explosionshark · 1 year
My body home beneath dead leaves Alone into the darkness Upon this frozen ground I bleed Returned to the earth The wind, the ice take back my flesh Fade away My bones one with the winter cold
"Beneath Dead Leaves" by Skeletonwitch
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lunar-gl1tch · 1 year
1, 7, and 14 for the toku asks?
How did you get into toku?
OKAY SO. I got into the yakuza games with my bro @skajador. We both got very into Judgment, the spinoff detective game. Through it we got into Takuya Kimura and eventually SMAP. We dragged multiple RGG friends into the Aging Disbanded Boyband swamp, including @hyenatron. We have our little server and everything. One of the old school smap fans is a HUGE toku fan and she showed us Kamen Rider G, the little special/parody with Goro Inagaki (which zi-o over quartzer made canon btw) and it was delightful (hmu if you wanna see it!). Kris got into Kamen Rider first, and eventually dragged Kinsey into watching OOO. They got my ass with DateGotou of all things, i watched some eps with them and then felt like i had to write fic and that's when I start watching stuff on my own lmao. We've watched a lot of stuff together now even if I sometimes watch parallel bc im in a wildly different timezone lmao
7. Favorite villain?
BLOOD STALK/EVOLT. He is my nasty old fruity cosmic horror babygirl. I feel only delight when hes on screen
14. Least favorite character(s)?
hmmm. I'm not sure, i still haven't encountered a character I'm particularly pressed on. I guess Sononi, not because i don't love her, I DO, but because of her wasted potential. She could've been....more. As it is she spends most of the series vibing in the neighborhood doing fuck all and then almost dies because of a love triangle. sigh.
I guess Lovelica kinda sucks but at least in a funny way
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Formerly therealnormanthomas, I am now heated drama between men
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jadelapis · 2 years
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I posted 4,592 times in 2022
That's 4,592 more posts than 2021!
59 posts created (1%)
4,533 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,518 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 424 posts
#hades - 320 posts
#hades game - 313 posts
#pokemon - 122 posts
#art - 110 posts
#fiber arts - 100 posts
#pkmn - 93 posts
#embroidery - 69 posts
#thanzag - 56 posts
#cats - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#or the fact that the gop refused to hear any judges obama put forward in like '15 because they wanted to make sure their choice got judges
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tempted to find the most mafioso little dude pokemon in Scarlet and name them Goncharov
12 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My new fountain pen arrived and only uses bottled ink so I've learned to fill it (and learned what I've already done wrong because I made a mess). I'm so excited to write with this.
It's a TWSBI GO, (B nib) and it seems less portable than Lamy ink cartridges (because seemingly otherwise I'd have to carry the bottle of ink with me) but refilling ink myself is supposed to be cheaper. I'll ask my friend / enabler what I'm doing wrong.
14 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
Wikipedia says it's Autistic Pride Day!
Happy Autistic Pride in Queer Pride month! Double pride!
Anyway, whether you're DX-ed officially or self-DX, I want to wish you a happy Autistic Pride.
Please stim until you can stim no more today ;)
And I hope you don't have to mask today!
I hope we all get invited to infodump about something today! (Feel free to info dump at me, but I can't promise I'll understand, just that I'll read it)
I also hope every Autistic person gets ten thousand dollars but I'm not in control of that!
28 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
How I learned I have Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. I recommend a look whether you’re Autistic or Not.
56 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My love language is people immediately @-ing me about a Hades II
57 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tag ppl you want to get to know better. was tagged by @heavenseraph (auughh u r so cute stop)
3 ships: hmmmm..........................Devon x Jake (Chucky) uhhh Tommy Oliver x Kimberly Hart annnnddd Kenzaki Kazuma x Hajime Aikawa
first ship: My OC x Shuuya Goenji Perfect man right there - idk maybe is Sakura x Shaoran or smt like that
last song: that would be little lies by Fleetwood Mac ( I know I’m such a Fleetwood bitch.....yesterday we were watching School Of Rock and then Edge of seventeen came and my sisters just started roasting me)
last movie: Smile (2022) fucking piece of shiiiiit
currently reading: The turn of the screw by Henry James
currently watching: I finished Chucky on Monday sooo not really watching anything but I’m going to start either an anime or Breaking bad so idk
tagging: (no pressure) @basuraparallevar @therealnormanthomas @queenpinkireellylikethisname @toku-fangirl-2015 @faketokufan
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magic-can · 2 years
on the morbius post, those are therealnormanthomas' tags, not mine!
I’m so sorry about that! So many people are rbing that post that I must’ve added to the wrong rb. Still a weird mistake to make, I’m so sorry!
@therealnormanthomas if you want me to remove my rb with your tags just let me know :•)
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explosionshark · 1 year
1, 6, 7 for the book asks
1 . book you’ve reread the most times?
6. what books have you read in the last month?
answering for books finished in May 2023:
Linghun by Ai Jiang (novella, ebook)
Small Game by Blair Braverman (novel, audiobook)
The Kraken's Tooth (Seven Swords series) by Anthony Ryan (novella, ebook)
Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee (novella, audiobook)
The Strange by Nathan Ballingrud (novel)
Ashes of the Sun by Django Wexler (novel)
Deity (Six Stories series) by Matt Wesolowski (novel, audiobook)
Lone Women by Victor LaValle (novel)
Jade Legacy (Green Bone Saga) by Fonda Lee (novel, ebook)
Savage Legion (Savage Rebellion series) by Matt Wallace (novel)
Death of the Demon (Hanne Wilhelmsen series) by Anne Holt (novel, ebook)
Garth Marenghi's TerrorTome by Garth Marenghi (novel, audiobook)
whew! productive, for sure. the last two i got done literally yesterday on may 31st lmao
7. is there a series/book that got you into reading?
book asks
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lunar-gl1tch · 1 year
Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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explosionshark · 1 year
Yes! Get into Cryptodira. Angel of History was one of my favorite albums of 2020 and both times I've seen them live they've been great
I need to finish listening to this still (it's been a big audiobook week for me bc I'm on a library deadline 😭😭😭) but I made it like three songs in and I was REALLY digging this record! Thanks so much for putting me onto them!
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explosionshark · 1 year
Tagged by @gothprentiss and @jewishsuperfam! Kissing u both on the forehead. Mwah.
Rules: put all of your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that pop up. Tag however many people you want, to keep it going, if you want to, of course
(normally I'd add Bandcamp links but I'm on mobile so. Spotify playlist)
Nice Night by Mass Gothic
The Heart Collector by Nevermore
Sun Killer by Spiritbox
You Were a Kindness by The National
The Black Flame Burns by Necrofier
Last Call by Plini
Leeds United by Amanda Palmer
Brush Back by Gleemer
Sacude by Xenia Rubinos
Tear by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Noooo pressure tagging @lafgl, @appleciders, @nataliving, @therealnormanthomas, @stalkhome-sindrone, @shewhosleepsalotincemeteries, @vampirologist, @toyhdgehog, @shittinggold, @midamrevenant , @coraniaid
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explosionshark · 1 year
Tagged by @shewhosleepsalotincemeteries to post my top tracks for the last month via receiptify
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Tagging @holdsteady, @nataliving, @gothprentiss, @underarmourforsleep, @runthepockets, @appleciders, @therealnormanthomas, @ipromiseiwilltakeyouthere, @necrotic-biotic anyone else who wants to do it!
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explosionshark · 1 year
Tagged by @furiousfinnstan for the first 10 songs on shuffle WOOOO YEAHH LET'S DO IT
Goodbye 3713 (Must've Been a Good One) by The Holy Mess (THAT'S THE CONVERSATION IN MY HEAD! RIGHT NOW!)
Try Not to Die Until You're Dead by Svalbard
It's Not by Aimee Mann
Methuselah by San Fermin
Labrador by WAAX
At the Cauldron's Bottom by Full of Hell
Settled by Prawn
Shame by Punch
Fineshrine by Purity Ring
Walkin' Around by Christian Mistress
ngl when i got aimee mann + san fermin back to back i was a little worried it'd end up being a boring run but we brought it back around
tagging @coraniaid, @necrotic-biotic, @trans-gothic, @gothprentiss, @holdsteady, @shewhosleepsalotincemeteries, @vampirologist, @therealnormanthomas, @fiercestpurpose, @100percentdirtball if they feel like playing!
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explosionshark · 1 year
@thenelse tagged me to post 8 shows to get to know me better! here we go! unordered, because that would be too hard.
the simpsons - i just watched so much of it as a kid it pretty much shaped my brain. i am constantly thinking in and resisting the urge to speak in simpsons quotes
vida - three seasons was not enough. my fave contemporary queer show. great sibling dynamic, mishel prada is SO hot when she yells at men and kisses women. love
buffy the vampire slayer - SHAPED ME. made me the way i AM. deeply flawed but also literally a tv game changer.
adventure time - all-time fave cartoon.
revolutionary girl utena - THE ANIME OF ALL TIME
sailor moon - ALSO THE ANIME OF ALL TIME but less traumatizing
warehouse 13 - i'm not advocating that anyone actually begin watching this in the year of our lord 2023 BUT i do think anyone who has seen it and IS insane should talk to me about it <3
garth marenghi's darkplace - again something i quote or want to quote constantly. "blood.... blood...? BLOOD.... blood....... and bits of sick."
tagging @gothprentiss, @strangesmallbard, @somewillwin, @toyhdgehog, @shittinggold, @therealnormanthomas, @shewhosleepsalotincemetaries if you wanna do it!
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explosionshark · 1 year
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Tagged by @intergalacticwhales to post a 5x5 short term chart by Collageify. Thanks, bud!
Tagging @therealnormanthomas, @holdsteady, @licenzedtoill , @nataliving, and @shewhosleepsalotincemetaries to post theirs, if they wanna!
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lunar-gl1tch · 2 years
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I posted 7,341 times in 2022
That's 7,341 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (1%)
7,296 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,444 of my posts in 2022
#kamen rider ooo - 933 posts
#donbros - 308 posts
#kamen rider ex-aid - 211 posts
#kamen rider build - 119 posts
#zenkaiger - 109 posts
#smap - 93 posts
#kamen rider den-o - 87 posts
#kamen rider geats - 81 posts
#ryon - 80 posts
#kamen rider (many) - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#on the third attempt to make me listen to nightwish while i was just trying to listen to the new sonata song i ran out of “skip song” token
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ryon and Hiroaki were destined to be BFFs bc Ryon wants to be picked up and Hiroaki wants to lift everyone, perfect match.
it's true ryon is so scoopable and hiroaki iwanaga will see a costar and go "anybody gonna pick em up" and not wait for an answer
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they even had an instagram feud a while back over who ryon loved more, iwa or shu
See the full post
62 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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78 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
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110 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
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we've all been there
173 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The story of three drag queens trying to Clear Out the queer stuff from their just deceased friend's apartment before her family finds it, and getting invited by her mom to the funeral. It looks adorable and touching and funny. Kenichi Takito, Shu Watababe and Tomoya Maeno are playing the drag queen friends! They all look fantastic!
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See the full post
208 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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