are you like…sure you want to marry him?” Cosmos asked, leaning on the railing of the balcony, “I know we fight a lot and it looks bad but he’s really sweet when we’re alone…Cos I know what you’re thinking, wipe that smirk off your face” Prismo blushed, “When you two are alone, huh?” Cosmos asked smirking still, “Cosmos you know I didn’t mean that!” Prismo exclaimed, “You know, when me and Scarab are like, in a room together- glob dammit- uh- by ourselves-?”
Cosmos stopped him by putting his hand on Prismo’s shoulder, “Dude, I was joking.” He said, chucking a bit. “But really though, are you absolutely sure you want to marry him?” Cosmos asked, Prismo nodded, “Yes, Cos I am sure this is what I want. I’m going to propose to him tonight when the ball ends, plus the worst thing that could happen is that he just says no” he sighed at the thought, “But even if he does I’ll give him freedom to love whoever he wants, I love him…and I’ll let him go if I have to.”
“…Jeez man, that got dark really fast” Cosmos commented, looking concerned “You good?”
“I’m fine” Prismo sighed, “Just thinking about it kinda scares me.”
Meanwhile, Scarab was sitting at the bar in the back of the ballroom, he sighed and looked up at the clock, it was about 8:57 PM, the dance would start at 9 PM, he had really wanted to dance with Prismo but apparently Cosmos was more important. Eh, no point in getting petty about it, at least not now. Judging by the giggling when he came over it was most definitely not important.
Scarab was about to order himself a drink when he was approached by a stranger in a brown suit, the stranger sat next to him, “good evening, Sir Scarab” he greeted, Scarab glanced at them. Their most notable features were brown curly hair and red eyes, “good evening” Scarab responded, thinking nothing of it. “where is Prince Prismo? It’s almost time for the dance, shouldn’t he be dancing with you?” the stranger asked, “Prince Prismo is conversing with one of his friends at the moment, I have no dance partner” Scarab shrugged, “I see…could I possibly dance with you then?” The stranger asked, Scarab saw it as a silly request for someone to want to dance with him and not Prince Prismo, “I don’t even know your name” Scarab responded, “Ah, deepest apologies! I am Lyman the Wizard, pleasure to make your acquaintance” The stranger now known as Lyman introduced himself, “I got here from a friend of Prismo’s, they invited me, said there would be free food, so I came” Lyman shrugged, “Now that you know my name, would you like to dance?” He asked again, Scarab pondered it for a while, “…If I dance with someone other than Prince Prismo, others might begin to spread rumors” Scarab said, frowning at the idea, “Then how about we go somewhere more secluded? Like outside?” Lyman offered, “from what I’ve seen from the window, the castle’s garden is empty, and we can probably hear the music from there” he said, “And the guard is asleep in the shed” he added with a small chuckle, Scarab made a mental note to have a talk with that guard later, as that could’ve been very dangerous thing if someone broke in. “You are really persistent about this dance, hmm?” Scarab asked, looking at him, “Well, I really just want to dance with someone tonight, its a ball might as well dance a little” Lyman said, “And everyone else seems to have a dancing partner or just doesn’t want to dance”
“Besides, who would ever pass up the opportunity to dance with you?”
Scarab felt his face heat up at that comment, he thought about it for a few, then gave his answer: “Alright, let’s go”.
The two got up from their seats and went to the castle garden, it was a large space, about 1/4th of the ballroom and enough plants to keep them somewhat hidden from the ballroom window that peered over the garden, the plants that grew were mostly vines, flowers, and a large apple tree that was in the very middle. The garden was well-kept, one or two weeds every now and then but nothing else. The garden also had a small river with koi fish around the apple tree that essentially made it a small island, the only way to get across without getting wet was a wooden bridge that could comfortably fit two people side by side. Scarab always loved the garden, he always visited it at least once every day if he could. He’d remember Prismo often getting stuck in that tree trying to pick apples himself and they’d often banter about Prismo getting hurt.
The bell rang as the clock hit 9PM and after a few minutes, the music started up. Lyman extended his hand and folded the other behind his back, “shall we?” He asked, smiling. Scarab hesitated for a second, glanced at the ballroom window, then nodded. He took Lyman’s hand and Lyman pulled Scarab close, placing his left hand on Scarab’s hip while Scarab placed his right on Lyman’s shoulder, both of their free hands intertwined and they twirled around the garden as the music played from the ballroom.
This felt so wrong, yet it felt so right. they fit together perfectly like a complete puzzle. Scarab was graceful and moved with Lyman as he led the dance, the two seeming to move in sync and everything seemed perfect like this is where Scarab belonged. ‘No.’ Scarab reminded himself, ‘this is just a dance, nothing more.’
The music reached the climax and Lyman expertly dipped Scarab, “Where did you learn how to dance like this?” Scarab asked out of pure curiosity, “I used to take a class because I got bored” Lyman responded with a small shrug, Scarab nodded, taking note of that.
They danced for a few more minutes, and the song was almost over, they had managed to get across the bridge and dance around the apple tree, someone appeared by the window and Scarab was quick to notice, pulling Lyman behind the large apple tree with him, practically pinning him to the tree, “woah- hey did you trip or somethin-?”
Scarab peaked out to the window and saw a random partygoer, just taking a glance outside. Once they left Scarab released a breath he didn’t even know he had been holding, “that was close, I think we should head back now.” Scarab spoke, glancing at Lyman, “that would be a good idea” Lyman agreed, as they both snuck back into the ballroom.
The music ended and everyone who wasn’t dancing had begun clapping, Lyman had gotten himself lost in the crowd already and Scarab couldn’t see him anymore. Once the clapping had ceased, Prismo walked up to Scarab, “there you are” Prismo greeted with a smile, “I have a surprise for you, Scrabby.”
Scarab was about to ask what Prismo meant before Cosmo walked up to the stage, “Ladies, gents, and our non-binaries out there” he began, getting a small cheer “we have an important announcement to make before this ball ends, so if you would please direct your attention to Prince Prismo and Sir Scarab” Cosmos smiled as the lights of the ballroom dimmed down and a spotlight shone on Scarab and Prismo. Scarab was surprised having the spotlight suddenly put on him, it wasn’t pleasant. Being related to royalty made him somewhat used to it though.
Prismo got down on one knee and held Scarab’s hand in his own as a hush fell over the crowd. Prismo took a breath, then spoke.
“…Scarab Everglade…these past four years have been the best of my life with you by my side, we’ve been through rough times together but you always stuck around. I love you with all my heart and I ask you to make me the happiest man in the universe…”
Prismo then pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a beautiful gold ring with a diamond and two small red rubies on either side.
“Scarab, will you marry me?”
There was silence, and Scarab didn’t know what to say, he felt everyone’s eyes looking directly at him, and he began to hyperventilate, glancing around the room nervously. He caught sight of Lyman, looking at Scarab with an unreadable expression.
“…is there something wrong?” Prismo asked, looking up at Scarab with worry, “my love…?”
“…I…Prismo…I…I can’t marry you.”
Everyone gasped and murmurs were heard amongst the crowd as Prismo’s kind smile fell.
“Scarab…why?” Prismo asked, tears beginning to form, he thought he did everything right? He was kind to Scarab, he made sure to always make time for him, he took care of him, surely it wasn’t that he didn’t dance with Scarab earlier, or was it?
Scarab looked at everyone, backing away towards the exit door. “I-I just cant, Prismo.” He said, unable to give a proper answer with everyone looking at him. Eventually his back hit the door and he fumbled with the handle, ‘run, hide, now’ Scarab’s mind told him as the door opened and he nearly fell backwards.
“Scrabby wait-!” Prismo called after him, reaching for the door.
Scarab didn’t even look back, running as fast as the stupid dress would allow him. He just ran, not caring who or what saw him, he just needed to get away from that crowd.
The town hadn’t had news of what happened yet, so he purchased a cloak and some old clothes last minute with some money he had on him, he went to a changing room in the market and changed quickly, throwing the cloak over himself and bringing his dress with him to discard somewhere else.
The royal family would without a doubt be searching for him and they had tracking dogs which were expertly trained. Why was he running away? Well if he had said no and stayed, the king would be very, very angry, and only Scarab knew what happened when Orbo was that angry…
Scarab got a carriage to a different town and thought about what the hell just happened.
Okay, assess the situation at hand…Prismo proposed to you, you really just dated him because you wanted to murder him and become the ruler but ended up falling in love with a stranger who offered to dance with you and now you’ve run away because Orbo will have you executed if he finds you…it…it could be worse?
He sighed and buried his face in his hands, he’d be living life on the run now, fuck why couldn’t he just have said yes…
He ruined his own life, took years to build, moments to destroy.
He was tired now, from what had happened. He decided he would sleep, the ride would take all night anyway…
He leaned back and asked the driver if he could wake him when they got there for a tip, and the driver accepted. He attempted to sleep but the path was very bumpy plus he felt strangely cold without Prismo by his side and the cold night air, he’d probably be shivering if not for his cloak. He eventually nodded off and let the darkness consume his vision.
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siriannatan · 2 years
Arranged Rearrangements 3/3
And now I only have one fic to keep track of outside one-shots.
I'm honestly happy I made this one longer. (this last chapter is short since I was out of ideas :{)
fWhip had no idea what he expected when Scott. A man whose dramatic side he knows well. Said he'd come to demand his hand in marriage by the elven law. But the image of Scott, his giant sword, though sheathed, floating ominously next to him and a bit of frost on the ground. And two guards and a scribe behind him.
"I came here to, by the elven law, as for count fWhip's hand in marriage as per agreement between my father and his grandfather," Scott announced, smirk tugging on his lips, arms crossed over his chest.
fWhip was at all not shocked Scott got dramatic about the thing even if he didn't expect this level of dramatics. It was Scott. And he did not do things by halves. So unlike his advisors who spend the whole morning going over the mess that was fWhip's grandfather's engagement to the previous elven king, he was at all not shocked so he simply ordered to have their guests brought in to the meeting room and served tea and best cookies and other sweets Grimlands had to offer. Elves loved sweet things after all. Every elven formal meal had at least two desserts served. If less were served the host risked their guests getting upset.
The advisors went over the papers Scott and his scribe brought over as Scott and fWhip had a staring match. Trying very hard not to laugh at how ridiculous the whole situation was to them. Or how happy they were at how eager fWhip's advisors were to get this done.
"Hello?" In the middle of it all Sausage wandered in, visibly excited for some reason. "My court says something about the engagement being possibly null and void?" he asked just before spotting Scott. "Oh... hello?"
"Well..." fWhip's main advisor started, straightening up in his chair. "If Rivendell can get two more members of the Wither Alliance to agree to their return to the alliance, then technically count fWhip could not have been engaged to you since he was already engaged to king Scott, king of Rivendell technically..." he explained and Sausage nodded along.
"Well, I'm all for it if it stops my court complaining about me insisting there be blood served during banquets," he grinned, raising his arms. "They told me to argue but I don't feel like it," he added and took a seat on fWhip's right, leaving a seat he'd usually take empty.
"Oh. So it wasn't you being angry?" fWhip asked, sipping his lunch as Scott enjoyed his cookies and tea. "Interesting."
"Yeah, no. I was just ignoring you, worried you'd be angry with me... I suppose we should have just talked. Should I ask Pearl if she's fine with Scott joining..."
"Rejoining," Scott corrected. "Technically rejoining," he added with a smile and it took all of fWhip's will to not melt. Scott was just so damn pretty. "Just saying."
Sausage nodded but still messaged his sister. He technically didn't have to. The news of Scott asking for her brother's hand quickly reached Gem who was, to everyone's shock not against it. Or Scott rejoining the alliance. Pearl had some doubts but seeing that Sausage was all about ending the engagement between him and fWhip she has relented.
And so, when everything was signed, discussed and done, leaving fWhip thoroughly exhausted. At least Scott insisted, levelling fWhip's advisors with a cold stare and leaving no room for arguments, that he would stay the night. He did place discussing some personal, just between them matters as a reason so they did not argue.
"It went better than I expected," the count admitted and grimaced at the glass of blood one last maid left before all the staff was excused out of the mansion. fWhip wanted his alone time with Scott to not be disturbed by anything, now that he was allowed to spend time with his favourite elf.
Scott chuckled lightly. "Oh, I was not at all worried, and I'm sure Mythland's court won't mind since it's me," he said and joined fWhip on a small couch the vampire tossed himself at once all the stress was over and done with. "And no more about that, we have a royal wedding to plan," he chuckled and pulled the glass of blood out of fWhip's hand.
"Isn't it a bit fast? We just barely got engaged," fWhip chuckled, at all not fighting Scott.
"Well, from my side we've been engaged for far too long already," Scott shrugged, delicate fingers slowly opening a few buttons of his shirt so he could expose his neck. "But for now, a proper snack and a nap," he smiled.
fWhip chuckled and before biting kissed him. Slow and hopefully conveying how much he loved Scott. Finding those damn engagement papers likely took much longer than Scott would ever admit.
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