#takuya my babygirl
mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing
Baji: Mikey can you stop staring at Takemitchy for one goddamn second we're literally in a meeting😐
Mikey: shut the fuck up you dumb bitch this isn't dm
Mikey: delete that message rn istg Baji
Draken: bro you're the one who's suppose to be leading this meeting
Draken: i'm so tired of doing shit for you
Mikey: maybe calm down Ken-chin
Mitsuya: why are you all on your phones
Mitsuya: this is serious
Kazutora: what's this meeting even about
Chifuyu: guys...
Takemitchy: guys please Takuya was beaten up again we have to do something
Draken: why does Takuya get into so many fights??
Draken: he seems pretty unproblematic
Takemitchy: he's very pretty 😔
Draken: ...uh, okay
Draken: wait, huh?
Mistuya: yeah i'll agree on that but what does that have to do with him getting into fights
Mikey: lol Takemitchy are you in love with him or something
Mikey: he isn't that pretty to be honest
Mikey: idk he seems kinda twinky
Draken: 😐
Hakkai: context, Takemitchy
Chifuyu: i mean if we were being beaten up for our looks we all know who'd be targeted the most😁
Kazutora: you're actually very ugly Chifuyu
Chifuyu: do you ever blink
Baji: we're not doing this again
Mitsuya: Takemitchy please explain the Takuya thing, he's literally in the hospital every other week
Mistuya: also where are you
Takemitchy: sorry my bad i went to the bathroom
Baji: bet you were shitting huh
Baji: gross
Takemitchy: ....uhm
Draken: leave him alone
Mikey: what's wrong with shitting
Mikey: don't be embarrassed Takemitchy we all poop
Mikey: even me
Kazutora: what are we talking about right now
Mitsuya: can we please stay on topic
Takemitchy: ok so
Takemitchy: lots of guys flirt with Takuya thinking he's a girl
Takemitchy: then when he tells them he's a guy they get really mad
Takemitchy: it happens a lot
Takemitchy: usually we're all there to protect him but yeah
Draken: ohhh
Draken: that's pretty sad actually
Draken: ok so plan of action
Baji: damn
Baji: one of y'all just pretend to be his boyfriend so they can fuck of idk
Chifuyu: *off
Baji: leave me alone
Chifuyu: it's our literature test next week so no, i won't leave you alone Baji-san
Chifuyu: you promised to stop making your mother cry with your grades😕
Mikey: she cries when she see's them???💀
Kazutora: how is the Takuya thing Toman related🗿
Draken: he's our friend
Draken: so it relates
Draken: and yeah maybe Baji's idea would work i genuinly don't know how to solve this
Draken: just look out for it guys
Chifuyu: yeah we gotta protect the littles
Chifuyu: of topic but Takuya is a lil cute ngl
Baji: first of all, you're 5'4, you are the littles😐
Baji: and yeah
Baji: also
Baji: *off
Chifuyu: touchè
Mikey: not cuter than me tho, right Takemitchy?
Baji: he wasn't even part of...
Baji: nvm
Chifuyu: oh he's at the hospital with Takuya, Mikey-kun
Mikey: this meeting was very disorganised, my bad
Mikey: anyway, off to bed, g'night
Draken: it's noon...
Mikey: and?
Draken: yeah you're right nvm
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katsune-nya · 1 year
Akkun: Where are Takemichi, Kazushi and Makoto?
Takuya: They're playing hide and seek.
Akkun: Where?
Takuya: I don't think you get how this game works.
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pevensiechase · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara Theory
@nerdyenby had a post about Miguel O'Hara being a spider but not a Spider-Man.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've been on tumblr enough to know that he's the newest and biggest hot Internet crush and also babygirl?? (I guess I see the appeal, but he's kinda meh. Don't come at me, I'm getting off topic).
All this being said, the fact that he's a type of vampiric-being and does all the injections and whatever that "keep his vampire instincts at bay" makes sense, but nerdyenby's post mentioned how maybe he's using all the Spider-people's DNA to make his injection because he seems to be a bit of an anomaly.
Despite not seeing the movie yet, I have read many of the Spider-Verse comics (Patton Parnell's issue traumatized me, this is why I have a fear of spiders).
I don't remember a lot about Miguel O'Hara (other than many of his multiverse selves being killed), BUT obviously the movies aren't an exact adaptation of the comics (no hate, just an observation, and maybe a choice for the better because I think having an on-screen Patton Parnell would raise concerns).
So, if they're taking liberties with the comics, you know who else is a vampiric-being in the Spider-Verse?
(SPOILERS for the Spider-Verse comics)
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THESE GUYS (The Inheritors)
Okay, hear me out.
So what I know from Across the Spider-Verse is that they're being hunted by The Spot (similar to the Inheritors hunting the Spider-people). There haven't been mentions of the Inheritors in the movie as far as I'm aware.
In the comics, the Inheritors basically weaken, capture, and consume the Spider-people. Their goal is to destroy all Spider-people (or Spider totems as they call them) and use their life forces.
(WARNING, light comic book violence/gore depicted, disturbing images)
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The Inheritors feed on the Spider-people's life forces. They're pretty invincible and not even Cosmic Spider-Man (Earth-13) could defeat them when he left his Earth. Cosmic Spider-Man and his Enigma Force was the only thing keeping the Inheritors from their safe haven, but as soon as he left, they decimated him.
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I mean, look. Morlun (one of the Inheritors) is walking through fire.
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This Inheritor is taking the arm off of Takuya Yamashiro's (Earth-51778) mech, Leopardon.
So, the Inheritors are invincible and super strong. Miguel O'Hara has a unique skill set such as super strength as well as being abnormal to the usual requirements for Spider-people as state in nerdyenby's post.
Is Miguel O'Hara an Inheritor, or akin to one?
Don't take this as me saying that he is; I just see the similarities. Again, I have yet to watch the movie, and I don't remember all the details from the Spider-Verse comics, but the post reminded me of the Inheritors. Of course, we don't know where the sequel is going to go, but that's my two bits.
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lunar-gl1tch · 1 year
1, 7, and 14 for the toku asks?
How did you get into toku?
OKAY SO. I got into the yakuza games with my bro @skajador. We both got very into Judgment, the spinoff detective game. Through it we got into Takuya Kimura and eventually SMAP. We dragged multiple RGG friends into the Aging Disbanded Boyband swamp, including @hyenatron. We have our little server and everything. One of the old school smap fans is a HUGE toku fan and she showed us Kamen Rider G, the little special/parody with Goro Inagaki (which zi-o over quartzer made canon btw) and it was delightful (hmu if you wanna see it!). Kris got into Kamen Rider first, and eventually dragged Kinsey into watching OOO. They got my ass with DateGotou of all things, i watched some eps with them and then felt like i had to write fic and that's when I start watching stuff on my own lmao. We've watched a lot of stuff together now even if I sometimes watch parallel bc im in a wildly different timezone lmao
7. Favorite villain?
BLOOD STALK/EVOLT. He is my nasty old fruity cosmic horror babygirl. I feel only delight when hes on screen
14. Least favorite character(s)?
hmmm. I'm not sure, i still haven't encountered a character I'm particularly pressed on. I guess Sononi, not because i don't love her, I DO, but because of her wasted potential. She could've been....more. As it is she spends most of the series vibing in the neighborhood doing fuck all and then almost dies because of a love triangle. sigh.
I guess Lovelica kinda sucks but at least in a funny way
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hanajjima · 3 years
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Warnings: slight degradation, sexual content
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“I’m going alone.” 
“No, you’re not.” 
The tension in the air was thick enough to slice through with a knife. Silence rang amongst the Toman executives as they looked between their leader and his girlfriend, glaring daggers at each other. Mikey sat, elbows perched on his thighs, while she stood stubbornly on the other side of the room, hands balled into fists and eyes narrowed. 
His expression gave nothing away. Impassive as always, lips set in a firm line as he stared her down. He was getting real annoyed at her, bringing up their personal issues in public in front of Kisaki and all their subordinates. Really testing his patience.
He flexed his fingers.
She stood there, proud and defiant. Barging in while he’s working like his time meant nothing. Such boldness coming from his babygirl. He’d have to remind her who’s in charge. Put her over his knee in front of his men, bunch up her dress and -- 
“I told you, they won’t answer me truthfully if I show up with a bunch of gangsters on my ass.” 
“That’s your problem. Either take ‘em or you’re not going at all. Now leave. We’re in the middle of a meeting.” 
Hurt crashes over her features. Hands fall slack to her sides, lips parted in surprise as her cheeks and ears burn red. 
He’d admit what he said was harsh and not true at all. He cares and wants her research to go well. But she’s making a fucking scene. Mikey can’t let that go unchecked. She didn’t often come to Toman meetings because she was busy with school. So she rarely saw him like this: cold, mean, acting like he didn’t give a crap about anything. But she’d understand when they talk about it later. He’s willing to compromise, but right now he just needs her to leave.
He wants her to be safe and venturing into the red-light district to interview some sex workers in the dead of night was the complete opposite. Shady characters roamed the streets and the thought of some creep even looking at her made his blood simmer. 
But she kept insisting that she has to go alone or the girls won’t trust her. They won’t honestly share their experiences with a bunch of men who run the operation lurking around the corner.  
Mikey understood all that, and he’s grateful for her odd interest in his corrupt dog-eat-dog world where his days are filled with trading brain-damaging narcotics, running prostitution rings, and selling military grade weapons. He breathed blood and violence. It stalked him around every corner and despite her interest, he tried his best to keep her far away from it all. However, when they first met, he never bothered hiding who he was.
It was at a club run by Takuya Hiroshi. A greedy bastard who made his fortune trafficking drugs, women, girls, boys, anyone or anything he could get his hands on. In a crowd filled with lustful sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other on a dance floor, she instantly stood out as someone who didn’t belong.  
In terms of attire, she was fine. Dolled up in a mini black sleeveless dress with black pumps and gold chains around her neck and wrists. They complimented her warm brown skin. Others would say she’s wearing too much, but to Mikey she was downright gorgeous. What stuck out was her awkwardness. She stood off to the side, not even holding a drink, just watched the sea of grinding bodies, a wide-eyed look of disbelief. 
Mikey found her entertaining to watch, eyes timidly roaming, hands fumbling, unsure of what to do with them. In hindsight, it was a bad idea. Any girl he met, he knew she’d end up drowning in his darkness. But he was weak. He missed his friends. And in that moment, he approached her, introduced himself, and they got to talking. He found out she was a phd student in anthropology studying… organized crime.
That shocked him. He suspected she was from a different world, but academia was not what he was expecting. And researching crime of all things. It was a little suspicious, and he wondered if it was a cover story. Then he deduced that if it was, it’s their shittiest one yet. 
He told her how he barely finished high school before dedicating all his time to growing Toman into what it is today. Japan’s largest gang. When he shared his position as its leader, she didn’t even blink. Didn’t pull away. Didn’t run. 
Her reaction baffled him so much all he could do was dumbly nod when she offered to buy him a drink. He then realized what she asked and counter offered, made sure her drink wasn’t spiked as he carefully watched the bartender who’d been hungrily eyeing her.
She didn’t seem to notice, too absorbed by him, and continued asking questions like an excited child. Mikey tried to answer honestly, without giving away any life-threatening information. At the end of their conversation, they exchanged numbers. Another development he allowed with no resistance.  
Fast forward a year later and they’re somehow still together and she’s still alive. Mikey has every intention of keeping her that way. Safe and out of harm’s way, where his dangerous lifestyle won’t fuck her over. But her research aspirations are making his goal difficult to achieve.  
“Fine. I’ll see you at home then.” She steels herself, placing a hand on her cocked hip. “This is far from over, Manjiro.” 
“Whatever you say, babe.” He smirks.
She grimaces at the stupid nickname. 
Who does Mikey think he is, mocking her, telling her what she can and can’t do? The audacity, ordering her around, humiliating her in front of all these people. She’d show him just who he chose to be with. She’s aware of his fears for her. That someone will use her to get to him. It’s a valid concern and one she doesn’t take lightly.
But he’s being absurd. She isn’t a delicate flower, and it isn’t even that dangerous. She’ll be fine on her own. No one has it out for her and she has pepper spray and a taser if anyone messes with her. She’s prepared, and she’s going to show him she can handle herself. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Right now. 
She licks her lips and saunters over to him, hips swaying as he follows her movements like a man starved. Though not without a tinge of suspicion. His intelligent phd baby is up to something. 
He lets her cup his chin and tip his head up to meet her lips in a kiss that started out chaste but steadily deepened as she plopped herself onto his lap. She throws her leg over his waist as he tastes her smooth lips and skin, placing butterfly kisses along her jawline and neck. Mikey squeezes the flesh of her panty-clad ass and travels up to her waist then breasts, thumbing her nipples through the thin fabric and drawing out soft whines. She, for sure, isn’t wearing a padded bra. 
His pants tighten and he wants to fill her. Needs her warm gummy walls engulfing his cock. He didn’t know she could be so brazen, making out with him surrounded by the ravenous eyes of his men. He knows they’re eagerly watching the show. 
They can look but never touch, and the thought turned him on immensely. He guides her hips back and forth over him and he moves in kind, grinding up against her clothed mound. The friction sends delicious shivers down his spine.
What he doesn’t notice is her fishing the keys to his bike out of the pocket of his sweatpants. She makes sure he’s distracted, giving him one last searing kiss. All tongue, tasting the cavern of his mouth and nipping his bottom lip before pulling away. 
She stands with a breathless huff and smooths out her dress. Mikey’s panting like he’s run a marathon, pupils blown wide with a tinge of red on his pale cheeks and blonde tresses mussed up. The sight of him completely disheveled floods her with power. She’s the only one who can bring the ‘invincible Mikey’ to such a state.
“I-I’ll take the train back,” she murmurs with swollen lips, trying to remember how to form words. 
She catches the eye of Toman’s second leader sitting next to Mikey, Kisaki Tetta. He’s watching her like a hawk with those unnerving baby blue eyes, scanning her body up and down with distinct longing. 
She smiles and winks at him, catching him off guard. He blinks, like he didn’t realize what he was doing, and looks away with a frown. She’s never spoken to Kisaki before, but he’d be an interesting person to know. A patient, supremely smart man. The brains behind Toman’s business deals. While Mikey is more the face.
She gives a last wave to her boyfriend with the hand that doesn’t have his stolen keys.
 He nods wordlessly, working his jaw. 
When he gets home tonight, he’s going to ruin her. First, she leaves him blue balled and then she has the nerve to make eyes at Kisaki in front of him. If she wants to act like a slut, he’ll treat her like one. 
She does her best to leave at a pace that doesn’t give away the urgency bubbling in her chest. 
Mikey’s going to notice sooner or later if Kisaki or someone else didn’t already catch onto her plan. 
She hurries down the stairs, sandals slapping against the pavement. She spots Mikey’s bike and hoists herself onto the seat. Starting up the engine, she kicks up the kickstand as the bike whirs to life. A smooth deep purr which she hopes isn’t too loud. Pressing down on the accelerator, she takes off into the night, weaving in between cars while the wind rushes through her hair. 
She’s ridden Mikey’s bike before, but being the driver was different. It’s exhilarating and freeing and she thinks she understands how it helps him when he feels weighed down by all his responsibilities.  
Kisaki levels Mikey with a deadpan expression. “Are we ready to resume? Assuming there are no more… interruptions.”
“Actually, we’ll need to take a rain check,” Kokonoi said, coming back into the room from a much needed bathroom break. 
Mikey arches a brow. “Why?”
Kisaki turns to him. Everyone’s attention rests on Kokonoi as he struggles to figure out the best wording that won’t result in a bullet planted between his eyes. 
“Uh, I’m pretty sure your girlfriend stole your bike just now. It’s... not there. You’ll probably want the car to go after her?” He asked, uncertainly. He’d slipped out in the middle of their argument. But he could tell she had somewhere she wanted to go that the boss opposed.
Mikey’s hands immediately feel for his keys and realize they aren’t there. It dawns on him where she went… 
He shot up from his seat, reeling. 
That -- that sneaky little cheat! When he gets his hands on her, she’ll be crying, begging him to stop. He’ll screw her brains out, make her choke on his cock for daring to test his tolerance of her entitled behavior. She’s going to wish she never messed with him.
How dare she play him for a fool. He knew she was up to some shit, but she felt so damn good in his lap and he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Never making that mistake again. 
Beside him, Kisaki’s smile gleamed with amusement and Hanma, hovering by him, snickered. 
Mikey sent them both silencing glares. 
Kisaki rolled his eyes and signaled for Kokonoi to bring the car around to the front of the building.
He sighed. “Come back after you catch your pet. We have a proposal to go over.” 
Mikey frowned. Only he could get away with calling his girlfriend demeaning nicknames (in jest or seriousness). But he wasn’t in a position to call Kisaki out after the crap she pulled. 
“I’ll come by your place tomorrow. My pet needs attention.”
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Reblogs appreciated!
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